Attracting and retaining regular customers in the pawnshop business. How to open a pawnshop

In this article we will describe ways to work with clients and how to increase the level of client loyalty to your pawnshop.

First of all, we must answer the question: “Who are the pawn shop’s clients?”

Pawnshop clients are people who need urgent receiving money and are ready to provide a personal item as collateral to receive the much-needed amount.

What makes them resort to loans? The reasons may be different: delay wages, the need for “quick” money to receive medical care, lack of money to repay a bank loan. If you have precious jewelry that will serve as collateral, you can get a sufficient amount. Among pawnshop clients there are people with different social status. These include students, pensioners, private entrepreneurs and ordinary workers, but they all need “quick” money to meet their own needs. Each client wants to quickly receive the required amount, but on favorable lending terms - this is key conditions, which must be performed by the pawnshop.

What does a pawnshop need that wants to attract new customers and retain regular ones?

  • Highly qualified personnel;
  • Favorable lending conditions compared to competitors;
  • Professional assessment and storage conditions for collateral;
  • Prompt execution of documents when issuing a loan;
  • Building friendly relationships with clients.

IN market conditions human resources play a key role in any organization, ensuring its competitiveness and prospects strategic development. Pawnshop is no exception. Pawnshops invite employees without work experience and are fully involved in training them. With the right approach, you can “train” a highly qualified appraiser in just 1 month.

A highly qualified appraiser will always quickly evaluate the collateral and determine its value and “originality.” But that's not all? You also need to offer favorable conditions to the client and quickly prepare documents. Currently, pawnshops have actively begun to develop various methods to attract new and retain old customers. At the same time, we are talking not only about easing lending conditions by lowering interest rates and increasing the size and term of the loan. Many market participants are actively introducing technologies that were previously widely used in the banking market. In particular, now, when receiving a loan, clients are often offered discount cards that allow them to reduce the rate when they return to the pawnshop, and also, for example, receive a large amount secured by 1 gram of gold. The tariff plans of pawnshops are also becoming more and more complex, in which they begin to take into account the size of the loan, the possible repayment period, the client’s borrowing history and many other factors.

To ensure that the process of issuing a pawn ticket does not take much time, pawn shops use specialized software. In this article we will not touch on the software market for pawnshops, but the program is important tool when working with clients. When using a program for a pawnshop, the operator can quickly enter data about the client and the collateral into the pawnshop’s database, and the program will calculate the maximum amount of the loan issued and make charges according to the pawnshop’s tariff plan. After agreeing on the loan amount with the client, a security ticket (agreement) and cash documents will be automatically generated, so the execution of the agreement will take no more than a minute.

During subsequent client requests, you will be able to use statistics on the relationship between the pawnshop and the client. According to the data obtained, it is possible to implement a discount program to retain regular customers, as well as maintain a list of “problem” customers.

Currently, the use of barcodes on deposit tickets and customer discount cards is becoming popular. This significantly helps to increase the speed of customer service, reduce the likelihood of staff errors when conducting transactions using a deposit ticket, and also control the provision of discounts to VIP clients. Organizing work with clients in a pawnshop is a complex mechanism in which every pawnshop employee, right up to the owner of the company, participates. Working with clients requires a lot of time and effort, but the results will not take long to arrive. We found “live” examples from pawnshops of how to use computer program helps when working with clients.

Thus, the main methods of increasing customer loyalty are:

  • Studying the market and competitors' offers, creating a unique advantageous offer.
  • Training and advanced training of employees.
  • Ensuring high speed and ease of loan processing.
  • Introduction of discount programs for regular customers.
  • Introduction of a personal offer for each client, taking into account the history of relationships with him.
We hope this material was useful and will help you apply “fresh ideas” in your business.

