What is inappropriate to break the mirror. What to do with a mirror from previous owners? The mirror fell but not broken: sign

Since ancient times in our world, there are things inexplicable logic that are not amenable to rational interpretation. These are signs. Some people seem strange, others - ridiculous, third - absurd.

And anyway, we continue to believe, since the observations of our ancestors for many centuries prove the truthfulness of signs and are filled with meaning today. Such an admission is a broken mirror.

Mirror - the usual subject of the interior in the house. For the ancestors, the reflection symbolized the entrance to another world, the portal.

With it, you can communicate with the spirits of the dead, call the evil - remember, everyone was invited to the peak lady as a child.

The modern world does not apply to mirrors with such respects, as before. But what to do when the mirror cracked?

Danger of broken mirror

Folk sign says that a broken mirror promises troubles for seven years. This is based on the conviction that the reflection is our double, and if we cause harm to the second "I", then there is a mischief for yourself.

If the mirror accidentally broke a young guy - he will not find love For seven years. Similarly to the girl: She will not marry seven years.

When the child was played with reflection and inadvertently broke it, it symbolizes the danger to his health. Starting with the fact that it can be broken by fragments, ending with a serious disease.

The warning for its owners gives the house when the subject falls and beats himself. Signals about the death of a loved one, relatives.

If the mirror fell or cracked when a person looked into himThe misfortune will fall exclusively to the owner. Smash a small personal accessory - to the loss of a friend.

What to do?

The main thing is to keep a good mood.

To avoid trouble, or simply minimize the action of superstition, you need:

  1. Avoid full reflection in fragments.
  2. Be sure to pour them.
  3. Collect large pieces. You can not take them with bare hands - You can get trouble and hurt. It is better to put on gloves or take a towel.
  4. Broom collects left. Wrap in dark tissue and take out to running water. If there is no such possibility - to hold under the crane, and then throw it into the urn.
  5. Speuthes and rinse genderso as not to leave even the smallest grains.

note! If the girl collected fragments with bare hands, then she needs to thoroughly wash his hands under the jet of water.

And thoroughly inspect your fingers for the presence of little wounds. To avoid infection and leakage vitality through blood.

It is impossible to talk about anyone that happened. When the fragments are wrapped in a dark cloth or paper, you need to say words: "Let the mirror crash, the trouble of me (name) will not affect. Amen".

Prayer pronounced in a whisper and nine times. Conspiracy has always been considered effective protection from unclean power.

Sensual sentence performs two functions:

  • Dignifies the negative from man.
  • Creates moral protection.

In ideal conditions, fragments need to paint black paintSo that negative energy does not hurt the owner, then burn deeply, but in the forest or on the plot without a host.

Why can not look in a broken mirror?

Split the mirror - to trouble, it's right, but even look in fragments means attracting the mountain, "split" personal life, Health, Establish with a decline. From the open "portal" bad spirits may appear.

It is believed that if a person looks at the broken reflection, then the forces go out of it.

So he can get sick, and if it reaches quite gently to life - it will be quick and dies. It is said that the broken mirror will be revenge on negligence.

If the item broke the child and looked into him in ignorance, the whirlwind of negative energy can recoup on the mother when she asks to unscrew the grief from his son or daughter.

Dream Interpretation: What dreams of a broken mirror?

A broken mirror, it doesn't matter small or large, usually promises only negative events in life. So believers say that a person is destined to 33 misfortunes, a decline of strength or quick aging. And what to do if this happens in a dream?

There are several options for interpretation of sleep:

  1. The broken reflection dreams of the exposure of the secrecy. Something was hidden from you for a long time, kept secret, but soon the plot will come out.
  2. Foreshadows destroyed plans failure at work.
  3. Symbolizes ambulance and sudden death.

Sleep young girl dream book interprets as a possible betrayal from the guy in the future. For a family man - not happy marriage and deprivation.

There is a good sign - if you saw a broken reflection of yourself, then wait for the news from afar.

By Wange, when in a dream, a man independently broke the surface, which means that he will defeat the ill-wishers and find a decent way out of the current situation.


The mirror is divided for many reasons. Not always these reasons are subject to us. It may be the tricks of the house, the ridiculous accident, the wear of the item. You should not attribute mystical importance to all events that occur around, but you need to be more attentive.

Do not panic at the sight of fragmentsThe opposite is to save a positive attitude and then all the troubles will leave.

The easiest way to remove negative energy from home is not to believe in signs, join those who do not pay attention to such nonsense. So you will stop worrying without a reason, you can even get ready to buy a new beautiful subject of the interior.

For the most bold: invest in accepting your value. New acquaintance, long-awaited pregnancy, wedding, journey - everything you want.

