Remove old acne scars on face. How to get rid of acne scars on the face using home and medical methods. Acne scars on video

There are dozens of ways to speed up the healing process of post-acne, avoid further hyperpigmentation and the appearance of scars. Cosmetology after acne can be bought at a pharmacy, store, there are medications, folk methods. You just need to choose the right products, then the flaws will be less noticeable.

1. Identify your scar type and take action.

Acne is a skin disease that often leaves behind reminders in the form of scars. They look like deepened or raised craters, potholes, and spots above the skin. One cannot expect quick relief from skin imperfections, because among the etiological factors are: hormonal problems, hereditary predisposition. Acne is also caused by bacteria and subcutaneous mite(demodectic mange).

Scars contain collagen fibers that form in response to inflammation and skin damage. Squeezing pimples and fresh scars disrupts the natural self-healing process and irritates the tissue. Ultraviolet light stimulates hyperpigmentation, so constant protection of the acne surface and the use of sunscreen are required.

The problem is that acne leaves different types of scars. Small fresh spots will go away on their own over time. How to remove acne scars with moderate severity diseases? In this case, it is more effective to use chemical peels, retinoids, products with lemon juice, and whitening creams.

2. Treat acne spots and scars

Reduces redness that occurs at the site of acne, cosmetic products with arbutin, kojic acid, hydroquinone, alpha hydroxy acids. The most powerful, but more toxic bleaching agent is hydroquinone. The derivative - arbutin - acts more carefully, its effectiveness is lower.

Kojic acid is a non-toxic compound, useful property which is exfoliation. “Beauty acids” - alpha hydroxy acids (the abbreviation AHA is used) acts in approximately the same way on the top layer of skin. Glycolic, citric, tartaric, and lactic acids help remove overly pigmented skin.

How to remove acne scars using AHA cosmetics:

  1. Use masks, serums and creams with a percentage of active ingredients of about 10%.
  2. Use AHA cosmetics no more than once a week.
  3. Do not use products from April to September when the intensity of UV rays increases.

Fruit acids reduce acne marks and smooth out skin texture.

3. Use abrasives and salicylic acid carefully

Some products are gentle on the skin, while others are more aggressive. Regular exfoliation with scrubs helps to renew the epidermis. sensitive skin. Still widely used for scar removal salicylic acid. The content of the active substance for home procedures is from 1 to 10%, increasing the concentration leads to burns.

The treatment method for acne spots involves combining chemical peels with retinoids to speed up healing and regeneration of the surface tissue.

4. For blemishes and scars, use home remedies, essential oils

A mask with lemon and glycerin (1 part freshly squeezed juice, 2 parts glycerin) moisturizes and cleanses the epidermis, inhibits the growth of bacteria, and removes excess pigmentation of scars. Use the product once a week directly on the scars, rinse the mixture with water 15–20 minutes after application.

For shallow skin damage, use ointments for scars and acne containing active ingredients essential oils(geranium, rosewood, frankincense, myrrh, lemon). Fragrant products have few contraindications and are easy to use at home. By affordable price In the pharmacy you can buy natural essential oils produced by Russian companies.

Synthetic aromatic liquids are not suitable, their smell is “identical to natural”, and there are no medicinal properties.

Apply ice made from an infusion of green tea with apple cider vinegar or lemon juice (20:1) to the skin lesions. First wrap the cold cubes in a thin, clean cloth and hold on the skin until a feeling of numbness appears (1-2 minutes). Try treating scars with apple cider vinegar and water (1:1). Apply to stains until they disappear.

5. Pay attention to medical methods of scar removal

Products with natural ingredients are suitable for the prevention and treatment of shallow acne scars. How to get rid of more serious defects? In this case, the help of ultrasound or laser therapy, hormonal treatment will be required.

Complex acne scars can be removed with modern medical technologies:

  • chemical peeling;
  • mesotherapy;
  • fractional photothermolysis;
  • laser resurfacing.

The magical transformation of your skin doesn't happen overnight, and sometimes it takes months for acne scars to disappear. For those who are looking for a way to treat acne, it is useful to study the whole variety of remedies. The choice will depend on the individual skin type, the “age” of the scars, and the recommendations of specialists (cosmetologist).

A tempting way is to “bring down” the full force of drugs and procedures on the scars. In most cases this will not work, allergies, worsening the condition are more likely consequences. An effective, but difficult way is to regularly use several suitable therapeutic and cosmetic products for scars, supplying the skin with the nutrition and moisture it needs.

This material is posted for educational and informational purposes, does not constitute professional medical advice or scientific material and cannot serve as a substitute for medical advice.

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Scars on the face give girls a lot of complexes. This problem occurs to most, but many do not even know how to remove acne scars on the face at home. The correct approach to the treatment of such a cosmetic defect is the main guarantee of healthy facial skin.

What kind of scar may appear after acne removal

Scars on the face are quite common not only in adolescents, but also in adults. The main reason The occurrence of scars is damage to the integrity of the skin. It could be pimples, acne, and even chickenpox. After acne removal, this type of scar may appear on the face:

  1. Atrophic – appear in the form of depressions on the skin of the face. Small pits occur due to insufficient growth of the skin.
  2. Keloid scars – occur due to excessive growth of skin cells in the damaged area. If such scars appear, they should be removed immediately, as they tend to grow.
  3. Hypertrophic – very similar to the previous type of scar, but, unlike them, will not grow.

After acne removal, scars of an atrophic nature are most often observed on the face. These scars appear due to insufficient collagen in the body at the time of damage to the skin. Other types of scars are often the result of excessive acne.

The main causes of scars

  1. Hormonal imbalance body. During puberty, pregnancy, lactation and menopause, a person experiences surges in hormone production, which can trigger the appearance of pimples and blackheads on the face.
  2. Poor nutrition, which is the root cause of spoiled metabolism.
  3. Squeezing pimples with dirty hands, which increases the likelihood of infection in the wound.
  4. Acne, which has injured the skin, in place of which scar tissue appears.

Often traditional methods in the fight against scars are better than salon procedures. This is explained by the fact that salon procedures require not only a lot of money, but also time to restore the condition of the skin after the work of a cosmetologist. Folk remedies act slowly but gradually.

Best Scar Removers

  1. Vegetable oils, including olive and camellia oil. They are used to stimulate rapid skin recovery by influx of beneficial elements with improved blood circulation.
  2. Lemon. Due to the large amount of vitamin C, the product is well suited for accelerating skin regeneration.
  3. Aloe and lavender. These plants have long been considered the best among plants with medicinal properties. In addition to improving blood flow, both flowers are known for their anti-inflammatory effects.
  4. Vitamins E and B, which are considered the main methods against premature aging.

