All about microbial eczema. Microbial eczema on the legs: description, medical history, manifestation and treatment methods Clinical signs of microbial eczema are

According to statistics, eczema occupies a leading position in the list of various skin diseases. She accounts for about 40% of cases of appeals for skin diseases. Doctors diagnose microbial eczema in 12-25% of cases of complaints about eczematous skin lesions.

Unlike true or professional eczema, microbial eczema develops against the background of existing diseases, and not as a result of ordinary contact with an allergen, which caused an inadequate immune response with activation of lymphocytes. Its development requires the presence of lesions on the skin in the form of scratches, abrasions, cuts, trophic ulcers, mycoses (fungal lesions), purulent wounds, eczematous lesions of an allergic nature.

Foci of chronic infection can be located both outside (exogenous eczema) and inside the body (endogenous pathology). In the second case, we are talking about odontogenic infections with localization in the head and neck, inflammatory pathologies of the ENT organs, the digestive and genitourinary systems.

Causes of microbial eczema

As we already understood, malfunctioning of the immune system contributes to the occurrence of microbial eczema against the background of recurrent skin diseases. In other words, further development the bacterial-inflammatory process is promoted by reduced immunity.

But on the other hand, a decrease in immunity also does not occur from scratch. Malfunctions of the immune system (autoimmune reactions) and the weakening of the body's defenses are primarily promoted by bacterial and viral agents. Frequently recurring viral diseases, the chronic course of bacterial and fungal pathologies negatively affect the state of the immune system, which simply does not have time to rest and gain strength. The depletion of the immune system leads to malfunctions in its work.

Disorders of the central nervous system and pathology of the brain, as the main regulatory organ of the human body, can also cause malfunctions in the immune system, leading to the development of eczematous skin reactions. Diseases of internal organs, such as the liver, kidneys, and digestive tract organs, can also contribute to the development of microbial eczema.

Eczema is one of the manifestations of allergies, which develops as a result of inadequate functioning of the immune system, when the latter reacts too actively to certain stimuli. This means that allergic reactions may well cause the development of various types of pathology, both primary and secondary, such as microbial eczema.

Disruptions to work endocrine system lead to metabolic disorders and fluctuations in hormonal levels, which also confuses the immune system, which instantly reacts to any changes in the body.

In some cases, the influence of hereditary factor... Inadequate functioning of the immune system can be caused by gene mutations that are passed from generation to generation, or pathologies of fetal development in the prenatal period. By the way, the human immune system develops up to 15 years, which means that the impact of negative factors in childhood can lead to impaired immune function in adults.

Microbial eczema can develop against the background of existing bacterial and fungal skin lesions, long time non-healing wounds, varicose veins of superficial veins with impaired blood flow in them (congestion in the vessels of the skin sometimes leads to the development of varicose eczema).

Risk factors

Risk factors for the development of bacterial-inflammatory skin pathology can be:

  • insufficient skin hygiene,
  • emotional lability and frequent stress,
  • chronic diseases,
  • frequent cases of infectious diseases,
  • increased radiation or environmental pollution,
  • violation of the integrity of the skin during cosmetic procedures and insufficient care for it (for example, microbial eczema can develop against the background of a post-traumatic form of eczematous skin lesions, which is caused by damage to the skin during tattooing).


The pathogenesis of eczema, including microbial eczema, is based on an inadequate response to antigens entering the body from the outside or forming inside it. Antigens that cause various allergic reactions in the form of rash, itching, swelling and redness of tissues that we see with eczema are called allergens. However, not all antigens (and not always) can cause an allergic inflammatory reaction.

Most often, the development of microbial eczema is observed against the background of streptococcal or staphylococcal infections, as well as skin lesions by fungi. However, the influence of other causative agents of various inflammatory pathologies is not excluded.

The mechanism of development of the inflammatory reaction is based on increased secretion of prostaglandins produced from fatty acids and which are mediators of inflammation, increase the production of histamine and serotonin and suppress the reactions of cellular immunity. As a result, an inflammatory process develops in the tissues of the body, in which the permeability of the vascular walls increases, intercellular edema is formed (in in this case dermis and epidermis).

It aggravates and consolidates the wrong reaction of the immune system of the central nervous system, in the work of which in patients with microbial eczema, certain malfunctions are also noticed, affecting the processes of cellular nutrition (tissue trophism).

It is rather difficult to name a specific reason for the development of endogenous eczema, as well as explain why allergic reaction on internal pathogens has external manifestations. However, scientists can answer with great confidence the question of concern to many: is microbial eczema contagious? No, it is not infectious, since it is of an allergic nature, which means that it cannot be transmitted by contact. Only bacteria can be transmitted to others, but not the body's response to them. Further, it all depends on the state of immunity of the person coming into contact with the patient.

Microbial eczema symptoms

Microbial eczema is one of the varieties of eczematous skin lesions, which means that it is characterized by symptoms that are observed with the development of this pathology: rash, itching, peeling, swelling of the skin. But these symptoms are typical for many skin diseases, including those of an allergic nature. How to recognize microbial. Eczema on its external manifestations.

The first signs of microbial eczema are considered to be erythema (severe redness of the skin due to excessive blood flow into the capillaries) in well-defined boundaries, edema of the tissues of the affected area and the appearance of papular rashes on them. After some time, the skin begins to crack at the site of redness, and bubbles with serous contents appear at the site of the papules. A few days later, yellowish-green crusts form at the site of the lesion.

All this resembles the development of dermatitis, which in its essence is microbial eczema.

A characteristic feature of most types of microbial eczema is the asymmetry of the lesions. And they themselves most often have an irregular shape. Around the focus of inflammation, you can observe a kind of border formed by exfoliated areas of the upper layer of the skin. On the edge of the affected area, there are pustules with purulent contents, which, after opening, form yellowish dense crusts.

After removing the crusts, a certain amount of pus is found under them. If the pus is removed, you can see a glossy bluish-red or burgundy surface, on which there is a noticeable oozing with foci of microscopic hemorrhages.

One more important feature microbial eczema, which distinguishes it from the true form of the disease, is considered a polymorphism of rashes with a predominance of purulent elements.

Most often, microbial eczema affects the upper and lower extremities, which are most susceptible to injury, its foci can also be seen on the face or in the nipple area of ​​women.

Microbial eczema on the hands is most often formed in the area of ​​the hand and fingers. Distinguish between eczema of the hands, fingers and interdigital space with the localization of foci in the locations of the skin folds on the corresponding part of the hand.

Less commonly, eczematous lesions can be seen around the wrists, forearms, and elbows.

Microbial eczema on the legs is similar in its manifestations to infectious dermatitis on the hands. The favorite places of the disease are the feet, legs and knees - the places most susceptible to injury with damage to the integrity of the skin.

Microbial eczema on the face is most often localized on the cheeks and in the chin area. The disease in the overwhelming majority of cases is endogenous in nature, since its cause is considered to be an exacerbation of chronic infections inside the body.

Microbial eczema in children

In childhood, microbial eczema is a fairly common disease. High physical activity against a background of minimal risk analysis leads to frequent episodes of injury with skin damage. In addition, the delicate baby skin is very attractive to various types of blood-sucking insects, which leave itchy marks on the baby's body.

Due to the imperfection of the immune system, microbial eczema in a child develops much more often than in an adult. This is facilitated by inadequate hygiene of hands and damaged areas. Babies tend to scratch bites and healing itchy scratches, while hands and nails are not sterile, which means they are a source of bacterial infection.

The immune system reacts to an external infectious factor by developing an inflammatory reaction with the formation of hyperemia and edema of tissues, as well as purulent rashes, which are subsequently covered with localized crusts with a well-defined border.

At a young age, the disease is rarely endogenous. However, frequent infectious pathologies in childhood can cause weakening of the immune system and the development of endogenous or exogenous microbial eczema in adulthood.


Like any eczematous skin lesion, microbial eczema has several stages in the development of the process:

  • Stage 1 (onset of the disease or erythematous eczema) is characterized by redness of a limited area of ​​the skin and the appearance of itching on it.
  • Stage 2 (development of the disease or papulovesicular stage) is marked by the appearance of edema and rashes (papules) on the hyperemic areas, which eventually fill with fluid.
  • Stage 3 (the height of the disease or weeping eczema): spontaneous opening of the vesicles with the release of serous contents, while at the site of the papules there are depressions in which pus accumulates.
  • Stage 4 (attenuation of the disease or dry eczema) occurs after the inflamed area is covered with a yellow-green or grayish-yellow dry crust.

The development of the disease, especially of an endogenous nature, at any of the stages may be accompanied by the appearance of new lesions.

There are also acute and chronic course of the disease.

Acute microbial eczema- a disease that lasts no more than 3 months. At the same time, the foci of inflammation are distinguished by a bright, saturated cyanotic-red hue, constant release of moisture and severe itching.

If the pathology does not go away within six months, they talk about the subacute stage of the disease (from 4 to 6 months inclusive). In this case, the affected area has a less saturated color, a denser structure and constantly peels off.

Chronic microbial eczema differs in a longer course. The disease is characterized by periods of remission and exacerbation. During remission, damaged skin practically does not differ in color from healthy skin, but it has a denser structure due to pathological changes in the epidermis. With exacerbations, symptoms of acute eczema can be observed.


Microbial eczema usually manifests itself in the form of separate rashes, but sometimes its foci occupy enough large area... This is typical for the endogenous form of the disease against the background of significantly reduced immunity and a predisposition to allergic reactions.

Common microbial eczema- This is a chronic pathology, which is characterized by a reduction in the time intervals between periods of exacerbations and the occurrence of multiple foci of inflammation covering a large area of ​​the skin. Moreover, the treatment of this form of the disease is rather difficult.

Microbial eczema in relation to the causative agent of the pathology can be divided into bacterial and mycotic... The causative agent of mycotic eczema is a fungal infection, most often bacteria from the genus Candida. The site of localization of mycotic eczema is usually the feet and toes in the area of ​​the nail plate.

