Quantitative assessment of health level. Assessing the amount of health. V. Quantitative characteristics of health

Modern scientists have no doubt that people themselves will be able to increase their life expectancy, and the medicine of the future will help them stay young and healthy for many millennia. But you don’t have to wait long - you can influence your health right now. Dr. T. Grossman and futurist R. Kurzweil are sure of this, sharing the secrets of longevity with readers in their book “Transcend”. And one of the most important things to start with is the prevention and diagnosis of diseases.

Disease Prevention

Prevention and early disease detection - most effective method don't lose your health. You can carry out the bulk of preventive actions yourself by creating the right lifestyle. This approach is much more productive in a number of cases. early diagnosis. And this is understandable - it is better to avoid the disease altogether than to find out the diagnosis even at its very beginning.

The basis of prevention is a correct lifestyle. It includes adequate nutrition, physical activity, adequate sleep, stress management, and maintaining brain function. Numerous studies by scientists have proven the direct influence of lifestyle on human longevity. In the process of studying the problem, 5 main risk factors were identified that are associated with established behavioral patterns and influence a reduction in life expectancy:

  • — Obesity - 14% deaths;
  • — Poor nutrition - 13% of deaths;
  • — Tobacco smoking - 28% of deaths;
  • — Alcoholism - 7% of deaths;
  • — Sedentary lifestyle, weak physical activity- 17% of deaths.

Early detection of diseases

Diagnostics is a process during which the essence of the disease and the person’s condition are determined. It is comparable to the fact that you stepped away from the railway tracks a moment before the train appeared. This is mainly done by doctors based on patient complaints. And few people suspect that some actions can be performed independently, at home. Everyone is quite capable of determining the pulse rate, measuring blood pressure, characterizing their physical abilities and assess the degree of obesity.

Pulse measurement

Heart rate can say a lot about the condition of the heart and the whole body. To determine the pulse, apply the average and index fingers on the inside of the wrist on the side where the thumb is located. Press lightly and count your heart beats for 20 seconds. Then multiply this data by 3. The resulting product will reflect your heart rate.

The worse your physical condition, the higher your heart rate and vice versa. A good example athletes can serve. Thus, the world famous cyclist Lance Armstrong has a pulse of only 32 beats per minute. Of course, such an indicator is extremely difficult to achieve, so it is quite appropriate to focus on more real numbers. Although women tend to have a higher heart rate, on average it should be no more than 84 beats at rest. The best option- about 70. Exceeding the limit over 100 strokes indicates obvious health problems and requires immediate consultation with a doctor.

Blood pressure diagnostics

Measurement blood pressure carried out using a special device - a tonometer. It is quite easy to use and can be purchased at any pharmacy. A pressure of less than 120/80 mmHg is considered optimal. Indicators in the range from 120/80 to 130/85 are considered normal, and above 140/90 are already elevated.

If the pressure is constant tall man diagnosed with hypertension. In this case, regular medication is required. At high blood pressure the risk of health hazards increases significantly. Thus, according to data published by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, it is this disorder that seriously increases the likelihood of a stroke or heart attack.

Anyone can take control of their blood pressure. First of all, this is facilitated by regular physical exercise, bringing weight back to normal, significantly limiting the consumption of foods that cause a rapid increase in sugar levels, and maintaining a daily routine.

According to existing standards, the fat content in a woman’s body should be at the level of 18 - 26%. For males, this figure is lower - about 10 - 17%. The best value is at the lower limits of the presented ranges - this is what you should strive for. Therefore, for example, if a man weighs 90 kg and the amount of fat is about 35%, this means that in absolute terms there is 31.5 kg of fat in his body. Return to normal values will require weight loss.

For precise definition fat content you will need a fresh water pool. You need to lie on your back with your limbs spread out, then take a deep breath and start counting to 60. Diving at a count of 30 - 40 indicates an amount of fat in the range of 20 - 25%, at a count of 60 - over 25%. Early diving (before 30) indicates a fat deficiency. In addition, there are special mobile devices and scales with the corresponding function. But the correctness of their results sometimes raises serious doubts. Therefore, only a doctor can paint the most objective picture.

Ratio of waist circumference to hip circumference

This indicator informs about the nature of the distribution of fat in the body. For many people, it accumulates in the buttocks and upper thighs, which is not very attractive. However, this is less harmful to health than storing fat above the waist. In this case, a special body type is formed - “apple”, popularly called "beer belly". Its presence - a clear sign problems with metabolism, and this, in turn, is the main factor in the development of heart and vascular diseases. Measuring the proportion of waist circumference to hip circumference will help identify metabolic syndrome.

