Mechanism of action of l ornithine aspartate. Experience with the use of an oral form of L-ornithine-L-aspartate for hyperammonemia in patients with chronic liver diseases at the pre-cirrhotic stage. Hepa-Merz: instructions for use

2,5-diaminopentanoic acid

Chemical properties

Ornithine – diaminovaleric acid . Structural formula chemical compound: NH2CH2CH2CH2CH(NH2)COOH. In peptide sequences, the substance is designated Orn. The drug is present in free form in living organisms and is a component of some.

If carbon monoxide 4 is split off from a molecule of diaminovaleric acid (the reaction occurs during the process of decay of a corpse), then putrescine – one of the main components of cadaveric poison. L-ornithine (L-ornithine) is an optical isomer of this substance. It was first synthesized from shark liver tissue in 1937. The amino acid is colorless crystals that are easily soluble in water and alcohol, and sparingly soluble in ether. Molecular mass of chemical compound = 132.2 grams per mole. About 50 tons of this lek are produced annually in the world. facilities.

Included various drugs the substance is most often found in the form ketoglutarate or aspartate .

pharmachologic effect

Hepatoprotective , detoxification , hypoazotemic .

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Ornithine takes part in synthesis processes urea (V ornithine cycle ), promotes the utilization of ammonium groups, reduces the concentration ammonia in blood. Thanks to this drug, the body's acid-base balance is normalized and growth hormone is produced.

If you use the medicine for diseases that require parenteral nutrition, it significantly improves protein metabolism.

After taking the drug orally ornithine aspartate dissociates into aspartate And ornithine , which are quickly and completely absorbed into small intestine using active transport reactions through epithelial tissues. The medicine is excreted through the kidneys with urine during the urea cycle.

Indications for use

The drug is prescribed:

  • at hyperammonemia ;
  • patients with or;
  • with latent or pronounced hepatic encephalopathy ;
  • as part of complex treatment of disorders of consciousness ( precoms i) due to hepatic encephalopathy ;
  • as an additive to parenteral nutrition for patients with protein deficiency;
  • for diagnostics, dynamic study of work.


L-ornithine contraindicated for use:

  • for this substance;
  • patients with severe renal failure (creatinine more than 3 mg per 100 ml).

Side effects

Ornithine is well tolerated. Rarely, allergic skin rashes, vomiting, nausea may occur. If allergies occur, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Ornithine, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

The drug is prescribed intravenously, orally or intramuscularly.

Intravenously, the medicine is prescribed as infusions. The dosage regimen, frequency and duration of infusion depend on various parameters and are determined by the attending physician in individually. Typically 20 grams of the substance are dissolved in 500 ml infusion solution . The maximum speed at which the medicine can be administered is 5 grams per hour. The maximum daily dosage is 40 g.


There is no information about an overdose of the drug.


Ornithine is not pharmaceutically compatible with benzylpenicillin benzathine , , , And ethionamide .

The medicine should not be mixed in the same syringe with and benzathine benzylpenicillin .

Terms of sale

No recipe needed.

special instructions

If during intravenous administration If vomiting or nausea occurs, it is recommended to reduce the infusion rate.

It is necessary to strictly comply with the specific dosage form drug indications for use.

During pregnancy and lactation

Only the attending physician can prescribe medicine to pregnant women according to direct indications. It is recommended to stop breast-feeding, since the product is excreted in milk.

Drugs containing (Analogs)

Level 4 ATX code matches:

Structural analogues of this substance: , Ornilatex , Larnamine , Ornitsetil . Also lek. the product is included in: solution for infusion Aminoplasmal Hepa , Aminoplasmal E , .

Pharmacological group: Hypoammonemic drugs;
pharmachologic effect: Hypoammonemic drug. Reduces elevated levels of ammonia in the body, in particular in liver diseases. The effect of the drug is associated with its participation in the ornithine Krebs urea cycle (the formation of urea from ammonia). Promotes the production of somatotropic hormone. Improves protein metabolism in diseases requiring parenteral nutrition.
Ornithine is an amino acid that plays an important role in the urea cycle. Ornithine carbamoyltransferase deficiency may cause abnormal accumulation of ornithine in the body. Ornithine is one of three amino acids that participate in the ornithine cycle (together with and). Taking these amino acids lowers ammonia levels, which, according to preliminary data, increases performance levels.


L-ornithine is a non-protein amino acid (not involved in protein production) that is involved in the ornithine cycle, and the entry of ornithine into the cell is the rate-limiting step of the cycle. Ornithine binds to a molecule known as carbamoyl phosphate, which requires ammonia to form and is then converted to L-citrulline, resulting in the formation of urea. It is the conversion stage that reduces the level of ammonia in the blood and at the same time increases the level of urea. It is assumed that L-ornithine plays an important role in those conditions of the body that are characterized by excessive levels of ammonia - mainly hepatic encephalopathy ( clinical disease liver) and long-term cardio training. In people suffering from hepatic encephalopathy, there was a reduction in serum ammonia levels (in most studies the drug was given by infusion, although a similar effect was achieved by high doses orally), while there were only two studies assessing the effects of the drug during cardiovascular exercise. In the study that was better suited to assess ammonia exposure (long-term versus intense exercise), ornithine was found to reduce fatigue. In addition, decreased fatigue was reported by both people suffering from hepatic encephalopathy and those suffering from hangovers (excessive drinking increases serum ammonia levels) if they took ornithine before drinking alcohol. To date, there has been only one study of the combined effects of ornithine and arginine, which found an increase in lean tissue mass and strength output in weightlifters, but this study was conducted a long time ago and has not been repeated since, and its practical significance is unclear. Finally, the effect of ornithine on increasing the production of growth hormone is similar to the effect of arginine. However, although technically this effect does occur, it does not last long, and the body compensates for all the changes within a day, so such an effect of growth hormone is not significant. Based on the fact that the main characteristics of growth hormone (increasing the mass of lean tissue and burning fat) act for a whole day, and not instantly, ornithine simply does not have time to have any significant effect on the body. In conclusion, ornithine has some potential due to its ability to lower blood ammonia concentrations, thereby increasing strength output during prolonged exercise (45 minutes or more), due in part to the fact that the drug remains in the blood for several hours after administration. , even despite physical exertion. Other names: L-ornithine Notes:

