How to write a total dictation online: instructions of the organizing committee. Texts from Total Dictation I want to write a total dictation

Astana, 7 Apr - Sputnik. The names of "Star Dictators" for the participants of the promotion that will write total dictation in interactive mode will be written. Also, the organizing committee of the Total Dictation described in detail how the check of the dictations written online will be held.

Broadcasts will be available to visitors of the site April 8 at 8:00 pm, 11:00 and 14:00 Moscow time, or at 11:00, 14:00 and 17:00 Astana, respectively.

The author of the Dictation of 2017 was the Russian writer, Writer, historian Leonid Yuzfovich, who wrote three essays about his native cities: Perm, Ulan-Ude and St. Petersburg.

The first will be broadcast from Vladivostok, which will begin at 8:00 Moscow time. The text will be read popular radio agencies Sasha Antonova.

At 11:00 in Moscow, the blown of the broadcasts will pick up the Novosibirsk State University, where Leonid Yuzfovich will be "dictator" - the author of the Total Dictation of this year.

Directly from three points will be broadcast at 14:00:

- In the Moscow Polytechnic University, there will be a sports commentator Georgy Cherdanes;

- In the NEIA, the text can be written under the dictation of the resident of the project Comedy Club Marina Kravts.

"All" Star dictators "of broadcasts have a special education: Maxim Galkin graduated from the Faculty of Linguistics Linguistics, Marina Kravets - Philology of St. Petersburg State University, Georgy Cherdanesev - Philfak MSU, and Sasha Antonova - Institute of Russian Language Founds. Author of Total Dictation-2017 Leonid Yuzfovich graduated from Philology Faculty The University of Perm. We are confident that the broadcasts will be bright and interesting, and the professionalism of dictations will help participants on these sites and online successfully cope with the dictation, "said Olga Rebukovets Project Manager.

So that the website has extended high loads, the Total Dictation project helps itsumma. Last year, the site "Total Dictation" was undergoing large-scale DDoS attack, which prevented many wishing to write dictation online.

This year the project protects the Slap Service. The entire online traffic project "Total Dictation" is processed on the "barrier" cleaning nodes, which allows you to reflect the DDoS attacks of almost any power and neutralize malicious "bots".

You can write online dictation in a special form on the dictation website. Participants will almost immediately find their assessment. The dictation verification algorithm was developed by Stepik (multifunctional educational platform, where you can learn at hundreds of free online courses and create your own, to conduct the Olympics and contests).

The automatic verification algorithm is as close as possible to the verification of philologists, which provides for various allowable writing options and alignment of punctuation marks.

The development of detailed comments on the verification of the text is carried out by the Project Expert Council, which includes linguists from the largest universities and academic institutions of Russia.

The Expert Council not only recommends how to check the work so that the unity of the requirements for checking the total dictation is observed for any of the thousands of the world, but also examines its results: monitors the dynamics of changing language norms, finds controversial places and attracts the attention of the Speographic Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Center for Expert Council - Novosibirsk State University, Chairman of the Expert Council - N.B. Koshkarev, professor, doctor of philological sciences, head of the department of the general and Russian linguistics of the Humanitarian Institute of NSU.

The action will be held on April 8 in more than 800 cities of 72 countries. In Kazakhstan, the action will be held in 11 cities: Aktobe, Almaty, Aksu, Akmol, Karaganda, Kostanaj, Pavlodar, Ridder, Semey, Temirtau and Shymkent.

The news agency and radio is a partner of the Total Dictation-2017.

Sputnik Kazakhstan began work in September 2016. Agency's assets include an information portal in Kazakh and Russian languages, Internet radio and a high-tech multimedia press center. Sputnik Kazakhstan is part of an international information agency and radio with multimedia information hubs in dozens of countries.

Sputnik is one of the largest international media, uniting multimedia country and regional Internet sites in 32 languages, analog and digital broadcasting in Russian, English and French in 130 cities in the world and on the Internet. Sputnik news ribbons around the clock supply information from leading publications worldwide in English, Arabic, Spanish, Chinese and Farsi. The audience of the SPUTNIK information resources is more than 50 million visitors per month, the number of subscribers of the Sputnik China account in Weibo reaches almost 9 million. In 22 editorial centers around the world from Beijing to Montevideo operating over a thousand people dozens of nationalities. Sputnik enters the "Russia today" media group. Sputnik head office is located in Moscow.

It will take this year on April 8. Last year, dictation was written almost 14.5 thousand Muscovites, and the organizers hope that this time the participants would be even more.

