Antibiotics for the treatment of sinusitis. The effectiveness of antibiotics for sinusitis, their names. Are there antibiotics for children?

In the last century, the use of a special group of drugs – antibiotics – was very popular. They began to be used to treat all ailments of an infectious nature. A whole era of antibiotics had arrived - they were not difficult to purchase at any pharmacy, so patients practically determined their own course of treatment. Consequently, incorrectly selected drugs caused a side effect in the form of allergies, as well as the body's resistance to the effects of the antibiotic.

New times have presented drugs that are based on plant materials and can very quickly eliminate inflammatory process. On the contrary, not all groups of antibiotics are able to resist pathogenic viruses that provoke diseases such as herpes, some types of influenza and the most common - sinusitis. Therefore, it is advisable to understand which antibiotics are effective in eliminating sinusitis and its consequences.

When the nasal sinuses (more accurately called maxillary sinuses) become inflamed, an unpleasant illness such as sinusitis occurs. Very often it acts as a complication of a simple runny nose.

It is not at all difficult to identify the first symptoms in an adult. The first symptoms that should become driving force An urgent trip to the doctor is characterized by:

  1. When a person experiences a pressing and bursting feeling in the nasal sinuses.
  2. After which mucous discharge may appear. In the absence of therapy, the inflammatory process intensifies and this can be understood by the green tint of the mucous discharge. If yellowish discharge appears, you should sound the alarm, as this indicates the beginning of a purulent process.
  3. Pain in the area begins to worry maxillary sinuses, which can intensify in the evening and radiates to the head. Also, the pain becomes much stronger when bending over.
  4. The patient feels a loss of strength, and the temperature rises significantly. But for chronic sinusitis(if the patient started the disease or chose the wrong therapy), then an increase in temperature is not typical.

How is the diagnosis confirmed?

To determine the disease, radiography is used; it is thanks to it that the presence of purulent contents in the nasal sinuses is determined. The most outdated method of treatment is puncture. The procedure is not pleasant and scary for almost every adult. Fortunately, this technique is a thing of the past and is extremely rarely used due to dangerous consequences and extreme pain.

It is important! Remember that the doctor must send the patient for a smear, which will determine the type of microorganism that caused sinusitis. As a result, you can select as accurately as possible effective antibiotic that quickly cope with the infection.

Antibiotics: when are they needed?

First alarming symptoms expressed in the form of copious purulent discharge, strong pain syndrome, which gives rise to the head and increased temperature. If sinusitis has not progressed to the purulent stage, then you can get by with home treatment, which involves washing the sinuses with a special solution, instilling drops, and herbal inhalations.

Before you start taking antibiotics, you should determine which pathogen caused the inflammatory process. As already mentioned, this can be done through a smear. You cannot make a diagnosis yourself and select antibiotics at random - this can lead to irreparable consequences. When the type of pathogenic microorganisms or virus is known, it is not difficult for a specialist to select the correct effective group of antibiotics.

Note! There are a number of cases when taking antibiotics will be completely useless. First of all, for allergic reactions. Against their background, sinusitis can easily begin to develop. Therefore, treatment with antibiotics will be inappropriate and ineffective. A similar result can be expected when the causative agent of sinusitis is a fungal infection.

Not knowing clinical picture course of the disease, you cannot ignore a trip to a specialist and confirmation of the diagnosis, followed by diagnostics for the correct selection of medications.

How are antibiotics taken correctly?

For successful treatment It’s not enough to have the right drug. After all, the result of recovery directly depends on the patient’s actions - how he follows the doctor’s instructions, whether he interrupts the use of antibiotics, or whether he uses additional self-prescribed drugs that can block the action of the antibiotic.

So, depending on the complexity of the disease, the specialist prescribes an antibiotic in the form of injections, oral administration either in the form local application. At moderate severity Sinusitis is mainly treated with tableted antibiotics. More severe damage requires mandatory intravenous administration, but it can also be administered intramuscularly. Once relief occurs, the patient will be switched to oral medications.

When taking antibiotics, the patient must follow the following recommendations:

  1. Do not deviate from the dose determined by the doctor.
  2. Take the drug strictly on time.
  3. Do not interrupt the prescribed course of antibiotics unless side effects are observed.
  4. Do not take additional medications that have not been approved by your doctor.
  5. Under no circumstances should you take alcohol or drugs at the same time.
  6. When purchasing a drug, pay attention to the expiration date.
  7. Additionally, to improve overall well-being, the doctor may prescribe thinning agents and anti-edema medications. Don't ignore them.
  8. You cannot use self-selected nasal drops in parallel with antibiotics. The entire course of treatment is drawn up by a doctor.