    It is known that arginine can cause diarrhea at a dosage of 10g or more, and since ornithine uses the same transporters of intestinal pathogens (which, when absorbed into the intestines, cause diarrhea), it is likely that ornithine may reduce the dosage of arginine required for diarrhea.

    Ornithine, at high dosages of 10-20g, can cause diarrhea on its own, but with less likelihood than from exposure to arginine.


    Amino acid dietary supplements

Pairs well with:

    Anionic salts such as alpha-ketoglutarate

Works best in the following situations:

    Fatigue and stress (chronic)

Hepa-Merz: instructions for use

Ornithine (in the form of hydrochloride) is taken daily for 2-6 g. Almost all studies are conducted within this standard dosage, however, although serum levels are dose dependent only to some extent, dosages above 10g may cause intestinal distress. Most studies use ornithine hydrochloride (Ornithine HCl), which has proven to be effective. Ornithine hydrochloride is, by weight, 78% ornithine, therefore, for a dosage ranging from 2 to 6g, an equivalent dosage of L-ornithine-L-aspartate (50%) would be 3.12-9.36g, and an equivalent dosage of L-ornithine α- ketoglutarate (47%) will be 3.3-10g. In theory, these two varieties are more effective, but proper comparative data are lacking.

Origin and meaning


L-ornithine is one of three amino acids that participate in the ornithine cycle and is similar to another, L-citrulline, but not to L-arginine. L-ornithine is a non-protein amino acid that does not participate in the formation of enzymes and protein structures, and also does not have its own genetic code and does not carry any nutritional value. Dietary L-arginine is a conditionally essential amino acid that circulates L-ornithine and L-citrulline (glutamate and glutamine may also be involved) in the blood to support required level The circulating concentration of L-ornithine in the blood is about 50 μmol/ml. L-ornithine can also be formed directly from L-arginine using the enzyme arginase (resulting in the formation of urea). L-ornithine is a non-protein amino acid that is formed from other amino acids, the most famous of which also participate in the ornithine cycle - L-arginine and L-citrulline


Ornithine does not participate in the nitric oxide cycle, but rather is an intermediate product after the release of urea, which combines with ammonia (via carbamoyl phosphate) to subsequently form citrulline. The ornithine cycle involves 5 enzymes and three amino acids (arginine, ornithine and citrulline) and one intermediate that regulates the concentration of urea and ammonia in the body. This cycle is sometimes thought of as producing nitric oxide (because it prevents toxic levels of ammonia, a compound with little nitrogen, from increasing), and ornithine's involvement limits the rate of this reaction. L-arginine is converted to L-ornithine by the enzyme arginase (resulting in the release of urea) and subsequently ornithine (using carbamoyl phosphate as a cofactor) promotes the production of L-citrulline by the enzyme ornithine carbamoyl transferase. In this sense, the metabolic pathway from arginine to citrulline (via ornithine) causes an increase in urea and a parallel decrease in ammonia, which helps carbamoyl phosphate synthase produce carbamoyl phosphate, and a deficiency of this enzyme leads to high level ammonia concentrations in the blood, which is probably the largest genetic deficiency of the ornithine cycle. If necessary, arginine can be directly converted to L-citrulline by increasing the ammonia concentration using the enzyme arginine deiminase. The cycle begins with citrulline, then reacts with L-aspartate (an isomer of which is D-aspartic acid) and, with the help of the enzyme argininosuccinate synthetase, argininosuccinate is formed. As a result, the enzyme argininosuccinate lyase breaks down argininosuccinate into free arginine and fumarate. Arginine is then re-entered into the ornithine cycle. Furmarate can simply enter the Krebs cycle as an energy intermediate. The ornithine cycle involves ornithine, citrulline and arginine, which can replace each other to regulate the concentration of ammonia in the blood. Ornithine, one of the three amino acids of the ornithine cycle (along with L-arginine and L-citrulline) is the starting molecule for the formation of polyamines - putrescine, spermidine and spermine. Ornithine is a precursor for the formation of polyamine compounds. L-ornithine can be converted to a metabolite known as l-glutamyl-c-semialdehyde, which can further be converted to the neurotransmitter glutamate by P5C dehydrogenase. This potentially reversible process involves pyrroline-5-carbroxylate as an intermediate. The amino acids of the ornithine cycle are also partially related to neurology, due to the fact that ornithine can be converted to glutamate (which in turn can be converted to GABA, which is very important for neurology).

Pharmacology of ornithine


Ornithine moves through the body in the same way as L-arginine (and L-cysteine), but not in the same way as L-citrulline. Ornithine is absorbed in the same way as arginine. Although the data obtained from the oral absorption study of ornithine are not as detailed as in a similar study of arginine, there is evidence to suggest that they are characterized by uniform amino acid sequences (good bioavailability at low oral dosages of 2 to 6 g, and with a systematic decrease and increase dosages, absorption becomes less and less effective).

