Anococcygeal pain syndrome or coccydynia: symptoms and treatment in women, ways to relieve painful symptoms. Coccydynia Can coccydynia exist without pain?

Coccygodynia - anococcygeus pain syndrome- this is a polyetiological symptom complex, which is represented by various types of pain in the coccyx area, anus or perineum.

The pain can have varying durations, in some cases they bother the patient for several years, they can be continuous or paroxysmal, aggravated by pressure on the tailbone, walking, straining, sitting, and they can also suddenly disappear. They cannot be explained in terms of concomitant gynecological or urological pathologies, spondylosis or osteochondrosis. Pain sensations can be different - dull, stabbing, radiating to the lower abdomen, perineum, thigh, buttocks, etc. In some cases, it is not possible to determine their exact location, and patients complain of pain in the rectal area, a burning sensation and heaviness in the area coccyx, as well as constant discomfort in this area.

Only traumatic anococcygeal pain syndrome is distinguished separately when the cause of its development is direct trauma.


Causes of coccydynia

There are many reasons that contribute to the development of coccydynia, often diagnosing them requires a lot of time and effort. The main causes of anococcygeal pain syndrome are:

  • consequences of injury (bruise or fracture of the coccyx), which could have occurred long before the manifestations of coccydynia;
  • bone changes in this area;
  • sitting on the toilet for a long time;
  • dysfunction of the neuromuscular system in the perineum and the entire pelvic floor;
  • prolapse of the perineum;
  • psycho-emotional stress;
  • difficult labor;
  • pathologies of the bone column with pronounced neurological symptoms;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • surgical interventions on the anus, causing deformation of the anus and scarring;
  • diseases of the rectum, even if they are cured (proctitis, paraproctitis, anal fissure, hemorrhoids, sigmoiditis, etc.);
  • bowel disorders (frequent constipation or diarrhea).

Classification of coccydynia

The classification of coccydynia implies the presence of two types of this disease:

  • primary coccydynia, the cause of development is direct injury to the coccyx;
  • secondary coccydynia has many etiological factors (proctological, urological, gynecological pathologies, etc.).

This form includes two subtypes:

  1. anorectal pain ( painful sensations in the area of ​​the perineum, buttocks, anus and rectum);
  2. proctalgia (pain spreads mainly along the rectum).

Symptoms of coccydynia

Anococcygeal pain syndrome combines a combination of the following symptoms:

  • pain in the coccygeal region (direct coccydynia);
  • anorectal pain (pain in the anus), which can be of varying duration, can appear suddenly and also disappear suddenly, occur at any time of the day or without visible reasons. The pain can be of any nature, be sharp or dull, stabbing, cutting, cramping, throbbing or constant. Also anorectal pain with this syndrome characterized by irradiation to the sacrum, thigh or gluteal region.

Symptom of proctalgia

Proctalgia (pain in the rectum) is characterized by an unexpected appearance, usually at night, lasting about 15-30 minutes, after which a period of relief begins. There may be quite long intervals between such attacks. In some cases, the pain is accompanied by cramps in the intestines. Pain in the perineum in men can provoke the development of priapism (pathological persistent painful erection). Sometimes sexual intercourse provokes an attack of anorectal pain. Often acute period Anococcygeal pain syndrome is associated with the presence of general neurovegetative symptoms - sweating and pallor of the skin.

The location of coccydynia is the coccyx area, the severity of pain increases when pressing on it or when walking. Often, determining the location of pain is quite problematic and difficult to diagnose, while patients complain of pain in the rectum, discomfort, burning sensation and heaviness in the coccyx area.

Anorectal neuralgia

With anorectal neuralgia, diffuse pain develops in the anal region, in some cases radiating to the thigh, buttocks and vagina. Such phenomena often occur in postmenopausal women and can be accompanied by various neurological and neurasthenic pathologies (neuroses, depression, hypochondria).

Often anococcygeus syndrome is neurogenic in nature. Many patients associate long-term pain with deadly pathologies; such patients often develop an obsessive fear of cancer; they require specialists to conduct a thorough and as complete examination as possible, as well as surgical treatment.

Diagnosis of coccydynia

The diagnosis of this disease is established on the basis of anamnesis, examination of the patient and a series of laboratory and instrumental studies. In order to exclude other pathologies, differential diagnosis, pathologies with similar manifestations include:

  • haemorrhoids;
  • anal fissure;
  • sciatica (inflammation of the sciatic nerve);
  • lumbosacral radiculitis;
  • paraproctitis.

