The cat is vomiting saliva. The main reasons why a cat vomits, and the owner’s actions to alleviate the condition. Vomiting white foam

A healthy and cheerful pet is the dream of every owner of a furry creature. However, animals often experience digestive problems in the form of nausea and vomiting. There are many reasons why a cat vomits: from basic overeating to health and life threatening infectious disease. It is important for the owner to be able to recognize when a phenomenon such as vomiting has a dangerous tendency, and also to know how to provide first aid to the animal at home.

Read in this article

Causes of vomiting

There are many reasons why a cat vomits food, but the main ones are:

  • Binge eating. Swallowing food too quickly and consuming large amounts of food often leads to regurgitation of food masses.
  • Formation of hairballs in the stomach leads to irritation of the mucous membrane and vomiting in the pet. Long-haired breeds are especially susceptible to the disease.
  • Lead to nausea and vomiting food associated with eating low-quality stale feed.
  • Animals eating hard parts of indoor plants- a common cause of regurgitation of food masses.
  • Entry of foreign objects into the digestive tract, bones leads to irritation of the stomach and the release of its contents out.
  • . Inflammation of the gastric mucosa is often accompanied by nausea and vomiting in the pet.
  • Inflammation and other pathologies of the pancreas lead to disruption of enzymatic processes during feed digestion and are often accompanied by vomiting.
  • Vomiting can be a symptom of such a dangerous condition for the animal as volvulus, intestinal obstruction, . Such situations require urgent intervention from a veterinarian, as they pose a threat to the pet’s life.
  • Often the cause of nausea and regular vomiting is pathology of the liver and gall bladder. In this case, digestion is disrupted in the first place. fatty foods, which leads to regurgitation.
  • Poisoning with medications, pesticides- common reasons why a cat rejects food masses. This protective reflex helps reduce the concentration of a toxic substance in the animal’s body.
  • Often the reason why a cat burps is because it affects the digestive system. Worms may even be observed in the vomit, indicating intense helminth infestation.
  • Infectious diseases often accompanied by uncontrollable vomiting, which indicates the development pathological process. , calcivirosis, coronovirus infection - this is an incomplete list viral causes Why does a cat burp every day? In addition to nausea and vomiting, the animal will experience increased stress, lethargy, refusal to feed and other symptoms indicating the seriousness of the situation.

Systemic diseases accompanied by nausea and vomiting also include oncological pathologies, diseases nervous system(including stress), pathologies of the heart and kidneys.

What are the main causes of vomiting? pet What to do with this, look at the video:

What does the composition of vomit tell you?

The variety of causes that lead to nausea and vomiting in cats makes them difficult to identify at first glance. However, the nature and composition of the vomit will help in diagnosing the disease. Therefore, if the owner detects vomiting in a pet, before starting cleaning, he should carefully examine the vomited mass.

Vomit color and other characteristic features What color and consistency indicate
Presence of white foam This condition indicates that the stomach is empty. The cause of vomiting in this case may be gastritis, a long-term starvation diet, or a psycho-emotional state (stress). Regular vomiting with white foam in an older cat may indicate the development of cancer. If a cat is vomiting white foam, what exactly should you do? Do not self-medicate, but show your pet to a veterinarian.
Yellow Indicates that bile has entered the stomach. This phenomenon is observed in diseases of the gallbladder, liver, and small intestine.
Green vomit This may happen when the pet has eaten a lot of green grass. However, this color of undigested food may also indicate a large reflux of bile into the stomach, which is an unfavorable symptom and is often observed in acute infectious diseases
Blood impurities Observed in case of injuries, foreign bodies, and stomach ulcers. At home, the owner can inspect the animal's mouth for the presence of foreign objects. If a cat is vomiting, you need to do the following: open the animal’s mouth, find the stuck object and remove it. In other cases, it is necessary to seek qualified veterinary care
Coffee-colored vomit It is an unfavorable symptom of diseases such as gastric bleeding, destruction malignant tumor. The chocolate color is the result of the effect of gastric juice on the blood. If in addition to dark Brown If there is a smell of feces, then you can suspect intestinal obstruction - a phenomenon dangerous to the life of the animal

When diagnosing the causes of nausea and vomiting, it is necessary to pay attention not only to color, but also to the presence of mucus, undigested food particles, foreign impurities (worms, foreign objects), and the consistency of vomit. Thus, vomiting with mucus most often accompanies gastritis, helminthic infestations. On New Year's days, pets often gorge themselves on tinsel and rain, and these foreign objects are often found in the vomit.

Is the condition so dangerous?

Many owners are puzzled about what to do if their cat is vomiting and how to help him at home. Of course, you can try to alleviate the cat’s condition on your own, but only if the cause is known and it does not pose a threat to the health and life of the pet. For example, Often the cause of vomiting is toxicosis in pregnant cat in the first half of term.

As a rule, if vomiting is periodic from time to time, and there are no undigested particles in the vomit, no mucus, and the color is not alarming, then there is no reason to worry. Most veterinary specialists believe that vomiting in cats is a natural process of self-cleansing of the body. Feeding special food for removing hair, regularly giving your pet malt paste or tablets will help solve the problem.

If the cause of vomiting is worms, the owner must carry out unscheduled treatment of the animal for helminths.

However, if vomiting is frequent (several times a day or every day), accompanied by a change in color, there are associated symptoms(fever, diarrhea, refusal to feed, lethargy, etc.), you should immediately contact a veterinarian.

Help an animal

Owners are often lost and don’t know what to do. When a cat vomits, here's what to do at home:

1. First of all, you need to remove all food from your pet.

2. Water should be left if drinking it does not cause new attacks.

3. The owner should measure the cat’s body temperature and inspect the food to ensure its freshness.

4. If vomiting is frequent, care should be taken to prevent dehydration in the pet. To do this, it is necessary to provide the animal with unhindered access to clean water and do not delay your visit to a specialist.

Do not use medications from a human first aid kit if you notice nausea and regurgitation of food in an animal. Only a veterinarian can recommend what to give your cat for vomiting. For example, in case of poisoning with acids, alkalis, or solvents, it is prohibited to induce vomiting. If an animal swallows sharp objects, tinsel, or rain, use a syringe to inject 5 - 6 ml Vaseline oil and go to the clinic.

To learn what to do and how to help your cat if vomiting is caused by poisoning, watch this video:

In a specialized institution, when identifying the causes of vomiting, antiemetic drugs, for example, cerucal, antispasmodics, and detoxifying drugs, can be prescribed. If vomiting is caused by stomach diseases, the pet will be prescribed gastroprotectors that reduce irritation of the gastric mucosa. For diseases of the liver and gall bladder, hepatoprotectors and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.

What to do if a cat vomits due to infectious diseases? In addition to vomiting, viral diseases often accompanied by diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration. In a veterinary clinic, if there are signs of a lack of water in the body, the animal is prescribed intravenous injections of saline, Ringer's solution, and glucose.


To prevent nausea, regurgitation and vomiting in pet to the ownerit is necessary to follow the recommendations of specialists:

  • feed your pet only proven food;
  • avoid overfeeding, give food in small portions several times a day;
  • regularly carry out treatment for helminths;
  • prevent the formation of hairballs in the stomach by periodically using special food and pastes for removing hair, and regularly comb out your pet’s coat;
  • protect the animal from swallowing foreign objects;
  • regularly vaccinate your cat against infectious diseases;
  • Regularly conduct a routine examination with a specialist who will help identify pathologies of internal organs.

