How to cover your face with foundation. Problems of maintaining beauty: how to disguise acne on the face. Mask with aspirin

Every girl has days when breakouts appear, so you need to know how to disguise pimples on your face so that they are not too noticeable to others. Even if facial care is quite sufficient and correctly selected, pimples may still appear at least sometimes, especially before starting critical days. Sometimes it happens that the teenage period is long behind us, but rashes continue to appear on the face with enviable regularity, so you should know how to hide acne with various means.

Before you try to hide pimples, you need to remember that they cannot be squeezed out, as this will lead to an increase in the source of inflammation and the spread of infection, and after that everything will take a long time to heal, and a scar may also remain.

Preliminary preparation

To make imperfections less noticeable, you should remember 2 simple rules: first they should be reduced in size, and then made so that their color blends with the skin tone - this way the makeup will be very natural and not too overloaded.

As everyone knows, the easiest way to disguise rashes is by using correctors and foundations. But before using them, you can try to reduce the size of the pimple. Eye drops, for example Vizin, etc., will be an excellent help with this. You need to take similar drops, apply a little on a cotton pad and apply to the pimple. Such drugs have a vasoconstrictor effect and also dry out the skin. To make this method even more effective, you need to place the moistened disk in the freezer for 5 minutes - during this time it will be covered with a thin crust of ice. After applying it for a few minutes, the pimple will shrink significantly. If the rash is large, then the procedure should be repeated several times.

In addition to Visine, you can also use Paracetamol or Citramon - crush the tablet, mix with a small amount of water to form a paste, apply to the pimple and hold for 15 minutes; After this, you can apply decorative cosmetics.

Hide everything with foundation

After the rash has decreased, you can begin to disguise it using decorative cosmetics. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that all applied products are of high quality, adhere well and have high coverage. Layers of decorative cosmetics should not look like “ layered cake"on the face, because this will not hide the problem, but rather emphasize it.

Before applying corrector and foundation, the skin must be degreased and cleansed. To do this, you will need to wash your face with some cleanser, apply a lotion that will tighten the pores, and then a non-greasy moisturizer or gel (it is better if they contain anti-inflammatory components).

After preparation, you can begin applying foundation. It is better to choose a product that is intended for problem skin and contains salicylic alcohol, tea tree and other anti-acne components. Such a product should be dense enough (to hide all imperfections), persistent (so as not to disappear at the most inopportune moment throughout the day) and contain ingredients that will not clog pores or provoke further more problems with skin.

As for the shade of the foundation, it should be a tone lighter than the skin. It is not recommended to take a darker foundation and cover the entire face with it, because this option only looks good on the skin without any special problems, and on rashes it will highlight them very noticeably.

To carry out local masking, you should take a dark shade and apply it pointwise to the problem. Then a light-colored layer is placed on top. It is best to use high-quality mineral cosmetics, as they are known for their non-comedogenic properties (does not clog pores and does not provoke inflammation). The same technique can be used in cases where it is necessary to hide scars on the face, both from acne and any other origin.

There is no need to use foundations with a pink undertone, because this color will emphasize all inflammation and visually aggravate the situation. This also applies to pink blush. Preference should be given to a peach or light brown product.

It is better to apply foundation with a tightly packed kabuki brush or duo-fiber. You should not use various sponges, as during periods of active inflammation this is considered not very hygienic.

Pencils, concealers, correctors

How to cover up pimples without using foundation? Very often, several layers of foundation, covered with fixing powder on top, look like a mask, and if there are also too many pimples on the face, then the sight turns out to be completely unsightly. In addition, if you need to mask just a few problems, you can pay attention to masking pencils or sticks.

To cover up pimples on your face, you will need to take a camouflage pencil (consists of parts of green and beige colors) and place a dot in the center of the rash. After this, you need to carefully shade the pencil over the entire surface of the pimple, and cover everything on top with the beige side and also shade it. To seal this product and to even out the masked part with the face, it is necessary to powder the rash. When choosing the shade of such a pencil, preference should be given to a product that is 1-2 shades lighter than the skin, or at least to match it - this way you can achieve the most natural coverage. It is better to choose a pencil for camouflage that contains anti-inflammatory agents. natural oils, acids, antibacterial extracts.