By the nature of the course of the bacterial-inflammatory process on the skin, microbial eczema can be:

  • Numular (aka plaque or coin-shaped form of pathology),
  • post-traumatic,
  • varicose,
  • sycosiform,
  • with localization in the nipple area (nipple eczema),
  • and as a separate subspecies, dyshidrotic eczema (eczematous dermatitis).

Numular microbial eczema- This is the formation of rounded lesions on the skin. The lesions are small (about 3 mm), are distinguished by a bright color and yellow purulent crusts. The favorite place for localization is hands.

Post-traumatic eczema is the development of a purulent-inflammatory process around areas of the skin damaged by trauma (cut, scratch, wound, bite, burn). The process of tissue repair in this form of pathology is very slow.

Varicose eczema occurs as a result of impaired blood flow in the capillaries of the skin. Stagnation in the tissues causes the formation of deep small-sized wounds (trophic ulcers), around which an eczematous lesion is formed, if a bacterial infection enters the wound against a background of weakened immunity. The place of localization of foci of irregular shape is the lower extremities.

Sycosiform eczema is a purulent-bacterial process that occurs against the background of inflammation of the hair follicles, which develops in the area of ​​the hairy part of the body (mustache, beard, armpits, groin), and further spreads to other areas. The affected areas are characterized by strong weeping and rich color.

Nipple eczema affects mainly women during lactation. In this case, the cause of the development of microbial eczema is trauma to the breast when feeding the baby against the background of insufficient hygiene of this part of the body. It can also occur in patients with scabies. The lesions have a bright shade and dense structure, prone to cracking.

Dyshidrotic eczema with a microbial component- This is the appearance on the lower part of the arms and legs (soles, palms, fingers) of blistering rashes, the main cause of which are malfunctions in the work of sweat glands, metabolic disorders in the body, decreased immunity, and a predisposition to allergies. It is against this background that the effect of a bacterial infection leads to the development of eczematous skin lesions.

Severely itchy elements of inflammation (both single and groups) originate deep in the skin, gradually rising above its surface. With mechanical action on the elements of inflammation, there is a strong pain syndrome. The disease is characterized by a chronic course.

Complications and consequences

Despite the fact that microbial eczema is not considered a serious and contagious disease, its consequences and complications are not at all as harmless as one might think. In this case, the disease gives complications both in the absence of treatment, and with the wrong approach to therapy, for example, with self-medication. Still, a bacterial infection with the development of a purulent-inflammatory process carries the danger not only of the further spread of infection over large areas (widespread microbial eczema), but also the possibility of the development of a generalized infection that affects the deep layers of the skin.

The appearance of multiple lesions is fraught with an increased likelihood of contracting viral pathologies. For example, the herpes virus that infects the skin on different parts of the body, depending on the type of virus, can cause serious health pathologies: chickenpox, which has a severe course in adulthood, shingles, infectious mononucleosis, cytomegalovirus infection, eczema herpetiformis, known for a high mortality rate. Herpetic skin lesions can be localized in the face, neck, genitals and anus, which creates additional inconvenience in connection with the patient's appearance and pain during meals and physiological needs.

And how many unpleasant moments the disease itself brings. Unattractive spots on the skin with excruciating itching during periods of exacerbation cause some physical and emotional discomfort. Hostility from other people, caused by a mistaken opinion about the infectiousness of the disease, often causes nervous breakdowns and insomnia, provoking problems in professional and personal life.

Delayed forms of the disease and delayed treatment cause the formation of ugly scars and scars on the skin.

Diagnosis of microbial eczema

When various rashes and itching appear on the skin, it is first of all recommended to visit a dermatologist before taking any measures to solve the problem. First, you need to establish an accurate diagnosis and identify the cause of pathological changes in the skin, and this can only be done by a specialist doctor.

External examination of the patient's skin condition, lesions and their localization, study of the anamnesis and patient complaints allow the doctor to suggest eczematous skin lesions based on symptoms such as edema and hyperemia of the skin, itchy skin rash, the appearance of crusts at the site of purulent ulcerations, etc. However, only special laboratory and instrumental studies can confirm the diagnosis of "microbial eczema".

Material for research is obtained by scraping the skin from the affected area. In the process, the doctor examines the surface of the tissues under the crust for the presence of a weeping area and hemorrhages.

After that, instrumental diagnostics of the obtained material is carried out using a sensitive microscope. With the help of microscopy, scrapings reveal fungal (mycotic) pathogens. Bacterial infection is determined by immersing the material taken during scraping in a nutrient medium. It is very important not only to identify the disease itself, but also to accurately determine its pathogen for the appointment of effective antimicrobial or antifungal drugs.

If the deep layers of the skin are affected, the doctor prescribes a histological examination. A biopsy is taken from the deepest layers of the affected area. Its study helps to establish the severity of the inflammatory process, the presence of extraneous components in the infiltrate, for example, plasma cells that produce antibodies.

If microbial eczema is not treated, there is a high probability of its transition to true. If you suspect a change in the nature of the pathology, the doctor prescribes tests (usually KLA) for eosinophils, immunoglobulin E, and the level of T-lymphocytes.

Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis is carried out between microbial and other types of eczema, as well as with other skin pathologies with similar symptoms (various types of dermatitis, psoriasis, as well as allergies, which resemble the onset of eczematous pathologies in their symptomatology).

Microbial eczema treatment

Since neglected microbial eczema tends to easily turn into true, and also has other unpleasant consequences, its treatment should be started immediately after the first signs of the disease appear. Since the allergic factor comes to the fore in the disease, it is no longer possible to get rid of it, the treatment of microbial eczema consists in alleviating the patient's condition and stopping the recurrence of the inflammatory process on the skin.

In order for the treatment to be successful, it is necessary to treat not only the external foci of the disease, but also the pathologies that have caused microbial eczema.

An integrated approach to the treatment of bacterial-inflammatory diseases includes local treatment, systemic and physiotherapy, and proper nutrition.

Drug therapy

Drugs for the treatment of microbial eczema can be divided into 2 groups:

  • external remedies for removing the external manifestations of the disease,
  • means for internal use as part of systemic therapy.

External remedies for topical treatment of skin diseases:

  • antiseptic solutions for the treatment of damaged surfaces and compresses (boric acid 2% solution, resorcinol 1% solution, brilliant green solution, lead water),
  • ointments with a drying effect (zinc, ichthyol, naphthalan ointment),
  • antibiotic ointments ("Bactroban" - an antibiotic ointment, "Drapolen" and "Dettol" - antiseptic creams with an antibacterial effect, erythromycin, tetracycline and other ointments),
  • external agents for the treatment of fungal skin lesions (ointments "Exoderil", "Lotseril", etc.) in the case of a mycotic form of the disease,
  • non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs (Radevit, Eplan, Fenistil, Gistan, etc.),
  • anti-inflammatory ointments and sprays containing corticosteroids are used in case of widespread eczema affecting a large area of ​​the body (Advantan, Locoid, Celestodarm, etc.),
  • with extensive pathologies during remission - drugs that inhibit the synthesis of calcineurin ("Pimecrolimus", "Tacrolimus").

Medicines for systemic therapy:

  • antiallergic (antihistamines) drugs (Diazolin, Zyrtec, Suprastin, Lomilan, Loratodin) to relieve painful allergy symptoms such as skin rash, itching, and inflammation. Intravenous drip, doctors may prescribe solutions of calcium chloride and sodium thiosulfate.
  • drugs-immunomodulators to reduce the activity of the immune system,
  • antimicrobial oral agents (broad-spectrum antibiotics for microbial eczema fight against possible bacterial pathogens): Ampicillin, Ofloxacin, Doxycycline, Ciprofloxacin, as well as Cefazolin in the form of i / m injections
  • antifungal drugs ("Fluconazole", "Fucis", etc.
  • sedatives (sedatives) that relieve psycho-emotional stress and allow you to calmly rest at night (valerian and motherwort preparations, light sleeping pills),
  • vitamin complexes containing a sufficient amount of vitamins of group B, E and retinoids,
  • corticosteroids ("Prednisolone", "Dexamethasone", "Triamcinolone", etc.) for extensive severe skin lesions,
  • cytostatics ("Cyclosporin", "Methotrexate") are also prescribed only in case of generalized infection.

Physiotherapy treatment includes many methods physical impact improving the condition of patients with microbial eczema. The most effective methods are: irradiation of the skin with ultraviolet rays (as a variant of PUVA therapy), UHF irradiation, laser and magnetotherapy, drug electrophoresis, ozone therapy.

Surgical treatment is prescribed mainly for varicose eczema or to prevent it.

Ointments and oral agents to fight bacterial infection

Since the disease has multiple external manifestations, ointments for microbial eczema are the main therapeutic agents that help to significantly alleviate the patient's condition, relieving inflammation and unpleasant allergy symptoms. And since the disease is still associated with a bacterial infection, you cannot do without external agents with antimicrobial action.

Ointment "Bactroban"- an effective antimicrobial agent for topical application based on the antibiotic mupirocin, which does not have cross-resistance with other antibiotics, which makes it possible to use it as part of the complex therapy of microbial eczema. The drug is intended for the treatment of staphylococcal and streptococcal infection... It is used in the case of the development of secondary bacterial pathologies.

A thin layer of ointment is covered with lesions 3 times a day. For application, use a cotton swab or bandage. The course of treatment is 10 days.

A contraindication to the use of the ointment is only hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Side effects are expressed mainly in hypersensitivity reactions with rashes, burning and itching on the skin. Less commonly, the use of the ointment can cause nausea, gastralgia, headaches, and systemic allergic reactions.

"Tetracycline"- 3% ointment with antibiotic bacteriostatic action, used for infectious purulent pathologies including microbial eczema. It eliminates the inflammatory process, significantly reduces the activity of pathogenic microflora, and stimulates the regeneration of the skin.

The ointment can be applied to the affected areas several times a day (as directed by a doctor). The course of treatment is also determined by the attending physician.

The ointment is not prescribed for hypersensitivity to its components, severe liver dysfunction, low leukocyte count, and the presence of a fungal infection. Used in pediatrics since 8 years. During pregnancy, they are used only in the 1st and 2nd trimester.

When used externally, the antibiotic is well tolerated. Occasionally, local reactions may occur in the form of burning or itching, skin hyperemia. Systemic reactions can be observed only with prolonged use of the drug.

