Is it possible to get pregnant from a guy's discharge? Is it possible to get pregnant from lubricant? How to avoid getting pregnant from male discharge

Many young couples do not plan to have children in the near future. Among all available methods They choose interrupted coitus over contraception. Pre-seminal fluid, a lubricant, is released from the erect penis. Let's find out if it can lead to pregnancy.

Types of male discharge

There are 2 types of discharge from the penis: lubricant (pre-cum) and smegma.

Pre-cum appears when the penis is in a state of strong arousal. The discharge is clear and viscous. Pre-ejaculate may contain a certain amount of sperm, mucus, and various enzymes (proteins that act as catalysts for chemical processes in the body). Its reaction is alkaline. The amount of pre-seminal fluid various men may differ radically.

Smegma is also released during sexual intercourse. It consists of the secretion of the sebaceous glands of the prepuce ( foreskin) and remnants of epithelial tissues. Smegma appears inside the folds, after which it reaches the head of the penis. The substance is white and thick. Smegma is characterized by astringent unpleasant smell. It contains pheromones (exciting substances) and bactericides (substances that kill bacteria).

What is the purpose of male secretions during sexual intercourse?

Smegma facilitates the movement of the head of the male sexual organ when it emerges from the foreskin

Pre-cum makes it easier for the penis to enter a woman's vagina. However, this is not the main purpose of pre-seminal fluid. It performs the following functionality:

  • Destroys the acidic environment after urine passes through the urethra (the urethra, which removes waste products to the outside);
  • Moisturizes the channel through which sperm move and facilitates their movement;
  • Cleanses the urethra from residual semen and urine;
  • Ensures the safety of sperm. An acidic environment is harmful to them. Alkaline pre-ejaculate protects sperm from damage. They end up in the woman’s genital tract intact and are able to fertilize the egg.

Smegma performs the following task: it facilitates the movement of the head of the male genital organ when it emerges from the foreskin. The process takes place without injury, discomfort and pain.

Are spermatozoa present in the pre-seminal fluid and lubricant?

There have been no extensive studies to prove the presence of sperm in pre-ejaculate. However, this fact is firmly rooted in people’s minds and is even reflected in specialized literature.

Video: is it possible to get pregnant from lubricant?

Interesting fact: an Israeli clinic conducted a study in 2003 to prove or disprove the presence of sperm in the pre-seminal fluid. 12 men took part in the experiment of different ages and health status. Each pre-cum sample was carefully examined using a microscope. No traces of sperm were found in them.

Photo gallery: is there a risk of getting pregnant from pre-seminal fluid or lubricant?

Sperm, which are sometimes present in the pre-seminal fluid, can lead to fertilization of the egg, but the risk is minimal. Pre-ejaculate is a clear and viscous fluid that appears from the penis at the moment of arousal. Sperm, which may be present in the pre-seminal fluid, are characterized by low activity, so they rarely reach eggs

Some scientists argue that there is indeed a certain amount of sperm present in the pre-seminal fluid. This percentage is insignificant, and they are not highly active. We are talking about sperm that lingered in urethra after the previous ejaculation. Unplanned pregnancies can happen, especially during ovulation (the moment when an egg passes through the fallopian tubes, it is mature and ready for fertilization), but such cases are rather the exception to the rule.

Smegma that gets into the vagina should not cause concern. It cannot lead to unwanted pregnancy. The lubricant is secreted by glands that are geographically distant from the testicles, so there are no sperm in it.

Interrupted sexual intercourse: what is it, is it possible to get pregnant?

Coitus interruptus recognized official medicine as ineffective

Interruption is usually called sexual intercourse that ends with the abrupt removal of the male penis from the woman’s genital tract before ejaculation begins. If this operation is performed technically correctly, the risk of becoming pregnant is minimized. This method of contraception is recognized by official medicine as ineffective.

The main causes of unplanned pregnancy include the following:

  • Untimely or late removal of the male genital organ from the vagina. This is especially true for early ejaculation;
  • The presence of sperm in the urethra from a previous ejaculation. They can be released along with pre-ejaculate and thus enter the female genital tract;
  • Excessive excitement. Not all men can control themselves during sexual intercourse;
  • Low sensitivity threshold. The man does not feel that ejaculation has already begun.

