The dog is behaving aggressively. Dominant aggression in dogs: causes and correction of aggressive behavior. Defensive aggression – the dog attacks for defensive purposes.

Reading time: : 12 minutes

Some people get a dog to relieve their loneliness, while others cannot imagine life without them. Well, the third category of people are loyal followers of guard dogs. Watchdogs have many worthy representatives, including the Asian Shepherd, Rottweiler and Doberman Pinscher. Today we'll dive into interesting world Doberman and learn a lot about the animal, whose posture the queen herself can admire. The fame of the detective abilities of dogs of this breed is one step ahead of the animal itself.

Dobermans are not only a working dog, but also true friend, which will console you in difficult times. These generous individuals have a fiery disposition. They can safely be classified as one of those breeds that are insanely attached to their owner. In this article we will tell you the life expectancy, weight of a Doberman, how to care for a Doberman and what to feed a Doberman. In general, everything a happy animal owner wants to know about.

The Doberman Pinscher is a relatively young breed. It arose as a result of crossing many breeds, including the French Shepherd, English and German. The father of this breed is the German tax inspector Louis Dobermann. The dog's appearance shows the features of a miniature pinscher, however, in terms of strength and size, it is a full-fledged one. guard dog. Unfortunately, the breeder did not leave any records about the breed, so modern specialists can only speculate and speculate about their origin. It is worth noting that the Doberman Pinscher is the only representative German breed, which received the name of its owner.

There is a legend that Dobermann specially bred this watchdog for your own protection. The Doberman's introduction to the world occurred in 1876.

Dobermans appeared in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. Immediately after their appearance, dogs began to be widely used for search purposes. In the middle of the 20th century, the Doberman breed acquired official status by the International Cynological Association.

Modern Dobermans are individuals of the highest class, which have repeatedly become winners of international exhibitions.

Doberman breed description - briefly

An animal such as the Doberman breed standard is characterized by the following qualities:

  • Color - ranging from black to yellow-brown.
  • The breed standard allows black color. As for the chocolate shade, the standard does not cross it off the list of permitted ones.
  • The size of males at the withers is 68-72 cm, females - 63-68 cm.
  • The ideal option is when the length of the body is proportional to the height.
  • A male weighs 40-45 kg, a female from 32 to 35 kg.
  • Life expectancy is 11 years.
  • Country of origin: Germany.
  • Where is it used? Army, police. They often play the role of devoted friends and family members.

Animal character and temperament

Dobermans do not like to sit in the apartment; they are fans of outdoor activities. In general, the content comes down to daily active walks outside, allowing the dog to be in excellent shape.


As for approaches to the plate, a single meal is sufficient for an adult animal, however, an acceptable option is feeding in the morning and at lunch.

According to experts, babies up to 6 months need to be fed 5-6 times a day. With age, intake is reduced to 4 times. Required condition! A nursing animal, like any other, should not be left without water. The water must be changed 2 times a day.

What do Dobermans get sick with?

Despite the fact that these dogs do not have diseases characteristic of dogs, such as cataracts and cataracts, they are susceptible to other pathologies. It is worth noting that cases of diagnosis have become more frequent in European countries. In addition, American breeders note the emergence of new hereditary problems, in particular Wobbler syndrome, a blood disease.

Other diseases are represented by the following disadvantages:

  • Incorrect bite.
  • Pigment spots.


Many Doberman lovers are interested in the question, how many years do Dobermans live?

The lifespan of dogs directly depends on care and nutrition. With proper care and nutrition, the life expectancy of these aristocrats is on average 12-15 years. In some cases, life expectancy exceeds this age.

