Chest pain when coughing - an alarming symptom? When coughing, it hurts in the chest: causes. What to do? Severe cough pain in the left sternum

Most do not take a cold seriously and often let it go. But when there is pain in the chest when coughing, thoughts usually arise about the need to start treatment. And for good reason.

Therefore, it is very important to determine in time the cause of the discomfort and eliminate it.

Why does the chest hurt when coughing: reasons

If a cough is not always a sign of a disease, then the painful sensations with it in almost every case are considered a manifestation of one or another pathology. There are many different kinds of disorders that can affect why, when you cough, your chest hurts.

They may include:

  • cardiological pathologies;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • neuralgic disorders;
  • injuries.

Nevertheless, sometimes coughing hurts the chest and back, which becomes a result of overwork of the respiratory muscles from frequent coughing attacks.

Thus, discomfort usually appears during or after coughing and indicates only a significant increase in the load on certain muscle groups, that is, "DOMS".

Cardiovascular disease

Quite a lot of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels are accompanied by dry cough, so they are often confused at first with common colds. Cough and chest pain are typical for:

  • pericarditis;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • angina pectoris;
  • myocarditis.

For them, shortness of breath and increased painfulness immediately during or after physical exertion are typical. They traditionally run without temperature.

If the patient feels that he is burning behind the sternum, bakes or feels heaviness, these are obvious manifestations of an attack of angina pectoris. And the irradiation of pain to the left side (arm, back, etc.) indicates an acute myocardial infarction. In both cases, emergency medical attention is needed.

Respiratory diseases

In spite of everything, it is a viral or bacterial lesion of various parts of the respiratory system that becomes the most common reason that when you cough, your chest hurts. Depending on the area of ​​the lesion, there are:

Pleurisy is a sluggish inflammatory process that affects the areas of the pleura lining the lungs. Very often it is a complication of pneumonia and is manifested by dry cough, apathy, chills, low-grade fever (about 37 or 37.5 °), difficulty breathing.

Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs. With it, there is a high body temperature, a strong dry or wet cough. The nature of the symptoms depends on the degree of lung involvement.

Bronchitis is an inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the bronchi. It can take many forms and be accompanied by obstruction (narrowing) of the airways. This significantly complicates breathing and causes the need for the appointment of special drugs. Also, chronic bronchitis is often diagnosed, in which patients complain of colitis and pressure behind the sternum.

Lung cancer is a dangerous cancer that in many cases results from smoking. Typical for him is a sharp, stitching, girdle pain when coughing. It often radiates to the neck, arm, or abdomen.

Tuberculosis is a serious infectious disease in which the chest hurts from a strong cough, and the slightest physical activity can provoke its onset.

Shortening of the interpleural ligament, formed by the connection of two pleura layers at the root of the lung and connecting it to the diaphragm. This becomes a consequence of inflammation of this ligament, as a result of which the mobility of the muscles is limited, which provokes the occurrence of discomfort.

Source: site Also, the root of the problem may lie in the pathologies of the digestive system, in particular, the esophagus or stomach.

However, most often, acute pain from a cough in the chest occurs with a cold, such as bronchitis or tracheitis. Discomfort in the throat, fever, weakness, etc. are typical for them.

Neuralgic pathologies

Neurological disorders can also provoke soreness in the chest area. Their appearance is due to:

  • hypothermia;
  • stress;
  • prolonged stay in a forced uncomfortable position;
  • the development of osteochondrosis;
  • hard physical labor.

One of the most common pathologies of this kind is intercostal neuralgia - compression or irritation of the nerves located in the ribs. It is accompanied by severe lumbago, so sometimes it can be confused with a heart attack.

It is typical for her to form areas of numbness or, conversely, increased skin sensitivity. And also sometimes patients complain that they have a burning sensation in a certain area between the ribs.


It would seem that such significant damage is difficult to miss. But sometimes people, under the influence of stress, emotions or other factors, still do not give due importance to getting hit.

which subsequently makes itself felt by the fact that when coughing, the chest hurts. Moreover, most movements, running and even walking lead to pain and shortness of breath.

