How is the name Semyon translated from Greek? Semen name meaning

The origin of the name Semyon is associated with the Hebrew language, it comes from the name Simeon, which in translation means – heard by God, second option – Hearer of God.

The meaning of the name Semyon for a boy is expressed primarily in energy; he is characterized by such qualities as mobility, easy excitability, and perseverance. Its immediate rarity also has some influence on the owner of the name. Due to ridicule from the outside, a rather painful pride and excitability may develop in Semyon.

Character and destiny

What most often happens is that it is pride that determines Semyon’s life path. There is little likelihood that childhood grievances will become the reason why Semyon could withdraw, since this is not typical for this name, it does not have solid support, so it is not predisposed to accumulate tension for a long time. Thanks to this, Semyon will find support in people close to him and directly in humor. For Semyon, this is quite good, since all this will help him fit into the team, in which he can even be the soul of the company.

Touchiness is considered to be the main characteristic of the name Semyon. A child can often provoke conflict situations, losing old friends and finding new ones. This can also affect an adult man: family life excessive touchiness may push him to seek solace in alcohol. To avoid all this, Semyon needs not to expect people to understand his grievances, since it is unlikely that these grievances imply malicious intent or humiliation; most likely in this situation, Semyon’s painful pride will play a significant role. Therefore, in this situation, it would be better for Semyon to simply laugh at himself and the current situation as a whole. Therefore, if Semyon can treat himself with humor in a sense, he will avoid many problems in his life.

Semyon will be your wonderful friend, reliable, who will always be glad to help you. Concerning professional activity, then here Semyon gives preference to pedagogy, medicine, music, and may be a good writer or scientist. He treats his affairs quite thoroughly, since this is directly one of the most important features of this name. He will be an excellent worker, this also applies to the position of a leader, organizer, all he has to do is get rid of his touchiness and learn to apply his sense of humor towards himself.

People bearing the name Semyon certainly have some kind of talent. With their characteristic will, they quite often achieve great success in life. They are constant in business. But they're not that type important people who do not consider it worthy to do any small things.

Semyon will never forget to congratulate his friend on his birthday or some other holiday, and will show concern at the right time.

Semyon is a good owner and will be happy to help his wife with household chores. Knows how to save money. He loves children very much and will devote his whole life to his family. Semyon is absolutely indifferent to alcohol.

Semyon is a rather mysterious person who has a talent for convincing others. He is reasonable, patient and organized, although sometimes he seems boring. Self-confident. Has well-developed intuition. He is much more intelligent than he might seem, he can change his character and destiny without any problems.

Great people named Semyon

Semyon's famous namesake is Semyon Naryshkin (1710-1775). He was one of the rather prominent political figures of the era of Catherine II. Semyon Naryshkin was a great dandy, the husband of the capital's first beauty. But Ekaterina Petrovna aroused open antipathy to him; one day she approached his wife and cut off all the jewelry from her dress.

Therefore, he spent the beginning of his career in France, in England, and thanks to frequent travel, he met the Princess of Anhalt-Zerbst, who in the future became Catherine II. He communicated with her more than once, taught her some Russian traditions, and accordingly, when she ascended the throne, Catherine did not forget about him, and he became one of the most influential people in Russian state. Having received great opportunities, Semyon Naryshkin took care of organizing a court theater and assembling an exotic horn orchestra.

Semyon Naryshkin, a dreamer and inventor, a ladies' man and a dandy, was still able to make a pretty good career. In 1760, he was even awarded the Order of St. Andrew the Primordial, which was considered the highest order in the Russian state.

Another characteristic of the name Semyon: When communicating with Semyon, it is advisable to take into account his pride, but you should not indulge him, as this can cause him great harm in the future. In addition to all this, when communicating not only those around you should be careful, but Semyon himself must also adhere to this, since for the sake of his friends he is ready to do anything, many want to pretend to be them, thereby using Semyon for their own purposes.

Name in astrology

Despite the fact that the history of the name Semyon is still not exactly known, astrologers have their own interpretation of the name:
  • Zodiac sign corresponding to the name: Virgo;
  • Patron planet: Mercury;
  • Character Traits: Thorough, active, sensitive;
  • Name colors: Light shades of green, white and all shades of yellow;
  • Lucky Colors: All shades of green and brown, purple and its warm shades;
  • Patron saints of the name: Simeon the Apostle (January 17), God-Receiver Simeon (February 16), Simeon of Jerusalem (May 10), Simeon the Stylite (September 14);
  • Talisman stone: Jasper, Chrysoprase, Amethyst.

Video story about Semyon

What does the name Semyon mean for a boy in the spiritual world:

So the secret of the name Semyon has been revealed! If you have your own thoughts on this name, write them in the comments!

The male name Semyon is a form of Hebrew male name Simeon, meaning “he who hears (God),” “heard by God in prayer.” It came to our country along with Christianity and enjoyed moderate popularity for a long time. Nowadays, children are given this name quite rarely, but among the adult population it is found everywhere.

Characteristics of the name Semyon

Semyon's character suggests that he has such basic traits as kindness, energy and self-love. Usually this is a gentle man who tries to please others, who is distinguished by his independent disposition, perseverance and great touchiness. It is the latter quality that significantly influences little Semyon, because this child reacts so painfully to comments and his own failures that he can simply withdraw and become a quiet and silent modest person. Parents should support Semyon on his path in life, and not give in to criticism of his actions - then the owner of this name will grow into an inquisitive, not afraid to take risks, but at the same time reasonable and organized man, in whom great potential will ripen. Semyon, as a rule, approaches his work with great responsibility. It's movable and emotional person, has a good sense of humor and is personable. If you don’t hurt his pride, communicating with him is simple and interesting. Semyon is very loyal to his friends. He is ready to do a lot for their sake, and people who are not particularly conscientious often take advantage of this.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

The name Semyon is suitable for a boy born under zodiac sign Cancer, that is, from June 22 to July 22. Cancer is similar to the owner of this name in his cheerful and at the same time prone to pessimism disposition, sensitivity and melancholy. Under the influence of this sign, Semyon will become a good family man, a kind, bohemian man who does not like to take risks and prefers to hide his emotions, fearing that the person to whom he opens up will cause him mental trauma.

Pros and cons of the name Semyon

What are the pros and cons of the name Semyon? On the one hand, this is a simple, unpretentious and familiar name for our country, which also goes well with Russian surnames and patronymics, and also has many abbreviations and abbreviations, for example, Semenchik, Syoma, Syomka, Senya, Senechka, Simonya. But on the other hand, Semyon’s character is usually little liked by those around him, as well as the somewhat old-fashioned sound of this name.


Semyon's health usually does not cause him problems, although in childhood he, like many children, often gets sick, and in middle age he may have increased level cholesterol and excess weight.

Love and family relationships

In family relationships, Semyon performs well, although some owners of this name may not find it so easy to find a mate. Semyon's independence makes him an economic husband who can easily help his wife around the house. It’s also not scary to leave the children with him, because Semyon makes a reliable and loving father.

Professional area

IN professional field Semyon can find himself both on a creative path and in the work of a simple worker. But most often, hard work and disruptive qualities help him find the profession of an engineer, system administrator, doctor, political scientist, teacher, and musician.

Name day

Name day by Orthodox calendar Semyon (in church spelling - Simeon) is celebrated many times a year, for example, January 17, February 14, March 25, April 30, May 10, June 6, August 3, September 14, November 12, December 31.

