Lunar calendar of surgical operations. Lunar calendar of surgical operations Angel, entering Her, said

Favorable and unfavorable days for surgical operations help you choose suitable date to carry out the procedure. This will help to carry out the operation successfully and without complications.

A person is happy when he is healthy. If found serious illness, often required surgical intervention.

But do not worry, because the main thing is to choose a good time for the operation process.

Advice: If we are talking about the most urgent surgical intervention, then there is no need to think about favorable and unsuccessful dates. Rely on modern medicine and trust your doctor!

Scheduled surgical operations according to the lunar calendar: the influence of the moon

Suitable and bad days for operations were calculated on the basis of the lunar calendar.

Important: Surgical intervention in the human body is not recommended to be performed on days lunar and solar eclipses.
bad days counts new moon, full moon And waxing moon phase. These days, a person has poor blood clotting, which is fraught with bleeding and the formation of ugly scars. Not considered auspicious dates, which next to full moon and new moon, since it still exists bad influence Moons from these days and these dates are also at risk.

In addition, the signs of the zodiac in which the Moon resides have a slight effect on the body. In the layout of auspicious days by months, you will find a calendar of the passage of the moon according to the signs of the zodiac.

constellation of the zodiac Do not operate on these organs and related to the listed body systems
Aries head, and organs on the head - ears, teeth, upper jaw and sense organs.
Taurus lower jaw, occiput, neck, throat, larynx, tonsils, ears, teeth, organs of speech, circulatory system, thyroid gland
Twins hands, fingers, shoulders, lungs, chest, glandular system
Cancer lungs, chest, nervous system, liver, stomach, gallbladder.
a lion heart, diaphragm, circulatory system, arteries, back, sense organs
Virgo pancreas, digestive organs, spleen, nervous system, circulatory system
Scales kidneys, thigh area, bladder, system of glands
Scorpion urogenital system, ureters, anus, genitals, nervous system
Sagittarius liver, veins, thighs, sense organs
Capricorn bones, joints, knees, gallbladder, skin, circulatory system
Aquarius ankles, shins, veins, glandular system
Fish nervous system, feet, toes
What human organs are affected by the passage of the moon through different signs of the zodiac

Lunar calendar of surgical operations: favorable and unfavorable days for surgical operations in 2020

Month of 2020 prosperous days bad days
January 12-23 1-9 (10 11, 24, (25 - new moon) 26-31
February 11-21 1-8, (9 - full moon) 10, 22, (23 - new moon) 24-29
March 11-22 1-8 (9 - full moon) 10 , 23, (24 - new moon) 25-31
April 10-21 1-7 (8 - full moon) 9 , 22 , (23 - new moon) 24-30
May 9-20 1-6 , (7 - full moon) 8 , 21 , (22 - new moon) 23-31
June 7-19 1-4 , (5 full moon and lunar eclipse) 6 , 20, (21 - new moon and solar eclipse), 22-30
July 7-18 1-4 , (5 full moon and lunar eclipse) 6 , 19, (20 - new moon) 21-31
August 5-17 1-2 , (3 - full moon) 4 , 18, (19 - new moon) 20-31
September 4-15 1, (2 - full moon) 3 , 16, (17 - new moon) 18 -30
October 4-14 1, (2 - full moon) , 3, 15, (16 - new moon) 17-30, (31 - full moon)
November 2-13 1 , 14, (15 - new moon) 16-29, (30 full moon, lunar eclipse
December 2-12 1 , 13, (14 - new moon, solar eclipse) 15-29, (30 - full moon) 31

Doctors decide when to perform surgery - favorable and unfavorable days

Below are published prosperous and unsuccessful days for operations in a generalized form. More detailed information about the surgical intervention for each organ in one or another lunar day and signs of the zodiac, can be found from.

Prosperous days on the lunar chart help you choose a date, which will allow you to successfully carry out the procedure and quickly recover after the intervention. Due to this, the wounds will quickly heal, there will be no infection and other complications.

Favorable and unfavorable days for surgical operations in January 2020:

The position of the moon in January 2020

Favorable and unfavorable days for surgical operations in February 2020

Favorable and unfavorable days for surgical operations in February 2020:

Favorable and unfavorable days for surgical operations in February 2020

The impact of the moon can negatively affect human health, and positively affect the functions of the body. All life on Earth has a connection with this mysterious planet.

Position of the Moon in February 2020

Many people constantly use the lunar calendar for , boy or girl, as well as in astromedicine. This helps to plan the date in advance for the event. certain process or events.

Favorable and unfavorable days for surgical operations in March 2020:

The position of the moon in the signs of the zodiac in March 2020

Favorable and unfavorable days for surgical operations in April 2020

The influence of the phases of the moon on the favorable and unfavorable days of April 2020

Every person feels the influence of the moon. This is manifested in a decrease or increase in working capacity, the appearance of excitability and aggressiveness, fatigue. Or vice versa, a person feels more calm and measured.

The satellite of the Earth has the same effect on every cell of our body in the circulatory or other system.

So, favorable and unfavorable days for surgical operations in April 2020:

The position of the moon in the signs of the zodiac in April 2020

Favorable and unfavorable days for surgical operations in May 2020

Any surgeon can agree that there are good and bad days for surgery. One day, any medical process goes perfectly, and the next everything falls out of hand.

Therefore, it is worth considering
favorable and unfavorable days for surgical operations in May 2020:

The position of the moon in the signs of the zodiac in May 2020

The vibrations of a certain lunar day will influence the outcome of any event, and even more so the outcome of a surgical intervention. The beneficial influence of the Cosmos occurs on the waning Moon, when it has a minimal effect on the Earth.

The position of the Moon in the signs of the zodiac in June 2020

The quality of our life depends on health. If any bodily function fails, surgery may be needed. If there is no need for urgency, then the doctor will offer to choose a day for the procedure.

Favorable and unfavorable days for surgical operations in July 2020:

The moon, when it is in its waning phase, contributes to the fact that the body is freed from all that is superfluous. Therefore, at this time, the body easily copes with any infections and recovers quickly.

Favorable and unfavorable days for surgical operations in August 2020:

Important: Rely not only on the schedule of favorable and unfavorable days. Find a doctor you can trust and work with them to choose the right day for your procedure.

Advice: Rely on your strength and modern medicine.

Favorable and unfavorable days for surgical operations in September 2020:

On days when the phase of the moon increases, a person is weakened. His body needs to recuperate, as the immune system at this time is weak. Therefore, surgical interventions on the growing moon are not recommended.

Coordinate the dates of the procedures with the lunar schedule. This will help not only to carry out operations successfully, but also to avoid worries and worries, since on the waning moon the body systems work well and without failures.

Favorable and unfavorable days for surgical operations in November 2020:

The influence of the moon on man has been known since antiquity. Our ancestors followed the lunar cycles for a reason, choosing the right time to plow and sow the land, hunt and declare war, develop new territories and start building.

Nowadays, astrology in general and knowledge about the changing phases of the moon in particular find their application in various fields: gardening and horticulture, hairdressing, cosmetology and medicine. Because in medical practice of a professional doctor, the main rule is not to harm the patient, planning surgical operations taking into account the lunar cycles allows you to reduce the risks of complications and side effects to zero, thereby positive result procedures.

Since information about the phases of the moon is quite in demand today, astrologers compile special lunar calendars that help determine the most favorable days for applying for medical care. Of course, no one wants to face the need for surgical intervention, however, in some cases, the timely operation is the only way to defeat the disease.

Knowledge of the lunar cycles of 2017 will allow you to most effectively resolve all emerging issues regarding the state of your body, help you maintain health and well-being.

When to do operations according to the lunar calendar in 2017?

In general, the nature of the influence of the Moon on the processes occurring in the human body depends on its position in a particular sign of the Zodiac. Long-term studies and observations of astrologers allow us to draw some general conclusions regarding this influence:

  1. Moon in Aries. During this period, it is recommended to refrain from any intervention in the head and face: operations and cosmetic procedures, visits to the dentist, treatment and piercing of the ears and nose, and even from visiting the hairdresser.
  2. Moon in Taurus. This phase is characterized by the vulnerability of the throat and neck: these parts of the body cannot be operated on. In addition, there is an increased sensitivity of the endocrine system of the body, so it is necessary to monitor the state of the hormonal background.
  3. Moon in Gemini. This period requires special attention to the respiratory organs: they must not be overloaded, and even more so, they should not be operated on.
  4. Moon in Cancer. This phase is most suitable for cleansing the body and removing toxins. Watch your diet, as the stomach becomes especially vulnerable. It should be noted that operations on the legs during this period, on the contrary, are recommended.
  5. Moon in Leo. During this period, it is necessary to protect the heart from stress and avoid physical overstrain. This shows the treatment of blood vessels and ailments of the nervous system.
  6. Moon in Virgo. The vulnerability of the intestines and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract determine the expediency of dietary procedures. Surgery not recommended abdominal cavity. It is better to give preference to cleansing the blood and liver.
  7. Moon in Libra. This period dictates the need to protect the kidneys, as they become vulnerable. However, dental procedures, ear and plastic surgery at this time they promise a favorable result.
  8. Moon in Scorpio. This phase is characterized by an increase in the sensitivity of organs genitourinary system, therefore, any signals that they give you should be taken carefully, and also not be excessively sexually active. Treatment of the endocrine system is recommended.
  9. Moon in Sagittarius. Diseases of the liver and circulatory system may worsen. It is better to refrain from blood transfusion.
  10. Moon in Capricorn. The condition of the skin and metabolism during this period can be easily disturbed, so no cosmetic procedures and treatment of the endocrine system can be carried out. The sensitivity of the stomach during this period, on the contrary, is reduced, which indicates the possibility successful treatment his illnesses.
  11. Moon in the constellation Aquarius- an unfavorable time for operations on the legs and treatment of joints. Showing water procedures as well as treatment of cardio-vascular system.
  12. Moon in Pisces. During this period, it is recommended to reduce fluid intake, as the vulnerability of the kidneys increases. It also increases the risk of allergic reactions so you need to be very careful when taking medicines. Operations on the legs, liver, as well as foot massage are highly undesirable.

