What is anemia and how is it treated. Anemia symptoms. How do hereditary anemias behave?

A human condition characterized by a low level of hemoglobin in the blood is called anemia. We will consider the symptoms, causes and principles of treatment of this pathology in the article.

General information

This disease, anemia (another name is anemia), can be independent, or it can act as a concomitant symptom or complication of other ailments or conditions. The provoking factors and the mechanism of development of pathology in each specific case are different. Anemia occurs due to insufficient oxygen supply to internal organs. The supply of oxygen is disrupted due to insufficient production of red blood cells.

If we look at specific numbers, anemia is diagnosed when the amount of hemoglobin decreases to below 120 g/l in women and children from 6 to 14 years old, 130 g/l in men, 110 g/l in children from 6 months to 6 years.

There are also different degrees of anemia (depending on the level of the same hemoglobin):

    Mild - hemoglobin level is 90 g/l.

    Severe - hemoglobin level drops below 70 g/l.

Causes of anemia

The most common provoking factors for the development of this pathology are:

    Growth of the body against the background of intense physical activity(sports) associated with sun deficiency and unbalanced diet.

    The appearance of a girl's first menstruation. During this period, the body adapts to a new mode of operation.

    The presence of gastritis with low acidity, intestinal diseases, previous operations on the gastrointestinal tract.

    Helminthic intoxications that inhibit the production of red blood cells and hematopoiesis. Children are more susceptible to this condition.

    Pregnancy, during which the metabolism changes, and the woman’s body’s need for iron, as well as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, calcium and vitamins increases several times.

    Periodic bleeding: heavy menstruation (occurs with uterine fibroids, inflammation of the appendages), internal blood loss (with hemorrhoids, stomach ulcers). In this case, relative anemia occurs, in which the level of formed elements in the blood, which include hemoglobin and iron, proportionally decreases.

How effective the treatment will be depends on the correct identification of the causes of the pathology. Anemia is a serious condition that requires timely and adequate treatment.


Most often, a person is not aware of the development of anemia. You can suspect it if you have the following symptoms:

What else is characteristic of anemia? Signs may be supplemented by the following disorders:

    hair loss, lack of shine;

    brittle nails;

    cracks in the corners of the mouth;

    the emergence of strange addictions (for example, people like to eat chalk, inhale the smell of paint and varnish, etc.).

Classification of anemia

Depending on the causes of the pathology, there are several types of anemia. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Iron-deficiency anemia

This form of the disease is the most common. The disease develops as a result of impaired hemoglobin synthesis due to iron deficiency. The causes of this form of anemia are chronic blood loss, impaired absorption of iron in the intestines, and insufficient intake of this substance from food. Children are more susceptible to this pathology younger age, women reproductive age and pregnant women.

In this case, anemia has the following symptoms: dizziness, spots flashing before the eyes, tinnitus. The disease also manifests itself as dryness and pallor. skin. Nails become brittle, layered, flat. Some patients feel a burning sensation on their tongue.

Therapy consists, first of all, in eliminating the cause of iron deficiency (treatment of pathologies of the digestive tract, surgery intestinal tumors, uterine fibroids). In order to normalize hemoglobin levels, iron supplements are prescribed in combination with vitamin C (Actiferrin, Iradian, Tardiferon, Ferromed, Ferrum Lek, Ferroplex).

B12 deficiency anemia

In this case, anemia causes insufficient intake of vitamin B12 into the body or impaired absorption. Most often, this phenomenon occurs in older people. Provoking factors for the development of B12-deficiency anemia are the presence of gastritis, severe enteritis, infection with worms, and previous gastric surgery.

Anemia (anemia) of this type is manifested by weakness, fatigue, and palpitations during physical activity. The tongue becomes “polished” and a burning sensation occurs in it. The skin takes on a jaundiced tint. Often, B12 deficiency anemia can only be detected through a blood test. Over time it gets affected nervous system. In addition to red blood cells, the disease also affects white blood cells and platelets - their levels in the body decrease. What treatment is needed? In this case, they try to overcome anemia by taking vitamin B12 preparations (“Cyanocobalamin”, “Hydroxycobalamin”) and enzyme medications (“Pancreatin”).

Posthemorrhagic anemia

Anemia of a posthemorrhagic nature develops due to the loss of a large amount of blood. As a result, a lack of oxygen occurs in the tissues. Posthemorrhagic anemia, depending on the rate of blood loss, it can be acute or chronic. Acute causes include injuries, bleeding from internal organs, most often due to damage to the lungs, gastrointestinal tract, uterus, heart cavities, complications of pregnancy and childbirth. Development chronic anemia associated with an increasing lack of iron in the body due to prolonged, often recurring bleeding due to rupture of the vascular walls.

Posthemorrhagic anemia has the following symptoms: pallor of the skin and mucous membranes, fatigue, ringing in the ears, shortness of breath, dizziness, palpitations even with little physical activity. A decrease in blood pressure is often observed. Severe blood loss can cause fainting and collapse. Gastric bleeding is usually accompanied by vomiting (the vomit is bloody or coffee-colored).

Therapy for posthemorrhagic anemia consists, first of all, of stopping bleeding; in case of large blood losses, an urgent blood transfusion is necessary. After this, long-term use of iron preparations (“Ferro-gradument”, “Hemofer”) and combined agents (“Aktiferrin”, “Irovit”, “Heferol”) is indicated.

