Alex toman healing program. Healing program. When you "heal" the destructive cellular memory and unhealthy beliefs that are at the root of your problems, the stress they cause in the body will disappear. Once that happens, your immo


There are many different practices in the world. Simple and complex. With soul and body. And they all work. Only some practices help some people, while others help others.

And now you will learn about one unusual practice called "The Healing Program".

Now imagine a 283-page book that describes this practice. Moreover, about 250 pages of the book are filled with rave reviews from people who have successfully applied the practice and recovered from all kinds of diseases, including cancer. And a bunch of reviews from those who got rid of various traumatic situations and began to live freely and happily.

The practice itself is quite simple, but in order to successfully apply it and get results, you need a little theoretical knowledge.

If you read different sources, then each of them will claim to have found the only true cause of illness or negative life situations.

For example, some sources claim that the acidification of our body is to blame for all our troubles - they say, we eat too much acidic foods, and because of this we oxidize, get sick, get fat, fall into depression.

Others blame negative feelings and experiences from the past for everything.

Well, and so on.

At the head of this practice, the root cause of all bad things is stress. And if you remove it correctly, then happiness will come to us.


Most often, the cause of the disease lies in the area of ​​subtle energies. It is the energy shell that is most susceptible to external influences. The state of mind and spirit affects the work of every cell in our body. And if a soul falls ill or a person becomes discouraged, this is instantly reflected at the cellular level.

If you practice the Healing Program, you can achieve sincere forgiveness, release false beliefs, solve psychological problems that cause stress, and get rid of illness.

It is believed that the most difficult to treat diseases are cancers. To recover from cancer patients, they must first of all solve their psychological problems. In medical practice, there have been cases when patients died after recovering from cancer, because they could not overcome anger, fear, hatred, anger and similar feelings.

Even within the framework of the Healing Program, there is such an interesting concept as the only three.

Three "Ones"

The only one # 1: There is one on planet Earth that can solve almost all your problems.

The only N 2: On the planet Earth there is the Only thing that can "turn off" the only number 1.

The only thing # 3: There is the Only One on the planet Earth that can re-"turn on" the One # 1.

Now let's take a closer look at what kind of Ones are.

Unique number 1

On planet Earth, there is the only one that can solve almost all of your problems.

What it is? This is the human immune system.

The body of each person has a truly fantastic ability to heal itself, whatever the nature of the problem - physiological or psychological. This fantastic ability is the immune system. We are born with a program that can solve any problem before it even exists. And if the problem does arise, the immune system will cope with it.

Unique number 2

On the planet Earth there is the Only thing that can "turn off" the only one number 1.

So what is it? It's stressful (but maybe not in the way you think it is).

If the human immune system can solve any problem, then the only thing that can "turn it off" must be the cause of disease. And indeed it is.

According to a 1998 study by famed microbiologist Bruce Lipton at Stanford University School of Medicine, 95% of the disease is caused by stress. The remaining 5%, according to Lipton, are due to genetic predisposition.

Too much stress for a long time leads to so-called chronic stress, which is associated with heart disease, stroke, and can also lead to cancer and chronic respiratory diseases. Moreover, the disease itself is only the tip of the iceberg. Stress affects the emotional state and poisons a person's entire life.

When you have a problem that you cannot deal with, the first thing you should ask yourself is this question: "How can I eliminate the stress that is preventing my immune system from coping with this problem?"

Unique number 3

On planet Earth, there is the Only One that can “turn on” the One No. 1 again.

What is this? Healing your mental wounds!

How stress affects us.

In the navy, if a ship is attacked, all normal daily work on it ceases. All crew members of the ship, regardless of what they are doing at the moment - eating or sleeping, must take their places according to the combat schedule.

Likewise in our body: when the alarm goes off, the cells stop performing their normal functions (growth and regeneration). Why? The alarm is supposed to go off in case of extreme danger, and while the person is running or fighting to save their life, everyone else can wait.

The cells of the human body literally "shut down", just as all hatches are closed during an attack on a ship. You will not see the ship being loaded or unloaded during the battle.

The same happens in the body: cells do not receive nutrition, oxygen, minerals, etc. and do not get rid of waste while the person is in a stressful situation. Everything that is directly necessary for survival ceases to work. And this is reflected in the state of the cell, the toxic environment inside which does not allow it to perform the functions of growth and regeneration.

On the other hand, the cells that carry out their normal functions of growth and regeneration are "impenetrable" to the disease.

We all have an internal "tank", and when the level of stress that we can handle exceeds the acceptable limits, the body malfunctions. While your "tank" is still not filled to the brim, you can effectively cope with new stress, but when it is full, the body can not stand it.

Every day they make demands on us, they constantly expect something from us, while our desires remain unsatisfied.

Here are some typical situations where situational stress occurs:

problems at work;

financial instability;

fear of failure or bad results;

uncertainty about the future;

health problems;

family problems;

problems in relationships with people;

communication with people emitting negativity;

negative attitude;

feeling of powerlessness;

low self-esteem;

loss of something or someone important.

If we do not have enough time to recover from each stressful situation, our cells remain “closed”, which leads to aging and early death.

Here are some of the typical symptoms of situational stress.

If you have any of these signs, then you have situational stress:


stress and anxiety;

illogical thinking;

inappropriate actions;

an increase in the number of errors;



mild depression;

high blood pressure;

cardiovascular diseases;

heart disease;





premature aging.

In a stressful situation, cells do not grow or regenerate

Lack of energy at the intracellular level is chronic fatigue syndrome.

The healing program effectively fights the lack of energy as it represents a new method of healing according to the laws of quantum physics. Once you replace the destructive frequency with the healing one, all your emotional and physiological problems will be solved.

The healing program allows you to bring the nervous system out of stress by interrupting the alarm.

Why Positive Thinking Doesn't "Heal" Cellular Memory

The question you may be asking is, "Isn't it enough to just think good things to 'heal' your cellular memory?" Unfortunately, the answer is no, because there are mechanisms in the unconscious that prevent this from happening.

All of us have experienced anger, sadness, fear, confusion, guilt, helplessness, despair, a sense of worthlessness, and similar feelings more than once. They do not pass without leaving a trace, the memory of them is deposited in the soul. As a result, we pay off with our health, relationships, careers, etc.

What is meant by "healing" cellular memory? This implies getting rid of negative emotions: anger, disappointment, resentment, guilt, helplessness.

Another important point for the successful implementation of the practice is that you need to understand who is more important - the mind or the heart.

AFFIRMATIONS - how to correctly formulate

Someone asked people to make statements like “I’m about to have a new car” or “From now on my career will take off,” and tested them for stress. And you know what? Almost always, the test has shown that these statements create serious new stress.

Scientists have found that in the vast majority of cases, such statements not only do not help, but only worsen the situation.

This is why you need to make "truthful statements." This means that statements should not only be positive, you really should believe in them. Instead of saying to yourself, “I’m going to be cured of cancer,” if you don’t really believe it, your “truthful statement” should be: “I want and I intend to be cured of cancer. I believe that I can do it, and I ask God to help me in this. "

When people tell the truth, stress levels decrease. You ask, "What's the difference?" The difference is the same as between a placebo and a real drug. One statement you believe is positive, another one you don't, so it will be a lie to your soul.