The procedure will require the presence of a regular measuring tape. To begin, determine the circumference of the abdomen, which is in a relaxed state, at the level of the navel. After this, measure the size of your hips at the widest point. Then, using the data below, evaluate the value of your indicators.


  • < 0,85 у женщин
  • — Waist circumference / Hip circumference< 1,0 у мужчин

Fitness status

The vital activity of the human body requires systematic physical activity, which helps maintain excellent health. An aerobic endurance test will give you an accurate picture of your physical condition. However, if you are over 40 years old and do not exercise regularly, then you should not undergo this procedure.

Test algorithm

Do not eat less than two hours before the start. Accurately measure a distance of 2400 meters or perform activities on the track of an athletics stadium, which is usually 400 meters. Before starting, warm up your body muscles well to show best result. Your task is to try to run or walk a distance of 2.4 km as quickly as possible. Compare the result obtained with the data in the table below, this will allow you to draw a conclusion about your physical fitness.

Result Men Women
Great less than 9:44 less than 12:29
Very good 9:45 - 10:45 12:30 - 13:30
Fine 10:46 - 12:00 13:31- 15:54
Average result 12:01- 14:00 15:55- 18:30
Badly 14:01- 16:00 18:31- 19:00
Very bad more than 16:01 more than 19:01

Remember that the duration and vigor of life is in your hands. The right image life combined with preventive measures and early diagnosis can significantly increase your longevity. If any abnormalities are detected, you must contact a medical specialist and undergo an examination. IN state clinics this can be done completely free of charge.

1. Frequency cardiac readings at rest (HR) - this indicator allows you to assess how hard the heart works. If it is not trained, it makes more contractions and quickly becomes unusable. The lower the resting heart rate, the stronger the heart muscle. A healthy heart pumps out more blood per contraction, and rest pauses increase.

2. Arterial blood pressure (BP) - a tonometer is used for this. Normal blood pressure is considered to be 110/70 mm. rt. Art. Normalize blood pressure initial stages hypertension and hypotension is possible with the help of physical training. To increase blood pressure, you should engage in speed and strength sports. In a word, those that promote intense blood flow. And low-intensity cyclic exercises, such as walking and slow running, help reduce it.

3. Height-weight index - it is calculated by subtracting it from body weight growth. The ideal index is considered to be 105-115 depending on the width of the bone. Any of this indicator over the age of 20 indicates that some violations are emerging in metabolic processes body.

4. General endurance - this indicator can be determined using a simple exercise: covering a distance of 2 km. Men who cover this distance in 8-9 minutes, and women who run this distance in an average of 11 minutes, have high level health.

5. The effectiveness of the immune system can be determined in the laboratory by analyzing the amount of antibodies in the blood.
The simplest assessment of your immunity is the result of its functioning. It can be determined by how often you got sick during the year.

6. Vital indicator. The higher the excess body weight, the more problems arise with the functioning of organs and vital systems of the human body. A relationship has been identified between the volume of air that a person is able to exhale at one time and his performance and resistance to stress to external stimuli. This indicator is called vital capacity of the lungs (VC). It can be determined using a spirometer. By dividing vital capacity by body weight in kg, you can find out the vital indicator. The lower limit for men is 55 ml/kg, 45 ml/kg.

7. Presence of chronic diseases. People who do not exercise are much more at risk of developing diseases. However, it cannot be said that the development of cardiovascular or gastrointestinal diseases affects the functional readiness of the body. It is important not to forget about proper nutrition, healthy sleep, and also, if possible, live in favorable environmental conditions.

Comprehensive assessment physical health allows:

Identify weak links in the body to targeted impact on them;

Compose individual program recreational activities and evaluate their effectiveness;

Predict the risk of occurrence life-threatening diseases;

Determine the biological age of a person.

By converting individual health indicators into points and calculating the average score (accurate to tenths), you can determine your level of health and its reserves. The level of health is understood as a quantitative characteristic functional state body.

The selected indicators are quite reliable and accessible for everyday express control. To carry it out, you need a watch with a second hand (to measure the heart rate in the morning after sleeping in a lying position and the time to cover a distance of 2 km), a tape measure (to measure the standing long jump) and scales. If possible, it is advisable to buy a spirometer and tonometer in the store. With their help, you can constantly monitor two critical systems body - cardiovascular and respiratory.

The tables show the 10 most informative and simple indicators by which you can quickly determine your level of health. It corresponds to the average number of points: very high - 5.0 and above; high - 4.0-4.9; average - 3.0-3.9; low - 2.0-2.9; very low - 1.0-1.9 points. Below, each of the above indicators is discussed in more detail.