Folate deficiency anemia

Folic acid is a complex compound that is directly involved in DNA synthesis and hematopoiesis. Absorption of this substance occurs in upper section small intestine. The causes of folate deficiency anemia are divided into two groups: lack of intake into the body folic acid with food; violation of its digestibility and transportation to the hematopoietic organs. Pregnant women, children, alcoholics, people who have undergone surgery on the small intestine are more susceptible to a pathology such as folate deficiency anemia.

Symptoms of the disease are expressed in damage to the hematopoietic tissue, digestive (“polished” tongue, burning sensation in it, decreased gastric secretion) and nervous (increased fatigue, weakness) systems. There is also an enlargement of the liver and spleen, and mild jaundice is noted.

For the treatment of the disease, folic acid and combination products with vitamin B and iron supplements are prescribed (Ferretab comp, Gyno-Tardiferon, Ferro Folgamma, Maltofer Fol).

Traditional methods of treating anemia

If you notice the first signs of anemia, you should immediately consult a doctor. Based on the results of the examination and blood test, the specialist will prescribe necessary treatment. Therapeutic methods depend on the type and degree of anemia. Alternative medicine recipes can be used as additional methods of treatment (but not the main ones!).

The most effective of them are:

    Grate radishes, carrots, beets. Squeeze the juice from the root vegetables and combine in equal quantities in a dark glass container. Cover the dish with a lid (not tightly). Place the container in the oven to simmer over low heat for three hours. Take the resulting product three times a day, a tablespoon before meals. The treatment course lasts three months.

    To normalize the condition in case of severe loss of strength, it is recommended to mix garlic with honey and take the resulting mixture before meals.

    Mix fresh aloe juice (150 ml), honey (250 ml), Cahors wine (350 ml). Drink a tablespoon before meals three times a day.

    Place peeled garlic (300 g) in a half-liter bottle, add alcohol (96%) and leave for three weeks. Three times a day, take 20 drops of the resulting tincture mixed with ½ glass of milk.

    Pour oats or oatmeal (1 cup) with water (5 cups) and cook until the consistency of liquid jelly. Strain the broth and combine with the same amount of milk (about 2 glasses) and boil again. Drink the resulting drink, warm or cooled, during the day in 2-3 doses.

Prevention of anemia

Diet for anemia plays no less a role than proper treatment. Also, good nutrition is the basis for the prevention of anemia. It is very important to regularly consume foods that contain vitamins and microelements necessary for the hematopoiesis process.

The most iron is found in beef tongue, pork and beef liver, rabbit and turkey meat, sturgeon caviar, buckwheat, wheat, oatmeal, barley groats, blueberries, peaches.

There is less iron in chicken, lamb, beef, eggs, semolina, pink salmon, mackerel, apples, persimmons, pears, spinach, sorrel.

In addition, you need to include in your daily diet foods that promote the absorption of this microelement: eggplant, broccoli, zucchini, corn, cabbage, beets, pumpkin, herbs, dried fruits.

Diseases of the blood system occupy one of the first positions in terms of prevalence in the general structure of morbidity. Among them, the undisputed leader is blood anemia. A clear sign Anemia is paleness of the skin. A common cause of anemia is a lack of iron in the human body, which can be caused by frequent blood loss. More details about what it is, what symptoms, types and methods of treating anemia are further in the article.

What is anemia

Anemia is a clinical and hematological syndrome, which is characterized by a decrease in the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood, with a decrease in the number of red blood cells.

Anemia weakens the body's ability to exchange gases; due to a reduction in the number of red blood cells, oxygen transport is disrupted and carbon dioxide. As a result, a person may experience such signs of anemia as a feeling of constant fatigue, loss of strength, drowsiness, and increased irritability.

Severe forms of anemia due to tissue hypoxia can lead to serious complications, such as states of shock(For example, hemorrhagic shock), hypotension, coronary or pulmonary insufficiency.

Hemoglobin indicators are within the acceptable norm:


There are quite a few reasons that can lead to the development of anemia. As an independent disease, anemia rarely develops. Most often, the trigger for the appearance of this syndrome is various diseases internal organs or unfavorable factors that affected the composition of the blood.

Anemia is based on:

  1. Decrease in the amount of hemoglobin;
  2. Decrease in the number of red blood cells (occurs in most cases);
  3. Signs of impaired blood supply to tissues and their hypoxia (oxygen starvation).

Anemia is also dangerous because it often develops in combination with diseases that can lead to serious consequences. Such diseases, for example, include various types of inflammatory and infectious diseases, malignant tumors.

Anemia can also be caused by severe blood loss. Large numbers of red blood cells can be lost in the blood during prolonged or undetected bleeding. This bleeding often occurs as a result of diseases of the gastrointestinal system, such as ulcers, hemorrhoids (inflammation of the stomach) and cancer.

With a lack of oxygen carried by the bloodstream, oxygen starvation can develop. This leads to degeneration of tissues and organs.

Anemia can be caused by insufficient amounts of iron, vitamin B12 and folic acid in the body, and in rare cases, mainly in children, by insufficiency of vitamin C and pyridoxine. These substances are necessary for the formation of red blood cells in the body.

Symptoms of anemia

Anemia is a dangerous condition. It is insidious, since signs of iron deficiency do not appear immediately. On initial stages the body will first use internal reserves and try to cope with the disease.

The symptoms of anemia are so versatile that they affect almost every functional system body. Their severity depends on the degree of decrease in hemoglobin levels.

