Kingdom Come Deliverance: Complete Walkthrough Guide. Passage of the quest "True Friends" in Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Upon rescuing, you will receive the Kovaler achievement.

You can unlock this trophy after completing the game's prologue in Skalik, where Henry will be forced to flee and reach Talmbert. This is primarily the start of the Run! Main quest, which you get on the narrow path. You must reach the farm located at the base of the hill shown in the picture.

The game prompts you to jump on the horse as soon as possible and continue the escape, but do not do this, because you will miss the achievement. Note that on the right, Teresa is protecting herself from a group of Polovtsians trying to rape her, and to get this achievement you must help her. You can strike one of the attackers with any melee weapon or jump on him on a horse. You will receive the trophy the moment Teresa manages to free herself.


  • When you distract the rapists, quickly leave the farm. They are well armed and can kill Henry in 1-2 attacks.
  • Even if you don't save Teresa from mass rape, you won't lose the opportunity to seduce her later in the game.
  • If you missed the scene above, you don't need to start over from the beginning. Browse the list of saves and select the autosave created when receiving the quest.


Unexpected guests

Walk up the path from your house and go to the castle entrance to collect the crosspiece of the sword from the guards. Then head to the village below. Using the map marker, approach Kunesh. He has no money, so you will have to fight him so that he will let you take something from his house (ax, hammer and nails in the chest) so that you can then sell them. Then buy 10 coal from a coal merchant nearby and head to the tavern. There is a small cut-scene in front of the entrance to the tavern - you can agree with your friends to throw manure at the German's house, if you want.

Then talk to Bianca at the tavern to get a beer. Talk to Fechtmeister Vanek nearby, and then find him on the lists located at the edge of the village. Practice fighting and return to your father.

If you cannot cope with Kunesh, then go first to the tavern. Talk to your friends here and agree to throw manure at the German's house. But in return, ask them to help you. After the scene with the German, go to Kunesh's house and wait for your friends. They will beat him and Kunesh will give you the key to the chest in his house.


After the cutscene, you need to go down the hill as quickly as possible and find a horse. Reach Talmberg at a gallop (alternate Shift and double Shift so that the horse has energy) without stopping, otherwise you will be killed by enemies. Talmberg is in the same direction you ran towards your horse. You will notice a stream along which you need to move.

Talk to Borek Talmberg and go to the kitchen. Eat here and then go to bed. Talk to Mrs. Stephanie, and then go to the loopholes as soon as you wake up.

Talk to Borek Talmberg here, after which there will be a cutscene. Wait until the morning, skip the time, and then go out and watch another cut-scene.

Talk to Borek Talmberg and try to convince him to let you leave or sneak out of the castle or jump on Olena (your horse), jump off the drawbridge and escape. If you get caught by the guards, you can try to convince them to let you go or bribe them, otherwise you will have to try again.

Before leaving your village, you can save Teresa from the rapists. Just walk up and hit the soldier and then run towards the horse. The warriors will be distracted by us, and Teresa will be able to escape.


The quest begins in the settlement of Rovna, which was also attacked by the Polovtsy. You will need to get to Skalitsa. You can choose one of the main paths, but you will face two bandits along the way. They are not difficult to defeat, although you can sneak past them or run away.

Follow the quest marker. Defeat the robber and search him. Take the hunting cleaver - an excellent weapon if your character develops Dexterity. Continue along the marker.

Once you reach your home village, you will have to reach the castle on the hill. Most of the paths are barricaded. The only exception will be the east passage. After entering the new location, go to the place where the parents were killed in the prologue. Next there will be a cut-scene. (You can also take the precious ring and Rescue Schnapps from Blanca's body, near the tavern)

You will need to find a shovel. Examine the destroyed buildings. You will hear a dog barking. Follow it and you will reach the place where Zbyszek is. A meeting with him can end in two ways:

  • Choosing a unique dialogue option - if you can convince or intimidate him, then Zbyshek will run away, and you will not have to fight with him.
  • Fight with Zbyshek - if you cannot successfully apply your eloquence, then Zbyshek will attack. A fist fight with him is very difficult. However, if you take out the weapon, then Zbyshek will flee.
    Regardless of which option you choose, take a shovel.

With a shovel, go to the tree that grows near your parents' house. Find a place to dig your grave. A cut-scene will begin, during which you will see a man named Shorty along with his comrades. He wants to take away his father's sword from Indrich - Indrich challenges, but, unfortunately, the outcome of this battle is predetermined. Indrich will be badly wounded and the sword will be stolen. The next quest "Awakening" will begin.




First there will be nap- you can try to attack multiple enemies. You will wake up in a hut. Talk to Teresa several times - you will unlock the main quest - "Revenge". You will not be able to start this quest right away. You will also receive an additional quest "The Good Thief". Before leaving the house, take your belongings from the chest.

Go to a meeting with Radzig. You are greeted by the guards at the gate - even if you fail the dialogue check, you will be allowed to enter the castle. Get to Radzig and watch the cut-scene.

Hard to learn - easy to fight

Go to the centurion Bernard at the Ratay battle arena and train with him.

Melee training

The quest starts in the evening, so you need to wait until 8pm. Use the bed or just skip some time. Go into the arena - you can either learn the basics first, or start right away with more advanced techniques. You will learn how to block, change the direction of attacks, use blocks, counterattacks, tricks and learn to anticipate the enemy's movements.

Later during the game, you can return and practice with Bernard, which will increase your passive skills and attributes. Highly recommended.

Archery training

After finishing the melee training, Bernard will offer to practice archery. You will receive bracers useful for aiming with a bow and an Ash Peasant Bow. Shoot at targets several times. Using the bow in this game is quite difficult, so don't be discouraged if you don't get everything right away. Try to aim to the right and below the target you want to hit.

You will soon be challenged by Jan Ptacek. You will have seven shots - Jan usually scores 5-8 points. Try to hit the targets at least twice to earn more points. Losing the shooting competition does not complete this quest, but you can easily repeat the shooting part - the game is saved just before that moment.

If you manage to defeat Ian in archery, he will also challenge you to a sword fight. This fight will take place in the arena and you will be using real swords. Defeating Ian can be quite difficult. Don't forget to block, watch your stamina and try to knock your opponent off balance with an additional sword attack. If you manage to win, then you will receive Pan Yan's Hunting Bow (you can use it later - you need 5 points of Strength and Dexterity).

Talk to Bernard one more time - he will send you to the reichtarge. You can find this person walking through the city or inside one of the buildings (if the marker says it is not available, try skipping a few hours). During the conversation, tell him that you want to become a guard. You will receive 15 pennies and unlock the storyline quest.

Guardian of order

Get equipment from the arsenal

Complete the optional objective and retrieve the Defense Kit from the arsenal. Get to the marked tower and talk to the guard. You will receive a set of equipment and a club. If the guard is not present, visit this place in a couple of hours; alternatively, you can simply take things from the chest.

Patrolling the city

Another part of this quest is to patrol the city with another guard called the Nightingale. Find him near the church - he will only be there from 11:00 to 19:00 (sleep or skip time if necessary). Go on patrol. Soon you will meet a beggar (Beggar Yana), who is arguing with an armored man. You will have four options for action:

  • Take the side of the beggar and let her stay;
  • Take the side of the armored man and drive the beggar away;
  • Leave the conflict unresolved;
  • Find out details from both parties to the dispute. This opens up new possibilities: you can give money to a beggar or try to convince an armored man.

After that, resume patrol with Nightingale. You need to find a drunken guard in the tavern. Sit at the table. You can play dice with the Nightingale (this will be training) or refuse.

When night falls, you will receive new orders. You have to get to the main square and use the bell. Do not delay this task and do not try to leave the city, otherwise you will be kicked out of the city guard, which is tantamount to the end of the game.

Ring the bell and go to the tavern. A cutscene will begin and you will be involved in a fist fight. It is not necessary to win - another cutscene will begin soon and the quest will be completed.


In this task you need to hunt with Jan Ptacek.

  • Meet Jan at sunrise (around 6am) in the castle courtyard. After a short conversation, follow him.
  • Before heading out, leave any items you don't need in Jindrich's chest. The animals you hunt during this mission will weigh a lot.
  • You will reach a small camp. Bring Jan some wine and bacon from his bag. The hunt will take place the next day - use the mattress in the camp to sleep. The next day, take the items from the chest in the camp: an ash peasant bow, a set of arrows and dried food. Equip your bow right away (from the chest or use your own if it's better), and don't forget to place the desired type of arrows in the active slot.
  • Ian will offer another competition - hunting for hares. The hunt will last until noon. If you're not going to miss all the time, you can shoot a dozen rabbits effortlessly.
  • You can hunt hares all over the forest - you don't have to stick to one specific area. Sneak up and shoot hares that you can spot - you get animal meat and you can get your arrows back. Return to camp when the time starts to approach noon and wait for Jan. The result of the competition will not affect the quest itself, but if you win, you will receive some gold.
  • Follow Jan again. He wants to hunt some more. After the cutscene, you need to find Jan.
  • You will find that Jan was kidnapped by the Polovtsians. Attack two enemies in the camp or sneak up on Jan and free him. If you choose to fight, first attack the archer and then the warrior with the shield.
  • Free Ian and return to town. Jindrich will receive his horse as a reward for rescuing a nobleman (the horse will be useful in the next story mission).

The hunt begins

In the quest "The Hunt Begins" you must investigate a raid on a stud farm in Neuhof. Investigate footprints in situ, interview people who may have witnessed the attack, and track down bandits who have fled into the nearby forest.

You start the quest in the castle courtyard in Ratai. Talk to the centurion Bernard and tell them that you are ready to go. Take your horse (you may need to talk to Bernard twice). Leave with the Neuhof soldiers. If you delay too long, you will not complete the first part of the mission, because the other characters will go to Neuhof without a hero. In such a situation, you need to get there alone to continue the quest.

