Syntactic features of the scientific style of speech. Scientific style and its substyles. general characteristics



In the system of functional styles of the modern Russian language formal business style And scientific style occupy a special place and are united common name strict styles. What is the essence of such a name?

The point is that mastering these styles requires us compliance with special, additional standards. We are obliged to comply with the norms of the literary language in any communication situation, within the framework of any functional style. And when creating a business or scientific text, it is necessary to take into account additional requirements - special, intra-style (text) norms. These norms, for example, regulate the volume of scientific text. Thus, a scientific article, as a rule, should not exceed 10-12 pages of printed text, a thesis – 50-80 pages, a candidate’s dissertation – 150 pages. Special requirements are also imposed on the execution of documents: the use of longitudinal (book format) or transverse (landscape format) form is regulated, in special cases - stamped paper, as well as the choice and arrangement of details and many other points. It is also unacceptable to arbitrarily format some scientific texts, in particular coursework or thesis, dissertations, etc.; the necessary elements of their content are prescribed by GOSTs.

There are also language restrictions and regulations. For example, in a written business or scientific text (with the exception of the popular science substyle), it is impossible to use colloquial vocabulary and phraseology; evaluative language means are used carefully.

Thus, situations in which strict styles function require from the writer (speaker) not just general literacy, but also special skills and abilities, primarily compositional and speech. In connection with the above, the creation of scientific and official business texts causes certain difficulties for us, native speakers.



The scientific style serves the sphere of scientific, educational and enlightening human activity. The main content of this style is an objective, accurate description of the phenomena of reality, their systematization (classification), as well as the identification of patterns of their development.

Key concept scientific style and its main linguistic feature are term And terminology one or another branch of knowledge. After all, science, depending on the object and purpose of study, exists and is realized precisely as a specific science: mathematics, chemistry, biology, art history, etc. And term is a word or phrase denoting a concept specific to any branch of knowledge, production or culture. Terminology each individual science is set of terms, used within its framework.

The term differs from other lexical units in a number of ways.

1. From a linguistic point of view, most terms are nouns and phrases (stable compound names) based on them. The core of terminology consists of single-component terms - term-words, and on their basis more complex, multi-component names are built, reflecting genus-specific differences. Such stable compound names can be two-, three- and multi-component. They are similar to phraseological units in their structural integrity and reproducibility.

Stable compound names of a terminological nature are:

· substantive (main word - noun): rotation angle, magnetic induction etc.; they are the ones who quantitatively predominate ;

· adjectival (the main word is an adjective): consistently consumed, directly proportional and so on.;

· verbal: block data, transform equation and so on.

2. Fixed content term and its definitiveness. Being a precise designation of a special concept, the term gives its strict and precise definition(scientific definition), for example: Electroceramic materials are solids obtained by firing the original ceramic masses or The completed part of the technological process, performed at one workplace and being the main element of the process, is called a technological operation.

Thus, a definition is a fragment of text that reveals the content of the scientific concept represented by the term and serves as an answer to the potential question: “What does it mean?” this term?. The definition contains the necessary and sufficient characteristics of the concept being designated so that it can be distinguished from another.

3. Termofficially adopted, legalized name any concept in science, art, technology. Consequently, an ordinary word in a language has a lexical meaning, and this meaning is assigned to the term. Thus, the meaning of the term is « contractual” nature, since it is established as a result of a conscious, deliberate agreement. Based on this, it can be argued that terms and terminology in general are of a social nature and are under the control of society.

4. Terminology in general is systematic(systematicity), manifested in the fact that any term takes its place in the terminology system, reflecting the connection of one concept with another. For example, the linguistic term console associated with terms such as word(this is the significant part of the word), morpheme(this is a service morpheme) , stem word(this is part of the base) , suffix(being service morphemes, console And suffix differ in location in based on the word).

5. Although many terms are created on the basis of common words already existing in the language (for example, balance, period, store), the definitive meaning of a term should not depend on the context and ideally, thematic words and phrases should be within the terminological system be interpreted unambiguously.

6. Terms about there are no synonyms, so Frequent repetition of terms in a scientific text is the norm. Although there are rare exceptions, for example: subsidy - subsidy; FIL – photopulse lamps; linguistics – linguistics. In such cases, it is still customary to talk not about synonymy, but about doublet. Professionalisms in general are extra-literary linguistic elements, which prohibits their use in written scientific texts.

7. Terms, as a rule, are not the property of any particular language, but, being close in linguistic form (shell) and identical in content, are capable of forming an international terminological fund. This property is called internationality.

The widespread use of terms is also typical for texts in an official business style; The terminology of such branches of knowledge as office work, law, economics and finance is especially used in them. But the saturation of terms is characteristic of the scientific style.


The scientific style is implemented in several substyles, but there is still debate about their number in science. However, the existence of three substyles is generally recognized: these are the scientific (academic), educational and scientific and popular science substyles. The differences between them are especially clear in the following points:

· in the specifics of the addressee;

· in the amount of general background knowledge of the subject of speech and the addressee;

· in the use of terminology in scientific texts.

