What to do if dead people dream. Dream interpretation - Birds. Explanatory dream book Why does a dead man dream from a dream book

The interpretation of dreams is an ancient art that allows at least to assess the psychological status of a person, because dreams are the fruit of the unconscious part of his psyche. As a maximum, they can serve as an omen, a warning, that is, have a mystical component.

The correct interpreter will not give a categorical answer to what this or that phenomenon was. For example, if a person is given a whole range of possible options, from which a person interpreting his night vision will be able to choose the most suitable one, based on his context, nuances and details.

Before studying the interpreter, it is important to think: could something preceding a dream provoke a visual image in your head? For example, when trying to decipher a dream in which a deceased person was present, it is necessary to take into account whether the person watched a movie where the dead person could appear, did not speak or thought about this topic before going to bed.

If there are no such obvious explanations, it is quite justified to turn to the book of interpretation of dreams.


If Freud's person, or, as he is called, a psychoanalytic interpreter, advises to pay attention to what the sleeper was experiencing. If a person saw in a dream a person who had been deceased in reality alive, he might want to make contact with him, ask questions of interest to him. This suggests that the psychological state of the sleeper is unstable, he is worried about certain problems, but he cannot find the strength to cope with them on his own, therefore, he urgently needs wise advice or outside help.

The appearance in the night dreams of the deceased in the coffin is interpreted as a general negative attitude of a person, pessimistic thinking, fear of bad events that have not yet occurred, but, according to the deep conviction of the sleeper, will certainly come.

"Familiar" deceased

For the correct interpretation of the vision of Morpheus, it is important to remember the personality of the character seen in a dream before looking into the interpreter. A dead person, whom the sleeping person personally knows in life, can predict different events depending on who he is and what kind of relationship existed between them.

  • To see a really deceased person in the role of a dead person marks an important turn in fate and advises the dreamer to be more careful.
  • Seeing your child dead - to his long life, and if the child is sick at the time of sleep - to his recovery.
  • Seeing an enemy in a coffin can mean the end of hostility or an easy victory over him in real life.
  • If it was not a person who was laid to rest with a dream, but an animal, this promises the sleeping person difficulties that he can quickly overcome on his own.

Not only the dream book speaks about what a dead man who came in a dream can mean. "A dead man dreamed alive - ask for advice, ask for help, predictions" - this is the most popular advice of people involved in occultism and magic.

A stranger in a coffin

Seeing a funeral and a dead man in a dream is not the most pleasant experience, therefore, upon waking up, a person feels a desire to open a dream book. The deceased, paradoxically, is interpreted by most dream books as a harbinger of a pleasant event.

For example, the "Eastern Interpreter of Dreams" promises that a dead person in a dream guarantees success to the dreamer's new endeavors. Many modern dream books promise after such a vision a pleasant acquaintance or a fun pastime with friends.

When the plot is tied directly to the funeral ceremony, and not to the deceased himself, dream books promise the sleeping man a quick wedding, and if he is alone, a meeting of his fate.


If the dreaming dead person posed a real threat to the sleeping person, tried to catch up with him - the interpreter advises to pay attention to whether it was possible to escape from him or not. Thus, if you dreamed of a dead person, the dream book interprets this as a statement of a certain problem.

If the person repelled the attack, most likely, the problem that worries him in life will be overcome. When the sleeper was able to hide or hide, the coming trouble can be avoided. Well, in the event that a zombie attacked a person in a dream, and he could not fight back, it is likely a defeat in the face of problems.

Sometimes such a dream can predict health problems. For example, if a revived deceased in a dream tries to take away the heart of the sleeping person, this may be a signal that the person really has problems with the cardiovascular system.

Dead man's voice

Sometimes a dream is not only a visual picture, it is also a set of sensations received with the help of other senses. For example, a sleeping person may hear the voice of the deceased and want to find out what this may mean by looking into a dream book. A dead person talking to a sleeping person is often mistakenly interpreted as a signal that the latter is "called to another world."