Pet owners need to understand what causes vomiting in cats. This will help determine the severity of the problem. And if a cat is found vomiting, the owner should also have an idea of ​​what to do in such a situation in order to provide timely assistance. necessary help pet.

Vomiting is considered a sign of a digestive system disorder, but in cats this process may be normal. In some cases, animals specifically eat grass. This triggers a gag reflex, which helps clear the stomach.

If your cat vomits white foam rarely, there is no need to worry. However, if this happens constantly, you should take your pet to the vet, as vomiting can be a symptom of a serious illness.

Vomiting white foam in cats and kittens can be a protective reaction to the entry of pathogenic bacteria and irritating substances into the digestive system.

This symptom may appear if the animal has eaten something wrong. Pay attention to the vomit. No need to worry if white foam is a homogeneous consistency. This may mean a temporary malfunction of the digestive system.

A possible cause of vomiting may be a large amount of fur entering the stomach if the animal licks itself frequently. This process is typical for long-haired animals.

The wool gets inside and forms into lumps that irritate the gastric mucosa. In this case, the kitten also vomits white foam. Hairballs may be present in the vomit.

Adult cats feel sick and vomit for the same reasons as small kittens.

Vomiting may also occur in the following cases:

  1. Estrus. Occurs on average 3-4 times a year. Nausea and vomiting of white foam may occur during estrus in the estrus stage (sexual receptivity).
  2. Pregnancy in the initial stages. The reasons are hormonal changes and toxicosis. Vomiting can appear in the last stages of pregnancy, when the uterus increases in size and begins to put pressure on the digestive organs.
  3. Stress. Fear and anxiety can cause nausea and vomiting in a cat.

Vomiting once with a small amount of foam is not a reason to panic, there is no need to worry. However, if this happens regularly and the cat's condition worsens, try to help the animal.

What to do if your cat is vomiting?

So, what should you do if your cat is vomiting white foam? Observe your pet for 24 hours. If your cat vomits but is still acting normally, signs of discomfort may disappear the next day.

If you suspect poisoning or an exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases, you can try to help the cat by giving it a fasting day. This will restore the functioning of the damaged organ.

The next day, the animal’s condition should return to normal and the vomiting should stop. On the first day after the fasting day, give your cat rice cooked in chicken broth.

Feed your pet more often (up to 6 times a day), in small portions. In subsequent days, reduce the number of feedings and increase the amount of food. Then gradually transition the cat to a regular diet.

If the vomiting was caused by a common stomach upset, give your pet a mint infusion. Pour 1 teaspoon of herb into 1 cup of boiling water and leave until cool. The drink should be warm. Give your cat 1 tablespoon immediately after vomiting.

If you suspect an accumulation of hairballs in the stomach, give your pet 1 teaspoon of oil. l. You can add it to food. Oil is given 3 times a week. The drug has a laxative effect, vomiting stops.

If vomiting is a symptom of poisoning, give your cat Activated carbon. For an animal weighing 5 kg you will need ½ tablet. For frequent and prolonged vomiting, you can use antiemetic drugs (Paspertin, Torekan, Phenothiazine).

To prevent dehydration, it is necessary to take Regidron, which replenishes the loss of salts and fluids in the body.

In what cases should you contact a veterinarian?

The situation becomes more complicated when the pet feels sick and vomits for more than a day, it becomes weak and lethargic and looks sick. If the cat does not go to the toilet or does not allow his stomach to be touched, you should urgently contact a veterinarian.

Other reasons to contact a specialist:

  1. After a starvation diet, the pet’s condition does not improve; he often vomits (several times an hour).
  2. If your cat doesn't eat anything all day. In this case, foamy vomit is most likely a sign of a serious illness.
  3. Vomiting is accompanied by severe thirst, and the cat does not go to the litter box. This indicates kidney pathology.
  4. Diarrhea, fever (above 38-39 ºС).
  5. Cramps. The symptom indicates damage to the central nervous system.
  6. Bloody discharge can be seen in the vomit.
  7. If your cat regularly spits up fur, his digestive system is not working properly. Your pet may have diseases of the gallbladder, pancreas or rectum.

Vomiting that does not stop for more than a day leads to dehydration. This condition poses a serious threat to life.

The following sign indicates severe dehydration with prolonged vomiting: lift the area of ​​skin with your fingers and release it; it will slowly return to its original shape.

To prevent the death of the animal, you should not self-medicate. Be sure to show your cat to a veterinarian, who will determine the cause of vomiting and provide adequate therapy.


When contacting a veterinary clinic, you need to provide the specialist with the following information:

  1. What did the cat feed, were there any changes in the diet.
  2. How often did vomiting occur?
  3. Whether there is a chronic diseases, infections in the animal that the owner knows about.

This will help establish an accurate diagnosis and take the necessary measures.

Diagnosis of the pathological condition of a cat is as follows:

  • analysis of the type and consistency of vomit;
  • examination of the cat, analysis of the general condition;
  • laboratory tests of blood, urine;
  • Ultrasound abdominal cavity, kidney.

The treatment regimen is selected depending on the established diagnosis. It includes drug therapy and measures to prevent dehydration.

During the treatment of vomiting in a cat, a special diet is necessary. Food should be semi-liquid. Feed your pet more often, in small portions. Meat should only be given boiled and chopped. After stabilization of the condition, the transition to the usual diet should be gradual.

What to do if your cat is vomiting yellow foam?

If a cat vomits yellow foam, this means that bile has entered her stomach. The cause is diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, colitis), biliary tract.

Yellowish vomiting in a cat can occur due to calcivirosis, a sudden change in diet, or a foreign body entering the stomach. If your pet has eaten stale or low-quality food, the load on the liver increases. In this case, vomiting of yellow liquid may also occur.

If you suspect that an inedible object or poor-quality food has entered the stomach, you need to provoke vomiting.

Give it to the animal saline solution. To prepare it, stir 1 tablespoon of salt in 1 glass warm water. Drink the solution until the cat begins to vomit.

If vomiting yellow foam was caused by poisoning, give your pet activated charcoal. During exacerbations gastrointestinal diseases exclude rough, fatty foods from the animal’s diet.

In severe cases, when vomiting with yellow foam was caused by infections, the cat should be taken to the veterinarian. In this case, you need to do droppers with saline solutions, medications.

Vomiting in a cat is not dangerous in itself. This happens to everyone from time to time. This is most often associated with regurgitation of fur trapped in the stomach. Moreover, if a cat has eaten enough fur, it even needs to be provoked to vomit using, for example, cat grass. However, pink and red vomit in a cat- this is a very alarming signal that indicates damage to the internal tissues of the gastrointestinal tract. Internal bleeding is dangerous because the animal can die due to blood loss.

Bleeding in the mouth

Bleeding from a cat's internal organs must be distinguished from bleeding in the mouth and throat. Usually in this case, the blood is scarlet and is not necessarily released through vomiting, but may be in the saliva.

The first thing the owner should do in this case is look into the mouth. If a bleeding wound is found in the mouth, then it will have to be treated.

Common reasons mouth bleeding are all kinds of injuries from food (for example, bones), eating threads and Christmas tree rain, as well as diseases of the oral cavity (gingivitis, stomatitis, tumors, etc.) and lost teeth.