Thus, communication within the academic substyle assumes that the subject of speech and the addressee have a significant amount of common scientific knowledge, therefore, terminology in a scientific article, in a speech at a scientific conference, etc., as a rule, is used without definitions. In the texts of the scientific-educational substyle, terms are introduced gradually, with definitions, taking into account the significant difference in the amount of scientific knowledge between the teacher and the student. This principle is used, for example, to present material in a textbook. And finally, in popular science works, terminology is used sparingly, and the meaning of the term is explained in the most accessible form, since the role of the addressee can be almost any person who has any, even minimal, amount of background knowledge about the subject of speech.

The system of substyles of the scientific style and their main genres is presented in the following table.

Scientific style refers to the system of book styles of the Russian literary language. It is characterized by such specific features as preliminary consideration of the statement, its monologue character, strict selection of linguistic means, and a tendency towards standardized speech (Rozental D.E. Practical stylistics of the Russian language. M., 1987. P. 32-38).

The scientific style of speech is used in the scientific-professional, scientific-educational sphere, among scientists, engineers and technicians, professionals in a particular field. Therefore, scientific speech also has its addressee. The recipients of works of scientific style are mainly specialists - persons prepared to perceive scientific information.

The style of scientific work is determined by the content and goals of the scientific message. As academician V.V. wrote Vinogradov, the function of scientific thinking is “awareness of the world through its logical development by transforming facts of knowledge into semantic (logical) categories, concepts, devoid of expressive coloring and emotional assessments (accordingly, the function of artistic thinking is awareness of the world through its mastery through creative reconstruction)”

Thus, the main purpose of the scientific style is to communicate objective information, accurate and Full description facts of reality, proof of the truth of scientific knowledge, establishing cause-and-effect relationships between phenomena, identifying patterns of historical development, etc.

The scientific style is recognized as such primarily because there are other functional styles to which it is contrasted and with which, on the contrary, it is correlated. Their differences are determined by a number of specific features that are inherent in a given style of speech, and can also be traced in the quantitative and qualitative distribution of lexemes, morphological forms, and syntactic structures.

The scientific style of speech is distinguished by a number of features due to the peculiarities of scientific thinking, primarily abstraction, generalization and strict logic of presentation. M.N. Kozhina notes that the most general specific features of the scientific style, resulting from abstractness and strict logical thinking, are abstract generalization and emphasized logical presentation. Derived stylistic features in this case are semantic accuracy (unambiguity) and objectivity of presentation. N.M. Razinkina notes that “logical rigor, objectivity, consistency and accuracy are the properties that are considered the ideal of scientific prose” (Kozhina M.N. Stylistics of the Russian language. M., 1983. P. 175).

Most common style features inherent in scientific speech predetermine the use of specific linguistic means and categories in it. A characteristic feature of almost all scientific works without exception is their saturation with scientific terminology, in particular international, without which the exchange of modern scientific knowledge, mutual understanding at the national and international level, and the forward movement of modern science are impossible.

A term is a word or phrase that defines a particular concept of a special field of knowledge or activity. The term is characterized by the function of definition, i.e. definitions, interpretation of the concept.

The specific properties of the term as a special unit of the lexical system of the Russian language are:

1) consistency;

3) a tendency towards unambiguity within its terminological field;

4) stylistic neutrality;

Moreover, the term realizes all these properties only within the terminological field, outside of which its definitional and systemic characteristics are lost (Culture of Russian speech: Textbook for universities. Edited by L.K. Graudina, E.N. Shiryaev. M., 1998. With .170).

The abstract generality of the scientific style of speech requires the use of abstract, abstract vocabulary (for example, words meaning, attention, condition, typology, classification), verbs with a generalized meaning of action or state ( exists, exists, consists, is used, is used). Almost every word used in scientific speech denotes an abstract concept or phenomenon. In general, scientific speech is characterized by the nominal nature of the presentation of information; there is a predominance of the noun over the verb.

Adjectives are widely used, performing mainly a terminological function. For example, in legal speech one may find the use of adjectives as part of legal terms ( mild punishment, knife wound, serious consequences).

The language of scientific works also has a number of grammatical features. In the field of morphology, this is the use of shorter variant forms of nouns ( keys instead of key, cuff instead of cuff(ring for fastening pipe ends), banknotes instead of banknote) in order to save language resources.

In scientific calculations the form is often used singular plural nouns: Fish breathes through gills, Wolf is a predatory animal of the dog group(a whole class of objects is called, indicating their characteristic features). Real and abstract nouns are often used in the form plural: precipitation, low temperatures, severe consequences.

The scientific style in general is not characterized by the use of personal pronouns. In particular, it does not use the 1st person singular pronoun “I”; instead, to designate the writer - the author of this scientific work - the 1st person plural pronoun is used We(the so-called “author’s” We). “Author's” We used for purposes of modesty, when the writer seems to be hiding behind the authority of science. Therefore, in the scientific style the percentage of 1st person verbs is low; these are mainly plural verbs in combination with the author's We (In this article we observe...; Based on the above, we can observe the development of the following trend...).

As special studies show, the syntactic structures of scientific speech are more complex and richer than in literary prose. Scientific speech in general is distinguished by complex but clear syntax.

