How to name a kitten a girl: The best ideas for different breeds and colors. Let us help you choose a name for your cat: a scientific approach to the problem What names are given to cats?

Nicknames for cats starting with the letter “A”


Nicknames for cats starting with the letter “B”


Nicknames for cats starting with the letter “G”


Nicknames for cats starting with the letter “D”


Nicknames for cats starting with the letter “E”


Nicknames for cats starting with the letter “F”


Nicknames for cats starting with the letter “I”


Nicknames for cats starting with the letter “O”

Oh yeahOdalisqueOddie

Nicknames for cats starting with the letter “R”


Nicknames for cats starting with the letter “C”


Nicknames for cats starting with the letter “C”


Nicknames for cats starting with the letter “E”


Nicknames for cats starting with the letter “I”

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When owners have a new furry family member, giving him a worthy name is one of the main tasks. After all, a name always characterizes a person and determines his fate. And because this choice is not always easy, we will help you choose nice nickname for your pet.

And also in this article we will discuss some signs with names. The options can be very different, in this article we will offer you some, and then use your worldview.

What to call a kitten?

There are some rules that apply to choosing a name for cats:

  1. It should be simple, or better yet short; words of two syllables (Musya, Kuzya) are suitable for this;
  2. Experts say that it is easiest for kittens to remember those words that contain hissing letters (ts, ch, w, s, x);
  3. It is also believed that a suitable nickname would be one that ends with a vowel.

Therefore, we present for you a list of names that may be suitable for your pet: Tom, Miles, Dani, Archie, Richie, Santa, Kitty, Rick, Nikki, Mickey.

If you have a very tiny animal and you really want to name it tenderly and affectionately, then choose one of the names: Mini, Baby, Dwarf, Knopa, Baby.

When the owners have an animal that is different enough large size or its fluffiness, then nicknames will suit him: Snowdrift, Hippopotamus, Mister, Big, Fluff, Fat Man, Uncle.

Famous owners of their friends also call them funny names, for example, Anastasia Volochkova nicknamed her cat, a Neva Masquerade breed, Zhorzhik. And Evgeniy Plushenko (skater) gave his pet a nickname - Pukhlik.

In the same way, if you have two furry four-legged animals living at home, then you can give them funny nicknames, remembering the cartoon series. These include: Chuk and Huck, Timon and Pumbaa, Tom and Jerry, Chip and Dale, Tilly and Willy, Lelik and Bolik, Chic and Glitter.

Names for kittens

Since cat breeds have lived with people for quite a long time, humanity has already come up with a lot of things regarding nicknames for females. There are many familiar names that are already quite boring and tired of society, such as: Murka, Barsik, Mashka, Dashka, Musya, Bonya, Kuzya, Lyusya.

Therefore, in our 21st century, you can choose something original. Agree that even if you have a crazy cat, such respectable names make him more gallant: Bonnie, Daniel (Daniela), Chloe, Marilyn, Monica, Jessica.

If you had a special event in your life (or the cat itself brought a zest to your life), then giving it a suitable name, you will remember it all your life (see). These include nicknames: Champion, Moment, Surprise, Victory, Ballerina, Actress.

Why not choose a beautiful, elegant name for your girl? Malibu, Samantha, Rose, Mary, Alice, Elizabeth, Ava, Aphrodite, Lady, Lala.

And again, if you have two cats that need their own name, then choose something like this: Rikki and Tikki, Gerda and Bertha, Yin and Yang.

For those who have a male and a female, the following nicknames are suitable: Lilo and Stitch, Kai and Gerda, Lala and Po, Count and Countess, Tsar and Queen, Adam and Eve, Tinky and Winky, Bubble and Straw.

Funny and unusual nicknames

Cats usually always bring something bright and kind into the lives of their owners. With their tricks and inventions, they cannot help but make even the most formidable person smile. But, if you also choose a cheerful name for such a pet, then you will always have a positive feeling at home.

Usually such names are born by looking at the kitten’s appearance, its habits and characteristics.

