Eclipse March 9th time. Based on the results, it will be possible to determine who knows how to interact, collaborate and take criticism into account, and who does not. Those who know how to interact, collaborate and take criticism into account will, through their own efforts, remove all obstacles to

I am writing simply through force, apparently, I am picking up the rather heavy Saturnian energies.

An eclipse square to Saturn is not too easy to bear. The first task is to overcome coldness and dullness. But here there is complete confidence that spring will win and there is very little left until real warmth.

Entering the solar eclipse (into its aura) is quite tense, and already on Saturday many will experience obvious irritation and a readiness to enter into arguments on almost any issue. It seems that a very gentle holiday is approaching, but somehow not for everyone. Those who start celebrating early can instead of easy festive mood fall into irritability and intransigence.

In extreme cases, it can even lead to assault. You need to be especially careful on the road, as a banal conflict can lead to a sharp showdown. Try not to exceed the speed limit and do not respond to rudeness with rudeness.

The red color enhances resonance with intense energies and can provoke sharp reactions from others, so you should try to be especially attentive and calm in red cars, and it is better not to wear red clothes.

In general, there are difficulties in transport, traffic jams. There may be a particularly high number of accidents on March 5 and 6.

Intimate conversations work out poorly.

The dialogue is ongoing, but we don’t hear the interlocutors, especially if the points of view do not coincide. People display arrogance to the point of confidence in their own absolute infallibility and transferring their own mistakes onto others.

In difficult situations, there is a search for the last resort. Some may express a desire to push others to fight among themselves. In any case, let's think about the consequences these days; rash words can cost a lot.

It is also very difficult to ask for forgiveness now. Having quarreled on the eve of Women's Day, it is difficult to back down. On the part of younger men, there may be a lot of talk and promises that are not supported by the depth of feelings and seriousness of aspirations.

It is possible that we will encounter some kind of electrifying news. The tension is brought by the military theme. Anxiety is growing among people, and the media is fueling it.

And after a completely wild weekend, we find ourselves under the cooling waves of Saturn. If we look at the position of Saturn in relation to the point of the eclipse, then there we will see the exact square of Saturn to both the Moon and the Sun.

This position of Saturn to the luminaries is called an aspect of true depression, so many will not greet these women's holidays in the most rosy mood. That's why!

If there are lonely women around you, show at least a little attention, brighten up their loneliness, give them a small gift, call them, congratulate them. The worst thing now: the chill of loneliness.

Waves of past emotions rise very easily, words are taken literally. It is difficult to build relationships with older women. During these holidays, mothers and wives especially need your warmth, try to give them some sense of stability and constancy.

In general, during this eclipse the parent topic has been updated.

Elderly fathers and grandfathers are also increasingly anxious. Young people, be more generous and don't bring up "generational" issues.

Many experience a lack of optimism and distrust of excessive enthusiasm. There is an increased need for a sense of security, which is expressed in the desire to clearly know the prospects, but now this knowledge is just not there.

People are more inclined to engage in issues where the benefits are visible in advance. Things begin to doubt these days, and only weighty justifications lead to action. There is passive sabotage of the new. People seem to be afraid of a catch, they are very careful.

It’s even better that it’s the weekend, otherwise I’m not in the mood to work at all.

Distrust in banks and securities and concerns about exchange rates are intensifying. People are afraid of financial deception - hence the anxiety. Non-payment crisis. After all, there have been a lot of unpaid payments since the New Year.

I don’t want to talk about politics, but in recent history, a similar eclipse in Pisces took place on the border between winter and spring in 1998, and it all ended with the resignation of the government, and by the fall even more “interesting” events.

Only then the conjunction of the Sun and the Moon “pressed” Pluto square (and it is associated with large impersonal masses of money), and now Saturn... and I want to believe that it presses more gently... not to death.

But still, both now and before the autumn eclipses, the lack of optimism has well-understood reasons. Total eclipse. No matter how the world is completely affected (a turbulent year ahead). Take care of your money. Invest wisely.

We should also expect a deterioration in the well-being of weakened and chronically ill people, and older people in general. Solar eclipses always occur on the New Moon, when the energy potential is already weakened, and especially these days.

The psychologically most difficult total solar eclipse on March 9 can be experienced by those born in mutable signs: Pisces, Sagittarius, Virgo, Gemini. There is a significant imbalance in the work of the second (svadhisthana) and third (manipura) energy field vortex centers in the accompanying human field.

