Sliding hernia of esophageal hole diaphragm symptoms treatment. What is a sliding hernia, and what treatment is applied to get rid of it? Video "hernia of the esophageal hole diaphragm"

The diaphragmal hernia has several species, but most often in adults there is a sliding hernia of the esophagus symptoms and its treatment depend on the degree of illness, other pathologies in chronic form.

Such a disease appears if part of the stomach and the lower diver of the esophagus in the chest is shifted.

Pathology is gradually developing, may not cause symptoms, and the treatment is carried out successfully even conservative methods.

The main rule is to determine the disease in a timely manner.


The sliding hernia of the esophagus has several types of disease. Among the main ones, allocate:

  1. Gastric, total species.
  2. Cardual.
  3. Subtotal.
  4. Cardioofundal.

The main place of development of the hernia is a stomach, therefore several degrees of the disease are distinguished:

  1. At the first stage of the development of the disease, the stomach rises, and begins to lay down to the diaphragm itself. After that, the abdominal part of the esophagus in the breast cavity appears.
  2. In the second stage, the change in the position of the stomach begins, it is fixed immediately in the diaphragm hole. Part of the esophagus is moving into the chest.
  3. The last degree of illness is most often diagnosed, as characteristic symptoms begin to develop. In such a state, almost the entire stomach and the lower part of the esophagus will be at the top of the diaphragm.

Although the sliding hernia does not have serious consequences, but you need to know the main causes and signs of the disease.

Timely diagnosis will allow to avoid surgical treatment, and also facilitates the process of all therapy, patients are quickly corrected.

Main reasons

All causes of the development of pathology in medicine are divided into 2 species. There are congenital factors and acquired, often in patients a few reasons appear in the patients, which lead to hernia.

To congenital reasons include:

  1. Congenital hernia in children. They appear because of the slow lowering of the stomach at the stage of development in the womb.
  2. The appearance of a pre-prepared hernial bag occurs due to the late diaphragm inections when the stomach in the abdominal cavity is lowered.
  3. Poor development of the diaphragmal parts, which cover the hole of the esophagus. Due to this, the expansion appears.

The reasons described may not only be congenital. The last two reasons are developing both in the womb and throughout life, so they can be at any age.

This contributes to some external factors. For acquired reasons include such:

  1. Different provoking factors that cause high pressure in the middle of the abdomen. Among the main reasons are distinguished by strong loads, cough, which does not stop, overweight problems, constant constipation, pregnancy. The causes described only increase the probability of organ penetration into a diaphragm, especially if there are congenital disorders.
  2. Age changes of the diaphragm.
  3. Strong cuts in esophagus, which appear in the presence of gastric pathologies or inflammation of the gallbladder.
  4. Strong relaxation of the diaphragm, due to inflammation of the nerves, mechanical damage to the part and other features.

People in the risk group need to know the main symptoms for which it is possible to determine the development of hernia.


The sliding hernia of the esophagus symptoms and treatment is different, since it all depends on the severity of the disease.

A peculiarity of pathology is the weak flow of signs or their absence.

As a rule, with a minor feeding of hernia, patients have no stale, but during the planned diagnosis, doctors can determine the pathology.

The doctor's violation cannot be noted with a visual inspection of the patient, since the sliding species differs from others, which is not characterized by the output of the organ outside and their protrusion under the skin, they penetrate into the chest cavity.

Even with large hernia sizes, it will not be visually noticeable. With prolonged leakage of pathology, the development and increase of symptoms begins.

This is due not only to the appeal of the organs of the digestive system into the hole of the diaphragm, but also the release of gastric content, which irritates the mucous membrane.

The main characteristic symptoms of the disease are:

  1. The appearance of the burning esophagus after the meal and in the lying position.
  2. Breast pains, which are enhanced by inclined movements.
  3. Billing and output of the contents of the stomach into the oral cavity, without vomiting. When leaving, an unpleasant smell may appear, as well as a bitter or sour flavor.
  4. Failures with swallowing reflex. At the beginning of development, the symptom of the esophagus is not narrowed, but the person develops problems with swallowing when drinking or liquid products. Due to the inflammatory process, a narrowing begins, a patient is difficult to swallow solid food, the constant feeling of a coma in the throat begins.
  5. Frequent diseases of the respiratory organs and the violation of the breathing itself.

In the development of pathology, the appearance of complications that are caused by severe inflammation of organs and their walls are possible.

Patients may develop erosion, ulcers, anemia and internal bleeding.


If the symptoms described appear, then you need to contact the doctor for diagnostics.

Determine the reasons, as well as the form of the disease itself, the doctor may via such methods:

  1. The first thing is a survey, complaints are collected, characteristic symptoms, their strength and development time.
  2. Palpation of the abdominal cavity is carried out, which makes it possible to estimate the presence and force of pain.
  3. Used radiography, ultrasound, CT and MRI.

It is best to diagnose the use of X-ray equipment, during which contrasting substances give a patient.

In the pictures, the doctor will be able to see the desired data to set the diagnosis. Ultrasound is used to identify the main focus of the lesion, but the accuracy of this method is rather low.


With a sliding hernia of the doctor's esophageal, almost do not use surgical intervention for treatment.

This method is radical, shown only with the ineffectiveness of conservative therapy.

The first thing of the doctor uses treatment with medicines and other means, which can improve the overall state, stop symptoms and restore the work, the structure of the internal organs.

This method of therapy does not apply to rapid, but gives good results. The course of treatment is not small, but not the most painful, which is convenient to many people.

The main task of the patient is to clearly follow the instructions of the doctor and change a little lifestyle, power rules. At the beginning of therapy, there is a significant improvement, discomfort, pain and other signs pass.

To speed up recovery and fix the results, a comprehensive measure is required. The techniques are selected personally for each patient.


The use of drugs is necessary to relieve basic symptoms, as well as eliminating possible complications.

Among the basic drugs are distinguished:

  1. Preparations for neutralization of hydrochloric acid by reducing its acidity. For treatment, Gastal, Maalox, Almagel is used.
  2. Suppress the increased extraction of hydrochloric acid can be an omeza preparation.
  3. To eliminate belching, heartburn should be used by Motilium.
  4. Antispasmodic remedies will get rid of esophagus and chest pains. It is best to use but-shlu, drootaverin.
  5. Improve the regeneration of tissues, the condition of the mucosa of the internal organs allows de nol.

Medicine treatment should be carried out only by the instructions of the attending physician. It can establish the right dose for a particular patient, a course of use, as well as a tablet consumption scheme.

This makes it possible to temporarily choose measures for prevention, adjust relapses, eliminate complications.


With a sliding hernia of the esophagus, it is important to use dietary nutrition. It must be strictly observed, as well as apply the basic rules even after recovery.

Proper nutrition makes it possible to strengthen the effect of medicines or folk remedies, normalizes the work of the digestive system, and also speeds up the treatment time.

The main rules are as follows:

  1. It is necessary to eat 5-6 times throughout the day, in small portions so that the stomach does not stretch. This rule power will normalize the operation of the digestive system.
  2. Fully abandon the harmful products and dishes that are able to provide an irritating effect on the mucous membrane. It is important to exclude from the diet, salty, fatty, fried. Do not use soda, sweets and products with preservatives.
  3. The basis of dietary food should be cereal, vegetable products, dietary types of fish and meat, as well as fermented milk products.
  4. Prepare meals need to be boiled or bake. All dishes are better grinding carefully, peat.
  5. Follow the drinking mode, it is recommended to use only water, but not drinking it after the meal.
  6. The last meal is carried out a couple of hours before sleep.

The accurate list of permitted and prohibited products may indicate the attending physician. Throughout treatment may have insignificant changes in nutrition.

It is worth remembering that for the normal operation of the whole organism, you need to use fats, so before and after the meal should be taken 1 tbsp. olive oil. It can also be used for salads or other dishes, but not for roasting.

In addition to proper nutrition, you need to change lifestyle. People with sliding hernia must be completely abandoned by drinking alcohol, cigarettes.

It is important to reduce strong loads, use them moderately. Try not to fall into stressful situations.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies can be used in addition to therapy with medicines.

Recipes allow you to improve overall well-being, and quickly eliminate the bouts of heartburn, belching and pain.

Most often for treatment is used infusion or decoction from plant components. With sliding hernia, such recipes are effective:

  1. Connect 1 tsp. Mint and machefa, add 1 tbsp. Linen seeds, crushed root of altea. The resulting composition adds 6 cups of cold water and it is left for 3 hours to insist. After that, you need to put a medicine on a water bath for 10 minutes. When the drink is cooled, it is filtered and taken 100 ml before the start of food.
  2. Connect and grind in equal parts of cumin, anise, mint and fennel. On 1 tbsp. A glass of boiling water is added to a glass of boiling water, a drink is 100 ml a hour to metracks. The recipe is effective against meteorism.
  3. On 3 tbsp. Gooseberry sheets add 1 liter boiling water and leave everything for a week. After filtering, take a drink of 70 ml before the start of the meal.
  4. The sliding hernia often causes the stool delay, so when the constipation is developed, it is necessary to drink a cup of kefir with the addition of 1 tsp. Butter. Kefir is used only fresh so that it rendered the necessary therapeutic effects and the laxative effect.

If folk methods do not give results or cause negative consequences, then you need to contact the doctor, change recipes or increase the dose.


People with sliding hernia showing lung physical exercises. Their essence lies in relaxation, strengthening the body, abdominal muscles, as well as reducing body weight.

Therapeutic physical culture allows you to reset the increased pressure in the abdomen, which causes extrusion of the esophagus.

Using the simulators do not need to immediately increase the intensity, it will be enough to walk in the usual pace.

The duration of such a training is 30 or more minutes. After some time, the duration can be raised.

Walking makes it possible to improve musculature tone without special loads, will allow you to clean the mind, get rid of stress.

It is useful to make light exercises on the press, but they must consist of 1-2 approaches up to 15 times. It is important to take into account not only the preparation in the physical plan, but also the appearance of unpleasant symptoms, the general condition.