Therefore, when a cat that won’t sit still appears in the house, give it a nickname: Bouncer, Scamp, Grumpy, Yula, Shuler, Ninja, Hurricane, Rogue or Spy. If the owners have a fluffy animal with pronounced cheeks, then the following names are suitable for it: Hamster, Garfield, Piglet, Sandwich, Sandwich, Dumpling.

Nicknames considered quite original are: Bucks, Dollar, Bearded Man, Mummy, Rarity, Masyanya, Chaplin, Gluck, Eggplant, Romeo, Pirate, Brick, Susanin, Gopher, Lucifer, Robber, Student or Cowboy. The following would be very suitable for girls: Lyalya, Fairy, Doll, Chocolate, Swallow, Carmelita, Caramel, Berry, Fantasy, Cutie, Pistachio, Marmalade or Gypsy. If such a female stands out for her tough disposition, then call her: Chimera, Podliza, Skoda, Shaggy, Monkey.

Beautiful and gentle names

Naturally, for every owner, a furry lady is always the best and most beautiful. You can emphasize your love by giving it a cute name. These include: Acey, Beauty, Barbie, Laska, Milka, Cutie, Nyashka, Rafaelka, Masya, Nezhenka, Snowflake. You can also name it based on your favorite pretty flowers: Rose, Jasmine, Orchid, Tulip, Violet, Lily.

Suitable nicknames for ladies would be: Samantha, Josie, Izya, Joselle, Matilda, Katie, Bella, Britney, Monica.

And for males the following names are suitable: Arnold, Archie, Richie, Dani, Mickey, Leo, Lamur, Sebastian. If your boy is too gentle for such names, then name him: Timka, Lyolik, Laskat, Fluff, Murko, Lyubimysh, Karapuz, Yashka, Snezhok.

Russian names for cats

Of course, if your friend is taken from a club, then often his name may already be indicated in the passport. Unfortunately, it can be complex, ugly or not ours. But many people want their animal to have a name in accordance with their country (see).

For some reason, it is accepted among people that if this British cat, which means his name should be American, if Siamese - oriental, and if Russian, then Russian.

Sometimes the owners simply shorten the official names given in the passport, but they can also come up with their own.

When the owner has a Russian cat, he wants to give him an appropriate nickname. But, let's first figure out which cat breeds are considered Russian.

These include:

  • Russian Blue;
  • Don Sphynx;
  • Neva Masquerade;
  • Ural rex;
  • Kurilian Bobtail;
  • Siberian;
  • St. Petersburg Sphinx;
  • Thai Bobtail.

However, it is not necessary for the kitten to be purebred in order to give it Russian name. If any pet, even a mongrel one, lives in a family that is Russian by blood, then they can safely take their native name. Why not name the cat: Trofim, Philip, Zakhar, August, Julius, Anton, Boris, Veniamin, Evdokim, Bogdan, Vsevolod, Gregory or Makar?

And for a cat who lives in Russia, the following are suitable: Seraphima, Aza, Marta, Zoya, Gloria, Afanasia, Marfa, Nika, Octavia, Faina.

But it is also worth remembering that by calling your four-legged pet by a human name, you may offend someone. Imagine that a person with the same name as your male or female comes to visit you. Will he feel uncomfortable?

Or maybe he will be offended, thinking that his name is not so attractive that animals are called by it. Therefore, this question is purely personal and it is up to its owner to make a decision about such a nickname for his cat.

Names that match your character

When the kitten comes to new house, then it is not immediately possible to determine its character. Often children are stressed from a new environment and new people, but after waiting just a little, he will still show his “I”. Therefore, if you see that this is a restless miracle, then call it: Shustrik, Flyer, Batman, Zhivchik, Runner, Bullet, Rambo, Adrenaline, Tarzan.

And if you have a female with such a restless character, then name her: Pulka, Dragonfly, Vertelka, Runner, Fidget, Squirrel. When the owner is a true lover and connoisseur of cars, an active cat can remind him of his favorite car. And therefore the names are suitable for them: Lexus, Bentley, Ferrari, Mercy, Gina (Lamborghini), Skoda.

