To help the schoolchild: an isolated circumstance. Isolation of circumstances expressed by gerunds and nouns with prepositions

An adverbial clause is a minor member that in a sentence answers adverbial questions and is expressed by gerunds, participial phrases, and prepositional case constructions. Circumstances characterize the action, sign, method of performing the action (How? How?), place ( Where? Where? Where?), reason ( Why?), condition ( In spite of what? Under what conditions?), target ( For what?). Based on these questions, the category of circumstance and its meaning are determined. Circumstances can be expressed by prepositional-case groups, phraseological units, and infinitives.

An isolated circumstance is a circumstance that may have different meanings and which is distinguished by intonation (in pronunciation) and punctuation (in writing).

(Stumbling, she almost fell to her knees. Rodion, jumping up and down with impatience, tried to keep pace with his father. From the blow he began to slide on the ice, like a puck. Despite the tears and worries, the day was successful.)

1. An isolated circumstance can be expressed by a single gerundial participle or a gerundial participle with dependent words. This type of circumstance is distinguished by commas, regardless of its place in the sentence. ( Lying on the shelf, he stared blankly at the ceiling of the carriage. He was sitting on the windowsill, lazily waving your legs. He, humming to yourself, walked slowly towards the alley).

2. Isolation of circumstances that are expressed by prepositional case forms of a noun is optional. Their isolation depends on the semantic load (the combination of two or more adverbial meanings), a weak syntactic connection with the predicate, expressed verb, or on the stylistic tasks set by the author.

If the circumstance has a comparative meaning and is expressed by a noun with prepositions (as, as if, as if, as if, exactly), then it is - isolated circumstance. (He was bouncing on the trampoline, like a ball. Like a storm An annoyed Victor stormed around the room. Natalia, as if sleepy, She squinted her eyes in confusion.)

3. A circumstance that has the meaning of a concession is considered separate if it begins with a union despite. (Despite the morning rush of energy, now she felt a little dizzy).


An isolated circumstance can sometimes be expressed by a group of words preceding the predicate and beginning with prepositions ( due to, in the presence of, in the absence of, thanks to, in view of, according to, contrary to, as a result). (Examples. Thanks to his strong character, Elena overcame sudden difficulties. But: Elena overcame sudden difficulties thanks to his strong character. Contrary to the Charter and the requirements of the authorities, Sergei came to the training camp in a blue shirt. But: Sergei came to the training camp in a blue shirt contrary to the requirements of the Charter.)

4. If the sentence contains a homogeneous isolated circumstance, then it is placed in the same way, with the usual homogeneous members. ( Waving your arms, bouncing awkwardly, shouting loudly for joy, he rushed down the road. He rushed down the road waving his arms, jumping high. Waving his arms and shouting loudly, he was running along the road . )

Sentences with isolated adverbials are similar in structure to other syntactic structures that do not require punctuation.

Remember! Commas are not used if circumstances

  • Expressed (He approached the preparation of the project carelessly).
  • Expressed by uncommon single gerunds. It is believed that these words (sitting, lying down, reluctantly, without looking, etc.) are substantivized, i.e. formed by transitioning one part of speech (adverb into in this case) to another (gerund). (We talked sitting. But: We talked sitting in chairs.

*Note. If a circumstance is expressed by an ordinary participle formed from a verb, it is necessarily isolated. ( Turning away, she wiped away her tears).

1. Participial phrases, as a rule, are isolated, regardless of their location in relation to the predicate verb.

For example: Reaching for the beams, shaking their heads, schools of horses(Ser.); Without putting on a cap, went out onto the porch(Shol.); Having gotten drunk overnight, the forest sank and fell silent, drooping wet pine branches(Sparrow); Leaning back on a comfortable, soft chair back in a trolleybus, Margarita Nikolaevna was driving along Arbat(Bulg.); Lisa, looking at Nikolai Vsevolodovich, quickly raised her hand(Adv.); After[Anna] pushed off with sticks and ran through the thickets, leaving behind swirls of snow (Paust.).

Circumstances expressed by gerunds and participial phrases have the additional meaning of predicativeness, characteristic of gerunds as verb form. Therefore, gerunds and participial phrases are often perceived as additional predicates.

For example: My friend and I returned to our compartment. old lady, putting the book down and trying to ask something, didn’t ask and started looking out the window(Spread) (compare: The old woman put the book down and tried to ask something, but she never did..).

However, gerunds and participial phrases are not always able to be replaced by conjugated forms of the verb. They mean different signs actions and can be replaced by isolated participial phrases with additional adverbial meaning.

For example: Doctor, not being able to talk to crying women , sighed and walked quietly around the living room. “Doctor,” couldn't talk to crying women, sighed and quietly walked around the living room(Ch.).

It is the presence of an adverbial connotation of meaning that functionally brings together adverbial and participial phrases.

Many adverbial participles and adverbial phrases that have adverbial meaning can be compared with the subordinate parts of complex sentences.

For example: Judging by his hesitant movements, by the expression of his gloomy face, which was dark from the evening twilight, he wanted to say something(Ch.) (compare: Judging by his hesitant movements...)

