Conscious dream technique. How to enter a lucid dream. How to get into a lucid dream in one night Can't get into a lucid dream

Beginners often ask the question of how to get into lucid dream. It's not that difficult, the main thing is the desire to master this skill. Below are exercises that will help you become aware of your dreams.

In the article:

How to get into a lucid dream - what a beginner needs to know

If you already know what a lucid dream is, what opportunities it provides and what dangers may lie in wait for the dreamer, you can begin exercises that will help you learn to be aware of your nightly travels, as well as control your dreams. Before you try to lucid dream for the first time, there are a few rules to remember.

The main condition for learning to become aware of dreams is the desire and regularity of training. If you want to learn this and are willing to spend time on it without expecting instant results, you can start practicing. When to expect success - unknown, it's individual.

It is mandatory, regardless of which technique you choose, to keep a dream diary. In the morning, immediately after waking up, write down everything you saw at night. Some experts who study lucid dreams believe that it is advisable to start such a diary several days before starting the practice. You need to write down all your dreams - both ordinary ones and those that you manage to realize. Notes will be useful to you in the future and will strengthen your memory. Keep a diary next to your bed, because sometimes everything you dreamed about is forgotten almost immediately after waking up.

An interesting fact is that people who frequently play video games are more likely to become self-aware when they are sleeping. If you're interested in how to induce lucid dreaming, add relaxing time with your favorite game to your schedule. Scientists have found that even one hour of video game play a week can promote lucid dreaming. Meditation and listening to mantras can also be helpful. It has also been found that taking vitamin B may increase the likelihood of its occurrence.

How to Enter a Lucid Dream - Reality Check

So, how to enter a lucid dream and where can you start? One of the most simple ways is a reality testing method. It is based on developing a waking habit that will also appear when you sleep. Every few hours you need to perform a reality check - look at what in dreams usually looks completely different from reality.

The most common option is to look at your hands. If you do this often in real life, be sure to do it at night too. If you sleep, your hands will change shape and length, and the number of fingers may change.

You can pinch your nose and close it and see if you can breathe? If there is no shortage of air, this means that you are sleeping. Another option is to look at any text or watch, then turn away and look again. In a dream, the text or time on the clock will change, the inscriptions will blur, become incoherent and unclear.

IN Lately Devices for lucid dreaming have appeared on the market.

The main thing at this stage is to prevent bright emotions that promote awakening. Try to calm down and continue to explore the new reality and your capabilities in it.

Lucid dreaming - how to learn using the mnemonic method

Reality testing is not the only way to teach lucid dreaming. The mnemonic method involves the use of a phrase that is memorized and memorized to the point of mechanical repetition, which includes awareness in a dream and contributes to the development of such a habit as awareness of oneself at night.

So, how can you learn to lucid dream using your memory? Before you fall asleep, repeat to yourself something like:

I will be aware that I am dreaming.

The phrase can be anything, but its meaning must correspond to the purpose, and the phrase itself should not be too long. Before going to bed, you can perform a reality check - these two techniques combine well with each other and increase each other's effectiveness.

How to become aware of yourself in a dream - looking for signs of sleep

Have you been keeping a dream diary for a long time, but still wonder how to become aware of yourself in a dream? A journal can help with this. Re-read it and find what you see most often at night. Remember these signs that you are dreaming. Note them as something that can help separate fantasy from reality.

Recognizing these signs while you're dreaming can help you achieve lucid dreaming. It doesn’t matter what exactly you decide to make a sign of sleep - it can be either a change in the color of your favorite sofa in your home or an increase in the number of tails on your cat.

If you don't have a dream journal, you can still try this method. Try to remember what you see most often when you sleep. Memorizing sleep signs can be combined with any other techniques.

How to induce daydreams or sleep paralysis

If you are interested in the question of how to induce a waking dream, you should know that this is absolutely the same as sleep paralysis. This phenomenon is often associated with awareness in a dream and access to the astral plane and subtle worlds. In an unfamiliar person, this condition causes a feeling of fear and depression. At the same time, you will be conscious, but you will not be able to move until this state comes to an end; hallucinations are also possible. Some people suffer from sleep paralysis periodically without doing anything to cause it. It is completely safe if not combined with other disorders.

The first condition for increasing the likelihood of sleep paralysis is lack of sleep and lack of routine. Combine this with an afternoon or evening short nap. Best time for him - from 19:00 to 22:00. It is advisable to sleep on your back - this body position increases the likelihood of waking sleep. At the same time, you can repeat any word, completely concentrating on it and without being distracted by anything. You can also count silently to keep your brain alert.

In addition, you can set an alarm clock so that you can sleep for 4-6 hours. Wake up for 15-30 minutes, you can read or watch a movie to engage your brain. Then go back to bed and try to sleep. If you can't sleep, get into a comfortable position instead of lying on your back.

