Hormonal sexual crisis. Sexual crisis of newborns. Causes of rashes in a newborn

It is so established by Mother Nature that children among us, representatives of the human race, are born of different sexes. In this regard, most new mothers and fathers often worry about how different is caring for a newborn girl from how to care for a boy? As for feeding, daily routine or, for example, morning toilet, there are no fundamental differences in the algorithm of actions and the means used. But if we talk about intimate hygiene, then yes, already in the maternity hospital and in the first days after discharge, parents understand that behind their little princess or behind the newly born tomboy, in connection with characteristic features structure of the genital organs, you will need to take care of it in a special way. Are you expecting to have a daughter? Then it’s time to learn about the intricacies of hygiene procedures for little representatives of the fairer sex.

In the first days

Like most systems in the newborn's body, it reproductive system at the time of birth, it is still immature and is in the process of development and formation.

In a girl, this is externally expressed in the fact that the mucous membrane of her genital organs is very thin and delicate, and therefore is it vulnerable to all kinds of damage? which can cause the baby to get into the body harmful microorganisms and pathogenic bacteria.

For this reason, caring for a newborn girl must be carried out not only carefully and regularly, but also in compliance with certain rules.

Let's start from the very first day after birth. If you notice that your recently born daughter has a creamy or light gray coating on her labia, don’t worry. This - smegma – original lubricant, or rather its remnants.

Previously, vernix was washed off immediately after the birth of the child. Today it is believed that if it is absorbed into the skin, it will only benefit the newborn

Usually the secretion is absorbed into the skin for some time after childbirth. But if there is a lot of lubricant, it must be removed to avoid oxidation of the fats contained in it. They can cause reproduction pathogenic flora and, as a result, inflammation of the mucous membrane.

Your actions: remove smegma with cotton pads or swabs moistened with warm boiled water. The plaque can be very dense and washed off in pellets. In this case, do not rush and clean it in two or three steps. In a couple of days the secret will completely disappear.

But these are not all the features related to gender that can alarm and discourage you in the first days and during the first month after the birth of your baby.

Hormonal crisis

A hormonal crisis in newborns is a transitional state when the baby’s body has not yet established the production of its own hormones, and after birth it no longer receives maternal hormones through the umbilical cord.

During pregnancy, the child, while in the mother's womb, through the umbilical cord, receives from the mother's body all the substances necessary for its growth and development. Including hormones. After separation from the mother, the baby must become completely autonomous, that is, learn to independently produce everything that is needed for the full functioning of his body.

Until this happens, immediately after birth and some time later, the level of hormones in the newborn’s blood rapidly drops. And their lowest content is observed at the end of the first week from the moment the baby is born, which is natural and inevitable, and which may manifest itself in some nonspecific reactions.

In girls, these reactions are often much more pronounced than in boys. They got one common namehormonal (or sexual) crisis. Although these are several local phenomena, each of which deserves separate consideration.


Use cotton pads for any hygiene procedures, incl. and for removing mucus during vulvovaginitis in newborn girls

The end of the first week after the birth of a girl for her parents may be marked by the discovery of mucous membranes or even bloody discharge from the vagina.

And again, do not rush to swallow validol and call the emergency room. This is precisely one of the manifestations hormonal crisis newborns. Within 10–14 days, when the baby’s hormonal levels return to normal, the discharge will stop.

Your actions: If you find it, carefully remove mucus from your daughter’s labia with cotton pads moistened with boiled water, and carefully monitor compliance with all hygiene rules.

Physiological mastopathy

Choose your baby's wardrobe very carefully. There's no place in it synthetic fabrics and materials made from artificial fibers

Evidence of the presence of maternal estrogen in the baby’s body is the redness and swelling of her mammary glands on days 4–7 after birth. For some it is weakly expressed, for others it is stronger. Colostrum may also be released from the breasts. These phenomena are considered normal. In most cases, no intervention is required and everything goes away by the end of the first month of life.

Your actions:

  1. Make sure that the baby's nipples come into contact with clothing as little as possible, which should definitely be made from natural fibers. There should be no seams, fasteners, or embroideries in the chest area.
  2. Under no circumstances rub the girl’s breasts or squeeze colostrum out of it.
  3. If your breasts become very swollen or red, consult your doctor immediately. To relieve the symptoms of physiological mastopathy, he may prescribe treatment of the nipples with a weak solution of furatsilin and compresses with camphor oil.

This is what a hormonal rash or bloom looks like

A reddish rash, sometimes with white dots, on the facial skin of a newborn girl is popularly called blooming, but doctors attribute its appearance to hormonal imbalances in the body.

Your actions: This is not an allergy, not an infection or a cold, as some may think, and these pimples do not require treatment. Let mom not torment herself with a diet, don’t swallow antihistamine tablets and does not give syrups of the same content to the baby. IN in this case the best doctor is time. 1-2 months later there will be no trace left of the flowering on the little face of your beloved daughter.