Why do you need "Russian on Fridays"

Total dictation is not a school written job: Texts are more difficult for him, they, unlike training, do not adapt, do not change the author's punctuation. Previously, the material served excerpts from classical works, such as "war and the world" of the Tolstoy or Nevsky Prospectus of Gogol. And from the 2010th texts for dictation, modern authors write specially. In different years, Boris Strugatsky, Dmitry Bykov, Zakhar Prilepin, Dina Rubin, Alexey Ivanov, Evgeny Dolazkin, Andrei Usachev. Thus, the participants of the action not only check their literacy, but also join the modern literature.

"When they decided to seriously engage in dictation, it became clear that some courses were required to prepare, because we know the text and see that there are points there, which are not studied at school, or spells, that is, complex places that Call the difficulties of almost any participant, "said Maria Rovinskaya.

It turns out, the school five in Russian does not give warranty that dictation you will write on perfectly. What to do? Prepare for free online and offline courses. The latter got the name "Russian on Fridays". They go in Moscow since 2014.

What are in class

About 20 professional philologists at a total dictation in Novosibirsk are prepared for courses and comments on the text. They are the same for everyone, they are sent by cities where the action will be held. These are not just Russian courses, but preparation courses for writing a specific dictation.

"The program changes from year to year, adapts to the new dictation text. For example, met last year communion on -Mom (not with communions on -Mom "Complete rule), and we had a separate lesson dedicated to this," said Maria Rovinskaya. Therefore, you can be sure: if you work on an orphographed or practicable, it will also be in the text of the dictation.

Participants receive materials with the rules and perform exercises. Then everyone is checked together written, discuss complex cases. Texts are specifically selected at a specific rule. After a press conference on March 2, on which the author of dictation will be announced, the material for exercises will be taken from his texts. What for? Maria Rovinskaya explained: "In order for people to get used to the syntax, it is accustomed to punctuation preferences." Participants in the action are later recognized that it helps.

Detailed comments to the text is a large file that contains all the orthograms and the parameograms and the rules related to them - after dictation will be laid on the project website. The text itself will appear there, allowable writing options, evaluation criteria.

Where courses go

Full-time classes that called "Russian on Fridays" will begin on February 17th. In Moscow, they will take place every Friday at 19:00 in the central audience of the Russian State Humanitarian University (RGGU) at the address: Cheyanova Street, House 15. Each of the two-hour lessons will be dispersed to one-two rules. Total will hold nine such classes: eight to dictation and one thing - after, there will be errors and difficult places on it. Pre-recording is not needed.

In addition to courses in the RGGU, there are online lessons. The program and exercises in them are the same as in offline courses. To become a member, you need to go to the site and open the section "Prepare for Dictation". Here will be schedule for the nearest webinars, during which you can leave comments and ask questions to the teacher. This year, online courses start on February 22, and while you can practice on old materials. The site posted video clips on the writing of the roots and consoles, o / E After hissing, particles not With adit and communities, the rules for the formation of a dash between the subject and to be taught and other topics.

Who goes to classes

Last year, more than 33 thousand people visited the lessons in 237 cities. Another 71 thousand became listeners of online courses. About 400 people went to classes in Moscow. Lessons collect very different people: here there were grandmother with granddaughter-schoolgirls, and couples in love, and newlyweds. "The elderly people come, they are very inquisitive, ask a lot of interesting questions," commented Maria Rovinskaya.

It works?

Yes. The promotion organizer explained: "Participants went to courses, for example, in 2014, then they came back in the next and received five in dictation, understanding how to prepare and what we give them."

What else there are options

Check yourself by inserting missed letters and punctuation signs in dictates, offers a city methodical center. These exercises are based on the texts of Pushkin, Chekhov, Pasternak, Mandelstam, Bulgakov and others.

Open lectures "Competent Mondays" are devoted to the standards of spelling, the past and future of the Russian language. This year they will begin on February 20. It will be about choosing the options for pronunciation, borrowing, eufemism, punctuation marks. You can read the schedule and register by reference. There are videos of the past lectures on the site "".

On the ISS, in the cave and under water

"Total dictation" is an annual educational campaign that helps people pay attention to their own literacy. It can be written on one of the sites and online on the site. In different years, dictation was read by famous artists, journalists and public figures. Among them, the announcer Igor Kirillov, the commentator Vasily Utkin, a journalist Vladimir Pozner, the speaker of the State Duma Sergey Naryshkin, the actor Konstantin Khabensky, singer Dima Bilan and others.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe project was born in Novosibirsk, and now dictation is written in a variety of corners of the world. He was written at Antarctic stations, on board the aircraft Novosibirsk - Moscow, on Sailboats "Kruzenshtern" and "Pallada", in the Kungur cave, under water and even at the international space station.

Last year, Total Dictation was held on April 16 at 2185 sites around the world. The author of the text was a children's writer, poet, playwright and screenwriter Andrei Usachev. He dedicated his dictation to the ancient world: the emergence of writing, the Olympic Games in ancient Greece, the history of the theater.