2. Participial phrase after coordinating conjunction, subordinating conjunction or a conjunctive word, is separated from it by a comma, despite the absence of emphatic intonation(intonationally, the conjunction is included in the turnover).

For example: And Korney turned slightly on the beam and, watching with a thoughtful gaze the flashing horseshoes of the harness, starts talking(Boon.); The prince told me that he, too, would work and that, having earned money, we would go by sea to Batum(M.G.); In the pocket of his riding breeches, Sergei felt shag crumbs and, gently shaking its contents into your hand, rolled up a thick clumsy cigarette(Sparrow).

Depending on the context, the conjunction a can either be included in the participial construction or connect members of the main sentence.

For example: We must understand the essence of perestroika-consciousness, and having understood this, join in the active struggle for it. – We must understand the essence of the restructuring of consciousness, and, having understood this, we must not be content with just verbal calls for it.

3. When combining adverbial constructions, punctuation marks are placed in the same way as with homogeneous members of the sentence.

For example: He went, staggering and still supporting his head with the palm of his left hand, and with his right hand quietly tugging at his brown mustache (M.G.).

If adjacent participial phrases refer to different predicate verbs and conjunctions and are not included in their composition, then they stand out as independent constructions.

For example: He stood, leaning against a pile of tea cups, And, looking around aimlessly, drummed his fingers on his cane like a flute(M.G.) ( he stood and drummed).

Participial phrases located in different parts proposals are prepared independently.

For example: Sergey, after standing for another minute, slowly walked towards the pile of coal and, carefully laying out the overcoat on the floor, sat down on a large piece of anthracite(Sparrow) ( Sergei headed... and sat down); Pushing the door with your chest, Sergei jumped from the house and, not paying attention to the dry bushes tearing the body and the pine branches whipping in the face, ran, panting, forward into the very thicket of the forest(Sparrow) ( Sergei jumped and ran);Cars, tapping on the rail joints, lazily moved behind the locomotive and, clanking their buffers, became silent again(Sparrow) ( The carriages moved and became silent);Scattering, like a flying witch, smoky braids, crimson illuminated from below, the south-eastern express rushed in the distance, crossing the highway(Boon.) ( The South-Eastern Express was rushing along).

4. Restrictive particles only, only those standing before adverbial constructions, are included in their composition.

For example: So she lived without love, just hoping for her.

The same is true in the presence of comparative conjunctions that begin the adverbial construction. For example: Along the dark stairs... two walked, then three... hesitating and lingering everywhere, as if afraid to get down to business (Fed.).

5. Single gerunds are isolated while maintaining their verbal meaning. The conditions for their isolation are the same as for participial phrases.

For example: The waves played, and Shakro, sitting on the stern, disappeared from my eyes, sinking along with the stern, then rose high above me and, screaming, almost fell on me(M.G.); It's charming to lie face up, watching the stars light up(M.G.); Whispering, as if dancing, grandfather appeared(M.G.); At first, even in the car, we moved at walking speed, every now and then we scraped the differential and, backing away, went around stones(Hall.); The doors creaked and closed. Darkness filled the carriage. Only the moon, curious, looked out the window(Sparrow); Having gotten used to it, my eyes made out a pile of bodies on the cement floor(Sparrow).

6. Single gerunds and participial phrases are not isolated:

1) if the gerund has lost its verbal meaning.

For example: Horses run slowly among green hilly fields(Boon.); Sergei lay motionless for a long time(Sparrow);

2) if d her participle is included in stable circulation: work tirelessly; run with your tongue out; run headlong; listen with bated breath; listen with open ears.

For example: In difficult days, he worked tirelessly with us(Nick.);

3) if the participle or participial phrase appears among the homogeneous members of the sentence along with other parts of speech.

For example: He said in a whisper and without looking at anyone; Klim Samgin walked down the street cheerfully and without giving way to oncoming people (M.G.);

4) if the adverbial construction acts as an adverbial modifier of action and is closely adjacent to the predicate verb(its function is similar to that of an adverb).

For example: This exercise do while sitting on a chair; This exercise is done standing. Compare, however, with increased verbosity: The engineer, lying down, read his mining art(Fad.) ( the engineer lay and read).

7. Single gerunds may or may not be isolated, taking into account the context.

For example, when acquiring the meaning of clarification, the gerund is isolated: The children were constantly making noise, never stopping(compare: the children made noise incessantly).

The isolation or non-isolation of a gerund may depend on the meaning of the predicate verb (a non-isolated gerund can be replaced by an adverb).

For example: Shel do not stop (walked non-stop); I asked do not stop (the gerund denotes the second action - asked, but did not stop to do so).

The isolation or non-isolation of a gerund is also influenced by its location; compare: He walked along the garden path without looking back. - Without looking back, he walked along the garden path.

8. Isolation or non-isolation of a gerund may depend on its type. Thus, participles ending in -а, -я, more often express the meaning of the circumstance of the manner of action and therefore are not isolated.

For example: She came in smiling(compare: Smiling, she entered the room; She came in smiling at your secret thoughts ).

Participles ending in -в, -вшы, convey other shades of adverbial meanings (reason, time, concession), which contribute to isolation.

