Food for those who... Meat-free diet for weight loss. Nutrition for the strong half of humanity

A diet without meat helps not only to lose weight, by an average of 2-4 kg per week, but also to cleanse the body of accumulated waste and toxins, strengthen the immune system, and prevent the development of vitamin deficiency. It is best to comply this method losing weight in the warm season, during the ripening period of seasonal vegetables and fruits. There are several options for a meat-free diet: more gentle - protein nutrition and vegetarianism. “Which one should I choose?” - It’s up to you to decide, it all depends on individual characteristics body, personal preferences and beliefs.

Meat-free diet

There are two types of meat-free diet: protein nutrition and vegetarianism. With protein nutrition, the diet includes protein of animal origin, found in eggs, fish, dairy and fermented milk products. By following this diet, you can lose 2-3 kg in a week. Vegetarianism involves the complete exclusion of animal protein consumption. The diet is based on products plant origin, thanks to which you can lose 3-4 kg of excess weight in a week.

Animal protein contains all the essential amino acids necessary for normal life. By following a diet without meat, it is important to compensate for their deficiency. For those who have chosen a protein diet to lose weight, excluding only the consumption of meat products, it is easy to make up for the lack of complete protein, since it is found in fish, eggs, dairy and fermented milk products. The diet of vegetarians who exclude the consumption of animal products should include legumes (soybeans, peas, beans, lentils) twice a day to replenish the norm: 1.5 grams of protein per 1 kg of weight.

It is necessary to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of still water daily to speed up metabolism. Excluding meat from the diet during a diet contributes to fluid retention in the body, leading to edema. To prevent swelling, you should minimize your salt intake, and also exclude marinades, pickles and spices from your menu.

A balanced diet without meat is not suitable for athletes and those who want to build muscle, since only animal protein contributes to “building” muscle mass. It is also not recommended for women to follow a meat-free diet during pregnancy and lactation, so as not to deprive the child’s body of all necessary amino acids, vitamins and microelements.

Grocery list

Principles of protein nutrition without meat

A meat-free diet is effective for weight loss. Thanks to it, you can lose 2-3 kg in a week. The most gentle and balanced diet without meat includes protein nutrition. Sources of protein for this diet are: dairy and fermented milk products (low-fat or low-fat), eggs, low-fat fish. When creating a menu, you must consider daily norm protein, which is 1.5 grams per 1 kg of weight.

Protein nutrition without meat consists of a balanced, low-calorie diet. The menu is dominated by: vegetables, cereals and cereals, unsweetened fruits, eggs, low-fat fish, dairy and fermented milk products, dried fruits. When on a diet, you should eat 4-5 times a day in small portions. The last meal should be no later than 18:00. If you have an acute feeling of hunger, you can drink low-fat kefir or herbal tea without sugar before going to bed.

You should avoid or minimize your salt intake, which retains fluid in the body and leads to swelling. You need to drink 1.5-2 liters of still water per day. A diet without meat helps not only to lose weight, but also, thanks to protein nutrition, to normalize work gastrointestinal tract, remove harmful waste and toxins from the body.

Diet option without meat and dairy products

A diet without meat and dairy products for weight loss is similar to vegetarianism and a raw food diet. With a balanced diet, you can lose 3-4 kg in a week. The diet menu includes cereals and cereals, legumes, mushrooms, vegetables and fruits, berries, seeds, nuts, dried fruits. In addition to eating permitted foods in raw form, vegetarians are allowed to eat them. heat treatment, mainly in boiled, baked, stewed form. To compensate for protein deficiency, you need to eat legumes (soybeans, lentils, peas) twice a day.

To feel good on a diet without meat and dairy products, you should eat frequently, at least 4-5 times a day. You can snack on nuts, seeds, dried fruits, and berries. For effective weight loss It is better to eat fruits in the first half of the day, due to high content they contain fructose and glucose. Excluding protein foods from the diet can lead to fluid retention in the body, and therefore the addition of salt should be minimized.

Japanese diet

The Japanese diet allows you to lose 7-8 kg in just 14 days. If you believe the reviews, the results last for several years. It is recommended to repeat this method for losing weight after 2-3 years.

