Parameters characterizing personality. Mental properties of personality: brief description. Basic psychological characteristics of personality

Personality is a concept that reflects the social structure of a person, considers the individual from the point of view of his involvement in the socio-cultural life of society.

Concept of personality

The concept of personality indicates the presence and level of development of the individual beginning of each person and its implementation in social relations.

IN in the narrow sense the word “personality” means an individual who is capable of being a subject public relations and carry out conscious activities.

IN in a broad sense The concept of personality systematizes those human traits that are necessary for him to lead social life. Instead of the word “personality,” you can use the expression social and psychological appearance - these concepts are actually identical to each other.

Basic personality characteristics

IN modern social science identify the following basic characteristics of personality: the presence of will, reason, freedom and feelings, which in total lead to personalization. Let's look at what each personality attribute means.

Under by will implies the ability of a person to perform certain actions at will, and the ability to bear responsibility for them.

A person’s ideological attitude towards actions accomplished through the manifestation of will is called freedom.

The ability to analyze the consequences of actions taken is called intelligence.

Feelings represent an emotional process that accompanies one or another conscious human action.


A stable system of individual characteristics of a person, which are manifested in the dynamic aspects of his activity. Temperament is the basis of a person's character.

Very often, temperament is considered as the highest indicator nervous conditions each individual. There are four types of temperament:

Phlegmatic - imperturbable people who have a stable mood. Such individuals are stingy in showing emotions and are always balanced.

Choleric people are impetuous people who are not a stranger to aggression. Such individuals do not have balance in mental processes.

Sanguine people are active people, generous with emotions, with bright facial expressions. Unlike choleric people, such individuals know how to control their emotions, often turning aggression into laughter.

Melancholic - vulnerable people, with fine structure psyche. Characteristic feature is emotional vulnerability, the ability to become depressed.

Person's character

Character is a stable structure of a person’s mental properties, which are manifested in both dynamic and static behavior. Speaking about the character of a person, we mean the totality of her bright qualities and properties that influence her actions and commands.

Character traits contribute to the choice of the vector of a person’s lifestyle and behavior. In a broad sense, the concept of “character” refers to the typical behavior of an individual in various everyday situations.


Abilities are pronounced individual properties of each person that are important for the implementation certain type activities.


The concept of personality

Basic personality characteristics

Socialization of personality




Personality is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that includes many components. IN psychological science There are several generally accepted provisions regarding personality. At least we can talk about 4 main points:

Personality is inherent in every person

Personality is what distinguishes a person from animals that do not have a personality

Personality is a product historical development, i.e. arises at a certain stage of the evolution of a human being

Personality is individual, distinguishing characteristic person, i.e. what distinguishes one person from another

The concept of personality

The concept of “personality” is multifaceted; personality is the object of study of many sciences: philosophy, sociology, psychology, ethics, aesthetics, pedagogy, etc. Each of these sciences studies personality in its specific aspect.

For a socio-psychological analysis of personality, the concepts of “personality”, “individual”, “individuality”, “person” should be clearly distinguished.

The most general concept is “man” - a biosocial being with articulate speech, consciousness, higher mental functions (abstract- logical thinking, logical memory, etc.), capable of creating tools and using them in the process of social labor. These specific human abilities and properties (speech, consciousness, work activity, etc.) are not transmitted to people in the order of biological heredity, but are formed in them during their lifetime, in the process of assimilating the culture created by previous generations.