Express health assessment

Heart rate at rest bpm

Blood pressure at rest, mm Hg. Art.

VC per body weight, ml/kg

50 or less

(4) Height and weight index- height in centimeters minus weight in kilograms (for people with broad bones plus 5). This indicator can be used instead of 3.

90 and less - 1 point, 91-95 - 2 points, 96-100 - 3 points, 101 - 105 - 4 points, 106-110 - 6 points, 111-115 - 8 points, 116-120 - 4 points, more 120 - 2 points. (3)

(5) Physical activity experience at least 2 times a week for 20 minutes or more:

not involved - 1 point, up to 1 year or less - 2 points, 1-2 years - 3 points, 3-4 years - 5 points, 5-7 years - 6 points, 8-10 years - 7 points, more than 10 years - 9 points.

(6) General endurance


2 km run (min, s)

Or heart rate recovery time after 20 squats in 30 s (min, s)



More than 14.00

(7) Strength endurance




Pull-up on the bar

Or flexion and extension of the arms while lying down

Flexion of the torso from a supine position, hands behind the head, legs secured

Less than 2 times

Less than 4 times

Less than 10 times

15 or more

40 or more

50 or more


Standing long jump, cm


Qty colds in year


Number of chronic diseases of internal organs



240 or more

180 or more

Main indicators of health level and their correction

1. Heart rate (HR) at rest

This indicator allows you to evaluate the work of the heart. With a rapid pulse, an untrained heart makes 14 thousand “extra” contractions in 1 day and wears out faster. The lower the resting heart rate, the more powerful the heart muscle. In this case, the heart works in a more economical mode: a larger volume of blood is ejected per contraction, and rest pauses increase.

Heart rate is measured in a supine position after a 5-minute rest or in the morning after sleep by superimposing the index, middle and ring finger one hand under the base thumb other hand.

As the experience of health-improving physical training increases, especially aerobic training (walking, swimming, etc.), heart rate at rest decreases. If after several years of training a person cannot score 4-5 points on this indicator, it means that he is not doing what is needed: for example, he is only interested in increasing muscle volume or is violating the basic patterns of training.

It is not necessary to reduce your heart rate to 40 beats/min or lower. However, you need to know that after a 24-36 hour fast or after dousing cold water Heart rate may decrease by 6-10 beats/min. But when calculating points, you need to take into account the number of beats per minute in the normal state (i.e. in the morning, lying down after sleep).

When monitoring heart rate, you should also monitor the rhythm of the pulse and its good filling. If “dips” are felt during the measurement (the heart seems to freeze), then there are extrasystoles (extraordinary contractions of the heart muscle) or arrhythmia (irrhythmic pulse), which is a signal for an in-depth examination. The causes of such negative deviations may be foci of infection in the body (carious teeth, inflamed tonsils, etc.), which require urgent treatment. Health training and foci of infection are an unacceptable combination. If everything is in order here, you need to take an electrocardiogram at rest and during exercise (in a clinic or in a medical and physical education clinic). The frequency of “failures” of less than 4:40 (i.e., less than 4 pauses in heart function in 40 s) may be due to functional disorders associated with physical and emotional overload. In this case it is necessary to reduce physical activity and, on the recommendation of a doctor, take sedatives for a while. You should carefully study the principles of health training (cm.“physical activity”) and look for methodological errors, which may also be the cause of an irregular pulse. If the frequency of “failures” in the heart is more than 4:40, you must consult a cardiologist (cm."Arrhythmia").

You should be careful when dousing yourself with cold water after physical activity. This combination can cause disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. It is recommended to use it ONLY UP TO certain limits of physical and COLD stress, and these limits are individual.

2. Blood pressure (BP)

The next easily controllable indicator characterizing the reliability of the cardiovascular system is blood pressure. To measure it you need a tonometer. Blood pressure should be measured at least 2 times a year.

Blood pressure can be normalized in the initial stages of hypertension or hypotension with the help of physical activity. You should know that sport games, speed-strength and strength sports increase blood pressure, and low-intensity cyclic sports (walking, slow running, swimming, skiing, rowing, cycling) decrease it. The ideal blood pressure to strive for when training to improve health is 110/70 mmHg. Art.; Blood pressure 120/80 is also considered good. It is advisable to maintain these blood pressure values ​​throughout your life.

The accepted norms for increasing blood pressure (as well as body weight) due to the aging of the body should be considered unacceptable. In any case, these standards are only suitable for people who lead an unhealthy lifestyle or violate the basic laws of training to improve health. Only in this case do blood pressure and body weight indicators increase with age. But such deviations cannot be taken as normal. Examinations of elders age groups, long time constantly engaged in cyclic physical exercises, they found that their blood pressure values ​​are, as a rule, in the range of 115-125/75-80 mm Hg. Art.

