Seeing a black cat in a dream: interpretation of a dream. Big black cat

There are people who can't sleep long time, there are only a few such people and one of them set a record - his wakefulness regime was 18 days 21 hours and 40 minutes. True, at the same time he had problems with speech, memory, visual impairment. The record holder often had hallucinations and even paranoia.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

What is Vanga's dream book? Why did the collection of interpretations of the Bulgarian seer of the last century become one of the most books read new century and even modern world does not lose its relevance? The article will talk about the features and benefits of the dream book of the famous fortuneteller.

The probability of fulfilling dreams by day of the week

Do you want to know if your dream will come true? And how soon will that happen? Pay attention to the day of the week and always be ready to meet a joyful omen in reality.

Diagnosis and prediction of diseases in sleep

Do you have creepy and ominous dreams? If dreams began to frighten you with their monstrous plots, know that your subconscious advises you to pay close attention to your health. If you want to learn how to recognize a barely born illness, compare the content of your dream with interpretations that have come down to us from ancient times.

Why is the Black Cat dreaming

Black cat in a modern dream book

A dreaming black cat symbolizes future failure, unless, of course, you hit or drive it away. If a cat attacks you, then wait for the appearance of enemies who will do everything to take away your property and tarnish your reputation. But if in a dream you confidently drove the cat away, then in reality you will cope with difficulties with honor and achieve fame and honor. A dream about a skinny and dirty black cat means the coming misfortune that will happen to your friend, however, if you drive the animal away, your friend will recover after serious illness. If a cat scratched you in a dream, it means that ill-wishers will deprive you of a part of the profit for which you have worked hard for a long time.

Black cat in Miller's dream book

A dream in which you look at a black cat portends failure. If she throws herself at you, it means that you have enemies who wish you harm. If the cat is timid and dirty - defenselessness and loneliness await you. Cat scratching, biting, aggressive - you will be drawn into a quarrel

Black cat in Vanga's dream book

Symbol " black cat"is interpreted as selfishness, love of freedom, a break in relations, sensuality, a quarrel. If a cat scratched you in a dream, then you are jealous, although there is no real reason for jealousy. A dream in which you catch a cat means that you will meet a very selfish and proud person To see in a dream how a black cat caught a mouse means that you will witness a quarrel. big cat symbolizes the possible intrigues of an extremely insidious and cunning enemy.

Black cat in Freud's dream book

A black cat in a dream indicates your increased excitability and sensitivity. If you caress and stroke a cat, then you want intimacy with a younger sexual partner. If, on the contrary, the cat provokes you to caress, this means that you have a strong sexual attraction. If in a dream you feed a black cat, then in life you fantasize about sexual relations with minors. Beating or killing a cat means sex, containing elements of sadism. If a cat scratched you, then you are prone to sexual pleasures with elements of masochism.

All the same, more often the dream would return with the same vision! There is no witness to sleep, but there is a semblance of bliss in it!

Publius Ovid Nason

Magical four-legged companions have long been considered animal guides to parallel mystical places, which is why they appear in dreams not just, but to significant events. What does such a vision in a dream book mean, this article will help you figure it out.

I dreamed about a cat in a dream what does it mean

Usually these animals dream of happy turns in the current situation. The main nuances from the dream book are outlined below:

  • often, depending on the relationship to small predators, cats in a dream are in a dream to mutual understanding and comfort in the house, and women in confirmation of their graceful femininity;
  • Miller's dream book sees in the animal a threat and future troubles, except in those cases where the animal is killed;
  • and here Freud claims that the dreamer dreams of affectionate females and good cats as a sign of a future partner, younger in age, the female denotes a woman, the male denotes a man;
  • according to Vanga's dream book an animal that scratches and bites portends personal problems associated with jealousy; bites on the finger- a new prudent acquaintance is considering how to annoy you;
  • animal preparing to attack hints that it is worth keeping track of whether you are performing actions that will bring enemies to you;
  • aggressive animal portends an insidious evil woman surrounded.