But most commentators disagree with this belief:

  • Medea's dream book says that such a dream promises that something secret will soon become apparent.
  • The esoteric dream book guarantees peace and tranquility in family and love relationships.
  • If the voice of the deceased was harsh, harsh, a conflict may await the person.

The complexity of interpretation in this case lies in the fact that the images in dreams are often blurry, indistinct. And being sure that the voice you hear belongs to the deceased person is quite difficult.


Sometimes in a dream a dead person can suddenly come to life, and in this case it should be interpreted that way, and not as a collision with a zombie in a dream, and it is with this formulation to read the dream book. A dead person came to life in a dream - a symbol of the fact that something lost to the sleeping person can return to his life again without effort on his part. It could be a lost friend, a loved one, a job, or even some material thing.

As the Old Slavonic dream book assures, a dead person dreams of being alive to a change in the weather. However, this interpretation gives about half of the ancient scriptures known today.

Love dream book

People are drawn to the interpretation of the signs of fate, signs and dreams when there is an unresolved problem in their heart. For example, lovers are the most numerous part of the category of people who love to read a dream book. A dead man who is in love prophesies treason or quarrels if he is in a good mood.

And an aggressive dead man is a symbol of an imminent passion that will certainly come between the sleeping person and the object of his sighing. However, when a lover dreams of a dead person, the dream book can also interpret this as a sign of mental dissatisfaction. And then what he sees will not have a mystical meaning, although it can give a sign that the nervous system is not in the best condition.

Which dream book should I contact?

There is a colossal number of dream books that have been compiled since ancient times by various peoples and specific people. Modern interpreters have also been written, the authors of which believe that over time the signs that predict certain events for us also change. If seven centuries ago with porridge could be a sign of future wealth, today it is rather difficult to draw a parallel between it and the material condition.

Experts advise choosing a book for interpretation empirically. That is, if a person asks a dream book: "A dead person has come to life - what is it for?" - and receives two or three different answers from different sources, they should be written down, and then check which prediction will come true. Thus, one can find out that, for example, Freud's Dream Book perfectly interprets the dreams of a particular person, while Miller's interpreter of dreams in most cases gives erroneous predictions.

No one likes to wake up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night after a terrible nightmare. Even those who enjoy watching horror films are sincerely afraid of what they experienced in their dreams.

Sleep, like fingerprints, is individual, in it we experience those events that are relevant to us and to our life. Therefore, each person dreams of his personal nightmare. But scientists have found that there are common themes of nightmares for all of us.

So, for example, people often dream of the dead: they can be friends who have died long ago, or, on the contrary, those who are now alive and well suddenly turn out to be dead in a dream. There can be many options and nuances, and each of them needs a detailed analysis.

So why is a dead person dreaming? Let's try to understand all the intricacies of interpretation. If we look into the dream book, the dead is a symbol of renewal. Many people do not understand why such a dream should not be considered as a prophetic one, but all because usually a dream is just a metaphor. You need to understand and unravel it, not take it literally.

So, below are the main plots that I can be in a dream:

  • A long-dead relative or friend is dreaming.
  • The dead dream is the one who is alive and well.
  • Unfamiliar dead.
  • Dead child.
  • Meeting at the cemetery or morgue.
  • The dead man was seen in a coffin.
  • You were the dead.
  • The revived deceased.
  • The living dead are dreaming.
  • Conversation with the deceased.
  • Kisses of a dead man.
  • Dead animals.

What is in a dream and what is in reality?

In order to rave about what a dead man is dreaming of, you need to remember whether you are familiar with a person from a dream in real life. If you dreamed of a long-dead relative or friend, then this can speak volumes. For example, if you recently recalled him alive or revisited old photos, then such a dream cannot be analyzed.

If, on the contrary, you did not remember a person, and he suddenly appears in a dream, then it means that you are waiting for serious changes in your life. Perhaps what was familiar to you will change forever, and now a new world and a new path will open before you.

