Effective ointments for lichen: instructions for use and names. Ointments for lichen in humans Sulfur ointment helps against lichen

Ringworm belongs to the category of skin diseases of a fungal nature, characterized by the appearance of spots on the body, the patient is bothered by itching and discomfort. The pharmacy chain has many remedies for this disease. Ointments containing sulfur are successfully used.

What is sulfur ointment?

This product belongs to medical drugs made on a natural basis. Pork fat or Kutumova's base, consisting of petroleum jelly, emulsifier and water, are used as an emulsion base for sulfur ointment. The concentration of the ointment is most often 33.33%. To prepare 30 g of ointment, take 10 g of sulfur and 20 g of base.

The product is used for scabies, seborrhea, mycosis and various skin diseases. Also used Sulfuric ointment from lichen.

For lichen, an ointment of this type is applied externally to the affected areas, avoiding contact with the mucous membranes. Before applying the drug, wash the affected area of ​​skin,
dried, wiped with salicylic alcohol, after which sulfur ointment is applied. The procedure for applying the ointment is recommended to be performed at night, once a day, sometimes prescribed up to 3 times, depending on the complexity of the disease. Before the next procedure, do not wet the skin in the affected area. Linen should be changed daily.

If the skin is sensitive, diluting the sulfur ointment with boiled or mineral water is allowed. The duration of treatment is approximately 1 week. It is not recommended to use the drug for longer than 10 days. Sulfur ointment is effective when used for lichen at an early stage of the disease. If the case is complex, complex treatment is used.

Sulfur-tar ointment for lichen can be used for a longer period. Apply twice a day. If the lesion is large, it is recommended to apply a bandage with ointment.

Can everyone use sulfur ointment to get rid of lichen?

Like any drug, this ointment has contraindications. Namely:

  • during pregnancy;
  • small children;
  • nursing mothers;
  • in case of intolerance to components.

Side effects of using sulfur ointment include allergic manifestations, itching and burning, redness of the skin at the site of application. Dry skin occasionally occurs. To avoid these manifestations, before using the ointment, you should perform a tolerance test. In addition, the drug has bad smell, which not every patient can tolerate, and the ointment also stains underwear and bedding.

Sulfur-tar ointment can be used to treat lichen in young children, but only after checking the skin for sensitivity to this drug.

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Ointments for lichen are a group of medications for the treatment of dermatological diseases. Let's look at the most effective of them and the features of their use.

Ringworm is a group of dermatoses with similar symptoms. Limited patches of flaky skin appear on the body. Such rashes may be accompanied by itching, burning and other painful sensations. The most common form is a fungal one, its causative agent is a virus. Other forms of the disease are non-infectious in nature, that is, their development is caused by internal factors, autoimmune reactions or allergies.

Since the defect has a different nature of origin, the treatment will be different. At the first symptoms of lichen, you need to contact a dermatologist, who will conduct a comprehensive diagnosis, determine the type of pathogen and select a specific medicine. If the diagnosis is erroneous, then inadequate therapy leads to the disease becoming chronic. It is for this reason that you should not self-medicate. To alleviate the patient's condition, local agents are used: ointments, creams, gels, lotions, mash, solutions.

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ATX code

D11AX Other drugs for the treatment of skin diseases

Pharmacological group

Dermatotropic agents

pharmachologic effect

Dermatotropic drugs

Indications for the use of ointments for lichen

Dermatological diseases accompanied by inflammation with skin rash, itching and peeling are lichen. The causative agents of the pathology are fungi and viruses. The mechanism of infection and etiology are not fully known. But there are a number of factors that increase the risk of infection:

  • A sharp decrease in immunity
  • Chronic infectious diseases
  • Hereditary predisposition

The causative agent of the disorder can be heavy physical exertion, neuroses, emotional breakdowns, and stress. For treatment, antiviral and antifungal agents are used, the action of which is aimed at relieving the inflammatory process and other pathological symptoms.

Indications for the use of ointment for lichen depend on the type of disease. Let's consider the main types of pathology:

  • Ringworm - occurs due to pathogenic fungi and affects the scalp. It appears as uneven spots, causing brittle hair at the very roots. Gradually, bald spots with crusts and scales appear on the head. The patient complains of severe itching.
  • Shingles – affects the skin and nervous system. The disease occurs due to the herpes virus, causing inflammation of the nerve ganglia. Rashes appear along the nerve trunks. The rash consists of small, painful blisters containing fluid that cause itching and burning.
  • Pink – large pink or brownish rashes appear all over the body. First, a large spot with a red rim appears on the body, but gradually other rashes spread from it. Most often, lichen affects the chest, abdomen, back and shoulders.
  • Pityriasis - colorless rashes appear on the skin that itch and peel.

Regardless of the type of lesion, treatment should be comprehensive with the use of antifungal agents. All medications must be selected by the attending physician. This is due to the fact that improper therapy or self-medication makes the disease chronic.

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Release form

A dermatologist treats and diagnoses skin diseases. Therefore, at the first sign of a rash with itching, burning and peeling of the skin, you should go to the hospital. Various drugs are used for treatment local application.

Consider the popular names of ointments for lichen (depending on the type of lesion):

  • Pityriasis rosea– the most simple form diseases with a low degree of contagion. It has an infectious-allergic origin, but does not require serious medications for treatment. The main goal of therapy is to alleviate the painful condition, that is, reduce itching and burning. For this purpose, preparations based on sulfur, salicylic acid and tar are used: Oletetrin, Sulfur-tar and Sulfur-salicylic, Sinaflar, Flucinar.
  • Ringworm and pityriasis are caused by a fungal infection, so antifungal drugs are used for treatment: Mycoseptin, Miconazole, Exoderil, Terbinafine, Lamisil, Clotrimazole, Nizoral and others.
  • Shingles is caused by the herpes virus; antiherpetic and antiviral agents (external and oral) are used for treatment. Most effective ointments contain acyclovir. Most often, patients are prescribed: Zovirax, Gerpevir, Herperax, Vivorax, Acigerpin, Viru-Merz.
  • Lichen planus - in most cases occurs in a chronic form with frequent exacerbations. For treatment, preparations based on sea buckthorn and tar oil are used, as well as products with hormonal steroids: Advantan, Celestoderm, Triamcinolone, Hydrocortisone ointment, Prednisolone.

If the disease is severe with extensive rashes, then corticosteroids are indicated for treatment. hormonal ointments: Sinalar, Flucinar, Salicylic, Sulfuric. Such drugs quickly relieve inflammation, burning and itching, but have many contraindications and side effects.

Yam ointment

A combined external use product with antifungal and acaricidal properties is Yam ointment. It includes the following components: salicylic acid, sulfur, tar, Lysol, petroleum jelly, zinc oxide, turpentine, lanolin and others.

The drug has an antiseptic, astringent and keratolytic effect. Destroys the causative agents of scabies and trichophytosis (psorptoid and sarcoptoid mites). Does not have a local irritating or sensitizing effect.

  • Indications for use: eczema, lichen, dermatitis, trichophytosis. The drug is used in veterinary medicine to treat dogs.
  • It is applied in a thin layer to previously treated affected areas of the skin, covering 2-4 cm of healthy tissue. The product is used 1-2 times a day for 7-15 days.
  • Contraindicated for use in case of hypersensitivity to the components. During the therapy period, it is very important to follow the rules of personal hygiene, that is, keep the skin clean.

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Sulfuric ointment

For many dermatological diseases, an effective disinfectant and anti-inflammatory agent known as Sulfur Ointment is used. The medicine accelerates wound healing and destroys pathogenic fungi.

Indications for use: lichen, scabies, fungus, seborrhea, psoriasis, demodicosis, pimples, acne. For lichen, use a 10% product, which is applied in a thin layer to the skin treated with salicylic alcohol, gently rubbing. The course of treatment should not exceed 10 days. Sulfur ointment does not cause adverse reactions or symptoms of overdose. The only contraindication to its use is hypersensitivity to the active substances.

Salicylic ointment

Very often, pharmaceutical preparations based on salicylic acid are used to treat lichen. Salicylic ointment is used for inflammatory diseases of the epidermis. The medicine has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and softening-exfoliating properties.

  • Indications for use: lichen, acne, burns, scratches, eczema, psoriasis, ichthyosis, pyoderma, calluses, warts, seborrhea, excessive sweating of the feet, diaper rash.
  • IN complex therapy depriving use 2-3% remedy. In some cases it is mixed with Vaseline. The drug is applied to the skin 2-3 times a day, gently rubbing into the rash. The duration of therapy is individual for each patient and depends on the type of disease.
  • If the drug is used to treat pregnant women or children, it must be applied to small areas of the skin. The dosage should not exceed 5 ml.
  • Contraindicated for use in case of intolerance to the components, for the treatment of dermatological diseases in infants and renal failure. When treating warts, the medicine should not be applied to the genital area, face or skin with birthmarks.

Zinc ointment

Emollient, antiseptic and drying agent. Zinc ointment causes denaturation of proteins and the formation of albumins, reduces exudation. 1 g contains 0.1 g of zinc oxide and excipient: white soft paraffin. Available in 20 g tubes and jars with 10% concentration.

  • Indications and dosage: lichen, diaper rash, eczema, dermatitis, pyoderma, bedsores and other epidermal lesions with the process of exudation. The product is used externally, applied in a thin layer to cleansed skin 2-3 times a day. The duration of the course of therapy depends on the general dynamics, nature and symptoms of the disease, and is therefore determined by the doctor individually for each patient.
  • Contraindications: acute purulent lesions of the epidermis, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
  • Side effects: long-term use causes skin irritation. If there are hypersensitivity reactions to the drug, then there may be signs of allergy, itching, hyperemia, burning, rashes at the site of application.

Zinc ointment with chloramphenicol

Antiseptic combined product for external use with several active ingredients. Zinc ointment with chloramphenicol has antiseptic, antimicrobial, keratolytic, drying and regeneration-accelerating properties.

  • Indications: purulent wound infections, bedsores, infected wounds, trophic ulcers. The product is applied in a thin layer to the affected surfaces 1-3 times a day. The course of treatment depends on the results of use in the first days.
  • Contraindications: intolerance to active components, psoriasis, eczema, chronic renal failure, fungal infections epidermis, pregnancy and childhood of patients.
  • Side effects occur with prolonged use and application of the product to large areas of the skin. Salicylic acid can provoke a resorptive effect.

Vishnevsky ointment

Disinfectant with antiseptic and regenerating properties. Vishnevsky ointment has an anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effect, improves blood circulation. It has a warming effect, forming a film on the skin that prevents heat loss.

  • Indications for use: lichen, lymphangitis, boils, carbuncles, skin abscesses, empyema, burns, ulcers, bedsores. Prescribed for hemorrhoids, colpitis, cephalosporosis, lung diseases with purulent abscesses, as well as varicose ulcers and thrombophlebitis.
  • Use externally, in the form of compresses, bandages and for tamponing. Contraindicated for use in case of intolerance to the components, contaminated wounds, suppuration, mastitis.

Sulfur-salicylic ointment

  • Indications for use: seborrhea, scabies, psoriasis. The product is applied to the affected areas 2 times a day. If it is necessary to enhance the keratolytic effect, an occlusive dressing is used. If there are rashes on the scalp, then use the medicine 2-3 hours before washing.
  • Contraindications: hypersensitivity to active components, pregnancy and lactation, patients under 2 years of age.
  • If higher doses are used, increased inflammation, skin irritation, itching and urticaria may occur. To eliminate them, you need to stop using the product.