Intimate hygiene

Air baths have a beneficial effect on baby's skin

Rule one. And this is not even a rule, but a commandment that every mother of every newborn girl must fulfill. Change diapers frequently and wash your daughter under running water after each change.


  • Wet sanitary napkins should only be used in extreme cases. They cannot be an alternative to washing.
  • For hygiene of a girl’s genitals, only running water is suitable. Washing in a container with water is unacceptable for females, even newborns.

Rule two. An adult must wash their hands thoroughly with soap before starting to wash the baby.

Rule three. When washing, use soap 1-2 times a day, not more often, otherwise you risk drying out delicate skin labia of a newborn girl or disrupt the microflora of the mucous membrane.

The little princess should be washed in the direction from the pubis to the anus, and in no case vice versa

  1. It is very important to wash your little princess correctly. This means that first, from the bottom up towards the tailbone, the perineal area around the anus is soaped and rinsed (this way you will avoid infection in the vagina).
  2. And only then the outer labia are soaped from the pubis to the vagina and also rinsed with running water.
  3. You wipe your daughter’s genitals like this: with a soft, ironed towel, first blot the genital area, then the outer labia. There is no need to wipe the internal genital organs to avoid damaging the microflora.
  4. After washing, lubricate the delicate skin of the baby’s outer labia and perineum with baby oil (sterile sunflower, olive) or baby moisturizer.

And one more important point. Several times a day, during diaper changes or before bathing, leave your daughter without clothes for a while. Let her skin, as they say, breathe. Air baths – best prevention any skin problems in newborns.


Up to a year old, you need to bathe your baby in the bathtub, and when she gets older, you can do so in the shower.

An infant girl needs to be bathed every day in the bathroom, and it will be enough to use baby soap or foam only 1-2 times a week. On other days, you can add decoctions of medicinal herbs to the bath - strings, calendula, chamomile, which have a beneficial effect on overall well-being, tonic and disinfectant.

Visit to the gynecologist

All newborn girls undergo a routine preventive examination by a gynecologist when they are 1 month old. But in some cases, it is not worth waiting for the appointed time, but you need to consult a doctor immediately.

Remember, a disease diagnosed in time is easier to treat. Therefore, if you notice any health problems in your daughter, consult a doctor without delay.

Symptoms for which consultation with a gynecologist is necessary:

  • the appearance of purulent vaginal discharge;
  • severe swelling in the area of ​​the mammary glands;
  • noticeable restlessness of the baby during each urination.

These manifestations may be accompanied by an increase in the girl’s body temperature, lethargy, and disturbances in appetite and sleep. And they are a reason not to delay visiting the appropriate specialist.

Video “Girl Hygiene” Komarovsky

After birth, the hormonal background of the fetus changes dramatically. This causes the development of a sexual crisis, the manifestations of which include the following conditions.

Breast engorgement. The mammary glands in newborns begin to enlarge at 3-4 days. They are dense, painful, sometimes slightly reddish. The gland may secrete appearance reminiscent of colostrum. Usually, by the end of the newborn period, the baby's glands return to normal.
Vaginal discharge. Mucous copious discharge from the vagina in newborn girls can be noticed almost immediately after birth. After 2-3 days their number decreases significantly, and by the end of the first week of life they completely stop. In some girls, mucous discharge is replaced by bloody discharge. Bleeding continues for 1-2 days.
The blood loss is insignificant, usually no more than 1-2 milliliters, and does not affect the girl’s health in any way.
Severe sexual crisis- one of the indicators of a child’s good adaptation to extrauterine life. In children who have undergone a sexual crisis, the newborn period usually goes very smoothly, they are calm, sleep well, eat and gain weight.

Genital organs in boys: normal and pathological.
In newborn boys, the scrotum is often swollen and enlarged. The swelling goes away in 1-2 weeks. A small accumulation of fluid in the scrotum (hydrocele) is also not a pathology. The liquid resolves within a month.

When examining a boy's genitals, it is necessary to make sure that the testicles have descended into the scrotum (in the fetus they are located in the abdominal cavity). In full-term boys, the testicles can be felt in the scrotum in the form of dense round formations with a diameter of about a centimeter. If the testicles cannot be felt during the first examination, the procedure should be repeated the first time the newborn is bathed (the testicles in little boys are very mobile and can be hidden in abdominal cavity in response to mechanical or cold stimulation). If during the first week you still cannot find the testicles, contact a pediatric urologist.
The length of the penis in newborn boys is 2-3 cm. If the length of the penis is less than 1 cm or more than 5-6 cm, the boy needs to consult an endocrinologist. The head of the penis is covered foreskin, you cannot forcefully open the head, this often leads to infection.

Sample answer to ticket No. 20

Task 2.