To see in a dream that your relative or a loved one has died, who is still alive and well, means that this person is destined for a long life. And such a dream promises you a quick rest in a pleasant company.

If you dreamed of a dead man with whom you have never met and never met him, then new acquaintances await you. These newly-made friends will be the complete opposite of the dead: they will be cheerful, cheerful and extremely active. Another version of what dead people dream of is offered by the Eastern dream book - such a dream promises you good luck in all your endeavors.

Many mothers worry after nightmares and try to find an answer to the question of why the dead dream. Do not be afraid and worried: this dream suggests that your child is absolutely healthy and happy, but you are unnecessarily worried about him; give your baby a little freedom - then it will become much easier for him and for you. Also, when sorting out what a dead child dreams of, remember that your experiences and recent events can affect the appearance of this dream.

If in a dream you were walking around and met a deceased, then wait for good news. If the dead man did not notice you and passed by, this is an especially good sign: everything bad will bypass you.

But if you are "lucky" in your nightly dreams to travel around the morgue and wander among the many cold bodies, then this speaks of your many fears. You try by all means to avoid encounters with what scares you, but the longer you hide from yourself and your fears, the weaker you will become. You need to face your worries - and then you will gain strength and self-confidence.

Seeing a dead man lying in a dream means that for some time all your affairs will be frozen. This is not a bad prediction, you just spend too much time at work, chasing money and completely forget about yourself. You need to take advantage of the circumstances and devote time to yourself.

If you died in a vision and you saw your lifeless body from the side, then get ready for a sharp jump up . In your development, you will overcome the ceiling that you have been running into for more than one year. You are about to have an important, in many ways significant meeting that will turn your world upside down.

To see a dead man in a coffin, who suddenly shook and came to life, means that old, forgotten and dusty problems can make themselves felt. You will be able to sort out these difficulties without difficulty, but for the future you should remember that shelving usually ends badly.

If you are interested in what the dead dream about, then you should study the predictions from different dream books. For example, according to the Noble Dream Book, the walking dead is a symbol of luck and wealth, and according to the Modern one, it is a harbinger of stress.

To speak in a vision with a dead person who has come to life is to receive secret knowledge. Often dead people in a dream, albeit not literally, but metaphorically, warn us against possible difficulties in life. Therefore, be attentive to everything that is told to you.

If in nightly dreams unfamiliar living dead people tried to you, then wait for the appearance of an obsessive admirer. And if you kiss a lifeless body, it means that you, without knowing why, are trying to resurrect a relationship that has long become obsolete.

Especially often, many are interested in what dead birds and animals dream of.

  • Deceased pets - to temporary difficulties.
  • Dead cattle - to a cold.
  • Dead - you don't give yourself the opportunity to be free and light.
  • Bodies of wild animals - to get rid of problems.

Dreams are a beautiful place, although sometimes we have nightmares. But no matter how terrible the dream is - whether the dead or the living dead come to you - remember that we are afraid of what we do not know. Just try to trust life - and you will understand that everything is going exactly as it should.

    I had such a dream. Easter. For some reason I am going with my friends to the cemetery. In the hands of a huge bouquet of flowers. I meet my classmate, talk to her, and suddenly a girl, all pale to me, this classmate shouts at me (the classmate is alive). Rip the piece of paper out of her head and read. I quickly pulled out and read some words and the dead man disappeared. After a while, the other also. I did everything as planned. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a handsome boy appears (in a dream, I recognize his face is a familiar boy.) He comes up to me and says now you're mine and kisses me. I have no time to do anything. Then nothing happens. The girls appeared nearby and I understand that I need to take the flowers to my father's grave (he died). I go up to her and then some man comes down and says where you will sleep with your father next to him or in the next grave, but with all the comforts. Breakfast, lunch, dinner only says the toilet outside the grave will have to get up and go. And only now I begin to understand that I am a dead man. And I remember that I have two children left at home, but I can’t do anything. I WAKE UP, I think, well, all this is a warning that the end is coming soon. And it's not scary after all.