According to the rules of the Japanese diet, the number of meals per day is reduced to three. The last meal should be 3-4 hours before bedtime. In the morning on an empty stomach you should drink a glass of still water. During the day, it is also important to maintain a drinking regime, drinking at least 1.5-2 liters of water. The consumption of brewed coffee and tea is recommended, but without additives and sugar, due to the content of beneficial antioxidants in them. Salt should be completely excluded from your diet to avoid swelling.

The Japanese diet is low in calories but balanced. Protein the body should be supplied with sea fish, chicken, eggs, dairy and fermented milk products low fat content. Meat is completely excluded. Sources carbohydrates- crackers, non-starchy vegetables, unsweetened fruits and berries. Fats found in olive oil, which is used for cooking and as a salad dressing.

Eating for weight gain is not about consuming simple carbohydrates, as many who want to gain weight think. It seems logical: if some people constantly gain weight by gorging themselves on pies, candies, cookies, cakes, pizza and fried potatoes, then a thin person can, without limiting himself, eat these foods, and the desired goal will be achieved.

However, such food is a huge amount of calories and unhealthy fats, and if new kilograms do appear, they will appear due to fat deposits. Then the problem will arise not so much with weight, but with figure. To prevent this from happening, you need to gain weight by increasing muscle mass.

  1. A large amount of carbohydrates in the diet contributes to the intense work of the pancreas, which provokes a deficiency in the production of enzymes, impaired carbohydrate metabolism, inhibition of intestinal microflora and the formation of diabetes mellitus.

Food that contains carbohydrates, starch, and yeast in excess amounts promotes the growth of pathogenic microflora and yeast fungi. This leads to putrefactive and fermentative processes in the intestines, poor absorption nutrients. That's why I can't gain weight.

  1. Large amounts of animal protein are harmful to kidney health. The main task when gaining weight is a complete and balanced diet, that is, the right ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. If a person eats meat, then his daily diet should contain a maximum of 30-40% meat protein per day (chicken fillet, turkey and rabbit). The rest is fish, dairy products (yogurt, cottage cheese, natural yogurt, fresh whey) and eggs.

For those who adhere to strict vegetarianism, it is very important to carefully consider the “protein” part of their diet. There are now many vegan products in stores. Unfortunately, many meat substitutes that are produced on a commercial scale consist of genetically modified soybeans, preservatives and flavor enhancers. There is no benefit from such products, only harm.

  1. In order to gain weight, it is necessary to include foods with normal fat content: cold-water fish, such as salmon, salmon, dairy products (7-9% cottage cheese, 20% sour cream), linseed oil, .

There are people who claim that such foods are too fatty for them, that they even feel sick when they eat them. In this case, it is imperative to begin restoring the functioning of the organs. digestive system: and pancreas. Because such symptoms are a clear sign of congestion, problems with bile secretion and the production of digestive enzymes.

The well-known rule is that you need to eat in small portions up to five to six times during the day. The body absorbs nutrients more easily from small amounts of food than from large portions.

  1. Eating frequently helps speed up and improve your metabolism, which will help you build muscle faster. Constant feeling Being well-fed improves your psychological and general physical condition.

  1. , no fast carbohydrates (cookies, rolls, sweets), sandwiches, porridges (except perhaps barley and corn).

To gain muscle mass and, accordingly, weight, there is a law: the bulk of food should be eaten in the 1st half of the day.

  1. for those who want to get better also has great importance. You need to drink small sips throughout the day, without waiting until you feel thirsty. During training and in hot weather, the amount you drink clean water increases. The formula for calculating liquid for the average person is: 40 ml x 1 kg of weight.

Dehydration contributes to a slower metabolism, and a slow metabolism contributes to fat gain and future problems with a thin figure.

As you noticed, nutrition for weight gain is no different from nutrition for those who are normal and overweight. Rules balanced nutrition They work the same for everyone: they nourish deficiencies and remove excesses. Give your body what it needs and you will have the figure and health you dream of.

Proper nutrition is a diet that promotes the normal functioning, development and renewal of body cells. This concept does not set strict restrictions when creating a menu for every day, but only indicates the principles that help you eat nutritiously, variedly and with health benefits. Therefore, not all diets can be classified as PP.

For additions and comments, the site thanks Lilia Karpussevich @lily_karpussevich - President of the National Association of Nutritionists and Dieticians of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Lilia is a professional nutritionist of the “elite” category, food coach. Experience in the field of fitness for more than 8 years, in the field of nutrition for more than 5 years.