The effectiveness of interrupted coitus is low (73%), so experts do not recommend it.

Video: how not to get pregnant, contraceptive methods

Main types of contraception

Every modern couple can prevent and consciously plan pregnancy if they choose the right method of contraception. The scientific world is constantly inventing new, more advanced ways to control the situation. In order to choose a truly suitable one, realistically evaluate their effectiveness.

Table: popular methods of contraception

MethodEfficiencyThe essence of the methodPeculiarities
Sterilization99.9% In men it is a vasectomy, in women it is a vasectomy. fallopian tubes. These procedures require surgical intervention and exclude the possibility of having a child in the future.Recommended only for women who already have several children and in case medical contraindications to pregnancy, because the ability to become pregnant is not restored.
Oral contraceptives99.7% Hormonal drugs have a complex effect on women's reproductive system: ovulation is suppressed, mucus in the cervical canal thickens, the endometrial layer in the uterus becomes thinner. While taking the pills, the woman’s ovaries “rest”, and the required dose of the hormone is provided by the drug.Oral contraceptives contain different dosages and combinations of hormones. This makes it possible to provide an individual approach and choose exactly those pills that can solve the problems of a particular woman. They should be selected exclusively by a gynecologist.
Intrauterine contraception99.2–99.8% This type of contraception includes an intrauterine device and an intrauterine hormonal system. The spiral is installed in the uterine cavity and prevents implantation (attachment) of a fertilized egg. The intrauterine hormonal system is administered in the same way, but acts differently - it regularly releases a certain amount of hormone, which, acting locally, has several effects: it increases the viscosity of mucus in the cervical canal, suppresses sperm motility, and thins the inner layer of the uterine cavity (endometrium).The intrauterine hormonal system is suitable for women who do not intend to become pregnant for a long time, as well as for nursing mothers. It is installed for 5 years, however, if necessary, it is possible to remove it earlier. Unlike the IUD, the hormonal system is not an abortive method of contraception.
Hormonal implants and injections90–99% These contraceptive methods work on the principle hormonal pills, only the hormone is introduced into the body in other ways: intramuscular injection carried out every three months (or monthly), a hormonal implant is inserted into the upper arm and provides contraception for 5 years.It is difficult to choose individually, based on the woman’s health status and her individual needs. There are a number side effects: irregular bleeding, discharge, headache, weight gain and acne.
Hormonal patch and ring92% The same level of reliability for these two methods does not at all indicate the similarity of their use: the hormonal patch is glued to the skin, and the hormonal ring must be inserted into the vagina independently.The hormonal patch must be applied every 7 days, starting from the first day of the cycle. The use of a hormonal ring is designed for one cycle. It needs to be installed from days 1 to 5 of the cycle, and after three weeks (on day 22) removed. On the 8th day of the break, a new one is introduced. It is the adherence to clear patterns that allows these methods to be effective, so they are only suitable for very organized women.
Barrier methods: condom, diaphragm, cap, sponge84–85% The condom is the only one among all the above contraceptives that protects not only from pregnancy, but also from any infections and bacteria. But its low reliability means that this product often fails (simply breaks). The diaphragm, cap and sponge are also barrier methods of contraception; these devices are installed in the vagina immediately before sexual intercourse.These contraceptive methods require preparation for sexual intercourse - and, therefore, can significantly reduce sexual desire, cause discomfort and reduce sensitivity.
Calendar method80% Involves mathematical calculations of the days on which fertilization can occur, according to a woman’s menstrual cycle. Thus, during the “dangerous” period, you need to either abstain from sexual contact or use other methods of contraception.Suitable only for women with a regular menstrual cycle who are not embarrassed by “love on a schedule.”
Spermicides71% Spermicides are chemical contraceptives: vaginal suppositories, creams, tablets, capsules. They mainly contain “nonoxynol” or “benzalkonium chloride”, which have a destructive effect on sperm. A woman should use chemical contraceptives every time before sexual intercourse.If pregnancy occurs with this method of contraception, this can have a bad effect on the fetus; most often, doctors recommend an abortion. In addition, chemical contraceptives often cause irritation and inflammation of the vaginal mucosa and vaginal candidiasis.