You can make excellent face masks from the products in the refrigerator, which in turn will help get rid of such cosmetic defects as scars.

Mask recipes + application

Mask name Ingredients Cooking method
Cucumber mask

· 2 cucumbers;

· 5 drops of lemon juice.

Medium-sized cucumbers need to be grated until mushy and then added to the mixture lemon juice. You need to keep it on your face for about 20 minutes.
Tomato mask· 2 ripe tomatoes;

· gauze cloth.

Grind the tomatoes in a blender. Soak the gauze in the juice and then apply it to the scar. The mask will help the skin recover if done at least 2 times a day.
Yogurt mask.· 100 gr. homemade yogurt;

· 1 slice of pineapple.

Mix the crushed fruit with a dairy product and then apply to the face for a quarter of an hour. The skin of the face will tighten, and the scar tissue will gradually smooth out.

To remove a scar on your face, you don’t have to go to a cosmetologist for expensive procedures. It will be more economical to purchase products at a pharmacy for home use.


Acne often leaves noticeable scars. To remove them, pharmacists offer a wide variety of creams:

  1. Clearvin. This drug is considered effective in treating small scars that have recently formed. The medicinal basis of the cream is Indian herbs, which contribute to the rapid restoration of the condition of the skin. It is necessary to carefully read the composition, since a person may be predisposed to allergies to many herbs. In addition to scars, pigmentation occurs on the skin.
  2. RevitolScar. The drug evens out the skin structure well and gets rid of blemishes. This cream is prescribed in case of keloid type scars. The first results will appear after a month of use.

“An important point: it is better to buy products with sunscreen, because age spots may appear on the skin.”


The following well-known ointments help against scars:

  1. Heparin ointment. It is often used to resolve bruises on the body, but is also used to remove acne scars. It perfectly relieves pain and removes inflammatory processes on the skin. Due to the fact that the ointment dilates blood vessels, blood flow improves, thereby nutrients for skin regeneration. You need to smear areas with scars at least 2 times a day.
  2. Vishnevsky ointment. It is used as a folk anti-inflammatory remedy that stimulates the rapid healing process. Thanks to birch tar and xeroform in the composition, the drug is used as an antiseptic. To remove a scar on the face, you need to apply a thin layer of ointment twice a day.. Before you buy this ointment, you need to know that This product has a very strong odor.


To get rid of an acne scar, you can buy special gels, thanks to which the skin becomes more elastic, and the scar itself resolves and smoothes out.

  1. "Kelo-cat." This gel is designed to quickly resolve scars and prevent scar growth.
  2. "Kontratubeks". It is considered the best gel for removing acne scars. It contains three elements that, working together, give desired effect. These are: heparin, onion extract, and allantoin.

Purchased mask

In addition to creams and gels, modern cosmetology suggests using special masks, the best of which are offered below:

  1. VedayaMask– Indian mask for scars on the face after acne. Also suitable for lightening pigmentation. Works on the basis of cumin seeds, black mustard and sesame.
  2. Face mask for scars from the series "Master Herb" based on AHA acids, which evens out and at the same time cleanses the skin of excess fat.

Homemade mask

To remove a scar, you can prepare a mask from natural products. But it must be remembered that before applying to the skin, you must thoroughly wash off the makeup.

The most effective masks are considered:

  1. Blue clay mask. This clay is sold in any cosmetic store or pharmacy. It must be mixed with warm water to the consistency of thick sour cream, and then add any essential oil. It is preferable to choose almond oil, as it contains many vitamins. If you don’t have it, you can buy vitamins in ampoules. You need to keep the mask on your face for about 20 minutes, and then you need to wash with warm running water.
  2. Potato-cucumber mask. To prepare, you will need one potato and one cucumber each. Using a blender, you need to grind the vegetables. Then you need to apply the mushy mixture to your face for 15 minutes.
  3. Mask based on homemade yogurt and vitamins. For preparation, you will need homemade yogurt, since store-bought yogurt will not give the desired result. In 100 gr. yogurt, you need to add one ampoule of vitamin A and E. After this, keep the finished mask on the skin for up to 20 minutes.
  4. Protein mask. You need to mix 2 proteins from chicken eggs with the juice of half a lemon. This mask is considered very effective in the fight against old scars. Apply this mixture for at least 15 minutes. You will find more masks for marks after pimples and acne.

To masks homemade were more effective, their composition can be add various vitamins and oils(almond, sea buckthorn, olive and shea butter).

Real ways to quickly clear your face of scars in the salon

In the case when home remedies do not help clear the face of a scar, then salon procedures will come to the rescue. Several sessions with a cosmetologist, and the scars will become less noticeable.


One of the effective ways to get rid of a scar is peeling. It is thanks to this procedure that the skin will become smoother and more beautiful. There are two types of peeling as a method of scar removal:

  1. Hardware peeling, which is based on the use of a special apparatus. One of the types of hardware peeling is laser dermabrasion. After such a procedure, the skin needs time to recover. Just 3 days and your face will look cool. The next subtype of hardware peeling is fractional grinding. Using fractional laser, which helps to get rid of not only scars, but also wrinkles.
  2. Chemical peeling, which affects several layers of the skin at once. Often, special acid-based preparations are used in the process.

Mechanical cleaning

Scars can be removed by mechanical facial cleansing, which often affects only the keloid appearance of the scar.
It should be remembered that after the procedure the skin will recover only after 3 days, and before that it is necessary to avoid ultraviolet rays. There is no need to worry that there is slight itching and redness on the face - using special skin care products, you can get rid of adverse reactions in a matter of minutes.


This procedure is usually performed for women over 45 who want to look slightly younger. During plasma lifting, specially prepared plasma from platelets is used. They usually consist of proteins, which are necessary for normal restoration of the skin after injury.

“Plasma has a number of positive properties, namely: saturating the skin with additional oxygen, and also speeds up the healing process.” Sofia Vishnevskaya

This cosmetic procedure Well prevents the appearance of new post-acne scars. One of the advantages of using this method against scars is its bactericidal properties, due to which there are no signs of inflammation after the procedure. Plasma is injected into the skin using injections, special masks or applications. Injections can only be done when there are no open wounds. The course of scar removal should approximately consist of 4 procedures, which are spread out over a month. It must be remembered that in order to avoid the appearance of a scar, plasma lifting should be carried out immediately a week after the skin injury.


One of effective ways scar removal is considered cryotherapy, the mechanism of action of which is local freezing of the skin area with a scar. For this procedure, you first need liquid nitrogen, which is applied to the skin using a sprayer.

Benefits of cryotherapy:

  1. Low risk of inflammation.
  2. The skin quickly regenerates with minimal risk of scarring.
  3. The basal layer of the skin is not damaged.