Key principles

Most people sooner or later think about changing eating habits. There are many reasons for this: girls dream of getting rid of subcutaneous fat on the sides and hips, men get a “beer belly”, and professional athletes use diets to “dry up” their figure for competitions.

There are also those who are forced to turn to nutritionists when serious illnesses related to nutrition. Everyone has one thing in common - the desire to solve their physiological problems. To achieve this, we recommend that you adhere to the principles listed below.

Competent approach

In organizing a healthy diet, the main thing is gradualness and correct psychological attitude. You should not aim at strict restrictions and giving up your favorite foods.

Liliya Karpusevich: “Rule number one! PP is not a diet, but a change in eating habits and lifestyle!”

At first, you shouldn’t even think about calculating the calorie content of the menu. Start simple. For example, use small dishes. This way you will “accustom” your stomach to small amounts of food.

Divide your daily diet into 3 main meals and 2 snacks, or into 5 equal meals. Small meals will help cope with strong feelings of hunger.

At the same time, gradually reduce your consumption of sweets. For example, put not 3 tablespoons of sugar in tea, but two; eat not a whole piece of cake at a time, but half. This way, you will not feel deprived and will soon get rid of “gluttony.”

TO physical activity approach carefully. Your task is to smoothly “incorporate” your body into an active lifestyle, and not exhaust yourself on exercise machines. If fitness classes are not available, do simple exercises for fast weight loss at home. But don’t immediately rush to twirl a hoop around your waist or jump rope. Jumping will put dangerous stress on your joints if you are carrying excess weight. Start small:

  • walk more, walk in the park;
  • use stairs instead of elevators.

Do some light cardio at the gym:

  • exercise on an exercise bike or ellipse;
  • walk along the path.

Approximate calorie count

Don't worry, you don't have to calculate the exact caloric content of each serving. On the Internet you can find tables of caloric content of foods. Compare your daily diet with the data found and calculate the surplus.

To avoid mistakes, first determine your individual calorie needs. To do this, we recommend using the Mifflin-San Geor method. The counting scheme for women is as follows:

  • multiply your own weight by 10;
  • to the resulting value add your height multiplied by 6.25;
  • from the resulting figure, subtract 161 and age multiplied by 5;
  • multiply the total value by 1.2.

Example: we determine the daily calorie requirement for a woman - weight 70 kg, height 170 cm, age 30 years:

(70×10 + 170×6.25 – 30×5 – 161) × 1.2 = 1742 kcal

For convenience, use a calculator and fill in your data.

As is known, people suffering from metabolic syndrome are at risk of the disease diabetes mellitus. Lifestyle modern man creates all the conditions for this: constant stress, unbalanced nutrition, minimal physical activity millions of citizens have led to the fact that metabolic syndrome has become a real sign time. The danger of this disease is also that it is difficult to recognize on your own. Many people attribute symptoms of the disease to fatigue, excess weight and age. Few people take seriously mood swings, unmotivated feelings of hunger, pressure surges, weakness and drowsiness. Meanwhile, you can... run away from diabetes! The advice of the most authoritative Russian nutritionist will help everyone who wants to keep their health under control. The publishing house "EXMO" provides website users with the opportunity to read excerpts from Marianna Trifonova’s book “How to Live to Be Slim and Healthy” and learn nutritional recommendations for both housewives and those who spend most days away from home.


At my reception there is a pretty woman, 36 years old, her name is Olga B. Olga has two teenage sons, a caring but very busy husband, Olga herself is a housewife. She came to see me on the referral of an endocrinologist, who diagnosed her with metabolic syndrome and, along with his recommendations, advised her to consult a nutritionist to draw up individual program nutrition. “You know, doctor,” says Olga, “my whole day is scheduled down to the minute. In the morning I feed my husband and children breakfast, then I take the children to school, since they study far from home, I come back, and on the way I stop at a grocery store, I have to cook three men, and they have an excellent appetite! I arrive home and barely have time to prepare dinner before I have to go pick up the kids.