  1. Hierarchical or, as it is called, dominant aggression in dogs. This type is more typical for an adult male, aged from 1.5 to 3 years - the animal is more mature, strives to take the place of the leader and, accordingly, all its behavior will be subordinated to aggression and herd instincts. You can remove the manifestation of this aggression by immediately showing the dog its place, by sending it to training courses - the main thing is to never hit the animal, but to pay more attention and affection.
  2. Painful aggression– the animal’s body’s response to pain. In this case, the dog will show aggression when visiting veterinary clinic, carrying out medical procedures, with improper training of the owner, when the latter shows force and rudeness towards the dog. The main thing in this case is not to hit the animal, since this behavior is caused by self-defense instincts. Calm your pet and eliminate all factors and causes that cause the dog pain.
  3. Sexual, dominant aggression in dogs– most often manifests itself in a sexually mature male, and is caused by natural processes of selection of the strongest male for further reproduction and procreation. A person, an owner or another animal is the object of aggression in this case, but again it is worth repeating - this is natural behavior, you should not hit or scold the dog. In this case, it is recommended to treat her during the bitch’s heat period. special compounds, odor-repelling sprays, give dogs maximum exercise during walks, while simultaneously using sedative medications. If it doesn’t help, sterilize the animal, which will help reduce aggressive sexual behavior and allow the dog to live longer.
  4. Defensive aggression- most likely this behavior is typical of a weak and somewhat cowardly, unbalanced animal that has been driven into a corner and has no way to get out of the trap. A dog can show such aggression if it is treated roughly - never scold your pet for no reason, but best of all, show affection and attention, show your love, building self-confidence in the dog, removing irritation and aggression. It is also recommended that all animal owners take a training course with their pets aimed at obedience and socialization of the dog.
  5. Territorial aggressionclassic version instinctive behavior of an animal. A dog, no matter a male or a female, will defend its vital territory - an apartment, yard, place or room. The main thing that the owner must remember is not to violate the dog’s personal space, especially if the bitch has puppies or the dog is rutting. You can correct an animal's behavior with the help of a training course, giving the animal an attitude toward leadership of the owner and subordination of the dog.
  6. Food aggression in dogs- another type of manifestation of animal instincts. The dog begins to growl when the owner or other animals approach its bowl, and may bite if it feels that food may be taken away from it. In this case, it is worth correcting the dog’s behavior gradually - when all family members have eaten, do not encourage the pet to constantly beg for treats, give a treat only if the animal has earned it, for example, by correctly following the command.
  7. Maternal aggression– manifests itself in bitches during the period of bearing and feeding their puppies. What is typical is that aggression can manifest itself towards adult family members and other animals, but it may not apply to small children. To correct the dog’s behavior by lowering the threshold of aggression, you can create maximum comfortable conditions for the bitch with puppies, moving her to a separate room, room, with a minimum of noise, without disturbing the animal. At the same time, any actions or manipulations with puppies should be done only when the bitch is not nearby.
  8. Hunting aggression- one of the most dangerous species. It is in the excitement of the hunt that the dog strives to cause maximum harm to the enemy - the victim, and is especially dangerous if a group of dogs acts in the hunter's instinct. As a result, an animal or a person can be bitten to death. An attack of hunting aggression can be provoked by any moving object or shrill sounds, an uncoordinated, sharp attack towards the animal - the dog in this case becomes especially dangerous. You can correct an animal’s behavior in the right direction by completing an obedience course for the owner and the dog, gradually adjusting its position and status in the family. Some dog breeders recommend using electronic devices to correct the dog’s behavior, but this issue is controversial - in a dog with an unbalanced psyche, an electronic collar or a stun gun can become even more embittered.
  9. Defensive aggression– the reason for its manifestation in an animal may be a direct threat to the dog itself, a member of the family in which it lives and, as a consequence, an instant manifestation of a response, aggression on the part of the animal. Even if your pet was previously white and fluffy and did not show aggression towards family members and other animals - defensive reaction is one of the components of his natural instincts, manifesting itself in a given situation. In this case, the owners must remember to prevent or correct this behavior; the dog’s type of aggression is unlikely to happen. Its correction can somewhat reduce the manifestations of defensive aggression - a special course of training and socialization, maximum attention to the pet and the creation of comfortable conditions for it, starting from the first days and months of its stay in your home.

Main signs of aggressive mood in dogs

The manifestation of aggression can be immediately identified by the dog’s behavior, its reaction to the approach of another animal, a person - in this case, the animal’s body becomes tense, the stance is with widely spaced paws, the muzzle will be lowered to chest level, and the eyes will be raised, looking up.