Four health centers

According to the Healing Program, there are four health centers in the human body that are associated with the health centers of every cell in the human body. If properly “turned on” these health centers, they can cure almost all diseases. They eliminate stress that interferes with the normal functioning of the immune system and enable it to perform its functions.

So, these four health centers are:

Bridge of the nose: the pituitary gland (which controls the endocrine processes in the body) and the pineal gland of the brain.

Whiskey: right and left cerebral hemispheres, hypothalamus.

Jaw: The region of the brain responsible for emotions, including the amygdala, as well as the spinal cord and central nervous system.

Adam's apple (Adam's apple): spinal cord and central nervous system, as well as the thyroid gland.

Healthy energy flows from these centers to every organ and every cell in your body.

How the Healing Program Activates Health Centers

You can activate health centers with your fingers. The healing program is a series of gentle exercises. They are extremely simple.

During the exercise, you direct the fingers of both hands to one of the health centers from a distance of 5-7 cm from the body. Health centers activate an energetic healing system that functions in the same way as the immune system.

It does not destroy viruses and bacteria, but "heals" the memories associated with a person's problem. Using a positive, healthy frequency, this system neutralizes negative, destructive frequencies and replaces them with healthy ones.

It doesn't matter if your fingers are straight or slightly bent (do whatever works best for you), but your fingertips should be directed towards the area around your center of health.

The exercise takes 6 minutes, during which you activate these health centers with your fingers. You can do the exercises whenever and wherever it suits you. Some people exercise by talking on the phone, watching movies and TV shows, or reading a book.

The healing program doesn't just "heal" destructive energy, it does it absolutely automatically! For the Healing Program to work, we do not need to be aware of the destructive beliefs, thoughts, and feelings that it "heals."

The Exact Position of the Four Health Centers

Adam's apple (Adam's apple):
just above the Adam's apple.

Temples: 1 cm above the temple and one centimeter towards the back of the head on both sides.

Bridge of the nose:
between the bridge of the nose and the line of the eyebrows.

Jaw: Above the lower back of the jawbone on both sides.

Exercise in a quiet, secluded place where you can relax and where you will not be distracted.

So, the sequence of classes in the Healing Program is as follows.

Rate your problem on a scale from 0 to 10. Rate the discomfort you feel when thinking about your problem on a scale from 0 to 10 (10 is the most discomfort). This method will allow you to track your progress.

Determine what feelings and / or unhealthy beliefs are associated with your problem (fear, feelings of hopelessness, anger, anxiety, helplessness, etc.).

Searching for memories: Consider if you've ever experienced these feelings before, perhaps under different circumstances. Don't dig too deep, just ask yourself this question: have you ever felt the way you feel now. Look for the coincidence of feelings, sensations, not circumstances. If you are worried about your financial future, ask yourself if you have experienced the same anxiety before. Think about the earliest memories that float into consciousness and focus on “healing” them first.

Rate your earliest memories on a scale of 0 to 10. Work with the strongest or earliest first. Our problems are related to "untreated" memories. Often, when you heal the earliest or strongest memories, all the others “attached” to the most problematic memories are also “healed”.

Formulate the negative thoughts that arise in your head in connection with the problem.

Formulate or even write down "truth attitudes" - phrases that are opposite to unhealthy beliefs and aimed at solving a problem. Example: “I want and express my intention to be cured of cancer. I believe that I can do it, and I ask God to help me in this. "

Pray for health. Include problems you know about in your prayer.

“I pray that all known and unknown negative images, unhealthy beliefs, destructive cellular memory and all physical ailments associated with [your problem] will be found and cured through the light, life and love of God that will fill me. I pray that the effectiveness of this treatment will increase a hundredfold. ”

(This is said to make treatment a priority for the body.)

Begin doing the exercises by holding each position for about 30 seconds and repeating the Truth Attitude that is the opposite of your unhealthy beliefs or is about solving your problem. When doing the exercises, focus on the positive things, not the negative ones. Before finishing the exercises, make sure that you have not missed any position (usually you will need to complete the sequence of exercises several times). Do the exercise sequence for at least 6 minutes. You can also do them a little longer, especially if you rated your problem with 5 or 6 points. We recommend 6 minutes at least.

(First position.) Bridge of the nose: between the bridge of the nose and the line of the eyebrows.

(Second position.) Adam's apple (Adam's apple): exactly above the Adam's apple.

(Third position.) Jaw: Above the lower back of the jawbone on both sides.

(Fourth position.) Temples: Half an inch (1 cm) above the temple and half an inch toward the back of the head on both sides.

After completing the exercises, re-rate your problem on a scale from 0 to 10. When you can rate your problem as 0 or 1, move on to “treating” the following memories.

Doing exercise for someone else

You can do the exercise for someone else too. Just say a prayer like this:

“I pray that all known and unknown negative images, unhealthy beliefs, destructive cellular memory and all physical ailments associated with [the problem of a loved one] will be found and cured through the light, life and love of God that will fill [name ].

I pray that the effectiveness of this treatment will increase a hundredfold. ”

Do the exercises yourself. When you're done, just say a short prayer:

"I pass on the entire healing effect in its entirety to [name] with love."

It is recommended that you do the exercises three times a day.

For faster results, you can do them more times. The effect will be even if you only do the exercises once a day, so we strongly recommend doing them at least once a day. You can do them for more than 6 minutes, the main thing is the consistency and systematicity of the exercises. Ideally, doing the exercises three or more times a day for 6 minutes will help you achieve the best results.

Many people say that during the Healing Program, the images they are working on begin to fade and it becomes difficult to focus on them and visualize them. People often describe the process of "healing" memories as if the power of the energy of this image gradually weakens and ceases to control them. This is often accompanied by the acquisition of spiritual harmony and a sense of relief. When you notice some or perhaps all of these signs, you will know that the images that have bothered you in the past are "cured."

It is important to understand that there are problems with more than one image. If you do not feel any changes after exercising, do not despair. Keep working on this image, and sooner or later it will be "cured" thanks to the ability of the immune system to heal.

If, after all this, you still do not feel any changes, it may be because another problem is preventing you from “healing” the one you are currently working on. If so, keep working on the problem that bothers you the most until it is resolved.

What if I feel worse after completing the Healing Program?

You experience discomfort because toxins and negative emotions are released from your body and soul.

When you "heal" the destructive cellular memory and unhealthy beliefs that are at the root of your problems, the stress they cause in the body will disappear. Once this happens, your immune system will begin to heal your body.

During this process, toxins, viruses and bacteria begin to leave your body, therefore, until the detoxification of the body is over, you may notice some deterioration in your condition. During this time, symptoms such as increased water intake are observed, as water increases the body's ability to detoxify.

It is imperative to remember that your feelings are not the problem, you just feel like it is being "cured"! This is great, but it can cause you some inconvenience. Typically side effects are reported by our clients as headaches, fatigue, and a temporary deterioration in emotions related to the problem they are working on. There is no rule, but in general, the more “littered” your body and soul, the more “garbage” comes out.

This discomfort just means that there is progress in treatment! When your body and soul are completely cleansed, these unpleasant sensations will disappear.