Therefore, correct interpretation and comparison of the patient’s data will make it possible to make the correct diagnosis even during the initial examination. The situation is completely different with determining the specific type of anemia and its cause.

According to generally accepted criteria, anemia in men is indicated by:

  • decrease in hemoglobin from 130 g/l;
  • red blood cell level is less than 4*1012/l;
  • hematocrit below 39%.

For women, these indicators are as follows:

  • hemoglobin below 120 g/l;
  • red blood cells less than 3.8*1012 g/l;
  • hematocrit – 36% and below.

TO general symptoms anemia can be attributed to:

  • weakness, significant decrease in performance;
  • increased fatigue, irritability, drowsiness for no apparent reason;
  • headaches, tinnitus, flashing spots before the eyes, dizziness;
  • dysuric disorders;
  • geophagia (uncontrollable desire to eat chalk or lime);
  • trophic disorders of hair, skin, nails;
  • pain in the heart area like angina pectoris;
  • fainting, tinnitus;
  • muscle weakness, body aches.

You can explain what anemia is and what its signs are in a person on the basis of the condition of the hair. When the concentration of hemoglobin in red blood cells decreases, hair loss occurs and nails become brittle.

In elderly patients suffering coronary disease heart, with anemia there is an increase in angina attacks, even after slight physical exertion.

Symptoms of anemia can develop either gradually or suddenly. It all depends on the cause of its occurrence.

Types of anemia

Anemia can be caused completely for various reasons Therefore, it is customary to divide all anemias according to various criteria, including the reasons that cause them.

All types of anemia in humans are divided into:

  • resulting from blood loss - posthemorrhagic (acute and chronic);
  • developed as a result of a violation of the creation of red blood cells or the construction of hemoglobin: iron deficiency, megaloblastic, sideroblastic, anemia of chronic diseases, aplastic;
  • caused by increased destruction of red blood cells or hemoglobin - hemolytic.
Types of disease Description, symptoms and signs
The most common type of blood anemia, as it is diagnosed in 90% of patients. This type of anemia can occur when unfavorable conditions life, after surgery or injuries in which there has been a large loss of blood. Manifested by dizziness, tinnitus, flashing spots before the eyes, shortness of breath, palpitations. Dry skin, pallor are noted, ulcerations and cracks appear in the corners of the mouth. Typical manifestations are brittleness and layering of nails, their pepper striations.
This type of anemia is a consequence of increased destruction of red blood cells. A characteristic sign of the disease is hemolytic jaundice and increased bilirubin in blood. It can often occur in newborns. The main reason is the Rh conflict between the mother and the newborn baby. Symptoms include dizziness, weakness, elevated temperature, sometimes feverish conditions and chills. There is an enlargement of the spleen (splenomegaly), and in some cases the liver.
Sickle cell This is a fairly serious disease that is transmitted hereditarily. Red blood cells in this disease have an abnormal sickle shape. This causes anemia and, as a consequence, the occurrence of jaundice and slow blood flow.
B12 deficiency anemia It appears in the body due to a lack of vitamin B12. Deficiency is usually caused by insufficient intake from food, especially during diets and vegetarianism. A sign of B12 deficiency anemia is the presence of enlarged red blood cells in the blood. The distinctive symptoms of this type of anemia are:
  • tingling in the hands and feet,
  • loss of sensation in the limbs,
  • gait disturbance,
  • muscle spasms.
blood anemia With this type of disease, disturbances in the functioning of the bone marrow occur. Bone marrow and the stem cells it contains are responsible for producing red and white blood cells and platelets in the blood. In aplastic anemia, production decreases. There is a decrease in the number of cells in the blood.
Megaloblastic anemia Megaloblastic anemia is a deficiency of folic acid and vitamin B 12 in the body. These elements, like iron, are involved in the synthesis of red blood cells. Megaloblastic anemia symptoms, which are associated with oxygen starvation of the body, are accompanied by the following symptoms:
  • general weakness in the body
  • dizziness and lethargy
  • characteristic headaches
  • shortness of breath and tissue swelling
  • discomfort throughout the body
Chronic anemia This is a condition in which there is a significant decrease in hemoglobin content and/or a decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood. It occurs due to insufficient oxygen supply to the organs. The main symptoms of chronic anemia are:
  • severe weakness;
  • pain in the heart area;
  • dizziness;
  • heartbeat disturbances;
  • bruises under the eyes;
  • increased fatigue.

Common symptoms of anemia of all types are:

  • weakness;
  • dizziness, spots before the eyes;
  • palpitations, shortness of breath during habitual physical activity;
  • one of the main symptoms of anemia is pallor of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • in older people - the occurrence or increase in frequency of angina attacks;
  • clinical symptom of anemia in women of reproductive age - disorders menstrual cycle.


There are three degrees of severity of anemia - mild, moderate and severe, depending on the content of hemoglobin and red blood cells in the blood. The lower the indicators, the more severe the form of this painful condition will be.

  1. Mild or grade 1 anemia is characterized by a decrease in hemoglobin to 100-120 g/l. At this stage there are no symptoms. To increase hemoglobin, it is enough to eat right and consume as many iron-containing foods as possible.
  2. The middle or 2nd stage of anemia is accompanied by a decrease in hemoglobin to 70-80 g/l. During this period, the symptoms of anemia are quite pronounced. The person feels general weakness, frequent headaches, and dizziness. Medicines and proper nutrition will help increase hemoglobin.
  3. Severe, or stage 3, is life-threatening. The amount of hemoglobin in the blood is below 70 g/l. At this stage, the patient feels disturbances in the functioning of the heart, and the general state person.