Be sure to conduct jumps. They should not be very intense, and between approaches there is a break.

Such training makes it possible to sink the stomach in the right place, eliminating hernia.

To improve efficiency before jumping, it is necessary to drink 200-300 ml of water, which will increase the mass of the stomach, will accelerate its promotion into the abdominal cavity.

Useful patients with Pilates and Yoga. Such workouts are calm, but has a positive effect for all muscles without pressure.

Pilates perfectly shakes the abdominal muscles, it happens moderately. Before performing any training, you need to get permission from the doctor.

The load should be added gradually after the doctor's permission. Sports and physical education should be in life every day not only in patients with hernia, but also in healthy people.

This makes it possible to eliminate relapses and the development of other diseases.

Useful video

The diaphragm is a large and wide muscle separating the thoracic cavity from the cavity of the abdominal. It, as it were, "stretched" between the sternum, ribs and lumbar vertebrae, to which attached. The formation of the hernia of the food hole occurs due to its weakening, as a result of which parts of the organs located below are penetrated into the upper (thoracic) cavity.

In most cases, small hernias of the esophageal hole of the diaphragm (HPD) do not cause problems. If the hernia is large, the gastric content is thrown back into the esophagus, which leads to the appearance of heartburn, belching, as well as dysphagia and chest pain.

The reasons

The hernia of the esophageal hole of the diaphragm (abbreviated GPO) is diagnosed about 5% adults. More than half of the cases fall at an elderly age - over 55 years, which is due to age-related changes - in particular, the natural process of weakening the ligament.

Most often, the diaphragmal hernia develops due to the fact that the tissue, the task of which limit the esophageal hole of the diaphragm, becomes much more elastic than necessary. Many do not even know that this hernia is possible. Meanwhile, this is a rather serious problem that requires qualified medical care.

Causes of occurrence:

  • Abdominal and chest injuries;
  • An increase in intra-abdominal pressure;
  • Bouts of a long cough (asthma, chronic bronchitis);
  • Connective tissue diseases: Marfan syndrome, systemic sclerodermia, systemic red lupus, dermatomyosis;
  • Asthenic physique;

Parasezophageal hernia can be congenital or acquired. The hernia of the esophageal hole of the diaphragm in children is, as a rule, is associated with the embryonic vice-shortening of the esophagus and requires surgical intervention at an early age.

In the risk group consist of those who have the following diseases:

  • Phlebeurysm
  • Obesity.

Also, to the development of hernia, the diaphragm ecoming hole predisposes a violation of the motorbate of the digestive tract in the hypermotive disknesiums of the esophagus, concomitant ulcerative diseases of the duodenum and the stomach, chronic gastroduodenitis, chronic pancreatitis, calculous chivest.

Symptoms of the hernia of the teaching hole of the diaphragm

GPO is a chronic disease that affects the digestive system, which is located on 3 place among other diseases, such as duodenal, chronic cholecystitis. The hernia of the esophageal hole of the diaphragm is a pathology, in which the stomach slides up to the esophagus.

Symptoms GPO:

  1. a sign of a diaphragmal hernia serves as painful syndrome, which is usually localized in epigastria, spreads through the esophagus or irradiates to an inter-opacculent region and back
  2. underworld pain may mistaken in the diagnosis of the patient to the cardiologist;
  3. pain may occur after meals or physical stress, with intestinal and after deep breath;
  4. heartburn, burning in the throat, IKOT, attacks of nausea, urge to vomiting, hoarseness;
  5. cyanosis, vomiting with blood talking about the impairment of hernia;
  6. in some cases, arterial pressure can increase.
  7. at night, strong cough attacks are observed, accompanied by suffocation, increased salivation.

The causes of the occurrence of pain in hernia aperture are squeezing the nerves and stomach vessels at the exit of its cardiac part into the chest cavity, the effect of the acid content of the intestine and the stomach on the mucous membrane and the stretching of its walls.

Paints in the hernia of the esophageal department can be differentiated, based on the following features:

  • pains appear mainly after meals, exercise, in a horizontal position, with increased gas formation;
  • they soften or disappear after deep breath, belching, water intake, change poses;
  • the pain is enhanced as a result of tilt forward.
  • Sometimes pain can wear a touching character, reminding pancreatitis.

Typical symptoms of hernia of the esophageal diaphragm department are also:

  • ikota;
  • heartburn;
  • pain in the tongue, a feeling of burning;
  • the appearance of hoarseness of voice.

Immediately contact the ambulance if:

  • you feel nausea
  • you had vomiting
  • you can't empty the intestines or release gases.

Types of HPD

There are such basic types of hernia: sliding food hernia (axinal) and fixed (parasephageal) hernia.

Sliding (axinal) hernia

Axial hiatal hernias is called the absorption of organs located below the diaphragm through the natural hole. In the overwhelming majority (approximately 90%), the hernias of the diaphragm are axial, or sliding.

With a sliding (axial, axial) hernia, there is a free penetration of the abdominal part of the esophagus, cardia and the bottom of the stomach through the esophageal hole of the diaphragm into the chest cavity and the independent return (when the position is changed) back to the abdominal cavity.

Axial hiatal hernia begins to develop with a reduced elasticity of muscle connective tissues, weakening their ligaments. Depending on the biased section, there may be cardiac, cardioofundal, subtotal or total digestive.

For axial hernia, various etiology is characteristic of the esophagus. The following etiological factors are distinguished:

  • Violation of motorcycle systems of the digestive system
  • Weakness of the ligament and other connective tissue elements
  • High pressure in the abdominal cavity
  • The presence of chronic stomach pathology, the liver of the disease of the respiratory tract, accompanied by intensive cough.

Among all diseases of the digestive system, this pathology is in third place, constituting a serious "competition" with such pathological conditions as the ulcer of the stomach and.

Fixed HPD

Fixed (parasephageal) hernia of the diaphragm esophageal opening is not as often. In this case, part of the stomach is pushed through a diaphragm and remains there. As a rule, such hernias are not considered a serious disease. However, there is a risk that blood flow to the stomach can be blocked, which can lead to serious damage and needs emergency medical care.

In patients with fixed hernia, it can be observed as a symptom as a belching. It appears as a result of air from the departure of the esophagus. Sometimes it falls there with an admixture of bile or gastric juice. In this case, the belching will have a characteristic taste and smell.

Frequently often patients with parasezophageal hernia complain about intensive pain in the heart. This is not surprising, because the pain in the thoracic department, which they feel, really imitates the heart.

Degrees of HPD

It is important to remember that the early diagnosis of hernias of the teaching hole of the diaphragm will help to avoid complications, and the treatment of HPD will be more efficient. At the first stages you can do without surgical intervention.

  1. With the first, easiest, in the chest cavity, the esophageal department rises, which is normally in the abdominal cavity (abdominal). The dimensions of the opening do not allow the stomach to rise up, it remains on the spot;
  2. With a second degree in the chest cavity there is an abdominal diversity of the esophagus, and directly in the region of the teaching hole of the diaphragm - already part of the stomach;
  3. GPD 3 degrees are a significant part of the stomach, sometimes up to his gatekeeper, moving to the 12-rift intestine, moves to the chest cavity.


Complications that may occur during guy:

  • The hernia of the esophageal hole of the diaphragm may be complicated by the development of gastrointestinal bleeding. The cause of bleeding is peptic ulcers, oral erosion and stomach.
  • Another possible, but rare complication of the chital hernia is its infringement and perforation of the stomach wall.
  • Anemia is a frequent complication of the hernia of the esophageal hole of the diaphragm.
  • is a natural and frequent complication of the GPD.

The remaining complications of the hernia of the esophageal hole of the diaphragm - the retrograde prolapse of the gastric mucosa in the esophagus, the invagination of the esophagus into the hernial part is rarely observed and diagnosed with radioscopy and endoscopy of the esophagus and stomach.

It is clear that in the listed situations of the complications of the hernia of the esophageal hole of the diaphragm, the central goal is the treatment of the underlying disease.


To make a diagnosis in the hernia of the esophageal hole of the diaphragm, it is necessary to describe its complaints with the doctor in detail, pass a number of surveys. Since such a disease sometimes proceeds asymptomatic, it is possible to detect herriation with a random survey about other complaints.

The diagnosis of the hernia of the teagullic hole of the diaphragm is based on specific complaints and data instrumental research methods.

  1. These include x-ray study with contrasting, endoscopic examination and pressure gauge, allowing to measure pressure in different departments of the esophagus.
  2. Additionally, a general blood test is prescribed to eliminate the potential complication of hernia - gastrointestinal bleeding.
  3. When the patient has a gall-eyed disease in addition to the hernia, he needs to undergo an ultrasonic study of the abdominal cavity.
  4. Since the diaphragmal hernia is often accompanied by symptoms similar to the signs of heart disease, will additionally have to make electrocardiography.

In any case, research is appointed individually taking into account the characteristics of the body of the patient and the collected anamnesis.

Treatment of hernias of the esophageal hole of the diaphragm: preparations and operation

Treatment of a diaphragmal hernia starts with conservative events. Since in the clinic of the hernia of the esophageal hole of the diaphragm to the fore the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux, conservative treatment is directed mainly on their elimination.

Based on the pathogenetic mechanisms and clinical symptoms of the orophaling hole of the diaphragm, you can formulate the following main tasks of its conservative treatment:

  1. reducing the aggressive properties of the gastric juice and, above all, the content of R IICI hydrochloric acid:
  2. prevention and limitation of gastroofing reflux;
  3. local medicinal effect on the inflamed mucous membrane of the esophagus, the hernia of the stomach,
  4. reducing or eliminating esophageal and gastric:
  5. prevention and limitation of traumatization in the hernial gate of an abdominal segment of the esophagus and the regulating part of the stomach.