I bring them, feed them, help the youngest do his homework, and two hours later I again take the children across the city to the sports section, wait for them after training and back home, since by this time my husband returns from work. I feed everyone dinner, and around 10 pm I finally sit down in a chair with my favorite book. And on the table there is a bowl of cookies, there are candies, and after they imperceptibly disappear in my mouth, I reach for a piece of cheese, then it comes to curd mass, and sometimes, depending on the mood,” Olga says with sad irony, “and to dumplings with sour cream, fried sausages, and the list goes on... That’s the kind of doctor food saboteur I am! I feel like a pest in relation to my own health, but I’m not able to establish my own diet! All hope is on you!” I answered Olga that, of course, I would help her deal with this “food incident,” but in turn, I really hope for her common sense and the desire to break the vicious circle of “everyday life - family - and food chaos.”

I have great respect for women who are homemakers, but at the same time, we should not forget the saying that: “A brother needs a rich sister, and a HEALTHY wife!” Therefore, the only thing correct solution: When taking care of your family and friends, do not forget about your beloved throughout the entire “work shift.” Taking into account Olga’s diagnosis, I recommended her the most satisfying dietary option, the so-called grazing - fractional meals in small portions.

This method of eating does not involve fasting, as it consists of frequent snacks. The secret of this system is quite simple: the more often you eat, the fewer calories your body needs to feel full.
Of course, the degree to which you reduce your daily caloric intake depends on how and what you eat.
It is necessary to exclude from the diet White bread, potato, butter, flour products and sweets. By minimizing the consumption of fats, it will be possible to reduce the calorie content of food by another 10–25%.
One of the main rules is to eat slowly and savor every bite. It has been established that in order for the signal that the body is full to reach the brain, it is necessary to chew for 14 minutes. As soon as you feel that you are full, leave what is on your plate.

The recommended serving size is what can fit in the palm of your hand or in one glass.
Drink 2 liters of water a day, namely water, not tea or compote.
Never fast for more than three hours. You should always be full. Bread, yoghurt, muesli, apples will help you with this.

Here is an approximate diet that I suggested to Olga, and which you, dear reader, can adopt:

In the morning, on an empty stomach (80–100 kcal)
Fruit salad from seasonal fruits: apple, orange, kiwi, strawberry, cherry, apricot, grapes, pear (about 200 g).

Breakfast (about 250 kcal)
Option I: wheat bran porridge (pour boiling water over 100 g in the evening); salad of fresh seasonal vegetables (100 g); a cup of coffee without sugar; 1 small low-fat cookie.
Option II: 50 g of muesli, seasoned with unsweetened yoghurt; a cup of coffee.
Option III: beans stewed with tomatoes (150 g); a glass of green tea; 2-3 cookies.

Low-fat cottage cheese (100 g); a glass of tea.

Lunch (350–400 kcal)
Option I: easy vegetable soup(250 ml); 2 steamed beef or chicken meatballs (100 g); boiled cauliflower(about 150 g); fresh vegetable salad (150 g); a piece of rye bread (20 g); a glass of tea.
Option II: lean borscht (250 ml); a piece of lean stewed fish (100 g); seasonal fresh vegetable salad (100 g); a piece of rye bread (20 g); a glass of juice.
III option: low-fat ear (150 ml); boiled chicken (100 g); vegetable salad (100 g); a glass of green or black tea.

Afternoon snack (200 kcal)
Option I: cabbage and apple salad, dressed olive oil(100 g).
Option II: lettuce, cabbage, cucumber, seasoned with olive oil (100 g); a few strawberries, a handful of raspberries, blueberries or other berries.
Option III: a handful of dried fruits and a glass of juice (preferably freshly squeezed).

Dinner (about 250 kcal)
Option I: vegetable stew: eggplants, carrots, tomatoes, onions (150 g); salad of cucumbers and herbs, dressed with olive oil (100 g); a glass of dried fruit compote.
Option II: buckwheat with low-fat gravy (150 g); cabbage and carrot salad (100 g); a piece cottage cheese casserole or 1-2 cookies; a glass of tea without sugar.
Option III: potatoes stewed with mushrooms (150 g); salad of fresh tomatoes and bell peppers (100 g); a glass of dried fruit compote.

Along with proper nutrition, it is useful to have a fasting day once a week: fruit (1.5–2 kg of fresh fruit and juices) or kefir (6 glasses of kefir).
Following a similar diet, possible weight loss is about 4–5 kilograms per month.

This weight loss plan is optimal from the point of view of treating metabolic syndrome: you reduce excess weight without experiencing feelings of acute hunger, therefore, the risk of relapse is minimal. Overweight go away without putting you into a feeling of constant stress, which is extremely important in getting rid of this illness.

