The largest cat breeds, with photos and names. The breed of big cats. Names and photos of big cat breeds Huge cats breed

Cats are one of the most popular pets. There are a huge number of breeds, each of which has its own characteristics and fans. In addition to the usual medium-sized domestic cats, there are real giants. Unlike small animals, large animals are distinguished by good nature, friendliness, sociability and great love for people.

The largest cat breeds: description and prices

The Siberian cat is a large and developed animal, the mass of which can reach up to 15 kg. The coat of Siberian cats is quite long and thick, the tail is fluffy, and the color can be very diverse. Such animals will become perfect pets for people who suffer from allergies. The character of the Siberians is very wayward, they will not lie in the hands of the owner for hours, they will not purr for a long time. They are good hunters, so the absence of mice and rats is guaranteed to you. The average price of a kitten is from 1000 to 15000 rubles. depending on pedigree and litter.

The Norwegian Forest Cat is similar to the Siberian. She looks very large due to her double water-repellent coat. The color of the coat can be very diverse. Cats weigh up to 12 kg, and cats - up to 5 kg. This breed is very sociable, playful and companionable. Despite its large size, the forest cat is very elegant and graceful. The average price of a kitten is from 5,000 to 40,000 rubles.

  • The Ragdoll is a unique breed developed recently. Translated, the name of the cat sounds like "rag doll". The main distinguishing feature of ragdolls is reduced muscle tone. This breed was obtained by crossing a Siamese cat with a Burmese cat. There are 2 varieties of the breed: colorpoint (similar to Siamese cats) and two-color (have white areas on the paws and muzzle). Animals of each of the varieties are lilac, chocolate or blue in color. Redgoll cats are especially phlegmatic and very good-natured. Please note that they are unable to fall on their paws from a height due to muscle relaxation. A kitten of this breed will cost you from 5,000 to 45,000 rubles.

  • Usher's big cat Is a hybrid cat named after the goddess Ashera. According to biotech company LifestylePets, it is the largest domestic cat breed ever. It is believed that the breed was bred in 2007 based on the genes of the African serval, Asian Bengal cat and common domestic cat... The DNA test showed that Ashera is a classic representative of the Savannah breed, which was bred in the United States in the early 1980s. Initially, the price of a kitten ranged from $ 22,000 to $ 27,000.

  • Savannah is the largest, one of the most beautiful and expensive cat breeds in the world. It reaches a height of 50 - 70 cm, and the weight of an adult can exceed 15 kg. They are striking in their dissimilarity to cats, the savannah's habits are more like dogs. These animals are well trained, love to walk on a leash and love to swim. The Savannah is a very sociable, playful, energetic breed that does not like being alone. The color of the pets resembles that of a leopard. The price for such a handsome man ranges from $ 4,000 to $ 20,000.

  • Chausie is a very rare large cat breed, common only among professional breeders. Adult cats reach 15 kg. They are distinguished by their spectacular appearance: thick and dense wool of a black or silver shade, a small and rounded muzzle, tassels on the ears. The ancestors of the Chausie were swamp lynxes, which explains the breed's presence of a muscular body, massive and strong legs, a wild and wayward character. Chausie are very active and cheerful: they love to run, jump, overcome obstacles and walk. Kitten prices range from $ 7,000 to $ 35,000

  • Balinese or Baltic cat is cat with big ears, which appeared in the 1940s. The closest relatives of the breed is the Siamese cat. The nature of the breed is truly unique, because they are not attached to their owner in a feline way. The animal is very loyal, loves communication, affection and tenderness. They have an excellent appetite and love to meow. However, cats of this breed do not tolerate being offended even by children. If you have Small child, never allow him to torment the cat, otherwise scratches and aggression will not escape. The price of a kitten varies from 10,000 to 15,000 rubles.

Cats are the most famous of all pets. Unlike dogs, they do not require special personal care, because they do not need to be regularly walked with. Recently, large pets have been in vogue, the price of which is quite high. If you decide on such a purchase, contact a professional cattery to get a real purebred cat or cat.

The variegated feline family, numbering 37 species, is divided into two groups in size: large and small. The classification is based not on the height of the animal at the withers, but on the characteristics of its anatomical structure... Therefore, biologists refer to the largest wild cats as representatives of the subfamily of large and small cats.


