Psychological characteristics of choleric temperament (choleric). Choleric: what kind of person is he, and what temperament is he endowed with

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choleric, from the point of view of psychology, this is a very strong personality type, for which feature is imbalance. Translating into simple language, choleric people can endure very large mental loads, perhaps more than any other psychological type is able to endure, but at the same time, they are characterized by high irritability and mental instability.

Psychological characteristics of choleric people

Thanks to the natural strong type nervous system, choleric people can easily overcome any difficulties and obstacles. But, despite perseverance and resilience, in some situations they cannot restrain their emotions and simply splash them out on others, which greatly discourages them.

Psychologists have noticed that the more strongly the features of choleric temperament are expressed in a person, the more he is quick-tempered and unbalanced. The most striking and well-known features of a typical choleric are unbridled, irascible and aggressive.

Movement and gait

There is nothing easier than to recognize a person of choleric temperament in a crowd. The choleric's gait is swift, the movements are sharp and fast, a little tense, he is always in a hurry, because there are still so many things to do. Cholerics always strive to explore the world, every day, every hour, every moment, so they are always in a hurry.

Choleric self-esteem

Cholerics are always self-confident people, sometimes even self-confident. They have from early childhood a high self-evaluation and even higher ambitions. Cholerics can always calculate their strengths, and never show others their few weaknesses.


This is not to say that choleric people are not efficient. If a choleric person has a goal that he wants to achieve, he will make every effort, and, as they say, will demolish all obstacles, but he will definitely achieve what he wants. There is no more assertive and purposeful person than a choleric person. But if the work is not interesting to him and the very essence of the choleric has disappointed him, he will leave it without further explanation and regrets. Thus, the performance of the choleric is strongly influenced by external circumstances and personal interest.


At their core, choleric people are very sociable, they always easily contact others. But, in any company, a choleric person should occupy a leading position and be in the very center of everyone's attention. Cholerics tend to see rivals in everyone, so they try to subjugate everyone and everyone. Constant leadership and irascibility for many makes the character of the choleric difficult.

Love and friendship

Cholerics do not have many friends, but they are very attached to those few who can withstand their fickleness and intemperance. IN love relationships choleric people dominate, often jealous, can repeatedly break off relationships in a fit of anger.

sleep and appetite

Cholerics sleep a little, as a strong nervous system allows them to recover in a short period of time. It is quite normal for them to work at night, this does not affect the quality of work and well-being. Cholerics eat a lot, quickly and with appetite.

An energetic choleric is distinguished by assertiveness, determination and determination, which allow him to achieve dominant positions among others. But is everything so simple and unambiguous? Who is a choleric and how to get along with him? Is it easy to recognize? Is there a universal characteristic of choleric? Or is this type of temperament expressed individually in each person? What to do if the child is choleric? How to properly educate him? How do choleric people live when they grow up? How difficult is it to build a relationship with them? It is better to read this article to the end in order to know exactly how not to fall under the “hot hand”.

Who is a choleric?

Choleric is emotionally irascible and extremely active type of temperament prone to leadership and dominance. The word "choleric" itself is of ancient Greek origin. According to the ideas of Hippocrates, who, according to the prevailing "vital juice", identified four types of temperament, "yellow bile" dominates in choleric people. In the original language, it is called "hole". That's where the name came from.

Despite the fact that psychology is constantly evolving, regularly reviewing its views on the world, this approach to the classification of temperament has not lost its relevance so far. Who are choleric, it was quite clearly defined back in the time of Hippocrates. Bold, resolute, unrestrained and provocative choleric people have always been distinguished by pronounced leadership qualities, they took the initiative into their own hands and rapidly moved towards their goal. At the same time, it is extremely difficult for them to control their emotions, which is manifested in a sharp change in mood and temper.

An exhaustive characteristic of choleric allowed scientists to identify representatives of this type of temperament not only among living people, but also by analyzing historical figures. So, from famous people choleric people are Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev, Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov, Peter I Alekseevich, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, Ludwig van Beethoven, Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev, Salvador Dali, Donald Trump, Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates and others.

Since several types of temperament can be combined in one person, it is not so often possible to meet a pronounced choleric person. But in case he gets caught, hardly anyone will doubt that he is a choleric person. A description of the main criteria for recognizing this type of temperament is given in the next section.

How to recognize choleric?

A simple trick on how to find out your temperament - which you can go through on our website. This will allow you to cast aside doubts about your belonging to a certain type of people: choleric, or.

