Determination of blood chelicobater. Blood test on Helicobacter Pilari: types, normal indicators, decoding. Decoding ureazny dough

To date, medicine can provide a large number of possible techniques for the study of the body. When a malicious bacterium is detected, Helicobacter Pilori norm exists for each individual type of tests. Before the start of diagnostics, the patient needs to be prepared.

Usually, doctors insist that all groups of the population regularly passed a medical examination, donated blood tests, as well as, if required, urine and feces tests.

More than 80% of the population of our planet is infected with the bacterium Helicobacter Pilori. However, in all life, not all these microorganisms can disturb. Most often, the analysis on Helicobacter Pilori does not make sense, if there is no weighty reasons for this.

The fact is that this type of bacteria does not always go into an active stage of development. If a person does not bother the symptoms of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, then it is not necessary to diagnose the organism.

Helicobacter Pilori spreads very quickly, so yesterday the analysis result could give a negative result, and the next day a person could already become infected with these bacteria. They can be transmitted by many different ways - from the air-droplet to the use of dirty products.

For this reason, the test on Helicobacter Pilori must be carried out when certain signs of the violation of the digestive system begin to manifest.

First of all, it should be noted that for pathologies associated with the gastrointestinal tract, a strong abdominal pain is characterized. It usually has a cutting character, and can increase both during meals and after. The feeling of pain occurs with a stitching of food, a cardinal change in the level of acidity, from which food cannot digestively or begins to destroy the walls of the stomach mucosa.

The pain can catch the patient late at night. It occurs with a long sense of hunger or the absence of food in the digestive body for more than 4 hours. "Hungry pain" gradually subsides after the start of meals. Such a kind of pain is characteristic of the formation of a damaged epithelium on the walls of the stomach.

The feeling of pain often accompanies a number of other related signs of lesion of the body of the Bacteria Helicobacter Pilori. A regular heartburn appears in the patient. This is quite an unpleasant symptom, which is very problematic to stop. The heartburn occurs at an elevated level of acid-alkaline balance in the digestive system, there is a cast over the esophage of gastric juice and digestive enzymes, which cause irritation on the mucous membrane. If the heartburn appears very rarely, in isolated cases, this is not a reason to panic. This can be caused by acute or smoked food, as well as a temporary disorder of the stomach.

If an acid belching and frequent idiot appears during the heartburn, then this is a reason to diagnose or pass blood for analysis. The patient also often occurs in the stomach of gravity, which retreats after meals, even a small portion.

There are also more dangerous signs: the formation of bleeding in the organs of the digestive system, violation of the chair (constipation or diarrhea) and the frequent occurrence of vomit urges after meals.

If these symptoms are detected, it is necessary to consult a doctor and spend the test of the chilicobacter pylori in obligatory.

Video "Blood Analysis"

Types of analyzes

The human body research methodology is different, for this reason several different types of patient analysis are used for helicobacteriosis. There are express methods, and there are more long and accurate approaches. Any read out of the results is carried out by a specialist after the preparation required.


This type of diagnostics cannot be carried out at home, despite the fact that the device is easily transported.

Before diagnostics, the organism is prepared. To donate a urease breathing test, an empty stomach is often in the morning. The last meal should not be earlier than 6 hours before the start of the test. 20 days before ureaznaya sample, the patient needs to stop using antibiotics, analgesics, antacid drugs. A few days can also be alcohol. On the day of the test you can not smoke, and in the morning you need to clean my teeth well.

This type of diagnosis consists in the adoption of a special solution with a patient, and then with the help of a measuring device, fix carbon dioxide exhaled by the patient. It is formed during the splitting of urea bacteria, which you need to use inside the body in front of the test.
Another way to conduct express test records ammonia level. The essence of this analysis is in the biochemical method. It is necessary to compare the chemical reaction of two results.

During the diagnosis, the patient breathes within a few minutes into the tube, which is connected to the device. Then he has to drink a carbamide solution and after some time breathing into the tube again, but from the other end. This express analysis is painless and is carried out in a short period of time (up to 20 minutes).
Results and decoding is located at the gastroenterologist.

  • up to 1% - the norm;
  • from 1 to 3.5%; - Easy degree;
  • from 3.5 to 6.4% - the average degree;
  • from 6.5 to 9.4% - heavy;
  • more than 9.5% N.R - extremely severe degree. (N.R. - content of Helicobacter pylori).

The likelihood of obtaining an accurate result when carrying out a ureazny respiratory test of about 95%.

Biopsy with cytology

Biopsy with cytology in fibrogastroduodenoscopy is the most accurate type of diagnosis. The remaining research methods can be appointed in the complex.

The biopsy method with cytology is to collect tissues from the digestive system for the subsequent cellular research of the material and the detection of antibodies. This type of diagnosis practically eliminates the likelihood of a false positive result.

There are 3 types of biopsy: needle, incision, excision. They determine the time and method of collecting tissues.

Biopsy is carried out using endoscopy, on an empty stomach. Endoscopy implies the use of an optical and lighting device for providing visual information when collecting tissues from the gastrointestinal tract. Thus, you can conduct a survey of digestive organs visually, collecting biological material for histological examination. If antibodies or urease are detected in them, then the result is positive.


Histological research implies a morphological analysis of the resulting tissues from the patient's body. Histological type of analysis is included in the biopsy.

Histology is necessary in the diagnosis of malignant tumor. The material obtained is investigated in laboratory conditions. The absence in the cells of specific antibodies to the bacteria Helicobacter pylori is a normal indicator. The gastroenterologist receives and decipher the results, is checked from with anamnesis data and determines the diagnosis.


Immuno enzyme analysis - IFA. This type of diagnosis is to carry out a detailed study of blood plasma. The blood test on Helicobacter Pilori also helps to detect the concentration of antibodies to this bacterium in its composition. The level of concentration is determined by the titers.

When a malicious causative agent of helicobacteriosis falls into the body, the work of complex mechanisms of the human immune system begins, in which antibodies are produced to combat alien proteins.

It should also be noted that for a clear pronounced reaction of the immune system on the causative agent of diseases there must be a certain period of time. For this reason, blood antibodies appear not immediately, and some analysis results may be inaccurate or false. The fact that specific antibodies can be maintained in the body for a long time after complete elimination of infection from the body. And this can lead to false-positive results of diagnosis in the period after treatment.

Disadvantages of research are overcome by analyzing fractional immunoglobulins: IgG, IGM, IGA. They represent a type of antibodies that are produced by the human immune system.

The absence of IgG antibodies is the norm if there are no signs of infection or in the early period after infection (up to 20 days). Other species also indicate a negative result if they are not found in the blood. Their detection characterizes the activity of the stage of the disease.

The results of the sera of antibody titters are read according to the scheme.

  • 1: 5 - norm;
  • 1:10 - weakly positive;
  • 1:20 - positive;
  • 1:40 - very positive.

The assembled material for analysis should be stored at a temperature of 20 degrees.
If the title indicators are below 20, then it is not dangerous to health. You can stick to certain power rules, the doctor may prescribe drugs. Indications are positive, level 20 - require more attention, as well as esophageal surveys for pathologies. Significant excess of the level of titers 20 may indicate the acute flow of Helicobacteriosis, as well as related symptoms.