A name is a golden key to the storehouse of a person’s soul, thanks to which you can find out his destiny, strengths and weak sides. The name Semyon endows its owner with hard work, perseverance, and responsiveness. But at the same time, he is characterized by such traits as shyness and excessive vulnerability.

Origin and meaning

The name Semyon has Hebrew roots and comes from the biblical name Shimon. Literally translated, it means “heard by God in prayers,” but the abbreviated version “heard by God” or “hearing God” is most often used. The name Semyon, like many others, came to Russia along with Christianity and was quite popular until the middle of the 20th century, after which it began to gradually lose its position.

There is no friend more reliable than Semeon,
He is endowed with the ability to listen,
Open to communication and friendship with anyone,
Doubts and worries will be dispelled like smoke.
Responsive and flexible, does not nurture evil,
He tries to make his sons lucky.
Semyon helps his wife with the housework,
Because he is madly in love with her.
Squabbles, intrigues, games are alien to him,
Neither illness nor melancholy dominates him.
But pride catches me in an iron snare,
A wreath from the antiquity of a Russian prince.

Lira Eroshevskaya

Forms of the name Semyon

Full name - Semyon.

Short version: Syoma, Senya.

Diminutive form:

  • Syomochka;
  • Senechka;
  • Syomushka;
  • Semyonushka;
  • Semik.

Related names:

  • Simeon;
  • Sennis;
  • Simon;
  • Shimon;
  • Simon.

At baptism, a boy with the name Semyon will be named Simeon.

The name Simon was borne by the Apostle Peter before meeting Christ.

Table: name Semyon in other languages

From the name Semyon the patronymics Semenovna, Semenovich (colloquial Semyonich) are formed.

The Semyonovichs are distinguished by their contradictory disposition. In him, along with goodwill, decency and sincerity, such traits as cunning and prudence can coexist. The Semyonovnas are emotional, resourceful, hardworking and straightforward. Such women have a steel will and an unbending character.

Transliteration of the name: SEMEN.

Many middle names are suitable for the name Semyon, but the following pair will sound most harmonious:

  • Semyon Alexandrovich;
  • Semyon Viktorovich;
  • Semyon Nikolaevich;
  • Semyon Olegovich;
  • Semyon Yakovlevich.
  • SEMA;
  • SEMEN;

Heard by God in prayer,
Semyon, you will win the battle of life,
In the fight against injustice, any
Only because I heeded your prayer,
Having heard her, the King of Heaven is yours.
So be you heard on Earth,
To achieve heights in everything.


Angel Day and patron saints

The owner of the name Semyon has several heavenly protectors. Saint Simeon of Verkhoturye (Merkushinsky) is one of the most revered. He lived in a respectable noble family. After the death of his religious parents, Simeon took a more critical look at his life and realized that his purpose was different. The ascetic distributed all his property to those in need and headed beyond the Urals. In distant Siberia, the saint lived as an ordinary wanderer, without telling anyone about his origin. The ascetic Simeon walked around the surrounding villages with stories about God and eternal life in the Kingdom of Heaven. Residents of the region sympathized with the saint and respected him for his righteous life. With God's help, he awakened faith in Christ in the hearts of the Voguls and guided them on the righteous path.

Simeon never sat idle. He fished, sewed various items of clothing for the peasants (from fur coats to linen shirts), without taking any payment for his work. And in order to avoid gratitude, the young man deliberately did not finish the clothes and left the customers. For such an attitude towards work, the ascetic more than once had to listen to insults and even endure beatings, but he accepted the “punishment” with humility and frantically prayed for his offenders. Thus he achieved perfect humility and non-covetousness.

Saint Simeon of Verkhoturye - one of the heavenly patrons of Semyon

The Monk Simeon died in 1642 at the age of 35 and was buried near the Church of the Archangel Michael in the Siberian village of Merkushino. Despite his ascetic and righteous life, Saint Simeon was quickly forgotten in the Urals, but after a while the Lord himself decided to glorify his saint. 50 years after his death, the saint’s relics were found in the village of Merkushino, but the people living there no longer remembered who they belonged to. However, soon the residents noticed miraculous healings taking place near the relics, and then the Siberian Metropolitan gave the order to find out who they belonged to. He sent his faithful minions to the village, one of them (Nikifor Amvrosiev) had a dream on the road, where he saw a man in white robes who looked at them from heaven with love and tenderness. When asked who he was, he answered: “I am Simeon Merkushinsky,” after which the hierodeacon awakened. At the beginning of the 18th century, the relics were transferred from the temple in honor of the Archangel Michael to the Verkhoturye Monastery in the name of St. Nicholas.

Patrons of Semyon are revered 42 times a year, but most significant dates January 17 and September 14 are considered. On these days you can celebrate Semyon’s name day and congratulate him on Angel’s Day.

September 14 - Semyon the Summer Guide, Simeon the Stylite is venerated. There is a sign that if the weather is warm on this day, then winter will not be severe.

Characteristics and influence of the name

Positive traits:

  • kindness;
  • responsibility;
  • sharp mind;
  • remarkable memory;
  • philosophical attitude towards troubles.

Negative qualities:

  • touchiness;
  • vanity;
  • narcissism;
  • windiness.

Semyon's childhood

Little Syomochka is an incredibly sensitive child, so she requires a lot of attention, love and care. The boy grows up kind and sympathetic, his sense of justice is too developed. If Syoma sees that someone is being unfairly offended, he will definitely intervene and punish the scoundrel to the best of his ability.

The boy is very inquisitive and passionate, which in tandem with excessive activity creates a hellish mixture. It’s as if he attracts all the children’s troubles to himself: either he will fall from a tree, trying to look at a bird’s nest, or he will get a bump while trying to try out a new swing. In addition, Syoma is an incorrigible dreamer. His main listeners in childhood are his parents. It is to them that he tells his invented stories, in which he is the main character.

A boy who is precocious for his years is bored and uninterested with his peers, so he makes friends mainly with guys older than him. For Semyon, authority among friends does not exist. He always does as he sees fit and does not listen to other people's opinions. Moreover, despite his age, he himself will try to become a leader in the company and he often succeeds.

Syomushka is a good student, but he is better at the humanities, since complex mathematical calculations make the boy bored and do not allow him to give free rein to his imagination.

Syoma is a great dreamer, the main listeners of his stories will be his parents


In adolescence, a guy, unlike his peers, practically does not cause problems for his parents. This is still the same open and cheerful little boy, ready to help a loved one. He helps around the house, you can trust him with younger brothers and sisters, and he studies well. However, along with positive qualities Vanity and even narcissism awakens in Syoma’s character. The young man does not accept any criticism of himself, although he himself loves to teach.

Semyon experiences any, even the smallest, failures encountered on the path of life as if a universal catastrophe had occurred. If during this period there is no friend next to him who could support him, then the guy can withdraw into himself for a long time. In addition, if the cause of the failures that befell him is a certain person, then Syoma will definitely harbor a grudge and at the first opportunity will not forget to take revenge on him.

In his youth, Semyon’s character manifests vanity and narcissism

Semyon's adult life

According to Boris Khigir, Semyon is an eternal fighter. He is an open and friendly person, with a rich inner world, can clearly express itself. However, if circumstances force it, then Syoma will, without hesitation, display completely opposite character traits and become cunning and calculating. A man has an overly developed intuition and psychological sense, so he always senses lies and flattery, which he does not accept. But if Syoma sees that a person is sincere with him, then he will become the most true friend. Even as an adult, Semyon does not know how to restrain his emotions. He is unusually excitable, in a fit of rage he cannot control himself and can say unnecessary things. In addition, many consider him a braggart.

Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima assure that this name endows its owner with emotionality, perseverance, and determination. Due to his complex character, Semyon may have practically no friends. A man must learn to treat himself with a bit of humor and some self-irony, and then most of his complaints about others will disappear by themselves.

According to Pavel Rouge, Semyon’s main qualities are: thoroughness in work, sexuality, and hard work. The man is eloquent and knows how to convince others that he is right. He values ​​freedom most of all, so he tries not to burden himself with any moral shackles.

Semyon does not know how to hide his emotions, which is often the cause of his troubles


Semyon loves to be the center of attention and knows how to transform. Maybe that's why he's attracted to acting skills. He often practices in school theaters, takes part in screen tests and various competitions. In addition, the boy has good hearing and voice, which allows him to become a good musician or singer. However, Semyon's greatest passion is books. He is ready to read anytime, anywhere.

Professions, business and career

If Semyon does not join the bohemian environment and choose a creative profession, he can achieve great success in the field natural sciences. A purposeful, hardworking, disciplined man confidently rises and is often ahead of his colleagues on the career ladder. Syoma is objective, never boasts of his position, so he will be respected no matter what position he occupies. However, some obstacle on his way may be the man’s touchiness, as a result of which he may have to change more than one job. In principle, Semyon can prove himself in a variety of areas. He will make a good instructor, stuntman, actor, policeman, zoologist, geologist. Once firmly on his feet, a man can become interested in politics and create his own movement.

Semyon is smart, but his inherent emotionality can harm running his own business. However, if a man can pull himself together or finds a partner who will besiege his ardor, then the business he has started will bring a good and stable income.

Semyon is a fearless person, so he can devote himself to the profession of a stuntman


As a child, Syoma was very rare. Even colds pass him by. However, with age, some problems arise with nervous system and gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, a man should not forget about proper rest and be more attentive to his diet. It is also better for him to give up bad habits.

Personal life

Cheerful and erudite, Semyon is popular among the fairer sex. Moreover, he leads a rather wild life, changing his passions like gloves. However, the young man arranges his relationships with the ladies in such a way that parting with him does not seem like a tragedy for them, but only a new stage in a relationship that is gradually turning into just friendship. Women cannot be offended by Semyon, because he is always gallant, friendly and attentive. Moreover, he does not give any of them pompous promises or oaths of allegiance.

Semyon marries not only out of love, but also out of sober calculation. His chosen one must be balanced, compliant, attractive in appearance, and intellectually developed. Plus, she must develop as a person, strive to make a career; Semyon does not need a typical housewife. He will also not start a serious relationship with a gray mouse or a beautiful silly girl, because he believes that he should have all the best in his life, without any flaws.

At first glance, it seems that Semyon behaves impeccably in marriage. He is one of those men behind whom a woman feels like behind a stone wall: Semyon will help with the housework, and will spend time with the children, and will not forget about his relatives. The only thing that can cause quarrels in the family is Semyon’s desire to control everyone and everything. Independent, self-sufficient, with strong character the spouse may simply not be able to stand such an attitude towards herself and leave the authoritarian man. Therefore, Semyon should try to restrain his emotions and give his wife more freedom.

Semyon is a good family man, but often establishes excessive control over his wife, which causes conflicts in the family

Table: compatibility of Semyon with other names

Name of the chosen one% compatibilityNature of the relationship
Tatiana78% The relationship between Tatiana and Semyon is based solely on sexual affection. The partners in this couple stop developing intellectually, which is why, after the passion subsides, conflicts begin between them. If lovers can find a middle ground, they can create a strong couple.
Julia88% Julia is a very stubborn person who always achieves what she strives for. She is persistent and hardworking, and with her energy she energizes everyone around her. Semyon is very comfortable in this relationship, so he tries with all his might to take care of them and not upset the girl.
Elena97% The relationship between Semyon and Elena quickly turns from a light romance to something more serious. Tender and caring Lenochka finds support and protection in her chosen one. He likes to feel like a knight who is ready to do any kind of madness for the sake of a beautiful lady. After the wedding, the newlyweds enjoy every minute spent together. They know how to enjoy even everyday chores, which makes their union even stronger and more harmonious.
Natalia100% One can say about this couple: “together through fire and water,” “like a needle and thread,” etc. They are ready to follow each other under any circumstances. No obstacles can kill their love; on the contrary, troubles only harden the hearts of young people and give each of them a reason to once again be convinced of the fidelity of their partner.
Irina99% The spark between Semyon and Irina breaks through from the very first meeting. The girl’s natural intuition tells her that this man is destined for her. Irina is not afraid of anyone complex nature partner, nor his mystery. Semyon is also crazy about a gentle, attractive girl. Their marriage will be filled with love, peace and harmony.
Maria64% These are two strong personalities who are not accustomed to any compromises. Their relationship will be difficult, but if they can get over themselves and their principles, they can create a happy couple.
Anastasia84% Anastasia and Semyon are on the same wavelength. They think alike and move in the same direction, but their relationship lacks drive. And if they understand this and can bring a bright spark into their union, they will be able to live happily ever after, like in a real fairy tale.
Svetlana29% Persistent, persistent, and Svetlana constantly tries to control and teach Semyon, expecting obedience and worship from him. However, this man will never allow himself to be commanded. Moreover, he believes that the leader in the family should be a man, and a woman should simply follow him. Different views on life lead to frequent quarrels and conflicts, due to which the marriage, as a rule, breaks up.
Olga83% Both partners in this couple are purposeful, stubborn and assertive people who are trying with all their might to find happiness and get on their feet. Their relationship is not just Shakespearean passions, but daily work that bears fruit in the form of a calm and prosperous family life.

Video: the meaning of the name Semyon

Table: talismans and patrons of Semyon

Interpretation of the meanings of each of the letters in the name Semyon

“Winter” Semyon is thoughtful, rational, and knows how to think logically. Never makes decisions at random. The young man is responsible and reliable. Most of all he hates meanness and hypocrisy.

“Autumn” Semyon is a serious young man for whom work will always be a priority over other areas of life. He is ambitious, pedantic, and does not like surprises. Relationships with women are appropriate; Syoma does not accept long curtseys and a protracted candy-bouquet period. He simply doesn't have time for this.

The spring birthday boy is a real dreamer who lives in a world invented by himself. He has a difficult character and a complete lack of self-control. Therefore, it is not surprising that very often he is left alone. Only a woman truly in love can withstand it.

“Summer” Semyon is a cheerful and reckless young man who cannot imagine his life without adventure. He is eloquent, knows how to attract and lead a whole crowd of people. It is very important for him to be in the center of attention; he cannot stand loneliness, so the guy always tries to be surrounded by friends and acquaintances.

