How to find a job or proven rituals for getting a job. Using White Magic Ritual to Find a Good Job

About, how to attract good luck at work, many people think. It is difficult to do this, but nothing impossible exists. It is enough to arm yourself with the necessary knowledge. Here various sciences and practices, signs and conspiracies come to the rescue. If you combine them, you can get a recipe for how to be lucky.

The thought is material

Luck is finicky. It does not go into the hands of everyone. A person who does not believe in himself and his strength will never be able to grab a fastidious lady by the tail. Therefore, the first step should be self-awareness, recognition of one's own capabilities.

Most esotericists agree that a person has enormous reserves. You can reveal them by freeing yourself from negative thoughts and replacing them with positive attitudes.

For this, daily is enough use the correct affirmations and, setting yourself up for victory. Affirmations are short, capacious phrases containing the necessary attitudes. Experts say that their regular repetition will gradually lead to the fact that the program being laid will start working.

Here comes examples of affirmations to attract good luck at work

On this day, I will find my dream job, because I deserve it!

Everything necessary people have an interest in my resume data.

My knowledge and work experience attracts employers.

I am a decisive person, so I show my knowledge and skills in the position that I love!

I can be a contender for competition in any economic field, as I have the necessary qualifications and talent!

I am a responsible employee! One or another boss was lucky to work with me!

Every time I talk to an employer, I assure him of my importance in the company.

I am convinced of my talents! Today my career growth is actively increasing!

I make it clear to the employer, with each of our conversations, that I do not doubt my abilities.

Employers trust me and feel my energy by communicating with me in person.

I know how to conduct a dialogue. I trust myself.

I must get a job that I will be happy with! And without any pretexts, I'll start the search today!

If a start has been made, the person began to feel more confident, you can move on to folk magic.

Work by itself cannot appear, so it must be actively sought. And conspiracies and rituals will help you not to miss out on what should be yours and bypass potential competitors.

On the eve of an important interview, take two tablespoons of salt, sugar and rice. They must be poured in turn on a saucer with a golden border. You should get a small slide. An open pin should be inserted into its top. All this should not be touched anymore, it is best to put it in a secluded place so that no one can destroy the structure. In the morning, the pin must be pinned to your own clothing from the wrong side.

To attract good luck, you can make a kind amulet. It is necessary to put coins of all existing denominations in a small leather bag. There you need to add a bay leaf, a pea of ​​black and allspice and a bird's feather. The bird can be anything, but the amulet has great power if the feather is bright. The finished bag should be hung in your room or never moved from place to place.

A universal conspiracy to find a good job

A specially prepared and charmed coin will help to get a job. If you are invited for an interview, immediately look into your wallet and select the largest metal coin. Until the evening it must be carried in your pocket, then put under your pillow at night. In the morning, the coin should be firmly held in the palm of your hand and whispered to her about what you expect from the new day, ask for help and assistance. Then the amulet must be put back in your pocket and go about your business.

The next ritual must be performed on Thursday evening. For him, you will need to find a secluded place in a garden or park where no one walks. Having dug a shallow hole, put a large coin, a live bug and a remnant into it, then cover it with earth. In the process of performing these actions, it is necessary to pronounce a conspiracy:

Faster than soap, let my bad luck end,

Luck will replace him in all matters.

As a bug gets out into the light,

So luck and money will come to me.

How to bring back good luck

If a black streak has come in life, do not despair. It will definitely change to white. But you can't just sit and wait for this either. How to attract good luck in work and money in this case? You can use special rituals and conspiracies.

First you need to cleanse yourself of bad thoughts... If you are sure that someone deliberately robbed you of your luck, try to get rid of the negativity towards that person. Ask for forgiveness from all those who deservedly or undeservedly could offend. As soon as you feel lightness and peace within yourself, start magic.