It is very important to diagnose mechanical damage in a timely manner, since the lack of proper treatment can lead to an aggravation of the condition and damage to organs or soft tissues, which is fraught with pneumothorax.

The nature of the chest pain during coughing. Types of pain

Depending on what caused the disorder, when coughing, it hurts in the chest in different ways. For example, with injuries, discomfort mainly appears during physical exertion and during inhalation.

The localization of pain sensations and their nature is an important diagnostic feature that allows you to determine the nature of the existing disorder.

Middle sternum pain and dry cough

An unpleasant, obsessive, sometimes barking dry cough with pain in the chest is characteristic of common colds, in particular tracheitis, pneumonia, various types of bronchitis, etc.

This is argued by the fact that during coughing attacks the inflamed mucous membrane of the trachea or bronchi bursts out, because sputum is produced in small quantities in the early stages.

In addition, reflex movements irritate the respiratory muscles, resulting in discomfort at the place where the diaphragm is attached, that is, in the lower chest. But pathologies of the heart can also make themselves felt in a similar way.

Cough with chest pain in the middle

If it hurts to cough in the sternum, in most situations this indicates:

  • shortening of the interpleural ligament;
  • the presence of a foreign body in the respiratory tract;
  • oncology.

When coughing, pain on the right side of the chest or on the left

A similar picture is inherent in:

Intercostal neuralgia- the presence of pathology can be suspected by the presence of the possibility of occupying a position in which there is no discomfort. Also, in order to recognize it, you must gently press with your fingertips on the skin along the intercostal spaces. This will allow you to accurately identify the affected area.

Pleurisy. With the defeat of the pleural layers, shortness of breath is present, as well as a lag during the respiratory movement of the diseased half.

Tuberculosis. For him, the constant presence of cough is typical, and traces of blood are often noted in the sputum.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system. One can suspect that something is wrong with the heart by a burning sensation on the left side of the chest, a change in the pulse rate in one direction or another, shortness of breath and the appearance of reflex fear.

Chest pain when coughing in a child

In most cases, in children, the reason why it hurts to cough in the sternum is ARVI, accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the trachea or bronchi.

In the first case, the child will experience acute painful sensations during coughing attacks, which can be compared with a feeling of scratching.

Also, children often additionally complain that they have:

  • there is a runny nose and nasal congestion;
  • decreased appetite;
  • weakness.

How to relieve chest pain when coughing? First aid

It is not recommended to deal with pain syndrome on your own, since medications must be selected in strict accordance with the causes of its occurrence. Therefore, the only case when self-administration of drugs is allowed is an acute attack of angina pectoris.

In this case, the doctor had to inform the patient even earlier about what to do in such situations and write a prescription for the drugs he needs.

When should you seek medical attention?

Any cough, even a slight one, especially with chest pain, lasting more than 2 weeks, is a pretext for contacting a specialist.

An unambiguous reason for an immediate visit to a doctor is considered a burning sensation, a feeling of constriction, pain with a return to the back, neck, lower jaw.

Also, urgently you need to visit a doctor when:

  • maintaining the heat for more than 3 days;
  • when chest hurts and cough;
  • the appearance of blood impurities in sputum;
  • severe deterioration in general condition;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • irradiation of pain to the scapula, left arm or supraclavicular region.

Diagnostics. Which doctor should I go to?

If it hurts to cough, you should initially see a therapist. The doctor will conduct an examination and be able to suggest possible causes of the disorder.

For accurate diagnostics, the following are assigned:

  • clinical blood test;
  • X-rays of light;
  • bacteriological examination of sputum or a triple test (to identify the causative agents of tuberculosis);
  • biopsy of lung tissue (if cancer is suspected).

Based on the data obtained, it is possible to more accurately determine the source of cough and pain. Depending on the results obtained, the therapist may refer the patient to a pulmonologist, cardiologist, trauma surgeon or neurologist.