The objectivity of scientific speech is manifested in direct word order, when the presentation of information goes from the known to the unknown, from “old” to “new”. The reverse, subjective order of words in a sentence is practically impossible, except in cases of updating information, when the most important member of the sentence in communicative terms is placed in first place.

The emphasized logic of the scientific style of speech requires the use of a large number of introductory words and sentences expressing the relationships between parts of the text ( firstly, secondly, thus, therefore, based on the above, based on the above, as already mentioned), special words, emphasizing the logic of thought development ( first, then, next), derived prepositions ( thanks to, as a result of, during, in continuation of, except). Connections between sentences can be made by repeating words.

In the scientific style of speech, complex sentences with subordinate clauses, reasons, goals, conditions, consequences, concessions are common. Indicative are such complex sentences in which the main information is contained in the subordinate clause; the main sentence serves to move from one part of the statement to another ( You could say that the plan is a mirror scientific work; It should be said that we began observations on the syntax of the criminal law for the first time).

Substyles of scientific style

Scientific style is very heterogeneous. It has its own varieties (substyles). The most traditional is the division of the scientific style into such substyles as scientific (academic), scientific-educational, popular science, scientific-business, scientific-technical (industrial-technical), scientific-journalistic. Some researchers also identify a science fiction subgenre, although it is difficult to draw a clear line between science fiction literature and the science fiction subgenre within the scientific style.

Works written within the actual scientific substyle scientific style, created for specialists. Therefore, they are characterized by a strictly scientific presentation of facts and an emphatically informative orientation. Important organizing features of this substyle are the extreme accuracy of the information conveyed, the persuasiveness of the argumentation, the logical sequence of presentation of the material, conciseness and brevity of the form. The academic substyle includes such scientific works as scientific article, dissertation, monograph, abstract, scientific report.

An important substyle of modern scientific prose is scientific and educational, which is determined by the goals of training, mastering the basic knowledge of a particular scientific field. Addressed to future specialists, such educational presentation is replete with examples, illustrations, comparisons, explanations, and interpretations. The genres of the educational and scientific substyle include textbook, tutorial .

Popular science The substyle within the scientific style has its own significant features. These features are determined by the fact that the addressees of popular science works are non-specialists - individuals who seek to expand their knowledge in a particular science. The creation of the popular science substyle was facilitated by the idea of ​​popularizing science, which involves presenting scientific knowledge in an accessible, entertaining, interesting and captivating form. The purpose of such a narrative is not to master, as in the scientific educational genre, the fundamentals of science, but only to familiarize the reader with certain scientific information.

Other problems arise from other principles of structural and textual organization of linguistic means. The author of a popular science text does not strive for brevity, conciseness and strict scientific presentation, since this risks reducing the reader’s degree of understanding of difficult-to-access material. On the contrary, he tries to make the presentation as clear and accessible to the reader as possible, which is achieved by using figurative, emotionally charged elements of language. A strictly scientific presentation of facts is intertwined here with artistic ones, bookish elements are combined with colloquial ones.

Occupies a special place scientific and business (scientific and informative) style of speech, which is a synthesis of elements of scientific and official business styles and is implemented in such genres as as an abstract of a dissertation, a report on research work. The main purpose of this type of literature is to communicate scientific information with the most accurate objective description of the available facts, as well as legal protection of this information. Very strict requirements are imposed on the language of scientific and business literature: stereotypical composition, maximum standardization and unification of linguistic means.

Scientific and technical substyle associated with the development and description of various scientific technologies and methods, planning and organization of scientific and technical research, registration of the latest scientific developments, know-how. If the academic substyle is associated with the sphere of scientific research, then the technical substyle is associated with the sphere of high-tech production and organization of science. The scientific and technical substyle also differs from the academic one in that it is more active not in abstract terminological vocabulary, but in professionalism.

Thus, the scientific style of speech unites types of literature that are very heterogeneous in content, structure and purpose, as a result of which the internal division of the scientific style into substyles can be somewhat arbitrary, and the boundaries between individual varieties are very blurred.

In addition, there is no consensus among scientists regarding the number and composition of the substyles themselves.

Thus, some researchers also identify such varieties of scientific style of speech as:

a) scientific and journalistic, which is characterized by the motive of proclaiming the social role of science in modern world, the need to popularize it among the general public;

b) scientific memoir, which is associated with a description of the history of various discoveries and biographies of scientists.

Scientific style is heterogeneous. Its varieties (substyles and genre forms) are associated with the target setting for use.

Linguistic features of communicative style types of scientific text (substyles) - academic (or scientific), educational, scientific, informational and popular science (or scientific and journalistic) - are determined primarily by the scope of their functioning and purpose.

The central place among texts written in a scientific style is occupied by academic texts - articles, monographs, dissertations, since they most clearly meet the goals of science - to expand and deepen knowledge about the world around us. The addressee and addressee of these texts are maximally objectified. The main goal is to reliably, properly scientific level inform about this subject. Academic texts are characterized to the greatest extent by logical coherence and objectivity of presentation (without emotional coloring), strict scientific character, brevity and clarity of formulation, abundance of terms. The syntax of these texts is characterized by pronounced conciseness and subordination to logical models. Consider, for example, a text on geophysics.