Should I continue with the Healing Program if I am experiencing discomfort?

Yes. If you experience any discomfort, continue to exercise, but focus on eliminating the sensation.

Paul Harris, Ph.

Of course, if you have symptoms that indicate a disease, seek medical attention from a specialist.

Some people have mood swings. One day you may feel better than ever and think that some miracle is happening to you, and the next day, remember the feelings that you experienced before starting treatment. This is fine. Try to fight your impatience.

What if I am interrupted during a session?

If you are interrupted during the Healing Program, continue where you left off, but if you are interrupted a second time, start over.

Energy Healing: All About Reiki and Kundalini Reiki

The book tells about the energy of Reiki and what real miracles can be done with it.

Having mastered the energy of Reiki, you will feel such changes in the work of the mind, body and even soul, which will seem incredible to you. You will have more energy, inspiration and inner harmony than you may have had in your entire previous life. People will start telling you that you look younger and happier. A sense of grace and balance will return to you very soon - it will return forever. And these are just some of the miraculous effects of Reiki energy.


Reiki level I training

The very basics

Energy is everywhere

Reiki principles

Reiki Mastery Steps

1st stage

2nd stage

Workshop stage

User manual

Eliminating the real causes of disease

Operating principle

How is the session

Safety engineering

Contact to start a session

Thanks after the session

Hand positions for various types of bioenergy sessions


Shortest session

Short session

Full session

Important additions

Reiki guides - their help and presence

How to help as much as possible during a session

Is it good when someone else is "hooked"

Sharing different practices

Who feels what during the session

Is initiation necessary

What Happens During Initiation

Spiritual line

Who actually heals

Responsibility for healing

To whom and when not to give Reiki

We clean, structure water and food

Post-initiation action plan

Reiki and Traditional Medicine

Reiki and religions

Animals, children and Reiki


Time between initiations

Possible side effects

The Ethics of Paying for Reiki Sessions and Initiations

The value of initiation

Reiki level II training

The same basic rules

There is no distance for energy, no time

Reiki appeals and gratitude after the session

Referring to Reiki during a contact session

Referring to Reiki during a distance session

Appeal to Reiki during a distance session and when transferring energy in time

Gratitude after the Reiki session

Reiki Symbols

First character: Cho-Ku-Rei

Second character: Sey-He-Ki

Mirror Sei-He-Ki

Third character: Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen

Double Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen

New spelling of the Third symbol for the New Time

New characters


"Universal pass"

Order of using symbols

Ways of conducting Reiki sessions from a distance

Between the palms

Using the hips

Working with a phantom

Conducting a session on a doll or toy

Charging with energy of some object, and transferring it

Application of Reiki energy in the second stage

The ability to heal moments of the past, present and future

Cleaning of premises

Increased income

Working with situations

Clearing entities

Purification and structuring of water and food

What happens during and after initiation into the second stage of Reiki

Reiki Master Training

Who can be initiated

Workshop symbols

The first master symbol of "Dai-Ko-Myo"

The second master symbol of "Cancer"

Transmitting initiation

Preparation for initiation

Setting transfer

Initiation to several people at once

Distance initiation

When Can a New Reiki Master Perform First Initiations

Kundalini Reiki

Your inner nuclear reactor

Difference between Eastern Reiki and Kundalini Reiki

How to awaken the Kundalini

The value of initiation

The first stage of Kundalini Reiki

The second stage of Kundalini Reiki

Kundalini Reiki Master Level

Diamond Reiki

Crystalline Reiki

Reiki DNA

Reiki birth trauma

Reiki Locations

Past Life Reiki

How to Initiate in Kundalini Reiki 1-2-3

Personal Initiation of Kundalini Reiki

Remote initiation

Object initiation

Initiation to additional settings (boosters)

Instructions for using booster

The value of initiation

New Energy

Spiritual Level Up

A miracle that will change your life

A bit of history

Increased vibration

What will you get as a result of raising to a higher spiritual level:

The value of practice

Important additions

Total cleaning + Way to yourself

Course Reviews


Appendix 1. Where to get strength

Appendix 2.6 types of healing

1. Healing with energy

2. laying on of hands

3. Treatment with living substances

4. Magnets

6. Surgical intervention


Hello. My name is Alex Toman. I am an Eastern Reiki Master and a Kundalini Reiki Master. A healer, in some way a psychic, your friend and helper on your Life Path.

This book is not just about energy, not only about Reiki energy. This book will help you to reveal yourself, your potential. It will help you find yourself and your Path.

You will learn how to really just become a real healer and start working miracles, curing relatives, loved ones and everyone who turns to you.

I am used to speaking briefly, to the point. Therefore, there will be no water in this book. Only the most necessary to understand your energy and the practices in which you can apply the energy of Reiki.

Why do you need all this information about energy

Lovely ladies, how do you behave when you want to please a man? You sparkle with your eyes, you smile.

And what can you give him with a drooping energy?

What kind of food will you cook for him?

What pleasure will you give him and get yourself in bed?

For men, more "sharpened" for a career the same question: how do you enter the office to the leadership? You are energetic, ready to fulfill any assignment.

How much strength does it take to make a successful career?

And you definitely need additional make-up if:

You slept through the night, but woke up feeling shattered and tired.

You have important things to do for a long time, but you have not even started them.

Everyday routine exhausts you to nothing.

Relationships with people bring constant frustration and resentment.

You constantly have no money. A living wage - yes. But for travel, entertainment, starting a business - you cannot allocate a dime.

You are often sick. There are serious diagnoses and "little things" - a runny nose, stomach problems.

You have already visited many doctors, drank a variety of vitamins and dietary supplements. The cart is still there.

You feel bored, desperate, and hopeless.

In fact, there is only one reason for all these problems.

You have catastrophically little life energy!

Oh, yes, you know about it. And they even tried to do something in order to feel better. We read books, even tried energy practices. But you were told everywhere that it takes years and years of regular training to achieve results. Where to get the strength for many years of practice, if they are barely enough for today ?!

Everything will be simple and accessible here.

And in this book there will be many links to various Internet resources, to the pages of my sites. Everything is explained simply: the Internet is a more lively space where you can post the most relevant information.

about the author

Until you know me, you think to yourself: “Who is this Alex? How did he decide that he could write a book? "

Whenever I talk about something, I do it for something. That's why you know who I am? In order for you to understand that absolutely any person on the planet earth can get the most extraordinary healing energies and opportunities at their disposal.

I really have achieved a lot on the way of working with energies, helping other people, opening their healing abilities. Do you think that at the very beginning of the journey I dreamed about it or at least somehow guessed that it would become my guiding thread? Not at all! He lived for himself, lived. And then he began to take it step by step. And so, I came to the conclusion that I am already writing the book!

So, briefly about yourself.

All the events in my life are developing in the most wonderful way. I myself wonder where this all will lead as a result.

Since childhood, I do not smoke or drink, I am engaged in various sports: woo-shu, football, volleyball, skiing. Thus, he kept his physical body in good shape, without polluting it, preparing for something.

Having a logical mind, he finished the physics and mathematics class, received two higher educations - technical and economic. Moreover, all humanitarian subjects were handed over "automatically", tk. mastered them very well in seminars.