If during the month after therapy, the level of titers has decreased by more than 20%, then this means that the eradication of the bacterium has occurred.


Polymerase chain reaction - PCR. This type of diagnosis of the body is to detect DNA samples Helicobacter pylori in real time. This analysis method is considered one of the most reliable, it is based on the blood and feces of the patient. Studies can also be carried out on saliva or other discharges.

The result can be positive or negative. There is no impact on the study, at what stage of development is bacterium. The principle of research lies in the synthesis of copies of the Bacteria DNA, increasing the number of copies to facilitate the analysis.

Helicobacter Pilora was first described by scientists from Australia Barry Marshall and Jeide Warren in the early 80s of the last century. And the Marshall personally spent experiment on himself, drinking the contents of the test tube with the colonies of Helicobacter Pylori, thereby confirming the cause of the disease.

What is this microorganism?

Bacterium Helicobacter Pilori is a pathogenic microorganism of a ropic shape with several flavors at the end. Photo Helicobacter Pilori shows what kind of this microorganism has.

Helicobacter Pylori bacterium from the point of view of modern medicine is one of the most common pathogens of the gastrointestinal diseases. Helicobacter is dangerous in that it can be the cause of a number of diseases: gastritis, duodenitis, stomach ulcers and 12 pans, and stomach cancer.

Sources of infection

Infection occurs when direct contact with patients through saliva or mucus, through the use of common dishes, the objects of life, from the mother to the fetus, with a kiss, as well as through water, food, unwired hands. The facts of survival of helicobacter infection in river water have been recorded for several days.

US medical scientists have proven that helicobacteriosis relates to family diseases, since the presence of at least one carrier infection indicates the likelihood of infection of other family members by more than 90%. Such a large amount of infected population speaks of unsatisfactory domestic, sanitary and hygienic conditions of life, especially in childhood. The main reasons of which are the crowdability of people in one residential room, common sleeping facilities, problems with hot water supply.

General symptoms when infection Helicobacter

Symptoms that can cause Helicobacter Pilori:

  • nausea;
  • heartburn;
  • painful sensations and severity in epigastrics;
  • belching;
  • vomiting;
  • meteorism (intestinal bloating);
  • bad digestibility of meat products;
  • unpleasant smell and taste in the mouth;
  • periodically occurring parietal pain in the stomach;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • frequent constipation and diarrhea;
  • hair loss;
  • excessive nail fragility.

However, the absence of one or pair of the listed symptoms Helicobacter Pilori does not guarantee no infection. Finally make sure that there is no carriage of the Helicobacter, only passing laboratory tests.


With chehelicobacter diagnostic pylori, there are two methods: invasive and non-invasive.

  1. The invasive method is to use fibrogastroduodenoscopy and a portion of a part of the gastric mucosa or 12 pans (biopsy). This biopsytat is used for bacteriological, histological, molecular study and for a rapid ureazny test. It is important that biopsy biopsy is taken from different parts of the stomach in order to reduce the risk of diagnostic errors. Unfortunately, none of the diagnostic methods is 100% reliable, so the doctor may appoint two different analysis at once.
  2. The bacteriological method consists in sowing the produced material of the mucous membrane on the differential diagnostic environment.
  3. Morphological (histological) analysis allows you to directly see the bacterium with special colors. This method provides a sufficiently high percentage of microscopic identification of bacteria.
  4. Urease test on Helicobacter define the ureazic activity of N. pylori, placing a piece of bioptate in the gel-shaped medium with an indicator.
  5. With non-invasive methods, it can be used for blood tests, saliva, dental, sputum, calorie, helixobacter, as well as exhaled air.
  6. The respiratory urease test on Helicobacter shows the reaction to the presence of urea in exhaled air using carbon isotopes.
  7. The serological method is based on the identification of Anti Helicobacter Pylori IgG G and A in the serum. With Helicobacter Pilori The norm in the blood of this indicator is S / CO< 0,9. Если же S/CO 0,9 - 1,1 – результат сомнительный. А при показателях S/CO >1.1 - the result is positive.
  8. Immunological diagnostics allows you to identify antibodies of different classes. One of the easiest performed is an immunoassay analysis that helps identify specific antibodies to Helicobacter Pylori IgG not only in the midst of the disease, but also during remission. Antibodies of this class can be revealed 21-28 days after infection. Also, this method is used to verify the effectiveness of medication treatment.

In a serological analysis complex, a histological examination and PCR (feces analysis, saliva, dental taxation by polymerase chain reaction to identify the bacterium DNA).


Despite the fact that 80% of the population are carriers of Helicobacter, nevertheless, the obvious signs of the gastrointestinal disease are not detected from everyone.

Why is this happening? Explanation of this simple - strong immunity. Full protection will not allow to develop infections. And increase the sensitivity to the bacterium Helicobacter reception of drugs, alcohol, smoking.

Also, when Helicobacter pylori diet (proper nutrition) is an important element of treatment. The diet involves an exception from the edible diet of sharp, salty, fried, smoked and fatty products.

How to cure Helicobacter Pilori? With Helicobacter treatment circuit complex. Eradication Helicobacter Piloras is carried out with antibiotics. Due to the increased stability of the bacterium to antibiotics, the therapist discharges simultaneously to three types of drugs.

How to get rid of the pathogenic bacterium forever, the answer will give modern medicine: in the arsenal of physicians there is enough funds to cope with this microorganism. These are semi-synthetic penicillins, and aminoglycosides, and fluoroquinolone. Modern pharmacology today for the treatment of gastritis and peptic disease caused by Helicobacter produces special medicines containing all the necessary components in one capsule.

Since the treatment involves the use of critical doses of antibacterial agents, with serious side effects, three options are offered: recommended treatment, appropriate and dubious. Eradication therapy is strongly recommended for N. pylori positive - patients with ulcerative disease, maltlimphoma and atrophic gastritis.

The feasibility of carrying out this therapy is considered in functional dyspepsia, with inflammatory diseases of the gastroduodenal mucous membrane.

The tactics of eradication therapy includes an inhibitor of proton pump (or ranitidine, bismuth citrals), clarithromycin and amoxicillin or metronidazole. Course of medication therapy at least 7 days.

Today, active developments are underway to search and synthesize more efficient and less toxic drugs aimed at the destruction of malicious microorganism. The effectiveness of treatment directly depends on susceptibility to the antibiotics of the strain of the microbe, from the form of the disease, on how correctly therapy was appointed and the doctor prescribed was appointed.

Remember! In no case are you not asking for a question: how to cure cheheycobacter pylory yourself? After all, the necessary dosage and treatment time can determine only the attending physician and only on the basis of laboratory tests.

It is believed that helicobacteriosis can be cured with propolis. This method of treatment causes conflicting opinions from doctors. For example, Russian gastroenterologists have positive results of the successful treatment of the disease with the help of aqueous or oil solution of propolis.

And according to the results of Brazilian scientists, the alcohol solution of propolis did not have almost no effect on the reproduction of Helicobacter Pilori.

Research of genetics revealed several types of chehykobacter pylori, and only some of them cause ulcerative disease and gastric cancer. Therefore, when data is detected, the bacteria and the development of the concomitant disease should not panic. The main thing in the treatment, as in any case, is very important positive attitude. A strict adherence to all recommendations of the attending physician will necessarily lead to complete healing.

