Therapeutic sleep. Medication-induced sleep in intensive care: consequences, reviews. As a treatment method

The formation of faith and tuning into the medical wave occurs faster in a state of relaxation, peace, and sleep. To create optimal conditions for the perception of therapeutic settings, a special technique of immersion in therapeutic sleep has been developed, which consists of mastering the skill of relaxing the muscles of the whole body, transferring breathing to a sleepy rhythm and turning off attention from significant thoughts.

Technique of immersion in therapeutic sleep:
1.Sit comfortably in a chair or lie on a bed.
2.Relax the muscles of the whole body one by one.
3.Use the remote control to turn on the “Therapeutic Sleep” program.
4. Shift attention from extraneous thoughts by focusing on exhalation and mentally counting to 10.
5. While inhaling, mentally pronounce the sound “I”, while exhaling longer - “One”, while inhaling - “I”. On the exhale - “Two” - etc. up to 10. In this case, you need to monitor the movement of air, how it enters and exits and the movement chest how it rises when you inhale and how it falls when you exhale.
6. If, when counting to 10, the patient does not fall into a therapeutic sleep, then he needs to repeat the entire procedure again with a count of up to 10. And so on until he learns to relax his muscles and switch attention from significant thoughts and fall asleep under the “Therapeutic” program dream".

Director of the School of Longevity, Ph.D. V.P. Makarov.

Tolyatti, 10th quarter, Sverdlova st., 22.

Doctor's appointment on Saturday: from 11 to 14.00.

Tel. 33-29-53; 8-92-77-969-511.


The purpose of using the “Therapeutic Sleep” program in the emotional relief rooms at the Volzhsky Automobile Plant.
1. Eliminate fatigue, increase efficiency (labor productivity) through intensive rest during short sleep.
2. Reduce the number of days absent from work due to illness and reduce staff turnover. Improve the psychological climate in production teams.
3.Prevent unauthorized actions by workers due to dissatisfaction with working conditions, wages etc. Help employees become more disciplined.
4. Automobile plant workers visited the emotional relief room every day according to schedule during a regulated break. The duration of short-term sleep is 20 minutes.

The purpose of using the “Therapeutic Sleep” program in a therapeutic video salon at the place of residence.
1. Create conditions to increase the average life expectancy without disease to one hundred years or more for those living in the microdistrict.
2. Help them become healthier and more friendly.

1.With the help of the “Therapeutic Sleep” program, daily increase the body’s immunity to diseases by eliminating fatigue and restoring the body’s defenses.
2. Slow down the aging process of the body and the development of diseases by training the nerves, blood vessels and implementation of other elements of the treatment and health system “Pass to Longevity”.
3. Receive instructions for a specific disease (problem) using the disk with therapeutic and psychological effects attached to the program.
4. Develop the habit of doing healthy exercises every day with joy. Develop faith in the possibility of living without disease for longer than 100 years.
5. Daily replenish your list of well-wishers and encourage them to improve their health on their own by enrolling them as absentee members of the Long-Liver club.
6.Keep monthly records of health status in conventional units according to the Longevity Pass.
7. Organize groups for friendly communication, helping each other in difficult situations and prevention of loneliness.


The main program “Therapeutic Sleep” comes with a disk with therapeutic instructions for a specific disease or for rejuvenating the body. Two or three reviews from this disc are listened to by the user before going to bed at night and after waking up.

Classes are held daily for 5 to 10 people at a time in the apartment of one of the members of the Long-Liver club. Lesson duration 30 minutes.

Cost of classes:

Classes are for nothing due to savings on food on Thursday during therapeutic fasting.

The purpose of using the “Therapeutic Sleep” program in the therapeutic video salon of the longevity school.
1. Elimination of diseases that cannot be treated with drugs.
2. Solving the same tasks that are assigned to medical video salons at the place of residence.
3. Preparation of students for transfer to a medical video salon at their place of residence after their recovery.


Classes consist of five-day courses that meet once a quarter.

The duration of one lesson is two hours.

Treatment and recovery at the School of Longevity is for nothing if you comply with the ninth point of the Longevity Pass - therapeutic fasting.


The measures taken to reduce the negative factors of monotonous work did not produce the desired results. Regulated rest breaks did not sufficiently relieve fatigue and did not fully restore performance. Doctors were forced to invent various diagnoses to illegally release conveyor line operators for 3-5 days to rest from work. There is an urgent need to develop a legal way to restore health. At this time, the plant management, on the recommendation of specialists from the working conditions department, persistently forced workers to drink Eleutherococcus tincture with lunch tea to increase labor productivity. Subsequently, it was proven that long-term use of eleutherococcus, stimulating the body's reserve forces, leads to poor health and only contributes to an increase in morbidity.