Even the most good-natured dog can become aggressive at one moment - in this case, the animal’s back will arch, its tail will be tightly clamped between its paws, and its grin will be exposed. With this behavior, the animal warns that the dog does not intend to conflict, nor does it intend to attack, but in case of danger, it will defend the territory, food and offspring. If the animal is ready to attack and no longer intends to retreat, the tail and ears will stand straight up, the hair on the withers will stand on end, and the eyes will be wide open.

How to correct dog aggression

Considering the question itself - how to remove aggression from a dog, the correction should first of all be aimed at stopping the development of manifestations of the animal’s negative behavior, neutralizing and eliminating all signs of anger and aggression in the pet.

By correcting the animal’s behavior, training and giving instructions, the dog is weaned from aggression, taking into account the following principles:

  • first of all, the owners themselves should exclude all irritating factors, reasons that can provoke the dog’s aggressive behavior;
  • never beat or severely punish an animal for the slightest offense and eliminate the motivation for displaying aggressive behavior;
  • when a dog lives in a family, from the first days of its stay in the house, give leadership to the head of the family as the leader of the pack, indicating the place of the animal;
  • develop positive habits in the animal, not using severity, beating and loud, aggressive commands, but forming them with sufficient attention to the animal, a friendly attitude and affection;
  • If you are sending an animal for a training course, you should choose an experienced and trusted dog handler, since incompetent treatment and attitudes can only harm the dog, making it even more dangerous to others. At the same time, many experienced dog handlers recommend periodically repeating the training course, giving the dog the opportunity to remember and re-consolidate the skills and attitudes it previously acquired, in particular the attitude towards the dominance and supremacy of the owner, but not the animal.

Medication course adjustment

In parallel with the course of training from an experienced dog handler, you can also take a course of drug therapy - treatment of excessive aggression in a dog with the help of sedatives gives positive result. The main thing that a dog owner should remember is that a veterinarian should prescribe this or that drug, based on the results of an examination of the animal and an assessment of its condition. As dog breeders and experienced dog handlers note, a course of pharmacotherapy is quite useful, and sometimes even an obligatory part of correcting a dog’s overly aggressive behavior

The whole point is that:

  1. Increased anxiety plays a significant role in the formation of an animal’s aggressive behavior, inhibiting its learning course– it is for this reason that the pet is recommended to undergo a course of anxiolytic therapy, thereby increasing the effectiveness of the behavior correction course.
  2. Equally, the manifestation of aggression in a dog is played by the character of the animal, and not by the level of its reactivity- in this case, the development through training of one or another conditioned reflex may not be sufficient to correct behavior pet. In this case, many veterinarians recommend behavior modification as part of the process. aggressive dog apply and special drugs, blocking impulses in brain activity, suppressing the animal’s aggression and reaction.

But in any case, training and drug therapy are half the battle, correcting the animal’s behavior. Every owner should treat their pet with due attention and care and show it love. By shaping a dog, each owner shapes himself, adjusting the animal’s behavior and his own. cannot boast of thick hair, so in winter he must be dressed in warm clothes.

Price issue

When answering the question of how much a Doberman costs, you need to pay attention to the fact that a puppy with documents costs more. A puppy with a package of documents can be purchased for 15-45 thousand rubles, without documents the price drops to 8 thousand.

final grade

Well, it’s time to summarize and give a general assessment of this animal. So, the assessment takes place according to a 10-point system.

Doberman characteristics are as follows:

  • Hostility is 6 out of 10.
  • Adaptability is assessed at 8 points.
  • Activity is worth 10 points.
  • Mischievousness, friendliness 8 points out of 10.
  • Intellectual abilities are assessed at 6 points.
  • 10 of 10.

So, overall rating is 8 points, which characterizes a dog with positive side. The love and devotion that comes from the kind heart of a Doberman is beyond the power of years.