Reference! On average, a course of treatment in tablet form lasts from one week to fourteen days. If this period is exceeded, the patient may experience intestinal dysbiosis. Consequently, beneficial microorganisms will be destroyed.

What antibiotics are used to eliminate sinusitis?

After establishing the diagnosis and subsequent identification of the causative agent, the specialist can choose an antibiotic from the main groups that are the most effective for eliminating sinusitis:

  1. Penicillin. It is considered the most common antibiotic that is used for manifestations of sinusitis.
  2. Macrolides. They are in second place after penicillin. Prescribed in case of individual intolerance penicillin group.
  3. Fluoroquinolones. It is a synthetic antibiotic. It can quickly eliminate the activity of the pathogen - bacteria, since the latter have not yet developed immunity to it.
  4. Cephalosporins. When there is no result from other drugs, this type of antibiotic is prescribed, which perfectly eliminates any inflammatory process.

Attention! If the patient does not feel any relief already on the second or third day of taking the antibacterial drug, then this is evidence that the antibiotic was incorrectly selected and is not able to eliminate the pathogen. In addition, it is necessary to take into account possible allergic consequences and individual characteristics body.

Video - Sinusitis: signs, symptoms and treatment

Treatment of sinusitis

Despite the fact that the symptoms of sinusitis caused by pathogenic bacteria are similar to the symptoms of sinusitis caused by a virus, the treatment is still significantly different. Experts do not turn to antibiotics immediately, but only as a last resort, when the effect of local drugs absent or abundant purulent discharge green or yellow tint from the sinuses.

Viral sinusitis is treated in a special way. After all, penicillin macrolides are not able to eliminate the virus. The patient will feel improvement with this type of sinusitis only when the virus goes into an inactive phase.

On the contrary, inflammation of a bacterial nature can be triggered by several types of pathogenic bacteria:

  1. Enterobacteriaceae.
  2. Streptococci.
  3. Staphylococci.
  4. Moraxella.

When a patient has no purulent drainage from the nasal sinuses, there is no elevated temperature, but there is severe swelling, then allergic sinusitis is diagnosed. In this case, the effects of antibiotics are powerless.

Tablet form of antibiotics against sinusitis

Antibiotics can be found in the form of capsules and tablets - this is a fairly convenient and most preferred form of drug release by patients. There are several of the most effective antibiotics in tablet form, which cope well with the disease and its consequences.

Antibiotic nameImageBrief description of the action
Macropen A representative of one of the main groups of antibiotics – macrolides. The effect on pathogenic viruses occurs due to the active substance – midecamycin. Most often used for sinusitis caused by Haemophilus influenzae, as well as pneumococci. For adults, it is recommended to take the drug three times a day for two weeks.
Augmentin Thanks to its complex composition, this drug has rightfully received the status of a third-generation antibiotic. The main effect is due to clavulanic acid. But the duration of treatment with this remedy should not exceed two weeks. Otherwise, side effects may occur: vomiting, and dysbacteriosis in the intestines.
Sumamed A modern antibiotic from the macrolide group, which is actively used in the treatment of sinusitis. Since the drug is potent, doctors prescribe taking it for no more than five days. The frequency of administration is limited to once a day, half an hour before meals.
Flemoxin Solutab This is a representative of a number of penicillin antibiotics. The main difference between the drug is its resistance to the effects of gastric juice
Amoxiclav An antibiotic of semi-synthetic penicillins, which is prescribed for many viral ailments - bronchitis, sinusitis. The main effect of the drug is the ability to destroy the walls of pathogenic bacteria. Please note that it is used exclusively for the treatment of sinusitis in adults
Zitrolide This is a drug of the macrolide group, which has a high antimicrobial effect. It is recommended to take once a day a couple of hours before meals. Please note that it is only available with a prescription.

Attention! If the antibiotic does not show results in the form of improvement in well-being within 48 hours, then you should not take it longer; it is ineffective against sinusitis.