For example: She screamed, frightened; Frightened, she screamed.

9. Turns of phrases despite, in spite of, despite, based on, starting from, thanks to, after, performing the function of derived prepositions and prepositional combinations, are isolated or not isolated according to the conditions of the context.

Phrases with the words despite, in spite of, are isolated.

For example: Despite the bad weather, we set off; At the meeting they criticized regardless of faces; Sleepy, like a branch drowned in a pond of sleep, Ney carried in her arms a magnificently sleeping son, scattered despite its small size, heroic legs and arms(Color); Despite the doctors' ban, I wrote the story “Colchis” in Maleevka(Paust.); Science must be done with clean hands.

The phrase with the words despite is not isolated only in the case of a close semantic connection with the verb, and in postposition.

For example: He is did it despite doctors' ban (compare: Despite the doctors' ban, he did it).

Phrases with words starting from, depending on, after, acting in the meaning of prepositions, are not isolated.

For example: Let's act depending on the circumstances (compare: act according to circumstances);Starting Tuesday the weather changed dramatically(compare: The weather has changed dramatically since Tuesday); After some time Vesovshchikov came(M.G.).

If these phrases have the meaning of clarification or accession, then they are separated.

For example: We will act skillfully and quickly, depending on the circumstances; Last week, starting from Tuesday, the weather changed dramatically.

A turn of phrase with words based on can have two meanings: with increased verbality, when the action denoted by it correlates with the subject, it is isolated; in the absence of such a connection, it is not isolated.

For example: It turns out that not only we, who suddenly discovered the need for a new science - bionics, strive to learn, understand and make the most advantageous use of the properties of living nature; our ancestors did this long before us, based on your knowledge and needs (Chiv.). Compare: He developed a house project. – The project has been developed based on planned cost.

The phrase with the word thanks is isolated or not isolated depending on the degree of prevalence and location.

For example: Thanks to the rains the ground was saturated with moisture. - Earth, thanks to the rains, soaked in moisture.

Circumstances expressed by nouns and adverbs

1. Circumstances expressed by nouns in forms indirect cases, can be isolated for incidental explanation or semantic emphasis.

For example: And Natasha, with painful surprise, looked at the dressed-up people(Boon.); I walked and walked on the cold and damp sand, trilling with my teeth in honor of hunger and cold, and suddenly, in a vain search for food, going behind one of the stalls, I saw behind him a figure crumpled on the ground in a pathetic dress(M.G.); One of the spots, in the center of the pattern, looked very much like the head of the owner of the chair(M.G.); The small city, immersed in greenery, when looking at it from above, made a strange impression...(M.G.); The rafts sailed on among darkness and silence (M.G.); When evening came, I out of anger at your failures and at the whole world, decided on a somewhat risky thing...(M.G.); At night, against the stronger wind, the detachment was heading to the port to land(Plat.); In eleven years, during daily driving I've probably had a lot of interesting adventures(Ch.).

Such circumstances usually carry additional semantic load and are synonymous with verbal constructions (compare examples: ...because he was angry at his failures and at the whole world; I drove every day).

2. Most often, explanatory adverbial members of a sentence contain derived prepositions and prepositional combinations (in spite of, in view of, in order to avoid, as a result of, on occasion, for the reason of, in the presence of, in accordance with, in contrast to, in contrast to, due to, due to absence, regardless of, etc.), manifesting their specific circumstantial meaning and giving them the form of turns.

For example: A rotten, gray-blue balcony from which, due to the lack of steps, it was necessary to jump, drowned in nettles, elderberries, euonymus (Bun.); Lonely and unnecessary because of this peace, the peaceful sound of chewing horses, due to the desert, imprinted in the darkness and there is silence again(Ser.); Metelitsa silently, mockingly stared at him, holding his gaze, slightly moving his satin black eyebrows and with his whole appearance showing that, no matter, what questions they will ask him and how they will force him to answer them, he will not say anything that could satisfy those asking(Fad.); But, contrary to possibility, the sun came out bright red, and everything in the world turned pink, turned red(Sol.).

Given the low prevalence of such sentence members, variations in their punctuation are possible, dictated by different word orders.

Phrases with derived prepositions and prepositional combinations are necessarily separated,if they are located between the subject and the predicate : breaking their direct connection and contributes to the release of revolutions. The same thing happens when the natural connection between the controlling and controlled words is broken. In other positions, especially in less common sentences, such phrases do not complicate the sentence with special emphatic intonations and may not be isolated (without a special task for this).

For example: To avoid gas leakage The faucet is turned off. – Disabled, to avoid gas leakage, tap; He did it out of habit. - He, by force of habit, did it; According to the order the group was disbanded. - Group, according to the order, disbanded; In the absence of corpus delicti the case was dismissed. - Case, for lack of corpus delicti, discontinued.

3. Circumstances expressed by nouns may be highlighted with a dash if there is a need for special emphasis on such circumstances.