Of all the felines that inhabit European forests, the common lynx is the largest. The body weight of the male is about 29 kg, the female is 4-6 kg lighter. The body length does not exceed 130 cm.Mammals live in Russia, Central Asia, Central and Northern Europe... At the beginning of the 20th century, the extermination of predators led to the threat of their extinction. Today, lynx fishing is generally prohibited.

The animal with ears decorated with tassels and a short tail seems cute and harmless. But under a spotted thick fur coat, a skillful and cunning hunter is hiding, capable of smelling prey at a distance of 2 km. Its victims are hares, foxes, birds, rodents and small ungulates: roe deer and musk deer. The lynx never attacks people. Even an adult caught by a person is easily tamed and becomes a pet.

9. Snow Leopard

To date, the number of snow leopards is unknown. Irbis, living far from people, is the most poorly studied representative of the feline tribe. Muscular wild cat is found in the mountainous regions of Central Asia and South Siberia at an altitude of 1.5-5 thousand meters above sea level. The short, thick legs, equipped with wide pads, are adapted for walking on loose snow, and the ability to make 8-meter jumps helps to overcome deep crevasses.

The four-legged inhabitant of the mountain peaks resembles a leopard in posture and size. The growth of the male reaches 65 cm, weight - 55 kg. Fluffy gray-beige fur reliably protects from cold weather and camouflages in snowy gorges. A distinctive feature of the exterior is a meter thick tail, which the snow leopard uses as a rudder when running and jumping.


Despite the height at the withers reaching 92 cm and weight of 65 kg, zoologists classify the cheetah as a subfamily of small cats. This is due to the characteristics of the skeleton - the mammal has long, thin limbs, a compact skull and an extremely flexible spine. This structure allows the animal to reach speeds of up to 120 km / h. In hunting, he is also helped by a long tail, which serves as a balancer and helps to quickly change the direction of movement.

Outwardly, the sprinter of the fauna world resembles an elegant dog of the Russian greyhound breed. Like dogs, giant cats do not retract their claws, cannot climb trees, do not hunt from ambush, and do not tend to consume carrion. The sounds they make resemble a staccato yapping. Unlike most congeners, cheetahs quickly get used to humans. In Iran, India and Kievan Rus, tamed animals often helped people on the hunt.

7. Leopard

The muscular, elongated body, strong legs and excellent vision make the leopard the perfect killer. In pursuit of prey, a powerful flexible cat accelerates to 58 km / h and makes jumps of 7 m in length.With a body weight of up to 66 kg, it is able to kill a prey 3 times its weight. The hunter always lifts the desired trophy up a tree for a subsequent meal.

The size of the predator directly depends on the geographical features of the range. Thus, the four-legged inhabitants of open spaces grow up to 75 cm, the inhabitants of the forests - up to 67 cm. The short thick wool, decorated with a spotted pattern, adheres tightly to the body. Belly and inner side legs are light yellow, the rest of the body is golden brown. Individuals with black color are called panthers.


This member of the feline family is the champion in terms of the number of names. Residents different countries puma is familiar as the Mexican lion, panther, mountain screamer, red tiger, cougar ... There are 83 definitions of an animal, whose beauty and grace are combined with ruthlessness and composure.

The cougar's habitat is the woodlands and mountainous regions of America. The silhouette of the predator resembles a small lioness. The growth of the golden beauty is 60–85 cm, weight is about 90 kg. A distinctive character trait of a cougar is patience. Waiting for prey, she sits in ambush for a long time, not betraying her presence in any way. Having fallen into a trap, the mammal calmly tries to get out of the grip. In case of failure, he falls into melancholy and motionlessly awaits death.


The golden skin of this massive predator, whose height at the withers varies from 69 to 79 cm and weighs from 68 to 135 kg, is painted with bright patterns - black spots and rings. The intricate color scheme helps to camouflage itself perfectly among shrubs and trees. In pursuit of prey, the jaguar is second to none. A hardy mammal travels tens of kilometers every day, it swims beautifully and runs fast. Kills the hunter in one jump - a blow from a powerful paw can break the victim's spine.

Jaguar range - Central and South America... The Olmec Indians inhabiting these lands in the II century BC. e., believed that humans and huge spotted cats have common ancestors. Today, the graceful animal, once revered by humans, is endangered and is listed in the Red Book.

