What to expect and what to fear from a reaction to BCG? Features of BCG vaccination: vaccination schedule, contraindications and consequences BCG vaccine is administered after birth

Tuberculosis is a dangerous infectious pathology. According to WHO, about 9 million cases of Koch's bacillus infection are reported annually worldwide. The pathogen can infect the lungs and bones, leading to dangerous consequences.

Against tuberculosis is mandatory. Immunoprophylaxis is beginning to be carried out practically. Young children sometimes feel worse after vaccination.

It is important for parents to know what reactions it can cause in newborns.

The first BCG vaccination is given to children in the maternity hospital. The mother's antibodies to protect against tuberculosis infection are not passed on to the child. Therefore, vaccination is a mandatory measure to prevent a dangerous disease.

Unfortunately, vaccination gives only temporary relief. Therefore, revaccinations are carried out periodically. The second time they inject BCG at the age of 7, the third time at the age of 14.

Before each revaccination it is necessary to do this. It makes it possible to determine the presence of residual immunity or infection with Koch bacilli. In most cases, the vaccine is well tolerated.

The newborn’s body copes well with the task of forming specific immunity. Therefore, parents’ worries about the risk of side effects in vain. The main thing is that the child is absolutely healthy on the day of vaccination.

Parents' compliance with the rules of behavior after tuberculosis prevention is of great importance. In 5-10% of children, the post-vaccination period passes without any changes in well-being.

First days

Immediately after vaccination, the child begins to experience changes in well-being. This is a normal reaction of the immune system to antigenic material entering the body.

Doctors tell parents about how the post-vaccination period should proceed on the eve of administering BCG to their baby. Doctors also inform about possible side reactions and actions if they occur.

A normal reaction in the first days after a BCG injection is:

  • puncture pain;
  • pastiness, compaction in the area of ​​drug administration;
  • loss of appetite;
  • weakness;
  • moodiness;
  • itchy skin;
  • nausea;
  • redness of the injection site;
  • point inflammation;
  • drowsiness.

Normally, redness should not spread to surrounding tissues. The occurrence of hyperemia is explained by the reaction of the immune system to the introduction of antigenic material. The child's moodiness and anxiety are associated with pain in the puncture area and mild inflammation.

Unpleasant symptoms usually go away within a few days. If post-vaccination reactions do not disappear for a long time and become more pronounced, then you need to consult a doctor.

A pathological reaction to BCG can be seen by the following symptoms:

  • intense swelling;
  • pronounced redness;
  • pain of the puncture and surrounding tissues;
  • severe itching, rash.

This may indicate infection of the wound. This condition must be treated. Otherwise, there is a risk of improper formation of immunity.

A dangerous complication is the formation of an abscess and sepsis. Severe itching and rashes may indicate development. To prevent the appearance of unpleasant symptoms and complications after BCG, it is worth taking preventive measures.

Doctors advise:

  • do not make drastic changes to the child’s diet;
  • a few days before vaccination and for the same period after it, it is worth giving to the baby;
  • exclude from the menu foods that can provoke allergies;
  • not after vaccination;
  • do not visit crowded places with your baby;
  • on the day of immunoprophylaxis and for several days after it, apply.

A month later

The reaction to BCG takes a long time to develop. The puncture heals over a long period of time – up to 4 months.. Normally, an abscess forms first. If a yellow-green liquid comes out of the formed ball with watery contents, then there is no need to worry.

This reaction is considered normal. Pus should be carefully removed with a sterile bandage. The seal cannot be processed antibacterial ointments or anti-inflammatory drugs. Do not squeeze out the contents of the bottle.

After a while, the ball bursts on its own. The resulting wound becomes covered with a crust. When the scab falls off, the scar becomes visible. Such a trace indicates properly formed immunity to tuberculosis.

Normally, the scar should have a diameter of 0.2 to 1 cm. After the crust falls off, a small amount of blood may appear.

A month after vaccination, the following local reactions are allowed:

  • slight redness;
  • pastiness;
  • coloring the skin blue or brown.

Severe redness and swelling around the wound indicates the development of inflammation. It is important to stop this in time pathological process. The more pronounced and longer the normal reaction to BCG in a newborn is, the stronger and longer the anti-tuberculosis protection will be formed.

If a scar does not form at the puncture site, this indicates that the baby has not developed specific immunity. Some people are resistant to tuberculin. The pediatrician may recommend re-vaccination after some time.

The baby's temperature has risen: is it normal or a complication?

Often after BCG. This can be a normal or pathological reaction. Slight hyperthermia (37-38 degrees) is a natural symptom.

The temperature rises in response to the introduction of antigenic material, indicating the beginning of the formation of specific immunity.

Hyperthermia usually occurs on the first day after a BCG injection. The temperature may remain at high level from 2 to 4 days. The condition normalizes on its own. But there are children who react sharply to rising thermometer readings.

They may experience seizures. In this case, antipyretic medications are used. If hyperthermia is observed for a longer period (), then this may indicate the development of a pathological process.

The following complications are possible after BCG:

  • infection. Bacteria entering the wound can cause severe inflammation and an abscess. In this case, the baby will have a fever, the injection site will become red and swollen;
  • development of infectious viral disease. After vaccination, the child’s immunity weakens. Therefore, the baby becomes susceptible to infection with various viruses and infections. In addition to the high temperature, the baby appears;
  • allergy. Occurs with high sensitivity to tuberculin. An allergic reaction manifests itself as a rash, skin itching. In severe cases, anaphylactic shock may develop. In this case, loss of consciousness and respiratory dysfunction are observed;
  • development of tuberculosis. In children with weak immunity, the body may not cope with the vaccine. In this case, vaccine-associated pathology develops;
  • exacerbation chronic illness . BCG weakens the immune system. This can lead to exacerbation of chronic pathologies of internal organs. In this case, the temperature also rises.

Side effects and consequences

As a rule, BCG vaccination is tolerated normally. But some newborns develop side effects and severe complications. Bad consequences are caused by incorrect, violation of asepsis by doctors.

The quality and storage conditions of the antigenic material are also of great importance. Local complications usually registered in the first six months after immunoprophylaxis.

Adverse reactions from BCG:

  • cold abscess;
  • lymphadenitis;
  • extensive ulcers at the injection site;
  • keloid scar;
  • osteitis;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • granuloma annulare.

To minimize the likelihood of complications, you should refuse to vaccinate a child who has the following problems:

  • chronic pathologies in the acute stage;
  • the presence of an infectious viral disease;
  • (weight less than 2.5 kg at birth);
  • immune disorders (HIV infection, AIDS, psoriasis);
  • high body temperature;
  • presence of complications after BCG in close relatives.