Thus, from the point of view of standard education and the development of intelligence, I went through a good school, received a decent baggage of knowledge.

He worked for hire, made a career, dreamed of big money. He worked as director of the investment department, and then even in the Moscow Government.

Parallel to work for hire, I took up self-development. I read many different books. I wanted to get not only paper knowledge, but also real skills.

Fate provided me with the opportunity to obtain the degree of Master of Eastern Reiki and Master of Kundalini Reiki. I continue to develop it with pleasure, and pass it on to others.

The preserved physical body allows to perfectly conduct Reiki energy, helping people with their problems and illnesses.

After going through different practices, I use them in my everyday life. I'm telling everyone. There is so much experience and knowledge that I want to tell the whole world about it! I decided to start with a book on energy healing.

I have two main sites:

You can go there, see how I look in the video, and appreciate it is worth reading this book further and whether you can trust me at all. Better to see once.

And there is also a page like this:

By registering on it, you will not only receive a lot of useful and interesting information, but you will also receive the freshest revelations and practices from me.

It all started with a real Miracle

There were three brothers in the family. I am the elder. I had to help my parents a lot, work hard. And at the same time I managed to study well. We lived in the city of Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region. In grades 10-11, I was able to enter the physics and mathematics class, thanks to which I honed my logic and harmony of thoughts.

Toward the end of school, I somehow began to think about God. But I can't say that I really believed it. But then an incident occurred, which cannot be called a Miracle except.

I took preparatory courses at the University. And so, I am standing at the bus stop - at the crossroads, waiting for either the bus or the tram to go, to either run there or here. I'm almost late. And I turn to God with approximately the following prayer - a request: “God, if you exist, then help me to be in time for classes. If you help, I will believe in You. "

And you know what happened. Directly off the street, on which buses did not even go, a completely empty bus leaves. Turns to a stop and opens the doors for me. I ask: "Do you go to university?" Of course yes!

And so, I am driving alone in this out of nowhere bus, and I understand that this is it - a Miracle! And that's how I finally believed.

It happens differently for everyone. At a seminar on philosophy at the university, a teacher told us, students, that people begin to believe in God only when something bad happens to them: illness, accident, etc. But then I answered him that everything is fine with me, and I just believe in God.

In general, as far as I understood for myself, any religion is a good springboard for further upward movement. Why just a springboard and not the end result? The logic here is simple. When the soul just wakes up, it just begins to think about the fact that there is something important in heaven, there is God. And she begins to look for answers to the questions: how to live correctly in order to be closer to God.

And where should she go for answers? To the nearest temple, to religious books. After all, it is so accepted in our society that for any people there is an official religion recognized by the authorities. Everything is ready for you there: all the answers to the first important spiritual questions. The soul begins to grow, absorbing the wisdom of the native spiritual religious culture.

Each religion has rules, the observance of which will bring people closer to God. And there is a list of what not to do, tk. it will harm the soul.

And so, the developing person cognizes more and more the religion recognized by him. And then he has questions that no priest can answer. And then it is called: "The disciple is ready." And such a ready student has a Teacher. It can be like a real person who will tell a beginner in which direction to move on, answer the most painful questions. So it can be an ordinary book, which "accidentally" ended up in the hands of the seeker.

And then a person is already freed from dependence on one religion, and begins to look at the world much wider. He begins to accept all beliefs as different paths leading to one, One God. And spiritual knowledge begins to pour on him, as if from a cornucopia, giving answers to all questions.

Of course, periods of study alternate with periods of working off, when, having received theoretical knowledge, situations are created for the student that require their application. At such moments, it usually becomes not up to books, and there is a strong spiritual tension of the soul. But if the lesson is passed with dignity, the knowledge is applied, then the subject receives a good reward! And it goes on.

Something I digress a little from the topic. Although, this is also important.

So, I, like many, started with religion, or rather, with Orthodoxy. It even got to the point that when I was doing wushu for five years, and we started doing such energetic gymnastics as Tai Chi Chuan, I stopped going to classes, because in one of the Orthodox brochures it was said that while practicing bioenergy, a person does not use divine energy, but quite the opposite.

It was only much later that I realized that bioenergy, like Reiki energy, is everywhere and does not belong to any religion. At the same time, it is in fact a gift from God for us humans. Just as electricity does not belong to any particular denomination, so Reiki energy - subtle spiritual energy that is everywhere, like air, is not anyone's property. And everyone can use it, regardless of religion or, conversely, complete atheism.

How did my journey to Reiki begin?

Everyone has an individual path of spiritual development. Everyone finds their Teachers and their own Path in a different way. This is how it happened for me.

At that time I worked in a large energy company (by the way, again in the energy sector). I had to go to work to another city by car - 45 kilometers. At the same time, there were traffic jams along the way, there were drivers who did not let me go from row to row when changing lanes, and this annoyed me terribly. I was very emotional, indignant, lost my temper. At the same time, there were such thoughts inside that one should not be so indignant that this is not good. But he couldn’t help himself. I only dreamed: "I wish I could drive calmly, without nerves, not react to anyone!"

And so, one day we met with my Reiki Master. We talked about something, and she suggested: "Let me give you a Reiki session?"

- And what is it?

- I will give you special energy. She will calm you down, heal you.

She gave me a session. I will not say that there were any special sensations during the session: somewhere her hands were hotter, somewhere colder. I didn’t feel any particular effect right away. He thanked for the session and went home. I went to bed at home - everything was as usual.

But what happened the next morning! I woke up and felt absolutely calm! Here, the Olympic calmness is direct. I got into my car and went to work. I'm driving, but they cut me off, don't let me into a row, etc. Everything is as usual. Only I am calm, like a boa constrictor! I go and enjoy myself. People with me in the car are also surprised: "Why aren't you indignant today?" And why be indignant when it is so good inside?

All day at work, I was calm and harmonious. I went home from work. Again, the same calmness! It was wonderful! What I could not achieve with my own efforts: thoughts, desires, understandings, happened just in one session by itself.

Of course, after work I flew to the Reiki Master with the question: “What is this? Can I learn this? "

It turned out that Reiki is not an innate gift, but a practice that can really be learned and passed on from Master to student. And I started learning and practicing. So, with such a miracle my Path in energy and Reiki began.

Moreover, when I received the first step, I did not even suspect that Reiki would become my destiny and the meaning of life. That I will become a Reiki Master, that I will help people all over the world, and even more so I will write a whole book about it!

And one more small detail about myself. Since childhood, I do not smoke or drink, and have not even tried. In this way, I have kept my body clean of these toxins, and thanks to this, I also better channel the energy and initiations of Reiki.

Reiki training on


The very basics

So you understand that you have a soul. And even official medicine has already confirmed that each of us has an energy field - an aura. And even there are special devices that can photograph your aura, and programs give recommendations on the resulting images.

And you know that sometimes you get very tired not physically, but somewhere inside. When there is no strength, the nerves are at the limit, etc. This happens when your inner energy reservoir becomes almost empty.