Pour water into a glass on Sunday morning. It must be consecrated or spring. Take a slice of brown bread. Sit down at the table and light a candle in front of you. Then take the bread in left hand, and the glass to the right. In this position, look at the candle flame and pronounce the conspiracy:

« The Lord God gave people life, and bread, and his mercy. Jesus Christ brought faith and hope, saved from inevitable destruction. Give me back my fickle luck. Take away from evil people with unclean thoughts. Let them do things that are pleasing to God, bright and pure, and bring benefits to their neighbors. Take away my failure, let him curl up like a snake in a distant den. Let him neither go outside, nor drink, nor eat, nor breathe. Amen»

After that, eat the prepared bread to the smallest crumb and wash it down with water. Put out the candle and take it to the church. There, put the Savior in front of the icon and ask him for help.

To strengthen the conspiracy, give alms to those who ask. At the same time whisper to yourself: "What I give, it will return to me a hundredfold."

How to properly arrange a workplace

We learned, how to attract good luck and find Good work. But we cannot stop at this, because the action of the rituals ends sooner or later.

First of all, the workplace needs order. Then the flows of positive energy will circulate freely, and the negative will have nowhere to originate. Therefore, never make a dump of folders, documents, reference books and other things on the table. Even if all of this is necessary for work, put what you are not currently using in the appropriate boxes.

Never keep unnecessary papers on the table. Throw them away immediately. The trash can also needs to be emptied regularly, without waiting for the evening and the arrival of the cleaners. If there is too much used paper around you, you run the risk of getting stuck in one place in your affairs.

Be sure to keep a plant on the table. It not only dissipates negative energy, but also adds strength, improves mood.

Having used all the above rituals and conspiracies, get ready for the fact that you will have to work hard. However, success awaits you, since it will turn out to attract good luck in a workable manner. .

The conspiracy to find a good job is in high demand.

After all, people spend most of their time in the service.

And it's good when she likes it, and even contributes to the creation pleasant feeling prosperity. But this is not always the case.

People are rushing from enterprise to organization, from one employer to another, and the sense is "zilch".

  • If the work is interesting, then, as luck would have it, the salary is not even worth tears.
  • And if it is highly paid, then all the places are, as a rule, occupied.

How does magic help you in your work?

  • How long can you spin in this maelstrom of losers?
  • And is there a way out of it?

So many people think, sadly wandering to work and back to the house, where nothing pleases.

Have you tried to use magic to solve your problems?

Will you say that nothing will come of it?

The rite of the employer will not force you to triple your salary or to make the disgusting load interesting!

Probably not. Although all sorts of miracles do happen.

Most often it happens quite differently.

The conspiracy to find a good job operates on a different plane.

Do you know what is the reason for all the failures?

Yes, just a person does not know how to believe in himself!

He himself agrees to be ridden, throwing crumbs for food. But everyone by nature has certain talents that are in demand.

Many of us take different paths.

A conspiracy for a good job helps to "open your eyes", turn to the right path.

There, around the bend, anything can happen.

  • some get an offer with a capital letter,
  • others are a miracle in the current service,
  • the third - generally open their enterprise, forgetting about the previous fears.

What to lose, try it!

After all magic ritual, this is not a dismissal or registration of your business. When "the process begins" - there will be time to think.

How to read a conspiracy to find a good job and quickly get a job

Rite 1

Those who want to be led "by the hand" to that position (place) where he can realize all his abilities for a decent pay should be prepared:

  • handkerchief.

  1. In the evening, spread the handkerchief on the table;
  2. Put a coin on top of the tails towards you;
  3. Think for a while about what you want to get.

Attention: If there is no specific plan, then imagine that you come from the service, completely satisfied and a little tired. How joyful and good at heart. Don't forget about the money.

  1. Now say with complete confidence that it works:

“As the sun is next to the Earth, so my luck is always with me. I don’t grumble, I don’t tremble, I’m looking for a place of service. I am a talented and nice person, super serviceable at work. As for the case, I will be honored to anyone. As Yarilo ascends to heaven, so my work will find me. Everything will work out, and the money will multiply. Amen!"