"Erythromycin" in the form of an ointment - a bacteriostatic agent for topical use, which has a wider spectrum of antibacterial activity.

The ointment can be used to treat skin from the neonatal period. You can apply it 2-3 times a day. The therapeutic course is usually 6-9 weeks.

It is prescribed to patients in the absence of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. As side effects, local allergic reactions and manifestations of the irritating effect of the drug can be distinguished.

In the case of mycotic and mixed forms of microbial eczema, an ointment will be effective "Triderm", which contains the corticosteroid betamethasone, the antibiotic from the aminoglycoside group gentamicin and the antifungal agent clotrimazole.

Apply the drug to the lesions in a thin layer in the morning and evening, without covering it with a bandage. The course of treatment is determined by the doctor.

The drug is not prescribed for hypersensitivity to its components, for skin tuberculosis and syphilis, viral infections skin, varicose veins, acne, herpetic skin lesions. Not used in pediatrics.

Side effects rarely appear as skin irritation at the site of application (itching, burning, dry skin). Systemic disturbances are observed when using an ointment for dressings, with long-term treatment and with a common form of pathology.

Antibiotics for microbial eczema can be prescribed for both external and systemic use in order to completely exclude the bacterial factor that maintains inflammation in the lesions. Antihistamines and anti-inflammatory drugs in this case will not be able to solve the problem on their own.

Depending on the bacterial pathogen and the severity of the pathology, antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action of different groups can be prescribed: penicillins (ampicillin), tetracyclines (doxycycline), macrolides (azithromycin, erythromycin), cephalosporins (cefazolin) and, in severe cases of purulent skin lesions, fluoroquinolones ).

The use of broad-spectrum antibiotics makes it possible to fight not only the causative agent of the disease, but also to prevent the addition of other infections during periods of exacerbation, when the lesions are most sensitive to the influence of pathogenic microorganisms.

Treating microbial eczema at home

Since microbial eczema is characterized by a chronic course of the inflammatory process, its treatment is not always justified in a hospital. Inpatient treatment can be prescribed during periods of exacerbation with common and other severe forms of pathology.

Usually, microbial eczema is treated at home. After the diagnosis and diagnosis, the doctor prescribes appropriate treatment (usually external agents and drugs for oral administration), which will need to be carried out mainly during periods of exacerbation.

In addition to the above drugs for the treatment of microbial eczema, as an allergic pathology, enterosorbents can be used. You can buy them at any pharmacy. The drugs are inexpensive and will not bring harm, but they will help fight the symptoms caused by intoxication of the body due to allergies. Good effect gives reception activated carbon or the drug "Polysorb".

During the treatment period for eczema, certain precautions must be taken. During an exacerbation of the disease, it is considered undesirable to affect the foci of moisture damage and sunlight... It is impossible to sunbathe in the acute period of the illness. Do not overheat under any circumstances.

It is necessary to avoid the use of household chemicals due to their negative (allergenic) effect on the body. You can only wash dishes and wash with eczema on your hands with protective gloves.

Hygiene products should be gentle, if possible natural, including medicinal plants with soothing and anti-inflammatory properties.

You need to pay attention to the diet. A diet for microbial eczema means eliminating foods that can cause allergic reactions, such as chocolate and tropical fruits (citrus fruits), berries, chicken eggs, seafood. Dishes should be free of chemical flavors and dyes. Alcoholic drinks, sweet soda, pickles and pickles, spices and seasonings, coffee are also excluded.

Nutrition for microbial eczema should be balanced. The lack of eggs can be compensated for with lean meat, instead of sweets, eat more fruits.

In order to avoid exacerbations in the diet should be exclusively products permitted for microbial eczema. These are fermented and low-fat dairy products, fresh, boiled or vegetable stew, local fruits, light dietary meats, cereals. Vegetable soups and broths, casseroles made from vegetables and cottage cheese are also useful.

Traditional treatment

Microbial eczema, like other skin diseases, can be treated using effective folk remedies. but folk treatment diseases should be carried out in combination with traditional drug and physiotherapy treatment.

Here are some useful recipes that can be successfully used to treat bacterial eczema at home.

  1. As a drying agent for weeping eczema of any etiology, it is useful to use gruel and juice of fresh potatoes. They are used for applications (exposure time 20 minutes) and lotions that help eliminate edema and stimulate regenerative processes in the skin. Honey can be added to the potato gruel, which will only enhance the healing effect.
  2. Garlic recipes are great for fighting bacterial infections. Garlic can be used both fresh (you can get burned!) And boiled. It is crushed to a mushy state and mixed with honey in equal proportions. It is recommended to apply the mixture to the affected areas three times a day. The exposure time should be discussed with the doctor.

Quite a lot of traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of microbial eczema are based on herbal treatments. Decoctions for lotions and applications can be prepared from needles and pine cones (100 g of raw materials per 1 liter of boiling water), fresh leaves walnut(100 g of leaves per ½ liter of boiling water), herbal preparations(the composition may contain calendula, succession, yarrow, St. John's wort, nettle, birch buds, chamomile and other medicinal herbs).

It is useful to apply fresh elderberry leaves, slightly mashed or beaten off with a knife, to the wounds. The exposure time is 15 minutes.

As an internal remedy, you can use infusions of yarrow herb or dandelion roots.

Homeopathic treatment

Homeopathy will also help patients with microbial eczema, the medicines of which are relatively safe and quite effective for various types of eczematous skin lesions.

Since microbial eczema is characterized by a chronic course, and with an exacerbation, weeping wounds appear, the main drug for homeopathic treatment will be Graphites in the form of granules and ointment.

But it is quite possible to reduce the likelihood and frequency of relapse of the disease by adhering to certain rules:

  • adherence to a special diet that excludes food allergens,
  • treatment of various chronic pathologies, especially of an infectious nature,
  • increased immunity,
  • giving up bad habits,
  • maintaining personal hygiene using natural products,
  • wearing clothes and linen strictly made of natural fabrics, synthetics, wool and flannel are prohibited,
  • stabilization of the psycho-emotional state, elimination of stressful situations,
  • regular rest at sea during periods of remission,
  • with varicose eczema, wearing special stockings or bandaging the legs in the affected area with medical bandages,
  • regular preventive examinations by a dermatologist (4-6 times a year).

Microbial eczema is an infectious and inflammatory skin disease, a type of dermatitis. The entrance gate is pathologically altered or damaged skin, the causative agents are various bacteria and fungi. Microbial infection is characterized by pyoderma (suppuration on the surface of the skin). Among all microorganisms that cause microbial inflammation, Staphylococcus aureus is more common. Disease prevention is the treatment of the underlying pathology. With the right therapy, you can expect a quick recovery.

What does microbial eczema look like?

Infectious eczema has polymorphic clinical manifestations. Often develops against the background of bacterial-inflammatory or fungal skin lesions. Bacterial eczema ranks third among all infectious skin diseases. Usually sites of chronic infection, atrophy, postoperative wounds, fistulas, trauma are affected. Eczema can appear in the projection area of ​​the varicose veins of the extremities. The chronic form of the disease develops against the background of a decrease in local immunity.

Manifestations depend on the state of local immunity and the protective properties of the skin. Large weeping erosions appear on the affected areas, which spread to healthy skin. Focal inflammatory changes appear with characteristic elements of a rash.

The rash is characterized by intense itching. The elements are covered with crusts, after the rejection of which scars remain.

The epidermis is covered with papules, vesicles with transparent contents, and pus-filled pustules. The disease is characterized by profuse exudation (oozing). Inflammatory areas are surrounded by scalloped whitish edges. The epithelium around them becomes keratinized and rejected. The elements of the rash merge with each other. Red inflamed spots spread further and further from the entrance gate of the infection. The appearance of acute pain indicates damage to the nerve endings. Often there is inflammation of the hair follicles, furunculosis begins. Healthy skin is covered with “dropouts” (small papules with a tendency to suppuration).

Frequent localization

The most common localization of an infectious rash is the legs. Microbial damage occurs in places of increased mechanical stress: on the feet, palms, knees and elbows. The localization of the rash depends on the type of pathology.

There are the following types of microbial eczema:

  1. Nummular. On the skin there are coin-like foci (no more than 3 cm in diameter) with scalloped borders. The erosion surface is red with abundant exudate. Often covered with dry corks. Microbial eczema appears on the hands, back and abdomen.
  2. Varicose. A prerequisite for development is varicose veins with vascular disorders. The entrance gate is a trophic ulcer. This type is characterized by a variety of loose elements, their clear edges, slight discomfort and dryness.
  3. Posttraumatic. Appears around the sites of skin damage. Usually associated with immunodeficiency or decreased defenses.
  4. Sycosiform. Pathology is characterized by the appearance of exudative, single or connecting itchy papules of a purple hue. It is localized on the nasolabial triangle, armpits and groin.
  5. Eczema of the nipples is formed in women due to trauma to the areolas during breastfeeding... It can also occur in both sexes when scratching (scabies or skin mites, allergies) of the nipples. Areoles are covered with round lesions of a crimson hue. The skin on the nipples is very delicate, secondary erosion and cracks quickly appear on it. This type of disease is characterized by severe itching.

Inadequate treatment of this type of eczema contributes to the appearance of new elements. Often, against the background of microbial inflammation, an allergic rash is noted, which can be of different types. Microbial eczema, widespread, is manifested by a patchy rash, vesicles, abscesses, and hard bumps. The progression of the disease can lead to true eczema.

Causes and risk factors

Microbial eczema has a variety of clinical symptoms. It develops against the background of a decrease in immune defense. The pathology is characterized by a wide range of manifestations. To confirm the diagnosis, the wound discharge is sown. The incidence rate of the microbial type of eczema among other skin pathologies is quite high.

With prolonged contact with a patient, it is necessary to take a prophylactic dose of an antibiotic.

Often the causative agents are Staphylococcus aureus and β-hemolytic streptococcus. Each pathogen has its own specific manifestations. Chronic and acute eczema is also caused by other microbes:

  • epidermal staphylococcus;
  • klebsiella;
  • Proteus;
  • gonorrheal or meningeal diplococcus;
  • fungus of the genus Candida.