Among the disadvantages of the procedure, cosmetologists highlight the presence of lungs. painful sensations, as well as the risk of getting age spots.

After the procedure, either blisters or a crust will form at the site of the former scar, which will fall off over time.

Laser resurfacing

With laser resurfacing, scar removal occurs under the influence of a special beam,
which destroys the scar and then immediately stimulates the healing process of the tissue. After resurfacing, the use of healing creams and lotions is recommended. The process of preparing for the procedure consists of avoiding the use of aggressive medications, as well as scrubbing the facial skin. It is not recommended to visit the solarium before or after the procedure.

Advantages of laser resurfacing:

  1. A completely painless procedure.
  2. Local exposure to the beam is characterized by the absence of damage to surrounding tissue.
  3. No bleeding.

"Important! The crust at the scar site must not be torn off. Over time, it should go away on its own.”


Mesotherapy technique involves the use of injections
that are injected into the skin of the face. The collagen and hyaluronic acid present in the composition subsequently stimulate the restoration of the skin and its nutrition essential vitamins and substances. Cosmetologists recommend carrying out mesotherapy in conjunction with other methods of scar removal. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the break between injections should be at least a week.


Physiotherapy means not only phonophoresis, but also the use of microcurrent and radio waves. Physical therapy is intended to assist the process of administering medications to the scar site. The following are often used for this:

  1. Electrophoresis;
  2. Ultrasound;
  3. Laser devices.

In this case, the following medications are used:

  1. fibrinolytic drugs, which are necessary for the skin to replace the natural protein that is needed to restore the skin.
  2. Vitamin complex.
  3. Preparations of the reparative group, which are needed to speed up the healing process.
  4. Special ointments that destroy scars.

These treatments are suitable for treating scars because they:

  1. Accelerate blood flow to scars;
  2. Promote skin restoration;
  3. Relieves inflammation.

To reduce the thickness of scar tissue, you need to attend at least 10 physical therapy sessions. The procedure itself lasts about 30 minutes.

Cosmetologists brought a whole range advice on the prevention of scars on the face:

  1. In the first minute after a skin injury, the wound should be treated with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.
  2. It is recommended to cover the wound with a plaster that does not stick to the wound.
  3. Don't forget to treat with antibacterial ointment.
  4. It is forbidden to squeeze pimples (especially with dirty hands!).
  5. It is advisable to eat foods rich in vitamin E every day.
  6. To avoid scarring, it is recommended to completely cure acne.

Real reviews

Anna, 22 years old

The problem of a scar on my face after a pimple really depressed me. When I was 15, I popped a pimple. In its place, pus appeared in the morning. After repeated squeezing, a scar remained on the face. Six months ago I had laser resurfacing. The result of the procedure pleased me, although the first days of recovery were painful for me: there was itching and redness. It took 3 sessions for the scar to completely disappear.

Is laser resurfacing really considered very painful?

This procedure is considered one of the most painful methods. It is also necessary to take into account that the skin on the face is more delicate and the pain will be more pronounced.

How to remove a scar once and for all?

Many salons offer their services for removing scars and scars, and also promise good results. But you should understand that it is very difficult to remove a scar without any trace. You need to trust an experienced specialist.

If an acne scar appears on your face, you can remove it at home using various ointments, creams and masks. When there is no time for this, then salon procedures will come to the rescue, which will help get rid of the problem in 1 day.

Update: October 2018

Scars appear on the skin as a result of damage to it: these can be cuts, injuries, piercings, unsuccessful tattoos, surgeries, burns, and even acne and chicken pox. The location of scars on visible parts of the body and face significantly impairs the quality of life and forces a person to constantly disguise them.

The modern level of development of medicine and cosmetology makes it possible to eliminate almost all types of scars and scars and permanently get rid of ugly marks on your own skin. In this article we will look at the main methods of scar removal practiced today.

Scars are treated by dermatologists, cosmetologists and cosmetic surgeons.

Scars and scars - what's the difference?

In fact, there is no difference between the concepts, both represent the growth of dense connective tissue in an area of ​​previously damaged skin due to injuries, surgical incisions, burns, ulcers, etc., and are the final stage of tissue restoration. Scar tissue is devoid of sweat and sebaceous glands, hair follicles. The term "scar" is not used in official medicine and is characteristic of everyday speech of people.

Scar classification

IN medical terminology There are several types of scars, each of which has distinctive features:

Normotrophic scar

It is formed on the skin during the natural, uncomplicated process of scarring of the dermis after damage and is characterized by:

  • flat, not protruding above healthy skin;
  • a color close to the shade of healthy skin.

Atrophic scar

Forms after acne, pimples and poor-quality removal of papillomas, moles and is different:

Hypertrophic scar

Remains after damage to the skin of various nature: burns, lacerations, incorrect treatment of traumatic injuries, inflammatory process, etc. Scar of this type characterized by:

  • protruding form above healthy skin;
  • pinkish color;
  • often - trophic ulcers, peeling or tears of the tissue.

Keloid scar

It can occur after operations, injuries, vaccinations, tattooing, burns, insect bites due to large-scale damage, or a genetic predisposition to keloidosis. Characteristic:

  • protruding above the skin, tumor-like form;
  • lumpy surface;
  • sinking central part (4-5 years after formation);
  • bright pink, red or bluish color.

Stages of scar tissue formation

  • Inflammation and subsequent epithelization (7-10 days). Swelling and inflammation gradually decrease, granulations form, and the wound heals by primary intention.
  • Formation of a “young” scar (30-90 days). Proliferation of collagen and elastin fibers, lining them up in bundles. Pallor and thickening of the scar due to decreased blood circulation.
  • Final transformation (4-12 months). The vessels die, the collagen fibers become stretched, the scar turns pale and thickens.

Prevention of problematic scar formation

Complex, improperly formed scars, serious wounds that have healed on their own, and keloid scars are much more difficult to treat in the future. To prevent this, you should:

  • immediately apply for medical care with serious injury to the skin, especially on the face, as well as even with minor injuries, when the edges of the wound diverge;
  • properly care for the wound, prevent it from suppuration, treat the wound surface with antiseptics daily;
  • use special absorbable silicone plates, which are recommended at the early stage of the formation of a hypertrophic or keloid scar to stop their growth.

Indications for scar removal and timing of correction

Indications are classified into medical and cosmetic.

  • Scar removal for medical reasons is carried out in cases where the scar causes functional disturbances in the area where it is located: it deforms the tissue, interferes with joint flexion, etc.
  • For cosmetic purposes, scar removal is indicated in cases where pathological tissue worsens the patient’s quality of life, causes psychological discomfort and complexes.