What is the dream of a black cat

In life, the appearance of a black domestic predator on the horizon has become synonymous with trouble, but what does the dream book say?

  1. Black cat symbolizes an evil woman, the one that the cards see as the "Queen of Spades";
  2. black cats dream to stormy and long quarrels;
  3. if such a beast cross the road in a dream- to an unpleasant date;
  4. kind dreams to changes to a calm course of life;
  5. black dreams a young woman to imminent trouble;
  6. kill such a creature - to victory over enemies;
  7. at all black animal bite marks an unfavorable change in the situation.

Why do cats dream of a woman

The Slavs noticed that a pussy appears in a dream to a woman before a major deception, or as a sign of a meeting with a real witch. Other dream books interpret the vision as follows:
1. a black individual will dream of a woman for the appearance of a rival;
2. dream book of a housewife in this case promises quick care for someone;
3. a woman in her arms to hold an animal to an unpleasant difficult situation;
4. she scratches the dreamer - to loss of income;
5. skinny dirty creature to a feeling of defenselessness and female loneliness;
6. drive away the animal - take control of life.

If cats and kittens dream

Lovely creatures at night turn out to be completely opposite. Dream Interpretations are interpreted as follows:
dream of a kind cat with kittens, expect tenderness;
many animals are unfriendly - to gossip and rumors around the dreamer;
for young women who dream of a long-awaited child, a female who gave birth in a vision can promise a wish come true;
a woman dreams of a black individual with kittens - to jealousy;
redheads - good luck in your endeavors;
female gave birth to whites - to good gift from a loved one;
tricolor pregnant - promises a range of events, but luck and material well-being will be a priority.

If you dreamed in a dream a lot of cats

A large number of mustachioed cute domestic predators in dream books means not auspicious sign.
1. As a harbinger of a false environment, the dreamer can see such a prophecy.
2. Lots of cats married man or married woman dream of replenishing the family with a child or the announcement of an unknown relative.
3. For girls, such a dream promises betrayal or deceit from a guy.
4. Drive away their crowd - to recovery (for oneself or loved ones).
5. Meowing near the house means that someone else liked the house.
6. For men, this is like a prediction of the unspoken complaints of his companion.

Why dream dead and dead

But an inanimate animal promises positive facts.
a dead black cat symbolizes victory over the enemy, a woman sees this before defeating a rival, a man - as a sign of career victories;
Vanga's dream book, insists that a dead individual is a shame;
a dead beast with live kittens draws attention to the needs of the dreamer's children;
a decaying corpse - to the fact that old troubles will soon surface;
An unexpectedly revived animal promises to lead from afar from relatives.

If a cat dreams of fleas, what does it mean

Such a sign is sent before conflicts with friends:
saw fleas jumping - wait for intrigues;
a clean animal was with fleas - best friend disappointed and betrayed;
tried to get pests out - you are generous and this will help in the future.

If you dreamed of a white and red cat

The color of the animal in the dream books is taken into account when interpreting:

  • if dreamed black- the dream will come true soon;
  • dreaming redhead, expect fun events, the redhead scratches - news of pregnancy for a woman;
  • dreamed pure white- to change, on a tree she - to move, a ball drives - to an increase in salary;
  • appearing gray warns of traitors.

Why does a cat dream of a man

  1. Wet dreams of a man to an influential lady.
  2. No tail- to a complete victory over long-standing competitors.
  3. Red- to unbridled love passion.
  4. Stroking the beast- to a lady of easy behavior, seeking a man.
  5. Strangle an animal- to a break with your beloved.
  6. For business men a large animal marks:
  • farmers - a huge harvest;
  • businessmen - business growth, profit.

Even in ancient times. The Egyptians revered this animal as a deity, and black cats were considered significant omen from our ancestors. Sometimes this mysterious animal appears in dreams. After reading this article, you will find out what a black cat dreams of according to the best dream books.

