What a beautiful way to insult someone. Clever curse words. How to learn to speak beautifully

I am 18 years old. Study to be a lawyer. Talking is my job, my bread. Recently I noticed a tendency in myself that I express my thoughts better in writing than when I speak. Written speech I am more logical, more confident, and most importantly, I believe in what I write.
When I speak, it turns out quite the opposite, I express myself uncertainly and construct sentences, which is not at all the same.
It seems that I freeze like a computer, that is, first I think and analyze what they ask me, and then I answer, and not to the extent that I would like, after which after some time an analysis of what was asked occurs and a thought arises in my head. a completely worthy answer that should have been expressed.
I understand that to some extent the problem is also one of self-confidence.
I also began to be afraid of public speaking, the way my voice sounds, I’m trying to fight it: I’m trying to tell my friends something interesting... gradually hoping to reach the level of public speaking.
I don’t know how to make it so that in life I can express myself the same way as on the keyboard and paper.
Thank you in advance.

Answers from psychologists

Hello, Vika. A letter always takes more time, it is well thought out, therefore, it is concise. A conversation is always faster and more dynamic than a letter. It does not build beautiful phrases. They only come with experience. You currently do not have a good stock of legal language, and you you freeze. This is temporary. If you get a live job, the language will be formed in half a year. But the second component is uncertainty. This is a problem of self-esteem. You are embarrassed because great importance you give in to outside opinions about you. But it should not have any meaning. Only the opinion of you within yourself should have valuable meaning for you. And it should always be impeccable. This is what you strive for.

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Hello, Vika. You'll probably double, but most educated people He expresses his thoughts on paper more easily than in real life. This is probably why the letters reached us outstanding people about politics, about love, etc. After all, the paper will not answer, will not be sarcastic, will not make a remark. Yes, and there is no need to rush anywhere, you can think it over thoroughly, weigh it, construct a beautiful phrase, but live... All these charms disappear. But this is at first glance. But secondly, if it’s easy and interesting for you to be with a person, you don’t notice your clumsy statements, but if the person is hostile, he himself will point out your mistakes and blunders. In fact, public speaking is a matter of practice; the more you try, the easier and more confident your speech becomes each time. There are also stage speaking courses that prepare you for public speaking. So try, look for support and you will succeed. And the more often you succeed, the more self-esteem will naturally rise. Good luck to you.

Good answer 6 Bad answer 2

Khutkovskaya Emilia Alexandrovna

Psychologist Kherson Was online: 03/31/2018

In St. Petersburg, the results of the Total Dictation were summed up, in which over 7 thousand citizens took part. And although there are more “excellent students” this year than last year, the majority made many mistakes. How to combat general illiteracy? Svetlana Drugoveyko-Dolzhanskaya, senior lecturer at the Russian Language Department, Faculty of Philology, St. Petersburg State University, and member of the Spelling Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences, told the site about this.

Elena Danilevich, AIF.SPB.RU: How do you evaluate the results of the Total Dictation?

Svetlana Drugoveyko-Dolzhanskaya:- I would like to immediately reassure those who are disappointed that they received a “C”. For Total Dictation this is good result, because the criteria there are quite strict. But it's not about the assessment.

Even when I check a migrant’s work, where there are a hundred mistakes, I am happy because the person came and wanted to improve his level, and this is much more important than a grade.

Today many people think: “Since I got an “A” at school, that means I have mastered all the intricacies of literacy.” However, in the classroom they study mainly the basic rules, and do not pay attention to many features. They don’t give, for example, an idea of ​​how varied our punctuation is. After all, in essence, we encode our thoughts when we put punctuation marks. And if we choose the wrong code, we will be misunderstood. A textbook example is “execution cannot be pardoned.” Here a person’s life depends on the comma.

Who is for “Chicken Ryaba”?

But where does literacy come from if almost no one speaks in extended sentences anymore? Everyone communicates using text messages. Young people even live on the Internet, where the rules are not written. There was even a definition - “clip” consciousness.

No, this does not mean that people who send short messages to each other say so to each other. The world is simply changing, and with it human consciousness. Appeared new form communications - Internet. There are gadgets, devices, instant messengers around...

As a result, now our children and grandchildren perceive information completely differently than 30-40 years ago. They are used to constantly switching attention, from text to picture, from picture to sound, etc. This is reality, which means those who teach and those who study must understand each other’s needs. Any series of lectures and lessons can, for example, be accompanied by various games and quests. Place dictionaries on the Internet. Yes, School encyclopedic Dictionary, which contains basic information about the structure, functioning and history of the Russian language, compiled recently, is available to everyone in electronic form. You can go to the website, download the application for free and use it. Which is what many do.

