What antibiotics treat sinusitis quickly. Principles of effective antibacterial therapy of sinusitis in adults and children. Causes of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses

With sinusitis, the maxillary sinuses become inflamed. Most often, it develops as a result of a viral or bacterial disease. Antibiotics for sinusitis are the most effective means that will help stop the active reproduction and spread of bacteria, destroy them. Thanks to the timely medicines the risk of developing complications is reduced. Recovery comes much faster.

Use of antibiotics in adults

Medicines for sinusitis are prescribed in case of the appearance of certain signs. The first thing a person will feel is general malaise and weakness. With sinusitis, pain will appear in the sinus region. In addition, body temperature begins to rise.

Do not postpone a visit to the doctor if you experience the following symptoms:

  1. Intense pressure inside the sinuses that occurs when breathing.
  2. The appearance of mucous secretions. As the disease worsens, they may acquire a greenish tint. With purulent sinusitis, the discharge becomes yellow.
  3. Pain, which are localized in the area maxillary sinuses, aggravated by tilting the head. In the morning the pain subsides, in the evening it increases.
  4. Body temperature can reach 39 degrees. Chronic sinusitis occurs without fever or with subfebrile hyperthermia.

Important! When these symptoms appear, a person should contact a medical facility. With sinusitis in adults, X-rays are used to establish the correct diagnosis. Thanks to the picture, it will be possible to see the accumulated pus in the sinuses and its volume.

Previously, only the puncture method (sinus puncture) was used for treatment. It is characterized by pain and the risk of complications.

Contemporary drug treatment includes the use of antibiotics. To select the maximum effective remedy, the person must pass special swab. It will help determine the nature of the bacteria that provoked the onset of the disease. During this procedure, a person will not experience pain or other discomfort. The choice of an appropriate antibiotic depends on the underlying cause of the disease.

There are several main groups of drugs that an otolaryngologist prescribes to eliminate sinusitis. It is very important to follow the healing process. If after 2-3 days after the start of taking the antibiotic there are no changes for the better, it is better to replace the drug. But you shouldn't do it on your own. Any remedy should be prescribed or canceled only by a qualified specialist.

The main groups of antibiotics that are prescribed for the treatment of sinusitis include:

  1. Penicillins. The drugs of this group are the most common and effective drugs for sinusitis and sinusitis.
  2. Macrolides. Their doctor prescribes in case of individual intolerance to drugs with penicillin in the composition.
  3. Fluoroquinolones. These are new generation medicines. They are synthetic in nature. Effective, but the risk of side effects is high.
  4. Cephalosporins. Usually prescribed when the inflammation is strong, exacerbated, there are no positive changes in the treatment of other antibiotics.

Important! The doctor will determine the cause of sinusitis, establish the pathogen, individual characteristics body, the presence of allergies or other diseases in humans. Only then will he be able to prescribe effective medications to eliminate sinusitis.

With sinusitis in adults, tablets and injections are more often used.


This is the simplest and most convenient form for taking antibiotics. The cost of pills is usually low, which allows them to be prescribed to people with different income levels.

The following tablets are most often prescribed:

  1. Augmentin. The drug belongs to the semi-synthetic aminopenicillins. The composition includes two substances - amoxicillin and clavulanic acid. It is a broad spectrum antibiotic. It is not recommended to take more than two weeks. May cause vomiting, nausea, indigestion.
  2. Macrofoam. Belongs to the macrolide group. It will help get rid of pneumococcus, as well as Haemophilus influenzae. How many days to drink the medicine, the doctor will prescribe. It must be taken strictly after meals.
  3. Sumamed. One of the modern and effective antibiotics related to macrolides. The duration of treatment is 5 days.
  4. Flemoxin Solutab. Take this drug from penicillin group according to the scheme prescribed by the otolaryngologist.
  5. Amoxiclav and its analogues. These are semi-synthetic inexpensive penicillin preparations that will quickly destroy bacteria. They are good for adults and children.
  6. Zitrolide. Effective antibiotic from the group of macrolides.

The positive effect of the drugs should occur 1-2 days after the start of their intake. If this does not happen within 72 hours, then a correction of therapy is needed. This drug is not suitable for the treatment of sinusitis.

They are prescribed for severe sinusitis, severe purulent inflammation. Drugs injected into the muscle and into the vein reach the goal faster and immediately have a positive effect.

Among them:

  1. Ceftriaxone. Assign for acute sinusitis. The product is sold in vials in the form of a powder, from which a solution is prepared for intramuscular injection. The drug is not recommended during pregnancy.
  2. Cefazolin. Produced in vials. It has a strong antimicrobial effect. The drug should be used with caution, since after its administration, allergies and gastrointestinal disturbances may occur.

Nose drops or spray

The doctor prescribes these medications at home. These include:

  1. Isofra. Spray that can be used instead of injections or tablets. Means must be irrigated each nostril. Before use, the nose is completely cleared of accumulated mucus. Improvement will come in 7 days.
  2. Polydex with phenylephrine. It has antibacterial and vasoconstrictive action. Treatment takes 1 week.