Blood serum

40-170mg/kg of ornithine taken orally (for a person weighing 70kg is 3-12g) can within 45 minutes and depending on the dosage increase the level of ornithine in the blood serum (although it is not known exactly how much), which will remain unchanged in for the next 90 minutes. One study noted that 100mg/kg of the drug increased serum ornithine levels from approximately 50µmol/ml to 300µmol/ml within an hour, which was similar to a grueling 15-minute workout followed by 15 minutes of rest. In another study, subjects were given 3g of ornithine in the morning and another dose 2 hours later and found that even after 340 minutes the level of ornithine in the blood plasma was 65.8% higher than the placebo effect, although this indicator had already begun to decline (after 240 minutes the level ornithine was 314% more). Ornithine is absorbed quite well and its peak effects occur 45 minutes after oral administration (or slightly earlier) and remain at this level for 4 hours (the decline begins somewhere between 4 and 6 hours). It was noted that taking 2000 mg of ornithine does not increase the level of citrulline and arginine in the blood serum - neither alone nor when interacting with hydrochloride, and only ornithine in the composition of ornetine-α-ketoglutarate (a special dietary compound) can increase the level of arginine in the blood plasma . Taking ornithine (100 mg/kg in combination with hydrochloride) before a grueling workout increased the level of glutamate in the blood plasma, both during rest and after the workout itself (although not by much - up to about 50 μmol/ml, or by 9%). One study noted a transient increase in the activity of three branched chain amino acids of 4.4-9% after four hours of exhaustive exercise, before which subjects took 6g of ornithine (two doses of 3g two hours later). After grueling training, a slight increase in glutamate levels may be observed, and small doses of ornithine have virtually no effect on the levels of arginine or citrulline in the blood.

Ornithine in bodybuilding

Mechanism of action of the drug

The accumulation of ammonia in skeletal muscle can provoke muscle fatigue due to protein-induced inhibition of muscle contractility. During exercise, ammonia tends to accumulate in the blood serum and in the brain, and the accumulation in the brain causes a feeling of fatigue. It was found that after taking 100 mg/kg L-ornithine, ammonia levels may increase after a grueling workout lasting approximately 15 minutes, while no such effect was observed at rest. With longer training sessions (2 hours at 80% VO2max), the increase in serum ammonia levels begins to decrease. Skeletal muscle is able to independently increase ammonia levels (through alanine and glutamine), and the ammonia itself, upon reaching the liver, can be converted to urea. However, 100mg/kg ornithine supplementation does not appear to have any effect on urea levels during strenuous exercise lasting approximately 15 minutes. However, during two hours of exercise cycling and ornithine (2g daily and 6g on the day of exercise), urea levels did increase compared with placebo, which is likely due to a decrease in the amount of drug administered before the test (in in the placebo group, the drug content was reduced by 8.9%, in the test group - no changes). Although taking ornithine has a positive effect on the ornithine cycle, ornithine has almost no effect on serum urea concentrations.

Human trials

A study was conducted that used 1g and 2g dosages of L-ornithine along with the same amount of L-arginine (up to 2g and 4g) and noted that over a 5-week period, adult men who did strength training gained lean mass and showed an increase in strength. The study showed an increase muscle mass, however, the data obtained are too limited to draw any conclusions. In addition, the drug has been tested in cooperation with arginine. A bicycle ergometer test after taking 100 mg/kg L-ornithine hydrochloride did not show a significant effect of ornithine on physical performance (time to exhaustion, heartbeat, oxygen consumption) throughout the test, which lasted about 15 minutes. In a longer two-hour trial (at VO2max of 80%), conducted after taking 2g ornithine daily for 6 days and 6g before starting, ornithine was found to be 52% more effective at suppressing fatigue than placebo. Similar indicators were obtained during a 10-second sprint (with equal indicators at the start, ornithine again turned out to be more effective than placebo), but neither ornithine nor placebo had any effect on the average speed. It appears that ornithine may only prevent fatigue during prolonged exercise, which roughly coincides with the onset of ammonia-induced complications. Despite the above, too few studies have been conducted to draw specific conclusions.

Impact on the body

Interaction with organ systems


Hepatic encephalopathy is a liver condition (affecting 84% of people with cirrhosis) that, due to high levels of ammonia in the blood and brain, negatively impacts cognitive functioning. In a sense, this condition can be called ammonia toxicity. Treatment of hepatic encephalopathy is usually based on reducing the concentration of ammonia in the blood. Intravenous infusion of L-ornithine can reduce circulating ammonia concentrations in clinical settings, whereas oral administration L-ornithine-L-aspartate 6g three times a day (18g in total) for 14 days effectively lowers blood ammonia levels, regardless of food intake. Reviews on this topic (one of which looked at 4 trials and a meta-analysis) are quite promising, but are limited by the size of the studies, and their merit may be limited to observing encephalopathy rather than finding a way to combat it. Hepatic encephalopathy is a liver condition characterized by high concentrations of ammonia in the blood and brain, which causes cognitive side effects. Ornithine supplementation may lower blood ammonia concentrations in people with encephalopathy associated with cirrhosis, but data on specific oral dosages are limited (most studies have been done intravenously in clinical settings).