High stresses in the vicinity of workings cause rock destruction, often in the form of cracking and delamination, which can result in the destruction of the workings. Particularly dangerous are sudden collapses of the suspended lava roof, crushing of abandoned pillars, sudden outbursts from side rocks and roofs in preparatory workings... These phenomena are usually combined under the name of rockbursts. It is believed that their presence is associated with the release of the elastic energy of the rock... and is determined by the mechanical (deformation and strength) characteristics of rocks, the structure of the formation and, of course, the geometry of the workings and the method of mining...

This text contains many special terms (lava roof, pillars, fallouts, rock bursts, elastic energy, deformation and strength characteristics, etc.), there are passive predicates (combine, considered), complex attributive and nominative phrases (type of cracking and delamination, lateral rocks, geometry of workings, mining operations, etc.), omission of linking verbs. All these characteristics ensure information density and accuracy of the text.

Educational texts serve a learning purpose, which determines the composition, structure and style of the text. Unlike academic texts, whose goal, as a rule, is to communicate new knowledge, educational texts record an already established system of knowledge, generally accepted concepts and laws of a given science. This determines greater clarity, precision, and intelligibility of presentation. In addition, the addressee in this area is determined more clearly, since the author of the textbook usually focuses on the specific needs and level of training of his potential readers (for example, he knows for which faculties, specialties, courses his textbook is intended).

The need to motivate the learning process, interest students, and make the material more accessible and useful explains the expressed position of the author - a potential teacher. It is manifested in the use of various means of updating and emphasizing the presented material, its evaluation, in the volume and content of recommendations, comments and notes. Let's take as an example a fragment from a mathematics textbook.

In mathematics we deal with a wide variety of sets. We use two main types of notation for the elements of these sets: constants and variables.

An individual constant (or simply a constant) with a range of values ​​A denotes a fixed element of the set A. ... An individual variable (or simply a variable) with a range of values ​​A denotes an arbitrary, not predetermined element of the set A.

Usually constants and variables whose range of values ​​is some number set[I], namely one of the sets N, Z, Q, R, C, are called, respectively, natural, integer (or integer), rational, real and complex constants and variables. In the discrete mathematics course, we will use various constants and variables, the range of which is not always a numerical set.

As you can see, this educational text captures generally accepted concepts and laws of mathematical science. This determines the clarity, laconicism of presentation, addressing the material and expression of the author’s position. In order to attract the attention of a wider readership to the issues under consideration and for the author to express his own opinion, popular scientific (scientific and journalistic) texts are created. In these texts, the author’s individual style and desire to use expressive means to influence the position and opinion of the reader are maximally manifested.

The syntax of texts is characterized by greater development, simplified constructions, the exclusion in many cases of justifications and explanations, less terminological vocabulary is used, mainly general scientific ones. This is due to the orientation of popular science texts towards the reader - a non-specialist in this field of knowledge, as a result of which the author pays more attention to the postulation of certain provisions than to their explanation using strictly scientific methods.

To illustrate what has been said, here is a fragment from a popular science publication.

European culture occupies a very special place among other cultures of the world... How was this achieved? The answer sounds very simple: due to human limitations.

Of the entire spectrum of human spiritual capabilities, only one section was taken - the reflectively thinking mind. All the forces of many nations are concentrated around its development. Only this part of the spectrum, generally speaking, was visible: the rest turned into something like the ultraviolet and infrared regions of the spectrum. This concentration on one area made it possible to make a breakthrough, but hence the crisis and mental discord in both personal and social consciousness; and hence, as a consequence, the unjustified dominance of materiality.

A distinctive feature of the above fragment is its imagery. Syntactically, information is expressed in nominative sentences, expressive phrases are used (reflectively thinking mind, mental discord), introductory words that facilitate the perception of the text (generally speaking). The presentation of this fragment can be classified as a mixed type, since it combines narration, reasoning and inference.

Scientific information texts occupy an intermediate place between academic and official business ones. Texts of this type (articles in encyclopedic dictionaries and reference books, abstract journals and collections, scientific documentation) are written with the aim of providing the reader with information on any scientific question. As a rule, such texts are created according to a certain model with a fixed order of elements and a given volume, which brings them closer to the genre of official business papers. Similarities are observed in modal assessments: maximum objectivity, high information content and capacity of syntactic structures, absence of subjective assessments. So, in the following fragment of an article from encyclopedic dictionary information is briefly and meaningfully presented about what an earthquake is, why it occurs, how it spreads, what its strength is associated with, and how it is measured. In terms of information content, syntactic brevity and terminology, the style of this fragment is close to the academic substyle, and in terms of the comprehensive characteristics of the subject - to the educational and scientific one.

Earthquake - tremors and vibrations earth's surface resulting from sudden displacements and ruptures in earth's crust or the upper part of the mantle and transmitted over long distances in the form of elastic vibrations. The intensity of an earthquake is assessed in seismic scores... for the energy classification of earthquakes, magnitude is used.