Every owner of such “decoration” wants to get rid of it as soon as possible. The possible timing of correction is influenced by the following factors:

  • location of the scar;
  • nature and extent of damage;
  • patient's age and medical history;
  • blood supply features;
  • local immunity;
  • hereditary factors.

No later than a month after the operation, scars located in the joint area and limiting movement are removed. In other cases, correction is carried out only after 1-2 years, when the tissue has matured.

Modern methods of scar removal

It should be noted that the correction method is selected individually; in some cases, several techniques are used to get rid of scars. To achieve the proper aesthetic result, each of the described methods is assigned to several procedures, between which the necessary break is taken. Treatment is expensive.

All types of treatment are contraindicated during pregnancy, in childhood (up to 16-18 years - the exception is deterioration in the function of organs and tissues), in case of severe somatic and oncological pathologies, hyperthermia, and also have a number of specific restrictions.

It should be understood that even with a very good visible effect, relapse and scar growth are possible!

Indications Execution technique Result Contraindications

Electrostatic massage is the effect on tissues of an alternating electrostatic field.

All types of scars at an early stage of formation It is performed using a special apparatus that generates an electrostatic field, which, in turn, causes vibration and rhythmic deformation of tissues and helps improve trophism and microcirculation of tissues Acceleration of regeneration processes
  • intolerance to the physiotherapeutic method;
  • acute infections (general and skin);
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • erysipelas;
  • electronic implantable devices

Peeling with chemicals (salicylic acid, retinol) or fruit (lactic, citric) acids

U removing the top layer of scar tissue and stimulating regenerative processes. Often combined with the introduction hormonal drugs and preliminary mechanical abrasion of tissues

Keloid, atrophic (early stage) and hypertrophic (after formation) scars Depending on the type and size of the scar, superficial, medium or deep peeling is performed using a step-by-step approach. Tissue death occurs and subsequent stimulation of elastin and collagen growth, smoothing of skin texture and lightening of hyperpigmentation. Smoothing of “healthy skin-scar” boundaries, leveling the relief, lightening the color of the scar
  • intolerance to the active substance;
  • tissue inflammation;
  • acute infectious processes

Dermabrasion is the mechanical removal of the surface layer of skin, carried out with special brushes or cutters.

Normo- and hypertrophic scars The procedure takes place under anesthesia. The scar tissue is removed to the top layer of the dermis and a bandage is applied. A scab appears at the site of the former scar, which in no case should be removed by force; it disappears on its own on the 7th day The scar becomes less or completely invisible
  • inflammatory processes at the site of exposure;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • severe CVS pathologies;
  • tuberculosis;
  • predisposition to keloidosis.

Microdermabrasion – gentle removal of the top layer of skin

Atrophic and small normotrophic scars The procedure is carried out under local anesthesia: using ultrasound, aluminum oxide or acids A new layer of healthy skin is formed to replace scar tissue. All of the above + individual intolerance to the active ingredient (aluminum oxide, organic acids)

Photocorrection - masking scar tissue to match skin color

Hyper-, normotrophic scars, as well as atrophic scars that are red in color Exposure to light rays on scar tissue, which destroys excess pigmentation and blood vessels Lightening and softening of the scar
  • herpes;
  • fresh tan;
  • treatment with sulfonamides, antibiotics, retinoids during and 14 days before therapy

Cryodestruction - removal of pathological tissue by freezing

It is performed under anesthesia. Scar tissue is cauterized with an applicator soaked in liquid nitrogen, for a short period of time. At the site of exposure, swelling and a blister appears, which opens after 5-7 days, and the wound begins to heal with the formation of a crust, under which healthy tissue is already forming A pink scar forms at the site of exposure, which gradually takes on the color of healthy skin (within six months)
  • hypersensitivity;
  • impaired blood circulation at the site of exposure;
  • collagen diseases;
  • autoimmune pathologies;
  • taking immunosuppressants;
  • skin hyperpigmentation, cryoglobulinemia;
  • pyoderma gangrenosum;
  • inflammatory process at the site of exposure;
  • Raynaud's disease

Microwave therapy

This additional therapy, performed using microwave electromagnetic radiation, used during cryodestruction for more effective healing

Some hypertrophic and keloid scars Point effect (heating) with a special apparatus on scar tissue is painless Flatter scar, less noticeable with minimal risk of recurrence
  • tendency to bleed;
  • blood diseases;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • metal fragments in exposed tissues;
  • sudden swelling of the face;
  • inflammation


This is the irradiation of the superficial layers of scar tissue with Buki (X-ray) rays with a minimal x-ray load. When removing old keloid scars, preliminary cryodestruction is performed

Keloid and hypertrophic scars. Scar Prevention The targeted effect on scar tissue with a special device is painless

Prevention of scar growth and deformation.

Elimination of keloid scars

  • circulatory decompensation;
  • kidney diseases;
  • dermatitis;
  • residual wounds at the site of exposure

Laser scar removal - exposure of scar tissue to dosed laser radiation

All types of scars, any size and location

Impact on scar tissue using a carbon dioxide laser after preliminary anesthesia - heating and evaporation of pathological tissue occurs while simultaneously stimulating the production of its own collagen and elastin.

A more gentle, “cold” method using an erbium laser is also practiced - delicate, high-precision laser resurfacing of the scar.

Formation of healthy tissue at the scar site
  • psoriasis;
  • dermatitis;
  • cystic acne;
  • inflammation;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • decompensated diabetes;
  • taking retinoids

Surgical excision is a fairly rare radical method of removing scar tissue.

Keloid scars Various surgical techniques, sometimes multi-stage, the choice of which depends on the type, shape, location and size of the scar - from simple excision to operations with expander plastic surgery or the use of one’s own tissue. Performed under general anesthesia. Complete removal of scar tissue without the risk of recurrence
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system and respiratory tract;
  • psychical deviations;
  • acute inflammatory processes

Filling the scar with collagen, adipose tissue, hyaluronic acid - introducing a special drug into the scar area

Atrophic scars The procedure is carried out under local anesthesia. The drug is injected into the sunken area of ​​tissue, which leads to a visible leveling of the surface of the scar. Temporary elimination of atrophic changes (from 4 to 18 months). The procedure can be repeated.
  • individual intolerance to the drug used;
  • scar inflammation

Medication methods

This is a complementary therapy with medicines. Can be supplemented with microcurrent therapy to improve action.

