Staphylococcus aureus in breast milk treated by the mother. How to get rid of staphylococcus in breast milk. How staphylococcus aureus affects breast milk

There are a lot of varieties of staphylococcus bacteria. They can be found in the ground and in the air, and some species are freely located on the human body or in the fur of animals. Some staphylococci are conditionally pathogenic and do not pose a threat with a small accumulation of them, but become dangerous with a decrease in immunity. In this case, it is difficult for the body to resist the development of infections. Distinguish between epidermal staphylococcus, saprophytic and golden. The latter is the most dangerous, but at the same time the most common.

Distinctive features of Staphylococcus aureus

Staphylococcus aureus in breast milk occurs very often. Why is this type of infection the most dangerous? The fact is that these bacteria are quite resistant to exposure external factors and only the coagulase enzyme can kill them. It causes Staphylococcus aureus bacteria to clot.

The resilience of this infection helps it spread almost everywhere. different ways... Most people constantly carry bacterial colonies on themselves, from where they can be transmitted to others, but only a person with weak immunity can become infected. Childbirth seriously hits women the immune system so moms in postpartum period are at risk.

Several myths about staphylococci

What to do when pathogenic bacteria have been found in a breastfeeding mother. If the analysis of breast milk for staphylococcus is positive, doctors often immediately prescribe treatment for both mother and baby.

Some experts advise to temporarily suspend breast-feeding until the infection is completely removed from milk. These methods are not always justified and are based on outdated data on staphylococcal infections:

  1. if staphylococcus is detected, it will certainly lead to the development of the disease. Considering the fact that these bacteria can be found anywhere, and it is impossible to create sterile conditions when taking tests, pathogens can get into the test material from the hands, breast skin and even from the air;
  2. if staphylococcus bacteria are detected, treatment is necessary. This statement is true only in cases where, in addition to a positive laboratory test, a woman or child experiences additional discomfort... If the inflammatory processes in the mother's body do not develop and the baby feels great, there is no need to resort to medications and stop applying the child to the breast. It must be remembered that breast milk is not sterilized, and, therefore, contains a number of bacteria that enter both the woman's body and her skin. Accordingly, the baby receives them in micro doses every day and staphylococci are no exception here.
  3. All types of infections are dangerous. Not always. A positive culture for staphylococcus does not mean that you urgently need to drink a course of antibiotics and other drugs. If the mother and child feel normal, drug therapy can be dispensed with, even if Staphylococcus aureus bacteria are detected.
  4. The presence of bacteria in breast milk will definitely affect the baby negatively. To a strong and healthy baby, staphylococci in breast milk will not be able to cause serious problems... It's another matter if the child has reduced immunity and other infections are present in the body.

The presence of staphylococcus in breast milk is explained by its penetration into breasts from affected organs or from the skin. Milk is not a breeding ground for bacteria, so they just pour into the stream.

How does the infection take place?

The ubiquitous presence of staphylococcal bacteria causes several options for infection.

By airborne droplets

This way of spreading infections is common in hospitals and maternity hospitals. Viruses that live in medical institutions are very difficult to treat, some do not give up even before antibiotics. To combat such phenomena, hospital wards are quartzized daily and are subject to mandatory sanitization after patients are discharged. Such measures in most cases prevent the further spread of bacteria.

Contact method

The bacteria initially spread on the skin through handrails, upholstery, or through a welcome handshake. The rule of hygiene, familiar from childhood, will help to avoid serious problems: wash your hands regularly and with soap.

Intrauterine infection

From a future mother who carries the infection, her fetus can be transmitted and the newborn will immediately show symptoms of the disease. Bacteria concentrate in carious cavities, intestines with chronic dysbiosis, affected mucous membranes of the throat (chronic tonsillitis).

When breastfeeding, staphylococcus aureus enters milk most often from the skin. Cracks formed on the nipples are a comfortable and breeding place for bacteria.... There are all conditions here: warm and humid. Self-monitoring of the condition of the breast and treatment of cracks will help prevent the development of infection during lactation.

If you do not accept in time preventive measures, the number of bacteria will grow steadily, and their concentration in milk will increase. This development of events will undoubtedly lead to serious illness.

The risk of developing infection is increased in children:

  • not gaining weight;
  • born prematurely;
  • having weakened immunity;
  • supplemented with milk formulas.

Where is staphylococcus hiding?

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Staphylococcal bacteria are not formed in breast milk, so their presence in the body is caused by inflammatory processes in other organs. For correct treatment it is necessary to determine the focus of the disease by symptoms.

Inside the body

If the baby's stool changes, it looks like gruel and in it, then this may be evidence of enterocolitis. Tummy pains appear, giving the child discomfort and anxiety. Fever and vomiting are common.


