Water treatments for health - baths. What are the benefits of hydrotherapy, indications, contraindications, recipes? What are water procedures?

People have paid attention to the beneficial properties of water procedures for a very long time. Our ancestors knew thermal springs or lakes with healing mineral water.

IN Ancient Rome There were baths that served not only as baths for ablutions, but also as hospitals for the restoration of strength for soldiers of the Roman army wounded in battle. At this time, they already knew and used such procedures as hot and cold baths, moisturizing, wraps, and used mud therapy and treatment in mineral springs.

Nowadays, such types of water procedures as showers, baths, and hydromassages are widely used for the prevention and treatment of many diseases. For example, soothing baths and showers are helpful for distress nervous system, for weakness and fatigue, tonic showers will help, and for patients with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular systems doctors will definitely prescribe preventive water procedures.

A bathhouse or sauna is well suited for removing toxins, cleansing the skin and restoring health. Here the human body is cleansed with the help of heating, increased metabolism occurs, and blood circulation improves. Thanks to the contrast between warm air and cool water, hardening occurs, which is especially important during the cold season, during flu epidemics.

For the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, for skin problems or obesity, hydromassage is prescribed. It strengthens and restores the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, improves blood circulation and heart function, metabolism. Charcot's shower will be useful to strengthen the nervous system and combat stress. It will strengthen the immune system, increase muscle tone, help lose weight and get rid of cellulite. In a good way Coniferous, sage, iodine-bromine baths will also restore strength and rejuvenate the body. Baths with the addition of herbal infusions are beneficial. Their action is based on the fact that odors irritate the olfactory receptors, which in turn affect the central nervous system.

However, you can prepare a healthy, relaxing and soothing bath at home. It's very easy to do. For example, to prepare a pine bath, you should buy pine needle extract at the pharmacy and dissolve it in a small amount in a warm bath, following the instructions on the package. Pleasant music can help you relax and unwind while taking a bath, you can turn it on

Hydrotherapy or hydrotherapy is the use of water in general and local procedures carried out for therapeutic and preventive purposes. The therapeutic effect is due to the temperature, mechanical and chemical influence of water and depends on the method of administration.

Water procedures are not recommended for hypothermia and fatigue. In this case, you should warm up and rest.Degree thermal effects water depends on its temperature. According to this indicator, cold procedures are distinguished (below 20 °C), cool (20–33 °C), indifferent (34–36 °C) and hot (over 40 °C).

The use of water procedures should be strictly individual, i.e., determined by the patient’s underlying disease, as well as concomitant diseases. The water procedure must be carried out quickly, for this you also need to have appropriate clothing with you.

For frail and elderly patients, it is better to limit themselves to a warm bath and shower.Water procedures must be coordinated and discussed with your doctor!

Medicinal recipes


Cold compress: soak a towel in cold water and wring it out. Apply to the sore joint. The duration of the procedure is 15–20 minutes.

Hot compress: soak a towel in hot water and wring it out. Apply to the sore joint. The duration of the procedure is 15–20 minutes.

Epsom salt bath: Add 2 handfuls of Epsom salts to a hot water bath for 15-20 minutes. Such baths are contraindicated for elderly people or those suffering from hypertension.


Baths with increasing water temperature: immerse your arms up to your elbows in the bath. The initial temperature is 36–37 °C. Top up every 2 minutes hot water so that the temperature increases by 0.5 °C. Complete the procedure after 20 minutes, pour cold water first right, then left hand starting from your fingertips to your shoulders. Dry your hands and lie down for 30–40 minutes.

Such baths have a relaxing effect on the muscles of the bronchi, preventing and relieving an asthmatic attack.


Sitz cold bath: pour water into the bath so that it reaches the lower abdomen. The duration of the procedure is 1–2 minutes.

Baths with a gradual increase in water temperature for the lower body: fill the bath with water (water temperature – 36–37 °C). After 2 minutes, gradually add hot water. Raise the temperature of the bath water until it reaches 39–42 °C. The water temperature must be increased so slowly that you do not feel any burning or chills. After 20 minutes, it is recommended to douse yourself with cold water or take a cold shower, then rest.

A sore throat

Wrapping the neck: wipe the neck with a damp towel, then wrap it with a dry, rough bandage in 3-4 turns so that there is no access to air. The duration of the procedure is 1 hour.