For a constant influx of customers to a pawnshop, advertising is required to be placed in the area where it operates. During crises, epidemics, wars or economic changes, people often go to a pawnshop to get a loan. But pawn shops are opening one after another, creating quite tough competition in this area. That’s why it’s worth making sure that residents of the area closest to the pawnshop are fully informed about its existence. It makes sense to make higher payout rates and reduce the commission percentage. This will allow you to attract more customers.

It is necessary to take care of an attractive sign, outdoor advertising, in the form of billboards, banners, signs and signs. Such structures need to be installed in places with the greatest concentration of people.

Pawnshop corporate identity

Create a special corporate identity for your pawnshop. The company logo can be applied to souvenirs. Let these be inexpensive packages in which customers will carry the purchased items, the main thing is that the name and contact information are in plain sight.

It is worth printing leaflets that can be placed in mailboxes and pasting them on bulletin boards at the entrances of houses. The main thing is that they are distributed in the area where the pawnshop is located, since most clients do not want to travel to other areas of the city.

You can place information about an existing pawnshop in advertising city directories or publish advertisements in the local press. It would be better if not only contact information is indicated here, but also the size of the minimum bids, prices for purchased precious metals, electronics, art, and antiques. This will give each client the opportunity to navigate and calculate the benefits.

Advertising pawnshop services through the website

One of the most popular ways to advertise a pawnshop is to create your own website, which will contain information about prices, services provided, and the opportunities that a client has after pledging valuables. An application form selling triggers can be published here, and several methods of communication are indicated. This is due to the fact that different people prefer different forms of feedback. Some people want to receive answers by phone, while others prefer to use email.

Pawnshop advertising campaign with wide coverage

If you plan to advertise your pawn shop via radio or television, you'll need to set your ad to appear based on location. There is no point in spending your advertising budget to show a video about a local pawn shop in another city. You need to choose catchy headlines, describe the conditions, benefits received when making a pledge.

Outdoor advertising is best given in those areas in which you have branches. You can advertise not only the pawnshop services, but the brand itself, as well as the possibility of opening a franchise business. During a crisis, novice businessmen are interested in quickly starting a business using a ready-made scheme and minimizing their risks.

Contact our sales department for a free calculation of the media plan for the routes you are interested in

During the years of economic crisis, the number of openings around pawnshops, as a rule, increases. This phenomenon It’s quite natural: for some people this is an excellent opportunity to get a small amount without resorting to the services of banks and credit institutions. Competition in this area is quite high, so to properly promote a pawnshop, you should use a set of marketing measures.

You will need

  • - form style;
  • - Promotional Products.


Print inexpensive, branded flyers and distribute them throughout mailboxes nearby houses. Include basic information about the pawnshop, opening hours, and types of goods accepted. Post posters with similar text in public transport and in stores.

Develop several schemes for paying interest and returning pledged valuables. For some clients, it is more important to receive a large amount of money for a short period of time, while for others it is more important to use the money for as long as possible at low interest rates. However, in most pawn shops there is only one method of operation. By developing a flexible system, you can increase the flow of customers.

Expand the range of goods you take as collateral. In addition to the most popular jewelry, try taking household appliances, fur products and even cars. Of course, this way of working requires the creation of certain storage conditions and the presence of competent appraisers. However, at the same time, you can earn a reputation as a pawnshop, where it is most profitable to go.


You should not attract customers with low interest rates or other pricing strategies. This way, you are unlikely to be able to significantly increase the flow of visitors, but at the same time you will lose some of the profit.

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Given the current situation in the Russian economy, many of our compatriots are forced to resort to alternative methods of obtaining additional funds. One of these methods is to take out a loan secured by valuable property. That is why the question of how to open a pawnshop in 2017 is more relevant now than ever. Step-by-step instruction This article will help you understand the stages of creating a pawnshop business.

A pawnshop is a legal commercial institution whose activities are based on mortgage principles.

In other words, the pawnshop client, in exchange for the amount he needs, leaves his valuable property as collateral. After repaying the debt to the company, the borrower receives his item back.