Therapeutic sleep program - what is it?

The “Therapeutic Sleep” program is a doctor’s psychological influence on the patient with the goal of relaxing the muscles of his body, switching attention from negative thoughts, normalizing the blood supply to the body, immersing himself in short-term sleep and transmitting the appropriate settings during sleep. Installations can be aimed at the disappearance of all diseases or a specific disease, at rejuvenation of the body, weight loss, improvement of attention, memory, success in work, study, etc.

Special formulas of suggestion pronounced by the doctor against the background of soothing music and pictures of nature, recorded on DVD, form the basis of the program. The “Therapeutic Sleep” program is used in kindergartens, secondary schools, special and higher education institutions. educational institutions, medical institutions, places of residence and work of people. That, it would seem, is all that can be said about the program without violating the stamp of state secrecy. Of course, the dream that arises under the influence of this program is not the same dream that the Prime Minister of England W. Churchill or the intelligence officer Stirlitz from the film series “Seventeen Moments of Spring” relieved fatigue. “Therapeutic sleep” is much more effective than regular sleep. The mechanism of immersion in this dream has some nuances, which the Law forbids talking about. Well, I, as a law-abiding citizen and having experienced numerous difficulties during the development and implementation this method recovery, I am forced to keep the secret for now and wait for years for the beginning of reasonable reform in healthcare. So that the reader does not have doubts about the high effectiveness of therapeutic sleep, I will nevertheless lift the veil of this secret a little and tell you why such a magnificent effect was obtained in one of the most intense departments of the automobile plant. This happened due to the presence in the content of the “Therapeutic Sleep” program of suggestions of special images that help heal, increase efficiency and rejuvenate the body. The images used in the program carry a charge of energy and cause electrochemical reactions in the body.

To eliminate doubts about the validity of this statement, the reader is invited to conduct an experiment with lemon, which proves the influence of images on physiological changes in the body.

The experiment technology is as follows:

Close your eyes, relax, take your breath to a sleepy rhythm - exhale a little longer than inhale. Imagine a big, yellow, juicy lemon. Mentally take the knife in your hands and cut the lemon into slices. The lemon is very juicy, juice drips from the knife. Lemon is very sour. Take the largest and juiciest slice and put it in your mouth. Now chew the lemon. Well? What feelings did you have? Describe them. 99% of subjects report drooling and a sour feeling in the mouth during this experiment.

All people want to be healthy, financially secure and live long, and at the same time, few of them improve their health every day, increase their performance and rejuvenate their body.

Unfortunately, modern society is focused only on drug treatment. The majority of the population pays more attention to material rather than spiritual values. People don’t believe that “You can kill with a word, you can save with a word, you can lead regiments with a word.” Not everyone is familiar with the results of research by scientists presented in the film “The Great Mystery of Water” about the influence of thoughts, words, emotions, and actions on changes in the fluid environment of the human body. People don't care psychological effects. But mood, health and longevity depend on these influences. The secret of the “Therapeutic Sleep” program also lies in the peculiarities of the formulas of suggestion, special guidelines for improving health before bedtime and during sleep. Great importance It also has a methodology for presenting these attitudes and the conditions under which these attitudes are given, as well as the phrases that make up the formulas of suggestions, voice tempo, intonation, accents, pauses, etc. And not only this is the secret of the higher effectiveness of therapeutic sleep compared to regular sleep. The absolute faith of the author of Therapeutic Sleep in positive result a twenty-minute stay in a state of relaxation, bliss, and languor charges his thoughts and words with enormous energy. "Faith works miracles." Well, of course, it is advisable for patients to believe in the success of this pleasant procedure treatment and rejuvenation.

Therefore, before the start of a healing session, they view an additional disc with reviews from former patients about their healing, thanks to the miracle of the “Therapeutic Sleep” program.

What does therapeutic sleep provide?

Therapeutic sleep gives a person energy, vitality. Yogis call this energy prana.

In the process of life, a person gets tired, he becomes depleted of energy, and his batteries “run out.” As a result, the body's defenses are reduced and immunity decreases. If you do not charge the batteries in a timely manner, do not restore energy potential the body with the help of therapeutic sleep, then conditions are created for the development of diseases, premature aging and death.