After all, words are material, so you will attract good in your life. The main thing is to believe. Believe in good, and it will surely come true.

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Mirror is not just an element of the interior, the mass is associated with this item. vick, superstitions and rituals. Our great-grandfathers believed in magic power Mirrors, with it, Burned and called on dead spirits. Until now, many of us also believe in signs that have involvement in the mirror.

Of course, the most terrifying sign - broken mirror. Accidentally lumbering this continuity on the floor, we are horrified by fragments and ask: "What if the mirror crashed?" Since the broken mirror promises problems and even misfortune.

If a mirror crashed, what to do?

  • No need to take fragments in hand. First, it is simply unsafe - you can cut down. Secondly, it can be involved in misfortune. It is more correct to collect all the broken brooms on the scoop. Then it will be necessary to prescribe the room, where this mirror was broken, - so you will collect small fragments and mirror dust.
  • You should not just throw out the fragments in the garbage chute or tank, without having wrapped them in a dense paper or tissue. They say in order to disrupt the misadventures, shards need to be carefully overtaken in foil or dark matter (Fabric) - In this case, all negative energy aimed at you and your home will quit.
  • Keep in mind that a broken mirror can attract unfavorable energy and thereby encourage aggression from the male half of the family. In order to then not break his head over what to do if the spouse beats and why he became very aggressive in general, fragments should not drop and break another on smaller parts. This action can increase ten times negative influence broken mirror.
  • If you broke the mirror, immediately cross and say three times: " All misfortunes from my threshold! My home is a happy home. Healthy and happy I and my whole family. Amen". Then split three times on the fragments.
  • The mirror crashed - therefore, the fragments are obliged to remove the one whose fault it happened. If the culprit is small child, So fragments removes his mother mother or godmother.
  • You can switch the fragments collected by you into the plastic container and rinse them with running water - the bad energy leaks into the pipeline.
  • In no case to look unthinkable in fragments or cracked mirror! So you can easily cross the line of our own destiny - and life will become unhappy, and the person himself is uncomfortable. In addition, such an action can deprive you of energy and vitality.
  • Reverses to save a broken mirror, even if it is a family relic or endlessly valuable for you as a source of pleasant memories.
  • Certainly necessary buy replacement of a broken mirrorEven if it was just a muggy pocket mirror and you do not feel the need to purchase a new one.
  • Mirror crashed? Whatever it was - dare! Or at least smile. Even in this way you can distract your misfortune.

A broken mirror is an absolutely reason for disorder. One should only competently take fragments and try to protect themselves and close to the possible misfortunes, using the above recommendations. Knowing what to do if the mirror crashed, you are insurfrant of yourself and close to the misfortunes associated with this admission.

For a long time, people, especially Slavs, are accustomed to believe in signs. Signs are different in meaning and content, but more often they affect the topic of life. Regarding, you need to believe in them or not, the person himself decides. Most often, the signs come true when a person is superstitious. You can explain this by analogy with the placebo or self-impact effect.

We are very common in the people to break the mirror sign, which has several values \u200b\u200bin good sense, and bad. It is believed that all signs are noticed and transmitted from generation to generation if after some action follows follow-up or events in life. Repeat such changes regularly and accuracy and becomes a reason for the occurrence.

Thus, and break the mirror, as a sign arose many centuries ago and since then he was hooked in a mystical halo. If you search for information about what you should expect after a broken mirror, then more often, forecasts are negative and warned against trouble. This is primarily due to the fact that the mirror is considered a magical subject with which many establish contact with representatives thin plan and other measurements. Therefore, break the mirror - the sign is bad in the opinion of the majority, because any damage or dome symbolizes the violation of the energy integrity of things and objects.


Many after such cases immediately panic: "A broken mirror, sign what to do?". However, it is not necessary to be upset, because by this you only aggravate the situation. That's if you try to forget about it, then nothing can follow. Everyone can inappropriate to break the mirror, and the sign can continue to stay, until you give it importance, or even more, they will buy it on it.

Well, for many superstitious, for which a broken mirror - a sign that sources will be prompt. folk wisdom, in particular, rituals. A negative impact with yourself and your loved ones can be in the following ways: what is the forces to make spit through left, at the same time, exactly three times to turn against a clockwise arrow; With faith, to say about myself or in the rumor the following spell: "Although the mirror is broken, and the trouble is bypass by the party, Amen."


If you are almost the law all the signs and superstitions, then split the mirror for you can be almost a tragedy, and for a few days to spoil the mood. If you are skeptical about this, the mood will remain with you, and the bad effect of signs may not come true. In general, all the signs can be compared with affirmations, and no one prohibits after broken mirror Create your positive affirmation and repeat yourself.