In addition to the severity of the disease, it is customary to distinguish:

  • relative anemia - more often characteristic during pregnancy or as part of significant blood loss, characterized by an increase in plasma in the blood;
  • absolute anemia - a noticeable decrease in the number of red blood cells and, as a consequence, a decrease in hemoglobin levels.


The consequences of anemia can be quite serious, in some cases it can even be fatal. Most often, anemia causes the following problems:

  • decreased immunity and, as a result, increased incidence of acute respiratory viral infections;
  • the appearance of neurological disorders and even deformations of the nervous system;
  • swelling of the legs;
  • enlarged liver and spleen;
  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, etc.


Diagnosis of anemia includes several important steps:

  1. Determining the type of anemia, that is, it is necessary to identify the mechanism that causes a decrease in the level of red blood cells and hemoglobin.
  2. Establishing the cause of the disease underlying the anemic syndrome.
  3. Conducting laboratory tests, interpreting the results obtained during the examination.

A comprehensive examination of pathology includes a number of laboratory tests:

  • General blood analysis. Blood is taken from a finger and the hemoglobin level is determined.
  • Complete blood test. This test allows you to determine the average amount of hemoglobin in a blood cell and the number of reticulocytes. This makes it possible to judge the condition of the bone marrow.
  • Blood chemistry. In this case, blood is drawn from a vein. This test allows you to determine the iron content in the blood and the level of bilirubin.
  • Additional studies aimed at studying the state of the gastrointestinal tract.

To detect anemia, it is necessary to take a general blood test. The main signs of anemia are deviations in the following indicators:

  • hemoglobin in the blood does not reach 100 g/l;
  • red blood cells less than 4*1012/l;
  • iron content in blood cells is less than 14.3 µmol/l.

If there are such deviations, a more detailed blood test is needed to identify the specific type of anemia.

Treatment of blood anemia

Anemia, caused by a decrease in red blood cell production and occurring with chronic diseases such as cancer, infections, arthritis, kidney disease and hypothyroidism, is often mild and does not require special treatment. Treatment of the underlying disease should also have a beneficial effect on anemia. In some cases, it may be necessary to discontinue drugs that suppress hematopoiesis—antibiotics or other chemotherapeutic agents.

Anti-anemia medications should only be taken as prescribed by a doctor. So, an overdose of iron can lead to constipation. In a situation where the results of laboratory tests confirm a deficient form of anemia, the patient is prescribed one of the following drugs:

  • Sorbifer;
  • Ferrum-Lek;
  • Totema;
  • Maltofer;
  • Tradiferon.

The process of hematopoiesis is most influenced by: mineral substances:

  • iron, copper, zinc;
  • B vitamins;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • vitamins A, D, E.

Treatment should be carried out exclusively on the recommendation of a doctor; self-medication should not be done, especially during pregnancy, when you can expose the maturing child to additional risks. Only after an examination will the doctor be able to determine what caused the anemia.

Folk remedies for anemia

Treatment with folk remedies is allowed. However, most folk recipes comes down to simply eating iron-containing vegetables and fruits. Changes in your diet should also be discussed with your doctor. These foods include red meat, legumes, egg yolks, whole grains, and more.

  1. In case of severe loss of strength, it is useful to take a tablespoon of garlic boiled with honey before meals.
  2. Pour a teaspoon of meadow clover (red clover) inflorescences into 1 cup hot water, boil for 5 minutes, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day.
  3. Pour 6 g of dandelion roots and herbs into a glass of water, boil for 10 minutes, leave for 30 minutes, take a tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.
  4. This recipe is a great combination of taste and benefit. Eat a small amount before meals every day grated carrots with the addition of sour cream.
  5. Rose hips, fruits. 5 tablespoons of crushed fruits per 1 liter of water. Boil for 10 minutes. Wrap up for the night. Drink as tea at any time of the day with anything. Perfectly cleanses the circulatory system and improves metabolism. The infusion is rich in vitamin C and is used for anemia, scurvy, kidney and bladder diseases, diseased liver, as a tonic.
  6. An infusion of rowan fruits is used as a multivitamin for exhaustion and anemia. Pour 2 teaspoons of fruit into 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, add sugar to taste and drink in 3-4 doses throughout the day.
  7. Muesli is an additional source of iron. Morning breakfast with muesli contains biologically active substances, which regularly accompany iron molecules encountered on their way into the body. To improve the taste and increase the value of such quick breakfast You can add fruits and nuts to muesli.


Judging by the name of the disease, the patient needs correction of iron in the blood. It is necessary to take into account the interaction of iron-containing products with other components.

Useful foods for anemia:

  1. meat, cream, butter - contain amino acids, proteins;
  2. beets, carrots, beans, peas, lentils, corn, tomatoes, fish, liver, oatmeal, apricots, brewer's and baker's yeast - contain trace elements necessary for the process of hematopoiesis;
  3. green vegetables, salads and herbs, breakfast cereals - contain a sufficient amount of folic acid;
  4. water from mineral springs with a slightly mineralized iron sulfate-hydrocarbonate-magnesium composition of water, which promotes the absorption of iron in ionized form by the body (for example: mineral springs Uzhgorod);
  5. additionally fortified food products with iron (confectionery, bread, baby food, etc.);
  6. honey – promotes iron absorption;
  7. plum juice – contains up to 3 mg of iron in one glass.