A manifestation of energy depletion is the development of laziness of the Soul, indifference. People stop enjoying life, showing interest in what they used to be interested in: improving their health, taking care of their appearance, engaging in creative activities, communicating with loved ones, friends, acquaintances, and taking an interest in their lives. Many people, even at a young age, begin to decline and become “living corpses.” Positive mental qualities fade and weaken. Instead, negative character traits such as envy, greed, irritability, etc. intensify and become aggravated. People's prospects for a happy future disappear, and a slow process of extinction, the collapse of society, and the disappearance of civilization begins.

Healing sleep is the elixir of life.

Modern man, when overloaded due to a huge flow of negative information, needs therapeutic sleep like food, water and air. And in order for him to remain Human, he must strive for spirituality and believe in the presence of a Soul. “Do not let the Soul be lazy, so as not to pound water in a mortar, the Soul must work day and night, and day and night...”

Many medical procedures cannot be done without anesthesia. It is necessary to relieve pain, prevent state of shock. After all, the body’s characteristic reaction (increased heartbeat, high blood pressure, the production of stress hormones) can significantly affect the patient’s condition. Medication-induced sleep is often used.

Types of anesthesia

There are two main methods used for local reduction pain. At the same time, the person remains conscious. This type pain relief has the following types. Superficial method - drugs are applied to the skin (or mucous membranes), where they are absorbed and begin to act. Dentists often use this method. Freezing also falls into this category. Infiltration anesthesia is used for some surgical interventions and injuries. The substance is introduced into the tissue by injection. Regional anesthesia has several subtypes: epidural, conduction, spinal. IN in this case the drug is injected into an area that is very close to the nerve trunk or plexus. Using this method, the transmission of pain impulse is blocked. If surgery is performed on the extremities, intravascular anesthesia may be used. The anesthetic is injected into the vessels of the limb. inhibits the activity of the central nervous system. The muscles relax, consciousness is disturbed. Can be done either by inhalation or

What is medicated sleep

Sedation is a promising alternative to deep anesthesia. It is very important that the person is conscious and his reflexes are preserved. To put you into medicated sleep, special medications are injected intravenously or into a muscle. They promote complete relaxation, calmness, and pain relief. This type of anesthesia is recommended for people with low nervous disorders and children. The procedure is carried out by an anesthesiologist, who calculates the required dose of the drug. The specialist also helps the patient get out of this state. It is characteristic that in combination you can additionally use local anesthesia. The main benefits of falling asleep with the help of medications are as follows. The medications used do not contain narcotic components and are not addictive. The respiratory center is not depressed. A person regains consciousness quite quickly - within 5-10 minutes. Thus, if medicinal sleep is used, there are practically no negative consequences.

Sedation levels

There are several degrees of immersion in sleep with the help of medications. The minimum level is characterized by the fact that the patient is awake and in contact with the doctor. In this case, intellectual abilities and coordination of movements are slightly impaired. Moderate depth of sedation is a condition in which a person responds to words and tactile stimulation. Deep medicated sleep is characterized by the absence of contact between the patient and the doctor. Awakening is possible with rather painful stimulation. In some cases, breathing problems may occur, although hemodynamics remain stable.

What drugs are used for sedation

An ideal drug for medicinal sleep should have a certain set of qualities. First of all, speed. Also, such a substance should have a minimum of side effects, and consciousness should quickly recover after stopping its administration. Light sedation is carried out using Midazolam. Deeper sleep occurs after the administration of Propofol. Sedation is also performed using a substance such as nitrous oxide. This is a gas that is supplied through a special mask. Under its influence, all muscles relax and the patient calms down. In some cases, barbiturates are used, but they have a bad effect on the heart muscle. Constant hemodynamic monitoring is required. In this regard, their use is limited. Sodium hydroxybutyrate solution is often recommended for use during childbirth.

Application in dentistry

One of the areas where medical sleep is widely used is dentistry. Unlike which may be necessary in certain situations, this type of pain relief is safer and has a number of advantages. It is recommended if available allergic reactions for local anesthesia, complex surgery (for abscess, damage to the jaw, periostitis, etc.). Many people experience anxiety before visiting the dentist. Medical sleep is the only way to carry out all the necessary manipulations in a painless and minimally traumatic manner. oral cavity. Also, this method of pain relief is simply necessary for patients with epilepsy, schizophrenia and other disorders of the nervous system. It is also very important that all teeth can be treated in one visit to a specialist. Also, such anesthesia allows the doctor to work calmly (after all, the patient is sleeping). The method is so safe and easy that you can even recommend medicated sleep to your child. This is especially true if the baby is hyperactive or is simply afraid of doctors and their instruments.