Neck wrap: Wrap a soft towel soaked in cold water around your neck. Wrap a dry towel over it, and then a woolen bandage. The duration of the procedure is no more than 1 hour.


Hot compress: To relieve pain from muscle strains and sciatica, you can apply a towel soaked in hot water and wrung out.

Alternating hot and cold compresses: apply a towel soaked in hot water and wrung out to the sore spot for 2 minutes, then replace it with a towel soaked in cold water for 1 minute. Alternate compresses for 15 minutes.

Warm baths: place a mattress made of porous material or a terry towel at the bottom of the bath. Fill the bath 10 cm with water (water temperature – 36–37 °C). Lie down on the mattress with a rubber pillow under your head. Add hot water at intervals of 2-3 minutes, increasing the temperature by 0.5 °C each time. Carry out the procedure for 10–15 minutes, when finished, take a cold shower and lie down for 30 minutes.

Pain in the neck

Hot compress: soak a towel in hot water, fold and squeeze well. Unfold the towel and place it on your upper back, neck and shoulders. Cover with a dry towel. Keep the compress for 10 minutes. This procedure is primarily useful for pain caused by muscle stiffness.


Alternating hot and cold compresses: Apply compresses to affected areas for 30 seconds. Repeat the sequence 3 times. The last compress should be cold. It is recommended to carry out the procedure once a day.


Compress on the body: moisten the blanket with water, cover it so that the body is covered, then wrap it in a woolen blanket on top. Carry out the procedure for 30–40 minutes.

Compress on the torso and back: place the soaked blanket on a bed covered with oilcloth. Lie down on it, apply another compress to your torso and cover yourself with a woolen blanket. The duration of the procedure is 30–40 minutes.

Alternating hot and cold compresses: place a towel soaked in hot water on your stomach, then put a towel soaked in cold water for 1 minute. Repeat the procedure several times.


Alternate hot and cold baths: each bath should last approximately 1–2 minutes.


Cold foot bath: pour cold water into a basin (in in some cases you can start with cool water), lower your feet into the basin. The duration of the procedure is 5–7 minutes.

Warm foot bath: pour warm water, add 1 tablespoon of salt per 1 liter of water. Place your feet in the water. The duration of the procedure is 10–15 minutes.

Alternating hot and cold foot baths: pour hot water into one container and cold water into the other. Soak your feet in hot water for 3 minutes and then in cold water for 1 minute. Repeat this procedure 3-4 times.


Alternating hot and cold compresses: wring out a towel soaked in hot water and apply to the back of the head for 2 minutes. Then replace it with a towel soaked in cold water for 1 minute. Alternate for 10–15 minutes.

Spinal diseases

Pouring the back: first, pour from the heels to the back of the head, then from the neck down to the lower edge of the sacrum and on the other side from the right to the left shoulder blade. Pouring the back should always be accompanied or ended with a quick wash of the chest, abdomen and arms.


Alternating hot and cold compresses: soak a towel in hot water, squeeze it out, apply it to the stomach for 3 minutes, then replace it with a towel soaked in cold water, which should be held for 1 minute. Alternate compresses for 10-15 minutes.

Stones in the kidneys

Hot baths with oat straw decoction: boil the straw for 30 minutes, use the decoction to prepare a warm bath with a water temperature of about 30 °C. It is recommended to take this bath no longer than 25 minutes. After completing the procedure, you should wash your body with cold water and wipe dry with a towel.

Intestinal colic

Compress on the stomach: soaked in warm water Place a thick cloth on the lower abdomen and cover with a warm blanket on top. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.

Alternating hot and cold compresses: hold a hot compress (towel soaked in hot water, wrapped over a dry towel) for 3 minutes, then replace it with a cold compress for 1 minute. Alternate cold and hot compresses for 20 minutes. Finish with a hot compress.


Steam foot bath: fill a basin with boiling water, place your feet on the edge of the basin and cover with a thick blanket. The duration of the procedure is 10–15 minutes. It is not recommended to do such baths more than once a week.

Muscle tension

Cold compress: To reduce pain, it is recommended to apply a bandage soaked in cold water to the affected area every 30 minutes. Keep the compress for 5 minutes.

Hot compress: to reduce pain syndrome It is recommended to apply a bandage soaked in hot water to the affected area every 30 minutes. Keep the compress for 5 minutes.