Hypertrophic and keloid scars Introduction into scar tissue of drugs from the following groups:
  • corticosteroids: Kenalog-40, Triamcinolone acetate, Diprospan;
  • enzymes: Lidase, Ronidase;
  • acids: hyaluronic acid (mesotherapy, often practiced to treat post-acne skin changes);
  • immunomodulators: alpha and gamma interferons, Pyrogenal;
  • cytostatics: Fluorouracil, Bleomycin.
Accelerates the resolution of pathological scar tissue and the formation of new, healthy skin. - individual intolerance

Other methods

Some types of hypertrophic and keloid scars
  • Gels and ointments: Contractubex, Mederma, Dermatix, etc.
  • Electro- and phonophoresis (for delivering drug ions directly to the site of action).
Acceleration of tissue regeneration processes, reduction of symptoms that accompany scar resolution (itching, discomfort). intolerance to physiotherapeutic methods and hypersensitivity to these drugs.

How to Remove Acne Scars

We will devote a separate section to how to get rid of acne scars - one of the most common skin defects.

Why does a scar appear at the site of a pimple?

Even with the natural process of resolving a pimple, a mark remains on the skin - a bluish, red or brownish spot, which is an accumulation of melanin at the site of former inflammation. If the pimple is forcibly squeezed out, this leads to the destruction of the epidermis, the introduction of infection, its spread deeper and purulent melting of the inflamed tissues, which are replaced by connective tissue during healing. The situation is aggravated by reduced immunity, non-compliance with aseptic rules, and prolonged exposure to the sun.

A similar process occurs when rashes are not properly cared for. chicken pox– scratching leads to deepening and inflammation of the pockmarks, the healing of which subsequently occurs with the formation of a scar.

Cosmetical tools

They are selected individually, taking into account the severity of the problem, contraindications, and are used for a long period of time. Suitable for treating depigmented areas of skin without signs of scarring.

Used to eliminate pigmentation, improve trophism and cell regeneration. The serum contains a complex of active substances (DRM BRIGHT+ Diacalite+ Lipohydroxy acid) that remove excess melanin, protect against UV rays, moisturize and nourish cells.

The drugs help get rid of pigmented spots after the pimple resolves. Contain azelaic acid, which normalizes metabolic processes and removes excess melanin from the skin.

Whitening cream intended for application to pigmented areas of the skin before bed. Contains glycolic acid, alpha-arbutin, kojic acid dipalmitate.

Cream based on the retinoid tretinoin, which promotes exfoliation of the skin and effective whitening pigmentation. Apply at night.

Cream based on Dimethylmethoxy-chromanyl palmitate, which suppresses the synthesis of melanin, moisturizes the skin and protects against the aggressive effects of UV rays.


Prescribed in the presence of connective tissue changes after acne. They have keratolytic, fibrinolytic, antithrombotic and anti-inflammatory effects. They inhibit the growth of connective tissue and promote the resorption of keloid areas, while accelerating the growth of healthy skin. They are also selected individually, taking into account possible contraindications!

Zeraderm gel and cream. Forms a film of polysiloxane on the skin, which softens and thins the scar. Active substances creams activate regeneration and eliminate inflammation in tissues. Used for the treatment of keloid and hypertrophic scars.
Dermatix gel and cream. It also forms a film on the skin similar to that described above, eliminating itching, burning and pigmentation. Used for the treatment of keloid and hypertrophic scars, both fresh and old.
Gel based on allantoin, heparin and onion extract. Slows down the growth of scar fibroblasts and proteoglycans, stimulates the synthesis healthy cells and collagen. Effectively smoothes keloid and hypertrophic scars.
Gel and spray that forms a film on the scar that smoothes, thins and softens the scar and stimulates collagen synthesis. Suitable for all types of scars.
Cream based on silicone, retinoic, ascorbic acids, cystamine, dandelion root, licorice etc. It also forms a film that softens scar tissue and promotes its resorption.

Cosmetology procedures

These methods are described above and are used in cases where cosmetics and medications have not had the desired effect.

Complications of scars due to improper treatment

It happens that due to insufficient qualifications of the attending physician or due to the fault of the patients themselves, who use a set of treatment methods of their choice and carry them out in different places, the condition of the scar may worsen significantly.

Some complications of inadequate treatment:

  • proliferation of scar tissue;
  • damage to nearby tissues;
  • infection of scar and healthy tissue;
  • long healing;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • formation of benign tumors.

From this it follows that scar treatment should begin with a visit to a qualified dermatologist!

Acne scars are one of the most unpleasant consequences of acne. After all, getting rid of them is not so easy.

But such marks should not become a reason for depression.

Still, there are ways to remove acne scars on your face, and not all of them are expensive.

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes only and is NOT a guide to action!
  • Can give you an ACCURATE DIAGNOSIS only DOCTOR!
  • We kindly ask you NOT to self-medicate, but make an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

But you still have to be patient.

Causes of acne marks

Why do acne leave marks on the skin?

This is a natural process, because it damages the skin. And this is not only mechanical damage to the epidermis, but also an inflammatory process that affects deeper layers.

Photo: spread of the inflammatory process after self-squeezing the boil

Most often, post-acne - scars, scars - appear if:

  • acne– at this moment, few people think that the consequences of this procedure can remain on the skin for a long time;
  • the rash was not treated or was treated incorrectly– “it will go away on its own” does not apply to the more advanced the inflammatory process, the more obvious its residual effects will be;
  • the skin was infected with a fungus– usually the rashes in this case are not immediately identified;
  • acne exposed to tanning– inflammation in the skin itself increases the level of melanin pigment, and if you also sunbathe in the sun during rashes, they can remain for a long time.

Education mechanism

If for dark spots after acne, it is mainly melanin that is responsible, which is intensively produced during skin inflammations, then the appearance of scars is determined by the scale of damage and individual characteristics recovery processes in the skin.

It happens like this:

  1. pimple, then its contents (pus) come out, leaving behind a hole in the skin, which is called a crater;
  2. to close the void that appears, the body produces connective tissue, thanks to which the wound is protected from infection and external factors;
  3. to form connective tissue, the body produces collagen;
  4. gradually the connective tissue is replaced by new epidermal cells.

Sometimes this process fails, for example, if too much collagen is produced or, conversely, not enough.

It is also difficult for the skin to recover from extensive or deep damage. In their place, scars can remain for life.

The vast majority of acne scars smooth out over time and become almost invisible.

But for those who strive for ideal or do not intend to wait that long, there are ways to quickly return a smooth surface to the skin.

Video: “How to remove scars and scars without surgery”


Scars appear at the site of severe skin damage.

They consist mainly of collagen and can vary greatly in appearance:

  • hypertrophic scars– are formed if too much collagen grows, such formations protrude above the surface of the skin;
  • atrophic– appear if not enough collagen has been produced to equalize the damage with the rest of the epidermis, such scars are called;
  • keloids– the most noticeable scars are irregular in shape, can be red or dark in color, they rarely form on the face, but if the skin is prone to such formations, they are quite possible.