4. Leo

There are no two absolutely identical lions on the planet. The features of the "face" of each animal are unique and inherent in only one individual. The body length of the royal individuals of the fauna is 1.7–2.5 m, height - up to 1.2 m, weight - 160–280 kg. The largest specimen lived in South Africa and weighed 313 kg.

In hunting, the lion is helped by 7-centimeter claws and vision, the sharpness of which is 6 times higher than that of a human. Running is not the best strong point predator. At short distances, the giant cat accelerates to 60 km / h, but after 200 m it gets tired and stops chasing prey. The lack of stamina forces the animal to get as close as possible to the victim and in a rapid jump, inflict a fatal blow. Lionesses are lighter and faster than males, and therefore more successful in the hunt.


In India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan and China, the royal representative of the panther genus, the Bengal tiger, lives. In Russia, its population is 5 individuals. The predatory mammal is one of the largest cats in the world. Resident height rainforest reaches 115 cm, weight - 275 kg. An intimidating roar is heard at a distance of 3 km. Deadly canines grow up to 10 cm. The record weight of a male killed in an Indian forest in 1967 was 388.7 kg.

Among Bengal tigers there are amazing creatures, the snow-white wool of which is covered with brown stripes. All white individuals have one ancestor - the male Mohan, born in 1951 as a result of a gene mutation.


The largest wild cat found in its natural habitat lives in Russia, in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territories and the mountainous regions of Sikhote-Alin. Outside of the Russian Federation, the beast is found only in the northeast of China.

The smallest representative of the tiger brotherhood has the following characteristics:

  • body length -1.7–2.8 m, tail - 1.1 m;
  • height at the withers - 110–120 cm;
  • weight - 167-280 kg;
  • the length of the canines is 8 cm.

Like all felines (except lions), Amur tigers lead a solitary life, defending their territory from competitors. The animal hunts alone. He is an absolute predator - a huge hungry cat can attack even a bear.

Now the livestock of animals does not exceed 800 individuals, half of which are kept in zoos. The endangered species is listed in the Red Book, its extermination is prosecuted. In China, killing a striped animal is punishable by death.


The result of the love of tigress Isla and lion Arthur, who shared a common enclosure in the American theme park Jungle Island, became a kitten, which was later destined to lead the rating of the largest cats on the planet. Having reached maturity, liger Hercules outnumbered his parents. His height is 186 cm, weight - 410 kg. Standing on its hind legs, the giant reaches up to the roof of the double-decker bus. The gaping mouth is as wide as the shoulder girdle of an adult male.

Hercules is not the only member of the hybrid genus. In 1973, the Guinness Book of Records was replenished with an entry about a giant weighing 798 kg from a South African Natural Park. In 2004, a female was born at the Novosibirsk Zoo - the result of crossing an African lion and a Bengal tigress. Under natural conditions, it is impossible to meet a liger - tigers and lions have different habitats.

Cats are the beloved inhabitants of our apartments and houses, we love them, and they respond to us with mutual affection. Experts count about 700 (!) Officially registered breeds, sub-breeds and breed groups, and how many of them in the world are generally difficult to calculate.

Among this variegated, shaggy and bald, unusual and familiar feline community, everyone can find a cat to their liking and character. Someone prefers cute, small cats that look like monthly kittens until old age, and someone loves to be near him big cats, retaining the features of a wild predator.

Here we will talk about large domestic and not quite domestic cats.

There is no doubt that the largest of the representatives of the domestic cats Félis silvéstris cátus (lat.) Will be hybrids.

This is due to the peculiarities of the development of embryos, but now is not about that. Now - about hybrids.

Hybrids are divided into:

  • Natural

These are born from wild cats who have made a humble domestic cat happy with their love without the consent and control of its owners.

  • Purposeful

V in this case on the contrary, a person “invites” a wild cat to take an active part in the birth of offspring from certain breeds of domestic cats - interspecific hybrids.

A person can also "invite" a domestic cat for the same purpose - obtaining a new intraspecific hybrid of a domestic cat. All breeds of domestic cats are obtained by hybridization - Felis catus to Felis silvestris catus.

Hybrid between different species wild cats it can appear, both purposeful work of a person, and in a natural way, without outside interference.