In addition to two-color camouflage pencils, other products are presented on the modern cosmetic market - concealers and correctors. The former have a light texture and less coverage compared to correctors - thick, creamy, mousse products, which can also be produced in stick form.

At that moment when on your face a large number of imperfections, you should avoid wearing bright shades of lipstick, especially pink and red, as they tend to make the inflamed areas even more noticeable. It is better to shift all the accents in makeup to the eyes - if they are more expressive and emphasized, then much attention will not be focused on imperfections.

To set your makeup, you will need loose powder. It’s better to take a mineral one, which perfectly dries out inflammation, has SPF protection, and smoothes out uneven skin texture. The layer of powder should be thin and even. It is also important to choose the right brush for applying it: the bristles should be densely packed, preferably synthetic, and the movements should be circular, upward, in order to hide pimples, and not emphasize them.

Every person at any age can suffer from the fact that rashes appear at the most inopportune moment, no one is immune from this, so you should know the tricks that will help reduce pimples, and be able to properly hide all imperfections with the help of decorative cosmetics.

Redness and rashes on the face appear under the influence of various reasons: failure to comply with personal hygiene rules, poor nutrition, hormonal imbalance. Therefore, the question of how to cover up acne on the face is always relevant. First of all, preparation is necessary. Concealing decorative cosmetics are applied to previously cleansed skin. Wash with hydrophilic oil, special gels, and tonics with an antibacterial effect.

How to properly disguise acne on the face with cosmetics: subtleties and stages of application

Step-by-step diagram on how to cover up irritation on your face foundation:

  1. Wash the skin well with lotion-wash and degrease with a tonic designed to tighten pores.
  2. Apply makeup base to the face, neck and décolleté using a small brush.
  3. Inflamed areas of the face should be covered with a green-colored corrector. You should not use large amounts of decorative cosmetics. Otherwise, the area treated with the corrector will contrast with the tone of the face.
  4. Cover green spots with beige concealer.
  5. Apply foundation to the nose, forehead, cheeks and chin and gently blend with a brush in the direction of the massage lines. To avoid the “mask” effect, the cream should also be applied to the décolleté and neck area.
To consolidate the effect, powder with a matte effect is applied to problem areas. It is evenly distributed with a special puff.

Makeup base

Effective camouflage of acne is achieved using a makeup base. There are several types of cosmetic products:

  • Liquid foundation for applying makeup. It has a consistency similar to cream. This foundation should be used by women with dry skin types.
  • Creamy cosmetics. It has a mousse-like texture that helps hide pores. Women with oily skin should use a special makeup base with a creamy consistency.
  • Spray. This makeup base can cover up redness if you have a few pimples on your face.
  • The product is in stick form. This base must be applied in a dense layer.
  • A dry foundation with a powder-like texture. It helps get rid of greasy shine. A make-up base with a powder consistency is ideal for women with combination skin.

To cover up rashes, you can also use a cream with a light consistency. Choose products that contain components with an antiseptic effect.

Green corrector

You can cover up red pimples on your face with a green concealer. Recommendations will help with this:

  • Women with oily skin should choose concealers with a mattifying effect, while women with dry skin should choose cosmetic products with moisturizing properties.
  • If the skin is white, light green shades are ideal; dark-skinned women are better off choosing darker shades.

A corrector that helps cover up acne should be applied to the problem area in several layers. In this plan good effect provided by Faberlic products. The acne corrector additionally eliminates irritation and goes well with toning creams.

Eveline brand corrector can also be applied to the problem area. Thanks to its unique formula with mineral pigments, it helps fight various skin blemishes. The velvety consistency of the concealer ensures an ideal combination with the natural skin tone.

Tint pencil or concealer

  • tea tree aroma oil;
  • Agave extract (aloe).