Only after excluding these pathologies and performing other studies can the doctor make a diagnosis of anococcygeus pain syndrome. The patient examination package includes:

  • general examination;
  • digital examination of the rectum;
  • sigmoidoscopy;
  • anoscopy;
  • ultrasound examination of organs abdominal cavity;
  • irrigography.

Patients also have their blood drawn for clinical analysis. Women are required to gynecological examination, because the cause of pain may be hidden precisely in pathologies of the female reproductive system, especially for women who have experienced difficult childbirth.

Finger examination

Using a digital rectal examination, the doctor can detect pathological changes rectal walls, which are characteristic of hemorrhoids, papillitis, chronic proctitis, this makes it possible to assess the condition of the sacrococcygeal joint, as well as the coccyx itself. Besides, this study helps determine the presence of muscle spasm and the presence of pain during palpation of the pelvic floor.

Sigmoidoscopy and anoscopy

Sigmoidoscopy and anoscopy allow the doctor to see and study in detail all defects in the walls of the rectum, as well as detect diseases such as tumors, polyps, anal papillae, and internal hemorrhoids.


Irrigography is also a method of examining the rectum, but it is based on the use of radiopaque agents and X-rays. This method also allows you to identify neoplasms and other pathological deformations of the rectum. In order to exclude pathologies of the coccyx, X-ray examination is used (except in cases where the use of X-rays is strictly contraindicated). On the x-ray you can see traces of fractures, cracks and dislocations.

Electrophysiological study

One of the important studies in identifying anococcygeus syndrome is an electrophysiological study of the rectal sphincter and the condition of the pelvic floor muscles. This study is carried out to exclude muscle spasms in this area.


Ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity makes it possible to diagnose the condition of organs, to exclude concomitant pathology, and also evaluate intestinal motility.

To diagnose this disease, other specialists are often involved - a urologist, gynecologist, andrologist. If no other diseases can be identified, and a symptom complex exists, the doctor can make a diagnosis - anococcygeus pain syndrome. Particular attention is paid to the psycho-emotional state of the patient, because there is a high probability that the cause of anococcygeus pain syndrome is a mental imbalance.

Treatment of coccydynia

The basis for the success of treatment of coccydynia, like many other diseases, is competent diagnosis and the correctness of the diagnosis. The set of measures for the treatment of anococcygeus pain syndrome includes the use of etiological therapy (elimination of the factor that provoked the syndrome), pathogenetic treatment (elimination of the mechanisms of development of the pathology) and symptomatic therapy(elimination of pain and discomfort).

Treatment tactics for coccydynia include the use of physiotherapeutic methods, such as UHF, ultrasound, low-frequency laser therapy, x-ray therapy, mud therapy, and dynamic current.

To eliminate pain, microenemas, suppositories, neuroblockades and anti-inflammatory drugs are used locally. Massage makes it possible to relieve muscle spasms. In some cases, treatment by a psychiatrist is necessary.

Analgesic methods

Today in medical practice Special attention focuses on eliminating pain. Different countries practice the organization of diverse institutions, the main task of which is the treatment of pain, including pain of unknown origin. As a rule, it is preferable to eliminate pain without using narcotic drugs: are used local anesthetics, blockades nerve fibers novocaine, peloidotherapy (hot mud applications). Cortisone blockades, which were widely used in the past, are practically not used today, since they have lower effectiveness and are poorly tolerated by patients.

Treatment of psychogenic anococcygeal pain syndrome

If it turns out that anococcygeus pain syndrome is psychogenic in nature, fairly good results are obtained by administering a placebo. In the presence of depression, increased anxiety or other neurotic pathologies, treatment of coccydynia with the use of drugs is indicated central action(tranquilizers, sedatives, neuroleptics, etc.), as well as psychotherapeutic techniques.

Surgical interventions

In some cases of traumatic coccydynia, surgery (removal of the coccyx) is recommended. If the coccyx is completely or partially torn off due to injury, resection of the coccyx is performed. If there are no such indications, surgical intervention will be inappropriate. Surgical interventions can only be performed if trauma is the cause of coccydynia.

Prognosis for coccydynia

Anococcygeal pain syndrome is very difficult to cure, since it is quite difficult to determine the etiological factors influencing its development, and it often has a pronounced psychopathological component. But still, with an integrated approach, correct and thorough examination of the patient, it is possible to select appropriate treatment tactics and free the patient from this disease.

Anococcygeal pain syndrome is not associated with deadly pathologies of the pelvic organs, spinal bones and perineum; it also does not lead to the development of somatic complications and cannot be the cause fatal outcome. But still, coccydynia causes great discomfort and worsens the patient’s quality of life, so it cannot be ignored; patients need to be patient and go through full examination and follow all recommendations of the attending physician.