The largest hybrid breeds between wild and domestic cats

  • Bengal cat

Papa is a Far Eastern cat (Prionailurus bengalensis lat.), Which is often called a leopard for a skin covered with dark rosette spots and strokes across a bright field. The size of an adult cat ranges from 65-70 cm to 1 m, depending on the species and habitat.

  • Karaket

Dad - Steppe lynx caracal (Caracal caracal lat.), Which, as it turned out, is closer in morphology to the African serval than to the lynx. Length - from 90 to 115 cm, weight - 15-20 kg.

Dad - Jaguarundi (Puma yagouaroundi lat.), From the Puma clan. Height at withers - 25-35 cm, weight - from 5 to 9 kg. The unusually long, elongated and flexible body of the jaguarundi stands firmly on short, strong legs. The head is round, the muzzle is short, the nose is wide, the ears are small and round, like a bear. All these signs of paternity are easily guessed in his hybrid kittens + funny bent back ears.

  • Bristol

Dad - Margai or Long-tailed American cat (Leopardus wiedii or Felis wiedii lat.). The body length is 60-80 cm, and with the tail - all 120! The closest relative of the ocelot.

  • Punyabi

Dad - Indian steppe cat (Felis silvestris ornata lat.) Length - up to 70 cm, weight - up to 6 kg

  • Savannah

Dad is a real African Serval (Leptailurus serval lat.) Length - 100-140 cm, weight - 45-60 kg.

By the way, a real serval is perfectly tamed and, with proper upbringing of a cat and its owner, they get along quite well under one roof.

  • Chausie or Shawzie

Dad is a wild cat House or Marsh lynx (Felis chaus lat.). Length - 60-90 cm, weight up to 14 kg.

  • Ussuriyskaya (Ussuri)

Dad - Amur leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis euptilurus lat.) - one of the subspecies of the Bengal wild cat.

  • Kanaani or Canaani

Dad is a purebred wild Libyan dun cat (Felis silvestris libyca lat.) - this cat became one of the first representatives feline, who generously allowed a man to consider himself a domestic animal. Another name for the Libyan cat is Nubian.

  • Safari

Dad - Geoffroy's South American leopard cat (Leopardus geoffroyi or Oncifelis geoffroyi lat.). Length - 60 cm, with a tail - 90. Especially beautiful are the safari kittens born from completely melanized dads - completely black, like a raven's wing.

  • Pixie bob

The Pope is the North American Red Lynx (Lynx rufus lat.), Which has a simple local name Forest bobcat - Forest shorttail. Forest bobcat is not the most major representative from the Lynx genus: weight - 8-11 kg, height - 35-40, length with a short tail - up to 1 m.

The first kitten born from such a dad and the most repeating his appearance was named Pixie (Рixie) - Elf. Forest, of course! When mating was repeated, stable characteristics of the breed were obtained, and the hybrids themselves were named Pixie-bob (Pixie-bob).

Of all the listed hybrids - a wild cat for a domestic cat - Savannah claims to be the first in size. Still, with such and such a dad!

Female felines have no restrictions on the growth of embryos, each future kitten carries dad's genes, which "prompt" him to what size to grow, according to his paternal inclinations.

Indeed, the size of cats and cats of this breed is very impressive: by the age of 3 they grow up to half a meter at the withers (males are known up to 65 cm!) And weigh from 12 to 15 kg! This is an impressive application, you must agree.

Savannah is the largest cat breed in the world, obtained by crossing a representative of wild fauna and a domestic cat.

Note that such large size cats have only the first generation of hybrids - F1.

The largest domestic cat breeds

Some breeds of purely domestic cats - intraspecific hybrids - are in no hurry to give up. The steadfast fighters for the title of "The largest domestic cat in the world" will be:

  • Maine Coon

Aboriginal breed from Maine (USA). Previously, a relationship with a raccoon was attributed, but now no one believes in this nonsense. The length of an adult male Maine Coon breed reaches a meter, and its weight is up to 12 kg.

  • Ragdoll and Ragamuffin

These are relatives. Both cats weigh up to 10 kg, the length varies within a meter.

  • Turkish van

One of the most ancient aboriginal breeds. The weight of males is up to 9 kg, the height at the withers is 40-45 cm.

  • Chartreuse

Another name is the Cartesian cat. The weight of the cat is 6-6.5 kg.