How does this happen? Imagine, for example, a bucket of water. The bucket is your energy capacity, and the water is your inner energy itself. When you, for example, have a good rest on your vacation at sea, sunbathe in the sun or any other way you like, then your energy bucket is filled to the brim. You come from vacation cheerful, full of strength and energy.

Further, authoritative scientists have established that such an energy charge from a vacation is enough for a person for about two or three weeks. It is not for nothing that they say that the person who has just returned from vacation needs more than anyone else. And then the body falls into its usual average annual, inter-vacation state. And this state is the most interesting and the most important to study.

Analyze right now how you usually feel. If your usual state is very close to depression, when nothing pleases, when you do not get enough sleep, when everything is annoying, it means that you spend so much energy every day that nothing remains in the bucket. And during the night, the level of fullness of energy rises so little that this "water" is consumed literally during the time when you get to work.

There are better situations when you feel quite playful until the middle of the day. This is already good. And it’s absolutely ideal when you’re almost in perfect order by evening.

Causes of energy loss

Why there can be large losses of energy, which lead to the first most neglected case, when there is no strength at all and depression is an almost constant companion.

Quite often, when you talk with such people and ask them why they think that they have such a low energy, they answer that some particular person - an energy vampire - is pumping energy out of them. In fairness, it is worth admitting that such cases do happen, but much less often than people think. Yes, there are such gifted little people who, willingly or unwillingly, connect to the biofield of another person and consume their energy. But I assure you that there are very few such cases. You can count them on one hand. So if you have depression, then put this reason out of your head, but rather think about what I wrote next.

Where are you actually wasting your precious energy?

You yourself allow people to use your energy when you succumb to certain provocations. There are several types of energy vampires that are not obvious enough at first glance, with whom you are happy to share your powers.

The first type is bosses who yell at you and accuse you of something. When this happens, you are driven into the position of a victim, which is easy to control, and which is guiltyly justified and thereby gives power over itself. The screaming boss or any other person, meanwhile, is very well saturated with your energy, and leaves satisfied. And you sit exhausted, come to your senses.

There is one simple proven way to protect yourself from such vampires. When such a person comes up to you and begins to provoke you to emotions, then simply cross your arms over your chest, and, if possible, your legs in the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe shins. It is very easy to do this while sitting. Thus, you will close your energy circuit on yourself, and the energy will not leave you.

How else to deal with such people? By understanding what they are actually doing when they shout at you and accuse you of something. You understand that their intention is not for you to do your job right, but to “eat” you. So, don't give them such yummy!

The second type of energy vampires are poor things. who are always complaining about life, how bad they are, what bad people around and all that. How could such an unfortunate person be a vampire? Very simple. He complains to you, and you pity him. And your pity is again your energy that flows from you to the poor thing. Try to get rid of your communication with such people as much as possible. Or try to teach them that if they constantly talk about the negative, then this very negative in their life will be more and more. Or tell them bluntly: “I'm tired of your complaints. Let's talk about something good? "

It is very interesting to watch the poor thing, when he comes and starts complaining, and you seem to agree with him, but you yourself understand what he is really doing, you don’t feel sorry for him, and in addition, you have crossed your arms and legs. After such communication, he usually leaves with words like: "You are not like that today." Of course not! You did not become a feeding trough for him, he tried so hard to spin you up, but nothing came of it.

The third type of energy vampires is drunkards.... Yes Yes Yes! What do you think happens when a drunkard comes home and his wife pounces on him with a rolling pin, yells at him? She pours so much energy on him. And he absorbs it. Well, not only him, of course. Usually, people who abuse alcohol have some bad entities in the field that provoke him to drink. And these entities are very fond of such negative energy from those who shout at the drunkard.

What to do with those who like to drink? Do not praise them, right? This is a separate very important topic not for this book. If you are interested, you can look at my materials on how to deal with alcohol addicts here on this page of my website: [broken link]

And in order not to waste your energy, ask yourself the question: did your screams help at least a little? Has the person stopped drinking after your repeated scandals? No, after all. Well, break this game of aggressor and poor thing for him. Stop yelling and getting nervous if that doesn't work. Think about yourself and your health.

OK. Moving on. Where and when are you still losing energy? When you are deeply worried about something, anxious or afraid of something. Worrying about something doesn't make you feel better. Either do something to prevent something from happening, or just stop worrying. It won't help either!

Stop gossiping too. When you discuss someone behind their back, you send your attention, your energy. Do you need it?

There are many different practices in the world. Simple and complex. With soul and body. And they all work. Only some practices help some people, while others help others.

And now you will learn about one unusual practice called "The Healing Program".

Now imagine a 283-page book that describes this practice. Moreover, about 250 pages of the book are filled with rave reviews from people who have successfully applied the practice and recovered from all kinds of diseases, including cancer. And a bunch of reviews from those who got rid of various traumatic situations and began to live freely and happily.

The practice itself is quite simple, but in order to successfully apply it and get results, you need a little theoretical knowledge.

For example, some sources claim that the acidification of our body is to blame for all our troubles - they say, we eat too much acidic foods, and because of this we oxidize, get sick, get fat, fall into depression.

Others blame negative feelings and experiences from the past for everything.

At the head of this practice, the root cause of all bad is stress. ... And if you remove it correctly, then happiness will come to us.


Most often, the cause of the disease lies in the area of ​​subtle energies. It is the energy shell that is most susceptible to external influences. The state of mind and spirit affects the work of every cell in our body. And if a soul falls ill or a person becomes discouraged, this is instantly reflected at the cellular level.

If you practice the Healing Program, you can achieve sincere forgiveness, release false beliefs, solve psychological problems that cause stress, and get rid of illness.

It is believed that the most difficult to treat diseases are cancers. To recover from cancer patients, they must first of all solve their psychological problems. In medical practice, there have been cases when patients died after recovering from cancer, because they could not overcome anger, fear, hatred, anger and similar feelings.

Even within the framework of the Healing Program, there is such an interesting concept as the only three.

Three "Ones"

The only one N 1:

The only N 2:

The only thing # 3: On planet Earth there is the Only One that can re-“turn on” the Only One No. 1.

Now let's take a closer look at what kind of Ones are.

Unique number 1

On planet Earth, there is the only one that can solve almost all of your problems.

What it is? This is the human immune system.

The body of each person has a truly fantastic ability to heal itself, whatever the nature of the problem - physiological or psychological. This fantastic ability is the immune system. We are born with a program that can solve any problem before it even exists. And if the problem does arise, the immune system will cope with it.

Unique number 2

On the planet Earth there is the Only thing that can "turn off" the only one number 1.

So what is it? It's stressful (but maybe not in the way you think it is).

If the human immune system can solve any problem, then the only thing that can "turn it off" must be the cause of disease. And indeed it is.

According to a 1998 study by famed microbiologist Bruce Lipton at Stanford University School of Medicine, 95% of the disease is caused by stress. The remaining 5%, according to Lipton, are due to genetic predisposition.

Too much stress for a long time leads to so-called chronic stress, which is associated with heart disease, stroke, and can also lead to cancer and chronic respiratory diseases. Moreover, the disease itself is only the tip of the iceberg. Stress affects the emotional state and poisons a person's entire life.

When you have a problem that you cannot deal with, the first thing you should ask yourself is this question: "How can I eliminate the stress that is preventing my immune system from coping with this problem?"