Preparations for HPD

The doctor may prescribe the following medicines:

  • antacids for neutralization of gastric acid
  • blockers H2-histamine receptors that reduce the production of acid
  • proton pump inhibitors (IPP) - antisecretory drugs for the treatment of acid-dependent stomach diseases.
  • Medicines - proton pump inhibitors and histamine blockers (omens, omeprazole, gastrasol, ranitidine, pantoprazole).
  • Prokinetics to improve the state of the gastric mucosa, esophagus, optimizing their motor skills, getting rid of nausea, pain (motilac, motilium, metoclopramide, Ganaton, ITomed, trimethen).
  • Vitamins of group B in order to accelerate the regeneration of stomach tissues.

As a rule, the treatment of the hernia of the diaphragm without surgery is 99% identically tactics for the treatment of reflux-esophagitis. In fact, all actions are aimed only to eliminate symptoms. The patient can take prescribed drugs to comply with a special diet, and adhere to all the prescriptions of the doctor.

Operation in the hernia of the esophageal hole of the diaphragm

Currently, the operation is the only radical and most effective way to treat the hernia of the diaphragm esophageal hole. It is also shown in the absence of a result from medicinal therapy.

The operation on the diaphragm in the hernias of the esophageal hole is usually planned, are carried out after a thorough examination and preparation. Emergency operations are not very often carried out with complicated hernias (infringement, running or bleeding from the compressed organ).

Operations for the GPD are carried out differently. Pictures the popularity of the Fundoplikation on Nissen. With such an operation from part of the stomach wall, a cuff is made, which is fixed around the hole, where the diaphragm expansion occurred.

Doctors operate in two ways, such as:

  • removal of an open, abdominal cutting section;
  • laparoscopy with several small cuts and the use of an endoscope with a camera and optics.

Contraindications for surgery:

  • Acute infectious diseases.
  • Exacerbations of chronic diseases.
  • Heart disease in the decompensation stage.
  • Heavy lung diseases with respiratory failure.
  • Uncompensated diabetes mellitus.
  • Blood diseases with chopping disorders.
  • Renal and liver failure.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Recently transferred long-distance operations.

In the postoperative period, antibiotics are prescribed, painkillers, with a violation of the motorcycle of the gastrointestinal tract - prokinetics (Cerukal, Mothilium). The seams are removed on the 7th day, after which the patient is discharged from the hospital under the supervision of the gastroenterologist.

In the first months, it is necessary to significantly reduce the physical activity associated with the active movements of the case.

The most common complications after surgery to remove hernias of the hole of the esophagus are:

  • recurrence of the disease;
  • casalizing cuff;
  • feeling of discomfort in the chest area;
  • pain;
  • hoping;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • discussion of seams.

The diet after the operation should be liquid - it will be necessary to observe from about 3 to 5 days. Transparent liquids consist of broth, water or juice. If after 3-5 days the fluid is well tolerated, the diet will go into a soft diet.

A soft diet consists of products that are easy to chew and swallow such as food softened cooking or puree, canned or cooked soft fruits and vegetables, or gentle meat, fish and bird. If a soft diet is transferred for three weeks, and then you can go to the usual diet.

Diet and nutrition

We need to eat small portions. On the day there should be 4-5 meals. After eating it is undesirable to relax in the lying position. It is better to sit or even like. The movement stimulates the speedy passage from the stomach to other digestive system departments.

Diet in the hernia of the esophagus and the menu suggest introduction to the diet:

  • yesterday's harb-bakery products from wheat flour;
  • mucous baking soups;
  • dairy cuisine;
  • porridge, pasta;
  • meat, fish, boiled, baked, steamed;
  • oils of vegetable and animal origin.

It is forbidden to use seasonings and sugar in dishes for patients with a diaphragm hole, as it provokes the increased acidity of the gastric juice and creates risks to traumatize the esophagus.

It is necessary to adhere to the dietary power mode, namely:

  • eating 5-6 times a day with minor portions;
  • after eating for 1 hour, do not lie down on the bed;
  • dinner should be 2-3 hours before sleep;
  • you can eat frost fruits and vegetables, boiled meat and fish, porridge, kisyl, vegetable soups;
  • before eating, drink 1 tablespoon of sunflower or olive oil;
  • it is forbidden to take fried, oily, salty food;
  • smoking is prohibited.

How to treat herriation of the esophageal hole of the diaphragm by folk remedies

With a diaphragmal hernia, the treatment of herbs against the background of traditional therapy makes it possible to improve the patient's condition as a whole and remove the symptoms. The recipes described below accelerate the secretion of the gastric juice, force food faster to move around the esophagus, and also eliminate the causes of constipation.

Simple remedy - goat milk, which should be drinking warm twice a day after eating. One-time amount is 0.5 cups.

  1. Treatment is carried out by applying the decoction of the aspen bark - they take a large spoonful of raw materials and brew 200 ml of boiling water, insist and filtered. Drink 2 large spoons up to 5 times a day before meals.
  2. You can also use young aspen and cherry branches. They need to be pouring a liter of boiling water and cook on slow heat for half an hour. Next, give cool and take a half package.
  3. No less effective, according to people's healers, is the most ordinary mint tea. To prepare it, just add a few dried leaves of the plants to boiling water, you can add sugar to taste (although it is better to refrain if possible). Drink during the day with small sips and soon you will forget that you are tormented by pain and heartburn.
  4. You can mix in equal fractions of the seed of flax, anise fruits, the roots of Altea and the Prix, a fenugreek. The components are crushed, mixed, three times a day are taken on a small spoon of powder. It is permissible to mix with honey.
  5. A decoction of chamomile is a good remedy for any manifestations of a diaphragmal hernia. It does not just soothes the stomach, but also helps to improve digestion. An excellent tool that can be safely called panacea from all troubles.
  6. Tea with calendula is as effective. It can be booked together with the chamomile. This tea needs to drink no more than four times a day, be sure to not earlier than an hour after eating.

People who have this disease, it is recommended to comply with the following recommendations:

  1. Patients need to be sure to comply with a special diet, which eliminates the products that cause the intestine irritation;
  2. Food take fractional portions every few hours;
  3. Avoid slopes of the body forward, harsh change of the position of the body - this can cause pain in the sternum and heartburn;
  4. Patients should not be lifted in gravity more than 5-kg
  5. It is impossible to tighten the belt tightly, wearing the worker's experienced belly - it creates additional pressure in the abdominal cavity;
  6. Avoid heavy physical exertion, but at the same time regularly carry out the exercises of therapeutic physical culture, strengthening muscle corsets and restoring the tone of the diaphragm;
  7. It is recommended that the last time is not later than 2.5-3 hours before sending to sleep;
  8. Normalize stools - constipation and diarrhea increase intra-abdominal pressure and contribute to the formation of the hernia of the esophageal hole.
  9. Before and after meals, it is recommended to drink a teaspoon of unrefined vegetable oil;


In addition to the basic measures of preventing gastroenterological diseases (healthy lifestyle, the exclusion of stress, proper nutrition), it is necessary to strengthen the muscular wall of the peritoneum - to play sports, medical gymnastics, swing the press. Patients with diagnosed hernias of the diaphragm ecoming hole are subject to dispensary supervision at a gastroenterologist.

This is all about the hernia of the esophageal hole of the diaphragm (GPO): what is this disease, what is its symptoms, the peculiarities of treatment. Do not be ill!

In order to better figure out what hernia is under and how to treat it, you need to superficially familiarize yourself with the knowledge of human anatomy.

The diaphragm is a fairly subtle partition having a dome-shaped form. It consists of muscles and connective tissue. The diaphragm function is the branch of the abdominal and thoracic cavity. It has a special hole consisting of muscle beams.

Through it and passes the esophagus. Through this organ, food hits the stomach directly. The hernia of the esophagus is formed due to the weakening of the food hole. It is characterized by bright symptoms

The hernia of the esophagus is common enough. And with age, the risk of appearance of pathology increases. That is, the elderly over 70 years of hernia on the esophagus is diagnosed in 69% of cases. Characteristic of it is that more often it develops in women.

The hernia of the diaphragm esophageal opening significantly reduces the quality of the person's life, as it causes unpleasant signs and pain. Although in some cases its current is asymptomatic. The disease is fraught with serious complications of the lungs, heart and intestines.

If the patient in time was found symptoms and treatment was carried out correctly, then it is possible to fully cure pathology without surgery.

The diaphragm shares the chest cavity and stomach. The esophagus is located between two cavities, penetrated through the hole in the diaphragm. In the normal state, the fibers of the diaphragm hold the fabric of the esophagus, not allowing the organs of the gastrointestinal tract to be in the chest cavity.

The usual hernia of the stomach leads to the fact that the ligaments located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe hole begin to weaken. If inside the abdominal cavity increases pressure, stomach and esophagus are partially in the thoracic cavity.

To begin with, to recreate a complete understanding of the ailment, anatomical details should be considered. The diaphragm is a special muscle plate, designed to separate the abdominal cavity and the chest cavity.

If muscle mitigation occurs in the diaphragm, then the likelihood of the esophagus penetration through the hole in the adjacent cavity is high. Weakened muscles, supported by intrauterine pressure, contribute to the absorption of the stomach with a piece of esophagus into the chest cavity, thus, the hernia of the esophageal hole of the diaphragm develops.

Combination of the hernia of the esophageal hole of the diaphragm with other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

In medical practice, three types of this pathology have been identified, each of which has certain distinctive features.

Classification of gastric hernia

Floating Pathological violation, which is characteristic of the esophagus, which occurs near the diaphragms. This type of hernia may have an additional name sliding or hiatal. A section of the esophagus and the upper gastric part fall into the diaphragm region. It is possible to determine the gastric hernia of a floating nature at the time of changing the patient of the body position
Okolopisova The curvature of the stomach is diagnosed, which protrudes into the sternum area through an extended loose hole of the diaphragm
Mixed This type of pathology provides for the exact combination of chital gastric hernia and a fixed view of an accumulating hernia. Diagnosed only with Special Research

We can learn about the varieties of hernia from the video.

Symptoms of hernia in the stomach

A healthy person is permanent and breasts are separated from each other with a plate, (diaphragm). It consists of muscle tissue, connecting fibers and warns the penetration of the organs of the peritoneum to the chest.