The menu is divided into 5 meals.

1st breakfast:

  • soft-boiled egg;
  • black sweet tea;
  • 2 sandwiches with liver pate.

2nd breakfast: apple or pear.

  • fresh vegetable salad seasoned with vegetable oil;
  • borscht with boiled meat;
  • piece of chicken with buckwheat garnish;
  • rosehip decoction.

Afternoon snack: diluted pomegranate juice.

  • boiled fish and potatoes;
  • sweet tea with cookies.


Prevention of some types of anemia is quite possible. These are, first of all, iron-deficient types. Often such anemia occurs due to a poor diet and poor lifestyle. Therefore, it can be prevented by following the principles:

  1. Healthy lifestyle;
  2. Periodic medical examinations;
  3. Early treatment of chronic pathology;
  4. In order to prevent the development of anemia, you should include foods rich in iron in your diet (whole grain bread, beans, green vegetables, salad, greens, lean red meat).

This is all about anemia: what kind of disease it is, what are the causes, symptoms and signs of the disease in adult women and men, how to treat it, treatment features. Do not be ill!

Many experts do not consider anemia to be a specific disease, most often anemia is a consequence of another disease. According to the latest statistics, the disease affects more than 25% of the world's population, which is more than one and a half billion people, i.e. Every fourth person on Earth experiences symptoms of anemia. In women during pregnancy, anemia is diagnosed in almost 45%. By the way, it is believed that the disease is more common in women; in men one should expect the disease to appear in no more than 10% of cases. Today we will look at this disease: anemia, what is it, what complications does this disease pose? How to spot the first signs of the disease, what are its symptoms and treatment? And is it possible to cure anemia without health consequences? Let's try to figure it out, we'll tell you everything about the disease of anemia.


Let us recall that human blood consists of 3 types of cells: red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets, all of these cells perform one function or another. We will touch on red blood cells - red blood cells that contain hemoglobin, and they give our blood its characteristic color. The main function of red blood cells is to saturate the internal organs with oxygen and remove carbon dioxide, i.e. The main purpose of red blood cells is gas exchange. A low level of red blood cells leads to a drop in hemoglobin, which leads to the development of anemia in humans.

Some experts believe that anemic syndromes are exclusively concomitant diseases, others identify them as an independent group of diseases.


Anemic syndrome is determined after a blood test, which reveals deviations from the norm. According to generally accepted criteria, depending on what gender and age group belongs to the patient, the following values ​​are considered normal:

Is there something hidden behind the disease?

Let's consider why anemia is dangerous? There are several factors due to which this disease poses a threat to people:

  • often the anemic syndrome begins to manifest itself when the situation becomes critical, because The body has the function of maintaining oxygen saturation of tissues even when the level of red blood cells is low. Therefore, the patient may not notice the development of anemia for a long time; symptoms may be visible much later;
  • with strong oxygen starvation there is depletion of internal organs and tissues;
  • Anemia is often concomitant with other diseases, as a result of which it aggravates the course of the underlying disease;
  • with anemia there is often a lack of vital important vitamins, for example, vitamin B12;
  • Anemic syndrome is also extremely dangerous for pregnant women, since this disease harms both the woman and the unborn child;
  • the most dangerous complication the disease of anemia is hypoxic coma, 8 out of 10 patients who experience a coma die;
  • women often have irregular menstrual cycles;
  • people with anemia syndrome may experience respiratory failure, and also increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases;
  • In children, the disease causes hyperactivity, often the child is irritable and inattentive, and is susceptible to ARVI.


What anemia is is now clear, but it is necessary to distinguish this disease from other conditions of the human body.

Pseudoanemia also has other names: hydronemia or blood thinning.

This disease appears when swelling of the extremities disappears when the patient drinks a lot, when tissue fluid enters the bloodstream.

With severe dehydration of the body, on the contrary, blood thickening develops; in this situation, the blood quickly loses its liquid component. The most common causes of dehydration are severe vomiting, diarrhea, profuse sweating, with insufficient replenishment of the water-salt balance. During a blood test, the level of red blood cells and hemoglobin may be normal, which indicates hidden anemia.

Several types of classification

According to the generally accepted standard, anemia syndrome has several classifications; this disease is systematized into the following categories.

According to the severity of the disease, anemia or anemia:

  • if hemoglobin is at least 90 g/l - mild form;
  • hemoglobin from 90 to 70 g/l - average form;
  • A hemoglobin level below 70 g/l leads to a severe form of anemia.

The causes of anemia are divided into:

  • deficient types of anemia (with a lack of folic acid, iron, etc.);
  • posthemorrhagic - after severe blood loss;
  • hemolytic anemia caused by a shortening of the life cycle of red blood cells;
  • The dyshematopoietic form can occur when hematopoiesis is impaired.

According to severity, acute and chronic forms of anemia are distinguished.

According to the function of red bone marrow regeneration, blood anemia is divided into:

  • hyperregenerative;
  • hyporegenerative;
  • regeneration;
  • normoregenerative.

According to the level of hemoglobin in the blood:

  • hyperchromic anemia;
  • hypochromic;
  • normochromic.

Based on the size of red blood cells, they are divided into:

  • normocytic;
  • microcytic;
  • macrocytic.