Everything existing signs And superstition break the mirror interpret as the coming misfortune exactly for so many years as the fragments happened. It is strictly forbidden to look in fragments, because they can weaken the human protective shell.

There is also a "split someone else's mirror" sign. First, in this way, your space simply could not accept someone else's thing and the energy existing in it, so it happened. Well, maybe a certain sign and for someone who smashed, and for the owner of the mirror. However, again, not to bring trouble, it is better not to think about the bad and not exacerbate the situation. After all, there are people for whom to break the mirror - the sign is good and comes true at the same time what they expect.

It doesn't matter what kind of broke someone else's mirror or its own, signs also saying that it is better to collect the fragments of the established rules. Advise to get into the broken part of the broom in consecrated water And not as usual, in a scoop, and on a sheet of white paper and then betray the earth. If parts of the mirror turned out to be large, then they need to rinse under the jet ordinary water And then throw it into the garbage chute.

If you look in a broken mirror, then the sign says that unmarried girl Will be doomed to celibacy not as much as seven years. In addition, if you look at the fragments, the reflection is seen by the split, fragmented, which speaks of human vulnerability. In no case can not keep the fragments of the mirror in the house, you need to get rid of them as soon as possible.

However, there are cases when people continue to use the mirror in everyday life. And even what you can not look into a broken mirror, not the law for them. And the funny thing that they can and do not know about it. Such an exceptions are forced to think how signs come true or do not come true, or maybe you yourself are doing our reality?

If the child broke the mirror, the sign will come true in the event that the mother believes in it or not. Therefore, it is responsible for positive thinking, and not to go on the emotions and fears. If the child broke the mirror, they should clean the fragments or native, or the godfather mother. This is what concerns when the child broke the mirror, the sign also prohibits it categorically so that the kid looked into a broken mirror, it can make it gravily or painful. In no case do not need to shout on a child if he inadvertently broke the mirror. Learn even in such cases to smile, because we can move with a laughter and positive attitude to any misfortune.

Folk signs split the mirror can interpret in different ways, but only you are your faith or disbelief, give this step by the vector and direction of the energy movement. In what direction events will develop depends only on you, because you are true creators of reality and the wizards of our time. And the choice of believing yourself or superstition depends on each person, only it can determine it for himself.

Believe consciously to any of your thoughts and accepted solutions. If you believe in folk signs, To split the mirror for you will be associated with the coming troubles. If you do not believe, then nothing happens, but even forget about it. Do not let the circumstances take the top over you.


Since ancient times, the mirror was the strongest magic artifact. The older it is, the more energy can be concentrated in it. Swedish alchemist Paracels argued - the mirror has a certain space of transition to the other world. Specialists of the modern esoteric region claim that the reflective surface is the door to the very rapid world, and if it is opened, then unpredictable consequences can be brought. A broken or cracked mirror is, a kind, key to open this secret magic door.

What can we expect from a broken mirror

It happens that the ancient mirrors in a beautiful rim is transmitted from generation to generation. Some people specifically buy such interior items without thinking about the consequences. If the reflecting surface itself accumulates the energy of its owner, the sharp edges of the broken mirror are capable of practically sucking vital energy. Hence the warning of esoteric specialists that it is impossible to watch in a broken glory.

A broken mirror carries not only negative, but also positive sides. Even negative consequences from such trouble can vary from small quantities to serious tragic consequences. Therefore, before being frightened, it is worth considering what happened from all sides is not necessary everything will be extremely bad.

Split the mirror - bad

  • About the death of a blood relative foreshadows the largest mirror in the house.
  • If the mirror (regardless of size) unexpectedly broke, you need to prepare for separation with the other. It can be a quarrel or departure. In the event that it cracked right in the hands, to disappointment in close person. Punked in half the mirror indicates separation. There may be a quarrel, relocation or death.
  • Seven years will pursue the failures of a family in which a large mirror spontaneously crashed.
  • Look in the fragments from the broken mirror, means to bring the trouble. It all depends on the level of negative energy focused on the other side of the silver spraying.
  • A crack in a car mirror foreshadows or an accident, or simply a car shift.
  • To smash a reflecting subject at work (general use), talks about possible unpleasant incidents with manual or colleagues. Here it is possible to change work due to the conflict. These consequences can also lead a darkened mirror surface.
  • Tragic consequences are waiting for someone who crushed the mirror with their weight.
  • I expect a house if the child managed to split the product. The child himself will not suffer due to age. Children are under energy protection Mother, so the mother who gave birth should be removed, or the mother of the godfather.
  • Unmarried girls broken products predict seven years without marriage.