Locally acting antifungal agent from the pharmacological group of imidazole derivatives. Clotrimazole has wide range actions against many pathogenic fungi that cause infectious diseases associated with dermatophytes, molds and blastomycosis. Small concentrations have fungistatic properties, and large concentrations have fungicidal properties.

The mechanism of action is based on inhibition of the synthesis of ernosterol, which is the main structural element cell membrane fungi. Increased permeability of the membrane causes lysis of the fungal cell, suppressing the activity of peroxidases.

  • Indications for use: lichen versicolor, mycoses of the epidermis with secondary infection, urogenital candidiasis and other fungal skin lesions. The medicine is applied in a thin layer to the affected areas 2-3 times a day and rubbed in. The duration of therapy is up to 28 days, if necessary, longer use is possible.
  • Contraindications: intolerance or allergic reactions to active ingredients, early pregnancy (first trimester).
  • Side effects occur extremely rarely. With prolonged use of the drug or exceeding the recommended dosage, allergic reactions are possible. To eliminate them, it is recommended to stop treatment and consult a doctor.

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Tetracycline ointment

An antibiotic with bacteriostatic properties, stops the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms at the protein level. Tetracycline ointment has a wide spectrum of action, therefore it is effective against staphylococcal, gonorrheal, streptococcal, chlamydial, viral and other infections.

  • Indications for use: inflammatory eye lesions (conjunctivitis, trachoma, barley, keratitis, blepharitis) and infectious diseases of the epidermis (lichen, eczema, furunculosis, acne, folliculitis, rashes of various etiologies). The dosage and duration of treatment depend on the severity of painful symptoms.
  • Contraindications: intolerance to components, fungal diseases. Use with extreme caution for kidney diseases, leukopenia, for the treatment of pregnant women and children under 8 years of age.
  • Side effects: local allergic reactions, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, intestinal upset, stomatitis, swelling. The drug can cause photosensitivity, that is, skin sensitivity to sunlight. Therefore, during treatment it is better to minimize sun exposure.


Fungicidal agent with antifungal action. Terbinafine inhibits the activity of almost all fungal agents. Low concentrations have a fungicidal effect against dermatophytes, dimorphic and mold fungi. It has both fungicidal and fungistatic effects on yeast and fungal infections.

  • Indications for use: diseases caused by yeast or mold fungi, dermatophytes. Effective for lichen versicolor, microsporia, candidiasis, epidermophytosis, trichophytosis, onychomycosis. The product is applied to the skin 1-2 times a day for 3-6 months. The dosage is individual for each patient.
  • Contraindications: hypersensitivity to active components, pregnancy and lactation, patients under 2 years of age, renal failure, various tumor lesions of the body, pathological changes vessels of the extremities, metabolic disorders.
  • Side effects manifest themselves in the form of local allergic reactions. When using tablets, there may be a decrease in appetite, diarrhea, impaired taste, nausea, and a decrease in platelets and neutrophils in the blood. In case of overdose, epigastric pain, dizziness and dyspepsia appear. Symptomatic therapy is indicated for treatment.

Chinese ointment

Treatment of lichen is a complex process that requires medical assistance in choosing medications. Chinese ointment Duba has a combined composition and is used to treat many dermatological diseases. It contains herbal ingredients, so it has a minimum of side effects and contraindications.

The medicine is effective for dermatitis, psoriasis, urticaria, scabies, and herpes zoster. The active ingredients are active against staphylococcal and fungal infections. The product is applied in a thin layer to the affected areas of the skin 1-3 times a day. The duration of therapy is individual for each patient, but, as a rule, no longer than 21 days.

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Oxolinic ointment

The pharmacological agent contains the active substance - oxolin with antiviral activity. Oxolinic ointment used for the treatment and prevention of diseases such as:

  • Blistering and herpes zoster
  • Squamosal lichen
  • Warts
  • Dermatitis herpetiformis Dühring
  • Flu prevention
  • Viral eye lesions
  • Rhinitis

For dermatological pathologies, use a 3% product, applying it 2-3 times a day to the skin. The course of treatment is from 2 weeks to 2 months. Longer use may cause mild allergic reactions: itching, burning, hyperemia. To eliminate them, it is necessary to reduce the dosage or frequency of applying the drug to the skin. Contraindicated for use in case of intolerance to the active components and with extreme caution during pregnancy and lactation.

Qitsunbashuan ointment

A drug with anti-allergenic activity. Tsitsunbashuan ointment consists of the following components: Amur velvet, yellow sophora, Canadian gircha, Chinese coptis, sulfur and others. Its action is aimed at destroying pathogenic bacteria, eliminating inflammation, pain and itching. It has high penetrating activity, improves blood supply and metabolism to the affected area.

It is used for herpes zoster and vesicular lichen, psoriasis, scaly skin, inflammation of the epidermis caused by nervous experiences and stress, eczema, lupus erythematosus and other pathologies. Qitsunbasyuan is applied to wounds 1-2 times a day until the painful symptoms completely disappear. Do not use if you are intolerant to the active components. Long-term therapy may cause allergic reactions. To eliminate them, symptomatic therapy is carried out.

Benzyl benzoate

A medication for the treatment of scabies mites, lice, lichen, eczema, dermatitis. Benzyl benzoate is a medicine for external use with active substance medical benzyl benzoate 10-20%. Prescribed for the treatment of adults, but contraindicated for children under 3 years of age, during pregnancy and lactation. The standard course of treatment takes 4 days. If no improvement is observed during this time, the drug is discontinued.

On the first day of therapy, the affected skin areas should be thoroughly washed in the shower with soap. They begin to rub the ointment into the limbs, then move on to the torso. After each treatment, clean clothes and bedding should be used. On days 2 and 3 of treatment, the skin is not treated, but the remaining product is not washed off. On day 4, the body must be thoroughly washed with soap and treated again.

Side effects manifest themselves in the form of irritation and burning sensation. During treatment, medical supervision is required for 14 days. If the drug gets on the mucous membranes, in the mouth or stomach, then rinsing with water or a 2% solution of baking soda is indicated. In case of contact with the eyes, they are washed with water and instilled with a 30% solution of sulfanilamide; if pain occurs, then a 2% solution of procaine/novocaine is used.

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Apit ointment

To treat lichen, you can use propolis-based products. Apit ointment is one of these drugs, used in veterinary medicine and for treating humans. It has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, accelerating regeneration and anesthetic properties. It contains alcohol extract of propolis, medical petroleum jelly and lanolin. It is used externally, for dressings, tamponing and applications.

The product is prescribed for various dermatological diseases: eczema, lichen, scabies, dermatitis and others. Before applying to rashes, skin should be washed with soapy water. As a rule, the ointment is applied using napkins under a fixing bandage. The dressings are changed every 2-3 days. With open treatment, the medicine is applied to the skin 2-3 times a day until complete recovery. Apit does not cause adverse reactions or symptoms of overdose, and the only contraindication to use is intolerance to the components.

Tar ointment

  • The drug has a wide range of applications. Helps with many lesions of the epidermis of various etiologies: lichen, neurodermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, fungal diseases, disorders of the keratinization process, scabies, pyoderma. For lichen, a 5-20% ointment is indicated; in most cases it is combined with sulfur preparations or salicylic acid.
  • Contraindicated for use in case of hypersensitivity to the components and kidney disease. Long-term use and high concentrations may cause skin irritation and local allergic reactions.
  • The medicine increases the skin's sensitivity to light, so it is not recommended for use on exposed areas of the body in summer. In hair areas, tar can cause folliculitis.

Acyclovir ointment

An antiviral agent with high activity against herpes simplex viruses. Acyclovir ointment acts as an analogue of the purine nucleoside deoxyguanidine, that is, a component of the DNA structure. Thanks to this similarity, it interacts with viral enzymes, interrupting their reproduction.

  • It is used for herpes, stops the formation of a new rash, reduces the likelihood of its spread to the skin and visceral complications. Accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissues and relieves pain from herpes zoster. Since the drug is available in the form of ointments and injections, it can be used to treat herpes in patients with immune system disorders. Has immunostimulating properties.
  • Apply to the skin and mucous membranes affected by lichen up to 5 times a day. Duration of therapy is 5-10 days. Not prescribed for patients with hypersensitivity to active substances, during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Acyclovir is well tolerated, adverse reactions occur in rare cases and manifest themselves in the form of itching and burning. Injections can provoke attacks of nausea and vomiting, gastrointestinal upset, and allergic reactions. To eliminate them, it is necessary to stop therapy and seek medical help.

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Antifungal agent with fungicidal and fungistatic properties. Nizoral has several forms of release: ointment, shampoo and tablets. Contains the active ingredient ketoconazole (an imidazolediaxolane derivative with a wide spectrum of antifungal action). When applied externally, it does not enter the systemic bloodstream.

  • Indications for use: pityriasis versicolor, seborrhea, inguinal athlete's foot, mycoses of the skin, dermatomycosis, athlete's foot. The cream is applied to the affected areas of the epidermis 1-2 times a day. The duration of treatment for deprivation is 2-3 weeks.
  • Contraindications: intolerance to components, hormonal imbalance. Can be used during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Side effects manifest themselves in the form of skin itching, burning and irritation at the site of application. In rare cases, contact dermatitis develops.


A topical glucocorticosteroid with the active ingredient fluocinolone acetonide. Sinaflan is quickly absorbed through the stratum corneum of the skin and accumulates in the dermis. It does not biotransform in the skin; systemic absorption is observed when applied to large areas of the skin, under bandages and with prolonged use.

  • Indications for use: lichen planus, discoid lupus erythematosus, neurodermatitis, allergic skin diseases and itching of various etiologies, first-degree burns, insect bites, eczematous lesions, seborrhea.
  • The medicine is applied 1-3 times a day, in a thin layer, lightly rubbing. The duration of treatment is 5-10 days, if necessary up to 25 days. Not recommended for use on the face, folds and sensitive areas.
  • Contraindications: hypersensitivity to components, pregnancy and lactation, skin tuberculosis, ulcerative lesions, open wounds, infectious diseases of various etiologies.
  • Side effects are possible with long-term use. Some patients experienced skin atrophy and necrosis, systemic adverse reactions characteristic of glucocorticosteroids, and adrenal hypofunction.

Ichthyol ointment

Antiseptic with disinfectant properties. Ichthyol ointment effectively destroys infectious skin lesions, therefore it is used in dermatology, urology and gynecology. Softens dead skin, improves its elasticity, eliminates flaking, accelerates regeneration processes.

  • Indications for use: lichen, burns, erysipelas, eczema, streptoderma, boils, hidradenitis, infiltrative-suppurative form of microsporia and trichophytosis. Neuralgia and arthritis of an inflammatory and traumatic nature, sycosis, ostiofolliculitis, rosacea, light pox, discoid lupus erythematosus. Do not use if you are allergic to ichthyol or other components.
  • Can be used both in pure form, and diluting with 10% glycerin. Apply to areas of inflammation, evenly distributing and rubbing until a feeling of warmth appears. The frequency of application and duration of treatment depend on the nature of the rash and doctor's prescriptions.
  • Side effects manifest themselves in the form of local allergic reactions. To eliminate them, it is necessary to reduce the dosage, and in especially severe cases, stop treatment.

Aversectin ointment

Insecto-acaricidal agent used in veterinary medicine. Aversectin ointment is a thick yellowish mass with a specific odor, intended for external application. When in contact with the skin, the medicine acts on the site of accumulation harmful microorganisms, has a cumulative effect. The concentration reaches its peak after 3-5 days of use. Excretion of active components is carried out within 10-12 days with feces.