Moscow, 6 Apr - RIA Novosti. Everyone will be able to write a "total dictation" online, for this, broadcasts of three time zones will be organized, and the site protection from DDOS attacks is raised, the project press service reported on Thursday.

The first "total dictation" for donorsThe total dictation will be held for the first time specifically for blood donors and organizers of donor traffic, volunteers, physicians, blood service staff, the press service of the National Health Development Fund.

"All parts of the text of the total dictation can be written online April 8: the organizers will broadcast from five dictation sites from three time zones, and a special algorithm instantly checks errors in the text," the message says.

According to the organizers, the broadcasts will be available to visitors of the site April 8 at 8:00, 11:00 and 14:00 Moscow time.

The first will be broadcast from Vladivostok, which will begin at 8:00 Moscow time. The text will be read by radio agencies Sasha Antonova. At 11:00 in Moscow, a broadcast from Novosibirsk State University will be broadcast, where Leonid Yuzfovich will be "dictator" - the author of the total dictation of this year. Broadcast from Moscow at 14:00 will be conducted from three points: in the NITE MISIS, the text of the dictation will read Maxim Galkin; In the Moscow Polytechnic University, there will be a sports commentator Georgy Cherdanes; The text can be written in the NEIA text under the dictation of the Comedy Club of Marina Kravets.

In the press service of the "Total Dictation" noted that all the "star dictators" of broadcasts have a special education: Maxim Galkin graduated from the Faculty of Linguistics Linguistics, Marina Kravets - Philology Faculty of St. Petersburg State University, Georgy Cherdanians - Philfak Moscow State University, and Sasha Antonova - Institute of Russian Language of FEG.

"We are confident that the broadcasts will be bright and interesting, and the professionalism of the dictationalists will help participants on these sites and online successfully cope with the dictation," the words of the head of the project Olga Rebukovets are reported.

The press service reminded that last year the site of the "Total Dictation" was undergoing a large-scale DDoS attack, which prevented many wishing to write dictation online. Therefore, this year the project protection will be increased.

"Total dictation" is an annual educational action in the form of a voluntary dictation for everyone. Its goal is to give everyone a person to check the knowledge of Russian language and awaken interest in improving literacy. Participate in the "Total Dictation" can anyone, regardless of age, gender, education, religion, profession, marital status, interests and political views. In 2016, the action was held in 732 cities, covering 68 countries, more than 145 thousand people became parties.


- Annual educational campaign that unites people around the world who want to competently speak and write in Russian. "Total dictation" runs simultaneously in Russia and abroad, including the United States, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and South America. In 2017, 517 cities were confirmed their participation in the shares, including about 80 foreign ones.

For the "Total Dictation", passages from the works of well-known writers, such as Gogol, Kipling, Vasyl Bulls, in 2017 the author of the text was the modern Russian writer Leonid Yuzfovich. For participants, the action is also attractive for the fact that the text of the dictation is read by famous people, the stars of theater and cinema, journalists.

Anyone who wants to take part in the "Total Dictation", regardless of age and profession, voluntarily and completely free.

2 Time and venue

"Total Dictation - 2017" will be written on April 8, 2017 by more than 1,500 offline playgrounds around the world, as well as online on the official website of the action. In Moscow, there are currently 33 platforms for the campaign. The beginning of the action in Moscow and Moscow region - 14.00 Moscow time.

This year, many residents of the Moscow region will be able to write a dictation in their city. You can find out whether the "Total dictation" is held in your city, you can on the website of the promotion: by clicking the "Change City" button next to the "Menu" in the upper left corner of the site, the user moves to the full list of participating cities. To see the addresses of sites in a particular city, you need to choose a city from the list and open an interactive map.

The final list of places will be known and is available on website by April 3. If the dictation is not held in your city, you can write it online or become the organizer of the dictation for the next year (details in the "Become Organizer" section). In 2017, the acceptance of applications is already over.

All questions on the "Total Dictation" can be addressed to the Email Promotion Organizers: [Email Protected]

Editor "" dispelled myths about Kina, Strong and School Slang \u003e\u003e

3 Registration of participants

Registration on Total Dictation will open on March 29 on the site Each participant needs to create an account that opens access to your personal account. To register with the specific site of the "Total Dictation", you need to go to the city page, select the appropriate site, click the "Register" button and follow the instructions. Information on which site you are registered will be available in your personal account.

Register before the specified period or in other way, except through the website, it is impossible.

4 How to prepare

To prepare for the "Total Dictation", everyone can use online courses that started February 22. Special attention is paid to the rules of grammar of the Russian language and complex cases encountered in the dictation. For example, the spelling of N / NN, a comma in front of the union, how, the spelling is not / nor, the combination and separate spectacle writing, the spelling of the type between the subject and the leakage, input words, etc.