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    A prophetic dream for me personally goes like this: someone from my family dies or is going to the next world! the dead dream usually to say goodbye, and those who are going to this generally dumb topic always scared me very much! One of these cases is my maternal grandfather: I come to the village to see my grandfather and somehow I have a dream! The grandfather is sitting in his favorite chair, and behind him is a large praying mantis, the relatives are sitting at the table talking, discussing something violently, they don’t notice me having fun (half of the relatives sitting at the table I only saw in a dream) and woke up in a dream, I’m in the place where I sleep! I shout to everyone, both grandfather and family, that the monster there will eat grandfather, everyone doesn’t care, even nobody was distracted from them ... and this is the very moment when you realize that you are in a dream! You want to wake up, but you can't, and then panic comes! You wake up abruptly in a cold sweat and realize that it was not casual! Grandfather was still alive at that time, I went home to Moscow, and a month later he was gone! Stroke, the son did not care, he died from hunger! If I could understand then it then perhaps prevented death!
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    i had an ordinary dream, even a little comedic and chaotic, about my adventures with a classmate at a new job, who turned out to be a scam, we were deceived and now we had to do the same)) Then this dream ends. I'm in an apartment, which I'm not sure exactly. in the calidor of the voices of the mother and grandfather (the grandfather died), the mother's voice is alarming, trembling, the grandfather mutters something like a zombie, she tells him to go through, and she leads him as if by the arm, but I don't really see, I myself am sitting on the sofa in hall, and then I see my grandfather, dressed like a bum, or rather the part of the clothes that remained on his side with a wound, his right eye is knocked out, there is no hand, only a stump, and part of his foot sticks out of it. She leads him into the back room with tears, I begin to sob harder than her, and when my grandfather passed me I made out the muttering that was similar to “holy spirits save us, save holy spirits.” I only had time to say hello to him. As he went to me. And I wake up. I also did not find interpretation, just around the bush.
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    Hey. I dreamed about my deceased husband. I somehow ended up at his house and cleaning the saucepans was cleaning up his house. And I thought of him as dead. But, suddenly, unexpectedly, he drives into the yard in his favorite red car and gets out of the car joyful, in a very good mood. I tell him, hey, because you died, but he laughs and jokes and says that he did not die at all, it was a mistake, and he got out of the grave and is alive and well, many people come to visit. He says then I'll tell you everything, kisses me, hugs me, says that he missed me. And I think about mine. After all, I already live with another man, what am I going to say to my man with whom I already live together ... And there are many people here, everyone is talking about the miracle that happened, about the resurrection of my husband. I am looking for a husband and I can’t find him. Everything resembles a funeral. And I'm still looking for a husband. After all, he was alive. and can't find it.
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    What is it??
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    i dreamed that the dead were lying, as it were, above, on something, on the street, there are few of them, a man of pre-retirement age (unknown), women ..., one, I recognized, but she is alive, from our village, our children studied in one class ...

    I go up to them, to the dead, and lower my folded hands, what is called "at the seams," but the hands are not like soldiers, but, as it were, in the middle of the legs ... something like that ... and the one that is alive now with someone near the wall of my house, between the first and second entrances, they sat down and eat something ..., I looked at them .., I talked a little with the neighbors .., at home I was so reluctant to eat boiled grated beetroot ?? but, in my mind: I take it with a fork, and ... it’s not tasty ..., but, under the bottom of a different color beet, as stale and changed color, I, again: there are dead or dead ... something like that ...