When exposed to the foci with antibacterial drugs, erosion heals. Some pathogens are highly contagious (infectious).

Is a person with infectious eczema contagious

Microbial eczema is a disease caused by pathogenic microorganisms. Penetrating through damaged skin, they cause specific changes in it. It is not eczema itself that is contagious, but these microbes. But many of them already constantly live on human skin, being its normal microflora. However, contact with the sick can be dangerous for young children, the elderly and pregnant women. People with weak immune status are also at risk to their health. This category includes patients with primary or secondary immunodeficiency(AIDS). The risk group includes patients undergoing chemotherapy or immunosuppressive therapy.

With constant contact with the diseased area, even people without immunodeficiency can "catch" the infection. Often these are relatives or medical staff caring for the patient.

Consequences of microbial eczema

With adequate treatment, the prognosis of the disease is favorable. However, the diagnosis is often made at an advanced stage. Focuses of microbial infection cover a significant part of the body. Such lesions can lead to sepsis (blood poisoning). This condition is life threatening.

With an incorrectly selected antibiotic therapy, the appearance of secondary elements is often noted. A purulent lesion can penetrate deep into the tissues, up to the infected periosteum and joints. Severe bone pains indicate the addition of osteomyelitis.

Eczematous microbial dermatitis in children is characterized by a high risk of complications. The child's immunity is not able to withstand massive intoxication. Foci of microbial erosion increase in volume, sepsis is often inevitable.

It is necessary to distinguish microbial eczema from such diseases:

  • streptoderma;
  • candidiasis;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • psoriasis;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • reticulosis;
  • pemphigus;
  • true eczema;
  • allergic diathesis;
  • basal cell skin cancer.

Secondary morbidity is characteristic of microbial damage. To determine the pathogen and its sensitivity to antibiotics, a bacterial culture of the fluid released from the plaques is carried out. They also take a scraping of the affected epithelium and examine it under a microscope. If cancer is suspected, a study of cell morphology is performed.

When analyzing the biopsy material, the doctor can reveal edema of the deep layers of the skin, excessive pigmentation of the epithelium, microscopic vesicles, infiltration of lymphocytes with plasma cells.

Treating Infectious Eczema

At timely diagnosis the disease responds well to therapy. It is important to verify the pathogen and conduct an antibiotic susceptibility test. Microbial eczema can be cured in 7-10 days, provided that there are no complications.


There are two approaches to treatment: systemic and local. Systemic therapy is used in severe disease. Be sure to prescribe it to patients at risk.

Systemic therapy drugs:

  • antibiotics (cephalosporins, macrolides, fluoroquinolones);
  • antiallergic drugs (Suprastin, Loratadin, Diazolin);
  • sedatives (Glycine, valerian infusion, Adaptol).

Be sure to prescribe topical preparations. These include creams and ointments with an antibacterial component (Levomekol, Syntomycin, Metrogyl-gel). If you suspect a fungal infection - antifungal ointments (Clotrimazole, Exoderil, Fucis-gel). To cure microbial eczema on the hands, wipe the skin with disposable wipes after washing. After that, ointments with a drying effect are applied. Ointments with zinc are used in the composition (Baneocin).

Traditional methods

Treatment with folk remedies is not an alternative. It is used only as an adjunct to medication treatment.

How to treat eczema on your feet at home:

  • Infusion of celandine. Pour 50 g of celandine herb with 1 liter of boiling water. Insist 2-3 hours. Apply lotions with infusion to the affected areas. After half an hour, remove the gauze and apply a drying ointment.
  • 100 g of pine (spruce) needles pour 1 liter of boiling water. Insist 2-3 hours. Soak a sterile piece of gauze, apply it to the affected skin. After half an hour, apply antibiotic powder.
  • A decoction of nettle with the addition of propolis. 50 g of nettle leaves pour 1 liter of boiling water and cook over low heat for 30 minutes. Cool, add 1 tsp. tincture of propolis. Prepare the trays. Keep the affected area of ​​the skin in the infusion for 40 minutes. Then get wet and apply antibiotic gel.

Other measures

Treatment of microbial eczema on the legs and arms requires an integrated approach. They use magnetic therapy, ultraviolet irradiation, ozone and laser therapy.

Almost everyone has encountered problems that affected the skin. Some of them can take place on their own, while others require correct and urgent treatment... This number includes eczema, which can provoke serious consequences. It is important to seek medical help in a timely manner when the first clinical manifestations are detected.

Microbial eczema refers to the development of inflamed areas on the skin. This disease can be passed on to another person. More often, patients are diagnosed with a chronic form of pathology, but the affected foci can worsen and flow into the acute stage. The disease progresses after the weakening of immunity, so the body begins to react sharply to the penetration of a variety of pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms.

Endogenous and exogenous factors (allergy or heredity) can lead to the development of eczema. The most likely culprits for the progression of the disease are reduced immunity and body defenses, psycho-vegetative, disruption of the endocrine system. "

Existing varieties

Microbial eczema is divided into several types. It is important to notice the first symptoms in time and seek qualified help.

What types are there

  1. Numcular. This form of the disease has several characteristic differences. Small, round, inflamed areas appear on the surface of the skin. Their boundaries have a fairly clear outline, the dermis swells, purulent crusts appear.
  2. Varicose. Progresses with venous insufficiency the patient. Ulcers, eczematous areas, swelling, moderate itching appear on the damaged areas.
  3. Post-traumatic. This form of the disease manifests itself when the healing process is impaired. skin after surgery, received abrasions.
  4. Sycosiform. A person's hair follicles become inflamed. The characteristic signs include inflamed foci with a purple hue. Their internal contents are purulent.

Localization on the legs

Eczema on the legs occurs when different reasons that influence the development of the disease. There are several types of eczema on the legs:

  • true form (has a chronic form, sometimes dry and weeping);
  • microbial (occurs in places where there are wounds, inflammatory processes, burns through which microbes penetrate);
  • mycotic (progresses with the development of a fungal infection);
  • professional (appears with frequent contact with irritants - chemicals, mechanical damage).

Localization on hand

It is divided into several types:

  • idiopathic (progresses with traumatic situations, vegetative-vascular dystonia, problems thyroid gland);
  • atopic (occurs in humans as a result of contact with allergens - plant pollen, animal hair, household dust);
  • professional (when hands come into contact with chemical irritants);
  • microbial (has a microbial or fungal etiology).

Photo of the disease. May be annoying to watch

What does microbial eczema look like (photo)

Microbial eczema manifests itself in the same way as other dermatological pathologies. Red spots with bubbles appear on the skin. They may have dry crusts or internal contents. The person experiences mild or excessive itching.

Photo of the disease. May be annoying to watch

Photo of the disease. May be annoying to watch

The presented disease tends to worsen. In this case, the bubbles break open on their own, the surface becomes wet, after which dry crusts appear.

Causes, etiology of microbial eczema

The first clinical manifestations occur in places where ulcers often occur, there are abrasions, damage to the skin after surgery.

Eczema of microbial etiology manifests itself in different parts of the body, regardless of gender and age. Particular attention should be paid to people who have varicose veins or fungal infections in the body. The following are the likely pathogens that lead to the progression of the pathology:

  • B-hemolytic streptococcus;
  • aureus and epidermal staphylococcus aureus;
  • klebsiella;
  • Proteus;
  • gonorrhea.

Microbial eczema can manifest itself as a background disease when a person's skin barrier function decreases. Do not forget about constant contact with various microbes and their metabolic products.


Microbial eczema manifests itself in the form of inflamed foci that have a clearly defined outline. They are characterized by a reddish tint, the layers of cells along the periphery can be rejected. Papules may form in the center of the lesion. These are small raised areas that do not have an internal cavity.

If vesicles appear on the surface of microbial eczema, then serous fluid is formed in their cavity. These are weeping areas with purulent crusts. There is a small rash around the inflamed lesions that can gradually spread throughout the body. Their shape is asymmetric, the edges are often uneven. Patients feel severe discomfort, irritated areas appear on the skin, which peel off.

Photo of the disease. May be annoying to watch


If patients do not seek help from a doctor or are self-medicating, then there is a high probability of the spread of the infectious and inflammatory process.

In humans, healthy areas of the skin are gradually affected. In addition, an allergic rash may join.

Why is the disease dangerous?

If not treated promptly, microbial eczema can become true. The inflammatory process is accompanied by excessive itching, so a person cannot control his actions. If you scratch the affected area vigorously, pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms can spread faster on the skin. Scars remain in the places of scratching, serious viral diseases develop.

Chronic form

Under chronic forms oy bacterial eczema is a multifactorial disease that can manifest itself in different areas of the skin. Most often, the symptoms of pathology occur on the face and hands. The chronic form of microbial eczema results from improper treatment of an acute illness.

For this reason, patients are advised to strictly adhere to the prescribed treatment regimen and not to use traditional medicine without consulting their doctor. Chronic illness can manifest itself with insufficient adherence to diet and personal hygiene.

Diagnosis of microbial eczema

The main diagnostic method is bacteriological examination. To do this, take a scraping of biological material. So that the patient is not in pain, an anesthetic drug can be administered when intervening in the damaged area. With the help of a microscope, abnormal overgrown cells can be detected. If they are placed in a favorable environment, then specialists will be able to detect bacterial pathogens.

In order for the doctor to correctly diagnose and prescribe treatment, it is necessary to accurately determine the type of microorganism that led to the progression of the disease. It is important to establish the reaction of bacteria to the introduction of a specific drug.

At neglected form pathologies carry out histological examinations... To do this, take the deep tissues of the inflamed areas. Thanks to this, specialists will determine the degree of damage to the lymphoid soft tissue.

The doctor needs to do an initial examination of the patient and determine the visual changes on the skin. The differential diagnosis is made together with the symptoms of psoriasis, other types of dermatitis and eczema. If there is a suspicion of the progression of true eczema, then a blood test is prescribed.

Treatment methods

Therapeutic treatment microbial eczema should be based on medication, adherence to a strict diet, personal hygiene.