Most often, side effects of BCG are local in nature. They occur in 0.06% of all vaccinated people.

Reaction to revaccination against tuberculosis at 7 years of age

At the age of 7, the child receives the first BCG booster vaccination. As a rule, the reaction to vaccination at this age is less pronounced than in infancy.

Usually there is a slight increase in temperature, weakness, and loss of appetite. There is slight redness and pastiness in the puncture area. Within three days the condition will normalize on its own. Since the body is already familiar with the antigenic material, adverse reactions and complications usually do not occur.

In some seven-year-old children vaccinated in infancy, the post-vaccination period is asymptomatic.

Video on the topic

About BCG vaccination at Dr. Komarovsky’s School:

Thus, after a BCG injection, certain changes are observed. The body can react to the introduction of antigenic material with local and general reactions. Hyperthermia, redness, pastiness, loss of appetite, headache. Unpleasant symptoms go away on their own within a few days.

But some newborns develop adverse reactions and complications. Such conditions cannot be ignored. It is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner. The doctor will conduct an examination, identify the cause of poor health and select an effective treatment regimen.

The reaction to BCG in newborns is expressed in the appearance of a small scar at the site of vaccination. The vaccine is given in the maternity hospital 3-6 days after the baby is born. Vaccination is necessary to protect a child from contracting tuberculosis.

Tuberculosis is infection, which is transmitted by airborne droplets. It affects not only the lungs, but also other internal organs. People who do not have immunity are susceptible to illness that leads to death and disability.

Vaccination against tuberculosis is carried out in the first days of life to provide maximum protection against the disease. BCG vaccination helps reduce complications in case of illness and eliminate death.

The injection is given to newborns in the left shoulder.

A small scar remains at the site of the vaccine. On average, it takes 60 days to develop immunity to the disease. Revaccination is mandatory at 7 years of age.


Temporary exemption from vaccination:

  • premature babies;
  • infected children;
  • in the presence of hemolytic disease.

Who is not vaccinated:

  • children with affected central nervous system;
  • HIV-infected;
  • kids, with congenital pathologies and developmental disabilities;
  • children with immunodeficiency.

In case of temporary contraindications, the administration of the vaccine is postponed until complete recovery. In absolute cases, children are not vaccinated.

What reaction to BCG is considered normal?

The reaction to vaccination in children manifests itself from the moment immunity to the disease is developed. The body responds to the vaccine within 1.5-2 months.

After the injection, a small papule forms. It resolves within the first 20 minutes. Tripe and purulent discharge appear after a month. Then the wound becomes covered with a crust, which gradually disappears.

Signs of a reaction to BCG vaccination:

  • redness around the injection site;
  • swelling;
  • change in skin tone to bluish;
  • pustule;
  • crust, scar.

The injection site heals up to 4 months. The norm for a scar is from 2 to 10 mm. After complete healing there should be no redness or swelling of the skin.

What to expect after vaccination

The baby is just getting used to the world around him 3-6 days after birth and developing immunity to diseases. A reaction to the given vaccinations may occur because the body is not yet strong enough.

A fever of up to 37.5 degrees Celsius in the first 2 days is normal as the body is exposed to the vaccine. The use of antipyretics is not required if the child feels well.

Reaction in the first days:

  1. Redness, darkening of the vaccination site. A small suppuration forms in the center. It is not recommended to treat with antiseptics or squeeze out pus.
  2. The swelling persists for 1-2 days.
  3. An allergy may develop, causing the injection site to itch.
  4. Temperature up to 37.5 degrees Celsius.

A reaction to a vaccine occurs due to the development of immunity. It is normal and does not require treatment.

The wound that appears is not treated; the use of antibacterial agents is excluded. Do not squeeze out any pus that appears.

Possible side effects

In some cases, vaccination causes complications related to the child's health. The cause may be an incorrectly placed injection or an infection.

Side effects:

  1. Allergy, itching.
  2. No scar.
  3. High body temperature.
  4. Diarrhea.
  5. Swelling and suppuration of the injection site.

Diarrhea, vomiting and fever are normal reactions child's body for the administration of the vaccine. They are not life-threatening and do not require treatment.

To exclude side effects in a child, it is recommended:

  • do not change your diet;
  • give antipyretic only at temperatures above 38.5 degrees Celsius;
  • exclude antihistamines;
  • do not bathe for the first few days.

Vaccination has an effect on the child’s body, and side effects are a protective reaction. Most often, symptoms disappear within 1-2 days.

A side effect is an irregularly shaped scar. The situation appears 6-8 months after vaccination.

  • low-quality serum;
  • incorrectly inserted needle;
  • genetic abnormalities;
  • inflammation of the injection site.

To prevent scar growth, you should consult a doctor. At 2 months, newborns must be checked for the presence of a scar, its size and quality.

Reaction time

The vaccination is done in the maternity hospital 3-6 days after birth. The reaction to the administration of the drug appears from the moment the serum acts. On average, the development of immunity begins after 30 days and lasts up to 4 months.

How does healing proceed in infants:

  • first 30 minutes – papule;
  • 30-60 days – redness, abscess, scab formation;
  • 3-4 months – small scar.

Complete healing is determined by the scar. Its diameter is less than 1 centimeter without redness or crusts.

Manifestation of reaction depending on the age of the child

The reaction to the vaccine in an infant develops more slowly, since the body encounters this type of bacteria for the first time. Most often, the main visible symptoms are: redness of the skin, cyanosis, and abscess.

Children prone to allergies are most susceptible to side effects. The reaction to the serum appears faster and more severe. To reduce the risk of complications, antihistamines are used.

With revaccination at 7 and 14 years of age, the reaction is practically invisible, complications are minimal. With reduced immunity, a teenager may experience itching, changes in stool, and fever.

Children who have innate immunity to tuberculosis do not respond to the vaccine. To determine its effectiveness, X-rays and Diaskintest are used.

What does it mean to have no reaction to a vaccine?

The absence of a scar is observed in 10% of children. When a child does not have a reaction to the BCG vaccine, a Mantoux diagnostic test is prescribed. It allows you to determine whether immunity to the disease is being developed.

In some cases, children have innate immunity, so there is no reaction. These include 2% of newborns worldwide. They are not susceptible to the disease; the Mantoux test is negative throughout their lives.

The absence of a scar most often means that the vaccine is ineffective. The Mantoux test is performed in case of a negative reaction after vaccination, before revaccination.