  • Norwegian forest

Inside the breed, "girls" are not much inferior to "boys": females weigh up to 7 kg, males - up to 9.

  • British cat

These round-headed beauties with a dense physique have a "heavy bone" and can weigh up to 10 kg. Males, of course.

  • American bobtail

The American bobster reminds us that we must be careful about the legends of the Indians, who claimed that this cat is the fruit of the love of Indian cats and the wild lynx.

The weight of adult cats is 7.5 kg.

  • Kurilian Bobtail

Young, but already well-known and accepted in the hearts of all cat lovers of the world, the Russian island breed, which is also credited with a relationship with the lynx. However, this is also a delusion, although the weight categories of cats are quite large - 6-8 kg.

  • Siberian cat

A very old breed, the roots of which are "lost over the centuries." Presumably, a mixed breed from a wild steppe cat, but this has not yet been proven. The weight of the cat is from 7 to 9 kg.

All breeds have the right to be called “large” if the weight of their adult males exceeds 6 kg by at least 200 grams. - this is the position of the world Felinological community.

The largest breed of domestic intraspecific cats is Maine Coon, whose weight exceeds this figure twice!

Of course, they do not reach Savannah, but they have a great advantage over this cat: males of all interspecific hybrids are sterile up to the 4th generation. And this means that there is no need to wait for the birth of kittens from hybrids of interspecific cats F1, F2 and F3, and from intraspecific cats - you are always welcome!

The biggest wild hybrids

They are obtained by merging two different types wild cats.

Let's name just a few:

Blinks - Red lynx + any other type of lynx;

Marlowe - long-tailed Margai + female Ocelot;

Servical - Caracal + Serval female;

Liger - Leo + Tigress;

Leopon - Leopard + Lioness;

Tigron - Tiger + Lioness

All of these are big and beautiful cats obtained under the watchful guidance of humans: their appearance is a deliberate hybridization.

The largest cat in the world

The largest cat in the world lives in Miami at Jungle Island, an interactive theme park.

More precisely - not a cat, but a whole cat weighing more than 400 kg and height (in a stand on its hind legs) - 3.7 meters! Length of cat from tip wet nose to the tip of a long tail - 3.5 m, and the height at the withers - 1.86 m.This giant eats up to 9 kg of meat per day, jumps from a spot to a height of up to 5 m, and up to 10 m in length.And this without a run and dope!

He generally took the best from each of his parents in a ratio of 50% x 50%, so he acquired the name of his species the same way: lion "lion" + tiger "tiger" = liger "ligr" (English). The name of the giant is Hercules.

However, scientists in Yakutia are carrying out preparatory work on cloning a cave lion, which was once found on the territory of Russia, in the next decade. If the work succeeds, then two ligress brides from Lipetsk and Novosibirsk will be very useful. True, the percentage of offspring from such a pair (according to scientists' forecasts) will be only 1-2% per 1,000. mating, but it is still there!

The largest wild cat in the world (without any hybrid tricks) lives along the banks of the Amur and Ussuri rivers in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky regions. This rarest species of tiger - the Amur or Usuriysk Far Eastern tiger (Panthera tigris altaica lat.) - is listed in the Red Book of Russia.

The length of an adult male tiger can reach up to 4 (!) Meters, shoulder height - 115 cm, body weight - 300 kg or more!

It will be very sad to lose such a powerful and beautiful animal, but unfortunately, almost 10% of Amur tigers live in Manchuria, and in China hunting for this rare, largest in the world, wild tabby cat is not prohibited.

Nowadays, people are very fond of breeding a wide variety of new species of animals, especially when it comes to cats. Cats are one of the most popular pets because they can be fluffy and graceful, cute and beautiful, affectionate and funny. And they also compete in their size, each time setting more and more mind-blowing records. Every cat has big size their characteristics, their character and their habits, and they are evaluated according to different parameters: length, weight and, of course, height. In this article we will try to understand this feline splendor and find out what is the largest cat breed in the world.

Champion cats

Now the largest cats are representatives of the Maine Coon and Savannah breeds. They constantly compete with each other, being the largest breeds of domestic cats. At some point, Ashera's cat climbed to third place, but it turned out to be just one of the species of the Savannah breed, therefore it gave way to other rivals.