Video about Helicobacter Pilori (opinions of several doctors):

As a result of their vital activity, the functioning of these organs is disturbed, since the toxins produced by Helicobacter destroy their mucous membrane.

In some cases, the human immune system can cope with bacteria, but if this does not occur, the walls of the organs are damaged, which is why various intestinal diseases are developing: gastritis, cancer, ulcers and others.

Helicobacter Pilori and Human Organism

Approximately three of the fifths of humanity are infected with Helicobacter bacteria.

Medical statistics says that approximately three fifth of all mankind are infected with Helicobacter bacteria. This allows you to consider Helicobacter second, after herpes, the most common human infectious disease.

It is very simple to infect her. Bacteria fall into the human body along with infected food, or food, they can also pass during the immediate contact of a healthy person with patients - through saliva when coughing, or during sneezing.

Because of the ease of infection, the disease is considered family - in the overwhelming majority, when infecting one of the family members, the Helicobacter can be found in others. A feature of this infection is that an infected person can not suspect a fact of infection for a long time and not to experience completely no symptoms.

Bacteria for a long time in the human body waiting for a good point when she can be activated. Often this happens at the moment when the person's immune system weakens and is not able to effectively deal with the pathogenic microorganism. Active bacteria begin to produce toxic substances toxic substances and destroy the walls of its stomach and duodenum.

For a long time, scientists believed that in an acidic stomach microorganisms could not survive. But the bacteria Helicobacter without any problems survive in gastric juice, which makes them special and distinguishes from other microorganisms. The fact that the bacteria Helicobacter is the cause of the development of gastritis and ulcers - a scientific fact.

Also, their livelihoods in the human body increases the risk of developing gastric cancer and duodenal. Symptoms that can talk about the presence of bacteria inside the human body are quite diverse and not at all unique:

  • constipation and diarrhea
  • heartburn
  • vomot
  • unpleasant
  • pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach that pass after meals
  • belching
  • hair loss
  • bad digestibility of meat

Since the symptoms of the disease are common and may also testify about other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, not related to the activity of Helicobacter Pilori, in order to detect pathogenic microorganism it is necessary to undergo certain tests and analyzes.

Helicobacter Pilori - Bacteria, which is the culprit of most cases of ulcers and gastritis. Towning in the stomach and duodenalist, it destroys the mucous membrane of their walls, which leads to various negative consequences, in particular, the development of certain gastrointestinal diseases.

Diagnostic methods Helicobacter Pilori

The cytological diagnostic method can be diagnosed with Helicobacter.

In order to determine the presence of Helicobacter Piluri in the human body there is a set of special methods. The highest distribution was obtained by cytological, urease and histological diagnostics methods:

Cytological method

In order to conduct a study, you need to get bioptate prints, which can be obtained directly from the gastric mucosa, or duodenum with endoscopy. The smears are taken from the fabric sites that look the most modified. After the material necessary for the study is obtained, it is dried and carried out a certain analysis. With microscopy, the presence of bacteria is determined, and their number is estimated.

Urease breathing test

In developed countries, is the usual method of detection Helicobacter Pilori. It is based on the fact that urease is a substance produced by bacteria, which can decompose urea to certain chemical components. One of the components in the process of splitting in the body turns into carbon dioxide, which, together with the blood current, enters the lungs and is derived from the body.

The test is carried out in several stages. For a start, the patient takes 2 background samples of exhaled air. After that, it eats breakfast containing a certain substance with which the carbon dioxide obtained as a result of the decomposition of urea. To do this, most often use nonradiastic stable carbon. After breakfast, 4 more samples of exhaled air are taken every 15 minutes.

Then, with the help of special equipment, the presence of radioactive isotope in exhaled air is determined. At certain values, the test is considered positive. This method is effective and fast, but to use it requires special equipment having a high cost.

Fast urease test

To carry it out:

  1. the gel carrier containing urea
  2. sodium azide solution
  3. phenol-Rota solution

The essence of the method is that the biopsyttes obtained during endoscopy are placed in a special environment, and if the material contains the chylicobacter pylori, the test is painted in the raspberry color. The time for which the dough color occurs also indicates the level of infection with the body by bacteria. Also, for the diagnosis of helicobacter pylori, methods such as immunological, baterological and polymerase chain reaction method are used.

In order to determine the presence of bacteria Helicobacter in the human body uses various methods. Also, with the help of these methods, it is determined how much the organism by pathogenic microorganisms is determined.

To learn in detail about Helicobacter Pilori, it is possible from the presented video:

Norm Helicobacter Pilori

The norm is considered to be the permissible indicators of the presence of pathogenic bacteria for the human body. Depending on the type of study, with which the presence of the presence of Helicobacter pylori is carried out, the values \u200b\u200bof the norm are different.

Diagnostics on Helicobacter

So, if the presence of bacteria is determined using the blood test, then the norm is considered to be 0.9 U / ml. At 0.9-1.1, un / ml is considered that there is a possibility of the presence of bacteria in the human body. If the indicators are above 1.1 of the un / ml, then the presence of bacteria is reliably.

With microscopic studies of biopsy, the norm is considered the situation when the pathogens cannot be detected in the material under study. With a ureaznny test, the norm will be the disappearance of dough staining in crimson color. It will say that bacteria in the explored bioptate of the mucous membrane is not.

In order to conduct special tests to identify Helicobacter pylori, certain readings are needed. Since bacteria is easy to get infected, the following situations will be a reason for testing:

  1. diseases gastrointestinal tract
  2. confirmed presence of bacteria in family members
  3. dyspepsia
  4. gastritis

A specialist doctor who will conduct diagnostics using certain methods establishes which tests of tests will be considered the norm, and which indicate the human infection Helicobacter Pilori. If they are found, special treatment will be appointed to combat this pathogenic microorganism.

The norm of Helicobacter Pilori consider certain test indicators that are obtained as a result of special research. Depending on these indicators, the presence of pathogenic microorganism is determined, as well as the degree of infection of the organism.

Helicobacter Pilori - bacteria, capable of surviving in an acidic stomach environment. As a result of its vital activity, it negatively affects its walls, destroying them, which often leads to the development of various diseases. To determine the presence of bacteria in the human body, various diagnostic methods are used. With the help of these methods, the degree of infection of the body is also determined.

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Helicobacter analysis

anti-Helicobacter pylori igg\u003e 8.00 units / ml

with the mark - the result leaving the limits of reference values.

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Give you God never have reasons for contacting the doctor! And if you have to, you should not delay.

anti-Helicobacter Pylori IgG\u003e 4.9 Inspection EGDS erosive gastroduodenitis - Halpases and de nol! + Proper nutrition !! Do you need to connect an antibiotic.

Blood test on Helicobacter Pilori

Due to the blood test on Helicobacter Pilari, all people who appeal to the gastroenterologist with complaints about problems with the stomach, namely:

  • On painful sensations;
  • And any discomfort localizing in this area;
  • On all sorts of signs of digestion disorders.

Infection, provoked by this type of pathogen, is able to affect the gastric mucosa and duodenal. It may threaten serious consequences for the entire body and oncology for the gastrointestinal tract.

