Seeing berries in a dream. Berries in a dream - why do you dream about them? Interpretation of the meaning of sleep in various dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud and others

Berries in dreams are a symbol that relates to the emotional sphere. Different berries have their own meanings. They can indicate different events in real life and their possible development. Therefore, it is important to understand what berries of a certain type mean in dreams. To be able to control your own life to some extent.

Very great importance has the color of berries in a dream. It is this characteristic that indicates a negative or positive interpretation of the dream. But, of course, in addition to color, for a correct interpretation, one should also take into account the type of berries, as well as what actions were carried out with them.

Why do you dream about red berries?

Most often, dreamers are interested in the question of why red berries appear in dreams. Fruits of this color, seen in night dreams, are most often associated with family relationships and various feelings in the emotional sphere. But in order to more accurately understand what red berries portend in real life, you need to pay attention to their appearance.

What type of berries did you dream about?

Interpret dreams with red berries certain types can be done as follows:

    Red rowan clusters foreshadow life's disappointments. Such berries indicate that a period of life is approaching in which there will be many reasons for sadness. Raspberries symbolize a happy family life. Cherries represent love relationship. A ripe berry emphasizes that a person has a completely personal life. Cranberry foreshadows troubles in the business sphere. Strawberries and strawberries are harbingers of the onset of a favorable life period filled with joyful events. Red currant symbolizes the fulfillment of desires.

In addition, the following should be taken into account:

    If the berries are ripe and sweet, then tempting prospects lie ahead. If the berries are sour or bitter, then serious disappointment may await you in reality.

When a woman dreams that she is making jam from red berries, this indicates that she is trying by any means to keep her loved one, whose feelings have cooled. But if according to the plot of the dream best friend eats red berry jam, this indicates that she is friends with you solely for selfish reasons.

A very good sign is night dreams in which a person sees himself in a forest clearing covered with red berries. This indicates that a favorable period is coming in life. Also, such a dream may indicate the complete recovery of a sick person.

There are berries

When you dream of eating red, sour or bitter berries, this indicates that the dreamer should be wary of the actions of enemies and enemies. During this period of life, they are very determined and can strike a blow that will greatly harm the dreamer.

Black berries

Black berries in a dream are considered to be harbingers of disappointment and sadness. But this is far from an unambiguous symbol in night dreams. In accordance with information obtained from various dream books, when you dream of black berries, this may portend both a meeting with dishonest people and various pleasant events in life.

If you remember what types of berries you picked in a dream, then you should consider the following:

    Black currant foreshadows the development of serious diseases. Bird cherry is a harbinger of a cheerful life. After such a dream, there is a high probability. That an event will happen that you have been waiting for a very long time. Blueberries warn that you need to take care of your own health.

When you dream of black berries that you have to pick in the forest, health problems may soon arise. Also, such a dream may indicate that in real life you will find yourself in difficult situation, and it will be almost impossible to solve the problems that arise alone. And if you have to watch. If black berries are picked by other people, then you will have to go on a journey against your will.

It is very interesting to know why you dream of eating black berries. If you see that after you have tasted the berries. Your lips and teeth have turned black, then there is big risk that you will commit some act in reality that could ruin your reputation.

If in a dream you eat black berries and at the same time feel that they are not tasty at all, then in life you will have problems, the culprits of which will be your loved ones.

red berries

Red berries in a dream sometimes foreshadow a visit from distant relatives, who may also live very far away. In addition, such a dream may indicate that your closest relatives are very worried about you. If your intuition tells you, then you can also interpret a dream with red berries as meaning that in the near future one of your relatives will need help and support.

Ripe berries - interpretation of sleep

A very good sign is ripe, juicy berries in a dream, regardless of their color. Such fruits symbolize endurance, balance of character and patience of the dreamer. Such qualities allow you to make the right decisions and successfully move towards your goal.

Large berries

Also auspicious symbol in the dream there are large berries. They portend success and large profits in reality. You have a very high chance of getting rich in real life. It is noteworthy that if you dream of one large berry, it means that only one area of ​​life will attract your attention.

Small berries

Small berries seen in a dream indicate that in reality you will have to do routine and uninteresting work.

Green berries - dream book

Unripe, green berries in a dream emphasize to the dreamer that he must learn to control his own emotions. Intemperance greatly hinders his ability to manage competently. life situation. Dry berries in a dream have a similar interpretation.

Why do you dream of wormy or rotten berries?

You cannot brush aside night dreams in which you dream of wormy or rotten berries. After such a dream, you need to take a very careful look at your surroundings. Most likely, there is a person next to you who is secretly harming you.