Table: name horoscope

Zodiac signCharacteristic
AriesThe energy of Semyon, born under the auspices of Aries, can only be envied. The guy is ambitious, assertive, and always achieves his goal. He does not tolerate liars and hypocrites; he treats people with sincere kindness and care. Representatives of the fairer sex like this charismatic young man, so he will not have any problems choosing a companion.
TaurusSemyon-Taurus is friendly and courteous, can sometimes relax and attend noisy parties, but most prefers to spend time in a calm environment. He is meticulous, slightly slow. Moreover, this manifests itself not only in the professional sphere. This guy also takes a long time and thoroughly to select a girl, but the chosen option turns out to be beyond praise. Semyon-Taurus marries once and for life.
TwinsA cheerful, cheerful and even somewhat frivolous person. It's not boring with him, but... serious relationship he will be ready only at an advanced age. Before that, he replaces them with fleeting but stormy romances. Girls should take this fact into account and not hope to “ring” an attractive guy ahead of time.
CancerThis is a man of moods. He is emotional, quick-tempered, and it is not easy to communicate with him, because you never know what to expect from him. Semyon himself knows about his shortcomings and tries to control himself, but this does not work out very well for him. As a rule, he marries several times, because not every girl can withstand his complex temperament.
a lionIn some incomprehensible way, the character of this man combines seemingly completely incompatible traits: shamelessness and naivety, aloofness and generosity. Because of this, many people do not understand it. However, his character also contains qualities that inspire respect and restore balance in relationships with others, these are: nobility, reliability, great willpower. Semyon-Leo most often marries an older woman with a powerful and tough character, who, like his mother in childhood, will control his every step.
VirgoAssertive, hard-working and rational thinking person who, despite all the difficulties, always tries to go towards the goal, and most often achieves his plans. He is a pedant who lives according to a schedule. He has practically no real friends, because Syoma is too demanding of them. He takes a quiet and pragmatic lady as his wife, who will not demand from him the madness and romance inherent in lovers in a relationship.
ScalesA dreamy, fantasizing person who loves to be in the flow of new events. It is very important for him to realize that there is still a lot of unknown in the world. He is inquisitive and independent, and does not need the opinions of others at all. This is a single person who, nevertheless, in some strange way gathers around him people of different character types.
ScorpionEnergetic and emotional, freedom-loving, will never allow himself to be commanded. He does not have any special external characteristics, but is always surrounded by representatives of the fair sex. Often even friends are surprised when the most beautiful girl the company gives preference to Semyon.
SagittariusHe is good-natured, optimistic, and treats every person with respect, regardless of status and social status. She loves female attention and tries to spend as much time as possible surrounded by the fair sex. As a rule, he marries unexpectedly and precisely to the girl who became his first love.
CapricornThe categorical, straightforward and practical Semyon-Capricorn evokes a negative impression among many. However, people who know him better know that there is no falsehood or pretense in the character of this person. He says only what really is, and for this alone he should be respected. This man takes as his wife a girl with a calm character, who will always obey him in everything. Semyon will not tolerate disobedience; he will consider it a personal insult.
AquariusAn eloquent and pleasant person to talk to. He has many friends and never gets into conflicts. He can compromise, but only if he really sees the need for it.
FishAn insecure person who is afraid of responsibility and is not ready for serious decisions. He should be controlled and directed in everything. His wife most often becomes a persistent, powerful, purposeful woman who will hold Semyon with a tight rein.

Popular people named Semyon

Famous men named Semyon:

  • Semyon Strugachev - Soviet and Russian theater and film actor;
  • Semyon Budyonny - Soviet military leader;
  • Semyon Gudzenko - Soviet front-line poet;
  • Semyon Gluzman - Ukrainian psychiatrist, dissident, public figure;
  • Semyon Aizenstein - Russian radio engineer, one of the pioneers of domestic radiotelegraphy;
  • Semyon Naryshkin - Russian dandy and bon vivant of the times of Catherine II, owner of a home theater;
  • Semyon Chelyuskin - polar navigator.

Photo gallery: famous namesakes of Semyon

Semyon Bagdasarov - Russian political figure Semyon Budyonny - Marshal Soviet Union Semyon Gluzman - dissident, former political prisoner Semyon Slepakov - screenwriter, comedian, performer of original songs Semyon Strugachev - Russian theater and film actor Semyon Treskunov - Russian actor

Semyon is a cheerful, cheerful and courteous person. Women and close friends love him. However, sometimes irritability and selfishness may appear in his character. In some cases, he is overly categorical and cannot show delicacy. However, despite this, Semyon is the darling of fate and often achieves great heights.

Meaning of the name

Simplicity, kindness, responsiveness, activity, hard work and perseverance are characteristic of Semyon, who easily finds mutual language with new people, despite such qualities as shyness and vulnerability. He is inquisitive and receptive to everything that happens around him, so communicating with him is always pleasant and interesting. The thirst for knowledge helps the owner of this name to achieve great success in life, although material values ​​are secondary for him; first of all, he strives to realize himself in family life.

Characteristics of the name Semyon (Simeon)

Winter Semyon is a purposeful, reasonable and thoughtful person who does not give in to emotions and tries to explain everything from a logical point of view. He never relies on the Russian “maybe”; his every step is verified and calculated. Stability is what this man strives for. Winter Semyon is reliable, responsible and ambitious, but in order to achieve his intended goal he will never resort to meanness. In people he values ​​honesty, loyalty and openness, since he himself possesses these qualities.

Spring Semyon is a dreamer and philosopher who lives in his own small world, into which only the closest people are allowed. He is very self-critical, and he also makes quite high demands on others, which are not easy to meet. His life resembles a kaleidoscope with incomprehensible, but at the same time bright and interesting patterns and ornaments. It is not surprising that everyday worries worry him little, which can lead him to loneliness, since finding a companion who is ready to live for today is not easy.

Summer Semyon cannot imagine his life without adventures. He perceives any troubles as another opportunity to learn the truth, because negative life experience– this is also experience. He is an excellent speaker who will persuade and talk over anyone you want. But his words are not always supported by actions, which is why many consider him a frivolous man. For summer Semyon, it is important to be in the center of attention, but he is afraid of loneliness, so he surrounds himself with numerous friends and acquaintances.

Autumn Semyon prudent, far-sighted and serious. He is a careerist who will slowly but surely move towards his goal, patiently but persistently achieving his plans. He doesn't like surprises, so he always makes plans for the future. He is consistent in his actions, and his words never diverge from his deeds. This is a responsible employee and an exemplary family man, in whose biography there are no “gaps”. But living with such an ideal person is not easy, especially for romantically minded people who expect adventure and novelty from a relationship.

Stone - talisman

Chrysoprase, jasper, amethyst and emerald are Semyon’s talisman stones.


In Europe, chrysoprase was revered as a symbol of success, good luck, material well-being and friendship. It was believed that this stone protected from negative energy, protected from magic and envy.

Chrysoprase set in gold attracts good luck, but wearing gold jewelry with this stone will help you establish contacts with the right people.

In the East they believe that this stone darkens for deceitful people, while its cloudiness warns honest people of approaching danger.

Chrysoprase is a stone of calm, prudence, wisdom, perseverance, endurance and courage.


This stone is considered the enemy of magicians and sorcerers.

Jasper is a stone of wisdom, willpower, fortitude, courage and foresight.

In the East, jasper represents power, purity and immortality.

In the Christian tradition, jasper is revered as a symbol of heaven, rebirth and peace.


From time immemorial, amethyst has been valued as protective amulet, neutralizing magical influence. In addition, this stone brings success, prosperity and good luck, opening access to hidden knowledge.

It is a stone of encouragement, bringing peace and serenity to life, promoting insight and helping to achieve victory. Amethyst also sharpens the mind and helps control negative thoughts.

Amethyst is a stone of change, confidence and justice, so it is recommended to be worn by people who are active and have an active lifestyle. He develops psychic abilities and intuition.


Emerald is considered by many people magical talisman, protecting its owner from the evil eye, damage and witchcraft.