Let's find out what this pathogen represents, and what is his danger.

Helicobacter Pilori is a common type of microorganisms, inclined to the defeat of the internal structures of a person. To characterize it, you need to literally translate this phrase. Translation sounds like this is a spiral type of bacteria living in the gatekeeper. This is the name of the area of \u200b\u200bthe gastrointestinal tract, starting with the lower ventricle and ending with a duodenalist.

Helicobacter Pilori is anaerob, a microbe that is not able to exist in the air. The path of its propagation is limited to saliva and mucus.

Finding into the body, this bacterium immediately descends away from the destructive air for it, and is placed in the stomach. It is so arranged that even aggressive gastric juice consisting of hydrochloric acid is not dangerous, although extremely few pathogens have such ability. Since Helicobacter does not interfere with anything, it will freely penetrate the gastric mucosa. Such intervention in tissue leads to a violation of their integrity, which does not necessarily affect their functions.

Created conditions perfectly placed to:

In addition, Helicobacter Pillori changes the acidity in the stomach, which is why the protective properties of its shells are gradually destroyed.

If these microbes live in the gastrointestinal tract for a long time, and the immunity of a person also decreased, the infection can spread to higher and lower structures, leading to damage to their mucous membranes, the formation of new ulcers and erosions, as well as to expand the inflammation zone.

Scientists have long established the involvement of Helicobacter Pilori to:

  • Gastritis;
  • Ulcerative disease of the stomach and duodenum;
  • Stomach cancer and other tractures of the gastrointestinal tract.

Deciphering Analysis

First of all, you need to determine who exactly necessarily gives the blood test to the Helicobacter pylori. In addition to patients with obvious signs of gastric infection, it is worth adding those who weakened immunity, whose older relatives could convey the gastric cancer inherited, who suffers from ulcers and gastritis, and any other person with a prophylactic goal.

When the blood test is studying for this type of bacteria, the laboratory is engaged in the study of immunoglobulins in it, and if more precisely, their views and quantities. This substance is represented by proteins synthesized in blood cells. If a pathogenic microorganism came into the human body, it was the immunoglobulin that joins him and actively begins to neutralize it.

If the Khalicobacter is present, then the special kind of immunoglobulin will appear under the microscope. We are talking about types G, M, A. In the result form you should pay attention to the strings with the notation:

The blood test to the Helicobacter will accurately give the condition of the body and the likelihood of an infection. With an increased IGG indicator, it is necessary to prevent the presence of a helicobacter pylori in the blood. As a result of its presence is a high risk of developing tractures of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcerative disease, cancer, etc.). If treatment was rendered, and at the end of the course the repeated analysis is not very different from the previous one, then you should not panic. This protein does not immediately disappear even after complete cure, an increased level can still be saved for a while.

Analysis rate

When obtaining the results of blood test results on the Helicobacter Pilori in the form you will find a graph in which normal indicators will be spelled out. The fact is that each laboratory establishes its own norms, from which doctors are later repelled.

In any case, in a healthy organism, these bacteria must be completely absent. Something to consider the valid IgG indicator from 0 and to 0.9 units per liter. If the protein level ranges from 0.9 to 1.1, then such a result suggests, because it can correspond to the early phase of helicobacter infection. Then experts insist on re-reducing blood in two weeks, with a comparative purpose. If the immunoglobulin in the blood is more than 1.1 units per liter, then it is a one hundred percent sign of the presence of the studied pathogenic organism.

How to pass this analysis

To explore the blood in Helicobacter, pylori requires to take material from the vein. This is a very serious analysis that requires a responsible approach and a certain preparation:

  1. The very first and most importantly, as well as a difficult condition for smokers - this is a refusal of smoking for the whole day, and better longer. Nicotinic smoke is able to influence the results of the analysis by making them untrue, due to the negative effect on mucous membranes and blood.
  2. A similar and categorical refusal should be in terms of alcohol. The substances contained in it do not mostly affect blood state.
  3. It will be better to adhere to the same restriction with tea and coffee. These drinks though less harmful, but also can distort the true result.
  4. The last rule is absolutely no food for eight and more hours to manipulation.

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How to decipher the results of analyzes on Helicobacter Pilori

The diagnosis of Nelicobacter RULORI is very important, it reliably establishes the presence or absence of a bacterium in the human body and makes it possible to determine the treatment tactics if the pathogen was detected. It is equally important to be able to interpret the results of the surveys.

Deciphering the result of analyzing on Helicobacter Pilori

The decoding is a conclusion that the doctor issues after the examination, the result of the manipulations carried out.

If the doctor suggests that the tests for Helicobacter infection are negative - this means that bacteria in the body are not detected. Patient is healthy. And on the contrary, a positive result indicates infections.

Each research method has its own specific standards and limits for which the presence of pathogenic microorganism or its absence is evaluated, some analyzes allow to identify the degree of infection and the staging of the activity of the bacteria.

How to figure out the medical conclusions of the survey? Decide the results of each method of Diagnostics N.Rilari.

Helicobacter Pilori Helicobacter Analysis

In the body of both adults and children of this bacterium should not be. Therefore, the norm for any analysis on this microbe will be a negative result:

  • The absence of the bacterium itself during the study of the stomach smears under the microscope. The eye of the diagnostic doctor under multiple increases does not reveal the S-shaped microbes with flavors at the end of the body.
  • There will be no staining in the raspberry color of the indicator in the test system when carrying out ureazny test. After the bioptat of the mucosa is placed on an express set environment, nothing will happen: the color of the indicator will remain initial (light yellow or other, which is declared by the manufacturer). This is the norm. In the absence of bacteria, there is no one to decompose urea, turning it into ammonia and carbon dioxide. The environment is not occurring, which is sensitive to the indicator.
  • Less than 1% of labeled isotope 13c in exhaled air is fixed with the respiratory test. This means that the enzymes of the Helicobacter do not work and do not break away the urea, drunk to research. And if the enzymes are not detected, it can be concluded about the absence of the microorganism itself.
  • There is no growth of colonies on nutrient media when carrying out a bacteriological method. An important component of the success of this analysis is the observance of all microbial cultivation regimes: oxygen in the medium should be no more than 5%, a special blood substrate is used, the optimum temperature is maintained. If for five days on the environment, small round bacterial colonies did not appear, it can be concluded that the microbe in the explored bopotate was not.
  • The absence of antibodies to the pathogen when conducting an immunoferment analysis of blood or their low titer 1: 5 and less. If the titer is increased - Helicobacter in the stomach is present. Antibodies or immunoglobulins (IgG, IgM, IgA) are specific proteins of the immune system produced in order to protect against the microbe and increase the resistance of the body.

If the analysis on Helicobacter Pileri is positive - what it means

A positive analysis result means the presence of an infection in the body. The exception is a positive result on an antibody titer, which may occur when conducting blood ELISA immediately after the eradication of the bacterium.

Even if treatment from Helicobacter has been completed successfully, and bacteria are no longer in the stomach, for some time the antibody or immunoglobulins are preserved to it and can give a false positive result.

In all other cases, a positive analysis means the presence of a microbe in the stomach: asymptomatic carrier or disease.