If scarlet blood is mixed with vomit, the cause may be nose bleed: The animal swallows blood and then vomits.

In any case, the blood from the nose or mouth will be fresh and scarlet.

Bleeding from the esophagus

Blood in vomit is most often a sign of damage to the upper parts of the digestive system - the esophagus and stomach.

A sign of bleeding from the esophagus is a scarlet color mixed with the vomit.

The reasons why a cat vomits scarlet blood can be damage from bones and rough food eaten by rain or sausage wrappers, as well as various diseases- ulcers and tumors of the esophagus.

Also, causes of bleeding in the esophagus and stomach include taking medications that corrode the mucous membrane, and coagulopathy - a blood clotting disorder, which can result in massive bleeding even with minor inflammation and slight damage to the mucous membrane.

Bleeding from the stomach

A sign of bleeding from the stomach is that the blood mixed with the vomit is coagulated: it is dark red or even brown in color (like coffee) due to the content of hemoglobin digested by the stomach.

The cause of gastric bleeding in a cat can be the disintegration of a tumor, worms, poisoning, as well as mechanical damage mucous membrane.

Such bleeding often leads to anemia. To detect it, just look at the cat’s oral mucosa: if it turns pale, it’s a clear sign. The condition is also accompanied by apathy and sometimes fever. Ultimately, it leads to death if action is not taken. You need to apply cold to the stomach and immediately go to the vet.

Intestinal bleeding

Vomiting with intestinal bleeding is very similar to vomiting with gastric bleeding. A specific diagnosis can only be made by a veterinarian after an examination.

Intestinal bleeding can occur in small intestine- then the cat vomits blood (brown liquid), and it can happen in the lower sections - then we see feces mixed with dark blood or melena (dark pasty feces, reminiscent of coffee grounds).

Cough with frothy, bloody sputum

It happens that the owner confuses vomiting and coughing up blood, which is a sign of pulmonary hemorrhage or foreign object into the respiratory tract. In such a case, the animal requires urgent veterinary care.

Cat vomits pink foam

If a cat vomits foam mixed with blood, the end result is pink. There is no need to be afraid of the foam itself, because... it could be simple gastric juice. However, foam may also indicate the presence of serious diseases of the internal organs. Therefore, it is better to show the cat to a veterinarian.

If your cat not only vomits, but also coughs up pink foam, this may be caused by respiratory infection, and as a result of which the cough irritates the vomiting center - and vomiting occurs. Blood impurities in it appear as a result of rupture of small capillaries.

Hidden bleeding

If bleeding begins in organs that do not communicate with the external environment, or is not accompanied by vomiting, the owner may not notice it. In this case, the only signs will be general symptoms:

  • apathy and drowsiness;
  • increased body temperature;
  • dyspnea;
  • weakness;
  • pallor of the mucous membranes of the mouth;
  • abdominal enlargement.

If such symptoms occur, you need to take the cat to the veterinarian. And it’s even more worthwhile to hurry if such symptoms began soon after bloody vomiting. This means that the bleeding is quite severe and the mucous membrane does not heal.

First aid

If you notice that your cat has vomited blood or is experiencing bad symptoms, you need to take the following measures: stop giving food for at least 12 hours and ensure rest. Food will only aggravate the damage to the mucous membrane at a time when it could be spending energy on regeneration. Ideally, you should not feed the animal all day long, i.e. 24 hours. But, if you see that the animal is no longer vomiting, bleeding does not appear in any way, the cat behaves as if healthy, it has an appetite, it runs and plays, then after 12-24 hours it can be given gentle food. It is better for a cat to come out of fasting with the help of mucous infusions of rice, vegetable puree in broth, boiled chicken or turkey meat.

To soothe and heal the mucous membranes, you can give your cat a warm decoction of chamomile. The cat itself most likely will not want to drink it, so it needs to be injected into the mouth in small portions from a syringe without a needle. You cannot inject in large portions, because... this may trigger further vomiting.

If, in addition to bloody vomiting, you saw life threatening symptoms described above, or vomiting recurs, then you need to go to the veterinary clinic.

Veterinarian help

At the clinic, the veterinarian can perform blood tests, x-rays, ultrasound and endoscopy. Can also be assigned biochemical analysis blood tests, virus tests, fecal tests. The list of studies will depend on what symptoms, in addition to vomiting, are observed in the cat. If they resemble an infectious disease, there will be some tests, if a foreign object is suspected, then others, etc.

Treatment is determined after diagnosis. But there are cases when the doctor cannot even determine the presence of foreign objects, because X-rays do not show them. As a result, cats remain without a diagnosis for several days. Case from practice. The cat ate the ribbon, after which she began vomiting blood, dehydration and pancreatitis. As a result, veterinarians suspected several diagnoses at once, because... The x-ray showed nothing. At this time, they admitted her to the clinic and maintained the cat’s condition with IVs and other means. As a result, the ribbon came out naturally. The fact that the veterinarians were unable to make a diagnosis is certainly bad. But, on the other hand, they helped maintain the cat’s stable condition while the body dealt with the problem on its own. Otherwise, she could have died from blood loss or dehydration before the ribbon came out.

More often than not, a diagnosis can be made. In the case of a foreign object entering the stomach, the risk of surgery or attempts to remove it naturally is assessed. It all depends on what kind of item it is.

There are cases when even swallowed sewing needles with the help of Vaseline came out through the intestines without damaging it. However, most often in such cases, surgery is prescribed, because if the object does pierce the intestines, the consequence will be quick death.

If the problem is caused by minor damage to the gastrointestinal tract due to unsuccessful food, in particular bones, then treatment is usually conservative: diet (first hungry, then gentle) and monitoring the pet’s condition.

To speed up the healing of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, a cat can be given a dietary supplement with the amino acid glutamine 500 mg twice a day. It is easy to grind into powder and mix with food. Of course, this must be done after the cat has been on a fasting diet for the prescribed time. The amino acid is sold in regular human pharmacies.

Until the cat stops bleeding, its condition must be maintained so that it does not die from dehydration or blood loss. For this purpose, IVs and injections are given.

In a situation where bleeding is caused serious illnesses, they begin to treat not only their consequences (that is, bleeding), but also the root cause. In any case, only a veterinarian can prescribe treatment.

Vomiting in a cat is a fairly common phenomenon that happens to every pet at least once. And often we do not attach due importance to this situation - well, our mustache ate something wrong, it happens. But often, vomiting in a cat can also be a symptom of a serious illness. What to do in this case - how to understand the causes of vomiting and prescribe treatment at home? We will talk about this in our article.

Why is my cat vomiting? This phenomenon is one of the clearest symptoms that something is wrong with the animal. For what reasons does it occur and what diseases may it indicate? Let's look at the main causes of vomiting in cats.


If we talk about pets, then most often hungry vomiting is recorded in the morning, when the stomach is empty after the night. As soon as the animal is fed or even given a drink, the vomiting stops.

Binge eating

Often your cat may vomit after eating. And this back side medals. When the stomach is full, its contents cannot pass into the intestines (after all, the food must be digested) and it returns. And then the cat vomits after eating. Of course, since this food could not fit into the stomach, the cat vomits food or undigested food.

The cat is throwing up hair

Almost every cat owner in his life has encountered the phenomenon of a cat vomiting hair. There's nothing wrong with that. The pet licks itself, the hairs willy-nilly end up in the gastrointestinal tract, which cannot digest the hair.