In the same way, funny names are suitable for active kittens: Motorchik, Veselchak, Lightning, Snickers, Jumper, Thunder, Shocker, Brawler, Player. Nicknames that will be suitable for girls are: Star, Feather, Igrulya, Zabava. If the owners are the same cheerful people and jokers, then the clockwork pet can be given the opposite nicknames, for example: Snail, Ballerina, Turtle.

Naturally, not all owners have active animals, so if you meet a calm and gentle young lady, you can nickname her: Sonya, Nezhenka, Lyalya, Murlena, Knopa. And with such an unsightly character, a boy can become Quiet, Curdled Milk, Matroskin or Poslushaika.

If your female is too proud for a simple name, then choose a nickname: Aristocrat, Fifa, Goddess, Lady, Princess, Diva, Princess. And when your guy looks very elegant and behaves with dignity, then the following names will suit him: Major, Bucks, Boss, Dollar, Baron, Prince, Sultan.

Folk signs

For some people, traditions or signs have great value, so when choosing a nickname for their pet, they also take this into account.

One of the most important signs is that you cannot name an animal after a deceased cat or person. This sign suggests that if you call a cat that way, then dead soul, not having time to ascend to heaven, can enter the soul of your kitten. Therefore, it is believed that such males or females do not live long.

Therefore, if you want to protect your beloved animal from an unfortunate fate, then choose a worthy nickname for it.

For people who believe that names bring good luck, wealth or something else, there is a list of such names, for example:

  • Lucky, Rada, Happy, Lucky - names that bring happiness to the house;
  • Fish, Healer, Hottabych, Wizard, Genie, Magician - suitable for those cats that will be able to bring good luck or heal weak spots in a person;
  • Lyuba, Love, Venus, Lyubava, Love - pet names that will bring love to your home;
  • Kopek, Evrik, Rublik, Denezhka, Bucks are among those animals that are responsible for wealth in the family. Also, if you have a female and a male, then call them by combining these names, for example, Kopeika and ruble. Many believe that this is what will bring wealth to their home, because their cats correspond to the proverb “A penny saves a ruble”;
  • Bayun, Peace, Harmony, Peace - these are names for those who believe that they will bring peace and tranquility to the house.

Such lists with the names of cats and cats can be continued and continued. However, each person has his own fantasies, worldviews and desires. Therefore, after reading this article and thinking a little, we hope that you will be able to choose a worthy and appropriate name for your animal.

How to name a girl kitten - this question is asked by everyone who has acquired an ordinary or purebred pet.

The choice largely depends on the breed, color, character and habits of the animal; the hobbies and activities of the owner are reflected in the nicknames.

When a furry family member appears in the house, the question arises: what to name a kitten for a girl?

The choice of nicknames is very wide, but you need to find exactly the one that will emphasize the habits and character of the cat.

Sometimes suitable name immediately comes to mind when meeting a pet for the first time.

In other cases, you have to rack your brain to choose a suitable nickname (it’s also not easy to give).

How to choose a suitable nickname

When deciding what to name a kitten for a girl, you can pay attention to the following points:

  • external characteristics of the cat: eye color, coat color;
  • the character of the animal, whether playfulness, gracefulness or responsiveness are visible;
  • , because some nicknames are especially suitable for or;
  • preferences of the pet itself, it is worth considering that cats perceive only the first three sounds of the nickname;
  • It is desirable to have whistling or hissing sounds in the nickname;
  • age, because the cat may not get used to the name if it is given too late;
  • what nicknames are popular in a particular area.

You can choose your name based on your eye color

Names for pet an unimaginable amount.

And yet, the main factor that determines what a kitten can be named as a girl is the behavior of the pet when it is still very small.

How to choose a name by color

The appearance of the cat largely determines what nickname will be chosen for it.

When deciding what to name a fold-eared kitten, a girl or a British beauty, you should pay attention to names with a foreign root.

They will better emphasize the individuality of the pet and the territorial affiliation of the breed.

It is worth considering that little kitten It is easier to remember a simple name consisting of two syllables (perhaps even repeated ones, for example, Lily or Mimi).