  • It is used to treat dermatological diseases of cats, dogs and fur-bearing animals. In some cases, it is effective in treating people. Indications for use: lichen, demodicosis, psoroptosis, entomosis, otodectosis, otodectosis, notoedrosis.
  • Therapy occurs in several courses, each of which lasts 3-5 days with a break of 48 hours. Long-term use causes adverse reactions: local irritation, itching, burning, headaches and aggravation of the symptoms of the underlying disease.
  • It is contraindicated for use in the treatment of pediatric patients, during pregnancy and in cases of intolerance to the active components.

Sulfur-tar ointment

The safest and most effective remedy for lichen and scabies is considered to be sulfur-tar ointment. The drug has antifungal, antimicrobial and acaricidal properties. It has no side effects, as it consists of safe components: birch tar, petroleum jelly, precipitated sulfur. The ointment is thick, uniform in structure, with a tar smell and gray-brown color.

Indications for use: treatment of skin diseases in animals and humans. Effective for various types of lichen and scabies. Patients are prescribed a 5-10% solution, which must be applied to the affected areas twice a day. The course of therapy is 5-7 days or until complete recovery. After completion of treatment, it is necessary to completely change the bedding and underwear used.


Antifungal medicine local application. Exoderil contains the active ingredient naftifine (a synthetic antimycotic of the allylamine group). It has bactericidal, fungicidal and fungistatic effects. Its activity is associated with the ability to inhibit the biosynthesis of ergosterol in the fungal cell through its effect on squalene epoxidase, but without affecting the cytochrome P450 system.

Fungicidal action is observed against yeast-like, yeast and mold fungi. The drug is active against a number of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. When applied topically, it quickly penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, creating high concentrations of the active substance. About 6% of naftifine penetrates into the systemic circulation, undergoes partial metabolism, and is excreted in bile and urine within 2-3 days.

  • Indications for use: lichen and any other fungal infections of the skin caused by microorganisms sensitive to the drug. The medicine is applied once a day, in a thin layer, gently rubbing until completely absorbed. The duration of the course of therapy depends on the characteristics of the disease and is therefore prescribed by a doctor.
  • Side effects: local allergic reactions, dryness and redness of the skin, burning and itching at the site of application. These symptoms go away on their own, so discontinuation of the drug is not required. Overdose has similar, but more pronounced symptoms.
  • Contraindications: hypersensitivity to components, treatment of pregnant women and children. It is not recommended to apply to skin with burns and wounds, as well as to mucous membranes.

Veterinary ointment

Ringworm is a common disease that affects both people and animals. Veterinary ointment is used to destroy the pathogen and restore the skin. In most cases, these types of drugs are prescribed for animals, but some of them are effective in treating humans.

Yam is one of the most popular veterinary remedies for lichen. It contains tar and salicylic acid. It has fungicidal-bacterial, antiseptic and antacid properties. Used when standard treatment is ineffective.

Miconazole – affects yeast and pathogenic fungi, has a bactericidal effect. It is used for lichen, mycoses and fungal infections.

Sulfur ointment is a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory agent. Accelerates regeneration processes, destroys pathogenic fungi. Used for lichen, scabies, seborrhea, psoriasis, pimples and acne.

Aversectin ointment - effective remedy for the treatment of many dermatological diseases, especially lichen. It is often prescribed in combination with other drugs, for example, DEK cream.

Veterinary ointment, like any other medication, can only be used as prescribed by a doctor.

Sinaflan ointment

The drug with the active substance is fluocinolone. Sinaflan ointment is prescribed for lichen, eczema and allergic diseases in adults and children, with psoriasis, lupus erythematosus, lichen planus, sunburn, insect bites, seborrheic dermatitis, neurodermatitis.

The duration of use and frequency of application depend on the course of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient’s body. Not prescribed for pregnant women, children under two years of age and those with intolerance to the components. Contraindicated for tumor skin lesions, cutaneous syphilis and tuberculosis.

Side effects are manifested by the following symptoms: thinning of the skin, increased growth of body hair, the appearance of cobwebs and stars on the skin. Long-term use may cause secondary infection due to inhibition of local protective factors.

Burnt millet ointment

To eliminate dermatological diseases, not only pharmaceuticals are used, but also some traditional medicine recipes. Burnt millet ointment is used for lichen. According to patient reviews, burnt millet is effective for all forms of the disease and is suitable for pregnant women and children.

To prepare the medicine, take a tablespoon of millet and a long nail. The amount of millet depends on the area of ​​the rash. Pour the grain into an iron bowl, heat a nail and press the millet with it. Black oil will ooze from the plant material, which is the medicine. An oily liquid is applied to the lesions once a day with a break of two days. The product has no adverse reactions and does not cause overdose symptoms.


Anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent with active ingredients - flumethasone (synthetic glucocorticosteroid) and salicylic acid (NSAID).

  • Indications for use of Lorinden: lichen (lichen planus, verrucous), eczema, neurodermatitis, dermatitis, psoriasis, seborrhea, prurigo, urticaria, discoid lupus erythematosus, erythema, insect bites, blastomycosis. The product is applied to the skin in a thin layer 2-3 times a day. After the symptoms acute inflammation will do, the drug is used 1-2 times a day. The course of treatment is 14 days.
  • Side effects: burning, dryness, itching, skin atrophy, pigmentation disorders, perioral dermatitis, steroid acne, local hirsutism. Overdose manifests itself in the form of local allergic reactions, systemic effects of GCS, and muscle weakness. Treatment requires discontinuation of the drug.
  • Contraindications: first trimester of pregnancy, bacterial, viral and fungal skin lesions, cutaneous syphilis, hypersensitivity to components, acne, skin neoplasms. Not for use on infants.

Streptocide ointment

A topical drug with a pronounced antimicrobial effect. Streptocidal ointment is active against streptococci, and its mechanism of action is associated with disruption of the process of assimilation of microbial cell growth factors.

Used for local treatment of infectious lesions of the epidermis caused by microorganisms sensitive to sulfanilamide. Helps with lichen, purulent-inflammatory processes, burns, skin cracks, pyoderma. Contraindicated for use in case of intolerance to sulfonamides, impaired renal function, acute porphyria, during pregnancy and lactation.

The product is applied to cleansed skin in a thin layer, without rubbing. Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes. Can be applied under a gauze bandage. The frequency of application and duration of therapy are individual for each patient. Possible side effects: severe allergic reactions. Treatment requires discontinuation of the drug.


Fungicidal agent with antifungal activity. Lamisil affects almost all fungal agents that infect the human body. Its small concentrations have fungicidal properties against molds and dimorphic fungi, dermatophytes.

It has a fungistatic and fungicidal effect on yeast fungi. The therapeutic effect is associated with a destructive effect on the fungal cell membrane and specific inhibition of squalene oxidase.

  • Indications for use: diseases caused by mold and yeast-like fungi, dermatophytes. Helps with pityriasis versicolor, microscopy, trichophytosis, candidiasis, epidermophytosis, onychomycosis. Before applying the product to the skin, it must be cleansed. Use 1-2 times a day for 1-2 weeks.
  • Side effects: local allergic reactions, dryness and flaking of the skin. Local use does not cause overdose symptoms, as it does not have a cumulative effect.
  • Contraindications: hypersensitivity, pregnancy and lactation, patients under two years of age, various neoplasms of the epidermis, pathological changes in the vessels of the extremities.


Combined glucocorticosteroid, produced in the form of ointment and cream for topical use. Diprogent has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antipruritic and antiallergic properties. The mechanism of its action is associated with inhibition of the release of cytokines and inflammatory mediators. The active components induce the formation of lipocortins, reducing the metabolism of arachidonic acid and inhibiting the growth of various pathogens.

  • Indications: lichen planus, psoriasis, atopic and contact dermatitis, eczema, seborrheic dermatitis, itching of the external genitalia and anus, neurodermatitis. The cream is applied to the skin 2 times a day - morning and evening, without rubbing. If occlusive dressings are used, systemic absorption is increased.
  • Contraindications: intolerance to components, pregnancy and lactation. It is not recommended to use for a long period of time and in large doses.
  • Side effects: irritation, itching, burning and dry skin, folliculitis, acne and other allergic reactions. When using occlusive dressings, atrophy and maceration of the skin, stretch marks, secondary infection, prickly heat, and Cushing's syndrome are possible.

Bolt ointment

Very often, special medicinal suspensions are used to treat dermatological diseases, and especially lichen. Talker ointment is a combination product that contains several active ingredients or drugs. As a rule, chatterboxes are prepared independently. Let's look at several recipes that are effective in treating lichen.

The most popular chatterbox for lichen is Tsindol. To prepare it, you need to mix glycerin, distilled water and zinc oxide in equal proportions. The resulting solution heals wounds and disinfects the skin.

Has antiseptic and analgesic properties. The product is applied to the affected areas 2-3 times a day for 1-2 weeks. Longer use or use of increased dosages causes adverse reactions. Most often, patients experience itching, burning and redness at the application site. Suitable for pregnant women and children, the only contraindication is intolerance to the components.


Antifungal agent for local use. Exifin contains a fungicidal substance of synthetic origin - terbinafine. It has a wide spectrum of action against dimorphic and mold fungi, dermatophytes. The mechanism of action is associated with inhibition of the early stages of sterol biosynthesis in fungal cells and the development of ergosterol deficiency. This leads to the death of harmful cells.

  • Indications for use: lichen, candidiasis of the skin, trichophytosis, microsporia, onychomycosis, dermatomycosis and other dermatological diseases. The cream is applied to the skin in a thin layer 1-2 times a day, the duration of treatment is 1-2 weeks.
  • Side effects manifest themselves as local allergic reactions. To eliminate them, discontinuation of the drug is required. No cases of overdose have been recorded.
  • Contraindications: intolerance to terbinafine or auxiliary components. Use with extreme caution during pregnancy and lactation.


Synthetic corticosteroids with the active substance mometasone. Uniderm has anti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictor, antipruritic and antiexudative properties.

  • Indications: psoriatic damage to the epidermis, chronic eczema, seborrheic and atopic dermatitis, lichen, hyperkeratosis, dermatoses, itching and flaking of the skin in children. The product is applied to the affected areas once a day. The course of treatment depends on the clinical effectiveness in the first days of use and the presence of adverse reactions.
  • Side effects: hyperemia, itching, burning at the site of application. Striae, acne, prickly heat and hypertrichosis may appear. When used in the facial area, contact and perioral dermatitis may develop.
  • Contraindications: fungal infections, syphilis and skin tuberculosis, perioral dermatitis, rosacea. Not prescribed for the treatment of children under 6 months, during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Overdose occurs due to the accumulation of active components as a result of prolonged use. Negative symptoms manifest themselves in the form of secondary adrenal insufficiency and local allergic reactions.


Indications for use: pediculosis various localizations. The drug is applied to the scalp using a cotton swab, thoroughly rubbing into the roots. Treated surfaces must be covered with a scarf and washed off after 40 minutes. warm water using shampoo or soap. Cream shampoo is contraindicated in case of intolerance to the active ingredients. Side effects manifest themselves as local allergic reactions and go away on their own.


Veterinary product with fungicidal and bactericidal properties. Fungibak has a paste-like consistency and contains the following components: salicylic acid, precipitated sulfur, zinc oxide, birch tar, petroleum jelly, lanolin, ichthyol and gum turpentine. The ointment base promotes rapid penetration of active ingredients into different layers of the skin.