Pharmacy products for post-acne

How can you remove such unsightly consequences of acne?

The pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries offer several products to get rid of scars.


Ointments are successfully used to remove scars:

  • Heparin. It eliminates inflammation and promotes faster renewal of epidermal cells. It should be used for a long time, but in courses with a break between them. A thin layer of ointment is applied to the scar tissue three times a day.

Photo: the product effectively moisturizes the skin

  • Kelofibrase. Contains heparin and urea, which serves as an excellent moisturizer. Apply several times a day to scars. The ointment has virtually no contraindications and is well tolerated by the skin.


If we consider scar creams, the most popular are the following:

  • – this cream is a mixture of active ingredients, which are herbs that are unique in their effect on the skin.
  • Scarguard- a liquid cream with which a film is created over the scar, from which hydrocortisone and vitamin E enter the tissue. This cream was developed for plastic surgery in order to neutralize postoperative sutures, but it can also be used for acne and other skin damage.


Gels are quickly absorbed into scars, which means active ingredients penetrate the skin completely.

Photo: if you use Contractubex during the healing stage of acne wounds, you can avoid the appearance of rough marks

  • Most good feedback among gels it has . Its components are heparin, allantoin and onion extract. The gel regulates collagen production. If you start using it at the stage of tissue healing, you can avoid the appearance of hypertrophic scars. Several times a day, it is gently rubbed into the mark formed by a pimple. But if the scar is old, then the effectiveness of the gel is not so high.
  • Dermatix– a gel that is suitable even for the treatment of old scars. It is used for keloid and hypertrophied formations. When applied to the skin, the gel dries on it, forming a film. It prevents the access of oxygen to the scar, softens it, and increases the elasticity of the tissues from which it is formed. Application of the gel improves appearance scar and relieves accompanying symptoms(itching, soreness, discomfort).
  • Mederma– contains onion extract and allantoin. Stimulates regeneration, dissolves dead cells, improves microcirculation in tissues.

Photo: the product stimulates regenerative processes in the skin

Treatment pharmaceutical products long-term, from a month to six months.

But, in general, it gives a good effect, especially if you use them regularly.

How to remove acne scars on face

Except medical supplies, there are other ways to remove acne marks from your face.

You can fight them both at home and in beauty salons.

At home

At home the most in effective ways Elimination of scars can be considered the use of scrubs and rubbing.


Masks will not help to completely get rid of scars, but they can make them less noticeable and improve the condition of the skin.

  • Vegetable oil and beeswax take in proportions 4:1, heat them in a water bath and apply them warm directly to the scars for a quarter of an hour daily.

Photo: baking soda can be used as a scrub

  • mix with boiled water 1:1. Gently massage the scar area with the resulting mixture for a minute. Then rinse with warm water and apply moisturizer.
  • mix with honey in equal quantities and apply to scars for 40 minutes.
  • , sour cream and warm water take 1 tsp. Add a little cosmetic clay and apply to face for half an hour.
With clay

Cosmetic increases the elasticity of blood vessels, stimulates regeneration and whitens the epidermis.

Photo: clay saturates the skin with beneficial minerals

It also improves the appearance of the skin, saturating it with minerals necessary for functioning.

Green clay is considered the most suitable for scars, but you can use both white and blue, adding useful components to them.

  • Green clay dilute with water and add about 3-5 drops. Apply this mixture to the scars for a quarter of an hour. The procedure is repeated once every 2-3 days.
  • White clay goes well with. 1 tbsp. l. diluted in 2 tsp. juice The mass is applied to the scars and left for a quarter of an hour. You can wash it off earlier if it stings your skin too much. After such a mask you need to apply a nourishing cream.
  • Blue clay dilute with mineral still water and add 5 drops of apple juice to the resulting mixture. This mask can be applied to the entire face or locally on acne marks. Keep it for 10-15 minutes.

The acid contained in tomatoes helps to quickly renew the epidermis.

This vegetable also contains antioxidants that will eliminate Negative influence substances harmful to the skin.

The skin after the tomato mask becomes fresh, smooth and elastic.

Photo: thanks to the acid contained in tomatoes, the top layer of skin is exfoliated

For the mask, it is better to take the pulp from the middle of the vegetable.

  • It is crushed and applied to acne scars.
  • If the consistency is too thin, add potato starch to thicken.
  • Keep the mask on for about 20 minutes.

You can repeat it every other day.


– a very good way to get rid of scars.

The procedure itself does not take much time, but helps to achieve good results.

For wiping use:

  • cucumber juice;
  • juice ;
  • cosmetic ice from decoctions of parsley and woodruff;

Photo: cosmetic ice made from parsley can be used for rubbing

  • sage decoction mixed with honey;
  • rosemary, lavender, avocado.


Therapeutic washes complete morning and evening hygiene procedures.

In addition to helping fight acne marks, they give the skin freshness, regulate sebum production, and serve as a good basis for applying decorative cosmetics.

For washing use:

  • apple cider vinegar diluted with boiled or mineral water 1:3;
  • a decoction of parsley, for the preparation of which the greens are poured with boiling water and allowed to brew.


The scrub helps to quickly renew the epidermis by exfoliating dead cells.

But this procedure is used only in the absence of an inflammatory process on the skin.

Photo: scrub with rolled oatmeal exfoliates dead skin cells of the epidermis

  • Hercules flakes grind (to large grains, not flour) and mix with kefir. The previously cleansed face is massaged with this mixture and then left for another 10 minutes.
  • Small sea ​​salt mix with foam or milk for washing. Use as a cleansing procedure, gently massaging the skin. After such a scrub, you need to moisturize the skin with cream.

Peeling with badyaga

A mask with badyaga and hydrogen peroxide has a peeling effect.

  • The powder is diluted with peroxide to a liquid, light state.
  • This mixture is massaged into the skin and then left to dry. The area around the eyes is bypassed.

Photo: a mask with badyaga and peroxide has an exfoliating effect

The skin may become severely red and then peel.

These are the consequences of a rush of blood to the upper layers of the skin and its renewal. This type of peeling is not recommended more than once a week.

In the cabin

Cosmetology also has in its arsenal ways to eliminate the effects of acne.

Perhaps, her methods are the only ones that can get rid of scars in 1 day, or rather, in one procedure. But, of course, it doesn’t always work out that way.

The choice of method largely depends not only on the size of the acne scars, but also the type of skin and its general condition.

Laser resurfacing

Laser scar removal is a very effective procedure.