What to do if your beloved dog becomes aggressive? What to do if the animal’s behavior carries real threat? What if the four-legged dog became intolerant after the arrival of a child in the house or the addition of another pet to the family? Is the only way out to get rid of the aggressor? Take your time to make such serious decisions; most dog behavior problems can be solved.

and the ability to protect yourself are two closely related survival skills. Not a single living creature can grow up, much less give birth to offspring, without being able to show its teeth and fight back. Dogs have coexisted closely with people for more than 10 thousand years, and it so happened that four-legged animals have to defend themselves from their owners, this happens rarely, but still.

It is worth understanding that most types of aggression associated not with the owner’s bad attitude, but with the pet’s low self-esteem or uncertainty. In a global sense, aggression in dogs can be divided into several types. Behavior correction directly depends on the reasons that unbalance the dog.

Causes and types of aggression in dogs

Dominant aggression– is characteristic of many dogs, even if the breed’s character should be loyal and docile. If a dog has become aggressive towards its owner during adolescence, it is worth taking action rather than blaming the pet. Like all living things, animals go through puberty. During this period, the ward experiences formations in fits and starts; he can be self-confident or cowardly, brave or timid, sociable or shy, and all these characteristics are chaotic. Against the background of dominant aggression, the dog may be jealous of children (even newborns). A four-legged dog can compete for attention with other pets and family members...and there are hundreds of such options.

There is only one method of suppressing dominant aggression - establishing the correct pack hierarchy. Remember, a happy dog ​​is a driven dog, feeling cared for and a firm hand. The pet must know that at the right time they will guide him, support him, feel sorry for him, and if necessary, they will stop him. To develop mutual understanding, you do not need special skills, you only need love for your pet, patience and attention to its behavior. It is worth understanding that dominant aggression is more harmful to the dog, since it is in constant stress and fear.

aggression - this type is difficult to distinguish from sexual aggression(male is aggressive to male, bitch to female). The essence of actions is the desire to prove to everyone one’s strength and status. Intraspecific aggression does not know gender, that is, a male can attack a female. The general opinion of dog handlers is that species aggression is one of the types mental disorders, which are inherited or manifested as a result of improper upbringing.

Aggression towards other dogs- this is a very bad quality that needs to be suppressed, no matter what age it appears. Fighting breeds, which seem to be characterized by aggression towards other dogs, grow up to be quite adequate pets with active socialization.

Note! Practice shows that the majority of dogs that display intraspecific aggression are intentionally or unintentionally raised incorrectly, that is, the owner either does not stop or encourages cruelty in the behavior of the ward.

Territorial aggression– absolutely normal look aggression for any breed of dog, and for guard and security dogs, its presence is mandatory. The bottom line is that the four-legged animal must be distrustful and decisive towards strangers or animals that have deliberately entered the protected area. The problem is that a stranger, regarded as an aggressor, does not always enter the territory intentionally (for example, a cat in a private sector may simply walk through a protected yard). The solution to excessive territorial aggression in socialization. Only by communicating with other animals and people will the pet learn to distinguish between types of behavior and distinguish true danger.

Read also: We teach the dog the “Lie down” command. Exercises and analysis of basic mistakes

Important! Territorial aggression in dogs cannot be stopped because it is instinctive. However, it is necessary to control the dog’s actions and teach self-control from puppyhood.

Barking under apartment doors and a desire to bite guests- This is also territorial aggression. It is worth understanding that absolutely all pets are prone to this behavior, whose incorrect behavior is encouraged or ignored. If you stop your dog from biting, but do not solve the problem as a whole. A pet will urinate in a guest’s shoes or chew on shoelaces… it will at least somehow harm the enemy. The solution to the problem lies in the correct placement of accents, an attentive attitude to the pet’s experiences, and support of its desires to protect you. As soon as the ward becomes more self-confident, the need for territorial aggression will evaporate.

Territorial aggression can also manifest itself towards animals that the pet saw from the window or smelled from behind the door. In this case, there is a risk of redirected aggression - the pet became angry at a stranger’s dog, and took out the aggression on family members.

Food aggression- desire to protect food. As practice shows, it is the most problematic type of aggression... and what is saddest of all is that most owners do not understand how to deal with it. There may be several variations:

  • Food aggression towards people or animals that live in the same territory.
  • The dog is acting aggressively while waiting for food.
  • The dog behaves aggressively when it sees a bowl of food.
  • The dog behaves aggressively when it eats - you should not approach it, touch the bowl, etc.
  • The dog shows very active aggression while eating - it can throw the bowl and rush at a passing person/pet.