Where is the best place to watch the eclipse? Here:

At the very moment of a solar eclipse (even if we do not observe it), it is not recommended to sleep.

It is better to spend this time in prayer and in conscious connection with your Higher Self. Solar eclipses are an excellent time for conscious liberation from personal negative programs. Light a candle.

Read prayers or mantras (or listen). Then say:

“I believe in the cleansing power of Light! I know the Sun as the Giver of Life! I am cleansed from the inside and out. Together with the Sun, I am reborn in its shining rays, renewed and pure!

My whole life will be illuminated by sunlight. I will perceive the highest sources, my Heart will open, my Soul will merge with the Highest Spirit, I will be washed and transformed by sunlight and will always feel the point of contact now.”

Let's remember that a Solar Eclipse is an artificial event for earthlings (an information tool). We must understand that the Sun ALWAYS shines.

It is uneclipsed.

It is we who are eclipsed in our illusion of separation.


Residents of the Far East will be able to see one of the phases of the total solar eclipse on March 9, 2016. It will also be possible to watch the live broadcast.

“Partial phases of the eclipse will be visible in southeast Asia, Australia and Oceania. On the Pacific coast of Russia it will be possible to see very small partial phases of the eclipse.

The largest phase accessible from the territory of Russia will be observed from the southern Kuril Islands,” Interfax reports with reference to the planetarium.

In Yuzhno-Kurilsk, the Moon will cover a little more than a tenth of the Sun. Residents of Primorye, Kamchatka and Sakhalin will also be able to see private phases.

It is noted that the total eclipse of the Sun will begin at sunrise at 3:16 Moscow time in the northeastern part of the Indian Ocean, near the island of Sumatra.

The duration of the total phase of the eclipse will be one minute 31 seconds.

After which the lunar shadow will begin its movement to the east and pass across the Pacific Ocean, and will end its path north of the Hawaiian Islands at 6:38 (Moscow time).

The greatest phase of the eclipse will occur at 4:57 Moscow time, its duration will reach 4 minutes 9 seconds. This year there will be a live broadcast of the total solar eclipse, which can be viewed below:

The total solar eclipse on March 9, 2016 began at 2 hours 19 minutes Moscow time and ended at 7 hours 34 minutes.

The total duration of the eclipse was 5 hours 15 minutes, and the maximum phase occurred at 4 hours 58 minutes 19 seconds Moscow time (01:58:19 UTC). Residents of Indonesia, the Pacific Rim countries, Australia, Southeast Asia, Japan, South and North Korea. On the territory of Russia, only residents of Kamchatka will be able to observe this astronomical phenomenon.

The current eclipse, according to astrologers, will be difficult both for the individual and for the world as a whole. So, what should we expect from the Solar Eclipse on March 9, 2016?

The influence of the Solar Eclipse of March 9, 2016 on people and the world.
According to the generally accepted classification, the spring eclipse will be the 52nd eclipse of the 130th Saros. Saros is the name given to the period of repeating solar and lunar eclipses, equal to 18.3 years. The last Solar Eclipse of this cycle took place in 1998, which became very difficult for Russia. It was tough year, when an economic crisis raged in the country and a default occurred, forcing Russians to realize the need for change and renewal. Astrologers call the 130th Saros a cycle of completion, when everything that has become obsolete must sink into oblivion.

At the global level, the influence of one total eclipse is felt until the next one occurs. And since the March eclipse will occur in the sign of Pisces, issues of physical and spiritual healing will come to the fore in 2016. Serious changes must affect the healthcare sector. Thus, established methods and methods of treatment may be considered ineffective. ethnoscience, on the contrary, will acquire more larger number fans. It is possible that the spiritual values ​​that have developed in society will be subject to revision. And the works of art created this year will be able to produce a real cultural revolution.

Who will be most affected by the solar eclipse on March 9, 2016:

The impact of the eclipse will be felt especially acutely by people whose significant horoscope elements are in the signs of Pisces, Virgo, Gemini and Sagittarius.

Pisces born from March 6 to March 12 will have a good opportunity to change their life for the better.
But Virgos need to be especially careful in March 2016.

The main thing is not to panic and do not be afraid of eclipses; it is better to observe the events taking place with a calm heart and wide open mind. with open eyes without turning away or getting emotionally involved.