Coccydynia is a pathology characterized by the appearance of continuous or paroxysmal pain in the area of ​​the coccyx, intestines or anus. The name of the disease comes from two ancient Greek words: “koktsis” (“coccygeal bone”) and “odine” (“pain”). In modern medical practice, terms such as coccyalgia and anococcygeal pain are used to denote pain syndrome localized in the sacrococcygeal area.


Causes of coccydynia

There are two forms of coccialgia:

  • primary (caused by direct damage to the coccyx);
  • secondary (developing against the background of proctological and urological diseases).

Factors that provoke the occurrence of coccydynia are:

  • injuries (most often a fall from a height onto the back or buttocks, swipe in the coccyx area);
  • aging of the body and the accompanying weakening of muscles and ligaments in the perineal area;
  • severe stool disorders (chronic constipation, prolonged diarrhea);
  • inflammatory damage to muscle tissue and nerves in the pelvis or perineum;
  • some diseases of the pelvic organs (hemorrhoids, pelvic bone fractures, prostatitis, paraproctitis, anal fissures and others);
  • scarring of tissue in the area anal passage caused by injuries or surgical interventions;
  • difficult, traumatic childbirth;
  • low mobility;
  • professional activities associated with prolonged sitting (the work of a driver, pilot, dispatcher, office worker, etc.);
  • the habit of staying in the toilet for a long time, prolonging the act of defecation;
  • stressful situations, mental or emotional stress.

Consequences and complications of coccydynia

So, what is the danger of coccydynia? It has been established that anococcygeus pain syndrome can lead to mass adverse consequences for the body. In the absence of complete and competent treatment, coccialgia becomes a factor provoking the development of the following pathological conditions:

  • general exhaustion of the body, noticeable weakening of immune forces;
  • mental disorders;
  • priapism (prolonged erection not caused by sexual arousal and accompanied by pain);
  • impotence;
  • urinary disorders.

That is why it is so important to diagnose the pathological process on initial stages its development and promptly begin therapeutic measures.

Coccydynia: symptoms and signs

The main signs of coccydynia are:

  • severe pain syndrome;
  • chronic constipation (stool disorders occur against the background of pain accompanying the act of bowel movement);
  • a noticeable change in gait (slowing down the pace of walking, avoiding unnecessary movements that can provoke increased pain);
  • psychological problems (depression, increased irritability, sudden changes moods, etc.) arising against the background of debilitating pain.

Most often, the pain associated with coccyalgia is permanent and persists for several months. At the same time, pain may occur periodically, without an obvious reason or under the influence of provoking factors (after bowel movements, physical activity, prolonged sitting, sexual intercourse, etc.). The pain syndrome that accompanies the development of coccydynia intensifies with pressure on the tailbone and can radiate to the genital area, perineum, buttocks, intestines, or to the front of the thigh.

Treatment of coccydynia

Coccydynia is a disease that is difficult to treat. That is why modern medicine uses comprehensive scheme combating the manifestations of this pathology. Along with etiological treatment aimed at eliminating the cause that triggered the development pathological process, the following therapy methods are used:

  • complete or partial immobilization of the affected area (limitation of movements of the sick person);
  • drug treatment (including novocaine blockades);
  • carrying out physiotherapeutic activities;
  • use of methods and means of alternative medicine;
  • physical therapy classes;
  • manual therapy (back massage using a specially developed technique);
  • obtaining consultation from a psychologist or psychotherapist (in cases where there is reason to suspect that the patient has certain mental disorders that have arisen as a result of the disease);
  • placebo (in case of psychogenic pain);
  • surgical intervention.

Let's look at some therapeutic techniques in more detail.

Drug treatment of coccydynia

Drug treatment of coccyalgia includes the use of the following groups of drugs:

  • painkillers (medicines intended for oral administration, and local anesthetics);
  • anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs that can stop inflammatory processes and relieve pain in the affected area;
  • muscle relaxants ( medications having the ability to relax muscles);
  • antidepressants and sedatives used only as prescribed by a doctor if the sick person has neurological disorders or severe mental disorders.

Medicines should be used in strict accordance with the instructions supplied with them or as prescribed by doctors. Uncontrolled use of medications can lead to addiction, development allergic reactions and other adverse effects.

Physiotherapeutic methods for treating coccyalgia

Physical therapy is a key element of a coccydynia treatment program. Most often, the following methods are used to combat anococcygeus pain syndrome:

  • ultrasonic radiation;
  • paraffin applications;
  • laser radiation with reduced intensity;
  • X-ray therapy;
  • rectal darsonvalization;
  • dynamic current.