Decryption of cytological research on Helicobacter

The study of bacteria under a microscope from stomach strokes is called cytological. To visualize the microbe, the smears are stained with a special dye, and then consider them under magnification.

If the doctor is observed in the smears of the entire bacterium, it gives an opinion on a positive result of the analysis. The patient is infected.

  • + if it sees up to 20 microbes in sight
  • ++ up to 50 microorganisms
  • +++ more than 50 bacteria in a smear

If the doctor in cytological conclusion made a mark in one plus - this means Helicobacter-weakly-harvest result: bacterium is, but the seeding of the gastric mucosa is not significant. Three pluses indicate a significant activity of bacteria, there are very many of them and the process of inflammation is expressed.

Decoding ureazny dough

The results of the express test to the enzyme of bacteria uraase is also based on the quantitative principle. The doctor gives a positive assessment when changing the indicator color, the speed and degree of its manifestation expresses the pluses: from one (+) to three (+++).

The absence of painting or the appearance of it after a day means that the patient does not suffer from helicobacteriasis. The results of the analysis are normal. When the ureaze allocated by N.Rulori a lot, it very quickly breaks the urea and forms ammonia, which lars the express panel environment.

The indicator is actively reacting to the change in the medium and becomes raspberry. The absence of painting or the appearance of it after a day means that the patient does not suffer from helicobacteriasis. The results of the analysis is normal.

The greater in the conclusion of the ureazny test of pros, the higher the infection:

  • Helicobacter 3 plus

If staining in crimson color is observed within a few minutes of an hour - the doctor will make a mark in three advantages (+++). This means a significant microbe infection.

If, when carrying out a ureazny test, staining in the raspberry test indicator strips occurs within 2 hours - this means that the person's infection with this pathogen moderate (two plus)

A change in the color of the indicator up to 24 hours is estimated at one plus (+), which indicates a minor content of bacteria in a bioptate mucosa and is regarded as a weak-bed result.

The absence of painting or the appearance of it after a day means that the patient does not suffer from helicobacteriasis. Results normally.

AT to Helicobacter pylori - what is it

Antibodies or immunoglobulins are specific protein nature compounds that are circulating in human blood. They are produced by the immune system in response to the penetration of infection in the body.

AT is produced not only with respect to a particular pathogen, but also to many other agents of viral and bacterial nature.

Increasing the number of antibodies - their title indicates a developing infectious process. Immunoglobulins can also be maintained for some time and after the destruction of the bacteria.

Several classes of antibodies are distinguished:

Helicobacter pylori igg - quantitative analysis of analysis

Antibodies to Helicobacter Pylori (Anti Helicobacter Pylori in English-speaking literature) related to the class of immunoglobulins G appear in the blood not immediately after infection with the microbe, but after 3-4 weeks.

Antibodies are detected by immunoopimenal analysis when taking venous blood. There are no IgG, or their titer does not exceed 1: 5. If these protein fractions are not, it can be said that the infection is not present in the body.

High titers and a large amount of IgG may indicate the following states:

  • The presence of bacteria in the stomach
  • Condition after treatment

Even after the complete disappearance of the pathogen from the body after the treatment, immunoglobulins can be circulated in the blood for a long time. Repeated IFA analysis with the definition of AT is recommended a month after the end of treatment.

A negative test can give false positive results: the antibody titer rises with a small delay of about a month from the moment of infection.

A person can infect with this pathogen, but when conducting an IFA, the titer will be low - this may mean that the infection has happened recently, up to 3 weeks.

IgG to Helicobacter Pilori - What is the norm

IgG standards and titers, their quantitative characteristic depends on the methods of determining and reagents of a particular laboratory. The norm is the absence of IgG in the study of blood by the method of immununimal analysis, or its titer 1: 5 and below.

You should not focus on the diagnosis of "Helicobacteriosis" only at high antibody titers. They can circulate in the blood for some time after cure, as well as "deposit" in terms of the appearance of the pathogen in invasion.

The ELISA method and the definition of the antibody titer is rather an auxiliary method that complements more accurate: cytologic, feast analysis of PCR method, urease test.

Helicobacter Pilori Titre 1:20 - What does it mean

Class G 1:20 Immunoglobulins indicates a positive analysis result - there is an infection in the body. This is a rather high indicator. It is believed that the numbers from 1:20 and above indicate the essential activity of the inflammatory process, which requires treatment.

Reducing the titer after treatment is a good prognostic indicator of eradication therapy.

Helicobacter pylori igm and iga - what is it

The immunoglobulins of the class M are protein fractions that previously react to the infection of the bacterium, and appear in the blood before others.

Positive analysis on IGM occurs when the titers of this fraction of antibodies increase. This happens when infected. The IGA in the blood is found if the helicobacter process is active and the mucous membrane is extremely inflamed.

Normally, in a healthy body, immunoglobulins of these classes are either absent or contained in insignificant quantities that do not have diagnostic significance.

Hello, I passed the Analysis of Anti-Helicobacter Pylori LQM, indicator 25, what does this mean? Thank you!

Hello! In order to answer your question, you need to know the norms of the laboratory in which you have passed the analysis. In the form next to the analysis result, normal indicators are indicated (reference values), in different laboratories they may differ.

Good day! Tell me what does the results of this analysis mean? Is it a bad result?

Research: AT to H. Pylori IgG Cumber. (Siemens), Blood

Reference values: 1.1 - positive result

Hello! Analysis on H.P. Masses only if there is a ulcer process. A positive result may indicate a decrease in immunity or dysbiosis. If everything is in order with the stomach, there is no reason for concern. If gastritis or ulcerative disease is diagnosed - the doctor will appoint you a treatment regimen.

Good day! Tell me .. For the tests on antibodies to H pylori LGG..rect 2.28Ed / ml ... What does this mean?

Hello! If the stomach does not bother you, then there are no reasons for concern. Analysis on antibodies to H.P. It has a diagnostic value only in the presence of ulcers, polyps or erosions. If something from the above pathologies, the diagnosed-doctor will appoint you medication therapy.

Hello. Passed blood test to Helicobacter in IGG results - 6.1 ++ IGM - 100 ++ What does this mean? Is there an infection?

Hello! The analysis revealed Helicobacter. But alone alone is not enough to determine the further tactics. Make FGDS and Additional Helicobacter Research: Respiratory Test or Calais Analysis.

Hello, analysis on Helicobacter pylori + weakly bed

pH-metry 2.0 (Normality)

it all means and whether it is necessary if nothing bothers

Hello! If there are no erosive-ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, then nothing needs to be treated.

Hello! I have erosion in the stomach, Helicobacter, passed long treatment. I sent a husband to pass the analysis, antibody AGG 4.1 un / ml, positively. Does he need to be treated for me so that I have no re-infection? Thank you in advance for your response!

Hello! Do not cheelicobacter treat, but a specific disease. Almost 90% of people have this bacterium. If the husband has no ulcers or erosion is not required. Re-infection with the same strain is excluded.

Good evening. Blood for research on antibodies by the IFA method. Result: Total antibodies (LGG, LGM, LGA) - positive 1:20. Reference values \u200b\u200bare negative. What does this mean?