Unique number 3

On planet Earth, there is the Only One that can “turn on” the One No. 1 again.

What is this? Healing your mental wounds!

How stress affects us.

In the navy in the event that the ship is attacked, all normal daily work on it ceases. All crew members of the ship, regardless of what they are doing at the moment - eating or sleeping, must take their places according to the combat schedule.

Likewise in our body: when the alarm goes off, the cells stop performing their normal functions (growth and regeneration). Why? The alarm is supposed to go off in case of extreme danger, and while the person is running or fighting to save their life, everyone else can wait.

The cells of the human body literally "shut down", just as all hatches are closed during an attack on a ship. You will not see the ship being loaded or unloaded during the battle.

The same happens in the body: cells do not receive nutrition, oxygen, minerals, etc. and do not get rid of waste while the person is in a stressful situation. Everything that is directly necessary for survival ceases to work. And this is reflected in the state of the cell, the toxic environment inside which does not allow it to perform the functions of growth and regeneration.

On the other hand, the cells that carry out their normal functions of growth and regeneration are "impenetrable" to the disease.

We all have an internal "tank", and when the level of stress that we can handle exceeds the acceptable limits, the body malfunctions. While your "tank" is not yet filled to the brim, you can effectively deal with new stress, but when it is overfilled, the body can not stand it.

Every day they make demands on us, they constantly expect something from us, while our desires remain unsatisfied.

Here are some typical cases emergence situational stress:

  • problems at work;
  • financial instability;
  • fear of failure or bad results;
  • uncertainty about the future;
  • health problems;
  • family problems;
  • problems in relationships with people;
  • communication with people emitting negativity;
  • negative attitude;
  • feeling of powerlessness;
  • low self-esteem;
  • loss of something or someone important.

If we don't have enough time to recover from each a stressful situation, our cells remain "closed", which leads to aging of the body and early death.

Here are some of the typical symptoms of situational stress.

If you have any of these signs, then you have situational stress:

  • insomnia;
  • stress and anxiety;
  • illogical thinking;
  • inappropriate actions;
  • an increase in the number of errors;
  • irritability;
  • anger;
  • mild depression;
  • high blood pressure;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • heart disease;
  • ulcer;
  • allergy;
  • asthma;
  • headache;
  • premature aging.

In a stressful situation, cells do not grow or regenerate

Lack of energy for intracellular level and there is a syndrome of chronic fatigue.

This figure shows a sinusoid:

Let's imagine that this is the frequency of cancer cells. To change this frequency, it is necessary to suppress it directly opposite. It will look something like this:

When you do this, you get the following:

Now you have neutralized the destructive frequency, and if you were able to do this, the source of the frequency is either already eliminated, or it will disappear after a while - provided that you can maintain the neutralization effect. This is what the Healing Program does.

The healing program effectively fights the lack of energy as it represents a new method of healing according to the laws of quantum physics. Once you replace the destructive frequency with the healing one, all your emotional and physiological problems will be solved.

Healing program allows you to bring the nervous system out of stress by interrupting the alarm.

Why Positive Thinking Doesn't "Heal" Cellular Memory

You may have the following question: “Is it in order to“ cure”Cellular memory is not simple enough think about the good? " Unfortunately, the answer is no, because there are mechanisms in the unconscious that prevent this from happening.

All of us have experienced anger, sadness, fear, confusion, guilt, helplessness, despair, a sense of worthlessness, and similar feelings more than once. They do not pass without leaving a trace, the memory of them is deposited in the soul. As a result, we pay off with our health, relationships, careers, etc.

What is meant by "healing" cellular memory? This implies getting rid of negative emotions: anger, disappointment, resentment, guilt, helplessness.

Another important point for the successful implementation of the practice is that you need to understand who is more important - the mind or the heart.

AFFIRMATIONS - how to correctly formulate

Someone asked people to make statements like “I’m about to have a new car” or “From now on my career will take off,” and tested them for stress. And you know what? Almost always, the test has shown that these statements create new serious stress.

Scientists have found that in the vast majority of cases, such statements not only do not help, but only worsen the situation.

This is why you need to make "truthful statements." This means that statements should not only be positive, you really should believe in them. Instead of saying to yourself, “I’m going to be cured of cancer,” if you don’t really believe it, your “truthful statement” should be: “I want and I intend to be cured of cancer. I AM believe

When people tell the truth, stress levels decrease. You ask, "What's the difference?" The difference is the same as between a placebo and a real drug. One statement you believe is positive, another one you don't, so it will be a lie to your soul.

Four health centers

According to the Healing Program, there are four health centers in the human body that are associated with health centers each cells of the human body. If properly “turned on” these health centers, they can cure almost all diseases. They eliminate stress that interferes with the normal functioning of the immune system and enable it to perform its functions.

So, these four health centers are:

: the pituitary gland (which controls the endocrine processes in the body) and the pineal gland of the brain.

: right and left cerebral hemispheres, hypothalamus.

Jaw: The region of the brain responsible for emotions, including the amygdala, as well as the spinal cord and central nervous system.

Adam's apple(Adam's apple): the spinal cord and central nervous system, as well as the thyroid gland.

Healthy energy flows from these centers to every organ and every cell in your body.

How the Healing Program Activates Health Centers

You can activate health centers with your fingers. The healing program is a series of gentle exercises. They are extremely simple.

During the exercise, you direct the fingers of both hands to one of the health centers from a distance of 5-7 cm from the body. Health centers activate an energetic healing system that functions in the same way as the immune system.

It does not destroy viruses and bacteria, but "heals" the memories associated with a person's problem. Using a positive, healthy frequency, this system neutralizes negative, destructive frequencies and replaces them with healthy ones.

It doesn't matter if your fingers are straight or slightly bent (do whatever works best for you), but your fingertips should be directed towards the area around your center of health.

The exercise takes 6 minutes, during which you activate these health centers with your fingers. You can do the exercises whenever and wherever it suits you. Some people exercise by talking on the phone, watching movies and TV shows, or reading a book.

The healing program doesn't just "heal" destructive energy, it does it absolutely automatically! For the Healing Program to work, we do not need to be aware of the destructive beliefs, thoughts, and feelings that it "heals."

The Exact Position of the Four Health Centers

Adam's apple(Adam's apple):
just above the Adam's apple.

: 1 cm above the temple and one centimeter towards the back of the head on both sides.

between the bridge of the nose and the line of the eyebrows.

Jaw: above the lower posterior part of the jawbone on both sides.

Exercise in a quiet, secluded place where you can relax and where you will not be distracted.

So, the sequence of classes in the Healing Program is as follows.