An important point in completing a transaction between the pawnshop and the client is the collateral of only the borrower’s personal property. The loan size is determined based on many factors, especially the real value of the property.

How does the pawnshop business work in Russia?

Many pawnshops provide their clients with the opportunity to renew their loan agreement. In this case, the borrower will only have to pay the accrued interest, after which the loan agreement will be extended.

If the pledged object is not redeemed within the time period agreed upon by the parties, the pawnshop receives the full right to sell the property in order to compensate for its own losses.

I want to open it - where to start?

Opening your own pawnshop business must begin with drawing up a business plan.

Only in this case will it be possible to study the current market conditions as accurately as possible and calculate upcoming expenses and potential return on business.

Where is it better and more profitable to open a pawnshop: in Moscow or the regions?

In Moscow

According to recent studies, in the capital this moment There are more than 550 pawnshops, of which most of- private enterprises.

A well-located and organized pawnshop is visited by about 700 potential clients middle class per week. In this situation, the average net profit of a pawnshop in a residential area of ​​Moscow is about 100-150 thousand rubles.

And in the regions?

To determine how profitable it is to open a pawnshop in a particular region, you need to determine:

  • degree of market saturation;
  • the largest organizations;
  • principles and features of running a pawnshop business in the area.

Thus, in one of the Russian cities, opening a pawnshop may turn out to be extremely profitable, but in another it may lead to bankruptcy. Therefore, each situation must be considered individually.

What do you need to open a pawnshop in Russia?

Is it difficult?

In general, opening a pawnshop consists of the following main stages:

  • Company registration;
  • choosing the right location;
  • equipment selection;
  • personnel selection;
  • launch of advertising.

With a well-written business plan and a sufficient amount of investment, opening a pawnshop will not be difficult.

What laws regulate the specifics of taxation?

The activities of pawnshops are regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and Federal law No. 196-FZ “On pawnshops” dated July 19, 2007.

Basic moments:

  • According to paragraph 2 of Article 2 of Federal Law No. 196, only a specialized commercial institution can engage in pawnshop activities.
  • The main directions of pawnshop activity are: provision of urgent loans and storage of property.

    Do other activities entrepreneurial activity pawnshops forbidden.

  • Pawnshops are participants common system taxation, since, according to clause 7, clause 3, Article 346.12 of the Tax Code, they do not have the right to use the simplified taxation system.
  • Application of the taxation system in the form UTII Also unacceptable, including during the sale of unredeemed collateral, since the pawnshop is not the owner of this property.
  • Income received under loan agreements or to repay debt obligations is not recognized as income subject to corporate income tax in accordance with paragraph 10, paragraph 1, Article 251 of the Tax Code.
  • At the same time, according to clause 6 of Art. 250 of the Tax Code, funds received from the sale of unclaimed items are subject to corporate income tax, since they relate to non-operating income.
  • When calculating income tax, non-operating income also takes into account those converted into pawnshop income on the basis of clause 5 of Art. 13 of the Law of Money.

Thus, most pawnshops receive only interest income on loans, not subject to VAT (according to paragraph 15, paragraph 3, article 149 of the Tax Code). Despite the fact that VAT is not paid in this case, it is still necessary to submit zero declarations on a general basis.

If a pawnshop charges a certain fee for storing collateral (for example, in case of late payment), then the proceeds are subject to VAT. In this case, it will be necessary to maintain separate records of the amount of tax on taxable and non-taxable transactions (according to paragraph 4 of Article 170 of the Tax Code).

Important: Pawn shops are not required to provide information on form 2-NDFL from the sale of collateral.

Transport tax and property tax are paid only if there are objects of taxation.

How much money do you need to open a pawnshop?

The amount of starting capital for opening a pawnshop depends on many factors. The main cost items that need to be taken into account when opening a pawnshop are:

  • company registration costs;
  • purchase of equipment;
  • payment costs utilities and other monthly payments, including:
    • employee salaries;
    • rental of premises.