Operations on the lunar calendar 2017: main landmarks

There are several basic principles of medical astrology, which are recommended to be followed for the most effective and at the same time delicate medical effects on the body:

  • The moon in each of its phases has the greatest influence on a certain physiological system. It is in relation to this system that operable methods of treatment are prohibited in this period. Other therapies may be acceptable, but surgery is excluded.
  • The change of the lunar phases is carried out smoothly: the intermediate periods between the phases are characterized by the influence of each of the adjacent zodiac signs. In other words, when planning an operation, you need to take into account the features of each of the two phases.
  • The operation will be more gentle for the body in the case when it is carried out during the waning moon.

  • When the moon passes from one zodiac sign to another, there is a high probability of gross errors, including medical ones. Therefore, this time is extremely dangerous for operations.
  • In each lunar month there are unfavorable days for operable intervention: 9, 15, 23 and 29. This category also includes the full moon and the day preceding it. Days of lunar eclipses are also not recommended in this regard.

As for specific recommendations and contraindications regarding surgical operations, for each month of 2017 more specific data are known regarding the influence of lunar cycles on this aspect practical medicine. Let's dwell on them in more detail.

Lunar calendar of operations for January 2017

In the first month of the year, surgical procedures should be refrained from on the following days: 13th, 21st, 27th. An exception can be made only in extreme cases.

The remaining days for the implementation of operations should be approached selectively:

  • January 14– it is not recommended to operate on the heart, spine, as well as the back and chest.
  • January 15-16. It is better to refuse surgical violation of the integrity of the integument in the abdominal cavity.

  • January 17-19. Operations on the kidneys and pancreas are strictly prohibited.
  • January 20th. It is better not to operate on the organs of the genitourinary system and the pelvic area.
  • January 22-24. Surgical intervention in the work of the liver, gallbladder, as well as blood transfusion and surgery in the thigh area is not recommended.
  • January 25-26. Do not plan operations on the gallbladder and bones, refrain from visiting the dentist and massage therapist.

Lunar calendar of operations for February 2017

  • February 12-13 do not operate on the intestines and organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • February 14-15 refrain from surgical intervention in the work of the kidneys and pancreas.
  • February 16-18. Do not operate on the pelvic organs and the genitourinary system.
  • February 20th. Surgical procedures in relation to the liver, gallbladder and thigh area are undesirable. Blood transfusion is also prohibited.
  • February 21-23. It is better not to expose the skeletal system and gallbladder to the scalpel. Dental treatment and manual therapy are also contraindicated.
  • 24 February. Operations on the legs, as well as on the joints, eyes and ears are highly undesirable.

Lunar calendar of operations for March 2017

In the first month of spring, remember the dates when operations are not recommended in principle: the 13th, 21st and 27th. On other days, the situation is as follows:

  • March 14-15. The kidneys and pancreas should not be surgically treated.
  • March 16-17. It is impossible to operate on the pelvis and genitals.
  • March 18-20. The liver, gallbladder, thigh bones must be protected from operable intervention.
  • March 22. It is better not to operate on bone fractures and other skeletal disorders, as well as the gallbladder. Dental treatment and a massage session are also better to postpone.
  • March 23-24. It is undesirable to operate on the eyes, ears, joints and lower limbs.
  • March 25-26. Surgery on the liver, sensory organs, and feet should not be performed.

Lunar calendar of operations for April 2017

In April, exclude surgical procedures on the 19th and 25th. On other days, follow these tips:

  • April 12-13. It is highly undesirable to operate the genitourinary system.
  • April 14-16. Liver, gallbladder, circulatory system must be kept away from the scalpel. It is also better to postpone operations on the hips.
  • April 17-18. The skeletal and biliary systems are especially vulnerable, so surgical procedures are prohibited for them. The dentist and chiropractor during this period can also do you more harm than good.

  • April 20-21. Eyes, legs and joints should not be operated on.
  • April 22-23. Feet, ears, eyes, and also the liver have hypersensitivity therefore, it is better not to use surgical methods in their treatment.
  • April 24. Operations of the head, face, neck (surgical, plastic, and dental procedures) are strictly prohibited.

Lunar calendar of surgical operations for May 2017

In May, the unfavorable days for any surgical intervention are the 11th and 19th. Other days may be suitable for surgical procedures with some exceptions, namely:

  • May 12-13. The liver, biliary, hematopoietic system - all this is especially vulnerable, so you should not operate.
  • May 14-16. Bone disorders and gallbladder surgically should not be treated. toothache during this period it is also better to eliminate by inoperable methods. Massage and reduction of bones are contraindicated.

  • May 17-18. Eyes, ears, joints and lower limbs cannot be operated on.
  • May 20. Surgical intervention in the functioning of the liver, the tactile system, as well as operating on the area of ​​​​the feet is undesirable.
  • May 21-23. Operations in the head, face, neck muscles, as well as dental operations are not recommended.
  • May 24. The throat and neck are very sensitive: it is extremely dangerous to operate on them.

Lunar calendar of operations for June 2017

In the first summer month, it is necessary to refrain from visiting the surgeon on the 17th and 23rd. Regarding the month as a whole, pay attention to the following nuances:

  • June 10-12. It is impossible to operate on the biliary and skeletal system. Manual therapy and going to the dentist are also excluded.
  • June 13-14. Surgical procedures in relation to the legs, joints and eyes are contraindicated.
  • June 15-16. Operations on the feet, liver, and organs of touch (eyes, ears, skin) are highly undesirable.
  • June 18-19. Facial surgery, head and neck surgeries, dental procedures are best postponed.
  • June 20-21. The throat and neck should not be subjected to surgery.
  • 22nd of June. It is impossible to operate on the respiratory organs, as well as on the arms and shoulders.

Lunar calendar of operations for July 2017

As in the previous month, in July the 17th and 23rd are unfavorable for operations. Other days are suitable for visiting the surgeon selectively:

  • July 10-12. Eyes, joints, legs are better not to operate.
  • July 13-14. Surgical procedures in relation to the feet, liver and organs of the tactile system are contraindicated.
  • July 15-16. The head, neck and face become especially vulnerable, so it is better to exclude operations in this area. The same recommendation applies to dental treatment.

  • 18 July. The neck and throat require delicate handling, therefore surgical methods they should not be treated.
  • July 19-20. Risk negative consequences operations on the lungs, bronchi, as well as in the area of ​​the shoulders and arms is very high.
  • July 21-22. The stomach, intestines, chest cannot be operated on.

Lunar calendar of operations for august 2017

In August, only one day is undesirable for the use of surgical methods of treatment: the 15th. On other dates, astromedicine recommends the following tactics:

  • 8 August. Sense organs, legs and joints are best protected from operable intervention.
  • August 9-10. It is undesirable to operate feet, liver, eyes.
  • August 11-12. The face, neck, head, teeth - all this acquires increased sensitivity and therefore should not be exposed to the surgeon.

  • August 13-14. It is not recommended to operate on ligaments, throat, neck.
  • August 16-17. Respiratory organs, arms and shoulders should not be surgically treated.
  • August 18-19. Operations on the stomach, as well as the chest, can be dangerous.
  • August 20. The heart, spine, back and chest are very vulnerable, so it is better to postpone operations on them.

Lunar calendar of operations for September 2017

  • September 7. Operations in relation to the feet, liver and organs of the tactile system are undesirable.
  • September 8-9. Can be dangerous operations head, face and neck, as well as dental surgeries.
  • September 10-11. Ligaments, throat, neck cannot be operated on.
  • 12-th of September. You can not lie down under the surgeon's scalpel to treat the respiratory organs, as well as the bones and joints of the shoulder girdle and arms.

  • September 14-15. The stomach and chest are especially vulnerable, so it is better not to operate on them.
  • September 16-17. Surgery on the heart, spine, back, and chest can be dangerous.
  • September 18th. It is undesirable to expose the intestines and organs of the gastrointestinal tract to the effects of surgical methods of treatment.

Lunar calendar of operations for October 2017

In October, it is better not to plan operations for the 13th. The rest of the days are quite suitable for visiting the surgeon, taking into account the following features:

  • October 6. The head, neck, face, teeth are sensitive and need delicate treatment. Therefore, it is desirable to operate them at another time.
  • October 7-8. The neck and throat area is not recommended to be subjected to operable methods of treatment.
  • October 9-10. Respiratory organs, hands and shoulder girdle cannot be operated on.
  • October 11-12. It is better to postpone operations on the stomach and chest.
  • October 14. The heart, spine, back, and chest can be affected as a result of surgical procedures.
  • October 15-17. It is better to postpone operations of the digestive tract.
  • 18 October. The kidneys and pancreas should not be placed under the surgeon's scalpel.

Lunar calendar of operations for November 2017

In November, the 11th and 17th days of the month are extremely unsuitable for surgical operations. On other days, it is recommended to be careful in the following matters:

  • November 5-6. It is better to refrain from operating on the hands, shoulder joints, and respiratory organs.
  • November 7-9. Such procedures in the area of ​​​​the stomach and chest are undesirable.
  • 10th of November. The spine, heart, back and chest are very vulnerable, so it is undesirable to violate their integrity through surgery.
  • November 12-13. The organs of the gastrointestinal tract cannot be operated on.
  • November 14-15. Kidney and pancreas surgeries can be dangerous.
  • November 16th. It is better to postpone the operation of the genital organs and the urinary system.

Lunar calendar of operations for december 2017

In the last month of the calendar year, the 11th and 17th are not recommended for visiting a surgeon. Otherwise, the Moon suggests the following precautions:

  • December 5-6. It is undesirable to operate on the stomach and chest.
  • December 7-8. It is better to postpone operations on the heart, spine, back and chest for a more favorable time.
  • December 9-10. The organs of the gastrointestinal tract are very vulnerable, so surgical intervention in their work is prohibited.
  • December 12-13. Operations on the kidneys and pancreas can be dangerous.
  • December 14-15. Gynecological and urological operations are best tolerated.
  • December 16. The liver, biliary, hematopoietic system are very sensitive, so surgical methods for their treatment are unacceptable.

Day of operation lunar calendar

In general, we can say that a comprehensive approach to planning such a serious intervention in the body as a surgical operation is more than justified. So, an experienced doctor understands that it is necessary to take into account all the factors that may be important for the outcome of the procedure.