Intramuscular and intravenous types of antibiotics

When a patient experiences intoxication of the body, the use of injections is indicated, since antibiotics in this form are highly bioavailable. So, the following drugs are considered the most effective:

Antibiotic nameImageMain action
Ceftriaxone Since the drug is designated as a derivative of the penicillin group, it is usually used for most infectious diseases. This is a clear representative of third generation antibiotics and the only salvation during an exacerbation purulent sinusitis. It can be purchased in powder form from which the injection is prepared. It is allowed to administer both intravenously and intramuscularly. Please note that this antibiotic is prohibited for the treatment of pregnant women
Cefazolin Represents the cephalosporin group of semisynthetic antibiotics. Upon administration of the drug, its concentration in the blood will remain for twelve hours. The antibiotic should be used with caution, as side effects may occur, namely, stomach upset, and in some cases allergies

Local preparations

The early stages of sinusitis are not so difficult to eliminate with the help of a special spray or drops. But even in this form antibiotics are produced.

Antibiotic nameImageThe essence of the action
Isofra One of the best alternatives to injections and tablets. It is recommended to use at least four times a day for one week. First, before using the spray, the nostrils are cleared of purulent mucus (this can be done through saline rinsing)
Polydexa with phenylephrine An antibiotic in the form of a spray that has excellent vasoconstrictor and antibacterial effects. It must be used three times a day, and if necessary – five times. The duration of the course is one week. Active substances drugs – polymyxin and neomycin

How to treat sinusitis in children with antibiotics?

Most often, children may suffer from complications after rhinitis, which manifest themselves in the form of sinusitis. At the same time, an allergic reaction is clearly manifested in children, so doctors are required to prescribe antiallergic drops. In some cases, the use of antibiotics is not necessary.

Attention! When using a spray or drops, the child should not feel a burning sensation. If such discomfort is present, it is recommended to use sea water.

Antibiotic nameImageMain action

Antibiotics for sinusitis are often used, just as for other infectious diseases. Sinusitis can be caused by viruses, infections and bacteria. The choice of antibiotic directly depends on what type of pathogen provoked the occurrence of this disease.

Before determining which antibiotics to take for sinusitis in adults and children, you need to understand what exactly this disease is, what caused it and what its symptoms are. With sinusitis, pathogenic microorganisms penetrate the so-called maxillary sinuses, located on both sides of the nose. Bacteria accumulate in these sinuses and prevent accumulated mucus from entering the body.

The maxillary sinuses are connected to the nasal cavity, which is why when pathogens penetrate, a protective reaction occurs and a lot of accumulated mucus is released. The body begins to react to the penetration of bacteria, which causes an increase in temperature, clogging of the ducts and worsening breathing. When a severe infection occurs, suppuration occurs in the maxillary sinuses.

Important! Sinusitis is considered sufficient dangerous disease, since the infection progresses in the body and after some time spreads to nearby organs.

Often, a similar situation occurs during the cold season, when the immune system is weakened and colds become more active. Sinusitis can be a complication after previously suffered viral and respiratory diseases.


Symptoms and treatment of acute inflammation of the maxillary sinuses largely depend on the course of the pathology and the presence of concomitant diseases. Among the main symptoms of the disease are the following:

  • headache;
  • purulent nasal discharge;
  • nasal congestion;
  • deterioration of sense of smell;
  • a feeling of squeezing in the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses.

In addition, the patient feels constant severe weakness and malaise, this is especially evident as the disease progresses.

Features of treatment

It is necessary to treat sinusitis comprehensively and begin therapy only after clarifying the diagnosis, which is made on the basis of an examination of the patient. In addition, in order to accurately determine the presence of a pathological process, tomography is additionally performed, ultrasonography and radiography. Correct and timely therapy will help quickly eliminate the existing problem and is considered the most the best prevention the occurrence of complications and the spread of infection to nearby organs.

At the core traditional methods Elimination of inflammation involves drug therapy, including:

  • antibiotics;
  • mucolytics;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • decongestants;
  • antiviral.

In addition, it is assigned symptomatic treatment and restorative therapy. Also to achieve much better effect rinsing of the nasal cavity, physiotherapeutic procedures are indicated, and if there are certain indications, a puncture of the nasal sinus is performed.

Indications for the use of antibiotics

Antibiotics for sinusitis are widely used, however, if the cause of the disease is bacterial infection and inflammation occurs in acute or chronic form. To determine which antibiotic is best for sinusitis, before starting therapy, bacteriological culture of the nasal contents is performed to clarify sensitivity to the drugs used.

Also, when selecting an antibacterial drug, the attending doctor takes into account the characteristics of the patient’s condition, the presence of concomitant diseases, the presence of allergies to the drugs used, and much more.

In the initial stages of the disease, when pathological process does not manifest itself strongly enough, local drugs may be prescribed, which include Isofra, Bioparox, Polydexa. But if there is abundant purulent discharge, nasal congestion, symptoms of intoxication, which intensify over time, it is indicated to use antibacterial drugs.

