Wen under the armpit - what it is and how to treat it. Lipoma under the arm: localization features and treatment methods How lipoma in the armpit is removed

A lump under the arm (or a lipoma) is a benign formation of a compacted, voluminous shape. The neoplasm occurs in various pathologies (rarely for no reason). Pathology occurs with equal frequency in representatives of both sexes.

Medical indications

Lipoma looks like a cauliflower that grows on a certain area of ​​the skin. It is benign, but, being rather large in size, it can interfere with a person. The formation can put pressure on vessels (lymphatic, blood). This causes swelling and lack of nutrition in this area. Large fatty tissues make movements difficult, constrain them, causing pain and discomfort.

It is not completely known why these structures arise. Experts have studied only factors that can increase the risk of developing such neoplasms:

  1. 1. Pathology of the endocrine system, namely diseases in which the metabolism of lipids and proteins is disrupted.
  2. 2. Injuries.
  3. 3. Significant intoxication syndrome due to damage to the kidneys or other organs of the genitourinary tract.
  4. 4. Hypo-vitaminosis, lack of minerals. This happens when there is insufficient consumption or poor absorption.
  5. 5. Hormonal imbalance.
  6. 6. Genetic predisposition.
  7. 7. Environmental factors (radiation, ultraviolet radiation, radiation can cause pathological cell division).

It is impossible to overcome all causes and eliminate risk factors completely. By paying enough attention to your health, living and working conditions, you can minimize the development of lipomas. The symptoms of the disease are nonspecific and unexpressed, so the wen is under the armpit for a long time may not attract special attention.

The appearance of a dubious formation should alert the patient. In such cases, consultation with a specialist is important. A harmless wen under the arms can easily be confused with more serious ailments. Outwardly they are very similar.

Diagnostic methods

Differential diagnosis of lipomas is carried out to identify the following ailments:

  • inflammatory processes of the lymph node (it is under the armpits that their accumulations are concentrated);
  • initial stages of furunculosis;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • onset of hidradenitis.

These ailments are much more dangerous than lipoma. Late diagnosis and treatment can have a very bad effect on a person’s condition. Inflammatory processes are characterized by pain of various nature, as well as redness of the formation. This is not observed with lipomas.

It is more difficult to distinguish a wen from a malignant tumor. A mistake like this can cost a person his life. Wen is a mobile formation, lobular structure, painless. A malignant tumor is often fused with surrounding tissues and is painful. A definitive diagnosis can often be made only after a biopsy (a test for the presence of cancer cells in the tissues of an organ).

Intramuscular lipoma is very similar to cancer. It is quite dense, motionless, and has no lobes. It is located in the thickness of the muscles. It may also have lime deposits. This distinguishes an old lipoma. Often such a wen occurs in large muscles (thigh, buttocks); very rarely it can be found under the arms. The diagnosis is made only after special studies.

Methods of therapy

Treatment of such neoplasms cannot be carried out independently at home. The armpit is most often injured when a person moves. This situation is extremely dangerous due to the risk of developing malignant tumors. All benign formations can degenerate with prolonged irritation.

Several methods of treating wen have been developed:

  1. 1. Surgical. In this case, local anesthesia is used. A small incision is made above the wen to remove it along with the capsule that surrounds it.
  2. 2. Laser. One of the most modern treatment methods. Its advantage is the absence of scars after the procedure, more fast healing wound
  3. 3. Radio wave method. Easy, painless removal of lipomas on an outpatient basis. Recovery period short, leaves no marks or scars.
  4. 4. Cryodestruction. Lipoma is destroyed by acting on it low temperatures(liquid nitrogen)

Each lipoma that was removed using one of the above methods is examined using cytology

Only this laboratory test helps ensure that it was truly a benign lipoma. Based on the results of cytology, further therapy is prescribed.

The most in an effective way Lipoma removal is considered radio wave therapy. It is effective and harmless and has the following advantages:

  • prevents the re-formation of lipomas at the surgical site;
  • no seams;
  • rapid healing of wounds;
  • slight postoperative trace;
  • entirely outpatient procedure;
  • quick disposal of wen;
  • the procedure can be carried out at various stages of development of wen.

The laser procedure for getting rid of wen allows you to remove them without leaving marks on the body (there are no scars or scars). It is also performed on an outpatient basis and does not require hospitalization or special preparation. The treatment you have started can easily be continued at the nearest clinic.

It happens that in armpit compactions and volumetric formations of various types appear. Such symptoms can appear with various diseases, but most often it is simply a so-called wen under the armpit. This pathology develops equally often in both women and men and has a medical name - lipoma.

This voluminous neoplasm is an area of ​​overgrown adipose tissue enclosed in a capsule. This tumor is benign, but it is better to treat it in a timely manner. Significantly increasing in volume, it can cause a lot of trouble to a sick person.

Growing in the recess of the armpit, the tumor can put pressure on the lymph nodes and blood vessels, disrupting the nutrition of this area. Such large masses can even make it difficult to move your arm, causing discomfort.

Reasons for appearance

As is the case with other types of benign neoplasms, the direct causes of their occurrence are still unknown to science. There are only factors, the presence of which in the lives of some people can provoke the appearance of such a pathology as the appearance of a lipoma under the armpit in men and women:

Of course, it is impossible to eliminate all the causes of tumors, especially since science still knows only a few provoking factors. But if you pay attention to the condition of your body (provide timely treatment concomitant diseases) and living and working conditions, then the risk of such pathologies can be significantly reduced.


Diagnosis of a lipoma of this localization must be carried out by a specialist. This is associated with certain difficulties and the danger of confusing a relatively harmless wen under the arm with other diseases that are very similar to it. They all look the same in both men and women, but there is still a difference.

If you have discovered any voluminous process in the armpit, you should not start treatment yourself without consulting an experienced surgeon. An incorrect diagnosis and inadequate treatment can have quite serious consequences.

What diseases are the wen that appears under the armpit somewhat similar to? The most similar to this pathology are several diseases that require completely different treatment:

  • an inflamed lymph node (there is a cluster of them in the axillary zone);
  • malignant neoplasm;
  • beginning boil (when the pain is not yet very pronounced);
  • beginning .

A delay in the treatment of all these pathologies is fraught with serious complications for the entire body. It's better to identify them early stages. The main distinguishing symptom with inflammatory diseases is pain, expressed to a greater or lesser extent, characteristic of inflammation, in contrast to lipomas. And also, visible redness above the formation.

It is more difficult not to confuse a lipoma with a malignant tumor. Such mistakes can even cost a person’s life. When palpated, a lipoma is always mobile and often has lobules, and if the tumor is malignant, then it is as if fused to the adjacent tissues. However, you can not doubt the diagnosis only after receiving the results of a biopsy. This is a study of tumor tissue for the presence of cancer cells.

There is one type of lipoma that does not have such mobility as intermuscular lipoma. To the touch it is very easy to confuse it with cancerous tumor. It is very dense and has no lobules. The formation does not move in the tissues, as it grows in the thickness of the muscle between the muscle bundles.

It happens that intramuscular lipoma even contains calcareous deposits if the tumor is old enough. It rarely appears under the armpit, more often it grows in large muscles - the thigh or buttock. The diagnosis is made only through analysis.

How to treat?

As in the case of any tumors, it is highly not recommended to treat with home methods. A lipoma located in the armpit is constantly exposed to mechanical stress when a person moves his arms. This creates a certain danger. It is known that everything benign neoplasms, even moles, are not recommended to be disturbed. As a result, they can degenerate into a malignant tumor in women and men.

Medicine offers several types for women and men. All of them involve removing the tumor in one way or another:

  1. Surgical removal. Under local anesthesia, an incision is made above the lipoma, and the wen is removed along with the surrounding capsule.
  2. Laser removal – more modern method, leaving almost no scars. It differs from the previous one in that healing occurs more quickly.
  3. Radio wave treatment. Just as in the case of laser treatment, the removal procedure takes place on an outpatient basis, the wound heals quickly (2-3 days) and without scarring.
  4. Cryodestruction is the effect of cold on the lipoma area.

After removal of the tumor, the tissue must be sent to the laboratory for histological examination and cytology. These tests make it possible to judge whether the tumor has degenerated into malignant. Depending on the results, treatment is prescribed.

Traditional methods

If you are an ardent supporter of funds traditional medicine, then without harming your health you can be treated for some time with home methods. Not all cases allow such treatment, but there are some:

  • if the diagnosis is made by a specialist, and there is no doubt that it is just a wen;
  • if the tumor is still very small in size and is not injured by manual movements;
  • if the skin above it does not change color and there is no pain when touched;
  • if the lipoma does not rapidly increase in volume.

The most popular folk remedies:

At the slightest suspicion that the condition of the lipoma is changing for the worse, you must immediately stop all manipulations and consult a doctor.

Our body, when we pay little attention to our health, talks to us and gives us signs. They are expressed in various inflammations, redness, and small tumors. All these are signs of unhealthy processes in our body.

In this article we will tell you about lipoma, or in common parlance - wen: the reasons for its appearance, how to treat it with medication and folk methods at home.

What does a wen look like under the arm?

Externally, this formation in the armpit looks like a small lump under the skin, flesh-colored. The compaction size is up to 10 mm. The shape is round, to the touch you can feel small, granular slices.

Wen or lymph node under the armpit - differences

Before deciding on treatment, it is necessary to accurately determine the type of tumor you have. Inflamed lymph nodes can have a similar shape.

How to distinguish a lymph node from a wen under the arm?

Unlike a lipoma, an inflamed lymph node on the body, painful to the touch and red in color, can increase in size. The lipoma in the armpit is completely painless on palpation and has a neutral color to the skin.

How to cure wen on the body under the arms?

A benign lipoma on the body under the armpit can be cured with medication, surgery, and folk methods at home.

Operative treatment methods are:

  • simple surgical method;
  • laser surgery;
  • use of radio waves;
  • destruction by cold (cryodestruction).

Surgery to remove a wen under the arm using surgical intervention performed using local anesthesia, without hospitalization. After surgery, it is necessary to avoid getting the wound wet for some time in order for it to heal quickly.

Laser is the latest tool in surgery. It is less painful, has thinner incisions that heal quickly and leave no marks. The operation is more bloodless.

In the case of radio wave surgery, the wound under the arm heals within three days, the operation is almost painless.

When using the cryo method, the lipoma on the body is treated with cold, as a result of which it is destroyed. This is a method that does not require anesthesia, surgery and, as a result, a rehabilitation period. It may be necessary to carry out several procedures to achieve results.

Among women

Wen under the armpit in women on the body is most often discovered during examination of the mammary glands or shaving the armpits. Women, unlike men, touch their body more and examine it, so a lipoma is detected immediately when it appears.

Lipoma can be cured with medication Diprosan.

It is injected with a thin needle into the area around the tumor. The dosage of one injection is 0.2 ml/cm2, but not more than 1 ml per week. Injected into pure form, sometimes mixed with 1% ledacoine solution or procaine for pain relief.

Exceeding the dose of Diprosan leads to:

  • to gaining excess weight;
  • low mood;
  • accumulation of fluid in the body and swelling;
  • sleep disturbance.

It is possible to cure a lipoma with medication only if it is small in size - up to 3 cm. If it grows further, only the surgical method is used.

During pregnancy

A lump under the armpit during pregnancy can occur for the same general reasons listed above. During pregnancy, women's immunity decreases, more so as pregnancy progresses, since the fetus takes everything for its formation from its mother.

It helps to treat lipoma during pregnancy with medication, when injections and taking pills are undesirable. Vishnevsky ointment, in the form of compresses.

The ointment is applied to the tumor, covered with a bandage according to the size of the tumor, and sealed with a band-aid. The dressings are changed until complete resorption, which is checked by palpation. Treatment lasts several months.

You can cure a tumor in the armpit of pregnant women at home using traditional methods:

  1. lubricate with any homemade fatty fraction: butter, any vegetable oil, lamb fat, pure or 1:1 with alcohol;
  2. apply a mixture of alcohol and black pepper to a previously greased area;
  3. Apply cinnamon paste and consume it internally.

In children

Treatment of wen in children consists of surgical removal, determining the causes and their treatment.

You can cure lipoma in children at home using traditional methods:

  • They use such popular and safe folk remedies:
    lamb fat They rub the tumor until it is completely dissolved. This is a safe and effective method;
  • Kalanchoe and aloe. Plant juice is used for absorbable compresses. The result is achieved within two weeks of regular use.

Wen under the armpit treatment with folk remedies

The most well-known and effective home treatment methods for benign fatty tumors:

  • Celandine

They use a steep decoction and apply compresses. The tumor matures, bursts and fluid comes out of it. Afterwards, disinfect the wound and apply tetracycline ointment until healing;

  • A good remedy: water and ammonia 1:1

A moistened cotton pad is applied to the lipoma three times a day. After fluid drains from the tumor, the wound is healed with 10% streptocidal ointment. The entire course of treatment takes up to one month;

  • make a homemade remedy in the form of a cake from flour, honey and onions. They are molded to the formation and fixed with adhesive tape;
  • a compress from a fresh leaf of coltsfoot, facing the tumor;

Folk remedies for oral administration:

  • Tincture of fresh burdock root:

Chopped root 250 g, pour 400 ml of alcohol, leave for 30 days in a dark place. Dosage: 2 tbsp. l., 30 minutes before meals, take 2 times a day;

  • eating cinnamon has a beneficial effect on metabolism and lipoma treatment.


Cure lipoma on the body under the armpit by finding the root causes of its appearance, eliminating operational method education itself.

You can cure a benign formation at home using traditional methods:

  • compress from sunflower oil and alcohol 1:1;
  • prepare a home remedy: sour cream, salt, honey, in equal parts. Apply to the body
  • fix, change the mixture several times a day;
  • grease with regular butter;
  • apply compresses from the juice of the watercress plant and sunflower oil 1:1.

Or by seeking help from a doctor. A small internal tumor can be treated medically by administering a resorbable drug. Large tumors are treated by removing them surgically.

What to do if the wen under the arm starts to hurt?

If a lipoma on the body in the armpit becomes inflamed and begins to hurt, this is a sign of unhealthy currents in your body. Perhaps the tumor has become malignant or you have confused it with an inflamed lymph node.

You should immediately consult a doctor for qualified help.

The materials posted on this page are informational in nature and intended for educational purposes. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician! The company is not responsible for possible negative consequences arising from the use of information posted on the Fitohome.ru website

If you find swelling in the axillary area, you should not neglect to consult a doctor and medical care, because behind this symptom there may be dangerous conditions. Timely treatment, which is preceded by a comprehensive diagnosis, will help solve the problem and eliminate the source of concern.

Causes and mechanisms

Soft tissue compaction under the armpit is mainly of inflammatory or proliferative origin. This condition should attract attention and become a signal to find out the cause. It requires medical care, and the first step will be to determine the source of the problem, which can be different:

  • Hidradenitis.
  • Furuncle.
  • Lymphadenitis.
  • Lymphadenopathy.
  • Wen (lipoma).
  • Metastatic lesions (breast cancer).

The cause may be damage to the hair follicles, sweat glands, lymph nodes, subcutaneous tissue. Moreover, this happens in men, women or children. In addition to the conditions described, edema of allergic or traumatic origin cannot be completely excluded. Therefore, before the examination, you cannot say for sure what is developing: a wen under the arm, an oncological tumor, or something else.


Each disease has certain characteristics that affect its symptoms. And the primary role in diagnosis is given to clinical examination. Based on the results of the survey and examination, the doctor forms a preliminary diagnosis, which becomes the basis for further measures.


Hidradenitis refers to purulent inflammation of the apocrine sweat glands. This disease mainly occurs in women, but men are also susceptible to a similar pathology. Microbes penetrate the ducts of the sweat glands due to microdamage (abrasions from shaving, scratching).

The most typical lesion is one-sided, when compactions form in the skin, accompanied by itching and pain when pressed. Next, the process becomes more explicit:

  • Large nodes fused to surrounding tissues.
  • The skin takes on a red-bluish tint and swells.
  • Individual nodes merge into a single conglomerate.
  • Severe pain occurs.

In the stage of maturation of hidradenitis in clinical picture there are signs of systemic disorders (fever, malaise). Next, the central part of the infiltrate softens, the nodes are opened with the separation of thick contents - pus mixed with blood. Unlike a boil, there is no necrotic core. Once hidradenitis is opened, the general condition improves, an ulcer forms, which heals with scarring.

Hidradenitis is the most common cause of underarm lumps. But the doctor carries out differential diagnosis with other conditions.


A similar purulent-inflammatory disease is a boil. The process involves the hair follicle with surrounding tissues. During the period of boil ripening, a small red nodule is formed, which soon increases in size, taking on a cone-shaped shape. The formation is painful on palpation and during hand movements.

The maturation of the abscess is accompanied by an increase in local symptoms - redness, swelling and pain. A pustule forms in the center of the node, indicating the formation of a necrotic core (dead hair follicle). The process is accompanied by an increase in body temperature and malaise. Fluctuating masses soon break out, which, as with hidradenitis, leads to normalization general condition and pain reduction. After cleansing of pus and necrotic areas, the wound heals with granulations.


Another disease of inflammatory origin with which we have to differentiate a wen under the arm is lymphadenitis. The infection enters the node through direct contact with the skin (from the outside) or through vessels from other sites. In this case, typical signs of inflammation arise - local and general. The first include:

  • Redness.
  • Swelling.
  • Soreness.
  • Increase in local temperature.

Violation of the general condition is associated with fever and intoxication syndrome, which become most pronounced during an acute inflammatory process. Purulent lymphadenitis is accompanied by severe throbbing pain that occurs not only with movement, but also at rest.


Painless enlargement of lymph nodes that is not associated with inflammation is called lymphadenopathy. This is a condition that accompanies various diseases of a proliferative or infectious nature. Additional manifestations may be:

  • Sweating.
  • Fever.
  • Emaciation.
  • Weakness, etc.

Along with enlarged lymph nodes, the clinical picture in a child or adult often includes recurrent respiratory tract infections, hepato- and splenomegaly, as well as other symptoms indicating damage to one or another system.


A common benign tumor in the armpit is a lipoma. Distinguish it from inflammatory processes quite simply, since in this case there will not be the signs mentioned above. The growth of adipose tissue is completely painless and is often detected only after a targeted examination. The skin over the formation is not changed, the lipoma under the arm is not fused with the surrounding tissues, it is soft and elastic and has clear outlines. Discomfort may occur if the wen has reached a large size.

Various formations can occur in the armpit, including wen. But there are also more frequent processes.

Metastatic lesion

The greatest danger for women is when there is an enlargement of the lymph nodes in the armpit. This may indicate a malignant breast tumor - cancer. Metastatic spread of atypical cells is observed already at a fairly advanced stage. In this case, other symptoms of breast cancer are present:

  • Volumetric education.
  • Ulcerative defect on the skin.
  • "Lemon peel"
  • Nipple retraction.
  • Pathological discharge.
  • Breast deformity.

If we are talking about very late presentation, then cancer intoxication with exhaustion, weakness, pallor, lack of appetite and dysfunction may be present. internal organs. This is very dangerous situation, the outcome of which, unfortunately, becomes unfavorable. Therefore, breast cancer always requires early detection.

Additional diagnostics

First of all, you need to establish what process caused the tumor under the armpit. But without a detailed examination this cannot be done. The set of diagnostic measures may include:

  • Complete blood count (leukocyte count, red blood cells, ESR).
  • Biochemical parameters of plasma (antibodies to infections, immunogram, tumor markers).
  • Analysis of discharge (microscopy, culture, PCR).
  • Ultrasound of the armpit.
  • Mammography.
  • CT scan.
  • Lymphography.
  • Biopsy of lymph nodes and breast tumors.
  • Histological examination of tissue.

In each case, an individual examination plan is required. The patient may need to consult not only a dermatologist, but also a surgeon or oncologist. And based on the results of all tests, a final conclusion is made about the nature and causes of the condition that has arisen.

Diagnosis must be comprehensive, covering all stages of the development of the pathological process in the armpit.


After determining the source of the pathology, it is necessary to answer the next question - what to do with the formation under the armpit. It is necessary to get rid of not only local manifestations, but also the primary process that caused them. The range of therapeutic agents includes conservative and surgical methods. For inflammatory diseases, the following drugs are used:

  • Antiseptics (boric acid, salicylic alcohol, brilliant green).
  • Antibiotics (erythromycin, chloramphenicol).
  • Immunopreparations (antistaphylococcal plasma, immunoglobulin).

During the period of infiltration, semi-alcohol wet-dry dressings, thermal procedures (UHF, UV), laser therapy, electro- and phonophoresis of drugs can be performed. When suppuration of the infiltrate has occurred, the only method of correction will be surgical - opening the node, draining and cleaning the wound. Further healing is carried out while taking antibiotics and ointment dressings.

Lymphadenopathy is treated by affecting the underlying process - infection or hematopoietic pathology. Various medications help in this matter: antibiotics (including antitumor), antiviral, cytostatics, corticosteroids, immunomodulators. Hodgkin's disease and leukemia also require bone marrow transplantation.

Wen under the armpit, which is small in size, does not require treatment. When a tumor interferes with movement upper limb and creates discomfort, it is removed. But with breast cancer, the situation requires a more radical and comprehensive correction. The following areas help cure oncology:

  • Operation.
  • Radiation therapy.
  • Chemotherapy drugs.
  • Hormone therapy.
  • Targeted treatment.

The effectiveness of therapy for a malignant tumor is determined by the time of its onset (i.e., the stage of cancer) and individual characteristics (sensitivity to hormones). Of course, the first aspect largely depends on the woman herself and the regularity of preventive examinations.


To prevent tumor formations in the armpit, it is necessary to follow preventive recommendations. They include the elimination of factors contributing to the development of the diseases in question. It is worth paying attention to the following measures:

  • Maintain personal hygiene.
  • Proper nutrition.
  • Healthy lifestyle.
  • Reduced sweating.
  • Careful depilation.
  • Regular medical examination.
  • Timely consultation with a doctor.

These measures are general in nature, but can prevent many problems associated with the development of pathology under the armpit. And every person at risk should pay attention to them.

Neoplasms of an inflammatory and proliferative nature require high-quality treatment, and preventive measures will help prevent them.

Swelling in the armpit is a common symptom experienced by patients of all ages, men and women. It may be associated with various pathologies of a local or systemic nature. Therefore, only a doctor can find the source of the problem and tell how to treat the condition that has arisen.

In most cases, the tumor is detected only when it reaches the size of a pea.

What is a lipoma in the armpit?

The tumor consists of mature fat cells - adipocytes. Under the influence of factors not yet established by science, adipose tissue begins to grow inside a thin fibrous capsule. The neoplasm belongs to the group of benign ones; its removal is carried out to restore the aesthetic appearance of the skin.

Attention! A small, harmless tumor can grow significantly larger and put pressure on nerves and blood vessels.

A lipoma under the armpit causes discomfort to a person more often than other benign formations. It is difficult to move the arm in the shoulder area. Wen presses on lymphatic ducts and nodes, capillaries and large vessels. As a result, microcirculation is disrupted, and then the blood supply to the affected area of ​​the body.

Why do wen appear on the body?

Science knows the provoking conditions and some details of the mechanism of proliferation of fat cells. Most of the negative factors, called by researchers, accompany people every day. But some people develop lipomas, while others do not face this problem throughout their lives.

Possible causes of fatty tumors under the armpit:

  • endocrine diseases (pathologies of the endocrine glands);
  • insufficient production of enzymes by the exocrine glands;
  • injuries to the arm, axillary area, chest;
  • deficiency of macro- and microelements, vitamins;
  • disorders of protein and lipid metabolism;
  • intoxication of the body.

It is important! The appearance of wen may be associated with negative influence ultraviolet radiation, water and air pollution.

An important role in the mechanism of lipoma formation is played by genetic factors. These may be hereditary pathologies of the endocrine system, metabolism, as well as structural features of subcutaneous fatty tissue, which are transmitted from parents to children. The influence of fetal development disorders in the womb also affects.

By what signs can you recognize a lipoma under the arm?

Knowing the symptoms of a wen allows you to distinguish this type of tumor from other tumors that are similar in appearance. Lipoma is located under the skin or inside the body. In the first case, an oval or hemispherical tubercle should be noticeable on the body. When pressed, it moves easily, without pain (by a few millimeters).

It is important! When determining the risk of malignant transformation, specialists take into account such signs as the number of lipomas, inflammation, and rapid increase in volume.

The main part of the wen in the armpit is located in the deep layers of the skin. This sign distinguishes lipoma from atheroma, which occurs when a clogged sebaceous gland in the epidermis and dermis.

Differential diagnosis of a wen with similar externally similar tumors under the arm:

  • boil (before the appearance severe pain and redness);
  • the onset of hidradenitis (inflammation of the sweat glands);
  • lymphadenitis (inflammation of the lymph node);
  • cancer tumor.

Wen has an elastic consistency. More elastic, dense tumors - fibrolipomas - in the development of which connective tissue, along with fat cells, takes part. Diagnosis of lipoma, atheroma, fibrolipoma usually does not cause difficulties for experienced dermatologists. Doctors pay attention to distinctive features Wen to clarify the type of tumor.

How to get rid of lipoma in the armpit?

The fatty tissue on the body is subject to friction by underwear and clothing. If the lipoma is located under the armpit, in the groin, then exposure to sweat and overheating are also added. Hand movements create additional friction and pressure on the tumor. Damage can cause bleeding, inflammation and malignant transformation of the lipoma.

Attention! Treatment of wen in a medical institution consists of removing them in one way or another.

Doctors conduct an external examination and, if necessary, prescribe the patient an X-ray examination, ultrasound, or computed tomography. In the armpit, not only fatty tissues that arise under the skin can be located. It happens that mediastinal lipomas grow in the area of ​​the shoulder girdle and chest, which must be removed.

  1. Traditional surgery involves making an incision under local anesthesia, removing the wen along with the fibrous capsule.
  2. Laser therapy is a hardware technique for removing tumors using cauterization.
  3. Radio wave knife - excision with a high-energy beam.
  4. Cryodestruction is the freezing of a tumor with liquid nitrogen, which is supplied through a special tube.

Each treatment method has advantages and disadvantages. The most effective methods are considered to be laser and radio wave therapy. Less scar tissue remains after the wen is removed and the wound heals. The likelihood of relapse, that is reappearance Lipomas in the same place exist with each procedure.

Wen under the armpit is treated with folk remedies, although this is less effective than the use of hardware techniques or surgical excision. Compositions prepared according to witchcraft recipes are used, containing propolis, aloe, celandine, and kalanchoe. They can help with the appearance of small lipomas, but patience is required, since folk remedies act slowly.

Related articles:

The best remedies for wen

Any use of site materials is permitted only with the consent of the portal editors and by installing an active link to the source. The information published on the site is intended for informational purposes only and in no way calls for independent diagnosis and treatment. To make informed decisions about treatment and medications, consultation with a qualified physician is required. The information posted on the site is obtained from open sources. The portal's editors are not responsible for its accuracy.

Why does a wen appear under the armpit and how to get rid of it

The appearance of a wen under the arm is caused by a number of unpleasant symptoms. You need to know how to quickly and correctly get rid of such a disease. This skin manifestation can bother not only adults, but also children, although in the latter case it occurs much less frequently. Timely differential diagnosis allows you to identify pathology and take measures to eliminate it.

What is a wen under the armpit?

A fatty tumor or lipoma is a benign tumor that is formed from fat and connective tissue. In the armpit, the formation is felt as a kind of compaction. The tumor is enclosed in a capsule. If the lipoma reaches a significant size, it can constrict the lymph nodes and blood vessels, which is fraught with dangerous consequences. At the same time, even a slight movement of the hand causes a lot of discomfort.

Types of lipomas

There may be a lump under the armpit different types depending on the nature of the tissue that predominates in the lipoma. The main classification of these formations:

  1. Lipofibroma is a tumor predominantly consisting of fatty compounds. Quite soft to the touch.
  2. Fibrolipoma - formation with predominance fibrous component, so it is very dense, unlike a tumor, which consists mainly of fat.
  3. Angiolipoma - in addition to connective and adipose tissue, includes blood vessels.
  4. Myolipoma - contains muscle fibers and appears very rarely.

Causes and factors for the development of wen in the armpit area

The exact cause of lipoma in the armpit is currently unknown to science. However, there are some provoking factors that contribute to the appearance of wen. The main ones:

  • metabolic disorders;
  • injury to the axillary region;
  • poisoning of the body with toxic substances;
  • vitamin deficiency, which is formed as a result of poor nutrition;
  • pathologies of the lipid layer;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • work in hazardous conditions.

One of the decisive factors is the unstable functioning of the immune system, in which many body systems fail. In this case, lipomas often arise.

What does a lipoma look like under the arm + symptoms

Depending on the variety, the wen under the arm may have different densities. However, the formation looks almost the same in all cases and is a subcutaneous tumor, which can be the size of a pea or grow to walnut. Lipoma is rarely accompanied by additional symptoms. It causes pain only when it reaches a significant size and, at the same time, if it is accidentally touched. Distinctive feature Wen is its tendency to grow, and sometimes to reverse development.

Constant friction against clothing can cause local inflammation. Lipoma is mobile and is not fused with neighboring tissues, unlike malignant tumors. This tumor has an unpredictable course. It can disappear on its own or, on the contrary, progress.

Differential diagnosis of lipoma under the arm

It is very important to differentiate lipoma from other pathologies that may thus manifest themselves in the armpit. The main research method is inspection using special optical equipment, as well as palpation. It is very important to distinguish a wen from inflammation of the lymph node. In the second case, any slight touch leads to pain.

The malignant formation has a denser structure, unlike a lipoma, and it is immobile. In most cases, wen can be differentiated by the presence of a characteristic white head, which is more characteristic of lipofibroma. In other types of lipomas it may be absent. Only a dermatologist is able to distinguish one disease from another.

If diagnosis brings difficulties, then an additional biopsy is performed, which makes it possible to accurately determine the pathology. Using this method, a small amount of tumor contents is taken and examined under a microscope for the presence of atypical cells. The sampling is carried out using a syringe or scalpel. It all depends on the nature of education.

Treatment methods for wen in the armpit area

Drug treatment of lipoma in the axillary region is carried out only when the size of the formation does not exceed 2–3 cm. In this case, a special drug Diprospan is used. It is an injectable solution capable of breaking down areas of fat and fibrosis. In this case, this medication is mixed with novocaine to make the drug administration procedure more painless. After this, an injection is made directly into the area of ​​the wen. In total, several injections are needed for the lipoma to resolve.

In addition, it is important to take vitamins that will increase the body's immunity and resistance. An integrated approach prevents relapse.

Recently, the following methods for eliminating wen have been increasingly used:

  1. Surgical intervention. This method is based on the use of a scalpel. It is used to make a small incision in the skin and remove the fat capsule. After this, stitches are applied.
  2. Laser. This method is the most gentle and safe. At the same time, under the influence laser beam the wen evaporates and practically no trace remains in its place. A small crust disappears over time. This technique meets the highest antiseptic rates and gives quick results.
  3. Cryodestruction. IN in this case the formation is frozen using liquid nitrogen. After this, the lipoma disappears, and practically no trace remains in its place.
  4. Radio waves. One of the most expensive ways to eliminate wen. The radio wave method is based on soft cutting of tissue without the aid of a scalpel. This approach to treatment is considered minimally invasive and allows you to quickly remove the capsule.
  5. Electrocoagulation. It is a rather painful method and is performed only under local anesthesia. In this case, alternating current is used, which is supplied through a special contact - a loop. The formation coagulates and disappears over time.

Diet and physiotherapy

A special diet for lipoma is not indicated. However, it is very important to strengthen the immune system during this period. To do this, it is recommended to review your diet and eliminate everything harmful from it:

It is recommended to include fresh vegetables and fruits, juices and mineral water in the menu. It is necessary to increase the daily intake of vitamin C, which is responsible for strengthening the body. Ascorbic acid found not only in citrus fruits, but also in spinach, black and red currants, gooseberries and rose hips.

Physiotherapeutic effects for constant growth education is contraindicated. This can only worsen the course of the pathology. One of the most common auxiliary methods of physiotherapy used in the presence of lipoma is mud applications, as well as acupuncture. The first method is based on the use of therapeutic mud, which has a beneficial effect on the condition skin. Acupuncture is a method of influencing active points in the human body. Thanks to this, the immune system is strengthened and metabolism is improved.

How to treat with folk remedies

In some cases, traditional methods of treatment are also used. The most effective recipes:

  1. Golden mustache. Fresh raw materials will be required. You need to take one leaf and grind it thoroughly to a paste. Then apply it to the wen, and place a small piece of cotton wool on top, which should be secured with a band-aid. Leave for an hour, then remove the pulp. Repeat the procedure daily for a week.
  2. Aloe. Additionally, you will need horse chestnut fruits and honey. First you need to take 1 aloe leaf and grind it into a paste, after rinsing it under cool water. Then grind a few horse chestnuts and mix the 2 ingredients. Then add 0.5 tsp to them. honey. All components must be mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Then apply it to the lipoma and secure it as in the previous step, leaving it overnight. As a rule, several procedures are sufficient.
  3. Propolis. You will need a fresh piece of this beekeeping product. You need to take it in such quantity that you can form a cake that will cover the wen. Then apply propolis to the lipoma and secure with a band-aid, leaving it overnight. Only 2-3 procedures.

Traditional methods of treatment in the photo

Treatment prognosis and consequences

The prognosis for treatment is favorable in most cases. The main thing is to pay attention to education in time and undergo the necessary examination. It should be remembered that the armpit is often subject to friction, so the wen will often be injured, and this is dangerous due to the consequences of infection, because this area is favorable for the growth of bacteria, as it is equipped with sweat glands.