Antibiotics are usually prescribed for discharge with pus, high temperature and severe pain.

Important! Very often people are interested in: "Is it possible to cure sinusitis without antibiotics?" At an early stage, the disease is eliminated by washing or instillation of the nose, inhalations or methods traditional medicine. But before using them, you need to consult with an otolaryngologist. Sinusitis of moderate severity or running without fail requires antibiotic therapy.

Antibiotics for children

With the development of sinusitis in children, pediatricians try to prescribe antibiotic treatment only in severe cases. This usually occurs with advanced forms of the disease, when the life and health of the crumbs are at increased risk. It is also advisable to use them when the disease passes into the chronic stage.

Important! Before using such funds, parents are required to consult a doctor. The prescription of drugs depends not only on the course of the disease and the symptoms that have manifested, but also on the age of the child.

Usually, the otolaryngologist prescribes modern topical antibiotics. That is, the activity of the drug is manifested only where the focus of infection is localized.

Bioparox possesses such properties. There are also analogues - Fusafungin and Geksoral. These are special sprays that act exclusively on the mucous membrane. oral cavity and nose. They have practically no side effects. An antibiotic for children is prescribed no more than 1 week. After Bioparox, dryness in the nasal cavity is often observed.

The most effective medicines for a child:

  1. Amoxicillin. If necessary, you can even give newborns.
  2. Flemoxin Solutab. It contains the antibiotic amoxicillin.
  3. Cefuroxime.
  4. Polydex and Isofra. These are modern sprays. The first is used for children older than 2.5 years, and the second - from 1 year.
  5. Sumamed. The second name of the drug is azithromycin. It belongs to the group of macrolides. It is the least toxic of all types of antibiotics for children. It can be produced in the form of suspensions and tablets.

Also, a sick child should be carried out at home special procedures. The following methods are considered the most effective for children:

  • nasal lavage;
  • inhalation;
  • compresses.

Important! All methods of therapy for sinusitis and otitis media are used only after visiting a qualified specialist and consulting him. Complex treatment provides for strict adherence to the prescriptions of the attending physician.

Contraindications and side effects

With sinusitis and frontal sinusitis, the doctor does not always prescribe antibiotic therapy. For her, there must be strict indications. These funds can only aggravate the course, for example, of viral sinusitis. This will delay recovery. Antibiotics will not have a positive effect in the following situations:

  • the disease began as a result of an allergic reaction that developed into sinusitis;
  • the disease is viral in nature;
  • sinusitis acquired a chronic course.

In such situations, immunity begins to suffer, which leads to the development of complications and provokes other diseases.

To minimize the negative impact of antibiotics on the human body, the doctor may additionally prescribe probiotics and vitamins.

After some antibacterial drugs, the following side effects appear:

  • violation of the digestive tract;
  • allergy;
  • fungal infections;
  • rashes of a different nature;
  • general malaise.

Otolaryngologists unanimously argue that it is impossible to self-medicate. When the first signs of sinusitis appear, you need to urgently apply for medical care. Only qualified and experienced doctors will be able to establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, which can have a bacterial, allergic, traumatic, viral nature. It develops, as a rule, against the background of colds, SARS or influenza, but can act as a separate pathology.

With the bacterial nature of sinusitis, the patient is shown the use of antimicrobial drugs. Without their use, purulent exudate in the sinuses can “break through”, hitting the human brain. The consequence of this may be encephalitis or.

When are antibiotics needed?

Antibiotics are essential if accompanied by the release of purulent sinus contents from the nasal passages. The group and dosage of the drug can be prescribed exclusively by the otolaryngologist, based on clinical manifestations disease and its severity.

Before using antibiotics, two diagnostic studies are mandatory:

  1. Bacterial seeding on a nutrient medium, with the help of which the nature of the disease is accurately established, as well as its causative agent (the type of pathogenic microorganisms that caused the development of purulent sinusitis).
  2. Antibioticogram. Such clinical trial determines the sensitivity of a particular type of pathogens to certain antibacterial drugs. Thanks to its implementation, the doctor can prescribe exactly the medicine that will give maximum results in the fight against purulent sinusitis.

So, when are antibiotics needed, and what might be the indications for their use? They are used if sinusitis is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • pain in the frontal lobes and eye sockets;
  • pressing sensations in the nose and forehead;
  • a significant increase in body temperature (with acute purulent sinusitis, since it almost never causes fever, except for subfebrile);
  • copious discharge of purulent exudate;
  • difficult nasal breathing, especially at night;
  • intense headaches that are difficult to get rid of even with the help of potent painkillers;
  • discomfort, pain and pressing sensations in the nose and forehead when leaning sideways or to the side.

If therapy is not started in a timely manner, the disease can not only turn into a chronic form of development, but also affect the brain. The consequences of such complications can be unpredictable.

Antibiotic therapy is prescribed, as a rule, a week after the start pathological process. It is necessary if washing the nose and washing it, as well as therapeutic inhalations, did not give any results. Only the attending physician can prescribe an antibacterial drug - you should not self-medicate, since antimicrobial drugs, if used uncontrolledly, can cause serious side effects, up to and including anaphylactic shock.

