Complications of chickenpox in children. Complications after chickenpox in children Headache after a chickenpox in a child

Now the situation has changed. Increasingly, it leads to serious complications and even death.

A characteristic feature is that they can develop after the end of the disease itself.

Where does the disease come from?

The windmill causes herpes simplex virus. It quickly amazes the skin and mucous membranes. At the same time on the skin is formed. It is enough just to overcome this disease to gain sustainable immunity for life.

Possible complications

Recent years of complications after the windmill are striking by doctors with their severity and unpredictability. The virus begins to adapt to the existing one. Now increasingly happens so that man

Complications are divided into 2 types:

  1. Bacterial. An infection caused by bacteria is joined. They extremely quickly multiply, attack the lymphatic and blood system. The whole organism suffers. Gnove appears on the skin. With severe damage, internal organs suffer. In case of bacterial infection, skin lesions can develop: it grows around the wound and swells. Liquid in bubbles turbines. The internal organs are also affected, since lymph and blood spread bacteria by the body. They suffer from those bodies that are weakened. That this does not happen, you need to observe hygiene. Briefly starving your nails to the baby, every day you blew, more often change the native and bed linen. It is necessary to apply drugs from itching.
  2. Viral. The reason is the toxic effects of herpes on the body. This happens with a reduced immunity. Doctors can assign acyclovir or others.

Maximum susceptible to chickenpox children under five years old. If older than ten years, it will leak much harder, more complications can develop.

In addition to the appearance of the rash, the wind noodles are increasing during the neck, behind the ears. Especially often complications occur if problems with lymph appear.

The most common complications:

  • encephalomyelitis;
  • lymphadenites.

Less often meet Otitis, pneumonia.

It is very important that parents reacted to the disease after the very same symptoms. You need to immediately show the child to the pediatrician. It is impossible to hope for self-treatment and deceptive chickenquity!

Features of the situation of complications in kids

The complications of the windmill recently meet more and more. Especially they are subject to, children up to a year and those who have chronic diseases. Babies suffer greatly from. It can reach 40 degrees and quickly leads to dehydration. In the absence of competent assistance, the child may even die.


One of the common complications. This is lymph infection. It can occur if the child is sinking the resulting crust. In this case, infection easily penetrates the body. The suppuration is formed. In such cases, the doctor prescribes an antibiotic.


One of the common complications of the windmill. It is impossible to drive out of the body. It stays for life and "dorm" in the cells of the nervous system. It may pass for more than one year before the virus reiterates itself. It may begin.

The awakening of the virus can contribute:

  • stress;
  • immunity shortage;
  • oncological disease;
  • chemotherapy.

Shingle is not fatal, but it gives pain and discomfort. Everyone who has gotten a chickenpox gets into a risk group and can at some point in their lives to encounter a hazing deprive.

If combing rash, skin lesions can develop. In this case, the wounds are infected, they are inflamed. For life remain (scars).


With wind inspection, lungs are often amazed. It all starts with shortness of breath and cough, harking the blood. Skin covers become blue. Such patients immediately hospitalize to avoid pulmonary edema and prevent respiratory failure.

It is important that the doctor define that it was provoked pneumonia - or bacteria that penetrated the body. The most difficult to treat pneumonia is bacterial. It manifests itself with a high temperature, cough (at first it is dry, and later becomes wet). The volume of sputum is growing rapidly. So that the child can breathe normally, it is important to suppress the reproduction of infection.

Viral pneumonia is easier. The temperature is kept at level 38, weakness and indisposition is observed. Unfortunately, the diagnosis is not so simple. Similar symptoms are observed during ARVI, flu. In the treatment of viral pneumonia, difficulties may also arise. The herpes virus became very resistant to drugs.

Encephalitis as a damage to the nervous system

Often a windshnaya case leads to a serious damage to the CNS. A person may have nausea, vomiting, dizziness, the gait becomes a shaky, the loss of consciousness is possible.

Encephalitis is found in the severe course of the disease. At the same time, the temperature is strongly rising, there is a strong headache, episodic, tremor and legs, cramps, the gait becomes a pitch. There is a violation of consciousness. Encephalitis is treated only in the hospital. Despite this, mortality reaches 10%. It can lead to the appearance of paresis, epilepsy and other disorders of the CNS functions.