Therapy is prescribed for each patient individually. The doctor must determine the severity of the disease.

External treatment, ointments

For external treatment, lotions are used on the skin with the addition of resorcinol (solution of 1% concentration), lead water, an alcoholic solution of brilliant green. The most effective topical medications are Castellani (fucorcin), which is recommended for the acute stage of the disease.

If the vesicles begin to get wet, then it is advisable to use naphthalan, ichthyol ointment, preparations based on tar. If a bacterial form of eczema is found, the use of antibiotic ointments is recommended - these are bactroban, dettol and drapolen.

Below is a list of ointments that are effective in killing fungi. They are prescribed to patients when diagnosing a fungal cause of the disease:

  • exoderil;
  • locoid;
  • lotseril.

If inflamed lesions quickly spread to healthy skin, then it is advisable to use ointments and a spray with corticosteroids. They quickly relieve symptoms and swelling of the dermis.

General treatment, antibiotics

  • it is impossible to stay in the sun for a long time, so as not to injure already damaged areas of the dermis;
  • it is important to carefully monitor hygiene, you cannot wet dry eczema crusts for a long time;
  • linen should be made from natural materials;
  • change your diet (more plant foods and dairy products are added to the daily diet);
  • you can not drink alcoholic beverages;
  • limit drinking water and other liquids;
  • exclude canned food and spicy foods.

Systemic treatment consists of taking the following medications:

  1. Antibiotic drugs. These are ampicillin, doxycycline, cefazolin, ciprofloxacin.
  2. When a fungus is detected, antimycotics (fluconazole) is prescribed to patients.
  3. Systemic corticosteroids and cytostatics. The most effective are triamcinolone, prednisolone, methotrexate, cyclosporine.
  4. Drugs that block the active production of histamine in the body - loratadine, suprastin. They help to quickly relieve clinical symptoms, excessive itching.
  5. It is advisable to introduce sodium thiosulfate and calcium chloride into the vein.
  6. Sedative drugs - valerian infusion, motherwort, sleeping pills, bromine.
  7. Vitamin complexes.


With the progression of the disease, patients can do several physiotherapy procedures:

  • magnetic waves;
  • ultrasound;
  • ozone baths;
  • laser exposure to the affected areas.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine used at home, it is advisable to use at the initial stages of pathology:

  1. Tinctures from healing medicinal herbs... To prepare them, you need to collect a string, nettles, birch buds, dry calendula inflorescences, St. John's wort. Take 25 grams of each ingredient and mix thoroughly. The collected herbs are poured over with boiling water. The duration of the infusion is 3 hours. The lotions are applied to the swollen skin for 40 minutes.
  2. A decoction based on pine cones. Take only 2 large cones, which are already mature enough and open. They are poured with boiling water, wrapped up and left to infuse for a day. Can be taken orally half an hour before meals or applied to the skin.
  3. Elder. It is a good antiseptic. For cooking, take one tablespoon of elderberry flowers and brew in a glass of boiling water. You need to insist a couple of hours in a tightly sealed container. Strain the product before use. It can be taken orally before meals or applied to the affected skin.
  4. Dandelion roots are used to improve immunity and defenses. They are pre-crushed and poured with boiling water. Dandelion root is dried and finely chopped. One tablespoon of raw materials is poured with 250 ml of boiling water. You need to insist the remedy for 2 hours, after which the infusion is filtered. Can be taken orally or as a lotion.

Preventive measures and precautions

  • pyoderma (pustular rash) requires antiseptic treatment and proper therapy;
  • wounds and other damage to the skin require adequate treatment;
  • if a plaster bandage was applied to the skin, then careful care must be provided;
  • for the duration of treatment, allergic foods, chocolate and sweets should be excluded from the diet;
  • needs to be properly treated chronic diseases, varicose veins, infectious diseases.

If patients are careless about their own health and do not follow all the doctor's recommendations, then a secondary rash of an allergic nature may develop on the skin. Patients may experience an infectious and inflammatory process. It is important to seek medical attention in a timely manner in order to determine the progression of the disease at the initial stage.

Microbial eczema is a skin inflammation disease that requires proper treatment. You can use ointments, lotions, antibiotics, physiotherapy, and traditional medicine. Treatment is prescribed individually, depending on the location of the rash and the intensity of the symptoms.

This video discusses the types of eczema.

People who experience skin diseases will forever remember the torment - unbearable itching and rashes that can drive you crazy. The appearance also brings many experiences. After all, I do not want to explain to everyone I meet that microbial eczema is practically harmless to others.

The diagnosis is unpleasant for the patient and proceeds with inflammation of the epidermis in the region of the head, body and extremities. Severe itching, pain and the general unimportant condition of the sick person make him hot-tempered and irritable.

Microbial eczema in the photo 6 pieces

Microbial eczema on the hands (see photo) and other areas of the body, a type of disease. Has a secondary character of the flow. It develops on already diseased surfaces, where bacterial or fungal lesions are connected. Inflammatory changes caused by infection are superimposed on the underlying symptoms that have already appeared.

Diagnostics is carried out in order to determine the microorganisms responsible for what is happening. Examine the tank. sowing of the separated elements or taking a scraping, determining the fungi. The pathogenic flora that causes this type of eczema joins, in about 25% of cases of the total mass of patients.

Causes of microbial eczema

Very often, the culprit of infection, determined at the time of inoculation, is hemolytic streptococcus. He's not the only one. Infection can be caused by:

  • Staphylococcus aureus.
  • Klebsiella.
  • Neisseria meningitis or gonorrhea.
  • Candidal fungi, etc.

Limbs are often affected. Since this is an associated infection, it affects places already affected by chronic manifestations. Microorganisms enter the tissue through damaged areas. They multiply rapidly, creating inflammation that is localized in the foci. This often occurs around injured wounds that do not heal for a long time: postoperative wounds, fistulas, trophic ulcers and other injuries that do not heal well.

Microbial eczema on the legs is common and treatment is relatively difficult. It appears with the cause of the disease - varicose veins, lymphostasis or long-lasting lesions by fungi.

The result of secondary pathology is well-visible massive rashes. Discomfort to the owner. For an effective fight, it is important to find out the etiology. There are moments that lead to an easy onset of the disease. In patients with microbial eczema, the reasons lie in the following features:

  1. In disorders of the autonomic and nervous systems.
  2. Neuroendocrine diseases.
  3. Congenital strong skin sensitivity.
  4. Hypovitaminosis.
  5. Genetic disposition to allergies.
  6. Weakness of the immune system.

A weakened body with accumulated allergens, which in turn are provocateurs for infections, risks transforming the disease into a chronic one. This form threatens with constant unpleasant health problems and long treatment.

Photo of microbial eczema on the hands and feet

Without education in the field of medicine, rarely observing such problems, it is difficult to imagine the possible amount of infection and the type of skin affected. Next, you can form an objective opinion about microbial eczema on the legs, the photo has a rather unpleasant picture. Severe redness, purulent discharge, dried yellowish-brown crusts, cracks, papules and other unsightly elements create a big picture.

Therefore, having discovered a predisposition for allergic manifestations: redness, diathesis and any initial stages skin lesions - be sure to go to a dermatologist! It is better to prevent the disease than to bring it to a state that is difficult to treat.

Microbial eczema symptoms

By and large, microbial eczema and the causes of the disease create a special type of dermatitis that has viral or bacterial development. That is why it can be dangerous for those around, especially small children. In case of infection, the incubation period stretches from a short period to a long one, amounting to several weeks. This disease is officially registered, has the ICD10 code. It needs to be investigated at the cell level. Before this, the dermatologist will take a history to identify the pathogen.

If the process is acute, then the development is almost instantaneous. Itchy skin becomes suspiciously red. Edema appears and papules form. After a while, the vesicles burst, separating the secretion, and the skin cracks. After several days, ugly yellowish crusts are formed. It is worth starting immediately competent treatment to prevent chronic forms.

When the disease becomes chronic, the symptoms become mild. The infection is concentrated in the dermis. After a while, you can notice signs of intoxication. The danger of a condition in an unfavorable prognosis. Cure chronic illness is no longer possible. Symptoms will constantly appear, changing the strength and location of the occurrence. In this case, it is necessary to seriously approach prevention in order to stop the development and keep the disease in positive dynamics. To answer the question about microbial eczema and how to treat it, it is necessary to determine the etiology and diagnose the stage of the disease:

  1. Erythematous stage. The process begins with it and is accompanied by reddening of the skin with delineated boundaries. The patient is worried about the strongest itching.
  2. Papulovesicular - acquired the name due to large-scale rashes. Now there are many bubbles filled with serous fluid.
  3. Weeping - begins after opening the papules, when exudate oozes.
  4. Dry - determined by the formation of crusts. The plaques have boundaries, and the infection spreads further, affecting healthy areas.

In addition, the disease has some differences depending on the location. Dermatology categorizes the disease by type:

  1. Nimular. Plaque eczema has a second name. Redness, resembling a plaque shape, up to 3 cm in diameter, causes swelling. Most often, this type of microbial eczema appears on the hands.
  2. Varicose. It develops as a result of varicose veins of the lower extremities. Veins enlarge, swelling and reddened spots appear on the skin. This area is very itchy and ulcers form soon after.
  3. Post-traumatic. It can be characterized by severe wound healing, for example, postoperative wounds, the formation of vesicles with purulent contents and long-term treatment.
  4. Sycosiform. Occurs in patients with sycosis. Bright red lesions, constantly getting wet, releasing exudate. The spread occurs on the face in the chin and lips, in the pubic region and armpits.
  5. Located in the nipple area. Often occurs during infant feeding. Disturbed by severe burning, itching and painful cracks. After a while, a rash and purulent discharge may appear.

The pathological flora is diagnosed both clinically and by laboratory tests. This is necessary because the signs under the action of various microorganisms are similar. The doctor will prescribe measures to identify a specific pathogen:

  • Scraping.
  • General blood analysis.
  • Study of a biopsy taken from a progressive focus.
  • Consultations with an allergist, endocrinologist and other narrow specialists.

After clarifying all the nuances, the most effective therapy will be prescribed.