The most commonly diagnosed forms of anemia

According to medical statistics, experts most often identify several types of anemia as the most common. At precise definition type of anemia, it is known that treatment will be much more effective. So, what types are the most frequently diagnosed:

  1. Iron deficiency anemia occurs when the synthesis of hemoglobin and red blood cells is impaired. Its development is based on the lack of iron for sufficient hemoglobin production. This type of anemia is most common among women and children preschool age, as well as people whose diet does not contain enough iron-containing foods.
  2. B-12 deficiency anemia develops due to a lack of B vitamin - cyanocobalamin, i.e. vitamin B12, which is mainly involved in the production of red blood cells.
  3. Diamond-Blackfan anemia is often diagnosed in infants, in which case there is a lack of erythropoiesis.
  4. Posthemorrhagic anemia occurs with severe blood loss. If a person has lost a large volume of blood at once, it is dangerous because it develops acute form posthemorrhagic anemia.
  5. Sickle-shaped anemia is usually inherited; this type of disease got its name due to the sickle shape that the red blood cell acquires when supplied with oxygen. The main causes of anemia of this type- replacement of normal hemoglobin with pathological one.
  6. Folate deficiency anemia. It is usually diagnosed in people with insufficient consumption of foods rich in folic acid, which is why anemia develops.
  7. Aplastic anemia is characterized as a disease in which the life cycle of red blood cells is shortened; this type of anemia is one of the most dangerous and can be treated rather difficultly, only by surgical intervention.

Main reasons

Let's talk about anemia and the causes of the disease. Experts identify three main causes of anemia:

  • blood loss;
  • hemolysis, i.e. rapid breakdown of red blood cells;
  • reduction in blood cell production;

Also, depending on the type of disease, there are several factors that influence the causes of anemia.

Genetic factor:

  • congenital pathology of the red blood cell production function;
  • enzymatic abnormalities;
  • Fanconi anemia;
  • Bassen-Kronzweig syndrome;
  • anomaly in the structure of the cellular framework of the erythrocyte;
  • spherocytosis.

Doctors have identified a direct relationship between nutrition and development the specified disease, therefore, the nutritional factor is identified as the main one:

  • strict unbalanced diets;
  • lack of folic acid, iron, B vitamins in the diet;
  • insufficient intake of vitamin C.

Other causes include various chronic diseases, such as:

  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • benign neoplasms;
  • malignant tumors.

Infectious and viral diseases cause some types of anemia. Such infections include:

  • hepatitis;
  • cytomegalovirus;
  • malaria;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • bacterial diseases such as obstructive bronchitis, tuberculosis.

Poisoning with medications or pesticides leads to the development of anemia. Also factors that caused anemia - severe injuries, frostbite, burns.


Now let's take a closer look at how anemia manifests itself? It is best to note the first signs of anemia and immediately contact your doctor so that a specialist can prescribe competent and effective treatment for anemia.

So, the main signs of anemia in adults:

  • cyanosis of the skin;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • frequent dizziness;
  • fainting conditions;
  • noise in ears;
  • constant headaches;
  • chronic lack of sleep;
  • dyspnea;
  • the development of anorexia, manifested in a complete lack of appetite or aversion to food;
  • menstrual irregularities or complete cessation;
  • chronic insomnia;
  • problems with potency;
  • development of heart failure;
  • a sharp decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • drop in red blood cell levels.

The disease often manifests itself in older people; the following are added to the general symptoms:

  • angina attacks;
  • increased risk of developing inflammatory processes in the body;
  • risk of developing dementia.

The following are signs of anemia in children:

  • loss of concentration on studies, games, hobbies;
  • fatigue;
  • pale skin;
  • shortness of breath, even with little physical activity;
  • “jams” are often observed in the corners of the lips;
  • bleeding gums;
  • numbness of the limbs, leg cramps.

It is worth noting that children do not have pronounced symptoms of anemia; with the development of anemia, the symptoms can be disguised as other diseases. Usually the disease is diagnosed only based on a blood test of the child.

Anemia in women during pregnancy

Now we will find out what anemia in pregnant women is, how it is dangerous for the woman and the fetus, and also what to do if this disease is diagnosed during pregnancy?

Recent statistics indicate that almost half of pregnant women experience symptoms of anemia; most often pregnant women are diagnosed with an iron deficiency form of the disease. In most cases, a mild degree of anemia is diagnosed, which does not pose any particular danger to the mother and baby, but the 2nd degree can be harmful. Why?

According to many experts, in mild form anemia affects the health of the woman only; the fetus receives adequate oxygen.

But when the hemoglobin level reaches critical levels, then there is a risk of a health threat for the unborn child, which is caused by insufficient oxygen saturation. The fetus experiences hypoxia.

Treatment of anemia in a pregnant woman must be carried out as soon as possible, because this disease can lead to serious consequences:

  • increased susceptibility to various infectious and viral diseases;
  • the risk of developing vein thrombosis increases;
  • the risk of premature birth increases;
  • the risk of bleeding increases throughout the entire period of pregnancy;
  • the risk of developing heart failure increases, because insufficient hemoglobin production weakens the heart muscle.

It is necessary to cure anemia in order to reduce possible harm health of the child, because fetal hypoxia can lead to such consequences as:

  • underdevelopment of internal organs in a child;
  • development of anemia in newborns;
  • increased risk of developing diseases respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract;
  • risk of having a low birth weight baby;
  • Also, a newborn with anemia has practically no immunity; he cannot resist viruses and infections.