3. Vital sign

One of the most important means of monitoring the vitality of the body is the vital indicator. What is this indicator? How to define and evaluate it?

It has been proven that the more excess body weight, the more often various serious disorders in the functioning of human organs and systems, the shorter his life. A relationship has been established between the volume of air that a person can exhale at one time (this volume is called the vital capacity of the lungs, or abbreviated VC), and his performance, endurance and resistance to various diseases. You can determine VC in a clinic or a medical dispensary, or independently using a compact spirometer. By dividing VC (expressed in ml) by body weight (in kg), you can determine the vital sign. Its lower limit, beyond which the risk of disease increases sharply, is 55 ml/kg for men, 45 ml/kg for women.

With regular health training (but not during active recreation), the vital indicator even in people over 60 years of age can exceed 70 ml/kg for men and 60 ml/kg for women. To do this, you need to adhere to the correct ratio of health training means. If an increase in body weight is detected with age, then this ratio must be changed by increasing the time of cyclic sports. Conversely, if there is an excessive decrease in body weight, you need to increase the time allocated for doing athletic gymnastics, reducing the volume of cyclic means.

4. Height and weight index

When assessing the level of health, instead of a vital indicator, you can use the height-weight index, the indicator of which also indicates a person’s vitality.

The height-weight index is determined by subtracting body weight (in kg) from height (in cm). Any change in the index over the age of 18-20 indicates the beginning of disturbances in the body's metabolic processes and the need to take urgent measures to stabilize the height-weight index within optimal limits. To calculate normal body weight, it is unacceptable to make adjustments for age (especially after 30 years), which are recommended by some authors. Focusing on such a “corrected” body weight leads to a decrease in the level of health and to “normal diseases of old age.”

Achieving an ideal body weight for health and longevity (index 105-115 depending on the width of the bone) is possible with special nutrition and aerobic physical activity (see, Physical activity).

5. Experience in physical training

The next important factor when assessing general level health is the experience of continuous health training. With increasing experience in physical training, health indicators increase.

6. General endurance

In the absence of training, general endurance indicators begin to deteriorate from the age of 13. The most important test that characterizes cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and therefore overall performance, is to overcome a distance of 2 km. Scientists have discovered a relationship between the level of a person’s endurance and his resistance to a number of diseases, primarily cardiovascular and cancer. Therefore, to assess a person’s vitality, a test for general endurance turned out to be very informative. This indicator is also estimated by a large number of points. Men who cover a distance of 2 km in 8.00-9.00 minutes, and women who run it in less than 11 minutes, have a high or very high level of health at any age.

At independent execution The test requires a watch with a second hand. You need to run or walk (as your fitness allows) along the first track of a standard stadium for exactly 5 laps. The result obtained will characterize the reserves of the main life-support systems and resistance to diseases. For men, the risk of disease appears if it takes more than 9 minutes 30 seconds to cover a distance of 2 km, for women - more than 11 minutes.

For young people and those involved in recreational running, an excellent result will be a time of 7 minutes 30 s (for men) and 9 minutes 30 s (for women). There is no point in trying to run even faster, since this will no longer be a healthy workout.

When assessing endurance in those who are beginning to engage in health-improving physical training, instead of running 2 km, a functional test is used: 20 squats in 30 s (with subsequent recording of the time for heart rate recovery to the initial level).

7. Strength endurance

The level of health depends not only on the indicators of general endurance, but also on the degree of development of strength qualities.

Assess the strength endurance of the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle for men, you can do the maximum number of pull-ups on a high bar or flexion-extension of the arms while lying on the floor. Men who perform these exercises 15 times or more have a much higher level of health than those who neglect exercises to develop strength endurance. For women, the level of development of the abdominal muscles is more important. It is assessed by maximum number bending the torso from a supine position, hands behind the head, legs secured.

8. Agility, speed-strength and other qualities

The level of these physical qualities in the absence of training, it decreases with age. Speed-strength qualities (dynamic strength of the leg and abdominal muscles), agility and, to some extent, vestibular stability and flexibility of the spine allow one to evaluate the standing long jump. The test is performed after a mandatory warm-up from a starting position standing on a low support. The distance from the toes to the nearest point where the heels touch the soft ground is measured.

9. Efficiency of the body’s immune system

The human body’s resistance to colds and other diseases depends on the functioning of the immune system. Its ability can be assessed in the laboratory by examining the amount of antibodies in the blood. Easiest to evaluate immune system possible by the final result her work, namely, on the number of cases of colds during the year.