Professional task

Newborn baby 2 days old. From a repeated normal pregnancy, a second term birth, with a weight of 3400 g, length 51 cm, Apgar score of 8/9 points.

Objectively: By the end of the first day, bright hyperemia of the skin appeared. On the second day, the erythema became brighter, and then its intensity gradually decreased and completely disappeared by the end of the first week of life. After the disappearance of the erythema, small pityriasis-like and large-plate peeling of the skin appeared, especially on the abdomen and back.

The general condition of the child is not impaired. The temperature is normal. Sucks actively. Physiological functions are normal.


1. Identify the newborn's problems.

2. Determine and justify the physiological state of the newborn.

3. Create a nursing intervention plan.

Professional task

Identify the newborn's problems.

Real (real) problems of a newborn:

Bright hyperemia of the skin;

Small pityriasis-like and large-plate peeling of the skin;

Lack of maternal knowledge about child care;

A newborn cannot perform personal hygiene independently for 2 days.

Potential problems:

High risk of skin infection;

Violation of the integrity of the skin.

2. Determine and justify the physiological state of the newborn

Simple erythema is a reactive hyperemia of the skin that occurs after removal of the original lubricant. The redness in the first hours has a slightly cyanotic tint, on the 2nd day it becomes brightest, then its intensity gradually decreases and disappears by the end of the 1st week of life; in premature infants, erythema is more pronounced and lasts longer - up to 2-3 weeks;

-Physiological peeling of the skin– large-plate peeling of the skin occurs on the 3-5th day of life in children with bright simple erythema as it fades; Excessive peeling is observed in post-term infants.

Rationale: based on objective examination data.

3. Create a nursing intervention plan.

  • To fill the mother's lack of knowledge about the causes, features of the course of simple erythema, as a transitional state of the newborn.
  • Obtain informed consent for procedures.
  • Ensure comfortable conditions in the newborn's room.
  • Carry out regular cleaning, ventilation and quartzing of the newborn room.
  • Maintain optimal temperature regime in the ward.
  • Provide feeding for the newborn breast milk on demand".
  • Observe asepsis and antisepsis during care (prevention of nosocomial infection).
  • Monitor the child’s condition, record breathing patterns, respiratory rate, heart rate, blood pressure, changes in skin color and integrity, and note the nature of the temperature curve.
  • Follow the neonatologist's instructions.

Sample answer to ticket No. 21

Task 3.

Practical manipulation

Demonstrate the manipulation on a phantom: “Technique for morning toileting of a newborn”

Practical manipulation

Hormonal (sexual) crisis in newborns is associated mainly with the effect of mother's hormones on the child and occurs in full-term newborns. These conditions are quite rare in premature babies. Sexual crisis includes several conditions:

    Breast engorgement, which begins on days 3–4 of life, reaches a maximum on days 7–8 and then gradually decreases. Sometimes a milky-white discharge is observed from the mammary gland, which in composition is close to the mother’s colostrum. Breast enlargement occurs in most girls and half of boys. You can't put pressure on mammary glands, massage them, and even more so try to express drops of liquid from the nipples. Any manipulation of the mammary glands in infants is dangerous because it can lead to the development of neonatal mastitis, and this is a very serious disease and can only be treated surgically. For prevention, it is enough to simply make a pad of cotton wool and gauze and place it on the mammary glands under the baby’s undershirt. In case of severe engorgement, the pediatrician will prescribe special compresses;

    Desquamative vulvovaginitis is a profuse mucous discharge of a grayish-white color from the genital opening, appearing in 60–70% of girls in the first three days of life. The discharge lasts 1-3 days and then gradually disappears. Character vaginal discharge It may also be bloody - this is not a cause for concern. This condition does not require therapy. If there is vaginal discharge, the girl should be washed with a light pink, cool solution of potassium permanganate from front to back.

    Milia are whitish-yellow nodules 1–2 mm in size, rising above the skin level, most often localized on the wings of the nose and bridge of the nose, in the forehead and chin. These are greasy and sweat glands with copious secretions and clogged ducts. Occurs in 40% of newborns and does not require treatment;

    Hydrocele of the testicular membranes (hydrocele) - occurs in 5–10% of boys, goes away without treatment during the newborn period;

    NEWBORN ACNE (estrogenic acne) - appears in the first 3-5 months. life of a child, being a reaction of small, superficially located, sebaceous glands newborns on the sex hormones of the mother (who often had a history of severe manifestations of acne). The rashes are few in number, represented by open and closed (milium) comedones, small papules and pustules with a small inflammatory halo around. Elements of acne are isolated, localized on the skin of the cheeks, forehead, nose, nasolabial and nasolabial folds, on the back of the head, sometimes on the skin of the penis . A few days after the onset of acne in newborns, it resolves on its own.