The difference between communicative and stylistic types of texts is manifested in frequency, in functional and semantic types of speech. Thus, academic texts are equally characterized by descriptive and argumentative compositional speech forms, the choice of which is determined by the content of the text and the communicative goals of the author. Closest to academic texts in in this regard educational, since they present all functional and semantic types (description, definition, explanation, reasoning, etc.); However, descriptive types predominate, realizing the goal setting of these texts - to present a fragment of knowledge. In scientific literature, the most common texts are descriptive: clearly structured definitions and messages. In popular science texts, the presentation of the material reflects general logic, there is no detail, so they are descriptive or descriptive-narrative in nature.

Highlight three varieties(substyle) scientific style: proper scientific substyle; scientific and educational substyle; popular science substyle. Each of the substyles is formed in certain genres of speech.

OWN SCIENTIFIC SUB-STYLE divided into academic, scientific information and scientific reference.

Academic substyle always contains new knowledge. It is represented by such genres as monograph, dissertation, scientific report, scientific article etc. The substyle is generally distinguished by a strict, academic manner of presentation. It brings together scientific literature written by experts and intended for specialists.

Monograph is a generalization of heterogeneous information obtained as a result of several research works devoted to one topic and containing more subjective factors than the article. It is created only after the accumulation of a certain amount of factual and generalized information.

Scientific journal article contains, in addition to factual information, elements of logical understanding of the results of a particular scientific research. Among the scientific articles we can highlight:

- short messages containing summary results of research work or their stages;

- original article, which is a statement of the main results and conclusions obtained during research and development work;

- review article, where achievements in a particular area are summarized, the current state is recorded or prospects for future development are outlined;

- discussion article, which contains controversial scientific provisions for the purpose of discussing them in the press;

According to the nature of the problems they solve, scientific articles can be divided into scientific-theoretical, scientific-methodological and scientific-practical.

Unlike the academic substyle, genres scientific and informative substyle are secondary, i.e. derived from the original text (pretext) and are the result of its processing. This abstract of a dissertation, abstract of an article or monograph, abstract, scientific review, scientific review(for a monograph, article), etc. Here the main ideas contained in a “large” scientific text are presented in a concise form.

The most important type of secondary information publications are abstract journals. They publish annotations and abstracts.

annotation- this is an extremely compressed description of the primary source, having a purely informational value. Unlike an abstract, an abstract cannot replace the material itself. She only has to give general idea about the main content of a book or article. The abstract answers the question: what is said in the original source.

There are two types of annotations: descriptive and abstract.

A descriptive abstract provides only a description of the material, without revealing its content.

The abstract annotation indicates what exactly is contained in the annotated material (article, scientific work), that is, the material is presented in a coherent, albeit extremely condensed and generalized form. An example of an abstract would be an abstract placed on the back cover of a book.

Both descriptive and abstract abstracts can have the following structure: 1) bibliographic description (author, title of article/book, volume or publication number, place of publication, number of pages, illustrations; 2) general information (concise description) of the material; 3) additional information (about the work and its author).

Let's give an example of an abstract abstract.

Soloviev V.S. Philosophy of art and literary criticism. - M.: Nauka, 1991. – 223 p.

Vladimir Sergeevich Solovyov (1853-1900) is a major figure in the intellectual, social and cultural life of Russia in the last third of the 19th century. A thinker and poet, he completed an entire era of philosophical quests and gave impetus to new ideological and artistic movements of the 20th century, especially symbolism. The works included in the collection by V.S. Solovyov in accordance with the most important topics his aesthetic thoughts are distributed in the following sections: “Beauty as a transformative force”, “The moral mission of the artist”, “Articles about Russian poets”, “Encyclopedic articles. Reviews. Notes”.

Essay, unlike the annotation, answers the question: what information is contained in the original source. He reports the new and most significant provisions and conclusions of the reviewed source. The purpose of the abstract is not only to short form convey the content of the original, but also highlight what is particularly important or new that is contained in the material being reviewed. If necessary, the translator must give overall assessment(positive or critical) of the provisions stated in the commentary.

Based on the nature of the presentation of the material, abstracts-summaries and abstracts-resumes are distinguished.

A summary abstract requires a higher degree of generalization; it summarizes the main provisions of the original. Minor provisions that do not have direct relationship to the topic are excluded.

The summary abstract summarizes all the main provisions of the original, including sometimes minor ones.

According to the coverage of sources, monographic, summary, review and selective abstracts are distinguished.

A monographic abstract is compiled based on one source, a summary abstract is compiled based on several articles, books or documents, a review abstract is compiled on a particular topic or in a particular area, in the form of brief reviews, and selective abstracts are performed on individual chapters, sections or materials.

When compiling an abstract, you can use the following structure: 1) bibliographic description (author, title of article/book, volume or publication number, place of publication, number of pages, illustrations); 2) the main idea (idea) of the abstract; 3) a generalized presentation of the material (content) of the work under review; 4) conclusions (the author’s answers to the question posed in the article are logical development main idea); 5) reference commentary, which may include: general comments on the topic (work) being presented; comments on the history of the issue (connection with past and present events and phenomena); factual clarifications and clarifications that must be specified by the referent; information about the author and source; indications of other sources and materials on this issue.