How to induce a lucid dream using timely awakening

Try going to bed a few minutes after you've already woken up. For example, immediately after keeping a dream diary every morning. How will this help induce lucid dreaming? This will help you understand when lucid dreams most often occur. The goal is to wake up in REM sleep and then go back to sleep. Here you can only guess, because outside the laboratory it is impossible to calculate the sleep phase on your own, unless you ask an assistant to observe your eye movements while you sleep.

In addition, you can try to wake up at night. You should set the alarm to ring in 4, 5, 6, or 7 hours. So the likelihood of “getting” into the REM sleep phase will be higher. It is believed that after this time the REM sleep phase is longer. If you have already had a dream, when you go back to bed, imagine its continuation. Perhaps you will be able to find yourself in it again.

After you wake up to the alarm, bring your body into an active wakeful state. Have a snack or just move around. According to research, you need to stay awake from several minutes to an hour - the time will have to be selected individually, by trial and error.

A light alarm clock or a special device for sleep awareness - a “dream alarm clock” - can be a good helper. It is not necessary to wake up at this time, unless you are going to try the interrupted sleep technique. It is known that light stimulation during REM sleep often leads to positive results.

How to get out of a lucid dream

If you already understand how to enter lucid dreams, but control over what happens in them is not always possible, you should learn how to get out of dreams into reality. This will help if the plot of the dream involuntarily changed, interesting adventures turned into a nightmare, and you wanted to wake up. So how do you get out of a lucid dream? This is easier than entering it, but problems such as false awakenings can occur and can be difficult to deal with.

Strong emotions contribute to awakening. If you get very scared, you will wake up. This often happens to beginners who are delighted with their first successes in becoming aware of themselves in a dream. If you don't want to wake up, stay calm.

If you can’t experience a strong feeling, try focusing on one point. Your surroundings will begin to blur, and the dream will end in a few seconds. Sometimes intention, the desire to wake up, also works.

In general, information on how to get into a lucid dream can be useful to every person. The methods proposed by esotericists and scientists from all over the world do not take much time and do not require much effort, but the opportunities that lucid dreams provide can please any person who dreams of making their life better.

Somewhere below, in the middle of endless green fields, a river meandered like a blue ribbon. It was as if she was playing with him. Who will be the first to reach the hill on which the city stands? He floated silently under the clouds, enjoying every moment. It's hard to describe. A desire simply arises in the heart, and every cell of the body responds to this wonderful call. And now it was calling forward. To his own city. With a magnificent palace in the center and a beautiful garden behind it. There was a stunning gazebo among the trees where he loved to sit alone, enjoying the birdsong.

A quiet rustling sound was heard nearby. Looking around, he saw a pair of young dragons. My heart began to flutter. But not from fear, but from joy. It was like meeting old friends. They floated majestically across the sky, like two huge ships. The golden scales shimmered in the sun with all the colors of the rainbow. At the sight of such a spectacle, he wanted to scream with all his might, but the dragons got ahead of him. They let out a long, joyful cry, soared up and disappeared into the clouds.

And he flew and thought how the doors of his city would open before him, how his friends would greet him. The birds will sit on his hands and sing their songs for him. After all, this is his city. This is his world...

Do you think this is a fairy tale? Fiction? You guessed wrong. The world described above is quite real. This is the world of lucid dreaming, and everyone is as capable or better. Of course, you can say that this is all fiction, unreal, and so on. The fact is that reality is not so simple either. Our brain doesn’t care at all whether it takes a picture from dusty memory archives (perhaps even from an old movie) or receives it from an external source. You won't even notice the change. To a simple question: “Are you sure you’re not sleeping right now?” - most people won't even be able to answer. How to have lucid dreams? This is what we will learn today.

What are lucid dreams?

How to enter a lucid dream? Before getting an answer to this question, you need to find out what it even is? Essentially, the answer follows from the title. A person sees a dream, realizing that he is sleeping. This is the very first, main and most difficult step towards building your own world in your dreams. The problem is that most people on the planet are not only unable to control their dreams, but are not even able to understand that they are in a dream. And at the same time, we are still trying to talk about what is real in this world and what is not!

Exist different types of people. Some people have vivid, beautiful (or scary) unforgettable dreams. Others have absolutely no memory of what they saw in their dreams after waking up. There are also people who are given the gift of self-awareness in dreams from birth, without any training or exercise.

There is no need to think that this is some kind of modern invention. The first mentions date back to the distant 8th century AD. Even then, people thought about traveling in their dreams. Serious Scientific research began to be carried out much later, in the 20th century by S. Laberge, and later by other scientists.

Why is this necessary?