13. Transitional changes in stool

Transitional changes in stool (transient intestinal catarrh, physiological dyspepsia of newborns, transient intestinal catarrh) is a peculiar stool disorder observed in all newborns in the middle of the first week of life. During the first or second (less often until the third) day, meconium leaves the child’s intestines - i.e. original feces Meconium is a viscous, thick, dark green, almost black mass.

Later, the stool becomes more frequent, inhomogeneous both in consistency (you can see lumps, mucus, and a liquid part) and in color (dark green areas alternate with greenish, yellow and even whitish). Often the stool becomes more watery, resulting in a water stain around the stool on the diaper. Such a stool is called transitional, and the condition associated with its appearance, as you may have guessed, is transitional intestinal catarrh. After 2-4 days, the stool becomes physiological - homogeneous in consistency and color. Simply put, it takes on a mushy, yellow appearance with a sour milk smell. It reduces the number of leukocytes, fatty acids, mucin (mucus) and tissue protein. The severity of transitional intestinal catarrh varies among different children. For some, the frequency of bowel movements reaches six or more times a day, the stool is very watery, for other babies the frequency is up to three times and the consistency is not much different from normal.

Be that as it may, transient intestinal catarrh is a physiological phenomenon and can only frighten new mothers and fathers, but not harm the child. Trying to influence transitional catarrh of the intestine is an unjustified undertaking. You just need to wait a little - when the baby more or less “learns” to use his digestive system, the stool returns to normal.

Newborn babies need time to adapt to their new environment. When a child is born, many external factors begin to influence the child’s body. One of the symptoms of adaptation to the new world may be the appearance of a hormonal rash. This is an absolutely normal phenomenon that will go away on its own. Acne in newborns should not be a cause for concern for parents. For the baby it is completely painless and does not provoke itching.

Symptoms of hormonal rash - how to distinguish it from other diseases?

The first symptoms usually begin to appear immediately after birth. Most acute period hormonal rashes occur at the age of 1 week. The duration of its symptoms is 1.5-2 months. If acne persists after this age, you need to consult a specialist - perhaps the cause of the rash lies elsewhere.

READ ALSO: acne on the face of newborns and photos

How to determine that your baby has acne:

  • swelling and engorgement of the mammary glands in children of both sexes (more details in the article: how to treat swelling of the mammary glands in newborn girls?);
  • girls develop vulvovaginitis and spotting;
  • the genitals become slightly swollen in boys and girls;
  • red pimples all over the body, most often localized on the face (cheeks, forehead, chin), neck, back, and less often on the scalp.

The nature of the rash may vary:

  • small red pimples;
  • red spots with a white head in the middle;
  • pale pimples, slightly protruding above the surface of the skin, are more felt as roughness of the skin.

READ ALSO: How can you get rid of acne for a teenager at home?

READ ALSO: red rash on the hands of a child: symptoms and treatment

When a rash appears in a child, it is important to exclude other diseases with similar symptoms. According to its characteristics, acne in newborns is similar to the signs of certain diseases - diathesis, miliaria, allergic reaction (more details in the article: photos of manifestations of diathesis in infants and treatment). However, the hormonal rash does not go away after taking antihistamines and improving baby’s skin care. The color of a hormonal rash is always red (we recommend reading: red rash on a child’s back: what is it?).

READ ALSO: prickly heat on the face of newborns: photo

Miliaria is located mainly in the folds of the skin; acne in newborns has other localization sites. Pimples caused by prickly heat cause significant discomfort to the child; they itch and become inflamed.

Allergies are characterized by itching and flaking, dyspepsia (bloating, diarrhea). Often allergies are not limited to skin rashes, they may be accompanied by a runny nose, coughing, red eyes and watery eyes. With neonatal pustulosis, the rash does not cause any concern to the child.

READ ALSO: How do allergies manifest in newborn babies? If the child does not have high temperature, catarrhal phenomena (cough, runny nose), general state good, appetite is not impaired, then there is no need to worry. When at least one of these symptoms is present, it is necessary to exclude an infectious disease.

In addition, red rashes may appear when chicken pox, measles, scarlet fever. Chickenpox in infants is extremely rare, but the diagnosis cannot be completely excluded. Measles and scarlet fever are associated elevated temperature and symptoms of body intoxication. These diseases are very dangerous due to their complications, and they must be excluded at the slightest suspicion.

Should neonatal rash be treated?

There is no need to treat a three-week rash in an infant. There are times when a baby damages pimples and introduces an infection into them. In this case, ointments are used that have an antiseptic effect. To prevent your baby from scratching the rash, you need to carefully trim your nails and wear special anti-scratch mittens.

READ ALSO: how to treat small pimples on the cheeks of a baby?

Treatment is prescribed only if the rash progresses very quickly or lasts more than 3 months. Sometimes there is a severe blockage of the duct. In this case, the doctor will prescribe special ointments (Bepanten, Ketoconazole).