No personal experience a person cannot lead to the fact that he has
logical thinking will be formed independently,
systems of concepts will develop independently. For this
it would take not one, but a thousand lives. Everyone's people
subsequent generations begin their lives in the world
objects and phenomena created by previous
generations. By participating in labor and various forms
social activities, they develop in themselves those
specific human abilities that are already
formed among humanity. The necessary conditions
child’s assimilation of socio-historical experience:
1) communication between a child and adults, during which
the child learns adequate activities, assimilates
human culture. If as a result of a disaster
the adult population died and only the
small children, then although the human race would not cease,
human history would have been interrupted. Cars, books and
other culture would continue to physically exist, but
there would be no one to reveal their purpose to the children; 2) to
master those items that are products
historical development, must be carried out according
o (carrying to them not any, but such adequate activity,
which will reproduce in itself the essential
socially developed ways of human activity and
humanity. Assimilation of socio-historical experience
acts as a process of reproduction in the properties of a child
historically developed properties and abilities
of the human race. Thus, the development of humanity
impossible without active transmission to new generations
human culture. Without society, without assimilation
socio-historical experience of humanity to become
human, to acquire specific human qualities
impossible, even if a human being has
biological usefulness. But, on the other hand, without having
biological usefulness (oligophrenia), morphological properties inherent in man as a biological species, it is impossible even under the influence of society, upbringing, and education to achieve the highest human qualities.

Human life and activity are determined by the unity and interaction of biological and social factors, with the leading role of the social factor. Since consciousness, speech, etc. are not transmitted to people in the order of biological heredity, but are formed in them during their lifetime, the concept “ individual" - How biological organism, carrier of the general genotypic hereditary properties of a biological species
(we are born as an individual) and the concept "personality" - How
the socio-psychological essence of a person, formed as a result of a person’s assimilation of social forms of consciousness and behavior, the socio-historical experience of mankind (we become individuals through the influence of life in society, education, training, communication, interaction).

Sociology considers a person as a representative of a certain social “group”, as social type as a product of social relations. But psychology takes into account that at the same time the personality is not only an object of social relations, not only experiences social influences, but refracts and transforms them, since gradually personality begins to act like a set of internal conditions, through which the external influences of society are refracted. These internal conditions are an alloy of hereditary biological properties and socially determined qualities that were formed under the influence of previous social influences. As personality develops, internal conditions become deeper; as a result, the same external influence can have on different people different influence. Thus,

A special and different personality in the fullness of its spiritual and physical properties characterized by the concept of “individuality”. Individuality is expressed in the presence of different experiences, knowledge, opinions, beliefs, in differences in character and temperament; we prove and affirm our individuality.

Motivation, temperament, abilities, character are the main parameters of individuality.

Basic personality characteristics

The main characteristics of a personality are: activity (the desire to expand the scope of one’s activities), orientation (a system of motives, needs, interests, beliefs), Team work social groups, teams.

Activity is the most important general property of personality, and it manifests itself in activity, in the process of interaction with environment. But what exactly motivates a person to act in a certain way, set certain goals and achieve them? Such motivating reasons are needs. A need is an impulse to activity, which is recognized and experienced by a person as a need for something, a lack of something, dissatisfaction with something. The activity of the individual is directed towards satisfying needs.

Human needs are varied. First of all, natural needs are distinguished, which directly ensure human existence: the needs for food, rest and sleep, clothing and housing. These are basically biological needs, but in their essence they are fundamentally different from the corresponding needs of animals: a way to satisfy human needs is of a social nature, that is, it depends on society, upbringing, and the surrounding social environment. Let us compare, for example, the need for housing in animals (burrow, den, nest) and in humans (home). Even the need for food. a person is socialized: “...the hunger that is satisfied by boiled meat, eaten with a knife and fork, is a different hunger than that in which raw meat is swallowed with the help of hands, nails and teeth.”

Along with natural ones, a person also has purely human, spiritual, or social needs: the need for verbal communication with other people, the need for knowledge, active participation in public life, cultural needs (reading books and newspapers, listening to radio programs, visiting theaters and cinema, listening to music).

The most important personality characteristic is its focus, determining the goals that a person sets for himself, the aspirations that are characteristic of him, the motives in accordance with which he acts.

Analyzing this or that specific act, a specific action, a certain activity of a person (and they are always extremely diverse), you need to know motives or motives these actions, actions or specific activities. Motives can be specific manifestations of needs or other types of motivation.

A person’s cognitive need manifests itself in interests. Interests- this is a person’s active cognitive orientation towards a particular object, phenomenon or activity associated with a positive emotional attitude towards them.