Lots of dark berries

It is not very good to see many dark-colored berries at once in a dream. This dream symbolizes an intractable disease that the dreamer will have to fight long time. But if, according to the plot of the dream, you see that you have collected a bucket of berries, then this is very good sign. It indicates that in real life a streak of luck has come and you definitely need to take advantage of it. Thus, taking into account all the information presented, it becomes clear that it is very difficult to interpret dreams in which berries were seen. And therefore it is very important to understand what your intuition will tell you after the dream.

Berries seen in a dream can foretell pleasant meetings and disappointments. The dream interpretation of this symbol is sometimes very contradictory. Are you going to find out why you dream about something like this? Explore all your options.

Collect and eat

If in a dream you had to pick berries, then in the near future you will have a monotonous, painstaking task. Modern dream book promises that if you try to understand the goals and objectives, the work will not seem so boring.

Since you happened to eat berries in a dream, try to taste them thoroughly. Sweet, juicy and appetizing-looking fruits promise success in all endeavors. If they turn out to be inconspicuous, sour, and even more so rotten or dry, you need to be on alert, as you may be in serious trouble.

If you dreamed of ripe berries, it means that your patience and ability to wait will not go unnoticed. The dream can relate to any area of ​​life - both business and interpersonal relationships. It's up to you to decide where in this moment what matters is the desired result.

Color and ripeness

The interpreter associates everything that a red berry means in a dream with family relationships. Red berries often appear in night dreams before the arrival of relatives from afar. It is quite possible that someone close to you is worried about you at the moment. A dream can serve as a warning that someone in the family will soon need help.

Cherry and raspberry

The universal dream book considers cherries as a sign of upcoming disappointments and even tears. One of possible reasons- not the most successful attempt to eat forbidden fruit in search of romantic adventures. The dream also speaks of a passionate desire to achieve some goal, although the light has not converged on it, and there are still many interesting things in life.

If you dreamed of raspberries, then you have excellent love of life and exquisite taste. Women's dream book considers raspberries to be a harbinger of many joyful events. A well-deserved reward and a pleasant rest await the dreamer, and the one who collected will soon have fun at a wedding, perhaps his own. The plot also warns of the likelihood of illness.

Strawberry and bird cherry

If you dream of strawberries, then it is easy to guess that it symbolizes a cheerful craving for pleasure. Strawberries can be a dream of adventures with erotic overtones that will bring extraordinary pleasure.

Cherries and blueberries

The universal interpreter believes that cherries growing on a tree dream of tears. Just don’t rush to get upset in advance: if you eat cherries in a dream, this portends good news. Dreamers born in the warm season should prepare to make a profitable deal.

If you dreamed of blueberries, in reality a real mountain feast will soon take place. Some upcoming event will bring a little romance into your everyday life. At the same time, it is recommended to take care of your health, protect your eyesight, and not get upset over trifles.


Aesop's dream book does not give a clear answer to what the vision foretells in which wild berries appear. Collecting these gifts of the forest promises anxiety and trouble, which will ultimately pay off.

If you gape and walk through the berries, victory awaits you in reality. Unattractive fruits are an alarming sign; it’s time to worry about your health. There is also a way to “sweeten” the prediction - make jam from wild berries. Fragrant jam portends success in business and expected profits in full.

Strawberries and currants

If you dreamed of currant berries, try to remember how you disposed of them; this important detail will help you correctly interpret what you saw. If you collect currants, get ready to receive a decent reward for the work done. If you sell, temptation awaits. If you decide to just eat currants in a dream, it means that soon they will make you an interesting offer. Agree without hesitation.

Finding a strawberry meadow in a dream is great luck. The Wanderer's Dream Book believes that these berries appear in night dreams pleasant surprises, fateful meetings, unexpected luck. A joyful event may change your plans, but it will not upset you at all.

Various interpretations

The universal dream book will tell you without undue modesty what the Victoria berry portends. She promises great joy, a fun holiday and unforgettable sex. But if you dream of a rotten or unripe delicacy, then the fun will end in disappointment.

Miller's dream book views this symbol ambiguously: the berry can be a harbinger of both unforeseen difficulties in business and their successful completion. A similar plot may bring tears to your dreams. If in a dream the fruits are bright red, it is highly likely that you are expecting a visit from relatives whom you have not seen for a long time.

If you dream of a bucket of berries, then your body is now needed more than ever vitamins. Eastern dream book encourages you not to deny yourself a delicacy and at the same time combine business with pleasure. It is preferable to eat in a dream exactly those berries with which the dreamed bucket was filled.