It is necessary to monitor the hygiene of the baby’s skin, bathe him regularly, give him baths with medicinal herbs(decoction of chamomile, string, calendula). You can use a weak solution of manganese or Chlorophyllipt for bathing. For washing, use regular baby soap.

The baby needs to regularly take sun and air baths and go for walks more often. A nursing mother should follow a hypoallergenic diet. After the hormonal levels normalize, the rashes will disappear, and no trace will remain on the skin.

READ ALSO: what are the types of skin rashes in children, their photos and descriptions

How to distinguish a sexual crisis?

Like all diseases, this has several forms of manifestation. The main ones include:

  • swelling of the external genitalia;
  • hydrocele (vulvovaginitis);
  • menachre (micromenstruation);

Physiological mastopathy, as a rule, appears in girls and represents a slight enlargement of the mammary glands, while the area around the nipples may turn slightly red and a slight white discharge will appear. If these changes do not cause discomfort to the baby and the discharge is not too abundant, there is no cause for concern. Mastopathy will go away on its own by the beginning of the baby’s second month of life. Although it is still worth showing a child with such symptoms to a specialist, because it is better to prevent the disease than to treat it later.

Swelling of the external genitalia is very rare (experts say about 10% of children) and, as a rule, goes away on its own. Parents are required to take careful care, timely bathing and use of high-quality diapers to avoid the occurrence of a red bottom in the child, as this can aggravate the situation.

Hydrocele (vulvovaginitis) is considered a disease of adult women, although its symptoms can also appear in newborns, that is, a white mucous discharge from the genitals will appear. Such discharge does not require treatment. The only thing that is necessary during this period is bathing the newborn and washing after each diaper change. Experts recommend being extremely careful and if the discharge persists for more than 7 days, show the baby to a specialist to rule out the presence of sexually transmitted infections.

Menarche (micromenstruation) is a very rare manifestation characterized by bloody discharge from the genitals (in girls). Normally, this can last no more than two days and does not require treatment, with the exception of washing boiled water(can be herbal tinctures). If bleeding continues for more than 3 days, you should immediately contact your pediatrician.

Acne in newborns is another symptom of a sexual crisis. Such pimples usually appear on the child’s face, cheeks, and forehead in the first days of life and by the end of the second week (in the absence of complications and good care) go away on their own.

Is sexual crisis dangerous?

This manifestation is one of the adaptation measures and does not pose a threat to the child’s life, although it requires attention from the parents.

Caring moms and dads should not panic when they notice that the baby’s genitals are somewhat swollen, slight reddish or transparent discharge. All this in the first weeks of a child’s life is a normal manifestation that goes away on its own by the beginning of the second month.

If the symptoms of a sexual crisis persist for too long and cause discomfort to the child (fever, itching, increased anxiety in the child), it is necessary to contact a specialist who will perform an examination and prescribe individual treatment.

Young parents very often encounter a phenomenon in which the mammary glands of a newborn child become enlarged. This phenomenon occurs with equal frequency in children of different sexes. This condition does not cause much concern for mothers and fathers. Change in density and shape mammary glands is a physiological process that characterizes the so-called hormonal crisis.

Most often, this condition does not require medical intervention. The exception is mastitis, which has a similar clinical picture.

Features of physiological mastopathy

This is the term used to describe an increase in the size of the mammary glands in newborns. Most often, babies experience bilateral hardening of the mammary glands. In the midst of a sexual crisis, the baby does not experience any discomfort or pain, so he does not need specialized help.

The timing of the appearance of these signs is individual for each baby. Most often this occurs within 1 week of birth. Physiological mastopathy disappears on its own by the end of 1 month. Normally, a child has an enlargement of the mammary glands within 2.5-3 cm in diameter. There are no changes on the surface of the skin in this area.

In especially rare cases, parents notice slight discharge from the infant’s nipples. The color of the discharge reminds me. It is not recommended to remove these secretions yourself, as any manipulation can lead to infection of the mammary glands.

Parents are not recommended to use any ointments or compresses, since this process is physiological for the child, and he goes through it on his own. With physiological mastopathy in an infant, it is very important to avoid traumatizing the child’s mammary glands. The baby's clothes should be comfortable and spacious. It is also recommended to avoid applying any bandages to the chest area.

The main task of parents is the timely detection and differentiation of physiological mastopathy and a disease such as mastitis. This pathology is rare among newborns, but it cannot be completely excluded.

Differences between normal and pathological

A disease such as mastitis is characterized by inflammation of the soft tissue of the mammary glands. This pathology is most typical for women in the postpartum period. The reason for its occurrence is.

If a child’s mammary glands are exposed to bacterial infection, the baby develops purulent-inflammatory changes. The infection enters through abrasions and microcracks of the nipples. Newborn infants, as a rule, have reduced immunity, which is the reason for their inability to fight infection.