Papule result:

  • its absence is negative;
  • small size – doubtful;
  • from 9 to 16 mm – positive;
  • over 16 mm – excessive reaction.

A positive test indicates the effectiveness of the vaccination. A negative result is a sign of lack of immunity and will require repeat testing. BCG vaccination.

If the introduction of the vaccine does not bring results, the Mantoux test is negative, then re-vaccination They are placed not according to schedule, but 2 years after the previous one. In the absence of immunity, the child is at risk.

What complications can there be?

In 99.8% of cases, vaccination against tuberculosis occurs without complications. Rarely, children experience life-threatening consequences that require treatment and observation.


  1. Abscess. Induration and profuse suppuration appear when the drug enters the subcutaneous fatty tissue. Such a reaction will require the help of a surgeon and antibiotics.
  2. Severe allergies. It appears when the child is sensitive to the drug. Antihistamines, antiallergic ointments and tablets are used for treatment.
  3. Inflammation of the lymph node. Perhaps, if the child’s body has not coped with the development of immunity.
  4. Keloid scar. The scar tissue grows, the injection site becomes rough and has a bluish tint. The complication prohibits revaccination.
  5. Generalized BCG infection. A rare complication. It is expressed by swelling, redness, and the presence of an open ulcer.
  6. Osteitis or bone tuberculosis. Occurs against the background of reduced immunity, diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Complications require immediate attention medical care. In most cases, you will need to take medications and antibiotics. After the injection, the newborn must be monitored by a neonatologist for 24 hours.

The reaction to the BCG vaccination in the form of suppuration of the injection site and an increase in body temperature is normal. A scar formed on the shoulder indicates the effectiveness of the serum and the development of immunity. In rare cases, complications may occur that require treatment.

Tuberculosis is one of the most terrible diseases of our world. IN Lately In progressive countries, this problem has faded into the background in comparison with the epidemiological situation at the beginning of the last century, however, it has not been completely resolved. You can protect yourself from the disease BCG vaccination. Short for Bacillus Calmette-Guerin, French - Bacillus Calmette-Guérin, BCG.

Explanation of BCG vaccination

BCG vaccine has been received Guerin And Calmette based on bovine mycobacteria. Scientists subcultured this strain 230 times in an environment uncomfortable for bacteria, using bile and glycerol. Work on this began back in 1908. It turned out that after 4 years the virulence for livestock disappeared. After 13 years from the beginning of the experiment, the elimination of virulence for monkeys and rabbits was revealed. The individuals participating in the experiment received protection from mycobacteria - they were not afraid of infection in the future.

Albert Calmette (French: Leon Charles Albert Calmette) and Jean-Marie Camille Guerin (French: Jean-Marie Camille Guerin). Photo: estudiossocialesonline.com

Based on the results of many years of work, scientists created a strain named after them - BCG. In 1921, a child was vaccinated for the first time in France. The drug was administered orally.

Today, BCG vaccination and revaccination is included in the list of mandatory in 31 countries, and is recommended to the population in another 150. It is estimated that there are about 2 billion vaccinated people on the planet.

In the USSR, the medicine began to be used in 1926. In 1941, domestic scientists invented a dry vaccine. It could be stored for more than a year, while the liquid one used earlier retained its quality for only 2 weeks. This development replaced old uniform and is still used by doctors today.

A vaccine has also been developed that contains fewer bacteria in 0.1 ml of the drug (compared to the first). Observations have shown that it is sufficient to create a long-lasting effect. BCG-M (decoding sounds like Bacillus Calmette-Guérin weakened) is used both for the first vaccination and for repeated preventive measures. Both in our country and in a number of CIS countries, BCG-M is the first choice vaccine for primary immunization. The incidence of side effects for such a drug is on average 5 times less in comparison with that inherent in BCG. However, scientists do not stop improving the drug. Now the task is to completely abandon the use of living cultures. It is likely that in the future BCG will replace the more effective and safe remedy, created by genetic engineering methods, but so far the most best protection against tuberculosis - BCG vaccine.

Tuberculosis vaccine (BCG-M). Photo: old.medach.pro

This is interesting: about the name! BCG is a reading of the foreign name BCG - an abbreviation for Bacillus Calmette-Guérin.

History of BCG

  • In the USSR, compulsory vaccination of infants has existed since 1962. Russia has adopted this rule. Citizens of our country are also entitled to revaccination. Vaccination laws establish when BCG is given.
  • In England, mandatory receipt of the BCG vaccine was adopted in 1953. Until recently, all children under 13 years of age, as well as infants at risk, were required to be vaccinated. Those in contact with tuberculosis patients were subject to vaccination. Statistics show that teenagers and young adults are the most vulnerable age group, and protection during immunization lasts no more than 15 years. The population of England was vaccinated en masse during the peak of the disease. Children over the age of one year are vaccinated en masse in England. Now the British are eligible for vaccination if they have risk factors. It is recommended to do BCG if you are planning a three-month (or longer) visit to a country with an unfavorable epidemiological situation.
  • In India, mass use of the vaccine has been accepted since 1948. This country became the first non-European country to support this practice and appreciate how terrible it is that the BCG vaccine protects against.
  • In 1967, Brazil also supported immunization of the population. The laws of the country oblige medical workers to regularly administer the BCG vaccine.
  • In Germany, immediately after World War II, universal immunization was adopted. In those days, all German parents knew what the BCG vaccine would protect newborns from. long years. The practice continued until 1998, when compulsory vaccination was abolished on the recommendation of the Koch Institute. This was largely facilitated (as in England) by the favorable epidemiological situation. Selective immunization according to indications is now practiced, so parents have the right to choose whether to give BCG to their child.
  • In Malaysia and Singapore, the vaccine was previously administered to infants, then again to 12-year-olds. At the beginning of this century, the regimen was revised and the drug is administered only once - when the child is born. The next vaccination after BCG is administered a month or later.
  • Mass childhood vaccination is widespread in Latvia and Lithuania, Estonia for infants under one year of age. At the same age, children born in Bulgaria, Hungary, and Romania must receive the medicine. The practice is similar in Slovakia, where parents know exactly whether their children can go for walks after BCG (yes, they can). Children over the age of one year are vaccinated en masse in Malta and Norway. This practice is followed by Greece and France, where the administration of the BCG vaccine is mandatory.
  • The Austrians and Belgians, the Danes, Italians and Spaniards abandoned mass immunization of children. This position is shared by doctors from Cyprus and Andorra, Sweden and Slovenia.
  • Selective immunization of children is recommended in Switzerland, the Netherlands, and the Czech Republic. This practice is followed in Luxembourg. Although reactions after BCG are usually only local, the incidence of tuberculosis in these countries is so low that they become a sufficient reason to refuse the medicine.