  1. The coin must immediately be tied in a scarf crosswise (with two knots from the corners).
  2. Place it in such a place so that household members do not stumble across it by accident.
  3. And in the morning, be sure to go outside. If you don't have any need, then just wander around the shops, talk to people.

The chance will definitely come up.

Conspiracy to get settled

This magic works if you spend it early in the morning, at dawn.

You know, “who gets up early, that….”?

Hardworking people usually start at dawn and stop at night. This is what the ceremony is designed for.

For a ceremony to take on a good job, symbolizing the work that you would ideally like to do.

For instance:

  • If you want to sit in the office - find a candle in the form of a table (chair, computer, handle).
  • If your dream is trade, then the choice is even wider. Buy a camel candle (money).

Light it up and read to the light:

“My business is fastened with flame, the road winds with smoke. There are no fences, no ravines, no holes, no bends in my path. As the flame is straight, so my path is right, it will not turn, it will not betray. As the light flashes, so good luck to me on the threshold! It was said - do not turn, only my way to work! Amen!"

For a good job for my husband

Women can magically help their loved ones to find a suitable service.

It takes faith and some free time. Yes, there is still a burning desire for my husband to be happy with both work and prosperity.

Letters from our readers

Topic: I have become more money and opportunities, thanks to the advice from your site!

From whom: Svetlana(sv ****** [email protected])

To whom: Responsible for the site

Hello! My name is Svetlana and I want to tell the readers of the site my story of how I was lucky to get rid of the constant lack of money!

I lived like many of us: home, work, children, worries ... and a constant lack of money. You can't buy toys or new things for children, and you can't please yourself with a beautiful dress. My husband also has no money work.

In general, every month you only think and plan how to stretch the budget so that there is enough money for your current needs.

Of course, in the family we have learned to live and live with our finances. But in my soul there was always constant sensation resentment and self-pity. Why is this, I asked myself. Look, others have money, bought a new car, built a dacha, it is clear that there is wealth.

I was already beginning to lose hope for a good life. But one day I came across on the Internet.

You will simply be amazed at how many positive changes have happened to me! I had no idea that the article would change my life so much!

I have money! And not just a small change, pocket coins, but a really normal income!

Per Last year we made an excellent renovation in our apartment, bought a new car, and sent the children to the sea!

But all this would not have happened if I had not got to this site.

Don't skip past. Find a couple of minutes for this information.

  1. On any men's day, go to the Temple. (Read the article -).
  2. Find the Icon of St. George the Victorious there. It is to this Saint that you turn your prayers and prayers.
  3. Put down a candle, ask for grace and family well-being.
  4. And as you are going to leave, then whisper the words:

“The Lord has united us! I thank, I rejoice and I pray, I do not complain! Lord, forgive sins, let go of the family! May the works of my husband (name) for your glory be rich in joy and good luck! Instruct him on his way, where there will be a merchant of his hands and mind! Let him live by labor, but bring income to the house! Amen"


You need to ask the Universe for a son.

The ceremony is held only on a working day until noon.

  1. Get out on the road, preferably in a park or forest (among the trees).
  2. Have it with you for your son. For example, a notebook or pen.

This object must correspond to his inclinations.

If he has a passion for a certain profession, then it is better to take what it symbolizes or some tool.

  1. Look in the direction where there are no turns.
  2. Say, holding the gift in your left hand:

“Angels and Archangels, that they protected me by birth, that they protected the fetus in my womb! To you my pleas and requests! Take my child (name) by the hands, lead in straight paths, righteous and just paths, which the Lord commanded to walk. Bless my child for work that is not idle for health, not dangerous. So that everything is arguing in the hands, and it grows into the wallet. So that the soul of his grief does not know! Amen!"

