Causes of excessive salivation in dogs. Why does a dog drool? What to do if your dog is drooling a lot

Increased salivation in dogs is a fairly common phenomenon. But it is important to find out why the dog is drooling, so as not to miss the onset of the disease and provide timely help to your pet. And, as a rule, you cannot do without a visit to the veterinarian, since without tests and examination by a professional it is difficult to identify the cause of excessive salivation.

Almost all diseases of the gums and teeth provoke drooling - stomatitis, inflammatory processes, stone, etc. If there is a problem with the gums/teeth, drooling will stop flowing only after it is eliminated. Toothache is indicated by caution when eating, a head tilted to the side, some dogs rub their mouths with their paws, yelp “for no reason,” and do not allow touching their muzzle.

Saliva performs a protective function by washing the mucous membranes of the mouth. Examine your pet's teeth and gums - is there a piece of bone, a twig, or a piece of food stuck there? If your dog is drooling blood, he has probably cut the roof of his mouth, tongue, or gum with a stick, toy, or bone. The foreign object must be removed, the wound must be treated with a weak solution of manganese or irrigated with stomatophyte, a cut on the gum can be treated with Metrogyl. If the wound is extensive, purulent, foreign body went deep into soft fabrics- see a doctor immediately. A bone fragment can injure the stomach or esophagus, which is very dangerous!

Our four-legged friends, just like their owners, have salivary fluid that the body produces for one reason or another. However, it happens that the pet’s saliva flows constantly, which begins to burden its owner. Let's look at the situation and think about it why does a dog drool, and what can be done to reduce their release.

The main reasons why a dog drools

There are a number of reasons why drooling or, scientifically, salivation occurs.

  • Breed trait.

Indeed, some breeds have a breed predisposition to drooling. These animals include: Caucasian Shepherd breed, mastiff, German boxer, Basset, Shar Pei, etc.

  • Ear diseases.

Of all the salivary glands: sublingual, zygomatic, submandibular and parotid, the latter produce the most salivary fluid. Therefore, any injuries and diseases of the ears lead to increased production of saliva. Diseases include various types of fungi, otitis media, inflammation, and ulcers.

  • Infections.

It is not difficult to detect an infection; as a rule, in addition to excessive salivation, the pet becomes lethargic, refusal to eat, and involuntary urination may occur. Body temperature may be elevated as the immune system begins to fight the virus. It is worth noting that it is not possible for an animal to defeat the virus on its own, therefore the only correct solution– immediately take your pet to a veterinarian, who, based on symptoms and possibly clinical tests, will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment.

  • Mouth cavity problems.

Such problems include diseases of the teeth, gums and their injuries. In most cases, they are the answer to the question of why a dog is drooling. Caries, stomatitis and even ordinary tartar in dogs can lead to the appearance of saliva, which will act like an antiseptic on a sore spot. However, a trip to the veterinarian is mandatory, because by identifying the cause, it will be possible to eliminate it, and therefore reduce salivation to a minimum. For example, if an animal eats and spits out food, rubs its mouth with its paw, bites carefully, or delays the eating process, then something is wrong. Inspection of the mouth may reveal either a stuck foreign object between teeth, or damaged gums, or dark yellow teeth (tartar). The smell will also help you understand that something is wrong with the oral cavity.

The presence of blood in saliva indicates some kind of trauma to the tissues of the mouth.

  • Poisoning.

The animal may become poisoned. The object of poisoning can be: food not intended for four-legged animals (chocolate and other sweets), stale food, household chemicals, fruits, plants, etc. Poisoning can occur both at home and while out and about. It is not difficult to identify it; the pet produces copious thick saliva.

  • Hormonal disorders.

Cause, why does a dog drool girls, may be hiding in hormonal imbalance. Some owners, not engaged in breeding, do not carry out the operation of castration of the animal. Accordingly, there is a risk of hormonal imbalance and cancer.

When a pet’s disease begins to affect its internal organs: kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract, etc. side effect There may be increased salivation. This is especially noticeable in adult animals.

  • Animal hyperactivity.

If an animal does not fully expend its energy over the past day, it becomes easily excitable. First of all, such breeds include ornamental breeds, however among large dogs Individuals may also come across. A number of individuals bark from the abundance of emotions, others make a puddle, and still others run around at breakneck speed. And there are animals that simply drool.

  • Animals that are easily stressed.

Some pets easily panic and become stressed. Defensive reaction The body's response to this is simple - a copious amount of saliva is secreted. For example, if you fail to accustom your pet to a confined space—carrying—in puppyhood, you may eventually end up with a dog that is afraid closed doors, elevator and the same carrying. Some are afraid loud sounds, new terrain, other four-legged relatives.

What to do if your dog is drooling?