Compress on the back: place a blanket soaked in warm water on a bed previously covered with oilcloth, lie on your back and cover yourself with a wool blanket. The procedure takes 45 minutes. This compress has a beneficial effect on back pain and osteochondrosis.


Pouring hands: Pouring should begin with the hands, moving up to the shoulders. Usually a similar procedure is carried out for both hands. To pour each hand you will need approximately 15 liters of water.


Leg wraps: wrap your legs in a wet linen bandage to the knees, and wrap tightly on top with a dry piece of woolen material. Go to bed for 2–3 hours.

A warm bath helps with fatigue caused by stress.

Alternating cold and hot showers improves blood circulation and restores strength, increases muscle tone, gives strength, and improves immunity.

Tired legs

Alternating hot and cold compresses: apply a hot compress to your feet for 2 minutes, then a cold compress for 1 minute.

Cold foot baths: keep your feet in a basin of cold water for 1-2 minutes.

Alternating hot and cold foot baths: pour hot water into one basin, cold water into the other. Soak your feet in hot water for 2 minutes and then in cold water for 1 minute. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times.

All types of water procedures are not only sanitary and hygienic measures that cleanse the skin. Therapeutic water procedures have a general strengthening effect on the body, enhance lymph flow and cellular metabolism, stimulate blood circulation in tissues and organs. In addition, all types of medicinal baths and medicinal showers relieve inflammatory processes, stimulate metabolism. It is impossible not to note the benefits of water procedures for correcting the figure and relieving nervous tension.

Hydrotherapy: types of healing showers

Hydrotherapy (balneotherapy) is one of the most popular and ancient branches of natural medicine. During therapeutic fasting, water procedures delicately cleanse the skin of the donkeys excreted through it. While hungry, a person loses weight, and when losing weight, showers and baths are irreplaceable, although they are secondary procedures. Water procedures enhance lymph flow, cellular metabolism, blood circulation in tissues and organs, relieve inflammatory processes, stimulate metabolism, improve skin condition, get rid of cellulite, figure correction, relieve nervous tension, have a general strengthening effect. Water treatments become even more beneficial if they are combined with peeling, body masks, wraps, and massage.

The following types of water procedures are available at home: short, long and contrast showers. Which shower is better - everyone decides for himself.

Short warm shower. Refreshing, relaxing and at the same time invigorating, setting you up for active activity.

Long warm shower. Well relaxes, soothes, promotes rapid sleep.

Cool shower.“Washes away” fatigue and drowsiness, gives a boost of energy, increases muscle tone, and has a hardening effect.

Cold and hot shower. Alternating warm and cold water, at the end - cold dousing. The temperature difference gradually increases from 5 °C to 25 °C. Tones, trains the cardiovascular system, strengthens the nervous system, hardens.

Various types of therapeutic showers will definitely be offered to you in a sanatorium or specialized clinic, where you are going to fast under the supervision of specialists. If you are fasting on your own, you can sign up at a local hydropathic clinic or physiotherapy department, where there are apparatus showers, but this option is suitable if you do not need to travel long and your health allows you to do so. You can go the other way: attend a course of water procedures after breaking fast and recovery period.

Circular shower. This is one of the most common types of therapeutic shower, in which the patient is located in the center of the shower installation, horizontal streams of water under a pressure of 1-1.5 atmospheres are directed onto his body from all sides from metal pipes with holes placed in a circle. The water temperature gradually decreases from 35 °C to 25 °C.

Vichy shower. The effect is softer than that of a circular shower. The patient lies on the couch on his stomach, the surface of the body is irrigated with thin streams of water according to the principle of rain. Water temperature and pressure change. During the procedure, the massage therapist may additionally perform massage.

Sharko's shower. This is the most “extreme” type of shower. The patient's body is massaged from a distance of 3 m with a stream of water under a pressure of 1.5-3 atmospheres. The water is warm at first, cool at the end. At high blood pressure It's better to hold on to the handrails. The procedure is especially effective for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, spine, and obesity.

Scottish shower. A type of Charcot shower. Jets from 2 hoses are alternately directed at a person: with warm and hot, cool and cold water.

Fleury fan shower. The procedure is performed like Charcot's douche, only the jet is dispersed in the shape of a fan. Water temperature and pressure change.

Underwater hydromassage shower. The patient's body is massaged in the bath with an underwater stream of water. Water temperature 35-37 °C.

Circular, Vichy, and underwater hydromassage showers can be used during fasting; Charcot, Scottish, fan showers are recommended in the intervals between fasting.

Contraindications for healing showers: infectious and oncological diseases, stage III hypertension, impaired cerebral circulation, ischemic heart disease with angina attacks, disorders heart rate, acute thrombophlebitis, etc.

The doctor observing you will advise which shower is best to take.

Types of therapeutic baths, their indications and contraindications

The types of medicinal baths, indications and contraindications for their use are described below.

A bath is superior to a shower in its ability to cleanse the skin of metabolic products. A bath with a temperature of up to 35 °C is considered cool, warm - up to 38 °C, hot - above 38 °C. Hot baths are not recommended for heart patients, hypertension, diabetes, heart failure, pneumonia, fibroids, cysts. A hot or warm bath should be taken no longer than 15 minutes, so as not to overload the heart. When fasting, warm baths are suitable; they can be taken once every 1-3 days, alternating with a shower. The heart area should be above the water.

Bath of Cleopatra. Dissolve 4-5 tbsp in 1 liter of warm milk with high fat content (at least 3.5%). l. honey, pour this mixture into the bath. You can add 2 tablespoons of any vegetable oil.
Take a bath for up to 15 minutes. As a result, the elasticity and firmness of the skin and its hydration increase. It is recommended to do it 1-2 times a week.

Mustard bath. Dissolve a glass of dry mustard in warm water and pour into the bath. Take for up to 8 minutes, then wash in the shower. Do it 1-2 times a week.

Turpentine bath. White turpentine baths are used for low pressure, yellow ones for high pressure. Their action is similar: they improve blood circulation and accelerate the elimination of toxins.
It is better to purchase turpentine emulsions at a pharmacy and use them according to the instructions. Before the bath sensitive areas lubricate with Vaseline. After the bath, take a shower. The first bath lasts 5 minutes, gradually the time increases to 10-15 minutes, the temperature is from 35 to 37 ° C. Course - from 10 to 20 procedures every other day or every day.

In addition to the indicated baths, salt, pine baths, and baths based on herbal infusions from string, St. John's wort, sage, chamomile, linden, coltsfoot.

Contraindications for medicinal baths: cardiovascular diseases, varicose veins veins, allergies to components, inflammatory kidney diseases, skin diseases and etc.

Knowing the indications and contraindications of medicinal baths, a fasting person should make the choice between a bath and a shower based on his own well-being. During fasting, you should not take hot baths: they are very relaxing, you may feel dizzy, feel weak, and lose consciousness. You should be careful with turpentine baths during this period.

The benefits of a bath after fasting

Leading experts in the field of fasting agree that after the completion of the recovery period, when normal nutrition has been established and the water-salt balance has been restored, it is necessary to visit a Russian bathhouse. The benefit of a bath after fasting is that this procedure, causing increased sweating, will complete the cleansing of the body from toxins. In the bath you need to take fresh juices, herbal tea, mineral water, and before starting the bath procedures, drink a lot of liquid so that you have something to sweat from. Perfectly complements the action of the bath.

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In which water is used as a therapeutic and prophylactic factor.

History of hydrotherapy

The healing properties of fresh and mineral water have been known since ancient times and are mentioned in Indian Vedas. Pythagoras, Hippocrates, Asclepiades, Avicenna, Antony Musa (Octavian's physician) used this knowledge to treat many diseases.

The Middle Ages brought oblivion to physiotherapy, and only in the 18th century did Europe remember hydrotherapy. Over the centuries, the knowledge of ancient peoples was supplemented with new data, techniques were improved, their use in medicine expanded, but the approach to the study of hydrotherapy was only empirical.

Scientific research into this type of physiotherapy began in the 19th century thanks to Russian and European scientists. Alexander Nikitin, a general physician, in 1825 described the law of antagonism, which refers to the opposite interaction between the vessels of the skin and abdominal cavity: when taking cold baths, the vessels of the skin narrow and the abdominal cavity expands; when treated with hot baths, the vessels of the skin expand, and, on the contrary, the abdominal cavity narrows.

Dr. Kneipp promoted cold water treatment at the end of the 19th century, and the scientist Wilhelm Winternitz became the first teacher of hydrotherapy and founder of the department of hydrotherapy at the University of Vienna in 1899.

Mudrov, Pirogov, Botkin and other domestic doctors actively and successfully used balneotherapy (from the Latin balneum - bath, bathing) in the treatment of many diseases.

Speaking about physiotherapy, one cannot fail to mention the Zakharyin-Ged zones, named after the names of two great scientists who led scientific works absolutely separately from each other, but came to a common discovery - the comparison of individual areas of the skin with certain internal organs. Impact on certain areas of the skin with wraps or compresses has a therapeutic effect on the corresponding organs.

Mechanisms of action on the body

According to the area of ​​influence, hydrotherapy techniques can be general (on the entire surface of the body) and local (half baths, on the limbs, certain zones and areas, projection of internal organs, washing).

Due to its high heat capacity and thermal conductivity, as well as its pronounced ability to dissolve gases and salts, water has the following types of effects on the body: temperature, chemical and mechanical.

Temperature effect

Depending on the water temperature, there are cold procedures (less than 20 °C), cool (from 20 to 25 °C), warm (up to 33 °C), hot (about 40 °C) and contrast.

Cold exposure causes a spasm of the blood vessels in the skin, followed by their expansion and an increase in the speed of blood flow. In addition, the production of adrenaline (adrenal glands) and thyroxine ( thyroid), which enhances tissue metabolism and the function of internal organs.

Thermal influence stimulates metabolism, tissue trophism, blood supply and lymph circulation, increases the secretory function of the stomach and pancreas, inhibits intestinal motility, anesthetizes, soothes, relieves muscle spasms, stimulates the immune system and the function of the endocrine system.

Contrast procedures have a pronounced stimulating effect, centralize blood circulation, train blood vessels, improve myocardial contractility, as well as feedback between muscles and the central nervous system, and stimulate metabolic processes.

Chemical exposure

Reflex action on skin receptors and respiratory system temperature or chemical factors provoke the occurrence of a certain response of the nervous system. The impulse is then sent to the internal organs, causing a vascular reaction corresponding to the resulting change in the skin vessels.

In addition to the above, while taking mineral baths skin covering And Airways substances dissolved in water are affected, then they are absorbed into the blood and cause inflammation internal organs according changes.

Physical impact

Most significantly intensity physical impact(compression and massage) is felt when taking showers and baths with water movement (jacuzzi, hydromassage). During this procedure, the skin vessels dilate, increasing with increasing pressure of the water jet.

Hydrostatic pressure affects the body when taking baths, swimming in natural or artificial reservoirs. It is difficult to name specific values ​​of pressure on the human body - it depends on the degree of immersion in water. In the bath full immersion On average, the body experiences pressure on the limbs of 50 cm of water column, and about 10 cm of water column on the chest. This pressure affects the vessels and causes a compressive narrowing of their lumen, resulting in the distribution of blood from the saphenous veins and abdominal cavity to the heart, and the preload increases. Therefore, for diseases of the cardiovascular system, immersion baths are prescribed to a maximum level chest in a sitting position.

Directions of hydrotherapy

Hydrotherapy includes two broad areas: hydrotherapy and balneotherapy.


This is the use of fresh water (lake, river, tap, rain) for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Hydrotherapy techniques are listed below.

  • circular;
  • rain;
  • dusty;
  • cascade;
  • Charcot (simultaneously exposed to hot and cold water);
  • contrasting;
  • Vichy;
  • ascending;
  • fan;

2. Underwater shower-massage;

  • hydromassage baths - jacuzzi - massage is carried out with gas bubbles or water jets. Depending on the equipment, whirlpools, music, light, geysers, and magnetic fields can be added to the design.
  • pearl;
  • vortex;

4. ;
5. ;
6. Wraps;
7. Compresses;
8. Steam procedures;
9. Exercise therapy in water - hydrokinesiotherapy.


This is used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. mineral waters natural or artificial origin. Balneotherapy techniques are listed below.

  1. Hydrogen sulfide;
  2. Iodine-bromine;
  3. Radon;
  4. Conifers;
  5. Bishofite;
  6. Turpentine;
  7. Nitrogen thermal;
  8. Carbon dioxide;
  9. Siliceous thermal;
  10. Chloride;
  11. Arsenic;
  12. Rapa – highly concentrated mineral waters;
  13. With sea salt;
  14. With essential oils;
  15. Contrast - to improve blood circulation (obliterating endarteritis, varicose veins, hypotension, skin diseases);
  16. Mineral pools - for physical therapy.

Radon or sulfide water is used.

  1. Local;
  2. Are common;
  3. Rising;
  4. Irrigation;
  5. Massage;
  6. Underwater shower-massage.


Hydrocarbonate, iodine-bromine, chloride, sulfide and radon waters are used. The technique is similar to medicinal inhalations. A course of 10-15 procedures is carried out for about 10 minutes.

Drinking mineral waters

As a rule, this technique uses sodium chloride, ferruginous, nitrogen-siliceous waters. The dosage regimen, temperature, quantity, composition of the medicinal drink and course time are prescribed by the doctor.

Therapeutic effects of hydrotherapy

Hydrotherapy has a number of positive effects on the human body. As a result of these procedures, the following changes occur in organs and tissues:

  • blood circulation improves;
  • metabolic processes are activated;
  • relaxation occurs;
  • the walls of blood vessels are trained;
  • tissue repair and regeneration, skin turgor and elasticity improves;
  • pain relief occurs;
  • there is a psychological effect: improved sleep, well-being, development of stress resistance;
  • immunity is stimulated.

General indications

For each hydrotherapy method there are special indications, which must be taken into account when prescribing hydrotherapy by a doctor. Below are general indications for hydrotherapy.

  • Disease prevention;
  • Depressive states, fatigue, sleep disturbances;
  • Diseases of the nervous system, including the consequences of strokes;
  • Cellulite, obesity;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Damages of the cardiovascular system;
  • Consequences of injuries, diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Pathologies gastrointestinal tract, metabolic disease;
  • Diseases of the endocrine system;
  • Violations menstrual cycle, diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • Respiratory diseases;
  • Some diseases of the blood and hematopoietic organs;
  • Eye diseases.

General contraindications

You need to know that for each specific method of hydrotherapy there are special contraindications that must be taken into account when choosing a particular method of hydrotherapy. The following are diseases, the presence of which is a contraindication for any type of hydrotherapy until they are eliminated.

  • Acute diseases;
  • Neoplastic processes;
  • Glaucoma;
  • Thrombophlebitis;
  • Tendency to bleed;
  • Transient cerebrovascular accidents;
  • Insufficiency of blood supply above stage Ib, renal failure;
  • Severe vascular atherosclerosis;
  • Hypertension above stage III;
  • Less than 1 year after a heart attack or stroke;
  • Decompensation of coronary artery disease;
  • Cachexia;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Mental illnesses that do not allow the patient to control their behavior;
  • Procedures are temporarily contraindicated during menstruation;
  • Individual intolerance.


Baths or showers are used 1 hour before meals and 2 hours after.

Hydrotherapy is prescribed in courses of 10-20 procedures daily or every other day. It is recommended to repeat the treatment cycle after six months.

The procedures have an aftereffect - the results of the treatment last for the next 4-6 months.

TV channel "Moscow-24", program "Lifestyle" on the topic "Hydrotherapy":

Hydrotherapy (synonymous with hydrotherapy) is the external use of water for therapeutic and preventive purposes. has a temperature, mechanical and chemical effect on the body. The temperature and hydrostatic pressure of water, as well as the salts dissolved in it, irritate the thermo-, baro- and chemoreceptors embedded in the skin; volatile and gaseous substances, as well as ions, iodine, bromine, etc. penetrate through the skin and respiratory tract, affecting blood vessels and internal organs. The effect of hydrotherapy procedures on various organs and body systems is carried out through the neurohumoral route.

Depending on different water temperatures and methods of application, water procedures have a very diverse effect: they cause redistribution of blood in peripheral vessels and internal organs, promote the resorption of lesions chronic inflammation, removal of pathological metabolic products, affect functional state nervous system and muscular, etc. Procedures with warm water (t° 37-39°) generally have a calming effect, cold (t° below 20°) and cool (t° 20-33°) tone the body and harden it. Due to this versatile effect, hydrotherapy is used for many diseases.

Technique of water procedures. General dousing. The naked patient is doused with 2-3 buckets of water (Fig. 1), the procedure is carried out daily for 4-6 weeks, gradually lowering the water temperature from 34-33° to 22-20°. The duration of the procedure is 1-2 minutes. After dousing, the patient is wiped with a sheet.

The procedure has a stimulating and tonic effect, increases metabolism.

Partial douches, often with cold water (t° 16-20°), are carried out from a rubber hose, jug or watering can.

They douse not the whole body, but only some part of it: the back of the head (Fig. 2) - in order to improve breathing and blood circulation; arms and legs (Fig. 3) - for sweating, vasomotor disorders, etc.; back (Fig. 4) - for neurasthenic conditions, etc.

General rubdowns. A naked patient standing in a basin of warm water is wrapped in a canvas sheet moistened with water at a temperature of 32-30° (at the end of the course of treatment at a temperature of 20-18°) and wrung out well; Rub quickly and vigorously over the sheet (Fig. 5) until you feel warm. The procedure lasts 2-3 minutes, then the patient is wiped with a dry sheet. Sometimes after wiping, it is doused with 1-2 buckets of water at a temperature 1-2° lower than the previous one, then wiped dry (rubbing with dousing). The patient can carry out the procedure independently, wiping the entire body piece by piece in a certain sequence with a sponge or a special mitten, and then wiping dry with a towel.

Partial rubdowns are performed on weakened patients. The patient lies in bed, covered with a blanket (Fig., b), one leg is opened alternately, then the other, arm, back, etc., a towel moistened with water and wrung out is placed on them and thoroughly rubbed over it (rubbing can be done with a special mitten soaked in water), and then wipe dry and cover with a blanket again. To enhance the skin irritating effect, you can add salt, alcohol, or hygienic cologne to the water. The procedure has a refreshing and tonic effect, improves and increases metabolism.

Wet wraps (wraps). Having laid out a large blanket on the couch and a sheet on top, moistened with water t ° 30-25 ° (rarely lower) and wrung out well, wrap the naked patient first in the sheet, and then in the blanket (Fig., 7). Depending on the duration, the procedure can have a stimulating and antipyretic (10-15 minutes), calming (30-40 minutes) and diaphoretic (50-60 minutes or more) effect.

Souls. The supply of water of various temperatures and pressures to shower installations is carried out by a shower pulpit (see). Jet showers (Fig. 8) include Charcot and Scottish showers.

Steam shower (Fig. 12): steam under a pressure of 1 -1.5 am is directed through the tip to the patient located at a distance of 0.5-1 m. The temperature of the steam near the patient’s skin is 40-50°. Procedures lasting 10-15 minutes. carried out daily, for a course of treatment 12-15 procedures.

Saunas (Finnish dry air baths) are specially equipped rooms with high temperature(70-90°) and low humidity (relative 10-15%), in which hygienic and partly therapeutic procedures are carried out.

Water procedures also include baths (see).

Indications: cold and cool water procedures are used as a general tonic to stimulate the nervous and cardiovascular systems, increase metabolism in case of obesity, for the purpose of training and; warm - for the treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases, with lesions of the musculoskeletal system, peripheral nervous system, etc.; procedures with water at the so-called indifferent temperature (34-36°) - with increased excitability of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, disorders of vascular tone, to combat skin itching etc.; procedures with hot water - in case of violation individual species metabolism, as well as some kidney diseases.

Contraindications: acute inflammatory processes, advanced stages, severe decompensation of cardiovascular activity, severe and frequently recurring attacks, malignant neoplasms, benign with a tendency to grow, bleeding and hemoptysis, in the destruction phase in the presence of a temperature reaction, infectious diseases, some skin (weeping, pustular diseases), etc.

The role of the nursing staff during hydrotherapy is to control the preparation and dosage of water procedures by junior medical staff (bath attendants, showers, etc.) in accordance with the doctor’s prescription, to monitor the tolerability of the procedures, the reaction to the procedure, to provide emergency pre-medical care if necessary, in registration and accounting of water procedures, in supervising the sanitary condition of the hydropathic clinic. See also Balneological hospital,.

1-4 - dousing: 1 - general, 2 - back of the head, 3 - legs, 4 - back; 5 and 6 - rubbing: 5 - general (a and b - successive stages), 6 - partial, with a special mitten (a - hands, b - legs); 7 - general wet wrapping (a - d - successive stages); 8 - jet shower (a - control panel, biv - exposure to a fan jet); 9 - rain shower; 10 (a and b) - circular shower; 11 - rising shower; 12 - steam shower.