Where is the sigmoid colon located? Sigmoiditis: symptoms, treatment, diet. Sigmoid colon: where is it located and how does it hurt. Diverticulosis of the sigmoid colon

The sigmoid colon is one of important organs gastrointestinal tract, which is located in the lower part of the intestine. Violation of the state of this organ leads to the occurrence of intestinal diseases that have negative consequences for human health and are not easy to treat.

The sigmoid colon is located in the upper opening of the small pelvis on the left. It completes the length of the colon and passes into the rectum, through which stool is excreted through the anus.

The following organs are located nearby:

  • The female uterus.
  • Bladder.
  • Loops of the jejunum.

The length of this organ does not exceed 67 cm, and its diameter is about 2.5 cm.

The proper functioning of this organ is necessary for the natural performance of the following functions:

  • Absorption of useful substances contained in products received from outside.
  • Provides hardening stool for later output.
  • Preservation of the intestinal microflora, which guarantees the normal digestion of non-decaying substances.
The diagram shows the location of the sigmoid colon.

Thanks to the mesentery (the organ with which the intestines are attached to back wall abdomen) the sigmoid colon becomes more mobile, and sometimes can move into right side. Therefore, the finger method of research is not always effective.

Causes of the disease of the sigmoid colon

Diseases and disorders of this organ occur against the background of:

  • poor circulation in the intestines;
  • violations of the natural environment inside the colon;
  • intense pressure on the intestine;
  • radiotherapy;
  • viral or bacterial infection;
  • inflammation and other pathologies in the small and large intestine;
  • unlimited consumption of fried meat and flour products;
  • obesity;
  • alcohol and nicotine addiction.

Leads to the development of pathology of the sigmoid colon hereditary factors, as well as work in hazardous industries. With a long absence of adequate and timely treatment of intestinal diseases, a precancerous or cancerous condition occurs, which is aggravated by compliance with bad habits.

The sigmoid colon is located almost at the very end of the intestine, where feces stagnate and harden. Therefore, she is subject to various diseases stronger than other departments.

Signs of department pathologies

Diseases of this organ are most often accompanied by:

  • pains different nature in the left side of the abdomen;
  • spasmodic attacks extending to the lumbar region;
  • diarrhea or constipation with bloody discharge;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • weakness of the body;
  • bloating;
  • increased gas formation and colic throughout the intestines.

It is impossible to determine the type of disease only on the basis of these symptoms, since such symptoms are similar to signs of other pathologies. Therefore, if you find prolonged constipation and pain on the left, you should immediately contact a gastroenterologist.

Women and men over 30 years of age are prone to diseases of this kind. With abnormal development and poor diet, pathologies can also occur in children of preschool or school age.

Catarrhal sigmoiditis

Sigmoiditis is characterized by the presence of inflammatory foci in the mucous membranes of the intestine, which are accompanied by heat, redness and swelling of the affected areas. Severe stabbing pains appear in the lower abdomen. Women may confuse such pain with signs of ovarian disease. hallmark sigmoiditis is a change in the color, frequency and amount of feces.

Rapid stools accompanied by acute pain is a sign of an acute form of the disease.

The chronic form is determined by the presence of intermittent pain sensations that appear against the background of:

  • defecation;
  • long walk;
  • pregnancy in the second or third trimester;
  • physical activity;
  • weight loss.

In acute cases, weakness appears and body temperature rises. The long course of sigmoiditis leads to the development of perisigmoiditis, which is expressed in the process of fusion of the sigmoid colon with neighboring organs.

Ulcerative sigmoiditis

Such a diagnosis is made when small, destructive ulcers occur that can spread throughout the mucosa. However, this form of the disease does not affect the deeper layers of the intestine.

Ulcerative sigmoiditis is characterized by:

  • frequent diarrhea;
  • unpleasant and corrosive smell of feces;
  • weakness of the whole organism;
  • discomfort in the abdomen;
  • loss of appetite.

Protracted sigmoiditis contributes to sleep disturbance and the occurrence of irritability in the patient.

Ulcers are caused by a variety of factors:

  • long course of chronic sigmoiditis;
  • diet violation;
  • acute infections accompanied by intoxication and disturbance of microflora;
  • prolonged use of antibiotics.

The severe stage of the disease with multiple ulcerative spread is often characterized by the occurrence of concomitant pathology- adhesive disease.


The disease develops as a result of an inflammatory lesion of the mucosa, during which adhesions are formed between adjacent tissues and organs.

This process is accompanied by:

  • mild discomfort of a bursting nature in the area of ​​​​the abdominal organs;
  • pulling pains;
  • constipation.

In some cases, adhesive disease can cause disturbances in the functioning of the entire intestine, which leads to the occurrence intestinal obstruction. Then the degree of intensity of pain increases and vomiting appears.

The causes of this pathology are associated with untimely treatment of chronic sigmoiditis. Spikes can also result from mechanical injury or surgery. With perisigmoiditis, the lesions are deep, this form of the disease is noted as one of the most dangerous and severe.

Bend department

The sigmoid colon is located at the end of the colon, and therefore all diseases of the intestinal group are characteristic of it. One of these diseases is intestinal volvulus, which is characterized by obstruction of the digestive organs. Bend of the sigmoid colon is more common than bend thin department. This pathology is more susceptible to older people.

The main symptoms are:

  • uneven bloating;
  • cramping pains;
  • stool and gas retention;

Sometimes a state of shock occurs, which is expressed in the development of acute gangrene in the intestine. Gangrene is called the necrosis of tissues and their simultaneous decay.

Intestinal volvulus - dangerous state which can lead to death. However, in most cases, the outcome of the disease is favorable.


Diverticula are sac-like protrusions 1-2 cm in size that can be found in all parts of the intestine. However, most often they are formed mainly on the walls of the sigmoid colon. Signs of this pathology are malfunctioning of the intestines and painful colic in the abdomen, which are aggravated after eating.