With the listed symptoms, it is categorically impossible to engage in self-medication. You can lose precious time. Attempts to sell the temperature and spaling will not give the desired result. A severe disease may result in irreversible pathological changes.


Very dangerous complication. Located with extensive inflammatory brain processes.

Defeat joints

Many patients with windmill face complications from the joints. With each ARVI, the flu can be inflamed, arthritis develops.

Such a complication is often found in babies. The reason lies in the fact that the liquid contained in bubbles can get into the mouth.

The kid first combs rash, and then takes the handles in the mouth. Papuls appear on the mucously. It is also possible to develop, inflammation of the eye nerve. The shells of the internal organs may be affected. In such cases, antibiotics are prescribed.

Other complications

A chickenpox can provoke pathology in work:

  • hearts;
  • lungs;
  • kidney;
  • joints;
  • spleen;
  • bone marrow;
  • pancreas.

Strategy for treating the disease

From the windmill, antibiotics do not help. This is a disease of viral nature. When a secondary infection is joined. In order not to have complications, it is important not only to begin treatment in time, but also ensure that the child does not comb into rash. It's hard enough, because it sometimes causes a strong itching.

How not to give a child to trim crusts and combing the wounds? You can distract with crumbling calm games, read it. Antiallergenic funds will help (). The rash must necessarily: it is well sued, reduces itching. It will not be superfluous to give a child a drug to strengthen immunity (et al.).

To reduce complications to a minimum, the windmill in children need to be treated comprehensively. Most often it is carried out outpatient. It is important, hygiene and. From the diet, products contributing to allergies are excluded. It is necessary to drink a lot of fluid. It is advisable to stick to beddown. Competitive and bed linen should be changed often, better daily.

It is strictly forbidden to make rashes. It will be longer to heal, and itching will increase. This does not mean that the child cannot take a bath. It only must be short-term, with the addition of mangalls.

If the crusts are lying, the wound is caught up, and not attractive Ospins will remain in her place.

If your child fell ill with windmill, it is important to avoid two typical errors: ignoring and panic. No need to fall in extremes. The task of parents is to immediately show the child to the doctor and ensure proper symptomatic treatment.

Uncomplicated chickenpox proceeds. As soon as she began to rise, you need to call a doctor. If there is a suspicion that complications have begun to develop, immediately call "ambulance".

At the age of 2 to 12 years, the windmill is transferred relatively easily and the consequences almost never happens. Complications after the windmill are often represented by scars, scars on the skin in children. After time, they disappear by themselves, provided that the patient did not comb and disassembled the ruman. But, if the disease proceeded in severe, the combination of the wound almost always takes place, so the scars, in this case, remain forever. If the kid is allergic, then it is important not to confuse the starting osp with allergic rashes.

It is much harder to take this disease in infants, children under 1 year (especially if the mother did not have a windmill in childhood) and adolescents starting from 12 years of age. It is these age-related categories of complications of chickenpox, the most often occurs.

The consequences of the suffered disease are conditionally divided into two types:

  1. Bacterial.
  2. Infectious (viral).

Bacterial type

The cause is bacteria that fall into wounds formed due to combing. Ingressing pathogenic microbes under the skin is fraught with the appearance of purulent wounds, which can grow into a jamming deprived. As a result, swelling, inflammatory process, increased body temperature. If the symptoms appeared will not be seen on time and, accordingly, the patient will not receive adequate and timely treatment, then the upper layers of the skin will begin to gradually die (necrosis). In this case, not only the course, as well as the treatment of the disease becomes complex.

It should be paid to the nature and appearance of rashes, in particular, on the contents of bubbles - it should not be muddy. If Papulas become more, burst and form small erosion, it means that streptococcal nature infection has come in the wound. If the heads of papules turn yellow - the staphylococcus infection has joined. Sometimes infection can be mixed type.

To prevent complications after the windmill, the task of parents is to make the child distract from itching. To do this, you can read your favorite fairy tale, play developing or calm role-playing games, work in creativity.

Possible consequences of attaching a bacterial infection in a child:

Infectious (viral) type

In this case, the rash is localized mainly on the mucous membranes of larynx and nasopharynx. If the blisters apply to the respiratory organs, it develops, the so-called "windmill pneumonia". If pneumonia is viral, it can sometimes go unnoticed, since it does not have pronounced symptoms, but manifests itself only with light casing and subfebrile temperature.