Treatment and preventive measures

Therapy is selected depending on the identified causes of pain. So, for colds, the following are prescribed:

  • antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs(Panadol, Nurofen, Imet, Nimesil, etc.);
  • antiviral drugs(Arbidol, Anaferon, Otsillococcinum, Isoprinosine, Kagocel, Lavomax, etc.);
  • antibiotics of the penicillin and tetracycline group(Amoxicillin, Doxy-M, Ospamox, Flemoxin, Doxibene, Unidox Solutab, Ampiox, Augmentin, etc.) are indicated exclusively for bacterial infections, for example, with severe bronchitis or pneumonia;
  • in tablets, syrup or in the form of absorbable pastilles: Lazolvan, Ambroxol, ACC, Pectolvan, Fluditek, Herbion, Gedelix, Flavamed, licorice root syrup, marshmallow, etc .;
  • folk remedies.

With neuralgia, a whole range of therapeutic measures is shown, including massage, acupuncture, the use of drugs of the NSAID group (Indomethacin, Butadion, etc.). A specific treatment regimen for each patient is selected by a specialist, based on the characteristics of the course of the pathology and the individual characteristics of a person.

More serious diseases, such as cardiac disorders, tuberculosis or oncology, must be treated strictly on an individual basis under the strict supervision of a specialist. Therefore, very often such patients are hospitalized for an indefinite period of time and often require surgical intervention.
Thus, it has already become absolutely obvious whether a cough can hurt the chest. It is also clear when the appearance of this symptom requires an urgent visit to the doctor, but what to do to avoid its appearance?

Of course, it is impossible to completely protect oneself from the development of all the diseases listed above. Nevertheless, it is possible to minimize the risk of their occurrence and significantly reduce the severity of the course.

The cough itself is uncomfortable, and the situation is aggravated when the attack is painful. Some do not even pay attention to this and do not think about why there is chest pain when coughing. There can be many reasons for this, and most often they are associated with the development of a pathological process in the body. The most important task of specialists is to timely identify the source of the disease and conduct proper treatment.

Sometimes painful sensations arise periodically, in some cases they become permanent. With a pronounced intensity of pain, you should consult a specialist.

Possible reasons

Chest pain when coughing does not occur in a normal state, this is a clear sign of any disorders in the body:

  • dry pleurisy;
  • rib cage damage. In this case, the attack of pain increases with inhalation;
  • with pericarditis, the pain is sharp and periodic. The attack may occur after coughing, inhaling, or on movement;
  • bronchitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • neoplasms. In this case, the pain in the chest when coughing is sharp and stabbing. Unpleasant sensations make it difficult to breathe, usually arise in a certain place and can be given to the arms and neck;
  • tuberculosis;
  • Crick;
  • stressful situation, anxiety and anxiety;
  • violations of the thoracic spine, in particular, osteochondrosis;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • respiratory tract infections;
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
  • pulmonary embolism;
  • cardiovascular disorders;
  • broken ribs.

It is impossible to let the situation go by itself, as pain in the sternum may indicate serious damage to the mucous membrane, pleura and lungs

Consider the causes of chest pain with a dry cough:

  • inflammation of the membrane lining the inner surface of the chest;
  • violation of the rib cage;
  • shortening of the interpleural ligament. In this case, there is a constant coughing, aggravated by physical exertion and conversations;
  • otitis externa;
  • EGRB;
  • foreign bodies;
  • smoking;
  • allergic reaction;
  • pneumothorax.

In addition to coughing, there are many other reasons why it can hurt in the area behind the breastbone: myocardial infarction, pneumonia, cystitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis.

The primary concern for chest pain and coughing is to identify the provoking causes. A specialist will be able to carry out a differential analysis

Let's talk in more detail about diseases in which the chest hurts when coughing. After elimination of the underlying disease, the unpleasant symptom goes away by itself.


Dry pleurisy is accompanied by a dry or even barking cough. As a rule, the disease is a complication of pneumonia. The disease manifests itself as follows:

  • find it difficult to breathe;
  • excessive sweating;
  • chills;
  • slight increase in temperature;
  • apathy, rapid breathing.