This hair ball will not pass throughout the intestine, so the vomiting center (and it is present in every mammal’s brain) will give a “command” and reverse peristalsis will begin (that is, the entire contents of the intestine will not go towards the anus, as expected, but will go towards to the mouth). As a result of all this, vomiting begins. This is how hairballs come out of the cat.

If this does not happen, then over time a pilobezoar will form in the intestines - a dense ball of hair that will clog the digestive tract. Food will no longer be able to move through the gastrointestinal tract, and severe intoxication of the body may begin. The animal will be in great pain. It is not uncommon for a cat to vomit food or undigested food because there is nowhere for the food to “move.”

Such a hair ball can only be removed surgically. Therefore, it is extremely important to give the animal special food that helps remove licked fur from the digestive tract. And be sure to brush your pet regularly. Especially during periods of heavy molting.


Vomiting in cats is defensive reaction. And if your pet is poisoned, then vomiting will help remove toxins from the body as quickly as possible so that they do not have time to be absorbed and cause harm to the body. But usually vomiting in cats that have been poisoned is accompanied by diarrhea. The intestines are cleansed from all sides at a fast pace.

However, there is a high risk of dehydration. The cat urgently needs help! Poisoning is especially dangerous for young animals and a pregnant cat. If this is exactly the case for you, we recommend reading.

Vomiting in a pregnant cat

It is no secret that the uterus increases in size while expecting offspring. Due to the fact that there is not much space in the abdominal cavity, others internal organs are compressed, displaced. In addition, during the period of bearing children, expectant mother a real hormonal riot. Therefore, vomiting is sometimes observed in a pregnant cat.

It all depends on the pathogen and where it is localized. It will also be important to examine the cat’s vomit. Don’t be disdainful, because if there is blood or bile in them, then this will already tell you what the animal may have. In addition, when a veterinarian takes a medical history, such details will really narrow down the range of suitable diseases.

Different types of vomit in a cat: what do they indicate?

Attention: below are examples of vomiting in cats in the photo. Do not watch for the faint of heart or impressionable! As surprising as it may sound, vomiting in cats varies. And it is precisely by its characteristics that a diagnosis can presumably be made.

Yellow vomit in a cat

It is extremely rare that yellow vomit in a cat appears due to the coloring of the vomit with dyes from food (often due to feeding with industrial dry food). A cat often vomits yellow, not because of food, but because of bile.

Cat vomits bile

Unlike simply yellow vomit, bile has a bright tint. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to confuse it with something else. It usually occurs in those animals that have developed diseases of the liver and biliary tract. Do not feed your animal fatty or stale food. This is very harmful, it puts a huge strain on the liver.

The liver also suffers after infectious diseases or drug overdose. In some cases, antibiotics can destroy hepatocytes. And in some animals, the simplest antipyretic drugs slowly “kill” the liver, which in the future can lead to cats vomiting bile.

Cat vomits food or undigested food

Either the animal overate or ate too quickly, which resulted in the swallowing of very large pieces, which were regurgitated. However, vomiting in cats in this case one-time

If you notice that your cat often vomits, especially with undigested food, then you should visit the veterinarian’s office. Sometimes regurgitation of food becomes a sign of an inflammatory process in the digestive system (ulcer or gastritis, pancreatitis, colitis, etc.). It hurts the animal to eat; the stomach cannot properly digest so much food, which is why cats start vomiting.

Sometimes such vomiting in cats indicates intestinal obstruction or volvulus.

A cat is vomiting foam, white vomit

If this happened once, then don't worry too much. This happens to animals (and people too) on an empty stomach. This foam is just mucus that protects the stomach walls. If it is not there, an ulcer will form.

But if a cat vomits foam more than once, then it is better to contact a veterinarian. The animal may have gastritis, ulcers, or other inflammatory processes in the digestive organs. And these inflammations are not always of non-contagious etiology. The reason may lie in infection (viruses, bacteria) or helminths.

Vomiting blood in a cat

There are 2 types of vomiting blood in cats. If there was bleeding in the stomach or intestines (for example, due to an ulcer, tumor), then there will be brownish streaks in the vomit. But if their color is scarlet, then the blood is mixed from a wound in the esophagus or in oral cavity. But in any case, be sure to contact your veterinarian immediately! Bleeding is very dangerous! It doesn't always stop on its own.

Treatment of vomiting in cats

Treatment of vomiting in cats should only be carried out under the supervision of a veterinarian! Self-medication can lead to a sharp deterioration in your pet’s health or even death. So, what to do if your cat is vomiting?

The first thing the veterinarian will do is take an anamnesis. That is, you should tell him how long ago it started in the cat, after what it happened, how long it lasts, whether there are other symptoms (many owners, before visiting the veterinarian, themselves prescribe painkillers, antipyretics, which changes the picture of the disease), what kind of vomit there was.

Often owners get scared and the cat vomits after sterilization. However, in most cases, the reason is simple: either the pet is very sensitive to anesthesia and recovers from it in a specific way, or you fed the animal when it has not yet fully recovered from anesthesia. After sterilization, you can give water to an animal only a couple of hours after it is stable on its feet and walking. The pharynx and stomach “depart” much later than the legs. Therefore, if you feed an operated whisker too early, there is a high risk that the cat will start vomiting.

If the veterinarian determines that the pet has been poisoned, then adsorbents will be prescribed (they will absorb toxins onto their surface, preventing them from being absorbed into the blood); if there was a specific poison, then the cat will be given an antidote. Medicines that will restore the water-salt balance are required.

Do not forget about gastritis, ulcers, colitis and other inflammations. The doctor will prescribe therapeutic diets, medications (anti-inflammatory, astringents and others). Surgery is rarely required. If it is determined that helminths are to blame for the vomiting, then deworming will be carried out (in the future, do not forget about prevention).

It is much more dangerous if the cause of vomiting lies in infection. It is not always possible to recognize it quickly. Many owners think that everything will go away on its own and do not seek veterinary help. As a result, the pet may die within a few days. In order for the cat to recover, specific immunoglobulins or serums are required. It is almost impossible to choose it “at random”. We need test results.

Still have questions? You can ask them to our site's in-house veterinarian in the comment box below, who will respond to them as soon as possible.

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Hello! My cat is 9 years old. cat six months ago skin covering became yellow color. Now the cat vomits after eating. They took me for an ultrasound, they said all the organs were healthy, but there was just a cyst in the abdominal cavity, it was putting pressure on the internal organs. They said that nothing could be done, they did the operation only in Samara, and I am from Saratov. The cat is melting before our eyes, it’s very pathetic. How can I help him?

An adult cat, 19 years old, vomits yellowish liquid once a day at night. Appetite and activity are normal. She eats raw minced meat and whiskey and started drinking milk. The specialist recommended feeding 5cm of hair removal paste per day.

Hello! Please tell me, the cat is 9 months old, we eat dry food for kittens, Optimil, and she started vomiting a yellowish paste with green mucus. Vomiting is not frequent, 3 times a day. Active, playful, but stopped eating, this is the second day (

Daria 19:41 | 23 Mar. 2019

Hello! I have a cat, he is half a year old. He ate boiled chicken bones (took it out of the trash can) and now he is vomiting all day. Lethargic, lies all the time or sleeping, in his arms doesn’t walk, doesn’t eat or drink all day. Vomiting without blood, brown with pieces of bones, odorless, liquid, in small portions. When gagging, does not choke or cough. Please help! Tell me what to do! Should I take him to the vet or just watch him for a while, maybe give him something or at least pour him a little water?