What does sleep mean?

    Dream Interpretation Enigma

    If a black cat appeared in your dream, soon you will have a big quarrel or even a fight. The black cat has crossed your path - in reality you have to meet a very unpleasant person which will bring you a lot of bad luck.

    Very often a black cat is a symbol of a girl or, moreover, insidious and unfriendly. If such a vision is repeated several times, be ready: the ill-wisher will try to harm you, but much will depend on your vigilance. It is especially bad if the black purr behaves violently and tries to attack you - in this case, a conflict with the enemy is inevitable.

    A girl to see in a dream a black cat that purrs and caresses - to flattery, deceit and an attempt to outwit you. Moreover, people you trust will be involved in this.

    A particularly important sign is the killing of a black cat in a dream. Kill the kitten a sign that in reality the dreamer will miss good opportunities and chances and through his own fault.

    Killing an adult black cat is the personification of your triumph over your opponent. True, sometimes a black cat can be a symbol of the demonic beginning of the dreamer himself, and the struggle with him is a symbol of the struggle with oneself.

    If in a dream the black cat was yours, and someone else hit or killed him, you should be more careful - such a sign warns you that there is someone in your environment with impure intentions.

    Did you dream of a black cat with dirty, disheveled hair, sick and powerless? Alas, but soon you will find out that one of your friends is seriously ill and he needs your help and attention.

    It has a similar meaning in which you saw two black cats. This is a sign of doubling your problems. However, if you drove the animals away or hid from them yourself, you will be able to avoid trouble.

    Lots of black cats a message from above that the dreamer should take a closer look at his surroundings. Perhaps it has "wolves in sheep's clothing." To dream about how they fought is a symbol of the fact that your own secret desires and worries haunt you. Black "March" cats in a dream, their mating games and meowing are a harbinger of problems in your relationship with your soulmate.

    Watching a black cat and her kittens in a dream - for a woman, this symbol promises love betrayal. Most likely, soon the dreamer will have a rival, if she has not yet appeared. A black cat feeds her kittens - the personification of the beginning of an independent life, she takes them away from you - you have to move or many chores.

    Dream Interpretation of Gustav Miller

    In this book of dreams, a black cat is considered an unambiguously negative sign. It is especially bad if the animal attacked you and tried to bite - this is the personification of your enemies, who from the heart will try to harm you by any means. But if you managed to kill or drive away the animal, be calm - your will and firmness will not give ill-wishers any chance.

    Miller also believed that in this dream a lot depends on the details. Dirty stray black cat to bad news from your relatives. Big skinned black cat - the health of your friends will be in danger. Drive him away or kill him - everything will work out. A lot of blacks that meow - a symbol of false friends who are actually your enemies.

    Get a scratch from a black cat enemies will manage to harm you and even profit well from you. Huge cat black is a symbol of chaos in your life.

    Wangi's Dream Interpretation

    Bulgarian witch considered a black cat in a dream a symbol of pride, pride, conflict and quarrels.

    The black cat scratched the dreamer - a symbol that he suffers too much from jealousy, although there is no reason for this at all. Catching a black cat - to soon meet a proud and proud person.

    Black cat catches a mouse you will become an eyewitness to a serious quarrel. If you dreamed of an aggressive black cat large sizes, be vigilant: you have a very insidious and powerful enemy who will not leave you alone.

    Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud

    According to psychoanalysis, a black cat is considered a symbol of sensuality and increased excitability.

    Caressing a black cat in a dream - a sign that you want sexual intercourse with a young partner. If the cat itself caresses you, you yourself attract a lot of people.

    Feeding a black cat is a symbol of your fantasies about intimacy with underage partners. Beating or killing an animal means the dreamer's sadistic inclinations.. If a person dreams that the cat herself hurt him, the opposite is true here - he loves masochism.

    Modern dream book

    This book of dreams considers a black cat a symbol of future failures. However, if you hit, chased or killed an animal, you will be able to cope with everything.