Microbial eczema treatment

Any forms of allergic manifestations and dermatitis should be supported not only by a medicinal course, but also by adherence to dietary nutrition, by giving up bad habits. To fight effectively, it is possible only by coordinating with the doctor, with a full study of the etiology. Self-medication is inappropriate in severe cases.

Having diagnosed microbial eczema, treatment is designed to fight infection, and it is also important to exclude moments that provoke the disease. As a rule, the treatment is carried out in a complex manner, which includes a course of taking medications and means used topically to treat diseased areas of the skin surface. Medications are prescribed, paying attention to the type of disease. Usually they combine antibiotics and topical ointments.

Treatment of microbial eczema on the hands

To alleviate the condition of the skin of the upper extremities affected by the infection, sedatives and antihistamines are prescribed. They soothe and visibly reduce painful symptoms. For microbial eczema on the hands, a course of vitamins will be added to the treatment, sometimes in injections. This is necessary for faster healing and skin regeneration.

With a complex course of the disease, hormonal ointments are used to quickly relieve acute manifestations. Such ointments are unsafe, they are prescribed for a short time, later replaced with anti-inflammatory creams.

Treatment of microbial eczema on the feet

The lower limbs are often affected by problems with veins and the development of varicose veins. It is caused by streptococci and candida. A rash can also appear with infection of wounds, burns, if there are lesions with other types of eczema. Typical manifestations: redness, itching, vesicles containing exudate. Bursting, they expose erosion.

Microbial eczema on the legs, in the treatment requires the use of antiseptics. Depending on the etiology, medicines are used that fight bacteria or fungi. They are released in injections, ointments, tablets and are prescribed in combination. The recipes that came from the people show themselves well - compresses, herbal lotions.

Prevention of microbial eczema

Compliance hygiene rules and attention to skin lesions is the best prevention. However, having a disposition to allergic reactions, frequent occurrence of dermatitis and other skin ailments, it is imperative to stick to a diet and lead a healthy, active life. For a good metabolism, the body must get physically working on a daily basis.

The diet should consist of boiled and steamed dishes. Limit the consumption of allergic foods: honey, eggs, seafood. Sweet carbonated drinks are harmful, semi-finished products and sausages are best excluded altogether. Use household chemicals and detergents with care, trying to limit their contact with the skin surface. Follow all the instructions and microbial eczema, the photo of which you will see below, will definitely recede!

Eczema refers to inflammatory diseases skin that is not transmitted from person to person, being completely non-infectious. As a rule, eczema is presented in a chronic form with temporary exacerbations.

The medical history of this disease can be hereditary or allergic, it can develop under the influence of exogenous and endogenous factors. Also, the culprits provoking eczema include neuroendocrine, immunological and psychovegetative disorders.

Microbial eczema, the treatment and symptoms of which we will consider today, most often occurs in a person with a weakened immune defense. With a low level of immunity, the body becomes more susceptible to pathogens that enter it.

We are talking primarily about such common pathogens as staphylococci and streptococci.

  1. Sycosiform - occurs in people with inflamed hair follicles. Weeping, inflamed, itchy areas of red color form on the skin. It is localized in the chin, upper lip, armpit, and genitals.
  2. Varicose - develops on the legs with a neglected case of varicose veins.
  3. Nummular - has round lesions, with a diameter of 1 to 3 cm, with serous-purulent crusts. Most often it manifests itself on the hands.
  4. Mitotic - appears when there is a fungal infection on the skin and nails.
  5. Paratraumatic - develops around a long-standing injury, especially long-term non-healing wounds.
  6. Eczema of the nipples - is formed in women during the period of breastfeeding, as well as against the background of scabies. It is characterized by the appearance of red, inflamed spots around the nipple, which become very wet.

The appearance of eczema may indicate problems with the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, problems with humoral regulation organism. Also, with the disease, dysgammaglobulinemia, a decrease in the number of T-lymphocytes, and an increase in the number of B-lymphocytes are observed. These symptoms mean that the true cause of the disease is immune deficiency.

Risk factors

The risk group includes people:

  • under stress;
  • with digestive problems;
  • with disorders of the endocrine system;
  • with weak immunity;
  • with manifestations of allergic diathesis;
  • with allergic diseases;
  • with a low level of personal hygiene.

It should be noted that it is the latter factor that plays a huge role in the pathogenesis and initiation of the disease. In most cases, the lesions are localized on the legs and arms due to their high sweating and poor hygiene in these places.


The main symptoms of microbial eczema include inflammatory lesions of the skin, accompanied by various rashes (papules or vesicles), as well as weeping erosion. The rash process is usually accompanied by severe itching.

The lesions have large scalloped edges and merge over time, leaving no healthy skin in the affected area. A large number of purulent crusts concentrate on the surface of foci of inflammation of microbial eczema.

Improper treatment of microbial eczema or traumatic effects on lesions can lead to the appearance of secondary allergic rashes. Such rashes are characterized by polymorphism and are represented by red-edematous spots, vesicles, pustules and papules.

With the progression of the process, these rashes merge, forming areas of weeping erosion, and spread to previously healthy areas of the skin. Thus, microbial eczema is transformed into a true one.

Microbial eczema: photo

What this ailment looks like in the photo, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the pictures.

Microbial eczema treatment

When microbial eczema is found, the main task of treatment is to maintain the body as a whole, because eczema, as a rule, has a chronic course, therefore it is very rarely possible to completely get rid of it.

Treatment for microbial eczema on the feet or hands depends on your medical history and research findings. It is aimed primarily at the therapy of the underlying pathology and the effect on the chronic focus of inflammation.

Depending on the causes of the origin of the disease, it is required to treat fungal skin lesions, pyoderma, sycosis or other corresponding pathology. In the case of microbial varicose eczema, treatment includes medications to improve circulation.

  1. Thorough personal hygiene, but exclusion of prolonged contact with water of skin areas with microbial eczema.
  2. Avoiding overheating of the body, as well as injury to the affected area.
  3. Elimination of foci of chronic infection.
  4. Wearing linen made from natural fabrics.
  5. The diet is predominantly dairy-vegetable with the addition of meat dishes, cereals, fruits, with the exception of citrus fruits. Limiting intake of liquids, alcohol, canned and spicy foods.
  6. With the varicose form of microbial eczema - wearing tight rubber stockings or bandaging the legs, treatment of varicose veins.

In addition, treatment includes taking anti-allergic drugs, sedatives, antiseptic and antibacterial drugs.

Local therapy

At home, you can use a local treatment for microbial eczema on the hands or feet, it is as follows:

  1. Lotions are made from lead water, as well as 1% resorcinol solution, treatment with Castellani liquid.
  2. When eczema was provoked by a bacterial pathogen, ointments are used that include antibiotics, for example, Bactroban, Dettol.
  3. If the foci of inflammation have minor weeping spots, drugs containing tar, naphthalene ointment are used.
  4. In the case of a fungal pathogen, antifungal ointments are used, for example, Exoderil, Lotseril.

For more severe disease, you should use your usual therapy with hydrocortisone ointment and glucocorticosteroids to help you stop the relapse. In certain cases, such methods of taking these drugs are used constantly with additional supporting vitamins B and C intramuscularly.

After removing acute phase and stopping the process, you should apply irradiation to the affected area of ​​the skin with therapeutic ultraviolet light. To consolidate the success of the treatment, therapeutic mud is used. Protect your skin from frost, snow, sun, rain, and cover them with aseptic dressings.

It turns out that every third person on earth at least once, but faced with eczema. This is a disease that affects the skin and is expressed by severe itching, redness. One of the varieties of this ailment is microbial eczema. A photo of this disease can be seen in the pictures below. The appearance of the affected lesions is not very pleasant: they become crusted, get wet, and look unaesthetic. Microbial eczema differs from other infectious skin ailments in that it is caused not only by the microorganism itself, but also by malfunctions of the human immune system. And this greatly complicates the healing process.


Microbial eczema can be:

- Acute - lasts from several weeks to 3 months. A bright red spot appears on the skin, it itches, gets wet.

- Subacute - lasts from 3 months to six months. Here, not only reddening of the skin is observed, but also its compaction, the appearance of peeling.

- Chronic - lasts more than 6 months. The affected skin is very dense, the color is very different from the surrounding tissue.

Where can it manifest?

Microbial eczema, a photo of which can be seen in the article, occurs:

- At the sites of chronic pyoderma.

- Around trophic ulcers.

- In the area of ​​poorly healing wounds.

- Near abrasions, fistulas.

- On sore legs (varicose veins).

Reasons for the appearance

Before starting the treatment of microbial eczema, it is necessary to find out what was the reason for the development of this disease. The reasons for the appearance of the disease can be as follows:

- Heredity.

- Weakening of immunity.

- Consequences of allergies.

- Diseases of internal organs.

- Violation of hormonal levels.

- Frequent stress, nervous disorders, depression.

- The impact on the body of unfavorable natural factors.

Who is at risk? People with a high susceptibility to pathogens of microbial eczema - streptococci. They are often:

  1. Personal hygiene is neglected.
  2. They have problems with the digestive tract, as well as the endocrine system.
  3. Experiencing stressful loads.
  4. They are constantly sick, the defenses of such people are exhausted.

Microbial eczema - hands

It appears as a result of complications of pustular skin diseases, forms around wounds, ulcers, fistulas, burns. Treatment of microbial eczema on the hands is a long-term occupation, since a person usually comes into contact with various objects, household chemicals, without wearing gloves. The therapy for this disease is different for each patient, because people have different type, the severity of the disease. Also, when choosing a method of treatment, the doctor takes into account the age of the patient, his general state of health.

In general, the treatment of microbial eczema on the hands should be comprehensive. The specialist prescribes the following groups of drugs:

  1. Enteric agents to reduce intoxication. It can be such drugs in the form of tablets as "Atoxil", "Polysorb".
  2. Antibiotics These can be aminoglycosides, macrolides, fluoroquinolones.
  3. Hormonal treatment. Preparations "Prednisolone", "Dexamethasone".
  4. Vitamin therapy. Necessarily prescribed ascorbic, folic acid, vitamins of group E and B.
  5. Antihistamines. These can be drugs such as Zyrtec, Loratadin, Erius, Lomilan, etc.
  6. Immunostimulants - "Timogen", "Plazmol", etc.