IN important motive for behavior - beliefs. Beliefs- certain provisions, judgments, opinions, knowledge about nature and society, the truth of which a person does not doubt, considers them indisputably convincing, and strives to be guided by them in life. If beliefs form a certain system, they become a person’s worldview.

A person lives and acts not on his own, but in a collective and is formed as an individual under the influence of the collective. In a team and under its influence, the traits of a person’s orientation and will are formed, his activities and behavior are organized, and conditions are created for the development of his abilities.

The relationships of individual members in groups and teams are very complex and diverse - there are both business relationships and personal ones (such as sympathy and antipathy, friendship or enmity - the so-called interpersonal). A person occupies a certain place in the system of relations, enjoys an equal degree of authority, popularity, varying degrees influences other members. Great importance has the self-esteem of a member of a group, team, the level of his claims (i.e., what role the individual claims to play in the group, team based on self-esteem). In cases of discrepancies between self-esteem and assessment by other members of the group or team, conflict often arises. Conflicts are also possible if the level of aspirations of a member of a group or team is too high and does not correspond to his objective position in the team (then this member of the team feels disadvantaged, believes that he is underestimated, “overwritten”).

Socialization of personality

Personality socialization is the process of personality formation in certain social conditions, the process of a person’s assimilation of social experience, during which a person transforms social experience into his own values ​​and orientations, selectively introduces into his system of behavior those norms and patterns of behavior that are accepted in society or a group. Norms of behavior, moral standards, and beliefs of a person are determined by those norms that are accepted in a given society.

The following stages of socialization are distinguished:

Primary socialization or adaptation stage (from
from birth to adolescence, the child learns
social experience uncritically, adapts, adapts, imitates).

Individualization stage (desire appears
distinguish oneself from others, have a critical attitude towards
social norms of behavior). During adolescence
stage of individualization, self-determination “the world and I”
characterized as intermediate socialization, because it is still
unstable in the worldview and character of a teenager.

Adolescence (18-25 years) is characterized as
stable conceptual socialization, when stable personality traits are developed.

3. Integration stage (there is a desire to find your
place in society, “fit in” with society). Integration
goes well if the person’s properties are accepted
group, society. If not accepted, possible
the following outcomes:

maintaining one's dissimilarity and the appearance of aggressive
interactions (relationships) with people and society;

changing oneself, “becoming like everyone else”;

conformism, external agreement, adaptation.

4. Labor stage socialization covers the entire period
the maturity of a person, the entire period of his working activity,
when a person not only assimilates social experience, but also reproduces it due to the person’s active influence on the environment through his activities.

Post-labor stage socialization reviews elderly age as an age that makes a significant contribution to the reproduction of social experience, to the process of transmitting it to new generations.


Thus, personality is not only an object and product of social relations, but also an active subject of activity, communication, consciousness, self-awareness.

Personality is a social concept; it expresses everything that is supranatural and historical in a person. Personality is not innate, but arises as a result of cultural and social development.

The personality is not only purposeful, but also a self-organizing system. The object of its attention and activity is not only the external world, but also itself, which is manifested in its sense of “I”, which includes self-image and self-esteem, self-improvement programs, habitual reactions to the manifestation of some of one's qualities, the ability for introspection, introspection and self-regulation. What does it mean to be a person? To be a person means to have an active life position, which can be said this way: I stand on this and cannot do otherwise. To be a person means to implement elections arising due to internal necessity, assess the consequences decision taken and hold yourself accountable for them to yourself and the society in which you live. To be an individual means to constantly build oneself and others, to possess an arsenal of techniques and means with the help of which one can master one’s own behavior and subordinate it to one’s power. To be a person means to have freedom of choice and bear its burden.


Stolyarenko L.D. Basics of psychology. 1995

Krutetsky V.A. Psychology. M. 1986

Kazakov V.G. Kondratyeva L.L. Psychology. M 1989.