Staphylococcal damage skin leads to the development of pemphigus. Small bubbles appear on the body of the baby, containing a cloudy liquid. Rashes are localized mainly in the lower abdomen, on the back and cervical folds. Lack of treatment threatens the development of sepsis. Such manifestations cannot be ignored.

Purulent formations on the skin. Abscesses are either single or multiple, covering any area of ​​the body. The abscess contains pus of green or yellow color, and the skin around it has a purple-red hue.

The child has a fever and weakness. In a nursing woman, an abscess is localized in the breast, which is difficult to immediately recognize. It will manifest itself only after lactostasis, which later turned into mastitis. But with regular breastfeeding, the first stage of the disease is easily treated. It is enough to apply the baby to the breast as often as possible.

Development inflammatory processes in the subcutaneous tissue is characterized by elevated temperature, soreness and redness of the skin in places where pus is formed. Cellulitis cause severe pain to the child.


Bacteria trapped on the mucous membrane of the eyes will most likely lead to. With this disease, there is swelling of the eyelids, soreness of the eyes, tearing and purulent discharge... After sleeping, it is difficult for a baby to open his eyes, as the eyelids stick together due to accumulated pus.


It is not in vain that so much attention is paid to the umbilical wound; bacteria that have penetrated through it lead to sepsis. A fragile body reacts violently to such an intervention. Initially, the site of the lesion becomes inflamed, and very quickly the infection spreads to all organs. Jaundice develops, the liver enlarges, purulent lesions appear on the skin, breathing becomes difficult and the work of the heart is disrupted.

Staphylococcus aureus in milk may not be dangerous, but if symptoms of disease are found, you should seek medical help... Patients with severe forms of infection are referred to inpatient treatment, because we can talk about a threat to the life of the baby. Therefore, you should not self-medicate and resort to the recipes of traditional healers.

Diagnosis of infection

In the absence of health complaints, there is no need to undergo a study for the presence of infections, but what to do when they appear alarming symptoms? A negligible amount of bacteria in breast milk is perfectly acceptable, but when this limit is significantly exceeded, this leads to problems.

Find and determine the type of bacteria in milk with the usual test on the tank seeding. The main thing is that the milk for analysis is collected correctly:

  1. It is necessary to collect and donate milk in different containers, previously marked: "left", "right";
  2. It is better to use disposable containers, but if this is not possible, pre-boil glass jars;
  3. Before expressing, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water;
  4. The first portion of milk is not suitable for analysis, it is expressed separately, after which the breast should be rinsed and wiped dry;
  5. After collecting the required amount of milk in the jars, they are tightly closed;
  6. After collecting the material, milk should be delivered to the laboratory as soon as possible.

Breastfeeding if you have an infection

Staphylococcus aureus found in breast milk is not a cause for panic. Even when it is transmitted to the intestines of the baby, the likelihood of developing any diseases is far from 100%. In addition to nutrients milk contains immunoglobulins and a number of other components, the action of which is aimed at strengthening the protective functions small organism... Therefore, in most cases, the intestinal microflora independently copes with pathogenic bacteria without the additional use of medications.

When is it impossible without treatment?

If it was not possible to cope with lactostasis and it turned into infectious mastitis, then it will not be possible to do without therapy. At the same time, it is not necessary to interrupt breastfeeding; on the contrary, it is necessary to increase the number of breastfeeding. For treatment, antibiotics are used that are approved by lactating women and do not harm the baby.

Signs of a child's development staphylococcal infection with a high concentration of bacteria in milk, they lead to the refusal of breastfeeding. Although this decision should only be made in individually in agreement with the attending physician, most likely the body's causes of the development of the disease lie in reduced immunity.

Doctor Komarovsky advises to be attentive to the baby's condition. If staphylococcus is detected in the presence of cracks in the chest, but the child does not show any symptoms of infection, you should not interrupt breastfeeding. Mom's treatment is underway.

Staphylococcus aureus in milk may appear different ways, and it is not possible to pass the analysis under sterile conditions. Decide how to treat the disease and whether feeding should be interrupted individually. The unambiguous indications for the appointment of therapy are cracks in the chest, which require treatment and obvious symptoms of the development of inflammatory processes in the child.

Breast milk is not a sterile liquid, therefore its sterility test rarely shows good result... Moreover, most often the front milk is delivered to the test tube, which is more in contact with the skin on which various microbes can really live, plus you need to look at the conditions for conducting and passing the analysis, is the test tube really sterile, how much time has passed since the milk was pumped into it and laboratory research directly. If this time, as usual, is 2-3 hours, then staphylococcus, which was in small quantities on the skin or in a test tube in such a nutrient medium as milk, managed to multiply at times. Wherein this analysis for doctors, it is almost the most indicative, after which the decision is most often made to stop breastfeeding. Let's look at this problem from a mother-child perspective, Is Staphylococcal Breast Milk Dangerous or Good for Your Baby's Health?