For example: At our last meeting, Oleg asked to bring a general notebook with hard “crusts” - for taking notes while lying down (gas.); It[creative imagination] created science and literature. AND - at great depths– the creative imagination of at least Herschel, who discovered the majestic laws of the starry sky, and the creative imagination of Goethe, who created “Faust”, largely coincide with each other(Paust.); Poor poets - in lightning, in storms and thunder– sang inspired songs about the charm of friendship, noble impulses, freedom and courage(Paust.); Immediately after the birth of the boy, Dyakonov ordered Schwalbe to adopt him and give him the surname Koporsky at baptism - at the place of birth of the boy in the city of Koporye, near Oranienbaum (Paust.).

4. In special cases, for semantic emphasis, some circumstances expressed by adverbs may be isolated (with or without dependent words) . The conditions for their isolation are the same as those for circumstances expressed by nouns in indirect cases.

For example: He stood in front of me, listened and suddenly, silently, baring his teeth and squinting his eyes, rushed at me like a cat(M.G.); Misha put the book aside and, not immediately, quietly answered(M.G.); And so, unexpected for everyone, I passed the exam brilliantly(Cupr.).

Usually, when isolating circumstances expressed by adverbs, commas are used, however, as in other cases, for the purpose of more strong discharge circumstances, dashes are possible.

For example: The boy sniffed in embarrassment and disbelief, but, realizing that there was nothing terrible, and everything, on the contrary, was turning out terribly fun, he wrinkled his nose so that his nose turned up, and also - quite childish- burst out mischievously and thinly(Fad.).

In the Russian language there is such a thing as isolation, which is a way of clarifying and highlighting certain words in a statement. Only minor members of a sentence have the ability to be isolated, and thanks to this feature they are endowed with greater independence, unlike non-isolated ones. Such words are used to present information in more detail and highlight a certain part of the statement. Definitions, additions and circumstances may be separate. This article will focus specifically on the circumstance and its features.

Special circumstances

First, you need to determine how an isolated circumstance differs from an ordinary one. To do this, you should remember the definition of this member of the sentence. So, a circumstance is a member of a sentence that plays a secondary role and can be expressed as a prepositional-case construction, phraseological unit, participle or phrase and infinitive. It can indicate an action performed by a person or an object, the method, purpose, condition and place of action, as well as the attribute of the object referred to in the sentence. The circumstance answers a huge number of questions, such as: where? Where? where? Why? For what? in spite of what? under what condition? An isolated circumstance, just like a simple one, can have a huge number of meanings, but in writing it is distinguished by commas, and in oral speech by intonation. For example: Stumbling, she could barely stay on her feet. Despite the tension, it was a beautiful day.

Participles and participial phrases

An isolated circumstance in a sentence can be expressed as a single gerund or have dependent words. In writing, such a circumstance is always highlighted with commas on both sides. It can be used regardless of the location of the grammatical basis in the sentence. For example:

  • Lying on the bed, she looked at the ceiling.
  • She sat in the garden, enjoying the fresh air.
  • She was running around the shops, looking for a suitable outfit.

Quite often in a sentence you can find a homogeneous isolated circumstance or, in other words, several simple participles in one sentence, and they can refer to different predicates. For example:

  • Laughing and jumping, she, inspired, rushed towards the wind.

Non-isolated participles

It is worth noting that circumstances expressed by gerunds or phrases may not be isolated in such cases:

  1. If the participle has the meaning of an adverb. For example: Natasha closed the door and sat motionless(equivalent to the adverb motionless). The exceptions are such introductory phrases with the meaning of an adverb, such as: frankly speaking, in fact, noting in passing and others. For example: Actually, I came to talk.
  2. If a gerund is part of a stable phrase or phraseological unit, it is not isolated and does not stand out in writing in any way. For example: I rush headlong towards the meeting.

Prepositional case form

Circumstances that are expressed by prepositional-case forms of nouns are isolated for semantic emphasis, explanation or specification. Most often, such an isolated circumstance is used to indicate a place, time or manner of action and depends only on the semantic load. When pronounced, it is distinguished by intonation, and when written, by commas. Wherein syntactic connection with the predicate is weakened, but along with the meaning of time, the reason for the action or in spite of what it happened is indicated. For example:

  • Ivan, after receiving a decisive refusal, went home and did not leave the room for a long time, locking himself away from everyone.
  • With the approach of the enemy, the boy’s gaze not only did not become more serious, but became more frivolous.

Along with case forms of nouns, expressed only by semantic load, there are often isolations using prepositions or prepositional combinations, such as: due to, despite, in spite of, thanks to, due to, as a result of, provided, in case and so on. For example:

  • Despite wanting to go with him, she refused.
  • Despite the rain, they went for a walk.

Punctuation marks in isolated circumstances

Sentences with isolated circumstances can cause some difficulties when written, since it is quite difficult to correctly place punctuation marks in them. And most schoolchildren, when writing down such statements, make a lot of mistakes. However, the main thing here is to learn a few simple rules, knowing which difficulties when writing a proposal can be avoided.