If the bacterial is also attached to the viral infection, the dry cough occurs and high temperature appears. Treatment of the main ailment becomes almost impossible, so such patients are hospitalized. In the hospital, antibiotic therapy is used.

When rashes that are localized in the larynx area, false croup may occur, since the elastic zev (throat) is heavier to pass the air. The result is witnessing voice, shortness of breath, hindered whistling breathing. That is what the danger of windmill for children is - from the lack of oxygen comes the formation of the skin and, if it does not take action on time, then the likelihood is that the baby suffocates.

Thrombocytopenia is a decrease in blood platelet levels, which causes bleeding (nose, light, stomach) in a child. There are in those cases where the ails was carried by the hemorrhagic form of an atypical nature.

Remember! In the infants and children for up to one year, the windshield has a difficult course and almost never passes without consequences. Treatment shows only stationary, under the supervision of doctors.

Common complications of chickenpox in children

Most often in small patients are amazed:

  1. Breathtaking (cough).
  2. Head Brain (Encephalitis).
  3. Lower limbs.
  4. Eyes.
  5. Genitals.

In addition, the virus can be amazed internal organs and mucous membranes, which in turn can cause such complications after the windmill in children as:

  • stomatitis is an inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the oral cavity;
  • hepatitis - liver damage. More often occurs in patients suffering from immunodeficiency;
  • otitis - inflammation in the ear;
  • nephritis - inflammatory process in the kidneys, characteristic pain in the abdomen, vomiting and headache. It starts when the rash stage ends;
  • myocarditis;
  • cerebellum ataxia. It occurs in 1 of 4,000 patients. Passes independently;
  • encephalopathy - 1 of 1000 patients. It occurs during recovery or over two weeks after. Complete recovery comes rarely. Most often ending with constant failure.


Patients with reduced immunity often appear cough after chickenpox, and then pneumonia.

Stages of development of complications:

  1. First, dry cough, which is gradually transformed into wet.
  2. High temperature (ranging 38-39).
  3. Harding blood.
  4. Labored breathing.

If a sick child is hospitalized on time and start adequate treatment in a hospital, then severe consequences can be avoided. Otherwise, pneumonia against the background of a chickenpox often provokes the swelling of the lungs, as a result, the respiratory failure and death of the patient.


Encephalitis (brain inflammation) in a child, as a complication of the windmill, has an infectious nature. It occurs when the disease occurs in particularly severe form.

Basic symptoms:

  • headache;
  • vomiting;
  • disturbed coordination of movements;
  • confused;
  • cramps.

At the very first signs of the presence of encephalitis, it is necessary to cause ambulance, since this disease is treated only under the supervision of the doctor.

Most patients are fully cured from this ailment, however, mortality still remains high enough - 10%. Transferred encephalitis often entails such consequences as:

  • disturbed reflexes;
  • epilepsy;
  • pares (found rare enough).

These and some other characteristic symptoms are found in 15% of patients undergoing chickenpox encephalitis.

Complications on the legs

The consequences of the windmill on the legs in children - the phenomenon is nonspecific. It may be:

  1. Bursit (inflammation in places of friction of bone protrusions about soft tissues).
  2. Thrombophlebitis (inflammation of venous walls, followed by the formation of thromboms).
  3. Arthritis (inflammation of the joints).
  4. Myozit (muscle inflammation).

Problems with a musculoskeletal system in a child can manifest itself in violation of coordination of movements, unsure gait, pain in the legs.

Eyes and eyesight

Not knowing what complications in the windmill in children may appear on the organs of view, they can be easily noticed on time and launch a disease.

Finding on the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye, the virus forms papula (keratitis of a bacterial nature), which is twisted through time, leaving the scars. It is they who, most often, become the cause of a worsened vision, and, in some cases, and the upcoming blindness.

Sender organs

As a rule, rashes do not bypass the party and genitals. But if they do not represent any threat to girls, subject to the observance of the elementary rules of hygiene and appointments of the doctor, then for boys the consequences of the windmill in the field of genitals are very significant. In children, first arises pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe extreme flesh and the penis head when urine. And closer to the recovery of rashes begin to scar, which also delivers discomfort boys. It is important to know that the pressing of the genital organs is not recommended. Moreover, the incidentally transferred as a child is capable of negatively affecting sexual life, since the remaining scars will deliver discomfort throughout their lives.