Catherine 12:12 | 10 Mar. 2019

Hello! I have a 7 month old cat, he has been vomiting for 4 days now, 2-3 times. The first vomiting was at first water and wool with undigested food, then just greenish water and just water. His behavior has not changed, he is playful, but his appetite is reduced. On the third day they started giving Vetom 1.2. Today is the 4th day he has vomited some water. Three hours later after work, I went to the bowl and ate my dry food, but after 15 minutes it vomited... I don’t know what to do and what to do with it...? I give dry food “Hils” for kittens. 4-5 days ago she gave me some sour cream

Sasha 20:55 | 19 Feb. 2019

Hello! The cat is 4 years old and has been vomiting for 4 days, first with fur mixed with bile, now with just bile and undigested food. There was green diarrhea, now the stool has formed a little, but is still green. I just started drinking water today; before that I was given water and syringe feeding. They gave him activated carbon, but he also vomited it. The cat lives in his parents' apartment, has never been outside, was fed liverwort, raw liver, and sometimes Royal food (the food doesn't eat well, we tried feeding boiled meat, poultry, canned meat for children, but he doesn’t want to eat anything except liver from one plant and liver). The fur always grows a lot, but the cat does not go bald. His parents refuse to take him to the vet, and I live hundreds of kilometers away from them and don’t know how to help.

    Daria is a veterinarian 00:49 | 16 Feb. 2019

    Hello! Whatever. From poisoning to infectious disease. One symptom at a time without an in-person examination and normal history taking (feeding, housing, treatment, how long ago it started, what was given, what other symptoms, is there access to house plants/garbage/household chemicals, injuries, past illnesses, including recent ones) , etc.) no one will make a diagnosis. Falls on his side and is weak due to constant vomiting. We urgently need IVs before death from dehydration occurs! If the cause is not poisoning, then antiemetics must be administered

    Tatyana 09:01 | 18 Feb. 2019

    Hello, my cat started vomiting. She is exhausted, poor thing, she will eat, some time will pass and she will lie. At first I thought it was wool, but the vomiting did not stop, she wants to eat, but all the food comes out. I arrived from a business trip (4 days later), the cat can barely walk due to her thinness. I took her to the doctor, they did a blood test, an ultrasound of the liver, kidneys, and bladder. The diagnosis is initial renal failure, that it is the kidneys that are causing intoxication. We injected Disol for three days, an antibiotic injection under the skin for three days, and for some reason only two days an antiemetic. That is, on the last (third day) a drip and an antibiotic. The cat came to life, even her fur became shiny, she ate (she was on a strict diet - she bought the most expensive food that the doctor recommended). She gave this pate every two hours, in general, after three days of drips, she even went to the toilet for the most part (she had nothing to go to before that). And on the morning of the 4th day, she vomited again in the morning. I’m at work and I see the same thing starts, I brought her a piece of pate (this recommended food), she sniffed it, moved away and vomited just yellow water, I think bile. I called the clinic and the answer was a visit to us. I can’t imagine what to do with her, you won’t keep dripping endlessly, especially as they pulled the catheter out of the vein, and she was screaming at me. She then limped the rest of the day.

    Daria - veterinarian 20:55 | 19 Feb. 2019

    Hello! Did you hope that such a complex pathology would go away in 4 days? It does not develop in a minute, and sometimes therapy takes months (especially if the kidney tissue has been destroyed). Patients most at risk for acute renal failure are those with kidney disease. serious injury, systemic disease (pancreatitis, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, liver disease), decreased blood volume, electrolyte disturbances, hypo- or hypertension, fever, sepsis, use of nephrotoxic drugs (especially if self-medication was experimented with), anesthesia, hypercalcemia, lymphoma, leptospirosis. These are one of the few reasons that provoke the development of acute renal failure. Droppers are necessary (especially with sodium and chlorides, because a large number of ions are excreted in the urine, because diuresis increases). But potassium, on the contrary, is retained in the body, because with acute renal failure, its excretion by the kidneys and excretion through the gastrointestinal tract are impaired. It is dangerous to administer potassium supplements without monitoring its level in the blood! It will also cause heart problems. But you can’t pour sodium in liters, everything is good in moderation. It is necessary to prescribe diuretics and drugs to improve blood flow in the kidneys very carefully (under the supervision of a doctor). Antiemetics can be administered with caution. In general, did you take biochemistry tests to assess the current state of the kidneys and liver?

Marina 16:28 | 01 Feb. 2019

Hello! Please help my Manechka, she ate a New Year's plastic streamer 2 days ago. These 2 days she does not eat or drink. She vomits 2-3 times an hour. The vomit was clear mucus, but a couple of times it had a dark brown tint. Before each attack she screams a lot. Is it possible to somehow get this nasty thing out of her stomach at home? Help my girl please

Julia 13:58 | 01 Feb. 2019

Hello. I have a Maine Coon cat. Last night she vomited several times, after that she didn’t eat anything, even in the morning she was lethargic. Please tell me what could be the reason. She vomited not wool, but undigested food.

Hello, my cat is 18 years old, he hasn’t walked for 2 years, he has problems with his back and hind legs. He also has urolithiasis and asthma. We look after him, give him medicine, give him a massage. The cat's appetite is good, he goes to the toilet normally, but sometimes he has to be given a laxative. Our veterinarian told us to euthanize the cat half a year ago. In recent months, the cat has become worse - it began to “shrink out” and began vomiting. Vomits after eating, grinds his teeth when he chews food, then seems to be choking, either he cannot swallow, or the food gets into his teeth, he regurgitates everything back, along with white foam. One of his teeth is broken. He eats dry Purina and Felix sachets. Current medications include cystone and flixotide inhaler. Vomiting is almost constant, so little food gets in, but he has an appetite. Is there any way I can help at home? What antiemetic drugs can be given? Or maybe give antibiotics? He took 2 courses of Sinulox 50 mg in the fall and winter. There is no point in taking him to the veterinary clinic; he may not get there because he is scared. Is it possible to help in some other way or is it better not to torture and euthanize?

The cat is 17-18 years old, sterilized, he always lies once a day, more often after eating, 2-3 hours later. This lasts almost a month. Vomits not digested food, but liquid in the form of mucus or water. We feed cat food“Felix” with boiled meat, sometimes we give raw meat, drinks milk and water

Hello. The cat is 9 years old. He vomited undigested food all day. On the second day, a single vomiting of saliva. To the toilet and feeding as usual. Not lethargic. The abdomen is soft, painless. The condition is a little worried, but everything is just as comfortable. Nothing except special food we don’t give (Royal Canin for fussy and urinary, dry and wet) Diagnosis since 2010 of ICD and pyelonephritis. Remission for 2 years. He often sits near the flowers, there is a suspicion that he sometimes bites the flowers. Or rather the soil. They also sowed grass for cats are turned into sawdust, we don’t let them grow up well, they gnaw them. There is no diarrhea. The cat itself is stressful, it’s difficult to go to the veterinarian with him. We go only in exceptional cases, so as not to injure us again. What can be done at home?