Break on happiness

  1. Not always a broken mirror bring only negative. There are positive aspects of this household trouble.
  2. If this magic object The interior fell, without any mechanical impact, this means that the energy accumulated in it by any paths is trying to free. The entire flow of the accumulated negative energy is dissipated in space without applying harm to others. Here you need to take into account that it is impossible to see yourself in fragments. In some cases, this can be qualified as an omen of the disease or a quarrel, but nothing serious is worthwhile.
  3. The joyful event, like a wedding foreseen the odd number of fragments from the broken mirror.
  4. With the help of the ceremony of the grazing, in some countries, people are treated. To begin with, the sick should look at this subject for a long time. He accumulates all the pain, torment and suffering that is experiencing a sick. Then deliberately mirror is broken. The whole negative aura comes out. On the place of the old copy, the new one is hanging and already looks at it only with positive thoughts. Thus, the disease retreats and recovering.
  5. Animals are particularly sensitive to the supernatural, so dropping and breaking the mirror, domestic loves Miscellates the owners from something bad.
  6. Sudden changes are waiting for a breakdown, by chance, on small pieces of a mirror. But these changes can be both positive and unpleasant.

Broken mirror in legends and other cultures

The idea that broken mirrors bring failure, most likely, comes from the ancient Greeks, who believed that the spirits live in water stroit reflections.

Ivan Grozny, believing that with the help of a mirror you can damage the damage and in general this gift from the devil, ordered to make this subject of the interior of the blind masters.

The roots of superstition are in centuries, in which the mirror is inextricably linked with the soul, therefore, to break or look into a broken mirror, leads to negative consequences. The connection of the reflective surface and the soul is present in the Orthodox religion, according to which there is an dead man in the house, which is unacceptable the presence of mirrors. It is believed that the soul will be locked and will not find peace.

The British believe in the loss best friendIf you harm the mirror. Prevent trouble you can throwing fragments into a quick river.

Americans have a magical antidote against a broken mirror - five dollar bills. She inherited her supernatural abilities from the Golden Coins. If it happened in one way or another way to damage the mirror, then you need to pull out the bill and cross.

What are the cracks and chips

It happens that cracks or chippets are formed on the surface. They mean the exit of the accumulated negative energy, which overwhelms the linen and is ready to escape than they bring a lot of problems looking. Therefore, if a crack or chip appeared on the product reflective, then it is necessary to get rid of it without regret and get a new one in his place.

Any damage to this subject is a reason to check the home and the most indoor on the subject of the evil eye or damage. It will not be superfluous.

Smash at gadania

Like any magic artifact, the mirror is used for fortune. If this trouble occurs with ordinary person in living conditions, when the ritual, the violation of the integrity of the reflecting surface certainly does not succeed with anything good.

  • If a young girl wondered on fate, then seven-year-old loneliness is expected.
  • When you fortunate on the narrowed (if it appeared in reflection) means a threat to life or severe, sometimes fatal, illness.
  • The premises itself becomes a negative energy carrier, which will bring it to the inhabitants of trouble.

In black magic there is a ritual, with which you can harm a person. Due to the mirror space, demons are called, the mirror is broken than letters unclean power. A person does not have to be the owner of the thing, he could just hold it.

How to destroy fragments

Getting rid of the subject of the subject need immediately, but carefully. It is not recommended to hurry and fuss. For the entry into the right of the dark forces, the day must pass. We must adhere to the next algorithm of action:

  1. Holy water is not in vain called "alive." She needs to sprinkled the broken object and read any prayer aimed at defense.
  2. Above the fragments to hold the burning candle solely in the church. At the same time read the prayer and turn it over three times.
  3. Three times to slip through left shoulder And make the turn around themselves three times. It is necessary to rotate against the time of the clockwise.
  4. The plot says "The mirror is broken, the trouble of the slave of God (the name of the potential carrier of negative energy from the mirror) does not concern." Words say from 3 to 9 times.
  5. It will take fabric to which fragments will then be assembled. It must be strong. In no case can not touch the fragments with his hands. It is necessary to collect them either in gloves, or a piece of fabric, trying not to look into the reflection. If small particles remain, it is advisable to enter a broom moistened in holy water.
  6. Take the remnants to the place where they can be rinsed under running water. Keep under the jet to half an hour, but at least five minutes. To mentally put the installation on getting rid of the negative.
  7. Pieces of glass are stacked in a metal bucket and open up to the state of the powder. Next, attribute all the contents on the trash and leave there along with the package.

There are other ways to get rid of remnants of a broken mirror.

  • In no case, not bare hands, leave a fragment on the windowsill for a couple of days, so that they have and sunlight during the day, and the lunar light at night. This is happening, after which the residues of the glass can be disposed of in the usual way.
  • Swipe parts of the mirror in the ground on the deserted plot.
  • Paint reflective plane. After that, throw away.