First of all, it must be said that (including the most dangerous one - golden) is a very common bacterium and can live anywhere, on the skin, on mucous membranes, in the human intestine, while not causing any diseases. Staphylococcus aureus is a conditionally pathogenic flora, therefore, with normal good immunity in a person does not develop any diseases from his presence... But with the weakening of the body, intestinal dysbiosis, injuries, after operations, as well as when infected with a large number of bacteria, the immune defense weakens, and the bacterium begins to multiply vigorously, poisoning the body with its toxins, which causes purulent-inflammatory diseases on the skin, mucous membranes, in human organs ... The most dangerous among them are sepsis - blood poisoning, as well as staphylococcal meningitis, pneumonia and other organ damage.

From the above, it becomes clear that in order for a child not to get sick, it is necessary to take care of strengthening his immunity from birth. A the best way to grow healthy baby and give him good immunity is also early attachment to the breast immediately after childbirth, so that the baby receives precious drops of colostrum, rich in immunoglobulins, vitamins and others useful substances that will contribute to the development of their own beneficial microflora intestine, which protects the body from the action of pathogenic microbes. Thus, we come to a controversial situation, breast milk is a protection for the child, but for some reason it is often he who is blamed for all the health problems of the baby and require an immediate cessation of feeding. The question involuntarily arises, if nature has not endowed breast milk with ideal sterility, then this is not so important?

In fact, all our troubles just begin because we do not want to follow the call of nature.... If the child was not immediately attached to the breast after giving birth, if before the first application to the mother he received a mixture from a bottle or a nipple, if the mother was not explained how to apply the baby correctly, and what needs to be fed on demand, and not according to the regimen, then in As a result, it turns out that from improper attachment, cracks appear on the nipples of the mother, through which various bacteria enter the breast, incl. and staphylococcus, it is difficult for mom to feed, and the baby does not suck out all the milk that has arrived, because of this, lactostasis begins in the chest, then mastitis, staphylococcus begins to multiply actively and leads to purulent inflammation. Against the background of this unpleasant picture in the mother, the baby begins to be supplemented with a mixture, which is an additional load on the child's gastrointestinal tract, because he receives 2 different kinds food (milk and mixture), he develops intestines, and then problems with stools, skin rashes and other symptoms of infection begin. In addition, it is a frequent problem of our hospitals and maternity hospitals, because the bacteria can be introduced to the child due to non-compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, for example, through intravenous catheters, through the umbilical wound, during mechanical ventilation, etc. As a result, an unprotected newborn receives a serious infection, as a result of which pemphigus, pneumonia, and even sepsis can develop. Then it turns out that breast milk has nothing to do with it. Even if it contains staphylococcus, the mother's body develops immune bodies to it, which are also passed on to the baby during feeding. There are no cases of serious infection with staphylococcus with the correct organization of breastfeeding.

In addition, the WHO, with the development of lactostasis or mastitis in the mother, as the main treatment, suggests increasing the number of attachments of the child to the diseased breast so that the baby dissolves the clogged milk ducts. No straining can do this better than correct and frequent breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is advised to temporarily stop only if a purulent process develops. when antibiotic therapy is already required, and perhaps even surgical intervention... However, healthy breastfeeding is not prohibited.

If the baby has dysbiosis, which is completely normal for a newborn, breast milk will contribute to the reproduction of its own beneficial microflora, which will eventually displace the pathogenic one. Even if staphylococcus was found in the mother's milk, it will not always be the cause of dysbiosis in the child. Most likely, he got to the baby either in the hospital, or from the external environment, for example, the baby pulled an unwashed toy into his mouth, etc.

If the child has an infection against the background of the mother's infection (purulent mastitis), then both the mother and the baby will need treatment. With the help of bacteriological research, an antibiotic or bacteriophage is determined, to which this type of staphylococcus is sensitive and then carried out effective therapy... At the same time, breastfeeding is temporarily stopped (the mother expresses contaminated milk) or continues, this decision is made depending on the severity of the disease by the doctor.

Thus, the prevention of staphylococcal infection is correct organization breastfeeding, which includes the early attachment of the baby to the breast immediately after childbirth, the prevention of cracks in the nipples, feeding on demand, as the prevention of the development of lactostasis and mastitis.

Staphylococcus aureus is often found in breast milk. Moms usually panic with such analyzes. What to do if you find staphylococcus aureus? Do I need to be treated myself? Will a baby get infected if he is breastfeeding? Not having the right information, mom can make mistakes. For example, stop GW, when it is completely unnecessary. Or, conversely, do not pay attention to serious symptoms and bring the breast to surgery.

What is staphylococcus

Cocci are spherical bacteria. Staphylococci, moreover, always gather in bunches, similar to grapes. There are many such bacteria, but only three are dangerous to the human body: golden, saprophytic and epidermal staphylococci. The most dangerous of them is Staphylococcus aureus. This is what is usually found in milk analysis.