Please help me save the cat.
Age about 14 years.
I have been vomiting food frequently for the last month. They thought it was poisoning.
But last week I started to burp bile, it seemed (because it was a dull yellow color).
He drinks little water. We feed ourselves through a syringe. The pupils are large. The coat is dull. I lost weight 2 times.
He just lies there, he has an appetite, but it’s very weak. He eats little by little 5 times a day. The eyes are dull. Severely dehydrated.
We can get to the veterinary clinic in 2 days.

Please tell me how to alleviate his condition.
Or how can you restore your water balance for at least 2 days?
Thank you

The cat is 10 years old. Periodically (every few months) vomiting begins after eating. The doctor prescribed Cerucal. 1. Today, after the injection, the cat began to have a strange reaction. Googled it - overdose. What should I do? Should I wait until it goes away on its own? Or is there something that can be done? The cat seems lost, complains, orientation is disturbed, does not sleep, complains.
2. How to still diagnose a cat. Every time vomiting starts, we go to the doctor, and every time they say that without a biopsy a diagnosis cannot be made, and for this the cat needs to do abdominal surgery With general anesthesia. Is this really the only way?
all the troubles started when IAMS disappeared. Now we are suffering. Currently eating Purina ProPlan for gastrointestinal problems.
Thank you!

Good day! The cat is a cross between a Scotsman and a yard cat. Mkb Acidic urine. There are struvite and oxalates. Recently I had a problem with urination; a catheter was inserted once every 24 hours, twice every 2 days. When they removed the 2-day catheter, it got stuck (as the doctor said, “the catheter was supported by a stone in the urethra”) The course of treatment was antibiotic Baytril, droppers under the skin of 50 ml of saline occasionally, graying once every 7 days, papaverine for 8 days, we still give cystophane por, food poutine urinari (pate). The cat is 4 years old and neutered. Antibiotics were given for 10 days. On the 6th day of taking the antibiotic, vomiting began. Still vomiting. Treatment started on November 28 and ended on December 6. Vomits undigested food after an average of 3 hours, but sometimes faster. There is lethargy, he asks for food, drinks about 20 ml per day + food diluted with water.

Hello! We have one like this the problem is the cat I ate a piece of thick polyethylene. During the day, the appetite did not change (eats, drinks), the state of health is normal. At night I tried to tear, a little liquid came out. On the second day I went to the toilet, there was no film there. Two more days passed, no changes in behavior. Yesterday I had hard stool again, no film in it. The cat tried to vomit again, but nothing. The abdomen is not tight, not painful. He eats and drinks. I am worried about the urge to vomit and the absence of this film in the stool. Tell me what to do. Thank you!

Hello! I do not know what to do. My British cat vomits all day. First in the morning she vomited a large, white, thick pile, and then about every two hours she vomited a little white foam, sometimes transparent like drool or something slightly yellowish, and in the evening she vomited a little bit of curdled milk, but in a fountain. This is the first time this has happened to her, yesterday she stopped going for walks, the cat was not taken to mating. She dewormed a year ago, lives in an apartment, feeds him dry kite-cat, liquid friscus or kite-cat, loves milk.

Hello! The cat is 13 years old, small, short-haired, domestic. The last time we dewormed was in the fall of last year. He eats dry food PerfectFikt or jelly food of the same brand. Recently they brought some grass from the dacha, she ate it and vomited grass leaves. Then she ate the food and vomited undigested food. Then she didn’t eat anything for 12 hours, drinking only water. Then they gradually spoon-fed liquid food, then dry and everything was fine for two days. Now in the evening the vomiting started again for no apparent reason. One burp was dark brown in color. Next are two small transparent burps with foam. Then I went to the toilet in small ways and in big ways, but with difficulty. I sat and pushed for a long time. The feces are normal. Then she drank only water. And she vomited a second time with transparent foam. The behavior is quite normal, the nose is cold, wet, temperature is 38.4 (measured in groin area), pulse and respiration rates are normal, and asks to eat all the time. What could it be? Should you see a doctor? Help me please…

    Hello! To examine the cat. Avoid overeating? It is necessary to exclude gastritis. Doesn't vomit foam on an empty stomach? Do you worm regularly? What exactly are you feeding? If dry food, what kind? Does it shed a lot? Doesn't she spit up fur?

    Dewormed before vaccination. Vomits after eating. I feed him soup, sometimes boiled fish, pates, and spoil the children with pureed meat and dairy products. He practically does not chew food, but swallows it immediately. She also has her tongue constantly sticking out.

Good afternoon, this evening I returned from work
My cat started vomiting yellow liquid
At the same time, he screams very loudly and vomits about 6 times in an hour, then it stops.
The cat itself is lethargic, when I try to pet it, it leaves me and meows.
While vomiting he screams very loudly. The cat is 2.5 years old
We feed dry whiskey for castrates, anthelmintic.
Short-haired cat.
What to do?
What could it be?
And is this dangerous for his health?

Hello! My cat is 16 years old, I feed him Hills k/d food for his kidneys, before that 2 years ago I was at the veterinarian’s clinic, the tests weren’t very good, that’s why I was prescribed this food. But Lately the cat began to vomit undigested food, sometimes hairballs came out along with the food, but now after every meal of dry food he sometimes vomits mucus with a reddish admixture, but if you give wet food same brand, everything is fine and no problems. Maybe change the diet? He doesn’t drink water often, there’s no discharge from the eyes, his nose is cold, he’s not sad in himself, but he’s lost a little weight.

    Hello! Examine the cat veterinarian. Rule out gastritis, ulcers and other inflammatory processes in digestive tract. Ultrasound, general blood and biochemical analysis. Give malt paste to prevent the accumulation of fur in the stomach (the licked fur after malt paste comes out with the feces and does not bunch up in the gastrointestinal tract). Usually, medicinal food is given for six months, then the animal is monitored. If after a course of medicated food there are noticeable improvements, then it can be recommended to switch to simple (non-medicated) food. What was the cat's diagnosis?

    Hello! They didn’t make a diagnosis, but they said that creatinine (217.74) and urea (13.28) were too high, based on blood tests. And they also told me to feed them medicated food K/D throughout my life, because there are problems with my kidneys. But it was 2 years ago.

    Well, these numbers show that there is a problem with the kidneys. But you need to look for the reason. Maybe there was nephritis/pyelonephritis or something else, the animal was treated and you can “leave” the treatment, and give it for the sake of prevention once every six months (for a course of 3-6 months). The blood needs to be re-examined, ideally an ultrasound should also be done to understand whether there is any damage to the kidneys. Diet adjustments may be necessary. I would also like to have my urine analyzed and pH tested. And then it’s time to decide: Renal or Urinari series of feeds is needed. Some alkalize, while others, on the contrary, acidify. Exclude renal failure follows. Drug therapy may also be needed.

Good afternoon I switched my cat from Gemon food (an allergy started) to Gina Elite grain-free food. He is eating well, the itching has gone away, the scratching has also healed, he eats dry and wet food of the same brand. Sometimes there is vomiting, food mixed with wool - is this normal?

The cat has been vomiting foam and just clear liquid 7 times for 24 hours already, he doesn’t eat or drink, doesn’t pee, and pooped a little last night. I take it in my arms and he growls. Constantly licks eggs. There is no way to get to the clinic in the near future. What to do?