Interaction with hormones

A growth hormone

It was noted that after the administration of ornithine, the concentration of growth hormone circulating in the blood increases, which depends on the hypothalamus. Taking 2,200mg of ornithine daily along with 3,000mg of arginine and 12mg of B12 for three weeks can increase plasma concentrations of growth hormone by 35.7% (measured immediately after exercise) and although the concentration began to decrease after an hour, it still remained higher than those in the placebo group. A trial was conducted on 12 bodybuilders in which they were given high doses of 40, 100 or 170 mg/kg ornithine hydrochloride and it was noted that only the highest dosage (170 mg/kg, or 12 g per person weighing 70 kg) was able to increase the concentration of the hormone growth was 318% higher than the initial level 90 minutes after administration of the drug, while no significant changes occurred at another 45 minutes. Despite this result, the study authors believe that it is not particularly significant since the increase occurred from 2.2+/-1.4ng/ml to 9.2+/-3.0ng/ml, whereas normal daily fluctuations in growth hormone levels vary between zero and 16ng/ml. Administration of ornithine can cause a sharp spike in growth hormone levels. However, due to the interaction between arginine and growth hormone (namely, the fact that the spike doesn't last throughout the day), ornithine is only part of the whole process. These results may not be of practical significance.


Concomitant administration of ornithine and arginine did not have a significant effect on the concentration of testosterone in the blood of people who were subjected to resistance exercise by administering 2,200 mg of ornithine and 3,000 mg of arginine for 3 weeks. There is no evidence of a positive effect of ornithine on testosterone levels.


There is varying evidence of the effects of intravenous ornithine on cortisol levels - it can stimulate adrenocorticotropic hormone and subsequently cortisol itself, and another study found that 400g of ornithine administered before drinking alcohol lowered blood cortisol levels the next morning subjects (although this was more likely a consequence of accelerated alcohol metabolism). Additionally, in a 3-week strength trial of combined L-ornithine and L-arginine (2,200 mg and 3,000 mg, respectively), there was no significant effect on cortisol levels. Ornithine has different effects on cortisol levels depending on the situation. Injections increase it (to some extent increasing the level of growth hormone, and the practical significance of the results obtained has not yet been established), and, at the same time, ornithine lowers the level of cortisol, which increased as a result of alcohol intoxication. Before strength training, the drug had no effect.

Nutrient interactions

Ornithine and Alpha-Ketoglutarate

Sometimes ornithine is introduced as part of the compound L-ornithine-α-ketoglutarate, which contains two molecules in a stoichiometric ratio of 1:2. These molecules (ornithine and α-ketoglutarate) are metabolically related, since ornithine can be converted to α-ketoglutarate by transformation into glutamate semialdehyde, glutamyl phosphate, glutamate, and ultimately α-ketoglutarate. This metabolic transformation also works in the opposite direction and it is believed that administering α-ketoglutarate along with ornithine reduces the amount of ornithine that is converted to α-ketoglutarate, instead promoting the formation of other amino acids. This was confirmed by a study in which only ornithine (6.4g of ornithine hydrochloride) was first administered, then α-ketoglutarate (3.6k as part of a calcium salt) and finally their combination (10g of each drug) and then the latter option contributed to an increase in levels of arginine and proline (however, during all three stages there was an increase in glutamate levels). Administration of ornithine along with α-ketoglutarate can suppress the conversion of ornithine to α-ketoglutarate (which occurs by default) and indirectly stimulates the formation of other amino acids such as arginine. α-ketoglutarate is also capable of acting as an intermediate in amino acid metabolism, interacting with ammonia (under the influence of a reducing agent) and, as a result, forming glutamine, which has a buffering effect for ammonia, independent of the ornithine cycle. It was initially assumed that the reducing substance would be NADH or, alternatively, formate (a product of the ornithine cycle). α-ketoglutarate can be an intermediate in glutamine metabolism, which can impart buffering properties to ammonia, by reducing glutamine, regardless of the course of the ornithine cycle.

Ornithine and Arginine

Supplying liver cells with ornithine limits the rate of ornithine synthesis and ammonia detoxification, and the introduction of L-arginine (218% at 0.36 mmol) and D-arginine isomer (204% at 1 mmol) can stimulate the absorption of ornithine. Supplementing with arginine and/or citrulline (which provides arginine) not only increases the rate of ornithine absorption, but can also reduce blood ammonia levels. Despite the above, such actions are ineffective, and the synergism of arginine with ornithine aimed at detoxifying ammonia has not been properly studied at present.

Ornithine and L-aspartate

L-aspartate (not to be confused with D-aspartic acid) is commonly used with ornithine in L-ornithine-L-aspartare to treat hepatic encephalopathy. This approach was expected to be effective because ammonia detoxification is required to treat hepatic encephalopathy, and ornithine and aspartate are both involved in the ornithine cycle (ornithine is converted to citrulline to sequester ammonia by producing carbamoyl phosphate, and then citrulline is converted to arginine by L-aspartate as a cofactor).

Ornithine and Alcohol

Because of ornithine's ability to stimulate the ornithine cycle and speed up the elimination of ammonia from the body, and because drinking alcohol dramatically increases ammonia levels (there is also evidence of an interaction between their metabolic pathways), it is believed that ornithine may help reduce the effects of hangovers and drunkenness. Giving 400mg L-ornithine half an hour before drinking alcohol (0.4g/kg 90 minutes before bed) helped reduce some measures taken the next morning (as measured by self-reported irritability, hostility, embarrassment, sleep duration and fatigue). , and also lowered cortisol levels in people called "flushers" (usually Asians who lack the aldehyde dehydrogenase gene responsible for alcohol metabolism; "flushers" are much more sensitive to alcohol than other people), but the drug had no effect on levels ethanol metabolism and the state of intoxication itself. This same study refers to a previous one (which cannot be found online) in which 800mg of ornithine-L-aspartate was able to affect only flushers, while the rest had no effect. Data is limited, but it appears the drug may relieve hangovers in people sensitive to alcohol. Preliminary results suggest that there will be no effect on non-flushers, so the practical relevance of this information for drinkers is unknown.