The amount of costs depends primarily on the region and the type of pawnshop.

Types of pawnshops and their features

The main types of pawnshops are:

  • jewelry;
  • household and digital appliances;
  • automobile;
  • universal.

Much less common are pawnshops specializing in watches, antiques and luxury jewelry.

For buying gold and jewelry

Jewelry pawnshops specialize in issuing urgent loans secured by:

Most often, such establishments are located at stores that sell gold.

In most cases, the services of jewelry pawnshops are used not only by middle-class people, but by fairly wealthy citizens who find themselves in difficult financial situations. The percentage of cases of non-refund of funds in such pawnshops is practically zero.

Household appliances

Pawnshops that accept equipment as collateral attract mainly middle-income clients.

The equipment left as collateral must be in full working order and in marketable condition.

Equipment pawnshops are especially interested in purchasing:

  • telephones;
  • video cameras;
  • computers;
  • laptops.


Universal pawnshops do not have clear restrictions on the type of collateral. In the same institution, loans are issued both against the security of jewelry and against the security of equipment, fur products and the like.

Profitability and payback period

The profitability and payback period of invested funds are primarily affected by the number of loans issued.

To shorten the payback period and increase profitability, it is necessary to increase the amount and number of loans issued. Experts consider the average payback period for a pawnshop to be 5-7 years.

Calculation example

As an example, let’s take a pawnshop, the opening of which cost 800 thousand rubles, of which:

  • rent: 140 thousand rubles;
  • salary for 5 people: 300 thousand rubles;
  • security: 160 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses (advertising, accounting, insurance, etc.): 200 thousand rubles.

With an average loan rate of 10%, the pawnshop's break-even point is approximately 8.8 million rubles. In other words, to cover all expenses it is necessary to issue loans in the amount of 8.8 million rubles. In this case, the company's profitability will be zero. To make a profit, the amount of loans issued must be increased.

As practice shows, for a pawnshop to operate “plus”, it is necessary to issue loans to 40-50 clients daily in the amount of 5 to 10 thousand rubles. On average, it takes 3 to 6 months for a pawnshop to reach the break-even point. The timing depends entirely on the correct selection of the location of the pawnshop, the presence of competitors and the method of advertising.

Thus, the payback period of the establishment based on the volume of loans issued will look something like this:

  • average monthly turnover 9 million rubles:
    • payback period: 9 years;
    • return on investment: 13.33%;
  • average monthly turnover 9.5 million rubles:
    • payback period: 6 years;
    • return on investment: 18.95%;
  • average monthly turnover 10 million rubles:
    • payback period: 4 years;
    • return on investment: 24%.

Important: The higher the monthly turnover of funds, the higher the payback.

How to open a pawnshop: step-by-step instructions

What documents are needed

To carry out pawnshop activities you must have:

  • registration certificates;
  • title documents for the premises;
  • sanitary and epidemiological report with a list of types of services provided.

If the pawnshop works with precious metals and stones, then the organization must register with:

  • Federal Service for Financial Monitoring (former name - Financial Monitoring Committee);
  • State Assay Supervision Inspectorate of the Russian State Assay Chamber.

Registration of a company: which government agencies should I contact?

According to current legislation, only legal entities can carry out pawnshop activities. The most common organizational and legal forms are:

To select a legal entity and speed up the opening of an enterprise, it is recommended to seek help from legal offices - in this case, the entire routine of registering a pawnshop will fall on the shoulders of intermediaries.

The procedure for registering legal entities is determined by Federal Law No. 129-FZ of 08.08.2001.

Is it possible to open a pawnshop as an individual entrepreneur?

According to current Russian legislation, opening a pawnshop as an individual entrepreneur forbidden.

Important: To register a pawnshop, it is necessary to open legal entity, while the company name must contain the word “pawnshop”.