We met with my patient after 2 months, she had lost ten kilograms and was determined to deal with the remaining 15 kilograms of unnecessary ballast.
I recommended that, in addition to following the diet program, she follow certain physical exercise, which I will talk about in the next chapter.


And now I would like to avoid the reproach of working people that this style of eating is only suitable for housewives, and that it is unrealistic to maintain such a regime in the office. This is not entirely true, because people go out to smoke, so why not go out and drink a glass of kefir or eat a piece of fruit? Everything can be decided, the main thing is desire!

However, I will agree that eating style at work is different from eating at home. And since the problem of metabolic syndrome is closely tied to the intake of proper and timely nutrition, we need to find a way out in this case too!

In this section of the book I didn’t even want to give specific example from practice, since 90% of my patients are people working in different industries. But, unfortunately, almost 50% of them know firsthand what metabolic syndrome is!

Not long ago, a patient came to me who collected the entire set of problems typical of working people suffering from metabolic syndrome.

A very large man is sitting in front of me, his name is Valentin N. Valentin has been suffering from metabolic syndrome for several years. At his last visit to the cardiologist, he was categorically ordered to lose excess weight. Valentin decided that he would still make an attempt, as he put it, to “attack the weight.” And he made an appointment with me.

Of course, I inquired about his daily routine and nutrition system. This is what I heard: “In the morning I can barely lift my head off the pillows; breakfast is out of the question. By 9 o'clock I get to work and until I drink a mug of coffee with three spoons of sugar, I am simply incapable. There is no opportunity to go on a lunch break in the office, since there is no break as such. I manage to have a snack in fits and starts, and only if there is someone to run to the nearest store. Sometimes the secretary orders pizza for the whole office, as you understand, I also don’t deny myself a slice or two. Naturally, you also buy sweet soda to go with the pizza. But it also happens that during the day I have to forget about food altogether, then I dull the feeling of hunger with endless coffee drinks...

When I come home around 7–8 pm, I don’t sit down at the table right away, because I’m waiting for my wife from work, and sometimes she comes even later than me, so it turns out that we don’t sit down to dinner until 9 pm. Our dinner smoothly flows into watching television, and then into sleep. And so every day. Exceptions are weekends, but really it would be better not to have them.” - “Why do you have such a negative attitude towards them?” “And because, doctor, on weekends I sleep until 12 or 1 pm, before I have time to wake up, my wife calls me for breakfast or lunch, I don’t even really know what to call food at such a time. I don’t have time to recover from the first meal, and my wife is already inventing the next culinary masterpiece, and so on all day long... Over the past year, I have gained another 10 kilograms. The cardiologist is horrified by my tests and says that even the medications can’t cope with my weight. He set the condition for me that by the next visit I would definitely report on the kilograms I had lost. You really incorrectly assess the severity of the disease. Your priorities, as far as I understand, are given to work. Yes, you really are the breadwinner in the family, but think about how difficult it will be for your family and friends without your support. At least for their sake, you should reconsider your lifestyle. I’m ready to show you, using the example of an average collective image, how you can stay in the ranks and at the same time fight such an insidious disease as metabolic syndrome.”

I had many patients, like Valentin, who disappeared at work all day long, but, despite the fact that work life dictates its own laws of existence, in the overwhelming majority of cases I, together with them, found a way out of the circular defense of work and did not proper nutrition!

To better understand this issue, I would like to demonstrate what the collective food lifestyle looks like for the average working person.

It's difficult to stay in shape if work takes up almost all of your time. Every day, many working people vow to switch to proper nutrition and join a fitness club, but in the hustle and bustle of a new working day it is very difficult to do this.

...In the morning I don’t want to eat, but rather sleep. A cup of coffee or a glass of juice is the maximum that many of those who rush to work every day are capable of. During the day, they reluctantly carve out 10 minutes for lunch, or even quickly swallow a cup of coffee surrounded by papers in front of the computer.
In the evening, the situation is no better: in those very 18 hours when it is recommended to start thinking seriously about dinner, a busy person is still working like a bee, and eating is again postponed indefinitely. And with such a complete absence of a nutrition system, I still want to get rid of extra pounds. How to be?

Calm down, there are no unsolvable situations!