Rose 12:45 | 12 Feb. 2018

Help me please! There is no veterinary station in the town. Male cat, Thai, 4.5 years old, not neutered, weight 4.5 kg, fully vaccinated, fed dry Royal Canin. There were no previous health problems. On the evening of February 9, Vitamax flea drops were applied to the withers (only the natural composition of plant oils is indicated). On the morning of February 10, we noticed that the cat was bothered by its genitals and was constantly licking them. I didn't eat or drink during the day. In the morning I went mostly to the litter box - no change. During the day I vomited some kind of yellow mass. In the evening, he began to sit on the tray and sit for a long time in this position, as if he was peeing. But not a drop was found in the tray. By late evening he became lethargic and motionless. He meowed in a voice that was not his own. He began to not only sit in the tray, but also lie down. I lay there all night, until 5 am. He refused water and food. On February 11 we tried to find veterinary clinic. We don't have them in our city. We went through all the things in the pharmacy and they gave us the phone number of the veterinarian. They called and told us they could examine the cat only on Monday. They said that flea drops had nothing to do with it. Most likely it is cystitis or urticaria. It is important that the cat pee, otherwise it will get worse; for this you need to give an injection of baralgin and popaverine, at the rate of 0.1 ml per 1 kg of animal. We got an injection in the thigh insulin syringe 0.4 ml baralgin. After 3-4 minutes, the cat began to vomit white foam and mucus, he shook his head, did not let him come to him, and tried to remove the mucus from his face with his paws. Then, Scarlet Blood appeared in the white foam, and blood foam was already vomiting. We called this veterinarian, he said to go to the pharmacy and buy Hegalon and give an injection. What is this intoxication in a cat? We didn’t do this, and we didn’t inject papaverine either, because we were afraid that it would get even worse. Before Baralgin, he at least just sat in the tray. Yesterday this vomiting of blood stopped. He was lying down. Towards night I vomited white foam. At night he jumped onto the table and lay on the table. Today, February 12, in the morning I vomited water containing something yellow. It is obvious that he has no strength. It’s scary to take him to this veterinary and we have no other choice. Tell me something

Anastasia 04:26 | 11 Feb. 2018

Good morning! I feed my cat Royal Horse for the British and soft whiskey. Once every two to three months he vomits hair, but sometimes during vomiting his legs are paralyzed and his eyes become glassy, ​​but after 10-20 seconds he regains consciousness. What's wrong with him? And how terrible are his fainting spells?

Anton 02:05 | 02 Feb. 2018

Hello, the cat is 2 years old last year, over the summer he was full of children's puzzles, they had an operation, but the cat either didn’t understand or else that after a while another thing happened, he couldn’t go to the toilet, they did an X-ray and an ultrasound foreign body but thank God they didn’t find anything except gas in the stomach, we bought microlax children’s enemas and after 3 days it was gone. Yesterday and today he vomited either mucous water or foam with water that is not quite white but also not quite transparent, tell me what to do yesterday, he vomited 5 times in a day and today the first time at 5 in the morning and half 6 the second first time with clear water for the second foam!?

Hello. The cat is almost 10 months old. For the second day he does not eat or drink anything. He only sleeps and sometimes gets up, meows and vomits yellow liquid, more like bile. Doesn't go to the toilet. The nose is warm.
We were told that he had worms. They gave him a pill, it didn't help.
What to do? 🙁
What is this and what could be causing it?

The kitten is 2.5 months old and has been vomiting bile for two days.
Today is the third day, the cat drinks only water and mother’s milk.
She doesn’t eat anything, she went to the toilet, 50/50 liquid and solid.
Today I tried to give her kitten food in jelly, she only licked the jelly, but she doesn’t eat the pieces, she chews it and then spits it out.
I checked my mouth and there is nothing foreign.
Her mouth smells and her eyes are a little watery (the eyes just started today). She’s lethargic, sleeps all the time and asks to be held in her arms, she started sleeping the same way with me.
The veterinary clinic opens on the 9th, but I don’t know what to do with her anymore (I gave her activated charcoal)
The cat is not vaccinated or wormed, we planned to start after the holidays.

Hello. The cat is 2.5 years old. Anthelmintic 1 time per season. last 01.12.17. The cat is fluffy, neutered, has “proplan”, dry food, brushed once a week. During the holidays I was left alone and checked once a day. When we returned home we found vomit made of thick wool, parts of a foam rubber toy and a blade of grass. Afterwards, the vomiting became straw-colored and turned yellow. I had an appetite, went to the toilet, after two days yellow vomit They brought me to the clinic and did an x-ray. He didn't show anything. They said that due to improper feeding (the food is poured in as it is eaten without taking into account weight) gastritis, they put on a drip with Ranger-Locke, saline solution, subcutaneous antiemetic drug and a/b. The vomiting has intensified, he vomits a lot, does not go to the toilet, completely refuses food, drinks little and pees. Syringes with antiemetic and a/b were taken to the house. We independently placed a drip with saline solution. In the afternoon they gave 4 pieces of wet food (in the store they offered medicinal food "Heels" for gastrointestinal diseases) and water from a syringe, again severe vomiting, all 4 pieces came out uncooked. The cat has lost a lot of weight. Mucous membranes are pale. To the hospital tomorrow. The city is small, they don’t do much testing. Tell me what could be the reasons? What should I insist be done in the hospital?

10:31 | 29 Dec. 2017

Hello, we have the following problem: the cat has been vomiting for 3 days, doesn’t eat anything, doesn’t want to drink. The vomit is yellow. 1 the nose was dry and warm, but today and yesterday the nose is cold. What to do? Please tell me how to feed the cat after vomiting

We took the cat to the cat for mating. When they came to pick her up, she was terribly angry, her fur stood on end, hissing and lunging at everyone. I think she was already feeling bad then. We took her into the car, where she started vomiting yellow. When we arrived home, she went to the toilet with yellow liquid. Worth feeding - right there vomits yellow. They thought that she was nervous from the move, but it lasted 3 days, which caused serious concerns. She hardly ate (she only drank water) and lay lethargic. On the 4th day, when they decided to go to the veterinary clinic, she felt better. She eats, doesn't vomit, goes to the toilet normally, but still sleeps a lot.
A question. What could it be? Can there be consequences and what are they? And is it worth going to the clinic? The cat is nervous and does not tolerate moving well.
If it’s important, I can also say about the cat: she is 6 years old, 3 kg, her breed is Thai (this breed has a weak liver, which worries me).

My cat is 14 years old. The cat is neutered. Over the years I have been feeding him Whiskas, Felix, chicken breast and sometimes I give well-boiled fish, pollock or hake. The cat is fluffy and constantly licks its fur and does not allow it to be combed. Of course he regurgitates it, but for the last six months he has been regurgitating thick pink mucus, like blood. For a week now, my stool has become worse and has become the consistency of semolina or sour cream. The cat is constantly lying down and has become inactive. I can't understand what's wrong with him.

British cat. The second day I felt the urge to vomit, in the morning at 6 o’clock I threw up a hairball (a lot) and some leftover food (a little). I asked for food and ate half a pack of Royal Canin. After some time, I tore everything out. At 9 am I finished the second half, an hour and a half later I threw up the partially digested one. The nose is cold and wet. He walks around and doesn’t understand what’s happening. It's been a while since we've wormed. Likes to lick all the bags and lie on shoes. P.S. Vomiting that clears the stomach is rare. Once every six months, and sometimes more. I read that they give cerucal. Maybe it's worth it?