Properties of Staphylococcus aureus:

  1. Resistant to most common damaging factors, does not die under direct sunbeams, tolerates drying, withstands temperatures of 150 degrees for 10 minutes, is able to live in pure alcohol, and destroys hydrogen peroxide.
  2. The only microbe capable of producing coagulase, the enzyme by which Staphylococcus aureus surrounds itself with coagulated blood. Being inside this microthrombus, it can, along with the blood flow, enter any organ and cause purulent inflammation. It is Staphylococcus aureus that causes purulent mastitis.
  3. It produces the strongest poisons that cause serious illness. In particular, skin lesions in infants, when the child becomes covered with blisters, similar to burns.
  4. Develops antibiotic resistance very quickly.
  5. The most dangerous are nosocomial infections, since these strains are the least treatable. It is very difficult to get rid of them.
  6. Staphylococcus aureus is spread by contact and by airborne droplets... A child can also become infected in utero.
  7. But on the other hand, a healthy human body copes with Staphylococcus aureus... Normally, it is worn on the skin up to 80% healthy people... But for weakened, recently ill, premature babies, this microbe is very dangerous. Fasting and lack of sleep also increase susceptibility to infection. This must be taken into account by mothers of young children who often do not get enough sleep and are trying to regain their shape as soon as possible.

Analysis of breast milk for staphylococcus

If both the mother and the child are healthy, there are no signs of infection, then there is no reason to take this test either. First, it is impossible to collect the analysis correctly. Hand washing does not kill this microbe.

If milk is collected by a breast pump, then it is impossible to sterilize it at home so as to completely destroy Staphylococcus aureus. But even if we assume that mom somehow managed to do this, then milk remains in contact with the skin of the nipple, which cannot be ruled out in any way. And staphylococcus usually lives on the skin, from there it enters the milk. So positive result the analysis of milk for staphylococcus does not mean that microbes live inside the breast. And you don’t need to take it “just like that”.

Staphylococcus aureus and HB

The decision on the need for treatment, as well as on whether it will be possible to breastfeed the baby during it, is made individually. But in most cases, no treatment is required. If the child does not have any symptoms of staphylococcal infection, then the mother can breastfeed him, even if the analysis revealed the presence of Staphylococcus aureus. You should always be guided by the condition of the baby.

It is practically impossible to obtain such a concentration of Staphylococcus aureus in milk that the baby would not be able to breastfeed. And it is better to find breast milk for a baby. No other feeding will give the baby the much needed antibodies that protect against various diseases.

Allergy prevention, gastrointestinal disorders and purulent-septic infections is HS from the first minutes of a baby's life. It should be done "on demand". Drinking water and supplementing with mixtures of healthy children should be excluded.

If a child has a dysbacteriosis with a large amount of staphylococcus during sowing, then it can be treated with all kinds of "phages" without depriving the mother's milk.

And even if the mother needs treatment because of her own health, it is most often possible to drink drugs compatible with hepatitis B. In the most extreme case, if doctors insist on treatment with drugs that adversely affect the baby, it is advisable for the mother to express herself so that at the end of the treatment she will return to GV.

As Dr. Komarovsky says in his program, he did not encounter cases of infection. healthy child staphylococcus through mother's milk. Only an extremely weak child can become infected this way.

But on the other hand, a newborn may well become infected through the umbilical wound. Possible infection during childbirth. The infection can enter the body and with ordinary prickly heat.

How to treat staphylococcal breast disease

Treatment is required if the mother or child, and sometimes both, have clinical manifestations diseases.

If a mother has a crack on her chest, then the cracks need to be treated first. After all, their appearance is caused by improper attachment, and not by staphylococcus. But the cracks that have already formed are an open gateway for any infection. V healthy breasts it is almost impossible to get staphylococcus without cracks.

If the mother has mastitis, then treatment is required. First, it is necessary to inoculate for the sensitivity of the pathogen to antibiotics in order to select the correct drug using the analysis. If it comes to an abscess, then it will be impossible to cure mastitis without interrupting the hepatitis B.

Signs of mastitis:

  • temperature;
  • chest pain that gets worse during feeding;
  • swelling and tenderness of the lymph nodes in the armpits.

Treatment is most often carried out with monomycin, erythromycin, combining them with tetracycline and levomycin. Bromcriptine and Parlodel should not be drunk for more than 4 days, as they suppress lactation. In any case, antibiotic treatment during lactation should be prescribed only by a doctor and only after culture for antibiotic sensitivity.

Chlorophyllipt is a good remedy. It is applied when different localizations infections. Chlorophyllipt is approved for use in nursing but on prescription. A mandatory check is required for the absence of allergy to Chlorophyllipt.

Folk remedies

  1. Apple gruel mixed with butter helps well from cracked nipples.
  2. You can smear the cracks with celandine juice. It also speeds up their healing well.
  3. A decoction of tangerine peel with licorice is used in the form of external lotions to the diseased area of ​​the chest.