The tube of the esophagus passes through the diaphragm through a special hole, hernia in the stomach is formed when its boundaries are weakened. The intrauterine pressure squeezes the bottom of the esophagus tube from the hole in the diaphragm, and after it is the top of the camera, in which the primary digestion of food occurs.

In the absence of treatment of pathology, the volume of the protrusion increases, the person is tormented by heartburn, an acid belching, tightening. Then there appears burning pain behind the sternum, between two blades. It enhances immediately after eating, when performing exercise, meteorism. A third-thirds of patients with a syndrome leads to a violation of the heart.

When a man eats a cold or hot solid food, another characteristic sign appears described by the defect - "feeling coma", which arises in the throat. The patient can complain about the appearance of acid belching, bitter taste in the mouth, heartburn, and icotes. At night, he is worried about a strong cough, which provokes joining.

The stomach hernia is mainly characteristic of the elderly, old people. According to statistics, 9% of children and 69% of patients with older than seventy-year-old age suffer from this disease. This can be explained by the fact that due to aging, the tissue becomes less elastic, begin to atrophy.

Thus, the risk of hernia appears. One of the factors that provoke the formation of hernia is an increase in internal pressure in the abdominal cavity. Elderly patients most often suffer from concomitant ailments and pathological conditions (lung diseases, gastrointestinal tract, excess body weight, etc.) capable of bringing it.

In addition, hernia may appear due to excessive physical exertion, pregnancies. Children suffer from this disease if the development of the esophagus is disturbed. Little esophagus pulls the stomach. Often, hernia is formed in people who suffer from constipation, vomiting, excess body weight, bloating, fabric diseases.

Causes of the disease

Pathology occurs more often in people in the oldest age, in those who far over 70 years old: the aging processes provoke the atrophy of the connecting bonds of the hole of the diaphragm, through which the esophagus passes, so the conditions for the formation of the proportion of the stomach is formed.

All the older generation people have a history of chronic states that contribute to an increase in intrauterine pressure (long constipation, meteorism, a 12-risen ulcer, cholecystitis, a dummy cough). And this is the second frequency factor-provocateur.

The course of the recurrent disease of Ezophagitis reflux raises a spontaneous cast of gastric juice back to the esophagus, which leads to the development of the progressive scar-inflammatory shortening of the tube. As a result, the appearance of the described pathology in people of the middle age category.

Other causes of belly hernia:

  • Work associated with weight lifting.
  • Repeated pregnancy.
  • Spinal curvature leading to displacement of internal organs.
  • Obesity.
  • Overeating like a habit.
  • Injuries of the sternum and abdominal cavity arising after falling or shocks.

The young children of the hernia of the belly develops as a result of the improper formation of the gastrointestinal tract in the intrauterine period: an abnormally short esophagus pulls the stomach into the chest cavity.

There are cases when the occurrence of an anatomical defect occurred in young girls, suffering Bulimia. A multi-time vomiting, stimulates the processes in which the connecting fibers that lock the esophageal hole of the diaphragm lose their elasticity.

Whatever the reasons, the consequences are always alone - the appearance of characteristic symptoms, noticeably worsening the quality of life of a patient person. Confirm the diagnosis helps gastroscopy and radiography of the chest.

In order to eliminate the disease, you need an integrated approach. The proper and necessary therapy will be able to appoint a doctor. Diet, medication therapy, will be required. In severe cases, operational intervention is used.

Diet with hernia:

  • Eating with small portions, but often, about 6 times a day.
  • Avoid overeating.
  • The last meal must be 3 hours before sleep.
  • After the meal for 1 hour, avoid horizontal position, physical exertion, lifting weights, slopes of the body. Recommended the first 20 minutes calmly sit, then lightly slow walk.
  • Do not use coarse, fried, sharp salty food.
  • Fully exclude from diet carbonated drinks, concentrated juices, alcohol, tobacco.
  • Allowed, stepping, steamed, boiled, pulled, warm meat dishes from poultry, vegetables, fruits, grave brazers, porridge.

To eliminate clinical symptoms, use under the control of the doctor. Medical preparations. All drugs are missing only by recipe.

Proton pump inhibitors are prescribed to eliminate heartburns: omeprazole, enamener, lansoprazole and other. Antacids can be appointed. They neutralize the acidic environment. These include: Almagel, Renny, Ranitidine.

For the purpose of treating nausea, vomiting and improvement of intestinal peristaltics, prokinetics are prescribed: Cerukal, metoclopramide.

No-shpa, drootaverin, papaverin. To improve digestive functions, enzyme preparations are written: pancreatin, Creon, mesim.

If the improvement does not occur against the background of diet and conservative therapy, if complications are joined in the form of infringement, bleeding, peptic lesions, then you have to use operational access.

Such patients are treated in the surgical department of the hospital. The hernia is excised, its contents are free and returned to the place, the mouth is sutured.

It can be used access from the abdominal wall or thoracic cavity. It all depends on the form and opinions of the surgeon. The most common operation is the Fundoplikation on Nissen.

The essence of the method is that the stomach impose a retaining grid that does not allow it to be shifted. The esophageal hole of the diaphragm is sutured. The operation is performed by an open method or punctures - laparoscopy.

The main cause of the GPD becomes an increase in intra-abdominal pressure when the organs are "pushed" through the esophageal hole. But one of this factor is not enough. To make hernia, the diaphragm hole should be weakened and pathologically expanded. The many factors affect this.

What can lead to the development of the sliding hernia of the stomach:

  • involutionary changes - a natural misery of the muscular-ligament apparatus due to the aging of the body;
  • injuries and operations on the chest or abdominal cavity;
  • congenital anomalies associated with the weakness of connective tissue - varicose veins, morphab syndrome, flatfoot, intestinal diverticulosis;
  • systematic increase in intra-abdominal pressure - cough, chronic constipation, vomiting, meteorism, severe physical work;
  • pregnancy period and overweight.

The predisposing factors will also be the ulcerative disease of the stomach, the dyskinesia of the esophagus and its stenosis, a violation of the Motoric gastrointestinal tract, gastroduodenitis, food reflux.

The hernia of the esophageal hole of the diaphragm (HPD) is a serious pathology caused by such reasons:

  • shortened esophageal tube due to improper intrauterine development (congenital pathology);
  • dystrophic changes in the structure of connective tissue, accompanied by its atrophy and loss of elasticity;
  • sudden strong increase in abdominal pressure;
  • accompanying pathologies: stomach ulcer, chronic cholecystitis;
  • endocrinopathy;
  • the weakness of the muscles of the esophageal hole;
  • anatomical characteristics of a person;
  • constant lifting of heavy items;
  • pregnancy;
  • injuries of the abdominal cavity;
  • disorder peristaltics gastrointestinal tract;
  • atrophy of the liver;
  • harsh weight loss;
  • surgical intervention.

In the presence of hernia under, the causes of pathology should be found in the first place. Without this therapy will be ineffective. Conservative and physiotherapeutic treatment is prescribed mainly to the patient.

So, with hernia esophagus, treatment provides:

  1. Medical therapy. In the hernia of the esophageal hole of the diaphragm, treatment is made using several groups of drugs. First, drugs are used to neutralize excessive amounts of hydrochloric acid in the stomach (Maaocks, Phosfalugel). We need tools to restore the right direction of movement of food on the digestive tract: Cerukal, Mothilium. The patient should also take drugs to reduce the production of hydrochloric acid: Ranitidine, Famotidin.
  2. Diet. Patient useful to use dried bread, porridge, dairy products. You should also eat boiled or baked meat, fish. The diet must contain vegetable and butter. The patient is better to abandon mushrooms, cabbage, beans and fried dishes. In addition, you should not use alcoholic beverages, oily meat and fish.
  3. A complex of medical physical education.
  4. Folk treatments.


Suspend hernia and ask for qualified help is not difficult, the main thing is to carefully treat all atypical signs:

  1. In the chest area, pain syndrome is observed, which carries a nourishing, and sometimes burning character, which is amplified due to meals.
  2. Frequent uncharacteristic belching and heartburn.
  3. Jumping.
  4. Feeling coma in the throat.
  5. Heart rhythm failure.
  6. Radyful pain syndrome.

Complaints in the hernia of the esophageal hole of the diaphragm

Due to the collection of anamnesis, clinical symptoms and detailed diagnostics, namely, gastroscopy and x-ray. The nearest chest and digestive system is investigated. To confirm the degree of the disease, the exclusion of the development of the tumor-shaped process requires additional research, which includes:

  • biopsy (a detailed study of organs is carried out, namely their walls);
  • feast analysis for blood engines;
  • detection of atmospheric pressure directly in the esophagus and stomach.

Types of gastric hernia

Depending on how a person occupies, its sensations and symptoms can change. But the main symptom is a feeling of burning - there are practically all patients with this disease. The pain with this pathology is specific and cannot be confused with an ulcer.

The picture of the disease gives the concomitant pathologists of reflux-esophagitis. This is a periodic cast of the contents of the stomach into the cavity of the esophagus. In the content of the stomach in large quantities is hydrochloric acid. Because of this, being in the esophagus, it negatively affects the walls of the esophagus, annoying the mucous membrane, in the end, leading to the emergence of ulcerative lesions and erosions.

When changing the position of the body, especially when switching to a lying position, as well as during exercise, the pain is enhanced. The attack of heartburn appears, belching. Over time, problems with swallowing may occur.

The sliding hernia of the esophagus can be accompanied by frequent bronchitis, tracheitis or lung inflammation. This happens because of the acidic gastric contents in the respiratory tract during belching.

There are two main diagnostic methods to identify the sliding hernia of the esophagus: endoscopic and radiological. So you can reveal the shortening of the esophagus, its expansion, lesion of the surface of the mucous.

The external inspection also does not give results - with an axial type of hernia, the abdominal bodies are shifted to the inner cavity and there are no external symptoms. But with a long-term course of the disease, the contents of the stomach, irritating its mucous membrane, is thrown into the esophagus.