Our children and grandchildren perceive information completely differently than they did 30-40 years ago. They are used to constantly switching attention, from text to picture, from picture to sound.

While teenagers won’t let go of their tablets and phones, they rarely look at a book. The classics are almost unknown. Surprisingly, even among scientists there are calls to remove Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, since children are not old enough to understand them...

I'll argue again. Modern teenagers read constantly: on the Internet, gadgets, electronic formats. The book market has also become much more diverse, with publications for every taste. Another thing is that the compulsory school curriculum is not being implemented.

I think this happens because, firstly, it is physically difficult for them to master such large texts. Secondly, the problems that concern Pechorin and Onegin are very far from today’s youth. It's no secret that each new generation is more infantile than the previous one. And today's 25-30-year-olds often simply do not understand the complex layers and mental turmoil inherent in the heroes of Lermontov and Pushkin.

So, does the literature program need to be made simpler? By the way, there is already a series of publications where iconic novels are given in summary. The same “Anna Karenina” can be fit on three pages.

Such a truncated classic is meaningless from any point of view - it does not give a correct idea of ​​the book. Tolstoy was once asked what Anna Karenina was about.

“If I could briefly retell what is the point of writing such a novel,” answered Lev Nikolaevich. So “Crime and Punishment” does not need to be changed to “Ryaba Hen”. Literature in school has a special task. This is perhaps the only item that appeals to inner world personality. Literature lessons are also lessons in psychology and morality. Because when we discuss the hero’s behavior, his torment before making a choice, we are talking about what is very important for everyone. At the same time, they also study fine literature and basic texts that it is indecent not to know. These are life lessons, a kind of Bible cultured person. Without reading Pushkin, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, you cannot be educated. Fortunately, more and more people understand this.

Literature lessons are also lessons in psychology and morality. Because when we discuss the hero’s behavior, his torment before making a choice, we are talking about what is very important for everyone.

Why is there trash on the air?

Today, even those who would like to touch the great authors and hear the correct pronunciation find it difficult to do so. Previously, the model was the speech of announcers, today “television broadcasts are off scale with interference.” Big bosses and politicians do not follow their words, although it is their duty to clearly convey their thoughts.

There are no more illiterate people, they are just more visible. After all, previously written texts were read on air and spoken by specially trained people. Today people speak freely and spontaneously in front of the screen, and a wider circle of people have become the heroes of programs. Naturally, there are many more errors in such speech. Unfortunately, many of our leaders also believe that speaking and writing correctly is not necessary. Apparently, they are not aware that language is a person’s calling card, “the clothing of our thoughts.” In England, for example, a person who speaks Cockney, even a very rich and ambitious one, will never be accepted in society or to a high position.

We are still far from such practice. Yes, in St. Petersburg there is a Council for the Culture of Speech, we monitor the media, St. Petersburg State University has published special dictionaries for deputies and senators. But you cannot teach, invest knowledge if the consumer brushes it off in every possible way. In this plan good sign, that in some companies in the city, when hiring, along with professional skills, they began to check spelling knowledge. A Total dictation They even wrote in Smolny and prepared intensively for it.

There are also often accusations that Russian has a lot of borrowings, and the law on protecting the native language is weak.

Our law is not bad, but the set of rules is only a declaration. The main thing is that it is provided with linguistic sources: dictionaries, reference books, which help determine what is included in its scope and what is not. So far this work has just begun.

Any living language also needs borrowings. At least to show different shades of meaning. Let's say, before Peter there was no such thing as a sandwich. The Germans, who came at the emperor's call, brought this food and word. Why was a sandwich needed in the 20th century? Because it means something different. If a third meaning appears, we’ll invent a new word or take it from another language. It’s the same with any borrowing: if it’s not needed, it goes away. Required - remain.

Any living language needs borrowings. At least to show different shades of meaning.

Who needs small things?

You are a member of the spelling commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences. What spelling issues are resolved at such a high level?