    Black cat attacks you enemies will try to tarnish your reputation and cash in on you. You fought off the animal - you will not only cope with ill-wishers, but even get fame and profit.

    Hungry black cat with dirty fur a harbinger of misfortune that will soon befall the dreamer's friends or acquaintances. You managed to drive her away - she will be defeated, and not without your help.

    Dream Interpretation of Nina Grishina

    In that noble dream book The interpretation of dreams about a black cat depends directly on the details. Stroking a black cat - to the dreamer's doubts. A black caressing cat is the personification of a temptress (or seducer). The black cat meows plaintively - soon you will be asked for help, which will be difficult on your part.

    A black cat has bitten or scratched you - you will suffer illness or slander from enemies. Catch a black cat - you will be able to find out from whom gossip comes about you. To see a fight of black cats - you will learn about a conspiracy against you and thereby avoid problems. Playing with black kittens - your half is not faithful to you.

    Killed or crushed black cat - a warning that you should change your lifestyle otherwise you will have problems.

    Dream Interpretation of Terenty Smirnov

    The esoteric Wanderer considered a cat in general, and especially a black one, a bad sign that portends failure.

    black cat portends the dreamer evil, problems and misfortunes. It is especially bad if the animal scratched or bit a person - in this case, the intrigues of enemies await him, who will eventually do their dirty deed.

    Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse

    Interestingly, this woman is a medium despite everything, she considered dreams about black cats to be a very happy sign that promises the dreamer joy and victory.

    A black cat crossed your path - unexpected joy awaits you, receipt and good news. Especially good if the cat was large.

Little kitty

Although dreams about black kittens (as well as about black cats) are interpreted by the best dream books unambiguously negatively, there is one exception. Hold a black kitten in your arms - very good sign from above.

If you dreamed of a black cat or kitten that you were holding in your arms, you will soon get very a pleasant surprise. Moreover, not only its content will be unexpected for you, but also the person who will make it.

Attacks and bites

Given that a black cat in itself is considered a bad omen, her attack in a dream symbolizes additional problems.

If the black purr managed to bite the dreamer, this is very bad sign. He foreshadows future problems for a person, especially gossip and serious illnesses.. If you were bitten by a black cat that lives with your friends in reality, it means that the members of this family are offended by you for something.

If the cat was aggressive, but you managed to fight him off and drive him away, you can be congratulated. No matter what, you will cope with all your problems, and troubles will no longer burst into your life.

pregnant cat

The interpretation of a dream about a pregnant black cat depends very much on its details:

  • The pregnant cat was yours- relatives and friends will present you with pleasant gifts and surprises.
  • The cat was next door- you should rely only on yourself and not wait for gifts of fate.
  • The cat belonged to your friend Your friend will soon reveal an important secret to you.
  • Homeless and dirty pregnant cat- a symbol of receiving unpleasant news.
  • Pregnant cat at work- You should carefully conduct business and follow the documents.

If she is in the house?

If a black cat appeared in your house in a dream, unexpected problems will come to you. It is especially bad if in a dream the animal hid under the furniture and you could not find it. In this case, you should accept your fate and wait out the problems patiently. If you managed to find and drive the cat away, calm down - everything will work out.

In one case, such a dream may even be work - if the black cat actually lives in the dreamer's house. Otherwise, this is a sign from above.

As you already understood, the black cat - this is a special sign from above that needs to be correctly interpreted. The best dream books world together with your intuition will help you to do it for sure.

Probably, if you ask any person what black cats dream of, then the answer will be unequivocal. We all know that in the real world such a symbol does not apply to good omens. Could it be that this dream is interpreted in some other way? Let's look into the dream books and find out the answer.

Miller's dream book reports that if you see a black cat in a dream, then you should take a closer look at the people around you. It seems that not all of them wish you well, and someone even wants to “cast a shadow on the wattle fence” in an attempt to denigrate your good name. By driving this creature away in a dream, you can avoid many troubles in reality. The same source, when asked about what black cats dream of, answers like this: “Someone will covet your property and try to take possession of it.” This is not about forceful taking, but about cunning, insidious intrigues.