  1. Rate your problem on a scale of 0 to 10. Rate the discomfort you feel when you think about your problem on a scale of 0 to 10 (10 is the most discomfort). This method will allow you to track your progress.
  2. Determine what feelings and / or unhealthy beliefs are associated with your problem (fear, feelings of hopelessness, anger, anxiety, helplessness, etc.).
  3. Searching for memories: Consider if you've ever experienced these feelings before, perhaps under different circumstances. Don't dig too deep, just ask yourself this question: have you ever felt the way you feel now. Look for a match feelings, sensations rather than circumstances. If you are worried about your financial future, ask yourself if you have experienced the same anxiety before. Think about the earliest memories that float into consciousness and focus on “healing” them first.
  4. Rate your earliest memories on a scale of 0 to 10. Work with the strongest or earliest first. Our problems are related to "untreated" memories. Often, when you heal the earliest or strongest memories, all the others “attached” to the most problematic memories are also “healed”.
  5. Formulate the negative thoughts that arise in your head in connection with the problem.
  6. Formulate or even write down "truth attitudes" - phrases that are opposite to unhealthy beliefs and aimed at solving a problem. Example: “I I want and express my intention cure cancer. I AM believe that I can do it, and I ask God to help me in this. "
  7. Pray for health. Include problems you know about in your prayer.

“I pray that all known and unknown negative images, unhealthy beliefs, destructive cellular memory and all physical ailments associated with [your problem] will be found and cured through the light, life and love of God that will fill me. I pray that the effectiveness of this treatment will increase a hundredfold. ”

(This is said to make treatment a priority for the body.)

  1. Begin doing the exercises by holding each position for about 30 seconds and repeating the Truth Attitude that is the opposite of your unhealthy beliefs or is about solving your problem. When doing the exercises, focus on the positive things, not the negative ones. Before finishing the exercises, make sure that you have not missed any position (usually you will need to complete the sequence of exercises several times). Do the exercise sequence for at least 6 minutes. You can also do them a little longer, especially if you rated your problem with 5 or 6 points. We recommend 6 minutes at least.

(First position.) Bridge of the nose: between the bridge of the nose and the line of the eyebrows.

(Second position.) Adam's apple (Adam's apple): exactly above the Adam's apple.

(Third position.) Jaw: Above the lower back of the jawbone on both sides.

(Fourth position.) Temples: Half an inch (1 cm) above the temple and half an inch toward the back of the head on both sides.

  1. After completing the exercises, re-rate your problem on a scale from 0 to 10. When you can rate your problem as 0 or 1, move on to “treating” the following memories.

Doing exercise for someone else

You can do the exercise for someone else too. Just say a prayer like this:

“I pray that all known and unknown negative images, unhealthy beliefs, destructive cellular memory and all physical ailments associated with [the problem of a loved one] will be found and cured through the light, life and love of God that will fill [name ].

I pray that the effectiveness of this treatment will increase a hundredfold. ”

Do the exercises yourself. When you're done, just say a short prayer:

"I pass on the entire healing effect in its entirety to [name] with love."

For faster results, you can do them more times. The effect will be even if you only do the exercises once a day, so we strongly recommend doing them at least once a day. You can do them for more than 6 minutes, the main thing is the consistency and systematicity of the exercises. Ideally, doing the exercises three or more times a day for 6 minutes will help you achieve the best results.

Many people say that during the Healing Program, the images they are working on begin to fade and it becomes difficult to focus on them and visualize them. People often describe the process of "healing" memories as if the power of the energy of this image gradually weakens and ceases to control them. This is often accompanied by the acquisition of spiritual harmony and a sense of relief. When you notice some or perhaps all of these signs, you will know that the images that have bothered you in the past are "cured."

It is important to understand that there are problems with more than one image. If you do not feel any changes after exercising, do not despair. Keep working on this image, and sooner or later it will be "cured" thanks to the ability of the immune system to heal.

If, after all this, you still do not feel any changes, it may be because another problem is preventing you from “healing” the one you are currently working on. If so, keep working on the problem that bothers you the most until it is resolved.

What, if after completing the Healing Program I feel worse?

You experience discomfort because toxins and negative emotions are released from your body and soul.

When you "heal" the destructive cellular memory and unhealthy beliefs that are at the root of your problems, the stress they cause in the body will disappear. Once this happens, your immune system will begin to heal your body.

During this process, toxins, viruses and bacteria begin to leave your body, therefore, until the detoxification of the body is over, you may notice some deterioration in your condition. During this time, symptoms such as increased water intake are observed, as water increases the body's ability to detoxify.

It is imperative to remember that your feelings are not the problem, you just feel like it is being "cured"! This is great, but it can cause you some inconvenience. Typically side effects are reported by our clients as headaches, fatigue, and a temporary deterioration in emotions related to the problem they are working on. There is no rule, but in general, the more “littered” your body and soul, the more “garbage” comes out.

This discomfort just means that there is progress in treatment! When your body and soul are completely cleansed, these unpleasant sensations will disappear.

Should I continue with the Healing Program if I am experiencing discomfort?

Yes. If you experience any discomfort, continue to exercise, but focus on eliminating the sensation.

Paul Harris, Ph.

Of course, if you have symptoms that indicate a disease, seek medical attention from a specialist.

Some people have mood swings. One day you may feel better than ever and think that some miracle is happening to you, and the next day, remember the feelings that you experienced before starting treatment. This is fine. Try to fight your impatience.

What if I am interrupted during a session?

If you are interrupted during the Healing Program, continue where you left off, but if you are interrupted a second time, start over.


As you begin this Program of Healing, you will begin to receive results. In order to inspire others to use this simple yet effective practice, I ask you to leave your comments at the bottom of this page.

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Human Healing Program

Activation of 12 layers of DNA

Initially, man was created as a magnificent creature with TWELVE DNA strands, material for which was provided by the most diverse civilizations of the universe. When the new owners came, they created in their laboratories a new version of a person who had a completely different DNA - consisting of only two helices. They took the original human DNA and dismantled it. The original DNA structure remained in human cells, but it ceased to function, disassembled into separate parts, or, one might say, "disconnected from the network."

Inside human cells there are thin filamentous formations containing certain information, a light code. When these strands combine into bundles on an energetic level, they work like your fiber optics and form the matrix of your DNA. When you underwent a restructuring, you were left with only a double helix. Everything that was not necessary for simple survival and was meant to keep you informed was "disabled". The double helix was supposed to constrain you to a controlled, controllable frequency range.

A frequency electromagnetic curtain was created around the planet, which makes it possible to control the frequency parameters that a person can voluntarily modulate and change. This veil made it difficult for the frequencies of Light to penetrate the planet. If the frequency of Light nevertheless pierced the veil, then there was no one to perceive it. Human DNA was turned off, the light-coded threads were disorganized, so the creative cosmic rays that carried the Light had nothing to grab onto and nowhere to turn on.

The first planners developed their own version of the plan, intending to execute it when the vibration frequency of the planet Earth would have to undergo a change. At this time, the creator gods will be in danger of death if they want to keep the low frequencies of their vibrations. Emotions are food. There are those for whom love is food, and the First Planters of the Earth intend to transfer the vibration of the Earth to the frequencies of love. The source of nutrition for the current owners is fear, anxiety, chaos, hunger, and they must be eliminated.