10. Presence of chronic diseases

It has been proven that people who neglect physical training are at a much greater risk of developing diseases: cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, respiratory, etc. However, assessing the state of health only by the level of functional fitness is not always justified. Individually selected amount and direction of physical activity and normal nutrition help reduce the risk of chronic diseases, and in some cases get rid of them.


Adding up all the scores and dividing the sum by the number of tests, we get the average score, which will characterize the overall level of physical health.

Result evaluation

6.0 points or more- perfect! The risk of life-threatening diseases at this rate is practically zero. You need to continue to train in the same way, harden yourself and eat right.

Zone from 5.0 to 5.9 points also indicates a high degree of reliability of the organism. The risk of developing diseases with such health indicators is only 3.6%.

Risk of occurrence various diseases begins to increase as overall health level declines from 4.9 to 3.0 points.

Range 3.0-3.9 points indicates that the body is in a state of pre-illness (organs and systems work under great stress), and if a person does not want to fall into the category of chronic patients, then he must seriously take care of his health.

Numbers 2,0-2,9 indicate that a person leads a lifestyle that is criminal in relation to his health. You should change it without delay: establish a normal diet, review your motor mode and not wait for a disaster.

And finally, the zone less than 2.0 points indicates that there is an urgent need to undergo in-depth medical examination, since the body is in critical condition. It is necessary to take action as quickly as possible: with the help of a specialist, draw up a program for overcoming the crisis and constantly monitor its implementation, making timely adjustments. The transition time from one health category to another can last several years.

Our body is a very complex system. Hemoglobin concentration, sugar levels, cholesterol, blood pressure...
To stay healthy person and feel good, these basic health indicators require our constant monitoring!
It won't take much time, but the benefits will be invaluable. Even if research reveals small deviations from the norm, it will be possible to take preventive measures in time and prevent the development of illnesses.

We are all so different, but we need to find some kind of basis on which we could build a system that could be applied to everyone.
That reference point from which any person, having completed a series of measures, could figure out what is wrong in his body, or, well, everything is so. It is simply impossible to take the entire body as a basis at once due to the complexity of its functioning. But in our body there are 12 interdependent systems, each of which, during normal functioning, is characterized by a certain quantitative indicator that is prescribed genetically, that is, given to us by nature. These indicators are constants, that is, the main indicators of health do not change under conditions normal operation, and their change indicates that something is wrong in the body and immediately leads to the failure of all related systems.

Man is a huge self-organizing system, and each person is unique: we have a different DNA molecule, different appearance, different internal content, different energy, but as a biological species something unites us. And these are the same constants. That is, the main indicators of health, some of them are quantitative, and some are qualitative. There are 12 of them in total, and each of them characterizes a specific system. It is on them that we can rely, controlling them and restoring them.

So now the constant data:

  1. Arterial pressure.
    The ideal blood pressure to strive for when training to improve health is 110/70 mmHg. Art.; Blood pressure 120/80 is also considered good. It is advisable to maintain these blood pressure values ​​throughout your life. The accepted norms for increasing blood pressure (as well as body weight) due to the aging of the body should be considered unacceptable. In any case, these standards are only suitable for people who lead an unhealthy lifestyle or violate the basic laws of training to improve health. Only in this case do blood pressure and body weight indicators increase with age. But such deviations cannot be taken as normal. Examinations of people in older age groups who have been constantly engaged in cyclic physical exercise for a long time have revealed that their blood pressure values ​​are, as a rule, in the range of 115-125/75-80 mm Hg. Art.
  2. Number of breathing movements. It should be equal to 16 in 1 minute. When running 26, lying down - 14, but on average - 16. This is the rhythm of oxygen absorption from the air.
  3. Heart rate (HR) at rest. This indicator allows you to evaluate the work of the heart. With a rapid pulse, an untrained heart makes 14 thousand “extra” contractions in 1 day and wears out faster. The lower the resting heart rate, the more powerful the heart muscle. In this case, the heart works in a more economical mode: a larger volume of blood is ejected per contraction, and rest pauses increase. 78 beats per minute. This indicator of the body’s condition is the basis for the optimal rate of oxygen movement from the lungs to the organs.
    The slower the pulse, the longer life!
    If your pulse is below 70 beats per minute - may you live a long life!
  4. Hemoglobin- 130 mg/l. This is an indicator of the amount of oxygen in our body and is also the basis of good health. If hemoglobin falls, a person can live for some time, but the number of heartbeats and respiratory movements immediately increases, and blood pressure is destroyed, because the deviation of any of the parameters leads to the destruction of all harmony.
  5. Bilirubin - 21 µmol/l. An indicator of blood toxicity based on the processed number of dead red blood cells. Every day, 300 billion red blood cells die and they must be broken down, excreted, processed and synthesized again. The amount of bilirubin indicates how this process is progressing.
  6. Urine. Every day one and a half liters of urine should be excreted, with certain qualitative properties: specific gravity 1020 and acidity 5.5. If quantity, quality, etc. fluctuates, then the excretory system of the kidneys is malfunctioning.
  7. Height and weight index. When assessing the level of health, instead of a vital indicator, you can use the height-weight index,
    the indicator of which also indicates the vitality of a person. The height-weight index is determined by subtracting body weight (in kg) from height (in cm). Any change in the index over the age of 18-20 indicates the beginning of disturbances in the body's metabolic processes and the need to take urgent measures to stabilize the height-weight index within optimal limits. To calculate normal body weight, it is unacceptable to make adjustments for age (especially after 30 years), which are recommended by some authors. Focusing on such a “corrected” body weight leads to a decrease in the level of health and to “normal diseases of old age.”
  8. Sugar blood - 5.5 mlmol/l. This indicator of the body’s condition determines the supply of operational energy for each day and is certainly the basis healthy body. From this sugar, the liver forms glycogen, on which a person works.
  9. PH. Acid-base balance of blood - 7.43 - life in alkaline environment 7.1 - death from acute cardiovascular failure. 90% of the foods we eat and drink are sour. Alkalinization occurs due to the removal of non-alkaline materials from the body. Calcium, potassium, magnesium and sodium are taken from the musculoskeletal system.
  10. White blood cell count- 4.5 thousand* 10 to the ninth power. This is an indicator of maintaining our individuality. This indicator of health is the basis for preserving our individuality. With this value, all viruses, fungi, and bacteria will be destroyed. If the number of leukocytes increases, then the attack has already occurred and we are defending ourselves. If it decreases, it means we are already losing this war, the body is exhausted and is unable to produce the necessary amount for protection.
  11. Body temperature. It is believed that normal body temperature is 36.6 0 C. However, each organ of the human body has its own normal temperature. Liver temperature - 39 0 C, in the kidneys and stomach - slightly lower. Moreover, different areas of the skin surface also have different temperatures: the lowest temperature is observed at the feet and palms - 24 -28 0 C, the highest - in the axillary fossa - 36.3-36.9 0 C, temperature in the rectum - 37.3-37.7 0 C, and the temperature in the oral cavity is 36.8-37.3 0 C.
  12. Cholesterol. Less than 200 mg/dl- normal level cholesterol;
    200 - 239 mg/dl is the maximum permissible value,
    240 mg/dL and above means the blood cholesterol level is too high.
    Note: mg/dL = milligram per deciliter is a unit of measurement used to describe how much of a substance is contained in a certain volume of blood.

Now you know what the main health indicators are. They are measured, recorded, doctors are guided by them, but these constants are not for doctors, they are for you. You yourself must know them. No doctor can restore 12 constants for you. It is a way of life, a way of thinking, a way of acting.

Health is not only the absence of disease, but also a certain level of physical fitness and functional state of the body. The main criterion for human health should be considered its energy potential, i.e. ability to consume energy from environment, accumulate it and mobilize it to ensure physiological functions. How bigger body can accumulate energy, and the more efficiently it is spent, the higher the level of human health. Since the share of aerobic (with the participation of oxygen) energy production is predominant in the total energy metabolism, then it is the maximum value of the aerobic capacity of the body that is the main criterion of physical health and vitality. It is known from physiology that the main indicator of the aerobic capacity of the body is the amount of oxygen consumed per unit of time (MOC). Accordingly, the higher MPC indicator, the more health a person has. To better understand this point, let's take a closer look at what the IPC is and what it depends on.

What is MOC (maximum oxygen consumption)

MIC is the amount of oxygen that the body is able to absorb (consume) per unit of time (taken in 1 minute). This should not be confused with the amount of oxygen that a person inhales through the lungs, because... only some of this oxygen ultimately reaches the organs.

It is clear that the more the body is able to absorb oxygen, the more energy it produces, which is spent both on maintaining the internal needs of the body and on performing external work.

The question arises: is it really the amount of oxygen absorbed by the body per unit of time that is the factor that limits our performance and determines the level of health? As strange as it may seem at first glance, this is exactly so.

Now we need to figure out what the MIC value depends on. Since the mechanism of this process is the absorption of oxygen from the environment, its delivery to the organs and the consumption of oxygen by the organs themselves (mainly skeletal muscles), the MIC will depend mainly on two factors: the function of the oxygen transport system and the ability of skeletal muscles to absorb incoming oxygen.