We must not forget that microbial eczema on the hands heals more slowly than on the legs. After all, the lower extremities may not be in contact with chemicals, detergents, etc. But a person daily washes the dishes, washes clothes, etc. with his hands. Therefore, doctors give such recommendations to patients for a speedy recovery:

- If possible, limit, and it is better to stop using detergents for cleaning floors, dishes.

- The water should not be hot, the optimum temperature is 37 degrees.

Microbial eczema on the lower extremities

The disease can also begin on the legs if germs get into wounds and abrasions. Symptoms of the disease on lower limbs- the appearance of purulent vesicles, redness, itching. Microbial eczema on the legs is treated in the same way as on the hands. Antibacterial, antiseptic and antifungal drugs are prescribed. Medicines are used externally and internally. If the disease is accompanied by varicose veins, then the treatment of microbial eczema on the legs is supplemented by wearing special compression underwear - stockings, socks, tights that tone up the blood flow. Also, the doctor gives recommendations to the patient:

- Do not load your legs.

- Avoid walking long distances.

- Wear well-ventilated shoes to help heal rashes on your feet.

- Wear natural socks.

- At night, fit a small roller or pillow under your feet.

Popular topical antibiotic for microbial eczema

Preparation for local therapy diseases resulting from bacterial infections of the skin and soft tissues, which is successfully used in medicine, is called "Bactroban". Instructions for the use of this medication are as follows:

- Apply ointment 2 to 3 times a day. Apply a small amount of the product to the problem area, put a bandage on top.

- After applying the drug, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.

The duration of therapy with this ointment is up to 10 days, depending on the severity of microbial eczema. If no improvement occurs within 5 days, then the patient needs to consult a doctor to change the treatment regimen.

Cream "Bactroban", the instructions for the use of which must be in the package with the medication, can be used both as monotherapy and in combination with other drugs.

Corticosteroid drug

An effective ointment with anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and decongestant effect, which is successfully used for dermatitis, psoriasis and eczema, is called "Locoid". Hydrocortisone 17-butyrate is used as an active ingredient. Lokoid cream, the price of which is quite high, given that the ointment is sold in tubes of only 30 g each, is used as follows:

- Apply the product to problem areas 1 to 3 times a day. If the condition of the skin improves, reduce the use of the drug to 3 times a week.

- Apply the ointment with massaging movements. The therapeutic course is set individually and depends on the patient's condition and the course of the disease.

Attention! Dermatologists prescribe patients to apply ointment from 30 to 60 g for 1 week, and it costs about 350 rubles. per tube. Considering that the drug "Lokoid", the price of which may initially seem low, is consumed rapidly - packaging in 7 days, it is easy to calculate how much money a person will have to spend if the course of his therapy is 3 weeks. It turns out that from 1050 to 1800 rubles. And that's just for this ointment. But it must be used together with other drugs for complex therapy.

Solution "Soderm"

This is another remedy used to treat microbial eczema. The drug belongs to corticosteroid medications. Soderm solution relieves itching and pain. You can use the product up to 4 times a week. Treatment of microbial eczema with this solution can bring side effects to a person, for example, allergic reactions appear in the form of itching, spots, excessive hair growth in unwanted areas.

The drug "Soderm" is prohibited to use in such cases:

- People who have skin tuberculosis, smallpox, acne, skin manifestations of syphilis.

- Children under 1 year old.

- For skin reactions after vaccinations.

- With individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

A solution is used to treat microbial eczema on the head. The patient independently applies a small amount of the drug using a special nozzle on the scalp affected by the disease.

Cancellation of the Soderm product should be gradual.

Ointment "Triderm"

Treatment of microbial eczema with this drug gives a good result if a person uses the cream 2 times a day without interruption for 2 weeks. Means "Triderm" has the following effects:

- anti-inflammatory;

- antibacterial;

- anti-allergic;

- antipruritic;

- antifungal.

This drug is quite effective, it quickly relieves inflammation on the skin, but in some cases it is prohibited to use it:

- With diagnoses such as chicken pox, herpes, skin tuberculosis, skin manifestations of syphilis.

- With open wounds.

- Babies up to 2 years old.

Use the cream with caution for pregnant women, especially in the 1st trimester, for children over 2 years old.

Physiotherapy methods

In addition to the use of ointments, creams for microbial eczema, dermatologists also prescribe drugs for oral administration, adherence to a diet. Also, the patient may be offered one of the options for physiotherapy:

- Laser treatment.

- Electrophoresis with drugs.

- Irradiation with ultraviolet light.

- Exposure to ozone.

People who have successfully got rid of microbial eczema should take preventive measures in the future so that the problem does not come back again. It is imperative to improve immunity, exclude from the diet those foods that may be allergens, and observe personal hygiene.

Ignoring the problem

If a person does not consult a doctor, does not respond to a disease such as microbial eczema, treatment (ointment, pills, physiotherapy, folk remedies) prescribed by a specialist is ignored, this can lead to serious consequences and cause:

- Red, itchy patches spread to other areas of the skin.

- The appearance of Kaposi's eczema, herpes infection.

- Development of a chronic form of microbial eczema, which cannot be eliminated.

Also, such sad consequences can be observed in those patients who are trying to eliminate the disease on their own. Only a specialist after a series of analyzes, assessments general condition the patient's health can prescribe the correct treatment regimen. Therefore, if you suspect this skin disease, you do not need to try to find the drugs yourself, you need to urgently go for a consultation with a dermatologist.


In this article, the reader was introduced to such an unpleasant problem as microbial eczema. Not a single person is insured against this disease, because various factors can serve as the reasons for its occurrence: from frequent stress to unfavorable living conditions. It is necessary to treat microbial eczema in a comprehensive manner: take medications, lubricate problem areas with ointments such as Triderm, Lokoid, Bactroban. Also, one should not forget about diet and personal hygiene. And a timely appeal to a dermatologist will help not to start the problem and not translate it into the category of chronic ailments.

Mankind has been familiar with the problem of microbial eczema for a long time. In the process of researching this type of eczema, experts have encountered many difficulties. It was difficult to determine the symptoms and causes, the diagnosis was ambiguous, and even the choice of the method of treatment (such an important point) was not always correct. Nowadays, most of the complexities are a thing of the past. The clinical picture of the disease is known and clear. There is a clear classification of the types of microbial eczema. A large list of various medicines and medicinal ointments has been released and tested in practice. Although microbial eczema in the photo looks terrifying, it is not a sentence and the fight against it is being effectively waged.

Microbial eczema, photo

Microbial eczema, causes

Microbial eczema is secondary disease, its development begins against the background of existing pathology (skin with existing non-healing wounds). Often, microbial eczema develops after a previous mycotic or streptococcal lesion on the skin. Trauma prone to infection can also trigger the onset of the disease.

One of the most common causes of microbial eczema is superficial enlargement of the veins of the extremities, accompanied by obstructed blood flow. You can also highlight the repeated examination of festering skin areas.

An infection (bacterial) that occurs after all the above processes very often has a long incubation period and leads to sensitization of human organs (an allergic reaction to an infectious bacterium appears). This is very alarm call. The appearance of this reaction in a patient means that pathology develops at the level of immunity and, most likely, disorders of the endocrine and autonomic systems.

The main causative agents of microbial eczema are:

  • Epidermal staphylococcus
  • Hemolytic streptococcus
  • Streptococcus aureus
  • Candida fungus

If, do not pay Special attention treatment of microbial eczema, the disease will move to another level and develop into true eczema. In this case, eczematous manifestations will appear without previous ulcers or wounds, the disease will take on the character of a chronic disease.

Microbial eczema, symptoms

Microbial eczema is distinguished by the fact that the lesions are located asymmetrically, the center of the lesion is covered with festering crusts, when opened, an erosive zone similar to a well is observed, with weeping inside.

The boundary of the affected area is a curved outline formed by the separating epidermis. The affected area is tinged with a blue-red tint, this is due to skin infiltration.

Microbial eczema is accompanied by:

  • Edema of the dermis
  • Spongiosis
  • Sclerosis of the dermis
  • Massive acanthosis
  • Lymphoid infiltration with the formation of plasma cells
  • Exocytosis with the appearance of blisters in the epidermis

Often, manifestations of microbial eczema are localized in places of trophic ulcers, on the stump due to amputation, around fistulas. Also on the limbs and between the folds of the patient's skin. It is quite common for the elderly to suffer from microbial eczema..

Microbial eczema, types

Based on the characteristics of the course of the disease and the affected area, microbial eczema is classified into the following types:

  • Post-traumatic(appears against the background of injuries, previous operations, burns, abrasions, provided that the healing processes of the skin are disturbed. It is characterized by all the fundamental signs of microbial eczema)
  • Varicose(is a consequence of varicose veins, as well as improper blood flow. Accompanied by a weakened the immune system... The main area of ​​localization is the legs)
  • Numcular(coin-shaped, plaque - characterized by the rounded shape of the affected areas, up to three millimeters in size. The lesions are a well-defined border, as a rule, bloodshot, covered with purulent crusts. The most common area is the hands, although it can also be found on the rest of the patient's body)
  • Sycosiform eczema(spreads in patients with inflamed follicles in the hair zones. Inflammation, as a rule, is bright scarlet in color, with weeping, accompanied by severe itching. Favorite localization - the hair area on the face (beard, upper lip), pubis, armpits. In advanced stages , may spread to areas without hair)
  • Nipple eczema(The name of the species accurately reflects the area of ​​the lesion. Women who are breastfeeding and people with scabies are susceptible to this disease. Inflammations are redness with well-defined boundaries, weeping is present, cracks may form in the places of the foci)

Microbial eczema, treatment

Only a specialist can accurately diagnose developing disease and develop an effective treatment algorithm. Do not try to self-medicate unless absolutely necessary.