"Scratch" for kids


The first and quite important point is personal hygiene - well-groomed nails, regular swimming, clean and bedding, constant washing hands with antibacterial soap. To kids up to a year, the wounds need to put on special mittens (in the people of "scratch"). It is also necessary to take measures to enhance and maintain immunity. You can bathe babies in herbal influences. After the baths, do not wipe the skin dry, but only slightly flush. Maintain optimal humidity and air temperature in the children's room.

However, even with a relatively easy course of the disease and compliance with preventive measures, there is no guarantee that after the windmill there will be no complications. Therefore, parents need to carefully monitor the condition and behavior of the patient. In order to avoid more serious consequences at the first alerting symptoms or non-characteristic behavior of a child (drowsiness, lethargy, etc.), it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.

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The windmill is familiar to us from childhood. Who did not see many people in Green Krapinka or did not worry this? Almost everyone at an early age tolerate this disease, which is why it is considered a nursery, and it is not serious. On the contrary, some parents are "exchanged" by the sore, leading their healthy children to play with the sick: for sure to have got searched early.

However, not everything is so simple as at first glance. This harmless seemingly the disease in rare cases turns into complications that can be simply unpleasant or very serious. Diseases arising from such complications may even cause fatal outcome. Therefore, you need to be fulfillment and know about the possible consequences of chickenpox in children, in order to prevent the development of side effects or in time to ask for help.

A chickenpox or windmill is a viral infection transmitted by air-droplet. It causes it a variety of herpes variece-zoster, characterized by very high contagiousness. Communication with a man, a sick windmill, almost 100% will lead to infection if you have not transferred the disease earlier. A chickenpox usually get sick only once, after a transferred infection arises lifelong immunity. However, in rare cases, some people fall into the second time in life. This may be due to the transformation of viruses, their adaptation to existing drugs.

The incubation period in an infected person lasts from one to three weeks. It becomes infectious in 2-3 days before the appearance of the first rashes, which is why many children in contact with the carrier of the disease are often sick, especially in the children's team.

- Symptoms of chickenpox- Next:

  • increase body temperature, sometimes up to 39.5 degrees (frequent, but optional symptom);
  • the occurrence of pimples, which later turn into pink and red papules with liquid;
  • weakness, lubrication in the body;
  • itching in places of rash;
  • fast wave-like spreading rash throughout the body, including face, mucous and genitals.

The rashes continue 5-7 days, and the new wave of Papul arises every 2-3 days, it may be accompanied by a new temperature lift. Papulas with time dried and covered with crusts. The contagiousness of the sick child or adult passes 7 days after the last rash. You can also find out whether - it is possible to swim in the wind pump.

Treatment of windmill symptomatic. At high temperatures, a child needs to be shot down, but there is a very important nuance here: only paracetamol can be used as an antipyretic. Ibuprofen, which, together with paracetamol, is a drug selection at temperatures in children, it is forbidden to give a windmill. In some cases, it can lead to heavy skin infections. Despite the rarity of such side effects, risk, of course, is not worth it, since there is a safe alternative in the form of paracetamol.

Papula on the skin is usually lubricated with dotted green or fuccin. It does not treat rash, but helps to achieve faster drying. The main function of these funds is to celebrate the appeared elements of the rash, to then see new and understand when the rashes stopped. This is a signal of termination of the disease, and from that moment you can count on a week, after which the patient is no longer contagious. You can also ask if you can still smear the skin, except Zelenki-.

Sometimes doctors are prescribed anticherine preparations (Herpevir, Acyclovir, Zovirax) and antiviral medicines.

There is a vaccine against the windmill. It is not included in the list of mandatory vaccinations, we do it infrequently due to the fact that the disease is considered non-serious or parents are not aware of the existence of the vaccine. However, the risk of complications after chickenpox in children increases the feasibility of vaccination. You can make vaccination from one year, so if your baby did not have time to take a windmill before this age, it makes sense to instill it: the consequences can be unpredictable. In addition, the disease is not always transferred easily: high temperature, weakness and terrible itching for several days to withstand difficult, especially small children, who can not always be explained that it is impossible to scratch itching places. And combing is fraught with an infection in the affected skin places, including bacteria that cause complications.