Before we start talking about how to enter a lucid dream, you need to find out why it is even necessary? Let's forget for a moment about such things as the hidden reserves of our body, inexhaustible sources of new knowledge, additional sources of energy, and so on. Let's turn to dry and banal mathematics. For hundreds of thousands of years, people have been looking for a way to extend their relatively short life by at least a couple of days. Whatever is being done for this purpose: new medicines are invented, diets and exercises are invented. People go to great lengths to stay in this world for a little while. But very few people think about the fact that every day we delete from our lives as much as 8 hours allocated for sleep (some less or more). It doesn’t seem like much, one third of a day. Okay, we lose 10 days out of a month. More interesting now, right? Over 30 years of life, lost time is gained by 10 years! But we can’t stay awake, you say. That's right, we can't. But we have the power to fill this emptiness with meaning! Imagine having the opportunity to add years to your life, this is no joke! Time in a lucid dream is full of surprises. It seems that I slept for several hours, and the needle only moved by fifteen minutes. Moreover, there are cases where a person lived in a dream for several days, weeks and even months. And in the real world, as if nothing had happened, he woke up 8 hours later in the morning. Should we neglect the opportunity to increase our life expectancy by an order of magnitude?

There are many “supernatural” possibilities that open up to us in such dreams. This is unexpected knowledge and talents that formerly man I didn’t notice it myself. There are more interesting “revelations”, but it is better to leave them behind the curtain, since every traveler in the world of dreams must discover them for himself.

Psychologically, this is a great way to relax and give vent to your emotions. After all, this is your world! Everything here lives according to your laws, although it will not be possible to fully understand this right away. If you want to fly, fly, swim underwater, please. If you want to relax on the beach in Crimea every day - good luck! Your brain can create amazing landscapes and panoramas if you make it work for you. We'll talk about how to do this later.

Is it possible?

How to get into a lucid dream? Is it possible? Many people, after several unsuccessful attempts, become disappointed and come to the conclusion that either they were deceived and these are all fairy tales, or they do not have the ability to do this. Both of these are fundamentally wrong. First of all, everything written here is true! Secondly, there are no people who are unable to become aware of themselves in a dream. Some people succeed right away, others take weeks or even months, but in the end they are still successful. Maybe you won’t be able to build beautiful castles and raise golden dragons right away; it’s quite difficult. Everything will come in time if you don’t stop and go to the end! First you need to step over the main barrier - awareness. What are we going to do now? Are you willing to go down the rabbit hole? Ready? Then go ahead! We master the entrance to a lucid dream (LS).


How to get into a lucid dream? Don't try to call OS when you're tired. If you have a hard job, go to bed early, set an alarm, and after you wake up, try to log into the OS.

Do not drink before bed, the urge to go to the toilet will ruin any

Prepare a notebook and pen for journaling.


Always keep a pen and notebook near your bed. After waking up, dreams are erased very quickly, you need to have time to write everything down. Record everything you can remember: the area, people, animals, tastes, sensations. Try drawing a map of your movements. Over time, you will notice some patterns. Something like locations will be drawn, as in computer games. Transition locations will appear. You probably remember how in a dream you are suddenly transported from one place to another. When you start keeping a diary, you will understand that such places are also natural. Remember them. Constantly re-read your diary, analyze and make a plan for your next dream. Even if you can’t control yourself yet, make a plan over and over again: go there, explore such and such a place, try to fly... One day everything will work out.

Changing consciousness

Everyone calls this exercise differently - “ critical thinking” or “reality check” - but the essence remains the same: force yourself to doubt the reality of the world around you. It sounds pretty fantastic, but there's nothing wrong with that. Constantly ask yourself, “Am I dreaming?” - and find convincing evidence. For example, look at the same sign or object twice. In the dream they will change. Or try to fly. However, the most effective method- this is the first option. Over time, this habit will take hold and begin to manifest itself even in sleep.


It will be nice if throughout the day you constantly tune yourself to positive result. Repeat to yourself: “Today I will succeed” or “Today in my dreams I will fly.” This should not sound like a cry of despair. You must believe unconditionally in your success. If you didn’t succeed and you just fell asleep, when you wake up, tell yourself: “It’s okay, I’ll try again.” Sooner or later this fortress will collapse, and victory will be yours. Just don't give up!


One of the main criteria for success in our event. Increased arousal is a disaster both when trying to enter a dream and when you are already there (instant departure). Meditation can be a good help in this case. If you learn to control your thoughts and feelings, this will be a big step towards success.

Fixing attention

A fairly complex but effective technique for lucid dreaming from a waking state. As mentioned above, you should not try to enter a lucid dream when you are tired, otherwise you will simply pass out. Either go into a lucid dream during the day, or set an alarm, wake up, and do it at night.