If we are talking about another person, it is necessary to analyze his behavior. First of all, pay attention to the speed of occurrence of certain emotional reactions, especially anger. If a person “turns on with a half turn”, then most likely it is the choleric that dominates in him.

Some authors argue that it is possible identify choleric and in appearance. According to their opinion, people with this type of temperament are distinguished by a thin physique and other signs. But the proportions of the human body depend on a number of physiological processes. Also his temper or nervousness. So, it is worth distinguishing between the innate characteristics of a person and his health.

It is better to identify a choleric person based on at least a few criteria:

  • emotional instability;
  • Accelerated and loud speech;
  • abrupt movements;
  • Reluctance to sit in one place;
  • Active gestures;
  • Striving for leadership;
  • Social activity;
  • Ability to defend one's opinion;
  • Hyperreactivity and energy;
  • Rejection of routine and monotony.

If the bulk of these points coincides with the characteristic specific person, then it can be argued that he has the temperament of a choleric.

Characteristics of choleric: pros and cons

The advantages of this type of temperament include high social activity and the prospect of taking a dominant position. Cholerics are born leaders who able to succeed on their own and lead others to it. They are so selflessly able to go to the intended goal that they “infect” everyone around with enthusiasm.

Cholerics know how and love to lead. Their temper also has a positive side, because such people never accumulate negativity and resentment in themselves. They immediately throw out their emotions on others, but also quickly and calm down. This helps not to delay the "debriefing", promptly solving production problems.

Not deprived of the temperament of the choleric and the shortcomings that are caused by his intemperance. This is especially noticeable when choleric people come into contact with melancholic people, who categorically do not accept such impulsive behavior. Due to increased emotionality, a choleric person can quarrel and offend someone, even without wanting to. If that person is not so quick-witted, then the choleric person will have to apologize for a long time, which is not very characteristic of his nature.

Relationship with choleric

If taken as true, the division of people into four psychological type described by Hippocrates, then there can be only four options for relationships: with a melancholic, choleric, sanguine and phlegmatic.

At first glance, it seems that only a melancholic will not get along with him. Choleric will not be bored, sanguine - for fun, and phlegmatic - on the drum. But in reality, everything is not so clear. In the case of the melancholic, the union will succeed if he takes the imperious position of the choleric, and he, in turn, patronizes and takes care of the melancholic.

If temperaments match, then this is fraught with "fireworks" of feelings and emotions. For such a couple, a daily "storm in a teacup" is provided. But a strong relationship will be obtained only in the case of periodic rest from each other.

Sanguine and choleric there will always be something to do. Both types of temperament are active and open to communication. A sense of humor will help absorb emotional outbursts, smoothing out sharp corners.

At phlegmatic most likely to create a strong relationship with a choleric person. This is where worldly wisdom comes into play, according to which opposites attract. The main thing is mutual respect for each member of this union, respect for his personal space.

The upbringing of a choleric

Most of all, the little choleric brings trouble to others. The characteristic of this type of temperament clearly demonstrates his quarrelsomeness with others. If an adult learns to control his emotions, then it is difficult for a child to do this. Punishment will only make things worse. Choleric parents must have truly "iron" nerves that will help them adequately perceive the behavior of their child. No one says that it is worth pampering him, but excessive severity will not help either.

The best thing become an authority in the eyes of the child, to achieve his respect, to direct unbridled energy in a constructive direction: creativity, sports, etc. Choleric is a born leader. If he is not “broken” in childhood, then a strong and charismatic person will grow out of such a child, who will definitely find his place in society.

Among all types of temperament, choleric people have the greatest potential for success. This is due to their determination and passion. If the choleric really wants something, he will not stop until he achieves his goal. This quality is inherent in leaders and winners. But the "fee" for this is not small. The temper of choleric people very often turns against them. Knowing this, others should be more tolerant of people with this type of temperament, and they themselves should learn to control their emotions without inflating the “elephant out of a fly”.

Cholerics differ from other types of temperament in their energy and positive. Any set goal requires an immediate solution, and most importantly, they achieve the desired result very quickly.

Starting from early childhood, they are quite independent in their decisions. In any team, they feel like leaders. They can and do command others. The first to feel the influence of the choleric person is his family. Parents must constantly please their child, and he, in turn, does whatever he sees fit. He can achieve the desired result with hourly cries and whims. Children with this temperament will never do what they don't want to do.