Diverticulitis occurs against the background of:

  • irritable bowel;
  • high blood pressure inside the intestines caused by the accumulation of gases;
  • deterioration of the strength of the intestinal walls.
  • genetic abnormalities;
  • low fiber intake.

The progression of the disease leads to a breakthrough of the purulent contents of the diverticulum into abdominal cavity. This may be the cause of the formation of a tumor of a benign or malignant nature.


Dolichosigma is an abnormal increase in the length of the sigmoid colon. In some cases, such an anomaly does not cause unpleasant symptoms and does not impede bowel function.

However, most often patients complain of symptoms such as:

  • pain in the abdominal region without a clear localization;
  • signs of intoxication (poisoning);
  • bloating;
  • frequent constipation;
  • accumulation of gases with accompanying colic.

The structure of the sigmoid colon normally causes the natural passage of feces, however, a change in its length contributes to a longer stay of the contents inside.

This leads to poisoning of the body and the development of dysbacteriosis and other intestinal diseases. The reasons for the development of dolichosigma are not fully established. Basically, such an anomaly is formed in the fetal period.

Tumor of the sigmoid colon

Tumors appear on the walls of the sigmoid colon in the form of overgrown formations on the mucosa. Unpleasant symptoms are associated with irritation of tumor lumps with feces passing through the intestine. Patients are watching sharp pain after eating and loss of appetite.

A precancerous condition is characterized by a general weakening of the body: dizziness appears and body temperature rises. Benign tumors occur mainly due to malnutrition and frequent constipation.

Malignant neoplasms develop due to the following reasons:

  • chronic inflammation of the intestine;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • ulcerative colitis of unclear etiology (causes);
  • diverticulitis;
  • the presence of polyps.

An equally important role in the diagnosis of the causes of the disease is played by the hereditary factor. Tumors in the intestines develop gradually and at the initial stages do not bring much discomfort to the patient. Therefore, it is important to identify the disease in time so that it does not turn into a cancerous form.


Polyps are tumor-like growths on the intestinal mucosa, often affecting the sigmoid region. Polyps have a different structure and shape. In most cases, these growths are amenable to treatment or surgery. The outcome of therapy is favorable. Signs of polyp formation appear only in acute stage when polyps interfere with the normal passage of feces.

Patients note:

  • constipation and diarrhea;
  • impurities of blood in feces;
  • large amount of mucus in the stool.

In addition, there are pains in the left side of the abdominal cavity. With inadequate therapy, polyps can turn into cancers.

Diagnosis of department pathologies

When contacting a doctor, it becomes necessary to carry out several diagnostic methods:

  • Inspection and palpation of the abdomen. At this stage, the nature of the swelling and soreness of the sigmoid colon is determined. In the presence of tumors, the surface of this area becomes bumpy and very dense.
  • Examination of feces- to detect blood secretions, as well as infectious and inflammatory processes.
  • Blood test- to determine the level of leukocytes.
  • Finger examination of the rectum.
  • Irrigoscopy- to determine the diameter of the lower intestine. Perform such an operation using an x-ray machine and the introduction of a contrast agent.
  • Sigmoidoscopy- ultrasound examination using a sigmoidoscope. The procedure is aimed at identifying the pathology of the sigmoid and rectum.
  • Colonoscopy. The endoscope penetrates the sigmoid colon and makes it possible to see the internal state of the mucosa.
  • MRI and CT, allowing to identify the size of tumors and the degree of their prevalence.

Before carrying out these procedures, the gastroenterologist pays careful attention to the patient's card, which contains information about all previous diseases.

Drug treatment of diseases of the sigmoid colon

After the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes treatment, which includes:

  • complex of medicines;
  • surgery (rare)
  • folk recipes;
  • diet.

The sigmoid colon is located in the digestive tract, therefore, in its treatment, antibacterial drugs With a wide range actions. They are aimed at removing bacteria throughout the intestines and reducing inflammation. Antibiotics are used only for bacterial diarrhea.

Have antimicrobial activity:

  • Stopdiar.
  • Alphanormix.
  • Erythromycin.

To relieve pain, antispasmodics are prescribed:

  • No-shpa.
  • Spazmalgon.
  • Papaverine.

Be sure to use drugs to restore the intestinal microflora:

  • Linex.
  • Normobact.
  • Lactofiltrum.

To improve performance digestive tract using enzymes:

  • Mezim.
  • Festal.
  • Pancreatin.

To relieve symptoms of intoxication, enterosorbents (Enterosgel, Smecta) and antidiarrheal drugs that normalize stools (Imodium, Loperamide) are used. Treatment of bowel diseases always requires an integrated approach.

Surgical intervention

If the tumors in the sigmoid colon have become cancerous, patients are prescribed a surgical operation. Usually, endoscopic polypectomy is performed, the principle of which is to use an endoscope with a special tip with a loop. During colonoscopy, the loop wraps around the growth and separates it from the mucosal wall.

In case of detection malignant neoplasms, surgeons perform a complete or partial resection of the intestine. Resection is the removal of the entire intestine or several sections filled with overgrown tumors. Surgical operations are prescribed only in severe cases, if traditional methods of treatment have not led to the desired results.

Treatment of pathologies with folk remedies

Folk recipes help only on early stages diseases. First of all, you need to discuss with your doctor the possibility of using this or that remedy. Uncontrolled and inadequate use of some recipes popular among amateurs alternative medicine can lead to the development of complications and allergic reactions.

Alternative methods of therapy stop well pain during bowel movements, various decoctions help eliminate constipation and diarrhea. It is most effective to use such decoctions in the composition complex treatment including medicines.

Decoction of plantain

Plantain is an affordable medicinal plant that has:

  • antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action;
  • antitumor effect;
  • analgesic properties.