Besides, effective method The treatment for coccialgia is therapeutic mud therapy.

Treatment of coccydynia at home

The answer to the question of how to treat coccydynia using remedies traditional medicine, we should start with a warning. The use of unconventional methods of therapy can cause adverse consequences for the patient's body. That is why the use of dubious, untested methods and remedies should be resorted to only after obtaining appropriate advice from an experienced herbalist or doctor.

Table 1

Folk remedies for the treatment of coccydynia

Medicine Therapeutic effect Directions for use for coccydynia
Lavender angustifolia flowers Relieves pain Medicinal raw materials are poured sunflower oil(approximately 1:5) and leave in the dark for 45 days. The prepared tincture is rubbed onto the affected areas when the pain intensifies.
Potato sprouts Has an analgesic effect The medicinal raw materials are washed well, poured into a glass container and filled with medical alcohol (1:2). The mixture is infused in the dark for 10 days. The prepared tincture is rubbed on the affected areas daily.
Sprouted wheat grains Improves nutrition of spinal cartilage tissue, strengthens ligaments and bones The medicinal raw materials are wrapped in a clean cloth, filled with cool water and left for a day. The seeds on which green sprouts have appeared are washed with running water and eaten as medicine. The daily dose is 30 g.
Radish juice Relieves pain Freshly squeezed radish juice is combined with honey and vodka in a ratio of 4:2:1. The mixture is taken orally 10 g daily or used to rub the affected areas.
Dog-rose fruit Eliminates inflammatory process An infusion is prepared from medicinal raw materials: 50 g of fruits are poured into 650 ml of boiled water and infused for 35 minutes. The resulting rosehip tea is drunk within 24 hours.

It is important to remember that treatment of coccydynia folk remedies shows the highest effectiveness only in cases where the patient combines it with physiotherapy and drug treatment.

Surgical treatment of coccydynia

Surgical treatment of coccydynia is permissible only if the following indications are present:

  • anococcygeal pain caused by pathological mobility of the coccygeal bone, which was injured in the past;
  • low performance indicators conservative treatment.

The final decision regarding the advisability of carrying out surgical intervention, the doctor accepts. During the operation, the surgeon completely removes the coccygeal bone or truncates it. It should be noted that the coccyx is a vestigial organ, therefore the above surgical interventions do not provide negative influence on the patient's quality of life.

Exercises and gymnastics for coccydynia

The treatment program for coccydynia necessarily includes classes. Patients who regularly perform exercises included in a specially designed complex get the opportunity to:

table 2

A typical set of exercises for coccydynia

Description of the initial position Execution order Number of repetitions
Standing, arms down, legs together Smoothly raise your arms, carefully move one leg back and slightly bend your back. Take the initial pose. Repeat, changing the supporting leg. 4 times
Standing, hands placed on the waist, legs slightly apart Make several circular movements with your pelvis. 7 times
Standing, legs drawn up Bend your leg and pull it with your hands by your thigh to your chest. Make sure that the supporting leg remains straight. Take the original position. 4 times on each leg
Lying down, arms pressed to the body, legs bent and spread Slightly raise your pelvis above the floor surface and hold in the described position for 4 seconds. Take the original position. 8 times
Lying down, hands on hips, legs bent and apart Connect your knees, while overpowering the resistance created by your hands. 7 times
Lying down, hands clasped on the stomach, legs bent Hold the ball in your knees and squeeze it tightly. Stay in the described position for 7 seconds. 6 times
Lying with straight legs Place a rubber ball between your feet and squeeze it tightly. Stay in the described position for 7 seconds. 6 times
Lying down, legs straight Bend your legs slightly, lift them off the ground and touch your toes to the surface of the floor above your head. 7 times
Lying down, legs bent Raise your legs above the floor and imitate riding a bicycle for 10 seconds. Take the original position. 4 times

Prevention of coccydynia

It is easier to prevent any disease than to cure it. This statement in to the fullest also applies to coccydynia. This is why it is so important to follow a few simple recommendations, aimed at preventing anococcygeus pain, namely:

  • learn to sit at the table correctly, pressing your back tightly against the back of the chair, located at a right angle to the seat;
  • prevent injury to the coccyx;
  • promptly begin the fight against diseases that can provoke the development of coccydynia (urological pathologies, hemorrhoids, anal fissures, etc.).

It is also important to remember that self-medication for coccydynia not only does not contribute to the patient’s recovery, but also becomes a factor provoking the development of serious complications. That is why accepting any medicines and the adoption of other measures aimed at treating anococcygeus pain must be agreed with a doctor.