Important! The severity and number of injuries caused by food aggression is simply astounding. It is worth understanding that this type of aggression applies to all living beings, including children. Behavior correction is possible, and can be done without problems at home.

Game aggression (gambling)– characteristic of puppies, young dogs and certain breeds. In such a situation, the dog plays and, without noticing, begins to behave aggressively. People often suffer from such aggression playing with a puppy with their hands. The pet grows up and bites the owner’s hands, not suspecting that this is not allowed. Breeds that tend to fall into working games (excitement) are characterized by fights with relatives: one of the players got carried away, bit his partner hard, the second responded and it began.

Advice: If your dog often gets aggressive, you should spend more time socializing it and take walks in the company of dogs that can give a worthy rebuff, in other words, put your bully in his place.

Predatory aggression– characteristic of dogs of hunting breeds, which divide the animal world into comrades and victims. Dogs are usually regarded as friends, cats, birds and other animals as prey. It would seem that, domestic dog, who has never gone hunting, should get used to the company of other animals, but no, the instincts inherent in four-legged animals are much stronger.

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Important! It is recommended that all hunting dogs be walked strictly on a leash until calling is fully mastered, since if carried away by the chase, the four-legged dog may get lost.

Possessive aggression– manifests itself when a dog guards its personal belongings: toys, collar, bed, etc. Aggression can be directed towards other animals, people, and less often towards children. The reason is lack of self-confidence, that is, the pet doubts that it is safe, does not trust the owner, and may experience a lack of attention and affection.

Defensive aggression or aggressive-defensive reaction– characteristic of self-confident dogs who find themselves in dangerous situation. The four-legged grins, growls and retreats to the last, if it has no choice - it attacks or fights. In this case it works the instinct of self-preservation. It is worth understanding that a self-confident dog in a state of defensive reaction is capable of delivering very precise, well-thought-out bites that will cause considerable harm.

Passive aggression (defensive)– the situation is similar to that described above, but for a cowardly (modest, insecure) dog. The four-legged animal does not growl, but tucks its tail between its legs, whines, avoids the conflict to the last, but when there is no choice left, it attacks. It must be said that passive aggression is much more dangerous than active aggression, since the animal acts on full adrenaline, causing random, strong and numerous bites.

Aggression in response to pain (reflex)– there are generally accepted rules: the veterinarian examines the dog wearing a muzzle; You should not lean towards a pet (facing it) who is recovering from anesthesia; fix the four-legged animal before giving an injection or performing other painful manipulations. The essence of these rules is one thing - when a dog it hurts, she can bite absolutely not intentionally, reflexively. Surely you touched a hot mug of tea and sharply pulled your hand back - this is a protective reflex; reflex aggression in dogs works on the same principle. It's not the pet's fault that it nervous system protects the body from damage.

Where does zoo aggression come from? One of the problems that dog owners face is aggression towards their relatives. A dog is a predatory animal; it is initially designed to protect its territory and pack. Over the years of domestication, dogs have almost lost this skill, therefore, with proper socialization, the animal will not try to be the first to enter into a conflict, and if aggression is shown on the part of its fellows, it will try to leave.

However, fights and skirmishes on walks with their own kind are a problem that almost every dog ​​owner faces. As a rule, thanks to the latter, zoo aggression not only develops, but takes on threatening forms. Incorrect human behavior is a direct path to a fight.

Animals have a well-developed body language, so if the dogs are not disturbed, then those of equal strength will disperse, and weak individuals will show that they are weak and ready to obey. It would seem that the conflict is over. But here the owner comes in. Small dogs are picked up, provoking the instinct of chasing prey in others; larger animals are placed between the legs or moved closer to oneself so that the dog does not have the opportunity to retreat and show with body language that it will not attack. Such an animal, when showing aggression, will begin to defend itself by showing its teeth. One of the common mistakes people make is stroking, patting, and rewarding their pet with treats at such a moment. Wanting to support him, a person does not realize that he is sending the animal a completely different signal, namely: “Well done! Keep it up! Snarling is good!” In addition, dogs wait for the owner’s reaction to the situation: the owner is nervous, shows aggression, fear, indifference - the dog begins to behave accordingly. The correct behavior of the owner is calmness, balance, immediate suppression of unwanted behavior and active encouragement of desirable behavior. IN in this case, desirable behavior is understood as a calm reaction of a dog to another, switching attention from the animal to the owner, and the absence of the desire to rush into battle.