A decoction of plantain is prescribed to maintain soft stool with colitis, sigmoiditis, polyps and other intestinal diseases.

To prepare a decoction, you need:

  1. Pour 2 tbsp. leaves in a small warming bowl.
  2. Pour 250 ml of hot water over them.
  3. Boil in a water bath for about 30 minutes. under the lid.

Chamomile for sigmoiditis

Chamomile is actively used to relieve inflammation and destroy viruses. In the treatment of diseases of the sigmoid colon, chamomile helps to eliminate symptoms such as diarrhea and flatulence. An infusion of this plant envelops the intestinal walls, soothing and relieving irritation. Due to this, the foci of inflammation on the mucosa and their sensitivity are reduced.

The infusion is prepared as follows:

  1. 2 tbsp dry crushed leaves are poured into a container or ordinary glass.
  2. Then pour them with 400-500 ml of boiling water.
  3. Next, you need to put the drink in a warm place and insist for 6 hours.
  4. Before use, the infusion is filtered through gauze or a sieve.

Take this drink 30-40 minutes before meals for half a glass 2-3 times a day. To achieve the maximum effect, the infusion should be consumed for about 4-6 weeks.

Rosehip decoction

Rose hips contain many vitamins, carotene and organic acids. Due to its composition, rosehip has firming and astringent properties, which leads to its use in the treatment of the intestines. Infusions from this plant actively contribute to the elimination of nausea and vomiting.

They are easy to prepare:

  • 20-25 dried berries are crushed and poured into a small saucepan.
  • Next, the mixture is poured into 350 ml of boiling water.
  • Insist for 3-4 hours.
  • Express and use the infusion 1-2 times a day.

Decoctions and infusions of wild rose are also used in the presence of blood in the feces. During the period of remission of diseases of the sigmoid colon, the concentration of berries can be increased.

Prohibited foods for diseases of the sigmoid colon

In case of pathologies of the intestinal sections, attention should be paid to the following products:

Complete exclusion Partial restriction
Snacks (nuts, chips, crackers, seeds)White bread
Hot spices and fried foodSemolina, white rice
canned foodwhite cabbage
Smoked meatsLegumes
Cocoa and chocolate products, coffeeMilk and dairy products
MushroomsFresh white bread or muffin
Alcohol and nicotineTea

Products from the second column are recommended to be consumed in very small quantities. Tea should not be brewed too strong, it is advisable to do with herbal natural analogues. Reactions to milk are individual for everyone, therefore, if diarrhea occurs, all dairy products should be excluded.

The result of treatment largely depends on the diet.

It is necessary to exclude prohibited foods and follow a special diet, which includes:

  • Boiled vegetables and fruits (except legumes and citrus species).
  • Dried fruits and compotes.
  • Vegetable salads.
  • Brown rice.
  • Baking with bran.
  • Low-fat soups and meats.

Food should be chewed slowly and thoroughly. It is recommended to drink 1 glass of water between meals. Water helps the sigmoid colon to push feces into the anus, so plentiful drink forms the basis of the diet.

Diseases in the sigmoid colon differ depending on how deep the foci of inflammation are. modern medicine offers a holistic approach to therapy various pathologies, which guarantees a good result in most cases.

Useful videos about the sigmoid colon, symptoms of its disease and methods of treatment

The sigmoid colon and its diseases:

Symptoms and treatment of sigmoiditis:

Often a person has serious difficulties associated with bowel movements. This may involve the sigmoid colon, the symptoms of dysfunction of which indicate a serious problem in the digestive system. Almost completely processed food enters the sigmoid colon. In this segment of the intestine, the remnants of nutrients, water and vitamins are absorbed into the walls of the sigmoid colon. On this stage stool formation ends. After the sigmoid colon, stool enters the rectum, from where it is excreted. As a result of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the rectum and sigmoid colon, proctosigmoiditis occurs. This disease is extremely unpleasant and can have serious consequences and complications. The treatment of this disease is complex and lengthy. As a rule, middle-aged people suffer from this disease. Most patients are women. This is directly related to their physiology.

In the normal state, the act of emptying occurs in a person once a day. When the rectum fills up, receptors in its mucous membrane signal this to the brain. There is a waste of feces. The inflamed mucous membrane does not cope with this task, giving false signals that cause a lot of trouble.

Proctosigmoiditis can occur for the following reasons:

Numerous signs can indicate the presence of the disease. If you pay attention to them and immediately get medical help, then the treatment will be faster and painless.

Signs of the onset of the disease

Proctosigmoiditis is quite difficult to diagnose, since its symptoms affect almost all human organs.

With inflammation of the sigmoid and rectum, the symptoms of this disease are as follows:

  • deterioration of well-being;
  • general weakness;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • the appearance of allergies;
  • nervousness;
  • depressive state;
  • pain in the lower abdomen, which increases during defecation;
  • violation of the function of defecation (permanent diarrhea or constipation);
  • the appearance of false urge to defecate;
  • selection from anus pus, mucus and blood clots;
  • an unusual type of feces - it is too hard or liquid, has an excessively pungent and unpleasant odor.

Proctosigmoiditis in the absence of proper medical care can cause some serious complications. A variety of consequences can cause an inflamed intestine of the disease.

What can happen if treatment is not started immediately:

  • internal hemorrhoids;
  • the occurrence of cracks in the sphincter;
  • complete prolapse of the rectum;
  • rectal ulcer;
  • the appearance of bleeding;
  • the formation of malignant tumors.

To assign proper treatment, the patient is prescribed comprehensive examination to determine an accurate diagnosis.