White kitten resembles a portion of ice cream

  1. the girl can be called Angie, Squirrel, Blanca, Crystal, Ice Cream, Pusha, Frosty.
  2. They differ not only in their bright coat color, but also in their equally distinctive character. Unusual nicknames for a positive red-haired cat: Alice, Orange, Zlatka, Kanga, Camel, Fox, Carrot, Salt.
  3. Smoky fur gives gray girl kittens a special charm. They can be called Haze, Zola, Misty, Rainey, Sarah, Smokey, Shadow, Shady.
  4. For a girl's black kitten, nicknames such as Bagheera, Mocha, Find, Norrie, Panther, Mascara are suitable.
  5. Tricolor or tortoiseshell babies are funny called Color, Lyapa, Turtle.

Interesting! You can choose a nickname based on eye color. If the cat has beautiful Blue eyes, it can be called Violet, Bead or Turquoise.

Suitable nicknames for different breeds

When purchasing a purebred pet, the owner receives its passport.

The name that will be used when participating in exhibitions is already written there.

However, the idea of ​​calling a female lop-eared kitten a long and difficult-to-pronounce name several times a day is unlikely to please the owners.

Therefore, you need to choose a nickname to communicate with the animal at home.

At home, it is better to call the baby by abbreviation

  1. When it appears in the house Scottish cat, the question arises of what to name a fold-eared kitten for a girl. Regarding character traits, this breed is characterized by such traits as gracefulness, responsiveness and poise. These cats are not aggressive. They love to frolic with small children, and if they overdo it, the furry playmate will simply go to rest. When deciding what to name a kitten for a girl, you can choose from the following nicknames: Auri, Bastina, Cherry, Gressy, Diana, Zabava, Laffy, Safira, Holii.
  2. It is customary to give eastern names: Darcy, Camila, Percy.
  3. The girl, for her special grace and affectionate character, is called a soft-sounding name: Alice, Betsy, Gella, Queenie, Cecile, Fifi.
  4. For French breeds Nicknames with French roots are recommended, such as Beatrice, Josephine, Coco, Mona.
  5. To emphasize the originality of hairless breeds, Sphynx cats are called Isis, Cleopatra, Nefertiti (and this despite the fact that nothing connects them with Egypt, unlike). They are also given greek names, which indicate the origin of the breed: Vasilisa, Efilia, Faina.
  6. Suitable nicknames for a Siamese kitten are Turquoise, Sima, Simosha, Sophie.
  7. The kittens have a unique color that resembles a leopard pattern. To emphasize this coloring, you can name the kitten a girl based on stories about the jungle: Bagheera, Yuzhana.

Gray kittens look adorable

Interesting! For purebred cats (Scottish, British, oriental breeds) names are selected taking into account territorial affiliation.

The funniest cat names

For a cat owner who has a good sense of humor and a rich imagination, the scope of choice on what to name a kitten for a girl is even wider.

The basis for finding a suitable nickname are cartoons, the owner’s hobbies, car brands and even Greek mythology.

Sometimes a cat's name sounds cool when it emphasizes some features of her appearance.

The choice of nickname is influenced by habits and character

  1. If you purchased a kitten, the nicknames Pyshka or Motya are suitable.
  2. For small breeds, names such as Mini, Mix, Baby are chosen.
  3. A gray girl kitten can be called Shadow or Haze.
  4. If the baby is playful and sociable by nature, the nickname Masyanya, which is associated with a funny cartoon character, is suitable.
  5. The nicknames of British kittens such as Princess or Miss make you smile. Although with such a name, a cat simply must be well-mannered and intelligent.
  6. The cat can also be called a film heroine, for example, Gloria, Carmen, Scarlett, Tess.
  7. It's cool when a kitten's name is Zemfira or Lolita.
  8. If your pet's behavior is more like wild beast than a domestic furry cat, the pussy can be called Bagheera, Panther or Lynx.
  9. Quiet little kitty it just begs to be called Nyasha or Shy.
  10. Fans of modern electronics and cars extend their passions to their pets. Now you can meet cats with the nicknames Mazda, Nokia, Toyota.
  11. Glamorous ladies call their furry pets Givenchy, La Vie, Laurent, Mont Blanc, Chanel or even Coupon.
  12. A girl kitten can help its owner learn foreign language, if her name in translation indicates a character trait or appearance. Among these nicknames are Wild (wild), Sweetie (sweet), Honey (sweetheart).
  13. If the owner is interested in cooking and has a sense of humor, the cat can be funny called Waffle, Caramel or Sweetie.