This stone gives peace, represents a new beginning, fertility, purity, youth, joy and hope.

Emerald is the stone of creative people because it brings inspiration, necessary for people art to create your masterpieces.

Our ancestors believed that emerald is a reflection of everything secret, helping to comprehend the future. This stone bestows prophetic powers, drives away bad dreams and protects against evil spirits. In general, the Slavs revered emerald as a stone of wisdom, composure and longevity.

It is advisable to set an emerald in gold so that the stone retains all its magical properties.


Yellow, white, brown, green and purple are lucky colors for Semyon (read about the properties of the listed colors in the article “The influence of the zodiac sign and the color of the name on a person’s life”).



Mercury and Saturn are the patron planets of Seeds (read about the influence of these planets on a person’s destiny in the article “Elements, planets and numbers in human life”).



Animal - symbol

Fallow deer and magpie are totem animals Seeds.


This animal symbolizes meekness, vulnerability, femininity, patience, sensitivity and grace.

In the East, the doe is the personification of bliss, wisdom, longevity, wealth, but at the same time timidity and tenderness.

In China, passion is considered one of the symbolic meanings of the doe.

In Japan, this graceful animal symbolizes loneliness and melancholy.


In China, magpie is a symbol of good luck, happiness, family well-being and pleasure. It is this bird that brings good news on its tail.

In the Christian tradition, magpie is a symbol of the devil, promiscuity and vanity.

In Europe, this bird was associated with talkativeness, theft and witchcraft.


Cypress, ash and oats are symbolic plants of Seeds.


Today, cypress is associated with the "cemetery tree", while in the ancient world this plant was considered a symbol of wisdom, longevity, beauty, youth, grace and strength. In addition, it was believed that cypress was able to protect against witchcraft and magic.

In Christianity, the cypress tree symbolizes hope, endurance and rebirth. At the same time, in Greece and Rome this plant meant sadness and sorrow.


This tree symbolizes peace and immortality, fertility, victory, rebirth and renewal.

In Greece, ash is the personification of strength and endurance.

The peoples of the Baltic states consider ash to be the tree of simpletons and lazy people.

Ash helps to awaken the ability to clairvoyance, but it helps only those who are open to knowledge and sincerely desire to gain true knowledge.

From time immemorial, this tree has been used in fortune telling and witchcraft, since its branches were believed to have magical protective properties.


Oats are a symbol of youth, prosperity, fertility and a happy family life. In addition, this plant was believed to bring material well-being.


The metal of the name Semyon is copper, symbolizing hope, warmth, purity, light, rebirth and rebirth. Copper protects against the evil eye and damage, helps neutralize negative energy.

Auspicious day


Origin of the name Semyon (Simeon)

Name translation

The name Semyon is translated from Hebrew as “hearing,” “heard by God in prayer.”

History of the name

The name Semyon comes from the Hebrew name Simeon. It came to the territory of Rus' with the spread of Christianity.

Forms (analogues) of the name

The most common forms of the name Semyon: Senya, Semenchik, Senechka, Senyusha, Semenushka, Senyushka, Sema, Semenka, Senyura, Senyukha, Senyusha, Sima, Simon, Simonya, Simonushka, Semushka, Semochka, Simanya.

The secret of the name Semyon (Simeon)

Patrons of the name

  • Venerable Simon the Myrrh-Streaming (Athos).
  • Apostle Simeon Niger.
  • Bishop Simeon of Jerusalem.
  • Hegumen Simeon the Old (Syrian).
  • Bishop Simeon of Ctesiphon (Persian).
  • Confessor Simeon of Mytilene.
  • Hegumen Simeon the Theologian.
  • Bishop Simeon of Polotsk (Tver).
  • Reverend Simeon.
  • Archbishop Simeon of Novgorod.
  • Venerable Shio (Simeon) of Mgvimsky.
  • Apostle Simon of Cyrene.
  • Reverend Simeon.
  • Reverend Simeon Bosoy.
  • Venerable Simeon the New Stylite, Cilician.
  • Hieromartyr Simon the Zealot, Canaanite.
  • Venerable Simon of Radonezh.
  • Bishop Simon of Pechersk, Vladimir and Suzdal.
  • Holy fool Simon Yurievetsky.
  • Simeon Verkhotursky (Merkushinsky).
  • Presbyter Simeon the Stylite, Divnogorets.
  • Hieromartyr Peter (before calling Simon).
  • Hegumen and Hieromartyr Simon of Volomsky, Ustyug.
  • Holy Fool Simeon of Palestine, Yemes.
  • Venerable Martyr Simon of Gareji.
  • Martyr Simeon of Trebizond.
  • Archimandrite Simeon the Stylite, Antioch.
  • Venerable Martyr Simon of Zografsky.
  • Venerable Simeon Metaphrastus.
  • Hegumen Simon Soiginsky.
  • Simeon the God-Receiver.

Angel's Day (name day)

January: 10th, 17th and 29th.

February: 8th, 14th, 16th, 21st, 23rd, 26th and 28th.

March: 11th, 12th and 25th.

April: 18th and 30th.

May: 2nd, 10th, 20th, 22nd, 23rd, 25th and 31st.

June: 6th and 28th.

July: 8th, 12th, 13th and 25th.

August: 3, 17, 18, 25 and 27 numbers.

September: 14th, 17th, 23rd and 25th.

October: 13th, 23rd, 28th and 31st.

November: 12th, 16th, 17th and 22nd.

December: 2nd, 7th, 8th, 29th and 31st.

The legend of the name Semyon (Simeon)

There is a well-known legend about Simeon the God-Receiver, according to which, on the fortieth day after the birth of the baby Jesus, the Mother and Joseph the Betrothed were brought to the Jerusalem Temple to dedicate the baby to God and make a cleansing sacrifice, as prescribed in the Old Testament.

The righteous and pious elder Simeon, who received a sign from above that he would not leave this sinful land until he saw the baby Jesus, came to the temple at the moment when Christ the Savior was brought there. Simeon took the baby in his arms and praised the Lord. At the same time, the prophetess Anna was in the temple, and she also fervently praised the Lord. Thus, the meeting of the last Old Testament righteous with the New Testament of Jesus took place. It is on this day that the “Candlemas of the Lord” is celebrated.

Famous people

Famous actors and artists named Semyon:

  • Semyon Farada;
  • Semyon Sokolovsky;
  • Semyon Spivak;
  • Semyon Strugachev;
  • Semyon Maslyukov.

Famous military and political figures named Semyon:

  • Semyon Naryshkin - a prominent political figure of the era of Catherine II;
  • Simeon Bekbulatovich - Kasimov Khan, who, thanks to the inexplicable trick of Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible, became the Prince of All Rus';
  • Semyon Timoshenko - Soviet military leader;
  • Semyon Budyonny - Soviet military leader.

Semyon Lavochkin - Soviet aircraft designer.

Semyon Chelyuskin - famous Arctic Soviet explorer.

Semyon Aizenstein - one of the founders of domestic radiotelegraphy.

Semyon Kosberg - Soviet designer of aircraft and rocket engines.

Semyon Shchedrin - Russian artist.

Semyon Gudzenko - Soviet poet, whose poetry was dedicated to the Second World War.

The meaning of the name Semyon (Simeon)

For a child

Little Semyon is a soft, sympathetic, kind and unforgiving child. He is inquisitive and passionate: everything new attracts him, and given the fact that the boy is very active, it is not surprising that he often gets into various childhood troubles.