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Galizo M.V. Domashenko I.A. Atlas of psychology. M. 1986

Personality in psychology is one of the leading concepts. In the process of development, it begins to form as an individuality; it begins to have specific features that make it unique and different from others. Personality properties in psychology are distinguished as follows. orientation, abilities, character and others. It is worth taking a closer look at the characteristics of some of them.

Thus, Hippocrates identified the main ones, dividing people into four main groups. Unlike other properties, this quality is determined, first of all, by the biological organization of the individual. Its features appear quite early, they can be seen already in young children, in their behavior, games, communication with each other and with adults. Thus, choleric people are characterized by strong excitability nervous system, which is why they are often characterized by unbalanced behavior. One of the most stable types of temperament is the sanguine person. Usually this cheerful person with quick reactions and thoughtful decisions. The most vulnerable is considered to be a melancholic person, who has and is distinguished by special sensitivity to the slightest irritants. It is quite difficult to motivate a phlegmatic person to engage in any activity, however, if he gets carried away, he will continue to work no matter what, until it is completely completed. Personality traits such as impressionability, anxiety, emotionality, and impulsiveness largely depend on the type of temperament.

In psychology, individual personality properties are distinguished (that is, special, characteristic only to this person). These include character. This is a kind of mental activity that manifests itself in a person’s characteristics. It is formed, as a rule, gradually, through the process of cognition and practical activity. Researchers studying personality traits in psychology distinguish two sides in the structure of character, namely content and form. Moreover, they are inextricably linked with each other, forming an organic unity. The content includes interests, needs, and people. These are individually unique relationships that speak about the activity of the individual in society. Character forms express various manifestations of relationships, temperament and other qualities. The character structure also includes interests, temperament, will, beliefs, intelligence, etc.

When talking about personality traits, abilities are also highlighted. It should be remembered that in psychology this concept is clearly separated from “inclinations”. The latter constitute the natural basis for the development of abilities and are innate anatomical and physiological characteristics of the brain, nervous system, and sensory organs.

No less important than other personality traits are feelings and emotions. Although they are related to each other, they are different phenomena emotional sphere. Feelings are characterized by stability and duration. Emotions are a direct manifestation of experiences at a certain moment.

Will is the conscious regulation of one’s actions and actions by a person, despite external or internal difficulties. Most people encounter this property almost every day. A person in whom this quality is developed at a high level not only has good self-control, but can also control circumstances, achieving many of his goals.

Thus, personality traits in psychology are a fairly comprehensive concept, including a large number of At the same time, it is necessary for those who want to better understand themselves or others to know them.

The problem of personality is one of the most pressing topics in modern psychology. This term characterized by certain features, it is worth noting that these do not include genetic or physiological aspects. In addition, psychological and individual characteristics do not include a person. Rather, they include deep-seated social features that indicate the direction of human life and reflect the nature of man as the author of his life. So, what is personality is a question many people ask, so we should consider the basic definitions.

Broadly understood, personality is a substance that internally distinguishes one person from another.

There are three different definitions that describe the concept of personality.
1. The concept is interpreted as the individuality of a person, which indicates his life experience, values, aspirations, abilities, spiritual development and temperament. If we consider this understanding in more detail, we can say that humans and animals have it, since each animal has its own individual characteristics and character.
2. With an intermediate understanding, the concept of personality is a subject of society that has a social and personal role. This definition of the concept of personality belongs to Adler and begins with social feeling. After all, finding and feeling great is not an easy task; if a person copes with it successfully, then it develops into something higher. That is, in this concept, such a person is a subject who interacts with other people at the level of habits.
3. Narrow understanding: personality is a subject of culture, a self. He is defined as a person who is the author of his life. That is, the child is not one, but may or may not become one.
The definition of such a concept as a person can be anything. However, all definitions have a general meaning.