Since, by law, a pawnshop can only issue loans and store property, and in practice this is not very effective, a fairly common scheme is to simultaneously register a purchasing organization and a consignment store. In this case, the use of individual entrepreneurship is permissible.

What kind of premises do you need and where can you find it?

In more or less major cities experts recommend opening a pawnshop in an ordinary residential area with a large number of residents.

When choosing a location, you need to consider factors such as:

  • presence of competitors;
  • permeability of the place.

Due to the fact that there are no special requirements for the premises of a pawnshop at the legislative level, the organization can be located almost anywhere.

However, it is more effective to locate a pawnshop in a separate building or non-residential premises on the ground floor of a residential building.

Since commercial real estate requires a large investment, the most the best option is the rental of premises with an area of ​​30-50 square meters.

Equipment: list of what is needed and cost

List necessary equipment depends on the scale of the planned activity.

In most cases you will need:

  • showcase for goods;
  • cabinets or racks for storage space;
  • workplace: counter-counter, table, chair, table lamp;
  • Office equipment: cash machine, computer, MFP, telephone;
  • security: steel door, safe, video surveillance;
  • specialized items: scales, materials for testing metals and stones;
  • other: stationery, information stand, etc.

Personnel: how many people are needed, responsibilities and requirements, salary

When working at the cash register, the gender of the employee is not important.

It is important to pay sufficient attention to the number of employees.

When working around the clock, a shift work schedule is required, so one appraiser and one seller will not be enough.

What do you need to know about insurance and how much does it cost?

According to Article 358 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, pawnshops are required to insure, at their own expense, items accepted as collateral in the full amount of their estimated value.

The cost of insurance is estimated based on a combination of factors, including:

  • specifications of things;
  • loan terms;
  • conditions for storing collateral objects in a pawnshop;
  • information about the security of the pawnshop;
  • information about the fire safety system;
  • information about the design of the room.

The greater the potential risk of loss of collateral, the higher the cost of insurance.

Detailed pawnshop business plan with calculations: download

Pawnshop as a business: reviews, pros and cons

The undeniable advantages of opening a pawnshop include:

  • minimal risk of deprivation of funds (unredeemed collateral can always be sold at a more favorable price and cover the losses incurred);
  • the size of the room does not matter much;
  • demand for services;
  • high income;
  • low competition.

At the same time, the disadvantages of investing money in opening a pawnshop include:

  • possibility of losing money if:
    • failure to recognize a fake in time;
    • issue a loan as collateral for stolen products (the product will be confiscated, and no one will compensate for the damage);
  • a ban on issuing loans secured by medals, bars and precious stones that have not undergone processing;
  • rapid loss of liquidity of certain groups of goods (fur coats, leather items, household appliances);
  • high requirements for organizing a car pawnshop: the presence of a guarded parking lot and a highly qualified employee.

Questions and answers

How to get a bank loan for a pawnshop?

As practice shows, the best option is to open a credit line, which allows you to receive additional funds in tranches, thanks to which it becomes possible to regularly increase the company’s turnover.

What problems can you encounter and how can you avoid them?

When creating a pawnshop business, it is necessary to take into account the potential risks that you may encounter during operation:

  • Over time, hidden defects may be revealed in items pledged;
  • equipment and some other types of collateral become obsolete over time and lose their value;
  • incompetence of employees can cause serious losses due to the issuance of a loan secured by a counterfeit product;
  • issuing a loan secured by a stolen item will bring losses to the pawnshop, since in this case law enforcement agencies will confiscate the object without compensating the losses incurred by the pawnshop.

How much does it cost to buy a ready-made pawnshop business?

What is the payback period for pawnshops in Moscow and in the regions? The range of prices for purchasing ready-made pawnshops is extremely wide. The cost of a ready-made business directly depends on the region in which the organization is located, how developed the business is, how well organized and streamlined the activity is, how good the location of the pawnshop is and many other factors.

Practice shows that in the capital there are many offers to purchase a ready-made pawnshop at a price of 5-10-15 thousand dollars.