Most often - codification in dictionaries. For example, we were recently asked how to spell “bacillus,” with two “lls” or one. There is no such word in dictionaries yet, but new formations have already appeared in medicine and pharmaceuticals. The question turned out to be not simple. Because on the one hand we have the morphological principle of spelling, when a suffix is ​​added to the root, respectively, there should be two “ll”. But there are also deviations. For example, crystal from crystal, acapella from acapella are written with one letter. Which way to go? As a result, they made a decision: with two “lls”. But this is only the final stage of a heated discussion. In general, for a long time, linguists have been observing the life of a word in a language. They look to see if it has taken root and if it complies with the rules. It happens that the dictionary fixes one form, but the whole society writes differently. An example, a small thing. The word appeared in the 70s and was initially recorded in dictionaries through ё. Then the norm changed, but many people still write, although correctly through Fr. There are many such examples.

- Is the Russian language very difficult?

No, as far as difficulties are concerned, they are different everywhere. For example, learning Chinese from a grammar point of view is easy. One thing: there are four tones, plus a neutral one, which is a very difficult task for the European ear. In Hungarian, one noun can have 28 forms. And Russian spelling is considered one of the most wonderfully designed systems. Therefore, learning to write correctly is not difficult, you just have to want it.

Unfortunately, not everyone has the gift of eloquence, but this does not mean that this skill cannot be developed in oneself. We all know that you can listen to a person who can speak beautifully for hours! And yet, it should be taken into account that there are a considerable number of different nuances that are important to take into account when developing the skill of rich colloquial speech.

It is important to breathe correctly when speaking Surely, while listening to the smooth speech of an announcer or some charismatic presenter, you caught yourself thinking that you yourself would like to be able to speak like that. Of course, this can be achieved if you develop your speaking technique. However, first of all, for this you should learn to breathe correctly - deeply, calmly and imperceptibly. Please note that speech breathing differs from normal breathing. This is a controlled process. As you know, diaphragmatic-costal breathing is considered the most convenient for speech. In this case, inhalation and exhalation are performed using the diaphragm and intercostal muscles. The most capacious part of the lungs (lower) comes into activity. At the same time, the shoulders and upper sections chest remain practically motionless. You can learn to control your breathing on your own. Place your palm between your stomach and chest - on the diaphragm area. When you inhale, the abdominal wall will rise slightly and the lower part of the chest will expand. Exhalation will be accompanied by contraction of the abdominal and chest muscles. When speaking, the inhalation should be light and short, but the exhalation should be smooth and long (the ratio is approximately one to ten). When the process of speech occurs, the importance of exhalation increases to a large extent. Before speaking, you should take a quick and deep breath, which is taken both through your nose and mouth. Meanwhile, during speech exhalation, only the mouth is involved. Correct speech breathing can be called the basis for a beautiful sounding voice. If you breathe incorrectly, this will lead to instability of your voice. Speak confidently, clearly and clearly When speaking, try to avoid muttering - speak clearly, distinctly and confidently. Practice reading books out loud - do it slowly and with expression, sometimes speed it up, but continue to speak with expression. Gradually, you will develop the skill of speaking this way in everyday life. You need to constantly train your gestures and facial expressions Gesticulation and facial expressions can be called non-verbal means of speech, which should also be trained. Try speaking in front of a camera or mirror to see if you are gesturing too much and “out of line.” At times, this can greatly distract the interlocutor from the topic of conversation. It is also important to observe your facial expressions - both an indifferent facial expression and excessive expression of emotions are unacceptable. In the second case, it may simply look ugly. Your gestures and facial expressions should look harmonious, smooth and natural, and only sometimes emphasize the meaning of what was said. It is important that the listener still focuses on the meaning of the text, but not on your face or hands.

Speech is a wonderful and beautiful way of exchanging and replenishing information. Listening to the speech of a speaker who easily varies his verbal turns, you involuntarily begin to envy, and then think about how to learn to speak beautifully.

The positive emotions present when talking with such a person push you to do incredible things for your own development. In order not to hide your desire for an indefinite period of time, say: “I also want to speak beautifully,” and immediately start studying.

Conciseness of thought, developed beautiful conversational skills require a lot of patience, setting aside a certain period of time, changing an established way of life, admitting acceptable mistakes.

If you are ready to radically change your thinking style, learning to listen to other people's recommendations is the right path. In the future, when the first successes are visible and the presentation is accepted by the audience, a different training scheme can be developed.

Below we will look at each tip in more detail.

Arrangement of future words

Make it a rule to start each lesson by saying the phrase: “I dream, I want to speak beautifully.” , will definitely turn into reality, and correct actions They will adopt a special attitude towards promoting their dreams into reality.