Diagnostics is carried out by such methods:

  1. Personal examination by a specialist. During the conversation, the time of onset of the disease, its symptoms and possible reasons. Inspection helps to get a general picture of the disease.
  2. Analysis of blood and feces. The results will allow you to learn about the processes occurring in the body.
  3. Biopsy of the tissue of the sigmoid part of the intestine.
  4. Colonoscopy. A visual study of the damaged organ with a probe gives a fairly accurate idea of ​​the nature of the disease.

To obtain an accurate picture of the disease, sigmoidoscopy or magnetic resonance imaging may be used.

Based on the results obtained, the patient is diagnosed. Proctosigmoiditis can be classified as either acute or chronic.

Inflammation of the sigmoid colon is divided into ulcerative, catarrhal or erosive. The complication of the disease may be early or late. After summarizing all the data obtained, the patient is prescribed treatment.

Treatment of inflammation of the sigmoid colon

Depending on the severity of the disease, inpatient or outpatient treatment is prescribed.

It is aimed at stopping the causes of the disease. According to the method of influencing the focus of inflammation, treatment can be conservative and operative.

Conservative treatment

This method uses an integrated approach. In this case, a positive result will be in a few days.

Proctosigmoiditis is a rather insidious disease that can give numerous complications. An important contribution to the treatment of this disease is made by the impact of various medical devices. As a rule, electrotherapy is prescribed for 7-10 days. In the course of its implementation, devices operating on various principles are used.

So, the lesion can be affected in this way:

  1. Warming up. Heat provides blood flow to the site of inflammation. This improves metabolism and strengthens the intestinal tissue.
  2. Vibration. Vibrators, which are inserted into the anus, relieve congestion and improve blood supply to damaged tissues.
  3. Electric fields of various amplitudes. Under the influence of electrical or magnetic field damaged cells restore their natural structure. The mutation and degeneration of cells is suspended.

Therapeutic diet for proctosigmoiditis

If the patient is diagnosed with proctosigmoiditis, then the first thing to do is go on a strict diet. It is necessary to adhere to it until complete recovery.

The patient's diet should include the following:

  • porridges cooked on water from oats, semolina and rice;
  • low-fat soups from poultry and fish, rubbed through a sieve;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • ground meat, steamed;
  • boiled or baked vegetables and fruits;
  • omelet cooked in vegetable oil;
  • herbal teas and fees.

It is necessary to refuse such products:

  • bakery products of any kind;
  • fatty meat, lard, sausages;
  • pasta;
  • fatty soups and borscht with chopped vegetables;
  • meat, fish and vegetable canned food;
  • animal fat and butter;
  • fresh herbs, berries, vegetables and fruits;
  • milk and fatty cottage cheese;
  • peas, beans and other legumes;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • coffee and strong tea;
  • spicy seasonings, spices, sauces and spices;
  • sweets, cakes, chocolate;
  • alcoholic drinks of any kind.

With inflammation of the intestines, special treatment tables are prescribed, which provide for fractional nutrition as part of a strict menu. Compliance with the diet helps to rid the intestines of inflammation, putrefactive processes and fermentation. By excluding fatty foods from the menu, the quality of its digestion improves, the rate of assimilation and processing increases. Food should be taken warm (not hot), chewing thoroughly. With an exacerbation of the disease, it is recommended to stop eating for 1-2 days. At this time, you need to drink decoctions of herbs or weak tea without sugar.

Surgery is performed only in emergency cases.

The reason for the operation may be such factors:

  • fusion of the intestine with neighboring organs;
  • pathological tissue damage, incurable by conservative methods;
  • the appearance of neoplasms.

After the onset of remission, the patient must undergo long course rehabilitation. Switching to the usual diet immediately after relief is not recommended. A relapse may occur.

Prevention of bowel diseases

Proctosigmoiditis is chronic disease. It can escalate at any moment.

In order to prevent relapse, the patient must adhere to the following rules of prevention:

  1. At least 2 times a year to be examined by a specialist. Consultation with an oncologist after a prolonged exacerbation is required.
  2. Annually visit sanatoriums, where to undergo a course of mud therapy and electrotherapy.
  3. Lead a healthy lifestyle. This means giving up bad habits and regular walks outdoors.
  4. Organize balanced diet, which should combine sufficient calorie content and qualities that are gentle on digestion.
  5. Avoid hypothermia. This can exacerbate a chronic illness.
  6. In case of occurrence infectious disease it is necessary to bring his treatment to an end. Residual effects may be the cause of recurrence of inflammation of the intestine.
  7. Regularly use prophylactic drugs to prevent inflammatory processes. Their list should be determined by the attending physician.

Of no small importance for the prevention of inflammation in the anus is the observance of the rules of personal hygiene. The sphincter must be kept perfectly clean. The anus should be washed with soap after each act of defecation. Water procedures should be carried out in extreme heat or after hard physical work.

Everyone had diarrhea, constipation for certain reasons, whether it was a toxic infection or any other disease. The causative agent is located in various places. This article will talk in detail about the problems associated with the sigmoid colon: diseases, treatment of diseases, symptoms of diseases of the sigmoid colon, tumor processes will be taken out separately.

The sigmoid colon is part of the large intestine. It contains microorganisms, more precisely - lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. Topographically located in the iliac region of the abdomen, bordering on the uterus, bladder, a loop of the small intestine. The peritoneum covers the colon from all sides, forming the mesentery, which is attached to the posterior abdominal wall.

Often there are disputes about the length of the sigmoid section - the length can be 15-60 cm, this is a fairly large gap and, in principle, it is not important, everything depends on the person's complexion, and the large intestine does not perform absorption functions, unlike the small intestine, so these dimensions not that important.


Sigmoiditis is an inflammation of the sigmoid colon, in the literature it is called diverticulitis. Cases of diverticulitis are extremely rare. Factors of sigmoiditis are traumatic (rough endoscopy), thermal (during the setting of an enema).