What is the BCG vaccine for?

BCG (Bacillus Calmette-Guerin) - tuberculosis vaccine. It is sold in pharmacies in the form of a lyophilisate. Immediately before use, the powder is diluted and the medicine is injected into the skin.

Storing BCG vaccine in diluted form is not allowed!

Composition of the BCG vaccine

The BCG vaccine contains 0.05 mg of microbial cells and a stabilizer - monosodium glutamate. There are no antibiotics or preservatives in the medicine. The kit usually comes with a solvent. This is the one with which the solution is prepared.

The instructions describe the BCG vaccine as a porous mass resembling powder or compressed into a lacy tablet. This is a hygroscopic substance. Many consumers are interested in what the BCG vaccination looks like. When diluted, it is a light liquid containing flakes. When the drug is administered, a vaccine strain of mycobacteria enters the body, which begins to reproduce and initiates the formation of a long-term infection.

BCG vaccine. Photo: diabetes-control.ru

Indications for vaccination

  • infants born and living in areas with an unfavorable epidemiological situation;
  • children, if they are at particular risk, live in low-endemic areas;
  • persons who regularly come into contact with sources of mycobacteria.

In the latter case, this is especially true if the mycobacterium is resistant to classical drugs. With constant contact with patients, not only a one-time administration of BCG is indicated: repeated administration is necessary, and the frequency is determined based on the nuances of the situation.

Active prevention is carried out if the incidence of tuberculosis exceeds 80 cases per 100,000 people. If a child is surrounded by tuberculosis patients, he or she must be vaccinated with BCG.

Contraindications to BCG vaccination

  • severe immunity disorders;
  • congenital immunodeficiency (including suspicion of such);
  • leukemia;
  • multifocal oncology;
  • taking medications that suppress the immune system;
  • pregnancy;
  • the vaccine cannot be administered if the child is born premature and weighs less than 2.5 kg;
  • the vaccine is not given due to intrauterine malnutrition (stages 3-4);
  • if there are no tests for HIV of the mother during pregnancy, as well as the presence positive result such an analysis. In this case, only at 18 months of age is the exact HIV status determined, after which a decision is made on the possibility of immunization. Although BCG vaccination is well tolerated after a year, it is recommended to change the drug to BCG-M;
  • You cannot vaccinate a person during the period acute illness or exacerbation of chronic. In this case, the administration is postponed, waiting for recovery or remission;
  • the reason for the withdrawal is severe blood diseases: BCG is either prohibited or postponed;
  • if a person has received immunosuppressants or undergone a course of radiation, vaccination is done six months later or later.

This is interesting: a pregnancy exemption! There is no confirmed information about the dangers of immunization during pregnancy. Vaccination is not carried out due to established general practice.

Repeated BCG vaccination

  • revaccination cannot be carried out during periods of acute illness or exacerbation of chronic disease. This includes cases. BCG is used one month after recovery or remission;
  • immunodeficiency;
    treatment with immunosuppressants, radiation (the entire period and six months after it);
  • infection with mycobacteria;
  • non-negative Mantoux test result;
  • severe reactions to a previous tuberculosis vaccine;
  • HIV infection.

If a person has received another vaccination, BCG can be administered a month after it - not earlier. An exception is the BCG vaccine “Imuron-vac”, used for bladder cancer.

Imuron-vac (BCG vaccine for the treatment of bladder cancer). Photo: poisklekarstv.com

Consequences of BCG vaccination

A lot of controversy about the need for vaccination against tuberculosis is due to the fact that BCG relatively often causes side effects. As a rule, these are local reactions - swelling, redness, papule, small ulcer. It is possible to increase the temperature after BCG. During the initial administration of the vaccine, the reaction is observed after a month and disappears within 2-3 months, although deviations in the timing are possible. If the BCG vaccination site turns red, there is no reason to panic. With repeated immunization, a local reaction is recorded in the first two weeks. The area must be protected from mechanical impact. On average, in 95% of cases, vaccination leads to the appearance of a scar (up to 1 cm) after BCG. In rare cases, more severe reactions have occurred.

Complications from BCG vaccination

  • lymphadenitis;
  • ulcer;
  • keloid scar;
  • abscess;
  • lupus;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • allergic syndrome.

Risk fatal outcome estimated at 0.19 per million vaccinated. Almost always the cause is the unintentional administration of a dose of BCG vaccine to a person whose cellular immunity greatly weakened. Regional lymphadenitis is almost always observed against the background of a very weak immune system. Infants have a higher risk of developing purulent lymphadenitis. To avoid this, use BCG-M. BCG is not administered to premature babies; the weakened version of BCG-M is always chosen.

Reaction to BCG vaccination. Photo: cgb-vuf74.ru

Do I need to get the BCG vaccine?

Back in 1935, trials began to confirm the effectiveness of the vaccine. The results of the work, which lasted until 1975, are ambiguous. The best results were observed in North America and northern Europe. In the tropics, low or no protection has been recorded. The reasons for this are the immunogenicity of the strains, genetic stability, as well as the specific influence of mycobacteria on humans depending on the climate. The bacilli that people encounter every day provide basic protection against mycobacteria. It, in turn, is strengthened by immunization. 10 studies were conducted that showed that the average protection of the live BCG vaccine against tuberculosis reaches 86%.

This is interesting: age plays a role! The reliability of vaccination is higher for newborns. The older the person, the less benefit from vaccination, since at the age of 10 years and older tuberculosis is more often diagnosed in the secondary form.

Many people doubt the need for immunization, especially mass immunization. WHO specialists have released a special document, translated into many languages, explaining why the BCG vaccination is so significant. Among people aged 15-59 years, tuberculosis has the highest number of victims. Of the potentially fatal preventable cases, 26% are caused by it. In developing countries, young women most often die due to this disease, and not due to complications of pregnancy and childbirth. The incidence rate is regularly rising, especially in countries with poor living standards. Last years marked by the emergence of drug-resistant mycobacteria. This significantly worsens the prognosis of treatment, while at the same time making the treatment process much more expensive. Administration of BCG to newborns is the best way to prevent the disease.

Doctors are sounding the alarm: over the years, bacteria will develop resistance to our time, and then to newer and more advanced ones. Of course, an improvement in the economic situation leads to a decrease in the incidence rate, but this takes decades. The only thing you can do right now is get immunized. It will not prevent the reactivation of a latent disease, and this condition is highly likely to lead to death, but BCG vaccination prevents infection in children and adolescents and saves thousands of lives across the planet.