You must start an investigation. Most of the village is to be explored, but start from where the other guards are. Examine the body of Smil and the killed horses. Talk to Zora and Yakub (the opportunity to use unique dialogue options). Ask both of these characters all possible questions.

Keep exploring the area. On the way, you will encounter other corpses and pools of blood, which will lead Indřich to the partially burned down main stable building. Talk to Mark to find out about the bandits. Also interrogate Red in this area.

Travel northwest of the main stable building. Examine the broken gate shown above. Indrich convinces that the bandits should be found in the forest north of the village.

Continue northwest (you will find new traces of blood). After the game narrows down your search, enter the forest and start sneaking. You must find two bandits.

You can wait for one of the thugs to kill his comrade. It will be easier for you to cope with one opponent. Search the corpses and take the Bloody Hook.

Return to Neuhof with the bloody hook. You must determine who is the owner. Ask Mark, for example. You will learn that this thing belonged to Red and that he escaped from the village. Go to Yakub and ask him where to find Red. The search continues in the next task "Redhead between two fires". Before moving on, it is worth reporting the investigation to the centurion Bernard.

Redhead between two fires

If you want to go through the game as a pacifist, then you can immediately go to the Redhead's lair and skip, in particular, the fight with two bandits. Skip to the end of the quest description if you are only interested in this step.

The first coal camp is located on a small hill near a stream south of Neuhof. When you get there, talk to the senior charcoal burner about Red. You can optionally use a unique dialogue option and give a bribe, but without this you will receive the coordinates of the second camp.

The second camp is located north of Neuhof. Head on the only main road north. The camp is at the end of it. Also here, talk to the elder. Just like last time, you can use a unique dialogue option and a bribe, but this is not required to continue the investigation. You will receive a tip for another camp.

The last third coal camp is located west of the second. Reach it by traveling along one of the paths that run along the river.

Traditionally, find a senior charcoal burner at the camp. He will not want to share information about Red's hideout until you help him solve the problem with the bandits. You can promise to help or use persuasion and lie saying the bandits are dead. If the persuasion attempt is successful, you will skip the step of killing them.

Find a bandit camp east of the camp. Its location is marked in red above - it is in the middle of the forest, and there is a small path leading to it from the north.

There are two bandits in the camp. You can immediately reveal your intentions and start a fight or lie and say that you do not know Red and thus guarantee yourself time to prepare for the attack.

If the battle began immediately, then try to attack the bandits in turn and do not forget to watch out for possible attacks from the side. Avoid situations in which one of the opponents disappears from sight.

It will be much easier for you to deal with the bandits if you outsmart them. Wait at their camp until nightfall, and then stun sleeping opponents or use a dagger if you have the appropriate perk.

Now the elder will share information about Red's hideout - this is a hut on a hill northeast of the third camp.

Talk to Redhead to find out his version of events. At the end of the meeting, you can advise him if he should stay in hiding or if he should take the risk and return to Neuhof to talk to the other residents. Either way, head back to Neuhof and report to Bernard and Radzig. You will receive 75 pennies from the latter.

Be sure to talk to the head stable boy and tell her that you killed the two bandits chasing Red, and mention that Ratae can send an extra patrol to protect the place, she will relent and allow Red to return. The next stop is Uzhits.

Inscrutable ways

Find out where the lame robber lives

Travel to Uzhitz, a town northeast of Talmberg (in the far northeast corner of the map). Find a group of people around the house here, talk to them and watch the cut-scene.

Ask the bailiff (the guy at the crime scene) all possible questions, and also talk to people. The witnesses will tell you that the priest may have the information you need.

Talk to the priest

The priest is in the church in the north of Uzhitsa. Talk to him, he will be marked on the map. It's almost impossible to win special dialogue options here, so don't worry if he doesn't give you an answer, it's normal result... The priest will not give information, but will invite you to the inn.

Meet with the priest in the tavern in the evening

The tavern is located next to the church. Skip the time until evening. Wait until 23:00. Then enter the tavern and tavern with the priest.

You should always choose the first option. Be honest and transparent to gain the trust of the priest. The most important thing is the last line of dialogue. He asks if you would like to have a drink with him, and you can say, "I would say this is a good plan" or "I'm not in the mood for drinking."

If you want to earn the achievement "Virgin", then you need to give up drinking. If you want to earn the achievement "Sinner", then you need to select the first option to drink with him. Drink it, get the Sinner achievement, then reload last game... Depending on your choice, the quest will go in different ways:

If you get drunk with a priest, you get a girlfriend for the night. In the morning he will ask you to commit morning prayers for his flock in the church. Depending on your choice, you can succeed or fail. If you are successful, the priest gives you the information you want, otherwise the quest continues.

  • Conversation # 1: Begin Preaching Confidently
  • Conversation # 2: We are ordered to reject dissolute priests
  • Conversation # 3: Carry On Decisively
  • Conversation # 4: The man is sinful
  • Conversation # 5: Carry On Decisively
  • Conversation # 6: Use a quote to complete

If you do everything correctly, then the task will end in this place and the next storyline task "On the Trail" will begin.

If you don't drink with the priest, you won't get his trust, and he won't tell you anything. Learning more about Lyubosh without the help of a priest is a little more difficult. The richtarzh will help you.

Go to the Uzhitskiy Richtarzh. The problem is that he never stands in one place and walks somewhere. He usually stays with a clerk. You previously spoke with the richtarzh at the scene of the murder, he is in a golden shirt. The easiest way to get his attention is to commit a crime. Penetration into someone else's territory will do, since this is the "cheapest" crime for which it is easy to pay off. Then you have to surrender to the richtar and pay off. Talk to him to get information about Lyubosh.

After receiving the information, the quest continues.

Talk to the Ratayevsky clerk

Travel to Ratai. Talk to the clerk who lives in the building above the armored man.

Get the medicine

The scribe will ask for the medicine. It can be bought from the pharmacist downstairs, in the same building as the clerk's house, only on the first floor. The potion costs about 42 pennies, but you can bargain up to 38 or so. It is recommended to buy it and not steal it. Stealing will create a whole bunch of annoyances that are not worth it.

Alternatively (if you are very good at picking locks) you can skip this step and pick the clerk's door (very high difficulty). But it will be difficult to do, so 42 pennies is the easiest way. Also, if you break open a door, then you must have reading skill in order to read the book.

Find records about Lyubosha in books

Bring the medicine to the clerk. Now he will open the locked door where the books containing the records of Lyubosh are kept. If you haven't learned to read, don't worry. Just tell him that you cannot read and he will do it for you. Give him a minute to finish reading and talk to him again to get all the information about Lyubosh.

Good thief

This quest is unlocked automatically after completing the Homecoming story quest (conversation with Teresa).

After the miller's daughter, Teresa, saves your life, you learn that her father, Peshek, has covered the cost of your recovery. This quest will allow you to pay off the debt.

  • The first task is to dig up the corpse of the owner of the ring. After reaching the gallows, look for a fresh grave. After digging up the corpse, you find out that the ring is gone.
  • Get to the nearby house where the executioner Herman lives. The ring can be obtained in two ways. You can just buy it by talking to Herman (you can try to convince him) - it will cost at least 15 pennies.
  • The second solution is to lie to Herman (through conviction) that Peshek called him. If you manage to do this, then the executioner will leave the house. You just have to enter the house and open the chest with the ring.

Return to Peshek with the ring. Try to avoid the executioner, when you return, he may attack you.

Peshek will ask you to take the ring to the miller Wojciech and teach you how to steal if you wish. After that, you can trade with the Pawn, buy lockpicks and learn from him if you wish.


  • In your conversation with the Pawn, you can mention the topic of theft and ask the miller to teach you the basics. Unlike most lessons, this one will be free.
  • Go to the back of the house and follow the miller's instructions. Sneak up to the Pawn from behind and hold the interact button for at least 10 seconds to have enough time to steal from it. Find the dagger in your inventory and steal it. Close the theft window before the time runs out.


Richtarzh Ratae wants to offer work to refugees from Skalitsa. They will have to carry water to the city and clean up latrines. He wants me to know who is the most in need and best suited for the job.

Ask the Richtarge about work (you can find him walking the streets). He will give you this quest. Talk to him about all topics.

Find a beggar named Ales, one of the refugees. Talk to him about finding people who are interested in the job. You will find out that he needs a little time to gather everyone in one place. Wait a few hours and reach the courtyard next to the town halls. There you will meet everyone (this place is shown in the screenshot). Talk to each person and select all possible dialogues in the conversation.

  • Stone - One of the job seekers - Stone has a hand injured and does not heal in any way. Of course, he will not be able to do hard work in such a state. You need to find a cure for him. This gives you an additional goal - you need to bring him a potion that can heal his hand. The stone can be easily convinced to work with cesspools. Just use either persuasion or impress it.
  • Wojtek - He promises Jindřich that if he gets a job, he will reward you with a piece of a valuable artifact. You can find him on the bridge (he is one of the beggars) and take one of the sword fragments of the Queen of Sheba. This is one of five pieces required by a Sazava armorer to reforge this sword (quest "The Sword of the Queen of Sheba").
  • Vit - He won't give you anything if you choose him as your new worker.
  • Cornelius - If he gets a job, he promises a great offer from an armorer in Sazava. You can find him on the bridge (he is one of the beggars). Cornelius will tell the secret password for the armorer.
  • Tonda - He promises Jindrich a lesson in fighting. Also find him on the bridge and talk about the lesson (only available if this ability is low).

You will also be contacted by Antonia (she wants to work as a water carrier) and Teresa, who asks you to find a job for both Antonia and Vita (you do not need to make a decision right away).


You need to find a new chef. Talk to Konrad Hagen (he runs a shop in the city). He will say that Agnieszka is an ideal candidate for this job. Find her at your local church. She is not interested in the job because of her promise to father Fratnishek. You must find the priest in the church in Sazava. Talk to him and you will learn that he has no plans to return to Ratai.