The treatment of hospital strains of Staphylococcus aureus is difficult. According to Dr. Komarovsky, these bacteria are the most resistant to both disinfectants and antibiotics. It is not for nothing, according to Komarovsky again, that relatives abroad are often allowed to freely go to the wards, with the exception of some departments with a special regime. Bacteria brought in from the street dilute the hospital and make them less dangerous.

During breastfeeding, a woman faces a host of problems, one of which can be staphylococcus aureus in breast milk. Any breastfeeding mom immediately starts to panic, as the bacteria can call into question breastfeeding. However, not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance. What to do if staphylococcus is found in breast milk?

What is staphylococcus

Staphylococcus aureus is a type of bacterium that most commonly infects the human body. They can be found in the ground, in the air, as well as on the skin or mucous membranes of a person. A certain amount of staphylococcus is considered acceptable, since it is considered a common opportunistic flora living on the skin and mucous membranes. Staphylococcus aureus can cause the development of the disease when a person's immunity falls, and the protective function decreases to a minimum. The causative agents of diseases can be the following types of staphylococcus:

  • Epidermal
  • Hemolytic
  • Saprophytic
  • Golden

Separately, it should be said about Staphylococcus aureus. Although it is classified as a conditionally dangerous type, it can become the most dangerous of all of the above.

There is a list of diseases that can cause Staphylococcus aureus:

  • Angina
  • A rash with pus
  • Inflammation of the conjunctiva
  • Staphylococcus aureus in breast milk can cause mastitis in a woman while breastfeeding.

How staphylococcus aureus affects breast milk

If staphylococcus is found in milk, treatment is prescribed for both a nursing mother and a breastfed baby. Doctors often recommend that you stop breastfeeding for the duration of antibiotic therapy until the culture is negative. Currently, medicine has proven that this position is unreasonable and even erroneous. The fact is that there are myths about staphylococcus that often mislead us. Let's consider them in more detail:

  • The presence of Staphylococcus aureus signals a serious illness.

This is not true, or rather not always. In every second case, after making a decision to take tests, the detection of a pathogenic bacterium as a result of the analysis is an error or a false positive result. The fact is that this or that staphylococcus is the norm and is present in small quantities in any analysis. With regard to breast milk, pathogenic bacteria often get there from the skin of the palms or the skin of the mammary glands.

  • Staphylococcus aureus and other species should be treated immediately.

It is important to observe the health status of the mother and baby here. If neither the first nor the second feel signs of an illness, you should not stop lactation, since there are no weighty and credible reasons. Distinctive feature of domestic medicine are directions for research "just in case" or "for prevention", this is unacceptable and can become a pseudo cause for unrest. Be aware that breast milk is inherently not a sterile product. This is due to the fact that many bacteria can live on the skin and in the ducts of the nipples, which are a variant of the norm and do not need treatment. medicinal products mi. Based on the experience of European countries with developed medicine, bacteriological examination breast milk for the presence of staphylococcus in it, in principle, is not advisable, therefore already long time is not carried out without direct evidence for this.

  • Staphylococcus aureus in breast milk is life-threatening for both mother and baby.

Even if after the analysis, you received results indicating the presence of pathogenic bacteria in milk, this is not a reason for panic, they need to be checked again. As mentioned earlier, in the absence of signs of malaise, fever or chest pain, it is inappropriate to take any treatment.

  • Staphylococcus aureus can give a start to the development of serious diseases in a baby.

Despite the fact that such an opinion exists and is actively spreading from mother to mother, scientific justification no such opinion. Medicine is not aware of such a case when staphylococcus, which is in breast milk, became the cause of the development of serious pathologies in infants. This bacterium can make itself felt only when the child's immunity is reduced and his own bacterial flora becomes pathogenic for him.

It is important to know that staphylococcus in breast milk appears from a focus of inflammation located on the body of a nursing woman, or the reason for its detection in a bacterial culture analysis may be its introduction from the skin surface. In this case, the bacterium itself is not able to multiply in the milk.

What are the ways of getting staphylococcus into milk

Staphylococcus can be infected in several ways.

  • By air

Most often this method the spread of staphylococcus can be found in hospitals or maternity hospitals. Most importantly, hospital bacteria are the most dangerous for the human body due to the fact that they are extremely difficult to treat with antibiotics. How to fight and control the spread of such infections? First of all, it is necessary to observe hygiene and sanitary standards in hospital wards, carrying out timely cleaning, disinfection measures, including mandatory periodic quartzing.

  • Contact method

You can get infected with staphylococcus with a banal handshake or an innocent kiss on the cheek. In addition, danger can lie in wait in other people's household items (towels, cups, slippers, and so on), as well as furniture, railings and even buttons in the elevator. Unfortunately, it turns out to be the most difficult to prevent this particular method due to the fact that we cannot create a sterile environment around us. To minimize the risk of staphylococcus infection in this way, it is worth washing your hands thoroughly, treating them with an antiseptic when access to water is limited.