  1. Be sure to give the gift to your son on the same day. It must be passed from hand to hand.
  2. See how it reacts.
    • If he rejoices, he will soon find his calling.
    • And when he does not like your gift, then he has no serious aspirations in life.

Previously, it was necessary to educate with a "belt".

By the way, this conspiracy is also suitable for finding a job for a daughter.

It is important that the parent reads it.

What could be better than your favorite job, which brings not only satisfaction, but also good income? What could be more beautiful than fulfilling your destiny for an excellent pay? But how to find such a job, what needs to be done for this, how to attract good luck to yourself? Here are a few actionable advice how to attract money work:

    Decide what kind of work you want to get. This process begins with setting the right goal. You need to sit down and relax well in a calm, quiet environment, thinking about what you would really like to do in this life, what activities would bring you joy. It can be absolutely anything - writing, floriculture, photography, your own business, etc. You just don't need to chase after some ideas about the life of other people and general standards, it is important to realize your personal uniqueness and help it to be embodied. Do not rush to do this - listen carefully to yourself, while paying attention to Behavioral Finance.

    Attract work. This is where the fun begins, because the bait of the dream job comes along. To do this, you need two tools in your mind - persuasion and visualization. Namely, you need to say the following statements to yourself several times a day:

    The general message is: “I am the divine expression of the world and I open up a great creative energy within me, thanks to which miracles happen in my life. I gladly let into my life wonderful job and the following material well-being! I am an individual, I came into this world in order to give manifestation of my individuality. My desires become reality, and all my talents are magically realized. "

    The message regarding the job: “I am a great writer, recognized all over the world. My books are also an expression of great divine wisdom. My books are successfully published and sold. Everyone who buys my books gets rich! And I am with them! " This was an example, such a statement can be made about any profession.

In addition, you definitely need to visualize - imagine how you receive a check with royalties for a newly released book, how you sign autographs to fans of your work, etc.

The main thing that you need to do is believe in what you are spoken and visualized. To attract good and money-rich work, you need to do the above "exercises" regularly, and do it not purely mechanically, but with enthusiasm, thoughtfulness and firm confidence in the ultimate success of this event. And you will definitely succeed!


Pull work using the power of thought is pretty simple. Above all, make time for your dream every day. Imagine mentally perfect place work in detail. How do you communicate with colleagues, how is your workplace where you dine and what is your relationship with your boss. You have to think about work as if you have already got a job, thereby you are programming your mind to fulfill your dreams. After all, when you fantasize, you are in a state of harmony with, you are in high spirits, and your happy smile will not go unnoticed in your inner circle.

Take a piece of paper and describe your ideal place of work. It is necessary to write in the present tense, for example: “I work for a large international company. Every day I come to work by 9 a.m. with a smile on my face, and I can't wait to start my work day, because my job duties pleasure. Exactly at 18 o'clock, my colleagues and I leave our workplaces. Colleagues are my peers, we always have something to talk about and something to joke about. It is easy and pleasant for me to work in a friendly atmosphere. Every month I get a salary in the amount of ... and a bonus ... ". Write down the exact amount of money you want to make. The amount should not be exorbitant, you should clearly understand the presence of this money in your pocket, and your inner voice should not say that this is impossible. At the end of the letter, write the exact date of the device on work, for example: "And this is how I have been working since September 15, 2011". Imagine how long it will take you to get a device for work and determine the date you want. Then roll up the paper and put it in a secluded place. Red is a positive energy, so the desire has a chance to be fulfilled faster.

You can do whatever you want while being next to him - kiss, hug, walk along the beach. Try to get a better feel for him, catch what he is doing in ordinary life what he enjoys.

Before you finish the technique, tell your imaginary lover that you are tired of waiting and really would like to meet him as soon as possible. real life... Then finish your meditation.