Wisdom and arcane knowledge will accompany March 9, 2016. On this day, intuition is activated, which must be trusted, otherwise there may be big problems. This is a great time to make a wish; it will definitely come true if it is connected with love or family.

Will not do without spy revelations and high-profile scandals international level, because behind-the-scenes games, intrigues and deceptions are precisely among the negative sides of the sign of Pisces. And most of the natural disasters will be associated with water: both with its excess (floods) and its deficiency (droughts). In this regard, 2016 risks being remembered as a lean year.

The Virgo-Pisces axis, which is accentuated by the eclipse, is called the axis of voluntary service. Therefore, the countries that will be able to achieve the greatest progress in 2016 are those that actively promote people’s caring attitude towards each other and the environment.

On ordinary person The March eclipse will have a stupefying effect. The current tense configuration of the planets, which includes the Sun, Moon, Jupiter and Saturn, will push you to commit rash acts. Most of us will find it difficult to take off our rose-colored glasses, and unjustified optimism will be the main reason for the unfavorable outcome of planned affairs. In this connection, on March 9 and the next two days it is better to refuse to accept important decisions and delay the implementation of ambitious projects.

IN personal life An eclipse can bring confusion and chaos, as indicated by the activation of the Descending Lunar Node. So, a former love may suddenly remind itself of itself. It is not necessary that a person who was once dear to you will call, write or pay a visit; you can accidentally run into him under the most mysterious circumstances. Do not give in to emotions and do not exaggerate the significance of the meeting. Fate tests your willingness to step back from everything unnecessary. And if you allow the past to enter your life, you will later regret it.

It is advisable to devote March 9, 2016 to taking care of your health. The great influence of Neptune and the number 7 on this day (52nd eclipse: 5 + 2 = 7) emphasizes that physical state will directly depend on the emotional state. If you have envy, resentment, aggression or anger hidden inside you, then during a solar eclipse you will be able to get rid of them. Meditation, music therapy and water treatments will help with this.

For people engaged in esoteric practice or simply having developed intuition, the 52nd eclipse of the 130th Saros can become mystical event. The knowledge that will be available on this day will help you make significant progress in spiritual development. Those who want to enlist the support of fortune for a long time should pay more attention to those around them on March 9. Give up selfishness and help those who need your help: a relative, a friend, a neighbor...

And if doing at least one good deed a day becomes a habit, then 2016 will be one of the most rosy years of your life. And the troubles that an eclipse could bring will bypass you and your home.

View of a total solar eclipse through a telescope

Total solar eclipses are quite rare. Although they occur almost every year (there are years without total solar eclipses at all), the Sun, completely obscured by the Moon, is visible only in a narrow strip with an average width of about 200 kilometers.

Solar eclipse diagram

In the same observation location, a total solar eclipse can be seen once every 200 - 300 years, or even less often. Not many inhabitants of the Earth have the chance to see such a phenomenon throughout their lives without leaving their city or even country. For example, in the European part of our country, the nearest total solar eclipse will occur only in the spring of 2061! But it also happens that the interval between neighboring total eclipses for one locality is only a year and a half! One such pair of total eclipses is the 2037 and 2038 eclipses in Australia. By the way, Australia is a place where as many as five eclipses can be seen within a few years in the foreseeable future! In 15 years (from 2023 to 2038), the lunar shadow will visit this small continent 5 times, and the small island state of New Zealand three times! It should be noted that in six areas of Australia during this period it will be possible to observe the full phase twice in the same place! Such a combination of total eclipses on a small continental area is rare. Residents of Australia are very lucky in this regard, and all that remains is to advise astronomy lovers from other countries, if possible, to move to live in Australia within the next few years. A more realistic prospect would be to save money for traveling to these eclipses.

Partial solar eclipses occur more often than total eclipses and are visible on larger territory. Maximum amount Under favorable circumstances, there are up to five partial eclipses of the Sun per year, but such years are very rare. Suffice it to say that the last time five solar eclipses took place was in 1935, and the next time a similar combination of partial eclipses will occur in 2206. Four partial eclipses a year are certainly more common. The nearest such years are 2029 and 2047.

But let's return to this year's total solar eclipse, the total phase of which will be visible in the equatorial region of the Earth. It should be noted that it is at the equator that the longest total eclipses of the Sun are visible, the maximum duration of which can reach 7 minutes!
But for this, three conditions must be met: an eclipse at the equator, the Moon at perigee and the Sun at aphelion.