  • The path of infection from mother to child

If a woman was a carrier of staphylococcus during pregnancy, it is very likely that a newborn baby will be a carrier of the infection of the same type as the mother. Moreover, the symptoms of the disease can appear already in the first days after the birth of a child. Usually, the infection develops in cavities in the throat, as well as in the large and small intestines.

As for the cause of the appearance of staphylococcus in breast milk, most often it appears there due to the presence of numerous cracks in the nipples. The fact is that injured skin is an ideal environment for activating conditionally pathogenic flora, which multiplies rapidly, being in an ideal state of moisture and constant heat.

What contributes to the development of staphylococcal infection

In order for staphylococcus to be unable to take root in the body of the baby and the mother, it is necessary to pay sufficient attention to prevention. With regards to lactation, a nursing mother should carefully monitor the condition of the mammary glands, and in the presence of wounds and cracks, treat them with medications in a timely manner.

The development of staphylococcal diseases is more likely under such conditions:

  • The long-awaited baby was born prematurely
  • The child has chronic diseases
  • Breast milk is not the main food of the baby

What conditions signal the presence of staphylococcus in milk

Staphylococcal infection cannot be asymptomatic, it can be detected by the following manifestations and ailments:

  • Enterocolitis in a child

This disease manifests itself frequent stools, having a mushy appearance and consistency, often mixed with mucus. Also, the baby may suffer from spasmodic pain in the abdomen.

  • Conjunctivitis in a baby

It manifests itself in the form of swelling of the eyelid, purulent discharge from the eyes and frequent uncontrolled lacrimation. Mothers often note that in the morning the child cannot open his eyes on his own due to the fact that this is hindered by the accumulated pus on the cilia.

  • Sepsis

This is the most difficult course streptococcal infection, in which a lot of ulcers and abscesses appear on the baby's body, malfunctions of the heart appear, exhalation and inhalation is difficult, and heart disorders are also observed.

All of the above conditions require an urgent medical care, since in especially advanced cases without treatment they are fraught with lethal outcome... Self-medication is strictly contraindicated in such cases, it is necessary to go to the hospital in order for the treatment to be adequate and to be complete.

Is it possible to continue feeding with staphylococcal infection

This question is of interest to every nursing mother, in whose breast milk Staphylococcus aureus was found. There is no definite answer, since each separately taken situation should be considered strictly individually.

Most often, provided that the baby is healthy, the infection is neutralized by the local microflora in the intestines of the baby. Also, do not forget that breast milk contains unique immunoglobulins that form immunity. little man and at the same time protect it from pathogenic bacteria.

When is staphylococcus aureus to be treated

There are situations when delaying the treatment of staphylococcal infection is dangerous to the health and life of the mother and child:

  • Mastitis

In case of infectious mastitis, breastfeeding is not canceled, on the contrary, as part of the therapy, more frequent attachment of the baby to the mammary gland affected by this disease is indicated. Moreover, not every mastitis is treated with antibiotics. Even if you cannot do without it, try to choose those medications that do not stand in the way of breastfeeding (this is indicated in the instructions).

  • Symptoms of staphylococcus in a baby

In the case when the symptoms of the disease appear in the baby, it is weaned from the breast when the concentration of the bacteria exceeds the maximum permissible values.

Staphylococcus aureus does not always need to be treated with antimicrobial agents, this opinion is now supported by the majority of gynecologists and pediatricians, headed by E.O. Komarovsky. Most often, it is enough to correct the mother's health topical application ointments or creams that are applied directly to the nipple area and a place near them. Chlorophyllipt and Rotokan, which are considered one of the best antiseptics that do not have a detrimental effect on the quality and composition of breast milk, do an excellent job with this role. After using them, cracks on the nipples will significantly decrease, as well as the result of the analysis for bacterial culture, which must be passed, will improve.

Staphylococci ( S. aureus) Is a group of bacteria, consisting of 27 species, half of which have adapted to living on the skin and mucous membranes of humans. But the ability to provoke pathology is inherent in only three species that multiply on tissues under certain conditions.

During the period of breastfeeding, favorable soil for the spread of staphylococcus is. At the same time, milk infection in half of the cases is safe for the baby, but requires mandatory therapy. The threat is determined by the type and concentration of the bacteria.

Among pathogenic bacteria There are three types of staphylococcus - saprophytic, epidermal and, the most dangerous, golden (more often found in breast milk). Under favorable conditions for reproduction - wounds, abrasions, low local and general immunity, the pathogen provokes inflammation and suppuration of the localization site. The threat to the mammary glands after childbirth is represented by 2 types of staphylococcus bacteria.