Photo: laser treatment is carried out under local anesthesia

  • It allows you to even out the skin texture and completely get rid of small scars.
  • Deep marks such as pitting may require re-sanding.

The procedure itself is painful and is done under local anesthesia.

  • The face after grinding also does not look the best.
  • Redness and swelling persist for several days.

You should protect your skin from sunlight for 2 weeks.

Chemical peeling

Chemical peeling – exfoliation of the epidermis using acids: trichloroacetic, salicylic, glycolic.

Photo: acid peeling removes the top layer of the epidermis

Along with the epidermal cells, the upper layers of scar tissue also peel off. But this happens over several procedures, each of which is performed 2-3 months from the previous one.

Phenolic peeling has a deeper effect.

But it is indicated only for fair-skinned patients. But it immediately solves a complex of problems, including getting rid of wrinkles.


The essence of dermabrasion also comes down to peeling off the upper layers of the skin.

Photo: dermabrasion procedure with a special brush

This is done by a device equipped with special brushes. The procedure is not very pleasant, after which the skin needs time to recover, but the results are good.


Mesotherapy in the sense of getting rid of scars consists of subcutaneous injection of collagen, hyaluronic acid or adipose tissue to the patient.

In this way you can effectively get rid of pits.

Photo: mesotherapy procedure removes skin unevenness

The effect lasts for approximately 6 months, the fillers gradually dissolve.

Ozone therapy

Ozone therapy is an auxiliary method of combating scars and scars.

  • An ozone-oxygen mixture administered subcutaneously improves metabolic processes and cell nutrition.
  • It has bactericidal properties and prevents inflammatory processes.

All this in general allows the skin to recover faster.


The cost of cosmetic procedures is quite high, given that many of them have to be repeated.

The approximate price in Moscow clinics is shown in the table:

Folk remedies

Are there ways to remove acne scars on the face using traditional medicine?

She did not stand aside, but the use of folk remedies to get rid of scars requires systematicity:

Photo: crushed aloe leaves can be applied to areas affected by post-acne

  • finely chop the aloe leaf or attach it with a fresh cut to the scar for half an hour a day;
  • cucumber or pineapple pulp apply to scars daily for at least 10 minutes;
  • applications with lemon and glycerin(1:2) will lighten scars and make them less noticeable;
  • Apple vinegar dilute with water and wipe the scars daily.

Photo: Apple cider vinegar can be used to clean stains

Treatment rules

When treating skin for scars, it is important to follow some rules.

  • Post-acne treatment is best done in autumn and winter. At this time, the skin is less susceptible to aggressive effects on it, and side effects of procedures appear less frequently.
  • When fighting scars, you should prevent the appearance of new inflammations on the face.
  • Need to pay Special attention clean skin. You may need to consult a cosmetologist or use professional care products.
  • By changing your diet and switching to a healthy lifestyle, you can achieve faster results.


How to prevent the formation of scars or scars after acne?

  • When purulent acne or increasing inflammation on the face, you should consult a specialist about treatment options.
  • Never pop pimples yourself.
  • Take good care of your skin, regardless of whether it has rashes.
  • Do not touch your face with your hands, keep pillowcases, hair and anything that directly touches your facial skin clean.
  • With food, the body must receive sufficient amounts of vitamins A and E, which are necessary for the rapid restoration of the skin.
Scars and acne scars are not easy to remove from the skin.

But there is no need to despair. There are ways that can help.

But you will have to be patient, because the result will not be immediate, especially if you decide to deal with the consequences of acne on your own.

Video: “How to remove post-acne”

Changes in hormonal levels in the body during puberty and pregnancy, various metabolic disorders, hereditary predisposition and excessive or insufficient hygiene care behind the face and body - this is only a small part of the factors that provoke the appearance of acne or the development of acne.

As a result of examination of patients who visited dermatologists about this, the presence of subclinical cicatricial consequences of dermatosis was identified in 90%. Questions about how to treat and how to remove acne scars on the face concern 22% of patients in whom this symptom is of a pronounced, socially significant nature.

Principles of treatment selection

Acne scars remain for life not only in the face, but also on the skin of the upper parts chest, on the back and, often, in the area shoulder girdle. This complication often disfigures the affected areas and causes patients, especially women, no less trouble than the active course of the disease itself. In many cases, it requires expensive treatment, which, unfortunately, is not always effective enough or is not effective at all.

In order to get rid of acne scars, dermatologists, cosmetologists, plastic surgeons and pharmacologists offer various methods and remedies, since scarring is often accompanied by inflammatory acne and is a boundary problem between these specialties. The choice of treatment is influenced by the types of scars, their nature, age and location.

Scars develop from granulation tissues, which transform into connective tissue structures. They change the skin relief due to the alignment of the boundaries between the epidermal layers and the dermis due to the disappearance of the outgrowths of the epithelial layer between the papillae and the area of ​​the papillary layer of the dermis itself. In the latter, the elastic fibers are destroyed and their place is taken by coarse fibrous collagen fibers. There is also deformation and a decrease in the number of blood and lymphatic vessels, sweat and sebaceous glands.

It is impossible to completely get rid of the effects of acne and cure acne scars, but these steps can be done cosmetic defects almost invisible using existing drugs and techniques is quite possible.

The shape of the scars can be linear, V- or U-shaped, star-shaped, etc., which depends on the nature of the damage. On early stages they have a pinkish color with a somewhat bluish tint. After a certain time, the scars become whitish (depigmented) or, conversely, excessively pigmented. Scar tissue, when palpated, can be tightly fused to the underlying tissues or freely move to the sides.

The main choice of how to remove acne scars is determined by their type. According to the classification, there are four types of scars:

  • normotrophic, the surface of which is smooth, without a skin pattern. They do not protrude above the surface of the surrounding skin;
  • - as a rule, smooth, whitish and thin, reminiscent of tissue paper and gathering into small folds when pressed on them; often their surface is located below the level of the surrounding skin and resembles depressions of various shapes and sizes;
  • hypertrophic, caused by the formation of a small number of coarse collagen fibers and sharply protruding above the surface of the skin; they are not prone to growth, unlike keloid scars, and have different colors - from pale pink to purple-bluish;
  • - rough formations that deform the skin, characterized by a large number of collagen fibers and a significant amount of acidic mucopolysaccharides with a gel-like consistency; often they spread beyond the source of the initial damage.

The risk of the formation of hypertrophic and keloid scars is greatest in areas of constant skin tension in places where it is located directly above bony protrusions or characteristic of other anatomical features- these are the areas of the mandibular angles, earlobes, upper sections back and sternum, shoulder girdle area.