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Coccydynia is a common pathology, the main symptom of which is severe pain developing in the perineum, coccyx and anus. The second name of the disease is anococcygeal pain syndrome. According to statistics, coccydynia most often develops in women aged 40 to 60 years, but it can also occur in other categories of the population.

Classification and reasons for development

According to the international system of disease classification ICD-10, coccydynia does not have a separate code; the pathology is classified as “other dorsopathies”, which is assigned the code M53.3. Anococcygeal pain syndrome comes in two forms, primary and secondary. In the first case, the development of the disease is provoked directly by damage to the coccyx. The secondary form of the disease is characterized various pathologies pelvic organs. In addition, depending on the area of ​​localization of the pain syndrome, coccydynia is divided into:

  • true, in which the lesion is located precisely in the coccyx;
  • anorectal, in this case, pain occurs in the area of ​​the buttocks, perineum and anus;
  • proctalgia, in which the patient feels severe pain in the rectum.

Most often, coccydynia develops under the influence of several factors at once, which is why it is classified as a polytheological pathology. Can provoke the disease various reasons, the most popular of which are the following:

  • mechanical injuries of the coccyx (bruises, fractures)
  • pathology pelvic bones and lower spine
  • stool disorders (chronic, diarrhea)
  • coccyx cysts
  • abnormal development of the pelvic organs
  • adhesions and scars on the pelvic organs, including after surgery
  • inflammatory process in the nerve endings located in the pelvis
  • pathologies of the pelvic organs (proctitis, hemorrhoids, anal fissure)
  • illnesses reproductive system(prostatitis, vulvovaginitis, parametritis)
  • birth injuries.

An additional provoking factor may be overweight, sedentary lifestyle, passion for horse riding and prolapse of the perineum.

Clinical picture

Main clinical sign is a pain syndrome that can radiate to the perineum, anus, sacrum, buttocks and genitals. Most often, the pain is dull, aching in nature and occurs in waves. IN in some cases the pain syndrome is permanent. Increased pain occurs during bowel movements, with prolonged sitting or at night. Against the background of pain syndrome with coccydynia, the following symptoms may develop:

  • hyperhidrosis, worsening during attacks of pain;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • pale skin;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • itching in the tailbone area;
  • autonomic disorders (shortness of breath, tachycardia, high blood pressure);
  • discomfort in the tailbone area;
  • anxiety, restlessness;
  • neurasthenia, neurosis, depression.

Often, pain syndrome provokes a change in gait. In addition, some people associate long-term pain with serious life-threatening illnesses. As a result, cancerophobia (fear of cancer) may develop.

Diagnostic measures

First of all, if coccydynia is suspected, the doctor conducts visual inspection, palpation and collects anamnesis. Then the patient may be prescribed the following types of studies:

  • colonoscopy, allows you to eliminate damage to the walls and intestinal tumors;
  • Ultrasound pelvic organs;
  • MRI, with its help the doctor can assess the condition of the muscular-ligamentous apparatus;
  • x-ray, shows the condition of the vertebrae, but in order to identify changes in the coccyx, this method is ineffective;
  • proctological examination rectum.

Women with anacopcygeus pain syndrome must undergo an examination by a gynecologist. The list of laboratory tests includes general analysis blood and urine, coprogram, stool culture and examination feces for the presence of occult blood.

Treatment methods

To treat coccydynia, specialists such as a psychologist, gynecologist, urologist, traumatologist and andrologist are often involved. Remember, the success of the therapy directly depends on a thorough diagnosis, which allows us to identify the causes that provoked anoccygeus pain syndrome. The treatment regimen for coccydynia consists of a whole range of measures, which includes the following points:

Most often, to cope with the pathology, it is enough to use medications, physiotherapy and special exercises. But in some difficult cases Doctors have to resort to surgery.

Drug therapy

The main task of drugs used for coccydynia is aimed at relieving pain and eliminating the cause that provoked the disease. Drug therapy for anococcygeus pain syndrome may include the following groups drugs:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Voltaren, Diclofenac, Indomethacin);
  • analgesics (Analgin, Ketorol, Sedalgin);
  • sedatives (tincture of motherwort, valerian, Novo-Passit);
  • novocaine blockade; Lidocaine or Kenalog is used as an alternative to Novocaine;
  • at infectious process antibiotics are used in the pelvic organs (Monural, Nolicin, Doxycycline);
  • chondroprotectors, for example, Teraflex, Structum;
  • muscle relaxants (Tizanidine, Mydocalm, Baklosan);
  • For chronic constipation, medications such as Glycelax or Microlax may be prescribed.