    What is it??
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    my daughter died as 2 years old she was three and a half months old and today I see her alive in a dream, as if half of the cemetery was demolished and including my daughter's magma, I plakola was looking for her, drolling with a woman, they showed me where she lies, I go into some kind of building and I see a crib and my baby is lying alive, I took her hands, but for some reason she was a little vampire, her vampire jaws were inserted, pllsmasy, I broke them and the only ones left in front were natural small fangs, I put my daughter to sleep. Please help me decipher this dream.
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    Julia, do not worry - this dream simply means that you are afraid that the birth of your third child will make you pay less attention to your other two children, and you worry about it in advance. Children on the cross are a symbol of martyrs, that is, you think in advance that they will have to suffer due to the fact that you will pay attention to your other baby. The fact that the child is crying - he needs attention, and the fact that you do not take him in your arms - your fear of giving him more attention than you give older children. That's all :)
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    dreamed of the Moscow metro, rush hour, a crowd of people ... everything is as usual, bustle ... tension ... and suddenly people start screaming in pain and I see that the escalator is not working properly and people fall alive into this giant meat grinder and now one of the dead grabs the mench from behind and cuddles to me ... I dragged her on me for a while, then she unclenched her hands and turned into a mass of blood and flesh ... woke up in cold sweat ... at that moment when the policeman was twisted onto the corpse of this very woman who clung to me ...
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    A dead man's dream - I dreamed of a cemetery a closed black coffin was carried along it, it was a funeral, about 30 people with many I know, I myself stand aside looking at all this, the weather is cloudy, there is a light rain, then I see the opened grave, as if it had been washed away by water , in it I see the dismembered body of my father (my father died two years ago) in my head the thought that I killed him and brought him here in parts and buried him, but I could not deeply, I myself am afraid that all this will be revealed next to me is my mother ( mom is alive).
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    I dreamed of a long-dead grandmother alive and called me with my sister to go somewhere (the place was not specified), (my sister was sick with hydrocephalus) and called us herself. I immediately grabbed my sister in my arms and said that we would not go anywhere. I read what such a dream means (The dead call with them if; do not go - be careful, you are in mortal danger, but it can be avoided, take action). I'm not worried about myself, but very much for my little sister!
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    My brother died this year ... I have a dream ... as if they came and said that he died ... I was very worried ... I tried to find him ... and found him in the mirrors ... in whatever mirror he looked there, and something to me constantly whispered ... I was scared ... when he disappeared, the roses wilted and scattered on the mirror ... like dust ... he was exhausted ... when he appeared again I wanted to go after him ... but someone stopped ... who it was I don't remember ... I will never forget this dream
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    I saw myself as I was leaving for the next world and at the same time I was bleeding from my toe or heel, apparently pierced with something sharp running after the bastard. In a second after 5 seconds a very beautiful girl came up to me and then I fell to her, then everything was on her hands and I died I see my photo of the tombstone and the cross from the sidelines ... I had the feeling that I did not breathe while I was awake in my sleep damn how strange it is!

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    For Katyusha from Murmansk, do not be afraid, perhaps the grandfather wants to ask for something. One must be afraid of the living.

    In general, I am quite good at understanding dreams, but this dream puzzled me. I had a dream today. It’s like I’m leaving the entrance, and on the right, the corpse of a man lies, like he fell. I don’t know who it is. Red and bearded. The first time I see him, and then I look - they picked him up on a stretcher and they carry me after me.