Hello! The analysis revealed antibodies to HP. According to the blood test, the diagnosis is not applied and the treatment is not appointed. If there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract (ulcer, erosion) or the stomach cancer in the history of the nearest relatives (mother, father, sister, brother), then the eradication therapy is shown. It is necessary to make FGDS and a ureazy respiratory test.

The problem with the gastrointestinal tract is a liquid chair, the gas formation is increased, no pain, no nausea. Parents have no problems.

Hello. I passed the analysis on Helikobacter Pylori IgG, IGA, IGM. Result 177.2 od / ml

the norm is 18 od / ml - positive. What does it mean? thank you very much for your reply.

Hello! The analysis showed the presence of antibodies to Helikobacter Pylori in the body. It can speak both about the activity of the bacteria and the remaining antibodies left after treatment (for a long time). To determine further tactics, you need to make a breathing test or pass the feces on the HP antigen, as the blood test is not always credible. Also shows the conduct of gastroscopy to eliminate erosive-ulcerative processes, especially if there are any complaints by the gastrointestinal tract.

Hello. I passed an analysis of IFA IGG Helicobacterpylory (blood) Result 1:40. What does it mean? Thank you

Hello! This means that antibodies to HP are present in the body. Make a urease breathing test or hand over the HP antigen. The blood test is not always credible. If you have been diagnosed with erosion, ulcers, PCT polyps, if in history the nearest relatives had a gastric cancer - treatment is required.

Good morning! Passed blood to Helicobacter. Iga 1: 200, IgG 1: 2000 detected. FGDs stomach organic changes have not been detected. Ultrasound abdominal cavity without pathologies and changes. Pain worried. Can such figures form for pregnancy detected when an ultrasound of a small pelvis? At the same time, the parents of the future child have a different reserves factor (Mother -, Father +).

Hello! If you did not give up tests on HP before pregnancy, it is confidently to say that pregnancy has caused an increase in indicators, it is not possible. But due to the fact that during pregnancy, a hormonal restructuring of the body occurs and immunity is reduced - this option is possible.

FGDS showed superficial gastroduodenitis, Helicobacter + (weakly bed). Will there be enough for the treatment of one de Nola?

Hello! De Nol as monotherapy does not apply - a waste of money and zero result. The drug is effective only in complex treatment. Contact the gastroenterologist and you will appoint an optimal treatment scheme.

I live in Denmark. The analyzes revealed antibodies to Pilori\u003e 8.00. After that, the treatment of amoxicillin-remnidase-omeprazole was prescribed treatment. A month after the end of treatment, the respiratory test showed a positive result and the doctor again assigns antibiotics again .. this time amoxicillin-clarithromycin-omeprazole .. I'm thinking if I should drink antibiotics again? Such a blow to restriction .. I do not know at all, is it worth it to treat this bacterium? I have no complaints and symptoms, the only thing that acne in 30 on the face and the chest is always present .. but I do not know if there is a connection.

I will be madly grateful if you advise something. And then I desperate something .. Thank you so much!

Norm Helicobacter Pilori in Blood Analysis

The norm Helicobacter pylori in blood test should not deviate from acceptable values. The fact is that this bacterium corps the gastric mucosa and is the cause of gastritis, ulcers and even cancer. At the same time, Helicobacter pylori is one of the few microorganisms that gastric juice can cope with (and its acidity is capable of dissolving plastics). Therefore, if a doctor in symptoms suspect the presence of these diseases, he prescribes the blood test to the Helicobacter pylory to find out if the number of bacteria has not exceeded the norm. A positive result means that it is necessary to begin immediately.

What is dangerous bacteria?

Helicobacter pylori is a gram-negative bacterium that is not able to survive after contact with oxygen. Therefore, it is transmitted through saliva or mucus of an infected person, as well as eating. For example, this may happen if one person did not wash the cup behind him, and the other squeezed out of her. It is also often transmitted through a kiss. Often bacterium falls into the body of small children from the mother, if they lick after the child a nipple, a spoon and return to the baby, without flushing.

After Helicobacter Pilori enters the body, it turns out to be in the stomach and settled there. Bacteria feels great in the acid environment and its further actions depend on human health. Sometimes she just dorms waiting for a suitable moment, but if the immune system gives a failure, it starts the destructive effect.

The danger of Helicobacter pylori is that in order to protect itself from the acid of gastric juice begins to distinguish the enzyme ureaz. This component is able to split the urea to carbon dioxide and ammonia, which adversely affects the stomach and duodenum. The substance penetrates into the mucous membrane and begins to destroy it, as a result of which inflammation, erosion, ulcers appear.

Helicobacter Pilori makes itself felt the following symptoms:

  • frequent abdominal pain during or after meals (explained by the fact that food in the stomach is bad and slowly digested due to the low number of enzymes responsible for it);
  • if a person has not eaten for a long time, he has a stomach pain that subsides after eating;
  • during the absorption of food, the patient feels like food moving on the esophagus or flowing water flowing;
  • heartburn;
  • the feeling of gravity after making food, which manifests even when the patient ate a little;
  • nausea without explained reasons;
  • mucus in feces.

Also, blood test is desirable to pass people who have a permanent close contact with a person suffering from gastritis or ulcers (relatives, friends). It is possible that the cause of their disease is the bacterium Helicobacter Pilori.

How to prepare

Although Helicobacter pylori is very stable, like all kinds of bacteria, it is sensitive to the action of antibiotics. Therefore, if you pay attention to the symptoms of the disease in time, make a blood test to the Helicobacter and undergo a course of treatment, you can get rid of the problem quickly.

Proper preparing for the test helps to get reliable results. Before the blood on Helicobacter, it will be necessary to pass, the procedure must be prepared. From alcoholic beverages you need to give up three days before analysis. When preparing, it should be borne in mind that it is impossible to smoke within a day until it is necessary to donate blood. This is due to the fact that nicotine has a negative effect on the mucous membrane, so the analysis data may be distorted.

Blood on Helicobacter must be handed over an empty stomach: the gap between the meal and the procedure should be eight-ten hours. The day before that, you need to abandon fried, sharp, smoked and other heavy food. Only non-carbonated mineral water can be drunk before the treatment procedure. During the preparation for the analysis, it is necessary to remember that tea, coffee, sweet and unsweetened carbonated water can not be used during the day until the blood on the Helicobacter should be passed.

Features of blood test

There are several methods to determine the presence of Helicobacter. One of them is an immunoassay analysis (IFA). It is prescribed in order to determine the presence of immunoglobulins (antibodies) IgG, IgM, IgA with respect to the bacterium. If the study shows their presence, this means that Helicobacter pylori in the body is present and need to be treated.

True, this method does not always give the correct result. For example, the test can show the absence of IgG, IgM, IgA antibodies, if the analysis was taken too early: so that the immunity recognize the "stranger" and began to produce antibodies, time is necessary - from one to four weeks (depends on the type of immunoglobulins). Only after this period, the analysis will be able to detect the IgG, IgM, IgA antibodies, circulating in the blood.

Also, blood test on the chelicobacter can give a false-positive result at the time of recovery, when the Helicobacter is absent in the body, but IgG antibodies are also circulated. Usually their level is increased over several days after recovery.

When deciphering the results of the analysis on Helicobacter Piluri, the laboratory norm is usually indicated in the form near the decryption of patient's personal data. On them and need to be focused.

