Is it possible to buy used watches according to Feng Shui? Where to hang a feng shui wall clock

A wall clock reminds you that time is something that cannot be turned back.

Do you know that those who beat the rhythm of our life at home or in the office at the moment may turn out to be our best friend or, on the contrary, a sworn enemy? The clock tells us the time and indicates how much time is at our disposal. When you know what time it is, you can either feel joyful or anxious.

Think for a moment how much of your personal energy and emotions you are wasting looking at this simple mechanical piece of furniture. Every time you fix your eyes on it, you don't just get information. You either weaken or increase the flow within you.

What other piece of furniture will make you run around the house like Alice in Wonderland, feeling like you're running late? A wall clock reminds you that time is something that cannot be turned back. They also help you stick to your daily routine.

A wall clock in the kitchen is good feng shui.

Since clocks have such a strong influence on our lives, their location and condition should not be ignored. One of essential rules Feng Shui is the rule "Broken - throw away." Therefore, if the watch is broken, it should either be repaired or sent to the trash. Ignoring this rule may turn against you.

In the place where there is a broken or stopped clock, life stops. Therefore, in that sector where are these broken clocks,and therefore in the sphere of life symbolized by him, stagnation will come. Time will stop here. If in your life recent times stupor has set in, perhaps you should check if the clock has stopped somewhere in the house.

Also, those who run can bring chaos to life. You will then tend to be in a hurry. Other people - family, friends, loved ones, employer - will not be able to coordinate their rhythm of life with you, and because of this, many opportunities can be missed.

In the place where there is a broken or stopped clock, life stops.

Very often, a parallel is drawn between the human heart and the clock. It has been observed more than once that when a person dies in the family, the clock stops just at the moment of his death.

One person who did not believe in feng shui had an interesting hobby. He made various Wall Clock personally. He made them from a variety of materials. Once he made a watch, decorating the dial with a fish jaw. Such a skeleton around the dial and hands symbolized the human heart in the jaws of death. In addition to this nightmare, he hung a clock in the glory sector in his bedroom. This sector of the gua is responsible for the heart. He laughed at all the remarks that such watches should be removed. After he was once taken away in an ambulance and had a heart operation, he nevertheless agreed to take off this terrible watch.

One of the biggest feng shui mistakes is the incorrect placement of the wall clock. They should not be hung too high. Usually this is how wall clocks are placed: much higher than eye level, so that you have to lift your head. To maintain a sense of lightness, control over what is happening, and to stay in the flow of life, hang a clock at eye level.

Otherwise, time and balance will remain unattainable.

If the first thing you look at when entering the house is the clock, there will always be a feeling that there is not enough time. Guests coming to such a house will feel uncomfortable. They will feel that they are either too late or too early. They will also have a sense of limited time regarding their stay in your home.

If the first thing you look at when you enter a house is the clock, there will always be a feeling that there is not enough time.

When it comes to business, you should not put a clock in a conspicuous place. If visitors to the establishment see the clock, they may feel anxious or irritated. Most likely, they will no longer return to the store where the clock hangs in a conspicuous place.

Have you ever wondered: Why are there no clocks in Las Vegas casinos? All this to make visitors lose the sense of time. When players are not limited in time, they have a desire to play more and more, and, therefore, spend more money.

The clock belongs to the element. Therefore, they should be placed in the gua sectors, where this element is nourishing or basic: Children and Creativity (west), Helpers (northwest), Career (north). Metal hurts wood, so a wall clock in the Family and Health sector (east) can cause problems in this area of ​​life.

In a house that is too quiet, a pendulum clock will set life in motion.

Clocks bring precision and method to the home. The correct placement of the clock in a particular sector will bring into space structure and rhythmic harmony.

There are cases when the watch is able to eliminate the most evil energies. In years when the energy of the negative yellow five or black two is especially strong, they are able to neutralize them with a fight. Negative influence. Hang a clock with a pendulum or a strike in the affected sectors, and they will weaken the earthly energy of these stars with their sound.

In a house that is too quiet, a pendulum clock will set life in motion.