Use of medicated sleep during childbirth

It is worth noting that such anesthesia is not prescribed solely at the request of the woman in labor. The obstetrician evaluates the situation as a whole and in the case protracted labor may recommend the use of medicated sleep. This measure is necessary if a woman experiences very severe pain, which deprive her of strength. After all, if pain exhausts a woman in labor, then the process of the baby’s birth itself may be disrupted. In this case, the baby will suffer. To temporarily restore strength, the patient is put into light sleep. The drugs that are administered also have an anesthetic effect. It is worth noting that the pain does not go away completely. It only dulls slightly, the contractions continue. This manipulation is carried out in two stages. During the first, the body is prepared for the introduction of anesthesia (premedication). Pain-relieving and relaxing agents are used. However, they can penetrate the placenta. As a result, a long period of time may be observed. The second stage is the direct administration of drugs for medical sleep. During childbirth, sodium hydroxybutyrate (its 20% solution) is often used. This substance is safe, low-toxic, and does not cause breathing problems in the child. Many women in labor note an improvement in the course of labor when using such anesthesia.

Anesthesia in intensive care

For severe traumatic brain injuries and other similar conditions, medicated sleep can also be used in intensive care. However, in this case it lasts several days (1-3 or more). Its undoubted advantage when used in this way is the reduction of high intracranial pressure, while the brain rests. During sedation, specialists develop further treatment tactics. Also, this method is sometimes used if the patient’s condition is serious and specialists do not know how to treat it. However, like any anesthesia, this method has its disadvantages and contraindications. Reviews say that long-term use of such drugs can have negative consequences for the central nervous system.

Possible consequences of anesthesia

The introduction of any medications into the body can cause allergic reactions. Although medicinal sleep has positive reviews, dizziness, nausea and vomiting can sometimes be observed. Chronic diseases, especially during their exacerbation, may be contraindications to the use of this type of anesthesia. It is worth noting that procedures such as gastroscopy and colonoscopy are often performed while asleep. Many doctors recommend taking a test before performing any manipulations. general analysis blood, do a cardiogram and fluorography. Thus, they insure themselves against all kinds of risks and make sure that during the procedure there will be no problems with breathing or heart. If medicated sleep was used, after surgery and other manipulations the patient easily comes to his senses. And in order to minimize all negative consequences, you must first inform your doctor about possible allergies, suspected pregnancy, and taking medications.

Medicinal sleep is a type of anesthesia used to eliminate pain and immobilize patients during surgical operations and diagnostic procedures.

It is also called sedation. The procedure is carried out by administering medications in various ways:

  1. Intravenous;
  2. Intramuscular;
  3. Inhalation.

Sedation is an alternative to general anesthesia, but has a number of advantages over it:

  • Only one drug is used (several in inhalation);
  • acts more softly and more carefully;
  • does not cause addiction;
  • does not block basic reflexes;
  • does not turn off consciousness (except for deep sedation);
  • easy to carry and interrupt;
  • Consciousness is quickly restored after the drug wears off;
  • practically absent side effects;
  • restrictions on use are minimal;
  • possibility of carrying out long-term treatment(operations);
  • Recommended for children, patients with a low pain threshold and nervous disorders.


Sedation (preparation, immersion and recovery from sleep) lasts under the strict supervision of an anesthesiologist. It is he who is responsible for calculating the dosage depending on individual characteristics patient and the nature of the intervention (complexity of the operation).

Before the procedure, you are urged to prepare: stop smoking, drinking alcohol and narcotic substances. Stop eating food (8-12 hours before) and liquids (4-6 hours before). It is necessary to do an enema or take a fast-acting laxative to cleanse the intestines.

Each stage of the patient’s immersion is monitored by an anesthesiologist (the state of the respiratory system, blood flow dynamics, hemoglobin level) to timely prevent possible negative phenomena (thickening or thinning of blood, blood clots, bleeding, etc.).

Within a short time after administration of the drug (if administered intravenously after 20-30 seconds), the patient falls asleep.

Sensitivity sharply decreases or turns off, after which all unpleasant and painful sensations. After removing the drug from the body, after 5-10 minutes the person regains consciousness, without retaining memories of medical manipulations.

Full recovery The body's performance is observed within 30 minutes.

Patient Sedation Levels

The degree to which the patient falls asleep is determined by the dosage of the sleeping pills used:

    Minimum level

    The patient is awake. Able to speak, but there is a disturbance in speech and movement coordination.

    Moderate degree

    Allows the patient to respond to words, actions and tactile manipulations.