The BCG vaccine is inexpensive and available all over the world. Administration of the drug may cause undesirable effects, but in general it is considered safe. Just one injection is enough. Of course, there are disadvantages, but immunization is currently a life-saving measure in many countries. Every year, about 100 million children receive their first TB vaccine. BCG is the oldest vaccine used in the world. It is not necessary to know what the abbreviation of the name means (its decoding), but everyone should know what the BCG vaccination is for.

Doubts about the need for vaccination are due to the risk of complications (more often at the site of administration of the BCG vaccine), as well as the improvement of the epidemiological situation in many countries. Unfortunately, everything is not so positive. Although the incidence rate is low in developed countries, atypical forms of the disease are increasingly being identified - the pathogen does not respond to medications. This forces us to re-raise the question of the need for mass vaccination, and doctors explain over and over again why and when they are vaccinated with BCG. The strains used by doctors come from the isolate created by Guerin and Calmette, but the work did not stop there. Over the past years, new strains have been invented that differ in phenotype and genotype. Largely because of this, it is difficult to list which BCG vaccines exist - there are quite a lot of them.

Since 1956, WHO has kept seed series to prevent new changes. The bacilli are extracted from the inoculum and cultivated under specific conditions, then filtered, concentrated, and diluted. The diluted preparation contains not only living bacteria, but also dead ones. None of the known strains have obvious benefits; everyone gives immunity after BCG. Scientists have not reached a consensus on the optimal strain that everyone should use.

Mycobacteria from the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex group or Koch's bacillus. Photo: sharestory.me

Expert opinion on the importance of the BCG vaccine

Answered by Senkina Tatyana Ivanovna, candidate of medical sciences, pulmonologist, phthisiatrician.

Senkina Tatyana Ivanovna, candidate of medical sciences, pulmonologist, phthisiatrician

“In 1921, in France, Calmette used the BCG vaccine for the first time to prevent tuberculosis in a 6-year-old child. Further observations of this child for 5 years showed that he did not contract tuberculosis.

In the USSR, BCG vaccination began in 1926, initially as a scientific research.

By the thirties and forties, clinical observations of children vaccinated with BCG and a control group of children who did not receive the vaccine were completed. It was found that the incidence of tuberculosis among children who received the vaccine is 7 times less than among unvaccinated children. In addition, if there were cases of tuberculosis in vaccinated children, the forms of tuberculosis were uncomplicated with a favorable outcome.

Various vaccine administration methods, including oral. In the course of scientific work, the most optimal method of administering the vaccine has been established - intradermal. Unfortunately, the vaccine had a short shelf life, making it difficult to transport within the country.

Since 1937, work began to find methods to extend the shelf life of the vaccine. In 1962, WHO approved the requirements for dry vaccine. Each country produces the BCG vaccine with different levels of viable mycobacteria involved in creating immunity. The Russian BCG vaccine (N.F. Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology) contains 8 million/mg of live bacteria. The vaccination dose of the domestic vaccine contains 500-600 thousand bacteria capable of growing on nutrient media.

Clinical observations of the body's reaction to BCG vaccination are confirmed by data from pathomorphologists. The main changes develop in the lymph node system, reticuloendothelial apparatus of the liver, spleen and lungs. Changes in the body when the vaccine is administered begin in the first weeks after vaccination and increase after 3-4 months.

In 4-6 weeks after vaccination at the site of intradermal injection of the vaccine, a specific reaction develops in the form of an infiltrate with a diameter of 5-8 mm with a small nodule in the center. The nodule increases in size and turns into a pustule with caseous contents. The pustule may open, releasing a drop of thick pus - caseosis. A hemorrhagic crust forms over the opened pustule, under which caseation again accumulates. After 2-3 days, the crust is removed, a drop of caseosis is removed. And so on several times. Each time the crust becomes smaller in diameter, a post-vaccination scar is gradually formed.In some children (about 16% of all those vaccinated with BCG), a scar does not form, which is due to the innate characteristics of the immune system. But this does not mean that a child who received the BCG vaccine and who subsequently did not develop a post-vaccination scar is not protected from tuberculosis. Local vaccination reaction does not require any intervention. In children with normal immunity, the BCG vaccine does not cause any pathologies.

Currently, in addition to the BCG vaccine, it has been used since 1986 BCG-M vaccine for gentle immunization. This vaccine differs from the BCG vaccine in that the vaccination dose contains a smaller amount of dead microbial bodies, which helps reduce nonspecific allergic effects on the human body.

From 2020 planned cancellation of revaccinations of BCG and BCG-M at 7 years and 14 years. That is, a child should be vaccinated against tuberculosis once, preferably in early childhood.”

When is the BCG vaccine given?

The tuberculosis vaccine is given 3-7 days after birth. Revaccination is indicated at the age of 6-7 years. Sometimes BCG is administered at one year or at another age, if there were reasons for withdrawal within the standard time frame. BCG vaccination after one year requires a preliminary Mantoux test.

BCG vaccination schedule. Photo: deskgram.cc

What to do if vaccination deadlines are missed

The vaccination calendar states that the child should receive the vaccine in the 1st week of life. A second BCG vaccination is also given at age 7. Due to various reasons (illness, etc.), withdrawal during this period is possible. This does not mean that vaccination is not needed in principle. The doctor will assess the patient’s condition, analyze the reason for the withdrawal, explain how many times BCG is usually given to a child, and choose a more appropriate time to give the injection, if there are no strict contraindications to this.

Where is the BCG vaccination given?

The drug is administered intradermally. A single dose of BCG for children is 0.05 mg. To dissolve the powder, use 0.1 ml of sodium chloride.

Primary vaccination is usually indicated on the day of discharge from the hospital. If deviations are identified, vaccination is prescribed immediately after recovery. Usually, BCG is not used after the maternity hospital, giving preference to BCG-M. If the child is two months old or older, a Mantoux test must first be done. The personal card indicates the date of the event, the name of the vaccine, the manufacturer, its expiration date and the batch number. By the way, the opinion that you can’t bathe after BCG is just a common myth. The water is safe, but rubbing and scratching the area is really prohibited.