Such concealers perfectly disguise acne and other skin imperfections. Products with natural ingredients eliminate irritation and reduce inflammation.


When it comes to the question of how to cover pimples with foundation, you need to make a choice. Be sure to choose a product one shade lighter than your natural skin tone. To disguise redness, only flesh-colored foundations are suitable - pinkish-colored creams are not recommended.

Not everyone knows how to cover up pimples with foundation. To give the skin a natural shade, use a cream with a liquid consistency. A small amount of foundation should be spread evenly over exposed skin.

Creams with a thick base should not cover up redness. They lie on the skin in a too rough layer and give it an unattractive appearance.

Concealer powder

To even out the complexion and cover up pimples and acne, use light mineral powder with a mattifying effect. Mineral powder spreads well over the skin without giving a “waxy face” effect.

Blush or bronzer

You can try to cover up pimples with blush. Only light brown or bronze will do. It is better to avoid products with a soft pink or peach hue during the period of obvious acne. Blush of this color further emphasizes skin imperfections. There is no need to try to cover up pimples with a bronzer with reddish, orange pigments.

How to quickly hide acne on your face using improvised means

You can try to disguise acne on your face without foundation or other decorative products. Food and medicine that everyone has at home will help with this. Thanks to these remedies, pimples are reduced, swelling disappears, and inflammation is relieved.

Aspirin mask

You can cover up pimples with a mixture made from aspirin:

  1. Two tablets are crushed to a powder.
  2. The resulting slurry is dissolved in 20 ml of water and mixed thoroughly.

The resulting mixture is applied to the affected area for 15 minutes. After the specified time has passed, it is washed off with warm water.

An aspirin mask helps get rid of dead cells and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Vasoconstrictor nasal drops

Eat simple ways how to disguise acne on the face. Ordinary drops for a runny nose will help. The drugs Xylen, Nazivin, Farmazolin will relieve redness. You just need to apply a cotton swab soaked in the medicinal solution to the pimple for 15 minutes. To enhance the effect, the tampon is first placed in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator.

Mask with blue clay and activated carbon

A step-by-step scheme for preparing a cosmetic mixture that can be used to cover up rashes:

  1. One tablet activated carbon crushed thoroughly.
  2. The resulting slurry is combined with blue clay (1 tbsp).
  3. Add 1 tbsp to the resulting mixture. milk and gelatin.
  4. The product is heated in microwave oven for 2-5 seconds.

You need to carefully cover up the redness with a cosmetic composition. After 15 minutes, wash with cool water.

A clay mask, which can be used to cover skin defects, cleanses the skin of excess oil, sweat, and impurities. Additionally, it prevents the formation of wrinkles.

Egg mask

The process of preparing a cleansing mask that can cover up acne is quite simple:

  • Combine 2 yolks with 10 g of high-fat sour cream, pour 10 ml of lemon juice into the resulting mixture.
  • Gently cover any irritation on your face with a thick mask. After 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Instant coffee

Caffeine activates blood circulation in the face and helps get rid of oily shine. Coffee masks prevent swelling. They help remove dead cells from the upper layer of the epidermis and give the face a light dark tint. Masks with coffee are applied to areas with acne, avoiding the area near the eyes, for 15-20 minutes.

Lemon and agave

To cover up redness on the skin, you can combine the following components:

  • 2 tab. activated carbon, crushed to a powder;
  • 1 tsp juice from aloe leaves;
  • 1 tsp lemon juice.

The resulting mixture should be applied to the skin of the face only in those places where there are acne. The duration of the procedure is 25 minutes.

Cosmetic ice

To eliminate redness, you can use cosmetic ice, which can be easily prepared at home from decoctions of medicinal plants. Calendula (marigold) and chamomile are most suitable.

It’s easy to prepare the decoction: boil 1 tbsp. dry raw materials in a glass of water for 3-5 minutes, cool and strain.

Cosmetic ice is applied to the problem area where there are acne and irritation. The duration of the procedure varies from 5 to 10 minutes.