Aesthetic medicine


It is assumed that L-ornithine-α-ketoglutarate (exclusively) can be used in burn therapy, since it is a precursor for both arginine and glutamine (as well as proline, but it is often not remembered). Both amino acids mentioned may be useful as enteral supplements in clinical settings (arginine and glutamine, respectively). Several studies have been conducted using L-ornithine-α-ketoglutarate administered intravenously to speed up the rate of recovery from burns. L-ornithine-α-ketoglutarate appears to accelerate burn healing in clinical settings, but the utility of L-ornithine-α-ketoglutarate as primary therapy has not been established (clinical trials do not necessarily support real-world use).

Safety and Toxicology

General information

Ornithine is distributed by the same intestinal pathogen vectors as L-arginine, and as a result, large doses of ornithine can cause diarrhea. Since this occurs against the background of complete saturation of the transporters, the upper limit of safe dosage (4-6g rarely causes side effects) is the same for arginine, ornithine and other amino acids that are distributed by the same transporter (L-cysteine). Diarrhea begins when amino acids trigger the production of nitric oxide in gastrointestinal tract, which stimulates water absorption in the intestines and leads to osmotic diarrhea. In other studies, 20g of ornithine was administered intravenously and nasogastrically, and this also resulted in diarrhea. High oral dosages ornithine can also provoke diarrhea, but the active dose of ornithine for the development of diarrhea is much higher than the dose of arginine (while citrulline has no gastrointestinal side effects at all).

Role in the urea cycle

L-ornithine is one of the products of the action of the enzyme arginase in the production of urea. Therefore, ornithine is a central part of the urea cycle, allowing the utilization of excess nitrogen levels. Ornithine is a catalyst for this reaction. First, ammonia is converted to carbamoyl phosphate (phosphate-CONH2). Ornithine is converted to a urea derivative on delta (terminal) nitrogen by carbamoyl phosphate. Another nitrogen is added from aspartate, producing denitrogen stearyl fumarate, and the resulting (guanidine compound) undergoes hydrolysis, resulting in ornithine, producing urea. The nitrogen in urea comes from ammonia and aspartate, while the nitrogen in ornithine remains intact.

Lactamization of ornithine


The drug Hepa-Merz (Ornithine) is used for the treatment of acute and chronic liver diseases accompanied by hyperammonemia; as well as hepatic encephalopathy (latent or severe). The drug is approved for use as a means of OTC.

Aspartic acid is a non-essential acidic amino acid. This endogenous substance plays an important role for the proper functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems, and also promotes the production of certain hormones (growth hormone, testosterone, progesterone). Contained in proteins, it acts on the body as an excitatory neurotransmitter of the central nervous system. In addition, it is used as dietary supplements, an antibacterial agent, and is part of detergents. Brought out in 1868 from asparagus.

general characteristics

Natural aspartic acid with the formula C4H7NO4 is colorless crystals with high temperature melting. Another name for the substance is aminosuccinic acid.

All amino acids used by humans for protein synthesis (except ) have 2 forms. And only the L-form is used for protein synthesis and muscle growth. The D-shape can also be used by humans, but it performs slightly different functions.

The aspartic amino acid also exists in 2 configurations. L-aspartic acid is more common and is involved in many biochemical processes. Biological role The D-form is not as diverse as its mirror isomer. The body, as a result of enzymatic activity, is able to produce both forms of the substance, which then form the so-called racemic mixture of DL-aspartic acid.

The highest concentration of the substance is found in brain cells. By influencing the central nervous system, it increases concentration and learning abilities. At the same time, researchers say that an increased concentration of the amino acid is found in the brains of people suffering from epilepsy, but in people with depression, on the contrary, it is much less.

Aspartic acid, reacting with another amino acid, forms aspartame. This artificial sweetener is actively used in the food industry, and acts as an irritant on the cells of the nervous system. For this reason, doctors do not recommend frequent use of aspartic acid supplements, especially for children whose nervous systems are more sensitive. They may develop autism against the background of aspartates. Also, the amino acid can influence women’s health and regulate chemical composition follicular fluid, which affects reproductive potential. And frequent consumption of aspartates by pregnant women can negatively affect the health of the fetus.

Role in the body:

  1. Aspartic acid is important in the formation of other amino acids such as asparagine, and.
  2. Relieves chronic fatigue.
  3. Important for the transport of minerals necessary for the formation and functioning of DNA and RNA.
  4. Strengthens immune system, promoting the production of antibodies and immunoglobulins.
  5. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the central nervous system, maintains concentration, and sharpens brain function.
  6. Helps remove toxins from the body, including ammonia, which has an extremely negative effect on the functioning of the brain, nervous system and liver.
  7. Under stress, the body needs additional doses of amino acids.
  8. It is an effective remedy against depression.
  9. Helps convert carbohydrates into energy.

Differences between forms

On dietary supplement labels, amino acids L and D forms are often referred to by a common name - aspartic acid. But still, structurally, both substances differ from each other, and each of them plays its own role in the body.

The L-form is present in our body more abundantly, helps synthesize proteins and cleanse the body of excess ammonia. The D form of aspartic acid is found in small quantities in the body of adults and is responsible for hormone production and brain function.

Even though both variants of the amino acid are created from identical components, the atoms within the molecule are connected in such a way that the L and D forms are mirror images of each other. Both have a central nucleus and a group of atoms attached to the side. The L-form has a group of atoms attached to the left, while its mirror image has a group of atoms attached to the right. It is these differences that are responsible for the polarity of the molecule and determine the functions of amino acid isomers. True, the L-form, when entering the body, is often transformed into the D-isomer. Meanwhile, as experiments have shown, the “transformed” amino acid does not affect testosterone levels.