    Deep level

    Very similar to anesthesia. High professionalism of the anesthesiologist is required so as not to violate the line between sedation and anesthesia. In a state of deep sleep, a person is not able to contact medical staff. Painful stimulation is most often used to awaken the patient. Possible side effects: impaired consciousness, lack of air, or inability to breathe independently.

What drugs are used

The drugs must be fast-acting, have the fewest side effects, and have no long-term effects on depression of consciousness.

For intravenous sedation, the following drugs are used:

  • Benzodiazepines (with hypnotic, anxiolytic, sedative and anticonvulsant effects);
  • barbiturates (have a depressant effect on the central nervous system);
  • fat emulsions (preparation for parenteral nutrition).

The same medications are used intramuscularly as for intravenous administration, except for fat emulsion.

For inhalation:

  • Xenon (has muscle relaxant, analgesic and anesthetic effects);
  • sevoflurane (anesthetic).

Barbiturates are rarely used, as they negatively affect the heart muscle and require constant monitoring of geodynamics (blood movement through the vessels). For sedation during childbirth, sodium hydroxybutyrate solution is used.


Has advantages over general anesthesia and local anesthesia for patients with allergic reactions. Effective before serious surgical operations(damage to the jaws, abscess, etc.). Indicated for patients suffering from disorders of the vestibular apparatus, those suffering from epilepsy, experiencing a pathological fear of the dentist, and those prone to an unstable mental state.


Usually used during childbirth and prescribed only by an obstetrician in the following cases:

  • Prolonged, weakened or sluggish labor;
  • large size of the fetus and narrow maternal pelvis;
  • scars from previous operations on the cervix or uterus;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • neoplasms in the pelvic organs;
  • The woman is over 35 years old or under 17.

Severe pain during contractions can lead to loss of strength, impaired consciousness and difficulty in the process of the birth of the child, as a result of which there is a threat to the life and health of the woman in labor and the fetus.

Therapeutic sleep reduces the pain threshold of sensitivity, allowing a woman to rest and recover.

Anesthesia of a shallow or moderate degree of immersion is often done with drugs that stimulate labor and is carried out in two stages:

  1. Premedication (relaxing drugs that dull pain).
  2. Administration of substances for medicinal sleep (sodium hydroxybutyrate solution).


Often practiced during treatment severe injuries in intensive care and during long operations. Relieves painful consequences surgical intervention, and also promotes faster recovery. If it is a traumatic brain injury or other similar ones, then this procedure allows you to reduce high intracranial pressure, and give doctors time to develop further treatment tactics.

With prolonged use of such anesthesia, there is a possibility adverse consequences for the central nervous system.


Used to eliminate pain during diagnostic procedures:

  • Colonoscopy;
  • gastroscopy;
  • gastroendoscopy of the stomach;
  • gastroenteroscopy;
  • fibrogastroduodenoscopy (FGDS)
  • fibrogastroendoscopy (FGS);
  • sigmoidoscopy;
  • puncture;
  • bronchoscopy;
  • biopsy;
  • gynecological and urological manipulations.

Also used in many studies where the patient must remain motionless throughout the entire diagnosis to obtain clear medical images: magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT)).

As a treatment method

Indicated for people with nervous disorders (schizophrenia, epilepsy, nervous exhaustion, depression, etc.). Depending on the diagnosis, the specialist determines whether sedation treatment is necessary and how much sleep is needed.

Typically, patients are put to sleep for 10-12 hours a day for several weeks.

Medical manipulations with children

Adolescents and children are a category of “complex” patients with increased activity and emotional lability. Therefore, in order to carry out the necessary medical manipulations, children are put into medicated sleep using drugs that have virtually no side effects or contraindications.


  1. Modern and safe remedy because of fear;
  2. mild effect on the central nervous system;
  3. lack of stress during and after medical procedures;
  4. rapid postoperative healing;
  5. eliminating the development of dental phobia (fear of dental treatment);
  6. an effective method of keeping young patients immobile without negative consequences;
  7. inability to get used to sedation drugs;
  8. painless awakening from anesthesia;
  9. unlikely occurrence of side effects;
  10. recommended for high blood pressure, arrhythmia, angina pectoris.

Many medical procedures are quite painful and unpleasant, but nevertheless they have to be carried out. In such cases, drug-induced sleep or monitored sedation comes to the rescue. Indeed, often the doctor requires complete immobility of the patient’s body during manipulations, so local or partial anesthesia is not suitable, since it leaves the patient conscious.

What is the procedure?