In the "Online School of Total Dictation", every Wednesday the subjects of classes are updated. Materials Classes include video tracking teachers, explanation of rules in text format, practical tasks and exercises. Each new occupation is live, and any participant can ask questions to the teacher. All previous sessions are also available on the site.

In addition, in city participating cities, full-time preparatory courses are held, the schedule of events can be followed on the site.

5 Evaluation Criteria

The test "Total dictation" is performed according to uniform criteria. The organizers provide for three estimates - "5", "4" and "3". "Excellent" - only one error is allowed, while it should not be spelling. "Good" - no more than four mistakes, and various options for the ratio of the number of spelling and punctuation errors made by the participant are allowed. "Satisfactory" - no more than eight mistakes, of which no more than four spelling.

At the same time, the possession of 0.5 points for non-bugs in the framework of the "Total Dictation" is not practiced. Any punctuation and spelling error is considered for one.

Number of errors: spelling / punctuation

"4" 0/2 0/3 0/4 1/0 1/1 1/2 1/3 2/0 2/1 2/2

"3" 0/5 0/6 0/7 0/8 1/4 1/5 1/6 1/7 2/3 2/4 2/5 2/6 3/0 3/1 3/2 3 / 3 3/5 4/0 4/1 4/2 4/2

On April 8, 2017, 200 234 people worldwide wrote "Total Dictation" in Russian. It could be done in part - on 3008 sites in 858 cities and villages of 71 countries, as well as online - the possibility of broadcasting was used by 23,000 people.

In Russia, the most participants gathered in Moscow - 20150, St. Petersburg - 7184 and at the homeland of "Total Dictation" in Novosibirsk - 6930. From foreign cities in the first place Tallinn: 2973 lovers of Russian gathered in the ice palace "Tondirab". The dictation was first written on 10 flights of the airline S7 (329 participants), in three trains (60 people) and 45 passengers of the high-mountain trolley busement of Simferopol-Alushta Yalta.

A Lomonosovskaya school became one of the Moscow sites of the Total Dictation - she collected students, teachers and all those wishing to test their knowledge of Russian. Star "dictator" (as part of the action it is customary to call a person voicing the dictation) TV journalist Ilya Fedorovtsev read Essay Leonid Jusefovich, written specifically for this case.

The text consisted of three parts, each - about one of the author's native cities: Perm, Ulan-Ude and St. Petersburg. The Moscow participants of the "Total Dictation" got a fragment about Ulan-Ude.
Before the start of work, everything was noticeably nervous, but the joke of the news dedicated to the action, as well as listening to the text in the execution of the author, was discharged. The Dictator Ilya Fedorovtsev radiated the support and benevolently repeated the difficult places of the dictation, and prompts appeared on the screen - geographical names, complex words.

The most young participant on the site of the Lomonosov school was the fourth-grader Bogdan Chimunov: "Dad told me about the" Total Dictation ", and I asked him to take me with me. It was difficult enough, but I believe that I wrote on the four. "

Project experts and volunteers still continue to check the work. Writing dictation online can learn their estimates after April 12, and full-time results will be known after April 18 - all this on the website there will be a certificate with estimates from a personal account. But now you can listen to webinars with a detailed analysis of the errors: they were spent on each part of the dictation experts philologists.

The rules for evaluating dictation are also posted on the site. Checking rather loyal: Invisible and incorrectly understood words (in dictation about Ulan-Ude, it was, for example, "Evenksky", "Relevant") for an error are not considered, various options for punctuation marks are also accepted - but only within the Russian rules.

For those who have never participated in the "Total Dictation" and "caught fire" after this year's shares - a few words about what the project attracts.

Atmosphere of voluntary public action. "For the first time I was invited to participate, and, to be honest, I thought it was some regular event" for a tick, "says Actor and Dictator Alexander Oleshko. "But when I came to the site, I saw what are going beautiful, spiritualized people, that for them it is really a holiday and they do it exclusively from love to Russian ... Everything in the country is now concerned about the drop in the level of education, but after all seen on April 8, I You are authoritatively stating: we are fine! ".

Game and Competition with yourself. "I like the idea of \u200b\u200bthe" Total Dictation "itself, because it is a literacy check, and the competition with yourself," said Daniel Solovyov's student of the Lomonomos School. "While" Total Dictation "exists, I will always be among his participants - I want to see how my results will change."

Real opportunity to increase literacy. "This year, the number of fives who received participants increased to 10% against the background of ordinary 2-3%," says Olga Rebukovets, the head of the Total Dictation project project. "We explain this by the fact that participants have become more actively prepared for the dictation on our full-time and online courses."

Participate in the "Total Dictation" can anyone, regardless of age, gender, education, religion, profession, marital status, interests and political views. See you at dictation in the spring of 2018!