Berries are associated with emotional sphere people are generally aroused by positive emotions. Berries are associated with feelings of pleasure, temptation and enjoyment. What does it mean to pick berries in a dream? However, the meaning of the dream will depend on the characteristics of the sweet pleasure - whether they were ripe or not, sour or missing. Let's turn to dream interpreters for an answer.

The symbol of berries in a dream has contradictory meanings, and the interpretation must be considered in accordance with many details:

  • what type of berries did you dream about;
  • where were the berries;
  • who collected them;
  • did you have a chance to taste it?
  • the sight of berries in a dream.

Red berries talk about strong emotions. Soon you will have to go through a storm of feelings, perhaps even tears. However, the dream book does not specify what emotions will be - positive or negative. Often red berries foreshadow affairs with relatives.

Black berries symbolize grief and sadness. Your sad view of the world can affect the development of events for the worse. Black and blue berries can be considered a symbol of sadness - blueberries, blueberries, blackberries, black currants.

Collect berries in hand or basket- work awaits you. The color and variety of berries in a dream will show how the circumstances turn out - whether they are successful or not. Ripe, large, red berries predict success and a good reward; unripe or black berries predict disappointment.

Unripe berries may indicate immaturity decision taken or about unwillingness to accept responsibility. The dream can also warn you not to rush things - the time has not come.

Rotten Berries talk about the influence of envious people and ill-wishers on your affairs. A dream can also indicate damage or the evil eye.

eat sweet red berries- to great sensual pleasure. You might lose your head love feelings and forget about everything around.

Try bitter or sour fruits - to disappointment. What previously seemed attractive suddenly becomes disgusting and causes resentment. A dream can predict sudden disappointment in a loved one and a relationship.

Berry variety - red

If you remember the type of berries you dreamed about, then the interpretation will be as follows: red berries - raspberries, strawberries, cherries, cherries - are traditionally associated with erotic symbolism.

Strawberry dreams of enjoying life. You will rejoice in every day you live, celebrate success and enjoy well-being. In love, strawberries mean harmony in relationships with a partner, mutual pleasure. However, berries that taste sour or are ugly in appearance indicate the opposite.

Raspberries dreams of success and good luck. The more ripe raspberries you see, the more successful the circumstances will be. However, raspberries can warn of the dreamer’s frivolity and frivolity, which will lead to trouble in the near future.

Lingonberries and cranberries they say that the dreamer will have to flirt with unpleasant person, forced. Although the berries are red, they taste sour.

Cherries portends changes in better side. For unmarried people, cherries foretell marriage, for workers - a solid reward for their work.

Strawberries speaks of the imminent achievement of the goal and the success that accompanies it.

Rowan or viburnum they talk about emotional intensity of feelings, tears and scandals. Berries speak of misunderstandings with loved ones and a stormy showdown.

Variety of berries - black, blue, green

Gooseberry collecting - to a futile business. If you have outlined a project, it is better not to invest money and effort into it.

Bird cherry, although it is black in color, dreams of happy love. It promises reconciliation for those who have quarreled, peace and harmony between spouses.

Currant comes in red and black. Red berries foretell the fulfillment of an old dream, black ones promise sadness and disappointment.

What do they mean wolfberry in a dream? This dream warns that you should not give in to temptation. If you take risks, it will lead to some pretty serious consequences and a lot of regret.

See strange berries in a dream - to a great misconception.

Other dream details

Look for berries in a dream - to indecision in real life. If you manage to find berries, you will be able to overcome your complexes and achieve well-being.

Picking berries in the forest- you will find your happiness not where you expect. This dream speaks of a happy occasion, a fortunate coincidence and extraordinary luck.

Full basket or bucket ripe berries - to big profits or bright impressions. If you did the work, you will receive a decent reward.

Berry glade dreams of great luck, a streak of incredible luck is coming in your life in all areas of life.

Berries large sizes dream of big money and success. Whatever you undertake will bring profit and reward. One large berry speaks of success in a specific field - either finances, health, or personal life.

Many small berries speaks of troubles and painstaking unprofitable work. A lot of effort will be expended, and the result will be disappointing. Some dream books interpret the plot to meet your soul mate after many unsuccessful acquaintances.

Opinion of dream books

ABC of dream interpretation believes that the dreamer’s work will receive a worthy assessment.

Eastern dream book says that a berry meadow dreams of recovery and improvement of the current situation. Carelessly collecting fruits in a basket means good intentions will turn into evil.

Russian dream book believes that eating black berries means disappointment, and red ones mean a joyful event.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina gives negative interpretation: picking berries or eating them means tears. The more berries you collect/eat, the more you will cry.