Today, many practicing surgeons use information about lunar phases, which allow you to determine the most favorable time for the use of operable methods of treatment.

At the same time, it is necessary to understand that the planning of the operation according to the lunar calendar should also be carried out taking into account the retrograde of the planets, eclipses of the Moon and the Sun, etc. Moon calendar, compiled by a professional astrologer, is created taking into account the movement of not only the Moon, but also other planets solar system. This makes it possible to most reliably determine the degree of influence of lunar cycles on the functioning of the human body.

Video: Surgical operations according to the lunar calendar

What days should this or that operation be carried out according to the lunar calendar.


God saves man, who save himself. If you have some kind of serious operation, then it is important to know which doctor will do it, in which clinic and under what conditions. But for some this may not be enough, and in such cases it would be useful to turn to astrology. Now we will analyze in detail when to do operations according to the lunar calendar.

I would like to immediately draw your attention to the fact that no matter how strong your faith in astrology is, you should not take the tips below as a panacea. If the situation is critical and requires urgent surgical intervention, and every day of delay can cost lives, then you need to listen to a competent doctor, and not the advice of astrologers. If the operation is planned and can wait, but it is important for you that the stars are on your side, then please use the lunar calendar. The main thing is that you be calm. After all, at least thoughts are material - both bad and good.

Since ancient times, people have looked at the sky and admired what they saw there. The sun replaces the moon and stars and vice versa, and so on indefinitely. Over time, it turned out that the moon has direct relationship to the ebb and flow, lunar eclipses and full moons have almost magical effect for some things! It is not for nothing that so many legends have been composed and many films have been made about werewolves turning into animals on a full moon. Many rituals are called to perform at this particular time in order to feel the maximum effect.

Stars over time in the eyes of the ancients formed into constellations, and some constellations - into Zodiacs. And it is very important for astrologers to know which planet, the Sun and the Moon, and in what period controls this Zodiac, because this is reflected in many deeds and actions committed by people born under one or another sign of the Zodiac.

The medicine of the distant past claims that the stars of the Zodiac control the human organs:

This is important to know, because it forms the first rule of astromedicine. There are a lot of them, but we will consider only the main seven.

Lunar calendar of operations 2017. Rule number 1

When the Moon is in a certain sign of the Zodiac, surgical interventions in those organs for which it is responsible are prohibited.

When the Moon leaves one zodiac and moves into another, the adjacent influence of both signs is possible, which is important to consider when planning an operation.

Lunar calendar of operations 2017. Rule number 2

Operations carried out on the waning moon are easier to transfer. It is no secret that the moon is the cause of the ebb and flow. It affects all the water that is on the globe. It turns out that the blood in our body is under its influence.

Operations performed between the new moon and the full moon can be complicated by less blood clotting, and this, in turn, can easily lead to bleeding, poorly healing wounds and ugly scars.

Lunar calendar of operations 2017. Rule number 3

Sagittarius, Pisces, Virgo and Gemini are the four unstable signs of the Zodiac. The presence of the Moon in one of them complicates the course of the operation, its result is absolutely unpredictable.

Lunar calendar of operations 2017. Rule number 4

The Moon does not move from sign to sign instantly, it takes a certain amount of time for her to leave one Zodiac and enter another. The time that the Moon is not in any of the Zodiacs is called the idle period, during which no surgical interventions should be carried out.

Try to avoid any operations during the periods indicated below.

Lunar calendar of operations 2017. Rule number 5

Lunar and especially solar eclipses are quite rare phenomena, but, nevertheless, they periodically occur in our band. Try to plan your operation in such a way that it does not fall into these periods.

Lunar calendar of operations 2017. Rule number 6

There are so-called periods of retrograde planets. Astrologers say that they have a bad effect on the state of our health. Especially when planning the upcoming operation, you should pay attention to Mars and Mercury. The first is closely related to the field of surgery and dentistry, and the second affects the connections in the human body.

Lunar calendar of operations 2017. Rule number 7

Surgical interventions should be avoided on the 9th, 15th, 23rd and 29th of each month, as well as the day before the full moon or new moon.

The calendar for 2017 below does not take into account the rules described above: retrograde planets, eclipses, the influence of adjacent signs. But the information will be enough for you to compare all the available facts with each other and choose the most favorable day for the operation.

If it is said that all operations are undesirable, then the exception is always urgent surgical interventions.

Lunar calendar of operations for January 2017

January is the most festive month of every year. The majority of the population in Russia does not work for a good half of the month. In hospitals these days you can find mostly doctors on duty, and everyone else, like you and me, prefers to spend these days with family and loved ones. January is not the best best time for operations, if we are not talking about emergency ones, of course. Let's look in more detail on which days it is better not to carry out certain operations.

  • 13th - Old New Year not the best day for all types of operations;
  • 14th - if the operation is directly or indirectly related to the heart, spine or back, it is better to postpone it to another day;
  • 15th and 16th - it is better not to touch the stomach;
  • The 17th and 19th are a favorable day for many operations, with the exception of the kidneys and pancreas;
  • 20th - the pelvic area and the genitourinary system, in a word, it is better not to touch the area below the belt on this day;
  • 21st - it is better to cancel all operations, unless we are talking about an emergency;
  • 22, 23 and 24 - on these days, refuse to carry out operations related to blood diseases, it is also not recommended to affect areas of the body such as the liver, hips and gallbladder;
  • 25th and 26th - it is still better not to touch the gallbladder, as well as the entire skeletal system;
  • The 27th is the most unfavorable day for an operation according to the lunar calendar in January 2017, you should not perform any operations!

Lunar calendar of operations for February 2017

February is the shortest month, in 2017 it has 28 days, exactly half of which is undesirable for operations on certain organs.

  • 12th and 13th - do not touch the abdomen;
  • 14th and 15th - On Valentine's Day, it's better not to get sick at all, but to spend a romantic evening with your soulmate, and if possible, it's better not to have kidney and pancreas surgery;
  • 16th, 17th and 18th - reschedule the upcoming operation on the pelvis or genitourinary system to another day;
  • 19th - if possible, refuse to carry out any operation on this day;
  • 20th day - on this day, refuse to carry out operations related to blood diseases, it is also not recommended to affect areas of the body such as the liver, hips and gallbladder;
  • On the 21st, 22nd and 23rd - Defender of the Fatherland Day can be celebrated much more fun! These days, operations on the skeletal system and gallbladder are not recommended;
  • 24th - if the operation is related to the legs, joints or affects any sense organ (eyes, ears, nose), it is better not to carry it out on this day;
  • 25th - all operations are undesirable, this day is considered the most unfavorable.

Lunar calendar of operations for March 2017

March is the first spring month, when severe frosts begin to recede, the summer melts, and the snow exposes the asphalt underneath. The first spring rays break through the clouds, we smile and bloom! It is a pity that even in such a joyful month, diseases can fall like snow on their heads. Again, about half of the month is prohibited by Astrologers for carrying out certain operations.

  • 13th - if possible, refuse to carry out any operations on this day;
  • 14th and 15th - do not interfere with the work of the kidneys and pancreas;
  • 16th and 17th - operations on the pelvis and genitourinary system are better to be postponed to another day;
  • 18th, 19th and 20th - on these days, refuse to carry out operations related to blood diseases, it is also not recommended to affect areas of the body such as the liver, hips and gallbladder;
  • 21st - any operation on this day should not be carried out;
  • 22nd - do not touch the skeletal system and gallbladder;
  • 23rd and 24th - reschedule the operation related to the sense organs, joints, and legs to another day;
  • 25th and 26th - the legs are still in danger, mainly the feet, sensory organs and liver;

Lunar calendar of operations for April 2017

On the street, everything is sunny and warmer, the first grass begins to break through, the soul rejoices! In the second half of the month, many open the summer season, if the weather favors. April also includes some days that are undesirable for operations.

  • 12 - 13 numbers - it is not worth operating on the pelvis and genitourinary system these days;
  • 14 - 16 numbers - operations related to blood diseases, as well as on the liver, hips, gallbladder, it is better to transfer;
  • 17th - 18th - it is still better not to touch the gallbladder, as well as the entire skeletal system;
  • 19th - on this day, beware of any surgical intervention;
  • 20 and 21 numbers - you should not operate on the sense organs - eyes, ears and nose, and along with them, joints and legs;
  • 22nd and 23rd numbers - the sense organs are still under threat, and with them the feet with the liver;
  • 24th - don't do it plastic surgery, operations in the neck and head, as well as dental surgeries are best avoided;
  • 27th - all operations are undesirable, this day is considered the most unfavorable.

Lunar calendar of operations for May 2017

The last spring light month, after which the long-awaited summer comes! The second holiday month after January - we all remember the May holidays, many take vacations for those few working days that suddenly stuck between them. In May, it is better not to get sick, but to enjoy the warmth of the approaching summer, finally open the summer season or fly to the seas. But if the circumstances are such that you cannot do without an operation, try to take into account some days that are unfavorable for operations.

  • 11th day - on this day you should not carry out operations of any type;
  • 12th and 13th - refuse operations on the liver, hips, gallbladder, as well as operations related to blood diseases;
  • 14th and 16th - under threat skeletal system, gallbladder;
  • 27th and 18th - do not touch the senses, joints, legs;
  • 19th - any, even simple operations are undesirable;
  • 20th and 23rd - feet, liver, sensory organs;
  • 21 and 23 numbers - you should not do plastic surgery, neck and head surgery, as well as dental surgeries are also best avoided;
  • 24th - the throat and neck are at risk, and you should not interfere with the work of the endocrine system.

Lunar calendar of operations for June 2017

And here it is, the long-awaited summer! The period of holidays and vacations has come, except that the students are still painfully closing their sessions. The most annoying thing is to get sick in the summer, especially if it is warm and dry! About half of the month is prohibited by astrologers for operations.