As additional treatment patients with coccydynia are prescribed immunostimulating agents (Immunal, Taktivin, Immudon) and vitamin complexes(Nerviplex, Milgamma, Neurobion).


In addition to drug treatment for anococcygeus syndrome, physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed. Some of the most effective for this pathology are:

  1. Mud treatment. The procedures help normalize blood circulation, stop the inflammatory process and reduce pain.
  2. Manual therapy and massage. This effect on the affected area helps eliminate muscle spasms and improves blood circulation.
  3. UHF treatment. Exposure to high-frequency currents helps cope with pain, inflammation and promotes tissue regeneration.
  4. Therapy pulse currents (darsonvalization). Such procedures have a beneficial effect on the nervous and immune system.
  5. Laser treatment. Laser exposure activates blood circulation, eliminates inflammation, strengthens the immune system, and normalizes metabolism.

Special therapeutic baths help normalize blood microcirculation in the body. Besides, water procedures restore the functioning of the immune and nervous systems.

Therapeutic exercises

Special gymnastics is also an integral part of conservative treatment. Exercises can strengthen the pelvic muscles, improve metabolism and strengthen the immune system.

But remember, before you start therapeutic exercises It is important to make sure that coccydynia is not caused by a sprain or fracture of the coccyx, and that there are no other contraindications.

The following exercises will help you cope with anococcygeus pain syndrome:

  1. In a lying position, perform the “bicycle” exercise.
  2. Lying on your stomach, you should raise your arms and legs above the floor and fix your body in this position for 5-10 seconds. Gradually, the time for performing the exercise can be increased.
  3. Lie on your back, spread your legs, and hold a small ball between your feet for 5-10 seconds while squeezing it with all your might. Then relax your body for 30 seconds and repeat the exercise, only this time you should squeeze the ball with your knees.
  4. In a lying position, clasp your knees with your hands and gently pull them towards your chest.

It is important to listen to your feelings while doing gymnastics. If the slightest discomfort occurs, you should immediately stop exercising and consult your doctor.


Therapy with folk remedies is possible only with the permission of a doctor. Traditional medicine can only be used as a complement to traditional treatment, and not as an alternative. You can relieve the symptoms of coccydynia using the following recipes:

  1. Rose hip decoction. The berries of this plant contain a large number of vitamins and microelements. Regular use decoction reduces painful sensations and the inflammatory process.
  2. Suitable for external use potato sprout tincture. To prepare it, the sprouts are chopped with a knife and placed in glass jar volume of 500 ml, so that they fill it 2/3 and fill it with vodka. Close the jar with a lid and leave for 2-3 weeks in a dark, cool place, shaking the contents periodically.
  3. Radish rub with honey. The radish should be grated on a fine grater, squeezed out the juice through cheesecloth and mixed with the same amount of honey. The product is used to rub the tailbone. Radish juice with honey helps eliminate the inflammatory process.

Remember, any of the components of traditional medicine recipes can cause an allergic reaction.


Most often, coccydynia can be treated conservatively, but in some cases, surgical intervention may be required. The following pathologies may be indications for surgery:

  • tumors;
  • diseases of the rectum, for example, hemorrhoids, proctitis;
  • cysts;
  • fracture of the coccyx;
  • fistulas

Typically, during surgery, the affected tailbone is removed, and the spasmed muscles are dissected. As a result of such simple manipulations, the spasm goes away and the pain disappears. But any operations for coccydynia are carried out only if the pain syndrome is caused by injury to the coccyx and others possible reasons pain is completely eliminated.

Treatment of anococcygeus pain syndrome is a rather lengthy process. But with timely consultation with a doctor and an integrated approach to treatment, the prognosis is favorable. Especially in cases where the disease is not associated with serious problems of the pelvic organs and spine.

Coccydynia is a disease in which constant or paroxysmal pain occurs in the coccyx area. Most often, this syndrome occurs in women, due to anatomical structure pelvic bones, special mobility of the tailbone, as well as reproductive function. Treatment of coccydynia is most often required in people aged 40 to 60 years, but cases have also been recorded in the younger generation. Let's take a closer look at the causes of the disease, symptoms and treatment as using medications, and folk remedies.

Causes of the disease

Coccydynia can develop according to various reasons, there are also those that are observed most often. First of all, this disease is associated with problems in the tailbone and nerve plexuses in the sacrum, as well as with injuries. Pain after an injury (fall, blow to the tailbone) can also be caused by damage to soft tissues (scar formation, muscle myositis). This is how coccydynia begins to develop. Symptoms and treatment in women are often associated with diseases of the muscles and nerves of the perineum, postpartum tears, and perineal prolapse. Feature diseases - a large time interval between injury and the onset of pain syndromes. For this reason, people cannot connect the causes of the disease with each other.