Everyone experiences a sense of emptiness and loneliness from time to time. But if these feelings become prevalent in your life, you need to think about what you are doing wrong and try to change the situation. of people in his a life? There are several simple rules, following which you can fill your a life interesting people.


Start by exploring the strengths and weaknesses your personality. Take a sheet of paper, draw two graphs on it, call one of them "my positive traits character ", the second -" my negative qualities character ". Fill in these boxes honestly and if you can objectively. This method will allow you to get to know yourself better and outline the field for corrective work on yourself.

Now take another one clear sheet paper and write on it what you would like to receive from your friends. Describe what character traits they should have, what they should give you. Write honestly as you motivate your future friendship.

And now, having studied yourself and having clearly defined what you need from communicating with other people, you need to move on to action. Do not sit at home in front of the TV all your free time, because this will not achieve anything. Your motto should be the following: "Activity, activity and again activity in communication!"

A round-shaped indoor aquarium is considered a powerful attribute that enhances cash flows. Feng Shui recommends placing 9 goldfish in it: 8 red and 1 black. However, you can get by with just one pet - the aovana. The dragon fish symbolizes large profits in feng shui.

You can activate and good luck with the figures of "celestial animals": a phoenix, a dragon or a turtle. The latter must be placed in northern part home to lure good luck and powerful patrons in business. It is advisable to install figurines made of natural materials - stone or wood.

Perhaps the most famous talisman for obtaining wealth is a three-legged frog sitting on a mountain of coins. You need to place such a figure to the left of front door facing the house. A coin is put in the toad's mouth, and when it falls out spontaneously, this means an early income. Periodically, the figurine should be immersed in water to give it strength for further work. If you notice a downturn in money matters - just bathe your toads.

Protecting positive energies

It is not enough just to attract the energy of good luck to yourself, you also need to keep it in your home and protect it from negative influences... A transparent crystal is used to neutralize negative energy. The amulet should be hung on a red ribbon in the northern sector of the house, preferably in a place where the rays of the sun will illuminate it. Periodically, the crystal must be cleaned of the negative with water. The amulet can be taken with you on trips.

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For comfortable, happy life it is not enough to be loved, the soul asks for realization - creative and professional. Finding a good job in times of constant global economic crises and surges in various currencies is not just difficult, such a task is almost impossible. To a person with higher education and a zealous desire to work, earn big money, you have to interrupt with a part-time job or waste your own abilities. How can you break the vicious, vicious circle? Take a well-deserved position, provide financial support for the whole family, return from work in a good mood and happily return to duty every morning. Rituals and ceremonies for getting a good job will help you.

A conspiracy to attract decent work is not a fiction or a game simple words

The magic of getting a good job

The conspiracy to attract decent work is not a fiction or a play on simple words, it is an impetus to end the streak of constant professional failures and failures. Getting what you deserve is not a whim and not a luxury, but a condition for harmony and your peace of mind... Rituals for work: from the simplest ones, made at home, to the more complex ones, performed by practicing magicians, will allow you to use your own hidden potential for 100% for many years.

A kind of conspiracies to attract a worthy position

Finding a job that will satisfy the ambitions and desires of a person is laborious, time-consuming and time-consuming. vitality... In the presence of a lot of vacancies, there are few really worthy offers. How to get out of such situations? Give up and give up, go with the flow, or fight to your last breath for the realization of your own professional goals, it's up to you. But no one else, neither family nor loved ones, can solve the problem for you. The ritual for a good job has existed for decades, since the days when education was considered a privilege, people have sought to find their place in the sun, provide children with a bright future and give them what they themselves were deprived of. Over time, new professions have appeared, the service sector has grown to an unprecedented size, but the difficulties in finding a job have not diminished at all. To people capable of producing good impression much easier, they are the soul of the company, and after interviews all that remains of them is positive impression but what about those who are not so good at presenting their own abilities? Help yourself by resorting not only to the power of thought, but also by asking for help from the higher magical powers. It takes a lot of effort to find a good job., it is important to show unprecedented patience and endurance.