That's what he says medical statistics: Scientists from the International Labor Organization systematized research in the field of nutrition for working people and proved that a diet suitable for a worker engaged in manual labor is contraindicated for people engaged in intellectual work.
Various chemical substances, arising in the body during the digestion of food, affect the brain in different ways. People who work in an office are more likely to think about their career growth. Therefore, they need food that can improve performance, increase reaction speed and improve memory.

For office workers, a very important meal of the day is breakfast.
Most people start their day with a cup of coffee and a sweet bun, sandwich or donut. It is not right!

Coffee increases heart rate, increases nervous excitement and disrupts the process correct assimilation Sahara. This can lead to hypoglycemia—low blood glucose levels below minimum levels and nutritional deficiencies. Such fluctuations are not acceptable in metabolic syndrome.

Moreover, as a result of such nutrition, the brain begins to “slow down”, in other words, the speed of reactions and adaptation of new information decreases.

To avoid such situations, it is best to drink for breakfast fruit juice or yogurt combined with muesli or bananas. Chilled meat is also beneficial - an excellent source of energy.

Closer to lunch, when the stomach starts to suck, you can eat 10 grams of dark dark chocolate. Cocoa, vegetable lecithin, sugar and proteins included in this sweet treat will help cope with hunger, drowsiness and increase attention. The effect of chocolate on the body lasts about an hour. Therefore, if possible, it’s worth having lunch next.

For lunch, eat a couple of eggs; they promote the synthesis of the substance acetylcholine, which improves memory. Eat a piece of fish or lean meat and soup.

Leave foods rich in carbohydrates for the end of the day, closer to dinner - they slow down the reaction nervous system, reduce other body reactions, making you sleepy. Just remember: in order for the effect of carbohydrates not to lead to additional weight gain, after dinner you must not take a horizontal position for at least 30 minutes! The best option– walk for 45 minutes, but if this is not possible, do light housework: clear the table, wash the dishes, even while talking on the phone, try not to sit still.

Between main meals you need to have small snacks.

The most optimal number of such snacks is three.

You should not eat candy or sweet cookies; non-sugar fruit or natural yogurt is better and healthier for the body.

I already wrote in the first chapter about the important role the work environment plays in relieving stress factors. Therefore, try to communicate less with people who constantly complain about something or have a negative attitude. Such a proximity can lead not only to a depressive state, but also indirectly contribute to the gain of extra pounds as a manifestation of a kind of defensive reaction.

Among other things, working people suffering from metabolic syndrome can spend a day of grazing, or fractional meals, once a week, on weekends.

Small meals every hour

During the day, drink a total of three glasses of bread tea, which is prepared the day before.
Bread tea recipe.
Pour two hundred grams of black bread, cut into pieces, with a liter of boiling water, let it brew for ten hours, strain.

The day begins with waking up at seven in the morning, after the morning toilet and exercise - a cup of warm green tea without sugar and honey. Exactly an hour later, at eight in the morning, a glass of bread tea and one sweet and sour apple.
At nine in the morning - half a glass of bread tea mixed with 100 ml of natural tomato juice and 100 grams of grapes.
At ten o'clock - two cups of green tea.

At 11 a.m. – half a glass of bread tea is mixed with the same amount of freshly squeezed carrot juice plus one apple.
At noon - a glass of orange juice and 100 grams of grapes.
From one to three o'clock in the afternoon there is a break; at this time no snacks are provided.

At 15:00 – two cups of freshly brewed green tea.
An hour later - half a glass of bread tea and 100 ml of carrot juice.
At 17 o'clock - a glass mineral water.
After an hour - two or three fresh and juicy sweet bell peppers.
At 19:00 – half a glass of bread tea mixed with 100 ml of apple juice.
At night - a cup of green tea.

The total number of products for one day of an hour-long diet: bread tea - three glasses, Orange juice– 200 ml, apple juice – 100 ml, carrot juice – 200 ml, tomato juice 100 ml. Green tea - six cups, a glass of mineral water, two apples, two or three bell peppers and 200 grams of fresh cucumbers.

My experience shows that if you have the desire to overcome such a formidable illness as metabolic syndrome, even working 5 days a week, you can put your diet in order and regain lost health! If it worked for my patients, it will work for you, dear reader.

Attention! Until December 16 inclusive, questions to Marianna Trifonova are open on our website! Don't miss your chance to get personalized advice from a popular and qualified nutritionist!