In complicated forms and prolonged course acute form diseases are prescribed fluoroquinolones or aminoglycosides.

Contraindications for taking antibiotics

Antibiotics for the treatment of sinusitis are not always prescribed, since there are certain contraindications to the use of these drugs. In some cases, these drugs can not only slow down the healing process, but also aggravate the inflammatory process. Contraindications to the use of antibacterial drugs are:

  • allergic course of the disease;
  • with a viral course of the disease;
  • in the chronic form of the disease.

In the presence of viral infection in the body and the course of sinusitis in mild form Nasal cavity rinses are prescribed additionally in combination with inhalations, immunotherapy and mucolytics. Taking antibacterial drugs often leaves no trace on the body, which is why they are used only when absolutely necessary.

In addition, they can worsen the immune system and cause disruption in the functioning of many organs. That is why, when prescribing antibacterial drugs, you additionally need to take probiotics and vitamins to improve your well-being.

Features of antibiotic treatment

Antibiotics for sinusitis in adults can be taken only after consultation with doctors and when the diagnosis is clarified. The course of taking the antibacterial agent, its dosage and frequency are prescribed only by the doctor. When the first symptoms of improvement in well-being occur, it is strictly forbidden to stop taking the medication, as a relapse of the disease may occur. Antibacterial agents quite effective against sinusitis, as they promote the drainage of purulent contents from the nasal cavity, which is achieved by taking decongestants, mucoltic and vasoconstrictors. The nasal cavity is also rinsed with antiseptic drugs.

To treat fungal infections and prevent the occurrence of dysbiosis, additional use of probiotics is required.

Treatment with antibiotics

Treatment of sinusitis often requires the use of antibacterial drugs, but before choosing a medicine, it is important to determine which antibiotics to take for sinusitis so that existing signs of the disease can be quickly eliminated. The duration of taking the medicine largely depends on the patient’s well-being, the degree of progression of the pathology and the type of antibacterial drug.

If your health does not improve within several days, then you need to change the medication. To improve your well-being, medications that eliminate swelling may be additionally prescribed. At chronic course disease, you need to pay attention to what drugs were used in the previous course of therapy.

Antibiotics for the treatment of adults

Sinusitis occurs in adults and children, and if it is not treated correctly, it develops into chronic stage, periodically aggravated by hypothermia. If sinusitis is observed, antibiotics are mainly prescribed from the penicillin group. Amoxicillin is considered a classic remedy, however, many doctors believe that it is not effective enough.

People suffering from allergic reactions to penicillins are prescribed macrolides.
Azithromycin is considered the most popular drug. It eliminates completely all types of bacteria that cause sinusitis. Such antibiotics for sinusitis are prescribed even to pregnant women and people suffering from a complicated form of the disease. Clarithromycin, Erythromycin and Sumamed are also often prescribed.

You definitely need to know which antibiotic is prescribed for sinusitis if penicillins and macrolides do not help. Pick up good drug Only a doctor can do this after an examination. The most effective tablets Suprax, Alphacet, Zinnat, Ceftriaxone are considered.

Fluoroquinolones cope well with bacteria, which are suitable even for allergy sufferers, as well as people suffering from bronchial asthma. Among the main drugs used for treatment in adults are Tsiprolet, Levolet, Avelox, Glevo, Tsifran. Antibacterial drugs are mainly prescribed in tablet form, however, when inflammation occurs in complicated purulent form, the temperature increases, and there is also a danger of infection of nearby organs, then injections must be used.

In addition, if antibiotics for sinusitis in tablets do not help, then they can be prescribed intramuscular injections Cefaxone or Cefraxone. To some extent, injections are much better than pills, since they act much faster on the body and cause much less damage to internal organs.

Local antibacterial drugs

Local antibiotics are widely used for sinusitis in adults, since they act only on the source of inflammation without affecting the body. It is worth influencing bacteria only with the help of external means. The following are widely used for therapy:

  • sprays;
  • drops;
  • means for inhalation.

The best antibiotic for sinusitis should not only kill pathogens, but also eliminate blockages in the ducts, liquefying viscous discharge, accumulated in the nasal sinuses. The most popular drops are Isofra, Polydexa, Bioparox. These products are available in the form of sprays, and Bioparox can be used through the mouth or nose. To inhale the product through a nebulizer, you need to take Fluimucil. The name of antibacterial drugs should only be determined by a doctor.

Antibacterial drugs for children

Treatment of sinusitis with antibiotics in children is carried out only in the most exceptional cases, in particular in advanced stages of pathology that has become chronic. Take an antibiotic in childhood need to be very careful, as these medicines may cause side effects.