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    Hello, my name is Nastya. I dreamed that four dead people (completely unknown to me) disappeared one by one from their graves. My best friend and I went looking for them. And when those who dug them, learned that we suspect something is not good, they began to hunt us. At the end of the dream I was killed. And what does the disappearance of 4 dead people have to do with my friend and my death? Who will explain?
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    Hello, the other day the mother-in-law had a dream that her husband (he died) was lying dead and dismembered, today is his anniversary (9 years since he is gone), the other day she went to church and after that she had this dream. What would it mean if someone knows on please write, and in general, she has strange dreams, constantly dead relatives? Thank you in advance.
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    I am in a hurry to take the metro, there is a certain route and since there is not much time, I try to get into the car, and there are a lot of people. Then I see a dead man lying on a bench in the carriage and everyone around him was drinking and a ring of people formed, which is why it was so difficult to enter. This ends the dream. I have not traveled by metro for 11 years in my life.
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    no, well, people are lucky, since they saw everything) I have been dreaming about the dead for three years now, except for them I see no one: they call, ask for help ... Relatives, strangers, children ... got it! am i an ambulance? and after all, they do not let go until I help in a dream, and I have one dream))) then others come ... I don’t ask for advice, just a cry from my heart)
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    I dreamed in a dream that my 2nd cousin's dad (he is not alive) and I talked to him, not for long, really. When he died (in reality), I was very sorry that I treated him so badly. And in a dream she asked for forgiveness, talked, and in the morning it became easier \u003d). Like a stone off your shoulders, MUCH easier.
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    I saw the deceased, a stranger (former neighbor), went into his room, he was watching TV while lying on the bed, I also lay down to him and covered myself with his same blanket, then it seemed that it would be hot and wanted to open up, but he said that it would be cold blowing from the window and I woke up. What is it for.
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    Here I break my head: I dreamed about my father, who is alive, he says, I don’t drink already, I have a family, my daughter, he gave her money and hands me 200 hryvnias, I took it (I think why not take it). This is such a dream.

    And if, according to the interpretation, you can't take anything from them, but in a dream I took ... what to expect now?
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    i am a mother of two children, now I am expecting the birth of a third. and now I dream that I gave birth to 3 children, one of them is crying, I try to calm him down, but I don’t take him in my arms, and two children are crucified on a cross ... and I cannot find at least some interpretation of this dream ... all on my nerves what day ...
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    And here I dreamed that the corpse of a girl was buried in my yard, and a man approached this place and she pulled her hands to him through the ground, wants him to pull her out, but he pushes off (I watch all this from the window of my house) nowhere can I find what it is for
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    If you dream that a dead person asks for something (pies, jam), then you need to remember the deceased with this product. I dreamed that my grandfather was there and we were looking for sweets with raspberries. Later my grandmother told me that grandfather loves raspberry jam
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    but my friend saw me in a dream with our mutual friend, who shot himself three years ago. as if I were in the photo on his grave with him and we are happy hugging ... did not find a single suitable interpretation for this dream ... unfortunately ...
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    I dream of a dark, long and cold crypt. I walk along it, there are many dead soldiers in it, they seem to be asleep. Then I start to run and fall - one of them looks at me. I don’t even know what I might dream about.
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    I saw my mother in a dream (she's been gone for 8 years already), but I talked to her as if she was alive, by the way, and I also saw my stepfather in this dream (he is not there either), but in a dream I did not even suspect that they were dead.
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    What if I dreamed about how I flew in and killed my own child ... moreover ... I butchered it into fillets?

    I get goosebumps when I remember this dream ...

    Is this at all?
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    I dreamed of a long-dead neighbor, inviting me to visit. We talked for a long time, I asked her forgiveness. She forgave, kissed my forehead and died. What is this dreaming about ???
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    i'm expecting a child, I'm married for the second time. dream that my dead husband is offended by me. a few days later I dreamed of a classmate, also dead, also not talking, offended. what would it be?
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    Tell me what it means, I dreamed about a dead acquaintance, at the grave where he was buried, at the end of the dream he said, don't be afraid here it's good if I hammered a house next to you.
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    I constantly dream that my grandmother (who has been gone for 5 years), and everything is so similar to reality, as if she is alive and everything is fine, but I can't find the answer anywhere.
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    I dreamed about my wife's late mother. As if we developed photographs of our family, and there is one on each, although we know that she is not alive. A lot of photos.
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    great! and I see the living dead, well, like a zombie ... just like I'm the hero of all these films about zombies ... and I see dreams of this kind quite often! horror!
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Do not be afraid!