If an infection “wound up”, then the inflammation will spread throughout the large intestine, and this is called - colitis(in Latin, the colon is called colum). The factors that will lead to colitis will be provided below.


This term is very common. Doctors like to make such a diagnosis when it hurts in the navel and they don’t know what’s wrong with the patient, but at the same time this term displays inflammatory processes, and the cause of inflammation is known only to your cells and body.

The symptoms of colitis and sigmoiditis are the same, since sigmoiditis very quickly transforms into colitis. There are the following complaints: loss of appetite (the patient does not really want to eat), general weakness, malaise, constipation or, on the contrary, diarrhea, pain in the navel. In medical practice, based on the patient's complaints, they do not make a diagnosis, but begin to palpate (palpate) in the area just below the navel, if the pain intensifies, then they give direction to additional research methods.

It should be noted that any inflammation just does not occur and it has a reason. For example, dysbacteriosis (a diagnosis that exists only in countries former USSR) after antibiotic treatment. Or shigellosis.

Shigellosis is a specific disease caused by bacteria. The symptoms will be the same, but the main difference will be the absence of stool and false urges to the act of defecation. That is, the patient wants to go to the toilet, but he cannot. Shigellosis bacteria secrete toxins that paralyze the muscles of the rectum and sigmoid intestine and there is simply no peristalsis in them. In some cases, food passes through "transit" and the stool looks like spitting with impurities of mucus and blood. The disease is severe.

Colitis is dangerous because inflammation can easily go to the peritoneum and peritonitis occurs, and this is an unpleasant condition that requires surgical intervention and long-term treatment.

Oncological diseases

Oncology is usually called any neoplasm, including cysts on the organs. Everyone probably knows that they classify tumors into benign and malignant. Benign tumors can easily transform into malignant ones, this will be called cancer.

Sarcoma, adenocarcinoma (benign), polyp (benign tumor, but can easily turn into cancer, is located on the mucosa, resembles a loop) can form on the sigmoid section.

Tumors have always been an accidental finding on ultrasound, MRI, sigmoidoscopy (endoscopic examination of the large intestine). They rarely make themselves felt if it is not cancer or sarcoma (there is bleeding from the anus, pain in the navel).

Cancer does not have a limited membrane and grows into tissues, is represented by in the photo below.

Treatment begins promptly. Since it is not known how even a benign tumor will behave, the area with the tumor is removed (resection) and the patient is safely discharged. Doctors recommend resection as soon as possible to reduce the risk of recurrence.

The operation is very simple, even an intern can perform it, you should not be afraid of surgeons, because the 21st century is in the yard and surgery has stepped far forward. After the operation, people return and work where they worked, but physical activity cannot be performed for 6 months. The younger the body, the better the prognosis.

Traditional treatment

Treatment begins with the aim of reducing the level of intoxication. This will help the most plain water, but if you really want something stronger, you can use rehydron (a remedy for rehydration). We need to drink more water, the body itself is able to remove toxins, for this we have kidneys and a liver.

Setting cleansing enemas will also help remove toxins and microbes, moreover, it will reduce flatulence (gas accumulation). But most people refuse enemas, considering this method somehow retarded. If you have constipation associated with an inflammatory process in the colon (80% of cases), then you can ask for an oil enema.

In addition, antibiotics are prescribed adsorbents, such as Activated carbon, phosphalugel, atoxil, white clay. The advantage is that adsorbents are applied immediately at the time of the first symptoms, reducing the amount of absorbed toxins and removing microbes from the body.

Gotta stick to general rules use, namely: take 1 hour before meals and medication or 2 hours after meals. Adsorbents work very simply: by absorbing toxins, they remove them from the body at a very early stage.

After epiotropic treatment (aimed at eliminating the inflammation factor) or in parallel with it, you will be prescribed probiotics, since antibiotics lead to dysbacteriosis. But our microflora restores itself, and drugs such as Bifiform and Linex are simply a consumer deception.

To restore the microflora, you need to drink a kilogram of these tablets. It has long been known that lactobacilli are found in fermented milk products such as kefir. Be literate and knowledge will help save a lot of money.

Alternative treatment

Exists big choice herbs, tinctures and other folk chaos in relation to colitis. However, only natural adsorbents are effective. You don’t need anything else, since various herbs have a systemic effect (you cripple one and heal another).

It can be used as a natural adsorbent - sowing oats. To do this, you need seeds of oats, then you need to make a decoction from it and take 10 milliliters 5 times a day, during an exacerbation of the disease.


Fractional meals are prescribed up to 5 times a day. Immediately exclude food that leads to flatulence (legumes, fresh bread, etc.). The diet consists of boiled, stewed, lightly fried (minimal amount) food - this can be chicken breast, rabbit, turkey, fish.

Fruits and vegetables should predominate in the diet. An organism experiencing intoxication requires vitamin C (citrus fruits must be present in the diet). The diet must be followed for about 2 weeks, and later gradually introduce foods familiar to you into the diet.

It is the final part of the colon of the large intestine,. For an objective understanding of its work and functions, it is necessary to understand how the entire intestinal system works as a whole. After all, this is a complex mechanism, the health and well-coordinated work of which directly affect general state organism.

The human intestine - which performs the functions of digestion and excretion. Anatomically, it defines two main segments: the small and large intestine. The lower part of the intestine - the large intestine - in turn includes the departments:

  • caecum;
  • colon (includes ascending, transverse, descending, sigmoid sections);
  • rectum.

The colon (lat. Colon) borders the thin loops located in the so-called middle-lower floor of the abdominal cavity. In this case, the ascending colon is located on the right, the descending colon is on the left, on top is transverse, and the sigmoid colon is on the left and partially below.

Exact location

The sigmoid colon (Latin colon sigmoideum) is located in the left iliac fossa. It originates at the level of the posterior edge of the iliac crest - laterally from above. Forms two loops, one of which - the proximal one - is located with its convex part downwards on the iliac muscle. Another loop - distal - is turned upward, located on the psoas major muscle.