Photo gallery: modern methods of contraception

Hormonal implants and injections are difficult to select individually, based on the woman’s health status and her individual needs. The hormonal ring is designed for one cycle, it is suitable only for attentive and organized women. Oral contraceptives contain different dosages and combinations of hormones, therefore they are selected individually. A condom is a means of contraception that protects only from pregnancy, but also from any infections. Spermicides are chemical contraceptives: vaginal suppositories, creams, tablets, capsules. The spiral is installed in the uterine cavity and prevents the implantation (attachment) of a fertilized egg. Sterilization is recommended only for those women who have already been mothers. Vasectomy or sterilization eliminates the possibility of having a child in the future

When a healthy man is sexually aroused, the so-called pre-ejaculate - lubricant - begins to be released. It is necessary for:

1) facilitating penetration into the vagina;

2) creating a favorable acidic environment - this is important for the further viability of sperm;

3) cleansing the urethra from residual urine and ejaculate from previous sexual contact.

Why can you get pregnant from lubricant?

Purely theoretically, male lubricant does not contain sperm, since a completely different one is produced. However, the following case should be considered: a man committed sexual intercourse. Even if they are partners, it doesn’t matter. The remains of the ejaculate, and therefore the sperm, remain in the urethra. Moreover, male reproductive cells can live in the urethra for up to 7 days! Consequently, any unprotected sexual contact will then be sufficient for a woman to... True, the unfavorable environment of the vagina, as well as the mucous plug of the cervix, will stand in the way of sperm. But the most strong cell may well penetrate the uterus. And if a sperm meets an egg, then the likelihood of getting pregnant from male lubricant is enormous.

What is the likelihood of getting pregnant from lubricant?

The greatest chance of getting pregnant from lubricant occurs when a woman has also ovulated. In this case, on the contrary, vaginal discharge becomes more viscous and acidic. This contributes to more the easy way male reproductive cells. It is easy to find out about ovulation - during this period a woman experiences an increase in sexual desire, she may have mild pain in the ovary area. In addition, most men admit that it is during ovulation that their partner literally blossoms and is unusually attractive to them.

As a rule, the remaining sperm in the urethra contains a negligible number of sperm - only a few thousand. However, this will be quite enough for conception.

And one more nuance - not every man can completely control himself during sex. Very often, sperm begins to be released even before orgasm, and the woman will believe that she became pregnant from male lubricant. In any case, PPA cannot be considered a reliable means of contraception.

Why is interrupted coitus harmful?

First of all, this method of “protection” negatively affects a man’s sexual health. Indeed, ending sex almost a moment before the highest pleasure requires iron endurance and practice. But not only - with PPA there is a high risk of getting a complete disorder of sexual function. The most common is the appearance of premature ejaculation, when sex lasts less than a minute. Another danger is the appearance of a potency disorder on a psychological level, which is very difficult to cure.

Of course, for a woman there are practically no advantages either - the constant fear that the partner will make a mistake, as well as the fear of the possibility of getting pregnant from male lubricant - all this makes intimate life nervous and constrained.

Which method of contraception is better?

It is best to choose the optimal method of contraception that is suitable for your couple. If you have one sexual partner and are confident in him, then best option– reception oral contraceptives or insertion of an IUD (for women who have given birth). Otherwise, you can use a condom and put it on before penetration into the vagina. This is the only way to guarantee 99 percent protection against pregnancy. It is important to understand that the likelihood of becoming pregnant from male lubricant or discharge is very high.

So, you have chosen interrupted sexual intercourse as a method of preventing unwanted pregnancy. This means that the man removes the penis from the vagina before ejaculating. And you, like many others, wondered whether it is possible to get pregnant from male discharge.