Treatment with antibiotics has a bad effect on the child's health. For the treatment of sinusitis, an antibiotic is selected taking into account the existing indications and contraindications of the drug. Only an experienced specialist can name the most effective remedy which has minimal side effects.

When treating sinusitis in children, local agents are used mainly to help eliminate the manifestations of sinusitis, regardless of the form of the disease.

Sinusitis is one of the most common diseases when inflammation is in the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses.

In addition, sinusitis can occur due to problems with teeth, when you neglect the treatment of deep caries, or other ailments that can affect the teeth.

In this material we will analyze the features of treating sinusitis with antibiotics, find out their name, price, and release form.

How does the disease manifest itself?

You can suspect the first manifestations of sinusitis in adults by characteristic features. Most often, the disease occurs as a complication after suffering from a cold or other ailments. In this regard, if you notice a deterioration in your general health, as well as an increase in body temperature, which is accompanied by pain in the maxillary sinuses, you can suspect sinusitis.

The reasons for contacting the clinic for consultation are the following signs:

  1. 1) A feeling of fullness and pressure that arose in the sinuses.
  2. 2) At the first stage, there may be mucous discharge from the nose; as inflammation increases, it acquires a green tint, and when it enters the purulent stage, it becomes yellowish.
  3. 3) Pain in the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses and head, which intensifies when bending over, in the evening the pain increases, in the morning it is usually less.
  4. 4) General loss of strength, which is accompanied by high temperature, up to 30 degrees and above. A rise in temperature is not typical.
The main method in making a diagnosis is radiography, thanks to which you can see the presence of pus in the maxillary sinuses, as well as determine its level. Sometimes, the doctor may suggest a more outdated method - a puncture. But due to the pain and risk of complications, this diagnostic method is rarely used.

In order to prescribe the best antibiotic to defeat exactly those microorganisms that caused sinusitis, a nasal swab is prescribed. The procedure is painless and does not take much time.

When are antibiotics needed?

Taking antibacterial drugs is advisable if a person has severe severe pain, heat, as well as purulent discharge. In mild cases of the disease, it is quite possible to get by - inhalations, etc.

First of all, before starting to take antibiotics for sinusitis, the root cause of its occurrence, as well as its causative agent, should be established. All this is necessary in order to choose the right antibiotic that will destroy the viral infection we need.

It should be remembered that in some cases, taking antibiotics may be completely ineffective and will only worsen the healing process. For example, if you have an allergic reaction that results in sinusitis, taking these medications will be a waste of time. In addition, if sinusitis is caused by a fungal infection, antibiotics will not help either.

In connection with these aspects, it is strictly forbidden to independently select antibiotics for the treatment of sinusitis. Don’t be lazy, go see a qualified specialist. This way you will speed up your recovery and also avoid unpleasant complications.

What antibiotics should I take to treat sinusitis?

And so, let's figure out what antibiotics to take for sinusitis, and also what kind of drugs best cope with this disease.

As mentioned earlier, it is necessary to identify the pathogen using a smear and, based on the test results, buy an effective antibiotic that is suitable for adults. This is the best solution.

Please note that if, after starting to take the medication, relief does not occur within 2-3 days, it means that the antibiotic was chosen incorrectly, or resistance to it has developed, then the drug needs to be replaced.

Mainly certain groups of antibiotics are used. Below are the names:

  • penicillin is the most common and preferred drug.
  • macrolides - mainly used if the patient is intolerant to penicillin.
  • Fluoroquinolones are a synthetic drug to which bacteria have not yet “developed immunity.”
  • cephalosporins - in case of low effectiveness of other drugs, this group of drugs is prescribed. Used for severe inflammatory processes.
Once again, we remind you that the selection of antibacterial drugs should be carried out after identifying the pathogen. In addition, the individual characteristics of a person, his allergic reactions and concomitant diseases should be taken into account.

Choosing the right drugs

Let's take a closer look at the types of antibiotics for the treatment of sinusitis (see names below) - they come in tablets, injections, drops, and also in a convenient spray form.

The pharmacy offers a large number of, both modern (Zitrolide, Macropen) and time-tested antibacterial drugs (Amoxil, Flemoxin Solutab, etc.). The choice is yours and your doctor's.

Antibiotics for sinusitis in tablets

The tablets are familiar to everyone, they have a convenient form, and are also relatively easy to take.