This breed was bred in the nursery of San Diego (USA) and got its name in honor of the pagan goddess. The weight of males can reach 15 kg, females up to 10 kg. These cats get along well with children and become favorites of all family members for their docile and affectionate nature.
However, it is still not clear whether the decision to disqualify Ashera was correct, because in this breed, in addition to the serval gene, which the savannah also has, the genes of predatory cats are mixed. In the meantime, this issue is being resolved, we will consider the already existing leaderboard.

Savannah cat

It is the heaviest domestic cat, but it is also tall. Its average weight is 14 kg, although occasionally there are individual giants weighing 20 kg. The height of the savanna is 60 cm. The savannah is also a cause for controversy, because it was taken from the mixture of a serval and a domestic cat. But, if you remember that all domestic cats once descended from wild ones, then everything falls into place. This breed has been bred in the United States since the 80s of the last century and the first kittens were born in 1986.

The first cat to enter the Guinness Book of Records was Trouble, 48 cm tall. In addition, cats of this breed are considered the most expensive and not every family can afford to have such a beauty. The price of a kitten ranges from 4 to 20 thousand dollars. Savannah is one of the smartest cats, graceful with a spotted leopard color.

Maine Coon breed

This is a fairly popular cat, which is known not only for its size, but also for its beautiful appearance. They are extraordinarily adorable, very fluffy, have tassel ears and a bright variegated color. The average weight of Maine Coons is 10 kg, their height reaches 40 cm.

The first representative of this breed appeared in the North American state of Maine. The fluffy tail and peculiar striped color make them somewhat similar to raccoons, hence the name of the breed. Coon means raccoon in English. Most famous cat this breed is Stewie. He earned the title of the longest cat - 123 cm, and this record was recorded in the Guinness Book.

Shawzie breed - domestic jungle cat

Representatives of this breed also quite often ranked first in the ranking of the largest cats in the world. are jungle cats, they appeared as a result of crossing jungle cats and Abyssinian cats. This breed was bred specifically to stop people from keeping wild cats in captivity. Shawzies reach 18 kg in weight and 40 cm in height.

Despite the presence of "wild" roots, these cats are very friendly and loyal to their owners, although they do not really like being held in their arms. Muscular, hardy, inquisitive, they have a fairly independent character.

Ragdoll breed

They are no longer as huge as the previous representatives, but still much larger than their usual counterparts. The largest indicators are in males, their average weight is 9 kg. They also set a record for length - 1 m. These cats are very similar to soft rag dolls, not so much because of their appearance, but because of their character. They are adorable, sweet, kind and not aggressive.

Pixie bob breed

These shorthaired cats are often called domesticated bobcats, and for good reason. They are really very similar to lynxes, and they were bred from them. They look like a miniature copy of a wild animal. This is the rare type of cat that has tassels on the ears and a short tail. Pixie bob achieves such indicators: for males it is an average of 8 kg, for females - 5 kg.

Siberian cats

From the name it is immediately clear that this breed was bred in Russia. These cats stand out precisely for their size. The weight of males reaches a maximum of 12 kg. These cats have earned their popularity due to their character and appearance... Fluffy, soft and charming, you just want to cuddle them in your hands. In addition, they love to receive affection and are very attached to their master. They are also completely safe for allergy sufferers. And of course, size plays an important role in their popularity.

Sometimes there were very funny cats among the champions. For example, the heaviest cat was a representative of the title "The Chubby Domestic Cat" with the funny name SpongeBob. He weighed about 15 kg, but now he had to go on a diet.

He was the last cat to take first place in this category, because they decided to exclude the category itself, so that lovers of fame, their owners, would not torment their poor animals. After all, there were times when the owners of the cat achieved his victory, sacrificing the life of their pet. This is exactly what happened to the cat Khiimii from Austria, who was able to gain weight of 21 kilograms. Unfortunately, it was obesity that killed him.

You need to take care of your pets, do not forget about their health, give them love and care, then you will become the owner of the happiest cat in the world.

The largest domestic cats in the world are no less popular than their miniature relatives. Today's article is about these amazing creatures.