In addition, if you constantly touch the lipoma, then there is a risk of it malignant degeneration, which occurs due to constant trauma.

Prevention measures

The main preventive measure is to strengthen the body's defenses. You should walk as much as possible, play sports and eat right. If there are signs of hormonal imbalances, you should make corrections and find the cause of the malfunction by consulting a specialist.

In addition to everything, it is recommended to monitor your weight. At the slightest skin manifestations You must consult a doctor and under no circumstances self-medicate. It is recommended to avoid hypothermia and injury. If a small lipoma appears, you cannot squeeze it out or open it yourself, as this can cause infection and serious consequences.

Features in women and children

Lipomas in women often form under the influence of hormonal disorders. This may occur after an abortion, during pregnancy, or other similar conditions. The course of the disease is the same in men and women. In children, it is quite rare for a wen to form, but if such a phenomenon occurs, then quite often it goes away without a trace on its own. In this case, sometimes it is enough to apply an aloe leaf to speed up resorption.

If the formation does not go away for a long time, but does not change its size, then it is monitored. When the tumor site is frequently subjected to friction, the lipoma is removed using a laser.

How to get rid of lipoma - video

Lipoma can occur at almost any age. Such a manifestation is a signal of problems occurring in the body, so it is very important to identify the provoking factor and eliminate it. Education, as a rule, is single and can be completed independently. Treatment for initial stage It is not difficult and brings good results.

Is a wen in the armpit dangerous?

Lipomas, as a rule, do not cause any concern to a person, but are a cosmetic defect. But, if the wen is located in the armpit area, then it is not always possible to distinguish it from an enlarged lymph node at home. A growing lipoma under the arm requires special attention from the patient and vigilance from the doctor.

Reasons for the growth of lipoma in the armpit

Axillary lipoma is a benign tumor of adipose tissue. In my own way histological structure and other characteristics, this neoplasm is absolutely safe for human health. The tumor does not degenerate into cancer.

The growth of wen under the arm most often occurs spontaneously and has no specific causes.

If the number of tumors does not exceed two, then such lipomas have a favorable prognosis:

  • They do not recur after removal.
  • They have slow growth.

Multiple symmetrical wen are prone to rapid growth and, as a rule, after their excision they grow again. Such neoplasms are hereditary in nature, but if the family history is not burdened, then the most common reasons the occurrence of multiple wen under the arm are:

  1. Obesity.
  2. Liver diseases (fatty liver, hepato-biliary cirrhosis, autoimmune hepatitis).
  3. Hypothyroidism.
  4. Diseases of the pancreas.

The connection between the above diseases of internal organs and lipomas of the axillary region has not been fully established. But when a patient is diagnosed with a large number of benign formations of adipose tissue, diagnostics and subsequent treatment of the identified diseases are carried out.

The process of the appearance of wen under the arm is not limited by age, but most often tumors in this area grow in adults.

Symptoms of a wen in the armpit

The anatomy of the axillary fossa is characterized by a large amount of adipose tissue, in the thickness of which there is neurovascular bundle: axillary vein and artery, brachial nerve trunk with numerous branches, lymphatic vessels and nodes.

The source of the wen under the arm is adipose tissue, which hyperplasias - grows - and becomes covered with a capsule. A lipoma may consist of several lobules, each of which is encapsulated. The contents of the tumor are represented by an accumulation of fat cells, the capsule is formed connective tissue, quite dense in its structure. On palpation, the lipoma is mobile and painless, has a doughy or jelly-like consistency. Its shape is round or oval. The sizes reach several centimeters in diameter, but most often the wen varies from 1 to 3 cm.

Considering anatomical features axillary area, lipomas may differ clinical course, compared with the same tumors in other places. Growth near large vessels and nerve trunks can lead to the following symptoms:

  1. Numbness, crawling sensation in the arm, shoulder and chest.
  2. Pain in the armpit due to compression of the nerves.
  3. Swelling of the arm due to difficulty in the outflow of lymph from the upper limb.


Differential diagnosis of axillary lipoma is carried out with the following diseases:

  1. Lymphadenitis.
  2. Hidradenitis.
  3. Accessory lobule of the mammary gland.
  4. Liposarcoma.

A lipoma in the armpit is characterized by pronounced mobility, so it is not always possible to palpate it. In its consistency, it resembles a lymph node, which is also located in the thickness of the loose tissue of a given anatomical area and is mobile. When a wen grows under the arm, it can easily be confused with a lymph node. Therefore, if you visualize a neoplasm of any nature, you must consult a doctor. The lymph nodes the axillary fossa collects lymph from the chest and upper organs abdominal cavity, their increase may indicate a serious disease of the internal organs (breast cancer, lung cancer, liver cancer, tuberculosis).

A formation such as an additional lobule of the mammary gland may be localized in the axillary region. Accessory lobe of the mammary gland – rare disease. Its cause is a violation of the laying of glands during the period intrauterine development. In terms of its external characteristics, the additional lobule is very similar to the wen under the armpit. It is painless, mobile, and not fused with the surrounding skin. Its only distinguishing feature is a cyclical increase in size and the appearance of pain before menstruation in women.

Inflammation of the sweat glands of the armpits - hidradenitis - at the initial stage of the disease resembles lipomas in appearance. The inflamed gland is enlarged, mobile, and elastic. As hidradenitis develops, intense pain and redness of the skin over the swelling appears. As pus appears inside the formation cavity, body temperature rises. Hidradenitis most often occurs when personal hygiene rules are not followed, and accompanies diabetes and metabolic diseases.

Any tumor under the arm requires an immediate visit to the doctor. If lymphadenitis, hidradenitis and other diseases are suspected, the doctor will prescribe additional examinations: chest x-ray, ultrasonography, computed tomography, puncture biopsy for suspected lymphadenitis or liposarcoma (malignant tumor of adipose and connective tissue).