Staphylococcus epidermidis in breast milk

Epidermal staphylococcus

Epidermal staphylococcus aureus is found in 53% of cases against the background of immunodeficiency after childbirth, more often in patients who have undergone surgery. The bacterium is localized on the skin. The development of the disease in a woman with normal immunity is unlikely, the body copes with the pathogen without difficulty.

But in the first 2-3 months after childbirth, protective resources are not enough, therefore, Staphylococcus epidermidis in 10% of cases gets inside. It is transported into breast milk through wound surfaces.

Staphylococcus aureus in breast milk

Staphylococcus aureus is an extremely dangerous, poisonous bacterium that infects 40% of the world's population. After entering the body, it infects organs, provokes purulent inflammation, and produces a toxin in the blood. It enters breast milk through the nipple cracks, causes an immune response in the baby - rashes, inflammation of the dermis.

Staphylococcus aureus is resistant to the sun, drying, temperatures up to 150 ° C, is not destroyed by alcohol, hydrogen peroxide. Feature - antibiotic resistance.

Once in the body, it forms coagulase - a pathogenic enzyme, in combination with which the bacterium coagulates with the surrounding plasma and dies. The resulting "lump" continues to move in the blood, threatening purulent inflammation at the site of localization. - a consequence of the penetration of Staphylococcus aureus into the gland.

Signs of staphylococcus: in mom and baby

The bacterium, while living on the skin, does not manifest itself in any way. Symptoms develop after infection of the congestion area. Moreover, from the moment of infection to characteristic features mastitis takes 2-4 weeks. The taste of breast milk does not change, so the baby maintains a normal appetite during this period.

Mom's symptoms

  • Stone chest effect.
  • Temperature: in the first stages - 37.0-37.5 ° C, during the transition to the purulent stage - 38.0-39.0 ° C.
  • Weakness.
  • Chills.
  • Drawing pain, worse when feeding.
  • In 70% of cases, increased The lymph nodes in the armpits.

Since breastfeeding continues, the ingress of bacteria into the child's gastrointestinal tract is allowed, but the concentration in the body in 83% of cases is insufficient for the development of the disease.

Symptoms appear at an advanced stage if the mother ignores purulent mastitis for a long time. Reproduction of pathogens in breast milk (from 1 thousand units / ml) at the peak of the disease becomes the cause of damage to the baby's organs.

Symptoms in a child

  • Swelling of the eyelids.
  • Purulent accumulations in the eyes.
  • Crying 20-30 minutes after feeding.
  • Peeling and inflammation of the skin.
  • Rash.
  • Bubble formations - often the lower abdomen, back folds of the neck.

The signs characterize the complications common with staphylococcus - conjunctivitis, phlegmon, pemphigus. The last, extremely dangerous manifestation with delayed therapy, develops into sepsis and abscesses.

If the infection affects the infant's gastrointestinal tract, enterocolitis develops. Symptoms of the disease - vomiting, fever, loose stools with mucus. Moms often confuse a complication with ordinary poisoning, prescribing drugs (sorbents, antidiarrheals) on their own. Time is wasted and symptoms worsen.

Timely therapy for mastitis will eliminate the likelihood of complications in the baby. At the initial stages of the disease, the amount of microbe in milk is 30-50 units / ml. Such concentrations are quickly destroyed by antibiotic therapy without the need to discontinue hepatitis B.

Where does staphylococcus aureus come from in breast milk: causes of occurrence

The bacterium lives and multiplies in the external environment. Due to the low sensitivity to external influences and the high rate of division, it is difficult to get rid of the pathogenic environment in an infected room. Even with quartzing, the probability of survival of the "superbug" is 40-50%. But if an infected object (instrument, person) enters the treated room again, within 4-6 hours the concentration of staphylococcus becomes the same.

The route of infection No. 1 for a woman after childbirth is a medical hospital. This institution is considered the most dangerous in terms of the risks of contracting Staphylococcus aureus. Moreover, the resistance to antibiotics and external influences in the hospital "superbug" is the strongest.

Stages of infection

  1. Skin contact - household, airborne droplets.
  2. Penetration into the wound surface.
  3. Infection of the gland.
  4. Penetration into milk.
  5. Development of infectious mastitis.

The pest enters the surface of the skin through tools, dust, cutlery, public places - a treatment room, a dining room, a restroom. Attaching to the skin, the bacteria "waits" for the right moment to penetrate into the body.

In the case of breastfeeding, staphylococcus enters the gland through the areola fissures. Infection covers glandular tissue, milk ducts, the bacteria is found in milk. As the pathogen multiplies, infectious mastitis develops.

For the prevention of infection, compliance with the rules for attaching the baby to the breast and hygiene of the skin are required. But even in case of infection with staphylococcus, mastitis manifests itself with specific symptoms: petrification and chest pain, heaviness, temperature 37-39 ° C. If therapy starts at initial stage infection, the consequences of infection for the baby are excluded.