Any gynecologist will tell you that it is possible to relieve the discharge. But the likelihood of pregnancy in this case is low. Did you know that such a possibility may not arise from all of a man’s discharge during sexual intercourse?

Types of discharge in men

In answering you whether it is possible to get pregnant from a man’s secretions, or rather, telling you how this happens, we will touch a little on anatomy and physiology. There are two types of discharge: lubricant ("pre-ejaculate") and smegma.

  • Pre-cum appears even when the penis is simply in an excited state. It has the appearance of an almost transparent liquid. The lubricant does not contain a large number of sperm. Therefore, pregnancy from a man’s secretions is possible, and accordingly, this is not The best way contraception for a couple who does not yet want to have children. Even if you and your partner had sexual intercourse with protection from pregnancy, for example, using a condom, and after some period of time you again indulged in an act of love, but without it, it turns out that you can get pregnant. Any sexual intercourse should be protected if you do not want to get pregnant. By the way, if the previous sexual intercourse was shortly before the current one, then the likelihood of getting pregnant increases. After all, just one sperm is enough to fertilize an egg.
  • The second type of male discharge during sexual intercourse is smegma. She looks white and has bad smell. Smegma is present in both men and women. A man's smegma can be determined as a mixture of secretions sebaceous glands foreskin, dead epithelial tissue and moisture. It can accumulate on the edge of the head of the penis. So you can’t get pregnant from smegma.

Pregnancy from discharge: how and why

  • Firstly, a small number of live sperm are found in the lubricant, which is released during the process of sexual intercourse, starting from the moment the penis is aroused. Therefore, it is, of course, possible to become pregnant from male discharge, but with low probability. This is why gynecologists are against such a method of preventing unwanted pregnancy as interrupted sexual intercourse.
  • Secondly, after ejaculation, a certain percentage of sperm remains in the urethra, and there is discharge on the penis, and during the next sexual intercourse they end up in the vagina if the man has not taken a shower. That is, pregnancy from discharge is more likely with repeated sexual intercourse, not accompanied by a shower before this.
  • Thirdly, interrupted sexual intercourse is dangerous not only because of the possibility of becoming pregnant from the discharge. Any man has quite a difficult time in such a difficult task... Don’t think that it’s so easy to catch the moment before ejaculation occurs. By the way, this prevents a man from relaxing normally and getting maximum pleasure from sex. And even with a man’s excellent ability to capture such a moment, there is a chance of getting pregnant, since sperm with bed linen or hands may get into the vagina. Don't forget, sperm lives for about 3 days.

If a couple has definitely decided for themselves that they do not yet need pregnancy, and they are now choosing a method of contraception, then they must remember that interrupted sexual intercourse does not provide a 100% guarantee of protection against unwanted pregnancy. Because you can get pregnant from discharge using this method. Go to a gynecologist, the doctor will definitely choose the best method of birth control for you. Or just use condoms, this will save your couple from unnecessary worries.

It should be clarified right away that theoretically it is possible to become pregnant from lubricant, discharge, or mucus in men, but this does not happen in every case, but only under certain circumstances. The so-called lubricant or mucus is a special secret that is produced by male sex hormones during arousal, designed to facilitate insertion of the penis into the vagina. Medical experts have found that such secretions do indeed contain live sperm, but their quantity is extremely small.

Compared to ejaculation during a male orgasm, when millions of motile sperm are erupted, their number in lubricant is hundreds or even thousands of times less. It is important to remember that fertilizing an egg is a complex process and requires a huge number of sperm to increase the chances of their passage to the uterus through the destructive environment of the vagina. In addition, during orgasm, sperm splashes out under strong pressure, which also simplifies its passage, while the lubricant only moistens the head. Thus, it is highly doubtful that fertilization will occur from simple secretions.

And yet there is a chance of getting pregnant from lubrication, discharge or mucus in men. First of all, such chances are high in men suffering from premature ejaculation or seminal canal disorder. Often, their sperm begins to come out in small quantities even before orgasm, and it is easy to confuse it with lubricant. In addition, the number of sperm in the lubricant can increase significantly if a man long time there was sexual abstinence. A similar phenomenon is observed during sexual intercourse that is too long, when the amount of lubrication (mucus) increases due to strong overexcitation and delaying the moment of orgasm. Sometimes the amount of lubricant is so large that if unsuccessful, it always leads to pregnancy.