Coccydynia, in addition to injuries, can occur when scars appear in the anal area; this may be a consequence of previous operations, constipation or diarrhea. There is a connection with diseases of the internal organs that are located near the coccyx (pelvic bones, rectum).

The pain syndrome develops due to spasm in the muscles of the perineum, and it is also associated with contraction of the ligaments in the pelvis. In its origin, local hypertonicity is not something extremely unusual; it is formed naturally by the development of skeletal muscles. If such hypertonicity is isolated, it is isolated as an independent disease.


Coccydynia is constantly accompanied by periodic dull pain in the buttocks and tailbone. At physical activity In the pelvic area, the pain may intensify. It can disturb the patient for quite a long period while the coccyx is curvature, nerve roots are compressed, muscle and tissue atrophy occurs. There are cases in medicine when an illness after an injury troubled patients for over 15 years.

Rectum, buttocks, lumbar region, top part legs - areas of localization of pain in coccydynia. The symptoms and treatment of the disease are obvious; the tactics of action are selected by a neurosurgeon. Most often patients experience:

  • depression;
  • sleep disturbance, insomnia;
  • pain spreads to neighboring areas;
  • increased sweating;
  • pale skin;
  • anxiety;
  • decreased performance;
  • restlessness;
  • change in gait;
  • discomfort and heaviness in the coccyx area;
  • pain on palpation of the coccyx;
  • decreased physical activity.

Pain occurs when the neural structure of the lower spine is damaged. There is a possibility of neurological complications lower limbs, which leads to complete paralysis and gives impetus to the development of other diseases. Coccydynia can develop over a long period of time and manifest itself some time after injury.


To establish a diagnosis of coccydynia, the clinician must first:

  • Listen to the patient’s complaints, clarify how often symptoms appear.
  • Study the medical history and anamnesis. This will lead you to think about the cause of coccydynia. Symptoms and treatment in women may be related to labor.
  • Conduct a physical examination of the patient. Depending on gender and age - consultation with a gynecologist or urologist.

TO laboratory research relate:

  • blood test (general and biochemistry);
  • Analysis of urine;
  • coprogram.

Instrumental studies will confirm the diagnosis:

  • X-ray of the spine;
  • CT and MRI;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic and abdominal organs.

Which doctor should I contact?

A neurosurgeon usually diagnoses this disease and refers it for examination. If pain is detected in the tailbone (coccydynia), this doctor also prescribes treatment.

If an illness is suspected, a primary examination can be carried out by gynecologists, proctologists, or traumatologists (it all depends on their qualifications). When a diagnosis of coccydynia is made (symptoms and treatment are known to these doctors), the patient is prescribed a course of therapy. If the disease accompanies osteochondrosis, the patient can be referred to a vertebrologist; this specialist deals with pinched nerves (diseases of the neuralgic group). Primary cause gives reason for examination by one or another doctor, in addition to those listed, this could be: a urologist, surgeon, obstetrician-gynecologist, pediatrician, andrologist, neurologist.

Coccydynia: treatment at home

There are many tips that can help you cope with the manifestations of coccydynia at home. It is considered the most effective physiotherapy. A whole therapeutic complex of special exercises has been developed. If symptoms of coccydynia bother you, treatment at home involves the use of special seat pads. They allow you to relieve the load from the tailbone and hip joints. The disease does not worsen in this way.

If you are worried about severe pain, you can use drugs from the diclofenac group. The substance is included in many ointments that relieve pain in the joints and spine.

It should be remembered that it will not be possible to get rid of coccydynia completely at home, because we are talking about degenerative processes in the tailbone itself. Folk remedies for pain relief can only be used in combination with therapy prescribed by a doctor.

Drug treatment

Drug treatment of coccydynia includes the use of those drugs that eliminate the manifestations of pain. For this purpose, injections are prescribed to stop the development of inflammation in the soft tissues, as well as the transmission of pain impulses through the nerve roots. The following drugs are used:

  • "Movalis".
  • "Lidocaine."
  • "Novocaine".

Additionally prescribed for admission:

  • "Diprospan".
  • "Hydrocortisone."

You should not use medications on your own, without a doctor’s prescription, to treat coccydynia. This can only aggravate the course of the disease and cause complications.

Drugs such as Lyrica and Tebantin are also sometimes used in treatment; they can only be purchased with a prescription. They quickly have an analgesic effect, stop exacerbation and inflammation of soft tissues.