If in a dream the dead come to you quite often, then you should not be afraid and fall into a panic state.

On the contrary, the dream book considers it a great success. Since the dead very often warn of troubles, present a picture of the future and give good advice.

So why dream of people who are dead? Chances are, someone is spreading bad rumors about you. But more often the characters who are dead in real life in a dream symbolize those dreams and desires that cannot be realized for external reasons.

Invisible help

Why else do dead people dream of being alive? Seeing long-dead relatives is a sign of getting help in a difficult situation and fulfilling secret aspirations.

If in a dream the dead come alive, then the dream book believes that a wave of weakness and indecision will soon roll over. In this version, the dead seem to support you morally.

Dreamed of the dead alive? Perhaps you are afraid of losing something very meaningful to you.


Did familiar dead people appear in a dream? Personally, the dream book guarantees you long years and relative well-being.

Had a dream that acquaintances of the deceased paid a visit? In business and life, in general, not the best changes have been outlined.

Sometimes deceased loved ones reflect the fear of losing their protection in reality.

Did you happen to talk to them? It is especially important to remember everything that relatives say at night. Perhaps you can learn something important from them about your future.

Do not panic!

Dreamed of completely unfamiliar dead people? The dream interpretation believes that this is just a reflection of the negative sides of your personality.

It can be obsolete stereotypes, a specific line of behavior, or a real loss of vitality.

Why dream that unfamiliar ghouls are leaving? In fact, you will be able to get rid of what weighs you down.

If in a dream unfamiliar corpses scare you, then in the coming situation you will fall into a real panic and take an extremely undesirable step.

Get ready!

Why else are dead people dreaming? If they come to life, but do not harm you, then truly amazing events will happen, or they will remind you of long-forgotten problems.

If the ghouls scare or even try to kill you in a dream, then the dream book believes that a streak of insurmountable difficulties is coming, problems at work and at home.

Seeing how other people's dead are chasing you means that during the next day you will face a lot of difficulties and unpleasant moments.

Money or Decline?

Why do many dead people dream? Seeing them on the battlefield means that a serious global confrontation with human casualties is coming, for example, a war.

Have you seen a lot of corpses? The dream interpretation considers this a bad omen. Businessmen will face a decline in business, parting in love, and all others - tragic news.

In a dream, many decaying bodies with a sickening odor promise a bad influence from the past. If you did not feel a special aroma, then you will certainly get rich.

Do not hurry!

Did you dream that you were in a place where dead bodies lay in coffins? Get ready for a substantial profit or a visit from an outsider.

But dead animals, according to the dream book, guarantee deterioration in health and domestic conflicts.

Did you happen to be among the dead in a dream? In real life, you are destined for a hasty and extremely unsuccessful marriage, which will bring only misfortune.

Miller's prophecy

Miller's dream book considers the vision of the dead in coffins extremely negative. It promises farmers a bad year, business failures, and a failed marriage for all lovers.


Why dream that dead people are reaching out to you? This is a very bad sign, reflecting in a dream a mental or witchcraft attack directed at you in order to further subjugate someone else's will.

Did you dream that the dead were literally grabbing your hands? The dream interpretation believes that your own bad habits, emotions or actions are holding you back.

Quite an unpleasant dream that can be very alarming and frightening. However, if you dream of dead people, then in reality it will be very difficult for the dreamer to overcome any obstacles in life, a streak of troubles and losses.

How exactly they dreamed becomes an important nuance. For example, the dream book interprets the corpse differently than the appearance of a deceased person as a living person who moves, says or does something. Despite the similarity, they show completely different life concepts and impending events.

To understand what such a dream means, pay attention to the following details: the corpse was dreamed or is it alive, where the dead people were, what is this place connected with for you, and whether the deceased became familiar.

Very often, it is dreams of death that are dreamed of, as a warning of danger or trouble. Do not ignore the witchcraft effect with the help of black magic, corruption, conspiracies and harm. Usually at such moments a person begins to dream of the dead. In some cases, even the dreamer himself sees himself as dead or lies next to corpses. This is what dead people dream about most often.