In any case, if such a trouble happened, it is worth thinking about its consequences and about measures to protect themselves and their dwelling from the dark forces.

Broken mirror

Do you keep on the button if the black cat overtakes the road? Take out garbage only in the morning? Speaking good, love to cry three times through the left shoulder and so much to knock on the woods? Congratulations! You are a superstitious man. Yes, the one who has little real problems, which is still something like this, what else to worry about.

And I will accept, by the way, countless. And, apparently, the most terrible prejudice is considered the soul of the mystery of the broken mirrors. Why chilling? We love to pump ...

What to smash the mirror?

Most likely you already know the answer to this question. Bad will be. Very very. Bed out toilet and all that. By the way, this belief is not on scratch born. It's all about our smart great-grandparents ... Previously, well done yes red, the girls grew illiterate. From all unclean tried to save them. Who is garbage then takes out? The lanterns were then not, the nights were worthwhile, bother-indulgence on the road - simpler. Here the sun will take up, then and on the road.

And mirror? Crashed, sharp shards. Choose easily. Yes, what to say - in the wonder for them it was, metal yes copper was polished, instead of the mirrors, they used, so shrule. Warned horror stories What to smash the mirror to be invented. So that it was not enough to dilute the digests.

Yes ... "That's just a black cat and is not lucky ..."

Do you still think that a broken mirror can harm? Well, here's the instruction on neutralization instructions invented by these great-grandabins ...

What to do if the mirror crashed

First of all, do not look at your reflection in fragments. Yes, this and Feng Shui adversely. An unfavorable "cut" energy is created. Therefore…

The mysterious sign broke the mirror accidentally has several explanations. All of them depend on several factors: where there was a mirror, what size was personal or used. Let's just say, not too successful circumstances when the mirror is broken. But if you know how to behave correctly in this situation, it is quite possible to avoid troubles and neutralize the dark strip.

Mirror hangs - Many secrets stores

Imprint of the ages of the mirrors were considered not simple interior accessories. This is a tunnel that allows you to see your own reflection on the other side of the screen. Wherever the mirror is: in the house, office, shop windows, people always look at it. Even the "home" mirrors contain various energy. After all, all family members are subject to various sentiments, and the mirror has the property " to absorb and memorize»Mood peeled people.

On the contrary entrance doorread, why so.

That is why it is not recommended to acquire mirrors who used. After all, they "accumulated" a decent luggage of memory from past owners. And your mirror it is necessary to rub cleaners or running water. It is also possible to clean the mirror church candles. It will show the degree of energy pollution. In the place of special "smoking" should be lined, and if the candle burns with a calm flame - the mirror is clean.

Based on the mirror secrets, it is believed that if the mirror crashed, then this is not good. But let's look at the other side. Probably, the mirror "was redirected" with different energies, not always good and simply required a replacement? It is thus emphasizing that it is time to "write off" in the pit.

Split the mirror at work - not to be in honor?

There is an opinion that in the place where the mirror crashed, nothing should be expected. No need to configure yourself, because the power of one's own thought and desires, always stronger. To start: do not panic, Make three deep breaths, each exhale slowly - it will calm you. Next, collect all the fragments in a dark package, fabric, paper. Well, if you can put on the hands of gloves: workers, fabric, polyethylene. It is even better to use a broom and a scoop, avoiding contact with your hands. This will help avoid cuts, as well as attracting broken energies. Remove the package with the mirror on the garbage.

Clear under running water wash your hands With soap, read the prayer "" - these actions will restore your energy balance. Further, it is recommended to purchase a new mirror for the workplace. Look at him with a smile good mood, good thoughts about well-being, prosper.

Sometimes they believe that if the mirror at work broke is to dismissal, break in the team. But, there are still the best knowledge: everything that has not happened is for the better. So you update the mirror in the workplace, or change the place of work on a more promising, profitable. Do not program yourself to bad. It will not touch you! All those who have come true prediction will confirm the fact that a broken mirror - not collapse of hopes and desires.

Do not look into a broken mirror - do not share yourself

There is a superstition that if you look at a broken mirror - seven years old do not see happiness. Not so much critical, but superstition is logical. When we look into the mirror of the whole, we see our image in full, as far as the size of the mirror area allows. A broken mirror is consisting from Oscolkov, cracks. Accordingly, the image will be the same. If possible, it should be avoided to look into fragments in order not to disturb the integrity of its energy field.

Never, if tears in our eyes, find out what they write about it.