In addition to the characteristic engorgement of the mammary glands, mastitis is characterized by increased body temperature, drowsiness, refusal to breastfeed, lethargy and frequent moodiness. To local signs of this disease include redness of the skin in the area of ​​the pathological focus, a local increase in temperature and pain in this area, as well as swelling.

Mastitis is characterized by unilateral damage to the glands. Depending on severity pathological process, with this disease, purulent discharge from the nipples of the newborn is present or absent. If the diagnosis is not timely, this disease can be complicated by sepsis or the formation of a diffuse purulent focus (phlegmon).

If parents suspect mastitis in their child, they should immediately seek advice from a pediatric surgeon. Treatment of this pathology is carried out in a hospital setting. The newborn may be prescribed medications, physical therapy, and surgery (if necessary).

In order to prevent serious complications, throughout the entire period of the sexual crisis, the baby must be regularly shown to a medical specialist who can assess the dynamics of the condition. If necessary, the baby is prescribed additional examination.

(crisis genitalis neonatorum; syn. synkainogenesis)

a complex of disorders in newborn girls in the first week of life in the form of engorgement of the mammary glands, slight swelling of the genitals and serous-bloody vaginal discharge; due to hormonal effects from the mother's body.

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“Newborn sexual crisis” in books


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Any mother closely monitors the health of her child. Every day since birth she has diligently performed hygiene procedures and carefully examines every fold on her baby’s body. Many women, upon discovering discharge in newborn girls, begin to panic. What this phenomenon means and in what cases it is necessary to take action, we will find out in this article.

Hormonal crisis of newborns

In the process of development inside the womb, the child goes through all stages together with the mother hormonal changes and receives sex hormones in considerable concentration.

Before birth, the level of these substances is especially high, and after birth in infants it gradually returns to normal. This process is called a sexual or hormonal crisis. Its manifestations can be seen in both boys and girls in the form of acne, swelling of the mammary glands, and in some cases the release of a substance similar to colostrum is noticeable from them.

Often in infants in the first month there is swelling of the genital organs, accompanied by a certain secretion. This is also a consequence of the release of the sex hormones estrogen. It can be bloody, liquid white, yellow or green, and mucous in nature. In most cases this is the norm, but there are exceptions.

Signs of a hormonal crisis can appear from 1–2 days to several months, and its peak occurs 6–7 days after birth. Basically, complete cleansing of excess hormones is completed in the fifth week.

Mucous and white discharge in newborn girls

The presence of white discharge in infant girls is associated with the following reasons:

  1. Remains of original lubricant. Indicated in the form of a mucous coating, reminiscent of sticky leucorrhoea, in the vagina and on the folds of the labia. Pediatricians do not recommend washing them out with special means, but recommend waiting until the substance disappears naturally. With his help sensitive skin the baby adapts to the new external environment.
  2. Mucus can also be produced by the glands of the vagina. The reason for these discharges is the same as for bloody ones - hormones, only in this case the hormones responsible for milk production work: prolactin and progesterone. This kind of secretion in infants usually disappears by the end of the first month.
  3. A similar symptom may occur due to the reaction of the newborn’s body to hormonal changes that can provoke the development of vulvovaginitis. The discharge is indicated in small quantities and is white, yellow, green color, and sometimes they are transparent. Vaginitis is often accompanied by redness and swelling of the baby’s external genitalia. The symptoms go away after a few days and do not cause discomfort to the baby.

Hygiene of a newborn girl

A girl’s discharge may appear at 1, 2, 3, or 4 months. All this is the result of changes in hormonal levels, which are especially active in the first year of life. The main rule during this period is to maintain hygiene for the infant, which is especially important in the first month of life.

  1. When washing your child, use only boiled water at 36 °C. Some experts advise using chamomile decoction, but remember, it can dry out the mucous membranes and also cause allergic reaction. Therefore, it is better to choose special ones for these purposes cosmetical tools, intended for newborns. Sometimes they can be alternated with a weak decoction of the series.
  2. When washing, the perineum is washed first, and only then - anus, i.e. the direction of movement is from front to back. Otherwise, feces or opportunistic bacteria from the anus can enter the genitals and provoke the development of an infectious or inflammatory process. In the first month, wash your baby as often as possible.
  3. Do not try to remove the white residue mentioned above. This lubricant will go away on its own.
  4. Be sure to cut the nails on your hands so as not to damage the child’s mucous membrane during water procedures.
  5. From time to time, spread the baby's labia to prevent them from merging.
  6. When using creams or diaper powders, make sure that the products do not get into the perineum.
  7. Periodically give your baby air baths. The skin should rest from diapers and diapers.
  8. Monitor odors and discharge patterns, if any.

How does the sexual crisis manifest itself in newborn babies, why should you not worry?