Lifeless body

Usually in such a dream a person dreamed of one or more corpses, an accident, a disaster, a morgue, a hospital, and unpleasant medical procedures. They can be either strangers, often men or women, or acquaintances.

Seeing any corpse in a dream is always an unfavorable sign. However, the dream book never interprets a dream in which there were fragments of news, television programs and films. Even if such a plot was dreamed in a dream, after a few days or weeks. Thus, the human psyche is freed from negative influences, fears and anxiety. However, if in a dream you unexpectedly dream of a corpse, the dream book advises you to pay attention to the interpretation. Usually, dead people in a dream almost always indicate not a warning, danger, not the best times and obstacles.

Why dream of a corpse that lies in the middle of the road? The dream book interprets such a dream as an obstacle in business, depending on where exactly the deceased is interfering with passing.

If this is a place of study or work, then unexpected obstacles will arise in business or the dreamer will not get to that day, where he planned due to unexpectedness. In some cases, such a dream, especially with an accident, disaster, or the death of several people, warns of danger. Try to change your usual route or time, as the nightmare can become prophetic, although there is little such evidence.

On a symbolic level, seeing many corpses on the road blocking your path means disappointment in business or activity, dismissal, expulsion from the institute, or the fact that soon you will stop visiting a familiar place. Especially if you had to see dead people on the way to your beloved, acquaintances, relatives or friends.

What is the dream of a corpse or several dead people in a store, in a market or on the floor in any state institution, which interfere with going forward? Here the dream book gives several interpretations.

On the one hand, seeing dead people with pieces of meat, blood, as a consequence of a terrorist attack, predicts a sudden obstacle and danger for you (in some cases, such a dream warns of a misfortune that will come true in the same way as in a dream).

On the other hand, the dream book predicts a change that will turn out to be sudden and unpleasant, touching the quick. This dream is often dreamed before emotional shock, strong disappointment, betrayal, illness, accident, trauma. Seeing the dead in a government institution means a loss in court, difficulties in resolving some issue. However, walking along them and still achieving your goal is a dream that the dreamer will be able to get what he wants, despite seemingly simply insurmountable obstacles. It is very good if the corpses themselves then disappeared or were taken away.

What is the dream of a morgue, a hospital for? To see the room in which the dead lie is to illness, a black streak in life, dead affairs that will prevent you from achieving what you want. Moving corpses in a dream means that the business you are doing or the relationship with the person will not get off the ground and you will not be able to do anything about it.

If you see a familiar person among them, then the relationship with him will end, since he will be completely empty for the one who saw this dream. If your dear friend, lover or spouse died and lies in the morgue, then in reality he may face a fatal illness and danger. But more often the dream book writes that it will become useless and alien to you. A woman may suddenly find out about the betrayal of her lover or spouse, but she still cannot prevent his departure.

Being yourself in a morgue or hospital and seeing that your roommate has died is a danger. Death in this situation often means the dying off of some part of your life or that a person with similar qualities or appearance will leave your environment forever. If you dreamed that you died or that is not in your environment in reality, then modern books write the withering away in your personality of masculine qualities, such as perseverance, determination, adventurism.

Why dream that a stranger died in a park on a bench or in public transport? The dream interpretation writes - this dream means trouble. Pay attention to who he looks like. If a celebrity has died, then a dream predicts that his field of activity, ambition and fame will no longer be relevant to you.

Most likely, you will be disappointed in him or start doing something else. If a person dies in the house of acquaintances or friends, soon the dreamer will stop communicating with them or there will be trouble, a scandal, a change at the address. Sometimes such a dream is a dream of divorce, scandal, the departure of older children from their father's home or betrayal of a spouse. In some situations, a dream predicts illness or sudden death in the house. If a person dies in your home, expect danger or loss.