In turn, the oxygen transport system includes the external respiration system, the blood system and cardiovascular system. Each of these systems makes its own contribution to the value of the IPC, and a violation of any link in this chain can immediately negatively affect the entire process.

The connection between the value of BMD and health status was first discovered by the American doctor Cooper. It showed that people with a BMD level of 42 ml/min/kg and above do not suffer from chronic diseases and have blood pressure levels within normal limits. Moreover, a close relationship was established between the BMD value and risk factors coronary disease heart: the higher the level of aerobic capacity (MOC), the better performance blood pressure, cholesterol metabolism and body weight. The minimum limit value of MIC for men is 42 ml/min/kg, for women - 35 ml/min/kg, which is designated as a safe level of somatic health.

Depending on the size of the IPC, 5 levels are distinguished physical condition(table).

MIC value (ml/min/kg)
Age (years)
20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69
Short 32 30 27 23 20
Below the average 32-37 30-35 27-31 23-28 20-26
Average 38-44 36-42 32-39 29-36 27-32
Above average 45-52 43-50 40-47 37-45 33-43
High >52 >50 >47 >45 >43

To more accurately determine the level of physical condition, it is customary to evaluate it in relation to the proper values ​​of MIC (BMD), corresponding to the average normal values ​​for a given age and gender.

Physical condition level % DMPK
Short 50-60
Below the average 61-74
Average 75-90
Above average 91-100
High 101 and above

For men: DMPC=52-(0.25 x age),

For women: DMPC=44-(0.20 x age).

Knowing the proper MPC value and its actual value, you can determine %DMPC: %DMPC=MPC/DMPC x 100% Determining the actual MPC value is possible in two ways:

1. Direct method (using a device - a gas analyzer)

2.Indirect method (using functional tests)

Determining MIC by the direct method is quite difficult and requires expensive equipment, so it is not widely used. Calculation of MIC by the indirect method has a small error, which can be neglected, but otherwise, it is very accessible and informative method, which makes it most used in various sports and health institutions and rehabilitation centers. To determine MPC by an indirect method, the PWC170 test, which determines a person’s physical performance, is most often used. Looking ahead a little, let's write a formula for calculating MIC when using the PWC170 test: MIC = (1.7 x PWC170 + 1240) / weight (kg) Next we will tell you what the PWC170 test is, what it is needed for, and how to determine it.

Test PWC170 - determination of physical performance

The PWC170 test stands for physical performance at a heart rate of 170 beats per minute. The PWC170 value corresponds to the power of physical activity that leads to an increase in heart rate to 170 beats/min. The PWC170 test consists of performing two loads, corresponding power and calculating the PWC170 value based on the heart rate values ​​​​after each load. When performing a PWC170 sample, the following sequence of actions is recommended:

1. Studying the medical history and excluding contraindications to the test.

2. The first load lasts 5 minutes. This is enough for cardiac activity to reach a steady state. The work power is selected for practically healthy men with an expected normal physical fitness of 6 kgm/min (1 W) per 1 kg of body weight, for those who do not engage in physical labor with an expected low physical performance - 3 kgm/min (0.5 W) per 1 kg body weight. For women, 4 and 2 kgm/min, respectively. If the test is carried out on an exercise bike, then on most of them it is possible to select the load power. If the test is carried out using a step step (a more accurate measurement), then the load power can be calculated using a special formula, which we will analyze in the next article using one of the examples.

3. 30 seconds before the end of the first load, the heart rate is measured. The obtained result is written down on a piece of paper.

4. Before the second load, a mandatory three-minute rest, during which the heart rate returns almost to the original level.

5. Second load: the power of the work is determined depending on the power of the first load and the heart rate during its execution (table). Duration of work is 5 minutes.

6. Determination of heart rate 30 seconds before the end of the second load.

Approximate power of the second load

Operating power at first load Heart rate at first exercise
80-89 90-99 100-109 110-119 120-129
Work power at second load
150 900 800 700 600 500
250 1000 900 800 700 600
350 1100 1000 900 800 700
450 1200 1100 1000 900 800
550 1300 1200 1100 1000 900

Calculation of the value of physical performance is carried out according to the following formula:

where PWC170 is physical performance at a heart rate of 170 beats per minute; N1 and N2 are the powers of the first and second loads, respectively; f1 and f2 - heart rate at the end of the first and second load.

The PWC170 physical performance test will only produce reliable results if the following conditions are met:

A. The test must be performed without prior warm-up

b. The heart rate at the end of the second exercise should be about 10-15 beats less than 170 beats per minute.