Directed medially to the right-down. Bent over, crossing the border line. Entering the cavity of the small pelvis, passes into the rectum at the level of the third sacral vertebra. The average length is 54-55 centimeters (in this case, individual fluctuations from 15 to 67 centimeters are possible). The diameter is about 4 centimeters. Thus, the gut is quite long. It is located intraperitoneally (inside the peritoneum - the serous membrane of the abdominal cavity) and has a mesentery (duplication of the peritoneum - the tissue with which the hollow organs are attached to the back wall of the abdomen).

The sigmoid colon owes its name to the S-shaped course. Surrounding organs: behind are the external iliac vessels, the left piriformis muscle, the left sacral plexus. Loops of the small intestine are located in front, bladder in men and the uterus in women. Between the descending and sigmoid colon is the Balli sphincter, in the middle of the intestine is the Rossy-Mutier sphincter (it is unstable), and between it and the rectum is the sigmo-rectal sphincter.

Palpation process

The sigmoid colon is palpated in 90-95% of cases in the left iliac region with four fingers slightly bent and folded together or the ulnar edge of the little finger. To do this, the fingers must be placed on the anterior abdominal wall parallel to the length of the intestine (located from top to bottom and to the right) at the border of the following lines:

  • midclavicular line;
  • the outer third of the line that connects the navel and the anterior superior iliac spine.

During the inhalation of the patient, by means of a superficial movement of the fingers towards the navel, it is necessary to form a skin fold. During exhalation, with the relaxation of the abdominal muscles, the fingers should be smoothly and reach the posterior abdominal wall. Then slide your fingers along it perpendicular to the length of the intestine (from the navel to the anterior superior iliac spine). Feeling, fingers roll through the sigmoid colon.

Such palpation makes it possible to determine the following indicators:

  • thickness;
  • consistency;
  • the nature of the surface;
  • soreness;
  • peristalsis;
  • mobility and rumbling.

Usually, in the normal state, the sigmoid colon is palpated as a dense, painless, non-rumbling cylinder 2-3 centimeters thick. Its mobility varies from 3 to 5 centimeters. Rumbling means the presence of liquid contents in the intestine and its inflammation, and also speaks of the accumulation of gases.

With inflammation, for example, dysentery or sigmoiditis, palpation is accompanied by painful sensations. A dense, uneven surface testifies to the retention of feces, which disappears with a cleansing enema or after an act of defecation. An enlarged, inactive bowel, a dense and bumpy surface may indicate the presence of a cancerous tumor.

Blood supply to the sigmoid colon.

Main functions

The main function of the sigmoid colon is to ensure the processes of digestion and absorption of nutrients. This is where absorption takes place. a large number enriched nutrients fluids taken with food. This contributes to the normal functioning of all internal organs and systems, as well as tissue growth.

During the passage of the sigmoid colon, undigested food solidifies, transported to the rectum and excreted from the body. Thus, in addition to the digestion of food, the transport and evacuation function is important.

A disorder in the activity of the sigmoid colon leads not only to disorders normal operation the entire intestinal system, but also to the pathology of nearby organs. These problems require urgent elimination and immediate assistance to the patient. After all, bowel dysfunction caused by bowel diseases can lead to death.

Sigmoid disease

Inflammation of the sigmoid colon is called sigmoiditis (colitis). Occurs in acute chronic form. acute form may be seen in dysentery. It is characterized by cramping pains in the left iliac region. Increased stool is also a characteristic sign of acute sigmoiditis. Changes in the amount and color of feces.

The chronic form of the disease is characterized by pain before or after defecation, constipation, diarrhea, pain during physical exertion, prolonged walking or shaking. Pain is accompanied by bloating, rumbling, belching, sometimes nausea and vomiting. With severe inflammation, weakness, fever, weight loss are observed.
Chronic sigmoiditis (as well as trauma or abdominal operations) can lead to the development of perisigmoiditis, that is, to the fusion of the sigmoid colon with surrounding organs. In this case, the nature and localization of pain will be similar. It is life-threatening - 10% of cases are fatal. Therefore, the disease should never be started.

Some stagnation of intestinal contents in the sigmoid colon is predetermined by physiology for the purpose of the subsequent formation of fecal masses. Therefore, the body is predisposed to the formation of inflammatory processes in it. They can be called intestinal infections, intestinal dysbacteriosis, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, circulatory failure, exposure to radiation therapy in cancer.

If symptoms are detected, you should immediately contact a specialist gastroenterologist. As a rule, diagnosis is carried out through endoscopic examinations and irrigoscopy. In the course of treatment, antibacterial drugs are prescribed that affect the cause of inflammation, painkillers and antispasmodics. It will also be effective local treatment combined with strict diet and peace.

Diverticulosis of the sigmoid colon

Another fairly common disease of the sigmoid colon is diverticulosis. The main symptoms of clinically significant uncomplicated disease are abdominal pain (from mild tingling to colicky pronounced) and impaired bowel function. Localization of pain, as a rule, occurs in the area of ​​​​the sigmoid colon - in the left iliac region of the lower abdomen or above the pubis. Pain can also be triggered by eating.

A characteristic sign is an unstable stool. Diarrhea may alternate with constipation. In this case, the pain syndrome increases due to the prolonged absence of stool. Diverticulosis can occur in combination with irritable bowel syndrome. Nausea, vomiting are possible. Sometimes accompanied by leukocytosis and fever.

Divertricular disease is the formation of sac-like hernia-like protrusions of the intestinal wall. In general, the disease is explained by the effect of periodically significantly increased intracavitary pressure on the weakened intestinal wall. These changes are usually age related. Although there is an assumption based on genetic predisposition to the onset of the disease.