So. Lie down on your back (it’s better to choose a harder pillow) and close your eyes. Relax and calm your breathing. Mentally walk through your body, all muscles should be relaxed. Now it is important to free yourself from thoughts. This is quite difficult (this is where meditation practice will help), but it is necessary. You will feel like you are falling into some viscous substance (like resin). Don't be alarmed, this point is very important. It only lasts a few seconds. The main thing is not to let your consciousness turn off at this moment. A few seconds - and you are on the other side! You are in a lucid dream! This method is extremely complex and simple at the same time. Difficult because it can be difficult to relax, concentrate and not let your consciousness turn off while passing through the “tar” layer. Simple because it is the shortest path to the world of lucid dreaming. This technique has several undoubted advantages. If something goes wrong, you can stop, calm down and continue rather than wait next day. No additional exercises, attitudes, devices or substances are needed. If performed correctly, the transition to lucid sleep is guaranteed. Many people recommend using daytime for such exercises. The advantages of this choice are obvious, especially at the beginning of the journey. You're less likely to simply switch off. When everything starts to work out, you will be less dependent on fatigue, the state of your body and the time of day.


Maybe some banal phrases will follow, but it’s still worth reminding about this for the common good. The technique of lucid dreaming should not be mastered by an unhealthy body. Therefore, if you are suffering from fever or headache, reschedule your classes. Also, do not do this with a full stomach, drunk or hungover. Believe me, our consciousness is a fragile, precious instrument. Handle it with care!

What's next?

Let's say everything worked out for you, and this will certainly happen if you have desire and perseverance. What happens next? How will your first lucid journey in a dream begin? First of all, you want to look at your hands. No one knows exactly why, but most often this is where it starts. Later, if you feel that the dream is starting to fade (you wake up), take a special look at your hands. This will allow the situation to deepen somewhat. An amazing sensation is the second most popular action performed in lucid dreams. At the beginning of the article such a flight is described; it is difficult to describe the physical sensations experienced during it. After such dreams, the feeling remains that our laws of the universe are not as unshakable as we were told about them from childhood.


Even in a lucid dream, you often have to remind yourself who is boss. Our consciousness can be compared to a large garbage dump. What and who is not here! You can meet both beautiful and terrible creatures. Until you have learned to control and create something in your dreams, you remain just an observer. The main thing is not to be scared! It is important to remember that this is your world and you are the master here. Whoever you meet, you can command him or make him disappear. For this you need one condition - self-confidence! People, animals, things, buildings will appear in front of you. You can remove or adjust them, but always remind yourself that everything here is subordinate only to you.


You don’t need to think that the lucid dream technique requires you to draw every twig or leaf. Your brain remembers perfectly well what a forest, river or dog is, but if you want to correct something, the matter is limited only by your imagination. Write down everything you do in your sleep and mark it on a map. Write what you are going to do. Chances are good that one day you will return to the house or castle you built last night. Or get yourself a golden dragon that will meet you and protect you in every dream. You can create multiple locations and move between them using the transitions described above.


Many people use the state of lucid dreaming to get answers to questions that interest them. Hidden talents and opportunities are revealed. Perhaps this is due to the fact that in a dream our consciousness does not have the usual limitations. People often create a secret room, a magic ball or a magic box in their dreams, which they use to get answers to their questions. And, oddly enough, it works; a person really often receives information that is inaccessible to him in the real world.


Now you know what the lucid dream technique is. There are the most contradictory reviews about it. There are people who say that spending a long time in the OS worsens a person’s connection with the real world. Someone says that a person can go into a lucid dream and not return from there. Some people think you can go crazy there. As a rule, these are people who have either never had such dreams, or have made a couple of unsuccessful attempts and abandoned this activity.

There are others too. Those for whom the practice of conscious sleep has helped get rid of various complexes. Some learned to write poetry, music, made discoveries, learned foreign language. And some simply found a place to relax and retire. The practice of lucid dreaming is a vast, unexplored field, containing so many wonders and possibilities that we cannot even imagine. But all you need is a little desire, patience and self-confidence!

What does it take to find yourself in a vivid, consciously controlled dream? Meditation? Strengthening personal energy? Maybe a diet? If you have set yourself the goal of getting into an lucid dream (lucid dreaming), you don’t have to do such things! Of course, meditation and diets are all great. But going this way to conquer the space of sleep is like going from St. Petersburg to Moscow via Vladivostok. You can get there, but why, when there is a direct and simple path?

This was worth mentioning, since there are “methods” when, even before entering a lucid dream, you need to long time go on a vegetarian diet, it is unclear why and what to cleanse the body of. Or immerse yourself in meditation practice. And all this, mind you, is just preparation!

Of course, if you do yoga, practice meditation or something like that, no one is going to dissuade you from these, of course, useful things. Moreover, they will be a good help. But that’s exactly what we’ll help you with! To get into a lucid dream, they are not necessary, and therefore it is not worth spending time on abstract practices just for the sake of lucid dreaming.

A complicated method that takes too much time is an extremely bad method.

Such methods can take months or even years to implement. Do you have these years? Are you ready to spend several years to find yourself in a lucid dream? Isn't it easier to take the direct path to the goal?

How to quickly get into a lucid dream?

For success, make it a habit to write down your dreams. Everything you can remember. If conditions permit, it is better to make notes in the morning, when dreams are easier to remember.