  • 10 and 12 numbers - the skeletal system, gallbladder are in danger;
  • 13th and 14th - do not touch the senses, joints, legs;
  • 15th and 16th - under the threat of the foot, liver, sensory organs;
  • 17th - any operation, even minor, can be risky on this day;
  • 18th and 19th - do not do plastic surgery, surgery in the neck and head, as well as dental surgeries should also be avoided;
  • 20 and 21 numbers - throat and neck, and you should not interfere with the work of the endocrine system;
  • 22nd - take care of your arms, shoulders, lungs and bronchi;

Lunar calendar of operations for July 2017

Summer is in full swing, in the middle of the month we will step over its equator! The sun and heat are a reason to leave the city as soon as possible, if you haven't already! And if the operation shines, then don’t be upset - July is an excellent period for recovery, because it abounds in a variety of vitamins! But try not to carry out the operation on some July days.

  • 10 and 12 numbers - take care of the senses, joints, legs;
  • 13th and 14th - do not operate on the feet, liver, sensory organs;
  • 15th and 16th - do not do plastic surgery, surgery in the neck and head, as well as dental surgeries should also be avoided;
  • 17th - try to avoid any operation;
  • 18th - the throat and neck are at risk, and you should not interfere with the work of the endocrine system;
  • 19th and 20th - reschedule the operation on the arms, shoulders, lungs and bronchi to another day;
  • 21st and 22nd - the stomach and region are in danger chest;
  • 23rd - all operations are undesirable, this day is considered the most unfavorable.

Lunar calendar of operations for august 2017

The heat subsides, thoughts about the approaching autumn creep into my head willy-nilly. I would not want to lose a single piece of summer, but since the operation is shining, it is for the best - the body is soaked with vitamins of natural origin, this is a good start for the hospital period. In August, there are no completely unfavorable days for all operations, and this cannot but rejoice! But with intervention in some organs it is better to be more careful.

  • 08 number - do not operate on the sense organs, joints, legs;
  • 09 and 10 - operations on the feet, liver, sensory organs are better to be postponed to another day;
  • 11th and 12th - do not do plastic surgery, surgery in the neck and head, as well as dental surgeries are also best avoided;
  • 13th and 14th numbers - take care of your throat, vocal cords and neck, and you should not interfere with the endocrine system;
  • 15th - if possible, do not go to any operation on this day;
  • 16th and 17th - take care of your arms, shoulders, lungs and bronchi;
  • 18th and 19th - it is better to postpone operations on the stomach and chest area to another day;
  • 20 number - take care of the spine, chest, back and heart.

Lunar calendar of operations for September 2017

So autumn has come, but I would like it to come without depression. Whatever health complaints you may have, this is not a reason to be sad! Plan your upcoming operations according to the lunar calendar for September.

  • 07 number - it is not necessary to carry out operations on this day, even remotely related to the feet, liver or sensory organs;
  • 08 and 09 numbers - you should not do plastic surgery, operations in the neck and head, as well as dental surgeries should also be avoided;
  • 10th and 11th numbers - take care of your throat, vocal cords and neck, and you should not interfere with the work of the endocrine system;
  • 12th - arms, shoulders, lungs and bronchi are better to operate on some other day;
  • 13th - although not Friday, you should not still be operated on this day at all;
  • 14th and 15th - it is better not to touch the stomach and chest area these days;
  • 16th and 17th - take care of the spine, chest, back and heart;
  • 18th - it is better not to carry out operations in the abdomen;
  • 19th - all operations are undesirable, this day is considered the most unfavorable.

Lunar calendar of operations for October 2017

The second autumn month is a good time for operations. And there are not so many unfavorable days, and it’s not so insulting to spend some time in a hospital ward - a dull view outside the window is unlikely to beckon you to look outside. It is not necessary to carry out operations nevertheless on some days, we will get acquainted with them in more detail.

  • 06 number - you should not do plastic surgery, surgery in the neck and head, as well as dental surgeries are also best avoided;
  • 07 and 08 numbers - throat, vocal cords and neck, and you should not interfere with the endocrine system;
  • 09 and 10 - arms, shoulders, lungs and bronchi should not be operated on these days;
  • 11th and 12th numbers - take care of the stomach and chest area;
  • 13th - this time also Friday, absolutely all operations are undesirable;
  • 14th - it is better not to operate on the stomach and chest area;
  • 15th, 16th and 17th - it is better not to perform operations on the abdomen;
  • 18th - it is better not to touch the kidneys and pancreas on this day.

Lunar calendar of operations for November 2017

The final autumn month is also not bad for operations. Winter is on the way, the New Year is coming soon, we must quickly get the job done so that all diseases remain in the old year! As always, there are days when you should not operate on certain organs.

  • 05 and 06 numbers - take care of your arms, shoulders, lungs and bronchi;
  • 07 and 09 numbers - it is better not to operate on the stomach and chest area;
  • 10th - operations on the spine, chest, back and heart will wait;
  • 11th day - on this day it is better not to be operated on at all;
  • 12th and 13th - try not to touch your stomach at all if possible;
  • 14th and 15th numbers - you should not do operations related to the kidneys and pancreas;
  • 16th - the pelvis and genitourinary system will wait;
  • 17th - all operations are undesirable, this day is considered the most unfavorable.

Lunar calendar of operations for december 2017

December is the first winter month, full of New Year's anticipation and fuss. Snowfalls, traffic jams and in lines for gifts! But how nice it is to give these very gifts and, of course, to receive them! If you have planned an operation, then it is better to carry it out in the first half of the month, so as not to celebrate the New Year in a hospital bed. Of course, the situations are different, but we are simulating the ideal case! It will be quite difficult to choose a suitable day in the first half of December, because it is precisely this day that is teeming with prohibitions.

  • 05 and 06 numbers - operations on the stomach and chest area are undesirable;
  • 07 and 08 numbers - surgery on the spine, chest, back and heart, transfer to another day;
  • 09 and 10 numbers - the stomach should not be operated on these days;
  • 11th - avoid any operation on this day;
  • 12th and 13th - the kidneys and pancreas are at risk;
  • 14th and 15th - operations on the pelvis and genitourinary system are undesirable;
  • 16th - the liver, hips, gallbladder, as well as operations related to blood disease are better to endure;
  • 17th - all operations are undesirable - the most unfavorable day for an operation according to the lunar calendar in December 2017.

Summing up

We have studied the lunar calendar of operations in sufficient detail and talked about the basic rules in astromedicine. Now, having sorted out all this information in your head on the shelves, you can plan this or that operation for the next year. Of course, if we are talking about emergency surgery, and the stars have developed in such a way that the operation is due on an unfavorable day according to the lunar calendar, then throw out everything that you have just studied. Astrology is an inexact science, you can only rely on it, using it as optional advice. But modern medicine dictates its own rules, and for your own health, you should listen to it! The most important thing is to tune in to the best, and then everything will definitely be fine, no matter what the stars say!

Video « The influence of the moon on man«

Any practicing surgeon will tell you that not every day can be favorable for operations. Such people say according to their feelings that there are days that are charged with positive energy, then everything works out perfectly. But it should be noted other numbers in which it is better not to take a scalpel. Only how to find out about these numbers and protect the patient from a trembling hand and medical error?

This question was answered by professional astrologers who conducted a series of studies and looked at the influence of the Earth's satellite, which is located in a particular constellation. As astrologers note, the Moon is able to influence not only the sowing of crops or the cutting of curls. The heavenly body easily affects human activity and other processes that are associated with it.

The table, which you will see below, was the result of the work of astrologers. It will show on which dates in 2017 it is allowed to perform operations, and on which not. Thanks to such data, each of you is able to single out one of the proposed days when space affects a person more positively. And after that, any operation will end successfully. Surgeons have always taken into account every little detail, depending on the complexity of the operations.

auspicious days

January - 5, 8-9, 14, 18, 25, 30

February - 1-2, 8-9, 17, 22-23, 28

March - 5, 8, 15, 20, 23-24

April - 2, 4, 6, 10-12, 17-19, 26

May - 2, 4, 8, 12-14, 19-21, 28

June - 1-2, 5, 8, 11-14, 20-22, 26

July - 5, 8-10, 14-18, 21, 27, 30

August - 1, 5, 7-8, 14-15, 20, 29

September - 1, 4, 7, 9, 10-13, 20, 26-27

October - 1, 5, 9, 12-15, 21-23, 30

November - 3-4, 7, 9, 11-13, 18, 20-21, 29

December - 2, 4, 6, 12-16, 19-21, 26, 29

bad days

January - 2-3, 7, 10-13, 19, 21-22, 26

February - 7, 11-15, 18, 21, 25

March - 3, 6, 9-13, 17-19, 21, 26

April - 3, 5, 8-9, 14-16, 21-24, 30

May - 1, 5-7, 10, 16-17, 23-24, 30

June - 3, 7, 9, 16-19, 25, 29

July - 2-3, 11-12, 19, 22-25, 28

August — 4, 6, 10-12, 17-19, 23-24, 30

September - 2-3, 8, 14-15, 19, 21, 25

October - 2-3, 6, 11, 16-18, 25-27

November - 1, 5, 8, 17, 23-26, 30

December - 3, 8-9, 17, 23-24, 28

Medical indications for the moon during different signs of the zodiac

When the Moon is in Aries, the head becomes vulnerable. Therefore, it is not recommended to perform operations on the face or head. On the full moon, it is not allowed to tear teeth, do manipulations on the ears and cut curls.

The Moon in Taurus speaks of the vulnerability of the throat and the rest of the endocrine system. It is not allowed to do operations on the throat or neck. The throat during such periods is greatly congested, so that a person becomes especially sensitive to food.

During Gemini, the stars do not advise any pulmonary procedures, as well as breathing procedures. On such days, the moon causes you to have difficulty breathing and shortness of breath.

The Moon in Cancer affects the vulnerability of the stomach. Acidity rises gastric juice. On such days, it is recommended to carry out the removal of stones and toxins. Operations on the knees and legs are allowed.

During Leo, the heart becomes vulnerable. So you can't put pressure on it. Also, do not waste your physical strength. Allowed to treat all vascular diseases and diseases of the nervous system.

The intestines and gastrointestinal tract are vulnerable when the Moon is in Virgo. So on such days, you need to carefully follow the diet. Abdominal surgery is not allowed. Also, don't go hungry on those days. But procedures for cleansing the liver and blood are allowed.

The Moon in Libra speaks of the vulnerability of the kidneys, so do not overload them. The endocrine system is also affected. On such days, the stars are allowed to pull out teeth, do plastic surgery and treat ears.