There is a certain code in you, and as your memory begins to rise from subconsciousness to consciousness, you will direct your actions according to the plan with which you came here. You will begin to rise to a certain vibration level, hold and maintain a certain vibration frequency. You will begin to live at a certain frequency. Your individuality, your essence in terms of vibrations is the total amount of electromagnetic pulsations released into the environment, pulsations of your spiritual, mental, emotional and physical bodies. Living in your own frequency, you influence every person who happens to be around. You are already doing this now. Many have already begun to understand their calling, others are just beginning to remember their task and the reason why they came to this planet. The plan, which involves changing the vibration frequencies that affect the human race, is to repair your DNA and activate the light-coded filaments. The plan is great! The Earth, in its own way, contributes to the evolution of the entire universe. The earth is the place where the action takes place, the most interesting place! This is where the implementation of the plan begins, and everything that happens on Earth will affect many worlds.

As members of the Family of Light, you have agreed to visit Earth many times in many different guises, at different time periods - in order to understand the laws, cognize personality structures and learn to be human. You needed to experience life on Earth on your own and prepare yourself for the time when you begin to change the vibration frequency of consciousness. Right now, you are all massively reborn on Earth, so that your plan can come true.

The members of the Family of Light are starting to unite everywhere. You all need to focus your attention on what is common to you, not on what separates you. As members of the Family of Light, you bring information to the planet while accelerating your own spiritual growth. You need to do this because your own spiritual growth is accelerating the spiritual growth of this planet.

Your DNA will develop from two spirals to twelve. These twelve spirals correspond to specific energy centers, or chakras, both inside and outside your body. There are millions of you on the planet now - those who have agreed to participate in the task, and you voluntarily hold this vibration frequency so that the successful completion of the task becomes possible. Few of you are perfect, and these few groups influence the rest. Very soon, you will have a very clear idea of ​​who you are and what your purpose is.

Some have already recovered 12 strands of DNA. These helical strands of DNA interact with each other both within and outside the body.

© Barbara Marsiniak - "Bringers of the Dawn"


DNA activation leads to a clearer orientation in life and a better awareness of their mission. It enhances self-control and helps you realize who you really are. You are on this planet to feel, create and share with others what you have achieved. Looking inside yourself to find obstacles standing in your way is a daring challenge. Self-realization is the key to your freedom.

DNA activation helps you get to the bottom of these truths about yourself. When DNA is healed, the destructive programs of aging, illness, and death are erased. The process of renewal, rejuvenation, healing of the physical and emotional body begins.

The physical state:
- body detoxification;
- rapid growth of hair and nails;
- you feel younger and look younger;
- increasing the energy level;
- lucid dreaming;
- desire to eat better;
- better communication with your body;
- increase in water consumption;
- strengthening the body's ability to heal itself.

Psychological and emotional state:
- increasing self-confidence;
- improvement of perception;
- improving the ability to recognize;
- clearer speech;
- less stress and anxiety;
- sharper memory and faster manifestation;
- strengthening the sense of competence.

Human relations:
- the emergence and acceptance of new feelings and sharing them with others;
- liberation from everything obsolete;
- a clearer vision of the relationship;
- a deeper feeling of love for others;
- attraction of “kindred souls” and “members of your spiritual family”.

Opening yourself up:
- automatic ability to face the truth about yourself;
- finding answers that bring meaning and clarity to your life;
- transformation of uncertainty into accuracy and truth;
- the ability to concentrate and be “here and now”.

Strong long-term benefits supported by evidence:
- release from deep emotional stress;
- release from hesitation, doubts and fears;
- the need for physical and moral cleansing;
- a more explicit search for your sacred path;
- a better understanding of your life purpose;
- a clearer vision of the uniqueness of each person;
- realization of love and respect for oneself;
- the realization that the Universe, as in a mirror, shows us our problems in order to identify and solve them.

DNA activation serves as a catalyst to return the cells of our body to their original state of purity and health, which will bring joy and lightness to the whole body. The process of cleansing the cell begins with the release of stress. DNA activation creates a clearer orientation in life and personal destiny. It improves the ability to control oneself and opens the door to greater opportunities to know who you really are, that is, to know your Higher Self. This process increases the need to find and express yourself better. Improving the state of all our relationships is the most important thing for most people.

We are on this planet in order to experience emotions, create and share with others what we have. In relationships, sharing can be challenging. DNA activation creates better opportunities for dealing with acute situations in relationships.

Below are some of the changes that can take place during a transformation:
- A more sincere feeling of love in relationships with other people;
- Clearer vision of relationships;
- Allowing yourself to express new feelings and share them;
- Attracting soul mates;
- Letting go of the old;
- New ideas and awareness of oneself and others Feeling the integrity of one's being (unity);
- Feeling of happiness;
- Attracting members of your “spiritual family”.

Self-disclosure leads to complete self-control, and this is the key to our freedom. Searching within ourselves to identify the blocks on the road of our lives is a challenge that requires courage from each of us. Each of us has so-called "self-justifications" (fears, doubts, trauma, pain, memories and emotions), which are obstacles that interfere with our true "self-expression." DNA activation targets these “self-justifications” of ours to the very core to eliminate them.

Here are some of the transformation effects:
- Automatic ability to resist self-justification;
- Stay focused on the moment;
- Replacing "search" with "solution";
- Increasing the ability to resist others;
- Ability to express your truth;
- Finding weighty and clear answers;
- Ability not to allow uncertainty to influence one's clarity and truth in different situations;
- An increase in such feelings and events that allow us to be centered "here and now."

Before any activation, we need to know the following: from a physical point of view: detoxification of the body is a normal process after activation. As with a cleansing diet, cells release their waste, and people can develop a cold-like reaction. Sometimes a state of increased energy is felt, followed by detoxification.

Each person has it in its own way. In any situation, it is best to drink a lot of water during this period (from 4 to 7 liters per day), be prepared for these changes and, if necessary, contact the person who activated you. From a psychological point of view: the emotional and mental bodies experience a similar cleansing process. Due to activation, the ability to deal with emotional problems is enhanced. The person now demonstrates the confidence necessary to face the external and internal problems associated with emotions. Finding a solution is paramount, and the ability to speak and express your truth is greatly enhanced. Getting through emotional release can be a difficult experience. Your DNA will change and your life will change accordingly. From the point of view of healing and renewal of the body, it is very important to assume that the principle of "consciousness above matter" begins to work when DNA is instructed to do something. Our life depends on how these molecules think, act, influence and reproduce, but does our word play a role in this process? Yes! Activate yourself, acknowledge your Divine essence. Become all that you can become! It's time to change your DNA and change your life. You create an intention to receive this special gift of life. Then you enter a state of brain activity, connect to your Divine Source and affirm that the activation is performed with the purest intention and love of your heart.

After that, the Universal Energies of Love-Life enter you through the crown of your head and descend into the pineal gland - the most sacred gland of our body. Once here, the life force energies will enter your Grand Master Cell, the first cell, the cell of conception, and will invoke the Chromosomes of Youth and Vitality, which are the archetypal chromosomes.

When they appear, the command is given to see the unfolding of the DNA. A call for DNA ACTIVATION is read with the command to activate the Chromosomes of Youth and Vitality. Then ten new strands of DNA are invoked, which are built on and integrated one after the other on top of the existing DNA. Upon completion of this process, new Youth and Vitality Chromosomes are formed within the Great Master Cell, the ends of which are sealed with a protein telomere. Further, a command is given to reproduce new Chromosomes of Youth and Viability in every cell of the body.