This is not a waste of time, as it might seem at first glance. Try to write down everything you remember. Keep a separate notebook for this. By accustoming yourself to writing down your dreams, even in a sleeping state you will be somewhat ready to remember the dream, which in itself increases the level of awareness, and therefore the chances of success. This action directs attention in the right direction, and it is attention that most people lack in order for an ordinary dream to become lucid.

Another one good habit, which can itself replace any method. Periodically ask yourself: “Am I dreaming?”. At some point you will ask yourself this question after you fall asleep. This alone can turn a simple dream into a lucid dream.

Maybe you are sleeping right now? And are you dreaming about all this?

Now let's describe the method itself. It's very simple. In the sense that it does not require much effort, but the result is good. You can start today, why wait?

  1. Go to bed as early as possible. Don't try to lucid dream in the evening. The body needs to gain strength and rest. No meditations at night, kundalini, “mental settings” and other things. Just go to sleep.
  2. Wake up in 5-6 hours, for which it is better to set an alarm in advance. Take a quick trip to the toilet. Be sure to wash your face, it will refresh you a little.
  3. Go back to bed, don't waste time. Lie on your right side, take a comfortable position and breathe. This is the most difficult thing in all technology. Take frequent inhalations and exhalations without pauses for 1–2 minutes. Not more. It is necessary to ensure that the brain is saturated with oxygen, but at the same time there is no dizziness. Inhale and exhale, without pause, deeply enough, but at the same time effortlessly, easily. Over time, you will “catch” the desired rhythm.
  4. Go to sleep. The body is relaxed, the body will fall asleep quickly, because you were awake for only 2-3 minutes.
  5. Sleep begins, but the brain will not turn off completely - it has already had time to rest for several hours, and then you also gave it energy - saturated it with oxygen. As a result, with a high degree of probability you will find yourself in a lucid dream. This is where technology comes in handy “Am I dreaming?” or similar. The main thing is to understand that you already you are in the OS, do not lose awareness, but rather strengthen it.

The very first time, most likely, it will not work - internal excitement will interfere. Perhaps luck will smile on the third or fifth time, but for a novice dreamer this is a very good result. Keep trying and don't forget to write down your dreams - this is an important part of the technique!

Many people have encountered such a situation when they realized that they were dreaming and this state is called lucid dreaming. The sensations can be barely noticeable, or they can expand and give a person the ability to control their visions. There are techniques that allow you to develop this ability.

Lucid dreaming – what is it?

Dreams have always interested people, so this topic has been carefully studied for many years. (OS) is a state of consciousness that occurs in the REM sleep phase and has excessive emotional intensity. It can occur spontaneously or initiated by the person himself, who can control it. For many years, scientists have been trying to figure out what lucid dreaming means, thanks to which many discoveries have been made. There are developed techniques for immersing and controlling such dreams.

How is a lucid dream different from a waking dream?

Numerous experiments made it possible to obtain objective data that confirmed that brain activity during OS differs from other phases and from the state of wakefulness. They also differ from waking dreams, which are considered simple fantasies. The scientific and methodological value of OS lies in the fact that they can help reveal many secrets of human consciousness and understand the abilities of the brain. Science defines lucid dreaming as an opportunity to obtain material for self-knowledge and introspection. One of the first scientists to devote his life to this topic was S. Laberge.

How to get into a lucid dream?

Scientists assure that every person has the opportunity to develop the ability to get into OS. There are several directions you can take. The most important thing is to have desire find yourself in your own dreams. The technique of entering a lucid dream is described in many books, for example, the following popular authors are: R. Webster, M. Rainbow and R. Monroe. Another important tip is to keep a diary, where immediately after waking up, write down the scenes you saw in all details. It is important to practice regularly using different exercises. You don't need to count on quick results.

Techniques for getting into a lucid dream

The main condition for getting into the OS is maximum relaxation, but it is important to control yourself so as not to fall asleep. For this purpose, it is necessary to use relaxation and it is best to choose exercises to relax muscles and control breathing. The technique of lucid dreaming should be selected individually, since it affects each person differently. It is important to have some privacy by turning off your phone, and it is also recommended to close the curtains and sit in a comfortable position.

  1. Imagine and even mentally say how each muscle on the body relaxes, and you need to start with the smallest of them.
  2. Visualize yourself falling with high altitude. It is important to try to prolong this state as long as possible.
  3. Imagine yourself swinging on a swing or in a boat floating on the waves.
  4. Visualize yourself in a place you really like. It is necessary to present everything as accurately as possible in the smallest detail. Thanks to this, there is a possibility that a lucid dream will latch on to this picture.

There are a few more recommendations to achieve good result. It is necessary to ensure complete absence of movement, as itching in the eye or nose area may occur. It is important to ignore all these urges. Special attention you need to pay attention to breathing, which should be close to the sleeping state, that is, even and deep. You can also use this technique: get up at 4-5 am, go to the toilet and drink some water, and this should take no more than 5 minutes. After this, you should go to bed and force yourself to fall asleep.