Let's take a closer look at which antibiotics for the treatment of sinusitis are available in tablet form:

  1. 1) Macropen- a common drug that belongs to the group of macrolides, active substance midecamycin. Effective against pneumococcus and Haemophilus influenzae. Adults take for 2 weeks, 3 times a day after meals. An hour after taking it in the blood there will be maximum amount active substance.
  2. 2) Augmentin- belongs to the group of semi-synthetic penicillins, which have protection in in this case This is clavulanic acid. It has wide range actions and complex composition. Refers to 3rd generation antibiotics. Treatment with the drug should not be continued for more than 14 days. Side effects include vomiting, nausea, dysbacteriosis.
  3. 3) Sumamed- a modern and popular antibiotic, which is often used for sinusitis and other diseases. Belongs to the group of macrolides. Take 1 time per day, 2 hours after or an hour before meals. The course of treatment will be no more than 5 days.
  4. 4) Flemoxin Solutab- effective and resistant to the influence of gastric juice. Belongs to the category of penicillins. When taking, listen to your doctor’s recommendations, this will help speed up your recovery.
  5. 5) Amoxiclav - prescribed for sinusitis, otitis, bronchitis and other diseases, has a wide spectrum of action and belongs to the group of semi-synthetic penicillins, which are capable of destroying the walls of bacteria. Indicated mainly for adults only.
  6. 6) Zitrolide- has an antimicrobial effect, belongs to the macrolide group. Apply once a day, 1 hour before or 2 after meals. Dispensed by prescription.
If within 48 hours you do not feel medicinal properties the chosen antibiotic means it turned out to be ineffective in combating sinusitis. It should not be used for longer.

Antibiotics for sinusitis in injections

In case of signs of severe intoxication of the body, it makes sense to prescribe antibiotics intramuscularly. As a rule, they have the highest bioavailability.

  1. 1) Ceftriaxone- intended for treatment infectious diseases, is a derivative of penicillin. Belong to the 3rd generation. Mainly used during acute phase sinusitis. Sold in powder form for the preparation of a solution for intravenous and intramuscular injections. Contraindicated during pregnancy.
  2. 2) Cefazolin- is a semi-synthetic cephalosporin antibiotic, has a pronounced antimicrobial effect. After administration, it is quickly absorbed, the concentration in the blood remains for 12 hours. The drug must be diluted in 4-5 ml isotonic solution sodium chloride, or use plain water for injection. Possible manifestation allergic reactions and gastrointestinal disorders.

Antibiotics for sinusitis - drops or spray

Among other things, to treat sinusitis you can use drops and sprays, which also contain antibiotics.

  1. 1) Isofra- most popular remedy in the form of a spray, they prefer to use it instead of injections and tablets. Apply 4-6 times a day, spray into each nostril alternately. The course of treatment is a week. Before use, the nose must be cleared of snot.
  2. 2) Polydexa with phenylephrine- has antibacterial and vasoconstrictor effects. It is used in the form of a spray 3-5 times a day, the duration of treatment is around 7 days. Contains the antibiotics neomycin and polymyxin.
During the course of antibacterial drugs, do not forget to monitor the intestinal microflora. For prevention, you can take Fluconazole or its analogues. If bowel dysfunction has already occurred, probiotics or prebiotics are needed.

A response to the therapy should appear within 2 days; if this does not happen, the chosen drug is ineffective and there is no point in taking it further. Requires replacement with analogues.

Dosages and duration of treatment are selected individually; for consultation, please contact your doctor. Uncontrolled use can lead to a significant deterioration in a person’s condition, as well as the development of microorganism resistance to the chosen drug.

Which doctor should I contact for treatment?

If, after reading this article, you think that you have symptoms characteristic of this disease, then you should

Antibiotics kill bacteria and prevent their growth. They are used for many infections, including sinusitis. The term “sinusitis” is commonly used to refer to inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. Question from patients: “For sinusitis, which antibiotic is better?” not so simple. Sinusitis can be caused by viruses, bacteria such as cocci, chlamydia and mycoplasma. The correct selection of antibiotic depends on the type of pathogen.

What is sinusitis

With sinusitis, the infection affects the so-called maxillary sinuses - two small cavities on either side of the nose. The purpose of these sinuses in the body is to delay infection and clear the nose of mucus and foreign bodies.

The sinuses are directly connected to the nasal cavity. Hostile microorganisms, multiplying in the mucous membrane, cause defensive reaction sinuses - they begin to secrete a large amount of mucus. Swelling occurs. The body responds to microbial attack by increasing its temperature. The ducts become clogged. A person cannot breathe through his nose. A severe infection causes suppuration in the sinuses.