Since childhood, Semyon has developed a sense of justice, so he will not offend the weak. He will never forgive his offenders: moreover, despite his courage, he is very vulnerable and sensitive, so at a certain moment he can withdraw into himself. In general, this child has no authority; he always makes his own decisions and does not succumb to the influence of others. Developed beyond his years, he is drawn to older children, because he is often bored and uninteresting with his peers.

For Semyon it is important to be the first and the best, so as a child he seeks approval first of all from his parents. With age, such a desire for public recognition can play a cruel joke on him, because fame also has a downside.

It’s impossible not to say that Semyon is a little dreamer and a little wonder who asks his parents a million questions that they will have to answer if they do not want to lose touch with their inquisitive child. In books, this boy finds a world of adventures that cannot be found in everyday life.

Studying is easy for Semyon, although exact sciences make him sad. He's more attracted to humanitarian subjects, because the dry language of numbers cannot satisfy his thirst for knowledge, his craving for new and unexplored horizons.

For a teenager

Young Semyon is emotional, sociable, active and open. At the same time, one cannot fail to note his qualities such as vanity and even narcissism. He does not accept criticism, although he loves to set someone on the right path. This is a devoted friend who will always come to the rescue, but he is not always treated accordingly, which is why Semyon can distance himself from everyone for a long time and become withdrawn.

This young man takes very hard any failures that hurt his pride. It is very easy to offend the vulnerable Semyon, but you should remember that he does not forgive people for insults and mistakes. Moreover, at the first opportunity he will definitely take revenge on the offender. But what cannot be taken away from this young man is perseverance and willpower: gritting his teeth, he will slowly but confidently move towards his goal, proving to himself and those around him that he deserves the best.

Semyon perfectly knows how to control his emotions even at a fairly young age: he will be cheerful and friendly, despite the fact that real passions will rage in his soul. Calmness and prudence are the principles that he considers basic. But if Semyon’s emotions break through, then such an emotional tsunami will destroy everything in its path, leaving no stone unturned.

For a man

The adult Semyon craves recognition at work, among friends, and at home. He belongs to that category of people who want to please everyone, which undoubtedly flatters his pride. Only in the pursuit of universal approval, he sometimes does not notice that his surroundings bear little resemblance to real friends who will come to the rescue at the first call. And Semyon himself easily parts with old friends and makes new ones, believing that there are no irreplaceable people.

At the same time, Semyon is charming, kind, sympathetic and has a wonderful sense of humor, which helps him out in many difficult situations. He gets along well with people, so he is welcome in any company. But there is a time when this man simply needs to be left alone with himself to work on his mistakes and simply analyze his life.

Semyon does not expect gifts from fate, but achieves everything himself, and everything he undertakes turns out well. at its best thanks to such qualities as perseverance, hard work and organization. He always achieves his plans, but the price for a successful career and difficult character can be an unfulfilled personal life.

Description of the name Semyon (Simeon)


Freedom-loving and independent Semyon does not burden himself with thoughts about morality. Moreover, the thirst for leadership and glory rarely goes hand in hand with high moral standards.


Semyon carefully monitors his health, so he rarely gets sick, but his love for tasty food can eventually lead to problems with excess weight.


Semyon can lead a rather wild lifestyle, but as soon as he falls in love and decides to connect his life with the one and only, he will immediately turn into a faithful and devoted chosen one. But it must be said that before he says “I love”, he will give his passion a lot of checks, since he will trust his heart only to the best of the best.

It must be said that the cheerful and erudite Semyon enjoys success with women, and he knows how to build relationships in such a way that parting with him rarely becomes a tragedy, but is only a new stage in a relationship that most often smoothly flows from love into friendship. It is simply impossible to be offended by this man, because he is always attentive and courteous. Moreover, he never promises to marry anyone and does not speak pompous words about love, saving them for the one who will fill his entire heart.


Semyon chooses his wife long and carefully, and he is not guided by love alone, because he believes that sooner or later feelings pass, and, therefore, there must be something more between spouses than passion. It is interesting that he is not attracted to calm, gentle and patient women, because they have no fire. He is drawn to strong, strong-willed, persistent and principled representatives of the weaker sex, and this is fraught with a conflict of interest. As you know, in a family, two leaders rarely manage to get along. Therefore, Semyon is often married twice.

Family relationships

Semyon is an exemplary family man who will help his wife with housework, pay attention to the children, and will not forget to spend time with relatives. But if he shows excessive interest in household affairs and controls every step of his wife (especially if she has a strong-willed and independent character), then serious conflicts may arise in the family.

In order to save his family, which Semyon values ​​very much, he will have to humble his pride and learn not to react sharply to any remark addressed to him. Touchiness and demandingness can become an obstacle to creating an ideal family.


For Semyon, intimate life is not only a source of pleasure, but also one of the ways to assert himself, and since this man is used to being the best in everything, he also tries to reach heights in the sexual sphere. At the same time, he tries to please not only himself, but also his partner.

By the way, Semyon chooses experienced and sexy partners, and it is extremely important for him that the woman has feelings for him (only then will his ego be satisfied in to the fullest).

Mind (intelligence)

Semyon is an intellectual who skillfully manipulates people. He is prudent and practical, and therefore his actions are guided solely by reason.


Thorough, disciplined, persistent and hardworking, Semyon is deservedly rapidly rising up the career ladder. He is efficient and fair, so he will be treated with respect in any position. The only thing that can hinder the implementation of Semyon’s plans is his touchiness, because of which he can easily change more than one job.

Semyon realizes himself best in the creative field, although everything this purposeful man undertakes is one hundred percent successful. At the same time, he knows his own worth very well, and therefore he will give his best only at work where his work will be appreciated adequately.


Semyon's restraint and responsibility, as well as the ability to establish contacts with any people, help him run his business very successfully. Besides this independent man knows how to accept right decisions without looking back.


Semyon is a talented and gifted man, so he has a huge variety of interests and hobbies. Dancing, sports, music - all this captivates Semyon, but his greatest passion is books, which are his faithful companions always and everywhere.

Character type


Semyon is vulnerable and touchy, and besides, he absolutely does not know how to perceive criticism addressed to him, which prevents him from building not only his personal life, but also making real friends. This man is good-natured, sympathetic and will never leave someone in trouble who needs his help.

It is important for Semyon that his work and efforts are appreciated. He is ready to do a lot for the sake of universal recognition and praise. At the same time, in order to achieve the intended goal, he may resort to deception. In general, this is a reasonable and practical man who follows the plan, and nothing can turn him off the intended path.


Semyon is gifted with excellent intuition and a keen psychological sense, so he senses deception a mile away. But when making decisions, he never relies on his instincts.

Horoscope named Semyon (Simeon)

Semyon – Aries

He is active, assertive, sociable and open man, whose energy one can only envy. Semyon-Aries does not like hypocrites and liars, since he himself treats people sincerely and with kindness. Sometimes he seems too spontaneous and naive, but this only gives him charm and charm. It is not surprising that women pay attention to him and quickly fall in love with this attentive and caring man who will never betray.

Semyon – Taurus

Friendly, attentive and courteous Semyon-Taurus does everything thoroughly. He is never in a hurry. Such qualities as diligence, slowness and scrupulousness help him quickly move up the career ladder. For this man, it doesn’t matter what others think of him, because he himself is firmly convinced that he is doing everything right. Semyon-Taurus is most often happy in personal life, because he chooses his companion long and carefully.