Application: lichen, dermatitis, dermatosis, ulcerative skin lesions, rheumatic myositis. Most often prescribed for the treatment of large cattle and pets. But in some cases it is also suitable for people. The product is applied in a thin layer to the affected area and 2-3 cm around it, lightly rubbing. It is necessary to carry out 1-2 procedures per day, the course of treatment is 4-5 days. The main contraindication is intolerance to the active components. Use with caution for pregnant women and children.

Corticosteroid ointments for pityriasis rosea

Hormones produced by the adrenal glands are corticosteroids. They act as natural regulators of metabolic processes in the body and suppress the formation of substances responsible for the inflammatory process. Thanks to their action, swelling, itching and pain are reduced. Corticosteroid ointments used for pityriasis rosea are created from artificial analogues of natural hormones.

Pityriasis rosea is a small rash on different parts body, round or oval, pink in color. The rash is very itchy and scaly, gradually acquiring a yellow tint. No effective drugs have been developed for its treatment. After some time, the spots go away on their own. But itching and peeling cause discomfort and therefore require the use of special medications.

Patients are prescribed antihistamines, broad-spectrum antibiotics and corticosteroids. The latter are divided into four classes: weak, moderate, strong and very strong. There are also combination medications that contain corticosteroids, antibacterial and antifungal components.

Let's look at the most popular and effective corticosteroid ointments for pityriasis rosea:

  • Triderm

Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory agent with antifungal activity. Contains several active ingredients: clotrimazole and gentamicin sulfate. It is used for pityriasis rosea, simple, allergic and atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, eczema and dermatomycosis. The product is applied to the affected areas 2 times a day for 3-4 weeks.

Contraindicated for use in case of skin manifestations of syphilis and tuberculosis, chickenpox, herpes simplex, post-vaccination reactions, open wounds, for the treatment of children under 2 years of age, during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in case of hypersensitivity to the active components. Symptoms of overdose are characteristic of GCS - suppression of adrenal function, Cushing's syndrome, hypercortisolism. Adverse reactions manifest themselves in the form of skin allergic reactions and local irritation.

  • Prednisolone

Glucocorticosteroid, its mechanism of action is associated with suppression of the function of leukocytes and tissue macrophages. It is used for lichen, seborrhea, psoriasis, pruritus, erythroderma, alopecia, and skin diseases of non-microbial etiology. The dosage and duration of therapy depend on the severity of the disease and its symptoms. Not prescribed for pregnant women and children, with intolerance to the components and for long-term use.

  • Diprosalik

Keratolytic and anti-inflammatory agent for external use. Contains two active components: betamethasone dipropionate and salicylic acid. It is used for lichen rosea, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, atopic dermatitis, dermatoses, eczema, lichen planus, seborrhea, ichthyosis. The medicine is applied in a thin layer twice a day - morning and evening, covering areas with rashes.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to components, pregnancy and lactation, childhood patients. Overdose and side effects are manifested by allergic skin reactions and symptoms characteristic of GCS.

  • Hydrocortisone ointment

Glucocorticosteroid suppresses the functions of tissue macrophages and leukocytes, stopping their migration to the area of ​​inflammation. It is used for inflammatory and allergic diseases of the epidermis of non-microbial etiology, pityriasis rosea, eczema, dermatitis, neurodermatitis. Apply a thin layer to the skin 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is determined by the attending physician, usually no longer than 10-14 days. Not prescribed for infectious skin diseases, tuberculosis, pyoderma, mycoses, ulcerative lesions and wounds. The drug is contraindicated for the treatment of pregnant women and children.

  • Belosalik

Combined topical agent. Belosalik slows down the release of inflammatory mediators, reduces the production of cytokines and stops the activity of hyaluronidase. Relieves the inflammatory process and reduces the amount of inflammatory exudate, itching and irritation. The glucocorticosteroid constricts blood vessels and lowers tissue temperature. After application to the skin, it forms a protective film that prevents the loss of endogenous moisture and has a water-repellent effect.

  • Indications for use: lichen verrucous and lichen planus, urticaria, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, ichthyosis, eczema (chronic, acute), erythema, papulosquamous rashes with unspecified etiology, dermatitis. The product is applied to the skin 1-3 times a day, treatment duration is up to 3 weeks.
  • Side effects: burning and irritation, dryness, flaking, itching, folliculitis, acne, increased hair growth at the site of application, hypogmentation. Overdose manifests itself in the form of systemic reactions to corticosteroids and local allergic reactions. Treatment is symptomatic.
  • Contraindications: patient age less than one year, pregnancy, syphilis and skin tuberculosis, pustular diseases, rosacea, post-vaccination reactions, open wounds, fungal infections, trophic ulcers, hypersensitivity to components.

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Ringworm ointment

Microsporia or ringworm is a dermatological disease caused by fungi of the genus Microsporum. Most often it affects the skin, hair, nails and eyelashes. The rashes are oval in shape with a slight red swelling. The patient feels itching and pain at the site of the lesion. The peak of the disease occurs at the end of summer and beginning of autumn; children are most susceptible to the disorder. Adults also get sick; their pathology takes second place after damage to the feet.

For treatment, external agents are used - ointments, creams and gels. The doctor prescribes an ointment for ringworm, focusing on the location of the rash and its nature. Let's consider the most effective drugs:

  • Sulfuric acid – destroys pathogenic fungi, dries wounds and accelerates the regeneration process. The medicine is applied to the affected area once a day for 7-10 days.
  • Lamisil - stops the growth and reproduction of fungi, destroying them. The course of treatment takes 5-6 weeks, but relief occurs on the 5th day of use.
  • Salicylic acid – stops the inflammatory process and pathogenic fungi. Contraindicated for application to the face, used 1-2 times a day. The treated areas must be covered with a sterile napkin or occlusive dressing.
  • Mycospor - destroys the structure of the fungal cell. Duration of therapy is 4-6 weeks with daily procedures 2-3 times a day.
  • Sulfur-tar - it must be applied not only to the rashes, but also to the area around them. The active ingredients destroy fungi and disinfect the skin. If the affected area is swollen, then the medicine is applied under a bandage.

In addition to the drugs described above, disinfectant solutions can be used for treatment: potassium permanganate, furatsilin, rivanol. Hormonal-based medications are used only for medical prescription. The drugs can be combined with treating the skin with iodine tincture. The product dries out rashes, destroys pathogenic fungi and bacteria that cause suppuration of wounds.

Ringworm ointment for children

To treat dermatological diseases, and especially lichen in children, medications based on herbal natural ingredients are used - salicylic acid, sulfur, tar. Such ointments have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. The most commonly used drugs are:

  • Sulfur, sulfur-tar and sulfur-salicylic ointments - relieve inflammation, soothe itching and pain. They have a minimum of contraindications and side effects. They perfectly disinfect and accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissues.
  • Tebrofen - helps with lichen planus, can be combined with other drugs.
  • Clotrimazole is a topical product that is effective against harmful microorganisms that cause lichen versicolor. It is practically not absorbed through the epidermis and mucous membranes, therefore it does not have a systemic effect.
  • Naftifine (Exoderil), Lamisil - help with pityriasis versicolor. They are applied to cleaned affected areas 1-2 times a day. Therapy is continued after the rash disappears for 14 days for preventive purposes.
  • Sinaflan is another effective medicine for the treatment of lichen planus in children. Included in the pharmacological category of corticosteroids, therefore suitable for patients over 2 years of age. Therapy is carried out in courses with a break of 1-2 weeks.

In addition to the medications described above, antifungals can also be used: Microseptin, Terbix, Miconazole. They have a wide spectrum of action, but can cause side reactions: itching, burning and irritation. Therefore, before starting therapy, it is necessary to conduct a sensitivity test, that is, apply the drug to a small area of ​​skin and monitor the reaction. Ringworm ointment for children can only be used as prescribed by a dermatologist.


Skin diseases, and especially lichen, have many varieties. To eliminate them, drugs with different mechanisms of action are used. The pharmacodynamics of Terbinafine ointment indicates its activity against almost all fungal agents that infect the human body. The medicine has antifungal and fungicidal properties.

Fungicidal activity manifests itself at low concentrations of the product against dimorphic and mold fungi, dermatophytes. The therapeutic effect is associated with the destruction of the cell membrane of the fungus and inhibition of the enzyme responsible for the normal functioning of its cells. Due to the cessation of ergosterol production, bacterial and fungal pathogens gradually die.

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Terbinafine ointment accumulates in the skin and subcutaneous tissue, providing a constant therapeutic effect. Pharmacokinetics indicate its rapid absorption into the skin and low penetration into the systemic circulation - about 5%. Biotransforms into metabolites that do not have antifungal activity. Most of it is excreted in the urine.

Other topical antilichen agents have similar pharmacokinetics. Some accumulate in the skin, creating concentrations that are harmful to fungi, viruses and bacteria. Others require regular use because they do not have a systemic effect, do not penetrate the bloodstream and do not accumulate.

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Using ointments for ringworm during pregnancy

Ringworm during pregnancy is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous disease. The most severe is considered to be shingles, which occurs due to infection with the third type of herpes virus. This virus acts as the causative agent of chickenpox, and therefore can cause congenital pathologies or death of the fetus, especially in the first trimester. Ringworm in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters is not so dangerous, but still requires medical attention.

The use of ointments for lichen during pregnancy depends on the form of the disease, its symptoms, gestation period and characteristics of the mother’s body. For treatment, antifungal, antihistamine, antiviral agents, and systemic drugs aimed at stimulating immune functions are used.

Ointments based on salicylic acid, sulfur and tar are absolutely safe. Use such drugs with extreme caution as: Acyclovir, Oxolinic ointment, Clotrimazole. To treat pregnant women, mash and ointments on a natural plant basis (alternative therapy) can be used, but only after the permission of the attending physician.

What does sulfur ointment treat? And what is the difference between different ointments with sulfur?

Composition of sulfur ointment

Note: purified or precipitated sulfur can be added to the ointment. The purified one can be taken orally (as an anthelmintic and laxative). But the besieged one can only be used externally. Internal intake of precipitated sulfur leads to poisoning (it releases hydrogen sulfide, which causes nausea and vomiting).

Sulfur ointment is a safe remedy. It is prescribed to infants and newborns, pregnant and lactating women. The most unfavorable effect that external sulfur treatment can cause is slight dryness of the skin. Other defects are cosmetic in nature - an unpleasant odor, traces of ointment on the bed and clothes.

Indications for sulfur ointment: skin infections and inflammations

  • for scabies
  • lichen
  • seborrhea
  • acne
  • psoriasis
Note: a mixture of garlic and sulfur ointment is used in folk recipes to treat warts.

Sulfur ointment is the basis for several ointment compositions - simple ointment(only with sulfur), sulfur-tar(with birch tar), sulfur-zinc And sulfur-salicylic. They are used for a similar list of diseases.

Sulfur-tar ointment has an important advantage over modern synthetic drugs for scabies (Spregal, Benzyl benzoate). It is a natural remedy and does not cause an allergic reaction.

Sulfur-zinc ointment

Sulfur-zinc ointment contains sulfur and zinc in the form of oxide. Zinc is known for its wound-healing properties. It is used for dermatitis and acne, as well as in cosmetology. The combined use of sulfur and zinc in one ointment enhances its antiseptic properties and the ability to stimulate the regeneration of skin cells. Therefore, sulfur-zinc ointment is prescribed for the treatment of weeping dermatitis, wounds, weeping skin inflammation, as well as purulent eczema and bedsores.

The composition of the ointment with salicylic contains significantly less sulfur than simple sulfur ointment. It contains only 2g\100g of base (2%). In addition to sulfur, the ointment also contains 2 g of salicylic acid. It significantly enhances the antibacterial and antiseptic effect. It also regulates the secretion of sebum, which provides a drying effect.