Basic symptoms:

  1. In the lying position after eating - a strong heartburn.
  2. Extermination, meal movement in the esophagus and even in the oral cavity in the absence of vomiting.
  3. The burning pain behind the sternum and in the episodes of the region, the symptoms are especially expressed when the slope.
  4. Frequent tracheites, bronchitis (sometimes pneumonia), due to penetration into the respiratory tract of the acid content of the stomach, with belching.
  5. Switching, first reflex (not a feeling of swallowing while taking liquid food). Then the mucosa of the esophagus is inflated, narrows and the food lump is already with difficulty.

Occasionally in patients you can observe enhanced salivation and increased blood pressure. Pains with sliding hernia and ulcers differ. In this case, pain depends on the amount of food accepted, and it can be eliminated by drugs that reduce acidity.

The manifestation of the disease can be different. It all depends on the type of hernia of the esophageal diaphragm. Among them can be distinguished by traumatic and non-removable hernia.

At the same time, the hernia of non-agricultural origin is divided into: congenital, hernia of weak diaphragm zones, atypical localization and natural holes in a diaphragm.

Most often in clinical practice there are hernias of the diaphragm esophageal hole (GPO).

It is customary to allocate the following classification of the hernia of the esophageal hole of the diaphragm, which is based on the anatomy-physiological features of their appearance: axial or sliding HPDs, by the severity of the penetration of the stomach in the chest cavity

  • Cardual - only the initial or cardiac gastric department penetrates into the chest cavity;
  • Cardiophundant - a cardiac department penetrates into the chest cavity along with the bottom of the stomach;
  • Subtotal gastric - most of the stomach penetrates together with a small and large curvature;
  • Total gastric - in the chest can be shifted all the stomach until the anthral department.

See also: Flatfoot in adults: treatment at home

All the above-mentioned hernias can be both shortening the esophagus and without shortening. Axial hernia is also called sliding, this suggests that a part of the stomach and the abdominal part of the esophagus can be freely shifted both into the thoracic cavity through a weak place of the esophageal hole of the diaphragm and return back to the abdominal cavity.

Parasezophagial hernia

  • Foundal - only the bottom of the stomach is shifted to the chest;
  • Anthral - displacement of only the anthral department;
  • Intestinal - in a weak point of a diaphragm there is a bowel loop;
  • Intestinal and gastric - the hernial contents of the stomach together with the loop of the small intestine;
  • A large seal is determined in the hernial bag.

Parasezophagial hernias are detected when the abdominal part of the esophagus remains in the abdominal cavity, and any part of the stomach penetrates into the chest cavity through a weak place in the esophageal hole of the diaphragm.

With the presence of hernia, the diaphragm of the symptoms are as follows:

  • strong pain in the epigastric area, propagating the esophagus;
  • painful sensations that give to the inter-opacculent region and appear mainly after meals;
  • cardiac rhythm problems;
  • heartburn, Icota, burning in language;
  • violation with the passage of food on the esophagus;
  • hoarseness in his voice;
  • tracheobronchitis;
  • open with sour or air immediately after eating;
  • swelling;
  • breathing problems.

Characteristic symptoms for the disease are pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach and heartburn. With this hernia, the upper part of the stomach is shifted to the breast cavity through the extended aperture hole, and then returns to normal position.

Tool-laboratory research methods

After establishing a diagnosis, treatment should be started immediately to reduce the risk of complications and the likelihood of operational intervention in the future.

Conservative treatment includes three events:

  1. Diet.

Behind the diet should be monitored. The patient is prescribed frequent nutrition with small portions of 250 g. Fat, sharp, smoked, fried food should be excluded (as well as everything that stimulates the production of gastric juice and irritation of the mucous membrane).

Based on food: stew, steam, boiled dishes, vegetables, milk, dietary meat, fruit. With the symptoms of food dysphagia, the food must be semi-liquid or overboard, and it is impossible before bedtime. It is forbidden after the meal resting lying.

  1. Normalization of the rhythm of life.

To effectively cure hernia, the patient should be abandoned from alcohol and smoking. Physical activity should not be too big. We need both a night leisure and daytime. All exercises that increase the pressure in the abdominal cavity are contraindicated.

  1. Medicines.

For the disease, drugs are used:

  • reduced acidity (gastal, maalox);
  • eliminating heartburn and belching (Motilium);
  • overwhelming secretion of hydrochloric acid (omens);
  • removing pain and spasms (but-shap and painkillers).

If there is an operational treatment, it is usually carried out by the method of Nissen. A special cuff is made around the esophagus, eliminating the cast of gastric content in the esophagus. A laparoscopic operation is performed. Less common methods of surgical treatment - Fundopling and plastic on the merchant.

The tactics of the struggle of pathologies is developed on the basis of the type of hernia of the esophageal diaphragm (GPO).


The surgical way is treated only. A bag of protrusion is removed, and then the strengthening of weak sections of the feeding hole of the diaphragm are consistent. To reduce the possibility of recurrences, hernioplasty is used: an artificial implant is implanted, which prevents excessive tensile tissues.

After the operation, the patient should not be fully returned to its habits: to overeat, smoke, drink alcoholic beverages, do everything that provoked the formation of a defect.


In the absence of severe symptoms, they do not require drug therapy. The patient is recommended to comply with a diet, overweight, refuse bad habits.


Conservative treatment is applied to patients who have a sliding hernia leads to the emergence of gastroesophageal reflux disease. His goal is to minimize the consequences of the violation of the anatomical location of the initial departments of the gastrointestinal tract, protect the walls of the esophagus from the action of gastric content.

It is useful to sleep on the bed with an elevated headboard, avoid physical activity that contributes to the formation of intrauterine pressure. If there is a gastric hernia, it is contraindicated to work, taking the inclined body position.

Conservative treatment is effective when the size of the defect is small. If a state is revealed during diagnostics, in which the stomach protrusion is 1/3 of the length of the esophagus, the patient will be shown the operation.

The main method of treating gastric hernia is conservative. In the measure of the alendment, there is always an inflammatory process of the walls of the esophagus.

Reception of medicines is aimed at the activation of the protective functions of the esophagus from the unwanted contents of the stomach. For this, special enveloping agents are applied - anthracites.

Then requires drugs that will reduce the level of acidity of the juice released by the stomach:

drug, blocking proton pump (omeprazole). The main action is to suppress the development of a destructive hydrochloric acid;

preparation, blocking histamine receptors (Famotidin). It is used to suppress the secretion of hydrochloric acid;
antacid drugs (Almagel). It has an enveloping effect on the walls of the stomach and binds hydrochloric acid;
prokinetic drugs (cisaprid). Act as a reflux blocker, and also stabilize the motility of the esophagus

General's prescriptions provide:

refuse to exercise sports, performing exercises, which are able to increase intrauterine pressure (inclusive physical work);
eliminate performance, which provides for slopes;
limit wearing clothes that can compress the area of \u200b\u200bthe abdomen and chest

Gastric hernia diagnostic methods

Dairy products with a minimum fat percentage Drinks with gases, sweet
All kinds of Kash Coffee beverages and cocoa
Steam cutlets from dieta meat Alcohol
Sugari without spices Chocolate
Boiled fish All spices
Eggs Mushrooms, legumes
Fresh vegetables or baked Fried dishes
Ketchup and Mayonnaise sauces
Spicy dishes

Treatment of gastric hernia surgical

There are indications when the operation is an inevitable measure:

  1. There was a pinching.
  2. There are suspicions for a possible malignant change in the gastric wall or the wall of the esophagus.
  3. There is a narrowing of the esophagus.
  4. Diagnosed violations of the digestive process.
  5. Bleeding has opened in the esophagus.

Classical surgical intervention provides for the formulation of the stomach and esophagus on an anatomical location, followed by a heating of the aperture hole. If the clinical picture requires, the stomach can be used to fully fix in the abdominal cavity.

How the operation passes and postpone:

  • on the fact of conducting surgical intervention in the patient, several punctures can remain at the site of pathology, maximum dimensions up to 10 mm;
  • if laparoscopy was conducted as an operational treatment, then the patient can walk the day after surgical manipulation, as well as take warm dishes in liquid form as nutrition;
  • the patient's extract occurs on the third day of stay in the hospital, however, can delay for several days if the patient's condition is not defined as stable;
  • after the transferred operation, over the year, adherence to a strict diet to avoid consequences;
  • if the surgical treatment has passed safely and a month later, the desired result is observed, then the patient may refuse to receive medicines and comply with a special diet, but this happens only in coordination with the attending physician.

Allows you to assess the condition of the esophagus, stomach, the diaphragmal hole.

  • Radiography of the organs of the chest and abdominal cavity with a contrasting agent.

Helps to see the displacement of the organs, stretching or infringement of the stomach, complications.

  • Computer and magnetic resonance tomography.

Provides information in volume measurements.

  1. Diet.
  1. Medicines.


Diagnosis of sliding hernia using x-ray examination

The diagnosis of the sliding hernia of the esophagus is carried out not only on the basis of symptoms, and the treatment is appointed by the attending physician after a full survey. For this, a number of diagnostic events are appointed:

  • x-ray study;
  • FGDS;
  • sometimes prescribed MRI;
  • gastroscopy;
  • acidness measurement;
  • endoscopy.

After the complete diagnosis was performed, the doctor prescribes treatment. Start it must be immediately to avoid the operation. If the hernia is detected late and inner bleeding began, the treatment is carried out only quickly.

When diagnosing the sliding hernia, the diaphragm is used radiography or MRI. These are two sole methods that allow the doctor to detect a sliding hernia. Ultrasound in this case does not apply, so its results are not indicative.

To accurately determine the diagnosis, with radiography, the esophageal, endoscopy, measuring the level of pH in the esophagus is carried out. Based on a comprehensive examination, the doctor has the ability to accurately confirm the diagnosis, as well as determine the degree of progression of the sliding hernia.

Diagnose a sliding ulcer mainly by x-ray research. Ultrasound and FGDS notice it does not allow it. Sometimes changes can be seen on MRI. To make sure the diagnosis and begin treatment, except X-ray, the following survey methods can be applied:

  • probing of the esophagus, gastroscopy;
  • esophageal pH-metry;
  • endoscopy (better spend in combination with radiography);
  • study of the operation of the esophageal and gastric transition.