The rituals that help to get a worthy position work perfectly different ways... So, you can use one of the rituals:

  • conspiracies to attract the right job;
  • for an interview;
  • spell to enhance;
  • a conspiracy to attract work that reveals your full potential;
  • to raise wages.

You do not have to change your place of work if the position you hold suits you in everything, except for remuneration or position on the career ladder. Then, magical rituals strengthen your position, allowing you to expose your positive sides in a new light. To find new job a little more complicated, for this you should carry out a whole range of different rituals that complement your goals. In any case, magic programs will change life for the better.

A quick conspiracy to a new job

Rituals for finding a job that satisfies your ambitions work unquestioningly, but they are not responsible for the further result, so before starting the recruiting ritual, analyze own desires... What brings you joy and will not become a burdensome daily responsibility in the future? A quick conspiracy to attract a position that will give you real professional success, is valid in a matter of days. That is, from the moment the ceremony is performed, a sufficient number of opportunities will appear in your life, contributing to obtaining a new position.

Rituals for attracting work involve obtaining certain benefits in the form of increased income or unplanned bonuses, therefore special attributes are used in such magical manipulations. To such auxiliary gizmos, in a quick conspiracy on new position, include:

  • handkerchief;
  • coins of any denomination;
  • the presence of a secluded corner.

A quick conspiracy to get a new job will not take much of your time, but it will literally immediately solve the problems that have bored you regarding finding a new position.

For a quick conspiracy for a new position, you need a handkerchief

How to perform the ritual

The rituals for a good job are carried out in a strict order. To be arbitrary in such a matter is dangerous with the occurrence of undesirable consequences. If you decide on a quick conspiracy for a decent job, then stick to the plan:

  1. When the sun goes down, the coin speaks as follows:

    “As the moon is the eternal companion of the stars, so success will become my companion. I am a fine fellow and a master craftsman, I find an approach to any complex business, I will always come to the rescue. With the early sunrise, a new lesson will come to me. Amen".

  2. The charmed little thing should be wrapped in a new handkerchief. The coin is placed so that the "eagle" is open to you.
  3. Tie a scarf and hide in a secluded corner, away from prying eyes.
  4. In the morning, start looking for the right job.

A prerequisite for the ceremony will be the presence of moonlight outside the window, so during the day such conspiracies are ineffective and useless.

Conspiracy for a successful interview

An interview is always a challenge for someone who is desperately looking for a decent job. It is much easier to get a job in the desired position and not worry about passing preliminary surveys with an employer if you perform a secret magical ritual the day before. The ritual should be carried out at night, just before the appointment with the future authorities. Thus, you will strengthen your own energy background.

What is needed for the ritual

Conspiracies and rituals for work are carried out in strict secrecy. No one, including your loved ones, should guess about magical protection or conspiracies. To complete the ritual before your upcoming interview, you will need:

  • a sheet of blank paper;
  • capacity;
  • water;
  • pen;
  • quiet room.

Adjust the time so that the house is empty. Excessive sounds will interfere with the integrity of the ceremony, and someone else's presence will completely reduce the effect of the conspiracy to nothing.

How to perform the ritual

The device of the entire rite is simple and inexpensive. All that is required of you is half an hour of free time and things that can be found in any home.

  1. State your desire for a future interview. Briefly describe your expectations from the meeting with your manager.
  2. Fold a piece of paper in half and hide the bundle in a secluded corner where no one in the household will find it.
  3. Take a container of water and say:

    “I am not an old man, I am not a youth, I am going to meet the boyars. The owners are happy, happy with my words. They will not be able to expel, they will not be able to offend. Amen".

  4. Repeat the phrase three times.
  5. Drink the contents of the glass in one gulp.
  6. Go to bed, and the next morning with a pure soul and thoughts go to the interview.