In addition, salicylic acid penetrates deeply into the skin and causes increased blood circulation. What accelerates tissue regeneration.

Sulfur-salicylic ointment cleanses pores and dries out inflammation. However, the composition with salicylic acid is irritating. Therefore, it is used for oily skin and not for dry skin.. For dry skin, a simple one-component ointment with sulfur is better suited.

Salicylic acid is often used to treat acne. It can cause a burn (if applied as a compress) or dry out the skin too much (if you frequently wipe your face with acid or alcohol). Therefore, they began to use salicyl in a complex manner, adding it to preparations along with other components.

List of diseases for which sulfur-salicylic ointment is used - these are juvenile acne, ringworm, mites under the skin and demodicosis.

Note: If you use salicylic acid for a long period of time, it may lose its effectiveness. In this case, it is necessary to take a break from treatment and not use the composition with salicylic for 2-3 weeks.

Now let’s look at what sulfur ointment helps people with.

Treating scabies with sulfur ointment was popular fifty years ago. Sulfur treatment is still prescribed in post-Soviet countries. European medicine uses other, more aggressive means.

In order to remove ticks with sulfur ointment, in the evening before bed it is applied to the entire surface of the body. For children, the ointment is even rubbed into the face and under the hair.

After sulfur ointment, you should not wash for 24 hours. Afterwards, if necessary, you can take a shower, dry the skin and reapply the ointment.

The choice of concentration of sulfur ointment for scabies is determined by age. For children it is recommended to use 10% composition, for adults - 20% sulfur ointment. The duration of treatment is a minimum of 3 days - a maximum of 7-8 days. After a week the person is considered cured.

Sulfur ointment and demodicosis

Ironworm infection is called demodicosis. The use of sulfur ointment for demodicosis consists of applying it to the face twice a day (morning and evening). Treatment periods are long, from one to three months.

Sulfur ointment for nail fungus

Fungal infections of the skin and nails are also treated with sulfur ointment. It is applied to the nail plate and adjacent areas of the skin once a day (at night, after a bath, just before bed). The treatment period for fungus with sulfur ointment is about a week.

Sulfur ointment is universal. Its composition acts against various fungal infections. However, it may not be effective enough. In this case, the sulfur ointment is replaced with a more aggressive drug - sulfur-salicylic ointment.

Sulfur ointment for face

The use of sulfur ointment for the face is explained by its keroplastic properties. Sulfur sulfide helps exfoliate old skin cells and form new ones. This maintains the elasticity of the skin and the youthfulness of the face.

Note: due to its keroplastic properties, sulfur ointment is added to peelings - compositions for exfoliation and regeneration.

In addition, the antiseptic properties allow the ointment to be used for various types of acne. Sulfur ointment for acne on the face helps cure medium acne (pimples). Severely inflamed acne requires more aggressive medications.

By using sulfur ointment for acne, we also regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Sulfur normalizes the secretion of sebum, on which they multiply pathogenic bacteria. This also affects the number and size of acne - there are fewer of them.

Note: to regulate the secretions of the sebaceous glands, sulfur ointment is applied to the face once a day for 3 days. After which the result becomes noticeable - the oily shine of the facial skin disappears.

Sulfur ointment is a simple preparation that combines several cosmetic properties. It prevents the proliferation of bacteria (it is their metabolic products that clog pores with “blackheads”). It dries out inflamed pores (in the accumulations of which infection multiplies). It also exfoliates dead cells (which accumulate in the recesses).

Does sulfur ointment help against wrinkles? No, the sulfur composition has antiseptic properties and a slight keratolytic effect, but it is not able to remove even small facial wrinkles.

Sulfur ointment for age spots

Increased skin pigmentation is often a consequence of hormonal changes. It is more common in women after 40 years of age. It can also appear during pregnancy and lactation.

Skin pigmentation is not pathological problem. This is a cosmetic defect. Compositions of sulfur and salicylic acid help to even out skin color..

When using sulfur ointment for blemishes, apply it to dark areas of the skin before going to bed.

Sulfur ointment for seborrhea

Seborrhea is a fungal skin disease that has a simple name . Cause of seborrhea (or seborrheic dermatitis) is a fungal infection of the skin in the scalp. It is manifested by itching and flaking, while small particles of skin (dandruff) appear on the hair.

Sulfur can cure fungal infections. For this sulfur ointment is applied to the skin between the hair once a day. Treatment time is 7-10 days.

Sulfur ointment for dermatitis

Dermatitis is an allergic skin reaction, inflammation of the skin resulting from contact with an allergen. Sulfur ointment for dermatitis does not treat the cause of inflammation (does not reduce the body’s allergic reaction). But it allows you to reduce painful skin irritation, and in case of weeping dermatitis, dry out the inflamed areas.

Sulfur ointment for psoriasis

With psoriasis, foci of chronic skin inflammation form in humans. They present as patches of red, dry, flaky skin. Sometimes so called "psoriasis spots" become covered with a crust, under which wounds and bleeding cracks form.

Sulfur ointment for psoriasis is used as an antiseptic. However, the drying effect of sulfur is not always suitable for psoriatic “dry” inflammation.

Sulfur ointment for lichen

Usually the word lichen refers to fungal infections of the skin. This infectious disease in medical terminology is called microsporia or trichophytosis, and in the generally accepted version - ringworm. To treat it, you can use an inexpensive salicylic-sulfur composition. However, there are other, more effective means.

The sulfur composition has remained popular in the treatment of lichen in animals. Thus, veterinarians recommend using sulfur ointment for cats with large areas affected by lichen, if it is necessary to treat the entire body. It is also recommended to supplement treatment with internal antifungal medication.

Note: for a dog or cat, sulfur ointment will be the best and safe means. It will not cause poisoning, as can happen when stronger agents (fungin) are applied to a large part of the body.

Methods of treatment with sulfur ointment

There are two ways to use the ointment:

  • Without bandage- in this case, rub the ointment into the skin (with little effort, lightly).
  • Under the bandage- in this case, the ointment is applied to the inflamed area without rubbing and covered with a clean bandage or gauze on top. Then fix it with a plaster or elastic bandage.

The easiest way to use sulfur ointment is to lightly rub it into the skin.. It is used to treat minor irritations. If the inflammation is severe and fluid (exudate) is released, then it is more effective to apply ointment under the bandage.

And one more thing: in most cases, sulfur ointment is applied locally, to areas of inflammation. And only for scabies it is necessary to use sulfur ointment for the whole body.

How much to apply sulfur ointment is determined by the disease. Scabies, lichen and seborrhea are treated within a week. Demodex - within a month. And acne - periodically for six months.

Analogues of sulfur ointment

Note: from the folk medicine cabinet, an antiseptic analogue of sulfur ointment can be garlic oil (infusion of garlic in vegetable oil). Or natural vinegar (to treat ringworm).

The main percentage of dermatological diseases are lichens, which are caused by specific pathogens or autoimmune problems.

Usually appears on the body, face or scalp characteristic symptoms, sometimes causing itching and discomfort. Even if a person does not experience pain, the disease must be treated, as it can develop into a chronic form.

Treatment of lichen consists of a complex of medications, an important part of which are ointments, creams and gels. Depending on the type of lichen in a person, the patient is prescribed an appropriate remedy.

In addition, during the treatment process it is necessary to take into account and eliminate the specific causes that provoked the onset of the disease. This may be a decrease in immunity, chronic intestinal problems, constant tension in the nervous system.

First of all, you need to remember that it is very difficult to independently diagnose yourself correctly, since there are many different types of lichen, and besides, each of them can have different forms of manifestation.

Ointments for pityriasis rosea or Gibert's disease

This type of lichen is a non-infectious disease, that is, it cannot be contracted from a sick person. The exact cause of the disease has not been identified. There are theories that the causative agents of this type of lichen are specific herpes viruses.

The following drugs are used for treatment: boron-zinc liniment, antihistamine ointments, antimicrobial and glucocorticosteroid agents.

. It is an antiseptic that can be used for pityriasis rosea. The ointment contains zinc oxide and boric acid. Apply liniment 1-2 times a day to damaged areas in a thin layer. There are contraindications: the product should not be used to treat the mammary glands for nursing mothers, and it should not be applied to children under 2 years of age.

Antihistamines are used for severe discomfort and severe itching. The following antihistamines can be used: dimethindene, fenistil-gel.

Sold in gel form. This anti-allergic remedy for ringworm relieves itching and reduces swelling. After applying the ointment to the affected areas, it is advisable to avoid contact with direct sun rays on them. You can use the product 2-4 times a day. Contraindications: children under 1 month; when breastfeeding, do not apply the gel to the chest area.

Fenistil-gel. Antiallergic agent, relieves itching and swelling. Must be used 2-3 times a day. The use of this ointment is contraindicated for children under one year old and pregnant women.

Some anti-lichen ointments combine hormonal and antihistamine substances, for example sinalar, flucinar, lorinden A.

Sinalar. This effective remedy consists of fluocinolone acetonide and clioquinol. The first element has antiallergic, antipruritic and anti-inflammatory effects. Clioquinol is an antibacterial substance. The product should be used 2-3 times a day, thoroughly rubbing into the affected areas. A bandage can be applied on top of the skin lubricated with ointment. Sinalar should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding. The drug is contraindicated in children under 1 year of age.

. A combination drug containing flumethasone pivalate and salicylic acid. The ointment has antiallergic, antipruritic, anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effects. To eliminate lichen, use several times a day, applying a thin layer to the affected area. You can apply bandages over the ointment.

Ointments for ringworm

There are several localizations of ringworm: on the scalp and on skin without hair. To treat these forms of the disease, you can use different means, effective for ringworm.

On the scalp. The first stage of treatment for lichen includes disinfection of the affected skin and hair. For this purpose, medicinal solutions based on iodine or alcohol are used. Yodicirin, vocadine, nitrofungin.

Vokadin. This is a medicinal solution based on iodine, which has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. Vocadine is applied to the affected areas of the scalp before application antifungal ointments. The product should not be used for thyroid disorders, children under 6 years of age, or pregnant women.

. This product is a complete antifungal solution. Nitrofungin can be used as an independent remedy for ringworm, or in combination with other ointments. Lubricate the affected areas several times a day, treatment lasts 4-6 weeks.

The medications described below can be used on all areas affected by ringworm. They are thicker, but despite the difficulty of application, they are effective against fungi and on the scalp.

Lamisil. This is an antifungal agent that has proven itself in the treatment of ringworm, red flat and other types of lichen. The active ingredient is terbinafine. Monitor the dosage of the drug: every day you need to apply the ointment in the morning and evening. The use of Lamisil is not recommended for children under 6 years of age.

Sulfuric ointment. The drug has a disinfecting effect. Used successfully to treat lichen. Sulfur ointment has no contraindications. Usually, before applying this product to the affected area, it is necessary to treat it with an iodine solution.

Salicylic ointment 2% or 3%. This is an antiseptic that must be used 1-2 times a day. Doctors do not recommend treating facial skin with salicylic ointment, as there may be consequences in the form of lighter areas of the skin.

Exifin. Antifungal cream that can be used during pregnancy. Apply a thin layer to clean, dry skin 2 times a day. This ointment has practically no contraindications, but before using exifin for children under 1 year of age, consult your doctor.

Treatment is not limited to the use of external agents. It is also necessary to take antifungal drugs in tablets for comprehensive treatment of the disease.