Intercostal neuralgia

This disease manifests itself in the form of shooting severe pain in the chest. They are so strong that the patient is ready to scream. The symptoms of intercostal neuralgia are similar to those of a heart attack.

Renal colic

During an attack of renal colic, pain occurs not only in the back, but also a person begins to cough painfully. Violation of the outflow of urine can cause an attack. There are still pains under the scapula and in the abdomen.

Cough pain can be caused by a cold caused by viruses or bacteria.


Influenza, whooping cough, tracheitis, SARS - all of these can cause chest pain from coughing. Usually, after eliminating the causative agent of the underlying ailment, the unpleasant symptom goes away. The main symptoms of these diseases are:

  • sore throat;
  • chills;
  • unproductive cough;
  • heat;
  • weakness and apathy;
  • discomfort in the chest, as if something were scratching from the inside.

Lungs' cancer

Smokers are at risk. According to statistics, in more than eighty percent of cases, lung cancer is a consequence of smoking. Patients cough and at the same time there are sharp, tingling pains that encircle the chest. Soreness can occur in only one part of the chest and radiate to the neck, arm or abdomen.

If you are sick and have severe chest pain when coughing, do not delay seeing your doctor. In case of an attack of pain in the region of the heart, it is better to call an ambulance

Diagnostic examination

The sooner the cause of your ailment is exposed, the faster you can get rid of it. Doctors prescribe a comprehensive examination to identify the true cause of the pathological condition:

  • general analysis of blood and urine;
  • radiography of the lungs;
  • general sputum analysis;
  • three-time sputum test for the detection of mycobacterium tuberculosis;
  • histological examination of lung tissue.

Cough and chest pains are not a disease, but only a symptom, therefore, the underlying disease should be treated first.

Treatment features

If you cough for a long time, but the body temperature remains normal, this does not mean that you can ignore the visit to the doctor. This is especially true when there is pain and a burning sensation.

Urgent specialist assistance is indicated in such cases:

  • the temperature is high;
  • the cough does not go away, but only intensifies;
  • poor general condition;
  • impurities of blood appear in the sputum;
  • face is very pale;
  • difficulty breathing.

If the cause of your condition is unknown, trying to treat the attack on your own can hurt even more. Depending on the etiological factor, the doctor selects a treatment regimen.

If a symptom appears against the background of ARVI, the patient is prescribed a course of antiviral drugs. Depending on the symptoms, you may need to take antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, or antihistamines. With intercostal neuralgia, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs will be needed.

Cardiovascular diseases, oncology and pneumonia are treated individually, depending on the details of the course of the underlying disease and the presence of concomitant pathologies.

So what if you have a cough and chest pain? You should not try to take painkillers at random in the hope that at least something will help. First, the doctor, with the help of an examination, establishes the cause of the ailment and only then prescribes the necessary drugs. The cause of pain when coughing can be a serious pathology. Do not hope that the problem will go away by itself, the situation will only get worse. Do not delay the visit to the doctor, the earlier you start treatment, the more chances you have to completely eliminate the ailment. A competent approach to treatment is the key to a successful recovery!

If you or your child hurts in the sternum with coughs and colds, special care is required in relation to the removal of painful attacks and the complete cure of the inflammatory process. Sternum pain can be neuralgic in nature. In this case, they are often exacerbated in the autumn-spring season. Such symptoms can cause inflammatory diseases or the influence of osteochondrosis. Treatments for these underlying causes vary, so a deliberate approach is required in identifying and eliminating all risk factors.

Feelings and symptoms: scratching in the chest, sore throat, fever, pain go away with a cold.

The most common form is chest pain resulting from prolonged dry cough and natural tearing of organs. This can occur as a result of ARVI, influenza, whooping cough, tracheitis, pleurisy and other infectious diseases in the bronchopulmonary region. Please note that whooping cough causes coughing attacks, in adults it is mild, but also characterized by a protracted course and coughing attacks.