Dream book for the whole family sees in the plot stupid troubles and vanity. Eating delicious berries is a sign of joyful events. Wormy or rotten berries warn of a pest in the dreamer’s immediate environment.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z believes that soon the dreamer will have fun in the company nice people. Picking berries in the garden portends a meeting with a good person.

Dream interpretation red berries

When an image of berries appears in a dream, then by looking through the dream books, you can get pleasant predictions, but also find a negative interpretation similar dream. The interpreter will foretell a pleasant meeting, and at the same time warn that you may soon become disappointed in a certain person or life situation.

Maybe you are interested in what red berries mean in dreams? Then the interpretation will be more narrowly focused.

Dream about berries

I dreamed about a fruit treat

People associate berries with the warm season, with summer. From time to time, when we can take a break not only from the cold, but also from work, because vacation is approaching.

It can be assumed that such a dream is rather positive. But do not forget about the taste of this product and its appearance. Those who are interested in deciphering dreams know that any detail can radically change the prediction.

Dream interpreter to help

In your night vision you dreamed of a certain berry. But before you start making your prediction, look into the dream book and find out what the appearance of such a symbol in a dream promises.

Dream Interpretation of Adaskina

What does he think? this dream book, the berries that you pick in the garden promise the successful completion of the work begun.

Doing the same thing in the forest means fate will be generous to you; it has prepared gifts for you. If you do not refuse her generosity, you can radically change your life for the better.

You can also find a prediction in the interpreter that concerns specifically the female sex. When a woman in a dream picks berries and makes jam from them, she is busy reviving her partner’s feelings, which have already cooled down.

Erotic dream book

To dream of a berry growing on a bush or tree means you will meet a new person and begin to experience warm feelings for him. The intimate side of communication will delight you beyond words.

Seeing in a dream the collection of fragrant fruits

Berry picking - your new significant other will have the same sexual preferences as you. This will make the intimate life of a sleeping person sparkle with new colors.

Interpreter of the Apostle Canaanite

Dreaming about berries is positive. The fruits may be different color, you can perform any action, this is what this dream book says. Whatever business you undertake, it will be successful and profitable.

Esoteric dream book

A dream about how you picked berries is a sign that fate will be favorable to you. The dreamer will only have to take advantage of her bounties.

When you crush fruits to make jam or wine, then all your endeavors will be successful. Now is not the time to doubt your abilities, you will generate ideas, one more successful than the other. The interpreter believes that now is the time to listen to your intuition.

Seeing dried fruits in a dream

Biblical interpreter Azara

Berries in a dream do not always promise positive changes. If they are black, then you will have to shed tears. Red berries in a dream prophesy joy and happiness.

Culinary interpreter

When it comes to symbols that are associated with food, best choice This will be the interpreter of dreams. He is in to the fullest considers what this or that berry may mean in a dream:

  • eating wine berries is a sign of joy;
  • to see dried ones - the business started will be successful;
  • red berries - to tears;
  • trample the berries - you will defeat your enemies.

Interpreter Fedorovskaya

Seeing berries in a dream is not good. Any berry brings trouble, but the worst thing is when they are black.

Enjoy juicy fruits in a dream

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Berries bring tears to your dreams. Eating them means that you will soon get sick; the dreamer should be extremely careful with his health.

Interpreter for the whole family

Picking berries - in the near future you will be busy with completely pointless chores. Fate will prepare a lot of minor troubles.

Enjoying their taste means you will have a pleasant time, small joys.

Unripe or dried berries indicate intolerance of a sleeping person. The dreamer does not know how and does not want to wait, but this haste often leads to negative consequences.

Seeing a worm in a berry means be careful. There is a person in your close circle who is not very friendly towards you. He constantly makes your life difficult.

Selling fresh delicacies in a dream

Selling berries - a sleeping person will face troubles and troubles related to financial issues.

Interpreter of the Sorceress Medea

When berries appear after the flowers, they symbolize the fruits of the labor done. If you eat berries in a dream, you will lose all the benefits due to your lack of picking.

Just looking at the berries is success, financial well-being. Collect, but do not eat, your work will be appreciated.

Gypsy interpreter

Seeing or eating fresh berries means tears. Dried or candied fruits - to financial profit.

When you eat unripe fruits, you may encounter illness or great grief.

Gustav Miller's prediction

I dreamed about cherries

Gustav Miller gives such an ambiguous interpretation that even a person who professionally predicts the future can get confused in it.