What antibiotics will help?

It is impossible to say unequivocally which antimicrobials will be effective in each case. It all depends on the results of the antibiogram and bacterial culture for pathogenic microflora. The doctor will prescribe only that antibacterial drug, to which the causative agent of the disease is most sensitive, and did not have time to develop resistance. The risk of adverse reactions is also taken into account.

Often, for the treatment of purulent sinusitis, patients are prescribed the use of following groups antibiotics:

  1. Penicillins. It is this group of antibacterial drugs that is most often used to treat mild sinusitis. This is due to the low risk of developing side effects from their use. However, if there is a severe course of the disease, such drugs will not be effective.
  2. Macrolides. They are prescribed in case of intolerance by the patient's body to antimicrobial drugs of the penicillin group.
  3. Fluoroquinols. The advantage of this series of antibacterial drugs is that most pathogenic microorganisms have not yet had time to develop resistance to them. However, due to the fact that in nature such substances are not synthesized, but are made exclusively in the laboratory, and are categorically contraindicated for small children.
  4. Cephalosporins. Such antibiotics are prescribed in extremely difficult situations - if sinusitis threatens to “break through” and affect the brain, or go into a chronic form of development. They can also be prescribed when other antibacterial agents are ineffective.

Self-medication with antibiotics is dangerous because many patients begin therapy without making sure that they are not allergic to the selected drug. Allergic tests are a mandatory event that is always carried out by a doctor before starting treatment for purulent sinusitis in a patient.

List of antibiotics for sinusitis

The choice of antibiotics for the treatment of sinusitis depends on several factors:

  • individual characteristics of the patient's body;
  • the presence of concomitant diseases;
  • the risk of developing allergies or complications after a course of antibiotic therapy (intestinal dysbacteriosis, etc.).

The selection of the drug is also carried out taking into account the results of the study of the smear of nasal secretions using the Gram staining method.

As a rule, sinusitis therapy begins with relatively light antibiotics of the penicillin series. They have a bactericidal effect achieved by blocking the synthesis cellular elements pathogenic microorganisms that cause sinusitis. This leads to the death of pathogenic microflora, resulting in recovery.

List of drugs based on the penicillin series:

  1. Sulbactam Ampicillin: Sulbacin, Sultamicillin, etc.
  2. Clavulanates Amoxicillin: , and etc.

The use should be carried out under the close supervision of a physician, especially if treatment is prescribed. little child. Although penicillins are considered one of the safest antibacterial groups, nevertheless, it never hurts to play it safe.

Treatment with macrolides

Macrolides are given particular preference because they rank first among antibacterial drugs in terms of their safety. They rarely cause side effects, which explains their popularity and relevance.

These drugs do not block cell membranes pathogenic bacteria, but have a bacteriostatic effect, that is, they prevent further reproduction of pathogenic microflora. These properties are especially useful in chronic purulent sinusitis.

Macrolide preparations can be:

  • 14-membered: Erythromycin, etc.;
  • 15-membered: the drug Azithromycin and its analogues (azalides) (, Azitrus, etc.);
  • 16-membered: Midecamycin, Spiramycin, Josamycin.

The use of cephalosporins

Cephalosporins for the treatment of sinusitis have been used for a long time, and quite successfully. In addition, microorganisms rarely develop resistance to this group of antibiotics, which is also considered their organ advantage.

According to the generally accepted coassification, cephalosporins are:

  • 1st generation - Ceflexin and their analogues;
  • 2 generations - Cefuroxime, Mefoxin, Zinacef and others;
  • 3 generations - Cefixime, etc.;
  • 4 generations - Cefpir, etc.;
  • 5 generations - Ceftolozan, Zaftera, etc.

The use of fluoroquinolones

Fluoroquinolones are synthetic substances that are very different in structure and properties from other groups of antibacterial drugs. In the treatment of sinusitis, these drugs are used only in extreme cases. During pregnancy and lactation, they are strictly contraindicated, as they can cause serious harm to the health of the child.

Fluoroquinolones are divided into 4 generations (the number of the list reflects the generation number of antibiotics of this series):

  1. Tarivid, Yunikpew.
  2. , Cifrinol, etc.
  3. Levofloxacin, Ecocifol,.
  4. Moxifloxacin, Gemifloxacin, etc.

An antibacterial drug is prescribed only after collecting the results of the research bacteriological smear from the nose and antibioticogram. Within two days after the start of therapy, the first improvement should occur. If this does not happen, the drug is urgently replaced with another one.

Systemic antibiotics for sinusitis

Indications for oral or parenteral use of antibacterial drugs in the treatment of purulent sinusitis are:

  • development of intoxication syndrome;
  • protracted course of the disease;
  • acute catarrhal sinusitis, accompanied by pronounced symptoms;
  • the rapid progression of the disease, which occurs in an acute form;
  • the presence of abundant mucous membranes or purulent discharge with severe nasal congestion;
  • severe pain in the maxillary sinuses, eyes, frontal lobes, cheekbones;
  • the development of complications of sinusitis, expressed with the help of otitis, periostitis of the upper jaw segment, the addition of a secondary infection, etc.