Primary in the treatment of microbial eczema itself, is an understanding of the origin of the disease, that is, the identification of the disease that provoked microbial eczema, the so-called root-cause disease.
Treatment of such a pathogen is reduced to the implementation of course and local therapy, specific measures directly depend on the disease - the causative agent of microbial eczema. In parallel with the treatment of the primary disease, therapy is carried out aimed directly at the treatment of foci of microbial eczema.

During the acute course of the disease, accompanied by abundant weeping, dressings soaked in astringent solutions (one percent resorcinol solution, lead water) are used. With low weeping, subacute period, with a predominance of peeling, it is advisable to use various pastes: ichthyol, naphthalan.

A good effect, in both periods, is shown by creams and ointments, which are based on corticosteroids. In cases chronic stage diseases caused by clear infiltration of affected areas, tar containing drugs or naphthalan ointments are used (gradually increasing the concentration from two to five percent to ten to twenty five percent). Even in the chronic stage, a beneficial effect is exerted by: warming compresses and warm baths.

In situations where eczema is difficult to treat and exacerbation occurs very often, X-ray therapy or Bucca radiation therapy may be prescribed. From medications, the following can be prescribed: valerian, bromine, trioxazine, elenium. And also intravenous injections: sodium bromide, calcium gluconate, calcium chloride.

With a large number of exacerbated weeping foci that are difficult to respond to standard treatment procedures, therapy with adrenocorticotropic hormone and corticosteroids is possible. It is necessary to mention an important aspect of such treatment, it cannot last more than seven days. For more effective treatment of microbial eczema, it is recommended to observe the patient in the dispensary.

In opposition to microbial eczema, along with the above drugs, antiallergic and antihistamines (desloratadine, diazolin, chloropyramine, suprastin, loratadine), sedative drugs and vitamin B are actively used. Antifungal and antibacterial ointments are also widely used.

Along with the aforementioned drug therapy, Physiotherapy treatment has worked well... It is such methods as: exposure to foci - ozone, magnetic field, UHF - therapy, UFO, laser - therapy.

There are simple rules, the implementation of which, in combination with complex therapy in the treatment of eczema, will enhance the effectiveness:

  • Hygiene
  • Diet
  • Cotton clothing and underwear
  • Prolonged exposure to fresh air
  • Frequent ventilation of premises
  • Calm lifestyle, no physical activity
  • Timely rest and long sleep
  • Reducing stress, psychological stress

With a careful and responsible approach to the treatment of microbial eczema and the observance of the entire complex of measures, the prognosis for curing the disease is favorable, although in elderly and debilitated patients, a long and complex course of the disease can sometimes be observed.

Microbial eczema is one of the varieties of dermatitis that develops secondarily, that is, against the background of a disease, usually of a fungal or microbial nature. If in other forms of the disease pyoderma is a complication, then for microbial eczema this phenomenon is standard, appearing already in the first stages of the disease. How does it differ from other types of dermatitis, is it contagious or not, and how to treat microbial eczema on the legs and arms?

Features of the disease

Up to 27% of cases of eczema occur in this particular type of disease. Its localization is always indirectly associated with injuries, cuts on the skin, abrasions or trophic ulcers. Often it is provoked by fungal infections, lymphostasis or varicose veins.

The causative agent of the disease is a number of bacteria and fungi. As a rule, they have a long-term effect on the body, reduce its protective properties, provoking sensitization. Under the influence of these factors, the onset of eczema is accelerated.

Microbial eczema code according to ICD-10: L20-L30.

Microbial eczema can only be contagious if the patient has herpes. In such cases, the disease can be transmitted by contact.

  • Children are most susceptible to microbial eczema, since they are much more likely to receive various injuries.
  • In adults, the course of the disease is often associated with the underlying disease.

Microbial eczema on the legs (photo)

Classification and forms

Eczema of a microbial nature is divided into several types:

  1. Post-traumatic... The main factor of development is the presence of injuries on the skin. The reason for the appearance in this case of eczema is the low immune defense of the body or slow healing processes. The latter is inherent in some diseases, for example, diabetes mellitus.
  2. Numcular... Differs in plaque lesions up to 3 cm in diameter. They are usually concentrated on the upper limbs. The rashes themselves have a weeping surface, a clear edge. The skin on the site of eczema is edematous and hyperemic, on the plaques themselves there are layers of serous or purulent crusts.
  3. Sycosiform the form sometimes develops together with sycosis in a number of patients. The rash is red, itchy, and they are located in areas characteristic of the disease - on the pubic region, beard, armpits, lips.
  4. Varicose eczema of the microbial form appears against the background of venous insufficiency or with already developed varicose veins. The impetus for the development of the disease is often maceration, trauma in this area, or the appearance of a trophic ulcer.
  5. Microbial eczema of the nipples occurs during lactation with frequent nipple injuries, but sometimes it can develop with scabies. They become covered with cracks, lesions with red skin are formed on them, itching and weeping. Scabs form on the nipples themselves. The whole process takes a long time and is very difficult to treat.

You can subdivide the disease and localization:

  • on foot,
  • on the beard,
  • on hands,
  • in the pubic area,
  • on the neck,
  • on the upper lip,
  • on the stomach
  • in the armpit,
  • on the brushes,
  • on the nipples,
  • between the fingers.

In the following video, the doctor will talk about what microbial eczema is:

The causes of microbial eczema

The main reason for the development is associated with the presence of pathology that provokes microbial eczema. Usually these are fungal or infectious lesions, against the background of which there is a deterioration in the protective function of the skin, and sometimes the body.

Pay attention to allergic predisposition or aggravated heredity, since in these cases the likelihood of microbial eczema is much higher.


The affected area is usually located on the lower extremities, which is often caused by impaired blood circulation. The foci of the rash themselves are so large that there may not be any areas of healthy skin between them. In the inflamed area of ​​the skin, there are both weeping areas and pustules with serous or purulent contents.

Eczema of this type is also characterized by an abundant amount of purulent crusts that grow. During the course of the disease, severe itching is felt.

Sometimes the oozing is not too pronounced. In such cases, large layers of scales are formed on the surface of the eruptions. It is very easy to remove them, since under them there is a smooth skin without erosive areas.


The diagnosis is usually established at the time of the first appointment and examination. A special role is played by the features of the clinical picture of the disease, namely, its course is secondary, that is, against the background of the main problem (trauma, varicose veins, etc.). Carry out laboratory research only for the purpose of identifying the causative agent of eczema, which is important for the individual selection of antibiotics. Bacteriological inoculation can be replaced by scraping with pathogenic fungi, if there is a suspicion that it was they who became the causative agent.

Histological examination is prescribed only if it is difficult to make a diagnosis. For examination, a biopsy is taken from the area of ​​microbial eczema. Its study allows to establish the presence of acanthosis, lymphoid infiltration, spongiosis, dermal edema.

Differentiate the disease from other types of eczema, familial pemphigus (benign course), reticulosis, dermatitis, psoriasis.



The greatest importance is attached to the treatment of the disease that provoked microbial eczema. The therapy is different, therefore, in this case, recommendations are given only by the doctor individually.

  • For topical use, antimycotic and antibacterial agents are used, as well as agents with an antipruritic effect.
  • Moisture is prevented with anti-exudative ointments.
  • Antibacterial agents are good in the treatment of microbial eczema, especially based on birch tar and naphthalan oil. Additionally, they have a drying effect and promote healing.

The selection of ointments should be carried out only by a dermatologist, since some types of products may not be used. For example, if the disease is fungal in nature, then it is forbidden to use antibiotic-based gels.

Physiotherapy is used for attenuation acute process... At this stage, procedures are usually used such as:

  • ultraviolet,
  • laser therapy,
  • ozone therapy,
  • magnetotherapy.

Compliance with hygiene and a hypoallergenic diet are important stages of therapy and prevention of an exacerbation of the disease. You must additionally try to avoid any injury. Throughout the entire period of treatment, it is better to hide the foci of the disease under antiseptic dressings. Do not expose your skin to rain, frost, snow or sun.

The next section will tell you about ointments and other medicines for the treatment of microbial eczema on the hands and feet.

A famous doctor talks about the treatment of eczema:


The selection of drugs for the treatment of eczema should be carried out by a doctor. The most commonly used medications are:

  • sedatives;
  • B vitamins;
  • Diazolin, Loratadin, Suprastin and other desensitizing agents;
  • antihistamines.

If the inflammatory process begins to spread or transform into true eczema, glucocorticosteroids and strong antibiotics are connected to drug therapy. Read more about the treatment of microbial eczema with folk remedies at home.

Traditional methods

Microbial eczema is not completely treated at home, therefore, folk recipes are not able to prevent it. The use of medications is mandatory, they cannot be replaced with any homemade remedies. It is rational to use them only as an additional component to drug therapy.

  1. Effective use fish oil as lotions. The duration of this procedure is limited to 3 days.
  2. Allow to relieve inflammation of applications and lotions based on resorcinol, boric acid.
  3. It is useful to make lotions based on natural antiseptics (for example, chamomile).

Best to limit local application folk remedies because of the danger of aggravating the situation with inflammation. It will be much more useful to take inward fortifying decoctions, and if the patient has problems with blood circulation, then it is worth using the same decoctions aimed at improving the functioning of the circulatory system.

Disease prevention

Of fundamental importance in therapeutic measures against microbial eczema is the timely treatment of all those pathologies against which its development occurs.

In the future, it is important to be attentive to your health, monitor the work of the circulatory system and regularly perform physical exercises... Thorough hygiene and following the doctor's instructions are important steps in preventive measures.


Avoiding eczema therapy will gradually lead to persistent allergic rashes. Due to the body's susceptibility to viruses, there is a risk of contracting herpes. Both diseases aggravate each other so much that even death is possible.

The prognosis of numular and other types of microbial eczema is presented below.


In general, the prognosis is considered to be favorable, since microbial eczema can be treated. Difficulties can arise only in the elderly or in those whose body is weakened. In such cases, therapy can be prolonged.

Improper therapy or repeated trauma to the area with eczema worsens the prognosis, since the risk of a secondary wave of allergic rashes is higher. Both processes of the disease merge, exacerbating wetness, and then spreads to healthy skin. At this stage, weeping eczema flows into true eczema.

Elena Malysheva will talk about how to treat microbial and other types of eczema: