What cereals, grains and flour products contain. More about cereals

Vitamin B- a water-soluble element called antineuritis, according to its effect on the body. Thiamine does not accumulate in the body on its own and is not stored, therefore, for normal life, any person, regardless of age and gender, needs to regularly replenish its reserves.

  1. The daily requirement for vitamin B in adults ranges from 1.3 to 2.6 mg, depending on gender, age and lifestyle.
  2. The norm for children is 0.6-1.7 mg of vitamin per day.
  3. Pregnant and lactating women should increase their usual daily norm doubled.

In order for the norm to be observed, it is enough rational nutrition. What foods contain vitamin B, and how can you rationalize your diet? Foods containing vitamin B are varied. Mainly, it is concentrated in cereals, flour products and legumes. The content of vitamin B in foods also differs - in vegetables and fruits, thiamine has the lowest concentration, and in legumes and grains it is much higher.

B vitamins help accelerate metabolic processes, transform nutrients into energy, control the functioning of the digestive tract. Thiamine has a beneficial effect on the nervous and cardiovascular system. Vitamin B deficiency in the body is a fairly common phenomenon. It entails disorders of the digestive tract and nervous system, high fatigue, memory impairment, insomnia and irritability, nausea, constipation. Every person needs to know which foods contain vitamin B in order to eat them daily in the required quantities to replenish the element’s reserves in the body and prevent hypovitaminosis.

TO severe symptoms hypovitaminosis B include:

  • Swelling of joints and soft tissues;
  • Central nervous system disorders;
  • Skin diseases: eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis;
  • Dyskinesia;
  • Sleep disturbances, absent-mindedness, memory loss;
  • Secretory disorders.

Often, hypovitaminosis can be cured by eating foods that contain large quantities of vitamin B. B vitamins are concentrated in identical foods. The tables below show the average concentration of the element in each of them.

Tables of foods that contain B vitamins

In addition to knowing which foods contain vitamin B, you should remember that although the element is quite heat-resistant and does not lose most its beneficial properties during processing, for the most effective replenishment of it in the body, it is better to eat fresh food. Loss of beneficial properties occurs mainly during frying. Products, long time under open sun rays, can also lose up to 50% of their active beneficial properties. Stewed and boiled foods, and especially steamed ones, will retain a high concentration of the element.

Vegetables, berries and fruits containing B vitamins. Concentration of the substance in each of them:

Berries and fruits

Vitamin B content in berries, fruits and dried fruits (per 100 g of product)
Quince 0.02 mg
Pear 0.02 mg
Apricot 0.03 mg
Cherries 0.03 mg
Cherry 0.03 mg
Apples 0.035 mg
Orange 0.04 mg
Banana 0.04 mg
Lemon 0.04 mg
Peach 0.04 mg
Melon 0.04 mg
Watermelon 0.04 mg
Mulberry 0.04 mg
Black currant 0.045 mg
Plum 0.045 mg
Grape 0.05 mg
Grapefruit 0.05 mg
Rose hip 0.05 mg
Mandarin 0.06 mg
Avocado 0.06 mg
Figs 0.07 mg
A pineapple 0.08 mg
Dates 0.09 mg
Dried apricots 0.1 mg
Raisin 0.2 mg
Cranberry 0.2 mg

Vegetables and greens

Vitamin B content in vegetables and herbs (per 100 g of product)
Beet 0.02 mg
Ground cucumbers 0.03 mg
Zucchini 0.03 mg
Squash 0.03 mg
Leaf lettuce 0.03 mg
Dill 0.03 mg
Greenhouse tomatoes 0.03 mg
Eggplant 0.04 mg
White cabbage 0.045 mg
Cauliflower 0.045 mg
Dry legible vegetables 0.045 mg
Sweet bell pepper 0.05 mg
Turnip 0.05 mg
Swede 0.05 mg
Bulb onions 0.05 mg
Ground tomatoes 0.06 mg
Carrot 0.06 mg
Radish 0.06 mg
Sorrel 0.06 mg
Potato 0.09 mg
Spinach 0.1 mg
Asparagus 0.1 mg
Leek 0.1 mg
Parsley 0.14 mg
Green pea 0.25 mg
Garlic 0.6 mg
Horseradish 0.7 mg

Meat and meat products

What foods contain vitamin B, if we are talking about meat? Meat products and offal are enriched with the necessary element. The concentration is especially high in beef liver and pork, in particular smoked. However, for good nutrition, it is better not to overuse canned food, stewed meat and smoked meats. It is enough to eat meat products that contain B vitamins by steaming, boiling or stewing them. Vitamin B is also found in poultry, but in small concentrations, excluding chicken liver.

Vitamin B content in meat, offal, canned food, sausages and poultry (per 100 g of product)
Chicken fillet (breast) 0.001 mg
Turkey 0.01 mg
Ljubitelskaya smoked sausage 0.016 mg
Canned beef stew 0.02 mg
Goose 0.02 mg
Chicken gizzards 0.04 mg
Duck 0.05 mg
Beef 0.06 mg
Chickens (broilers) 0.07 mg
horsemeat 0.07 mg
Camel meat 0.11 mg
Rabbit meat 0.12 mg
Beef tongue 0.12 mg
Veal 0.14 mg
Canned pork stew 0.14 mg
Pig tongue 0.15 mg
Smoked hunting sausage 0.23 mg
Pork kidneys 0.29 mg
Pork liver 0.3 mg
Beef liver 0.3 mg
Venison 0.3 mg
Meat pate 0.3 mg
Liver pate 0.3 mg
Smoked pork belly 0.31 mg
Beef heart 0.36 mg
Beef kidneys 0.39 mg
Chicken liver 0.5 mg
Smoked cervelat 0.52 mg
Smoked ham 0.52 mg
Pork 0.6 mg
Smoked pork loin 0.61 mg

Fish and seafood

What seafood and fish contain B vitamins? The highest content of the element is found in river fish (bream, pike), as well as caviar. Seafood also contains vitamins; in addition, it is low-fat and light, which allows you to consume it in sufficient quantities.

Vitamin B content in fish and seafood (per 100 g of product)
Mussels 0.02 mg
Herring 0.03 mg
Saira 0.03 mg
Pollock 0.03 mg
Pink salmon 0.03 mg
Crab meat 0.05 mg
Shrimps 0.06 mg
Zander 0.08 mg
Cod 0.09 mg
Sea kale 0.04 mg
Pollock 0.11 mg
Perch 0.11 mg
Pike 0.11 mg
Mackerel 0.12 mg
Carp 0.14 mg
Bream 0.14 mg
Horse mackerel 0.17 mg
Squid 0.18 mg
Pink salmon 0.2 mg
Tuna 0.28 mg
Sturgeon caviar 0.3 mg
Pollock caviar 0.67 mg


Eggs (chicken and quail), as well as their individual components, which contain vitamin B:

Nuts and seeds

B vitamins are found in nuts and seeds. Pine nuts are especially rich in them; the content of the element is almost 34 mg per 100 g of product. Please note that the figures given in the table refer exclusively to fresh food. Roasted nuts and seeds can lose more than half the concentration of vitamins.

Which cereals and legumes contain vitamin B? These cultures are the most enriched useful substances. The leading amount of vitamin per 100 g is found in soy products, mainly in sprouted grains.

Cereals and grain crops

Vitamin B content in cereals, grains and legumes (per 100 g of product)
Rice 0.08 mg
Pearl barley 0.12 mg
Corn porridge 0.13 mg
Semolina 0.14 mg
Oatmeal 0.22 mg
Barley 0.27 mg
Green peas 0.25 mg
Peas 0.25 mg
Buckwheat (kernel) 0.3 mg
Barley grits 0.33 mg
Fresh corn 0.38 mg
Wheat 0.4 mg
Millet 0.42 mg
Cereals 0.49 mg
Beans 0.5 mg
Lentils 0.5 mg
Green beans 0.6 mg
Soybeans 0.94 mg

Bread and bakery products

Vitamin B is found in bakery and flour products. Among them we can highlight pasta, regardless of the grinding of the flour from which they are made. A high concentration of vitamin B is found in brewer's and baker's yeast. However, this applies to a dry product, the consumption of which is not possible. With a deficiency of B vitamins, patients are often prescribed dietary supplements consisting of brewer's yeast.

Milk and dairy products

Which dairy and fermented milk products contain vitamin B? The table provides a list based on which you can create a balanced diet. It must be taken into account that the milk must be fresh, and preferably homemade, and not pasteurized. Dairy products must not contain preservatives, carcinogens, dyes or fillers.


The necessary element is also found in mushrooms. Which mushrooms are best to eat in order to replenish reserves of B vitamins? Their high content is observed in champignons and dried mushrooms.

Vitamin B intake

When compiling a diet, it is necessary to take into account cases in which the daily requirement may increase significantly:

  • Excessive physical activity, sports, hard work;
  • High carbohydrate diet;
  • Unfavorable climatic and environmental conditions;
  • Nervous stress and tension;
  • Diabetes mellitus of the second type (taking into account the consumption of foods containing a high glycemic index);
  • Long-term use of antibiotics, chemotherapy;
  • Diseases gastrointestinal tract;
  • Acute and chronic infections.

It is important to pay Special attention on the combination of products, the content of other vitamins and microelements in them, as well as their interaction with B vitamins. An element can be destroyed not only by heat treatment, but also during long-term storage.

B vitamins are quite resistant to alkali and acid. However, they cannot stand frequent use alcohol and coffee. In people who abuse these drinks, the risk of acute vitamin B deficiency becomes especially high.

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, without which the full functioning of some systems and organs is impossible. For example, without it, absorption does not occur, which, as is known, is very important for skeletal system, that is, the formation of strength and shape of bones. With a lack of vitamin D, a person develops osteoporosis, which leads to increased bone fragility.

This vitamin is important both for the muscular system and for protection skin from various diseases. Vitamin D prevents the appearance cardiovascular diseases, arthritis, arthrosis, diabetes.

In order for the body to receive vitamin D in sufficient quantities, first of all you should take care of your diet and be sure to include foods with the most high content vitamin D.

What foods contain vitamin D?

If we talk about which foods are rich in vitamin D, then first of all you should pay attention to the following group:

  1. Eggs. Egg yolk is an excellent source of vitamin D, but this does not mean you should stop eating it egg white, rich in protein.
  2. Fish. To one of best products Where vitamin D is found is salmon. A serving of salmon meat will not only supply the body with healthy unsaturated fats, but can also cover the daily requirement for the vitamin. It is also recommended to include mackerel, catfish, sardines and tuna in the diet.
  3. Milk. 200 grams of this drink covers a quarter of the need for vitamin D. Another advantage of milk is that in addition to the vitamin itself, it also contains calcium, the absorption of which was discussed when the benefits of calciferol (the second name of the vitamin) were discussed. But it is worth remembering that phosphorus, which is also found in milk, partially interferes with the absorption of the vitamin.
  4. Mushrooms. Depending on the growing conditions of mushrooms, the content of vitamin D in them will change, so an important condition is their sunny deposit.
  5. Cereals. There is not much vitamin D in cereals, and oats are recognized as the leader among them.
  6. Soybeans. Soy products also contain groups D, so consuming tofu or, for example, soy milk is indicated if there is a deficiency of this vitamin.

Treatment with cereals and the benefits of cereals

Treatment with cereals is practiced by many traditional healers. Due to their beneficial properties, cereals are not only nutritious raw materials for a wide variety of dishes (from hearty soups to healthy desserts), but also serve for the overall health of the body. Among the healthiest grains are barley, buckwheat, oats and corn. They are the basis for cooking healing decoctions and tinctures.

Cereals, like other foods plant origin, have a complex chemical composition and a whole set of healing properties, individual for each plant. The benefits of cereals are due to the fact that they all contain fiber, proteins, fats, starch, mineral salts and vitamins. Most minerals, vitamins and fiber are found in the germs and shells of grains. Most often in cooking, dietary nutrition and medicine, cereals are used that are produced from the seeds of barley, buckwheat, wheat, oats, millet, rice, corn and sorghum. All cereals also contain fiber, proteins, carbohydrates (starch), fats, minerals and vitamins (mainly B1, B2, PP). Healing properties The health benefits of cereals also lie in the fact that dishes made from them are easily digested and well absorbed by the body.

Which cereals are the healthiest and properties of cereals

There can be no two opinions about whether cereals are healthy - cereals definitely bring benefits, and they are also very nutritious.

Buckwheat. Buckwheat grains contain up to 14% protein, up to 81% starch, up to 0.5% sugar and up to 3% fat, as well as fiber, apple and citric acid, mineral salts of iron, calcium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, boron, iodine, nickel and cobalt, vitamins B1, B2, PP and P. All these elements are also contained in buckwheat (kernel and prodel). Buckwheat contains several times more vitamin B1 than rice, and 2-3 times more than other cereals.

The benefit of these grains for the body is that they have a beneficial effect on almost all of our internal organs. They are also useful for respiratory diseases.

Corn. Corn grains contain proteins (up to 21%), carbohydrates (up to 70%) and a lot of fat (up to 7%). Proteins contain the amino acids lysine and tryptophan, which are essential for the human body. Corn grains also contain a lot of vitamins B1, B2, PP, C and carotene (in yellow-grain varieties).

Flour and cereals are produced from corn: corn grits And cornflakes. They contain the same nutrients as corn grains. These cereals are useful not only for the respiratory system, but also have a beneficial effect on our other internal organs. A tasty and healing oil is made from corn, which is used both internally and externally. The therapeutic effect of these food grains is especially pronounced in the treatment of atherosclerosis, bronchial asthma and many other diseases.

Common barley. Barley grain contains proteins, carbohydrates, fats, fiber, enzymes, vitamins B2, D, E, A and some others. In addition, it contains a lot of mineral salts. Mucous decoctions of barley and pearl barley used to treat cough and other colds, and also as a general strengthening and immunostimulating agent. Barley and pearl barley are produced from barley, which contain the above set of substances and are also beneficial for our body as a whole, including the respiratory system.

  • Cough reliever and also for general strengthening body: 1 tbsp. l. pour 1 cup of pearl barley hot water, leave for 4 - 5 hours, then put in a boiling water bath, cook for 10-15 minutes, strain. Take 1 tbsp. l. decoction 3 times a day before meals for 2 - 3 weeks.

The healing effect of food grains and how oats are beneficial for humans

When talking about which grains are the healthiest, special attention should be paid to oats. This is a very valuable food and medicinal crop. For nutrition, oatmeal flour and cereals are used, and for treatment, different parts of the plant (grains, cereals, flour, straw and green tops of stems collected during the heading period, as well as grain sprouts) are used.

The grains of this one of the healthiest cereals contain up to 9% fat (this is more than other cereals), up to 60% starch, up to 14% proteins, enzymes, vitamins B1, B2, E, carotene, as well as tyrosine, choline, gum, steroid saponins, organic acids, vanillin glycoside, essential oil, sugar, trigonelline, mineral salts (mainly calcium, phosphorus and copper) and other substances beneficial to the human body. The amino acid composition of oat protein is close to meat protein and contains amino acids important for the human body: arginine, tryptophan and lysine. Oats and their products are useful for many diseases, including respiratory diseases. Oats, oatmeal and flour are widely used in dietary nutrition.

IN folk medicine beneficial features This cereal has been used for many decades to treat various diseases.

Oat straw has a diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect, so decoctions and infusions from it are used to treat colds. Decoctions of grain with honey are recommended for pulmonary tuberculosis. Green oat grass has a diaphoretic, antipyretic and diuretic effect, therefore it is useful for colds.

Juice from the green grass of oats is an effective immunostimulant.

Oats are used to produce oatmeal, rolled oats (flakes) and oatmeal (flour), which contain all the nutrients found in oat grains. They are high in calories and easily digestible. These cereals are useful for many diseases, including colds and respiratory diseases.

Recipes from the healthiest cereals

Now that you know the benefits of these grains for humans, check out the best recipes for the treatment of respiratory organs.

  • Juice from green oat grass: take green oat grass at the beginning of heading, pass through a juicer or meat grinder and squeeze. Take 0.5 glasses of juice 2 - 3 times a day 15 - 20 minutes before meals for 3 - 4 weeks for any diseases, as well as to increase immunity. You can take vodka tincture of green oat grass (20-30 drops 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals). The course of treatment is 1 month.
  • Oat decoction: take 1 cup of oats, rinse it 6-8 times, add 2 cups of water, bring to a boil, cook until half the liquid has boiled down, strain and add 2 tbsp. l. honey Take 1 - 2 tbsp. l. decoction 3 - 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals for pulmonary dystrophy and tuberculosis. The course of treatment is 1 month, then take a break for 1 week and repeat the course.
  • Decoction of oat straw: take 50 g of chopped straw, pour 1 liter of boiled cold water, leave for 2 hours, then strain. Take 0.5-1 glass of infusion 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals, adding 1 tsp. honey, as a diaphoretic and antipyretic for colds and respiratory diseases.
  • General strengthening agent: pour 1 glass of oatmeal into 1 liter of water, put on fire, bring to a boil, cook until liquid jelly becomes thick, strain, add milk to the broth (1:1) and boil for a few more minutes. Then cool, add 3 tbsp. l. honey, mix well. Take 1 glass of the mixture warm 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for 2-3 weeks with reduced immunity and frequent colds.
  • For bronchitis, you need to take 0.5 cups of oat grains, pour in 2 liters of milk, put in the oven, simmer on low heat. high temperature 1.5 - 2 hours, strain and take 1 tbsp. l. before bedtime.
  • For treatment severe cough, bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, the following remedy is used: 2 tbsp. l. oat grains and raisins pour 1.5 liters of cold water, put on fire, bring to a boil, cook over low heat until half the liquid has evaporated, cool, strain, squeeze, add 1 tbsp. l. honey Take 1 tbsp. l. decoction every hour. Can be given to children from 1 tsp. up to 1 tbsp. l. (depending on age).
  • For influenza, acute respiratory viral infections and other respiratory diseases, it is useful to take vodka tincture from the green grass of oats, 1 - 2 tsp. 3 - 4 times a day, adding honey. This tincture has a strong antiviral effect.
  • Remedy for the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis: pour 1 cup of oatmeal into 1 liter of boiling water, put on fire, cook over low heat until half of the liquid evaporates, strain, add 2 cups of milk (preferably goat's) and 2 tbsp. l. honey, mix well and take 1 glass of this decoction 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for 1 month.
  • To prevent influenza and other respiratory diseases, it is useful to consume oat kvass. For 5 liters of water you need to take 500 g of oatmeal, 300 g of sugar, 2 oranges, 1 lemon and 20 g of yeast. Pour water over oatmeal, add oranges and lemon, crushed together with peel, bring to a boil, cook for 40 minutes, remove from heat, cool, add prepared yeast, sugar, mix and place in a warm place for fermentation. Then strain and pour into bottles, seal well. Store in a cool place. Kvass should not be poured into bottles to the top, but only to the shoulders. After bottling and capping, kvass must be kept for 2-3 days in a cool place so that it ripens, and only after that it is ready for use.
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Carbohydrates are the basic part of the food pyramid; they should make up 60-70% of every person’s daily diet, so when choosing carbohydrates, special attention should be paid to quality.

A person needs no more than 350-400 g of carbohydrates per day. Preference should be given to complex carbohydrates.

Whole grain products contain up to 85% carbohydrates, with up to one quarter of them coming from alimentary fiber, up to 7% fats, of which only 10% are saturated (there is no cholesterol in them), and up to 17% proteins, which in some grains are complete and balanced (contain essential amino acids).

Cereals have many beneficial dietary properties. The main advantage of cereals is their low glycemic index, due to which, when these substances are broken down in the digestive tract, the body receives the energy necessary to perform physical activity. On average, the carbohydrate content of various cereals ranges from approximately 65 to 75 grams per 100 grams of cereal. Porridge must be present in the daily diet of people who lead an active lifestyle and attend training in sports sections or fitness clubs. However, when organizing dietary nutrition Based on porridges, you should remember that it is advisable to eat them for breakfast or lunchtime, since in this case the high-calorie carbohydrates will have time to be completely broken down. If you consume large amounts of these foods in evening time or almost before bedtime, the body will not have time to use up all the energy contained in the chemical bonds of carbohydrate molecules. This will contribute to the formation of adipose tissue and the formation of excess body weight.

In addition to carbohydrates, cereals contain a certain amount of protein - approximately 9 - 11 grams of protein per 100 grams of cereal. The role of proteins in dietary nutrition is well known and significant. Without them, the processes of growth and development, as well as the correct formation of all organs and organ systems, would be impossible human body. However, it should be taken into account that cereal proteins are somewhat inferior in nutritional value proteins of animal origin. The fact is that plant proteins cannot completely replace food products such as meat or dairy products, since they lack some essential amino acids. Therefore, various vegetarian diets that recommend completely excluding animal products from the diet are still not entirely justified. Cereals, although they are an essential component of dietary nutrition, are not able to fully satisfy the need human body in all types of amino acids.

The next valuable property of cereals, which gives them the status of a dietary food product, is their low fat content. Typically, the content of these substances in cereals is very low - about 1-1.5 grams per 100 grams of product, and only oatmeal contains slightly more fat - about 6 grams per 100 grams of cereal.

Another argument in favor of including grains in the dietary system is the presence in them large quantity vitamins and minerals. Thus, cereal grains contain vitamins A, E, C, almost all B vitamins, and microelements - iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium. In addition, the grains of some cereals contain lipotropic substances that prevent the deposition of excess fat.

Thus, all of the listed characteristics of cereals eloquently indicate dietary properties these food products. With proper organization of your diet, dishes made from cereals will only bring health benefits.

Details about the properties of the most common cereal crops:

There is nothing superfluous in wheat grain that is not characteristic of the body; on the contrary, it has everything to replenish the minerals, vitamins, and energy consumed by the cells. Whole wheat grain contains 12-15% protein and up to 75% carbohydrates. No other cereal provides such a beneficial combination of these two vital principles. The first of them is represented in wheat grain by gluten, the second by starch. Wheat also contains vitamins A and O (Vitamin Oz regulates the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus, accelerates the absorption of calcium in the intestines and the reabsorption of phosphorus in the kidneys, promotes the formation of the bone skeleton and teeth, as well as the preservation of bone structure. Other descriptions and instructions VIDECHOL (Videchohun) - ( medicines- medical library)).

Medicinal properties of wheat:

· increases immunity;

· has a general strengthening effect, the decoction is recommended as vitamin drink and a general strengthening agent;

· stimulates the work of hematopoietic organs (steamed bran is taken in the treatment of leukemia);

· heals the skin and hair (softening poultices are made from warm dough or broth);

· resolves tumors, hardenings (warm wheat sprout cakes are applied to resolve various tumors and relieve pain).