With prolonged colds, in 26% of serological examination, it is the bacteria of whooping cough that is detected, therefore, the treatment of this type of infectious disease should be treated especially, achieving complete recovery and the absence of complications.

  • whooping cough symptoms are relieved by walking in the fresh air;
  • tea with linden and raspberries helps well;
  • for colds of the respiratory tract, the immunomodulator Likopid is often used, which can be taken by infants and during pregnancy;
  • to relieve neurological coughing attacks with whooping cough, brain peptides are used, for example, Cortexin;
  • to eliminate tonsillitis as a constant source of infection in the respiratory tract, immunoglobulin is used in the form of the drug Octagam;
  • to relieve inflammation and edema as a result of an infectious lesion, the homeopathic preparation Lymphomyosot can be used.

Lingering chest pain after a cold

With persistent or lingering pain symptoms in the sternum after infectious diseases, a number of examinations will be required:

If at this stage it was not possible to reliably establish what it might be, we recommend doing CT with contrast and, if possible, PET-CT of the chest. The second examination is specially designed for the early diagnosis of cancer. In some cases, it is just right to start the examination with a less accurate X-ray of the chest. Also, an important examination is an ultrasound of the heart and a cardiogram, which make it possible to establish violations of the cardiovascular system, which can also be infectious.

Physiotherapy and traditional methods for treating chest pain as a consequence of the common cold

If, with a prolonged and protracted cough, neoplasms of unknown etiology and heart disease are not found, which require caution, as well as tuberculosis, you can start treating the inflammatory process with the help of physiotherapy and folk remedies. Cough sometimes occurs periodically as a result of pulmonary fibrosis, this disease requires support and prevention.

The following physiotherapy procedures can relieve the cough reflex, which causes pain and coughing:

  • inhalation with hydrocortisone;
  • electrophoresis with novocaine and aloe.

At home, a cough can be relieved by irrigating the pharynx with a mixture of wormwood essential oil (strictly no more than 1-3 drops) with a base oil (for example, burdock - 1 dessert spoon). Wormwood oil contains thujone, which has a nerve effect, but with small doses of ingestion or irrigation of the pharynx, it relieves cough and helps in relieving swelling.

Tested folk remedies help to relieve pain:

  • rubbing the chest and back with an extract of Adam's root and red pepper, followed by tight bandaging with an elastic bandage - allows you to fix and restore organs damaged by coughing;
  • a mixture of red clay with kerosene as lotions: 1 kg of clay is poured into 1 tbsp. water and warmed up, add 1 tbsp to a slightly chilled mass. l. kerosene.

You can also use pharmacy products:

  • mustard plasters;
  • ointments and gels Finalgon, Naftalgin, Vipratox, Menovazin, Efkamon;
  • a compress of camphor alcohol (1/3 cup alcohol for 2/3 cup water).

Chest pain during pregnancy

During pregnancy, pain in the sternum, in addition to the listed and a number of other reasons, can occur as a result of natural processes of displacement of organs, which causes pain, including on the right side. In this case, it is better to consult your doctor, who will prescribe adequate therapy and examinations. Most often, physiological chest pain during pregnancy is relieved by breathing exercises and special physical exercises.

Neuralgia in the chest

Intercostal neuralgic pains resulting from osteochondrosis and other diseases of the spine are characterized as unbearable and shooting. They can be removed with the help of Chinese balm Asterisk, back massage, treatment of painful areas with Darsonval, home magnetotherapy device. In part, osteochondrosis is treated only by long-term gymnastics, special traction exercises help relieve pain within a week.

Pain that accompanies a cough is a common unpleasant phenomenon. In addition to physical discomfort, the patient is worried about whether this is a sign of a serious complication. The feelings are partly justified, since chest pains have a different character, intensity, are explained by many factors, are treated in different ways.

Possible causes of pain

More often when coughing, it hurts in the chest due to overwork of the intercostal muscles and the diaphragm. Cough tremors strain the respiratory muscles, excessive stress irritates muscle fibers, lactic acid accumulates, and pain occurs. Intercostal neuralgia, bruises and injuries of the chest are manifested by similar symptoms. The cause of the pain syndrome can be colds, complicated by inflammation of the trachea, bronchi.