Punctuation rules

  1. The participial phrase is always, regardless of its location in the sentence, separated by commas on both sides. (For example: She ran out into the street without putting on a hat; shuddering from the cold. He went inside the house; the girls, laughing and quietly talking, passed by unnoticed.)
  2. If an adverbial phrase is used next to a conjunction, it is separated from it by a comma. Neither conjunctions nor allied words are included in it. (For example: She smiled at her friend and, jumping over the puddle, ran home.) The only exception here can be the conjunction “a”, placed before the participial phrase. In this case, the union may be included in the turnover. (For example: you need to understand what the meaning of life is, and having understood this, convey it to others.)
  3. If there are several adverbial phrases following each other in a sentence, then punctuation marks between them are placed in the same way as with homogeneous members. (For example: He approached, staggering and holding the lady by the elbow with one hand, and slowly waving an umbrella with the other.)
  4. If participial phrases in one sentence refer to different predicates, then each of them is separated by commas separately. (For example: Pushing the door with his foot, he jumped into the street and, not paying any attention to passers-by, rushed away.)

Exercises to reinforce the material

To consolidate the acquired theoretical knowledge, you should Special attention devote practical classes. That is why in the school Russian language course a huge number of hours are devoted to consolidating such complex topic. So, first you should learn to isolate isolated circumstances from the context orally, relying only on intonation, and then move on to written tasks. Sentences in which students are asked to read expressively, and then place commas according to intonation and explain why this punctuation mark should be there, are ideal for this. In this way, the child will learn to apply the learned punctuation rules in practice. After children learn to identify participial phrases and prepositional-case forms of nouns as isolated circumstances, the task can be complicated by offering statements with conjunctions or allied words for analysis. It should be noted that before proceeding with the definition of isolated circumstances, it is necessary to highlight the grammatical basis in the sentence. Further, the task can be complicated by presenting the children with complex compound sentences with several grammatical stems and homogeneous isolated circumstances.

Separation is the semantic and intonation highlighting of minor members of a sentence to give them greater independence in comparison with other members. Isolated members of a sentence contain an element of an additional message. The additional nature of the message is formalized through semi-predicative relations, that is, the relations of a separate component with the entire grammatical basis. An isolated component expresses an independent event. This is a generally polypropositive sentence.

The distinctions are different. There are separate definitions, circumstances and additions. The main members of the proposal are not isolated. Examples:

    Separate definition: The boy, who had fallen asleep in an uncomfortable position right on the suitcase, shuddered.

    Special circumstance: Sashka sat on the windowsill, fidgeting in place and swinging his legs.

    Separate addition: I heard nothing except the ticking of the alarm clock.

Most often, definitions and circumstances are isolated. Isolated members of a sentence are highlighted intonationally in oral speech, and punctuationally in written speech.

Separate definitions are divided into:



The child, who had fallen asleep in my arms, suddenly woke up.

(agreed separate definition, expressed by participial phrase)

Lyoshka, in an old jacket, was no different from the village children.

(inconsistent isolated definition)

Agreed Definition

The agreed separate definition is expressed:

    participial phrase: The child who was sleeping in my arms woke up.

    two or more adjectives or participles: The child, well-fed and satisfied, quickly fell asleep.


A single agreed definition is also possible if the word being defined is a pronoun, for example:

He, full, quickly fell asleep.

Inconsistent definition

An inconsistent isolated definition is most often expressed by noun phrases and refers to pronouns or proper names. Examples: How could you, with your intelligence, not understand her intention?

An inconsistent isolated definition is possible both in the position after and in the position before the word being defined. If an inconsistent definition refers to a defined word expressed by a common noun, then it is isolated only in the position after it:

The guy in the baseball cap kept looking around.

Definition structure

The structure of the definition may vary. They differ:

    single definition: excited girl;

    two or three single definitions: girl, excited and happy;

    a common definition expressed by the phrase: the girl, excited by the news she received,...

1. Single definitions are isolated regardless of the position relative to the word being defined, only if the word being defined is expressed by a pronoun: She, excited, could not sleep.(single isolated definition after the word being defined, expressed by a pronoun) Excited, she could not sleep.(single isolated definition before the word being defined, expressed by a pronoun)

2. Two or three single definitions are isolated if they appear after the word being defined, expressed by a noun: The girl, excited and happy, could not fall asleep for a long time.

If the defined word is expressed by a pronoun, then isolation is also possible in the position before the defined member: Excited and happy, she could not fall asleep for a long time.(isolation of several single definitions before the word being defined - pronoun)

3. A common definition expressed by a phrase is isolated if it refers to the defined word expressed by a noun and comes after it: The girl, excited by the news she received, could not fall asleep for a long time.(a separate definition, expressed by a participial phrase, comes after the word being defined, expressed by a noun). If the word being defined is expressed by a pronoun, then the common definition can be in a position either after or before the word being defined: Excited by the news she received, she could not sleep for a long time. She, excited by the news she received, could not sleep for a long time.

Separate definitions with additional adverbial meaning

Definitions preceding the word being defined are separated if they have additional adverbial meanings. These can be both common and single definitions, standing immediately before the defined noun, if they have an additional adverbial meaning (causal, conditional, concessional, etc.). In such cases, the attributive phrase is easily replaced by a subordinate clause of the reason with the conjunction because, subordinate clause conditions with conjunction If, subordinate assignment with conjunction Although. To check the presence of an adverbial meaning, you can use the replacement of the attributive phrase with a phrase with the word being: if such a replacement is possible, then the definition is separated. For example: Severely ill, the mother could not go to work.(additional meaning of reason) Even when she was sick, the mother went to work.(additional value of concession).