At the same time, in the regions, the cost of a pawnshop may differ significantly from prices in the capital.

For example, at the moment in Chelyabinsk there is an offer to purchase a pawnshop for 22 thousand dollars.

Thus, than more profitable business, the higher its price.

Pawnshop franchise: what you need to know

How to choose a franchisor - what to look for?

To evaluate a franchisor, it is necessary to pay special attention to such indicators as:

  • period of presence on the market (at least 1 year);
  • pace of business development;
  • efficiency of debugging business processes.

You should refuse the offer to purchase a franchise if:

  • the parent company has been in existence for less than a year;
  • the franchisor cannot provide the client with the documentation package necessary for an easy start;
  • many franchisees of this company close some time after starting.

Thus, if the franchisor is not able to minimize potential risks and simplify the launch of his client’s business, then it is better to avoid cooperation with such a company.

Review of offers from Russian pawnshop franchisors

"Pawnshop No. 1"

The parent company has been operating since 2010. The company owns 90 branches throughout Russia. About 100 more points are open as franchises.

The company's management claims that a third of franchisees decide to expand the business and open a second location just six months after the launch of the business.

The company's main requirements for franchisees are the ability to hire 2-5 employees and the availability of premises with an area of ​​20 to 70 square meters.


The company offers not only the opportunity to open a new business, but also rebranding an existing one.

The franchisor offers the client:

  • well-known trademark;
  • necessary documentation, guidelines and business standards;
  • a mentor who provides comprehensive support;
  • provision of a modern system product;
  • access to the database.

An investment of at least one million rubles is required.

The estimated payback period is three months.

Income: up to 300 thousand rubles.


The approximate amount of investment to start is 150 thousand rubles.

The franchisor offers franchisees:

  • assistance in developing a business plan;
  • explanation of the rules for assessing collateral;
  • legal support;
  • maintaining accounting and other reporting;
  • assistance in organizing auctions for the sale of collateral.

Royalty payments are provided. The amount of payments depends on the duration of cooperation. The minimum payment amount is 3 thousand rubles per month. Subsequently, the franchisee will have to give up to 10 percent of the company's revenue.

"The World of Pawnshops"

The company is located on Russian market pawnshops since 2009. Currently, the company offers the acquisition of a franchise and the creation of a business in Russia or the Baltic countries.

Sum down payment is 150 thousand rubles. The size of the required investment ranges from 300 thousand to 1 million rubles.

From the fourth month of operation of the company, a royalty payment of 7 percent of income is provided.

The average payback period is 10-12 months.


The franchise was developed by an organization called “Jewelry Network 585/Golden”. The company has been operating on the Russian market for more than 15 years.

The advantages of this franchise are:

  • balanced pricing policy;
  • high quality of products provided;
  • the ability to conduct three areas of business on a single platform.

The initial payment is 200 thousand rubles. The minimum investment threshold is 3 million rubles.

The minimum royalty level is 17 thousand rubles.

To open a business, you need a premises with an area of ​​40 to 150 square meters.

The approximate payback period is 22 months.

What other pawnshop franchises are there?

As practice shows, in last years More and more organizations are starting to create franchises under own name. However, the main advantage of opening a franchise company is brand recognition. Therefore, it is best to purchase a ready-made business from companies that have existed in the domestic market for a long time.

Franchise pawnshop: reviews

Is it worth working as a franchise or is it better to open a pawn shop yourself from scratch?

In case of purchasing a franchise total cost business will be higher than opening and establishing a pawnshop on your own. However, in this case, the businessman will not have to independently go through all the necessary authorities to obtain the requested licenses and certificates.

Using a franchise is more profitable because it helps to avoid such a serious expense as advertising. This is due to the fact that most franchisors are well-established companies in the service market, which is why it is much easier to get on your feet and manage a stable flow of clients with a franchise.

Thus, if financial security allows, then it is best to give preference to purchasing a franchise.