In recent years, the relevance of a healthy lifestyle has increased. Considering all its advantages, people normalize their daily routine, adjust their diet and refuse bad habits. “Zogniks” pay special attention to their diet, carefully monitoring the balance of calories consumed and the number of calories.

Today our resource will help those readers who decide to eat healthy and without harm to their health choose the optimal diet for every day of the week.

Are you interested in this issue? Then be sure to read the article below to the end. We assure you that all the material presented will be useful to every person.

The benefits of proper nutrition and its basic principles

Some foods should be eliminated completely

is the key to a long and problem-free life for any person. Everyone knows this aphorism: “We are what we eat.” He doesn’t exaggerate the importance of diet in people’s lives one bit, so if you want to healthy image In life, this phrase should be taken as an axiom and never forgotten.

To eat right, you don't need to take any complicated measures. The main thing is to eat food that does not harm the body. Basically, such products are rich in plant components and microelements.

Proper nutrition is not something boring and difficult to organize. There is no need to give up harmful goodies when selling it - it’s enough not to abuse them. An example of a tasty, but junk food You can count chips, fast food, smoked meats and similar products.

By approaching your diet selectively and wisely, any person will be able to eat tasty, but at the same time beneficial for their health. The most important point V proper diet is food, which is not surprising at all.

However, we must not forget about other principles of healthy, proper nutrition. Among them in to the fullest relate:

  • Eating only with a feeling of hunger and exclusively in natural poses.
  • No overeating – it’s better to get up from the table with a slight feeling of malnutrition.
  • Organization of fractional meals in quantities of 4 times a day.
  • Proper distribution of calories consumed throughout the day and their adequate selection.
  • Water consumption is normal, but it is advisable to drink the liquid not immediately after meals or as a drink for meals.
  • The last meal is “light” and is organized 3-4 hours before bedtime.
  • The actual process of eating food should be calm. It is important to chew food thoroughly and in small pieces. Swallowing all or a significant part of a portion is quite stupid and, most importantly, harmful to health. In principle, nothing more is required to implement proper nutrition.

It is enough to observe and adhere to the principles noted above.

List of “correct” products

The concept of “the right product” is an extremely ambiguous definition. In general, it should be understood as all types of food that will be beneficial to the body and will not cause harm to it when consumed.

Such products fully include:

  • greens rich in fiber;
  • vegetables;
  • berries;
  • meat;
  • fish;
  • seafood;
  • cereals;
  • green tea and some types of black;
  • compotes and fruit drinks.

All other products cannot be classified as correct and healthy. Taking them may be harmless, but it must be organized in a dosed and adequate manner.

In addition to the type of food itself, the technology of its preparation should be taken into account. The most useful and correct option would be to eat dishes prepared by boiling, steaming or baking.

You can eat fried, smoked and pickled products, but it is important to do this with extreme caution and always without abuse.

What to give up

The main rule is quality products!

As mentioned above, significant restrictions are not required if you want to eat healthy. The main thing is not to overuse potentially harmful products. What does it mean? It's simple.

Even the most harmful chips and similar foods can be eaten, but only periodically and in reasonable quantities. In this case, unhealthy dishes will not bring any harm and will allow you to satisfy the gastronomic needs of any person.

It is not necessary to refuse any product, but you should always be careful in terms of its use. With some caution you can eat:

  • chips, kirieshki and similar “pickles”;
  • all fried, smoked, pickled and salted foods;
  • coffee and black tea;
  • lemonades;
  • sweets and sugar directly;
  • canned products of any kind;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • bakery and similar products.

Perhaps it is better to avoid meal replacements, food additives and sauces completely. Even in small quantities, these products provoke problems in the body’s functioning and are in no way compatible with the idea of ​​proper nutrition. Otherwise, a healthy diet does not require restrictions.

Example of an optimal menu

Without proper nutrition, having a slim figure is not easy...

The optimal menu is what all healthy dieters strive for while adhering to the principles of healthy eating. Most people do not want to lose weight or gain weight, but simply pursue the goal of maintaining their weight at a constant level.

Choosing a good diet is very simple. As a rule, banal compliance with the provisions noted above is enough, taking into account the total calorie content of the foods taken.