Thus, various factors are important for separation:

1) what part of speech the word being defined is expressed by, 2) what is the structure of the definition, 3) what is the definition expressed by, 4) does it express additional adverbial meanings.

Dedicated Applications

Application- This special kind definition expressed by a noun in the same number and case as the noun or pronoun that it defines: jumping dragonfly, beauty maiden. The application could be:

1) single: Mishka, the fidget, tormented everyone;

2) common: Mishka, a terrible fidget, tormented everyone.

An application, both single and widespread, is isolated if it refers to a defined word expressed by a pronoun, regardless of the position: both before and after the defined word:

    He is an excellent doctor and helped me a lot.

    Great doctor, he helped me a lot.

A common application is isolated if it appears after the defined word expressed by a noun:

My brother, an excellent doctor, treats our entire family.

A single non-widespread application is isolated if the word being defined is a noun with explanatory words: He saw his son, the baby, and immediately began to smile.

Any application is isolated if it appears after a proper name: Mishka, the neighbor's son, is a desperate tomboy.

An application expressed by a proper name is isolated if it serves to clarify or explain: And the neighbor’s son, Mishka, a desperate tomboy, started a fire in the attic.

The application is isolated in the position before the defined word - a proper name, if at the same time an additional adverbial meaning is expressed. The architect from God, Gaudi, could not conceive an ordinary cathedral.

(why? for what reason?)

Application with union How is isolated if the shade of the reason is expressed:

On the first day, as a beginner, everything turned out worse for me than for others.


Single applications that appear after the word being defined and are not distinguished by intonation during pronunciation are not isolated, because merge with it:

In the darkness of the entrance, I did not recognize Mishka the neighbor.


Separate applications can be punctuated not with a comma, but with a dash, which is placed if the application is especially emphasized by voice and highlighted by a pause.

New Year is coming soon - children's favorite holiday.

Target: deepen the concepts of the syntactic role of gerunds and participial phrases, repeat the morphology of verbs and gerunds, suffixes of gerunds;
further development the ability to see sentences in the text with separate definitions and applications, the ability to highlight them with intonation and punctuation marks;
repeat spelling Not with the sacrament, - n- And - NN- in participles, derivative prepositions.

During the classes.

1 . Separate:(write on the board)

  1. distinguish from the general, creating a special position from others;
  2. in grammar: to intonationally highlight some semantic segment within a sentence.


We continue this topic, consolidating what we have learned about isolated applications and definitions and dwelling in more detail on isolated circumstances, understanding the importance of intonation and semantic highlighting of these phrases and the even greater need correct setting punctuation marks in a sentence.

2. Fragments of the homework are checked on the board (test tasks in the Russian language are used. Author A.B. Malyushkin, Moscow 2007, Sfera Publishing House).

1) The first student enters the correct answers to the tests into the table.

№ 1 2 3 4 5 6
Answers 3 1 2 4 1 1

a) the spelling is explained not with an adjective and participle,
b) analysis is done based on the composition of the word connected,
c) task No. 3 is explained and characteristics of proposal No. 2 are given

(narrative, non-exclamatory, two-part, complete, widespread, complicated by a separate circumstance).

2) The second student gives answers to tasks No. 4,5,6,

a) explains the spelling -n-, -nn- in the second task,
b) parses the word according to its composition preserved and analysis of a given word as a part of speech.

3. At this time, work takes place with the class.

a) I remember general character isolation of minor members, which, as a rule, denote some additional action, some additional feature.
b) Separated minor members characteristic primarily of bookish speech. They are very widely used in fiction.
c) Students give examples from the text homework: (punctuation marks and missing letters) are filled in by students:


1. Panikovsky and Balaganov rolled silently on the carpet, standing and kicking out their legs.

2. They wandered through the streets, pale, disappointed, dull with grief. 3. Bender walked behind everyone with his head down and automatically purring. In the depths under the canopy the Antelope was yellow. Kozlevich was sitting on the tavern porch. Puffing sweetly, he pulled from the saucer hot tea. He was blissful.

“Adam!” said the great schemer, stopping in front of the driver. - We are out of stock. We are beggars, Adam! Welcome us! We are dying.
Kozlevich stood up. The commander, humiliated and poor, stood before him with his head uncovered. Adam Kazimirovich's bright Polish eyes blurred with tears. He came down the steps and hugged all the Antelopeans one by one.
“Taxi is free!” he said, swallowing tears of pity. - Please sit down.
Panikovsky cried, covering his face with his fists and whispering:
- What a heart! Honest, noble heart! What a heart!


Specify all separate members sentences using punctuation marks.
Name the work and its author.
For what purpose do I. Ilf and E. Petrov use separate members?
(They help writers describe the subject in detail in an economical manner)
Explain the spelling of words with missing letters.