Ointments for lichen planus

Treatment for lichen planus depends on the symptoms and extent of the lesion. There are many forms of the disease, including its manifestations on the mucous membrane of the mouth and genital organs. Manifestations of lichen on the skin are treated comprehensively. For external use, mainly hormonal ointments are used.

Prednisolone ointment 0.5%. Corticosteroid ointment, which is used for autoimmune diseases, including with lichen planus. The treatment must be applied 3 times a day. After applying the ointment, do not use bandages or heat the affected area.

It is used for adults for 12-14 days, for children – up to 7 days. Prednisolone ointment should not be used by pregnant women or women who are breastfeeding.

Flucinar. This corticosteroid drug is effective for the symptoms of lichen planus. For adults, apply to the affected area 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 14 days. Children over 2 years of age are allowed to use the ointment once a day. It is prohibited to apply the product to the face of children under 14 years of age. Flucinar should not be used during pregnancy up to 12 weeks and in children under 2 years of age, as well as during the post-vaccination period.

. This hormonal drug relieves the symptoms of lichen planus, eliminates itching and redness. The course of treatment lasts up to 14 days. It is necessary to apply the drug 1 to 3 times a day.

The application of this ointment against ringworm is contraindicated on large areas of the skin, as well as on very sensitive places: skin folds, face. Sinaflan should not be used during pregnancy.

Fluorocort. Hormonal ointment, which is used to treat adults, children and pregnant women (after consultation with your doctor). For adults, the course of treatment is prescribed by a doctor, usually lasting 10-12 days. Fluorocort can be applied under a bandage to the affected area. To treat children from lichen planus, bandages with ointment cannot be used and the course of treatment should not last more than 5 days.

Sulfur ointment is also used to treat the warty form of lichen planus.

The course of treatment consists not only of external drugs, but also of immunosuppressants, vitamins, and oral hormonal drugs if necessary.

Ointments for shingles

This disease is caused by a herpes virus that attacks nerve endings. Rashes and papules with liquid appear on the skin along the costal nerves, which eventually turn into crusts. Treatment of skin manifestations of herpes zoster is carried out with external drugs: gossypol, acyclovir, micogal.

. For shingles, apply to skin 3-4 times a day. This dosage is used for children from 2 years of age and for adults. If there is a need to prescribe acyclovir to a child under 2 years of age, the dosage is determined by the doctor.

During pregnancy, the use of this ointment is possible only after consultation with a doctor. Contraindications for acyclovir: individual intolerance.

Gossypol. Available in the form of liniment. The drug must be applied to areas affected by the herpes virus 3-4 times a day. Contraindications to the use of gossypol are individual intolerance to the drug.

Mikogal. Cream with the active substance ocomonazole. Used for adults and children over 5 years old. Apply to affected skin 1-2 times daily. Do not use this remedy for shingles on too large areas of skin. If you are pregnant, consult your doctor about whether micogal can be used. After applying the cream, do not apply bandages to the affected skin.

Ointments for pityriasis versicolor

This fungal disease has many other names: multicolored, beach dermatosis, spotted dermatosis. The fungus, the causative agent of lichen, affects the upper layer of the skin, reducing the production of melatonin in the cells. As a result, the skin on the affected areas becomes “spotty”: dark areas alternate with light spots on the skin.

Treatment of pityriasis versicolor is carried out with antifungal ointments. In neglected and difficult cases diseases, oral antimycotic drugs are prescribed. Let's consider which external means are most effective for lichen maculis.

. The active ingredient is ketoconazole. The cream must be applied to damaged areas of the skin 1-2 times a day. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease. Nizoral cream can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. There is also Nizoral shampoo, which can be used if the disease affects the scalp.

Zalain. The active ingredient is sertaconazole. Zalain is used 1-2 times a day, rubbing the anti-lichen ointment into the affected areas. In this case, it is necessary to go beyond the contours of the spots by several centimeters to prevent the spread of the fungus. You can use the ointment until all symptoms of the disease disappear, plus 10-12 days after that for prevention. Pregnant women and nursing mothers, as well as children under one year of age, should be prescribed the drug by a doctor.

Dermazol. The drug is available in the form of cream and shampoo. For pityriasis versicolor, both forms of medication are used effectively, depending on the location of the disease on the body. Dermazol cream is used 2 times a day. Treatment lasts approximately 14-20 days. If dermatosis appears on the scalp, you must use Dermazol shampoo every day for five or six days. Both cream and shampoo can be used during pregnancy and lactation.

Lamisil. An antifungal agent that has been successfully used to treat versicolor. See ringworm.

Triacutan. A complex drug that consists of several active ingredients: clotrimazole has an antifungal and antibacterial effect, gentamicin has an antimicrobial effect, betamethasone dipropionate relieves itching and inflammation. Triacutan is applied to the skin 2 times a day every 12 hours. Use the product for 3-4 weeks. The use of ointment is contraindicated for pregnant women and breastfeeding.

Modern drugs for lichen are quite effective. The effectiveness of treatment is enhanced if it is comprehensive. The most effective ointments for the treatment of lichen in humans should be selected based on the exact diagnosis, causes of the disease and associated problems. If after 2-3 weeks of treatment you do not see a positive result, consult your doctor to clarify the diagnosis of lichen and additional tests.

However, in the course of numerous studies, doctors have found that pityriasis rosea can develop against the background of chronic stress and decreased immunity. In addition, metabolic disorders and seasonal manifestations, disorders of the digestive tract and bites of various insects contribute to its appearance.

Moreover, this number may include fleas, lice and bedbugs. Therefore, an ointment for lichen in people must be chosen, taking into account all these factors and isolating the most important one from them.

Treating a symptom of a systemic disease without understanding its causes is practically useless.

Ringworm is a fairly common disease characterized by special symptoms: the skin changes, the rash localizes and peels off.

Existing types of lichen

Affects both animals and people a large number of various types of lichen, mainly fungal (mycotic) in nature. Among them, the most common are the following:

Ringworm affects the scalp, causing hair to become brittle and fall out in patches. Less commonly affects nails.

Pityriasis rosea looks like a scattering of pinkish spots on the body that are not itchy.

Lichen planus forms a small rash on the chest, back and abdomen, on the folds of the arms and legs. It is characterized by severe itching, creates discomfort and inconvenience.

Pityriasis versicolor is caused by fungi and is characterized by the formation of scaly patches.

Shingles stands somewhat apart from other types, as it is caused by the herpes virus, and not by fungi.

There are many more different types of lichen, but they are much less common than those listed.

Important! For proper treatment of the disease, it is very important to accurately determine its nature. Sometimes the type of treatment that is ideal for one type of lichen is completely useless or even harmful for another.

At different types diseases, various medicines are used for lichen in humans in the form of ointments. Conventionally, they can be divided into antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial (used in the development of a skin bacterial infection), antihistamine and hormonal. Choosing a topical remedy on your own is extremely unsafe. You should definitely consult your doctor about what to apply for ringworm. Find out more more funds, which are used to treat lichen in humans.

The presented video material discusses the treatment of lichen with folk remedies and describes what the symptoms of different types of lichen may look like. The choice of basic treatment methods should be based on the doctor’s instructions, however, to eliminate itching and pain, it is quite acceptable to use effective folk recipes that do not have side effects.

Tubular lichen is expressed by a fungal infection of the skin layers. This form of the disease does not pose a danger to humans. However, such rashes significantly reduce the patient’s quality of life. The spots are treated with ointments, creams and tablets. Traditional medicine is used for a speedy recovery.

How to cure lichen in humans at home using effective folk recipes:

  1. Grind fresh sorrel (100 grams), add sour cream or heavy cream (25 grams). Apply the resulting composition to the affected areas of the body before going to bed. The course of treatment is ten days.
  2. The plant St. John's wort effectively fights tubular lichen. Buy a medicinal collection. Mix (1 part) St. John's wort with a quarter of Vaseline. The ointment is applied to the stains for 30 minutes, then washed off with warm water. Duration of therapy is seven days.
  3. Place burdock root (100 grams), calendula flowers (8-10 pieces), hop cones (12-14 pieces) in an iron container. All ingredients should be crushed, add 250 grams of water and boil for 15-25 minutes. After the broth has cooled, strain, add licorice root (100 grams) and the same amount of petroleum jelly. Use the resulting ointment to lubricate the rashes. Application is made in the morning and evening, for 25-35 minutes.

Do not forget that therapy with folk recipes alone will not give the desired result. The use of external, systemic, antifungal drugs is simply necessary!

How to treat lichen in children

For pityriasis rosea, corticosteroid ointments are prescribed; they help relieve itching and irritation. What ointment to use for pityriasis rosea?

Pityriasis rosea in humans treated with Akriderm ointment

This ointment must be used twice a day, applying it to damaged areas of the skin. The duration of treatment is individual. If there is no improvement after two weeks, it is necessary to change the treatment regimen.

The product should not be used by children under two years of age, with tuberculosis, skin manifestations of syphilis, chicken pox, or open wounds.

Sulfur ointment for pityriasis rosea

This ointment prevents the development of microbes. In addition, it reduces inflammation. It must be applied 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment lasts until the lichen spots are completely eliminated. Often sulfur ointment is combined with salicylic acid and birch tar.

Salicylic ointment for pityriasis rosea on the body

This remedy has antiseptic, drying, and anti-inflammatory properties. It is applied twice a day to damaged areas of the skin.

It must be used until complete healing. Usually, after a couple of days, the lichen spots turn pale and blend in color with the skin.

The drug, despite its effectiveness, is very affordable.

This ointment should not be used in the treatment of children under 1 year of age, with renal failure and hypersensitivity.

Sinaflan ointment for pityriasis rosea

Sinaflan is used in the treatment of pink and red lichen planus. This remedy can be used to treat children from 2 years of age. The ointment is used in several courses of 1 week.

Zinc ointment for pityriasis rosea

The ointment has an anti-inflammatory and drying effect. Promotes skin regeneration, quickly eliminates traces of lichen. Its undoubted advantage is low price. The product should be applied to the skin quite often - up to 6 times a day.

Uniderm ointment for pityriasis rosea

The drug has anti-inflammatory and antipruritic properties. It should be applied once a day.

This ointment can also be used for small children. The following diseases are contraindicated: tuberculosis, syphilis, fungal and bacterial infections.

This ointment should not be used for a long time during pregnancy and lactation.

Treatment of pityriasis rosea with Clotrimazole ointment

The principle of action of the ointment is to disrupt the vital activity of fungi and destroy their membrane. Apply this product to previously cleansed skin.

It is applied in a thin layer and rubbed in twice a day. The course of treatment is quite long, usually lasting from 3 to 4 weeks.

Side effects include swelling, blistering, and redness.

You can use Gistan ointment for pityriasis rosea

Gistan ointment is used to treat inflammation and itching in dermatoses. You can also use this ointment against pityriasis rosea. The product must be used once a day. The course of treatment can last from a week to a month. If no improvement is visible after two weeks, treatment should be stopped.

Today in the pharmacy you can find many ointments containing hormones and antifungal components to eliminate the symptoms of lichen on the patient’s skin. The ointment against lichen is aimed at the disappearance of the main causative agent of the disease, first of all it destroys protein synthesis in its cells, due to which, after a fairly short period of time, the death of the pathogenic microorganism and its spores can be observed.