How to relieve pain?

When considering a disease such as coccydynia (symptoms and treatment), patient reviews also need to be considered. What do those who suffer from the disease say? How can you relieve pain, which sometimes becomes simply unbearable? Many speak positively about cupping nerve endings using novocaine blockades. The procedure is as follows: a ready-made solution is injected into the area of ​​inflammation, where the neural endings are located, into the joint capsule itself. The effect is very fast, good, but only brings temporary relief. The method can be used at any stage of the disease, at different stages of treatment during exacerbation.

Folk remedies

If coccydynia is established, treatment with folk remedies will help relieve pain. It is worth noting that these methods have an effect in the initial stages of the disease, when pain occurs periodically. In most cases, the given recipes should be combined with medicinal methods.

The following have an analgesic effect:

  • Lotions based on fir oil, lavender, grated raw potatoes.
  • Iodine network.
  • Anesthetic suppositories (based on lidocaine or novocaine).
  • Folk advice often contains a recipe using geranium: you can take baths by adding a decoction of the plant. Compresses with geranium on the sore area also help relieve aggravation.
  • A lot of positive feedback There is information about the use of sea buckthorn suppositories. But it is worth saying that this method facilitates coccydynia in cases where it is caused by rectal fissures, hemorrhoids, previous paraproctitis, and perineal ailments.
  • Eliminating symptoms using potato sprouts: take a glass of potato sprouts, 500 ml medical alcohol. The sprouts should not be more than two centimeters. Rinse them and dry them thoroughly. Place in a jar and pour alcohol. The tincture should be kept in a dark place for ten days. Apply to rub into a sore spot. Drinking is strictly prohibited! There is poison in it. All methods must be agreed upon with your doctor.

When treating coccydynia, rosehip decoction is used to relieve inflammation. A liter of boiling water is poured into 100 g of fruit. No boiling required. Leave for half an hour. Strain the broth and store in the dark at room temperature. Take 100 ml three times a day.

To restore diseased tissue in the tailbone area, aloe dressings are applied. The plant has reparative properties. The aloe leaf is cut from the lower part of the trunk, where it is more fleshy, and the spines are trimmed. Divide the sheet in the middle into two parts. Place on gauze or bandage. The wet side should touch the skin. Secure the compress.

Immunity plays a huge role in the recovery of the body. To strengthen it, it is recommended to consume citrus fruits rich in vitamins C, A, and E every day.

To prevent the development of osteoporosis, you need to include in your diet more fish, which is rich in phosphorus, and also consume dairy products containing calcium.

Physical training

When treating coccydynia, physical exercise is prescribed, but it is important to follow some principles:

  • During an exacerbation of the disease, it is prohibited to perform exercises that are aimed at active mobility of the tailbone.
  • Paravertebral muscle training can only be done in static mode.
  • In the treatment of the disease, it is necessary to make maximum use of exercises that eliminate motor stereotypes.
  • There should be no pain when performing physical movements.

Those exercises that affect the functioning of the hip joints are used directly.

Birch. Starting position - lying on the mat. You can place a soft, comfortable cushion under your lower back. Your legs need to be stretched up, while your back is supported with your hands. The toes should point towards the ceiling. If doing the exercise is difficult at first, you can lean on the wall.

Ball exercise. Squeezing a gymnastic ball. Starting position - on your stomach, spread your legs to the sides. Place the ball between your thighs. You need to squeeze it for 15 seconds, then relax. This exercise is good for training the atrophied muscles of the back and tailbone area.

Boat. Starting position - lying on your stomach. Raise your legs and arms, without bending them, hold for 15 seconds, relax. Increase the time whenever possible. Exercise strengthens the back muscles and abs.


Physiotherapy in the treatment of coccydynia (pain in the tailbone) involves the use of ultrasound and electromagnetic waves. Their effect makes it possible to eliminate tissue defects without surgical intervention. The effect is noticeable when early stages illness. A visit to the physiotherapy room is not considered mandatory, it is in addition to general therapy. These methods make it possible to prevent the development of exacerbations of the disease.


Treatment of coccydynia is not easy. So that the disease does not develop into more severe forms, it is necessary to follow the doctor’s recommendations and carry out preventive measures:

  • lead healthy image life;
  • play sports - strengthen the muscle corset of the lower back, buttocks, back;
  • eat right, consume vitamins, minerals;
  • Perform pelvic examinations annually.

It is very important to get rid of chronic diseases which indirectly or directly lead to coccydynia: paraproctitis, hemorrhoids, osteochondrosis, pinched nerve fibers, flat feet, hallux valgus.