Scientific reference type of text has the highest degree of generalization and is implemented in reference books. They are compiled on the basis of factual information, contain proven information and recommendations for their practical application. Genres - dictionary, reference book, encyclopedia, Wikipedia etc.). The model for reference text is usually a list of topics listed in alphabetical order. Typically, a dictionary entry consists of a title (a defined term), a body of contents, and a bibliography.

Standing apart among the speech genres of the scientific style are such speech genres as patent, technical instructions.

Patent - legal document certifying the right of its owner to the exclusive use of a particular invention. The patent gives only the name of the invention; its description and characteristics are attached to the patent. Patent descriptions are characterized by objectivity, logical consistency, and accuracy of presentation in a comprehensive form. They widely use terminological and industrial vocabulary, letter abbreviations, symbols of technical devices, technological processes, brands of products, devices, instruments, machines, as well as units of measurement.

Technical instructions contains general standards, methods and methods of implementing activities within different departments or a description of the use of various devices, products, etc. The lexical composition of the instructions is directly dependent on the scope of application and, accordingly, the intended addressee. The technical instructions use special and terminological vocabulary.

This substyle is opposed POPULAR SCIENTIFIC SUB-STYLE.

Popular science substyle is one of the stylistic and speech varieties of science. functional style, distinguished (in comparison with the scientific one) on the basis of the implementation of “additional” communication tasks - the need to “translate” special scientific. information into the language of non-specialized knowledge, namely, the tasks of popularizing scientific knowledge. knowledge for a wide audience.

As a substyle variety of scientific. functional style, N.-p. p. retains the main specific features characteristic of scientific. style: popular science literature presents knowledge acquired in the field of science. activities; The content of popular scientific literature (mostly, in the main) is the same as in scientific literature proper. literature. The main style-forming extralinguistic factors that determine the patterns of functioning of linguistic means of N.-p. in speech. etc., the same as in the actual scientific. style. The difference between N.-p. n. from the actual scientific. style - in the indicated “additional”, particular tasks of communication: for popular scientific literature this is the task of conveying reliable scientific information to a non-specialist in an accessible form. knowledge.

Popular scientific literature, as a rule, has a non-specialist readership, but in modern times. scientific communication, one can note a tendency to expand the targeting of popular scientific works. Thus, there are three forms of popularization: general education, intrascientific (satisfying the professional needs of specialists seeking to go beyond the narrow specialization within the framework of their science) and interscientific (replenishing the interdisciplinary interests of scientists).

In texts intended for the mass reader, which is what popular scientific literature is, their pragmatic aspect is clearly manifested - their focus on a certain type of reader. The factor of differentiated targeting of popular science works strengthens their role as a “connecting link” between specialists in different fields of knowledge, as well as different age groups of readers. Therefore, the known classifications of popular scientific literature are based on the type of addressee. N.N. Mayevsky is a classification based on age; There are also classifications that take into account other characteristics of readers, for example. readiness of the audience to perceive scientific knowledge ( E.A. Lazarevich).

Popular scientific speech has a stylistically contaminated nature. On the one hand, being a type of scientific. style, she expounds scientifically. information, that is, the content of popular scientific literature is the same as scientific literature itself. Hence - some of the constituents of the actual science. speeches are also present in popular science works. This is, first of all, general scientific vocabulary and terms (although the latter function here somewhat differently than in scientific speech). Talking about scientific search, modern the author of a popular scientific text, as a rule, shows the finished result, while deliberately omitting most of logical evidence and argumentation, since the popularizer tries to make the text both accessible and exciting.

The methods of presenting terms in a popular scientific work, in comparison with the actual scientific work, have their own characteristics. So, along with those characteristic of scientific. style with definitions such as “generic character + species difference”, in a popular scientific work one finds a number of techniques for introducing terms used only in popular scientific literature: a brief explanation of the meaning only in parentheses ( Atoms that carry a positive charge (cations ), are deposited on the cathode); in a footnote; using figurative means ( Gene,who takes over , is called dominant, andwhich is inferior – recessive) and so on.

On the other hand, the pragmatics of a popular scientific work, the “addressee factor” ( N.D. Arutyunova) determines its specificity, the originality of its construction as a text of “non-rigid type” ( N.M. Razinkina, 1989, p. 125) compared to texts of other types. The linguistic antinomy of the sender and recipient of speech has its own specific expression here: to achieve an adequate pragmatic effect in a popular scientific work (any address), it is necessary to express as openly as possible the attitude towards the reader’s response, to build such a language strategy of the subject of speech that would ensure potential feedback, i.e. implementation of dialogical relationships ( M.N. Kozhina).

Expressiveness (expressiveness) scientific. speech as a means of optimal communication in this area is one of its essential features ( M.N. Kozhina, N.Ya. Milovanova, N.M. Razinkina). For a popular science work, the presence of the “expressiveness” attribute is even more necessary. Special attention expressive syntactic indicators of the stylistic organization of a popular scientific text deserve, because exactly at syntactic structure the most pronounced character traits style.