Significant pain occurs with pneumonia, involvement in the inflammatory process of the pleura or mediastinum aggravates the patient's condition. A cough with chest pain may indicate specific (tuberculosis, sarcoidosis of the lungs) and neoplastic diseases. The cause of pain is often bronchospasm (asthmatic bronchitis, bronchial asthma). Pain syndrome, aggravated by coughing, is accompanied by cardiac pathology (pericarditis, myocarditis, angina pectoris, acute myocardial infarction).

Intercostal neuralgia

The symptoms of the disease are varied, manifested by severe pain, tingling, burning sensation in the chest, zones of numbness or increased sensitivity of the skin are possible. The unpleasant sensations are sharply intensified by a deep breath, cough. Chest neuralgia often resembles the symptoms of angina pectoris, gastritis, bronchitis. The disease can be provoked by:

  • hard labour;
  • lifting weights;
  • a sharp turn of the body;
  • prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position;
  • injury;
  • cold;
  • hypothermia;
  • stress;
  • osteocondritis of the spine.

Neuralgic syndrome develops as a result of muscle spasm and subsequent irritation of the intercostal nerves. There are two signs that help to recognize this disease. First, you can find a position of the body in which pain is not felt. Second: gentle pressure with your fingertips along the intercostal spaces reveal an area of ​​sharp soreness along the lower edge of the rib, where the nerve passes.


The cough accompanying respiratory infections provokes pain in the chest in the middle, according to the projection of the trachea. Cough movements irritate the respiratory muscles, as a result of which soreness occurs in the lower chest cavity, where the diaphragm is attached, and the intercostal spaces hurt. The pain syndrome is often so severe that it makes breathing difficult.


Inflammation of the pleural sheets is manifested by tingling, pulling pains, significantly aggravated by coughing. Dry pleurisy creates a feeling of friction under the ribs, the soreness increases with an inclination to the healthy side. Exudative pleurisy may be asymptomatic for some time, but the accumulation of effusion compresses the lung, leading to shortness of breath. A characteristic sign is the severity, lagging of the sick half of the chest during breathing.


Inflammation of the lung tissue is accompanied by a temperature reaction, cough, sputum production. With a dry cough, it hurts in the chest closer to the sternum, since bronchi covered with drying sputum are affected. The development of the wet component somewhat facilitates the discharge of sputum, but stitching sensations appear on the side of the focus of inflammation. Symptoms significantly depend on the extent of the lesion of the respiratory system (segmental, lobar, total pneumonia).

Breast trauma

The situation when even with a slight cough it hurts in the chest, requires the exclusion of traumatic damage to the ribs, sternum, pleura. The patient could forget about the bruise, while cracks, fractures of bone tissue for a long time are manifested by painful symptoms. A thorough examination will reveal changes in the soft tissues, gentle pressing will reveal the lesion. Bone fragments can injure the lung, and pneumothorax may develop.

Heart disease

The cough can be accompanied by pain when there is concomitant heart disease. Painful coughing movements provoke pericarditis, myocarditis. Feelings are aggravated by physical exertion, shortness of breath occurs, the patient cannot take a deep breath. Pressing pain behind the breastbone, burning sensation is a dangerous symptom, often indicating the development of an attack of angina pectoris. If the pain radiates under the scapula, supraclavicular region, left arm, urgent help is required, since this is how acute myocardial infarction manifests itself.

Lungs' cancer

Oncological pulmonary pathology for a long time proceeds with subtle symptoms, manifesting itself as gradually increasing weakness, fatigue. Only the involvement of the bronchial structures and pleura causes a cough, pain in the chest. Compression of the bronchus by a tumor leads to atelectasis below the level of obstruction, breathing is impaired, hypoxia of internal organs begins. Tumor intoxication is manifested by nausea, vomiting, dizziness. Development of pulmonary bleeding, acute anemia is possible.