With the help of the ceremony held the day before, the future authorities will greet you with joy and great enthusiasm. The interview will take place smoothly and without a hitch.

A conspiracy for rapid career growth

In order to be hired, some rituals will come in handy, but to keep the position won will have to be completely different methods. Promotion is proof of your professional solvency and qualifications, moreover, with the advancement of the career ladder, your total income increases significantly. How can you achieve sustainable success? Most effective method getting a career off the ground is a conspiracy in the cream of the crop. Only homemade, high-quality products are suitable for the ritual, but store purchases will only spoil the whole result.

What is needed for the ritual

Cream is the best dairy product. A lot folk sayings say about success - "swim in the cream." For a rite promising a quick rise, you will need:

  • heavy cream;
  • Cup;
  • hot drink;
  • pillow.

A distinctive feature of such a ceremony is that it should not be kept secret from household members (typical for most rituals). But, getting involved in a conspiracy of people who wish you success will only amplify the positive impact on your career.

For a rite promising a quick rise, you need heavy cream

How to perform the ritual

Actions, which include the ritual for promotion, are carried out at any time of the day.

If it is convenient for you to cast spells during the day, then feel free to start a simple task. All you need to do:

  1. Pour high fat cream into a glass, saying:

    “I will go out of my house, out the door, out the gates, across the long roads, country-side - not steppe. I will turn for my fate, my first way - I will find a coin, the second - a gold piece, and the last will make me rich. I eat cream, I get rich. To live prosperously long years and you won't see any troubles. "

  2. After reading all the words of the conspiracy, you need to drink three large sips of cream (at least).
  3. The remaining product is drunk with tea or other hot drinks; households and devoted friends are treated to it.
  4. Before going to bed, strongly shake the pillows on which you sleep with the words "Mother cow first gave me milk to drink, now help me find good employment."
  5. Read

    "Our Father" several times and calmly go to bed.

Such a multi-stage conspiracy does not work immediately, but over time, every day bringing your future success closer. Stock up on patience, calmness and confidence in the coming positive changes.

Job search for the soul

Find a job, so that the soul is happy, what could be better? Good mood from the fact that you are just doing a useful and pleasant business, with payment for the painstaking work done. Getting a job in a new place is always scary, but what if the most exciting activity of your life is ahead of you? Throwing doubts aside, attract to yourself a real, worthy, resonating in your soul, work. A search conspiracy of this type will take no more than an hour, and will pay off handsomely in the near future.

What is needed for the ritual

It will take a working week to prepare a search conspiracy. From the materials at hand, you will need:

  • 30-40 small denomination coins;
  • homemade cloth bag;
  • quiet corner.

The small bag is sewn with your own hands from the first day of the week to the last. It is best to use a red cloth.

How to perform the ritual

  1. Rituals and ceremonies for good work for the soul are performed in the following order:
  2. During the waxing moon, a trifle is thrown into a bag, clamped between palms, and pronounced:

    “All coins are amulets, hurry up, find a new job for me. I'll get luck on my way. Wherever I go, I’ll find good occupation ”.

  3. The spell is repeated 7 times.
  4. Count 10 coins and store them in a bag, sprinkle the remaining change with sand in the backyard of the house.
  5. Carry a cloth bag with you until you find a decent job.
  6. Soon, after completing the ritual, you will begin to receive lucrative offers for new vacancies. Consider all options and make an informed decision.

Work is not only a means of earning money, but also an opportunity for growth, both professional and creative. You do not have to endure the daily agony, sit from ring to bell, hoping for a change. Be such a change, allow yourself to find something for your soul, a job that will not create an unpleasant mood. Be brave, but otherwise find reliable helpers. Magicians who have been practicing for many years, healers and sorcerers, it's up to you to choose. In any case, perseverance and ingenuity will be required to achieve the goal. Fight for what you believe in, especially if it's a profitable pursuit. Conspiracies for work are just a push that needs to be used correctly.