Another mistake is introducing dogs on tight leashes when they are limited in their body language. A dog whose owner pulls on the leash so that it lifts its body is perceived by the other dog as a threat. Release the leashes so that they are not pulled, let the dogs calmly sniff each other and the intensity of passions will immediately decrease significantly.

How to avoid the formation of zoo aggression? Proper socialization is the key to an adequate reaction of animals to each other. Therefore, it is very important to introduce the puppy to brothers who are suitable for him in age and size. If there are no such playmates in your immediate environment, communication with adults or large dogs must be carried out under constant supervision by the owner. It is impossible to completely deprive a puppy of communication with his own kind. Animals raised in isolation most often provoke conflicts, because... They don’t know how to build relationships. The best solution will be – registration in special groups for puppies and teenagers. There, the pet will not only be part of a pack of its own kind, but will also begin to learn the basics of good behavior in society. It is very easy to frighten a puppy; with age, such fear develops into fearful aggression towards a specific breed or animal similar to the offender. So, for example, having been afraid of a black Labrador in childhood, the dog may show aggression in the future towards all black dogs. Fear in puppyhood should be understood not so much as direct aggression from an adult or large dog, but rather as careless games. If the puppy is frightened (he was crushed in the game, the leader of the play pack tried to educate him, the adult snapped back because the puppy tried to take away a toy or stick, etc.), you cannot pick up the puppy, hide it behind your legs and quickly run away from the scene. ! Take your pet on a short leash, bring it to the object of fear and joyfully, actively praise the puppy, play with it, feed it with a treat (or regular food), try to do such manipulations for several days, and then repeat after a week. You need to raise a puppy right away; there is no point in waiting until he grows up and negative behavior becomes a habit that can only be eradicated through long-term correction. All breeds of dogs need training from childhood, regardless of breed characteristics and size: lap dogs, dachshunds, small terriers need it equally as well as shepherd dogs, pointers, and hounds. Due to the fact that small breeds of dogs are not seen as a threat, and “a small dog is a puppy before old age,” there are often more problems with them. Zoo aggression is not a disease of any one breed. Dogs that were once trained for fighting (for example, bull terriers, pit bull terriers, bulldogs) are not inclined to show aggression towards their fellow dogs; this is a developed skill. Small dogs (Yorkshire terrier, Chihuahua, toy terrier, etc.) are almost always in the arms of the owner, they are given very little freedom, their self-confidence is suppressed from childhood. And barking, growling and even grinning are perceived by the owner and other people as something cute and harmless. Yes, in most cases, the “elephant” will pass by the “pug” without paying attention, but what if he responds? And then, through negligence and in the heat of the moment, he will bite the owner of such a dog, who will try to pull his little but cocky friend out of his mouth. That is why aggression towards other dogs should be nipped in the bud, and correct behavior should be taught from childhood. In addition, negative accumulated experience increases the animal’s aggressive behavior. A little effort in adolescence is compensated by kindness towards one's fellow men in the future.

The myth of castration as a means of getting rid of animal aggression. A typical misconception among dog owners is the substitution of the concepts “sexual aggression” and “animal aggression”. Aggression towards other dogs is not always a manifestation of dominance or sexual aggression, most often it is a manifestation of fear, a demonstration of strength, defense of territory, etc. A dog can be friends with children, cats and birds, but not with dogs. Not only males, but also females are susceptible to zoo aggression. The latter can get along well with males, but share territory with other females, which will be the cause of the conflict. This is why castration is not a cure for zoo aggression. It can only correct sexual aggression by removing the production of certain hormones. At the same time, the desire to protect territory or toys, attack out of fear will remain. Yes, such a dog will be less likely to be the object of an aggressive attack from other dogs (they will perceive him almost as a bitch), but this does not mean that he himself will stop provoking fights. Of course, some of the conflicts will go away, such a dog will be easier to control (again, due to the absence of sex hormones), but calling castration a cure for zoo aggression is incorrect.