Role of the L-isomer

Almost all amino acids have two isomers - L and D. L-amino acids are primarily used for the production of proteins. The same function is performed by the L-isomer of aspartic acid. In addition, this substance promotes the process of urine formation and helps remove ammonia and toxins from the body. In addition, like other amino acids, this substance is important for glucose synthesis and energy production. L-form aspartic acid is also known to be involved in the creation of molecules for DNA.

Benefits of D-isomer

The D-form of aspartic acid is primarily important for the functioning of the nervous and reproductive systems. Concentrated mainly in the brain and genitals. Responsible for the production of growth hormone and also regulates testosterone synthesis. And against the background of increased testosterone, endurance increases (this property of acid is actively used by bodybuilders), and libido also increases. Meanwhile, this form of aspartic acid in no way affects the structure and volume of muscles.

Studies have shown that testosterone levels increase significantly in people taking the D-isomer of the amino acid for 12 days. Scientists argue whether the D-form of this substance is needed as a dietary supplement for people under 21 years of age, but there is no consensus yet.

In addition, studies have shown that the level of D-aspartic acid in brain tissue increases steadily until the age of 35, then the reverse process begins - a decrease in the concentration of the substance.

Although D-aspartic acid is rarely associated with protein structures, it has been found that this substance is found in cartilage and enamel, can accumulate in brain tissue, and is also present in the membranes of red blood cells. Moreover, in the embryonic brain the amount of this amino acid is 10 times greater than in the adult brain. Scientists also compared the composition of the brain healthy person and persons with Alzheimer's disease. It turned out that in patients the concentration of aspartic acid was higher, but deviations from the norm were recorded only in the white matter of the brain. It is also interesting that in older people the concentration of the D-isomer in the hippocampus (dentate gyrus of the brain) is significantly lower than in young people.

Daily norms

Scientists continue to study the effect of aspartic acid on humans.

The safe norm is currently 312 mg of the substance per day, divided into 2-3 doses.

It is recommended to use an amino acid-based dietary supplement for approximately 4-12 weeks.

The D-form is used to increase testosterone levels. A study found that men who consumed 3 grams of D-aspartic acid for 12 days increased their testosterone levels by almost 40 percent. But after just 3 days without the supplement, the levels dropped by about 10 percent.

Who needs higher doses?

Undoubtedly, this substance is extremely necessary for people of all age groups, but in some cases the need for aspartic acid increases sharply. First of all, this applies to people with depression, poor memory, brain diseases, and mental disorders. It is important to take regularly for people with reduced performance, cardiac diseases and vision problems.

In addition, it is important to know that high pressure, increased testosterone levels, and the presence of atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels of the brain are the reasons for reducing the intensity of taking the substance.

Amino acid deficiency

Individuals whose diet does not contain enough protein foods are at risk of developing a deficiency not only of aspartic acid, but also of other beneficial substances. Lack of amino acids is manifested by severe fatigue, depression, and frequent infectious diseases.

Food sources

The issue of consuming aspartic acid in food form is not so pressing, since healthy body, can independently provide itself with the necessary portions of the substance (in two forms). But, nevertheless, you can also get the amino acid from food, mainly high-protein.

Sources of animal origin: all meat products, including smoked meats, dairy foods, fish, eggs.

Sources plant origin: asparagus, sprouted seeds, alfalfa, rolled oats, avocado, asparagus, molasses, beans, lentils, soybeans, brown rice, nuts, brewer's yeast, fruit juices from tropical fruits, apple juices (from the Semerenko variety), potatoes.

Aspartic acid is an important component for maintaining health. Meanwhile, when taking, it is important to remember the recommendations of doctors so as not to harm your body.

1 kg - double polyethylene bags (1) - fiber drums.
5 kg - double polyethylene bags (1) - fiber drums.
10 kg - double polyethylene bags (1) - fiber drums.
15 kg - double polyethylene bags (1) - fiber drums.
25 kg - double polyethylene bags (1) - fiber drums.

Description of the active components of the drug " Ornithine»

pharmachologic effect

Hypoammonemic agent. Reduces elevated levels of ammonia in the body, particularly in liver diseases. The action is associated with participation in the ornithine cycle of Krebs urea formation (the formation of urea from ammonia). Promotes the production of insulin and growth hormone. Improves protein metabolism in diseases requiring parenteral nutrition.

Ornithine aspartate in the body dissociates into the amino acids ornithine and aspartate, which are absorbed in the small intestine by active transport through the intestinal epithelium. Excreted in urine.


Acute and chronic liver diseases accompanied by hyperammonemia. Hepatic encephalopathy.

For dynamic study of pituitary gland function.

As a corrective additive to parenteral nutrition preparations in patients with protein deficiency.

Dosage regimen

For oral administration - 3-6 g 3 times a day after meals. V/m - 2-6 g/day; IV stream 2-10 g/day; frequency of administration - 1-2 times/day. IV drip 10-50 g/day. The duration of infusion, frequency and duration of treatment are determined individually.

Side effect

Rarely: skin manifestations.

IN in some cases: nausea, vomiting.


Severe renal dysfunction (serum creatinine content more than 3 mg/100 ml).

Pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy, use is only possible under strict medical supervision.

If it is necessary to use it during lactation, the issue of stopping breastfeeding should be decided.

Use for renal impairment

Contraindicated in cases of severe renal impairment (serum creatinine content more than 3 mg/100 ml).

special instructions

If nausea or vomiting occurs, the rate of administration should be optimized.

When using a particular dosage form of ornithine, compliance with the specific indications must be observed.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

Ornithine can cause disturbances in concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.