So, let's move on to the first point, which will bring us closer to understanding the main task:

  • Sentence construction is important for communication and comprehension. The narrator, when communicating information to others, must mentally arrange the events taking place in chronological order so as not to disrupt the theme.
  • People who do not have experience may have their thoughts confused, and the presentation will turn out to be incoherent and illogical. Therefore, keep a diary, where on the pages you describe the dialogues you heard, interesting details, daily reflections, and family relationships.
  • The paper, hiding the absurd expressions, will gradually present a beautiful surprise. Lined up beautiful sayings will contain sensible content with eloquent quotes, reasonable turns of phrase, and logical phrases. A brain clogged with unnecessary “garbage”, freeing itself from large quantity news, stories, experiences, will give free rein to a new stream of thoughts, bringing you closer to the answer to the question: “How to learn to speak correctly and beautifully.”

Vocabulary expansion

When you see an unfamiliar word, be sure to determine its meaning. IN explanatory dictionary Their detailed explanatory characteristics and scope of application are given. With representatives of different professions, age-old categories and social strata, rare words have their own special position.

By accumulating new knowledge, status increases, serious respect arises, and interesting acquaintances are acquired. How to learn to speak beautifully is no longer an unresolved dilemma, because beautiful syllables and amazing phrases slip into your conversation, becoming an excellent foundation.

Reading books

Desire - I want to say it beautifully - does not arise just like that. Classic works contribute to the emergence of pure, beautiful speech patterns laid down by famous writers.

Singing every word, playing with various acceptable combinations, the authors tried to convey to the reader harmony, uniqueness, and literacy.

The great language remained an example for many generations, eager to learn and experience the pleasure of written stories, analyzes of the characteristics of heroes, and derived morality.

One cannot, of course, completely deny modern literature, breaking the stereotypes created over centuries, giving youth, an unknown flow of air.

Any book encourages thinking; a person can quietly learn to think and speak differently. But when comparing a classic and a modern novel, an expert on how to learn to speak beautifully and competently will look with great respect at the old, worn-out binding.

Public performance

There comes a crucial moment when your speech is intended for a large audience:

  • Here it is advisable to think through all the dialogues and lines. Write down the points of the plan. According to the plan, gradually develop the topic of conversation.
  • Record your speech on a voice recorder. As you listen to the speech several times, weak expressions will become noticeable. Prepare your speech in advance so that you have enough time to correct the gaps and then the motto of the day: “I want to speak beautifully” will become an indispensable companion.
  • It is impossible to learn to speak beautifully without an audience. Those close to you get used to the style of communication and do not notice errors in speech. Unfamiliar listeners will immediately react to an uninteresting story, showing this by behavior and noticeable noise. Important to know before performing age characteristics upcoming interlocutors.
  • Seek advice from friends who have had to speak in public. Take into account their beautiful performances, speech, note key points, use as “ magic wand» information received.
  • Choose answers to the expected questions to learn how to direct your presentation in the right direction. Study books on the topic, write them down catchphrases, famous quotes. Base your report on familiar names. With such a basis, your presentation will take on a scientific and fundamental appearance.
  • The art of speaking requires mandatory training. Settle for a small and familiar audience at first. Having developed the skills to communicate with a group of people, gradually increase their number in order to learn how to change the flow of the conversation and thematic focus.

Presence of gestures and facial expressions

A live conversation always involves movement of the hands and body. A dry presentation of material without a pronounced emotional coloring is boring and implausible.

The speaker, living the content of the speech, forces the audience to join what is dear to him and close to him. These are not just clumsy swings. Every gesture he makes is beautiful and logical. Under the influence of sincerity, a rich, open dialogue between complete strangers is obtained.

It is useful to practice gestures and facial expressions in front of a mirror. Shortcomings and some excesses in movements are immediately visible. An open, beautiful look helps to cope with unnecessary and stupid gestures that do not fit into the overall picture.

Sometimes the accompanying gestures seem inappropriate and provocative. But a cold expression is prone to repulsion and misunderstanding. Find the harmony of words, body, voice.

Persistence and desire

I want to speak beautifully - this is not just a beautiful slogan. Long-term, repeated exercises day after day will help you learn and lead to positive result thanks to great desire, perseverance, and patience. Having a specific goal in mind, for which you deliberately give up a free hour, will be a guide in the complex art of public speaking.

Color your activities with games. For example, start describing any item without stopping. It doesn't matter what you say. The main thing, excluding pauses, is to learn to speak without thinking. Gradually, the “nonsense” will develop into a coherent, beautiful story. Detailing develops attention, speech, and thinking. The attitude towards the outside world is changing.

Nurturing Confidence

When there is no confidence, it is impossible to learn to speak beautifully. Fear tightens the muscles, the voice begins to tremble treacherously.

To do this, try to seek advice from a specialist or read literature on psychology. They will reveal the real reason, remove the clamps. The Internet is filled with manuals and training exercises that are simple and clear.

Low self-esteem provokes a reluctance to overcome feelings of fear. Such deliverance seems impossible to a person and the impregnable barrier increases. Love everything you do. You need to learn to work on yourself. Let go of the past, live here and now. Start life's story with a blank page.

Each voice is beautiful and unique. Don't be shy about it, no matter what it is. Be able to fascinate with the right presentation. The listener will accept any unusual timbre when the topic is accessible and interesting. Experiment. Say the simple sentence “I want to speak beautifully” in different ranges: high, low, medium. After varying, you will notice a special refinement and will be happy to note that your voice is the best.

Highlighting the main thing

In the art of speaking, the importance of contact with listeners is emphasized. When a speech takes place, an experienced speaker instantly senses any deviation from the intended course of the narrative and corrects himself in time.

I want to say beautifully - a wonderful start in beautiful world culture and ethics. By watching your speech, you can learn to speak without unnecessary words, become well-mannered, smart, and literate.

During classes, save the recordings recorded on a voice recorder, write down beautiful verbal expressions and use them when you compose your next speech.

The ability to speak beautifully sets a person apart from the crowd and gives him advantages. He is capable of doing great things, leading the crowd. Let the desire - I want to speak beautifully - change your mind forever and give you strength in your speeches.

Now you can beautifully, and most importantly subtly, poke at your opponent in an argument using one of these expressions.
Only aristocrats and people with a fair sense of humor and imagination can insult so beautifully.

How to insult your interlocutor beautifully.

Any similarity between you and a person is purely coincidental!
  1. Are you always this stupid, or is today a special occasion?
  2. As an outsider, what do you think about the human race?

  3. I would like to punch you in the teeth, but why should I improve your appearance?
  4. At least there is one positive thing about your body. It's not as scary as your face!
  5. The brain isn't everything. But in your case it’s nothing!
  6. Be careful not to let your brain get into your head!
  7. I like you. They say I have disgusting taste, but I love you.
  8. Have your parents ever asked you to run away from home?
  9. If only I had a face like yours. I would sue my parents!
  10. Don't be upset. Many people have no talent either!
  11. No offense, but is it your job to spread ignorance?
  12. Keep talking, someday you will manage to say something smart!
  13. Do you still love nature despite what it has done to you?
  14. I don't think so, maybe you have a brain sprain!
  15. Fellows like you do not grow on trees, they fluctuate there.
  16. He has a mechanical mind. This is bad for him; he often forgets to turn his back to the wind.
  17. His mind is like a steel trap that always slams shut when trying to find an answer!
  18. You are a man of the earth, it’s bad that it’s not the best part of it.
  19. He thought - this is something new.
  20. When it finally gets dark, you'll definitely look better!
  21. Yes, you are just a wonderful comedian. If it's funny, it's a miracle!
  22. In the book "Who's Who" you should be searched as What Is This?
  23. You are living proof that a person can live without a brain!
  24. It is so short that when it rains, he is always the last to know about it.
  25. Yes, you are just a template for an idiot to build.
  26. Why are you here? I thought the zoo closed for the night!
  27. How did you get here? Did someone leave the cage open?
  28. Don’t try to find anything in your head, it’s empty.
  29. I think you wouldn't want to feel the way you look!
  30. Hello! I am human! What do you?
  31. I can't talk to you right now, tell me where will you be in 10 years?
  32. I don't want you to turn the other cheek, it's just ugly.
  33. I don't know who you are, but it would be better if you didn't exist, I'm sure everyone will agree with me.
  34. I don't know what makes you stupid, but it really works.
  35. I can drive the monkey out of you, but it will cost you a lot!
  36. I can't remember your name and please don't help me with this!
  37. I don't even like the people you're trying to copy.
  38. I know you were born stupid, but why are you relapsing?
  39. I know that you are self-made. It's good that you admit your guilt!
  40. I know you are not as stupid as you look. This is impossible!
  41. I saw people like you, but then I had to pay for the ticket!
  42. Why are you such a fool today? Although I think this is typical for you.
But just don’t overdo it, even using veiled, indirect insults you can get hit in the face))
By using these insults you take responsibility for your words.