Semyon - Gemini

Cheerful, proactive and emotional, Semyon-Gemini has an explosive character, which can negatively affect both his career and family life. At the same time, he is a sympathetic, good-natured and open person who values ​​his relationships with others. He just lacks patience and perseverance. A strong and patient woman can cultivate these qualities in him, who can force this womanizer to become a serious and reliable man who can be relied on in any situation.

Semyon – Cancer

This is a dreamer who is driven primarily by emotions. He is quick-tempered and unpredictable: his mood changes five times a day, so communicating with him is not always easy (not everyone will adapt to the mood of another person, especially if it is so changeable). Semyon-Cancer himself is well aware of his shortcomings and is trying to eradicate them, but he is doing it poorly. This is due to daydreaming and frivolity. It’s not easy to get along with such a man, and even more so to change him. Only a truly loving woman will do this.

Semyon - Leo

This is a person whose character strangely combines such qualities as cynicism and naivety, isolation and simplicity. As a result, it can be extremely difficult to understand Semyon-Leo. But at the same time, this man’s willpower, his reliability and thoroughness evoke respect from those around him. This man needs a mother and wife in one person, since he often behaves like a disobedient and capricious child. Only Semyon-Leo falls in love very rarely, preferring to lead a free life, full of love adventures that do not oblige anyone to anything.

Semyon – Virgo

Hardworking, stubborn and reasonable, Semyon-Virgo strives for perfection, and I must say that he does it well. This man has every minute of his free time planned out; he can perform several tasks at once, without this reducing the quality of his work. Semyon-Virgo is demanding of himself and those around him, so it is difficult for him to build relationships with people. He has few friends, and even those are time-tested. In his personal life, the realist and pragmatist Semyon will be happy with a serious woman without pretensions to romance.

Semyon – Libra

Witty, restrained in expressing feelings, but at the same time straightforward, Semyon-Libra does not strive to please anyone. He lives by his own laws, which he does not impose on anyone. He is an idealist who strives for perfection. Whatever he undertakes, he will do not just perfectly, but excellently. He is also looking for the best woman: she must combine intelligence and beauty, strength and weakness, femininity and the ability to defend her point of view. But the search for the ideal can drag on for many years.

Semyon – Scorpio

This man is made of contradictions and oddities. He is diplomatic and restrained in appearance, but real passions are boiling inside him, but he will not share his experiences with anyone. Even to his chosen one, he will not fully open his soul, which can alienate a loving heart, because restraint and detachment do not give strength and stability to relationships, not to mention romance. It is difficult to understand Scorpio Seeds; his mystery can both attract and repel. But in any case, this man will not adapt to anyone.

Semyon – Sagittarius

This sincere and sympathetic man makes a double impression: he may seem arrogant and overly self-confident, but behind such negligence lies a romantic and dreamy nature, thirsting for adventure and passion. He dreams of true love, but the realities of life are such that we don’t always get what we dream of and what we deserve. Only with a sincere and gentle woman will Semyon-Sagittarius open up to the fullest, become a faithful friend, a sensual lover and an ideal husband.

Semyon – Capricorn

The restraint, practicality and categorical nature of Semyon-Capricorn are perceived negatively by many, so he has few friends, but those who are close to him can always count on his support and attention. There is no hypocrisy in this man, no pretense or pretense, and for this alone he is worth respecting. Because of his straightforwardness, Semyon-Capricorn has many enemies, but this only spurs him on to new achievements. It will not be easy for a woman with such a demanding man who rarely compromises.

Semyon – Aquarius

This is a moralist and a real philosopher who has his own special point of view on everything. He is freedom-loving and independent, open to new achievements and knowledge. But what Semyon-Aquarius lacks is stability. He doesn’t think at all about the future, believing that life is too short to make plans. It is not surprising that most often Semyon-Aquarius prefers the life of a free bachelor, not burdened with any obligations. Constancy and routine simply destroy it from the inside.

Semyon – Pisces

Distrustful, withdrawn and secretive, Semyon-Pisces tries to keep to himself. He is guided in making decisions (even fateful ones) primarily by his developed intuitions. He has many talents that he develops, but this is not enough to build a brilliant career and create a happy family. He is well versed in other people's feelings, while he has no control over his own, which is why he suffers. He needs a romantic woman with a subtle mental organization who will feel Semyon and not try to change him.

Compatibility of the name Semyon (Simeon) with female names

Semyon and Olga

These are purposeful, responsible and assertive people who see a goal in front of them, but do not see any obstacles to achieving it.

Semyon and Alexandra

Alexandra has a sharply negative attitude towards quarrels and scandals, so the former rarely provokes conflict situations. Semyon is calm and balanced; he appreciates the wisdom of his chosen one, her devotion and love. Therefore, it is quite natural that he tries not to disappoint his beloved woman.

Semyon and Polina

Polina and Semyon are leaders by nature. They want to build a happy family, but at the same time it is difficult for them to give in to each other. If the relationship in this couple is built on love, then it will last a long time. If the family is based on calculation, the marriage will collapse like a house of cards.

Semyon is a kind, sympathetic, active, hardworking and persistent man. Shy and vulnerable, he still easily finds a common language with others. He is interested in everything that happens around him, this makes him an interesting and pleasant conversationalist. Curiosity helps him move up the career ladder, but first of all, the man strives to start a family.

The origin of the name Semyon has Hebrew roots. The legend of the name is associated with Simeon the God-Receiver. Jesus was brought to the temple according to the instructions of the Old Testament. Elder Simeon received a sign that he would not die until he saw Jesus. On this day he also came to the temple, took Jesus in his arms, praising God. The prophetess Anna also stayed in the temple. On that day, the last righteous people of the Old Testament met, and the New Testament appeared.

Meaning of the name

The meaning of the name Semyon from Hebrew is “heard by the Lord.”


The meaning of the name Semyon for a child gives him gentleness, kindness and the ability to quickly forget grievances. He is inquisitive, active and passionate, which is why he often gets into trouble. Little Sema is a defender of the weak, he has a keen sense of justice. Courage is combined with vulnerability, so the boy can become withdrawn.

Since childhood, Sema has been making decisions on his own; it will not be possible to force your opinion on him. He is a very developed boy, so he is drawn to older guys. Since childhood, he has strived for leadership and the approval of his parents is important to him. This is a dreamer and a why-why, who is interested in everything in the world, he asks a wide variety of questions. From books he draws a lack of impressions in reality. Studying is easy for Sema, but he is frankly bored during lessons in science subjects.

The meaning of the name Semyon for a teenage boy gives emotionality, sociability, openness, narcissism and vanity. He likes to give advice, but cannot stand criticism. He is a devoted friend, but he rarely receives a response and eventually closes himself off from everyone. Failures hurt his pride, causing the guy to worry a lot. He is very vulnerable, does not forgive others for mistakes and betrayal, and at the first opportunity he will avenge himself.

Perseverance and willpower force him to slowly move towards his goal. This is how young Semyon proves to himself and those around him that he deserves only the best. He keeps all emotions under strict control and can pretend that everything is normal, even if it is not. His behavior is based on calmness and prudence, but if Semyon explodes, it will be a real emotional volcano.

Semyon, who has matured, strives for recognition in his family and at work. His pride requires him to please everyone without exception, but there are few real friends around him. The man himself easily agrees and disagrees with people. He is charming, kind, sympathetic, with a wonderful sense of humor that helps in solving difficult issues.