In a clinical multicenter comparative study The effectiveness and safety of L-ornithine-L-aspartate (Hepa-Merz), which belongs to the group of hepatoprotective agents that affect metabolic disorders, was studied. The study included 232 patients with acute pancreatitis. It has been established that L-ornithine-L-aspartate (Hepa-Merz) reduces the severity of neurological disorders in pancreatic necrosis. The drug has pronounced hepatoprotective properties.

According to the literature and our observations, the incidence of acute pancreatitis is steadily increasing, in frequency it ranks 3rd after acute appendicitis and cholecystitis. Treatment of acute pancreatitis, especially its destructive forms, is still a difficult surgical problem due to its high mortality rate - from 25 to 80%.

The liver is the first target organ that bears the brunt of pancreatogenic toxemia in the form of a massive flow of activated pancreatic and lysosomal enzymes into the blood flowing through the portal vein, biologically active substances, toxic products of the breakdown of pancreatic parenchyma during necrobiosis and activation of the kallikrein-kinin system.

As a result of the action of damaging factors, deep microcirculatory disorders develop in the liver parenchyma; activation of mitochondrial cell death factors and induction of apoptosis of liver cells occurs in hepatocytes. Decompensation of internal detoxification mechanisms aggravates the course of acute pancreatitis due to the accumulation in the body of many toxic substances and metabolites that concentrate in the blood and create a secondary hepatotropic effect.

Liver failure is one of the most serious complications of acute pancreatitis. It often determines the course of the disease and its outcome. It is known from the literature that in 20.6% of patients with edematous pancreatitis and in 78.7% with a destructive process in the pancreas, a violation occurs various functions liver, which significantly worsens the results of treatment and in 72% of cases is the direct cause of death.

In view of this, the need for adequate prevention and treatment of liver failure in every patient with acute pancreatitis using the entire range of conservative measures is obvious. Today, one of the priority areas of complex therapy for liver failure in acute pancreatitis is the inclusion of hepatoprotectors in the treatment, in particular L-ornithine-L-aspartate (Hepa-Merz).

The drug has been on the pharmaceutical market for several years, it has proven itself and is successfully used in therapeutic, neurological, and toxicological practice for acute and chronic liver diseases. The drug stimulates the detoxification function of the liver, regulates metabolism in hepatocytes, and has a pronounced antioxidant effect.

In the period from November 2009 to March 2010, a multicenter non-randomized clinical trial to study the effectiveness of the hepatoprotector L-ornithine-L-aspartate (Hepa-Merz) in complex treatment patients with acute pancreatitis. The study included 232 patients (150 (64.7%) men and 82 (35.3%) women) with acute pancreatitis confirmed by clinical, laboratory and instrumental methods. The age of the patients ranged from 17 to 86 years, with an average of 46.7 (34; 58) years. In 156 (67.2%) patients, an edematous form of pancreatitis was diagnosed, in 76 (32.8%) - destructive forms: in 21 (9.1%) - hemorrhagic pancreatic necrosis, in 13 (5.6%) - fatty, in 41 (17.7%) - mixed, 1 (0.4%) - post-traumatic.

All patients received basic comprehensive conservative therapy(blockade of exocrine pancreatic function, infusion-detoxification, antibacterial agents).

L-ornithine-L-aspartate (Hepa-Merz) complex therapeutic measures used in 182 (78.4%) patients (main group); 50 (21.6%) patients made up the control group, in which this drug was not used. The drug was prescribed from the 1st day of inclusion of the patient in the study according to the developed scheme: 10 g (2 ampoules) intravenously by drip with an administration rate of no more than 5 g/h per 400 ml saline solution sodium chloride for 5 days, from the 6th day - orally (the drug in the form of granulate, 1 packet, 3 g, 3 times a day for 10 days).

The severity of the patients' condition was assessed using the SAPS II physiological state severity scale. Depending on the total SAPS II score, 2 subgroups of patients were identified in both groups: with a total score<30 и >30.

Subgroup with severity of condition according to SAPS II<30 баллов составили 112 (48,3%) пациентов, в том числе 97 (87%) - из основной группы: мужчин - 74 (76,3%), женщин - 23 (23,7%), average age- 40.9 (33; 45) years, severity of condition - 20.4±5.2 points; from the control group there were 15 (13%) patients: men - 11 (73.3%), women - 4 (26.7%), average age - 43.3 (28.5; 53) years, severity of condition - 25 ±6 points.

The subgroup with a total SAPS II score >30 consisted of 120 (51.7%) patients, including 85 (71%) from the main group: men - 56 (65.9%), women - 29 (34.1%) ), average age - 58.2 (45; 66.7) years, severity of condition - 36.3+5.6 points; from the control group there were 35 (29%) patients: men - 17 (48.5%), women - 18 (51.4%), average age - 55.4 (51; 63.5) years, severity of condition - 39 .3±5.9 points.

The study identified 4 base points: 1st, 3rd, 5th and 15th day. To assess the effectiveness of treatment, the severity of the patients' condition was determined over time using the SOFA Integral Scale; laboratory parameters were examined: bilirubin concentration, protein levels, urea and creatinine, cytolysis enzymes - alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST). The degree of impairment of cognitive functions and the rate of their recovery during treatment were assessed using the Number Link Test (NTT).

Mathematical processing of the factual material was carried out using basic methods of biomedical statistics using the Microsoft Office Excel 2003 and BIOSTAT application package. When describing group characteristics, we calculated standard deviation the average value of a characteristic with its parametric distribution and the interquartile interval with a nonparametric distribution. The significance of the differences between the 2 parameters was assessed using the Mann-Withney and x2 tests. Differences were considered statistically significant at p=0.05.