Oral and parenteral antibiotics often cause complications in the form of allergic reactions and. For this reason, the patient must be prescribed in parallel.

Injectable drugs

by the most the best option antibacterial agents for sinusitis, sold in the form of solutions for intramuscular injections, is considered to be a cephalosporin group. If we talk about specific drugs, then Cefazolin and Ceftriaxone are often used for this purpose. Despite the similarity of the principle of exposure to pathogenic microflora, these agents have some differences.

  1. - dry powder, dispensed in ampoules, and intended for the preparation of a solution for intramuscular or intravenous administration. It is used for severe sinusitis, and has a powerful bactericidal effect. The powder is diluted with water for injection, or with a solution of lidocaine (an anesthetic). This medicine is extremely necessary in the presence of purulent contents of the maxillary sinuses. Progress is noted after 2-3 injections.
  2. also available in powder form for preparation injection solution. Diluted with sodium chloride, or water for injection. It is used to treat acute sinusitis without pronounced complications. A significant drawback of the drug is its ability to cause powerful allergic reactions Therefore, it is used with extreme caution in the treatment of young children.

The main difference between Ceftriaxone and Cefazolin is that this drug has a more powerful effect. Both injections are very painful, however, Ceftriaxone causes, nevertheless, a more intense pain syndrome, so the powder is diluted with lidocaine.

Local treatment

The systemic use of antibacterial drugs is often carried out in combination with special solutions for the treatment of the nasal cavity. Here is a list of the most effective drugs.

  1. . This nasal antibiotic is rarely used because it can cause serious side effects. It contains neomycin and polymyxin B. However, the spray gives good results in the treatment of sinusitis and purulent sinusitis, and also prevents the development of complications of the disease and the addition of a secondary infection.
  2. Biparox is an antibacterial drug for local application in the treatment of sinusitis. It is released in the form of an aerosol with a dispenser for spraying the drug in the nasal passages. The active substance is fusafungin. This polypeptide antibiotic copes well with various pathogenic microflora: pathogenic bacteria, fungi, mycoplasma, etc. At the same time, it has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  3. - another highly effective antibacterial agent to combat acute manifestations of sinusitis. The active substance is the aminoglycoside framycetin. The spray copes well with the inflammatory processes occurring in the area paranasal sinuses nose.

Another widely used topical aminoglycoside antibiotic is Tayzomed. The preparation contains active ingredient torbamycin. It's a drug a wide range action, which has a powerful antimicrobial effect.

Contraindications and side effects

Antibiotics should not be used to treat sinusitis with:

  • the presence of allergic reactions;
  • pregnancy (without a doctor's prescription) (see);
  • renal failure (drugs Flemoxin, Sumamed, Zitrolid);
  • liver dysfunction (Amoxiclav).

Other contraindications to the treatment of sinusitis with antimicrobials are:

  • lymphocytic leukemia;
  • children's age up to 12 years;
  • impaired blood clotting;
  • tendency to bleed.

With improper use or overdose of antibacterial drugs, side effects may occur in the form of nausea, vomiting, a slight rise in body temperature, hyperemia. skin, itching, headaches, dizziness, stool disorders, sleep problems. Children may develop, worsen general well-being, occur. To avoid this, take the medicines prescribed by your doctor correctly!

Are there antibiotics for children?

Antibiotics are not "adults" or "children", but the dosages of this or that drug. Treatment of sinusitis in young patients is mainly based on the local application of antimicrobial agents. Basically, these are drops or sprays.

There are other "children's" forms of antibiotics:

  • oral suspensions;
  • tablets (from 12 years and older);
  • injections.

Only an ENT, a family doctor or a pediatrician can choose a specific drug and prescribe its dosage. Doctors often recommend treating sinusitis in children with the help of Isofra, Summamed, Polidex, etc. Previously, Bioparox was used for this purpose, but now it is prohibited.

It is very important to correctly approach the use of antibiotics prescribed by a doctor for sinusitis. Their appointment should always be accompanied by additional prescribing and anti-edematous drugs. It can be Allerdez, L-Cet, children's Loratadin, etc. For babies, suspensions and syrups are used, for older children - tablets. After the end of therapy, it is advisable to take antiallergic drugs for a few more days to consolidate the effect.

The main mistake of most parents is an attempt to self-treat sinusitis in a child. Folk remedies, of course, quite often give positive results in the fight against pathology, but they can also do harm. Many recipes alternative medicine they only temporarily postpone the problem, but they do not help to completely get rid of it. Therefore, remember: no one can prescribe the most effective remedy for sinusitis - only a qualified otolaryngologist!


Sinusitis is a very dangerous and insidious disease that can cause a number of complications. It can develop gradually or progress rapidly.

The expediency of using antibiotics and the choice of a specific drug depend on its stage. However, this can only be judged by the attending physician, so do not risk your health by not wanting to stand in line for an otolaryngologist. Be healthy!

Inflammatory processes in the paranasal sinuses are one of the most common pathologies of the upper respiratory tract. Among the patients of otorhinolaryngological hospitals, the percentage of diagnosis of acute and chronic sinusitis is about 40%.
The concept of sinusitis means an inflammatory lesion of the paranasal sinuses of various etiologies (bacterial, viral, fungal, allergic).

An interesting fact is that even with the viral nature of inflammation, a secondary, bacterial component can later join. Therefore, antibiotics for the treatment of sinusitis in adults and children are recommended to be prescribed from the first days of the disease.

high risk severe complications necessitates early antibiotic therapy. On early stages treatment, antimicrobials selected empirically, taking into account the main pathogens.

Which antibiotic is better for adult sinusitis for an alternative regimen?

Inhibitor-protected penicillins with antipseudomonal activity;
cephalosporins (Cefuroxime ® , Cefotaxime ® , Ceftriaxone ® , Cefepime ® , Ceftazidime ® , Cefoperazone ®);
def. cephalosporins (Cefoperazone/Sulbactam®);
fluoroquinolones (Ciprofloxacin ® , Levofloxacin ®);
carbapenems (, Meropenem ®), are prescribed for severe infections with high level drug resistance;
macrolides, preferably used for beta-lactam allergy in pregnant women.

It is highly effective against Gramflora, does not affect Pseudomonas aeruginosa, PRSA, which produce staphylococcal penicillinase. Weakly active in infections associated with streptococci, anaerobes, penicillin-sensitive staphylococci.

Side effect from the use:

  • ampicillin rash;
  • individual intolerance and allergic cross-reactions to other beta-lactams.


  • liver disease;
  • individual hypersensitivity;
  • age up to a month;
  • pregnancy;
  • use of oral anticoagulants.

It is administered parenterally at the rate of two to six grams per day, divided into four injections.

For oral administration, 500 mg every six hours, one hour before meals (adults).

For children, 50-100 mg / kg per day is used, divided into 4 injections. Orally consumed at 30-50 mg / kg, every six hours.

The best antibiotic for sinusitis in adults for endonasal use

Local therapy is effective if the agent used can penetrate through the fistula of the nasal passages, directly into the inflammatory focus and have a direct effect on the pathogen. In case of complete obstruction of the nasal passages, such treatment will not be appropriate until restoration of at least partial aeration of the sinuses.

Common sprays and drops with antibiotics for the treatment of sinusitis: name, composition, application

Isofra ®

Means for local use in ENT practice. It is produced in the form of a spray. The active active ingredient is an antibiotic (hereinafter referred to as ABP) of a series of aminoglycosides-framycetin.

This tool is able to create effective concentrations in the mucosa of the paranasal sinuses. It has minimal systemic absorption, that is, it practically does not enter the bloodstream.

It has a pronounced bactericidal effect on most Gram- and Gram+ pathogens, has low rates of flora resistance and rare side effects.

Isofra is not prescribed to patients with individual intolerance to framycetin or allergy to aminoglycosides. Not for use in children under one year old.

Adults use the drug up to 6 times a day (children up to three times), one spray in each nasal passage.

Exceeding the duration of the course is not permissible, due to the risk of developing superinfection and the emergence of drug-resistant strains.

The spray is prohibited for use in women during pregnancy, due to the risk of toxic effects on the cochleovestibular apparatus of the unborn child. Also, it is contraindicated during breastfeeding!

Rinil ®

What antibiotic is better to use for sinusitis if there is no Isofra ® in the pharmacy? Similar in action and active substance(framycetin) is Rinil ® .

The drug is available in the form of drops and spray. Dosages and duration of use are similar to Isofra.

The high efficiency of framycetin is due to a wide spectrum of action on pathogens of diseases of the upper respiratory tract. It has a bactericidal effect, even on beta-lactam resistant strains.

Some streptococci, anaerobes, treponema are resistant.

Due to the low systemic absorption, it does not exhibit the ototoxic effect characteristic of aminoglycosides when administered orally or parenterally.

Polydex with phenylephrine ®

The drug most often offered in pharmacies, after the question: what antibiotics in the form of a spray are better to treat sinusitis?

The high efficiency of the product is due to its combined composition.

Two antibacterial components (- natural polypeptide and, a representative of the series), have a pronounced antimicrobial effect. The combination of polymyxin and neomycin significantly expands the spectrum of activity on the pathogenic flora. Glucocorticosteroid hormone (dexamethasone ®) has an anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictive effect, reducing the degree of swelling of the mucous membrane, restoring normal aeration of the sinuses and reducing exudate production. Phenylephrine ® refers to alpha1-adrenergic stimulants, has a strong vasoconstrictor effect.

The low systemic absorption of Polydex ® components, in combination with dexamethasone (which has an anti-allergic effect), causes a low incidence of side effects from the use.

It is important to remember that Polydex ® spray is contraindicated for use in persons:

  • with a disease of the upper respiratory tract of viral etiology;
  • with angle-closure glaucoma;
  • pathology of the kidneys with albuminuria;
  • kidney failure;
  • children under 2.5 years old;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • with pathology of the thyroid gland;

How to use the spray?

Patients over fifteen years of age and adults use Polydex ® one injection in each nasal passage, up to five times a day.

Children from 2.5 to fifteen years old, one dose in the nasal passages, up to three applications per day.

Bioparox ®

The active substance that provides antimicrobial action is a natural polypeptide ABP of fungal origin - fusagungin.

A well-adapted spectrum of activity makes it effective against most representatives of Gram- and Gram+ flora, anaerobes, mycoplasmas and some molds. Also used against actinomycetes and Candida.

Powerful, local anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activity allows using Bioparox not only at the stage of catarrhal inflammation, but also in the presence of a block in fistulas, as an effective means of additional therapy.

It has no systemic absorption into the bloodstream.

As a rule, it is well tolerated by patients, but it is not recommended for long-term use, due to the risk of drug-resistant flora and the possibility of developing atrophic changes in the mucous membrane.

As side effects are possible:

  • asthma;
  • broncho- and laryngospasm;
  • hives;
  • perversion of taste sensations;
  • bad taste in the mouth.

Not applicable for treatment:

  • patients younger than 2.5 years;
  • pregnant women;
  • breastfeeding.

Dosages and frequency of use

For children over twelve years old and adults, use two doses of the drug in each nostril, up to four times a day. Up to twelve years, use one dose four times a day.

Antibiotics for sinusitis in children

This pathology in children of the first years of life, as a rule, does not occur, due to the unformed sinuses. Therefore, the main antibacterial sprays and drops for topical use are suitable for both adults and children.

It is important to remember that Rinil ® is not prescribed until the age of one, and is not used in babies under 2.5 years old.

For systemic administration, it is preferable to use protected penicillins and cephalosporins, in case of allergy to beta-lactams - macrolides.

Treatment of sinusitis without antibiotics

Treatment of this disease without antibiotics is not recommended.

As additional stages of therapy, the use of: decongestants, antiallergic drugs, mucolytics, NSAIDs, multivitamins is effective.

Physiotherapeutic procedures are also applied. Surgery indicated in the absence of positive dynamics from the ongoing treatment and progressive deterioration general condition patient.


Oxinmetazoline ® preparations are used:

  • Nazivin ® ;
  • Knoxprey ® ;
  • Nazol ® .


  • Rhinorus ® ;
  • Otrivin ® .


  • Naphthyzin ® .


  • Nazol Baby ® ;
  • Irifrin ® ;
  • Mezaton ® .

Sprays that thin the discharge and facilitate its discharge

Rinofluimucil ® is a combined agent of acetylcysteine ​​and thiaminoheptane. Helps eliminate swelling of the mucosa, reduce exudation, thin the discharge and facilitate its discharge.

Anti-inflammatory drugs, with tropism for the respiratory tract

Erespal ® significantly improves mucociliary transport, reduces the viscosity of the mucous secretion and reduces its amount, eliminates edema and normalizes aeration.

Non-drug treatment

Phys. procedures are effective complex therapy chronic forms. Assign electrophoresis with ABP, phonophoresis with hydrocortisone and its combination with oxytetracycline. The impact of microwave and ultrasonic waves on the sinuses, irradiation with a helium-neon laser is effective.

It is highly effective to wash the nasal cavity by moving the liquid along the Proetz (cuckoo).

With difficult evacuation stalemate. contents from the maxillary sinuses, a puncture is shown, with further washing with antiseptics, shunting.

Surgical tactics are used in the presence of intracranial or ocular complications, as well as in chronic forms diseases. Microgeneral sinusectomy is performed using special trocars or extranasal opening according to Caldwell-Luc.

Sinusitis is a common disease characterized by acute inflammation mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses. Sinusitis may have different degrees development of the disease: it can occur as an inflammatory process or chronic disease. In order to timely prevent the development of the disease, you should contact a specialist, find out which antibiotic you can take and undergo a complex of treatment. However, in order to understand that you have sinusitis, you need to know the symptoms and types of this disease.

Types of sinusitis

According to the type of spread of the inflammatory process, there are two types of sinusitis:

  • Unilateral;

Also, sinusitis is divided according to the type of occurrence:

  • atrophic- with chronic inflammation of the mucosa, gradual atrophy of the sinus membranes occurs;
  • Necrotic- at acute illness tissue necrosis occurs in the paranasal sinuses;
  • Productive- with the appearance of polyps that grow inside the sinus;
  • Exudative- at inflammatory process there is a strong discharge of pus;
  • Vasomotor- occurs when the functioning of the vascular system is disrupted;
  • Allergic- a complication of allergies can be sinusitis;
  • Infectious- due to infection with a virus or ingestion of pathogens of sinusitis.

Find out how to take Amoxicillin for sinusitis.

Sinusitis in 80% of all cases is the result of not fully treated colds. Therefore, the treatment of simple acute respiratory infections should be taken seriously.


With the traditional development of the disease, the patient has severe congestion in the nasopharynx, purulent mucous discharge, pain under the eyes, loss of smell, lethargy, along with an increase in body temperature.

At chronic sinusitis can be traced permanent headache, constant fatigue and swelling of the nasal mucosa. A dry cough may appear at night, which is not amenable to conventional treatment.

You will find a list of drops in the nose with an antibiotic for sinusitis.

Pain may have undulating symptoms. In the morning the patient may feel better, but in the evening the symptoms of the disease may be more acute. External signs inflammation of sinusitis can be swelling under the eyes, redness of the eyelids and constant release of tears. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the signs of sinusitis in adults and how to treat it.

Antibiotic treatment: when prescribed and how to drink

Today at medical practice used a wide range of antibacterial . There are modern medicines that have proven themselves in the fight against maxillary inflammation. Also, old proven antibiotics remain in use, which have a positive effect on the course of the disease.

Streptococcus aureus - the causative agent of the disease - can eventually get used to the action of the same antibiotic. Therefore, in case of a chronic disease, the means of treatment must be changed, after consulting with an ENT doctor in advance.

Find out if there is a temperature with sinusitis.

Some are afraid to use antibiotics, so they ask to prescribe something mild. However, such treatment will not bring a positive result, but will only aggravate the healing process. On the other hand, a frivolous attitude to taking strong antibiotics (irregular, improper use) can impair immunity and not give the desired effect.

Antibiotics are prescribed in combination with various drugs: tablets, sprays or nasal drops. If symptoms of intoxication occur, injections may be prescribed to administer an antibiotic intramuscularly.

How to properly massage with sinusitis is described.

When choosing an antibiotic, you must first familiarize yourself with the presence of side effects, as well as the method of removing it from the body.

List of effective drugs

  • Bioparox is a representative of a modern series of antibiotics, which has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. Belong to the group of polypeptide agents that fight bacteria at the local level. Effectively copes with streptococci, fungi, staphylococcus and anaerobes.
  • Isofra is a preparation from representatives of aminoglycosides. The antibiotic is used in the form of a spray and is locally sprayed into the paranasal sinuses, where inflammation has formed. Destroys microorganisms that are gram-negative and gram-positive. The drug has an antibacterial effect on the mucous membrane.
  • Azithromycin- a drug that has a bactericidal effect. Positive result observed when the focus is saturated with the main anti-inflammatory substance contained in the antibiotic. This antibiotic also helps get rid of.
  • macrofoam belongs to the group of macrolipids. It is a strong drug that has a detrimental effect on the reproduction of bacteria on the mucosa. In addition, Macropen destroys a number of gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms.
  • Zitrolide is the most effective drug, which is least likely to cause toxic reactions in the body. The drug is a representative of macrolides, which successfully copes with the spread of bacteria: anaerobic, gram-positive, gram-negative.
  • Ceftriaxone- a new generation antibiotic, belongs to the group of cephalosporins. The drug is active against a large number pathogens and cause minimal unwanted side effects. The drug boasts a large number positive feedback in the Internet.

Read also how to make a “cuckoo” with sinusitis.

Prices for these drugs vary on average from 200 to 1000 rubles, check with pharmacies in your city.

Your doctor may add to this list other effective and inexpensive antibiotics from sinusitis. Don't forget to consult your doctor!

If within a few days after taking the antibiotic, your condition has not improved, this indicates that it is necessary to change the drug or treatment system.

Indications for use in adults and children

Antibiotics are prescribed in such cases:

  • severe inflammation in allergic reactions;
  • brightly severe symptoms severe degree of the disease;
  • the initial stage of development of sinusitis, proceeding with moderate symptoms for at least 5 days;
  • viral sinusitis.

sinusitis in childhood formed quite frequently. The main cause of their inflammation in childhood is bacteria. That is why antibiotics for sinusitis in children, the names in the tablets of which we will consider in the article, are prescribed in most cases of diagnosing the disease.

What are antibiotics for sinusitis?

During the first week after the diagnosis of the disease, relatively light medications are used. But light therapy is carried out only if inflammation has been detected on initial stage. If the baby does not receive relief, then he is necessarily prescribed an antibacterial treatment.

Pathology proceeds with very unpleasant symptoms for the child. But for child's body It is not the disease itself that is dangerous, but its possible complications. This list contains such dangerous diagnoses as:

  • otitis (inflammation of the middle ear);
  • meningitis;
  • pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs);
  • the formation of phlegmon;
  • development of sepsis.

It is necessary to start treatment of the disease immediately after diagnosis. In order not to miss its beginning, the child must be shown to the doctor immediately after the development of symptoms typical of the disease.

Antibiotics for sinusitis in children are practiced only if it is caused by a bacterial infection.

Treatment of sinusitis in children with antibiotics

In the acute form of inflammation in childhood, classic drugs from the category of antibiotics are also prescribed. But they are used at a much lower dosage than in adult patients. Most often, therapy begins with the use of a tablet format.

If the expected therapeutic result could not be obtained, then two options are possible:

  • increase in dosage, which is highly undesirable in children aged 3 years;
  • carry out the replacement of the drug - which is more preferable. The most commonly used remedy is Amoxiclav. It can be purchased in the form of a suspension or soluble tablets. The medicine is approved for use even in small children, so it can be drunk to a child of 5 years and 7 years without fear.

Local treatment of sinusitis in children with antibiotics can be performed using Bioparox. This is an aerosol (sprayer) containing the antibiotic fusafungin. It has been approved since the age of 2.5, so it can be safely used in children 4 years and older.

In severe form of the disease is used. It can be administered both intramuscularly and intravenously. It has a wide spectrum of activity and is active against different types pathogen. It is prescribed at different ages: a child can be 5 years old, and 9 years old, and 12 years old. The difference will only be in the dosage.

The main difficulty in the treatment of this disease in childhood is the adaptation of microorganisms to selected antibiotics.

What antibiotic is better to use for sinusitis in a child?

Which antibiotic is best? The answer to this question is interesting to all mothers of a sick child.

In the acute form of the disease, in most cases it is used Amoxicillin. The tool has a high bioavailability and is absorbed by about 93%. The remedy is safe for the gastrointestinal tract of a child, since the development of dysbiosis causes in extremely rare cases.

If there is no result from the ongoing treatment, then the patient may be prescribed cephalosporin medications - Cefuroxime or Ceftriaxone intended for intramuscular and intravenous injections. The course of Ceftriaxone is equal to three injections. In the acute form, preference is given to the injection method of administering the drug, since it immediately enters the bloodstream and penetrates to the site of inflammation.

Among cephalosporins, ceftibuten, which is the active active ingredient of the drug, shows itself well. Cedex. In pharmacies, it is offered in the form of capsules and powder for suspension. The tool has a cumulative effect. You need to take it once a day.

With inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, provoked by Haemophilus influenza and streptococci, it may be prescribed to receive Levofloxacin. This medicine belongs to the fluoroquinolone antibiotics and does not give backlash in the form of dysbiosis. Levofloxacin is used when a child has an allergic response to aminopenicillin antibiotics.

Also, macrolides can be prescribed for allergies, but they are less effective in treating acute form pathology. This Roxithromycin, And Clarithromycin.

Another drug that is widely used in this disease is Doxycycline. It is prescribed for children over 8 years old, i.e. a child at the age of 9 will already be allowed.

What antibiotic is prescribed for sinusitis in children?

What antibiotic is prescribed for sinusitis in children? At the very beginning of the disease, penicillin preparations can be used:

  • . Broad-spectrum drug. Appointed from 12 years. The average price is 353 rubles;
  • . Broad spectrum antibiotic. The average price is 66 rubles.

In the absence of a therapeutic effect, antibiotics from the macrolide group are recommended for admission:

  • . Bacteriostatic antibiotic. Allowed from 6 months of age. The average price is 528 rubles;
  • Roxithromycin. Has a bacteriostatic effect. Allowed from 12 years of age. The average cost is 470 rubles;
  • . Broad spectrum antibiotic. Allowed from the age of one. The average price is 112 rubles.

With the advanced form of the disease, treatment with cephalosporins is carried out:

  • . bactericidal drug 3rd generation. Angina is also treated with this drug. Allowed from the first days of life. Price - 407 rubles;
  • Cefuroxime. An antibiotic is used for bacterial infections. The average price is 536 rubles;
  • Cedex. A drug with a bactericidal effect. Allowed from 6 months of age in the form of a suspension. The capsule form is allowed from 10 years. The average cost is 753 rubles.

Drops and sprays for the treatment of pediatric sinusitis

Antibiotics for sinusitis in children may be part of medicines used locally. We are talking about drops and sprays.

The following are often prescribed:

  • Isofra. Allowed from the age of one and a half years. In some cases a little earlier. Used while maintaining the integrity of the nasal septum;
  • Polydex. Dual action anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. Allowed from 2.5 years;
  • Bioparox. Can be used from 2.5 years, but has many contraindications.

Drops for sinusitis with a complex composition

Drops with a complex composition are prescribed if no medications help anymore. The medicine is based on several types of antibiotics. Preparations of this class are made to order, according to a prescription compiled by a physician.

Difficult in composition drops are treated running form sinusitis. They are also recommended in the absence of the effect of the traditional scheme.

Before use, it is necessary to wash the inflamed sinuses. You can take saline or soda solution– for 200 ml boiled water a spoon of the selected product is taken without a slide - as well as sea ​​water, a solution of furacilin or potassium permanganate. There are special devices for washing the nose.

Then, vasoconstrictors should be instilled into the nasal passage if there is swelling of the mucosa. After the swelling subsides, and the child can breathe through his nose, you can instill the medicinal mixture.

Antibiotics for sinusitis in children, the names, in tablets, you now know, are used quite widely. But do not forget that inflammation of the maxillary sinuses is a serious pathology. AND self-treatment disease is totally unacceptable. You can read reviews on this topic or write your opinion on the forum about the treatment of folk remedies.