So how to treat anemia, is it possible to get rid of the disease without consequences for health, we will tell you in more detail. The main thing is to do a blood test to determine the level of red blood cells and hemoglobin.

Treatment methods

Typically, anemia is treated in a comprehensive manner. By the way, for mild anemia drug treatment sometimes it’s not necessary, it’s enough to review your diet and include foods containing proteins, iron, folic acid and various vitamins and microelements.

If the degree of anemia is more severe, then treatment should only be prescribed by the attending physician, taking into account the course of the disease.

Medical treatment of anemia begins with drugs that can quickly increase the level of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood:

  • iron-containing preparations (Actifferin, Sorbifer Durules, etc.);
  • preparations containing folic acid and B vitamins, including B12.

If it is not possible to cure anemia with the above medications, then the doctor may prescribe a course of corticosteroid hormones, anabolic steroids, erythropoietins, etc. This therapy is usually carried out in a hospital setting. In general, if anemia is diagnosed, then the symptoms and treatment are studied exclusively by a specialist after a blood test.

Folk remedies

How to treat anemia with folk remedies? There are several effective recipes for raising hemoglobin levels:

  1. For this medicine you need to take a glass of Cahors wine, 250 g natural honey and 150 ml of freshly squeezed aloe juice. Mix all ingredients thoroughly; it is best to store the finished mixture in a cool place. Take 1 tbsp. 3 times a day for 30 days.
  2. Strawberry tea is also perfect for treating anemia, 2 tbsp. Dry strawberry leaves need to be poured with a glass of boiling water, let stand for a few minutes, then strain and drink a few tablespoons. 3 times a day.

Now you know how to deal with anemia. To reduce the risk of developing of this disease you need to reconsider your diet, include more foods rich in vitamins and microelements, and also refuse bad habits which provoke anemia.

We tried to tell you in more detail about anemia, what kind of disease it is, we told you all its manifestations, why it is dangerous and what ways you can overcome it.

In contact with


The modern attitude towards the problem of low hemoglobin is such that the majority of the population perceives this condition as completely normal. If you hold a similar point of view and do not quite understand what anemia is and how it manifests itself, then you should familiarize yourself with the data on this condition.


The severity of the disease depends on its specific type. In most cases, anemic syndrome is discovered accidentally during laboratory tests of the patient's blood. Regarding the asymptomatic course of anemia, we can say that this fact is determined by the tendency of patients to attribute the manifestations of low hemoglobin to changes in weather, fatigue and other provoking factors, without suspecting true reasons their occurrence. As a result, the reader should pay close attention to the following general signs:

  • fatigue;
  • decreased physical activity;
  • dizziness;
  • irritability;
  • constantly cold extremities;
  • headache;
  • drowsiness;
  • hair loss;
  • body aches.

In adults

A decrease in hemoglobin significantly affects a person’s overall health. Anemic people are susceptible to the development of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, and they are often diagnosed with problems with the gastrointestinal tract. It is important to note that women of childbearing age are more likely to experience decreased hemoglobin concentrations due to menstrual bleeding. Against the background of anemia in women, other pathological changes external appearance: hair loss, brittle nails, excessive pallor of the skin. In addition, signs of anemia in adults can be expressed in the following conditions:

  • secondary immunodeficiency;
  • loss muscle mass;
  • tachycardia;
  • decreased libido in men;
  • low blood pressure;
  • unmotivated shortness of breath;
  • systolic murmur.

Signs in children

A normal level of hemoglobin in the blood contributes to the active growth and development of the child. With a lack of this protein, children experience multiple unpleasant syndromes. Thus, the child’s nervous system deserves special attention. In conditions of anemia, the brain experiences hypoxia, against which young patients often develop malnutrition and delayed psychomotor development. The gastrointestinal tract may also experience negative effects in the form of constipation or diarrhea. In addition, symptoms of anemia in children often manifest themselves as:

  • hypotension;
  • tearfulness;
  • pale earlobes;
  • flatulence;
  • decreased appetite;
  • cracks in the palms;
  • fainting.

Causes of the disease

Anemia develops due to negative impact many factors. The study of the latter should be based on a clear understanding of the issue. If anemia is suspected, it is imperative to know what it is. Medical sources understand this disease as a group of clinical and hematological syndromes, the common point of which is a decrease in the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood. Insufficient levels of iron-containing protein may have the following etiologies:

  1. increased destruction of red blood cells;
  2. bleeding;
  3. insufficient production of red blood cells.

The causes of anemia in women are both heavy menstruation and postpartum hemorrhage. An important role in the development of anemia is played by prolonged breast-feeding child. However, some experts do not recommend that pregnant and breastfeeding women take synthetic vitamins and nutrients. It is also taken into account that artificial macro- and microelements are poorly absorbed with low hemoglobin.

Iron deficiency

In medicine, this type of anemia is usually called hypochromic or microcytic. Pathology develops due to a lack of iron in the body. Laboratory signs of this form of anemia are considered to be a decrease in the content of red blood cells and hemoglobin, and a decrease in the color index. Requires separate consideration Iron-deficiency anemia in pregnant women. During embryonic life, the fetus receives the necessary elements from the mother's body. In a situation where a pregnant woman’s diet does not meet the increased needs for iron, the expectant mother develops anemia.