In patients of the main group with severity of condition according to SAPS II<30 баллов применение L-орнитин-L-аспартата (Гепа-Мерц) в комплексе лечения привело к более быстрому восстановлению нервно-психической сферы, что оценивалось в ТСЧ. При поступлении у пациентов обеих групп длительность счета была выше нормы (норма - не более 40 с) на 57,4% в основной группе и на 55,1% - в контрольной: соответственно 94 с (80; 98) и 89,5 с (58,5; 116). На фоне терапии отмечалась положительная динамика в обеих группах. На 3-й сутки длительность счета составила 74 с (68; 78) в основной группе и 82,3 с (52,5; 100,5) - в группе сравнения, что превышало норму на 45,9 и 51,2% соответственно (р=0,457, Mann-Withney). На 5-е сутки время в ТСТ составило 50 с (48; 54) в основной группе и 72,9 с (44; 92) - в контрольной, что превышало норму на 20 и 45,2% соответственно (р=0,256, Mann-Withney). Статистически достоверные изменения отмечены на 15-е сутки исследования: в основной группе - 41 с (35; 49), что превышало нормальное значение на 2,4%, а в контрольной — 61 с (41; 76) (больше нормы на 34,4%; р=0,038, Mann-Withney) - рисунок "Динамика состояния нервно-психической сферы у больных с суммарным баллом по SAPS II <30".

In patients with a severity of condition according to SAPS II >30 points, the study revealed a positive effect of L-ornithine-L-aspartate (Hepa-Merz) on the dynamics of biochemical parameters; the most significant changes concerned the indicators of cytolytic syndrome (ALT, AST) and the rate of recovery of neuropsychic functions.

During dynamic monitoring of the severity of the condition of the patients, assessed by the SOFA scale, a faster normalization was also noted in the main group (Figure "Dynamics of the severity of the condition in patients with a total score on SAPS II >30"). The severity of the condition of patients in the main and control groups on the 1st day of the study on the SOFA scale was 4 (3; 6.7) and 4.2 (2; 7) points, respectively, on the 3rd day of the study - 2 (1; 3), respectively .7) and 2.9 (1; 4) points (p=0.456, Mann-Withney), on the 5th day - 1 (0; 2) and 1.4 (0; 2) points (p=0.179), respectively , Mann-Withney), on the 15th day: in the main group on average 0 (0; 1) points, in 13 (11%) patients - 1 point; in the control group, signs of organ dysfunction were observed in 12 (34%) patients; the average SOFA value in this group was 0.9 (0; 2) points (p = 0.028, Mann-Withney).

The use of L-ornithine-L-aspartate (Hepa-Merz) in our study was accompanied by a more pronounced decrease in cytolysis parameters than in the control (figures “Dynamics of ALT content in patients with a total SAPS II score >30” and “Dynamics of AST content in patients with a total SAPS II score >30").

On day 1, ALT and AST levels exceeded upper limit normal for all patients. The average ALT content in the main group was 137 U/l (27.5; 173.5), in the control group - 134.2 U/l (27.5; 173.5), AST - 120.5 U/l, respectively ( 22.8; 99) and 97.9 U/l (22.8; 99). On the 3rd day, the ALT content was, respectively, 83 U/l (25; 153.5) and 126.6 U/l (25; 153.5) (p-0.021, Mann-Withney), AST - 81.5 U /l (37; 127) and 104.4 U/l (37; 127) (p=0.014, Mann-Withney). On the 5th day, the average ALT content in the main and control groups was 62 U/l (22.5; 103) and 79.7 U/l (22.5; 103) respectively (p=0.079, Mann-Withney), a AST - 58 U/l (38.8; 80.3) and 71.6 U/l (38.8; 80.3) (p=0.068, Mann-Withney). The concentration of ALT and AST in patients receiving L-ornithine-L-aspartate (Hepa-Merz) reached normal values. The ALT level in the main group was 38 U/l (22.5; 49), in the comparison group - 62 U/l (22.5; 49) (p = 0.007, Mann-Withney), the AST level was 31.5, respectively U/l (25; 54) and 54.2 U/l (25; 70) (p=0.004, Mann-Withney).

The study of attention using TSC in patients with a severity of condition according to SAPS II >30 points also revealed better results in the main group (Figure "Dynamics of the state of the neuropsychic sphere in patients with a total score according to SAPS II >30").

Their counting speed by the 3rd day was higher than in the comparison group by 18.8%: it took 89 s (69.3; 105) and 109.6 s (90; 137), respectively (p = 0.163, Mann -Withney); by day 5 the difference reached 34.7%: 59 s (52; 80) and 90.3 s (66.5; 118), respectively (p = 0.054, Mann-Withney). On the 15th day in the main group, counting took an average of 49 s (41.5; 57), which was 47.1% more than the same indicator in the control group: 92.6 s (60; 120); p=0.002, Mann-Withney.

The immediate results of treatment should also include a reduction in hospitalization time by an average of 18.5% in patients of the main group (p = 0.049, Mann-Withney).

In the control group there were 2 (6%) deaths from increasing multiple organ failure (p = 0.15; Χ 2), in the main group deaths did not have.

The observation showed that in the vast majority of cases, L-ornithine-L-aspartate (Hepa-Merz) was well tolerated by patients. 7 (3.8%) patients had side effects, in 2 (1.1%) the drug was discontinued due to the development allergic reaction, 5 (2.7%) experienced dyspeptic symptoms in the form of nausea and vomiting, which were relieved by reducing the rate of drug administration.

Timely use of L-ornithine-L-aspartate (Hepa-Merz) in a complex of therapeutic measures for acute pancreatitis is pathogenetically justified and can significantly reduce the severity of endogenous intoxication. L-ornithine-L-aspartate (Hepa-Merz) is well tolerated by patients.


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