Why does the chest hurt when coughing?

Localization of pain often helps to determine the source, cause. There are many reasons for the pain syndrome:

  • overwork of the respiratory muscles from frequent coughing movements;
  • inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, drying out of the respiratory epithelium;
  • irritation or inflammation of the pleura;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • germination, compression of the bronchus by a tumor;
  • traumatic injuries of the chest and chest organs;
  • inflammatory or ischemic diseases of the heart system.

In the middle

Painful sensations in the center of the chest when coughing are often caused by catarrhal tracheitis or bronchitis. Another reason is the inflammatory process of the mediastinum - mediastinitis, including tuberculous genesis. Dull pulling pains behind the sternum, radiating to the back, causes esophagitis (inflammation of the esophagus), neurasthenia manifests itself with similar symptoms.

Behind the breastbone

Acute burning sensation behind the breastbone often indicates cardiac pathology, although esophagitis and heartburn can manifest with the same sensations. A distinctive feature of pain in angina pectoris, myocardial ischemia is a sharp weakness, a rapid pulse, the presence of reflex fear. Aching pains in the center of the chest when coughing more likely indicate tracheitis, their spread to nearby departments - about bronchitis.

On right

A common cause is intercostal neuralgia. The cough becomes excruciating, the patient takes a forced position, which makes it possible to at least partially alleviate the condition. The widespread soreness of the right half of the chest requires the exclusion of pleurisy, a tuberculous process. Pain when coughing will be accompanied by a right-sided focus of pneumonia. The stabbing, "shooting" nature of pain is accompanied by traumatic injury to the ribs.


In addition to intercostal neuralgia, pleurisy, pneumonia, left-sided pains are caused by pericarditis, myocarditis, angina pectoris. Alertness should cause a burning sensation, squeezing in the region of the heart, lack of air, palpitations, tachycardia. This symptomatology is characteristic of ischemic lesions of the heart muscle, and may indicate a developing myocardial infarction.

Which doctor to contact

The main task for a painful cough is to establish and eliminate the cause. With respiratory infections, tracheitis, bronchitis, you should contact a therapist (a child - a pediatrician). Suspicion of damage to the chest requires examination by a traumatologist, surgeon. The neurologist will find out the source of intercostal neuralgia. With pain in the chest, in the area of ​​the heart, you need to call an emergency or visit a cardiologist. Further X-ray and laboratory examination will make it possible to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

What to take if your chest hurts when you cough

Treatment should be prescribed by a doctor, since the pain syndrome when coughing has a different origin. Having established the respiratory nature of the disease, a specialist will advise antiviral drugs, more often these are interferon derivatives. You may need antipyretic, anti-inflammatory (Paracetamol, Ibuprofen) and antihistamines. With bronchitis, the attending physician takes into account the nature of the inflammation. A dry, unproductive cough requires the use of expectorant, sputum-thinning agents: ACC, Lazolvan, Bromhexin, Ambroxol.

Treatment of intercostal neuralgia involves a set of measures, the purpose of which is to eliminate irritation of the intercostal nerves. Anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, more often the non-steroidal group "Indomethacin", "Phenacetin", "Phenylbutazone". Vitamin therapy is indicated, massage, acupuncture may be needed. Medical treatment of pneumonia, chest injuries, cancer, heart disease is carried out strictly individually, taking into account all the characteristics of the disease and the patient.

Video: Intercostal neuralgia and chest pain

The pain felt in the middle of the chest at the time of coughing indicates the presence of an acute inflammatory process in the central segment of the lungs, provoked by infection with pathogenic microorganisms, or as a result of prolonged hypothermia of the body. Only in some cases is the presence of other pathologies not associated with the functioning of the respiratory system possible. Let's try to understand in more detail all the possible reasons for the appearance of such unpleasant sensations, as well as ways to eliminate pain in the chest during a cough.