In a popular scientific work, expressive syntactic means play an important role in fulfilling the communicative task of a popular scientific text; they are organized in it at the level of the entire text: they act as a means of expressing and arranging the event, subject and emotional-evaluative components of the text. They are located in the “nodal” places of popular science. works: in headings, at the absolute beginning and end of the text, in places where the main topic is formulated, a problem is posed, hypotheses are solved, etc. At the same time, they serve both to form a communicative-discourse frame of the work (including elements that determine the entry into speech, exit from speech, division of speech), and an emotional-evaluative frame (mobilizing the attention and interest of the addressee, expressing the author’s assessment, etc. ). Thus, the means of expressive syntax in a popular science work help the transition from an idea to a finished popular science text, while being subject to the style-forming principle of popular science presentation - the principle of accessibility and clarity.

These are primarily question-and-answer complexes (QACs) and parceled structures (PCs). FOC is a unique way of creating a plan for the recipient; with the help of VOC, the author’s communicative orientation towards managing the reader’s attention is realized: this is an imitation of a dialogue between the author and the reader, a way of establishing feedback with the reader by activating his attention. We can also highlight the informative function of the VOK: they contribute to the dismembered assimilation of thought; introduce terms and define them. Rhetorical questions have an evaluative function: they usually contain an expressively colored negation (for example: And what is it, if you look at it, new?). One can also name the function of compositional coherence: FOCs create the compositional framework of a popular scientific work. This is a group of questions that function in titles, subtitles and internal titles. In this case, the answer to the title-question can be the entire article or part of it (see, for example, N.V. Kirichenko, 1990, p. 52–53).

The role of parceled structures (PCs) in popular science works is diverse. They detail the message, as if simplifying the structure of the statement, at the same time making it more visible. In the description, when specifying the depicted PC, the details of the overall picture, the most significant points, are highlighted, for example: TermThe "biosphere" includes all parts of our planet. And the atmosphere, and the ocean, and all parts of the earth's surface. Often PCs act as a means of expressing the author’s point of view, creating an ironic narrative plan, for example: Anyway, enough emotions. We were asked to write. We wrote. We would write more reservedly if we had not tried the product itself. But we tried. And you, dear reader, most likely have never seen him.

Means of verbal imagery, including metaphors, are widely used in popular science works. The reason for the widespread use of the stylistic device of metaphor in popular science presentation is primarily that metaphor is a way of stimulating the reader’s creative perception of a popular science text. The surprise, unpredictability, and originality of a metaphor allow one to go beyond the boundaries of familiar ideas (at the same time, the metaphor determines an associative appeal to things, phenomena of the everyday world), awakens the creative activity of the reader, and stimulates the emergence of new knowledge.

The leading function of metaphor in a popular science work is to reveal the essence of science. concepts are a cognitive, heuristic function. It is pointed out that metaphor often introduces scientific term. However, the functions of metaphor in popular science presentation are much more diverse: metaphor is used when introducing new knowledge, as well as for interpreting old, well-known science. provisions, for example: hunt forbosons The accelerator has been specially re-equipped. Wed: buffalo hunt. Metaphor acquires a special, evaluative character in those parts of a popular scientific text where we are talking about the presentation of any new concepts or theories.

In a popular scientific text as a whole, metaphors can serve as a constructive element: metaphors, without creating fiction. images can echo even at a distance, forming a certain system. Such examples are very common when a metaphor is placed at the level of a whole text, chapter or part of a text, participating in the explanation of a complex process, helping the author to develop a scientific concept. thought, explain a complex problem.

Thus, in the structure of a specific popular science text, marked expressive syntactic means (and not only syntactic ones) play an important role in fulfilling the communicative task of a popular science text, helping to implement the style-forming principle of popular science presentation - the principle of accessibility and visibility.

Elements of the compositional and semantic structure of popular scientific texts are also subordinated to the solution of the general communicative task of a popular scientific work: a special kind of introductive pretext characteristic of the genre of a modern popular scientific article, the so-called heading complex, an epigraph.

Thus, the specificity of a popular science work is determined primarily by its focus on a special type of reader and the need for the most optimal fulfillment of the main task of a popular science text - the task of popularizing science. knowledge. At the same time, stylistic and speech means and features of N.-p. p. and scientific. styles coincide in many respects, differing only in the frequency of use, greater functional-style variability and communicative tasks.

Considering the field model of scientific. style, it should be noted that in addition to the “pure” forms of scientific. speech and sub-style, peripheral, characterized by additional, in comparison with scientific, tasks, there are syncretic formations located at the intersection of several styles, respectively, containing their features. So, for example, there are scientific and artistic texts that are a kind of hybrid of two corresponding styles. It is difficult to qualify such formations: they represent a transitional stylistic sphere, located precisely at the intersection of two styles.

SCIENTIFIC AND EDUCATIONAL SUB-STYLE combines the features of the scientific substyle itself and popular science presentation. What it has in common with the scientific substyle itself is terminology, consistency in the description of scientific information, logic, and evidence; with popular science - accessibility, creolization, richness of illustrative material. The genres of the scientific and educational substyle include: textbook, lecture, seminar report, answer to the exam, explanatory speech of the teacher and student, test, dictation, presentation, essay, exercise and etc.