  • The vaccine is sealed under vacuum conditions, so you must first cut the ampoule and only then break off the head. One ampoule contains 10 doses.
  • Using a syringe, transfer 1 ml of liquid into the ampoule and wait for dissolution for one minute. The finished product is a coarse suspension; color - white, grayish or slightly yellowish. It must be used immediately. Protect from light with a black paper cylinder. For diluted BCG vaccine, the shelf life is an hour.
  • 2 doses of the vaccine are drawn into the syringe, half of the product is released with a needle, displacing the air. Having filled the syringe, they immediately give an injection.
  • The BCG vaccine is administered intradermally. Zone - left shoulder, outer part, border of the first and second thirds.
  • Pre-disinfect the area with alcohol.
  • The bevel of the needle is inserted into the stretched skin. First, a very small amount of medicine is injected to check the correct position of the needle, then the rest of the volume is injected.
  • If a white papule appears after injection, it means the injection was done correctly. After BCG injection, the size of the papule is up to 9 mm. The trail lasts for about half an hour. This reaction to BCG in a child is an absolute norm.

The risk of an abscess after BCG, when administered correctly, is minimal.

Where is BCG vaccination given to newborns? Photo: slide-share.ru

Preparing for BCG vaccination

No specific measures are required. The doctor examines the child, checks the temperature. Parents give official voluntary consent.

In some cases, it is necessary to further examine the child or show him to a specialist. The need for such measures will be determined by the attending physician, who assesses the risks of complications after BCG vaccination.

If the child is older than 2 months, a Mantoux test must first be done, based on the results of which the possibility of immunization is determined. At the appointment, the doctor will explain how many days after Mantoux BCG can be administered without fear. The period ranges from 3 to 14 days.

There are no special rules regulating what to do after a BCG vaccination.

The introduction of other vaccines is allowed only a month or more after the BCG vaccination. If a person has received any vaccinations previously, at least a month must pass before BCG is administered. The exception is primary.

BCG-M is a gentle version of the BCG vaccine. One dose contains 0.025 mg of live bacteria. The halved number of bacteria is the main difference between BCG and BCG-M.

Indications for BCG-M

  • premature;
  • infants weighing less than 2.5 kg;
  • children who are not immunized on time.

BCG-M vaccine. Photo: khersonline.net

Contraindications to BCG-M

BCG-M cannot be used if the child weighs less than 2 kg, in case of acute illness, primary immunodeficiency, or cancer. The drug is contraindicated during treatment with immunosuppressants and radiation. The following are considered contraindications for the use of BCG-M:

  • presence in the family of persons with generalized tuberculosis;
  • Maternal HIV infection.

Side effects

After BCG-M, side effects are less common, but they are possible. These are mostly local skin manifestations- swelling, redness, superficial scar.

Vaccination scheme

The effect of the vaccine is identical to BCG: the strain entering the body causes a cellular reaction, leading to the formation of long-term immunity. Immunization is indicated for newborns: BCG-M must be administered in the first week of life. Repeated administration is indicated at 7 years of age if a previously performed Mantoux test gave a negative result. If you did not get vaccinated in the first week, you can get immunized in the first 2 months of life without a preliminary diagnosis of tuberculosis. If more than 2 months have passed, you first need to do a Mantoux test.

The instructions for the BCG-M vaccine indicate the need for injection into the skin.

  • The dose is dissolved in 0.1 ml of sodium chloride immediately before use.
  • 2 doses are drawn into the syringe, the plunger is brought to the level of 0.1 ml and the drug is injected into the left shoulder (outer side).
  • First, the skin is disinfected, then it is stretched, a needle is inserted, the correct insertion is checked, and all the medicine is released from the syringe. This leads to the appearance of a standard reaction to BCG-M: a white papule about 9 mm in diameter. Normally, it disappears in the next half hour.

Scheme of administration of the BCG-M vaccine. Photo: yandex.ru


Although there has been a lot of debate lately about the need for vaccinations in general and the prevention of tuberculosis in particular, most doctors believe that vaccination is vital. Many reputable scientists speak out for and against BCG. Much depends on the epidemiological situation in the area of ​​residence, but it should be remembered that even in a prosperous area there is a danger of infection. IN unfavorable conditions it is unacceptably high, and a vaccine is the only measure to prevent a serious disease.

Undoubtedly, the arguments of opponents are no less compelling: the use of the BCG vaccine provokes adverse reactions. Although they are very rare, the risks remain. If they are comparable to or higher than the risk of contracting tuberculosis, if the medical policy in the country and the peculiarities of the epidemiological situation allow it, you can refuse vaccination. In some cases, no arguments can outweigh the benefits of long-term protection against tuberculosis.

Since babies often get sick and are susceptible to many infections, vaccination is mandatory for them. BCG is the introduction of bacteria into the body that help the active production of immune bodies to protect the body from tuberculosis. This is a particularly dangerous disease for children, and if such measures are not taken, the consequences can be very severe, even fatal. BCG vaccination in newborns is done immediately after the birth of the child.

What is vaccination against tuberculosis?

Many young parents are confused by the BCG vaccination, why are newborns given this vaccine, and is it really necessary immediately after the baby is born? They are openly afraid of such a procedure. After all, BCG is performed within the first 7 days after birth, and sometimes earlier, in the maternity hospital. In fact, the preventive measure is safe for infants, and complications can only arise if precautions are not followed, injection rules are not taken into account, and contraindications are not taken into account.
Some mothers and fathers give their counterarguments against vaccination, believing that the child has no chance of becoming infected with it dangerous disease, but against the backdrop of increasing cases of the disease in a healthy population with normal social status, the risk of infection still exists.
Based on the fact that the disease is transmitted by airborne droplets, and tuberculosis bacillus is resistant in the external environment; a baby can become infected in any public place– in a medical institution, in the elevator of your own home, from a sick neighbor.

As for the decoding of BCG in newborns, this abbreviation means bacillus Calmette-Guerin, translated from Latin into Russian BCG - this is BCG. The solution for such an injection contains only a liquid mixture of weakened pathogenic bacteria and no foreign, let alone toxic, components.

Why is it so necessary to perform BCG in infants? This is explained by the fact that tuberculosis is dangerous due to its complications, in particular it can spread to the respiratory organs, lungs, and also to the membranes of the baby’s brain, causing meningitis.

Due to the fact that tuberculosis bacteria continue to adapt even to drugs, scientists continue to work on improving the old vaccine formula. In this regard, we can say that there can be no talk of a complete guarantee against the disease, but at least there is a chance to reduce the risk of infection.

Restrictions on vaccination

So, the first vaccination is carried out in the maternity hospital. When BCG vaccination is given to newborns, the reaction of healthy children is quite adequate and should not cause concern.
As a rule, the next procedure is prescribed when the baby turns seven years old. But for this we need good reasons, such as a child living in a dysfunctional family, in unsanitary conditions. Also, the reason may be incorrect, meager nutrients, nutrition. In a word, everything that leads to reduced immunity. An indicator of this is the negative Mantoux reaction. It is also advisable to repeat the procedure at the age of 14 under circumstances forcing this in the teenager’s life.