The largest exotic domestic cat that looks like a leopard is the Ashera. This breed was bred by the British in 2006, mixing the genes of an ordinary cat with the genes of the African serval and the Asian leopard cat. The breed was named after the pagan deity - Ashera. The weight of an animal can reach 14-15 kg with a length of one meter. Outwardly, Ashera resembles a Sphinx. It is also believed that this breed does not cause allergies. To buy a kitten, you need to sign up in the queue. You have to wait about a year. Every year, the British breeding company of this breed raises up to 100 individuals. Despite the high cost, there are enough people who want to buy the largest cat in the world. Ashera is considered an ideal pet for sleeping, rubbing on feet and playing with children. Regular cat food is suitable for nutrition. The advantage of this breed is that they can be walked on a leash.

The minimum cost of a kitten is $ 22,000.

Savannahs are often referred to as domestic cheetahs. A distinctive feature of this breed, in addition to its impressive size, is also considered to be large, round ears. Wool - thick has a chocolate, golden, silver or brown shade with spots. The neck is long, the physique is powerful. The growth of the animal reaches 0.6 m, weight - 15 kg. The Savannah is the result of crossing an ordinary domestic cat with African Serval, Egyptian and Siamese Mau, Bengal and Oriental Shorthair cats. The cat of this breed is active, jumps well, has a curious but calm character, adapts well to any conditions. Representatives of this breed love attention, non-conflict, get along well with other animals. The minimum cost of the savanna is 5-10 thousand dollars. The price depends on the sex of the animal: cats cost more, because males up to the fourth generation cannot have offspring. Also, the cost of the animal is influenced by the similarity with African serval: the more there is, the more expensive the cat.

The breed of beautiful, hardy cats, the Maine Coon or Manx raccoon cat, was bred about a century ago in North America. The animal reaches maturity by the age of four. Maine Coon cats weigh about 15 kg, cats - much less. The character of the representatives of this breed is gentle and good-natured, despite its impressive size. Their voice is considered a distinctive feature. Unlike other cats, it has a bright, distinct vibration. It turns out that the animal does not meow, but gives gentle sounds. In addition, they differ from other cats in the shape of the body, head and texture of the coat. Maine Coons have a slightly elongated head, and wide ears at the base are decorated with tassels at the tips. The tail is the same length as the body length. Representatives of this breed are mobile and curious, combine strength and power in combination with a good-natured, gentle disposition. They are also good hunters. The price of a Maine Coon kitten is between one and two thousand euros.

Maine Coon cats love to bring objects thrown to them, like dogs.

For a long time this reed cat breed was considered wild. She began to appear at TICA exhibitions since 2003. The Chausi breed is the result of crossing abyssinian cat with wild jungle cats of gray-yellow or gray-brown color. The animal has a powerful constitution. Paws - muscular, head - narrow, rib cage- wide, eyes - almond-shaped, hair - short, adjacent to the body. The tip of the short tail is black, there are tassels on the wide-set ears, and in auricle growing edges. A domesticated jungle cat weighs 6–12 kg. The character is kind, obedient and flexible. These graceful animals with a royal bearing require attention. With a lack of attention, Chausi feel sad. There are times when the animal even loses interest in life. The minimum cost for a kitten of this breed is one thousand dollars.

The breed was bred in America. Pixie bob translate from of English language like a short-tailed elf. The animal looks like a lynx. He has a powerful body and multi-toed paws. The coat is short and semi-long. This is a relatively young registered breed. The maximum weight of the animal is small: for cats - 10 kg, for cats - 5 kg. Pixie bobs are discreet, tactful and unobtrusive. They are very loyal. They treat strangers with caution, but without aggression. Also, representatives of this breed are playful and love affection. The cost of a kitten is in the range of 1000-5000 dollars.

In America, pixie bob cats are considered a national treasure. Therefore, it is not allowed to export them from the continent.

Average weight British cats fluctuates within eight kilograms. Sometimes males reach 12 kg. England is considered the birthplace of this breed. She appeared in the 19th century as a result of crossing Persian cats with English pets. The Briton differs from other animals by its broad chest. Its paws are also powerful, rounded, and the tail is thick with a rounded end. Also, representatives of this breed have a round head and cheeks, ears are small. The body of the animal is covered with short dense hair. The British character is renowned for its independence. They tolerate loneliness well.

Russia is considered the birthplace of Siberian cats. The coat of the representatives of this breed is voluminous and long. The maximum weight reaches 12 kg.