Breast milk tests for staphylococcus: delivery and decoding

To determine the bacteria, it is necessary to pass a breast milk test. The procedure requires proper preparation: the container is used sterile, disposable (sold in pharmacies), you will need 2 test tubes - one for each breast.


  1. Breast treatment - wash laundry soap dry with a towel.
  2. Wipe the nipple with an alcohol wipe or hydrogen peroxide.
  3. Squeeze 5-10 drops of milk into a separate bowl (the first portion is not suitable for analysis).
  4. The next 10-15 ml are collected in pharmacy tubes.
  5. Expressing time is not more than 3 hours before the study.
  6. Sign the test tubes - "1" and "2" (or "left" and "right").

The result is prepared in 5-7 days.

In the form with the result of the analysis, there are two columns - the norm and the result, which should have minimal discrepancies. But the presence of pathogenic flora in milk is not a reason for panic, since the threat is determined by the growth rate of colonies.

Decoding indicators

The result of the state of the intestinal microflora

  • Grade 1 - weak growth.
  • Grade 2 - growth of up to 10 colonies of staphylococcal species.
  • Grade 3 - 10-100 colonies.
  • Grade 4 -> 100 colonies multiply.

The higher the degree, the more actively the process of infection develops. First, second- there is a bacterium, but the disease is not provoked; third- pathology develops; fourth- a disease at a dangerous stage of complications. The decision to continue GW is made on the basis of the milk analysis result.

Can I breastfeed with staphylococcus aureus?

In half of the cases, breastfeeding does not stop. At minimum concentrations in milk, staphylococcus aureus is safe for the baby. Stopping is recommended when a diagnosis of purulent mastitis or pathogens are found in the child's feces. In this case, antibiotic therapy is prescribed, which is often incompatible with hepatitis B.

With results higher than the third degree (the probability of developing a purulent process is 80%), the risk of infection of the child increases, therefore it is preferable artificial nutrition for the progress of positive dynamics.

If the infection does not cause purulent inflammation, then it is better to continue GW. The explanation is the immunomodulatory effect of milk on the child's body, protection against the penetration of pathogens.

Arguments for"

  • The possibility of using herbal antimicrobial drugs compatible with HS.
  • Production .

To eliminate the risks of complications, you must follow the rules of caution. Prevention of the transmission of bacteria to the baby will allow you to combine therapy with hepatitis B.

Precautionary measures

  • Treatment of cracks with hydrogen peroxide (morning, evening).
  • Application.
  • Use a moisturizing soap to wash the glands (avoid overdrying).
  • Apply the baby correctly when feeding (baby's mouth is open wide, underlip twisted, chin pressed to chest).

Prevention of complications and therapy of infection will exclude infection of the baby and restore the milk environment for 7-14 years. In 70% of cases, treatment is dispensed with without antibacterial drugs.

How to treat staphylococcus aureus in breast milk

The task of neutralizing staphylococcus is difficult, since the microbe is extremely resistant to antibiotics. For example, Penicillin in the first experiments appeared as an effective antimicrobial drug. But today's staphylococcus aureus is already insensitive to the drug.

The most dangerous, intractable bacteria live in hospitals. Pathogens adapt to survive in conditions of strict sanitary control, therefore they are resistant even to modern drugs... To determine the tactics, resistance studies are carried out, on the basis of which complex treatment is recommended.


  • Antibacterial drugs (mandatory for purulent mastitis) - Amoxicillin, Azithromycin.
  • Hormonal agents.
  • Vitamins, immunomodulators.
  • Local healing for cracks - Bepanten, Solcoseryl.
  • Disinfection of the nipples with Chlorophyllipt.
  • Operable removal of abscesses (in difficult cases).
  • Administration of anti-staphylococcal plasma.

It is important to exclude provoking factors - to eliminate the focus of infection. Purulent mastitis it is difficult to treat, but surgery is required only in 4% of cases. 50-70% of breast milk infections are sparing antibacterial therapy with the continuation of breastfeeding.

Treatment of a staphylococcal infection does not leave immunity to a new infection. Therefore, the task of the mother is to exclude traumatic feeding, hygiene of the skin and nipples, and moisturizing.

Experienced pediatrician E.O. Komarovsky urges to remain calm if staphylococcus is found in mother's breast milk. The probability of infection of a child is not more than 30%. Moreover, the risk arises only when clear signs complicated mastitis - heat, fever, "stone" chest. At this stage, 50-100 colonies> 4 degrees are found in the milk.

Dessert for today - a video where Dr. Komarovsky tells what to do if staphylococcus is found in breast milk.


  1. Staphylococcus Aureus Carrier Status in Breastfeeding Mothers and Infants and the Risk of Lactation Mastitis - by U.S. NLM (published 02.06.2015).