In Scorpio, the sexual organs are always amenable to influence. So do not overload the sexual sphere. At such a time, hemorrhoids may become aggravated and constipation will appear. Allowed to treat the endocrine system.

The Moon in Sagittarius speaks of diseases of the liver and blood. You can not do surgery on the gallbladder and liver. Also, do not transfuse blood.

In Capricorn, any procedures that are associated with gallbladder, skin and metabolism. The stars allow you to do procedures that are related to the diaphragm and stomach. The stomach in such periods is not very sensitive.

During Aquarius, it is not allowed to do joint surgeries or other procedures related to the legs. But there is a chance to do water procedures. After all, water is good for the body. Also feel free to let's work vascular system and heart.

When the Moon is in Pisces, astrologers do not recommend drinking a lot of fluids, because this can be dangerous. All of this has to do with the kidneys. the skin also becomes vulnerable, and the risk of allergies also increases. operations and procedures on the sense organs, legs and liver are not allowed. walk less these days. you can not do water procedures, foot massage, take narcotic drugs and medicines at this time. The risk of catching a fungal disease may increase.

You are healthy as long as you have the strength not to go to the doctors (stay in the hospital in the first week of life does not count). So, you are healthy, you have a good heredity and you adhere to healthy lifestyle life. But there comes a moment and the measured rhythm goes astray. You have to ask for help, and you need reassurance that everything will be fine. The lunar calendar will help with this.

Before you delve into the study of favorable and unfavorable lunar days consider the statement of the wonderful writer and wise man Samuel Clemens, known to us as Mark Twain.

Mark Twain quote about health

The lunar calendar of operations can inform and suggest, but you must make the decision based on the experience of the attending physician and the situation. And if everything, except the rhythms of the Moon, indicates the need for urgent operable intervention - believe in your strength and in the strength of the people who are helping you.

Lunar calendar for operations in 2020: the basics of medical astrology

Father modern medicine Hippocrates argued that anyone who tries to know the secret of the human body must first know the secrets of the moon and stars.

Many great physicians of the past believed that the stars that make up the zodiac constellations govern vital important organs our body.

First rule of astromedicine:

If the Moon is in a certain sign of the zodiac, operable intervention in the activities of the organs associated with this sign should not be allowed. It is possible and even necessary to treat them, but it is undesirable to perform operations on these organs!

The influence of the transit of the moon on surgical intervention in the activity of organs

Important: the change in the influence of signs occurs gently and suggests the presence of intermediate periods when an equivalent influence of adjacent signs is felt. Be sure to take this fact into account when planning the operation.

The second rule of medical astrology

The human body will more easily endure the operation, which is carried out on the waning moon!

All the juices of our planet react in an amazing way to the lunar movement. Most a prime example such a reaction - the phenomenon of sea tides. Human blood is also under the influence of the night luminary.

In the period from the new moon to the full moon, the juices of life are as active as possible, blood clotting becomes less (especially during the full moon). Surgical intervention during this period is fraught with:

The third rule of astromedicine

Avoid surgery when the Moon is in unstable (mutable) signs:

  • Sagittarius,
  • Pisces,
  • Virgo,
  • Gemini.

These signs are fickle, changeable, difficult to predict. Predicting the final outcome of a case that begins under the influence of a mutable sign is a thankless task. And if investing money is fraught with financial losses, then surgery can result in loss of health.

Fourth rule

The moon without a course is dangerous.

When moving from sign to sign, the night luminary temporarily loses all orientations and enters an idle period. How does this affect people? We become distracted, we cannot correctly assess the current situation, we get confused in elementary things. This is the time of stupid mistakes and blunders.

Try not to coincide with the time of the entry of the Moon into the idle period.

Fifth Rule

Solar and lunar eclipses are not the best time for surgery.

sixth rule

  • Unfavorable day lunar month: 9, 15, 23, 29.
  • The bad period includes the lunar day before full moon And full moon.
  • New moon it is also dangerous for operations, because the energy of the body is reduced, the vital juices of the body are reduced and inactive. Because of this, the doctor who performs the operation is not in the best shape. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid planned surgical interventions. at new moon and full moon and one day before and another 1 day after their onset.

Astrologers are familiar with many more rules and exceptions to the rules, but you have already familiarized yourself with the main and most important ones.

Lunar calendar of surgical operations for January 2020

Moon phase Favorable for operations
1st of January Fish The moon is rising
January 2, 3, 4 Aries The moon is rising Operations when the moon is rising, do not
January 5, 6 Taurus The moon is rising Operations when the moon is rising, do not
January 7, 8 Twins The moon is rising Operations when the moon is rising, do not
January 9 Cancer The moon is rising Operations when the moon is rising, do not
January 10 Cancer Full moon and lunar eclipse Operations cannot be done Operations to do
it is forbidden
January 11 Cancer The moon is waning (Attention! There was a lunar eclipse yesterday. It still has its effect. Refrain from the operation) In the region of the esophagus, stomach, chest, lungs, mammary glands, gallbladder, liver, nervous system
January 12, 13 a lion The moon is waning
January 14, 15 Virgo The moon is waning
16, 17
Scales The moon is waning
18, 19
Scorpion The moon is waning
20, 21
Sagittarius The moon is waning
January 22, 23 Capricorn The moon is waning In the region of the stomach, diaphragm
January 24 Capricorn The moon is waning

In the region of the stomach, diaphragm

(Attention! Tomorrow is a new moon. Refrain from the operation)

In the area of ​​the gallbladder, musculoskeletal system, blood supply system, on bones, spine, knees, skin, teeth
The 25th of January Aquarius New moon Operations cannot be done Operations cannot be done
January 26 Aquarius The moon is rising Operations when the moon is rising, do not
January 27, 28, 29 Fish The moon is rising Operations when the moon is rising, do not In the area of ​​​​the joints, nervous system, feet, toes, in front of the eyes
January 30, 31 Aries The moon is rising Operations when the moon is rising, do not In the region of the head, skull, brain, upper jaw, teeth, ears

Finding the Moon in the signs of the zodiac in January 2020

Lunar calendar of surgical operations for February 2020

  • Be careful! The recommendations below do not take into account the retrograde of the planets, the time of the rising and setting of the moon, the influence of adjacent zodiac signs, etc.
Moon phase Favorable for operations

Operations are undesirable, especially on the following organs

1, 2, 3
Taurus The moon is rising Operations when the moon is rising, do not In the area of ​​the face, ears, neck, larynx, nose, neck, thyroid, mandible, tonsils, in the circulatory system, on the eyes, teeth
4, 5
Twins The moon is rising Operations when the moon is rising, do not In the region of the lungs, upper chest, back of the neck, shoulders, arms, fingers, in the glandular system
6, 7
Cancer The moon is rising Operations when the moon is rising, do not In the region of the esophagus, stomach, chest, lungs, mammary glands, gallbladder, liver, nervous system
February 8 a lion The moon is rising Operations when the moon is rising, do not In the chest area to the navel, heart, back, spine, arteries, blood supply system
a lion Full moon Operations cannot be done Operations to do
it is forbidden
February 10 Virgo The moon is waning

In the region of the abdominal cavity, stomach, spleen, intestinal tract, pancreas, circulatory system

Do not do appendicitis, colon therapy

Virgo The moon is waning On the skin cosmetic surgery, blood purification procedures

In the region of the abdominal cavity, stomach, spleen, intestinal tract, pancreas, circulatory system

Do not do appendicitis, colon therapy

12, 13
Scales The moon is waning In the region of the upper respiratory tract, nasopharynx, on the eyes, teeth, operations from excess weight, plastic In the region of the endocrine system, genitourinary, kidneys, thighs, pancreas, glandular system
14, 15
Scorpion The moon is waning In the region of the neck, thyroid gland, throat, endocrine system, respiratory tract, on the teeth, sinusitis, tonsillitis In the region of the ureters, rectum, genitals, nervous system
16, 17
Sagittarius The moon is waning In the region of the respiratory tract, lungs, arms, shoulders In the area of ​​the gallbladder, liver, thighs, on the veins, donation, procedures with blood
19, 20
Capricorn The moon is waning In the region of the diaphragm
In the area of ​​the gallbladder, musculoskeletal system, blood supply system, on bones, spine, knees, skin, teeth
February 21 Aquarius The moon is waning In the region of the kidneys, legs, liver, veins, skin
February 22 Aquarius The moon is waning In the region of the kidneys, legs, liver, veins, skin
February 23 Fish New moon Operations cannot be done Operations cannot be done
February 24, 25 Fish The moon is rising Operations when the moon is rising, do not In the area of ​​​​the joints, nervous system, feet, toes, in front of the eyes
26, 27
Aries The moon is rising Operations when the moon is rising, do not In the region of the head, skull, brain, upper jaw, teeth, ears
February 28, 29 Taurus The moon is rising Operations when the moon is rising, do not In the area of ​​the face, ears, neck, larynx, nose, neck, thyroid, lower jaw, tonsils, in the circulatory system, on the eyes, teeth
  • An exception in the lunar calendar is an urgent surgical intervention.