Personality problems in the psychological aspect

If the concept of an individual is accompanied by the general qualities of homo sapiens, then the concept of personality has a close and inextricable connection with the concept of individuality, that is, with social qualities, with a person’s attitude to the world, with his abilities. A person can be characterized by the level of his consciousness, by the degree of correlation of his own consciousness with the consciousness of society. A person’s ability for social relations is revealed. The main points that characterize the concept under consideration include the following:

  • Attitude to society;
  • Attitude towards individuals from society;
  • Attitude towards oneself;
  • Attitude to one's own work responsibilities.

Based on these criteria, we can explain what personality is. Also, the main characteristic is the level of awareness of the relationship and the degree of its stability. In the concept of personality, an important role is played by its position, as well as the ability to implement relationships, which depends on how developed a person’s creative abilities, his knowledge and skills are. After all, no person is born with ready-made abilities or qualities; they are formed throughout life. The hereditary component does not determine the level of development; it is responsible only for the physiological abilities of the individual and the qualities of the nervous system. But the biological organization of a person contains his natural capabilities associated with mental development. A person becomes a person only thanks to social heredity, the experience of other generations, which are consolidated in knowledge, traditions, and cultural objects. The problem of personality lies in numerous points that are basic for

Personality formation

The formation of human nature occurs under strictly defined conditions. The demands of society often determine the model. And what actually acts as natural characteristics of a person’s essence is actually represented by the consolidation of social requirements for behavior. Below we will consider what stages a person goes through in the process of becoming.
Main driving force- these are internal contradictions that arise between needs that are constantly growing and the possibility of satisfying them. An entity formed in normal conditions, is constantly growing and developing its capabilities, while creating new needs. The main problem of personality is considered in psychology and philosophy and includes its definition as such.

How to determine the level of personality development

The level at which a person’s problem is located, its development, can be determined by its relationships. As a rule, undeveloped persons are limited to mercantile interests. If it is highly developed, then this indicates that relations of social significance predominate in it, and numerous abilities of the individual are observed both for social relations and also for. Every individual spends his life making decisions quite complex tasks, and the essence is largely manifested in the way he solves these very problems. After all, each person solves difficulties using different methods.
Understanding an individual means understanding what life values he has priorities, what principles he is guided by when solving problems. The problem of personality lies in self-awareness and self-improvement, which must be continuous.


There are several main personality types:

  • Socialized - which are adapted to the conditions of social life.
  • Desocialized - who deviate from the requirements of society. These include marginalized individuals. The problem of personality in in this case lies in non-acceptance by society.
  • Mentally abnormal are persons who have some delays in mental development, psychopaths. Here the personality problem is that people try to avoid such persons.

A socialized normal entity has a number of features. She has autonomy, assertion of her own individuality. If critical situations arise, the socialized nature retains its strategy and does not change its life principles and positions. If extreme situations and psychological breakdowns arise, such a nature can prevent the consequences by reassessing values. The concept of such a personality involves maintaining an optimal mood in any situation.

If an individual is mentally balanced, then he builds friendly relationships with other people and is altruistic in relation to their needs. When constructing life plans, a normal nature proceeds from reality and has a sense of honor and justice. She is persistent in achieving her goals and can easily adjust her own behavior. The sources of success or failure for her are herself, and not external circumstances.

If there are difficult situations, a well-developed individual is able to take responsibility and take justifiable risks.
So, the human essence is something that has the consciousness of its own isolation, which allows it to be free from the dictates of power, to remain calm under any conditions. Such abilities of the individual make it and contribute to its further development.
The core is spirituality, which is represented the highest manifestation human essence, commitment to morality.


The structure consists of a number of elements - personality abilities, among which the following can be distinguished:

  • Self-awareness. That is, she is aware of any actions and considers only herself to be the source of her life. Self-awareness is aimed at the consciousness of one’s own self, and next to this concept is self-improvement, which also plays an important role in the formation of the human essence.
  • Direction characterizes its character traits, goals, directions for achieving them. Focus is the most important element and characterizes social and spiritual development. Direction is the leading element in the structure, and also allows you to get an idea of ​​the personality as a whole.
  • Temperament and character. These qualities are formed under the influence of public opinion and are also transmitted genetically. Temperament refers to certain mental properties that act as the foundation for formation. Such qualities are equally manifested in any human activity, since they are basic.
  • Mental processes and states. They can be transmitted genetically, but, as a rule, they are formed throughout life.
  • The abilities of the individual, as well as his inclinations, must develop continuously; it is thanks to their development that growth is supported. The abilities of any individual are acquired and are formed depending on a number of factors.
  • Psychic experience. This fragment is also very important in the formation of the entity.