A similar situation often occurs in autumn and winter, when the immune system people are weakened by the lack of vitamins and sunlight. At this time, various respiratory diseases become more active. Influenza epidemics often leave behind complications in the form of sinusitis.

Sinusitis itself is not only painful, but also dangerous condition. After all, the infection progresses and spreads to nearby organs - eyes, ears, brain. There are known cases of hearing loss and brain inflammation that developed due to untreated sinusitis.

Sinusitis: treatment with antibiotics

Treatment of sinusitis in most cases requires the use of antibiotics - in tablets or injections. When dealing with sinusitis, it is important to remember:

  • The duration of medication depends on general condition health, degree of disease development and type of antibiotic;
  • If the condition does not improve within 3-5 days, you need to change the drug;
  • To improve the condition, anti-edema drugs and thinning agents may also be prescribed;
  • For chronic sinusitis, pay attention to what medications were used in the previous course of treatment. If they did not work, a new remedy is selected;
  • The type of infection – viruses, cocci or chlamydia – plays an important role in the selection of antibiotics;
  • All medications, including nasal drops, must be prescribed by a doctor. Antibiotics are one of the most allergenic drugs in medicine, and choosing them yourself is very dangerous.

Sinusitis: symptoms, treatment with antibiotics

Sinusitis is caused by bacteria or viruses. Treatment is different in both cases, although the symptoms may be similar.

In case of any infection, a person experiences the following symptoms:

  • The nose is constantly stuffy due to copious discharge mucus;
  • The face on the sides of the nose swells;
  • When pressing, pain may be felt to the left and right of the nose;
  • The temperature rises to 39°;
  • Headache;
  • There may be purulent discharge from the nasal passages.

The doctor does not prescribe antibiotics immediately, but only if they do not help local treatment. In the case of purulent discharge, antibiotics are indispensable.

But viruses are not affected by penicillins and macrolides. Viral sinusitis usually goes away on its own when the virus leaves the active phase.

Bacterial inflammation is usually caused not by one type of bacteria, but by several (from 2 to 6). It can be:

  • Pneumonia streptococcus;
  • Haemophilus influenzae;
  • Staphylococcus aureus;
  • Moraxella;
  • Enterobacteriaceae.

The doctor determines the type of infection by the nature of the disease. Laboratory diagnostics It is rarely required, mainly if there is a suspicion of chlamydia.

Antibiotics are not prescribed for the allergic form of the disease. Allergic form differs in symptoms - no high temperature, no purulent discharge, sinuses are blocked due to severe swelling.

Antibiotics for sinusitis in adults

Sinusitis develops in both adults and children. If not treated in time, sinusitis becomes chronic, aggravated by infection or hypothermia. The question of what antibiotics to take for sinusitis is not difficult in our time. Treatment of sinusitis has long been developed and differs only in the severity of the disease or the presence of allergies.

The classic remedy is amoxicillin. Research in recent years has shown its low effectiveness. Therefore, adults, especially those with chronic form diseases, amoxicillin is not prescribed. Its form with clavulanic acid is used.

To people suffering drug allergies Macrolides are prescribed for penicillins. The most popular is Azithromycin. It kills all types of bacteria that cause sinusitis. This drug is prescribed even to pregnant women with severe sinusitis. The doctor may prescribe Sumamed tablets - they have the same formula as Azithromycin.

Clarithromycin is also used. This drug is not prescribed to children or pregnant women. Most the best option Clarithromycin - "Klacid".

What antibiotic is prescribed for sinusitis in adults if penicillins and macrolides do not help? This situation is not uncommon, and only the doctor makes the choice. No clear regimens have been developed, so the otolaryngologist will choose one of the second or third generation drugs. The most popular tablets: Zinnat, Suprax, Ceftriaxone, Alphacet.

Fluoroquinolones fight bacteria well. These medicines are suitable for allergy sufferers, as well as people suffering from bronchial asthma. In pharmacies you can find fluoroquinolone drugs: Levolet, Glevo, Tsiprolet, Tsifran, Avelox.

The natural question is: what antibiotics to take for sinusitis, and which ones are better for injections? Injections are prescribed in severe cases, when the inflammation becomes suppurative, the temperature rises, and there is a risk of infection of neighboring organs.

The doctor may prescribe injections if tablet medications do not help. Usually these are intramuscular injections of Ceftriaxone or Cefaxone. To a certain extent, injections are better than pills. The drug does not affect the flora of the stomach and intestines and acts faster. Injections for inflammation of the maxillary sinuses are prescribed only to adults.