To cover up the irritation, you can use the following recipe:

  • Dilute ½ teaspoon of badyagi in 5 ml of warm water.
  • Gently cover the pimples with the resulting paste.
  • After 50 minutes, rinse off the badya with enough warm water.

Badyaga eliminates irritation. When used regularly, the cosmetic composition helps remove age spots and acne.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree aroma oil is available in a variety of skin care products. It has a pronounced drying effect. It is recommended to lubricate acne with essential oil for 5 hours at intervals of 30 minutes. It relieves swelling and redness, makes skin problems less noticeable.

Whitening toothpaste

If there is irritation, you can also use toothpaste, which includes the following components:

  • soda;
  • zinc;
  • fluorine;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

Pastes with these ingredients have anti-inflammatory properties. They apply a spot treatment to the area of ​​redness for 15 minutes. After this time, the paste is washed off with warm water.

It is not recommended to cover pimples that appear on the face with any paste other than white. Artificial dyes provoke even greater irritation.


To relieve inflammation from acne, you can moisten the crushed Streptocide tablets to a paste consistency. Cover the pimples with the resulting mixture for 25 minutes. Remove the cosmetic composition with a swab soaked in hydrogen peroxide. This solution has antimicrobial properties.

Tincture of calendula

The plant tincture is known for its antiseptic effect. Calendula has a wound-healing and drying effect, eliminates pus.

You can try to cover up pimples with a cosmetic composition made from honey and calendula:

  1. You need to thoroughly mix the calendula tincture and honey in a 3:1 ratio.
  2. Apply to problem areas with a cotton pad.

You can also use a dry cloth for this purpose. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. After this time, the cosmetic composition must be washed off with water at room temperature.

What not to do

Attempts to hide ugly pimples will not be effective if you do not take into account the following recommendations:

  • You can't squeeze pimples. This will lead to an increase in the area of ​​redness.
  • To cover up pimples, do not use oily cosmetics. These foundations help clog pores. Because of this, new pimples pop up.

Many beauty bloggers are now demonstrating the miracles of transformation: in one moment, with the help of makeup, acne-affected skin turns into ideal skin. And, of course, one cannot help but envy this: such skills allow you to truly transform yourself. In this article we will try to talk in as much detail as possible about how to cover up pimples in order to hide them from others. Fortunately, now there are a huge number of all kinds of techniques and amazing cosmetics that allow you to create such magic.

In addition, our instructions on how to disguise acne will be filled with many useful tips, which will really help you in this difficult matter. Namely, we will tell you how to choose a tinting agent and what rules you should follow.

Is it possible to cover up acne?

There is a lot of controversy on this matter. Of course, dermatologists unanimously repeat that this should not be done. Still, decorative cosmetics really clog pores, and this is very harmful for problem skin, which already constantly suffers from acne. And we agree with this - indeed, for such an epidermis it is quite harmful. Therefore, it is better to go without makeup if you want to heal your skin. But let's take a look at whether it is possible to cover up acne from the other side.

People who are already long years suffer from serious acne, constantly feel sideways glances at them on the street and, in principle, do not feel too confident. All because they are not too happy with their appearance- a huge amount of acne spoils even the most attractive face. And, of course, it repels potential fans or admirers.

This causes people to be constantly exposed to stress, which affects not only general condition body, but also on the skin, including.

Therefore, it is impossible to give a definite answer to this question. We can only advise you to correctly assess all risks, as well as set priorities in accordance with your beliefs and needs.

How to hide acne on your face with cosmetics: instructions

Make-up is a real art. If you have ever seen what girls sometimes do with just concealer and powder, then, in principle, you understand what decorative cosmetics are capable of and what miracles can be created with its help. Hiding acne with makeup is also quite difficult, especially if we are talking about a serious form of acne, which is characterized by large suppurations and intense redness of the rash.

In this section we will talk about how to hide acne with cosmetics: best methods and techniques used by professional makeup artists. Moreover, we will talk about how you can use different cosmetical tools and how the make-up methods will differ when using different tools.

How to cover up acne on your face with foundation?