The ability to find a common language with people makes him a welcome guest in any company. Sometimes Semyon needs solitude to analyze life and understand where to move next. He always achieves his plans, but is often left alone due to constant busyness at work.

In love, Semyon is frivolous, but only until he truly falls in love. Having fallen in love, he becomes a faithful and devoted companion, but first he will check whether his beloved is trustworthy. His cheerful character and girls really like erudition. A distinctive feature of Semyon is that parting is not a heavy burden for him; on the contrary, it is perceived as a new round of life.

The attentiveness and courtesy of this man are captivating and make you easily forgive offenses. Semyon is looking for a strong-willed, decisive, bright companion. In marriage, he proves himself to be an exemplary husband and father, but conflicts can arise if Semyon overly controls or lectures his spouse. To improve relationships on the family front, a man needs to react more calmly to comments.


Characteristics of the name Semyon by zodiac sign:

  1. Aries - he is distinguished by activity, assertiveness, openness, energy, which is enough for several people. Sincere, does not tolerate lies and hypocrisy. Spontaneity and naivety give him charm in the eyes of women. This is an attentive, caring man, incapable of betrayal.
  2. Semyon-Taurus, like many representatives of this sign, is very thorough, courteous and friendly. Diligent and leisurely, he successfully advances in the service. Firmly confident in the correctness of actions, does not care about the opinions of others. He takes a long time to choose his wife, which ensures him a happy family.
  3. Semyon, born under the sign of Gemini, combines a cheerful character with emotionality and initiative. His impulsivity interferes with his work and relationships. He is sympathetic and kind, but impatient. A woman with a calm character can help him become more restrained.
  4. Cancer - This man is an emotional dreamer. Unstable in moods, hot-tempered and unpredictable, frivolous. It is impossible to remake it.
  5. Leo has a contradictory character, in which cynicism is combined with naivety, and isolation with simplicity. It is not easy for those around him to understand him, but they respect him for his reliability and thoroughness. Prefers open relationships.
  6. Semyon-Virgo is distinguished by hard work, stubbornness, striving for perfection and prudence. He is demanding of himself and his environment. In his personal life, he is practical, not romantic. Build a relationship with a serious, sensible girl.
  7. Libra - wit, restraint of emotions and directness of judgment are his main features. He lives by his own rules, without imposing them on anyone, a perfectionist by nature, and will look for a companion to match himself.
  8. Scorpio is strange and contradictory, holding back the emotions boiling inside. Semyon-Scorpio will not adapt to his environment.
  9. Sagittarius is kind and sympathetic, can be arrogant and at the same time dreamy, longs to fill life with passion and adventure. He dreams of true love, he will be able to open up to a sincere woman, becoming an ideal, caring spouse.
  10. Capricorn is reserved, practical, categorical. He is straightforward, does not know how to cheat, dodge or lie. Uncompromisingness complicates his relationships.
  11. Aquarius is a man with a philosophical mindset who has his own point of view on what is happening. He is very independent, loves to gain new knowledge, but does not think about the future. Can't stand routine and prefers easy relationships.
  12. Pisces - distrust, isolation, secrecy - his main qualities. He is talented, but the man does not have the patience to reach the required level of their development.

Name day

Name Day Seeds according to the church calendar:

  • January 10, 17, 29;
  • February 8, 14, 16, 21, 23, 26, 28;
  • March 11, 12, 25;
  • April 18, 30;
  • May 2, 10, 20,22,23,25,31;
  • June 6, 28;
  • July 8, 12, 13, 25;
  • August 3,17, 18, 25, 27;
  • September 14, 17, 23, 25;
  • October 13, 23, 28, 31;
  • November 12, 16, 17, 22;
  • December 2, 7, 8, 29, 31.

Name color

The secret of the name Semyon is in its talismans. Colors that bring him luck:

  • White - expresses purity, nobility, innocence, sincerity. “Whites” have a heightened sense of justice; they often find themselves in faith or some kind of spiritual idea.
  • Purple - gives a philosophical outlook on life, the ability to understand people, feel their moods. They are distinguished by sensitivity, amorousness, and loyalty to ideals.
  • Brown - gives strong emotionality, which makes life very difficult. In general, “browns” are kind, sympathetic people.
  • Green is a symbol of peace. A “green” name attracts finances, but spiritual growth is more important to the owners.
  • Yellow - distinctive features- energy, sharp mind, rational thinking.

Name flower

Plant mascots named after Semyon:

  • Oats - symbolizes youth, prosperity, and a happy marriage.
  • Ash is a symbol of the beginning of something new, peace, immortality, fertility. In Greece, the tree symbolizes strength and endurance.
  • Cypress - symbolizes wisdom, longevity, beauty. In Christianity it is a symbol of rebirth.

Church name

Semyon's church names are Simon and Simeon.

Translation of name in different languages

Semyon's name in English is Simon. The same variant is retained in Spanish, Danish, Romanian, French, Czech and Swedish.

Full name, shortened, affectionate

Full name: Semyon. Short and affectionate forms:

  • Sema.
  • Semka.
  • Semushka.
  • Semochka.
  • Semenchik.

What names are suitable for patronymics?

The patronymic for a boy named Semyon is Semenovich. Names for son:

  • Andrey.
  • Andrey.
  • Michael.
  • Konstantin.
  • Leonid.
  • Vladimir.
  • Valery.
  • Matvey.
  • Timofey.
  • Yaroslav.

The middle name for a girl named Semyon is Semenovna. Names for daughter:

  • Alyona.
  • Arina.
  • Alina.
  • Varvara.
  • Galina.
  • Irina.
  • Antonina.
  • Ulyana.
  • Catherine.
  • Elizabeth.
  • Margarita.
  • Lyudmila.
  • Love.
  • Pauline.


Compatibility of the male name Semyon with female names:

  1. Purposeful Semyon and Olga will be able to build quiet happiness together.
  2. I have a long and strong relationship with Anna. She values ​​her man's reliability.
  3. There is a passionate relationship with Elena that will not last long; the woman is too emotional.
  4. With Yulia, Semyon will feel coziness and comfort, she will be able to charge him with energy.
  5. I have a strong relationship with Anastasia, based on common interests and goals.
  6. With an ideal union in which all problems and difficulties will be resolved in a timely manner, and grievances will not accumulate;
  7. Ekaterina and Semyon are absolutely different people, but manage to create a happy union.
  8. If Semyon yields to Marina, they will have a strong marriage.
  9. Maria and Semyon are two independent individuals who build relationships on trust and mutual understanding.
  10. Irina and Semyon will build their happiness together, sharing grief and joy between them.

How to incline

Declension of the name Semyon by case:

  • In the nominative and accusative - Semyon.
  • In the genitive - Seeds.
  • In the dative - Semyon.
  • In the creative - Semyon.
  • In the prepositional - Semyon.

Famous people with this name

Famous people with the name Semyon:

  1. Farada is a Soviet and Russian actor.
  2. Strugachev is an actor, known for the TV series “Deadly Force.”
  3. Tymoshenko is a military leader of the Soviet Union.
  4. Naryshkin - politician from the time of Catherine II.
  5. Lavochkin is an aircraft designer from the Soviet era.

The ability to make decisions correctly, negotiate with people, and a combination of restraint and responsibility will help Semyon become an excellent businessman. He is very purposeful and will succeed in any business, but is best realized in creative professions.

Useful video about the meaning of the name Semyon