The cat is 3.5 years old. A few days (3-4) ago, I suddenly began to experience the urge to vomit, sometimes vomiting saliva. The condition was generally satisfactory. The appetite has not changed. I suspected a hairball in the gastrointestinal tract, yesterday I poured in 15 ml of Vaseline oil, several pieces of hair came out with the stool. I sighed calmly and waited for improvement, however, the urge continued, so I poured in another 10 ml. The cat went into the litter box a couple of times with liquid, light yellow stool, without fur. Last year, the cat suffered from calcivirosis; the doctor prescribed Gamavit, along with other medications. This time I independently administered s/c 1.0 Gamavit.
Towards evening, I noticed that the cat’s condition had worsened, he ate little, an hour later - vomiting of undigested food once, weakness, lethargy, frequent vomiting.
Tell me how I can help at home, what the tactics are, at least until the morning, to the veterinarian.

Good afternoon.
The cat vomited for the second day immediately after eating.
Yesterday she ate, and a couple of minutes later she vomited the food she ate. She had fish for the evening, but since she behaved normally during the day, I didn’t think that dinner would turn out like this.
In the morning I decided to give her some oatmeal without spices (she loves oatmeal) and the cat drank some water, but after a couple of minutes she returned everything again.
Tell me what could be the reason and how can I help it? She goes to the toilet outside, so there is no way to monitor exactly how she goes (liquid or not).

Hello! On November 13, we adopted a kitten from the bird market; he is 1 month and 2 weeks old. At first everything was fine, he was cheerful, but he hardly ate, they thought he was adapting to the new home. But he stopped eating completely, drinking too, he is very lethargic, doesn’t play, sleeps all the time. Yesterday he started vomiting, he vomited at night yellow water, a little white foam. I tried to force him to drink water, because he was vomiting a lot, so that there would be no dehydration, he was in no way, I gave him water from a syringe, gave him a little kefir from a syringe (the woman from whom the kitten was taken said that he eats kefir, cottage cheese, boiled chicken, kitten food) was fed exclusively with this. After kefir he had diarrhea and I didn’t give him any more kefir, only water. After we adopted the kitten, we consulted with a friend by phone, she is a veterinarian, she said the same thing about nutrition as the woman who gave the kitten, but also said that there is now an infection in this “bird market”. Unfortunately, we found out about this when he was already taken. Friends had a case, they took a kitten from the same market about 5 years ago, he lived with them for a week, the symptoms were similar, but we did not attach any importance, because it was a long time ago and you never know an isolated case. The condition of the cat is very lethargic, today we will go to the veterinary clinic. But still, please tell me, what is this? Virus?

Good afternoon, tell me, the cat has been vomiting for the second day, about five times, there was food in the vomit only on the first day and the first time, and it was all yellow. Vomits yellow water and foam. At the end of the day he eats and drinks a little. She eats liquid and dry delicacy, she has become lethargic, but she walks and lies down, there is no fever. I went to the toilet normally, only at the end it was as if the yellow water had wiped away a little and there was a very strong smell. He doesn’t eat, he drinks a little water. I don’t even know how to take her to the vet, I’ve been there a couple of times, and both times I bit everyone.

  • A symptom of many diseases in cats is vomiting white foam - a reflex, jerky ejection of the contents of the stomach or intestines through the mouth. Divided by:

    • Physiological - is a protective act of the body aimed at getting rid of toxins, indigestible food, less often - it is a symptom of a disease.
    • Pathological - is a consequence of improper operation various organs and systems, often acts as a symptom of the underlying disease.

    Physiological evacuation of food does not pose a threat and usually occurs no more than once a day, without inhibiting the animal’s activity. If your pet has signs of apathy, lethargy, lacks appetite (negative symptoms), diarrhea, jaundice, and fever are observed - this in most cases indicates the development of a pathological process and requires additional measures to be taken.

    Causes of white foam vomiting in cats

    Common causes of vomiting:

    • Difficult to digest foods.
    • Spoiled food.
    • Quick swallowing of food.
    • Accidentally eaten inedible objects.

    The main cause of physiological vomiting in cats is errors in diet and lifestyle. Inadequate physical exercise, active play in young individuals after feeding, or compression of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular the duodenum and stomach, can also lead to regurgitation of food.

    The causes of pathological vomiting in cats include a number of diseases of viral, bacterial, fungal and functional origin.

    It could be:

    • Panleukopenia.
    • Infectious peritonitis.
    • Helminthic infestations.
    • Tumors.
    • Disorders of the anatomy of the gastrointestinal tract.
    • Various diseases of internal organs.
    • An atypical form of rabies.

    What to do if your cat has diarrhea and vomits white foam

    It is important to pay attention to the frequency of manifestations, evaluate the quality and quantitative characteristics. Damage to the proximal gastrointestinal tract may be accompanied by bleeding. If your cat has diarrhea and vomits white foam mixed with blood, this may indicate bleeding from the stomach and/or esophagus.

    A long oncological process can occur with an increase in temperature due to intoxication of the body by decaying tumor cells. Blood streaks may be present in the stool.

    White foam vomiting in cats: treatment

    Depending on the reason that caused the regurgitation of food, various measures must be taken. If it was established that the animal rummaged through waste or consumed food houseplants, then these factors should be eliminated: limit access to plants, store garbage in places that are difficult for the animal to reach. Starting a new diet can also cause vomiting. In such cases, the regurgitated material will not have any impurities, the discharge will be single and not abundant. Such vomiting of white foam in cats does not require specialized treatment.

    If your pet tries to eat an indigestible product or third-party objects (Christmas tree decorations, rubber products, etc.), then you should carefully monitor the animal’s condition. Such objects may cause obstruction and lead to severe complications. In this case, the animal will need surgery. For diagnosis, you can use ultrasound or x-ray with a contrast agent.

    If vomiting is repeated, the evacuation of the stomach contents occurs like a fountain, the presence of impurities (blood, bile, feces) is determined, a foul odor appears, the animal is exhausted, it is necessary to seek specialized help. It is necessary to limit food intake so as not to provoke a gag reflex, but provide the animal with free access to fresh water. In cases of repeated and profuse vomiting, dehydration becomes a serious threat to the pet's life. But you should not force the animal to drink. Cats with severe conditions should receive supportive care – intravenous administration solutions, prescribing antiemetics and painkillers, monitoring electrolyte balance.

    Quantity pathological conditions leading to vomiting is very high. Regurgitation of white foamy liquid can be either a harmless sign (regurgitation of a hairball with the capture of gastric mucus and its foaming due to the entry of air in the process), or a consequence of a serious illness that requires immediate attention. surgical intervention(obstruction, peritonitis). Therefore, when repeated vomiting You should immediately contact a veterinary clinic for diagnosis.

    With this they read:

    Viral diseases of cats

    The nature of each disease has its own characteristics and routes of infection. The cause can be either a sick animal or a carrier that looks healthy outwardly without the slightest manifestation of symptoms.

    Diarrhea in cats, treatment and causes

    Diarrhea (diarrhea in cats) is a fairly common occurrence, which is usually associated with violation of the rules of keeping the animal and can be accompanied by frequent, often painful, loose stools for quite a long time.

    Mammary tumors in cats: treatment and removal surgery

    Mammary tumors are a common disease among cats. The malignant nature of the neoplasms is more common. Mostly older cats over 8 years of age are at risk. In females that were sterilized before the first sexual heat (“estrus”), these neoplasms practically do not occur.