A disease that occurs against the background of an abscess threatens with rapidly developing peritonitis, intestinal bleeding, anemia and other most dangerous complications. Therefore, at the first signs, an urgent consultation of a gastroenterologist is necessary. During the diagnosis, the patient undergoes X-ray and endoscopic diagnostics.

The doctor prescribes conservative treatment with antispasmodics, anti-inflammatory drugs, antibacterial drugs and intestinal antiseptics. Complications require hospitalization and possibly surgery.
In addition, the patient needs a mandatory diet. As a preventive measure, it is recommended to eat foods rich in plant fiber. It is also advised to exclude too spicy foods from the diet, do not abuse alcohol.

Oncological diseases

Also no less dangerous serious illness is sigmoid colon cancer. The disease is insidious due to the lack of pronounced symptoms. Doctors talk about dull monotonous symptoms that do not pay attention to a possible oncopathology. The first signs are stool disorders that pass by themselves, and abdominal pain.

In addition, weakness, pallor, fatigue, loss of appetite, changes in taste preferences, weight loss are all signs of illness. In later stages, the liver enlarges, blood appears in the stool, and the skin color becomes grayish-yellow. In the last stages, intestinal obstruction, bleeding, abscesses may occur.
Perhaps a disorder of neuromuscular regulation caused by a tumor of the sigmoid colon, in which there is a sharp expansion of the empty ampoule of the rectum ("symptom of the Obukhov hospital").

Unambiguous reasons contributing to the occurrence cancerous tumors, on this moment not identified by medicine. However, there are risk factors that favor the development of the disease:

  • decreased intestinal motility caused by medicines, alcohol, a small amount of plant foods and operations on the intestines;
  • the presence of polyps, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, chronic intoxication;
  • age changes.

In addition, there is an assumption that nicotine addiction also affects the formation of cancer cells.

Timely palpation examination saves the lives of many patients, since diagnosis using a digital examination easily determines a tumor-like formation. If cancer is suspected, it is necessary to undergo sigmoidoscopy, irrigoscopy, abdominal ultrasound, colonoscopy with a mandatory biopsy for histological examination fabrics.

The tumor grows very slowly and rarely metastasizes. But treatment is recommended only surgical. At the same time, the prognosis is more than favorable - even with the presence of metastases, the survival rate after surgery is 40%. Cancer operations without metastases give an amazing result - a survival rate of 98-100%.

Pathological expansion

The expansion of the sigmoid colon can be a congenital pathology or an acquired disease. It proceeds, as a rule, against the background of expansion of the ampoule of the rectum. Symptoms: constant constipation, abdominal pain. For several years, constipation may be the only sign of illness. In this case, defecation occurs 1-2 times a week. The feces are abnormally large in diameter and firm in texture.

Over time, there are pulling pains in the abdomen, which weaken or disappear after defecation. Exit large volume feces is possible only with strong straining. This leads to the formation of anal fissures, stretching of the anal sphincter, and the development of hemorrhoids.

The expansion of the sigmoid colon occurs due to problems with peristalsis. In patients, the urge to defecate occurs only during a significant increase in intra-intestinal pressure, which is not typical for healthy individuals. This leads to the accumulation of a large amount of feces in the intestines.

With severe symptoms, consultation with a gastroenterologist and X-ray diagnostics is necessary. Treatment consists of diet, enema, laxatives.

Sigmoid colon: where is it and how it hurts - important information for those who suffer from abdominal pain and stool disorders. Given the human anatomy, pain in sigmoiditis ( inflammation of the sigmoid colon) arise in the lower left abdomen. But this the intestine is quite mobile, so pain can occur in any part. This complicates the correct diagnosis and makes it difficult to choose right tactics treatment.

Sigmoid colon: what is it and where is it located?

This part of the intestine is S-shaped.(name comes from latin letter sigma). It is located in the lower part of the intestine, connecting the descending colon (section of the large intestine) and the rectum. The length of this section is different for each person, ranging from 10 to 65-65 cm. Average- 40 cm. The mesenteric ligament provides the mobility of the sigmoid colon, so it can change its location.

In the sigmoid no longer occurs active digestion of food. Here the consumed fluid is absorbed, the electrolytes dissolved in it, the formation of feces occurs.

The anatomy of the sigmoid colon is designed in such a way that in case of malfunctions digestive system fecal masses did not move in the opposite direction. In the presence of certain factors (decreased peristalsis, sedentary lifestyle), feces can stagnate in this section, causing inflammation of the sigmoid colon.

Sigmoid colon hurts: what are the reasons?

Very rarely, diseases of this part of the intestine occur on their own. More often they develop against the background of already existing acute or chronic inflammation digestive system, especially the large intestine.

Among other causes of diseases of the sigmoid colon:

  1. congenital features. The human intestine has a convoluted shape, but the number of bends varies. The more of them, the more difficult it is for food and feces to move through it. Stagnant processes occur more often, a long stay of feces in the intestines leads to inflammation and general intoxication.
  2. Inflammatory processes in the intestines, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, duodenal ulcer or any other department.
  3. Dysbacteriosis.
  4. Chronic of various etiologies.
  5. In women, inflammation of the sigmoid colon occurs during pregnancy due to increased pressure of the uterus on the intestines. Sigmoiditis also occurs against the background of inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs. It is in this department that adhesions often occur.
  6. Violation of the blood supply to the intestines, decreased vascular tone, increased blood density, high level cholesterol in the blood.
  7. Abdominal injury.
  8. Operations on the abdominal cavity, as a result of which the intestines could be damaged.
  9. Ionizing radiation that causes cell regeneration.

Diseases of the sigmoid colon: types, symptoms and treatment

Sigmoiditis is the most common disease of the sigmoid colon. This is an inflammation of the mucous membrane, in which the functionality worsens, the motility of this section of the intestine decreases. Inflammation from this section can go down, causing inflammation of the rectum, hemorrhoids and other troubles.