The disease is associated with the destruction of red blood cells in the bloodstream, while normally red cells undergo hemolysis in the liver and spleen. This type of anemia develops due to a hereditary predisposition or due to autoimmune processes. Purchased hemolytic anemia are a common consequence of intoxication, poisoning, prolonged exposure low temperatures. Patients suffering from this form of anemia experience jaundice, which doctors often mistake for symptoms. infectious diseases liver.


This kind of pathology occurs due to a lack of vitamin B12 (folic acid). Pernicious anemia, or hyperchromic anemia, like other deficiency forms of the disease (for example, macrocytic) develops due to poor nutrition. A balanced diet in a normal situation solves the problem of lack of certain nutrients. For the most part pernicious anemia is diagnosed in patients over 60 years of age.


Pathologies develop due to insufficient production of red blood cells by the bone marrow. Acquired aplastic anemia, like hypoplastic syndrome, occurs as a result of autoimmune processes (rheumatoid arthritis) or cancer associated with systemic malignant lesions of hematopoietic tissue. To the latter you can in to the fullest include leukemia and Hodgkin's lymphoma. Anemia in these types of oncology occurs against the background of specific drug treatment.


Anemia of this type is a congenital disease that is inherited. Sickle-shaped anemia of a hyporegenerative nature occurs when hemoglobin acquires an S-shaped crystalline cellular structure. Red blood cells carrying such an iron-containing substance have a different shape from the normal one, which makes it difficult for them to actively move through small vessels (capillaries) of the bloodstream.

Hemoglobin grades

A decrease in the concentration of the protein responsible for transporting oxygen in the blood can manifest itself different symptoms. Minor deviations from the norm are rarely accompanied by any negative conditions. If the hemoglobin level drops below 90 g/l, the patient begins to experience intense symptoms of anemia. The severity of anemia based on hemoglobin can be presented in the following table:

Why is it dangerous?

Most of the population suffers from a deficiency (microcytic) form of anemia. When answering patients’ questions about the dangers of iron deficiency anemia, doctors warn that severe cases of the disease increase the risk of serious complications. Chronic iron deficiency in the body leads to a significant decrease in hemoglobin levels. In addition, with a lack of this nutrient, the gas exchange process is not supported. As a result, a person’s internal organs experience hypoxia, which can lead to coma.

Laboratory diagnostics

Pathology is detected through a general blood test. This laboratory test allows you to determine the hemoglobin level and hematocrit number. In addition, a blood test for anemia shows the ratio of formed elements. In this case, special attention is paid to the volume of red blood cells. If there is a suspicion of deficient types of anemia, patients are prescribed biochemical research blood.

Treatment of anemia

Treatment of the disease is carried out taking into account the cause of its occurrence. Deficiency forms of anemia require the administration of iron and vitamins. Treatment for anemia resulting from acute posthemorrhagic syndrome is carried out by urgent blood transfusion. For patients with slightly reduced hemoglobin, doctors usually advise revising their diet towards increasing the consumption of protein foods.

Iron supplements

Severe hypochromic anemia is eliminated by prescribing medications to the patient. Iron deficiency is compensated by taking special medications in which this nutrient is in a bioavailable form. Anti-anemia medications should only be taken as prescribed by a doctor. Thus, an overdose of iron can lead to constipation, hemorrhoids, and stomach ulcers. In a situation where the results of laboratory tests confirm a deficient form of anemia, the patient is prescribed one of the following drugs:

  • Sorbifer;
  • Ferrum-Lek;
  • Totema;
  • Maltofer;
  • Tradiferon.


Anemia develops against the background of impaired synthesis or lack of substances necessary for the body. Thus, deficient forms of anemia can be cured by taking synthetic macro- and microelements. It is important to draw the reader’s attention to the fact that vitamins for anemia should enter the body only in a bioavailable form. The process of hematopoiesis is most influenced by:

  • minerals: iron, copper, zinc;
  • B vitamins;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • vitamins A, D, E.

Treatment with folk remedies

The experience of the older generation has more than once helped patients cope with the most severe forms of anemia. Medications have mass side effects, which often overlap the positive properties of the medicine. Natural compounds, on the contrary, help increase hemoglobin without any negative consequences. The only contraindication for the use of a particular prescription for anemia is the presence of an allergy to its components. Thus, treatment of anemia with folk remedies may involve the use of:

  1. Strawberry infusion. Dry berries should be poured with a glass of boiling water and left under the lid for 3-4 hours. Freshly prepared strained infusion for anemia is consumed at a time.
  2. Rosehip tea and chokeberry. An equal amount of dry ingredients is mixed and placed in a glass or enamel bowl. Next, the plant components are poured with boiling water and infused for about half an hour. This tea should be used to increase hemoglobin several times a day.

What to eat

Great importance is given to overcoming deficiency conditions that provoke anemia balanced diet. A deficiency of iron and other nutrients develops as a result of a person having incorrectly formed gastronomic preferences. It is known that sugar, coffee and tea provoke anemia due to their negative effect on the absorption of many elements necessary for a person. Nutrition for anemia in adults must include:

  • fatty fish;
  • eggs;
  • beef;
  • liver;
  • dried fruits.


  • good nutrition;
  • giving up bad habits;
  • daily moderate physical activity;
  • timely treatment gastrointestinal diseases.


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make treatment recommendations based on individual characteristics specific patient.

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Anemia - what is it, symptoms in children and adults