Thus, the structure is quite extensive and unique, each link must be fully implemented.
The concept of personality is quite broad and versatile, it is characterized by such factors as temperament, behavior, abilities, mental health. The problem of personality lies in the main points of its formation, which are associated with behavior, development, skills and abilities. Human nature is versatile and special, and the main task is to create the most comfortable conditions for further development.

Many psychologists, both foreign and domestic, have studied personality; the results of their work formed the basis of pedagogical methods and developments relating to any branches of knowledge.

It is worth highlighting several fundamental concepts that are necessary in understanding the individual approach to the study of personality.

A personality is a conscious individual who occupies a certain position in society and performs a certain social role.

Individuality is a person in its originality. It manifests itself in the intellectual, emotional, volitional sphere.

Individual - special person, with all its inherent features.

The difference between personality and individual. An individual is characterized by the uniqueness that a person receives from birth (skin color, hair, eyes, facial features, physique). According to this, all people are individuals: an unintelligent newborn, an aborigine of a primitive tribe, and a mentally ill person.

Personality, unlike the individual, is not a biological, but a socio-psychological concept. An individual becomes a personality in the process of growing up, learning, development, and communication.

Personality traits:

1) socialization - one can only be a person in cooperation or opposition to society

2) maturity - personality traits begin to develop at a certain degree of mental maturity

3) self-awareness - personality develops only when a person realizes the need for this

5) privilege - the stronger a person is, the more she manifests herself, the higher her privileges in society.

Another important quality personality, different from the individual - the need for recognition by society. The main motive that determines the activity of an individual is interest. The process of cognition in this case depends on the desire or unwillingness of a person to learn the properties of an object and understand it. A person is more often guided by beliefs, which are the basis of a person’s principles and worldview.

Basic personality characteristics. The main characteristics of an individual are: activity (the desire to expand the scope of one’s activities), orientation (a system of motives, needs, interests, beliefs), joint activities of social groups and collectives.

Activity is the most important general property of a person, and it manifests itself in activity, in the process of interaction with the environment. But what exactly motivates a person to act in a certain way, set certain goals and achieve them? Such motivating reasons are needs.

A need is an impulse to activity, which is recognized and experienced by a person as a need for something, a lack of something, dissatisfaction with something. The activity of the individual is directed towards satisfying needs.

Human needs are varied. First of all, natural needs are distinguished, which directly ensure human existence: the needs for food, rest and sleep, clothing and housing. These are basically biological needs, but in their essence they are fundamentally different from the corresponding needs of animals: the way to satisfy human needs is social in nature, that is, it depends on society, upbringing, and the surrounding social environment.

The most important characteristic of a personality is its orientation, which determines the goals that a person sets for himself, the aspirations that are characteristic of him, the motives in accordance with which he acts.

When analyzing one or another specific act, a specific action, a certain activity of a person (and they are always extremely diverse), one must know the motives or motivating reasons for these actions, actions or specific activities. Motives can be specific manifestations of needs or other types of motivation.

A person’s cognitive need manifests itself in interests. Interests are a person’s active cognitive orientation towards a particular object, phenomenon or activity associated with a positive emotional attitude towards them.

An important motive for behavior is beliefs. Beliefs are certain provisions, judgments, opinions, knowledge about nature and society, the truth of which a person does not doubt, considers them undeniably convincing, and strives to be guided by them in life. If beliefs form a certain system, they become a person’s worldview.

A person does not act on his own, but in a collective and is formed as an individual under the influence of the collective. In a team and under its influence, the traits of a person’s orientation and will are formed, his activities and behavior are organized, and conditions are created for the development of his abilities.