How to manage a lucid dream?

A person who is just beginning to practice entering the OS often faces various problems that are associated with strong emotions. As a result, the dreamer wakes up only after achieving certain results. Many people simply forget that they were and controlled their actions in a dream, and this is due to the special functioning of the brain. To avoid this, it is necessary to check reality as often as possible, which will allow you to maintain awareness.

Controlling a lucid dream depends on the desired goal, for example, if a person wants to see a certain person or creature, then he should visualize it before going to bed. It is important to send requests to your subconscious, which will lead to results. Many newcomers, wanting to change the world, are faced with a mental block that prevents them from realizing their plans. To avoid this, you can do a simple exercise: imagine a door in front of you, behind which there is a place where you want to go. This door will be a portal through which you can reach your goal.

What can you do in a lucid dream?

OSes come in many different forms and many of them are completely tangible and vivid. This allows human brain regenerate completely different and even amazing things. This is due to the fact that everything happens in thoughts, where there are no boundaries. Thanks to numerous trainings, managing lucid dreams is possible, and if desired, it is easy to realize any of your fantasies and desires.

  1. Experiments have proven the ability to improve your physical indicators, thanks to skills processing in the OS.
  2. Visiting various places, as well as traveling through time.
  3. The dream of many people is to learn to fly, and in their dreams it can be made a reality.
  4. Gaining creative inspiration by bringing ideas to life.
  5. Many psychiatrists use lucid dreaming to help a person cope with nightmares.
  6. An opportunity to meet and communicate with people who have already passed away.

Is it possible to die in a lucid dream?

OS not only have certain advantages and benefits for humans, since they also contain danger. On this moment There is no evidence that you can die in a lucid dream, but serious side effects. For example, a person may not notice severe pain, his memories disappear, he experiences a split personality and a loss of reality occurs. There is a serious danger of lucid dreaming for people who have phobias, as well as diseases in which strong emotional impressions are undesirable.

Lucid dreaming - is it dangerous?

Some people, having become interested in this topic, do not know how to properly enter and use the OS, which can become a source serious problems V Everyday life. One of the main dangers is that a person becomes dependent on them and loses awareness of reality. To avoid this, it is important to notice in time that thoughts about the events seen in night visions displace reality. To understand the dangers of lucid dreaming, it is necessary to consider other possible consequences.

  1. Inadequacy. If a person is poorly trained to be controlled by the OS, then he can transfer many things to real life, which will be perceived by others as inappropriate behavior.
  2. Destabilization. There are situations when the boundaries between consciousness and subconscious are blurred, which leads to a loss of reality.
  3. Mystical. In a lucid dream, a person encounters various creatures and forces that lead to a waste of energy, which affects the person’s condition.

A lucid dream is a special atypical state of consciousness in which a person understands that he is dreaming, and can also partially control the dream, shaping the details, events and actions of the dream at his own discretion. How to induce this state yourself and learn to control it, prolonging the unusual sensations as much as possible? You will learn about this and much more below.

What is a lucid dream and how does it manifest itself?

For the first time, the theory of lucid dreaming was put forward by Frederick Var Eden at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. He described in detail the characteristics of this condition and also tried to explain it.

By the end of the 20th century, this theory began to be tested from a scientific point of view - Japanese scientists advanced the furthest here, thanks to numerous tests, they identified the phenomenon and recorded it with hardware.

Lucid dreams, in which a person understands that he is sleeping and also partially or completely controls it, creating his own images, actions, and shaping events, occur during a smooth transition from wakefulness to the REM sleep phase and vice versa. This process is not mandatory - in most cases, a person simply falls asleep and does not go into a borderline state.

Physiologically, there is a gradual relaxation of all muscle groups and an increase in active brain activity. His alpha rhythms increase significantly and increase in frequency, while beta and components practically disappear, gamma rhythms lengthen the amplitude. The dorsolateral portion of the prefrontal cortex of the brain is activated, which does not manifest itself in any way during normal sleep.

It is known for certain that it is almost always possible to get into lucid dreams in people who have experienced sleep paralysis - muscle atonia before falling asleep or immediately after waking up. Dreams in in this case very bright, but often disturbing, sometimes with attacks of fear and nightmares.

Where is lucid dreaming used?

Lucid dreaming is a unique tool for simulating a wide variety of situations in the long term. Undoubtedly, it can be used in the future as an application in a number of situations:

  • Psychotherapy. A promising set of psychotherapy sessions using lucid dreaming may be useful for people suffering from a wide variety of phobias and fears. Flying in a dream, building self-confidence in any situation, and other stories can become a powerful motivator for recovery and healing;
  • Gaming aspect. Controlled dreams in the medium term may become the main virtual reality where there are no restrictions;
  • Brain research. Certain theories and hypotheses directly point to the hypothetical prospect of expanding the possibilities of using the human brain. Lucid dreaming may be the “key” to control psychic abilities, increasing the analytical and memory functions of the brain in geometric progression, provide other, previously unknown knowledge and skills.