Naturally, any pathology requires therapy. But the treatment of the hernia of the esophagus should be carried out only after the patient will be supplemented with an accurate diagnosis. The patient will need a thorough examination, including:

  1. X-ray with the use of a contrast agent. The doctor in this case receives an image of the protrusion.
  2. Fibrogastroscopy. Thanks to this study, it is possible to assess the overall state of the esophagus and the stomach.
  3. PH metry. This procedure is allowed to determine the level of acidity of the gastric juice.
  4. Ultrasound of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity.
  5. Endoscopic study.
  6. Biopsy of the gastric mucous membrane.
  7. Laboratory analysis of the feces (for determination of blood).
  8. Gastroindiomonitoring.

Only after such a survey, the esophageal hernia can succumb to therapy.

The first thing indicates the presence of a disease is a clinical symptomatology that should alert a patient. When symptoms appear, you should contact the doctor. The specialist will tell what methods of the survey should be applied and what to do in the future.

Doctors prescribe gastroscopy and radiography. You can get a more accurate diagnosis using additional surveys. These include biopsy, determining the pH level in the organs, the analysis of the feces on the hidden blood. The above studies helps to establish the degree of illness, the effects of the disease, etc.


With the help of recipes cooked at home, you can noticeably improve the overall condition of the person and bring its recovery.

Decoration from the purchase

Helps eliminate the main manifestations of the disease. For its preparation, you need to take an enameled saucepan and pour 450 ml of milk into it, add 50 grams of dry grass. Capacity to put on fire and peak fluid within a few minutes. Cool, take a medicine on the tablespoon twice a day.

It has laxative and painful properties. It is necessary to prepare it as follows: overnight in thermos lay a dozen leaf of shrubs, pour half liters of boiling water. In the morning the contents are divided into three parts and drink them throughout the day.

The decoction of the leaf of mother-and-stepmother, the root of Altea, the peppermint and flax seeds well relieves inflammatory processes and normalizes the work of the stomach. You need to take all the ingredients equally, mix, two spoons of the mixture pour three glasses of water and boil on a slow fire for five minutes. Drink every 3 hours at half pasta.

Take 15 grams of the main ingredient and put in the refrigerator. After propolis freezes, it is necessary to grind it with a grain. The resulting powder is placed in a bottle of dark color and fill it with 85 ml of 70% alcohol.

Capacity put in a cool place. Content need to shake twice a day. The tincture will be finished in a half weeks. Accepted a few minutes before eating twice a day. Before using 30 drops of tincture to dissolve in 50 ml of cow's milk and add a teaspoon of honey.

Herbal collection

Cure the hernia of the stomach only by folk remedies possible if the pathology was found at the beginning of its development. In this case, the recipe is used with the following composition:

  • On 10 g of pharmacy chamomile, the petals of the Crimean rose, dryers, wild -smage, calendula flowers.
  • In 20 g of the ruin of ordinary and therapeutic wormwood.
  • 30 g of dill seeds and rosehip fruits.
  • For 40 g of the grass of the Hypericum and the plantain.
  • 70 grams of yarrow.

All ingredients mix, for the preparation of a daily dose, take three tablespoons of the collection. They need to pour 700 ml of steep boiling water and insist two hours. Reception diagram - every four hours of a fireman of the beam.

From nausea and heartburn

To prepare a medicine from the hernia of the stomach, you need to take 200 ml of ryazhenka, a protein of a raw egg, 75 ml of a tannine solution (3%).

With a slight course of illness, hernia and its signs can be cured by folk remedies. Before starting therapy, it should be advised to the doctor. He will tell in detail how to treat the hernia of the stomach with the help of such methods. There are effective methods of therapy of herniasis by folk remedies:

  1. Food soda with boiled water helps to eliminate heartburn and pain. However, before applying food soda, the abdominal pains need to be consulted with a specialist regarding its dosage.
  2. For the preparation of medication for therapy with folk remedies, grind the roots of altea, mint pepper, linen seeds, mother and-stepmother (according to Art. L. Each plant). 3 tablespoons of the mixture are poured with a liter of chilled water, boiled for 5 minutes, then insist an hour and filter. The decoction is taken by half a compartment daily, 6 p.
  3. With internal pathology, it is useful to use a clipboard for the preparation of which the foliage of the gooseberry is used. It is necessary to pour the leaves with water (approximate ratio: a tablespoon on half a liter) and insist for 2-3 hours. Take half a cup of three times a day before meals.
  4. Apply and infusion made from the goose laptop. For this, 3 tablespoons of grass are poured with 2 liters of hot water and insist the day, drink 3 tbsp. daily.
  5. You can cook infusion from chamomile, calendula flowers, dryers, roses, horsetail, hunter, the seeds of dill, wormwood, plantain leaves, yarrow, rosehip berries, reurenik. For therapy by folk remedies, the components are crushed and mixed in the same parts. One glass of the mixture is poured a liter of hot water, insist for several hours. Take 3 tbsp. daily.


To cure, it is important to follow four power rules:

  • Immediately after eating it is impossible to take a horizontal position and relax, lying on the sofa in front of the TV. The last reception of food should be three hours before sleep.
  • It is important to learn how to eat often, six times a day, in small portions (the permissible volume of one-time reception "with a fist").
  • It is necessary to slowly, carefully fasten the products.
  • It is forbidden to take food in cold and hot.

Patients are important to adhere to 4 rules of diet food:

  • the last meal must be a few hours before sleep;
  • there are small portions of 4-6 p. per day;
  • food need to chew carefully;
  • dishes should be warm.

To the products that can be added to the menu include: low-fat milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, porridge, baked vegetables, fish meat (baked, boiled, steamed), cutlets, crackers, boiled eggs. It is forbidden to add chocolate, alcoholic beverages, gas meals, mushrooms, seasonings, and iron, coffee, to add to the daily menu.

Diet, prescribed by the doctor, should be observed accurately and constantly:

  • fractional food is about 4 - 6 times a day with small portions, it will not give the stomach stretching and normalizes digestion (a single portion should be placed on a saucer);
  • abandoning harmful food, which is strongly irritating the gastric mucosa and esophagus (oily, fried, salty, pickled, fast food, semi-finished products, sweets, sweet carbonated drinks with dyes);
  • The basis of the diet should be low-fat meat, cereals, vegetables, fruits, dairy products;
  • I can cook, bake, stew, cook for a couple;
  • drink clean water during the day, just not immediately after eating;
  • You can eat for the last time in 1 - 2 hours before sleep.

See also: How to find out that you have a hernia of the diaphragm esophageal hole

The exact list of allowed products will provide a doctor based on your diagnosis. During the treatment, some adjustment of the diet is possible, but in general the diet will have to be observed.

Do not forget that for the normal functioning of the body you need to use fats. It is quite acceptable high-quality vegetable oil in small quantities. Oil should be fed salad, but do not use it for frying.

Like any other hernia, the sliding guide is a serious disease that should not be joking. Despite the simple principles of therapy, they need to be accurately observed, not allowing self-medication and is very careful about their health. This approach will help get rid of the disease and will not allow complications.

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This pathology in most cases relates to age-related diseases. The sliding hernia of the esophagus is formed as a result of the absorption of the esophagus into the cavity of the sternum through the diaphragm. Over time, the muscles of the person are becoming less flexible and elastic.

The same applies to the muscles of the diaphragm. The development of pathology also contributes to the pressure difference: in the peritoneum, the pressure is much higher than in the chest cavity. This factor is decisive with such states as a long cough, intense physical exertion.

(Total 880, today 1)

  • The essence of the operation to remove the umbilical hernia
  • What is the hernia of an anterior abdominal wall
  • What hernia are after cesarean sections and how to treat them
  • How to treat an axial hernia of a diaphragm esophageal hole
  • What a diet with the hernia of the esophagus

The moving axial hernia of the diaphragm esophageal hole is to protrude the internal organs into a natural esophageal hole located in the diaphragmal dome.

It has basic functions:

  • Forms individual anatomical structures - abdominal and thoracic cavities. Their separation is vital for the functioning of the body.
  • Promotes the formation of respiratory act. This muscular organ serves not only in the form of a frame. It is the main element of respiratory muscles.
  • Creates consistency of intragenuary and intra-abdominal pressure.
  • Supports physiological processes, such as: defecation, generic activity, cough reflex.

The diaphragm has its own holes through which the esophagus penetrates, vessels, aorta. The biggest is esophageal. Here is a high risk of forming a hernia bag, and in the subsequent hernia themselves.

With different oscillations of intra-abdominal pressure into the hole, a part of the stomach, esophagus, liver, intestinal loops can be released. Due to this, the disease is formed.

  • Sliding axial hernia of the diaphragm esophageal hole.

Meets most often. They suffer to a greater degree of elderly. The esophagus highlights two main parts: abdominal and chest. They are separated by a diaphragm.

Through the esophageal hole of the diaphragm passes a narrow part of the organ. In cases where the thoracic part falls into the abdominal cavity or the abdominal part together with the stomach rises into the chest, they say the sliding axial hernia.

The hernia in its composition has a bag, gate and content. The hernial bag performs a muscular diaphragm layer. It forms a cavity in which the amazed displaced authority is located.

The hernial gate is the esophageal hole of the diaphragm. Content is what hit the bag. The gate can be closed, narrowing, breaking the blood flow. Clinical manifestations, complaints and complications appear.

It is important to diagnose the process as early as possible in order to adequate treatment and prevent complications. Symptoms may not appear immediately, as pathology has a slow flow.

Cases conservative drug paths. In severe cases, there may be surgery.

  • Equalized parasezophageal hernia.

It has a minor percentage of occurrence - about 10%. The esophagus does not move, occupies its anatomical space. The tops of the stomach, the esophagus come into the chest cavity.

Compared to last species, the clinical course is acute. Symptoms appear quickly. Requires surgical treatment.

  • Mixed hernia diaphragm.