4. Let us turn to the texts of A.S. Pushkin and M. Gorky.

Nothing to do. She,
Full of black envy
Throwing the mirror under the bench,
She called the black girl to her place
And punishes her
Hay to his girlfriend,
News to the princess in the depths of the forest...

b) M. Gorky in the story “Childhood” describes his grandmother:
“She tells fairy tales quietly, mysteriously, leaning towards my face, looking into my eyes with dilated pupils, as if pouring strength into my heart, lifting me up...” The author, using separate members of the sentence, emphasizes the main idea - grandmother was the most wonderful thing for Alyosha human. It was she who woke him up, hidden in the darkness, and brought him into the light.
Students identify isolated parts of a sentence by ear (who can name them the most) and draw a conclusion about the need to use fiction in texts.

5. Let's return to the text by I. Ilf and E. Petrov.

a) A diagram for sentence 3 is drawn up on the board and its characteristics are given.
It is determined that with one predicate there can be two participial phrases, i.e. two separate circumstances.
How are punctuation marks used in this case?
(In this case, a comma between isolated circumstances connected by the union And, not set).

b) Such cases should be distinguished from sentences in which isolated circumstances refer to different predicate verbs:
pay attention to the table (each student has it on his desk as a handout) point No. 3, read the sentence.

Isolation of circumstances

Separate themselves

Not isolated

1. Before and after the main word - predicate verb

A)expressed by single gerundsand participial phrases

b) expressed by nouns with a preposition

c) expressed nouns with prepositionsin view of, as a result of, in order to avoid, contrary to, in accordance with,thanks, etc.with significant spread and intonation emphasis

a) representing stable turnover

2. After the predicate verb

a) single gerunds with adverb meanings

b) closely related to the predicate

c) expressed by an adverbial phrase and included in a group of homogeneous members with an adverb


homogeneous members- special circumstances

homogeneous members - predicate

He quietly changed into his work suit, sat down at the table, and opened a book. (BUT.)

Here we have homogeneous predicate members. Consequently, the punctuation marks will be different. Let's pay attention to the diagram of this proposal in the table.

  1. Why is there a comma before the conjunction?
  2. Why is it not in the second example?

6. Work continues with the table of isolated circumstances.

  1. What circumstances have we not yet talked about?
    (Circumstances expressed by a noun with a preposition. Left column).
  2. What pretexts? (derivatives).
  3. What's happened derivative preposition? (The independent part of speech, losing its lexical and morphological meaning, becomes auxiliary).
  4. Examples (Who will lead faster?).
  5. What is the difference in spelling: during- during; towards - to meet;
    about - on account; in continuation - in continuation; as a result - as a result.

7. Working from the textbook p. 145, approx. No. 2.

What other prepositions can be used with such isolation?

Exercise in progress. No. 333, p. 147.

8. Compose sentences with isolated circumstances expressed by a noun with a preposition, and use these words as independent words
parts of speech:

  1. option - (as) a consequence...
  2. option - thanks.

9 . The circumstance of a concession is always isolated with a pretext despite.

Despite All my suffering, I could not sleep.

10. The isolation of other circumstances depends on stylistic objectives.

Circumstances are especially often isolated causes(due to, thanks to, as a result) conditions(if present, if absent), concessions(contrary to).

11 . After this, we continue to work with the table in the “Non-exclusive circumstances” section

What are the conditions for non-isolation of these circumstances?

a) The circumstance represents a stable turnover, i.e. phraseological turn.

We find example sentences and read them.

Name the phraseological units you know (which row will complete this task faster).
(Listen with your ears open; rush headlong; answer without further ado; shout without remembering yourself; listen with your mouth open;...)
- Compose one sentence at a time, using any phraseological phrase, and write it down as shown in the table.

b) Single adverbial participles or, as they used to be called, adverbs.

Let's pay attention to their place in the sentence.

(they stand after the predicate, answer the questions: how? in what way? in what position?).

c) We work with the textbook note on p. 145 (top).

Name such adverbs.
(Sitting, lying, standing, silently, jokingly, reluctantly, etc.)

These words have firmly become adverbs. When used alone, they are not isolated; they can be replaced with synonymous adverbs. For example, he speaks slowly - slowly; answered reluctantly - sluggishly.

Intonation can be a helper here. There is no pause before or after the adverb, but after a separate participial phrase the pause is observed.
- This rule is confirmed by the example of exercise No. 326.

d) The third case from table (b) is being worked out.

These are single participles, which also appear after the predicate at the end of the sentence and are circumstances of the manner of action; synonyms can also be found for them. Let's look at table examples.
- Replace the adverb with a gerund and make sentences:

  1. V. Lightning flashed continuously (without ceasing).
  2. V. The cloud was moving slowly (not in a hurry).

12. Quiz.

Task No. 1.

Explain why the gerunds are not isolated in the following sentences:

a) Then the strange man slowly walked around the lower decks.(Cat.) b) The doorman decided to walk slowly.(Paust.) c) The fox turned to the chicken coop and left, slurping unsalted.

a) a single gerund is closer to an adverb, as if merging with the predicate;
b) slowly - adverb;
c) is a phraseological unit.

Task No. 2.