Correcting unwanted behavior. The behavior of any dog, regardless of breed, gender and age, can be adjusted as necessary with the help of training. The exception is physical health when zoo aggression is caused by an animal disease (in this case, consultation with a veterinarian is necessary to identify the cause of the disease and treatment).

If negative attitude has already become ingrained in dogs, training and behavior correction with an experienced instructor can help cope with aggression towards their fellow dogs. Behavior correction is best done not individually, but on the site. Exercises near the object of aggressive behavior will help the dog learn to react correctly and adequately to its fellow dogs, and the owner will learn to praise correctly, stop the dog in a timely manner and redirect its activity in a peaceful direction. Inability to control a dog, give up necessary commands multiplied by the dog’s ignorance of simple commands (“stand”, “come to me”, “no”, “no”, etc.) can lead to disastrous consequences.

At the same time, the owner must remember that his dog needs to receive adequate physical activity for your breed and age. Twenty-minute walks on a leash along the same route lead to the animal suffering from an excess of energy, which can be used either to destroy an apartment or to fight with by the neighbor's dog.

An important factor in correction is understanding what the owner wants from his dog. If an aggressive male begins to avoid other males, avoiding a potential conflict, this is excellent result! He can also make friends and play with female dogs, so this behavior should be encouraged and actively supported.

We understand the reasons for the aggression of our four-legged friend and find ways to solve the problem.

Why did the dog become aggressive? Causes of aggression

A pet does not become aggressive overnight. There are always signs that indicate a dog has aggressive tendencies. And the owner can aggravate these tendencies if he does not identify them and correct them in time.

Dogs lead to aggression:

  • Improper maintenance, upbringing and training;
  • Lack of human communication;
  • Excessive rewards and/or punishments;
  • Mistakes in breeding;
  • The dog's defenselessness against children;
  • Attacks from other aggressive animals.

Most forms of aggression are undesirable for pet dog. However, some species are needed for training working dogs. Territorial aggression is used for guard dogs, protective aggression is used for training service animals.

Main types of aggression in dogs

The basis of a dog's aggressive behavior is instinct. However, most types of aggression develop and progress over the course of a pet's life. Beatings, isolation, and humiliation will not solve problems associated with your pet’s behavior, but will only increase them.

Dominance aggression

Dominance aggression occurs most often in males, and less often in females, usually at an early age. Dogs perceive the human family as their pack. Therefore, it is important to determine the dog’s place in the house in relation to the rest of the family. The baby must immediately understand who is boss in the house and who he will obey. On the hierarchical ladder, the dog must occupy a place below all family members, especially for small children.

Also discuss the rules of dog behavior in advance. Their compliance should be monitored by all people living in the house. It is unacceptable for one family member to allow and another to prohibit.

What to do about dominance aggression

  • Use the same commands;
  • Monitor your dog's compliance with commands. The pet must follow commands the first time. All family members should be involved in training the dog;
  • Control the dog while walking, do not let it pull on the leash;
  • Forbid your pet to take food from the table, lie in your place, or jump on furniture;
  • Monitor your dog's behavior during feeding;
  • If aggressive behavior occurs, give the dog the command “sit” or “lie down” and force it to obey you;
  • Do not hit your pet or physically punish it, as this will only intensify the aggression.

Play aggression in dogs

Play aggression mainly occurs in puppies and young dogs. During play, the pet barks, growls, snaps, grabs your hand, clothes, and can bite.

How to remove play aggression from a dog

When playing with your dog, adhere to the following rules:

  • Win against your pet, control the game process;
  • Take the toy after finishing the game, do not leave it with the dog;
  • Teach your puppy to play calmly, do not allow him to be rude to family members in the game.