Bacterial complications

The penetration of bacteria in a weakened organism (including through combing wounds) can cause complications of bacterial character:

  • Skin: Inflammation of the available chickenpox, which begin to fasten, the skin around them swells, the liquid in papules turbines, it may be accompanied by soreness. In this case, the likelihood of scars on the place of windmills is large.
  • Defeat of internal organs Due to the spread of bacteria throughout the body through blood. Heavy diseases may occur as bacterial pneumonia (lung inflammation), meningitis (cerebral inflammation), meningoencephalitis (brain inflammation).

Such diseases occur hard, and without timely competent treatment can lead to disabilities or even a fatal outcome.

Signs of development of meningoencephalitis or meningitis are:

  • sharp increase in temperature;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • very strong headache;
  • convulsions;
  • photophobia;
  • the rigidity of the cervical muscles, when the child swept his head much.

If the slightest suspicion appears to such a complication, you need to immediately go to the hospital: the success of treatment depends on the speed of appealing for help. Treatment of these dangerous diseases is carried out by appointing antibiotics. Therefore, with the disease, it is necessary to see the doctor to eliminate suspicions or on time to prescribe treatment.

Viral complications

The weakening of the protective forces of the body during the wind pump can cause the attachment of another viral infection that will provoke a viral complication. It may be viral pneumonia or the same encephalitis. When such states are caused by viruses, they proceed and they are easier. But their insidiousness is that the symptoms will be similar to signs of wind sieves (temperatures up to 38 degrees, lethargy and weakness), so it is very difficult to identify them on time. Later identification may affect the severity of treatment. So the consultation of the doctor with a chickenpox in a child is obligatory.

Other possible complications

The herpes virus that caused the windmill may affect the mucous membranes of the mouth, which leads to the occurrence of stomatitis. It looks like ulcers in the mouth, they can be painful and deliver discomfort. They can appear both by themselves and for the reason that children, combing papulas on the face and body, bring their contents in the mouth. Therefore, if possible, it is worth avoiding this by following a child or explaining to him (if age allows) what does not need to do this. Parents will also be useful to find out, "well, remove itching with wind pump, to facilitate the condition of the child.

The defeat of the infection of the mucous membrane of the eye will cause their inflammation - conjunctivitis. Symptoms - redness of the eyes, itching or thumb, tearing, isolation of pus, swelling. The doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment: eye drops and antichering drugs. It is very important to start a course of treatment in time, because the launched conjunctivitis can also cause complications for its part.

According to the statistics of complications after a windmill, about 7% of infected children are possible. With special attention you need to go to babies. Breasts are usually protected by maternal antibodies through milk if the mother sought the windmill. But in rare cases or in the absence of maternal immunity, they are in the risk group for serious consequences. So appeal to the doctor, careful control of the state of the kid, and sometimes treatment in the hospital under medical supervision - mandatory measures.


Knowledge of the child's health is never superfluous. Watch the transmission dedicated to the wind inspection to know as much as possible about this infection.

Have you come across a chickenpox with your kids? Or maybe transferred it in adulthood themselves? What helped facilitate the state? Share in the comments, personal experience is always useful.

Windmill - childhood disease, which is characterized by a slight flow, but complications after chickenpox are possible with a strong decrease in immunity, attaching a bacterial infection through strong mass combs. The easiest consequences of chickenpox at any age are scars, and heavy - lesions of the brain and NA, which threaten fatal outcome.

The sawmill is dangerous in case of lack of therapy with complications of the integrity of the skin and the work of the CNS.

Frequency of appearance

In childhood (2-12 years), the windmill proceeds easily and without consequences, especially in infants. If complications of the windmill appear, they will easily and without a trace. As the baby grows, the quantity and severity of the consequences increase significantly, especially in boys. Since the teenager, the skin loses gradually elasticity and slows down the speed of regeneration, scars appear after the windmill. To aggravate the process can raise the course of illness and the attachment of bacterial infection.

Complications after the windmill in adults appear in all 10% cases of the appearance of the disease during this period. The consequences are always dangerous and diverse. Fully outcome is possible, especially in immunodeficiency states and blood disease. Such pathologies increase the risk of death from complicated and newborns.