Acne Scar Treatment

All existing treatment methods can be combined into three main groups:

  1. Medication.
  2. Cosmetology.
  3. Surgical.

Drug therapy

It involves the use dosage forms external use - gel, spray containing various surface active ingredients, vitamins, low concentration fruit acids, enzymes, hormonal and mineral substances, vegetable essential oils, etc.

Is it possible to completely remove a scar using topical remedies? When applied locally, they improve blood circulation, soften scar tissue, make it more elastic and removable, promote desquamation of the upper layer of the horny epithelium and stimulate regenerative processes. A wide range of medications are available in beauty salons, pharmacies and cosmetics stores; many of them can be purchased directly from suppliers.

Their main advantages are ease of use and the ability to use them at home. Drugs that help remove scar defects include, for example:

  • hydrogel "Kontraktubeks" containing allantoin obtained as a result of the reaction uric acid with potassium permanganate, Serae onion extract and anticoagulant heparin;
  • silicone gel "Dermatix", consisting of a mixture of polymeric organosilicon compounds and silicon dioxide;
  • cream for acne scars "Kelofibraza", the active component of which, in addition to heparin and urea as the main ones, is D-camphor;
  • cream/gel “Zeraderm ultra”, including polysiloxane (organosilicon polymer compounds), which forms a film when applied to skin scars, and an ultraviolet filter “SPF 15”, coenzyme Q 10, and vitamins “A” and “K”.

Remedies that help remove acne scars on the face at home also include badyaga, sold in pharmacies in the form of powder in bags. Its main components are silica, which stimulates metabolic processes in tissues and the synthesis of elastin proteins, the natural protein spongin, which has anti-inflammatory and absorbable effects, as well as microscopic needles that make up the sponge itself, which contribute, due to their irritating effect, to improve microcirculation and accelerate growth epithelial cells.

Badyaga powder is mixed with a solution of hydrogen peroxide to obtain a foam, which is applied to the face with massaging movements for 3 minutes and left as a mask for 15 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.

All these drugs can help remove acne scars of the normotrophic type or slightly reduce the height of hyper- and atrophic scars, change their color and make them less noticeable, and only at the very early stages of their formation, but are practically useless at 1.5 - 2- year-long existence.

It is much easier to treat fresh defects in which metabolic processes have not yet stopped. Most often, drug therapy is used to accelerate the processes of epithelization of already healed wounds, reduce itching, redness and prevent further formation of scar tissue, as well as in combination with other, more aggressive means of treatment to potentiate the effect of the latter.

Cosmetology techniques

Removing scars using cosmetic products consists of using injection methods, chemical or physical smoothing and smoothing of the skin texture through chemical substances or hardware techniques. They have varying degrees of aggressiveness towards the skin, are often painful and have a long rehabilitation period, but are characterized by a high degree of effectiveness, especially for defects with a short duration of existence.

TO cosmetological methods relate:

  1. Mesotherapy, contour plastic surgery and physiotherapeutic techniques.
  2. Mechanical dermabrasion.
  3. Chemical peeling.
  4. Laser therapy.

Injection techniques and physiotherapy

In the early stages of scar tissue formation, they are used with cocktails based on biological products, vitamins, microelements, amino acids, aloe and placenta extracts, and in the presence of keloid scars - with drugs from the group of glucocorticosteroids, etc. A similar effect is achieved through ultrasound, or phonophoresis with the same drugs , as well as with the addition of retinoic acid, zinc oligosol, aflutop.

In some patients, satisfactory results in the form of softening scars, reducing their height and the severity of subjective sensations (itching, burning) can be achieved through the action of specific enzymes (collagenases) on the heavy molecules of excess collagen in scar tissue. For this purpose, iontophoresis or phonophoresis with the drug fermenkol is used. In the early stages of scar formation, cryomassage also has a certain effect.

Leveling the relief of atrophic scars is carried out through intradermal injection or injection under the bottom of a hypotrophic defect of medium and high density () or fat cells ().


Mechanical means

For superficial scar formations, especially V-shaped and U-shaped, a significant improvement in the condition of the skin occurs after 2-3 sessions of sandblasting or. For the treatment of deep hypotrophic and hypertrophic scars, surgery using a Schumann device (a cutter with a high speed of revolutions) and sometimes followed by transplantation of several layers of keratinocytes is more suitable.

However, these procedures are quite painful and require a long and often difficult rehabilitation period. In addition, they can provoke the formation of keloids and irreversible disruption of pigmentation processes.

Therefore, acne scars can be removed using a more gentle, but at the same time, more superficial method, which is microdermabrasion, or micro-resurfacing with aluminum dioxide microcrystals. Its effectiveness is comparable to that of microdermabrasion, which is carried out using titanium dermal rollers - devices reminiscent of mesoscooters in their design. These procedures are easier to tolerate and the risk of complications after them is even lower.

Removing scars with peelings

An alternative option mechanical method, are medium chemical peels using alpha hydroxy acids, as well as or. To smooth out deep atrophic scars, chemical peels with high concentration acids are used. Their disadvantage is the difficulty of controlling the depth of exposure, as well as the development of increased skin sensitivity and, often, severe allergic reactions.

TCA peeling

Laser Application

It is generally accepted by experts that the best means of correcting hypertrophic, U-shaped, M-shaped and shallow V-shaped scar defects is therapy using laser technologies. Of these, ablative resurfacing is most often used, which makes it possible to obtain a clinical improvement of atrophic scar skin defects by 50-80% after just one session of the procedure.

As a result of the use of fractional photothermolysis (,), the formation of therapeutic microthermal zones occurs, in the places of which cascade aseptic inflammatory processes then arise, leading to remodeling of dermal structures.

Exposure to non-ablative lasers (neodymium, erbium, diode, pulsed dye laser, etc.) is based on a thermal effect without vaporization of epidermal cells, and is therefore characterized by a significantly lower number and less severity side effects. In this regard, after the procedure rehabilitation period, practically not required.

Fractional photothermolysis

Surgical treatment of scars

Surgical treatment consists of separating the bottom of atrophic scars from the underlying tissues. The procedure is a modern and quite effective technique. It is performed with a tool that looks like a hook, a simple needle or using a special thread. As a result of traumatic injury, a small hemorrhage forms in the cavity formed under the scar with the accumulation of biologically active fluid and an aseptic inflammatory process develops.

All this leads to stimulation of the proliferative and synthetic activity of fibroblasts and filling the cavity with connective tissue, thickening the tissue in the bottom area and reducing the depth of the atrophic scar. After this is carried out. In the presence of gross skin defects, it is recommended to surgical excision followed by mechanical or laser grinding.

It is necessary to understand that there is no one universal remedy or universal method for getting rid of scars. For each case and each element, individual methods or their combination are selected according to individually developed schemes.