Treatment of wen in the axillary area

In the vast majority of cases, adipose tissue tumors can be monitored by a doctor and do not require removal. You can get rid of lipomas by at will, but it should be borne in mind that neoplasms located in the axillary region are subject only to surgical treatment. Any independent interventions in this anatomical area can lead to suppuration, the formation of an abscess and phlegmon. The fiber of the axillary fossa is very loose, intensively supplied with blood, which contributes to the rapid spread of infection between the fascia and intercellular spaces.

In what cases is it necessary to get rid of axillary fat?

  1. If tumors grow rapidly (more than 5 mm in 3 months).
  2. If the wen under the armpit is accompanied by numbness of the arm, pain, swelling (compresses the neurovascular bundle).
  3. In case of suspected lymphadenitis or liposarcoma. In such situations, the doctor may not perform a puncture biopsy, but immediately begin to remove the tumor. A biopsy can cause cancer cells to spread through the blood and lymphatic systems.
  4. If desired by the patient.

Removal of lipomas is carried out in a hospital. Before hospitalization, it is necessary to undergo a minimum examination ( general analysis blood and urine, blood coagulation test, blood biochemistry, test for HIV and syphilis).

The operation is performed under anesthesia. In the process of tumor removal, a skin incision is made with a scalpel and the tumor is removed along with the capsule. Afterwards, sutures are applied, which are removed on an outpatient basis after 7 days. The duration of hospital stay is 2 days. After surgery, prophylactic antibacterial treatment is carried out.

The removed tumor is immediately sent for histological examination. In 95% of cases it turns out to be a lipoma.

It is necessary to be observed by a surgeon for 2 years. When the growth of the wen resumes, it is removed again. In rare cases, recurrent persistent lipomas are treated with radiation.

How to treat a wen under the armpit

A lump under the arm is a benign formation under the skin, which looks like a soft ball and is located in the armpit. Typically, a lipoma is painless and does not cause any particular inconvenience, but an enlarged lipoma can lead to significant problems (impaired blood supply, difficulty moving the arm), so this formation should not be ignored.

Reasons for the formation of a wen under the armpit

The reasons for the occurrence of such formations are currently not fully understood, but there are factors that provoke the appearance of wen. The main reason for the appearance of wen is considered to be a disruption of the sebaceous glands, which can occur due to:

  1. Poor nutrition. Lack of vitamins in the diet, dehydration, rare consumption of raw vegetables and fruits, grains, proteins.
  2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver.
  3. Diabetes mellitus.
  4. Sedentary lifestyle.
  5. Lack of hygiene.

A tumor under the armpit may also appear due to injury, hereditary pathology, hormonal imbalance in women (menopause), allergies to cosmetical tools, influence of the external environment (irradiation).

The appearance of lipoma does not depend on the age or gender of a person.

Symptoms of appearance

Most often, the subcutaneous wen is easily palpable, mobile, has an even round shape without a tapering tip, can be deformed when pressed, often has lobules and is small in size (up to 6-10 mm). There is also a form of lipoma, which has greater density and less mobility than subcutaneous wen and is formed in the muscles. It is very important to be able to distinguish a lipoma from similar formations that may appear on the body:

You should not try to squeeze out or open the wen yourself, this can lead to complications, an increase in formation, and the degeneration of a benign formation into a malignant one.

How to distinguish a lipoma from a lymph node

  • When pressing on a lymph node, pain occurs, but when pressing on a wen (not inflamed), there is no pain.
  • The appearance of a wen on the body is not accompanied by an increase in body temperature or general malaise. If the lymph node becomes inflamed, these symptoms may appear.
  • If the size of the lump is more than 1.5-2 centimeters, it is most likely a wen. Lymph nodes do not increase in size much, but lipomas can grow up to 6-8 cm in diameter.

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Treatment of wen under the arm

    Read with this article:
    • Is it possible to get rid of lipoma without surgery?
    • How to prevent the appearance of wen on the face?
    • Why do wen appear under the eyes and how to treat them?
    • Symptoms and treatment of lipomas on the body

If formations appear, do not delay visiting your doctor. This will prevent the tumor from increasing in size and reduce the cost of removing it.

Medicine offers several methods of getting rid of formations:

  • Operation. For small wen sizes it is used local anesthesia, the wen is removed along with the capsule surrounding it. The wound heals within 7-10 days. In case of complications, the doctor may prescribe a referral to the hospital.
  • Removal using laser. The healing time with this method of treatment is reduced to 3 days, and no scars remain.
  • Removal using radio waves. A quick, painless method, there are no scars left, the operation can be performed at any stage of development of the formation.
  • Cryodestruction or cold treatment. Liquid nitrogen vapor is applied to the wen under the arm, so that the destroyed lipoma tissue is not removed, and the operation leaves no traces.

For a complete recovery, it is necessary to send data for research after completion of the operation. Tests will determine whether any treatment is worth continuing. It happens that the formation manages to develop into malignant.

Removing axillary lipoma at home

What else can you try to cure a wen?

  • Most often, a mixture of alcohol and iodine (1:1) or hydrogen peroxide is used to get rid of lipoma at home. Products are applied cotton swab 3 times a day on the affected area.
  • You can also use plants: garlic, aloe or Kalanchoe. Cut a part of the plant to the size of the wen and apply it to the skin, secure with a band-aid. The compress is left overnight, the treatment period is about a week.
  • You can try to get rid of lipoma with a balanced diet. It is recommended to exclude fatty foods, flour, smoked foods, alcohol, cigarettes and excessive coffee consumption.

You should resort to these treatment methods only after consulting a doctor and only if the size of the formation is small.

  • Skin phototype test
  • Test for signs of a mole degenerating into melanoma
  • Test to determine if you belong to a risk group!

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