Immunoglobulins against bacteria

Depending on which the number of antibodies are present in the blood, whether their level is increased, and is also available at all, the diagnosis of a doctor. AnTi-body IG-A is evidenced about an early infection rate. If the analysis gave a positive result for their presence, this does not always indicate the presence of the Helicobacter, since these antibodies are formed also with inflammation of the gastric mucosa, as well as in people who do not follow their health.

For IGM antibodies, it is characteristic that they can be discovered only at an early stage of illness. If the result is positive on them, it means that Helicobacter pylori has not yet managed to damage the gastric mucosa, and the chances of rapid recovery are very high.

If the analysis of the analysis showed a positive result relative to the IGG immunoglobulin, this indicates the presence of Helicobacter Pylori in the body. The IGG anti-body is formed in the third and fourth week after infection, are in the blood until complete cure and saved some time after recovery. If the number of IgG antibodies is below the norm, but is present, consultation with the doctor is needed, since the risk of developing ulcers or cancer is very high.

I breathe in the tube

In addition to the detection of IgG immunoglobulins, IgM, IGA has several more pathogen detection methods. Among them are a respiratory test. Its essence is to determine in the air exhaled patient's share of carbon dioxide, which is formed when Ureaz is split into ammonia and carbon dioxide. To get reliable research, it is impossible to smoke before the procedure, drink water. Teeth can be cleaned, but the rinse or freshener of breathing cannot be used, as well as chewing a chewing.

Three days before the test, you can not drink alcoholic beverages, as well as use products that contribute to increased gas formation in the intestine (cabbage, beans, apples, rye bread). Also two weeks before the analysis, it is necessary to abandon antibiotics, as well as drugs that reduce the production of gastric juice. As with blood surrender, the time between the last meal and the test should be eight-ten hours. An hour before the analysis, it is impossible to drink at all.

To make a breathing test, the patient must exhale twice into the tube, which is placed deep into the mouth. Then he is given to drink a solution of urea, placing it in front of these isotopes of carbon atom. If the test makes children and pregnant women, use a more secure solution that gives less accurate results.

In fifteen minutes, the patient should still exhale four times in the tube. It is very important to ensure that saliva is not in the tube. Otherwise, the test will have to repeat. If carbon isotope is detected in the test, it means that the result is positive and bacterium in the body is present.

Other analyzes

One of the most reliable research methods is the PCR analysis (deciphered as a polymerase chain reaction). This method can be detected in the patient's body samples of Helicobacter pylori DNA, even if they are present in very small quantities.

A positive result means that bacteria in the body is present. If the DNA helicobacter pylori in the studied sample will be absent, it means that there are no bacteria. True, this test is not able to determine which state is Helicobacter Pylori - in a hibernation or has already started its destructive action. Therefore, if the study shows a positive result, the patient will need to undergo additional surveys.

The cytological test allows you to determine the chilacobacter pylori in the gastric mucus. The study of the gastrointestinal tract is carried out using the probe on an empty stomach. The result is positive, if at least one bacterium was discovered during the study.

If the analyzes have shown an elevated level of Helicobacter pylori, it is better to do with treatment immediately, especially if IgG antibodies were found: even in sleeping condition, bacterium is dangerous for the body. At any time, when immunity forces are weakened, it may awaken and start a destructive impact.

[07-028 ] Helicobacter pylori, IgG (quantitatively)

590 rubles.

To order

Identification of immunoglobulins of class G (IgG) to Helicobacter Pylori in serum used for the diagnosis of antral and base, stomach and duodenal ulcers, as well as to control their treatment.

Russian synonyms

Helicobacter, immunoglobulins of class G, IgG antibodies.


Helicobacter pylori antibody, IgG; Anti-Helicobacter Pylori Antibody, IgG (Quantitative).

Research method

Solid-phase chemiluminescent immunoformal analysis ("Sandwich" -method).

What kind of biomaterial can be used for research?

Venous blood.

How to prepare for research?

  • Do not smoke within 30 minutes before the study.

General research information

Infection H. Pylori is accompanied by the development of a local and systemic immune response. Following the transient increase in the category of immunoglobulins of class M (IgM), there is a long and significant increase in IgG-, as well as IGA antibodies in blood serum. The definition of immunoglobulin concentration (serological examination) is used in the diagnosis of helicobacteriosis. IgG is detected in 95-100% of cases of infection H. pylori, IgA - in 68-80%, and IGM is only 15-20%. Therefore, to confirm the infection of H. pylori, the concentration of IgG in serum is determined. This analysis has several advantages over other laboratory methods for detecting Helicobacter.

The definition of IgG in the blood does not require an endoscopic study, therefore is a safer diagnostic method. Since the sensitivity of the test is comparable to the sensitivity of most invasive analyzes (a quick urease test, histological examination), it turns out to be particularly useful when endoscopy is not planned. However, it should be noted that the test does not reveal directly microorganism and depends on the peculiarities of the patient's immune response. For example, an immune response of older people is characterized by a reduced production of specific antibodies (any, including H. pylori), which must be taken into account if a negative result of the analysis is obtained during clinical signs of dyspepsia. In addition, the immune response is suppressed when receiving some cytostatic drugs.

Analysis on IgG can be applied with maximum success to diagnose the primary infection of H. pylori (for example, when examining a young patient with the first signs of dyspepsia). In this situation, the high IGG titer allows you to suspect an active infection. Also a positive result of the analysis in a patient (with signs of dyspepsia in an anamnesis of or without them), not receiving therapy, will indicate Helicobacteriosis.

Interpretation of the positive analysis result in the event that therapy was carried out (or if antibiotics with activity against H. pylori were applied for other purposes), has some features. The IgG level remains high for a long time after the complete death of the microorganism (about half of the patients healing from H. pylori will have high IGG titers for another 1-1.5 years). As a result, the positive result of the analysis in the patient who took antibiotics does not allow differentiate an active infection and anamnesis infection and requires additional laboratory studies.

For the same reason, the IgG study is not the main test for diagnosing the effectiveness of therapy. However, it can be applied to this end if the titer of antibodies at the time of the start of the disease is compared with the titer after the end of treatment. It is believed that the decrease in IgG concentration by 20-25% within 6 months indirectly indicates the death of microorganism. At the same time, if this concentration is not reduced, this does not mean the ineffectiveness of therapy. The absence of IgG antibodies during re-analysis indicates the success of treatment and deliverance from the microorganism.

The amount of IgG to H. pylori is also one of the components on which the state of the stomach mucosa is judged (this is the so-called serological biopsy).

What is the study?

To diagnose diseases caused by H. pylori, and controlling their treatment:

  • anthral and base gastritis;
  • duodenal ulcers or stomach.

When is the study assigned?

  • When examining the patient with the first signs of dyspepsia for the first time (primary infection of H. pylori), especially if endoscopy is not planned.
  • When examining a patient with an indication of a history of dyspepsia, if H. pylori therapy was not assigned (or if antibiotics active against H. pylori were not used for another occasion).
  • In the primary diagnosis of helicobacteriosis and 6 months after the end of its therapy.

What do the results mean?

Reference values

Result: Negative.

Concentration: 0 - 0.9.