In fact, foundation alone is not enough: you will also need several products that will significantly simplify this task. Without them, frankly, it will be difficult to achieve the desired effect and many blackheads will still be visible. We're talking about something as simple as a makeup base. It helps even out the tone and surface of the skin, making the makeup look better.

If there are a lot of scars on the surface of your epidermis after squeezing out acne or bumps, then a primer base is simply necessary.

How to cover up acne on your face with foundation:

  1. Pre-treat your skin and prepare it for makeup application. To do this, you can use a moisturizing mask or apply cream. But remember that immediately after using these products, you cannot apply cosmetics: wait until everything is absorbed;
  2. Apply makeup base to your skin. If it is mattifying, try to spread it better on the T-zone of the face - forehead, nose, chin;
  3. Actually, now let's move on to the part about how to hide acne with foundation. Try to apply the product to the acne pointwise, and then gradually blend it over the area around it;
  4. It is recommended not to smear the product over your face, but to try to rub it into the skin, using patting movements. Especially when it comes to BB cream;
  5. Apply mattifying powder and set makeup.

How to cover up acne on your face with concealer?

This product is designed specifically to mask various imperfections on the surface of the skin. Some manufacturers also call it a “corrector”. In fact, this name fully reflects what the product is supposed to do: corrects the skin, as if erasing all imperfections from it.

If you don’t know how to use this type of cosmetics, we recommend that you watch a short training video in which you can easily see what exactly needs to be done with it and how to apply it.

How to cover up acne on your face with concealer:

  1. Be sure to carry out all the preparatory procedures necessary for applying makeup. Moisturize your skin with a mask, soften it with tonic, and only after all this, proceed;
  2. Apply makeup base to the surface of the epidermis;
  3. Apply concealer to all problem areas: about 3-4 drops on the area under the eyes and pointwise on each pimple;
  4. After this, gently rub the product over the area so that the border between the skin without product and the areas with applied cosmetics is practically invisible;
  5. Apply powder to your makeup (to mattify your face, since concealer is usually very shiny) and fix the makeup.

How to disguise acne on the face with cosmetics?

Now let's talk about more complete makeup, using several skin toning products at once. Of course, this will take a little longer than following the instructions above. But the effect of these actions is much greater. And in order to start fulfilling all the points, make sure that you have all the necessary tools in your arsenal.

We will need:

  • primer or base for makeup;
  • thick foundation;
  • concealer;
  • matting powder.

Don't forget that before applying make-up, you need to prepare your face. Use a hydrating mask to nourish your skin and treat it with a toner to soothe it. This will greatly improve how the final result will look.

How to disguise acne on your face with cosmetics:

  1. Apply primer or makeup base to the surface of the skin. This is necessary in order to remove the unpleasant relief: slightly smooth out the bumps and fill in the pits from scars;
  2. Apply a thick foundation to your face. It should not be smeared over the face, but driven in with light, pushing movements. If you have regular foundation, you should use a sponge, and if you have BB cream, then the best tool is your own fingers;
  3. After applying foundation, some hints of breakouts will remain on the skin. But don't worry: we've only done half the job. To understand how to completely hide acne on your face, pick up a concealer;
  4. Apply it pointwise to each pimple and a little to the area under the eyes:
  5. Now, gently rub it over the skin so that there are no visible boundaries between the application areas and the areas with foundation;
  6. Apply powder to your face to give it a matte finish and set your makeup.

What color to cover pimples with?

Now it’s worth answering one of the most frequently asked questions: which shade to choose for anti-acne makeup. And this has indeed become the subject of much controversy. Some say that you need to choose a darker tone, while others say that you need to choose a lighter tone. Still others insist that it is necessary to select a product that will blend perfectly with the skin. In this section we will try to answer this question and tell you what color to apply on pimples.

And we will say that it is the third who are right. Indeed, you need to choose the tone of cosmetics in full accordance with the shade of your own skin. Of course, someone will object: “But in this case, the acne will be better visible!”, and they will be absolutely right. However, this problem is easily solved with this combination: primer + foundation + concealer + mattifying powder.