If by negligence you saw ourselves with exhausted cracks, do not panic. Make the manipulation described above and order prayer about your health. It will strengthen you in faith and will not give bad thoughts overcome consciousness.

Split mirror someone else - do not know rest

If you broke someone else's mirror, it may be in relationship between you and the owner will come exchange bandmisunderstandings. If you have not yet been friends with this person - a sign that in life it is better to part. And if you are tested in communication - try to laugh together with what happened. This neutralizes the misunderstanding. In any case, return the monetary value of the product so that the owner can acquire new subjectAnd live quietly further.

Now you know that the sign of breaking the mirror is accidentally not as terrible and insidious, and therefore, there is always the opportunity to change something, stop, thinking and go further, in the right direction.

Each second person is familiar with the admission associated with a cracked mirror. However, many do not give it any difference, while experienced magicians and people who are interested in magic know if the mirror cracked or crashed - wait for trouble. Sick mirror cracked says that the house will soon happen misfortune. That is why the mysterious object seeks to notify in advance about the coming misfortune of their owners.

It is worth noting that the mirror is a kind of information field, where information is laid from time to time. In this regard, even a new subject bought in the store must be thoroughly rinsed - to clear from previously laid out information. There is also an opinion that the mirror is the portal to another world, the world of the castorcall and astral. Such objects are capable not only to show the reflection, but also attract luck, prosperity, love, and in a broken form, according to accept, bring misfortune and misfortune.

A mirror object hanging opposite the plate will bring prosperity to the house.

Specifications about broken mirrored devices have appeared a few more centuries ago. At that time, the adaptation, showing the reflection, was made of bronze, copper, silver and gold, so they could only acquire them, the poor and simple people were pleased with the reflections in the water. It was then that such devices were assigned various mystical and mysterious properties. If such a device cracked or burst, then the family had to spend big money for a new one.

The mirror cracked - the next 7 years of misfortunes

Specifications about a broken or cracked mirror means the approach of misfortune - it can be 7 nightmares, the development of the disease, financial difficulties, the period of misfortunes, the destruction of family and friendly relations. A cracked mirror and the sign with it is related, based on the concepts of communication between the world of people and the castorgal. Highly great importance This issue has the fact that the magic subject was broken. Perhaps he cracked himself or was deliberately damaged by someone.

When the mirror burst randomly, it means that there was a rupture of communication of times. Sketches burst the mirror, reads - in the house where such an event happened - a trouble will happen soon. If the subject was divided by a person who was traveled by a person, then at home and his owners deliberately want to bring trouble. Random damage to the mirror device also does not foreshadow anything good, but less dangerous than deliberate. In any case, a broken fixture will only bring pain, bitterness and misfortune into the family.

Do not see the broken reflection - there will be no trouble

Why broken glass Brings trouble and what to do to avoid unhappiness? Many do not even imagine what to do if the mirrors cracked. However, the solution to the problem is quite simple. A broken reflection has a very strong negative impact on the energy of a person, which is why the sign recommends not to look into the damaged reflection. Looking at the broken glass at least once, a person attracts a failure and loneliness that can last, as already mentioned above, 7 years.

Avoiding troubles will help simple devices - broom, scoop, bag and rubber gloves. The fragments are neatly removed into the harvested bag or a container using a broom and a scoop, then the surface is thoroughly washed with water conventional and sprayed with holy water. During this cleaning, they try not to look at the fragments, so as they accidentally do not see their reflection in them.

The bag with fragments is buried in the ground away from the house or the fragments are descended into the flow water, and then they are buried. Only so you can maximally protect yourself and relatives from the impending troubles mentioned in the signs.

It is hardly there there is a house where there is no such important subject as a mirror. And it is hardly possible to meet a person who does not excite the sign associated with this thing. It is used as the main focus of the interior, and as an accessory endowed with certain functional.

On the one hand, being the usual and necessary subject, on the other, it is a powerful esoteric symbol, surrounded by numerous beliefs and signs. This thing is an integral element of numerous magical rites, shrouded in the halo of secrets and mysticism.

Modern magicians fully agree with their colleagues on the workshop from the far past - the mirror is not easy, endowed strong energy. Whether it is a small pocket copy or a huge wall reflective web - this is the portal connecting the world real with otherworldly. Therefore, this item requires increased attention in handling it.

Even if a person refers herself more to skeptics than to fans of magical practice, without a valid attitude to this thing, it is not necessary to do - too ambiguously inherent properties. After all, she creates a kind astral projection Total real. There, for polished, our twins live, and only it depends on how it will be the answer from the emotions sent by us and experiences.

The mirror is perceived as a kind of chronicle of everything that he has to see in his century - and good and bad. His brilliant surface with ease remembers all the words addressed to him, all emotions, visible to them ...