Finding the Moon in the signs of the zodiac in February 2020

Lunar calendar of surgical operations for March 2020

  • Be careful! The recommendations below do not take into account the retrograde of the planets, the time of the rising and setting of the moon, the influence of adjacent zodiac signs, etc.
Moon phase Favorable for operations

Operations are undesirable, especially on the following organs

Taurus The moon is rising Operations when the moon is rising, do not
2, 3
Twins The moon is rising Operations when the moon is rising, do not In the region of the lungs, upper chest, back of the neck, shoulders, arms, fingers, in the glandular system
4, 5, 6
Cancer The moon is rising Operations when the moon is rising, do not In the region of the esophagus, stomach, chest, lungs, mammary glands, gallbladder, liver, nervous system
7, 8
a lion The moon is rising Operations when the moon is rising, do not In the chest area to the navel, heart, back, spine, arteries, blood supply system
Virgo Full moon Operations cannot be done Operations to do
it is forbidden
10th of March Virgo The moon is waning (Attention! Yesterday was the Full Moon. It still has its effect. Refrain from the operation)
11, 12
Scales The moon is waning In the region of the upper respiratory tract, nasopharynx, on the eyes, teeth, surgeries from excess weight, plastic In the region of the endocrine system, genitourinary, kidneys, thighs, pancreas, glandular system
13, 14
Scorpion The moon is waning In the region of the neck, thyroid gland, throat, endocrine system, respiratory tract, on the teeth, sinusitis, tonsillitis In the region of the ureters, rectum, genitals, nervous system
15, 16
Sagittarius The moon is waning In the region of the respiratory tract, lungs, arms, shoulders In the area of ​​the gallbladder, liver, thighs, on the veins, donation, procedures with blood
17, 18
Capricorn The moon is waning In the region of the diaphragm
In the area of ​​the gallbladder, musculoskeletal system, blood supply system, on bones, spine, knees, skin, teeth
March 19, 20, 21 Aquarius The moon is waning In the region of the back, cardiovascular system, heart In the region of the kidneys, legs, liver, veins, skin
March 22 Fish The moon is waning In the area of ​​​​the joints, nervous system, feet, toes, in front of the eyes
March 23 Fish The moon is waning (Attention! Tomorrow is a new moon. Refrain from the operation) In the area of ​​​​the joints, nervous system, feet, toes, in front of the eyes
March 24 Aries New moon Operations cannot be done Operations cannot be done
March 25, 26 Aries The moon is rising Operations when the moon is rising, do not In the region of the head, skull, brain, upper jaw, teeth, ears
27, 28 Taurus The moon is rising Operations when the moon is rising, do not In the area of ​​the face, ears, organs of hearing, neck, larynx, nose, neck, thyroid gland, lower jaw, tonsils, in the circulatory system, on the eyes, teeth
29, 30, 31 Twin The moon is rising Operations when the moon is rising, do not In the region of the lungs, upper chest, back of the neck, shoulders, arms, fingers, in the glandular system
  • An exception in the lunar calendar is an urgent surgical intervention.

Finding the Moon in the signs of the zodiac in March 2020

Lunar calendar of surgical operations for April 2020

  • Be careful! The recommendations below do not take into account the retrograde of the planets, the time of the rising and setting of the moon, the influence of adjacent zodiac signs, etc.
Moon phase Favorable for operations
Operations are undesirable, especially on the following organs
1, 2
Cancer The moon is rising Operations when the moon is rising, do not In the region of the esophagus, stomach, chest, lungs, mammary glands, gallbladder, liver, nervous system
3, 4
a lion The moon is rising Operations when the moon is rising, do not In the chest area to the navel, heart, back, spine, arteries, blood supply system
5, 6
Virgo The moon is rising Operations when the moon is rising, do not In the region of the abdominal cavity, stomach, spleen, intestinal tract, pancreas, circulatory system.
Do not do appendicitis, colon therapy
Scales The moon is rising Operations when the moon is rising, do not In the region of the endocrine system, genitourinary, kidneys, thighs, pancreas, glandular system
Scales Full moon Operations cannot be done Operations to do
it is forbidden
Scorpion The moon is waning (Attention! Yesterday was the Full Moon. It still has its effect. Refrain from the operation) In the region of the ureters, rectum, genitals, nervous system
Scorpion The moon is waning In the region of the neck, thyroid gland, throat, endocrine system, respiratory tract, on the teeth, sinusitis, tonsillitis In the region of the ureters, rectum, genitals, nervous system
11, 12
Sagittarius The moon is waning In the region of the respiratory tract, lungs, arms, shoulders In the area of ​​the gallbladder, liver, thighs, on the veins, donation, procedures with blood
13, 14
Capricorn The moon is waning In the region of the diaphragm
In the area of ​​the gallbladder, musculoskeletal system, blood supply system, on bones, spine, knees, skin, teeth
15, 16, 17
Aquarius The moon is waning In the region of the back, cardiovascular system, heart In the region of the kidneys, legs, liver, veins, skin
18, 19
Fish The moon is waning In the area of ​​the stomach, gastrointestinal tract, intestines, abdominal cavity, cleansing procedures In the area of ​​​​the joints, nervous system, feet, toes, in front of the eyes
20, 21
Aries The moon is waning In the region of the head, skull, brain, upper jaw, teeth, ears
April 22 Aries The moon is waning (Attention! Tomorrow is a new moon. Refrain from the operation) In the region of the head, skull, brain, upper jaw, teeth, ears
April 23 Taurus New moon Operations cannot be done Operations cannot be done
April 24 Taurus The moon is rising Operations when the moon is rising, do not In the area of ​​the face, ears, organs of hearing, neck, larynx, nose, neck, thyroid gland, lower jaw, tonsils, in the circulatory system, on the eyes, teeth
April 25, 26, 27 Twins The moon is rising Operations when the moon is rising, do not In the region of the lungs, upper chest, back of the neck, shoulders, arms, fingers, in the glandular system
April 28, 29 Cancer The moon is rising Operations when the moon is rising, do not In the region of the esophagus, stomach, chest, lungs, mammary glands, gallbladder, liver, nervous system
April 30 a lion The moon is rising Operations when the moon is rising, do not In the chest area to the navel, heart, back, spine, arteries, blood supply system
  • An exception in the lunar calendar is an urgent surgical intervention.

Finding the Moon in the signs of the zodiac in April 2020

Lunar calendar of surgical operations for May 2020

  • Be careful! The recommendations below do not take into account the retrograde of the planets, the time of the rising and setting of the moon, the influence of adjacent zodiac signs, etc.
Moon phase Favorable for operations
Operations are undesirable, especially on the following organs
a lion The moon is rising Operations when the moon is rising, do not In the chest area to the navel, heart, back, spine, arteries, blood supply system
2, 3
Virgo The moon is rising Operations when the moon is rising, do not In the region of the abdominal cavity, stomach, spleen, intestinal tract, pancreas, circulatory system.
Do not do appendicitis, colon therapy
4, 5 Scales The moon is rising Operations when the moon is rising, do not In the region of the endocrine system, genitourinary, kidneys, thighs, pancreas, glandular system
the 6th of May Scorpion The moon is rising Operations when the moon is rising, do not In the region of the ureters, rectum, genitals, nervous system
Scorpion Full moon Operations cannot be done Operations to do
it is forbidden
May 8 Sagittarius The moon is waning (Attention! Yesterday was the Full Moon. It still has its effect. Refrain from the operation) In the area of ​​the gallbladder, liver, thighs, on the veins, donation, procedures with blood
Sagittarius The moon is waning In the region of the respiratory tract, lungs, arms, shoulders In the area of ​​the gallbladder, liver, thighs, on the veins, donation, procedures with blood
11, 12
Capricorn The moon is waning In the region of the diaphragm
In the area of ​​the gallbladder, musculoskeletal system, blood supply system, on bones, spine, knees, skin, teeth
13, 14
Aquarius The moon is waning In the region of the back, cardiovascular system, heart In the region of the kidneys, legs, liver, veins, skin
15, 16, 17
Fish The moon is waning In the area of ​​the stomach, gastrointestinal tract, intestines, abdominal cavity, cleansing procedures In the area of ​​​​the joints, nervous system, feet, toes, in front of the eyes
May 18, 19 Aries The moon is waning In the area of ​​the genitals, genitourinary system, kidneys, sciatica In the area of ​​​​the joints, nervous system, feet, toes, in front of the eyes
May 20 Taurus The moon is waning In the area of ​​the face, ears, organs of hearing, neck, larynx, nose, neck, thyroid gland, lower jaw, tonsils, in the circulatory system, on the eyes, teeth
May 21st Taurus The moon is waning (Attention! Tomorrow is a new moon. Refrain from the operation) In the area of ​​the face, ears, organs of hearing, neck, larynx, nose, neck, thyroid gland, lower jaw, tonsils, in the circulatory system, on the eyes, teeth
22nd of May Taurus New moon Operations cannot be done Operations cannot be done
May 23, 24 Twins The moon is rising Operations when the moon is rising, do not In the region of the lungs, upper chest, back of the neck, shoulders, arms, fingers, in the glandular system
May 25, 26 Cancer The moon is rising Operations when the moon is rising, do not In the region of the esophagus, stomach, chest, lungs, mammary glands, gallbladder, liver, nervous system
May 27, 28 a lion The moon is rising Operations when the moon is rising, do not In the chest area to the navel, heart, back, spine, arteries, blood supply system
May 30, 31 Virgo The moon is rising Operations when the moon is rising, do not In the region of the abdominal cavity, stomach, spleen, intestinal tract, pancreas, circulatory system.
Do not do appendicitis, colon therapy
  • An exception in the lunar calendar is an urgent surgical intervention.