The following ointments are very popular:

  1. Flucinar and Sinalar are considered very effective. Under no circumstances should you use such medications on your own. The thing is that some hormonal ointments for lichen are completely unsuitable for treating one type of this disease, but can only be used to eliminate the symptoms of another type.
  2. Mycozolon, Clotrimazole and Terbinafine. These medications contain tar and salicylic acid. Despite their high effectiveness, such ointments have some side effects (itching, severe burning and red spots on the skin). Often, such unpleasant sensations disappear very quickly on their own, without requiring discontinuation of the medications used. In cases where side effects persist for quite a long time, you should immediately make an appointment with a specialist.
  3. No less effective are ointments based on corticosteroid hormones. They are usually prescribed for chronic skin lesions. Also, ointments with hormones are used when any concomitant ailments are detected. They have excellent anti-inflammatory properties and help quickly get rid of unpleasant itching and redness.
  4. Often, to treat the above disease, doctors prescribe sulfur ointment to the patient, which has an excellent antiseptic effect. Active ingredient of this medicine is sulfur. Before using it, diseased areas of the body must be treated with salicylic alcohol, which is used to dry the skin. The skin should be treated with this drug at least 2 times a day. The course of treatment most often lasts about 10 days. If sulfur ointment is used to treat pityriasis rosea, then before applying it, the skin should be treated with iodine. This procedure is best done before bedtime.

When using ointment for lichen for a person, you must strictly follow all the doctor’s instructions. For example, before starting such a procedure, it is very important to thoroughly wash the affected areas of the body with warm water and soap.

After this, apply a little medicinal product to clean skin and rub it in until completely absorbed. In most cases, experts recommend using such medications at least 2-4 times a day.

If you find a rash on your body that looks like lichen, you should immediately consult a dermatologist. When figuring out how to cure lichen in a person, you first need to establish its specific type.

Each type of this disease is characterized by different rashes. They can affect any part of the body (face, neck, arms, legs) and are the size of a pinhead or slightly larger, have a white, pink or red color, and a scaly or smooth surface.

It is difficult to determine the type of lichen from a photo from the Internet, because even the most experienced dermatologist is not always able to recognize it one by one appearance skin lesions.

This may require laboratory tests to identify the causative agent. Only after the type of infection has been accurately determined can a suitable remedy for lichen be selected.


This type of disease is one of the simplest and most treatable. It often goes away on its own within 6–8 weeks after the first rash appears.

Patients prone to allergic reactions are prescribed antihistamines.


To get rid of shingles, it is necessary to suppress the activity of its causative agent. This requires the use of antiviral drugs such as Acyclovir and Famciclovir.

To reduce pain in areas of rashes, ganglion blockers are indicated: “Gangleron”, “Pirilene”. To quickly eliminate stains, use an anti-lichen ointment for humans, such as Zovirax or Epigen.


This type of lichen (variegated, colored, flowering or pityriasis versicolor) is a fungal disease. It is treated with local and oral antifungal drugs: Nizoral, Fluconazole, Ketoconazole, Fungoterbin, Lamisil, Itrazol, Irunin.

In addition to drug therapy, ultraviolet irradiation sessions can be used.

red flat

This type of lichen develops due to immune, metabolic and neurotic pathologies. Only a doctor can choose how to treat such lichen in a person, since treatment methods are established strictly individually.

The patient may be prescribed antibiotics, antihistamines, immunomodulatory and sedatives, and vitamin complexes.


This type of infection in medicine is called microsporia. How to treat ringworm in humans? Antifungal agents are prescribed for oral administration (Griseofulvin, Terbinafine), and ointments with a similar effect (Clotrimazole, Bifonazole) are prescribed for lubricating spots.

When treating advanced forms of lichen microsporia, local hormonal drugs can be prescribed.

Antifungal, antihistamine and antiviral agents appropriate for the child’s age are used for treatment. Only a doctor can select these medications, as well as a special anti-lichen ointment for children.

Incorrectly chosen products can provoke residual pigmentation on the skin, neuralgia and other complications, so you should not self-medicate.

Anna, 28 years old, treated her son’s lichen with ioddicerin: she started lubricating it as soon as small spots appeared, so they did not have time to grow. As prescribed by the doctor, we took antifungal tablets for several days, and the disease quickly subsided.

Additionally, I asked our pediatrician to choose a course of vitamins to improve the functioning of the immune system and not catch such an infection again.

Victoria, 23 years old After a cold, pityriasis rosea suddenly appeared. The dermatologist said not to put anything on the spots and wait until everything goes away on its own.

I didn’t touch the rashes, I tried to change clothes more often, but wash less often and without a washcloth, because I read that it’s easy to spread them all over my body. After about 3 weeks, the spots actually became smaller, and after a couple of weeks they disappeared completely.

Olga, 30 years old, treated ringworm with iodine, zinc ointment and an aqueous solution of salicylic acid. There was no particular effect, and I was advised to treat the ringworm on my head with Yam ointment.

I rubbed it in 2 times a day, after a week I noticed improvements, although at first I doubted the result, since this ointment is for animals. I used it for another week and got rid of all the crusts.

Pityriasis rosea is the mildest lichen infection. It is characterized by a minimal degree of infectiousness to others. It is believed that such lichen combines infectious and allergic form. Often the disease goes away without treatment. Therapy comes down to eliminating symptoms and primary treatment.

Basic help comes down to:

The spot from pityriasis rosea is treated with Tsindol mash (sold at the pharmacy).

Ointments for lichen are sometimes used:

  1. Sulfur-salicylic acid – has bactericidal, drying, anti-inflammatory properties. It will relieve irritation and reduce inflammation. Will have an antimicrobial effect. The course of application is up to 10 days. Lubricate the affected areas 2 times a day. To enhance the effect, you can apply a bandage.
  2. Sulfur-tar is also an effective ointment for pityriasis rosea and has the same properties. The application scheme is similar to the previous one.
  3. Olethethrin is a rapid-acting antibacterial agent. Most often it is prescribed for lichen. In humans, pityriasis rosea then occurs in more mild form with minimal complications.

If simple pityriasis rosea has developed into complicated pityriasis rosea, ointments with steroid hormones. For example, Flucinar. They actually bring immediate relief. Many doctors are categorically against such a strong effect, believing that this lichen is better eliminated with less serious drugs.

Any, even a good hormonal cream, has many side effects.

Depending on the type of rash, therapy is prescribed. In most cases it is used drug treatment in combination with traditional medicine.

How to treat lichen in humans at home:

Treatment of lichen in humans at home with iodine is allowed. However, this remedy is not used for all types of dermatoses. Basically, iodine is used in combination with the main therapy.

One of the most common types of the disease can be considered ringworm. Almost eighty percent of children become infected with this form of the disease.

For this diagnosis, ointment and cream formulations are prescribed that actively fight the fungal infection. Basic treatment is complemented by traditional medicine.

Let's look at effective recipes using iodine:

  1. Apply iodine to the affected skin twice a day using a cotton swab. If the plaques increase, treatment is stopped. If lichen has formed on the scalp or the spots exceed one centimeter in diameter, the use of iodine is not permissible.
  2. No less effective is a recipe that uses iodine and a solution of brilliant green. This method against lichen is presented by alternating means. One day iodine is applied, the second day brilliant green is applied. Before performing the procedure, the affected skin is washed and the scales are removed. Apply the solution at least three times a day. Duration of treatment is seven days.

Drug therapy is perfect for children for whom the use of ointments is contraindicated. The use of iodine in combination with tablets and ointments will significantly increase the chance of a quick recovery. This drug destroys the infection and acts directly on the lesion.

To treat lichen on your hands, you need to seek help from a dermatologist. The doctor will conduct an examination, determine the type of illness and prescribe the correct treatment.

If for some reason it is not possible to visit a medical facility, then you can get rid of lichen on your hands using folk methods:

The drug "Miconazole" is one of the most popular and effective antifungal ointments. Since it is the fungus that causes this disease, the fight must be carried out purposefully.

This ointment for lichen in humans contains the active ingredient miconazole. It is used mainly against bran lichen, but will be effective for any of its forms.

The active substance changes the composition of harmful microorganisms, provoking their death. This ointment must be applied twice a day until symptoms disappear completely.

However, before you start using the ointment, you should consult an experienced dermatologist. Some of them have a different view of treatment, and they offer the following scheme.

When it comes to talking about how to treat lichen in humans, ointments are most often chosen from this series. They are highly effective, but we must remember that this issue should be resolved by the attending physician, and not by the pharmacist at the nearest pharmacy.

Among them we can highlight the Hydrocortisone gel. This is a drug that provides a complex effect and provides an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves itching and reduces swelling.

In addition, Lorinden A, a steroid with salicylic acid, is often prescribed. It also effectively relieves itching and swelling, reduces flaking, eliminates inflammation and inhibits allergies.

Next on the list is Sinalar, a drug that combines antibacterial components and a glucocorticoid that relieves itching, inflammation and swelling.

Finally, it is necessary to note the drug “Flucinar” - this is a hormonal medication that quickly relieves allergies, relieves itching and solves the problem of peeling lesions.

To eliminate the symptoms of lichen, not only ointments can be used, but also other equally effective drugs for this disease:

  1. Nitrofungin is a very effective liquid that has an antifungal effect against trichophytosis. The main substance of Nitrofungin is chloronitrophenol.
  2. Suprastin and Cetrin are tablets that can be used when lichen is detected. It should be noted that such medications cannot cure the disease or significantly shorten the patient’s recovery time. The tablets will only help eliminate the unbearable itching, which causes quite strong discomfort.
  3. Lamisil is a very popular anti-lichen spray that should be used 2 times a day.
  4. Clotrimazole is a very effective ointment, which, however, cannot be used to treat lichen in children.
  5. Griseofulvin is a tablet used to treat severe ringworm. The dosage of Griseofulvin is calculated based on the age and weight of the patient.
  6. Sulsen is an antifungal paste, the main component of which is disulfide. This remedy is usually used to treat the colored form of this disease. With its help, you can quickly get rid of severe itching and destroy microscopic fungi that cause the development of lichen.
  7. Mycoquet is a very popular shampoo containing selenium sulfide. This remedy is used for lichen on the scalp. Mycoket can also be produced in the form of paste and soap.

Most people faced with this disease prefer to combat its unpleasant symptoms with the help of traditional medicine recipes. Such recipes have long proven themselves only from the best side.

Quite often, various medicinal herbs are used for home treatment of lichen:

  1. You can treat ringworm at home with white mustard cream. To prepare this product, white mustard seeds must be soaked in water and crushed until a thick consistency is formed. The finished cream should be applied to the affected areas several times a day.
  2. For example, the following recipe is very effective: place several walnut leaves in a pan and fill them with cold water. The resulting consistency must be boiled over medium heat for at least 30 minutes under a closed lid. The resulting liquid should be poured into a full bath of water. You must stay in it for at least 30 minutes. After just a few such procedures, the itching will noticeably decrease.
  3. You can easily prepare a very effective garlic vinegar for ringworm on your own: pour 4 peeled cloves of garlic into 500 ml of apple cider vinegar. The resulting consistency should be infused in a dark place for at least 14 days. You need to moisten a clean napkin in the prepared vinegar and apply it to the sore spot. Treatment with this remedy should continue until complete recovery.

Review of various ointments

Today, medicine offers a huge number of methods for treating skin diseases and most of them involve the use of products such as ointment.

In case of viral origin of the disease, the following are used:

  • Acyclovir;
  • Famciclovir;
  • Zovirax;
  • Gerpevir;
  • Herpferon;
  • Vivorax;
  • Bonafton et al.

It is recommended to treat lichen caused by a pathogen such as a fungus with the following ointments:

  • Mycozolon;
  • Miconazole;
  • Mikoket;
  • Clotrimazole;
  • Salicylic ointment;
  • Isoconazole;
  • Lamisil;
  • Bifonazole;
  • Terbinafine;
  • Sulfuric ointment.