1. What is a functional style and how does it relate to the areas of communication and the functions of language?

2. Name the extralinguistic features of the scientific style. Name the varieties.

3. In what genres of speech is the scientific substyle represented? Name the types of scientific articles.

4. Why are genres of the scientific and information substyle usually called secondary?

5. What is the difference between the scientific and popular science substyles?

6. What are the similarities between popular science and educational scientific substyles?

7. What, in your opinion, is the difference between the scientific style and other functional styles (extralinguistic and linguistic)?


Task No. 1. Read the abstract information. What substyle of scientific speech do they belong to?

Testing- one of the types of extracting basic information from a source text with its subsequent translation into a specific language form. The abbreviation during thesis is made taking into account the problems of the texts, that is, the author’s assessment of the information and provides a presentation divided into separate theses.

Theses- briefly formulated main provisions of the report, scientific article. Based on the material presented in them and in content, theses can be either a primary, original scientific work, or a secondary text, similar to an annotation, abstract, or synopsis. The original theses are a condensed reflection of the author’s own report and article. Secondary theses are created on the basis of primary texts belonging to another author. The abstract presents this topic logically and concisely. Each thesis, which usually makes up a separate paragraph, covers a separate micro-topic. If the plan only names the issues being considered, then the theses should reveal the solution to these issues.

Theses have a strictly normative content-compositional structure, in which the following are distinguished:

1. Preamble.

2. Main thesis statement.

3. Final thesis.

A clear logical division of thesis content is emphasized formally or graphically.

formal expression logical relationships between theses can be presented in the following ways:

Using introductory words at the beginning of each thesis ( Firstly Secondly);

Using oppositional phrases ( external factors - internal reasons);

Using classification phrases ( action verb field, state verb field, motion verb field).

Graphic designation The logic of presentation is carried out through the numbering of each thesis. Abstracts, as a rule, do not contain quotations or examples, which is due to the desire for brevity.

Depending on the style of presentation, there are two types of theses:

Theses of the verb structure(are widespread), in which verbal predicates are used; they represent a scientific description that is more concise than a synopsis;

Theses of the nominative system(with no verb predicate) are extremely rare, although this is an extremely concise way of recording scientific information.

Theses can begin with the following speech forms:

- It is known that…

- It should be noted that…

- However…

- It is important that...

- It is assumed that…

- Experts set themselves the task...

The main information in the abstract can be combined using the following connecting lexical means:

- Raises the question...

- Believes...

- Compares...

- Gives an example...

- Lists...

- Characterizes…

- Emphasizes...

Theses are one of the most stable genres of scientific style from the point of view of normativity. Therefore, a violation of purity, genre certainty, genre confusion when drawing up abstracts is assessed as a gross distortion of not only stylistic, but also communicative norms. Among the typical violations, one should note the substitution of abstracts with the text of a message, summary, abstract, annotation, prospectus, plan, and mixing of forms of different genres. Such a mixture indicates the author’s lack of scientific speech culture. Theses are subject to the requirements of stylistic purity and uniformity of speech manner; emotionally expressive definitions, metaphors and other inclusions from other styles are unacceptable.

Let's give an example of theses.

1. Any text is a linguistic expression of the author’s intention.

2. The reading algorithm determines the sequence of mental activity when perceiving the main fragments of the text.

3. Psychological attitude is a person’s readiness for a certain activity, to participate in a certain process, to react to a familiar stimulus or a known situation.

4. When using the integral reading algorithm, a reading skill is formed, which provides for a certain sequence of rational actions in accordance with the blocks of the algorithm.

5. Psychologists call understanding the establishment of a logical connection between objects by using existing knowledge.

Task No. 2. Compose abstracts for the theoretical material “Morphological and syntactic features of the scientific style of speech”

Related information.

Scientific style

Subsequently, the terminology was replenished from the resources of Latin, which became the international scientific language of the European Middle Ages. During the Renaissance, scientists strived for conciseness and accuracy of scientific description, free from emotional and artistic elements of presentation as contradictory to the abstract and logical reflection of nature. However, the liberation of the scientific style from these elements proceeded gradually. It is known that the overly “artistic” nature of Galileo’s presentation irritated Kepler, and Descartes found Galileo’s style of scientific proof to be overly “fictionalized.” Subsequently, Newton's logical presentation became a model of scientific language.

In Russia, a scientific language and style began to take shape in the first decades of the 18th century, when authors of scientific books and translators began to create Russian scientific terminology. In the second half of this century, thanks to the works of M.V. Lomonosov and his students, the formation of the scientific style took a step forward, but it finally took shape in the second half of the 19th century, together with scientific activities the greatest scientists of this time.


An example illustrating the scientific style of speech:



  • Ryzhikov Yu. I. Working on a dissertation in technical sciences. Requirements for a scientist and for a dissertation; Psychology and organization of scientific work; Language and style of the dissertation, etc. - St. Petersburg. : BHV-Petersburg, 2005. - 496 p. - ISBN 5-94157-804-0
  • Savko I. E. Russian language. From phonetics to text. - Minsk: Harvest LLC, 2005. - 512 p. - ISBN 985-13-4208-4

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