But at the same time, none of the other types of temperament can show the most sincere smile, emotions and feelings.

A choleric is a person who...

Among other things, choleric people are also terrible egoists. All his actions are always aimed at pleasing himself. If on his way there are failures or obstacles that prevent him from going to his goal, he becomes extremely vengeful man. His actions become aggressive. Pride often takes precedence over measured actions.

Choleric often makes rash actions. The nervous system is constantly in an excited state, so its actions are particularly impulsive. The fact that he does not know where to direct his excessive energy, aggression and irritation arise in him for any reason.

They are completely impatient. For them, waiting for something is extreme agony. Because of this, they are not able to help a person in difficult times, provide support or please someone. main feature choleric is intemperance.

Features of communication and behavior at work

Several rules should be followed when communicating with choleric people:

  1. Choleric does not understand hints at all. In order to get what you want from him, you should tell him openly about your desires. If your speech is too wordy, then he will definitely lose his patience and become furious from his own impatience.
  2. He almost never lies and demands the same from others. If he finds out about the deception, he is unlikely to be able to forgive you.
  3. Routine work is absolutely not for him. He cannot sit in one place for a long time and perform monotonous actions.
  4. If your communication suits him, he will direct all his efforts in order to maintain warm relations with you and find common ground with you.
  5. Don't pay special attention on his heightened emotionality and somewhat harsh gestures. Thus, he splashes out his inner tension.

Cholerics do not compromise at all. For a loved one, they are ready to do everything only if the second one shows counter feelings. Communication with a choleric person is not always easy.

Professionally, choleric people often become leaders. It won't be a problem for them to take a few important decisions simultaneously. In addition, such people tend to dominate in all situations. Almost all leadership qualities are combined in their character (a clear statement of the task, sociability, quick problem solving, manipulating people, etc.).

But in order to achieve world recognition, choleric people need to learn to restrain their emotions. Sometimes they can be completely insensitive.

Even in critical situations, people will follow choleric people, because they are not afraid of responsibility, even if they know that the path will not be the easiest.

By gaining experience, the choleric learns to control his temper and earns recognition as a charismatic leader.


Often, even in a difficult situation, choleric people have incredible self-control. Even in the most difficult situation, he will always make the only right decision.

People with this type of temperament are very fond of change. And, sometimes, for them it doesn’t matter at all whether they are bad or good. Often they themselves are surprised by such reactions. Increased emotionality allows you to see what they are thinking about at the moment by the expression on their faces. It's pretty easy to tell when he's interested or when he's annoyed.

He often resorts to solving problems with creative ideas. In addition, choleric people are very purposeful, regardless of the degree of complexity of the goal.

They have the following strengths:

  1. Inexhaustible energy;
  2. Purposefulness;
  3. Rapid decision making;
  4. Heightened sense justice;

Weak sides

Cholerics simply do not know how to bring things to the end. They focus their attention on several problems at once, thereby reducing the chances of getting the desired result. They are fond of many things, but they cannot achieve certain heights due to lack of patience.

Sometimes there comes a time when choleric people just need to relax and put their thoughts in order. But their inherent inattention does not make it possible to feel this moment.

It is rare when choleric people have time to do everything on time. Their disorganization constantly distracts from a certain problem.

They have the following weaknesses:

  1. Not accepting an alternative point of view;
  2. Increased emotionality, sometimes aggressiveness;
  3. Demanding to others;
  4. Lack of tact.

Methods for determining and characterizing temperaments.

Each person is an individual and is not like anyone else. But still there are people who differ in similar character traits. This is due to temperament and psychotype. It is the psychotype that allows us to communicate well with friends and not find a common language with people who are not attractive to us.

Temperament - a stable combination of individual psychophysiological characteristics of a person associated with dynamic, rather than meaningful aspects of activity. Temperament has nothing to do with social development and features of personality education, but it largely affects the formation of the individual.

In other words, it's speed. mental processes that take place in the nervous system. It is impossible to influence temperament, but it is possible to achieve its correction in order to eliminate negative qualities.

There are four main types of temperament. In life, it is difficult to single out a pure psychotype, since mixed options most often prevail.