But at the eclipse of March 9, 2016, only the first two conditions will be met, and the Sun will be two months from perihelion and four months from aphelion (in early July). Therefore the duration full phase will be only a little over 4 minutes. During this eclipse, the lunar shadow will pass mainly over the water surface of two oceans: the Indian and Pacific. On land, the Moon's shadow will only run across the islands of Indonesia, where it will cover four major cities, the largest of which is Palembang with a population of one and a half million. Palankaraya, Balikpapan and Palu will alternately be covered by the lunar shadow some time after Palembang in the morning hours of March 9, 2016.

Map of the total phase of the eclipse

Approximate appearance and course of the eclipse in the total phase band for the island of Sumatra

In Russia, this eclipse will be observed in the form of partial phases for one hour (from 2 to 3 hours universal time). Of the large cities, Vladivostok with a maximum phase of 0.038, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk - with a phase of 0.07, and Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, where the maximum phase will be 0.097, fall into the band of the partial phase of the eclipse. In the easternmost populated area of ​​the country - Uelen - the eclipse phase will reach 0.018. From the eclipse map for Russia it is clear that the maximum possible phase that can be observed from land falls on the Kuril Islands. In Severo-Kurilsk it will be possible to observe a partial eclipse with a phase of 0.124. A maximum phase of 0.17 can be seen from Kuril Islands adjacent to Japan.

During the total phase of a solar eclipse, the corona becomes visible around the Sun - an amazing sight that cannot be conveyed by any photographs! And next to the eclipsed daylight, bright planets and stars appear. Mercury and Venus will be the brightest in the eclipse sky on March 9, 2016, being 10 degrees apart. On the opposite side of the darkened sky, Mars and Saturn will be visible high above the horizon, 15 degrees apart. The brightness of these two planets will be lower than that of Mercury and Venus, but they will not be difficult to find. The main thing is to catch it while the Sun is closed, because it’s not easy to take your eyes off such a wonderful spectacle as a total eclipse! Among the bright stars, Vega, Arcturus, Antares, Spica, Deneb, Altair, Alpha Centauri and some other stars will be visible....

Map of the partial eclipse band for the eastern regions of Russia

View of the sky during a total eclipse in Palembang

Western sky during total eclipse

The described total solar eclipse is the 52nd eclipse of 130 Saros and is repeated from the previous eclipse of this Saros on February 26, 1998, which could be observed by residents of northern countries South America. The length of the Moon's shadow cast into space is about 373,320 kilometers, and on the day of the eclipse, the distance between the Earth and the Moon will be 357,244 kilometers. A simple calculation shows that the apparent diameter of the Moon is 1.045 times greater than the solar diameter - this is the maximum phase of this year’s eclipse. The gamma eclipse parameter indicated on the general eclipse map is determined by the minimum distance of the axis of the lunar shadow cone to the center of the Earth, and on the day of the eclipse will be 1664 kilometers, which gives a gamma value of 0.2609.

The beginning of the eclipse for the Earth according to universal time will take place at 23 hours 19 minutes on March 8, 2016, when the lunar penumbra touches the surface of the Earth in the Indian Ocean near the coast of the island of Sumatra, and begins to move in east direction. An animation of the eclipse's progress will show you this movement in detail. Gradually covering the countries of Southeast Asia, the lunar penumbra will create the appearance of a partial solar eclipse with different phases for residents of these countries. The penumbra of the Moon will already have time to cover part of Australia and the Chinese provinces when, finally, at 00 hours 16 minutes (already on March 9) universal time, the shadow of the Moon will appear on the surface of the Earth (again in the Indian Ocean west of the coast Sumarta).

Having reached the western coast of Sumatra in a few minutes, the lunar shadow will provide the first view of a total solar eclipse in the morning sky for residents of Indonesia and tourists relaxing on the shore Indian Ocean. Next, the moon's shadow will cover the above-mentioned Palembang. This will happen at 0 hours 21 minutes 44 seconds Universal Time (+ 7 hours local). The full phase will last here only 1 minute 52 seconds and will be 1.011 at an altitude of the Sun above the horizon of 18 degrees. The partial eclipse in Palembang will continue for just over an hour, bringing back an unforgettable celestial show. Information about the circumstances of total eclipse in other populated areas can be found in the table below.