In newborns, contraindications to the vaccine may be due to the following factors:

  • when a child is born from a mother with HIV infection;
  • with dermatosis with the manifestation of purulent lesions;
  • if the baby was infected while in the mother’s womb;
  • when the baby is underweight at birth and weighs less than two and a half kilograms;
  • with accelerated breakdown of red blood cells in a baby ( hemolytic anemia immune type);
  • with hereditary metabolic disorders (enzymopathy);
  • for genomic pathologies such as Down syndrome;
  • if the baby had a brain injury while passing through the birth canal.

In addition, when holding an event in a clinic, the following contraindications are taken into account:

  • benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • radiotherapy taking place;
  • exacerbation of any disease;
  • autoimmune diseases.

Also, you should not get vaccinated if one of the older children in the family had a negative reaction to BCG. It is not given to children whose family has relatives or family members suffering from tuberculosis.

In situations where, for some reason, BCG vaccination in newborns is not done in the maternity hospital, the procedure can be carried out in a children's clinic or specialized dispensary. Mothers should know that vaccination is not carried out in any place other than government medical institutions.

Moreover, before an event held later than the due date, the baby must first undergo the Mantoux reaction.

Vaccination technique

Usually, the baby is vaccinated before the mother leaves the hospital. This is the fourth or sixth day after his birth. The hepatitis vaccine is given before BCG. As a rule, the child’s body copes with such a load quite quickly.

Rules for introducing a bacterial culture:

  • the injection is given in the left shoulder area;
  • this is one or two or three punctures located nearby;
  • the injection is carried out only inside the skin, capturing the outer and middle layers.

Illiterate, deeper or intramuscular injection is unacceptable, as it can lead to complications in the newborn’s condition. The injection should be carried out in the area of ​​​​the border of the upper and middle shoulder. Sterility of all instruments is required, so a disposable syringe is used.
It is considered normal when a raised white bump becomes noticeable at the injection site. In most cases, it disappears on the same day. Sometimes hyperemia and an abscess may occur, but then, after about 6-7 days, a scab forms in this area. Sometimes the color around it changes, but this should not be a cause for concern. As a result, a small scar will remain on the skin.
It is important to remember that about a month must pass after BCG before any other vaccinations are given. For children who have relative contraindications or reduced immunity, a special BCG-M vaccine is used - it contains a reduced amount of bacterial culture.

Pathological reaction to BCG in children

It happens that the child’s reaction is far from normal. Such abnormalities should be identified and the infant should be urgent treatment. If swelling occurs around the injection, turning into edema and accompanied by significant redness spreading to neighboring areas, parents should immediately take the baby to the doctor.

The specialist dealing with this problem is a phthisiatrician.

Complications that are possible with vaccination:

  1. Formation of a non-healing ulcer at the injection site. Unfortunately, this phenomenon is due to the characteristics of the child’s body.
  2. Accumulation of lymph, blood and other components of cellular contents in the skin tissue. Such seals are inflammatory in nature.
  3. Enlargement of the lymph nodes to a significant size - lymphadenitis manifests itself due to an infection that has entered the skin.
  4. If the injection is incorrect, an abscess can occur - a hidden abscess without signs of inflammation. Typically, this pathology occurs one and a half months after vaccination. Sometimes the autopsy requires the help of a surgeon.
  5. The appearance of dermatological rashes on the body is also considered abnormal. This is the so-called post-vaccination syndrome.
  6. Rough scar - growth connective tissue, has a bright red color. The reasons for this phenomenon are often genetic predisposition newborn

The most severe and dangerous deviation is infection. This option is not very common; its roots lie in the deficiency of immune bodies in the baby. The anomaly may result from non-compliance with contraindications to the procedure.

No less sad is the damage to bone tissue by tuberculosis bacteria. Tuberculous osteomyelitis is a serious disease that quickly becomes chronic, so treatment should be started without delay.

BCG vaccination in newborns is carried out on a voluntary basis. Although parents may refuse it, they should think seriously before leaving their baby without proper protection. Moreover, complications do not arise if the child is healthy in all respects.

From the first days of life, a newborn becomes familiar with vaccinations.

One of the first vaccines administered to a baby is BCG - a special culture of active and inactive microorganisms that contribute to the development of its own immunity against tuberculosis.

Vaccine introduction does not provide 100% guarantee protection against tuberculosis, but significantly reduces the risk of mortality when infected with severe forms - tuberculous meningitis and disseminated tuberculosis.

Why is BCG prescribed to newborns?

Why are newborns vaccinated? The main purpose of BCG is prevention dangerous forms tuberculosis, preventing the disease from becoming active. Tuberculosis affects children at any age; the course of the disease in a child is severe, even fatal. A vaccinated child when the pathogen disappears - Koch's bacilli- will tolerate the disease more easily, in uncomplicated forms.

Photo 1. Newborns are vaccinated so that the body produces antibodies to the disease.

Goals of vaccination BCG among newborns:

  • prevention development open forms tuberculosis and complications;
  • control morbidity among infants and older adults;
  • prevention outbreaks of tuberculosis epidemics (this function of vaccination is not always achievable due to fashionable tendencies to refuse vaccinations, beliefs in their negative impact on the child's body).

When is the vaccine given and how does it proceed?

Many parents do not understand why BCG put to the fragile baby. The purpose of vaccination in the first days of life is to instill in the body weakened microorganisms, before acquaintance with the active pathogen occurs.

Important. The administration of the BCG vaccine to newborns has reduced the incidence of tuberculosis in children to a minimum.

When is the vaccine given? BCG is given to newborns in the maternity hospital at 3-4 days of life in the absence of contraindications. The vaccine is easily tolerated in the vast majority of cases. Reactions to BCG in newborns deferred and develop some time after vaccination.

Reaction in newborns is normal

TO normal reactions to vaccination include local skin manifestations and fever.