On the one hand, the appearance of berries in a dream promises you the appearance of unforeseen obstacles that will be quite difficult to overcome. But at the same time, Miller claims that when you saw berries in a dream, the work you started will be successfully completed even earlier than you planned.

The presence of cherries in a dream means tears. To find out what will make you cry, remember the taste of the berry. If you felt acid, you will be sad. But the sweet berry promises tears of happiness that the dreamer will soon shed.

If in a dream you ate a berry, which in reality has a sour taste, but in the night vision it was sweet, then you can begin to prepare to receive guests.


Dream interpreters often consider picking berries in a dream as a harbinger of long and painstaking work in real life.

I dreamed of a clearing with fragrant fruits

True, if a sick person sees a whole clearing of berries in front of him, then he will soon recover.

In the Jewish Dream Book, there is an opinion that picking berries promises a troubled situation in the life of a sleeping person. You will be overcome by anxiety and worry.

Did you get juice on your clothes while harvesting? You should communicate less with unfamiliar people, you may be deceived.

The presence of red berries in a dream

Why do you dream of a red berry? This question comes up most often.

If you dream of strawberries, then the closest prediction will be given by the psychologist Sigmund Freud. He compares any symbol from a dream with a person’s sexual sphere. Strawberries, in his opinion, promise quick pleasure from intimacy.

Eating strawberries, according to interpreter Loff, means receiving interesting emotions.

An unripe strawberry is the dreamer’s dissatisfaction in real life. If there is rot or worms in the berries, then your feelings are not as strong as you show to others.

If you dream of raspberries

When a raspberry appears to you in a dream, then you cheerful person, which is quite difficult to unsettle. No matter what difficulties life throws at you, you face them steadfastly and with a smile on your face.

Collecting these berries means the dreamer has good taste, and the vision also describes him as a person who can easily adapt to any situation.

A lot of raspberries, or a dream when they are larger than usual, promises a fun time. You will attend a fun celebration.

Red berries in a dream represent blood relatives, even those whom you have not seen for a long time.

Dreams about other red berries

In a dream, you may see many more types of red berries that sprout on a tree, bush or on the ground.

Dreams in which red berries appear are a signal that change is approaching. Moreover, these changes, according to the dream books that decipher why such images are dreamed of, will not happen suddenly and imperceptibly - they will cause resonance and leave an indelible mark on the dreamer’s life. But whether it’s pleasant or not will be determined by the details of the dream seen in a dream.

Interpretations of sleep according to Miller

Perhaps the most ambiguous explanations for why red berries are dreamed of are given by Miller’s dream book. So, in his opinion, dreaming of berries can promise both unforeseen difficulties in business and an equally sudden end to this very matter. Moreover, quite a successful ending!

For example, if you saw in a dream how you were eating cherries, then, according to Mr. Miller’s interpretations, you should be prepared to “shed tears.” But here comes a clarification: sour cherries are a harbinger of sadness, but sweet and juicy ones prophesy tears of happiness.

Berries that are frankly sour in reality, such as lemongrass or barberry, seemed sweet to you in a dream? Wait for the arrival of guests, most likely they will be distant relatives.

Strawberry is a sign of sensuality and passionate relationships

Freud's dream book predicts a craving for sexual pleasure for those who ate red strawberries in a dream. His opponent, Pastor David Loff, in his dream interpreter explains the meaning of a vision in which you eat strawberries - you will meet a person who will evoke in you emotions hitherto unknown to you.

Eating unripe strawberries is a sign of dissatisfaction. And if you dreamed about a rotten or wormy strawberry, then this means that your feelings are not as passionate as you want to show, explains the Gypsy interpreter.

Raspberries as a symbol of simplicity and love of life

A dream about raspberries speaks about a cheerful disposition and the ability to meet any circumstances halfway. If you dream that you are picking red raspberries, this means that you have an exquisite taste and easily adapt to new conditions, says the Eastern Dream Book.

Why do you dream that you are picking raspberries that look larger than usual? A fun event awaits you, a large-scale one at that, like a wedding, and it is possible that dream books will delight you in your honor.

And if you had to pick green berries, this means that you do not understand the meaning of what is happening to you at this time.

Cherry, or From love to hostility...

According to the dream book, cherry is a contradictory symbol. In the White Magician's dream book you will find the following interpretation: eating large ripe cherries in a dream is a sign of a new interesting acquaintance. Large but sour red cherries promise disappointment in love. And if you put a large ripe cherry in your mouth, but felt that it was rotten, then this promises you self-deception.

Why dream of picking large cherry clusters from a tree and making jam from them? This is a signal that you will be able to charm any person you like, the dream book pleases.