It is a parable with a complex of the types of hernia listed above. A more difficult form that proceeds with severe symptoms and carries frequent complications.

Stages of the disease:

  • Stage I. Anatomically moved a slight area of \u200b\u200bthe organ. The hole is expanded moderate. The abdominal department of the esophagus goes into the chest cavity. The stomach does not penetrate the hole, but closely close to the diaphragm.
  • Stage II. Increase the affected area. The upper stomach departments go into the diaphragmal gap, but slightly shift into the chest. Digestive functions are broken.
  • III stage. Most heavy. The stomach and the esophagus can completely shift through the diaphragm. Requires surgical control and treatment.

Not always the disease can manifest itself complaints. Many patients do not even know that they suffer a poor. Clinical manifestations appear with long flow and attaching other pathologies.

The diagnosis can be detected with a planned or preventive examination. 2 groups of symptoms are distinguished: abdominal and cardiac.

These are the signs that indicate changes from the gastrointestinal tract.

This symptom always comes out in first place. Paints can be localized in the middle of the chest, behind the sternum, in the projection of the stomach, esophagus, heart.

It is periodic, intensifying when food, especially fried, sharp, acidic. The patient may notice uncomfortable sensations when overeating.

The intensity can be the most different: from easy malaise to sharp attacks. Sometimes they are confused with heart disease. May be given in the stomach, back, left blade.

Heartburn is a feeling of burning and "pinching" in the esophagus and the stomach. Appears when latter offsets up.

Due to this, acidoproducts and raising acidic gastric content in the esophagus are enhanced. Salonic acid annoys esophageal receptors, heartburn arises. Practically always accompanies pathology.

It always has a bright and permanent character, this feeling of the patient will not confuse anything. Increased after meals, with a horizontal position of the patient, slopes of the body in different directions, physical exertion.

It is considered an early indicator of the disease, may be the only sign.

It is manifested in reverse cast in the esophagus and the oral cavity of the food mass. It feels bitterness, acid, abundant salivation in the mouth. It happens a few hours after meals.

It is joined at a pressure of a hernial bag on breast nerve plexuses. Most often the wandering nerve is involved. Developed when overeating.

The patient can complain about constant or periodic nausea, a feeling of gravity. The phenomenon is based on violation of digestive processes in the affected organs.

More often happens on running stages. At the same time, the progressive stomach cannot accept the usual sufficient food volume, reflexively triggered bumps and a vomitive act.

Difficulty of swallowing and passing the food lump on the tract. At first, the patient becomes more difficult to swallow solid coarse food. As pathology progresses, it is more difficult to swallow liquids and water.

Dangerous symptom. It needs to be eliminated as soon as possible.

As well as meteorism, abundant gas formation, enhanced rumbling. All this is the result of a violation of the enzymatic treatment of eaten products.

Present in violations from cardiovascular organs.

  • Painful syndrome in heart projection.

The hernia can put on the heart and large vessels, especially the aorta.

  • Student heartbeat or tachycardia.

When reducing hernia, the pressure in the heart cavity and the pulse frequency increases compensatory.

  • Dyspnea is not associated with the respiratory system.

Again, the main role is allocated to displacement and squeezing the breathing apparatus.

  • Dry slightly productive cough

Leaks for a long time and is not eliminated by standard antitussive drugs.

Celebrations on the limbs may appear.

  • Pallor skin.

It is the result of shortness of breath and insufficient oxygen intake to tissues.

Symptoms of the hernia of the esophagus are clear enough, so if the disease, it is necessary to consult with physician specialists urgently. Otherwise, pathology causes such complications:

  1. Gastritis or peptic lesion of the part of the stomach that affect hernias.
  2. Strong internal bleeding.
  3. Anemia.
  4. Hit down the lower duty station in the hernia.
  5. Inflammation of the gastric mucosa.
  6. Infringement of protrusion, provoking the fusion of the tissues of internal organs.
  7. Shorting of the esophagus. This complication is very dangerous for the health of the patient.
  8. Rare loss of the stomach mucosa back to the esophagus.

Esophageal hernia is not deadly (at first), but a dangerous disease, the fight against which cannot be postponed.

If you do not treat the disease, the protrusion will increase in size. In his shells, in time, the fights will develop, then the hernia will become unfit. Only the operation will help correct the situation.

But there is a more unpredictable scenario, it occurs when a defect is infringement. At the same time, the hernia gate is squeezed, the eighty of the exhaust tissue begins immediately, processes leading to circulatory disorders are developing.

The disease of the hernia of the esophageal diaphragm department with a timely detection of 95% of cases to conservative treatment. Put the correct diagnosis and choose a means to eliminate pathology is not enough for complete recovery.

It is important to begin treatment after the diagnosis of Hatal hernia. In the absence of timely therapy, the disease may lead to the development of dangerous pathologies. We are talking about ulcerative diseases of the stomach, erosion processes, malignant formations, anemia, etc.

Patients who have passed a full course of therapy are not insured against the re-formation of hernia. To avoid this, you should adhere to the right diet, do not drink alcohol, eliminate greasy dishes, coffee and chocolate.

One of the varieties of damage to the daphragm's esophageal hole is determined in medical terminology, as a hernia of the esophageal hole of the diaphragm. It is characterized by a pathological state of partial or the full loss of the stomach of the abdominal into the chest cavity.

The danger of pathology lies in the asymptomatic flow, so the patient can identify it quite by chance on the planned examination. Classic manifestations of hernia are distinguished by heartburn and frequent belching, sensation of burning beast behind the sternum, violation of the swallowing function. The overall health of the patient deteriorates significantly.

The hernia of the stomach in most cases is amenable to conservative treatment. Due to the observance of an individually selected diet, as well as with the help of drug therapy, you can fully block the manifestations of hernia.

Symptoms and treatment of a sliding axial hernia of the teaching hole of the diaphragm

To prevent this and many other ailments, you need to abandon alcohol. It is permissible to drink red wine in small quantities - with proper use, the drink has a beneficial effect on the body.

It is important to conduct a healthy lifestyle, but at the same time without strong physical exercise and exercises. Lifting weights is the most common root cause of hernia. It is useful often walking outdoors - it helps to avoid obesity, poor blood supply to organs.

Of particular importance is full nutrition. It is advisable to breakfast tightly and not overeat for the night. Less consuming fatty, sharp dishes, sweets - such food is poorly absorbed, leads to an increase in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

How to treat herriation of the esophagus is already clear. However, it should be found out how to prevent its development. In general, the disease has a positive forecast if the therapy has begun on time. In order to prevent its development, such prophylactic measures must be observed:

  • strengthen the muscular corset of the chest and abdominal walls with the help of exercise of the exercise.
  • avoid constipation;
  • eliminate heavy loads;
  • monitor body weight;
  • refuse smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • wear natural and comfortable clothes that you will not squeeze your chest and stomach (corsets).

This is all the necessary information.

The sliding hernia is a pathological condition characterized by the output of internal organs beyond the anatomical localization through the formed or natural holes that become a hernial gate. In this case, the integrity of the shells, enveloping organs, is not violated. The protrusion occurs under the skin, in the internal cavities, between the muscles.

The reasons

The appearance of floating hernia provoke:

  • constipation;
  • age deformations;
  • reduced or exorbitant physical activity;
  • obesity;
  • summary of the spinal column;
  • genetic predisposition.

The formation of sliding hernia is influenced by an anatomical structure, age-age features, a physique. The protrusion of internal organs appear when increasing intra-palpal pressure.

Gastric disorders, exhausting cough, spawned urination, close bandage, complicated childbirth, weak abdominal wall and excessive physical exertion - conditions provoking the occurrence of floating hernia.

To weaken the abdominal wall lead:

  • pregnancy;
  • diseases that reduce muscle tone;
  • age changes;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • injury to the front of the abdomen.

In the risk group there are newborns and patients over 30 years old.

Varieties of floating protruding

The sliding hernia involves in the pathological process:

  • urinary system organs;
  • intestinal segments;
  • uterus;
  • other organs may become the content of hernia protrusion.

According to the formation of the formation of dulls is divided into:

  • congenital;
  • purchased.

In the initial stage of protrusion is called hernial conditionally. They have no classic hernia bag. It is formed in the late degree of illness.

Anatomical structure allows them to be divided into:

  • intrapairmetal - the integration segment is sprung with a hernial bag due to the abdominal ligament;
  • paraperitoneal - part of the intestine comes for the peritoneum (the wall of the junk bag is formed from it);
  • intraparaperitoneal - the protrusion is attached to the bunch of peritoneum to the hernial bag;
  • extraperitoneal - In the intestine, the retroperitoneal location, and there is no hernia bag.

In addition, the sliding hernias are:

  • intra-abdominal;
  • diaphragmal - chital and axial;
  • outdoor.

Symptoms of diaphragmal shelter

The hernia of the esophagus occurs due to a diaphragm defect. The upper segment of the stomach is squeezed into the chest through the hernia gate formed in the diaphragm.

Floating hernia esophagus accompany the following symptoms:

  • heartburn;
  • burning stubborn and hypotherapy;
  • belching;
  • dysphagia;
  • tracheit and bronchitis.

Pathology accompanies reflux-esophagitis - throwing the contents of the stomach into the esophageal tube. Salonic acid damages mucous membranes, enveloping the walls of the esophagus. They form pathological foci with ulcers and erosions.

The wandering hernia causes stipulated, epigastric and hypotherapy. Sometimes painful syndrome is in the shoulder belt and the blade area. These signs are similar to the symptoms of angina.

Error diagnosis leads to sad consequences. The patient will inevitively treat the heart disease, which he does not have.

The pain is enhanced when the patient changes the pose of the body or performs physical work. The patient gives discomfort heartburn, belching. Over time, he has anxiety dysfagia (difficulty swallowing).

With a floating hernia of the esophagus, hidden bleeding occurs. Determine it on blood inclusions in the vomit and cartoons, as well as on complication - anemia. Bleeding erosion and ulcers on the walls of the esophagus.