V. Between loads there is a mandatory three-minute rest.

We just looked at the PWC170 test, which is intended for people under 35 years of age. Next, we’ll look at how to determine performance based on a person’s age. In the first case, we calculated physical performance at a heart rate of 170 beats/min.

This heart rate corresponds to approximately 87% of its maximum value in young people. More accurately, the maximum heart rate can be determined using the formula: 220-age. Accordingly, when calculating physical performance taking into account age, it is necessary to focus on a heart rate equal to (220-age) x 0.87. The test methodology, taking into account age, and the sequence of actions are basically similar to those followed when determining performance in young people.

The amount of physical performance, taking into account age, can be determined by the following formula:

where PWC is physical performance at heart rate changing with age; N1 and N2 are the powers of the first and second loads, respectively; f1 and f2 - heart rate at the end of the first and second load; F is the heart rate, which is approximately 87% of the maximum age-related heart rate.

When choosing your first physical activity, you should focus on the loads used in the PWC170 test for young people. When setting the power of the second load, you can proceed from the following. It is desirable that the heart rate at the end of the second load is approximately 10-15 beats/min less values heart rate corresponding to 87% of maximum value taking into account age. Knowing the heart rate after the first load and its power and taking into account that when the load power increases by 100 kgm/min (17 W), the heart rate in men increases by approximately 8-12 beats/min, and in women by 13-17 beats /min, it is easy to determine the power of the second load sufficient to increase the heart rate to the required level.

We have just theoretically examined the determination of physical performance using the PWC170 test. In the next article we will look at this with a specific example. Although physical performance indicators most objectively reflect the level of physical condition, other methods can be used to assess it. We will now get acquainted with one of them.

Quantitative characteristics of health

This method determines the level of health using a scoring system. Depending on the value of each functional indicator, a certain number of points are awarded (from -2 to +7). The level of health is assessed by the sum of points of all indicators. The maximum possible number of points is 21. Depending on the number of points scored, the entire scale is divided into 5 health levels.

From level 1 corresponding low level health, up to 5 high level. According to this rating system, a safe level of health (above average) is limited to 14 points. This is the lowest score that guarantees no clinical signs diseases. It is characteristic that only people who regularly engage in physical education belong to levels 4 and 5.

Quantitative assessment of physical condition provides valuable information about the health and functional capabilities of the body, which allows you to make decisions necessary measures for disease prevention and health promotion. It has been established that the development of chronic diseases occurs against the background of a decrease in the level of health to a certain critical value.

It was shown that in people with a high level of health (17-21 points) no chronic diseases were found, and in the group of people with an above average level of health (14-16 points) diseases were detected in 6%, in the group of people with an average level of health ( 10-13 points) various chronic diseases observed in 25%. A further decrease in the level of health (below average and low) already leads to the clinical manifestation of the disease with corresponding symptoms.

Thus, only people with a high level of physical condition have a level of somatic health that guarantees the absence of disease. A decrease in the level of health is accompanied by a progressive increase in morbidity and a decrease in the functional reserves of the body to a dangerous level bordering on pathology. It should be noted that the absence clinical manifestations illness does not yet indicate stable health. Average level health, obviously, can be regarded as critical.

Quantitative assessment of health level according to G.L. Apanasenko.

Indicators Levels of physical health
Short Below the average Average Above average High
body weight/height (g/cm) M F Points 501 451 -2 451-500 401-450 -1 401-450 375-400 0 375-400 400-351 — 375 350 —
VC/body weight (ml/kg) M F Points 50 40 0 51-55 41-45 1 56-60 46-50 2 61-65 51-57 4 66 57 5
HR x BPsist/100 M F Points 111 111 -2 95-110 95-110 0 85-94 85-94 2 70-84 70-84 3 69 69 5
Heart rate recovery time after 20 squats in 30 seconds. (min,s) M F Points 3 3 -2 2-3 2-3 1 1.30-1.59 1.30-1.59 3 1.00-1.29 1.00-1.29 5 59 59 7
hand dynamometry/body weight (%) M F Points 60 40 0 61-65 41-50 1 66-70 51-55 2 71-80 56-60 3 81 61 4
Overall health level assessment (sum of points) 4 5-9 10-13 14-16 17-21

M - men;

F - women;

Vital capacity - vital capacity of the lungs;

BPsist - systolic blood pressure.

In this material, we examined the theoretical issues that define the concept of human physical health, as well as some methods that allow us to assess it. In the next article we will analyze this material into specific examples, having determined physical performance for a given person’s age, and we will also figure out what kind of physical activity should be performed based on the calculated performance.