Temperament types:

  • Phlegmatic person. Among your acquaintances, there are definitely individuals who are difficult to outrage with something. They are very calm and patient. Sometimes there is a slowness. But meticulousness and scrupulousness allows you to carefully treat the work. They are usually assigned difficult tasks requiring patience. Sometimes such people are referred to as "Armor Man".
  • Choleric. This psychotype is completely different from the phlegmatic. It is characterized by increased nervous excitability. Cholerics are usually nervous over trifles, quickly waste their energy and cannot finish what they started. The mood changes very quickly. They tend to invent a lot and twist reality.
  • Sanguine. This psychotype is similar to a choleric person, but his mental reactions are more stable. Such people in communication are very lively, active. It is difficult not to notice such a person, since the facial expressions are very expressive. They respond quickly to everything that comes. Unlike choleric people, they are more persistent and can bring the work they have started to the end.
  • Melancholic. Nervous excitability is high, very emotional temperament. Such people often live in their own experiences, oblivious to reality. Quite whiny and pessimistic.

This is a fairly bright psychotype, which has both negative and positive sides.

Negative sides of choleric:

  • Don't be defeated by others
  • Impatient, always in a hurry, because of which they get into unpleasant situations
  • Emotional and true. People are often offended by them for this.
  • Hysterical. The slightest unpleasant word can cause a storm of emotions and resentment.
  • Surface. Rarely delve into the essence of the problem, they are not interested in delving into something and delving into
  • They quickly get to work, but just as soon they quit what they started without finishing it

Positive qualities of choleric:

  • Fast and mobile. Can instantly complete assigned tasks
  • Resolute. They always know how to act in a particular situation without hesitation.
  • Not afraid of change. Always go on adventures
  • They don't hold a grudge. They move away quickly and don't get angry
  • Designer
  • Geologist
  • Artist
  • Photographer
  • Entrepreneur
  • advertising agent

It is better to give preference to a free schedule than hourly work. It is better for choleric people to work for the result, and not to sit out the hours in the office.

Choleric - positive and negative qualities, suitable professions and activities

This is one of the most pleasant psychotypes. Unlike choleric people, they are emotionally stable.

Negative sides:

  • Superficiality
  • Haste
  • Unwillingness to delve into the depth of the situation
  • Frivolous
  • They love to brag
  • No sense of proportion

Positive sides:

  • Leaders. Often they take up the organization of some kind of community and succeed in this matter.
  • Stress-resistant and harmonious. They try not to react painfully even to the most unpleasant situations. It's hard to get them out of your mind.
  • Rarely suffer mental illness. Because of the stable psyche, there are no psychiatric patients among them.
  • Optimistic. Even in the most difficult situations trying to find something positive.
  • Administrator
  • Teacher
  • Human Resources Manager
  • Economist
  • Journalist
  • Lawyer

Sanguine - positive and negative qualities, suitable professions and activities

Quite a complex psychotype with unstable reactions.

Positive sides:

  • gullible
  • Creative personalities
  • Compassionate
  • friendly
  • know how to listen
  • Faithful to the second half
  • Good friends

Negative sides:

  • prone to depression
  • Pessimistic
  • prone to criticism
  • They do not know how to communicate with people and do not want to
  • Avoid noisy companies
  • System Administrator
  • Programmer
  • Librarian
  • Editor

Melancholic - positive and negative qualities, suitable professions and activities

People with such a psychotype are the golden mean between other temperaments. They are balanced, calm and positive.

Positive sides:

  • Workaholics. These are the worker bees of society, the best workers
  • Stress resistant. They are very hard to get rid of
  • Patient. They endure for a long time, not because it is necessary, but because everything suits them
  • Purposeful. They methodically carry out their work and bring it to the end.

Negative sides:

  • They don't like change. For them, moving is a natural disaster.
  • Difficult to find mutual language with people. They are generally not very sociable by nature.
  • Inhibited. Often they are lazy and do not strive for anything. Complete lack of initiative
  • Engineer
  • Vet
  • System Administrator
  • Dispatcher
  • laboratory assistant
  • Jeweler

Phlegmatic - positive and negative qualities, suitable professions and activities

Pure psychotypes are very rare. Usually these are various variations of two or more temperaments.