So what is the dangerous windmill? Distinguish the following types of complications:

  1. Skin pathologies are the most common consequences of chickenpox in adults and children. A person is not able to hold back, and combs itching rash. Through the educated wounds on the body into the body or an adult, the pathogenic microflora easily penetrates, provoking purulent inflammation of the dermis. The condition is not hazardous, but is characterized by the formation of non-psychic scars and scars. Serious problems are developing when infected with the wound-eye mucous membranes (keratitis), the oral cavity (stomatitis), ears (otitis), nose, genitals (herpetic rashes in a woman, girls - in the sexual lips or mucous membarese, a man, a boy in the prostate glands, anus, in groin).
  2. The spread of viral and secondary infection into internal organs through blood and lymph provokes serious complications of chickenpox in small and adult patients.
OSAP may entail a number of skin pathologies and infection with the virus of other organs.

Compliance with simple rules will help to avoid children and adult many problems:

  • regularly cripped nails or breast breasts;
  • frequent change of native / bed linen;
  • proper bathing of a patient with a body clogs with a towel;
  • providing coolness in the room and ease of clothing;
  • local treatment of wounds and healthy sections around the hearth focus.

Viral flow

What are the most frequent complications in the windmill associated with the spread of the virus in the respiratory tract?

  • when inserted into the larynx, the nasal mucosa is developing acute laryngitis, respiratory dysfunction (up to asthma), and during the aggravation of the process, wind crumplers develop;
  • with abundant vesiculous rashes in the lower airways, primary windmill pneumonia, characterized by varying degrees of gravity, and, during aggravation, the virus applies to liver, kidneys, spleen, joints, heart, brain;
  • with severe, the genitals are diagnosed with herpetic vaginitis (in girls) or prostatitis (in boys), characterized by sharp pain in the crotch area, urination disorder.

With a large-scale damage to the body, the activity of the nervous system is disturbed by the activity of the nervous system, which is characterized by such signs:

Viral complications of smallpox are fraught with significant disorders in the work of the nervous system.
  • strong migraines;
  • nausea with vomiting;
  • convulsions;
  • discordination of movements;
  • fainting;
  • temporary blindness.

If peripheral ns suffered, sluggish asymmetric paralysis develops, in particular, the front part.

Whatever complication arose, any pathology - reversible. Proper treatment allows you to avoid unpleasant consequences, while recovery will be complete.

Complication develops against the background of a strong decrease in immunity in adolescents and adults, with a serious immunodeficiency of any origin. Symptoms of the problem can be seen in a few days after the start of the windmill. The patient has:

  • cough;
  • shortness of breath with insignificant physusilia;
  • expectoration of blood;
  • skin sinusiness;
  • heat - up to 39 ° C.
Against the background of the general decline in the immune responses of the body, a man who has suffered an abscess, risks sick with other infectious diseases.

Pneumonia is treated in the hospital. In severe cases, development is possible:

  • respiratory failure;
  • empties of the lungs ending in death.

The disease is characterized by a rapid flow, therefore requires timely treatment. In the risk group are:

  • newborn;
  • pregnant;
  • teenagers with a weak immunity;
  • kurtic;
  • children and adults with immunodeficiency.


The eye chickenpox often appears in kids who comb rash and carry the virus on the mucous membrane. In adults, the problem is developing due to non-compliance with hand hygiene after the treatment of vesicles. Inflammation is accompanied by:

  • an increase in vessels;
  • excitation of nerve fibers;
  • clouding of the cornea with a loss of visual acuity.

Features of the beginning of the inflammatory process:

  • defeat one eye;
  • sluggish development;
  • strong itching in places of bubble rash around the organ of vision;
  • svetuboyan, tear;
  • redness of the mucosa and age;
  • purulent discharges (rarely);
  • hurts affected place;
  • feeling of a foreign body.


The reaction to the activity of the virus of the windshield is the inflammation of the joints. The disease is manifested by the muscular and articular pain. There is an unpleasant feeling of the entire period of the appearance of a new rash. Antipying or antispasmodics can withdraw pain.


The damage to the nervous system by encephalitis - infection of the brain through blood. Manifested a few days from the moment of the windmill. Symptomatics is less likely to develop before the appearance of the first rash, which indicates a serious course of complications. The windmill encephalitis treats only in the hospital. The main signs of pathology are as follows:

  • sharp increase in temperature;
  • severe migraine;
  • unfortunate vomiting;
  • cramps, tremor limbs;
  • frequent fainting;
  • discordination, gait riding.