Hormonal crisis

During intrauterine maturation, the future baby, regardless of gender, receives along with nutrients hormones from the mother's body. After birth, about a week later, the so-called hormonal or sexual crisis appears. It passes in all children, but does not always have clear symptoms. It occurs due to hormonal changes in the child’s body. During this period, you can observe acne, physiological mastopathy and some changes in the genitals.

Physiological mastopathy against the background of a hormonal crisis

Externally it manifests itself as engorgement of the mammary glands. Redness near the nipples, slight swelling, and increased temperature of the skin in this area may occur. Sometimes a small amount of whitish fluid resembling colostrum may be released from the mammary glands. Squeezing it out is strictly prohibited. There is no reason to worry about the occurrence of these signs of a sexual crisis. Symptoms disappear within a few weeks without harming the baby's health.

Changes in the genitals

In addition to engorgement of the mammary glands, during a hormonal crisis, various changes may occur in the genitals. They manifest themselves differently in representatives of different sexes.

For girls

For girls during a sexual crisis, the following are characteristic:

  • Vulvovaginitis - a white mucous substance begins to secrete from the genitals. Lasts several days, does not require treatment, goes away on its own. All that is required in this case is to follow the rules of hygiene, wash the child every day, warm water, preferably boiled. At the same time, do not try to thoroughly wash off the mucus, because the mucous membranes of the baby’s genital organs are very sensitive and can be accidentally damaged, which will lead to infection.
  • Minor menstruation or metrorrhagia - bloody discharge, reminiscent of menstruation, but not heavy and lasts for at most 2 days. You should not be afraid of such a symptom. This is fine. It does not require special treatment, it goes away quickly, without negative consequences.
Convert Special attention on the course of a sexual crisis is necessary in the case when this symptomatology acquires pathological forms- engorgement of the mammary glands occurs very strongly with purulent discharge, discharge from the genitals is abundant, accompanied by an unpleasant odor or pain.

In boys

In boys during a hormonal crisis, in most cases, the following is observed:
  • Increased pigmentation near the nipples and in the genital area, in particular the testicles. The skin in these areas becomes chocolate-colored. Despite the somewhat unusual manifestation of a sexual crisis, there is no need to worry about this. Within a few days or even weeks, everything will disappear without a trace.
  • Swelling of the genital organs. To kid this phenomenon brings some discomfort, but passes without complications. There is no need to do anything. There is no treatment as such.
  • Hydrocellus is dropsy of the testicles. Despite the rather frightening diagnosis and the same appearance, there is no need to show concern once again. This is a typical symptom of a sexual crisis. Just like other signs, it goes away without any unpleasant consequences for the child’s body.

Also, representatives of both sexes may experience a sexual crisis acne. There is no need to smear with anything; ordinary everyday hygiene procedures are enough.
Sexual crisis is not a pathology, but a sign of correct intrauterine development child and natural for all children, but does not always have bright, frightening manifestations. If at least one symptom occurs, you should not panic; remain calm and sober in your thoughts. It will go away as suddenly as it appeared, without causing undesirable consequences.

is a series of transient conditions that occur in the first days and weeks of extrauterine life when the level of maternal estrogens in the child’s body decreases. Accompanied by engorgement of the mammary glands, bloody and mucous vaginal discharge, the appearance of skin pigmentation and rash, and swelling of the genitals. Diagnosed by a neonatologist in a maternity hospital, or by a local pediatrician during patronage based on characteristic visual signs. Specific treatment does not require, does not pose a danger to the child’s life. It goes away spontaneously in the 2-4th week of life without medical intervention.


P83 P83.4

General information

Sexual crisis (syncainogenesis, genital crisis, hormonal crisis, minor puberty) is a transitional state of the newborn period, represents puberty in miniature. It develops on the 3rd-5th day of life and persists for up to three weeks. The most pronounced manifestations of a hormonal crisis are observed on days 5-15. Occurs in 75% of all newborns. According to statistics, synkainogenesis is more often detected in girls. The appearance of symptoms of a sexual crisis does not mean that the child is sick. They indicate the normal development of the baby and indicate that his body is successfully adapting to extrauterine life.


Sexual crisis is a physiological reaction of the newborn’s body to changes in the level of maternal estrogen in the blood. Normally, during gestation, the concentration of estrogen in the fetus increases. Moreover, the amount of hormones does not depend on the gender of the baby: a sufficient level of estrogen is necessary for the full formation of the genital organs, both boys and girls.

Estrogens are produced mainly in the follicular apparatus of the ovaries of a pregnant woman, less - in the adrenal cortex. At 14-16 weeks of gestation, estradiol synthesis also occurs in the placenta. The concentration of hormones increases towards the due date. Estrogens cross the placenta, influencing the development of the fetal genital organs. After childbirth, maternal hormones stop entering the baby's blood. The concentration of estrogen in newborns decreases sharply, and a sexual crisis develops - a natural result of a drop in hormone levels.