Finding the Moon in the signs of the zodiac in May 2020

Lunar calendar of surgical operations for June 2020

  • Be careful! The recommendations below do not take into account the retrograde of the planets, the time of the rising and setting of the moon, the influence of adjacent zodiac signs, etc.
Moon phase Favorable for operations
Operations are undesirable, especially on the following organs
1, 2
Scales The moon is rising Operations when the moon is rising, do not In the region of the endocrine system, genitourinary, kidneys, thighs, pancreas, glandular system
3, 4
Scorpion The moon is rising Operations when the moon is rising, do not In the region of the ureters, rectum, genitals, nervous system
June 16 Sagittarius The moon is rising Operations when the moon is rising, do not In the area of ​​the gallbladder, liver, thighs, on the veins, donation, procedures with blood
Sagittarius Full moon, lunar eclipse Operations cannot be done Operations to do
it is forbidden
Sagittarius The moon is waning (Attention! Yesterday there was a Full Moon and a lunar eclipse. It still has its effect. Refrain from the operation) In the area of ​​the gallbladder, liver, thighs, on the veins, donation, procedures with blood
7, 8
Capricorn The moon is waning In the region of the diaphragm
In the area of ​​the gallbladder, musculoskeletal system, blood supply system, on bones, spine, knees, skin, teeth
9, 10, 11
Aquarius The moon is waning In the region of the back, cardiovascular system, heart In the region of the kidneys, legs, liver, veins, skin
12, 13
Fish The moon is waning In the area of ​​the stomach, gastrointestinal tract, intestines, abdominal cavity, cleansing procedures In the area of ​​​​the joints, nervous system, feet, toes, in front of the eyes
14, 15, 16
Aries The moon is waning In the area of ​​the genitals, genitourinary system, kidneys, sciatica In the area of ​​​​the joints, nervous system, feet, toes, in front of the eyes
17, 18
Taurus The moon is waning In the area of ​​the genitourinary system, kidneys, genital organs In the area of ​​the face, ears, organs of hearing, neck, larynx, nose, neck, thyroid gland, lower jaw, tonsils, in the circulatory system, on the eyes, teeth
June 19 Twins The moon is waning In the region of the lungs, upper chest, back of the neck, shoulders, arms, fingers, in the glandular system
June 20 Twins The moon is waning (Attention! Tomorrow there will be a new moon and a solar eclipse. Refrain from the operation) In the region of the lungs, upper chest, back of the neck, shoulders, arms, fingers, in the glandular system
21st of June Cancer New moon, solar eclipse. Operations cannot be done Operations cannot be done
June 22, 23 Cancer The moon is rising Operations when the moon is rising, do not In the region of the esophagus, stomach, chest, lungs, mammary glands, gallbladder, liver, nervous system
24, 25
a lion The moon is rising Operations when the moon is rising, do not In the chest area to the navel, heart, back, spine, arteries, blood supply system
June 26, 27 Virgo The moon is rising Operations when the moon is rising, do not In the region of the abdominal cavity, stomach, spleen, intestinal tract, pancreas, circulatory system.
Do not do appendicitis, colon therapy
28, 29
Scales The moon is rising Operations when the moon is rising, do not In the region of the endocrine system, genitourinary, kidneys, thighs, pancreas, glandular system
Scorpion The moon is rising Operations when the moon is rising, do not In the region of the ureters, rectum, genitals, nervous system
  • An exception in the lunar calendar is an urgent surgical intervention.

Finding the Moon in the signs of the zodiac in June 2020

Lunar calendar of surgical operations for July 2020

  • Be careful! The recommendations below do not take into account the retrograde of the planets, the time of the rising and setting of the moon, the influence of adjacent zodiac signs, etc.
Moon phase Favorable for operations
Operations are undesirable, especially on the following organs
Scorpion The moon is rising In the region of the ureters, rectum, genitals, nervous system
2, 3
Sagittarius The moon is rising Operations when the moon is growing do not do In the area of ​​the gallbladder, liver, thighs, on the veins, donation, procedures with blood
4th of July Capricorn The moon is rising Operations when the moon is growing do not do. Beware, there will be a lunar eclipse next day. In the area of ​​the gallbladder, musculoskeletal system, blood supply system, on bones, spine, knees, skin, teeth
Capricorn Full moon and lunar eclipse Operations cannot be done Operations to do
it is forbidden
Capricorn The moon is waning (Attention! There was a lunar eclipse yesterday. It still has its effect. Refrain from the operation.) In the area of ​​the gallbladder, musculoskeletal system, blood supply system, on bones, spine, knees, skin, teeth
7, 8
Aquarius The moon is waning In the region of the back, cardiovascular system, heart In the region of the kidneys, legs, liver, veins, skin
9, 10
Fish The moon is waning In the area of ​​the stomach, gastrointestinal tract, intestines, abdominal cavity, cleansing procedures In the area of ​​​​the joints, nervous system, feet, toes, in front of the eyes
11, 12, 13
Aries The moon is waning In the area of ​​the genitals, genitourinary system, kidneys, sciatica In the area of ​​​​the joints, nervous system, feet, toes, in front of the eyes
14, 15
Taurus The moon is waning In the area of ​​the genitourinary system, kidneys, genital organs In the area of ​​the face, ears, organs of hearing, neck, larynx, nose, neck, thyroid gland, lower jaw, tonsils, in the circulatory system, on the eyes, teeth
16, 17, 18
Twins The moon is waning On the liver, blood purifying procedures In the region of the lungs, upper chest, back of the neck, shoulders, arms, fingers, in the glandular system
Cancer The moon is waning In the region of the esophagus, stomach, chest, lungs, mammary glands, gallbladder, liver, nervous system
Cancer New moon Operations cannot be done Operations cannot be done
July 21, 22 a lion The moon is rising Operations when the moon is growing do not do In the chest area to the navel, heart, back, spine, arteries, blood supply system
July 23, 24 Virgo The moon is rising Operations when the moon is growing do not do In the region of the abdominal cavity, stomach, spleen, intestinal tract, pancreas, circulatory system.
Do not do appendicitis, colon therapy
July 25, 26 Scales The moon is rising Operations when the moon is growing do not do In the region of the endocrine system, genitourinary, kidneys, thighs, pancreas, glandular system
July 27, 28 Scorpion The moon is rising Operations when the moon is growing do not do In the region of the ureters, rectum, genitals, nervous system
July 29, 30, 31 Sagittarius The moon is rising Operations when the moon is growing do not do In the area of ​​the gallbladder, liver, thighs, on the veins, donation, procedures with blood
  • An exception in the lunar calendar is an urgent surgical intervention.

Lunar calendar of surgical operations for august 2020

  • Be careful! The recommendations below do not take into account the retrograde of the planets, the time of the rising and setting of the moon, the influence of adjacent zodiac signs, etc.
Moon phase Favorable for operations
Operations are undesirable, especially on the following organs
1, 2
Capricorn The moon is rising Operations when the moon is growing do not do In the area of ​​the gallbladder, musculoskeletal system, blood supply system, on bones, spine, knees, skin, teeth
August 3rd Aquarius Full moon Operations cannot be done Operations to do
it is forbidden
August 4 Aquarius The moon is waning In the region of the back, cardiovascular system, heart In the region of the kidneys, legs, liver, veins, skin
5, 6, 7
Fish The moon is waning In the area of ​​the stomach, gastrointestinal tract, intestines, abdominal cavity, cleansing procedures In the area of ​​​​the joints, nervous system, feet, toes, in front of the eyes
8, 9
Aries The moon is waning In the area of ​​the genitals, genitourinary system, kidneys, sciatica In the area of ​​joints, nervous system, feet, toes, eyes, teeth
10, 11, 12
Taurus The moon is waning In the area of ​​the genitourinary system, kidneys, genital organs In the area of ​​the face, ears, organs of hearing, neck, larynx, nose, neck, thyroid gland, lower jaw, tonsils, in the circulatory system, on the eyes, teeth
13, 14
Twins The moon is waning On the liver, blood purifying procedures In the region of the lungs, upper chest, back of the neck, shoulders, arms, fingers, in the glandular system
15, 16
Cancer The moon is waning In the area of ​​​​the legs, spine, on the teeth, from gout, arthritis, In the region of the esophagus, stomach, chest, lungs, mammary glands, gallbladder, liver, nervous system
17, 18
a lion The moon is waning In the area of ​​joints, blood vessels, legs, nervous system, in front of the eyes In the chest area to the navel, heart, back, spine, arteries, blood supply system
Virgo New moon Operations cannot be done Operations to do
it is forbidden
20, 21
Virgo The moon is rising Operations when the moon is growing do not do In the region of the abdominal cavity, stomach, spleen, intestinal tract, pancreas, circulatory system.
Do not do appendicitis, colon therapy
22, 23
Scales The moon is rising Operations when the moon is growing do not do In the region of the endocrine system, genitourinary, kidneys, thighs, pancreas, glandular system
24, 25
Scorpion The moon is rising Operations when the moon is growing do not do In the region of the ureters, rectum, genitals, nervous system
26, 27
Sagittarius The moon is rising Operations when the moon is growing do not do In the area of ​​the gallbladder, liver, thighs, on the veins, donation, procedures with blood
28, 29
Capricorn The moon is rising Operations when the moon is growing do not do In the area of ​​the gallbladder, musculoskeletal system, blood supply system, on bones, spine, knees, skin, teeth
30, 31
Aquarius The moon is rising Operations when the moon is growing do not do In the region of the kidneys, legs, liver, veins, skin
  • An exception in the lunar calendar is an urgent surgical intervention.

Lunar calendar of surgical operations for September 2020

  • Be careful! The recommendations below do not take into account the retrograde of the planets, the time of the rising and setting of the moon, the influence of adjacent zodiac signs, etc.
Moon phase Favorable for operations
Operations are undesirable, especially on the following organs
Aquarius The moon is rising Operations when the moon is growing do not do In the region of the kidneys, legs, liver, veins, skin
Fish Full moon Operations cannot be done Operations to do
it is forbidden
Fish The moon is waning In the area of ​​the stomach, gastrointestinal tract, intestines, abdominal cavity, cleansing procedures In the area of ​​​​the joints, nervous system, feet, toes, in front of the eyes
4, 5
Aries The moon is waning In the area of ​​the genitals, genitourinary system, kidneys, sciatica In the area of ​​​​the joints, nervous system, feet, toes, in front of the eyes
6, 7, 8
Taurus The moon is waning In the area of ​​the genitourinary system, kidneys, genital organs In the area of ​​the face, ears, organs of hearing, neck, larynx, nose, neck, thyroid gland, lower jaw, tonsils, in the circulatory system, on the eyes, teeth
9, 10
Twins The moon is waning On the liver, blood purifying procedures In the region of the lungs, upper chest, back of the neck, shoulders, arms, fingers, in the glandular system
11, 12, 13
Cancer The moon is waning In the area of ​​​​the legs, spine, on the teeth, from gout, arthritis, In the region of the esophagus, stomach, chest, lungs, mammary glands, gallbladder, liver, nervous system
14, 15
a lion The moon is waning In the area of ​​joints, blood vessels, legs, nervous system, in front of the eyes In the chest area to the navel, heart, back, spine, arteries, blood supply system
16 of September Virgo The moon is waning On the skin, cosmetic surgery, blood purification procedures In the region of the abdominal cavity, stomach, spleen, intestinal tract, pancreas, circulatory system.
Do not do appendicitis, colon therapy
Virgo New moon Operations cannot be done Operations to do
it is forbidden
18, 19
Scales The moon is rising Operations when the moon is growing do not do In the region of the endocrine system, genitourinary, kidneys, thighs, pancreas, glandular system
20, 21
Scorpion The moon is rising Operations when the moon is growing do not do In the region of the ureters, rectum, genitals, nervous system
22, 23
Sagittarius The moon is rising Operations when the moon is growing do not do In the area of ​​the gallbladder, liver, thighs, on the veins, donation, procedures with blood
24, 25
Capricorn The moon is rising Operations when the moon is growing do not do In the area of ​​the gallbladder, musculoskeletal system, blood supply system, on bones, spine, knees, skin, teeth
26, 27, 28
Aquarius The moon is rising Operations when the moon is growing do not do In the region of the kidneys, legs, liver, veins, skin
29, 30
Fish The moon is rising Operations when the moon is growing do not do In the area of ​​​​the joints, nervous system, feet, toes, in front of the eyes
  • An exception in the lunar calendar is an urgent surgical intervention.