Return to Agnieszka and tell her about Fratniszek's father's decision. You can also convince her to work if you impress Agnieszka.

Completing the quest

Return to the Richtarge after meeting all the candidates and after you spoke to Agnieszka and Fratniszek in Sazava.

  • You can decide to comply with Teresa's request when you select a new water carrier (choose Antonia and Vitus). Select Wojtek to get a piece of the sword. One of the candidates will remain unemployed.
  • Choosing a chef is much easier. Choose Agnieszka if you've convinced her to take the job. Otherwise, you can choose Antonia.

You get 35 pennies for completing the quest. Don't forget to visit those who promised you a reward (beggars can be found in the city's market or on the main street that runs through the city).


On the trail

Travel to the town of Ledechko, north of Ratae. It is marked on your map. Once you get there, talk to any of the villagers, and they will advise you to talk to Stinky's father, a tanner or a girl from the bathhouse.

Talk to Stinky's Father / Bath Girl

It is recommended that you talk to both. The characters are marked on the map, visit them during the day. Any of them let you know that Stinky is hiding in the forest, but the girl has more information. If you have developed eloquence, then she will share information with you and tell you about the caves where Stinky can hide, and about the secret hiding place that he hid in his garden.

Find Stink's cache (optional)

The cache is located in the western corner of Smelly's father's estate, in the garden. Look at your compass at the top of the screen and head to the west corner of the garden.

Talk to the lumberjacks / Talk to the innkeeper

After you have exhausted all the dialogues with the girl, she will advise you to ask the people in the sawmill camp about Stinky, and also talk to the innkeeper. If you can convince him, he will tell you that Stinky is hiding in a cave and will mark 3 places on the map. Don't worry if you fail with the innkeeper, you should just head to the lumberjack camp and they'll tell you where to look.

Find Stinky's hideout by following the directions of the raspberry lumberjack / Explore 3 caves

Regardless of whether you received information from the innkeeper or the lumberjacks, Stinky's hiding place will be the same.

As soon as you enter the cave, you will encounter Stinker. Talk to him to complete this quest and activate the next My Buddy Peto.

My buddy Peto

The quest starts with the fact that you are ambushed by 3 bandits. The stinker will distract their attention so you can sneak around them from the right side and deliver hidden blows from behind.

A stealth attack on the archer on the right should serve as an example for the others, after which they usually run away in terror.

Now head to the mill marked on the map between Ledechko and the village of Mrojedy. Talk to a woman named Mirka there. She has low speech scores, so select the “Someone wants to kill him” dialogue to get information from her.

Talk to Mirka behind the mill

Follow Mirka behind the mill and talk to her again. Now she will tell you more about Peto.

Shorty's bandits will come and ask you about Peto. They are also looking for him, but they want to kill him.

If you have a high enough eloquence, you can easily avoid confrontation by choosing the "He's in Ratai" dialogue. They will leave one bandit to keep an eye on you, with whom you should have no difficulty.

You shouldn't tell them where Peto is and avoid attacking them.

Convince Peto to tell you where the other bandits are hiding

Just go to the next track marker near Mrhoeda. Talk to Peto for information on the location of the bandit camp. Again, selecting the "special" dialogs marked with icons would be the best option.

If you want to get the achievement "Mercy" (complete the game without killing), then do not forget to select the dialogue "I will not tell" at the end of the conversation with Peto. This way you don't have to kill him for crimes.

Report the location of the bandit camp to Pan Radzig

Just head to the next and last marker at Pan Radzig's camp near Mrhojed. Tell him what you learned about the bandit camp.


Snake's nest

After receiving information from Peto, a way marker appears on your map. Just follow it and then follow the directions given in your quest log.

Inspect the camp and collect useful information for an attack

Reach the gate of the fortified bandit camp to start this objective. There are several destroyed wooden houses. Look at one of them and you will complete the goal. You can return to Pan Radzig. But before you do this, quickly dash around the camp. This will give you more information to tell Radzig and thus have more opportunities to prepare for a fight. It is enough to ride a horse inside and outside the camp to gather information. You don't have to fight your enemies, let them chase you. Only if you stay too long will they attack. Also check the bridges leading to the camp, these are helpful information for Radzig.

Regarding the additional sabotage tasks: the quest log shows two optional tasks - poison food or destroy the stock of arrows, but you can skip them. It is too difficult to infiltrate the camp, and in the next assignment, when you attack the fort, your teammates will have infinite lives and cannot die, so you can just watch them kill all the enemies.

Return to Pan Radzig

After finishing with the exploration of the bandit camp, return to Radzig.

Choose the following dialogue options to better prepare for battle:

  • I'm back from a sortie
  • He's in overgrown ruins
  • I tried to count them -> There are a lot of them
  • There are bandits there
  • There are Polovtsians
  • Their weapons and armor -> They are well positioned
  • They build stairs in the camp

Pan Radzig will send you to Pan Divish from Talmberg to ask for reinforcements.

Talk to Pan Divish

Travel to Talmberg and talk to Pan Divish. It is located inside the castle on the first or second floor. If you are ready to fight, tell him about it. Otherwise, tell them that you need time to get ready.

Baptism by fire

Camp fight

Just follow your allies. They will kill all enemies for you, you don't even need to get your hands dirty. You can collect loot from corpses and put everything in bags on a horse.

If you go through the game without killing, then just let your allies kill all enemies in this quest. Borek Talmberg and Pan Radzig cannot die, so sooner or later they will kill all the enemies in the camp. Just hide the hero and go have a cup of tea or coffee. This part of the task will be completed within 15-30 minutes.

Deal with the archers / kill the commander of the Polovtsi

If you did not sabotage the camp (the previous task "Snake's Nest"), then there will be several archers. Even if you ignore them completely, your allies can handle it easily. Let them kill the commander. Feel free to help and loot the corpses.

After the commander of the Polovtsians is defeated, your allies will hide from archers for 1-2 minutes. Just hide behind the tent and wait. After a while, the optional "Kill Archers" target will disappear, and your allies will move to the next target and automatically deal with the archers along the way

Get to church

Follow your allies up the hill. Again, you can simply hide behind a tent at the back of the area for a few minutes until your allies have killed all the enemies. If you did not kill the archers, then most likely everyone, except Borek and Radzig, will die. However, these two are invincible and will kill the enemies after a while. If they are surrounded, you can help and distract some of the opponents.

Hold position

Try not to lose too much health. The upcoming battle with the leader of the bandits will be difficult.

Kill Bandit Leader Shorty

Now you need to fight Shorty.

It is very difficult to fight with a sword, but fortunately there is a much easier way:

Use your bow instead of a melee weapon. Equip the arrows with the highest damage and aim for the head. He runs right in front of you, so accurate headshots are quite feasible. Requires approximately 10-12 hits with improved penetrating arrows (6-7 headshots).

Walk in a circle around the wooden beam, so it will be more difficult for the Shorty to attack you. Sometimes he does a quick hit, but it doesn't do much damage. Do not run away from him, he will still catch up and make up for lost time by making a combo on you. Just move slowly in a circle around the block of wood.

It might take a few tries, but this option is easier than melee (it has crazy 5 hit combos that instantly drain your stamina).

Killing Shorty is part of the storyline, so you can't avoid it, but it won't affect the achievement Merciful (no-kill walkthrough).


Before you start completing this quest, you must collect some ingredients that will come in handy later to heal the village from the disease:

  • 1 x Valerian (plant) - buy from a pharmacist in Ratai (needed for treatment)
  • 2 x Thistle (plant) - buy from the pharmacist in Ratai (needed for treatment)
  • 1 x Coal - buy from any blacksmith (needed for healing)

Learn the basics of reading by completing the quest "There are no easy ways to study." You must be able to read to deal with the disease faster before anyone dies! If you do not have reading skills, some people may die and you will not receive the Plague Doctor achievement.
(Optional) Rescue Schnapps (because there will be a tricky potion brewing step).

Go to the Castle Hall

From where you wake up, just follow the waypoint to Ratay Castle. There you will watch the cut-scene.

Talk to Matei

Travel to Mrhoeda and talk to any of the villagers on the streets. They will tell you where to find Matei. He works in the stables (the northernmost building in the village). Talk to him.

Ask the local richtarge about the situation

Your next stop is Rikhtarj (Melikhar), who lives in a building south of the stables (across the street from the stables). It will be marked on the map. Talking to him will unlock the Pestilence side quest, which is associated with this storyline quest. Make it now.

Side quest "Pestilence"

The people in Merhoedi, including the prisoner you want to interrogate, are sick and you must help them as soon as possible.

Passage "Pestilence"

Interrogate a prisoner in Merhoed

After the delivery of the medicine (the cause of the disease is poisoned water), talk to Melikhar again. You can do this towards the end of the Pestilence quest - the track markers during this side quest will direct you back to Melihar, so everything is interconnected.

Melihar will be grateful for the timely delivery of the medicine, after which he will provide access to the prisoner and take you to him.

Give the medicine to the prisoner. Then move the time forward 6 hours. He will be healed and you can interrogate him.

Ask about counterfeit coins (optional)

Interrogate the cured prisoner and exhaust all dialogue options. Ask him about counterfeit coins.

After interrogation, an angry villager Straw will come to the assault and want to kill the prisoner. Select the dialogue "Let's talk about it" -> "You are a decent person, not a murderer." Straw has 0 Speech Skill, so your dialogue choices will always be successful.

Take the prisoner to Ratae prison

Talk to the prisoner again and tell him that you will take him to the prison in Ratai. As a result, you will get a new autosave and a new target.

Talk to Pan Radzig

Go to Radzig at his camp. You just have to enjoy one more beautiful cut-scene. This completes the "Questions and Answers" task and activates the next - "All that glitters".


All that glitters

This guide assumes that you healed all the inhabitants of Merhoed and interrogated the prisoner during the Q&A story quest. If the prisoner died, then you had to pick up his letter and deliver it to Radzig. In this case, the first main goal will be slightly different, you will need to go to the Sazava inn and talk to the inn. If you have interrogated the prisoner, then you can go to goal # 2.

Talk to the innkeeper in Sazava [if the prisoner died in the Q&A quest]

Only complete this objective if the prisoner in Q&A has died. Go to the inn and talk to the owner of the establishment to get the next objective.

Go to the crossroads north of Rovna

Follow the quest marker to the crossroads in the forest north of Rovna. If you interrogated a prisoner in the previous quest, this will be your first objective in All That Glitters.

Follow the bloody trail that stretches from the wagon

In the middle of the crossroads, a cart, a corpse and blood. Examine the blood and follow the path along the road. This will lead you to the charcoal burner camp.

Find out what happened to the wagon

Talk to one of the charcoal burners. The coal burner in the center of the camp has a speech skill of 0, so feel free to use eloquence ("It's not hard to guess what happened") when talking to him. He will advise you to talk to Boreas, who is also in the camp.

Talk to Boreas

Borya is now marked on the map. Talk to him. He has a speech skill of 8 (white icon) / strength 11 (sword icon). When trying to convince him, choose the characteristic that is more developed for you than for him. He will talk about the wounded man, whom he rescued from the van, and who is now hiding in the barn.

If you convince him, he will give you the key to the barn.

Talk to the wounded

Use Bori's key to open the shed behind him. Talk to the wounded inside, having exhausted all dialogue options.

Catch up with the mysterious knight

A cut-scene is activated in which you see a knight. An autosave point is created at this location. Get on the horse and ride after him. Then just "ram" his horse with yours. The knight will get off the horse, after which there will be a fight.

The easiest strategy to defeat the knight in this mission is to shoot him with a bow. Walk around the tree so that it blocks his attacks (2-4 headshots should be enough).

After the knight surrenders, be sure to talk to him! Don't kill him! Use all dialogue options to get new goals. You will find out that he is on your side, also hunts for counterfeiters and will share information if you deliver documents.

Note: Don't let him escape. If this happens, then you will have to look for him at the tavern in Sazava. It will be marked on your map. Go there and wait next day so that the knight appears to be sitting somewhere in front of the inn or climbing the stairs. Talk to him again, you will get the next goal - to meet him at the pond, where you will have to fight again. Thus, you will have to fight anyway. So it is better to stop him during the horse chase to save time. Either way, you must let him surrender in order to get the knight as an ally.

Give Ulrich's papers to Tobiash Feyfar

Travel to Ratai and talk to Tobiash Feyfar in the lower castle. It is marked on the map. Use all the dialogues.

From Ulrich's documents, Master Feyfar learns that counterfeiters are covering counterfeit coins with silver amalgam, and for this they need mercury, which is not so easy to get. They also need a large number of sheet copper, from which they make the core of the coins. It is already clear that the investigation must continue in Sazava in order to track down those who supply the counterfeiters with materials.

Talk to Ulrich (Optional)

Go to the tavern in Sazava and talk to Ulrich. During the day, he usually sits in front of the inn. He will tell you about what he has learned about the counterfeit money and also advise you to speak with a mural artist.

Talk to a mural artist

The artist can be found in the same tavern. You may need to move the time forward until 19:00 for it to appear. Talk to him (he is usually inside the inn).

[Recommended] Talk to Assistant Caretaker / Find out where the counterfeiters get their mercury from

After talking with the artist, open the map and find the location of the caretaker. Travel there and talk to him upstairs in the monastery. Then talk to the assistant caretaker. To get the information you need, you must convince him of the dialogue. He has 10 speech statistics (white), 12 charisma (red), 5 strength (swords). Choose any of your values ​​that are higher than it.

The caretaker (right) and his assistant (left)

[Optional] Find out who works with copper in Sazava

If you received information from the assistant caretaker, then this goal can be skipped. it Alternative option and any of these methods will produce the same result.

However, if you still want to complete this goal, then you should talk to the blacksmith named Zak near the monastery (he can be found during the daytime). Check the shed behind the forge to find the stolen copper and talk to Zach again. He has 8 charisma (red icon) and 9 strength (sword icon). If you cannot convince him, you will have to complete the "Battle of the Blacksmiths" side quest. After completing it, return to Zak to get the necessary information.

The location of the blacksmith Zak is the Copper Barn.

Talk to Master Feyfar

Whether you have received information from the caretaker's assistant or found out who is working with copper in Sazava, you will achieve this goal.

Go south of Sazawa and talk to Master Feyfar marked on your map.

Check out the engraving workshop

Master Feyfar sends you to the workshop in the north of Sazava, marked on the map. Go there and talk to the guy upstairs (he can be found during the daytime).

[Optional] Talk to the owner of the bath

It's not obligatory. The guy in the workshop will tell you where Florian lives and about the bather. You can quickly stop at the bath to talk to the hostess. It doesn't matter if you do it or not, she just tells what happened to the bather.

Talk to Florian

Go to Florian's house and talk to him. You must try to convince him of the dialogue. He has 9 charisms (red icon), 8 speeches (white icon). If you can convince him, he will tell you about a guy named Rapota who is following him.

If you don't have enough stats to convince Florian, you must agree to save Esther (The Girl in Trouble side quest). Save the girl, then return to Florian.

Find Rapota

As Florian said, Rapota is watching him.

Move the time before 7:00 in the morning to find Rapota by the fence in front of Florian's house.

Catch up and interrogate Rapota

Talk to Rapota, the guy in yellow clothes. He will run away.

The rapota will stop in front of the horse, you can just bump into it and it will stop right here. If the guy continues to run around town, get on a horse and stop in front of him and then run towards him as he approaches. Rapota is very fast, so you can hardly catch up with him if you start chasing him. He runs along a predetermined route, across the bridge and north of Sazava. Bridge - a good place to watch him.

[Important: Skip this target] Get Ulrich's Help

This part of the assignment is best ignored.

Ulrich will kill your target - Pan Jezhek, who you need alive for interrogation. You will have to fight Ulrich again, which will end up killing him. There is no point in bringing him in anyway, since the bandits will not be hostile towards you and you can just walk past them. Also, if you kill Ulrich, you will not receive the Merciful achievement / trophy.

Find the entrance to the adit among the Skalice Hills

Find the entrance to the adit south of Skalitsa.

Find a counterfeiting workshop

Enter the mine tunnel shown in the screenshot above. Then head straight for the end without making any turns. The cut-scene will start automatically.

Important: Use the rescue schnapps in front of the tunnel, because a boss fight awaits you (the game does not create an autosave in this place).

Arrest Jezhek from Ronov

At the end of the mine, you will meet Jezek from Ronov. Trying to convince him will always fail, no matter how high your stats are. You must fight him. When his health is low, he will give up.

The easiest strategy to defeat Jezek is to use a bow and arrow. Four to six arrows to the head will suffice. The area is very small, and it will most likely hit you a couple of times. Put on thick armor for this battle. Otherwise, he can kill with three quick hits. If your armor has at least 20 defense, then the fight will not be too difficult. Don't kill him after he surrenders.

Return to Ratai and talk to Radzig

After the capture of Jezek, there will be a cut-scene. Return to Ratai and talk to Radzig. The hedgehog will automatically be jailed.

Collect the keys to Jerzek's prison cell from Bernard

Radzig will tell you to take the keys to the prison from Bernard. You can find Bernard in the arena near the upper castle during the day (usually from 11:00 to 16:00).

Interrogate Jezhek iz Ronov / Find out where the counterfeit coins come from

After receiving the key, go to the jail. Ezhek is in the last cell. Open the door with the key and talk to the Hedgehog. Use all dialogue options.

Report to Pan Radzig

Return to Pan Radzig in the lower castle of Ratay to report what you learned from Jezhek.

If they are too tough for you

There are several ways to complete this quest. When it starts, you will be tasked with traveling to Sazava and finding out where the recruiters meet. You can then fight the 5 fighters for the tanner's house, talk to miller Simon and complete his side quest "A thief sees a thief from afar - Simon", or talk to a wounded man in the monastery (but you must first complete Yohanka's quest to heal him). This description is based on the first method as it is the fastest, most direct and does not require any side quests to be completed.

Ask Richtarge Sazava about recruiters

All the targets and people you need to talk to during this quest are marked on the map. When the quest starts, you can talk to three people in Sazava: a richtarzh and two innkeepers. Although, you only need a richtarge, the rest can be skipped.

During the day, the richtarzh sits in the clerk's house near the market square of Sazava (Mission marker "A").

Select the dialogue “I heard thugs are hired here” and he will tell you to talk to the tanners.

Speak to the Tanner in Sazava

Go to the tanner's house outside the city (southwest) and ask him. He will talk about the fighters fighting for his house at night.

Optional: you can convince him with the Power Dialogue (sword icon) for an additional objective to take care of the fighters. Whether you do it or not, it doesn't matter for the progress of the quest. You can challenge the wrestlers anyway. However, if you can do this, you will receive 95 pennies in the next step.

Deal with the bullies behind the tanner's house

This goal will not be indicated if you have not been able to convince the tanner, however, you can still talk to the wrestlers. Challenge them to battle. Talk to their leader, Fist. He will tell you to defeat the other 4 fighters before you can fight him. Thus, you have to defeat 5 people in a fist fight. After defeating the "Fist", he will be unconscious for 1-2 minutes. Wait for him to get up again and talk to him. Select the "Fist Defeat" dialogue and it will tell you that the recruiters meet in the church at night and mark the location on the map. This is all the information needed to complete the quest. The first 4 enemies aren't that bad, but the Fist has a lot of health and stamina. The fight can last 10 minutes or longer. Just keep attacking him so he doesn't have a chance to strike. Take your time - every hit you land depletes his health a bit. Always keep some stamina so you don't lose health on impact.

If you have previously convinced the tanner, then this target will appear in the quest journal. Next, during the conversation with the "Fist", select the dialogue (white icon) to convince him to deceive the tanner. He has a speech stat of 0, so he'll agree. Then you can go back to the tanner to get 95 pennies from him! Return to the wrestlers, but do not give them a share of the money, but fight until you defeat the "Fist". Then ask about the meeting point for the recruiters.

Go to the recruiters' meeting point and try to find out where the bandit camp is

Change the time to night (22:00 - 4:00). Go to the church in the southwest of Sazava. When the light is on in the church window, go pray inside, after which a cut-scene is activated. Recruiters will appear and challenge you to prove that you are worthy to join them. Use all dialogue options and accept the challenge.

A needle in a haystack

Avoid getting kicked out of the monastery during this quest! If you are caught for any violation, then agree to solitary confinement, otherwise you will be kicked out!

Find out which of the novices is the Saint / Kill the Saint / Bring the Saint to justice

After a long cutscene, Acolyte Anthony will come to talk to you.

Choose the following dialogues with him (this will save you some steps in this quest):

  • Can we not visit the monastery?
  • Thanks for all. I'll look around myself.
  • I'll figure it out myself.

Afterwards, talk to Antony one more time before he leaves.

Select the following dialogs:

  • Tell him about the search for the Holy One.
  • I want to find him and kill him.
  • (Persuasion) Please don't tell him anything. -> It doesn't matter if you fail or succeed in this belief.

Staying where you are and adjust the time until 11:00. You will now receive the Eat with Everyone Objective. After the time has changed, one of the novices may speak to you, asking if you are doing your work in the library. It doesn't matter what you tell him, he'll just give you a warning.

Eat with everyone

At 11:00 (noon), follow the monks to the dining area on the ground floor. When you exit the main chapel, keep walking until you reach the end of the hall. There are two doors at the end of the hall. Go through the right to enter the dining room.

Sit down where there is food on the table. You will automatically start eating. Sit for 20-30 seconds and watch the animation as you eat. Exit the table. A warning will appear that you have been poisoned!

Take a little walk, you will soon pass out from the poison. Antony will come to talk. Select the following dialogues with him:

  • What kind of deal?
  • I agree.
  • Okay, let's do it your way.
  • So what are you going to do?
  • Where to get blood in the monastery?
  • Why do I need keys?
  • Okay, that's all I need to know. I can start.

So who is the Holy One? Anthony - Holy One! Since you told him earlier that you were planning to kill the Holy One, he got scared and tried to poison you. He hoped the poison would kill you, but luckily it didn't. So instead, he tried to make a deal with you so that both of you could get out of the abode. We will follow his plan for now, but in the end we will arrest him.

Get some blood

After finishing your conversation with Anthony (Holy Man), you are still under the influence of poison and your health is rapidly decreasing. Luckily, you will be standing next to the bed when the conversation is over. Go to bed before 11:00 pm to regain health and skip time. You will still have to get the blood and key at night.

At 11:00 pm, return to the dining room where you ate the poisoned food. Enter the back of the room. A warning will appear stating that you are in a restricted area.

On the table between the two doors, you will see either a sheet of paper or "Goat's Fur with Blood".

If it's paper, then "use" it to order blood. Then return the next day to collect the "Goat Fur with Blood".

If you're lucky, "Goat Fur with Blood" will be on the table right away. Take this goat skin to complete the objective.

Continue with the next key target, they are nearby!

Get your keys or lockpicks

From the back of the dining room, go through the door that leads to the storage room. Go straight ahead and go through the second door. This results in less storage. At the very end of this second storage area is a shelf against the wall. It's very dark in there and you probably can't see anything but darkness, but on this shelf is the monastery key! It is on right side shelves. When you get close enough, the "Monastery Key" hint will appear. Take it to fulfill this goal.

(Note: you can only enter here at night, make sure you arrive at 23:00).

Kill Antony / Return to Antony

After obtaining the blood and key, go back to bed and sleep until the next morning.

If you needed to "order blood" then come back later to collect it.

When you have both items, talk to Anthony / Saint (he is marked on the map as the main target). Tell him, “I have what it takes to escape,” and he will tell him to meet him right after the evening prayer.

Immediately after Vespers, meet Antony in the bedchamber

Change the time until 6:00 pm (which is right after the evening prayer). Then talk to the Saint (Anthony). He's upstairs. The saint fakes his death with the help of blood. Now follow him.

Follow the Holy One

Follow the Holy One. He will open the doors leading to the street. If you run into guards, ignore them. After leaving the area, a conversation will begin.

Select a dialogue:

  • I cannot let you go. I will hand you over to the richtar.

The battle with the Pious will begin. This is an easy fight, just keep giving him quick blows to the head until the Holy One flips back. As a result, a loading screen will appear, and you will transfer it to the Reader automatically.


Die is cast

During the passage of this task, you will lose all your inventory - all armor, weapons and pennies. Although you can return everything later, you can also put everything in one of your chests in advance (or rent a room and use a chest in it as well). Remember to hide the things your horse is carrying as well.

Go to the appointed place in the swamps near Sazava

Go to the marked spot in the swamps northeast of Sazava. You can cross the river in the northeast of Sazava.

Light a fire to signal the robbers

When you reach the marked location, light a fire to activate a cutscene.

After the cutscene, the robbers will talk to you. Depending on how you acted in the previous task (kill the Pious / arrest / release him), there will be different dialogues.

They will attack you because you have no proof of the Holy One's death.

If the bandits give you the opportunity to respond, simply select "He didn't have anything with him!" Then they will attack you.

Call your horse and run away. Do not kill them if you need the Merciful trophy / achievement. This completes the goal.

Alternative ways: if you killed and robbed the Svyatosh, you can give the bandits proof, or if you have a lot of pennies with you, you can buy off (they will take half of your coins, so if you have 10,000 pennies, they will take 5,000). None of these options are needed or recommended.

Now you need to find the hideout of the robbers yourself. Continue with the next goal.

Find a clue that will point the way to the bandit camp / Go to Vranik and find out how many enemies there are and what their plans are

Please note that after entering the bandit camp you will not be able to return. You will be grabbed and squeezed out of all your equipment and money. But if you read the warning at the beginning of the description, then you have nothing with you.

The bandit camp is located in the southwest of the map. When you go up the steep hill south of Sazava, you will reach it. The location is called Vranik and is marked on the map as available for fast travel.

Go to the main gate of Vranik and interact with the door. The guard will ask what you want. Select dialogs:

  • I need to get inside
  • [Persuasion] I have an urgent message! (he has only 2 speech statistics).

Now it will let you log in even if you don't know the password.

Inspect the camp and assess the strength of the enemy (Optional)

Before talking to Eric, walk through the camp and inspect the soldiers and tents. You will hear Jindrich making some comments. Walk around the camp until this goal is completed. Most of the information is gathered at the back of the camp (low walls, good tents, many soldiers). When the goal is completed, go to Eric.

Talk to Eric at the camp

Eric is marked on the map, in a large building on a dais. Talk to him. Select "I can fight with swords" and he will tell you to train with a combat master.

Speak to Fencemaster Vanek

Vanek is also marked on the map. If you remember, he gave you sword fighting lessons at Skalitz. During the conversation, choose “I don’t know you” and he will not recognize you. Fight him in a small duel. Just let him beat you, it doesn't matter. He will not kill you, and your health will be restored again. Now you need to talk to Eric again.

Return to Eric

Return to Eric. The cut-scene is activated.
At this point, you lose your inventory.

Escape the Bandit Camp / Meet Zbyshek

After the cut-scene, your old acquaintance Zbyshek (a guy who did not want to give you a shovel in Skalitsa) will come to your aid. Use all the dialogues and then accept his help.

Now we must leave the camp. Just run to the marker on the map. IN the right place there will be a low wall that you can jump over. Enemies will start hunting you.

It is difficult to see in the dark, so proceed with caution. As soon as you reach the marker, a conversation with Zbyshek is activated.


  • A deal is a deal.

After the cutscene, you will return to Pan Radzig automatically.

Go to Ratai and report everything

When talking to Radzig, select “He deserves an award. He saved my life. "


If you previously saved all your equipment in the chest, now you can pick it up. There is a chest in the room where this quest starts. If you did not save your equipment in the previous "The Die Cast" story mission, you can return it later when you capture the Bandit Camp.

Go to the centurion Bernard / Ask about your equipment

At the beginning of the passage of this task, you will face the centurion Bernard. He will give you the Pirkstein Arsenal Key so you can get new gear.

Go to the arsenal for equipment (optional)

In the arsenal on the ground floor of the lower castle of Ratae, you can get free booking... Enter the first door on the right side on the first floor. There are two chests here. The chest on the right side can be opened with a key. “Steal” will appear, but don't worry, no one will mind if you take these things.

Travel to Talmberg to alert Divisha of the threat of attack

This is a task for the time being! If you wait too long, the game is over, so go there without delay.

After talking with Divish, the siege will immediately begin, and you will not be able to change armor and weapons, so select the desired equipment in advance.

Pan Divish is usually located on top floor Talmberg Castle, it is marked on the map.

Make your way to the camp!

Just follow your people and watch them smash the front gate with a ram.

Defend the gate!

If you dodge kills to earn the Merciful trophy / achievement, then allow your allies to kill ALL enemies in this mission. Some of your allies have infinite health and cannot die.

Go through the scorch and end the enemies on it / Clear the first part of the burnt camp

If you don't want to kill anyone, but you want to help your soldiers a little, then you can use your fists (a series of quick blows to the head quickly knocks them out). This way you can neutralize opponents without killing them. Also keep in mind that this is a great opportunity to get gear from corpses. Their armor can be resold for a large amount of pennies. You can also store your loot in horse bags. Walk through the battlefield. When you reach the other end, the next target is activated.

Clear out the center of the burnt camp / Attack the gate!

Just watch as your soldiers defeat enemies or help them.

End the robbers once and for all

Finish off the remnants of the robbers.

Take your belongings (optional)

If you had something in your inventory when the bandits took over you in the last mission, then now is the time to bring it back! Enter the main building at the top of the hill (where you met with camp leader Eric in the last quests). Inside, you will find a large chest to the left of the table. It contains your things.

Search the house

In the same room where you will find the chest with your belongings, there is a "Letter from Vranik" on the table. Take it.

Deliver the letter to Radzig

Go to Radzig with the letter you just found. The cut-scene will start automatically.


On a hot frying pan

Help the Panamas to recapture Talmberg / Capture the outer courtyard of the castle and prepare the ground for infiltrating the castle / Raise the Gerso so that reinforcements can enter the outer courtyard

This is the shortest quest in the game and only takes 15 seconds. After the initial cutscene ends, you will be standing at the Talmberg gate. Walk up the hill to the right. Above the gate, you will find a small watchtower, inside which is the control of the descent grate. You don't have to fight enemies along the way, just run past them.

Raise the grate, after which another cut-scene will start.

Night outing

When you're ready, talk to Borek

When the quest starts, Borek will be standing right in front of you (marked on the map). Talk to him when you're ready to go on the Night Out.

Wait until the sentries are removed / Climb the wall

Follow your group. They will put a ladder on the castle walls and climb up to kill the guards. Climb the stairs after them. You have entered Talmberg Castle.

Finish the guards at the gate / Find Pan Radzig and Mrs Stephanie / Run!

Simple way:

The simplest and quick way finish this quest - let the enemies reveal themselves and then return to the stairs. This will end the quest instantly. In any case, the plan to capture the castle will fail.

The hard way:

More difficult option- you can sneak into the courtyard and rescue the hostages in the room where your bed used to be in Talmberg. Jan Ptacek is then wounded in the cutscene and you must carry him before you have the opportunity to go looking for Radzig and Mrs. Stephanie. These actions will not matter in the next assignment. If you still want to do this, then you must go to the left after climbing the stairs. There are two guards on the wall. Neutralize the first one and take his body around the corner.

Wait for the second guard to walk from the watchtower to the wall, and then also stun him imperceptibly (you can only stun him when he is at the wall, he will always resist in the watchtower). When both guards are unconscious, head down the stairs to the main courtyard. Another guard is on patrol here. Hide behind the left side of the stairs leading to the castle. When the guard walks into the courtyard, wait for him to stop in the middle and then walk down the left side and into the hut where your bed used to be. You will see 4 hostages in this building.

Talk to them, then Ptachek is wounded (log: "Here's a bitch! An alarm went up, and Ptachek got an extra hole in the ass. You need to grab him in an armful and get out of the castle faster."), And now you must take him upstairs to the stairs. If you go this route, it is recommended that you wear black lightweight clothing to make it harder to spot you at night. Alternatively, you can remove your clothing to avoid noise. (log: "We were terribly unlucky - our squad was noticed and raised the alarm. In addition, Pan Yan was hit by an arrow and I had to drag him out of the castle. We barely managed to escape, but our whole plan to capture the castle went to dust . ")

Whichever method you choose, the quest will end with a cutscene after you return to the stairs.


Completing all optional objectives of this quest will unlock the Talmberg achievement / trophy. In the middle of the "Siege" quest, another story quest, "Reinforcements", is launched. The Siege quest will be paused and you must complete Reinforcements to proceed.

Talk to Centurion Borek

Borek walks through the camp where the quest begins. Talk to him.

Select these dialogs to get all additional objectives from him:

  • He's not entirely sure.
  • (Select all other dialogue options)
  • May I help you? -> Unlocks an additional target. Ask the nearby charcoal burners where the tar can be found.

Talk to Master Feyfar

Feyfar walks in the same camp as Borek. Talk to him. Agree to help him find Konrad Keyser, the siege weapons designer who came to Sazava.

The "Rocketman" quest is activated. Complete this quest to have a trebuchet for the siege.

Talk to Captenarmus

The captenarmus is marked on the map. Also talk to him.

There is not much meat in the camp - I could go for it (captenarmus)

There are two ways to accomplish this goal: by hunting animals, or simply buying meat in a tavern. Use whichever option you like best and then bring the meat to the captenarmus. You will receive 90 pennies for your work.

The camp ran out of beer - I need to look for it in the neighboring taverns (captenarmus)

The only place where you can order beer is the Na Polyanka tavern. The one northwest of Neuhof. However, first you have to convince the innkeeper that it is not always possible with eloquence below 15. You can drink the "Krasnobay" potion, which gives +5 speech for 10 minutes.

Potion "Krasnobai" can be bought in the baths or brewed yourself.

After he agrees to send the beer, return to the captenarmus. Give good news and get 90 pennies as a reward.

Talk to Pan Divish

Now talk to Pan Divish.

Find a healer in the monastery who would come to Talmberg (Pan Divish)

Travel to the Sazava Monastery and talk to the herbalist Nicodemus, who is standing by the alchemy laboratory. If you have not yet completed the task "In the hands of God", then Nicodemus will tell you to go to Johanka, which will activate a new goal. Nurse Johanka can be found in the same building.

Convince the surgeons from the monastery to go to Talmberg (Pan Divish / Nikodim)

After finishing side quest Yohanki "In the Hands of God" talk to Nicodemus again. Now that the sick are recovering, he can go with you to Talmberg. This completes the goal.

Find a priest who will agree to go to Talmberg (Pan Divish)

Travel to Uzhitz and speak with Father Godwin. Depending on whether you drank with him in the quest "Inscrutable Ways", this conversation will be different. If they drank, then he will agree to help.

If you haven't drunk, you can convince him, provided that you have a high enough eloquence. Unlike other beliefs, this is not listed as a dialogue. When you ask him for help, you will see either the message "Success" or "Failure" while talking to him. You can drink the "Krasnobai" potion, which gives +5 speech for 10 minutes.

If Godwin refuses, you can ask the priest Simon in Rovna. But first, you will need to complete the "Servant of the Church" quest in order for Simon to appear in Rovna. (you will complete this quest during the passage of the quest "In the hands of God").

Talk to Centurion Borek

Now talk to the centurion Borek.

Find some herbalist who can brew a drug that drives away sleep (Borek)

You get this additional objective after talking to Borek. It will mark 3 herbalist locations on your map.

Find 120 mint / 60 valerian / 12 wormwood (Borek)

Talk to the herbalist and agree to help her collect the necessary herbs.

You need to get the following herbs:

  • 120 mint: rarely found in nature, more often near houses and in gardens.
  • 60 Valerian: Found on forest paths, swamps, and wherever the ground is damp.
  • 12 wormwood: grows abundantly on roadsides and in fields.
  • You can just go to herbalists / pharmacists and buy ingredients from them. As a reward, you will receive 325 pennies from Borek, so do not worry about the money spent on herbs.

Finding 12 wormwood is very easy. The herbalist who gives the task sells 10. You only have to find 2.

Collecting 120 mint and 60 valerian is a more tedious task, although not as difficult as it seems. Below are some of the gardens that contain many of these herbs. The rest can be bought from herbalists.

When you have the required number of plants, return to the herbalist.

Wait for the potion to be prepared / Take the potion to the camp

Wait 2 days for the herbalist to brew the potion. Talk to her again, and then deliver the potion to the centurion Borek. You get 325 groschen as a reward!

Ask charcoal burners nearby for tar

The charcoal burners are marked on the map (in the forests between Thalmberg and Neuhof). Talk to them. They will be happy to help and will only ask you to send someone for the tar. Talk to the captenarmus.

Tell the captenarmus to send someone for tar (charcoal burners)

Return to the Captenarmus at Thalmberg. Tell him about the tar and he will send someone to pick it up. The goal is complete.

This was the last additional challenge in this quest. If you have completed everything, you will have unlocked the Talmberg achievement / trophy!

Wait until the trebuchet is finished / Watch the trials of the trebuchet

If you have completed all the tasks, then by this time the trebuchet will be ready. This siege weapon takes a few days to build after you bring Konrad Keyser to Talmberg. Now is the time to test your stone thrower. If for some reason you do not have this goal yet, then be sure to talk to Feyfar. Return to the main camp and enter the central tent to start.

Plot mission "Reinforcements"

Going to the trebuchet test starts the "Reinforcements" story mission. However, the "Siege" quest has not been completed yet, it is still suspended. You must now complete a series of other story missions to complete the Siege quest.


This is a very short quest that you will complete in a few minutes.

Go to the battlefield when you're ready

The battlefield is marked on the map northwest of Talmberg. Go there to activate a new target.

Hold on

Hide in the bushes with your soldiers until this objective completes on its own. The enemy will attack you automatically.

Defend the ford!

Defeat all enemies. Your allies will fulfill most work, you can observe from the side or help if you want.

To get the Merciful trophy, you don't have to kill anyone - only attack your enemies with your fists!

Help Pan Ghanush

After defeating the first wave of enemies, follow your soldiers (or just walk to the side where the sounds of combat are loudest). Pan Ghanush is not marked on the map, but he is nearby, just a few meters from the bridge where you just fought.

The battle will not last long, deal with one or two soldiers, and that should be enough.


Help protect the trebuchet quickly!

When the quest begins, go straight to the camp and help defeat the soldiers around the trebuchet. After all enemies are dead (or stunned), watch the cut-scene and get a new target.

Go to the large white tent (marked on the map) in the camp. Listen, and then go to Eric in the tent to interrogate him.

Eric has an eloquence level of 12. You need a higher level to use persuasion successfully (18 should be enough to persuade on the first try). There will be 4 belief answers in total. Be sure to use all of the dialog options.

Achievement / Trophy "Freud": To get the achievement / trophy "Freud", you must successfully apply eloquence in all 4 "beliefs" with Eric to learn about his past.

Choose the following answer options:

  • Who is He?
  • Where did you meet?
  • What was your goal?
  • How many people does he have in the castle?

Achievement / Trophy "Freud" unlocked!

You will also receive 225 pennies after interrogation. At the end of the cut-scene.

I must keep my word

Talk to Pan Divish as soon as you are ready

It's simple - talk to Pan Divish in the main camp, and he will say that you are honored to fire the first trebuchet shot at Talmberg.

Shoot the trebuchet

Watch the soldiers charge the trebuchet for you. The process takes a minute, but it's pretty interesting to watch. After the stone is in the siege weapon, use the lever on the left side (back of the trebuchet).

Pull the lever to launch the projectile. This goal is completed, now talk to Pan Borek, who is standing nearby.

Talk to Pan Borek

Borek says they need to wait 2 days until they finish bombing the city.

If you want to get ready for the final part, now is the time.

Wait for the two-day bombardment to end / Pan Borek is waiting for me

After two days, go to Borek again.

Warning: As soon as you tell Borek that you are ready, the attack on the castle will begin immediately! Make sure you prepare well for the next (rather long) part of the walkthrough.

Storm the walls

Now the attack on the castle begins! Climb up the wall using the stairs, which are on the same wall where you climbed earlier in the mission "Night Out".

After climbing, you will notice that there is no longer a target or marker. Now your only task is to capture the castle (or, in other words, destroy all the enemies inside).

The good news is that you can let your allies do the job for you. Just find a quieter place and enjoy the great sight.

Since Bernard has infinite health, the only way to fail this mission is to die himself. If you do not want to stand idle, then use the bow to quickly kill enemies. Or use your fists to stun enemies without killing them (if you want the Merciful trophy / achievement).

Storming the castle

Before climbing the stairs, skip ahead of your allies (there should be 6 of them).

Upstairs, defeat the group of enemies on the left side on the battlements, then those on the right side (or at least as many as you can before your allies die). The centurion Bernard's health is infinite, so he cannot die.

Go down to the courtyard. Here, your allies outnumber the enemy, and should easily capture the area. Watch out for archers, they can make a couple of holes in your body very quickly.

Return to Bernard and help finish off the enemies, if by this time the centurion himself has not dealt with them.

After all enemies are killed (or stunned), a long cut-scene is activated.

Ride with Pan Yang to meet your father

After conquering Talmberg Castle, travel to Skalica with Jan Ptacek to rescue Pan Radzig.


Revenge is your main concern and the reason you went through the story of the game. You must avenge the death of your parents and kill Marquart von Aulitz.

You will notice that this quest has no target markers. Just keep going through the story.

However, you will not be able to retrieve your father's sword or kill Marquart. At the end of the game, he escapes, taking his sword with him.

Kill Shorty

You closed this goal after completing the "Baptism of Fire" quest.

Find Marquart von Aulitz and avenge your parents / Get your father's sword back

Complete the Epilogue story quest. As stated above, there is no “real” way to kill Marquart von Aulitz and you will not get your sword back. During the "Siege" story quest, the pans release him in exchange for prisoners. Then he disappears from the map. Jan Ptacek promises that he will hunt him until the end of the game, and everything remains somewhat unfinished. Maybe we'll find out more in a future expansion for Kingdom Come: Deliverance, or even a sequel, but there is no way to kill Marquart yet.

Just complete the Epilogue and the Revenge quest will automatically end. You will also unlock the End achievement / trophy for completing the Kingdom Come: Deliverance main storyline.


Travel to Upper Castle to speak with Margrave Jost.

Go to Ratae Upper Castle marked on the map. When you get close, a cutscene will automatically start.

Talk to dad

Talk to Pan Radzig after the cutscene.

Take the letter from Margrave Jost

The Margrave is seated at a table in the same room where you just spoke to Radzig. Take the letter from him and watch another cut-scene.

Go with Ptachek to the yard

After the cut-scene, the following message will appear:

“Congratulations! You have completed the main storyline. You can still complete side missions or just travel the world, and to complete the game, join Pan Jan Ptacek's squad. "

Go for Ptachek

Just go with Ptacek. It is a long ride, takes 10 minutes.

Talk to Ptachek

At the edge of the map, Ptachek will get off the horse. Talk to him and select "Of course" to complete the story walkthrough. If you followed this walkthrough, you should now unlock the following trophies / achievements:

  • The Virgin - Complete the game with the Virgin.
  • The End - Complete the main storyline.
  • "Merciful" - Do not kill anyone during the passage (except for Shorty).

This completes the Epilogue quest and the passage of the main storyline of Kingdom Come: Deliverance.

You can reload the last autosave if you want to continue exploring the world and complete more side quests.

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During the passage Kingdom come: deliverance the player may find himself in a situation from which, at first glance, there is no way out. For example, in the quest " Run"with a certain choice, it may seem to you that it is impossible to escape from the castle and all that remains is to load the game, but in fact it is not. There are three ways to escape.

Escape in the Talmberg Guard Armor

Please contact Mrs. Stephanie to find out how to escape this way. She will offer to use the armor of the Talmberg Guard. We go to the merchant Votava and buy a master key (it is better to save here), and then we head to the place marked on the map, to the chest. Be very careful, as if your lockpick breaks, you probably won't have enough money to buy a second one.

Now, when the armor is on you, you can try to go through the guard. PS. Don't forget your horse.

Bribe the guards

At first glance, the easiest way. Offer the guard the required amount (you can bargain a little) and he will let you through. But it is unlikely that at the beginning of the game you will have so much money.

Bridge Jump Escape

This is really the easiest way to escape from the castle in Thalmberg, but not the most obvious. Throughout the game, I tried to jump over the chain on the bridge and it was all in vain. It turned out that you need to jump in a place where there is a small stone wall. If you use this method, beware of the patrolmen (you won't have to wait long, the video will start soon). The disadvantage of this method is that it will not work to take the horse with you.

In the inn, located between the residential part of the city and the monastery, you will meet two of your old friends from Skalitsa - Matusha and Friceka(the same guys with whom you threw (or did not throw) manure at the German's house). Friends are safe and sound, but have money problems. You can offer to find a job for them.

At home, the guys worked as carpenters, and they assume that their services may be useful to some of the millers. You can bypass all the millers in the area, but you will get rejected from all the millers - even from Peshek. Better to ask Teresa right away. She will tell you that the miller from Ledechko (the nearest village to Ratay) is already old and feeble, so several working hands may be useful to him.

Go to Ledechko and find an elderly miller there. He really doesn't mind hiring a couple of carpenters, but he wonders if your candidates are lazy. The easiest way is to mention in a conversation with him that they are his neighbors, and the neighbors need help (persuasion skill), and the grandfather will agree to hire them. We return to the guys in Sazavu and report success - they will immediately hit the road, inviting you to come in a couple of weeks when they have pennies - they want to repay you for your help.

Note: in a conversation with Matusz and Fricek, the phrase will slip that they owe the monastery. After trying to find out more and stuffing Fritzek's face, we find out that the guys had a fight with the local monk, brother Eliash (he helps in the hospital), and he demanded money from them for this. You can convince him to forgive the debt by going to the hospital and using eloquence (or by paying for friends). In general, this is the whole quest "Dear Fight", and it does not require a separate description.

But that's not all. After a few days of playing time the quest will be updated... We are going to Ledechko for our award, but then it turns out that not everything is going smoothly with our friends. The miller's foreman Tomas is constantly nagging at them to the extent that it interferes with their normal work. Matus is in favor of a peaceful solution to the conflict, Fricek, on the contrary, insists on the use of force (which he had already tried to do, but Tomas was stronger). As usual, we take over the resolution of the conflict. How exactly is up to you.

During the day, Tomas can be found working at the mill, he usually spends evenings in the inn or in the baths, from which he regularly climbs out in order to reach the mill yard, shower the guys with curses and return to his previous occupation. If you look after him at this time of day, you can personally see that this is a very unpleasant type.

The easiest way to resolve the issue is to talk to him, starting with the question about carpenters. He will complain about the new henchmen, on which you can convince him not to press them so much and let them earn money, after which they will leave themselves. He will agree, and the quest will be formally completed, but such a decision is unlikely to satisfy the friends.

If you want to go the path of brute force, then just go to Tomas and select the first line in the dialogue - "provoke". Have a quarrel with the foreman and agree on a wall-to-wall fight - he will appoint a place to the north of Ledechko. Talk to Fricek and go there in the evening. If your skill in unarmed combat is more or less high, the fight will not be a problem, and the quest will be completed.

You can use the information from Fricek about the game of dice - in this case Tomas will check you, and the time for answers will be limited. On the first question we answer him "Pawns from Ratay", on the second "Vavrinets". In this case, Tomas will believe you and will go through the forest to play dice in the evening. Report this to Fricek and meet with him in the evening (17-18 hours). With this version of the passage, there will be no fight, but there will be a cutscene where the three of you and your comrades carry out an action of intimidation against the unfortunate foreman.

After successfully completing the task, friends will offer money - you can take or refuse.

ATTENTION! If you try to simply kill Tomas without being noticed, the quest will immediately fail, and the dialogue options associated with it will disappear.

But there is one more way. Instead of Tomas, talk to the owner of the mill - he will tell you an entertaining story about his son, who died a year ago under strange circumstances, transporting cargo in the company of Tomas. However, if you suspect the foreman out loud, the old man will refuse to talk to you any further. But after a dialogue with him, there will be an opportunity to talk with his daughter Yana. She will throw more valuable information - during the misadventure with her brother, while Tomas (presumably) was running for help, the deceased brother was also robbed: the colorful scarf that she gave him disappeared.

Here we get another clear hint for the passage of the quest "True Friends". I'm not sure if this is planned, but when Tomas goes to the baths, he leaves all his things in a chest next to the tub where he washes. Stealing things from under his nose is quite problematic, since besides him, there is always a servant in the tent. So I used the good old trick of stunning in the evening at dusk, when the foreman went to the mill to scold the workers once again.

One way or another, it will be possible to pick up a quest item from the body - " dirty scarf". What to do next - decide for yourself. You can talk to Tomas and accuse him of killing the miller's son - he will deny everything, but under pressure will agree to leave Matus and Fricek alone. With a very high level of conviction, you can force the foreman to get out of the mill - although Ultimately, he never admits - he really is a murderer or it was still an accident, will remain a mystery.

ATTENTION! In case of unsuccessful persuasion, the quest will fail immediately. At the time of completing the quest, I had 13 points, and the attempt failed. After using the "Krasnobay" potion (+5 points, for a total of 18) everything worked out.

It is possible, however, to go a simpler way. Go directly to Yana. After a short scene, Tomas will make his legs completely without your participation, which will lead to the same result as if you convinced him to leave with eloquence. Moreover, this does not require you to check a single skill. In my personal opinion, the best ending.

Having dealt with the problem in one way or another, go to Matush - he will thank you with pennies.

Kingdom come: deliverance- a game of considerable size, and you won't be able to figure it out right away. The developers have prepared dozens of plot tasks alone, the implementation of which is often not limited to the only possible option.

This guide will help you figure out how you can handle the missions that must be completed in Kingdom Come: Deliverance.

Subsequently, from Jindřich it will be possible to "blind" a hero of any kind, so do not linger on choosing the desired characteristics for too long

Having decided on the preferred skills in the early stages of the game within the framework of the very first dialogue, grab the food lying on the table with you and go out into the street to Jindrich's father. In a conversation with him, they will explain to you how the persuasion system of the interlocutor works in Kingdom Come: Deliverance.

Try to put pressure on the "opponent" with your eloquence - regardless of the outcome of the conversation, Indro will receive four tasks:

  • pick up the crosspiece of the sword from the castle of Pan Radzig;
  • force Kunesh to pay off the debt (or at least take the instruments from him);
  • buy coal;
  • buy cool beer.

Talk to the soldiers at the fortress gate to get hold of the coveted cross, and go down to the Kunesh shack. He does not intend to repay the debt, and the hero has several ways to complete the mission (you need to collect an ax, a hammer and nails):

  • intimidate / convince Kunesh - in this case, he will give Indro the keys to the tool chest. The ax will be stuck in a tree stump next to the house;
  • beat Kunesh (alone or with friends) - he will no longer be able to interfere with the repayment of the debt;

  • rob Kunesh by breaking into his chest - for this you need a master key, which you can get (even as many as four) from Fricek, a friend of the hero.

Then go for coal - it is sold by a charcoal burner next to the local inn. The hero needs to buy 10 units of coal, but in the absence of money it can be exchanged for other items (for example, the same food from home). In addition, there is always the opportunity to bargain with the merchant in order to bring down the price of the goods.

Opposite the charcoal burner, at the table is the swordsman Vanek - talk to him if you want to try yourself in sword fighting. After that, proceed to the tavern itself, where you will witness a skirmish between one of the local residents and a German. Jindrich's friends standing nearby will offer him to throw dung at the foreigner's whitewashed house.

It is not at all necessary to get involved in this adventure, however, if the hero needs the help of his friends in the showdown with Kunesh, he will still have to agree. Talk to the German's wife to take her away from the scene of the future crime and start your prank.

If you go to jail (just hit one of the guards) during this mission, the hero will be burned alive, and you will receive the achievement " Pyro» ( Firestarter)

The act of vandalism will be noticed by the son of the German with his friends - a fight will start, which will soon be interrupted by the local bailiff. If you do not have time to run away from him, you will have to listen to swear words. In any case, Indrich's trick will not pass without a trace - in the end, the hero will be reprimanded by his father for the offense.

After completing all the other tasks (you need a cool beer), go to the inn and talk to Indro's girl named Bianca. In addition to a jug of cold drink, the protagonist will also receive three bottles of saving chance - an item that is required to manually save the game. At first, it is not recommended to throw them around, since it is not cheap.

Return to your father and give him all the collected items. When Teresa appears, bring the nails from the house - the first mission is complete.

Given the total numerical superiority of the enemy who attacked the town, make a special choice about further possible actions not necessary: ​​there is only an escape, with which the stable located not far from the castle will help a lot. In it, we will take a horse and ride it away to the east, and everything needs to be done very quickly, since as soon as control is transferred to you, the passage of Kingdom Come Deliverance will continue in pursuit of you, the slightest delay can cost the life of the main character.

You need to run along the path down, which will eventually lead you to the stable. Ride a horse, ride in eastward, as mentioned above. The game, on the way to the horse, will give detailed instructions regarding the management of horseback riding, read it carefully. Near the stable, three invaders at once attacked Teresa, she can be helped by simply hitting one of them from behind.

However, keep in mind that they will immediately switch to you, and therefore either run away or try to interrupt them, which is not very smart, given that there are three of them, you are alone and without armor (unlike them), but completely a horse is grazing nearby (and not even one). The task is just to distract the rapists from Teresa, so kick any of them and immediately get away, thereby saving the girl.

Once on the horse, continue the passage of Kingdom Come Deliverance, you will have to go quite far - right up to Talmberg. And the ride is not without hindrances, since very soon the soldiers will overtake you in the video and will chase you, constantly attacking from behind. In the same video the main character will receive a wound in the leg, bleeding will open, which needs to be rewound, but the protagonist does not know how to do this yet, which means it is necessary to find someone who can help with this problem, and the sooner the better.

It is important to use the horse's stamina rationally, as as soon as he gets tired, you can catch up and quickly finish off. It is also worth rushing for the reason that you are bleeding and new successful enemy attacks will only bring your end closer. On the road, you really don't have the right to make a mistake. But upon arrival in Talmberg, the pursuers will lag behind you, because there they can be hit back, and they failed their task - not to let you tell you that an attack was made on Skalitsa.

Upon arrival, the next video will start, where you will be given help needed and advise you to talk to Pan Divish. Now Talmberg's garrison is ready to attack, and we can take a breath. Further, the passage of Kingdom Come Deliverance will continue with the fact that Indro is hungry, you need to have a snack. Also, the interface will be replenished with a corresponding icon at the bottom, and besides it there will also be a sleep indicator. When the indicators are full, you need to give the hero what he wants (sleep or eat).

The actual task will be a dialogue with Mr. Borek. You will find him by going down the stairs and out into the street thereby. He will recommend to go to the kitchen and have a snack there. Follow him, watch the video. Then read the hint about food, take it from the table to add it to your inventory, and then eat something from it. Or go to the pot on the stove and eat straight from there. When you are full, go to the gatehouse in the yard, guided by the "A" indicator on the compass, where you have been allocated a place to sleep.

Now continue through Kingdom Come Deliverance by setting the time you plan to sleep. Choose such a segment so that the energy is restored to the end (eight hours should be enough). Before Indro falls asleep, his acquaintance Mrs. Stephanie will visit him and bring him wine, listen to the dialogue, choose whether to tell her about the raid or not (it is better to tell her to practice eloquence), when the conversation ends, our hero finally will relax.

After some time, you will be woken up and called to the patrol, where a detachment of fellow countrymen from Skalitsa arrives, who also managed to escape from the superior forces of the enemy, as did Indro. In the meantime, go to the wall along the stairs at the gate, after taking a torch and reading the instructions for using the latter. You will come to the place, guided by the compass, Borek will be already there. It turns out that the escaped soldiers of Skalitsa were brought here by Pan Radzig, who does not want to stay here and will lead the people to Ratai.

When the video ends, continuing the passage of Kingdom Come Deliverance, listen to Borek, after his speech, talk to him separately from everyone. You are asked to patrol the wall, soon you will be allowed to go to rest, promising to wake you up later if something happens. You can simply "skip" the time through your inventory, or you can go to bed - at your discretion. In the morning, you need to go to the wall of the outer courtyard, where a new video will start, in which the horde, led by the already infamous von Aulitz, will approach the walls of the fortress.

Divish will manage to convince Aulitz to leave, and we will need to talk to Borek so that he will let Indro go from here to his hometown to bury his parents. If the level of your eloquence is not enough, the guard Radim near the gate will still be a little easier to convince you to release. But if it is not possible to resolve the issue and so, he will hint at the possibility of leaving here, so that he can then tell his superiors that he let you out, since he simply did not recognize it.

That is, you need full-fledged armor that covers your face, such Radim is obliged to let through, and for the fact that he releases you in this form, he will not have anything from his superiors. For the last goal, you need to get the necessary things from the chest in the guardhouse. To do this, you will need to get a lockpick to open the chest. The latter can be bought in the yard from a merchant

But the easiest thing, perhaps, if you cannot agree with any of the characters listed above, is to talk to Mrs. Stephanie, whose eloquence is not so high as to be a problem. Ask to Skalitsa, argue this with the need to bury your parents, she will meet halfway. She will tell you where to get the armor (gate tower). And even give money to bribe the guards in case something happens, if you hint about it, which will greatly simplify the passage of Kingdom Come Deliverance at this stage.

Or you can even jump from the bridge at the exit from the fortress (its eastern part) in front of the guard down, and then go away (though then you have to beware of the guards). Either way, after leaving the fortress in Talmberg, head back to Skalitsa. It is highly desirable to find a horse somewhere, but this is not fundamentally important.

On the approaches to Skalitsa there are more locality Rovna, you will see that all those people who tried to hide here died at the hands of the Polovtsians. When searching the first body, you can get hold of an ax, otherwise wield Pan Radzig's sword, but immediately take into account the moment that this weapon is in your inventory in quest items, and not in the weapon tab.