Medication-induced sleep is used to immobilize the patient and reduce or completely eliminate pain during surgical interventions or diagnostic procedures. According to the method of immersion in a state of sleep, sedation is divided into:

  • intravenous;
  • intramuscular;
  • inhalation

There are a number of different medications used for these purposes. All of them are based on the narcotic effect on the body. However, these drugs act very gently and carefully, without causing addiction and without causing harm to a person.

In fact, drug-induced sleep is an excellent alternative to general anesthesia. The difference lies in the more modern drugs used for sedation, as well as in the number of components: to give anesthesia, drugs containing several components are used, and to induce sleep - only one.

The exception is sedative inhalations, which combine the main ingredient and several auxiliary ones that combine well with each other. Inhalation exposure also has fewer negative effects than general anesthesia.

As for the main active ingredients, anesthesia during medicated sleep is provided by the following drugs:

  • fat emulsions, benzodiazepines, barbiturates - for intravenous and intramuscular injections(except for fat emulsions for intramuscular administration);
  • sevoflurane or xenon is given as part of inhalation to provide a deep sedative effect.

The entire course of the procedure, including preparation for medicated sleep, direct immersion and withdrawal of the patient from this state should be carried out by an anesthesiologist, monitoring each stage and monitoring the level of hemoglobin in the blood and the dynamics of blood flow. You should also prevent possible excessive thickening or thinning of the blood, preventing the risk of bleeding and the formation of blood clots that can block a vein or artery.

Within a minute after administration of the drug, the patient falls asleep. In this case, the sensitivity is greatly reduced or turned off completely. The exit is carried out in 5-10 minutes, while the patient does not retain any memories of the manipulations performed. After half an hour or an hour, complete rehabilitation usually occurs. On this day you should refrain from actions that require increased attention, quick and accurate reactions.

The anesthesiologist first collects the patient's medical history, conducts a conversation about medications taken, the presence of allergic reactions, assesses the patient's psycho-emotional state and the results of blood tests, cardiograms, liver and kidney examinations. Dosage active substance is selected strictly individually, taking into account many factors, including the patient’s age and weight.

Preliminary steps to induce sleep using medical supplies always include abstaining from eating for 12 hours, and from drinking for 4-6 hours. Of course, cigarettes and alcoholic beverages are also strictly prohibited, otherwise you may experience unforeseen serious complications.

Immediately before the procedure begins, the patient is given an enema or given fast-acting laxatives. This is done to cleanse the body, since the state of medicated sleep often leads to relaxation of the intestinal muscles and sphincters.

Indications for the procedure

There are a number of medical procedures in different branches of medicine that require light or deep sedation of the patient, especially if it is impossible to apply deep anesthesia:

  • dentistry;
  • gynecology;
  • surgical intervention;
  • treatment;
  • painful examinations;
  • medical manipulations with children.


Often come across complex cases requiring surgical intervention. In this case, it is not advisable to give general anesthesia, since the therapeutic effects are concentrated only in the oral cavity, and local anesthesia will not cover such a wide area. Among other things, the patient may be allergic to local anesthetic medications.

People who have a strong fear of the dentist's chair may lose consciousness during surgery or experience a panic attack. The optimal solution would be medicated sleep.

The same method is justified in applying to persons suffering from epilepsy, disorders of the vestibular apparatus, and mentally unstable individuals who are unable to behave calmly without interfering with the doctor’s work.

Most often, drugs are used that provide a deep level of medicinal sleep, characterized by the absence of any patient reactions.


Let's consider gynecology and obstetrics. The conditions for gynecological interventions that justify forcing the patient into a state of sleep are similar to the conditions in dentistry: not too complex operations, which, however, require strict fixation of the patient.

The normal course of childbirth is sometimes complicated by situations that threaten the health of the mother and child. A woman may become nervous, tired from prolonged contractions, and find herself unable to continue to endure painful sensations, but she will not be able to sleep in this position, further worsening the state of affairs.

In this case, doctors decide to allow the woman in labor to rest by putting her into medicated sleep. In addition, the following cases that weaken or cause abnormal progress of labor are indicated:

  • large size of the fetus, combined with the narrow pelvis of the mother;
  • scars from previous operations on the uterus and cervix;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • neoplasms in the pelvic organs;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • The woman's age is less than 17 and more than 35 years.

Very often, during the rest of the woman in labor, drugs are additionally used that stimulate labor, maturation and softening of the cervix, accelerating its opening. The degree of immersion is usually shallow or medium, allowing contractions to continue, the mother to take a nap, wait out the most painful period, and gain strength for pushing.