There are several types of sigmoiditis:

  1. catarrhal. In this case inflammatory process covers only the superficial layer of the mucosa. Symptoms are mild, this form often does not cause serious complications, with the right and timely treatment you can get rid of this disease forever.
  2. erosive. This is the second stage of the disease, in which the mucosal defect is more serious. It forms foci of inflammation - erosion, which often bleed. Damage penetrates deep into the mucosa, causing pain in a person in the lower left side of the abdomen.
  3. ulcerative. At this stage, all layers of the mucosa are damaged, sometimes inflammation also affects the muscle layers. Ulcers that form in the intestines that bleed can lead to severe bleeding.
  4. perisigmoiditis. This form of the disease leads to a through lesion of the intestine, as a result, the inflammation "spreads" to the abdominal cavity. Adhesive processes develop. Spike - fusion of intestinal loops, due to which motility is significantly reduced, and inflammation is rapidly spreading.

Depending on the spread of the inflammatory process, there are:

  1. Proctosigmoiditis (sigmoproctitis) is an inflammation of the sigmoid colon and large intestine.
  2. Rectosigmoiditis is a disease that affects both the sigmoid and rectum at the same time.

Intestinal fold in this section occurs much more often than in the sections of the small intestine. This is because the sigmoid is very mobile. There are two forms of this disease: acute and chronic. Acute is characterized by severe paroxysmal pain and. In the chronic form, the sigmoid colon does not hurt much, and constipation develops gradually.

Diverticulosis- an inflammatory process that covers the sigmoid colon and the sphincter that connects it to the rectum. It occurs due to circulatory disorders, stagnation of feces. It is characterized by stool retention and severe pain in the left side of the abdomen.

Cancer of the sigmoid colon malignant tumor, one of the causes of bowel cancer. Treatment in this case is carried out surgically. In the early stages, the disease can be eliminated.

Symptoms of diseases of the sigmoid colon

Diseases of this part of the intestine can be easily confused with other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Most characteristics pathology of the sigmoid colon:

  • violation of bowel movements - constipation or a tendency to diarrhea;
  • abdominal pain, which often occurs after a bowel movement. The lower left side of the abdomen hurts, where the sigmoid colon is located;
  • bloating, a feeling of fullness;
  • belching, which sometimes ends in vomiting;
  • loss of appetite;
  • weakness, apathy, which arise as a result of intoxication of the body;
  • weight loss.

Pain in the intestine can be of different intensity. Severe pain may indicate an acute inflammatory process or a long period of pathology. Moderate pain indicates sluggish inflammation. In both cases, the patient requires examination and treatment to prevent significant deterioration.

What diagnosis is needed?

If the stomach hurts quite often, you need to undergo a comprehensive examination, including checking the sigmoid colon. To do this, you need to contact a gastroenterologist who will palpate and prescribe additional diagnostic procedures.

In the presence of inflammation, a solid sigmoid colon is palpated, the pain intensifies and radiates to the left hypochondrium. But with increased mobility, the palpation method is not reliable: you will need to examine the intestines more carefully - using ultrasound and x-rays. These methods will allow you to detect displacement, determine the length of the sigmoid intestine, determine how many centimeters it differs from the norm, whether there are areas of expansion or narrowing, as well as the degree of mucosal damage.

Treatment of diseases of the sigmoid colon

Surgical treatment is used in the presence of tumors, obstruction or severe bending. The rest are treated with medication.

Treatment of sigmoiditis with drugs is carried out on an outpatient basis. Severe deterioration requires hospitalization, often for surgical intervention. Sigmoiditis in the early stages (from catarrhal to ulcerative) is well treated if good modern drugs are used.

For the treatment of inflammation of the sigmoid colon, apply:

  • antibiotics to help eliminate inflammation of a bacterial nature;
  • adsorbents that will help bind and remove toxins;
  • antispasmodics to relieve spasm of the intestinal muscles (No-Shpa, Spazmalgon);
  • antihistamines to reduce swelling;
  • digestive enzymes - for faster and more thorough digestion of food;
  • probiotics that normalize the microflora;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs.

Most drugs are taken in the form of tablets and capsules. But some anti-inflammatory, bowel cleansers are used rectally - in the form of suppositories or therapeutic enemas. Treatment with candles helps prevent hemorrhoids and some other complications.

Video - Sigmoid colon and its diseases

Treatment with folk remedies at home

Therapy of sigmoiditis with alternative medicine can be carried out, but only if the diagnosis is confirmed, and localization of inflammation is precisely determined. For this, decoctions of herbs are used:

  • plantain (anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effect);
  • chamomile;
  • wild rose.

You can use these components both individually and as part of a mixture (in equal proportions). Separately, a decoction of plantain (a tablespoon of dried crushed leaves per liter of water) is especially effective when the patient has a tendency to diarrhea.

A decoction of watermelon peels is used to treat inflammation of the colon and sigmoid colon. 100 grams of dried peels are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water, boiled for 15 minutes, then drunk during the day for 3 doses.

Diet for sigmoiditis

It is necessary to treat against the background of adherence to a therapeutic diet. Its goal is to reduce the burden on the intestines in inflammatory disease, while maintaining normal motility.

Foods that are difficult for the digestive system are excluded: fatty foods, fried and smoked foods, salty and sour, spicy foods, caffeinated drinks, alcohol. It is necessary to exclude pastries and sweets, as they increase fermentation. Recommended:

  • low-fat dairy products;
  • boiled or steamed vegetables;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • lean meat and fish, steamed;
  • liquid soups in low-fat broth.

At acute illness diet is enough to stick to complete cure. Chronic inflammatory process requires constant correction of the diet.