It is not good if black cats dreamed of meowing loudly and / or squealing. It is also not good to be scratched in a dream by the claws of this animal. Thanks to the efforts of ill-wishers, a profitable deal for you can fail. Almost the same is broadcast by the Muslim dream book. Why do black cats dream that scratch the dreamer? To bodily ailments and anxieties. It is noteworthy that the authors of dream books do not favor the symbol in question, regardless of color.

Trouble, betrayal, robbery

Why do black cats dream in the interpretation of the French dream book? Its authors, unfortunately, are also not encouraging. We are warned about female betrayal, betrayal of close friends and even robbery. The latter interpretation refers to those dreams in which cats fight.

Don't caress cats in your sleep

From Dream Interpretation Grishina, you can learn that any cats in a dream do not bode well for us. Even if she goes towards the dreamer, then you will meet an unkind, insincere person. A cat crossing the road warns of almost the same thing. To caress this animal in your dreams - to face distrust, doubts about real life. Tears and betrayal in connection with this sign are written in Old Russian and Persian dream books.

Send a petty thief to jail

The compilers of the Indian dream book are sure that the symbol warns of the possibility of minor losses due to theft. But a dreamer who beats a cat or even kills in a dream will be able to catch the thief in reality and bring him to justice. A person who received the skin of this animal in a dream will return everything that was stolen from him. This also applies to those who dreamed that they ate cat meat. The family dream book confirms that this symbol indicates the presence of enemies. It is clarified that we are talking about an unkind woman.

There is no harm without good - a new period in the dreamer's life

However, in Family dream book contains some clarifications. Why do black cats dream that purr and caress you? This is a sign of the onset of a new life period. It will be peaceful and calm. Interestingly, the Modern Dream Book interprets a dream with cats as a sign of a good deal. The fact that kittens in a dream bring profit in reality is also said by the Dream Interpretation of the 21st century. And we wish you prosperity and good dreams!

black cat according to the dream book

Seeing a black cat in a dream almost always means failure. Pay attention to the details of the dream. If you manage to drive away or kill a cat, this is a favorable sign. In a dream, a cat is a vivid symbolism of an enemy figure who seeks to harm or tarnish a reputation. Solving the problem in everything means overcoming obstacles, discovering an internal reserve for personal development. Damage, wounds and scratches that a cat inflicts on you in a dream is a negative sign. You should beware of envious people and false friends.

The dream interpretation interprets the image of a "black cat" from the point of view of the inner psychological essence person. Such symbolism in a dream is personal egoism, the desire for power, defending one's own point of view and freedom. Perhaps there are unresolved conflicts or quarrels in life. A black cat is an enemy image and you should beware of it, or try to drive it away with all your might.

black cat dream interpretation

According to Tsvetkov's dream book, a black cat - negative sign. Her appearance in a dream promises negative emotions, tears, betrayal. loved one or a friend. Black color indicates the bright and open nature of hostility.

what does it mean if a black cat in a dream

If a black cat dreamed of a man, this indicates a hidden desire in relation to a certain person. The man feels affection for her. The inner picture of a dream with the image of a black cat gives out a sensitive nature in a woman who needs care.

what is the dream of a black cat

According to Freud, the appearance of a black cat in a dream is interpreted as high level potency and libido. He possesses hyperexcitability and sensitivity. In a dream, hidden sexual desires appear. To caress a black cat means to be attracted to an object of the opposite sex, to perceive it as an attractive and desirable image. Scratches and injuries inflicted by a cat mean a hidden desire for elements of masochism.

what does it mean if a black cat in a dream

Two opposite meanings of the image of a black cat are indicated. In a positive way, the cat symbol means future adventure and relaxation. IN negative value: a black cat is a symbol of gossip, a choice between black and light, good and evil.