Those who teach English language, they can call the cutie Honey or Sweetie

Some traditional nicknames and their meaning

Some owners are more conservative in choosing a name for their pet.

In this case, it is worth considering a list of common traditional forms and their meanings.

  1. Kisa is perhaps the simplest name that is suitable for a modest domestic cat.
  2. Marquise is an imposing and leisurely cat who spends a lot of time licking her fur. If the owner calls her, she is not too responsive, she will approach slowly.
  3. Murka is a playful, hooligan pussy who does not hesitate to steal something from a person’s table or get into her owner’s things.
  4. Sima - suitable for a gentle, leisurely cat.
  5. Bagheera - will emphasize the gracefulness and elegance of the cat’s movements.

The nickname Sima is suitable for a gentle, leisurely pussy

When thinking about what you can name a kitten for a girl, it is worth considering that she will grow up relatively quickly.

At the same time, the nickname will remain the same, it will have to suit the pussy, as it did in childhood.

Interesting! Compared to boy kittens, girls are given soft-sounding names.

There is an interesting option for how to find out the relationship of a pussy to the nicknames from which a name is chosen for her.

You can sit your pet next to you and read different nicknames sequentially. Whatever he responds to, that will be given to him.

IN veterinary passport Pedigree kittens have already been given a name.

As a rule, these nicknames are too long and inconvenient to use in everyday life.

To solve this problem, you can shorten the name.

For example, if according to the passport the kitten’s name is Archibald, then at home he is called for short – Archie.

There are many options for nicknames for cats.

There are many options for what you can name a kitten for a girl.

The choice depends on the pet’s habits, its character, eye color and coat.

It is worth focusing on the breed.

Modern nicknames for kittens for boys and girls reflect popular hobbies and cartoons.

It is important that the pet and its owners like the nickname, that it is easy to pronounce and remember.

It is worth spending enough time choosing a name so that the little kitten responds to it with joy.

How to name a kitten for a girl: Best ideas For different breeds and colors

How to name a girl kitten - this question is asked by everyone who has acquired an ordinary or purebred pet. The choice largely depends on the breed, color, character and habits of the animal; the hobbies and activities of the owner are reflected in the nicknames.

When acquiring a small, furry friend, new owners are faced with the question: “What to name the cat.” Some want original, refined and fashionable name. Others are cute and funny. But most people don’t know what name to choose for a kitten. This article will help answer this question.

Name for a cat based on external characteristics

Choosing a name for a cat is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. The easiest way is to start from the appearance of the animal, its color, spots, length of fur, eyes, etc. This method Nickname selection is the most popular. Most owners name the animal precisely by this characteristic. Don’t think that it will turn out uninteresting or unoriginal. The main thing is that the nickname suits the cat.

Naming a white cat a girl is quite simple. The owners just need to think about what they associate the color white with.

It can be something of your own or common, for example: Snow, Squirrel, Snowflake, Winter, Snezhana, Umka, Snow, Lady. Very original nicknames for cats: Alaska, Antarctica, Arctic.

And the boy can be called Snowball, Ice, Orbit, Sugar, Tick-Tock, Belok, Weiss.

A black cat is a symbol of elegance and grace. From a small tousled kitten grows a real panther, whose fur shimmers in the light, and every step is filled with elegance. This is what you need to start from when giving a nickname to an animal. The black cat can be called Bagheera, Bastet in honor of the ancient Egyptian goddess, Athena or Perseus. You can give a simpler name, for example: Nochka, Klyaksa, Pepsi, Poppy, Basta, Mukha, Betty.