The sudden appearance of a pimple on the face can seriously ruin your mood and even your plans for the day. To prevent an unexpected occurrence from becoming a disaster, you should always know how to disguise acne on your face in 10-20 minutes.

Every girl should be able to hide imperfections on the skin with the help of available products and master the technique of disguising acne using decorative cosmetics.

How to disguise acne on your face? Moreover, effectively, quickly and without depriving the skin of its naturalness? This question is often asked to cosmetologists by representatives of the fair sex of various ages. To give facial skin perfect view in emergency situations, it is necessary to be able to properly mask certain shortcomings with the help of decorative cosmetics.

Availability available funds and following simple steps in a clear sequence will allow you to eliminate an unexpected problem and look healthy.

Step No. 1. Thoroughly cleanse the facial skin, treating areas with inflammatory elements. Experts recommend using anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictor drugs for this purpose. Often, the well-known drops “Naphthyzin”, “Nazivin”, “Vizin”, etc. are used for this. The pimple is carefully treated with a cotton swab dipped in liquid.

Step No. 2. Use a non-greasy cream as a base. A cream containing anti-inflammatory substances will have a double effect.

Step No. 4. Then a corrector or concealer of a greenish tint is applied to the inflammatory elements. The fact is that green color allows you to neutralize redness, making acne less or completely invisible. To quickly cover up acne, you should get a special concealer pencil, which can be found in pharmacies or cosmetics stores.

Step No. 5. Finally, dust the face with translucent powder so that its color is more even with a matte tint.

Step No. 6. When doing makeup, try to make your eyes more expressive. This will shift the focus away from the face, and acne will remain even less noticeable to others.

How to cover up acne without makeup

If you have time and prefer to use natural skin care products, you can hide acne without makeup - using the products at hand.

  1. Ice. Cold is known to constrict blood vessels. Apply an ice cube or frozen cotton swab to the inflamed area for 3-4 minutes.
  2. Vasoconstrictor drops. These drugs are probably present in every first aid kit. Effectively relieve inflammation and make pimples and blackheads invisible using nasal drops: “Xylene”, “Naphthyzin”, “Nazivin” and the like; eye drops: Visin, Stillavit and Octilia. Moisten the cotton or cotton swab in the product and treat the problem area or apply it as a lotion. After 10-15 minutes, the blood vessels will narrow slightly, and the redness will be barely noticeable.
  3. Tea tree oil. This essential oil found in many cosmetic preparations that have anti-inflammatory properties. Apply the oil to the pimple with a cotton swab. The result will appear in just 30 minutes. If you have 5-6 hours left, the oil should be applied every half hour. This will completely eliminate redness and relieve inflammation.
  4. Bodyaga. Excellent for removing redness. Dissolve the powder (half a teaspoon) in warm water (a teaspoon). Cover the pimple with the paste. Leave for an hour, rinse with warm water.
  5. "Streptocide". If you have streptocidal ointment or powder in your medicine cabinet, feel free to use it to mask acne. The product is applied for 30 minutes (the powder is first diluted in warm water). Then the composition is removed with a cotton swab soaked in hydrogen peroxide. By the way, hydrogen peroxide is also faithful assistant in eliminating inflammation, having an antimicrobial effect.
  6. "Aspirin". Acetyl salicylic acid– an excellent remedy for inflammation. To remove redness, 2-3 aspirin tablets are turned into powder and dissolved in a small amount of water. The composition is applied directly to the pimple.
  7. Tincture of calendula. This medicinal plant is known for its powerful anti-inflammatory effect. Soak a cotton swab in the tincture and apply to the pimple, hold for 2-3 minutes.
  8. Toothpaste. It should be clarified that not every paste has an effect. First, you need to give preference to classic pasta white, since dyes can cause negative reactions, only making the situation worse. Secondly, you need to pay attention to the components contained in the paste. If the drug contains zinc, soda, triclosan, fluorine and hydrogen peroxide, it is suitable for masking acne, since all of these substances have anti-inflammatory properties. Apply a small amount of paste to the pimple, leave for 15-30 minutes, then remove with warm water.
  9. Coffee. Instant coffee is also suitable for the procedure. Prepare coffee slurry by adding a few drops warm water in coffee (half a teaspoon). Apply the mixture to the pimple for 30 minutes, then rinse with water.