Treatment of pityriasis versicolor (pityriasis versicolor), microsporia and trichophytosis can be carried out by applying an anti-fungal ointment containing the active ingredients clotrimazole, terbinafine, ketoconazole or mycoseptin.

The listed substances change the lipid composition of the pathogen cell and block the production of ergosterol. Ointments containing the above substances have a wide range of actions and act against almost all pathogenic fungi, which is especially important in the treatment of lichen versicolor.

When lichen versicolor is localized in the scalp, fungicidal ointments are used.

When a person has ringworm, dermatologists prescribe Exoderil with the main active ingredient – ​​naftifine. This powerful drug is enough to be used once a day. It quickly relieves inflammation and burning on the skin. Also prescribed for tinea versicolor.

Today, this drug is used very rarely, although it used to be quite common. In fact, sulfur ointment for lichen in humans can be used very effectively.

However, sulfur ointment has a number of contraindications, in particular it cannot be used by pregnant women, as well as children under three years of age, since it is toxic and causes irritation.

Pityriasis rosea in children, treatment with ointments is carried out with drugs with natural composition. The active ingredients should include iodine, sulfur, salicylic acid, tar, and sulfur. These substances have an antimicrobial and soothing effect, and do not cause serious allergic reactions.

Before deciding which ointment to apply for pityriasis rosea in a child, consult your doctor.

You should not use folk remedies or self-medicate; such experiments are dangerous in childhood.

If you get pityriasis rosea during pregnancy, it is possible to use complex treatment. In addition to tablets, doctors most often prescribe various ointments. Among them, zinc-based products are considered the safest: zinc ointment, salicylic-zinc paste, Sudocrem with zinc.

As mentioned above, some ointments are intended to treat certain type depriving. Very often, doctors diagnose pink or herpes zoster.

Different types of ointments are used to treat them:

To find an effective remedy for lichen in humans, it is necessary to find out the origin and nature of the disease. Only a doctor can do this, since the external signs of many lichens, and other skin diseases, can be very similar.

For example, an inexperienced person is unlikely to distinguish pityriasis versicolor, psoriasis or eczema by appearance.

An integrated approach is usually used in the treatment of the disease, and a variety of ointments are widely used to eliminate external defects.

Yam ointment for lichen

This remedy is widely used in veterinary medicine, but due to its excellent natural composition it is also excellent for treating skin diseases in humans. They mainly treat ringworm and other trichophytosis, weeping lichen, as well as eczema.

The drug contains tar, salicylic acid, zinc, creolin, lanolin, petroleum jelly, turpentine and sulfur.

Sulfur ointment against lichen

Sulfur has a pronounced antimicrobial and antimycotic effect, therefore it is often used against various types of lichen and other skin defects.

Since this remedy has been used for a very long time, many people have a question about whether sulfur ointment helps with lichen. The effectiveness of this ointment has been tested for years; to enhance it, other healing components are often added to the product, for example, tar, zinc or salicylic acid.

Using zinc ointment for lichen

Perhaps this is the most famous name among ointments for pityriasis rosea. Zinc ointment or paste has a disinfectant, antimicrobial and drying effect, helps dry out weeping or flaky crusts and cleanses the skin. Can be used for various types of lichen and eczema.

The use of salicylic ointment against lichen

Products based on salicylic acid not only kill pathogens, but also help cleanse the skin of crusts, spots and flaky areas.

Salicylic acid has a keratolytic effect, which means it effectively removes flaking skin, restoring its smoothness, cleanliness and health. Often combined with other active substances to enhance medicinal properties.

You can find the causes, symptoms and treatment methods for tinea versicolor in this article http://problemsskin.com/drugie-problemyi-kozhi/kak-vyilechit-tsvetnoy-lishay.html

Clotrimazole ointment for lichen

If you have become infected with a fungal infection and you are interested in the question of which ointment will help with lichen, then the best answer would be Clotrimazole and other specific ointments with a fungicidal effect: Exoderil, Nizoral, Dermazol and many others.

Clotrimazole is excellent for treating ringworm and ringworm and is used as part of complex therapy. Typically applied twice daily.

Vishnevsky ointment against lichen

This old, proven remedy has a natural composition and does a good job of treating weeping and inflamed lichens. Since the ointment contains birch tar and xeroform, it is excellent as an antifungal and anti-inflammatory drug.

Presence in it castor oil also promotes healing, since in folk medicine Castor oil has long been used for the treatment of various skin formations, it even removes warts and papillomas.

Terbinafine ointment for lichen

There are several drugs based on active substance Trebinafine. These are Terbinox, Terbix and Lamisil ointments.

A product with terbinafine is an excellent and effective ointment for tinea versicolor, microsporia, trichophytosis and other types of skin fungal diseases. They are mainly used in complex treatment or as an independent remedy; a doctor’s prescription is required, especially in children.

Important! Do not self-medicate, especially in the case of lichen. By choosing the wrong drug, you can distort and aggravate the course of the disease, make the disease chronic and complicate its treatment in the future. It is better to immediately contact a specialist.

Other ointments used against lichen

Various drugs are widely used to treat mycoses, for example, the effective Miconazole cream, as well as Mycoseptin and other drugs. Ointment for lichen planus with corticosteroid hormones also has a place in treatment, but its use should be strictly as prescribed by a doctor and under his supervision, since various side effects from the use of hormonal drugs are possible.

In addition to pharmaceutical drugs, a series of Sulsen drugs, including a paste with the same name, can be used to treat trichophytosis and seborrhea. Pityriasis rosea responds well to the drug Sangviritrin.

In order to cope with shingles, conventional antimycotic ointments are not suitable. For these purposes, specific antiviral drugs, since such lichen is provoked by the herpes virus. The most commonly used ointments are Acyclovir, Gerpevir and other specialized drugs.

Traditional medicine knows numerous remedies for lichen, made from plant materials and quite effective when used correctly. Basically, these products use the fungicidal properties of birch tar, apple cider vinegar, turpentine, pine or cedar resin. They are used to make various ointments and ointments.

Ointments based on pork lard with the addition of propolis or mumiyo give a good effect. Excellent ointments are also obtained with fresh juice or decoction of celandine. Homemade ointments can be combined with baths, rinses and compresses from decoctions of such medicinal herbs as chamomile, celandine, string, calendula flowers and oak bark. Thick decoctions of these plants can be combined with a Vaseline base and used as ointments.

Important! Remember that homemade ointments can also cause severe allergies, since various plants are used to create them. Before first use, be sure to do an allergy test.

Treatment of lichen can be troublesome, time-consuming and expensive if the disease is neglected. A timely visit to a dermatologist will greatly speed up and simplify this process, and will allow you to get rid of the disease forever without problems and complications.

Shingles is an infectious skin pathology. Caused by the chickenpox virus (Varicella–Zoster virus). The course of the disease is accompanied by a blistering rash localized along the trigeminal and intercostal nerves. Rows of pink blisters are often seen in photographs that illustrate the course of this disease.

Treatment involves the use of analgesics, antispasmodics, as well as treating rashes with antiviral medications (Acyclovir, Panavir, Viru-Merz). To quickly restore the epidermis, use panthenol-containing products (Bepanten, Dexpanthenol).

Pityriasis versicolor (varicolored) is a disease of a fungal nature, so antifungal drugs are the main element of therapy. These include:

  • Fungicides or keratolytics (Dermazol, Clotrimazole, Nizoral, Mycoquet)
  • Zinc-containing products (Mycoseptin, salicylic-zinc preparations)
  • Veterinary ointment Yam BK

Yam BC is an excellent remedy from fungal diseases affecting the surface layers of the epidermis. It can be used to treat not only cats or dogs, but also humans. Thanks to the high concentration of natural antiseptics, such as sulfur, zinc oxide, tar, turpentine, salicylic acid, Yam BK very quickly destroys the fungal shell. At the same time, antimycotics are prescribed to promote skin healing and antiseptics (sulfur-tar ointment). Read the instructions for how many times and how to smear the affected surface.

The course of versicolor versicolor depends on the patient’s age and the state of his immunity, so it is unlikely that you will be able to choose a truly effective remedy on your own. How to treat pityriasis versicolor in humans and what ointments will give best effect the doctor will tell you. That is why the fight against pityriasis spots must begin with a trip to the doctor, and not by studying reviews or photos on medical forums.

To combat ringworm localized on hairy skin, medications are used in the form of sprays, solutions or shampoos. Smooth epidermis is treated with paste-like medications. Most often, patients are prescribed the following ointments for treatment:

  • Salicylic paste. Relieves inflammation, fights fungi. The plaques are smeared with medicine and then covered with a sterile napkin. Not suitable for the treatment of lichen on the face.
  • Sulfur-tar paste. Disinfects and kills fungi. It is applied to the area of ​​inflammation, as well as the adjacent skin.
  • Clotrimazole. Disturbs the synthesis of cell membranes of the pathogen.
  • Lamisil cream. Destroys the protein shell of the mushroom. According to reviews, after 5 days of treatment there is a noticeable improvement in the condition of the skin.
  • YAM BC. Universal ointment. According to reviews, NM allows you to treat domestic cats and humans. Has antiseptic and fungicidal effects.
  • Hormonal creams (Exifin, Mycogel-KMP) are used only under medical supervision and for no longer than 4 weeks.

Lichen planus is quite common in a chronic form. This means that the person is not completely cured. The disease lives in the body constantly and sometimes worsens. The doctor will prescribe a comprehensive treatment of medications for oral administration, vitamins, external ointments and creams. For this complex disease best result They will give you external medications with steroids (hormones).

What ointment can help with red lichen:

  1. Advantan is an effective remedy that will quickly help get rid of lichen. A person using the ointment experiences inflammatory processes and allergic reactions. The ointment can also extinguish pain syndrome, relieve itching and swelling. It is enough to use the drug once a day.
  2. Celestoderm is a product with a hormonal composition. Has antiallergic properties. Relieves inflammation and swelling. Use 2 times a day, if necessary, use up to 6 times a day is acceptable.

How else to treat lichen in humans? In the interval between applying hormonal compositions, you can use sea buckthorn oil (applied to the lichen area on the body) and ointments containing tar.

When using hormonal compositions against lichen on the body, you should remember an important rule.

This type of shingles is caused by the herpes virus. The attending physician will definitely prescribe antiviral medications and, in order to extinguish herpes, will prescribe acyclovir-based medications.

Most popular:

  • Zovirax;
  • Herperax;
  • Acyclovir, etc.

Apply ointments up to 6 times a day. They act on infected cells, which prevents herpes from developing. And help skin heal. You should definitely undergo treatment to the end. Even if you see that the symptoms have gone away.

For people helping someone with shingles, it is highly recommended to use disposable gloves to avoid infection. Procedures should be carried out cotton swab, which must be thrown away after applying the ointment.

If the disease is severe, then ointments with corticosteroids must be used:

These ringworm medications can be addictive in humans. They also have many side effects. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the dosage and course of use prescribed by the doctor.

Shingles often occurs severe pain neuralgic in nature. Then ointments with pain relief are prescribed. For example, Ketoprofen and others. They are used several times a day, rubbed into the lichen spot.

For treatment cutaneous lichen for herpes type, Panavir gel is sometimes prescribed.

The drug has not only an antiviral effect, but also an immunomodulatory one.

Today, there are a huge number of different drugs that can quickly and effectively cope with any type of skin ailment. One of the most common methods of treating lichen is ointment.

It is able to eliminate all fungi and viruses that actively affect the source of inflammation.

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