Learning to lucid dream

Official science and medicine do not have at their disposal reliable methods for controlling lucid sleep and methods for guaranteeing immersion in such a borderline state.

Nevertheless, for many decades, active searches have been conducted in this aspect. A number of independent researchers are using practical means to achieve a significant increase in the frequency of lucid dreams.

The duration of training varies over a very wide range and depends both on the specific methodology and on the personal data, qualities and knowledge of a particular person.

The furthest person to date in understanding the mechanisms of adaptation of the body to the independent invocation of lucid dreams is Stephen LaBerge - his “ Institute of Lucid Dreaming"offers people both free recommendations and paid individual or group courses with a personal trainer.

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There are many ways to get into a lucid dream. The most promising areas are considered:

  • Special concentration. Reading relevant literature, concentrating on certain abstract images;
  • Reception psychoactive substances . Herbal and synthetic-based drugs can contribute to the appearance of a borderline state during the process of falling asleep;
  • Rituals. Certain sequential actions repeated constantly;
  • Stimulation of sensations. Potentiation of tactile and vestibular images with an emphasis on the process of falling asleep;
  • Hypnosis. The most pragmatic tool, which is partially used for the practice of inducing lucid dreams even now.

After a person has been able to consciously induce a borderline state several times, it is necessary to consolidate the effect, keep a diary of the dreams you form, come up with promising scenarios for future dreams with clear sequential actions that make them easier to control and increase their duration.

Basic ways to enter a lucid dream

Below are well-known lucid dreaming practices that help a person be more likely to learn this process. However, you should understand that you most likely will not be able to enter a lucid dream the first time, and you will have to train for a long time.

Association principle

Its basis is the development of habits, a clear associative series that allows you to check reality and understand whether you are in the waking or sleeping stage. During the night period, when you are conditionally awake, ask yourself whether you are sleeping or not.

Follow the details– during a lucid dream, any changes in virtual space-time are possible. Thus, the clock on the wall may move jerkily, and some physical laws are not observed at all.

Try to compare reality and dreams. Remember the sensations when entering a lucid dream - this will help you build an associative series and immediately concentrate on the process. Look at your hands, try to cover your nose and mouth and try to breathe - if there is no shortage of air, then you are in a dream.

An alternative option for an associative series is the use of a background voice. The phrases “You are dreaming” and “This is a lucid dream” can be repeated either by the live voice of a third party or by a pre-recorded audio stream in the form of a file. The volume should not be too loud to make the process of falling asleep easier.


Self-tuning or mnemonic method involves the use of memorized and memorized phrases and actions that are memorized to the point of automaticity, which are tied to the inclusion of awareness during sleep and contribute to the development of this habit.

Phrases or rituals can be anything. For example, “I will be aware that this is a dream” and at the same time mentally program myself for a certain action. Self-tuning can be conveniently and functionally supplemented with the technique of associations with reality testing.

Having perfected a phrase or a short phrase until automatic, having looped it in the subconscious, use this “anchor” to induce a borderline state every time before falling asleep.

Savasana – corpse pose

Savasana in the general sense is a classic completion practical classes yoga, a period of relaxation and rest. Under certain circumstances, this practice can effectively induce lucid dreaming.

According to experts in this field, Shavasana can be performed without prior preparation and performance of other asanas, which greatly simplifies the technique and reduces it to a basic set of actions.

In specialized literature, Shavasana can also be called dead body pose or mritasana. It is not recommended to use it by pregnant women and people with musculoskeletal disorders.

The technique of performing the procedure includes a number of actions:

  1. Creating an atmosphere. It is necessary to provide dim light, complete silence, spread a blanket on the floor and lie on it with your back;
  2. Position. Your forehead should be in line with your chin (place a small flat pillow under your neck to make the process easier). The lower back is in full contact with the horizontal surface;
  3. Relaxation. Close your eyes tightly and start breathing through your nose. The tongue is as relaxed as possible, and so is the body (as if spreading over a horizontal surface, no tension or resistance). Inhalations and exhalations are light and weak. Rib cage rises and falls smoothly. Feel your body as much as possible; if there are tense areas, relax, imagining that your breath is passing through them;
  4. Detachment. Stop concentrating on your breathing, just watch it as if from the outside, and do the same with any thoughts that arise in your head. Do not try to suppress emotions (if any arise), but simply do not notice them;
  5. Dive. Imagine that your whole body with thoughts and emotions is immersed in water and finds the calm of the ocean. Thoughts are like surf waves, easily rolling onto the shore; there is no fear of the elements, a person merges with the water world.