Local antibacterial treatment

Bacteria should also be affected using external means. In medicine, drops, sprays and special inhalation products are used. Their property is not only to destroy hostile microorganisms, but also to open blockages of the ducts, thinning thick secretions. Popular nasal drops with antibiotics for sinusitis are “Isofra”, “Bioparox”, “Polidexa”. These products are available in the form of sprays, and Bioparox can be used through the nose or mouth. Fluimucil is intended for inhalation using a nebulizer.

Side effects of antibacterial treatment

Antibacterial therapy for inflammation of the maxillary sinuses is usually safe and effective. Most people are cured in 5-7 days. But all medicines have side effects. You should ask your doctor or pharmacist about them before buying the medicine. It should be remembered that:

  • The benefits of a drug are usually more important than minor side effects;
  • Side effects quickly disappear after completing the course of taking the medication;
  • If unpleasant symptoms appear, you must inform your doctor about them. He will reduce the dose of the drug or replace it with another.

You need to call " Ambulance"if the following phenomena occur:

What is important when taking antibiotics

It's important to follow the rules antibacterial therapy:

1) You must take all medications prescribed by your doctor. Even if your health has improved significantly, you need to continue treatment until the prescribed course is completed. This is especially important for sinus infections because antibiotics do not easily penetrate the nasal cavities and ducts.

2) The doctor chooses the antibiotic that is most effective against bacteria. If the condition does not improve, a nasal swab is taken to determine which microorganisms caused the inflammation.

3) Antibiotic therapy by any means is carried out for 7 – 10 days. Then the bacteria develop resistance to this substance.

4) Antibacterial agents in tablets and syrups can cause dysbacteriosis and fungal infections.

5) While taking antibiotics, you should not drink alcohol, even weak alcohol.

6) You should tell your doctor if you have any allergies to penicillins or fluoroquinols.

7) Pregnant or breastfeeding women must inform the doctor about their situation so that he can prescribe medications that are safe for the baby. The same applies to women planning pregnancy.

8) Trying to find out from the literature and the Internet what to take for sinusitis, which antibiotic is better, every person should remember that self-medication is dangerous.

9) Appoints medicinal preparations, duration and dosage of their use only by the attending physician.

By taking medications, a person prevents future health problems. But any useful remedy can turn into poison if consumed incorrectly.

Diseases and the bacterial origin of inflammation are obvious; the matter remains small - a choice. What it is based on and how real professionals choose a medicine that can defeat an infection, we will tell you in this article.

Acute sinusitis: the best antibiotics are penicillins

The use of antibiotics for acute sinusitis has been thoroughly studied. We do not need to experiment on our body to find out which drug will help and which will not. Everything has already been clarified before us, and our task is simply to have this information.

IN last years The principles of treatment of acute sinusitis have changed somewhat. Thus, the position of one of the previously most popular drugs has weakened so much that it was almost written off. The use of Amoxicillin, the leading penicillin antibiotic, for acute sinusitis was studied in a randomized, placebo-controlled trial. The experiment involved 166 patients with uncomplicated sinusitis. Amoxicillin was prescribed to 85 patients and placebo, a dummy drug, to 81 patients. On the third day of treatment there was no difference in the condition of the two groups of patients. On the seventh day, patients in the Amoxicillin group reported slight improvement. On the tenth day, 80% of patients in both (!) groups felt a noticeable improvement or completely recovered. Thus, the low effectiveness of unprotected Amoxicillin in acute sinusitis is considered almost obvious. Why is this happening?

In fact, everything is quite simple: there are too many microorganisms that cause acute inflammation maxillary sinuses, produce beta-lactamase, a special enzyme that destroys the beta-lactam ring of penicillins.

The decrease in the effectiveness of Amoxicillin prompted the formation of new principles. They regulate the use of protected penicillins, in particular the combination of Amoxicillin with clavulanic acid, for empirical antibacterial therapy in both adult and pediatric practice.

Penicillins with and without clavulanates

The antibiotic, protected by clavulanic acid, covers the entire spectrum of microorganisms that provoke acute sinusitis. In addition, the combination of Amoxicillin with clavulanic acid is also used to treat chronic sinusitis. However, it cannot be said that protected penicillin has completely replaced the good old Amoxicillin. Some Western publications still recommend the latter as a first-line drug.

But domestic doctors prefer confidence in the result, so prescribing Amoxicillin to adult patients is the exception rather than the rule. Most often, pediatricians resort to Amoxicillin when treating children who have limited experience with bacteria.