Much about the influence of male lubricant on pregnancy depends on the woman herself. As you know, in each menstrual cycle, which lasts approximately a month, the moment of ovulation occurs - the complete maturation of the egg and its readiness for fertilization. Usually ovulation lasts no more than a day, but several days before and after this phenomenon can be “dangerous”. When having sex without protection during this period, even the penetration of a small amount of male lubricant into the vagina can quickly lead to fertilization of the egg and pregnancy.

It is important to remember that not all discharge in men is a simple lubricant. In some cases, mucus on the penis is a symptom various diseases sexually transmitted diseases. Thus, the decision to use protection or not during sexual intercourse should be made jointly by a man and a woman based on trust or mistrust in each other. Today, condoms and other types of contraception are among the most reliable and simple ways avoid unwanted pregnancy, so if you do not know your partner very well and are not confident in him, be sure to use contraceptives.

Girls who are not planning a pregnancy very often wonder how to protect themselves from unwanted conception. And one aspect of the problem is the possibility of getting pregnant from male lubricant. So, let's try to understand this and weigh all the risks.

About interrupted coitus

Today there are many methods of contraception. One of the most reliable is. But the fact is that many couples categorically do not accept this method of contraception, since the rubber product dulls pleasure. Others talk about allergic reactions on latex, so they also don’t use condoms.

Based on this, many men and women use interrupted coitus as a method of contraception.

Let's remember the story. Once upon a time, in the time of our grandmothers, there was no such range of contraceptives as in our time. Coitus withdrawal was one of the main ways to avoid pregnancy. But the reliability of this method cannot be stated with certainty. After all, some men without experience do not know their body very well, its reactions during sex, and may simply not have time to interrupt sexual intercourse in time, that is, before ejaculation. In this case small part sperm will still end up in the vagina, and if this happens in, then it may occur unplanned pregnancy. In addition, another liquid is also released from the man’s penis, which contains sperm. This is the so-called male lubricant.

The reliability of interrupted sex as a method of preventing unwanted pregnancy is 73-75%. And it largely depends on the day of the calendar menstrual cycle women. We must also remember that interrupted sexual intercourse has a bad effect on a man’s health. The consequences of long-term use of this method of contraception appear in adulthood. Therefore, you should not interrupt sexual intercourse too often.

About male lubricant

The lubricant is also called mucus or Cooper's fluid. Scientifically it is called pre-ejaculate. This is a viscous mucous mass that is secreted from the penis before ejaculation. The function of lubricant is to prepare the vagina for fertilization. After all, by its nature, the female vagina has an acidic environment - it is not favorable for male sperm. Pre-ejaculate neutralizes the acidity of this environment before ejaculation. For each man, the amount of Cooper's fluid depends on the condition of the body, the health of its male sphere.

There are men who do not produce pre-ejaculate at all. Others have a large amount of it. And by the way, there are some sperm in this fluid. But sometimes even a small amount is enough to cause an unwanted pregnancy. Especially if the man’s sperm are active.

There is another type of lubricant - “smegma”. There are no sperm in her, and therefore it is impossible to get pregnant from her.

Pregnancy from lubrication

The presence of sperm in Cooper's fluid has been proven laboratory tests. But everyone knows that just one sperm is enough to conceive. If there are several of them, then of course there is a chance of getting pregnant from male lubricant. What is their probability? Significantly lower than from normal ejaculation. But if we talk about the percentage probability, then it all depends on the amount of pre-ejaculate (even the man doesn’t know about this). A healthy, active man has a much higher chance of “accidentally” fertilizing a woman’s egg. But we can talk about probability in a particular case only with expensive research in the laboratory.

So from the above it follows that you can get pregnant from male lubricant. Therefore, it is necessary to use more reliable methods of contraception. These are condoms and oral contraceptives.

Especially for Elena TOLOCHIK