With timely diagnosis and proper treatment, the forecast is favorable with full recovery. Mortality is 10%. The echoes of the suffering disease are manifested in 15% of cases of epilepsy, reflex dysfunction, paresis. Other consequences of the damage to the NA:

  • inflammation of the brain shell;
  • lesion of the optic nerve / spinal cord;
  • extensive inflammation of cerebrospinal and peripheral nerve receptors.


In case of immunodeficiency, the windmill virus provokes such pathologies:

  • kidney inflammation;
  • lesion liver with hepatitis development;
  • inflammation of heart myocardium.

This complication group is considered rare, but often leads to death. A less dangerous to life are inflammation of articular bags, veins, muscles.

Bacterial infection

After the disease on the skin can remain scars

When penetrating into the bucked bubble, a purulent rash is developing, which is similar to the ulcerative, the consequences of which are deep lesions of soft tissues with abscesses and phlegmon. It is manifested by the formation of edema and seats with growing skin. At the same time, liquid flies in bubbles, and the area near the top becomes yellow. After healing, rude, noticeable due to the lack of melanin scars.

The spread of viral and bacterial infection in the body is dangerous by development:

  • erosive-ulcer stomatitis;
  • acute laryngitis and pneumonia in severe form;
  • weighted balanopostites in men and vulvovaginitis in women;
  • acute inflammation of lymph nodes (lymphadenitis), at which immunity is even more weakened.

In this article you will learn:

Not so harmless children's windmill

With a chickenpox, most of us faced in childhood. I once had once, the body acquires protective forces and is no longer infected with this ailment. Many parents are confident that it goes easily, and do not think about the fact that complications after the windmill in children still happen. After all, the older man, the harder it is tolerates it.

As the windshop is manifested:

  1. Rapid temperature raising
  2. Weakness and lubrication in the body
  3. The appearance of sores on the skin in the form of wet bubbles

Despite the fact that a lot of wind inspection is known, recently a virus that causes it has undergone considerable changes, that is, mutated, as a result of which children under the year who were born from not those who have suffered this disease of women, and adolescents are over 12 years old Complications after it. Organism Such complications can bring pathological changes in all organs and systems. This leads to severe defeats of respiratory organs, the nervous system.

Complications after the windmill doctors are divided into two main types - bacterial and viral (herpetic).

Negative consequences will affect children who have a weak immune system, and each of the pathologies is harmful in its own way. So, very vulnerable to the disease, kids remain up to a two-year-old age, which the windmill is especially bothering. They become capricious, sluggish, they have a dream and appetite. If the child is on breastfeeding, it easier to transfers the disease than the "artificial".

The most harmless consequences of the windmill remain the scars and scars on the body, but some are so dangerous that they lead to serious health problems expressing in chronic diseases, pneumonia, encephalitis, epilepsy, heart disease and joints.

Therefore, any changes to the state of the child's health must become a signal for parents, which is worth scoring the alarm and seek qualified medical care.

Complications of viral character

From person to man air-droplet. Its pathogen refers to the viruses of the herpes group, stands out through the breathing organs together with moisture drops into the environment. You can infect others by another day before visible signs of the disease - high temperature and typical rashes that accompanies itching. So the windmill is manifested in children.

Complications that depend on how strong immunity can be in the form of extremely high temperatures, lesions of the nervous system, heart, lung, kidney, eyes, joints.

For a small child, up to the year, complications after a windmill can lead to death.

A virus or herpetic infection is characterized by damage by the internal organs with a virus, but these complications often flow in a hidden form, so they are not easy to recognize them.

If the virus falls on the surface of the lungs, breathing is disturbed, laryngitis or chickenpox can develop. The rash may arise in the kidneys and lead to jade, in the liver - to hepatitis, in the heart - to myocarditis.

If a patient with a chickenpox of the child appeared such symptoms as dry, passed into wet, cough, in which blood is distinguished, it is necessary to contact the hospital immediately - these are signs of pneumonia.

The complication in front of the eyes is also found in the windmill: if the virus falls on the cornea, it forms papula, which over time turns into a scar, and this seriously affects vision.

Bacterial flora can penetrate the oral cavity - stomatitis begins, in the joints - they are inflamed and hurt, which leads to the development of arthritis. Otitis develops in the case when there are rashes in the ear. If the rash focuses on the genitals, for boys it can have negative consequences in adulthood when they start sex life.

Defeats of the central nervous system - the cranial brain nerves, meningitis, encephalitis are possible.