Causes of positive results

  • Active infection H. pylori:

a) the decrease in the titer of antibodies by 20-25% within 6 months after the end of antibacterial therapy indirectly indicates the death of the microorganism;

b) the lack of a tendency to reduce IgG does not talk about the ineffectiveness of therapy.

  • h. pylori infection in history.

Causes of a negative result:

  • no infection with H. pylori;
  • the death of microorganism after the course of antibiotic therapy.

What can affect the result?

The immune response of the elderly, as well as patients receiving immunosuppressive therapy, is characterized by a reduced production of specific antibodies, including H. pylori, which leads to a greater number of false-negative test reactions in this group of patients.

Important comments

  • A positive research result should be interpreted with additional data (in particular, it is necessary to take into account the eradication therapy or the reception of antibiotics active in relation to H. pylori, for other purposes).

Helicobacter pylori is a bacterium that can provoke the development of a number of diseases of the digestive tract. Therefore, if any symptoms of tract pathologies appear, the patient is recommended to pass blood to determine the presence of the causative agent.

Helicobacter Pilori gram-negative bacterium, which is able to survive in an acidic stomach environment and cause a number of pathologies of the digestive tract

Characteristics of bacteria

More than half of the human population in the body is available, but not every person it provokes the development of the pathological process.

It is a gram-negative bacterium that is not able to survive in the air. It is transmitted through saliva, mucus and food. The main way its transfer is household. Especially quickly it applies to the members of one family, in the case when people neglect the simple rules of hygiene, for example, mother, lick the pacifier and then give her baby. You can also get infected with a kiss. After entering the body, Helicobacter Pilori migrates in the stomach, where it can run the pathological process. But, not always penetrating inside, it causes a disease. Whether pathology will develop, largely depends on the patient's overall well-being, from the state of its immune system.

Helicobacter is the only bacterium that is not destroyed by gastric juice, as it highlights a large amount of ammonia neutralizing hydrochloric acid. She has flagellas that allow her to move quickly. It penetrates the mucous membrane of the digestive tract and destroys it, as a result, ulcers are formed in the GSTO bodies, inflammation begins.

Indications for surrendering on Helicobacter

Most experts advise, from time to time to donate blood to Helicobacter, it will help to identify the disease at an early stage and start therapy in a timely manner, which will avoid a number of difficult complications.

Be sure to handle blood on the detection of Helicobacter pylori if the following symptoms are observed:

Important! Since small children can not always tell me that they are worried about to closely monitor their well-being and movements, for example, a child can put a hand on a sore place.

If the above signs are observed, it is necessary to refer to the doctor without delay, since in this case an additional examination and the assignment of therapy is required.

Preparation for analysis

In order for the results of the analysis to the Helicobacter Pilori, it is reliable to prepare correctly to it:

Important! Blood on Helicobacter Piluri is taken from Vienna, and some patients may lose consciousness. Therefore, it is desirable to take something to snack immediately after analysis.


ELISA is a method that allows you to identify antibodies to the causative agent. The fact is that the antibodies to Helicobacter Pilori never appear by themselves when they are observed in the blood, the bacterium is found in the body and he tries to fight with it. But antibodies to the causative agent appear not immediately after infection, must pass 1-2 weeks from the moment of infection. The result of the IFA may be false negative, in the case when the pathogen is present in the body, but the immune system does not start the production of antibodies.

Also possible is a false positive result, for example, due to the laboratory error or the patient cured from Helicobacter Pilori, but the antibodies will remain in the body for another period of several days.

With the help of an IFA, you can only offer the presence of a helicobacter pylori in the body and when the result will be positive, additional analyzes are shown.

Important! Analysis of the ELISA is not prescribed if the patient is excited and the convulsions are observed.

Immunoglobulins in blood

When penetrating some microorganism at once, special proteins called immunoglobulins begin to produce, the main task of which to suppress the growth and reproduction of the pathogen is beginning to produce. So, when penetrating the organism, immunoglobulins LGG, LGM, LGA are beginning to stand out. But they also begin to produce not immediately, but only when the negative effects of infection are observed. Depending on the number of immunoglobulins, further tactics of therapy will be appointed.

Decoding results of analyzes

The result of the norm Helicobacter in different laboratories may differ. When receiving a form with analyzes, normal indicators will be indicated, and when the figures obtained are, below these values, it means that the result is negative, i.e. The causative agent in the body is absent, if the above is positive (microorganisms multiply, and the pathological process began).

If discovered in the blood:

  • immunoglobulins LGG, which means in the body there is a Helicobacter Pilori, as a rule, it is revealed in the blood after 3-4 weeks after infection, remains throughout the disease and some time after recovery;
  • immunoglobulins LGM, therefore, patient, pathology began recently, but, as a rule, they are rarely detected, since most people turn to the hospital when the disease is already launched;
  • immunoglobulins of LGA, may also indicate that the disease began recently or on the fact that the gastric mucosa is very inflamed, this type of immunoglobulins is also very rare, since many have surrendered analyzes when the pathological process is already running.

Important! If the patient is not associated with medicine, he cannot be properly implemented, to decipher the results of the tests, even if he knows that every immunoglobulin is responsible for. And besides this, according to how much the figures differ from the norm, the doctor will be able to evaluate the severity of the pathological process.

How to decipher analysis

After receiving results, there are few people from the patients who do not want to decipher them and understand what to do next. You can decipher the results like this:

  1. When the LGG immunoglobulin is not identified in the blood or it is less than the norm, this may indicate that or bacteria are absent in the body, or infection occurred less than 3-4 weeks ago. And if, with a negative result of the patient, the pain in the stomach is worth passing the analysis once again a month. When immunoglobulin LGG was revealed in the blood, it may indicate that the chilicobacter pylori in the body is present and there is a high probability of development of ulcers and oncology, or the patient cured, but the antibodies in the body still remained, as they disappear gradually after a while.
  2. When the IMMUNOGLOBULIN LGM is not identified in the blood or it is lower than normal indicators, it means that there is no pathogen in the body, since it is precisely what the disease is at the initial stage immediately after infection. When it is detected, it means that infection has happened recently and this increases the chances of rapid recovery, since Helicobacter Pylory has not yet managed to damage the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.
  3. When the LGA immunoglobulin is not found in the blood, this means that the patient may be infected with recently or he recovered or is located at the stage of recovery or the pathogen in the body is absent. Of course, if Immunoglobulin LGG and LGM are also not detected.

Despite the fact that, having a blood test on the Helicobacter pylori, and the norm indicators can conclude whether there is a pathogen in the body or not, still decrypt the results to trust the doctor. Since it will be able to properly diagnose, assign an additional examination or therapy scheme, which allows you to prevent the progression of pathology.

PCR analysis

This blood test is considered the most reliable, as it allows you to reveal the DNA Helicobacter Pilori at the moment in the body or not.

A positive result indicates that the causative agent is present in the body, negative on what is not.

Blood is taken to analyze PCR

However, on the basis of this study, it is not impossible to conclude that Helicobacter Pilori began its negative impact on the body. It is possible to donate blood on PCR in the case when the patient did not pass antibiotic therapy.

Although having the results of the tests and normal values, you can try to decipher them yourself, after all, it is better to trust this to a doctor, since only the doctor can do it right.