Lunar calendar of surgical operations for October 2020

Moon phase Favorable for operations
Operations are undesirable, especially on the following organs
October 1 Aries The moon is rising Operations when the moon is growing do not do In the area of ​​​​the joints, nervous system, feet, toes, in front of the eyes
Aries Full moon Operations cannot be done Operations to do
it is forbidden
Aries The moon is waning In the area of ​​the genitals, genitourinary system, kidneys, sciatica In the area of ​​​​the joints, nervous system, feet, toes, in front of the eyes
4, 5
Taurus The moon is waning In the area of ​​the genitourinary system, kidneys, genital organs In the area of ​​the face, ears, organs of hearing, neck, larynx, nose, neck, thyroid gland, lower jaw, tonsils, in the circulatory system, on the eyes, teeth
6, 7, 8
Twins The moon is waning On the liver, blood purifying procedures In the region of the lungs, upper chest, back of the neck, shoulders, arms, fingers, in the glandular system
9, 10
Cancer The moon is waning In the area of ​​​​the legs, spine, on the teeth, from gout, arthritis, In the region of the esophagus, stomach, chest, lungs, mammary glands, gallbladder, liver, nervous system
11, 12
a lion The moon is waning In the area of ​​joints, blood vessels, legs, nervous system, in front of the eyes In the chest area to the navel, heart, back, spine, arteries, blood supply system
13, 14
Virgo The moon is waning On the skin, cosmetic surgery, blood purification procedures In the region of the abdominal cavity, stomach, spleen, intestinal tract, pancreas, circulatory system.
Do not do appendicitis, colon therapy
October 15 Scales The moon is waning In the region of the upper respiratory tract, nasopharynx, on the eyes, teeth, surgeries from excess weight, plastic In the region of the endocrine system, genitourinary, kidneys, thighs, pancreas, glandular system
Scales New moon Operations cannot be done Operations to do
it is forbidden
17, 18
Scorpion The moon is rising Operations when the moon is growing do not do In the region of the ureters, rectum, genitals, nervous system
19, 20
Sagittarius The moon is rising Operations when the moon is growing do not do In the area of ​​the gallbladder, liver, thighs, on the veins, donation, procedures with blood
21, 22, 23
Capricorn The moon is rising Operations when the moon is growing do not do In the area of ​​the gallbladder, musculoskeletal system, blood supply system, on bones, spine, knees, skin, teeth
24, 25
Aquarius The moon is rising Operations when the moon is growing do not do In the region of the kidneys, legs, liver, veins, skin
26, 27
Fish The moon is rising Operations when the moon is growing do not do In the area of ​​​​the joints, nervous system, feet, toes, in front of the eyes
28, 29, 30
Aries The moon is rising Operations when the moon is growing do not do In the area of ​​​​the joints, nervous system, feet, toes, in front of the eyes
Taurus Full moon Operations cannot be done Operations cannot be done
  • An exception in the lunar calendar is an urgent surgical intervention.

Lunar calendar of surgical operations for November 2020 of the year

  • Be careful! The recommendations below do not take into account the retrograde of the planets, solar and lunar eclipses, the position of the Sun relative to zodiac constellations, the time of moonrise and moonset, the influence of adjacent zodiac signs, etc.
  • The list contains only dates corresponding to the waning moon.
  • Specify the time of the transit of the moon in the calendar.
Moon phase Favorable for operations
Operations are undesirable, especially on the following organs
1, 2 Taurus The moon is waning In the area of ​​the genitourinary system, kidneys, genital organs In the area of ​​the face, ears, organs of hearing, neck, larynx, nose, neck, thyroid gland, lower jaw, tonsils, in the circulatory system, on the eyes, teeth
3, 4
Twins The moon is waning On the liver, blood purifying procedures In the region of the lungs, upper chest, back of the neck, shoulders, arms, fingers, in the glandular system
5, 6
Cancer The moon is waning In the area of ​​​​the legs, spine, on the teeth, from gout, arthritis, In the region of the esophagus, stomach, chest, lungs, mammary glands, gallbladder, liver, nervous system
7, 8, 9
a lion The moon is waning In the area of ​​joints, blood vessels, legs, nervous system, in front of the eyes In the chest area to the navel, heart, back, spine, arteries, blood supply system
10, 11
Virgo The moon is waning On the skin, cosmetic surgery, blood purification procedures In the region of the abdominal cavity, stomach, spleen, intestinal tract, pancreas, circulatory system.
Do not do appendicitis, colon therapy
12, 13
Scales The moon is waning In the region of the upper respiratory tract, nasopharynx, on the eyes, teeth, surgeries from excess weight, plastic In the region of the endocrine system, genitourinary, kidneys, thighs, pancreas, glandular system
Scorpion The moon is waning In the region of the ureters, rectum, genitals, nervous system
Scorpion New moon Operations cannot be done Operations to do
it is forbidden
16, 17
Sagittarius The moon is rising Operations when the moon is growing do not do In the area of ​​the gallbladder, liver, thighs, on the veins, donation, procedures with blood
18, 19
Capricorn The moon is rising Operations when the moon is growing do not do In the area of ​​the gallbladder, musculoskeletal system, blood supply system, on bones, spine, knees, skin, teeth
20, 21
Aquarius The moon is rising Operations when the moon is growing do not do In the region of the kidneys, legs, liver, veins, skin
22, 23, 24
Fish The moon is rising Operations when the moon is growing do not do In the area of ​​​​the joints, nervous system, feet, toes, in front of the eyes
25, 26
Aries The moon is rising Operations when the moon is growing do not do In the area of ​​​​the joints, nervous system, feet, toes, in front of the eyes
27, 28, 29
Taurus The moon is rising Operations when the moon is growing do not do.
Attention, next day there will be a lunar eclipse.
In the area of ​​the face, ears, organs of hearing, neck, larynx, nose, neck, thyroid gland, lower jaw, tonsils, in the circulatory system, on the eyes, teeth
Twins Full moon, lunar eclipse Operations cannot be done Operations cannot be done
  • An exception in the lunar calendar is an urgent surgical intervention.

Lunar calendar of surgical operations for December 2020

  • Be careful! The recommendations given below do not take into account the retrograde of the planets, solar and lunar eclipses, the position of the Sun relative to the zodiac constellations, the time of the rising and setting of the moon, the influence of adjacent zodiac signs, etc.
  • The list contains only dates corresponding to the waning moon.
  • Specify the time of the transit of the moon in the calendar.
Moon phase Favorable for operations
Operations are undesirable, especially on the following organs
Twins The moon is waning Attention, there was a lunar eclipse yesterday. Avoid the operation. In the region of the lungs, upper chest, back of the neck, shoulders, arms, fingers, in the glandular system
2, 3, 4
Cancer The moon is waning In the area of ​​​​the legs, spine, on the teeth, from gout, arthritis, In the region of the esophagus, stomach, chest, lungs, mammary glands, gallbladder, liver, nervous system
5, 6
a lion The moon is waning In the area of ​​joints, blood vessels, legs, nervous system, in front of the eyes In the chest area to the navel, heart, back, spine, arteries, blood supply system
7, 8
Virgo The moon is waning On the skin, cosmetic surgery, blood purification procedures In the region of the abdominal cavity, stomach, spleen, intestinal tract, pancreas, circulatory system.
Do not do appendicitis, colon therapy
9, 10
Scales The moon is waning In the region of the upper respiratory tract, nasopharynx, on the eyes, teeth, surgeries from excess weight, plastic In the region of the endocrine system, genitourinary, kidneys, thighs, pancreas, glandular system
11, 12
Scorpion The moon is waning In the region of the neck, throat, respiratory tract, sinusitis associated with endocrine system, on the thyroid gland, teeth In the region of the ureters, rectum, genitals, nervous system
Sagittarius The moon is waning Arms, shoulders, respiratory tract, lungs
(Attention! Tomorrow is a solar eclipse. Refrain from surgery)
In the area of ​​the gallbladder, liver, thighs, on the veins, donation, procedures with blood
Sagittarius New moon and solar eclipse Operations cannot be done Operations to do
it is forbidden
15, 16
Capricorn The moon is rising Operations when the moon is growing do not do In the area of ​​the gallbladder, musculoskeletal system, blood supply system, on bones, spine, knees, skin, teeth
17, 18, 19
Aquarius The moon is rising Operations when the moon is growing do not do In the region of the kidneys, legs, liver, veins, skin
December 20, 21 Fish The moon is rising Operations when the moon is growing do not do In the area of ​​​​the joints, nervous system, feet, toes, in front of the eyes
December 22, 23, 24 Aries The moon is rising Operations when the moon is growing do not do In the area of ​​​​the joints, nervous system, feet, toes, in front of the eyes
December 25, 26 Taurus The moon is rising Operations when the moon is growing do not do In the area of ​​the face, ears, organs of hearing, neck, larynx, nose, neck, thyroid gland, lower jaw, tonsils, in the circulatory system, on the eyes, teeth
December 27, 28, 29 Twins The moon is rising Operations when the moon is growing do not do In the region of the lungs, upper chest, back of the neck, shoulders, arms, fingers, in the glandular system
December 30th Cancer Full moon Operations cannot be done Operations cannot be done
31th of December Cancer The moon is waning In the area of ​​​​the legs, spine, on the teeth, from gout, arthritis, In the region of the esophagus, stomach, chest, lungs, mammary glands, gallbladder, liver, nervous system
  • An exception in the lunar calendar is an urgent surgical intervention.

Video: Moon and health