After operation

Medication-induced sleep after surgery helps speed up the patient’s recovery and alleviates the painful consequences of surgery. Often used by resuscitation teams during the treatment of severe injuries or during long operations.

The immersion can last from a day to three or more, depending on the vital functions of the body. Sometimes, in especially threatening cases, sleep under the influence of drugs can save a person’s life, and give doctors time to think through further tactics.

Treatment with medicated sleep

Indicated for people who are overly emotionally excitable, since frequent nervous disorders high strength have an extremely negative effect on psychosomatic indicators and can aggravate any diseases, provoking their exacerbation and recurrence.

Whether treatment with medicinal sleep is necessary, its amount, duration of dives, and daily routine is determined by the doctor depending on the diagnosis. Some patients spend their time sleeping most days for a couple of weeks, the remaining time should be devoted to quiet activities that can calm a traumatized psyche.

Others are allowed to go for walks, communicate with friends and relatives, and watch specially selected films and programs. They are immersed in a medicated sleep (exactly how long it will last is determined by the doctor) for a little more long term than recommended for all healthy adults - 10-12 hours, the number of procedures usually remains the same - 12-15.


Unpleasant or even painful diagnostic procedures today they are also carried out under the influence of medicated sleep:

  • colonoscopy;
  • sigmoidoscopy;
  • gastroscopy of the stomach, intestines;
  • bronchoscopy;
  • punctures;
  • biopsies;
  • endoscopy.

In addition, many studies, including magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, is optimally carried out in conditions of complete stasis of the patient. If this is not possible, medicated sleep will be the solution.

For children

All of the above situations happen not only to adults, but also to children and adolescents, who have much higher emotional lability. This category of patients is often so afraid of upcoming interventions that they simply do not give the opportunity to carry them out.

Modern medicine has developed several extremely safe medications that have almost no contraindications or side effects, thanks to which it is possible to successfully provide medicated sleep to a child in order to perform the necessary medical procedures. If necessary, it is permissible to additionally use agents that provide local anesthesia.

Possible complications

Most often, after the end of artificial sleep, the functioning of the body is quickly restored completely. However, given that this is still a forced intervention using medicines containing substances that have a mild narcotic effect, some side effects sometimes occur:

  • nausea or vomiting, easily relieved with antiemetic drugs, such as Cerucal;
  • dizziness in the first hours after the procedure;
  • the occurrence of allergic reactions - this is closely monitored by the anesthesiologist, who always keeps the necessary medications ready to relieve symptoms;
  • decrease in level blood pressure, deceleration heart rate- also adjusted by a doctor who monitors the sleep process;
  • if during the procedure the woman was pregnant, but did not know about it or did not warn the doctor, she may have to have an abortion, since some drugs are extremely toxic to the fetus.

Contraindications for immersing a person in artificial sleep Some chronic diseases may become worse, especially in the acute stage, as well as taking medications that are not compatible with medications for medicinal sleep.

Consequences of lack of sleep.

Healthy sleep rejuvenates and restores the human body. Over the past 100 years, scientists have noted the emergence global problem humanity is a lack of sleep, insomnia. At the beginning of the 20th century, sleep averaged 9 hours. At the beginning of the 21st century, this figure is indicated by 7.5 hours. Artificial lighting and constant stress greatly reduce the time we spend sleeping. Due to lack of sleep, people's immunity decreases, disturbances occur in the hormonal system and changes in metabolism. As a result, blood sugar levels rise, there is a risk of diabetes, obesity, memory deteriorates and blood pressure increases. Researchers have noticed a pattern: those who sleep little are overweight. The hormone melatonin, produced in the dark, slows down the aging process of the body. Due to insufficient amounts, the digestibility of foods drops by 40%, since the production of insulin by the body itself is reduced by 30%. Without insulin, cells refuse to accept nutrients, and they are deposited in adipose tissue. Negative effect insomnia, there is an increase in the hormone cortisol, the excess of which quickly destroys muscle cells person.

Therapy based on therapeutic sleep.

I.P. is recognized as the founder of therapeutic sleep therapy. Pavlov. It was he who described the processes of inhibition in sleep, their healing and protective significance for the human body. During sleep, antibodies are produced that help us fight infections and viruses. Even though a person does not react to internal and external stimuli, the nervous system is restored. Therapeutic sleep is effective only in combination with physiotherapy and the use of medications. Each person requires an individual approach. State nerve cells in the brain determines a certain need for sleep. The processes of inhibition of the body are defensive reaction for overwork, excessive tension. Only in sleep is the inhibition of the entire body achieved. Therapeutic sleep enhances inhibition processes. Thanks to this, the body recovers better (becomes healthier, rejuvenates). All vital processes occur in the deep sleep phase. Sleep is a regulator of our immunity. Therapeutic sleep relieves nervous tension- the cause of most diseases.