While in the house, it absorbs the energy of the dwellings and all people living here, becoming an indicator of their health, relationship, psychological state.

Therefore, behind the mirror you need to properly care for, not allowing the appearance on its surface of the thick layer of dust, sometimes contact him as a friend, try not to look at it when you are particularly bad ...

Item to respect

In general, there are many rules regarding competent from the magic point of view of placing mirrors in the house. So, their boundaries should not "cut" a figure looking in them, leaving without head or legs. Do not hang them in the bedroom above or before the bed and do not put on the ceiling. Rama is better to choose oval, softening all negative manifestations.

There are signs - if the reflecting surface has cracked in itself, or only a corner will fall from it, "do not keep such a thing in the house, as the roads would not be your heart this item. Such an incident promises a quick misfortune or illness. And the mirror has already worked out its program and warned about impending negative changes in fate.

However B. ordinary life Quite often such a nuisance that becomes frightening for many, when the mirror is accidentally divided ... What to do if the mirror crashed, what it is, how to do the right thing to protect yourself from possible negative consequenceswhich foreshadows such a sign?

Broke the mirror? Guide to action

And you need to act without panic and fear, following certain recommendations. This sign covered so frightening interpretations that almost every person at the moment when the mirror flashes into many fragments, is experiencing the most negative emotions.

What does it mean to break the mirror by chance, everyone knows, even very far from magic: "7 years old happiness does not see", "to death", "to the disease," - that's what rushes in our head in such a situation.

But the main thing is not to be in panic, do not cheat yourself, because the sign of the broken mirror is such and remains, and the future depends entirely and completely from us. What to worry, nervous on trifles, because any superstition has only the power that you invest in it.

Therefore, without unnecessary experiences, you need to perform the necessary actions for neutralizing the energy released as a result of trouble and calm soul to live on.

So, answering the question of what to do if the mirror broke, we will present a list, observing the points of which, it is possible to be sure that we can neutralize the negative to the maximum and protect themselves from evil.

  • First of all, you need to collect fragments. To do naked hands, firstly, it's just dangerous - you can hurt, secondly from a magic point of view would be a failure effect. It is better to dream broken slices by a broom on a scoop. Remains of mirror dust, small fragments to collect a wet cloth, which then also be sure to throw. Broom and scoop to take out of the house and throw up 3 times so that each time the broom fell to the ground.
  • Before collecting a randomly broken mirror, esoterics advise to cover its surface with a dark cloth, so as not to see its reflection in it - this is the highest degree bad, why should it be unambiguously, it can really lead to illness or total bad luck when life literally Give cracks in all directions. Also, if desired, you can paint the reflective surface of black paint.
  • For those who such an incident can knock out of the rut, and who truly believes that the sign becomes a precursor hazardous changes In fate, it is recommended to neutralize the exemplary evil, riding large fragments under running water - under the same crane in the bathroom. The advice is simple, but effective, since it is the water that will take with him all the bad, without leaving in your home and trace.

What advises signs about a broken mirror to do with the fragments yourself? There are several options here:

  1. wrap it in an opaque fabric or foil and throw away into the garbage, although some esoterics do not advise to act in such a way, believing that it is useless. They recommend performing the following 2 points to choose from;
  2. pretty to pack and throw in the water of the river (which for urban residents can turn into a problem);
  3. skip deep into the ground with a reflective side down, but not on the site, which is yours, and preferably in a place where you will never be later.

We connect the power of the word - effective conspiracies

In addition, performing all the actions described above, it would be nice to reinforce them simple conspiractionsproven centuries. Thanks to which it is possible to stronger the negative and take away from himself and their loved ones.

The best way out before the start of collecting fragments will be read over the broken mirror of the prayer, our and prayer of the Blessed Virgin Mary, at the same time sprinkling the scattered slices of holy water. Then you can use one of the conspiracy below.

So, for example, throwing fragments to say: "In yourself, and not from yourself. May it be so".

Another verbal formula is repeated 9 times, be sure to whisper when you are already outside the house, and it sounds like this: "The mirror was broken, the trouble of God's slave (the slaves of God) (Name) did not touch."

Another conspiracy is pronounced after all pieces have been collected in complete silence. It is necessary to wash under running water and performing this action to sentence: "What broke, it broke, but I did not affect me."

To one of powerful conspiracies These words are also pronounced at the time of getting rid of the fragments: "I did not break the mirror, but my misfortune. I do not throw out fragments, but my grief. "

The main thing is not to panic! Then the trouble will pass the side. Good luck!