Consider a case where a family friend's breed does not include excessive drooling. In this case, the owner’s actions are simple:

  1. It is necessary to observe the animal, see if there are any other features of behavior or food intake that have not been observed before;
  2. Examine the ears and ears, all of a sudden ear mites occur in dogs or any other disease. As a rule, with sore ears, the dog will squeal when touched or regularly try to scratch them with his paw;
  3. If the dog is a girl, remember the last time she was in heat;
  4. Pay attention to the chair. In case of poisoning, there may be diarrhea;
  5. Check the integrity of the teeth and the presence of wounds in the mouth;
  6. For easily stressed individuals, expand your social circle, identify hidden complexes and try to eliminate them either independently or with the assistance of an experienced training instructor;
  7. Visit a veterinarian.

Saliva helps animals digest food and also has an antibacterial effect, protecting the oral cavity from the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. Drooling, or hypersalivation, is characterized by excessive production of saliva.

Stimulates saliva production taste sensations and touch, for example, when seeing food or catching the smell of food, the dog begins to drool, because the appetite is stimulated. However, there are many other reasons that can cause excessive drooling.

Why do dogs drool?

Excessive salivation is observed in dogs with anatomical abnormalities, as well as due to the structural features of the body. So do large breeds(mastiffs), animals with massive muzzles, short muzzles (bulldogs), loose jowls, drool flows constantly. Saliva accumulates in the space between the lips and jaw, the lips are too loose and are not able to hold the saliva in the mouth, so it drains. This condition cannot be treated and dog owners have to put up with the peculiarity of their pets, regularly wiping off the accumulated drool.

Excited animals, e.g. captured a fun game with the owner, waiting for a walk, or animals experiencing stress, fear, anxiety also drool. Stress, accompanied by anxiety and fear, can be caused by traveling in a car, meeting with aggressive dog, exposure to an electric collar.

Oral diseases, e.g. dental problems, damage to the mucous membrane, inflammation in addition to a number of symptoms and pain are accompanied copious discharge saliva. It is possible that a foreign body is stuck between the teeth, which provokes the release of excessive amounts of saliva, which allows the foreign object to be removed. However, the body’s reaction may not be enough; sometimes human help is required - self-removal foreign object or help from a veterinarian.

A foreign object stuck in the throat can also cause salivation. The dog experiences pain or discomfort and tries to swallow to push the stuck object, so saliva is released into the large quantities. It is important to pay attention to the condition and behavior of the animal, since untimely assistance can cause the dog to suffocate.

Prolonged exposure to the sun, physical activity in the heat often cause heat stroke, which is characterized by sudden drooling, thick saliva, as well as vomiting, high temperature body, redness of the tongue.

In case of poisoning, breathing problems occur, dogs experience pain, and drooling occurs. Toxins can be caustic chemical substances(household chemicals), substances contained in poisonous plants (euphorbia, dieffenbachia), substances with an unpleasant taste or odor emitted by some animals, insect poison.

Traveling in transport often causes motion sickness in dogs, which occurs as a result of disruption of the vestibular apparatus. Animals feel sick and drool. Some animals need training to travel in a car.

Excessive drooling in dogs is observed when the central nervous system is damaged, for example, with botulism, rabies, when muscle paralysis occurs, preventing the animal from swallowing, as a result, saliva flows from the mouth.

Hypersalivation is observed in dogs with liver disease, gastrointestinal tract(bloating, stomach ulcer), dilation of the esophagus, hernia hiatus diaphragm, viral infections upper respiratory tract, diseases causing paralysis facial nerve and jaw dropping, difficulty swallowing, seizures (tetanus).

Congenital problems can also cause hypersalivation. Some breeds, particularly Maltese, Yorkshire terriers, miniature schnauzers, and Irish wolfhounds, are predisposed to portosystemic shunt. This disease is congenital and is characterized by improper connection blood vessels between the hepatic portal vein and the systemic circulation.

Why is my puppy drooling?

During teething, approximately age three weeks, and teeth change - at the age of 3.5 months, puppies experience painful and discomfort, as a result, an increased amount of saliva is released.

Puppies often drool due to stress, for example in situations when the baby is picked up by strangers, during first walks, or when traveling in public transport.


Treatment is aimed at eliminating the disease, which is accompanied by symptoms, which include drooling. In some cases, the pet owner can independently eliminate the cause of hypersalivation, for example, carefully remove a foreign object stuck between the teeth, or eliminate the cause of stress and anxiety.

However serious problems health problems require contacting a veterinarian. IN veterinary clinic carry out full medical checkup animal, Special attention is given to the oral cavity, neck, is carried out neurological examination, ultrasound examination, x-rays are taken, which allows you to determine diseases of the internal organs, including the liver. If a disorder is suspected immune system a biopsy may be prescribed. After all the measures taken, the veterinarian makes a diagnosis and prescribes treatment aimed at eliminating the specific disease causing increased drooling.