The striking clock also perfectly cleans the space, filling it with a melodic ringing. In sectors where favorable stars reign - one or six, the striking clock will fill the house with wonderful energy. Metal supports and nourishes water, and water is the element of wealth, so a chiming or pendulum clock is a great way to activate the energy of wealth.

If you collect wall clocks, then you can hang them in the living room or in the hallway, thereby creating a wonderful gallery.

Only one clock can be placed in the bedroom. They must run on batteries. Electronic watches should be kept as far away from the bed as possible, as they are dangerous for excessive electromagnetic radiation. This, in turn, negatively affects health.

Avoid wall clocks too big size. Otherwise, time will acquire exorbitant significance in your life, thereby upsetting the balance.

Do not give watches to older people. This is not a very good hint that their time is running out.

Despite the well-known saying that happy hours are not observed, it is hardly possible to meet a large number of houses and apartments where there is no such interior element as a clock.

Time management has firmly entered the life of every city dweller, especially in large cities and metropolitan areas.

Time to work and time to rest, time to eat and put the child to bed, time to go for a walk or do schoolwork. homework almost every minute of life modern man spelled out quite clearly.

That is why the interior of almost every house has a clock - at least as an item that allows you to keep track of time, avoiding serious deviations from the schedule. However, in addition to the functional purpose, like any other noticeable element of the interior, the clock plays an important role in the visual appearance of the room.

A home interior is made up of many details - from basic elements such as ceiling, walls, floors and large pieces of furniture, to small accessories, fine jewelry and other decorative components, each of which, to one degree or another, influences how the interior is perceived. the interior of a particular room as a whole. Today we will talk about what you need to consider when choosing an interior clock for your apartment or house.

Stepan Bugaev, art director of the Pobeda Design architectural bureau, will share his knowledge and experience in the field of selecting clocks for home interiors with readers.

"The clock in the interior is a rather important thing., and not only from a functional point of view. Just as a wrist watch that goes well with a tracksuit is unlikely to be as well in harmony with an evening dress, interior watches should be purchased only in accordance with a specific interior.

At the same time, a clock that matches the interior of the kitchen will not necessarily look just as good, for example, in a living room or office. When choosing a watch, it is important to consider their dimensions, appearance, functional purpose. Hours can be completely different. Wall, floor, table, made in different finishes and with absolutely diverse functions, right up to the home weather station.

It is important to consider the location of the clock in the house. It is absolutely not necessary to have them in every room, it is much more important to think about how exactly they will be used in each of the rooms. For example, in the bedroom you need to watch the clock in order to go to bed on time in the evening and not oversleep in the morning, and in the kitchen it makes sense to keep track of the time while you are going to work or, for example, waiting for guests and preparing treats.

Each person, having analyzed his schedule, will be able to say exactly where in the apartment or house it is most convenient to place the clock. The clock in the interior is a very important decorative element, and, of course, it must be supported by something. If this is a light wall clock, then it should be supported with decor or matched in color so that it matches with pieces of furniture or fittings. If you are going to buy a watch in a wooden case, you need to understand how it will harmonize with wooden furniture, how many shades of wood appear in the interior and how they fit together.

Consider the classification of watches according to installation methods:

. Grandfather Clock. Huge pendulum clocks, often inherited in the family, are perfect for a classic interior. Grandfather clock will look good in the living room, office, dining room or hall. But such watches are always a special place and location. They are perceived more as an object of art, as a sculpture, rather than as a mere means of determining time. You can, on the contrary, make a stylistic contrast and place such a detail in a modern interior. Modern models of grandfather clocks require no less scrupulous attitude, although they look much lighter. For such items, it is necessary to allocate special viewpoints in the interior.

. Wall Clock- much more variable: they can be neutral, or, conversely, bright and suitable for any room for various purposes. You just need to choose a wall clock according to the style or function of the room. For example, in utility rooms, such as a kitchen, you can place clocks of simpler models. And in the common areas - brighter and more accented options. Wall models should be combined with the art in the room, as well as with decorative wall decoration.