Synkainogenesis does not develop in all newborns. Small puberty is detected in 3/4 of children in the first month of life. Transient hormonal changes are more common in girls. This is explained by the presence of target organs (uterus, ovaries, vagina) that respond to changes in estrogen concentrations. On the maternal side, the following factors contribute to the development of sexual crisis in newborns:

  • Threat of miscarriage. To prolong gestation, maintenance drugs from the group of gestagens are usually prescribed. They change the natural hormonal levels and increase the likelihood of a sexual crisis in a newborn.
  • Preeclampsia. Clinical researches show that with severe late toxicosis, the likelihood of developing synkainogenesis increases. Preeclampsia occurs when a woman’s body’s adaptation to pregnancy is disrupted. At the same time, the activity of the adrenal cortex increases, and the level of estrogen in the blood of the mother and child increases. The difference between prenatal and postnatal estrogen concentrations is so significant that it causes a hormonal crisis.


After childbirth, the level of estrogen in the baby’s blood drops tenfold. This leads to natural changes in target organs. In conditions sharp decline estriol in girls causes endometrial rejection with the development of short-term vaginal bleeding. Exposure to prolactin leads to enlargement of the mammary glands in children and the appearance of colostrum-like secretion. Swelling of the genital organs occurs, and the nature of the secretion of the mucous membranes changes. After 2-3 weeks, the body adapts to the level of sex hormones, and the manifestations of the crisis subside.

Hormonal crisis is practically not recorded in premature babies or children with intrauterine growth retardation. It is formed in healthy newborns who are able to quickly adapt to new living conditions. Syncainogenesis plays a significant role in the development of the hypothalamus and further differentiation of the brain. Observations show that children with a pronounced hormonal crisis are less likely to be diagnosed with transient jaundice, and they are less susceptible to infectious diseases.

Symptoms of sexual crisis

Synkainogenesis manifests itself in various forms. Some symptoms occur only in girls or boys, while others occur in children of both sexes. The severity of symptoms depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. The appearance of all existing signs or only one of them is considered normal.

Physiological mastopathy

Manifested by thickening of the mammary glands. Occurs in newborns of both sexes. Occurs on the 4th day of life, reaches a peak on the 7-10th day. Completely disappears two weeks after birth. It is characterized by symmetrical thickening and enlargement of the mammary glands up to 2 cm. The skin of the breast is unchanged or slightly hyperemic. Upon palpation, a grayish-white secretion may be released from the nipple, similar in composition to maternal colostrum.

Desquamative vulvovaginitis

Occurs in 60% of all newborn girls. It is characterized by the appearance of abundant grayish or whitish secretion (leucorrhoea) from the genital tract. Unpleasant odor No. Vulvovaginitis develops in the first two days of life and disappears spontaneously on the 5th day.



The diagnosis is made based on typical manifestations. Clinical symptoms The hormonal crisis is determined by a neonatologist during a control examination of a newborn in the maternity hospital or by a pediatrician in nursing care within the prescribed time frame. Special examination not required. In practical pediatrics differential diagnosis carried out with similar diseases. Physiological engorgement of the mammary glands should be distinguished from purulent mastitis. Milia must be differentiated from an infectious skin lesion. It is important to distinguish metrorrhagia in girls from hemorrhagic disease.

Treatment of sexual crisis in newborns

There is no special therapy for transient phenomena. If the symptoms fall within the accepted norm, treatment is not prescribed. Clinical manifestations Synkainogenesis passes on its own within 2-4 weeks without consequences. All that is required is observation of the baby and regular examinations by a pediatrician. To prevent the development of complications, it is recommended to strictly follow the rules of child care. It is necessary to keep the skin clean by bathing the newborn in warm water every day. When milia appears, no additional skin treatment is required. Do not squeeze out acne - this can lead to purulent complications.

Newborn girls who experience transient mucous or bloody discharge should be washed daily with warm water. If there is copious discharge, you should additionally wipe the genitals with a soft cotton pad. There is no need to try to wash off all the secretion - this can damage the mucous membrane of the vulva. It is important to change the diaper regularly and prevent skin contamination.

Physiological mastopathy does not require special care. In case of severe engorgement of the mammary glands, a sterile bandage is applied to prevent purulent infection of the tissue. You cannot massage the mammary glands or squeeze out secretions. When mastitis develops, it is prescribed antibacterial therapy taking into account the possible causative agent of the disease.

Prognosis and prevention

The prognosis for sexual crisis in newborns is favorable. The transient condition passes without consequences during the first month. In most children, the manifestations of a hormonal crisis subside after 1-2 weeks. In the future, synkainogenesis does not have any effect negative influence on the development of the baby. When infectious complications the prognosis depends on their severity and timeliness of medical care provided. Prevention has not been developed - synkainogenesis is not a disease, and it is impossible to prevent its occurrence.