As an example of an optimal menu for middle-aged women and men, let’s present the following meal schedule for 7 days:


  • Breakfast: buckwheat porridge, boiled egg, vegetable salad with sour cream or a little butter, green tea with sugar.
  • Second breakfast (lunch): apple or banana, glass of milk or kefir
  • Lunch: lean meat, vegetable salad, soup, compote.
  • Afternoon snack: tea with cookies or something baked.
  • Dinner: fish, vegetable salad, green tea with sugar.


  • Breakfast: oatmeal with berries, compote.
  • Second breakfast (lunch): salad with bread.
  • Lunch: buckwheat, chicken, vegetable salad, green tea with sugar.
  • Afternoon snack: light sandwich with cheese and butter.
  • Dinner: lean meat, fresh vegetables, a couple of boiled potatoes, compote.


  • Breakfast: omelet with herbs, green tea with sugar,
  • Lunch: puree soup, cutlet, vegetables, compote.
  • Afternoon snack: pie with green tea.
  • Dinner: lean fish with vegetables, compote.


  • Breakfast: fried eggs, stewed vegetables, black tea with sugar.
  • Second breakfast (lunch): banana.
  • Lunch: lean meat, potatoes in any form, compote.
  • Afternoon snack: light sandwich with anything and green tea.
  • Dinner: lean meat with vegetables, compote.


  • Breakfast: Perlovka porridge, nuts and milk.
  • Second breakfast (lunch): any fruit.
  • Lunch: turkey fillet, vegetable soup, compote.
  • Afternoon snack: bakery product with green tea.
  • Dinner: stewed fish, vegetable salad, compote.


  • Breakfast: , coffee.
  • Second breakfast (lunch): grapefruit.
  • Lunch: pureed vegetable soup, cutlets with buckwheat, green tea with sugar.
  • Afternoon snack: cookies with compote.
  • Dinner: lean meat, vegetables, compote.


  • Breakfast: black tea with sugar, any porridge.
  • Second breakfast (lunch): banana.
  • Lunch: chicken, any side dish, compote.
  • Afternoon snack: any bakery product with milk.
  • Dinner: chicken, vegetables, green tea.

When eating according to the menu described above, it is important:

  1. Keep its total calorie content at 2000-2600 calories.
  2. Get up from the table without eating.
  3. Dilute your meals by drinking water.
  4. Organize snacks in the form of lunch and afternoon tea in a light mode.
  5. Do not give up a small amount of bread and spices when eating main courses.

In principle, there are no difficulties in eating properly. With a competent approach to its implementation and compliance with all the noted principles, organizing a healthy diet is very simple.

Diet for losing weight

Proper nutrition - in the fight against excess weight

The menu discussed above is truly universal, as it can be organized to maintain body weight, to lose it, and even to build muscle. To use this diet for weight loss, it is enough:

  • Reduce its calorie content to 1,600-2,200 calories.
  • Break up meals up to 6-8 times a day.
  • Prepare all dishes only by steaming, boiling or baking.
  • Drink 2.8-3.5 liters of fluid daily (preferably green tea and water).
  • Limit your sugar intake as much as possible.
  • Consume any sweets, cookies and baked goods in very small quantities.
  • Additionally, exercise (at least light exercise to speed up metabolism and speed up the process of losing weight).

Adhering to these principles, the optimal menu for maintaining weight can be easily converted into. As practice and people's reviews show, the effect of such a diet is quite significant.

Diet for gaining weight

If your goal is to gain muscle mass, then the menu considered is subject to even less adjustment. For stable muscle growth you will need:

  • Increase caloric intake to 2600-3500 calories per day.
  • Make sure that per 1 kilogram of body weight you consume at least 1.5-2 grams of protein and 4-5 grams of carbohydrates.
  • Also drink a large number of liquids.
  • Exercise with weights.
  • If necessary, use appropriate supplements (protein, amino acids, energy drinks, etc.).

As in the case of a diet for weight loss, significant adjustments to the diet do not require. The main thing is to consume the right amount of calories and protein. With systematic exercise, weight gain will not be long in coming.

Perhaps, this is where the most important provisions on the topic of today’s article have come to an end. In principle, there is nothing complicated about proper nutrition.

When organizing it, it is enough to adhere to certain principles and not abuse potentially harmful products. We hope that the material presented was useful to you and provided answers to your questions. I wish you health and a long, happy life!

This video will introduce you to the basics of proper nutrition:

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