Suitable nicknames for a boy are Chernysh, Coal, Smaug, Smog, Smokey.

It’s easy to name a gray cat beautifully, since its color is already inspiring. Names such as Sapphira, Serena, Sonya, Sam, Sema, Mouse, Gray, Grace, Aqua, Dove, Smokey or Dymka, Melon are perfect.

A ginger cat can be called by the most optimistic, playful and graceful names. For example: Alice, Fox, Liska, Lisa, Perseus, Stella, Venus, Mars, Marcia, Orange, Mandarin. Also good simple names, such as Peach, Redhead, Redhead, Peach, Sweetie, Freckle, Speckle, Ray, Sunny.

Among boy kittens, the popular nicknames are: Ryzhik, Chubaisik, Luchik, Yantar.

Name calico cat it can be done in different ways. A good imagination will come in very handy, since a colorful animal may find the most suitable different names. For example: Rainbow, Rainbow, Wrapper, Flower, Color, Fortune, Christmas Tree, Fun, Kiss, Spot, Watercolor, Watercolor, Tube, Paint, Esmeralda and Spiral. Some of the listed nicknames are also suitable for boys.

Name depending on character

Cats, like people, each have their own character, mood and temperament. When choosing a nickname for cats, it is very important to pay attention to this point, since the name should reflect inner world pet.

A cat distinguished by affection and love can be given the nickname Lyuba, Nyusya, Asya, Mura, Murka, Lova, Musya, Masya, Nyashka, Nyasha, Yummy, Mylyshka, Malya, Manya, Bonya, Masyanya, Nyusha. It should be soft, light and cute, just like the animal itself. The names Bayun and Relax are suitable for boys.

But not all pets are good-natured. Very many cats have a firm, lively, masterly character. They don't like to be touched, stroked or tried to play with. Nicknames suitable for such important persons are: Margot, Tonya, Bomba, Chili, Merlin, Lauren, Gioconda, Jolie, Saltpeter, Sulfur.

There are representatives feline kind with a playful character. Such cats are always on the move, they need to go everywhere and do everything. Nicknames such as Bullet, Strelka, Belka, Zvezdochka, Flashka, Puma, Headlight, Mouse, Shakira, Besya, Penka, Fish, Shark, Kashtanka, Ocher, Zorka, Sailor, Fury, Simka, Sirena, Anfisa are suitable for cute kids.

Cool nicknames for cats

If the owners have a sense of humor, then you can choose a funny name for the pet. As a rule, funny nicknames are born from the appearance or habits of the animal. It's cool to name a cat based on its taste preferences, for example: Sausage, Sausage, Cutlet, Pie, Waffle, Sausage, Yummy, Stew, Charlotte.

It is fashionable to give a cunning and resourceful cat the nickname Spy, Radio Operator, Kat, Trinity, Tricky, Shpan, Zaslanka, Intelligence, Mrs. Smith, Lariska, Kozyavka.

For an athlete cat who is in a hurry to be on time everywhere, the names Bazooka, Cannon, Jump Rope, Hooligan, Troy, Pandora, Pirate, Goonie, Whistle are suitable.

Interesting nicknames for cats in alphabetical order

Name interesting name Every housewife wants a cat so that her pet will stand out from the rest and be the best. There are many good and interesting names for cats. They can be old Russian, foreign and any others.

List of the best cat names:

  • A: Avdotya, Akulina, Aurelia, Agatha, Agnia, Azalea, Aida, Angela, Anita, Apollinaria, Ariadne, Arsenia, Artemia, Astrid;
  • B: Bella, Blackie, Lingonberry, Barbara, Betty, Berta, Bazhena, Bambi;
  • In: Varna, Vandochka, Vasilisa or Vasilek (abbreviated Vasya), Venus, Viola, Vlasta, Vesta, Volya;
  • G: Glafira (abbreviated as Glasha), Hera, Grettel, Glafira, Gloria, Gertrude, Golub;
  • D: Diodora, Gina, Juliet, Deutsche, Dekabrina, Dunka, Domna;
  • E: Eva, Evdokinia, Elizaveta (Lisanka), Euphrosyne;
  • F: Zhanna, Julia, Georgelitta;
  • Z: Zlata, Zimka, Zarina, Zvenislavochka;
  • And: Ivanna, Isabella, Joanna, Jonah, Isolde, Hippolyta, Isidora Duncan, Irma, Sparkle;
  • K: Capitolina (abbreviated Kappa), Coco (Chanel), Carolina, Clarice, Constance, Cleopatra, Xunya;
  • L: Leniana, Lina, Louise, Lenina, Leontia, Lucretia, Lesya, Lulu, Livia, Lina, Liliana, Lilia, Lumiya;
  • M: Mavra, Maruska, Magda, Madeleine, Malvinka, Margarita, Martochka, Marfusha, Matilda, Matryoshka, Milana, Millya, Mimimishka, Mia, Molly, Muse;
  • N: Nana, Nessie, Nelly or Neonila, Nefertiti, Ninel, Novella, Nora, Nochka, Nate, Nyusha;
  • A: Octavia, Oktyabrina, Olympiada, Olympia;
  • P: Pavlina, Panna, Paulina, Pandora, Praskovya, Panochka, Penny;
  • R: Rada, Rimma, Rosochka;
  • With: Solomeya, Svoboda, Severina, Serafima, Sendy, Sophia, Susanna, Suzanna, Susan, Stepanida (Styopa);
  • T: Tyra, Tasha, Tisha, Trisha, Taira, Tamila, Tess;
  • U: Ulyana, Ustinya, Ulya;
  • F: Faina, Fina, Frau, Felicia, Philadelphia, Flora, Florence, Floriana;
  • E: Eureka, Elelnora, Elsa, Emma, ​​Erica;
  • Yu: Juno, Yuta, Yuna.

Signs associated with cat names

A cat can become not only a person’s friend, but also his talisman. A correctly chosen nickname will attract everything dearly desired to the owner of the animal. Therefore, if there is not enough love, money or health in life, then you need to carefully choose the nickname of a new household member.

If in Lately luck has turned away from the owners and they lack a little bit of luck, then perhaps they should get a cat. Call her Rainbow, Luck, Piece of Happiness, Lucky or Rada.

If you have a desire that seems impossible, then you need to get a cat with the name Zlata, Lamp, Rybka, Gina, Star, Lotyreyka, Sorceress, Fairy Tale, Coupon.

If the housewife dreams of Great love, the man who will become her soulmate for the rest of her life. Then you can get a girl kitten and name her Venus, Lyubov, Lova or another name meaning love.

Finance is what many people lack to achieve complete happiness. To attract them, you can call the fluffy talisman Dollar, and also suitable nicknames are Coin, Ruble, Kopeyka, Denga, Zolotka, Cent, Peso, Mark, Euro, etc.

If there are quarrels, swearing, and lack of peace and harmony in the house, then the cat can be called Harmony or Peace. Also suitable nicknames are Relax, Euphoria, Friendship, Accordion, Balance.

At the end of the article, it is safe to say that there are a million names for cats. But it is important to remember the main thing: you need to love your pet and pronounce its name with affection. Then, regardless of the name, she will answer her owner in kind. will become true friend and a caring pet.

A little “tail” has appeared in your house, which, for several weeks now, has been called “Hey you”, “Little”, “Kys-kys” or simply “Cat”? Do you want the name to be beautiful, to please your pet and to have meaning? Let's figure out how to choose a name for a cat without missing important points.

It's no secret that cats hear better and more people, but how much? About three times! This is difficult to understand and comprehend; even people with very sensitive hearing catch and assimilate vibrations of sound waves in the range of 0.1–200 dB (decibels). However, the maximum threshold of sound volume is no longer felt by a person and is expressed either by deafness or pain. Kittens can distinguish sounds whose strength varies up to 1000 dB, and adult cats up to 650 dB.