Medication sleep.

Therapeutic sleep with the use of drugs began to be used in the 19th century. In 1804, F. Sertuner (German pharmacologist) first obtained morphine from opium. With the help of the drug, sleep lasted 2-3 days. However, this method is not widely used due to toxicity, rapid dependence and side effects. In our time medications have properties that are more gentle on the body. Sleep duration is achieved within 10-14 hours. However, almost all drugs also have side effects and emerging addiction. Therefore, sleep treatment with medications is carried out only in a hospital under the supervision of specialists.

Hypnotic sleep.

The hypnotic method of therapeutic sleep gained great popularity at the end of the 20th century. A mandatory rule of hypnotherapy is the presence of feedback between the patient and the doctor. Only in this case can the therapeutic effect of sleep be achieved. Under hypnosis you can get rid of psoriasis, hypertension, allergies, asthma, as well as smoking addiction, alcoholism and other diseases. However, this method of falling into sleep has been and is successfully used by charlatans and healers who use a person immersed in sleep for their own purposes and interests.


Putting a person into sleep using electrodes attached to the head began to be studied in 1948 by scientists Liventsev, Gilyarevsky and Segal. Such sleep lasts 0.5-2 hours only in a hospital under the supervision of specialists. This is the most safe method, with which you can restore vegetative, emotional, humoral balance. During electrosleep, endorphin hormones (hormones of joy) are produced. Therefore, a person can easily cope with any disease. Electrosleep is prescribed by a doctor and performed in a hospital. The course of treatment consists of 5-15 sessions. Neuroses are successfully treated with electrosleep, mental disorders, ulcers, arthritis, hypertension, toxicosis, eczema and other diseases. Electrosleep is also prescribed to improve immunity, as a general tonic.

Therapeutic mini-sleep.

Therapeutic mini-sleep is carried out during the day and lasts 20 minutes per day. inpatient conditions under the supervision of specialists. This is equivalent to two hours of rest at night. During the session, a person gets rid of nervousness, fatigue, and ailments. This increases performance and improves overall well-being. Electrosleep during the day strengthens the nervous system, relieves vascular spasms, improves hearing and vision, memory, and stabilizes blood pressure. At this time, the processes of recovery and rejuvenation “start” internal organs And skin. As a result of short-term sleep, there is a great saving of time by increasing people's performance, improving general well-being and health in general. In 3-5 mini-nap sessions, a habit is developed. A person calmly and quickly falls asleep for 15-20 minutes during the day on his own. Such sleep has a positive effect on the quality of night sleep and improves health.

What problems does therapeutic sleep help cope with?

According to the observations of doctors, a relationship has been established between signs in dreams and possible diseases dreamer Here are some of them.

If you constantly dream of pits with garbage, corpses, worms - most likely the person has a predisposition to diseases gastrointestinal tract.
Dreams of death, suffocation - a person has a predisposition to heart disease.
Fights, monsters, scary objects - speaks of an unstable psyche and a need for rest.
Constant fires in sleep – predisposition to stroke, vascular diseases.
The predominance of red color in a dream for many dreams is a danger of bleeding.
If a person cannot break free in a dream, this person cannot self-realize and experiences social oppression. It seems to him that the obstacles that have arisen along the way are insurmountable.
If a person constantly runs away from monsters and the police, it means he has a complex. This is a kind of “escape from oneself.” In this case, deep introspection is required to find peace for yourself.
Repeated falls and flights are dreams of people who have a lot of changes and events in their lives. In this case, doctors recommend stopping and slowing down your activities.
If you constantly dream that the dreamer himself is small, walking hand in hand with his parents or with someone older, this indicates that the person needs help and care, a patron.
Meeting your double in a dream - you can draw a parallel between sleep and relationships in real life as one’s own personality and social norms of behavior.


Sound sleep itself is therapeutic. Only it has no contraindications. People who have knowledge of self-hypnosis and meditation and who do not have health problems sleep soundly at night healthy sleep. Using aromatherapy before bed allows you to color your dreams into the desired contexts. We must remember that sleeping until midnight increases protein synthesis, “burns” fat, restores body tissue, and prolongs youth. So don't go to bed on the same day you need to wake up.

Have a healthy sleep!