Salivation in a dog is a natural process that is regulated by the central nervous system. Saliva secretion occurs more actively at the sight of food or treats, under the influence of odors, after physical activity, when sucking in puppies, from an abundance of tenderness, when the dog is petted, under stress, while taking medications, after prolonged barking, when food is stuck in the teeth. This state occurs in mild form and ends quickly.

Certain breeds of dogs are endowed with strong salivation. For example, Newfoundlands, mastiffs, boxers, St. Bernards. This is explained by the peculiarities of physiology, when saliva collects in the hanging skin near the mouth and then flows down.

Produce saliva four salivary glands, located under the tongue, under the ears, cheekbones, under the jaw of the dog and a network of small glands on the mucous membrane of the tongue and cheeks in the mouth.

Why is saliva needed:

  1. Moisten food before swallowing. Especially when feeding dry food.
  2. Dissolve and transport beneficial substances.
  3. Keep clean oral cavity, neutralize germs thanks to antibacterial and antiviral properties.
  4. Moisten the mucous membranes in the mouth.

When salivation is dangerous

The pathology of salivation, hypersecretion of the salivary glands is called ptyalism or hypersalivation.

A cause for concern is deviations from the usual state, changes in the dog’s behavior. Such deviations may be:

  • Infectious and non-infectious origin.
  • The result of disorders of the nervous system.
  • Due to poisoning.
  • Due to dental problems, stomatitis, tartar and caries.
  • If there are foreign objects or tumors in the mouth.
  • For injuries and dislocations of the jaw.
  • When overheated and heatstroke when saliva evaporates through an open mouth for the purpose of thermoregulation.
  • A consequence of an insect bite.
  • For diseases digestive system and kidneys.
  • In case of damage to the salivary glands.
  • For head injuries.
  • In case of infection with rabies, botulism, tetanus, plague.
  • For nausea.
  • For otitis media or stroke.
  • If you have difficulty breathing.
  • For swallowing disorders.

A sign of a possible pet illness is change in the color and thickness of saliva animal. When the saliva is cloudy, viscous, stretchy, with unpleasant smell, has become yellowish-brown in color or contains blood particles. These are the signs possible diseases oral cavity: stomatitis, periodontal disease, various inflammations of the salivary glands.

What do we have to do

First of all you need examine the dog. If saliva is secreted during the period when teeth are being cut or from nervous overexcitation at a dog show, in an unusual environment, then you should not worry, but wait until the dog calms down and salivation stops. When drooling occurs while walking in hot weather, you should stop and give the animal a chance to rest. In the summer, this happens due to the tight muzzle.

Contact of a dog with frogs or lizards, licking them provokes salivation. Either the animal licked chemicals or ate poisonous grass while walking. After such contact, it is recommended to rinse the dog’s mouth with water.

When traveling in a car, the dog may get motion sickness and for this reason salivation increases. If we are talking about adult dog, then trips will have to be stopped or made short. It is not recommended to feed the dog before the trip; the dog should be seated in the front seat and provided with access fresh air through the window. Puppies need to be accustomed to traveling, gradually increasing the travel time.

When walking with a dog whose breed has a physiological predisposition to salivation, you need to take a towel or rag and wipe its face. When traveling, wear a special bib.

Signs of the disease include changes in behavior, aggressiveness or withdrawal, loss of appetite associated with abnormalities in the functioning of the digestive tract.

If there is suspicious and excessive salivation in an animal, you should start with an examination of the oral cavity. You need to carefully examine the teeth to see if there are any food residues left there, check for splinters in the cheeks and lips that irritate the mucous membranes or salivary glands.

Mechanical damage to the tooth, chips and loosening cause anxiety in the dog, accompanied by salivation. In this case, you cannot do without a visit to the veterinarian.

Pay attention to your gums and tongue. There may be ulcers indicating renal failure. You should try to remove all foreign objects yourself or contact a veterinarian. There may be tumors, ulcers or abscesses in your dog's mouth that should be treated with an antiseptic.

While walking in the park or in the forest, the dog may eat something, such as a fly agaric, or swallow a foreign object; it will get stuck in the esophagus, which causes salivation. Active running and “dog play” in cold, frosty air with an open mouth can provoke inflammation of the salivary glands. Salivation accompanies a cold when your dog coughs or sneezes.

In many cases, increased salivation is accompanied by stomach upset and poisoning. In this case, the dog’s stool is checked, the diet is adjusted and accompanying medications are given.

If during a home examination the causes of hypersalivation cannot be identified, then contact the veterinary clinic. To make a diagnosis, a blood test is taken to check liver function. Additionally, an examination for rabies or distemper is carried out.

Dog owners need to monitor changes in their animal's behavior in order to provide timely assistance. necessary help and prevent the development of a more serious disease. The phenomenon of ptyalism is often a symptom various diseases. If you suspect a deterioration in your dog's health, you should immediately seek help from a veterinary clinic.