  • BCG redness- normal post-vaccination reaction; The vaccine injection site not only turns red, but mild suppuration often appears.
  • The area of ​​redness is normal small, does not apply to surrounding tissues. The appearance of redness is caused by a local reaction of the skin to the introduction of a serum foreign to the body.
  • Occasionally appears at the injection site keloid scar- a bulging red lesion. A small keloid scar is not considered a deviation.
  • Swelling at the site of vaccine administration there is a local reaction; normally the swelling lasts no longer than 3 days, after which it subsides on its own. Afterwards, the injection site does not differ from neighboring areas of the skin, does not rise or swell.
  • The process of putrefaction and abscess formation at the BCG injection site. The process of suppuration in the delayed period is normal. Vaccination in case correct setting looks like a small purulent formation(abscess), covered in the center with a thin crust.
  • Inflammation in place of BCG - a typical reaction within the normal range. Small inflammatory process occurs in a delayed period, when an abscess forms.
  • Itchy skin at the site of vaccine administration. In the post-vaccination period, mild to moderate itching is sometimes observed, associated with healing and regeneration of the skin. In addition to itching sensations, discomfort may occur under the crust of the abscess. Main - avoid scratching injection site, this is fraught with infection.
  • Temperature increase after BCG - a rare occurrence. A rise in temperature to subfebrile levels ( 37-37.3°, less often until 37.5°) more often occurs not immediately after vaccination, but during the period of occurrence of vaccination reactions, after 4-5 weeks after injection. Temperature accompanies the process of BCG suppuration. Some children develop a reaction in the form of temperature jumps - from 36.4° to 37.5° in a short time interval. This does not apply to pathology.

Attention! An important point that distinguishes normal from complication: the skin around the abscess should be normal, without redness or swelling.

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Possible deviations: photo

Variants of abnormal post-vaccination reactions:

  • Redness, covering not only the injection site, but also surrounding tissue; the skin has an intense red tint, the reddened area is hot to the touch.

Photo 2. The injection site itself and the skin around it turned very red. Could be a sign negative reaction for the vaccine.

  • Suppuration and the formation of an abscess (pimple, infiltrate) in the first days after vaccination.
  • Intense swelling, the injection site is significantly elevated above healthy skin; swelling does not go away after 3-4 days after BCG.

Photo 3. The injection site rises significantly above the healthy skin, there is intense swelling.

  • Diffuse inflammation, covering adjacent areas of skin on the shoulder.
  • Temperature rise above 38.5° immediately after vaccination and in the delayed period; temperature stays over 2-3 days contract.

Photo 4. A newborn baby's temperature is changed using an electronic thermometer. The norm at this age ranges from 36 to 37 degrees.

The appearance of post-vaccination reactions deviating from the norm means that the BCG administration technique was wrong, the requirements for sterility were ignored.

Individual characteristics child's body, weakness and immaturity of the newborn's immune system influence on the development of negative manifestations after BCG.

How does BCG heal a day, a month, a year after vaccination?

The way the healing process of vaccinations proceeds in newborns differs from the course post-vaccination periods after other vaccinations. How BCG heals in newborns There are several stages in the healing of the injection site:

  • immediately after vaccination is acceptable slight redness, swelling, through 48-72 hours the injection site does not stand out among healthy skin;
  • later 21-42 days a spot forms at the injection site, then appears infiltrate- dense formation, increased in volume; permissible diameter no more than 1 cm;
  • appearance bubble filled with transparent contents, it becomes cloudy over time;
  • education on the surface of the abscess, thin pink or reddish crusts;
  • education by 5-6 months scar diameter from 3 to 10 mm;
  • the scar takes on its final appearance by 12 months, it is usually hardly noticeable due to its surface structure and color, close to healthy skin.

The normal healing process from the appearance of the bleb to the appearance of the scar takes 3-4 months. The infiltrate sometimes breaks through with the flow of purulent exudate - this is normal course healing.

It is important not to treat the injection site with antiseptics - this interferes with the adequate effect of the vaccine.

Interferes with normal healing and scar formation negative factors: weakening of the body, allergic reactions, violation of vaccination rules (failure to follow the injection technique, incorrect selection of needles, poor sterility), improper care of the infiltrate during the period of suppuration (mechanical damage, smearing with iodine).

Consequences and complications - why the vaccine festers

The likelihood of complications in newborns after vaccination is quite low. Complications after BCG in newborns include conditions associated with a serious deterioration in the health of the newborn and requiring qualified care.

Important. Negative consequences occur more often in children born with reduced immunity(for example, if the mother was a carrier of HIV infection).

According to the frequency of occurrence among complications of BCG are in the lead local (local) manifestations:

  • lymphadenitis- inflammatory process in lymph nodes- develops in one newborn out of a thousand vaccinated;
  • cold abscess- pathological area at the site of vaccine administration, filled with pus, without symptoms of an inflammatory reaction; a complication occurs when the BCG technique is violated (the vaccine is injected under the skin);
  • extensive ulcerative defect diameter over 1 cm- bleeding wound that is difficult to heal at the injection site; ulcers as complications appear when the newborn is hypersensitive to the components of the vaccine and requires local treatment antibacterial agents;
  • extensive rough(keloid) scar— skin response to foreign vaccine cells; presence of a small scar ( up to 0.5 cm) does not relate to pathology; large rough scars ( over 1 cm) with bulging edges require monitoring by a phthisiatrician and pediatrician;
  • osteitisdangerous complication BCG occurs extremely rarely - one baby by 200 thousand vaccinated; Osteitis develops after 6-24 months after vaccination in the form of tuberculous bone lesions; at risk are children with congenital dysfunctions of the immune system;
  • generalized BCG infection- a serious condition that occurs in infants with serious immune disorders; frequency of occurrence - one vaccinated out of 100 thousand;
  • acute allergic reactions in the form of a sudden rash all over the body, severe itching develop in newborns with a tendency to allergies.

Useful video

It is important to know how the BCG vaccination works on a child’s body, what vaccines exist and are being developed now, and why it should be given at all.

When you can’t do without a doctor - what to do

BCG is considered “light” compared to other vaccinations. Most of newborns tolerate both direct vaccination and the process of infiltrate formation and healing. But there is list of reactions on BCG during administration and during healing, during which consultation with a doctor is necessary:

  • acute skin manifestations(swelling, bloating, suppuration, abscess) with dimensions over 1 cm and soreness;
  • general sudden or prolonged (longer than 2-3 days) deterioration of the child's condition, including refusal to eat, drowsiness, sudden crying, change in stool;
  • temperature over 38-38.5°, difficult to correct with antipyretics;
  • enlarged and painful lymph nodes.

Important. Newborns who have given an inadequate response to BCG administration should be supervision by a phthisiatrician. If the complications are severe, specific therapy will be required to restore the body. Subsequently, for such children, the issue of BCG revaccination is decided individually.

BCG is an important vaccination, the timely production of which allows really protect your child from fatal forms of tuberculosis. Many parents are afraid of the vaccine, believing that its effect is not justified, and adverse reactions will seriously undermine the baby’s health. This opinion is wrong - with a responsible approach to vaccination, the risk of complications is reduced to zero.

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