Rearrange the sentences so that isolated circumstances become non-isolated:

1.. Gritting their teeth, they continued to work. 2. Hanging her head low, she left the room. 3. He continued to sit, determined to finish the job.

Task No. 3.

Make up a sentence with phraseological units, indicating which ones stand out:

Headlong, carelessly, heading towards something, without hesitation, taking into accountattention.(in rows, one example at a time).

Task No. 4.

Indicate errors in the use of participial phrases: 1. Having left for the open steppe,they were caught in a snowstorm. 2. Reading the story, a vivid image of the leader appears before uspopular uprising.

13 . Test tasks (attached). The summary of learning new material in the lesson is summed up. The answers are written down by the students on the board. Notebooks are exchanged for verification.


1. Identify incorrect statements.

  1. Isolated members of a sentence are distinguished by meaning using intonation in speech.
    nary speech and using punctuation marks in written speech.
  2. Definitions related to the personal pronoun are always isolated.
  3. Applications with the conjunction as are always isolated.
  4. Dedicated Applications can be highlighted with a dash.
  5. The circumstances expressed by the adverbial phrase are always isolated.
  6. Only minor members of a sentence can be clarifying.

2. Find sentences with isolated definitions (no punctuation marks).

  1. Carelessly scattered stars sparkled brightly in the sky.
  2. The forest, covered with a haze of young greenery, came to life.
  3. An overgrown country road hugged the river.
  4. Tired of the spring bliss, I fell into involuntary oblivion.
  5. Tired of the storm, the captain went down to his cabin.
  6. A cloudy and foggy March night enveloped the earth.

3. In which example is it not necessary to isolate a single definition?

  1. Invisible, you were already dear to me.
  2. Across the blue seas, forgotten, he faded away alone.
  3. The fallen poplar is silver and light.
  4. The poor thing cries tirelessly.

4. Indicate which sentences have punctuation errors when separating applications.

  1. The island was covered in fog - a gray, motionless haze.
  2. Fedka, our young director, came out from around the corner.
  3. Artillery captain, Maksimov hangs up the phone.
  4. Yuri, as a native of the south, found it difficult to get used to the Arctic climate.

5. Everyone knows Alexander Blok as a brilliant poet.

  1. Find sentences in which the adverbial phrase is incorrectly isolated.
  2. Peace to the aspen trees that spread their branches and gazed into the pink water.
  3. After drinking tea, I went hunting before dawn.
  4. A young ray of sunshine peeked through the window, playing merrily.
  5. There, having left the star round dance, a beautiful star sits on the trumpet.

6. Indicate a sentence in which it is not necessary to isolate a single gerund (no punctuation marks are placed).

  1. As they said goodbye, the young people bowed.
  2. The father nodded his head without turning around.
  3. The uncle looked at the grandmother with narrowed eyes.
  4. The boy, startled, dropped the spoon.

7. Find a sentence in which it is not necessary to isolate the highlighted circumstance.

  1. There at a coal mine the boy was noticed.
  2. On the other side over the river the nightingale sang.
  3. We lived then in the Meshchersky forests in the village.
  4. Turning to follow the sun during a long day almost all flowers.

14 . Words hard work.

Working on task No. 11 (tests) word maneuver(French - manouere, Lat. - manuopera from manus “hand” and opera “deeds”.)
Maneuver - act deftly and cunningly, avoiding troubles; movement of troops with the aim of striking the enemy.

15. Mini-dictation (distributed among columns).

Spreading, spreading, having calculated, not having calculated.
What spelling rules are common to explain the spelling of these words.

16 . Rearrange the sentences so that they contain all possible cases of isolation.

1 row. 2nd row. 3rd row.
Small forest Fruit blossoms The dog got scared
crossed, twisted and filled the trees and barked loudly.
between the trees the air is heady
path. aroma.

17 . Change the sentence into a complex sentence by replacing the preposition despite union although.

Despite the good weather, we managed to walk a short distance that day.
(That day, despite the fact that the weather was good, we managed to walk a short distance).

18. Find isolated circumstances in the poem by A. S. Pushkin.

What can we quickly say to her in poetry?
Truth is dearer to me than anything else.
Without having time to think, I’ll say: you’re the cutest of all.
After thinking about it, I will say the same thing.

19. This is interesting.

1. Remember the lines from I.A Krylov’s fable “Fish Dance”: Here, Lev licked the headmanmercifully in the chest..., set off on his further journey. This is a rare case when the subject took a completely unusual place for itself - it was located inside the adverbial phrase.

2. By the will of the author, the participial phrase can be attributed not to the verb. Here is an excerpt from a poem by Leonid Martynov: Sleeves, islands... This is a river delta! This is what it’s like, it’s starting to get dark! However, this is not the norm, but a property of the individual author's style.

3. Think about the sentence!He wrinkled his forehead, unable to understand what was written.
It does not fit any type of isolation known to you. It turns out that this is a “splinter” of an adverbial phrase being unable to in which the participle played only an auxiliary role and therefore disappeared without prejudice to the meaning.

20 . The lesson is summarized.

  1. What new did you learn about the isolation of circumstances in class today?
  2. What caused the difficulties?

In subsequent lessons we will continue this topic.