Common mistakes when covering up acne

  1. Squeezing pimples. Many people believe that the best way The way to hide an acne is to remove it. This is one of the common misconceptions. Do not squeeze pimples and blackheads! Why can't you squeeze pimples? This action will only increase the area of ​​inflammation, and will also leave a bloody trail, which can later turn into a non-healing scar.
  2. Thick layer of foundation. In hopes of hiding acne, a generous layer of foundation is often applied to the face. Another common mistake. When using toning products in excess, the face takes on an unnatural appearance and looks vulgar.
  3. Dark foundation color. Foundations in dark shades look extremely awkward on inflamed skin. Dark colors Applicable exclusively for make-up of healthy skin. Also avoid applying blush in pink shades, as this color reveals all the imperfections and imperfections present on the skin.
  4. Cosmetics in bright colors. Wanting to divert attention from problem areas, women often use lipsticks and lip glosses in bright colors. Shine and bright colors make acne-affected areas appear more inflamed.

No less erroneous is the opinion that, having disguised acne and other blemishes on the skin, you don’t have to worry throughout the day. The duration of the disguise is short-lived and lasts only a few hours. As soon as the time of the magic of cosmetics passes, the face again acquires an oily sheen. Everything that was hidden comes out, and the skin looks even worse than before applying makeup.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that acne needs to be dealt with radically, various ways hiding them is just emergency help to temporarily improve appearance, and in the meantime the problem remains unresolved. There are many reasons for the appearance of pimples and acne, for effective treatment it is necessary to accurately identify them and begin therapy immediately.

An unexpected pimple can be skillfully disguised using modern cosmetics. Often, the treatment of rashes can be lengthy, and an unpleasant bump on the face needs to be hidden immediately, so the right makeup comes to the rescue. Need to know certain rules How to hide pimples with makeup, otherwise they will become even more noticeable.

Correct makeup for rashes

Any cosmetics are applied exclusively to clean skin, so you need to prepare your face. A cleansing gel, foam or lotion is suitable for the procedure depending on your skin type. Makeup for those with acne is slightly different from usual in the presence of special concealing products. Cosmetics must be good quality, hypoallergenic, so as not to harm problematic skin even more.

Fat creams have a bad effect on problem areas, especially if they contain lanolin or petroleum jelly.

Can I use cosmetics?

You need to consider your skin type to apply makeup that will hide acne. From the real reason the rash cannot be eliminated using this method, so you should not put off visiting a doctor to find out the cause skin disease. Small pimples, acne and redness on the skin is easily hidden with modern cosmetic products. It is better not to touch large red pimples, pustules and painful bumps on the face and seek help immediately.

Selecting makeup

Before applying any cosmetics to prepared skin, the following points should be considered:

  • to hide a pimple, use cream of different shades;
  • Cosmetics with shimmering particles will help reflect light and distract attention from the rash;
  • Apply only high quality products to your face so as not to clog pores and cause allergies;
  • keep two concealers on hand - dark and light, which will help out in any situation.

A special pencil will make your skin smooth, and the foundation will make your complexion even and healthy. To hide a pimple, you need to apply cosmetics correctly and step by step, otherwise bumps will be visible on the skin and pimples will become even more noticeable.

Products that hide any pimples

After treating the inflamed area and thoroughly cleansing the face, you can begin applying makeup. Before you hide a pimple with makeup, you need to check your makeup bag for basic products, without which it will be difficult to cope with the problem.


A face cream with a particularly light consistency is called a primer and it perfectly evens out the skin. A small amount of the product is applied directly to the pimple, and then gently spread with your fingertips or a special brush.