Symptoms that experience the patient:

  • painful headache;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • confusion of consciousness;
  • tremor;
  • cramps.

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    Asymmetry of the face and sluggish paralysis may appear, which indicates that the peripheral nervous system is affected. It happens that these signs arise after the child got a windmill, so the prescribed treatment is sometimes incorrect, which further complicates the patient's condition.

    With windmill encephalitis, according to statistics, mortality reaches 10%, and the effects of epilepsy, paresis, polyneurite, inflammation of the optic nerve can be consequences for recovered.

    The infection extends to all organs and systems, however, such complications may occur extremely rarely. Behind the appearance of their signs, parents should carefully observe and do not relate to such a disease as a children's windmill.

    Bacterial complications after windmill

    Complications after a chickenpox in children of this character appear due to the penetration of bacteria into the body as a result of combing itching ulcers. If the dirt falls into the wreck, she is inflamed, starts to appreciate.

    It provokes dermatological pathology. If you do not take urgent measures, at best, scars and scars remain on the skin, in the worst - there is superficial necrosis of tissues.

    In severe cases, the consequence of secondary infection with wind inspection is slimming. Serious health problems can happen if bacteria fall into the blood and divide throughout the body. In this case, there is a risk of damage to internal organs, in particular, the development of pneumonia, sometimes against the background of the already flowing windmill.

    In bubbles that appeared on the surface of the epidermis, there are many viruses, and when bubbles burst, they all fall into the air, from where, accordingly, they quickly penetrate the body of a healthy person.

    To weaken the virus and prevent further infection in the wounds, doctors recommend twice a day to handle the affected areas with green or fuccin.

    The penetration of bacteria into the brain is very hard. Meningoencephalitis develops, which is characterized by high temperatures, stomach disorders, tremor, sometimes convulsions and has very sad consequences.

    Other types of complications

    There are more rare complications in the windmill in children - for example, nephritis, developing at the end of the disease, which manifests itself in the form of headaches, pain in the abdomen, vomiting; hepatitis (the liver is affected); Myocarditis (the heart suffers).

    Special attention deserves diseases of the urogenital system, which are a consequence of the spread of rashes on the genitals. Girls as a result can be transferred vulvit, vaginitis and phlegmon, and boys - the inflammation of the extreme flesh, on which scars violating sensitivity are formed after healing.

    Mind genital bodies of the boys with a green-way physician do not recommend, it is better to treat the affected pieces of fuccinic, which will not burn tender fabric.

    Not the last place in a number of complications occupy thrombophlebitis - the inflammation of the veins, my sum is inflammation of muscle tissue, directly dependent on the type of virus and the state of immunity. Such complications are hazardous consequences for the health and life of kids and adolescents. The child soused the child risks picked up encephalitis in this dangerous period.

    To treat the child, it is necessary to hospitalize it in the hospital, otherwise the consequences may be the worst.

    The causative agent of the windmill may affect the heart muscle. The disease of the heart is developing - myocarditis. Suffering a windmill feels weakness, pain in the heart, shortness of breath, he has a violated heart rhythm. Another major factor is the activation of the cytomegalovirus, which "wakes up" due to weakened immunity.

    Prevention of complications

    Personal hygiene remains the most effective measure of prevention against complications of the windmill. The disease must often wash your hands, cut your nails, change underwear and bed. To prevent complications in the wind inspection of the doctor, antiviral or antibacterial agents are prescribed.

    Frequent phenomenon happens when children are combing saczzles to blood. Very tiny babies you can wear cotton mittens. Kids should be distracted from combing itching sites: telling them fairy tales, read books, play with them. The skin should be treated by outer means, special solutions (diamond greenery, fuccinic, salicyl alcohol), lotions and ointments (phenystil, zinc).

    The view that during the disease can not be bought, erroneously.

    You can take a warm shower, and small children bathen in the bath, but only be sure to get the temperature, and with the addition of a small amount of mangartage. Herbal baths with a chamomile, a turn, sage, which have antiseptic and healing properties, well soothe. The room should maintain a cool temperature, because the heat increases the sweating and it becomes enhanced.

    The most important thing is to stock up with sufficient patience, because kids up to two years become very capricious to two years, the disease is hardly tolerated, they need special care for them. And older children require increased attention. Observing all the prescriptions of the doctor, you can protect your child from the severe effects of chickenpox.