The relationships of individual members in groups and teams are very complex and diverse - there are both business relationships and personal ones (such as sympathy and antipathy, friendship or enmity - the so-called interpersonal). A person occupies a certain place in the system of relations, enjoys an equal degree of authority and popularity, and influences other members to varying degrees. Of great importance is the self-esteem of a member of a group or team, the level of his aspirations (i.e., what role an individual claims to play in a group or team based on self-esteem).

In cases of discrepancies between self-esteem and assessment by other members of the group or team, conflict often arises. Conflicts are also possible if the level of aspirations of a member of a group or team is too high and does not correspond to his objective position in the team (then this member of the team feels disadvantaged and believes that he is underestimated).

The problem of studying personality was posed by L.S. Vygotsky, within the framework of the cultural-historical concept, according to which the development of the human psyche is determined by the socio-cultural conditions of life, Vygotsky laid down a number of basic ideas:

1) About a holistic approach to the study of personality. This means that in the process of development of the human psyche, not individual functions develop, but mental processes, and the psychological systems of these functions and processes. Vygotsky believed that at every age a system is formed psychological functions, which is characteristic of this age and determines the development of personality.

2) On the development of higher mental functions. He showed that a person experiences special kind mental functions, which he called higher - they are completely absent in animals, constitute highest level human psyche and are formed in the course of social interactions.

In contrast to natural or natural sensory functions that are inherent in animals: smell, etc. HMF - higher mental functions have their own structure and origin; they are also voluntary, social, and mediated.

Personality (according to Bazhovich) - highest integrative system, indissoluble integrity. It proceeds from the fact that personality development occurs in the process of a person’s assimilation of social experience, certain norms and patterns, but the essence of this process is not limited to knowledge and understanding of these norms and rules. Such assimilation is necessary. In which norms and patterns become motives for behavior and activity. In order to achieve this it is necessary to study inner world person, that “psychological soil” on which the educational influence falls. To study the correlation between “external” and “internal”, objective and subjective, Bazhovich introduced a new concept that reflects the essence of this concept. Introduced the concept of “the child’s internal position.”

The internal position is a reflection of that objective position. Which the child occupies in the system of social relations available to him. It is formed in the process of life and upbringing. The internal position simply reflects the object of a positive person.

The psychodynamic direction was presented in foreign psychology. It is revealed by the theory of individual personality study.

It is believed that unconscious psychological conflicts control human behavior. His psychoanalytic theory.

S. Freud's theory:

Personality includes a structure of components: id, ego, super ego.

ID - from Latin word"it". According to Z. Freud, it means exclusively primitive, instinctive and hostile aspects of the personality. ID uses reflexive reactions to obtain immediate gratification of instinctual urges.

Ego - from the Latin "I". Represents the rational part of the personality:

The principle of reality. Its task is to separate a person’s own plan of action in order to satisfy the requirements of ID within an organized society.

Personality orientation is a system of motivations, specifically selective relationships and human activity. Since ancient times, man has tried to determine the sources of personality activity and the meaning of life.

Some considered the desire for satisfaction to be the main motive of human actions, others found that the fulfillment of duty constitutes the main motivation and meaning of human life. Still others tried to derive personal behavior from biological (sexual motives) and social aspirations (dominance or submission).

The individual enters into diverse social connections and carries out activities in different areas practices, guided by different motives and motivations.

Motive is a conscious impulse to engage in activity or behavior. In some cases, a person is guided by a consciousness of social duty, in others - by personal needs or interests, in others - on the basis of feelings.

When analyzing the behavior of their activities, it is necessary to take into account not only the basic aspirations, but also to find out the moral and psychological foundations of the individual. Which determine her life position, her attitude towards to various parties reality.

Drives (these are unconscious internal awakenings or external stimuli) should be distinguished from motives, as conscious impulses, i.e. the individual does not weigh the social significance of these drives and does not take into account the consequences of actions. Studying a person's motives is important for