A properly selected one can cope with most problems and hide minor defects. You need to select such a product strictly according to your skin type and its natural color. Some creams contain salicylic acid, zinc and other components that eliminate the cause of the rash. The consistency of the foundation should be liquid, so it will look more natural. You cannot choose a cream with a pink tone, which, on the contrary, will emphasize the redness.


Special concealers are designed specifically to disguise acne, circles under the eyes and other imperfections. The product is based on a green color, which reflects light and masks redness in the problem area. In combination with foundation, such an assistant will hide almost any visible flaw. Concealers are available as liquid products with a convenient applicator or as a solid pencil for precise application. A liquid product will better hide a pimple in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle and the delicate area around the eyes.


As the final stage of makeup you will need powder. You cannot choose a mattifying product, since all the unevenness on the face will stand out. Powder with a shimmering effect, loose on a mineral basis, which will not create a mask effect, is suitable.

How to hide acne with makeup

By following the technique of applying products to your face, you can achieve absolutely clean and smooth skin. Before the procedure, you need to choose a place with good lighting in order to evenly distribute cosmetics on your face and see pimples from all sides.

  1. First of all, apply a thin layer of primer so that the face is perfectly smooth.
  2. Next, problem areas are masked with a darker concealer with a green base.
  3. Apply the product to the center of the rash, without smearing and wait until it dries completely.
  4. As a rule, concealer is used 5-10 minutes before the main makeup.
  5. A lighter concealer is applied on top of the rash, pointwise.
  6. The next step will be the foundation, which can be conveniently shaded with a special brush along the massage lines.
  7. The right powder, which can be easily applied with a sponge, will help set your makeup.

After masking the problem areas, proceed to everyday makeup. Focusing on the eyes with the help of decorative cosmetics will help reduce attention to inflamed areas and no one will see makeup that hides pimples.

When choosing cosmetics, you also need to be careful and study its composition. To prevent blackheads and rashes on the face, it is better to buy products specifically for problem skin. It would be good if the packaging indicated antibacterial components and the products were non-comedogenic.

Folk remedies

After washing with a special product to reduce inflammation and redness, several simple and effective methods are used.

Visine drops will help quickly eliminate rashes. They have a vasoconstrictor effect, thereby removing redness and reducing inflammatory process skin. First, the drops are applied to a piece of bandage or cotton wool and placed in freezer, then apply to the affected area for a few minutes.

Abuse of concealers leads to skin infection, pores become clogged and do not breathe, and there are even more pimples. Poor quality products may cause allergic reaction and many rashes all over the body. It is important to remember that such a procedure is only a temporary measure.

The consequences of long-term use of makeup for acne will be in the form of a rash on the face, which is difficult to treat. If you care about skin health, you should use concealers only occasionally and of high quality. For any problems or rashes, you need to find a doctor and follow his recommendations. After approximately 5-6 months of proper treatment and daily home care You can completely restore skin health.

For your skin to glow with health and not have to hide its imperfections, it is very important regular care for her. Each time, the face must be thoroughly cleansed using soft products, decoctions of various herbs or warm water. Next, pat your face dry with a soft towel. If your skin is oily, you will need a toner. Scrubbing or peeling is not recommended, as it will damage sensitive skin in the inflamed area and the infection spreads.

Quickly eliminates inflammation on skin benzoyl peroxide, as well as salicylic acid. A dermatologist will tell you how to get rid of the rash, and a cosmetologist will explain how makeup can hide acne without negative consequences.

A balanced diet also plays an important role in skin health. If there are enough useful microelements in the body, internal organs will work without failures, then skin diseases will be disturbed much less often. Adequate rest and daily routine are important for every person. Normal and moderate sleep physical exercise will bring strength to fight various infections.

It will be possible to hide all pimples with makeup only if there are a small number of them and there are no pustular processes on the skin. This camouflage is only suitable for emergency cases, because we must not forget about treating the causes of the rash. High-quality products of modern cosmetology help many women always look beautiful and not panic because of an unexpected pimple.

Video on how to hide acne with makeup