Mixed temperaments:

  • Phlegmatic / sanguine. Active, but not in a hurry, many friends, like to be in the company, but do not attract much attention. Stress resistant and workable. They can speak beautifully, but also be silent when necessary.
  • Melancholic/phlegmatic. Restrained, scrupulous and pessimistic. Often they are depressed, but they quickly get out of it. They like to do one thing and bring it to the end.
  • Sanguine / choleric / phlegmatic. Balanced and very active psychotype. They always draw attention to themselves and achieve success in business. They get along well with people, but dominate if necessary.
  • Choleric / sanguine. Strong, caring, able to communicate with people. These are always leaders and dominating individuals. Active and purposeful.
  • Choleric / sanguine / melancholic. Active and purposeful, but at the same time ready to make concessions. They perform well in front of an audience and can lead.
  • Phlegmatic / choleric. They finish what they started. They love stability and always stand their ground. They try to dominate, though they do not always succeed.
  • Sanguine / melancholic. Persuasive, critical and persistent. They are trying to turn the situation in their favor. Faithful friends, picky, do not like to speak in public.
  • Melancholic / sanguine / phlegmatic. They do everything according to the rules, not aggressive, caring and secretive. Kind to people and sensual. Good friends and helpers.
  • Melancholic / phlegmatic / choleric. Stable, careful and persistent. Caring and positive. Too critical and demanding.

There is a certain method for determining the psychotype. At the same time, you should not expect that you will get 100% belonging to any particular type. Usually this is the percentage of different psychotypes in one person.

To determine the types of temperament, the psychological technique of the English psychologist G. Eysenck is used, who developed a two-factor model, the main characteristics of which are extraversion and neuroticism.

VIDEO: Psychotype determination, G. Eysenck's test

Determining the type of temperament will reveal weak and strengths and correct your behavior.

VIDEO: 11 tests for each

“A fighting, provocative, easily and quickly irritated type” - this is how the famous physiologist Pavlov described the choleric person, having developed a classification of the types of the nervous system and correlating them with the types of temperament.

Dividing people into four types according to temperament was proposed by the ancients (lat. temperamentum- “proper ratio of parts”). Hippocrates believed that a person belongs to one type or another, depending on the predominance of a certain fluid in his body. The predominance of blood gives us, lymph -, bile - choleric, and black bile -.

As can be seen from such a classification, temperament is a biological characteristic of a person, it is given to us at birth and does not change. Our character is transformed - that which is formed during a person's life under the influence of temperament.

Despite its conventionality, this classification is popular to this day. The type of temperament is determined in children at school, at psychological consultations, at home (those who are interested in popular psychology).

What do tests give to determine the type of temperament? They help to determine the speed of the course of nervous processes, how we excite a person, how strong and stable feelings and emotions he is able to experience. Such tests will not tell us what kind of character a person has, the level of intelligence, whether this or that person is sociable or closed, decent or dishonest. This applies to the categories of character, intellectual and emotional development personality, but not temperament.

The need of nature to conquer new lands and decisively overcome obstacles created choleric people, as one of the versions of the origin of temperaments says. To attract the masses of people to these new lands, nature created sociable ones, for the painstaking development of these lands, able-bodied people appeared, and for a sensitive response to the first signs of danger, anxious and highly sensitive people were born.

Who is a choleric?

The high speed and strength of the flow of emotional processes characterizes the choleric. A person of choleric temperament quickly succumbs to any emotion, whether it be joy, delight, anger or despair, and experiences them with extraordinary force. His reaction is fast, but the cooling of feelings and emotions is similar. Such a person is able to move from one state to another quickly. He can say something and immediately regret his words. The choleric person works in jerks - the processes of excitation and inhibition quickly replace each other. But during periods of activity, this type is able to move mountains, this type of temperament belongs to the category of strong ones.

How to find out

  • Fast paced speech
  • Sharp and jerky movements
  • Doesn't like to sit in one place
  • Likes to be in the thick of things
  • Easily makes new friends
  • An individualist, confident in the correctness of his decisions and not inclined to succumb to other people's influence


  • Energy
  • Ability to quickly and decisively start new business
  • The ability to do what you love with passion
  • Leadership and ability to initiate new beginnings
  • High stress resistance


  • Sharpness and intemperance in communication
  • Tendency to not finish what you start
  • A tendency not to calculate one's strength and, as a result, rapid exhaustion
  • Sudden mood swings
  • irascibility

How to communicate

Be tolerant and do not be offended if the choleric suddenly flares up. This is especially important when dealing with children. Give children an example of calmness and balance, teach them to overcome difficulties step by step.

Be prepared to be persistent if the choleric quits the work he has begun halfway through. Or be prepared to finish it yourself.

Encourage the initiative of the choleric - its undoubted advantage is the ability to bring energy and enthusiasm to any business.

Smooth out sharp corners in communication with a choleric person and be sympathetic to the fact that you sometimes have to play the role of a peacemaker in his relationships with others.