The main causes of pain in the middle of the chest during coughing in most cases are precisely in the presence of diseases of the bronchopulmonary system. But at the same time, pathologies of the digestive system, heart muscle and nerve endings that are in close proximity to the respiratory receptors cannot be discarded. In general, the following reasons for these chest pains can be distinguished, namely:

When coughing, chest hurts, without fever

Dry cough, and then chest pain in the middle

  1. Angina pectoris. This is one of the few diseases of the cardiovascular system, which is always accompanied by a dry suffocating cough and acute pain in the middle of the chest. At the same time, the patient feels a lack of air, which is most acute during physical exertion. This state of the body is justified by a lack of oxygen and the inability of the heart to pump a sufficient volume of blood.
  2. Mitral valve prolapse. In this case, the pain begins first in the center of the chest, and then evenly spreads over its entire surface. The person experiences an attack of suffocation, which turns into a dry cough. These sensations are provoked by the deflection of the walls of the mitral valve inside the heart muscle.
  3. Thromboembolism. In patients with an increased concentration of platelets in the blood, there is a risk of blood clots that block large and medium-sized great vessels. If there is a blockage of the pulmonary artery, then the person experiences severe burning pain in the middle of the chest. A dry cough occurs as a result of a lack of oxygen, since due to the lack of movement of the bloodstream through the pulmonary artery, natural gas exchange and oxygen saturation of all cells of the body are disrupted.
  4. Peptic ulcer disease. When this disease of the digestive organ is in the acute phase of its development, then not only the mucous membrane of the stomach is irritated, but also the esophagus. Then a aching pain is felt in the chest, which lasts 5-10 minutes, and then subsides for a while, to resume as the peptic ulcer worsens.
  5. Pleurisy. In most cases, with inflammation of the pleural sheets, severe pain during coughing is more felt from the back. But it happens that the patient does not feel absolutely any discomfort in the back of the chest, but at the slightest urge to cough in the middle of the chest, a strong pain syndrome begins.
  6. Tumor. The presence of an oncological process in the central part of the lungs is always a 90% guarantee that starting from stage 2 of the development of a malignant formation, the patient will experience not only a strong dry cough, but also spasmodic attacks inside the chest. As the disease progresses, these symptoms only worsen.

This list of pathologies of the human body is not exhaustive. The factor of individuality of each organism should never be discarded. It is possible that the painful sensations in the middle of the chest, present during coughing, are a symptom of another disease, or a consequence of a spasm of the muscle fibers of the chest on a nerve basis.

Do I need to see a doctor and to which one?

No matter how severe the pain in the middle of the chest when coughing is, you should still seek medical attention from a health care provider. The patient will need to visit a pulmonologist. If this specialized specialist is absent in the clinic, then you need to get an appointment with a therapist. The urgent need for examination by doctors of this specialty is due to the fact that a variety of pathologies can be hidden under the pain syndrome in the middle of the chest. At the same time, it is not always the diseases of the pulmonary nature that are to blame for the painful condition of the chest.

Timely examination and finding out the reason for the presence of these symptoms will help not only quickly get rid of chest pain associated with coughing, but also prevent the onset of severe complications, especially when it comes to the presence of an oncological process.

How to remove pain?

In order to prevent pain in the middle of the chest at home, measures should be taken to organize additional blood flow to the chest. In order to achieve these therapeutic manipulations, it is recommended to perform the following actions, namely:

  1. Lie on your back, remove the pillow from under your head and expose your torso. In this case, the coating should be firm so that the chest does not fall into the inside of the bed.
  2. Make a warming massage of the outer chest. It is enough to perform smooth circular movements for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Apply a warming ointment to the breast surface. Doctor Mom or Asterisk is perfect.
  4. Wrap the chest with a thick terry towel or woolen scarf. If necessary, you can additionally cover yourself with a blanket.

As the warming effect begins, more blood flows to the lungs. This allows you to reduce the inflammatory effect, improve blood circulation and temporarily relieve pain in the middle of the chest during coughing attacks. Similar manipulations can be done not only with the help of warming ointments, but also by installing a water-alcohol compress or mustard plasters on the chest.