Next, the shadow of the Moon will cross the large islands of Kalimantan, Sulawesi and a number of small islands, and at about 1 hour universal time it will begin its journey across the expanses of the Pacific Ocean, where there will no longer be large areas of land. The eclipse will reach its maximum at about two hours universal time at a location in the Pacific Ocean with coordinates of 10 degrees north latitude and 149 degrees east longitude with a full phase band width of 155 kilometers. The end of the total eclipse for the Earth will occur at 3 hours 38 minutes Universal Time west of the coast of North America, when the shadow of the Moon slides off the Earth's surface. The partial eclipse for Earth will end at 4:35 a.m. Universal Time.

But residents of North America will not have to be upset for long that they could not see this eclipse from their territory, because... in a year and a half, the next total solar eclipse will occur, the stripe of the total phase of which will cross the North American continent. This will happen on August 21, 2017, and our readers will definitely be told about this event!

Let's wish clear skies and successful viewing to everyone who will be observing the total solar eclipse this year and next!

A detailed map from NASA will give you a complete picture of the circumstances of the March 9, 2016 eclipse anywhere in the total and partial eclipse phase!!

Interactive eclipse map from NASA

Animation of the Moon's shadow moving across the Earth's surface with selected views of the eclipse

An excellent overview of the upcoming eclipse, maps of its visibility, climate information, analysis of characteristic cloudiness and other information useful for observers.

Some theoretical information about solar eclipses,128873.0.html
How to watch a solar eclipse?,128520.0.html
Bands of other total and annular eclipses covering the period from 2001 to 2020.

In astrology, eclipses have great importance. They provide a huge impact both for the whole world as a whole and for each person individually. Many astrologers take eclipses into account in their predictions. The eclipse on March 9, 2016 will occur at 9:58 a.m. (Kemerovo time) at 19 degrees Pisces, and will be the fifty-second of 130 Saros (Saros is a period of repeating solar and lunar eclipses equal to 18.3 years). The best place to observe the solar eclipse on March 9, 2016 will be Southeast Asia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Australia, and the Pacific Islands. Residents of China, Korea, Japan, Kamchatka, Far East, Alaska and the Aleutian Islands will only partially see this magical phenomenon. The solar eclipse on March 9 will be total. And a total solar eclipse is always fateful.

The last solar eclipse of this cycle took place in 1998. As we remember, it was a difficult time, marked by default and a serious economic crisis. Although the eclipse of 1998 did not so much foreshadow shocks as it emphasized the need for change and renewal of the existing system. It is not for nothing that the 130th Saros is considered a cycle of completion, when everything that has outlived its usefulness must “sink into oblivion.” At the global level, the influence of one total eclipse is felt until the next one (the next 53rd eclipse of this series will occur on March 20, 2034).

Influence on the situation in the world.

Any solar eclipse occurs on a new moon, when the Sun and Moon are conjunct at the same degree of the same sign. But, on March 9, 3 planets will connect to the conjunction of celestial bodies - Chiron, Neptune, Mercury, and the South Node in addition. This whole “mixture” will be in opposition to the conjunction of the North Node with Jupiter in the sign of Virgo. Any eclipse is always a trigger for the inclusion of aspects and configurations, that is, for the beginning of some events and phenomena. The eclipse on March 9 will turn on 2 powerful configurations at once. The first configuration is the “Sail”, consisting of a stellium (Sun, Moon, Neptune, Mercury South Node) in Pisces, Jupiter conjunct the North Node in Virgo, Pluto in Capricorn, and at the time of the eclipse, the Cross of Destiny in Taurus. The second is a “Tau Square”, consisting of Saturn in Sagittarius (the apex of the Tau Square), a stellium in Pisces and Jupiter conjunct the North Node in Virgo. Brrr! Looking at all this “beauty,” I really want every president of the country or all the people on whom the stabilization of the situation in the world depends to have their own astrologer. After all, eclipses are not only “scarecrows” and “horror stories”. This, first of all, is the key given to us by the Lord God himself - the key to establish and implement something, and to avoid or prevent something... What would you like to advise those people on whom well-being in the World depends? If the South Node enters into conjunction with an eclipse, and in addition with Neptune and Mercury in Pisces - conversations, persuasion, compromises - all this should remain in the past, but now it is a waste of time. What do you need to focus on? — The North Node in conjunction with Jupiter in the sign of Virgo in a trine to Pluto in Capricorn and a trine to the Cross of Fate (at the time of the eclipse) in Taurus: only defending one’s own material interests, developing one’s own economy and economy. All kinds of unions, alliances with other states can lead to a deterioration in one’s own personal situation. This is my personal opinion as an astrologer (eclipse: Sun, Moon, South Node, Chiron, Neptune, Mercury in Pisces - all square Saturn in Sagittarius). Don’t compete to see who can “drag” more allied countries to your side and conclude contracts with them, but focus on your own country. The failed gas pipeline through Bulgaria and Turkey clearly proved that I was right(. Only those states that are not part of any alliances, European Unions, blocs, but are engaged in the development of their own country and its economy will remain afloat. Once again, this is my personal opinion.
The eclipse on March 9 will give a powerful impetus to the development of ecology and healthcare. The existing spiritual values ​​in the world will be subject to revision. In many countries, I think there will be a rollback towards traditional values ​​- traditional marriages, heterosexual relationships, family, love, children, health. A rollback can also occur in public administration (in our country it is the nostalgia of many people for the USSR, in other countries it is attempts to leave the European Union, etc.). In the field of culture and art - both a return to tradition (to the classics) and a revolutionary breakthrough.
It will not happen without all sorts of revelations and high-profile international scandals, since behind-the-scenes games, intrigues and deceptions are precisely among the negative qualities of the sign of Pisces.
Most of natural disasters will be associated with water: both its excess (floods) and its deficiency (droughts).
In the field of charity, a transition will be planned from “blind” sponsorship to intelligent active participation. For example, helping animal shelters. Here, the emphasis will not be on the “blind” transfer of funds to the shelter’s account, but on assistance in fostering and placing ward animals in a family, purchasing and delivering products to the nursery, doing all possible work in the nursery cleaning and walking animals, providing advertising platforms on your website, office, store, etc.

The following will be especially sensitive to the eclipse:

1. All people in the area that will be visible during the total solar eclipse.
2. Countries ruled by the sign of Pisces. These are Palestine, Ceylon, the Philippines, India, Malta, Madagascar, Iceland, all the island states. In our country, these are the Kuril Islands, Sakhalin, Ussuri Territory, Kamchatka, Birobidzhan, Armenia, Crimea, St. Petersburg.
3. People born under the sign of Pisces, Sagittarius, Virgo, Gemini.
4. People in natal chart which, in the above signs there are planets and important points.

For an ordinary person, the March eclipse can have an extremely intoxicating effect. The current tense tau-square configuration can push you to commit rash acts. Most of us will find it difficult to take off our rose-colored glasses, and unjustified optimism can be the main reason for the unfavorable outcome of planned affairs. It is better to refuse to make important decisions and delay the implementation of projects. An eclipse can bring confusion into your personal life, as indicated by the activation of the Southern Lunar Node. So, a former love may suddenly remind itself of itself. A person who was once dear to you may call, write, or you may accidentally run into him somewhere. Do not give in to emotions and exaggerate the significance of the meeting. Fate tests your willingness to step back from everything unnecessary. And, if you allow the past to somehow penetrate your life, you will later regret it. Close all doors to the past!
During a solar eclipse, try to get rid of envy and resentment. Work, training, will help with this. physical exercise and all types of physical wellness.
During such eclipses, crime becomes more active. In people suffering mental disorders, drug addiction and alcoholism are getting worse. Try to protect yourself and your loved ones, especially children. Please exercise caution. Avoid crowded dark places, deserted wastelands and parks.

For people engaged in esoteric practice or simply having developed intuition, the 52nd eclipse of the 130th Saros can become a mystical event. The knowledge that will be available on this day will help you make significant progress in your spiritual development. The day has a strong energy charge. You can “model” your program for the future, improve and adjust your destiny. You can simply make a wish, and you will receive results within a few months. A solar eclipse is essentially a new moon, so it is good to perform new moon rituals on such a day. They can relate to love, money, work, business, real estate, and everything that you want to start, develop and promote to another - higher level.

Health effects:

3 days before and after the eclipse it is necessary to reduce mental and nervous stress. Psyche and nervous system these days is more vulnerable than ever. Postpone important negotiations and matters. Your legs (feet) are very sensitive these days; healing foot baths will be helpful. Also these days the skin will be vulnerable, the possibility allergic reactions. The danger of poisoning as food products, so medicines. It is not recommended to drink coffee or alcoholic beverages. For people suffering renal failure You should limit yourself to liquids.

February 28, 2016

Total solar eclipse - March 9, 2016 at 2 hours 19 minutes Moscow time, maximum phase - at 4 hours 59 minutes Moscow time, ending at 7 hours 34 minutes.

Solar eclipse in astrology:

The solar eclipse on March 9, 2016 will occur in the sign of Pisces. The uniqueness of the solar eclipse on March 9, 2016 is that at this time the Sun is in conjunction with the planet Chiron. Chiron in astrology is associated with the expansion of consciousness and materialization subtle plans. And at the moment of a solar eclipse, the influence of Chiron’s energy on a person can be unpredictable, spontaneous. During periods of solar eclipses, sensitive, receptive people often feel internal, spiritual discomfort, and in combination with Chiron this can manifest itself as sharp changes mood, a feeling of causeless euphoria or, conversely, anxiety, depression and apathy. The influence of a solar eclipse can be especially felt by representatives of the signs of Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio - signs of the Zodiac element of water.

Solar eclipse in:

Conducting various magical rituals, ceremonies, casting spells or making amulets during a solar eclipse is dangerous. The energies of this period are very strong, but always unpredictable, so you should not put your life at such risk. You can cause irreparable harm to yourself or others by performing magic during a solar eclipse. The sun is the source of life and energy, has a tremendous influence on the conduct magical rituals, therefore, to practice magic, you should always select the most successful days, when the Sun is in a favorable position and does not create negative aspects with other planets. “Black Sun” cannot be a good factor for magical actions aimed at goodness, health, love and well-being in general.

Solar eclipse and:

On March 9, 2016, you can guess at the solar eclipse; The Sun in combination with Chiron gives increased intuition, subtle perception, and increased imagination. In addition, it makes it possible to obtain information from various egregors, which helps to obtain more accurate answers to questions. On the day of a solar eclipse, it is best to guess the situation, future and fate. You can find out what will change in your life by choosing the “ ” layout on the Breath of the Night oracle.

Solar eclipse and spiritual practices:

During periods of solar eclipses, spiritual practices related to the past, karma, karmic debts, and purification are carried out. A solar eclipse is the right time to get rid of oppressive memories, fears and other negative conditions once and for all. To cleanse the soul and body, it is recommended not to eat food of animal origin 3 days before a solar eclipse and 3 days after it. If you have experience in the practice of fasting, you can completely refuse food three days before the eclipse, but this must be done very carefully unless there are medical contraindications.

At the moment of a solar eclipse, light a candle, calm your thoughts - let them stop flowing in an endless stream. Try not to think about anything and completely relax - don’t let thoughts about problems, worries, or tomorrow disturb you. When you reach the “here and now” state, try to mentally visualize how negative situations from the past gradually leave and dissolve. They will pass just like a shadow eclipsing the Sun. Imagine that the eclipse itself is those problems, situations from the past, sad thoughts or memories that you want to get rid of. Imagine how the shadow that eclipses the sun's disk gradually disappears and you again see the dazzling sunlight. Now your life is again filled with solar energy, warmth and love.

During a solar eclipse, you can practice any meditation that suits you personally. Can be read strong prayers helping to get rid of negative states of mind. The main thing is a sincere desire to change your life for the better and open up to a new, happy future.

Solar eclipse and health:

A solar eclipse is a time when you need to pay attention to your health; try to avoid physical activity on the day of the solar eclipse, as well as heavy food, and especially alcohol. On the day of a solar eclipse, avoid stressful situations and heavy emotional stress.

A solar eclipse primarily affects work of cardio-vascular system Therefore, people suffering from heart disease need to take their health seriously. May worsen during a solar eclipse chronic diseases. And yet, subject to proper diet And healthy image Many health problems can be avoided in life.

Solar eclipse and work, business, career:

The solar eclipse on March 9, 2016 is an unfavorable and even dangerous time for making important decisions in the business and financial sphere. If possible, you should postpone all important matters. Since at the time of the solar eclipse the Sun will be in the sign of Pisces, which is associated in astrology with misconceptions and illusions, starting new things may have an unfavorable outcome.

In money matters, you should also be careful to avoid mistakes and miscalculations that lead to losses. On the day of the solar eclipse, try not to make large purchases.

During periods of solar eclipses, you can do normal, everyday work that does not require great mental, emotional and physical stress.

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