The flow of external protrusion of the sliding

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe groin there are quite large-scale straight and oblique absorption. A thick-walled hernia bag comes out through a large hernia. The disease is striking mostly the elderly. Such hernias are prone to infringement.

If the oblique sliding hernia is thrown into the groin, they carry out an operation according to the method of Bobrova-Gerard, Spaskukotsky and Kimbarovsky. The direct inguinal hernia is treated according to the Bassini and Kukuchanov method.

With external wandering protrusion in the hernial bag, the bladder is drawn, the departments of the blind intestine. Only the operation can save them.

Features of intraperous hernia

Intrably dumptures consist of segments of a sigmoid and blind intestine, a bunch of tracer. They are often pinching, which leads to severe complications.

The infrinent intraperous sliding hernia causes intestinal obstruction. The patient needs emergency surgery. The outcome of the operation affects the quality of the procedure and the start time of treatment (the better, the better).

Conservative therapy

When the hernial protrusion is only developing, conservative treatment helps to cope with it. Use of medicines eliminate:

  • heartburn (Motilium);
  • pain (but-shp);
  • increased acidity (omens).

To protect the mucous membranes from the occurrence of erosive and ulcerative lesions, de-nol are prescribed. When bleeding and anemia, the doctor discharges medicines with iron.

To suppress symptoms use:

  • prokinetic preparations (domperidon, yidochid);
  • inhibitory medicines (omeprozole, omens);
  • antacid (Almagel, Majoks, Gastal).

Patients recommend excluding physical exertion, follow the diet, do not overeat. A balanced diet helps to eliminate constipation, meteorism. It is necessary to abandon the harmful habits, to normalize the routine of the day, strengthen the muscles of the press, performing therapeutic gymnastics.

Operational treatment

Treatment of sliding hernia surgically is difficult due to anatomical features. It is difficult to eliminate a large protrusion that cannot be installed.

During surgical treatment, the following manipulations are made:

  • refueling;
  • eliminate the flaw of the peritoneum;
  • fix floating organs;
  • conduct plastic intestinal ligaments.

In operational intervention, pathology is eliminated in several ways.

Method of Nissen

Around the esophageal tube create a cuff. It prevents the castors of the contents of the stomach into the esophageal tube. The stomach returns to the abdominal cavity. The diaphragm feeds, the diameter of the tube of the esophagus decreases.

The patient with such surgical intervention receives the minimum number of injuries. The rehabilitation period is short. The risk of postoperative complications is small.

Allyson technique

The purpose of the operational intervention is the narrowing of the hernial gate. Due to the embossing of the hernial gate, it is possible to fix the organs in the natural position.

Methods BELSI

During operation on the diaphragm, the sphincter and the lower diver of the esophagus are fixed. During the period of rehabilitation, patients experience pain.

Method of gastrocardiopecia

Operation is made using local anesthesia. Means for anesthesia are chosen depending on the etiology of the hernia, the state of the patient, its age characteristics.

With surgery, the top of the stomach and the bottom of the esophagus are laid. This eliminates postoperative complications. By choosing the operation methodology, take into account the type of hernia, the severity of its flow and the state of the computers.

In order not to damage the surrounding healthy fabrics, the bag is opened on the opposite side from the compliant organ. Exciration is carried out where the fabric is most thinned.

Operational techniques for floating hernias of the abdominal cavity

With groin hernia, they first find a seed rope, then separate the displaced segment of the intestine. Try not to damage the walls and blood vessels. Then the released fabrics are sent to the place. Flash and tie the hernia next to the intestine. Perform an embedding with a brine.

The same methodology for eliminating the absorption is used during the deformation of the bladder. If necrosis of the integration segment is found, the surgeon makes median laparotomy (cuts the belly on the white line) and removes the scattered intestine department.

With necrosis of the bladder tissues, the excision is performed with a fixation of cystostomas. Women sometimes put the Follea catheter, so that the bladder is regularly emptied.

Sliding hernia is difficult to diagnose and treat. Conservative therapy should pass under constant medical control. Self-medication at such a serious pathology is unacceptable. To avoid postoperative complications, trust the operation of an experimental surgeon of a well-known clinic that knows the anatomy of floating hernia.

This deviation is caused by penetration of the parts of the stomach to the sternum region due to the extended hole of the diaphragm esophagus. The norm is when the bundling system of the aperture hole is dense and prevents the movement of the lower organs.

Causes of this pathology

The factors causing a similar disease are diverse. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the hernia of the esophageal opening occurs in people who switched the fifty-year-old threshold. This is due to the weakening of the ligament system of the esophageal hole. Particularly susceptible to this disease are people having an asthenic structure.

Other reasons for this disease can be the following factors:

  1. increased intrauterine pressure due to pregnancy, various tumors, excessively frequent seizures of nausea or incessant strong cough;
  2. various inflammatory diseases having a chronic shape and entailing peristaltic disorders: stomach ulcers, pancreatitis and other diseases;
  3. congenital deviations that led to a shortened esophagus or the wrong position of the digestive organs.

For the most part, the first signs of the disease with a small hernia are asymptomatic. The danger of this pathology is to penetrate the gastric secretion in the esophagus, causing inflammation of the mucous membranes. The most serious consequence of hernia is pinching the esophagus, in which sharp parodious pain appear and the swallowing function is disturbed.

The most dangerous manifestation is a constant inhibition of gastric fluid in the esophagus, which subsequently corps its walls and can cause malignant education.

In order not to bring to such consequences, it is necessary to undergo a survey at the doctor at the first symptoms or genetic predisposition to the disease. A timely diagnosed diagnosis will help easier to cure the disease without affecting serious harm to the body.

Symptoms of diaphragmal hernia

The hernia of the diaphragm has its own characteristic symptoms:

  • attacks of heartburn after eating, at night, when wealing the body forward;
  • sharp pains that appear behind the sternum sometimes in the area under the ribs;
  • sometimes there are pain in the heartcraft, resembling symptoms of ischemic disease, however, quickly pass after taking nitroglycerin;
  • musual pain over the urea process of sternum;
  • frequent belching accompanied by acidic contents of the stomach;
  • difficult passage of food on the esophagus, permanent ICTO.

Classification of disease

Ecominglery hernia is divided into two types:

  1. Sliding hernia. This type of disease is characterized by free penetration of the gastric departments through the hole of the diaphragm into the chest cavity and returning to the place. A similar phenomenon is pronounced when changing body position. However, there is a fixed hernia, unable to "return" to the place. This phenomenon can be caused by too large its size. This type of disease flowing without complications may not cause any symptoms.
  2. Axial hernia. In this case, the esophageal area remains in its place, but the bottom of the stomach or its large parts comes through a large hole of the diaphragm. Such a position of the organ can occupy a place close to the chest esophagus. This location leads to a displacement of the stomach into the sternum, which later became the name - "thoracic stomach", and the esophagus itself becomes short. This pathology is considered quite rare. In most cases, the esophagus is shortened due to changes in scar tissues.

Divided by three severity, which are determined by the size and volume of education itself:

  1. In the thoracic department, only a small part of the esophagus falls, and the stomach itself is a bit rising, fits tightly to the diaphragm.
  2. Parts of the organ fall into the diaphragm hole.
  3. Gastric bottom or his body turn out to be in the chest cavity.

Diagnostic methods

Due to the fact that hernia can flow in a compartment with many other diseases, the diagnosis of this disease can be complicated due to the similarity of the symptoms.

To diagnose hernia, doctors use the following methods to identify it:

  • the radiological apparatus is designed to study the inner cavity of the body. Since the body has different, by density, parts - they are different in different ways on an X-ray. More dense parts are bones that are clearly visible in the picture. To identify the pathologies of the organs, it is necessary to introduce a special contrasting agent. "Backlit" internal organs allow you to determine the presence of pathologies;
  • to determine the quality of motility of the esophagus, use inside the esophageal pressure gauge. Food falling into the esophagus should be delivered to digestive organs using muscle cuts. This procedure helps to find out the dysfunction of the muscular apparatus, determine the pressure of pressure during contractions and move the amplitude of movements. For this, a probe with sensors defining pressure is introduced through the nasophal.


Treatment of esophageal hernia in the early stages occurs conservative methods. The goal of treatment mainly is the prevention of GER (gastroesophageal reflux) and the relief of symptoms. Preparations that contribute to the correction of motility of the esophagus restoring the gastric function are used in preventive purposes.

In order to prevent the development of the disease in people predisposed to it, there are the following recommendations:

  1. exclude foods containing animal fats, fiber, carbonated drinks, bright spices, etc.;
  2. eat through short intervals, small portions;
  3. to finish eating 2-3 hours before deploying to sleep;
  4. it is necessary to get rid of the harmful habits: smoking, alcohol;
  5. try to avoid increasing the pressure inside the abdominal cavity.

If the disease has a difficult nature and manifestations, and the treatment of drugs does not help, then surgical intervention is required. Such operations and course of treatment are subsequent, require a mandatory registration with a gastroenterologist.

Proper nutrition in the hernia of the esophagus

If this disease has been discovered, it is necessary to begin preventive and therapeutic procedures. One of the effective methods of treatment is special food. With a diaphragmal hernia, a diet is prescribed to restore the normal operation of the esophagus.

To find the right products, it is necessary to find out which of them can cause a bloating and increased gas formation. It will be necessary to exclude these products from the diet. The purpose of such nutrition is to restore the normal operation of the gastrointestinal operation. In order to correctly choose a diet, you need consultation of the attending physician.

With hernia, food must comply with the following requirements:

  • fractional nutrition;
  • take food in small portions;
  • products must be well treated;
  • food must be soft and light;
  • exclude from the diet products causing increased acidity and requiring high costs when digesting.
  • not allow overeating;
  • inclusion in the daily life of special gymnastics and exercise.

In order to reduce the acidity of the esophagus, it is recommended to drink alkaline water, in particular before bedtime. During sleep, it is best to go to the right side, which allows to reduce the penetration of acid into esophageal paths. It is also recommended to raise the headboard bed. For this you can use additional pillows or put solid objects under the bed legs.