In terms of nutritional value, barley is superior to oats, wheat and rye and is easily digested. Barley grain contains a lot of starch and protein. With its enveloping properties, it resembles oats. Barley is also considered the best of the grains that strengthens the body and restores strength. It promotes longevity.

Medicinal properties of barley:

· has blood purifying and restorative properties;

· restores the body's strength well;

· has an antitumor effect - inhibits the growth of tumors in initial period development.

Oats are the most fat-rich cereal; it also contains many proteins rich in essential amino acids, and in the most favorable, close to ideal ratio. Oats are rich in micro- and macroelements. It contains more iron than other grains, a lot of sulfur (which is important for the metabolism of nervous tissue and blood, hair and nails, cartilage and bones), silicon (it prevents hair loss), phosphorus, and potassium. This cereal contains magnesium, chromium, manganese, zinc, nickel, fluorine, and iodine. There are vitamins A, K, E and group B.

Medicinal properties of oats:

· has a general strengthening and tonic effect;

· has a hematopoietic effect: improves and renews the composition of the blood, increases the number of leukocytes;

· increases the protective functions of the body, its ability to self-cleanse;

· inhibits the development of degenerative processes in the body due to the high silicon content;

· strengthens and heals the gastrointestinal tract;

MILLET (millet)

In terms of protein content, millet (grain from the cereal crop millet) is superior to rice and barley, and in terms of fat content it is second only to oatmeal. Millet proteins contain essential amino acids threonine, valine (calms nerves, stimulates brain activity), leucine (gives strength and vigor), lysine, histidine (good for hearing, stimulates the nervous system), as well as fatty acids, trace elements, enzymes. There are more B vitamins in it than in the grains of all other cereals, folic acid twice as much as in wheat. Phosphorus is 1.5 times more than in meat! Millet contains significant amounts of zinc, iodine, potassium, sodium magnesium and bromine.

Millet is difficult to digest, but this deficiency is easily eliminated by adding a sufficient amount of fat at the end of cooking, before the porridge is cooked.

Medicinal properties of millet:

promotes the resorption of tumors;

· strengthens and promotes healing of damaged bone and soft tissues;

· acts as a general strengthening agent, restores the body's strength.

Rice contains a lot of starch (74%), but less protein than other grains (7%), in addition, B vitamins, microelements and enzymes are present in the shell parts of the grains. Rice maintains the alkaline-acid balance in the body well, since the ratio of potassium to sodium in it is 5:1.

Medicinal properties of rice:

· normalizes appetite and quickly restores strength after a serious illness (seriously ill patients with cancer are able to digest cream of rice and soft rice, and their strength returns);

· one of the most effective cleansers - rice absorbs poisons, cholesterol, fatty acids, salt deposits, and biopathogenic microflora from the tissues and organs of the body.

Rye grain contains about 67% carbohydrates, 11% proteins, 2% fat, 3.5% fiber, mineral salts, vitamins E and group B. Rye proteins, compared to wheat proteins, are more complete in the content of important amino acids (lysine, which slows down aging and promotes blood circulation; threonine, which helps digestion and metabolic processes) and vitamins B, PP and A.

Medicinal properties of rye:

· has a general strengthening effect;

· increases immunity;

· improves functions thyroid gland;

· resorption of hard, painful tumors (softening poultices made from warm dough).

The optimal product containing all grains is various combinations of cereal flakes, muesli, porridge with additives based on multigrain flakes. When choosing such products, you should give preference to cereals and porridges that require cooking. Instant and instant cooking, during processing they undergo micronization, as a result of which the molecular bonds of proteins, fiber, and vitamins are destroyed.

Among pasta products, we recommend pasta made from durum wheat, pasta with added bran, rye flour, wheat germ. Durum wheat varieties contain more protein, the glycemic index of such products is 2 times lower than their analogues made from baking flour.

Thus, in daily diet There must be 1-2 dishes containing whole grains. This will help in the prevention and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular diseases, endocrine ( diabetes, obesity, thyroid disease).