As soon as the first mirrors appeared, people immediately endowed them with all sorts of mystical abilities. Amazing property up to the smallest detail to reproduce the appearance of a person looking at our superstitious ancestors on the thoughts on the connection of the sparkling surface with otherworldly worlds. From here there was a variety of diverse beliefs associated with the mirrors, most of which foreshadow terrible misfortunes.

Sources of superstition

Especially dangerous was always considered destruction (cracks, chips) of the mirror surface. And it is not amazing! Indeed, in the Middle Ages the mirror was a unique luxury item, which could afford not every wealthy person. Any of its damage led to a violation or complete loss of the main function - reflective ability. It is quite natural that such a misfortune is not only very grieved the owner, but also made a significant breach in the budget. After all, I had to go on costs and re-order an expensive thing adding luxury dwelling, and the owner is prestige.

In addition, magicians and sorcerers always used mirrors in their mysterious rituals. They penetrated into other worlds through a thin sparkling partition, at the same time served the obstacle for other entities. Its damage could easily disrupt the fragile balance of good and evil, letting in our world the negative energy of destruction and associated troubles.

What are dangerous cracks on the mirror?

Glass is an incredibly fragile material, and wall-mounted or pocket mirrors have become an indispensable attribute of the life of each person. Therefore, none of us is immune from such a trouble as a cracked mirror. What kind of size, design or destination was not a damaged thing, the result is always the same - expect unhappiness. But their size and nature is already dependent on specific circumstances.

  • Pay attention to the quantity and location of cracks. If they fled from one center throughout the surface throughout the surface, they will have to say goodbye to the long-haired plans and dreams. Anyway, nothing will happen. One-only cleft, sharing the glass in half, foreshadows family disorders and even divorce.
  • At the edge of the surface there was a slight chip? It is not worth using such a thing. After all, even the smallest impairment of integrity will gradually radiate harmful energy, gradually poisoning the existence to everyone who uses the accessory.
  • If the mirror suffered from your weight (sat down, they came, pressed), then in this case the sign makes an exception, predicting positive changes. After all, such an event symbolizes the destruction of obstacles on the way to achieving a cherished goal. So feel free to dare, and everything will succeed!
  • You should always take into account the size of the "injured" instance. If a small mirror cracked, then the troubles will be "pocket". Violation of the integrity of a wall or outdoor product, reflecting a person in full growth, threatens large troubles up to the illness and death of close.
  • Sometimes by negligence we will bring someone else's accessory. Such an event does not threaten big troubles for you personally, but it should be alert. After all, sign warns that the owner of the affected mirror may be incorrect beloved, bad friend, an unreliable partner or simply dishonest person.
  • Be careful to the place where the "mirror" misfortune occurred. It is believed that the troubles to touch exactly this area of \u200b\u200blife. Homemade interior subject foreshadows family troubles. The mirror who broke up at work warns about the discontent of the head or intrigues of colleagues. The car accessory promises the misfortune on the road, so be careful and careful, driving the machine.
  • The personality of the culprit of the incident will also tell a lot. If the crack appeared due to the inaccurability of a lonely person, then in the near future he will not bring to meet his half. Source "Mirror" danger - family personality? There is a disappointment in marriage, changes in the relationship of spouses, and possibly divorce.
  • Do not worry, if children or pets have become the cause of trouble. Their positive energy with more than compensates for future misfortunes, without allowing the event to negatively affect the family's life.
  • No negative consequences other than the material damage carries the mirror covered by the cracked web due to the attack of anger of its host. However, if the subject suffers from someone else's hand, it should be taken into account that the culprit of "accident" in secret wants to hurt you.
  • A special meaning becomes an event if it coincides with a significant event in life. The incident that happened on his birthday predicts a birthday officer whole year Small, but annoying troubles. The mirror that cracked on the day of marriage foreshadows a young difficult married life, full of material difficulties and other family turmoils.

Is it possible to resist unhappiness?

The cracked mirror should not verify its host in deep despondency. After all, if you comply with a number of rules, it is quite possible to minimize or prevent the consequences of misfortune.

  • Never look into a damaged accessory. It is believed that unwanted cracks appear in the protective aere of our organism, through which the negative penetrates. This leads to a deterioration in the physical and psychological state.
  • A spoiled subject together with the frame must be removed from the room as soon as possible so that the negative energy exudes them does not have seriously affected the surrounding space.
  • Before throwing out the accessory, find the opportunity to hold it for a while in running water. It can be a stream or river and even a crane jet. In this way, you can prevent the negative to stand out.
  • Relevant on the garbage a spoiled mirror, pre-wrap it into a dense dark tissue. So it will be completely safe for others.
  • The place where the broken thing hung should be cleared of evil entities with a candle flame. Then you can buy as soon as possible and hang on the same place a new decoration for the interior.