Above, the main stages of entering the dead man's pose are presented. In classical Shavasana, the last stages are a gradual exit from the state, with the process of concentrating on breathing, but this is not necessary to enter a lucid dream.

Continue the practice of absorption and detachment for as long as possible, remain alone with the subconscious and consciousness, after which you let the latter go “free floating” - it will go into a borderline state and a lucid dream will arise.

Mask for lucid dreams

Modern research in the field of sleep control has led several private companies to the need to create a gadget that helps a person enter a lucid dream. This kind of device, technologically complex, is a kind of simulator that combines methods of self-control and associations.

The mask for lucid dreams looks like a wide blind bandage on the face that completely covers the eyes. Inside it is a set of LEDs, microspeakers, boards and sensors. How does it all work??

During the transition from wakefulness to REM sleep, eyeballs a person begins to involuntarily move quickly under closed eyelids - this is a side process of their relaxation. Motion sensors installed in the mask record this process, after which they transmit a signal to LEDs or microspeakers.

Accordingly, during the initial phase of REM sleep, a regular soft light or sound signal is sent to the retina of the eye or to the ears. The brain that receives these peculiar “hints” associates them with a dream.. Thus, without seeing the source of sound or light, but perceiving them, a person can understand that he is not in reality, but in the process of sleep, and control it accordingly.

As practice shows, you won’t be able to enter a lucid dream the first time using this gadget—it takes some practice and time. But after the first sessions, people see more memorable and colorful dreams and sleep better.

When the owner of the device gets used to the device and connects the additional methods described above, he will be able to see lucid dreams every night.

Other methods

  • Mental planning. Make the most detailed plan your future dream, full of emotions and actions. Try to learn it, not only verbally, but also at the subconscious level. In the process of falling asleep, imagines oneself at the starting point of the future dream (with the designation of a specific location);
  • Working with pseudo-real images. As you fall asleep, try to imagine a variety of abstract figures, concentrating on their details. Mentally rotate them around the longitudinal axis. At the same time, listen to the “white noise” in your head (it arises during the process of falling asleep as a pseudo-stimulus at the border of sensory perception) and amplify it as much as possible, try to mentally move the selected part of your body without muscle tension with increasing amplitude;
  • Mental representation of a real thing. Before entering the borderline state with eyes closed, try to imagine hands in front of you, in one of which the real thing appears (you should use it very often). The simplest example is mobile phone. Try to sense and feel its reality, pressing keys or tapping on the screen;
  • Electromagnetic stimulation. The innovative method has a direct effect on brain waves. During the REM sleep phase, the frequency and intensity of alpha rhythms increases significantly, the human brain begins to stimulate electromagnetic waves frequencies of 30-40 Hz, which correspond to gamma rhythms, essentially the process of wakefulness. In most cases, the dream becomes lucid, and the person enters the pre-awakening phase.

Which technique is the fastest?

There is no definite answer to this question - the speed of entering the borderline state and the time period for maintaining lucid sleep depend on the person’s abilities and his training.

The best option for mastering the lucid dream technique as quickly as possible is to use two or more techniques simultaneously. The most popular combinations of lucid dreaming techniques among beginners usually include association and self-control, as well as working with pseudo-real images and electrical stimulation.

It's wise to try various options– for example, a combination of individual yoga exercises (Shavasana) and the use of a special mask when going to bed.

Study of Lucid Dreaming

Lucid dreams began to be studied from a psychological and scientific point of view at the end of the 19th century, but a qualitative leap occurred only in the early 2000s - it was then that large-scale experiments were carried out to identify all the features of the borderline state.

It has been scientifically proven that in a certain time period of the REM sleep phase, the human brain works atypically: the dorsolateral portion of the prefrontal cortex, usually responsible for consciousness, is quickly activated, its alpha rhythms are partially combined with the gamma component - the patient sees a lucid dream and can control it . This process usually lasts from a few seconds to 15 minutes.

The modern leader in the study of the processes of such dreams is Stephen Laberge, as well as a number of followers (Allan Hobson, the Max Planck Society, Patricia Garfield, etc.), under the auspices of the International Association for the Study of Dreams. In Russia, only a few enthusiasts are involved in the issue - for example, Mikhail Raduga.

Thanks to modern equipment, scientists have accurately identified the signs of a lucid dream and even learned to communicate with the dreamer. The next promising step is awareness of the underlying causes of the borderline state and the development of a universal, reliable method for controlling entry into a lucid dream.

Are there differences between lucid dreams and out-of-body experiences?

In the modern interpretation, there is no difference between these states - they are all formed in the REM sleep phase, potentiated by the same methods, and are associated with a partial cessation of information entering the brain through classical sensory channels.

The difference is noticeable only for a person experiencing such borderline states - if a lucid dream, as a rule, brings pleasure and delight, then the illusion of leaving the body is often frightening and occurs against the background of sleep paralysis. Despite this, out-of-body experiences are still considered a variation of lucid dreaming.