Food aggression in dogs

At food form aggression, the dog defends its bowl, growls, and hastily grabs the food. Sometimes aggression manifests itself in a pet only at the sight of a treat, for example, bones or food from the owners’ table.

What to do if your dog has food aggression

Food aggression is closely related to dominance aggression. It must be stopped immediately. To do this, feed your dog in a certain way:

  • Sit your pet down and command “sit and wait”;
  • Place a bowl of food;
  • Command “ugh, no way”;
  • After a while, command “maybe”;
  • Interrupt feeding with the “sit” command;
  • Take the bowl of food;
  • Praise your dog and give him a treat.

If your pet does not respond and behaves aggressively, pull him away from the bowl and put it away. Command the dog to “place.” Repeat the exercise until the food-related aggressive behavior stops.

To avoid problems with your dog's behavior, never give it food from the table, and do not reward your dog with treats for no reason. The pet must earn it.

Aggression due to fear

The causes of aggression due to fear can be pain, abuse, poor living conditions, lack of communication with other animals and people. Pets with an unbalanced psyche and a weak nervous system bite out of fear.

Rules of conduct with such a dog

WITH early age introduce the puppy to the outside world, take it with you. Be careful that nothing frightens him too much. Let him feel your support. If your puppy is afraid of people, ask your friends to come up to you on a walk and give your pet a treat. After two or three such sessions, your pet’s fear of strangers will disappear.

Aggression due to pain

By acting aggressively, a pet shows that it has been hurt. This type of aggression arises from the instinct of self-preservation. The animal will not only bite the one who hurts it too much, but can also kill. Never hit a dog for disobedience, do not raise your voice, and remain calm. Praise and give a treat when your pet calms down. Tell your children that it is wrong to offend or hurt a dog.

Intraspecific aggression towards other dogs. Causes

Dog aggression towards other dogs is a fairly common situation. It is associated with maintaining hierarchy. Intraspecific aggression is divided into two categories: dog aggression towards unfamiliar dogs and dog aggression, which is directed against animals living in the same house as it. A pet's aggressive behavior can occur all the time or in certain situations. Victims of aggression are often old and sick animals.

Reasons for a pet’s aggressive behavior towards unfamiliar dogs:

  • Lack of intraspecific communication
  • The animal shows aggression towards other dogs due to the fact that it does not know how to communicate differently. Since childhood, such a pet has not learned to make acquaintances, make friends, dominate or obey. The dog is not confident in itself, so it tries to attack first.

  • Lack of physical and mental stress
  • An active dog kept in a city apartment often finds no use for its energy. During a walk, such a pet can redirect its temperament towards other dogs.

  • Sexual competition
  • A male dog, seeing a competitor, will show aggression, especially if there is a female dog in heat nearby.

Within the same family, aggression between pets begins during the period of social maturity (1.5-2 years). Dogs show aggression towards each other because of food, treats, toys, sleeping space, and the owner’s attention. If no dog yields or gives in, conflict cannot be avoided.

In most cases, dog owners can cope with intraspecific aggression themselves:

  • Accustom your puppy to the company of other dogs from childhood;
  • Walk an aggressive pet on a halter;
  • If aggression occurs, scold and punish your pet.

There is a training program that can be used to correct the behavior of an aggressive pet. The animal is trained to focus on its owner in the presence of other dogs. Remember: your pet needs to know that you are a leader. Don't allow your dog to encroach on your authority.

Maternal aggression

Maternal aggression is shown by pregnant and lactating bitches, as well as dogs with false pregnancy. The pet barks, growls, grins, and can even bite if you try to take a puppy or toy away from her.

Choose a secluded place for the dog, do not tease or take away puppies from it. Periodically take your mother dog for a walk and reward her with treats for good behavior.

Dog aggression during heat

Sexual aggression includes aggression of males towards males or females towards females. This type of aggression appears after the animal reaches puberty. To increase the chances of procreation, you need to reduce competition. The basis of sexual aggression is the reproductive instinct.

Dog aggression during heat

Some bitches become aggressive during heat. Changes in behavior in dogs are observed both in relation to their owners and in relation to other animals and people. During heat, a dog becomes restless and begins to growl and bite.