. A table clock- completely and completely an object of decor. This type of clock is suitable for a bedroom, office or nursery - that is, rooms where small items are important and where they are given more attention in the interior. Table clocks can be supported in the decor and lighting of the room. A clock can only be a functional addition to the decor, or it can become the basis of the entire interior. Do not underestimate their importance, approaching the choice only from a practical point of view, because the decorative function of the clock in the interior

Have you ever thought about what the clock that hangs in your house means to you? After all, they not only measure time and show us its value exactly to the last second. Following the course of their arrows, it is easy to see that life is constantly moving forward and this process cannot be stopped. Therefore, Eastern sages believe that it is watches that make us think about how we spend our days and how effectively we perform the tasks assigned to us.

Feng Shui wall clock: size, shape and location

Speaking about the location of the clock in the house, we will also touch upon the issues of their shape, material and color, because these characteristics are interconnected. So let's get started. If we divide housing into eight sectors corresponding to the cardinal points, then the best way will look:

In the southwest and northeast

If you hang such a clock in the southwest, then they will contribute to the establishment of personal relationships in the life of their owners, and if in the northeast, they will help to acquire more new knowledge and wisdom.

In the aforementioned sectors, triangular or square watches made of ceramics or porcelain are welcome. As for their color, it can be pink, beige, yellow and orange.

On South

Here they will play the role of one of the lucky amulets for those who dream of gaining fame and fame. In shape, they should resemble a triangle or rectangle, in color - be made in red or green tones. There are no special requirements regarding the material, even home-made frames and bases for the dial will do.

in the southeast

The decision to hang a clock in this sector helps to strengthen one's own financial situation and accelerate the growth of one's financial condition. However, for this to be true, you need to select clocks made of wavy or round wood for the southeast. Of the shades, only black, purple, blue and green are allowed here.

In the northwest and west

The clock on the northwest wall of the house helps its residents to travel around the world, as well as find the necessary mentors and partners. But in the West, their counterparts can have a positive impact on the achievements and creative skills of children. From the materials here you need to use only metal, and from paints - silvery shades. At the same time, their shape can only be oval, round or square.

In the north

North is the career sector, and therefore the hours located in this zone help you quickly move up the career ladder and forget about a long series of failures. Their material and form are the same as those mentioned above. The only difference is that more color variety is allowed here. Well suited blue, blue, metallic color, black and others.

The only absolutely unsuitable place for watches is the east, where watches can cause irreparable harm to the health of their owners and the family as a whole. Also, they are not recommended to be hung in the bedroom, where time should flow unnoticed, and the atmosphere should seem calm and not disturbed by unnecessary sounds.

Modern man can hardly imagine life without watches. According to them, everyone paints their working day, compares traffic schedules, makes appointments and even measures speeds. For business man time is also money, which means that every minute counts. People who want to succeed do not waste a single moment, because they know that it is very difficult to make up for lost time.

A feng shui clock is not just a mechanism that counts time, it is an item that is responsible for the energy flow in an office or living space. In order to attract the beneficial energy of Qi into the house and improve the personal energy space, the ancient Taoist practice recommends that you carefully study the rules for placing interior clocks in a house, apartment or office.

Favorable and undesirable places for wall clocks

Clocks in the house or office always attract the attention of adults or children: some - by ticking, others - by striking, others - by design. This confirms the theory of Chinese philosophy that chronometers have their own energy and are able to combine or randomly distribute those energy flows that arise or are constantly present in the room.

It is believed that a stopped clock can change the atmosphere in the house: there is more negativity, feeling a lack of energy, life becomes boring or seems to freeze. Favorable times will come immediately after the repair of the broken mechanism. If repair is not possible, then such watches must be disposed of (even if they are antique or very expensive, or valuable as a memory).

But sometimes working hours manifest themselves negatively if the room for them in an apartment or house is chosen incorrectly. There should be a clock in the hallway, but a place for them must be chosen so that they are not opposite front door. Otherwise, they, like mirrors, will impede new financial flows or lead to loss of money, conflicts.

Kitchen, nursery, living room, study - in these rooms the energy of Yang dominates, here a person is active, meets with guests, works. And these rooms are considered optimal for placing Feng Shui clocks, and in the bedroom the atmosphere should be soothing, conducive to rest and relaxation (Yin energy), so it is undesirable to even have an alarm clock here. If a biological rhythms do not allow you to wake up on time, then you can use your mobile phone.

Clock rules around the world

According to the rules of ancient teaching, you need to take into account a few more points before hanging up the clock. To determine the flows that need to be strengthened, it is important to take into account the shape, color and material from which the interior items are made, as well as the cardinal points, because each has its own natural element. Location in accordance with Taoist teachings will contribute to the addition of material wealth, health, and as well as the conception and upbringing of children.

unequivocal opinion that do not hang a clock over the door, Feng Shui experts don't. If the chronometer fits into the general interior and meets all other requirements, then the flows of favorable energy can spread to neighboring spaces. Strict rules apply only to the place where there is a broken or stopped clock: they should be repaired or thrown away in order to renew the emotional charge and get rid of the negativity.

It is impossible to allow a conflict of elements in the premises, i.e. in the eastern zone, you should not place metal objects, and in the northern zone - wooden ones.

East and southeast

Interior items made of wood are placed on the eastern and southeastern sides. They can be rounded, have wavy lines. Suitable colors: blue, black, green, purple. East is responsible for strengthening family relations, and the southeast for wealth.

Moreover, the chronometers located in these zones will not only help strengthen the family and strengthen mutual understanding, they will stimulate the flow finances from the most unexpected sources (this could be winning the lottery or an offer of a highly paid job). In the northeast - will contribute to the acquisition of new knowledge.


This is a zone of fame and recognition. Wall clocklocated in the southern part of the house should be made of wood (preferably self made). Acceptable are red or green, triangular or rectangular.

Southwest and Northeast

For these zones, objects that can rather be attributed to interior decorations are suitable: from ceramics or porcelain, in pink, orange, yellow, square or triangular shape.

The southwest is a zone of love, the northeast will help those who want to gain wisdom, new knowledge.

West and northwest

These zones are considered the best for placing any chronometers (wall, floor, with a pendulum, with a fight, etc.). Round, oval or square, made of metal and silver are preferred.

The West is a zone that helps the development of creative abilities in children, the North-West is responsible for attracting reliable partners, helping travelers to carry out their plans.


This zone helps to build a career and is an excellent choice for placing watches. Here you can place round metal objects, suitable colors: black, blue, metallic.

feng shui hourglass

In addition to chronometers that regularly perform their work every second, Feng Shui strongly recommends having an hourglass at home (on a work or student table) as a talisman or amulet. Even the smallest will do.

They will not replace mechanical or electronic ones in terms of functionality, but they should not be taken as toys either. According to Chinese philosophy, the main purpose hourglass is attraction of Qi energy. Moreover, it is believed that the "living" sand, which is in perpetual motion, has a greater impact on the surrounding space than the endless movement of the arrows. Vital energy always positive and active in place location of sand hours. It is good if they are finished with wood, which favorably affects the atmosphere in the room and the mood of people.

Can it be used as a gift

Watches must be purchased independently, and not received as a gift. This postulate for the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire is still indisputable. Any chronometer for the Chinese is considered a humiliating present, especially for the older generation.

The sign “to give a wristwatch” is considered bad by many other nations, but modern Europeans are less picky about gifts, so the coveted wristwatch, wall or floor clock received as a gift is not regarded as a kind of warning. Superstitious people can "pay off" from evil fate by giving a small coin for a gift.

Every person is subject to time. It either runs like a racehorse of an Arabian breed, leaving us only regrets about a life that is changing too quickly, or weaving lazily and sleepily, making us languish in expectation and boredom.

Since ancient times, people have sought to "tame" time through various ingenious mechanisms. At first, these were simple notches and knots counting the past days, then solar, water, fire and hourglasses appeared, and even later - mechanical and electronic, which we use to this day.

Since then, watches have become so firmly entrenched in our everyday life that it is impossible to even imagine how you can do without them. And we do not get by - the clock surrounds us everywhere. The next time you're outside, look around. Surely you will see some kind of chronometers. But a watch is not just a tool for measuring time. Feng Shui teaches that watches are excellent conductors of various energies. Therefore, they are able to influence the fate of people.

feng shui clock rules

It is important that the clock in the house is correctly positioned. But no less important is what kind of watch you have. So, for example, a mechanical watch with a dial has the greatest impact on a person's life. In this regard, the electronic clock is noticeably weaker.

Since the watch has its own energy, it must be handled with care.

Items that are broken, damaged, or have cracked glass should be thrown away immediately. According to Feng Shui, even the most precious chronometers should be disposed of without hesitation. In principle, this applies to any thing. Remember, damaged and unnecessary items, like magnets, attract negative energy into your home and spread it around you.

If the clock suddenly stops, it is necessary to repair it as soon as possible. After all, stopped time slows down the onset of something good in your life. In general, both wall and wrist watches that have suddenly stopped running promise big troubles for their owner: failures at work and in their own lives, health problems, emotional stagnation.

In the place where the clock stopped, life really stops, and sometimes not figuratively, but literally. There is something to think about: in the episode of the death of a person, all the clocks in his house stop running. Moreover, you can often hear that later, no matter how many hours this watch is wound, they do not want to go again. The symbolism of the clock as a kind of mystical mechanism that counts the time of a human life arose for a reason.

However, do not be discouraged if your watch suddenly stops - this does not mean at all that something bad will happen to you. people generate electromagnetic waves and therefore affect watch movements. This can happen by different reasons: for example, due to a strong emotional outburst. So just fix the broken thing and do not think about the bad. If the clock has stopped and does not want to go again, although both the battery and the mechanism itself are in order, then throw them away without doubts and regrets. Keeping them indoors comes with many challenges.

The family will be faced with different problems if all the clocks of the dwelling show different time. In this case, there is a high probability of misunderstanding among the household and, accordingly, their rubbish. In addition, the watch should neither lag behind nor rush: it must always show the exact time.

By the way, from the idea that watches are closely connected with a person’s energy and literally count the minutes of his life, a sign arose that forbids giving them. This belief came to us from China, where such a present is considered an invitation to a funeral. With us, a watch brought as a gift promises separation and reduces the age of their recipient. It only concerns wrist watch: alarm clocks and wall clocks (only if they are without a cuckoo) are allowed.

However, today the ban on donating any watch is increasingly ignored and criticized. Well, those who still believe in this negative omen, but do not want to refuse to give and receive watches as a gift, have adopted a little trick. As is the case with other items that supposedly cannot be given, they simply give the person who gave them such a present one or more coins. Thus, the gift is symbolically paid off, and the negative omen does not work.

Hourglass as a talisman

Despite the fact that no one has been using such chronometers for the purpose of measuring time for a long time, they can often be seen on store shelves. And the thing is that the hourglass in modern time are considered a wonderful element of decor that can bring special notes to any interior. However, it turns out that this is not only a stylish accessory for the home, but also a real talisman.

Hourglasses are even more powerful than their mechanical alternatives. Since the sand in such watches is in constant visible movement, they are able to control the favorable Qi energy, accumulating it and spreading it around. Also, these watches, symbolizing the constant irrevocable running away of time in the form of elusive grains of sand, constantly remind you of the value of every second of life. They teach how to properly distribute such precious time and not waste it on nonsense.

Feng Shui masters recommend placing an hourglass where Qi energy is quickly consumed due to excessive activity: in the study, office, children's room, sports corner. This talisman can also be placed, regardless of which room it is in, in the northeast zone, responsible for the accumulation of wisdom and knowledge. You can place them in the career zone - in the north.

As for the appearance of the hourglass, they will be most effective when framed by a tree. The combination of wood and earth, personified in the sand, will greatly enhance the effect of the talisman. When choosing a watch, like any other item for home or personal use, one should focus primarily on personal feelings and premonitions.