Of course, amplitude is also important in the perception of sounds. sound wave, but we're talking about cat names, not jet engines, so this aspect can be omitted. The cat's brain perceives and processes more information. You can consider that your ponytail is equipped with a larger " RAM" than you, especially if the pet is still small. Why all these numbers? - For clarity! Think for yourself, would you be happy to respond to a name that sounds like foam squeaking on glass? So the cat doesn’t need such “pleasures”.

Remember! Cats hear sounds more clearly. A nickname with too harsh sounds can cause discomfort to the pet.

Read also: Cat Monastery of St. Nicholas in Cyprus

Is the meaning of a name important?

The decoding of the name is important only for the owner. Naturally, you don’t want to call your treasure a “simple” name, and it’s completely in vain, but more on that below. The longer and more bizarre the name, the more time it will take for the kitten to get used to the new name. Plus, keep in mind that you and your family members will get tired of “breaking your tongue” by calling your pet full name“Tyson”, most likely, in a couple of months the baby will be “called” simply Ty. Why create complexity in the first place?

Further, the nicknames of generals, Gods, kings, explorers and great people. All this is beautiful, loud and “pretentious”, but does your pet need it? Now you will say, what about the pedigree, my baby was named by the breeders. Indeed, the kittens whose names were selected by the breeders are most often more than respectable - Subaru, Barbarella, Genchlerberligi, Vin Diesel, Optimus Prime and, if you are very lucky, Burbuzyaka Jabs. Remember that no one obliges you to name the animal using full “regalia”; you can choose a nickname that is not even consonant with the “nominal name”.

Note! When choosing a nickname “with meaning”, do not forget about the daily comfort of your family and pet.

How to choose a “comfortable nickname” for a cat

A cat receives a name to which it must respond, not only after the clink of a spoon and bowl. It’s quite simple to choose a name that your pet will always hear, but you need to resort to tricks and use the knowledge of cat physiology:

  • The brains of little hunters are tuned to catch any sounds that rodents make. The squeaking and “wooshing” of a mouse are incomplete sounds, but overtones that are partially reproduced in human speech when pronouncing the letters “s”, “z” and “ts”.
  • Cats only meow when communicating with people. The letter “m” and its combination with “ya” and “u” acts as a means of feedback communication.
  • Pets remember a lot of long words, however, the most acute reaction is observed to short and meaningful ones - “Eat”, “Come to me”, “Clever girl”. The optimal length of a nickname is no more than 2 syllables and it is easier for you, and the cat will hear and perceive the name, even if it is busy with something.
  • The sounds produced when pronouncing the letters “zh”, “ch”, “sh”, “sch” remind the cat of an opponent’s warning signal before a conflict or fight. Of course, the pet will react to the name, however, associatively, the cat will be wary, afraid, or preparing to attack.

Read also: Cat colors: general information

How to classify options and make a choice?

Many owners are at a loss, ask the opinions of friends, “storm” dictionaries with alphabetical lists of names, but “everything is wrong.” Make 2 simple conclusions, which will significantly narrow the search range:

  • Do you want to choose a name for a boy or a girl kitten, or are you still unsure about the sex of your pet?
  • What kind of names do you prefer - human, associative, describing character or appearance?

This is interesting! Common cat names, used without any special subtext, are most often optimal. For example, Murka or Murchik, Manka, Vaska, Musya or Busya are short, sonorous, “positive-sounding” for a pet.

If you like human names, you need to pay attention to your own emotions when choosing a nickname. Often, to choose a name for a girl cat, men use the names of their wives or their lovers in their youth. Think carefully about whether you will cause discomfort to your loved ones and the people after whom you name the animal, because this is fraught negative emotions to the animal.

“Descriptive nicknames” most often go to animals with an extravagant appearance or an unforgettable character. For example, how to choose a name for a ginger cat? What if he is striped and plump? Naturally, you are now thinking about Grafield. Yes, the nickname is long and does not contain the “necessary letters”, but you will think about this name every time you look at your pet, so why complicate it? Often, the color of animals resembles a Fox or a Mink, again, associations are stronger than “great intentions”, this is how the human brain works. Does it happen that as soon as you enter the house, you think, “What has my Fury done today?” Here's your nickname - Fury or Fur-fur.