How to prepare a 0.25 percent solution. Solutions of percentage concentration. Treatment of pimples and acne with dimethyl sulfoxide solution

It has a local antiseptic and analgesic effect, relieves inflammation. Dimexide easily passes through skin barriers and tends to carry other medicinal components with it, increasing their effectiveness.

  • for erysipelas of the skin - 50% solution;
  • pustular lesions, trophic ulcers - 30-40%;
  • eczema and streptoderma - concentration from 30 to 90%;
  • on burn surfaces - 20-30% solution.

    Do not take a compress with dimexide solution as a harmless remedy. The medicine is very strong, so you must strictly adhere to the dosage (based on the nature of the disease) and exposure time. Concentrated solution causes burns. There are also serious contraindications. Dimexide should not be used for functional disorders of the kidneys and liver, cataracts, glaucoma, children under 12 years of age, or during pregnancy. Do not forget about its ability to enhance the effect of other drugs, both medicinal and toxic. Therefore, care should be taken and compatibility with other medicinal substances should be taken into account.

    Compress on the throat

    Compress for bronchitis

    Compress on joints

    Compresses with a complex composition provide a good therapeutic effect. For example:

  • dimexide concentrate -50 ml;
  • water - 30 ml;
  • novocaine solution 2% - 30 ml;
  • hydrocortisone solution - 1 ampoule.

    Dimexide: instructions, medicinal properties, cost

    Dimexide is, without exaggeration, a unique drug because it not only has antiseptic capabilities, but is also able to penetrate the mucous membrane, skin, reaching even deeply located inflammatory foci. At the very beginning of my medical practice, there were two clinical cases that convincingly proved the effectiveness of Dimexide.

    One of my patients had surgical removal wisdom tooth. A few days before, suppuration of the mucous membrane in this area developed. After the operation, oral antibiotics and antiseptic rinses were prescribed, which usually give a noticeable effect after about 6-7 days. At the same time, the doctor recommended external compresses with Dimexide on the corner area lower jaw. Almost on the 4th day, the separation of pus from the wound stopped, healing occurred much faster. It is characteristic that the patient, about 5 minutes after applying the compress, clearly felt in his mouth the taste of medicine that had penetrated into the oral cavity through the skin of the cheek, muscles, internal mucosa.

    Another illustrative case is the treatment of a boil in the lumbar region measuring 3 by 5 centimeters. The patient made an appointment with the surgeon, which was scheduled the next day. There were no signs of rapid spontaneous opening of the abscess. During the day, bandages were made three times with 30% Dimexide, Cifran tablets were additionally used and the boil opened, the contents of the lesion began to drain into the bandage. Then the lotions were done regularly, on the fourth day the hyperemia and swelling disappeared, the treatment was carried out without surgery. However, the patient still consulted with the surgeon; self-medication for purulent inflammation is unacceptable.

    By blocking hydroxyl radicals, Dimexide normalizes metabolic reactions, potentiates the effect of antibiotics, and has an antimicrobial and analgesic effect. Helps reduce swelling and resolve hematomas.

    • Systemic atherosclerotic changes.
    • Lactation period, pregnancy.
    • Vascular pathology: stroke, myocardial infarction, manifestations of angina pectoris.
    • Individual intolerance.
    • Cataract, glaucoma.
    • Failure of the kidneys and liver.
    • Treatment of eczema manifestations.
    • Furunculosis.
    • Autoimmune diseases: erythema nodosum, ankylosing spondylitis, scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis, arthrosis, SLE.
    • Fungal infections of the feet.
    • Treatment of burns, wounds.
    • Rheumatologists use Dimexide for symptoms of osteochondrosis.

    It is better to dilute in a porcelain mug, first rinse with boiling water. If you plan to treat open wounds, use sterile water and wipes. The initial concentration of Dimexide is 99%; a dessert or tablespoon is suitable for dosing. Approximate dosages: 1 part concentrate plus 2 parts water – 33%; 1:1 – we get 50 percent; 1:5 – 20%.

    First apply a small amount of solution to the skin to eliminate hypersensitivity, wait 5 minutes, if there is no itchy skin, redness – you can use the drug. Polyethylene is placed on top of the napkin to prevent the bandage from drying out quickly, then cotton cloth. Standard course – 2 weeks. For streptoderma, eczema - the percentage of solution is 40-90; pain syndrome, suppurative processes – 30-50; facial area - apply a solution with a concentration of 10-20; washing of wound surfaces – 3-5%.

    Store in packaging for 2 years. At room temperatures.

    Local irritation, symptoms of dermatitis, allergic reactions, dry skin, and bronchospasm were rarely observed.

    Dispensed without a doctor's prescription. Estimated cost of the medicine:

    Products for Health and Beauty, Sports and Recreation. Delivery across Russia.

    d. Website

    Copying materials is prohibited.

    Before using medications, consult your doctor. 18+

    Preparation and use of compresses with Dimexide

    The drug Dimexide is widely used by doctors of various specializations. Its main area of ​​application remains the treatment of joint diseases, but some unique properties make it indispensable in other areas of medicine, for example, dermatology and gynecology. The drug is not used in pure form. You will learn how to dilute Dimexide to prepare a solution for a compress from the instructions for use below.


    Dimexide (Dimethyl sulfoxide) is a concentrate, a clear, colorless liquid, intended for external local use.

    Prescribed for treatment:

    • inflammatory pathologies of the musculoskeletal system (osteoarthrosis, arthritis, myositis, radiculopathy, ankylosing spondylitis);
    • sprains, muscles;
    • bruises;
    • arthralgia;
    • wounds, abscesses;
    • traumatic infiltrates;
    • osteomyelitis;
    • streptoderma;
    • furunculosis;
    • acne;
    • gynecological problems;
    • skin infections;
    • erythematous rash.

    pharmachologic effect

    The drug exhibits the following properties:

    1. Local anesthetic.
    2. Antimicrobial.
    3. Anti-inflammatory.
    4. Painkiller.
    5. Acts as a conductor.

    The latter action is based on the special properties of Dimexide, which allow it to penetrate deep into tissue, which has gained popularity in many areas of medicine.

    The drug is often added to ointments or cosmetic creams for better penetration nutrients to the goal. The transport properties of the drug are used in folk recipes and medical lotions.

    Dimexide quickly penetrates deep into tissues. After 5 minutes from the start of the procedure, the effect of the drug is already felt by the patient. Maximum concentration active substance fixed after 4 hours and can last up to 3 days.

    Use of the drug

    Dimexide is most often used in the form of compresses that contain a combination of medicinal substances.

    The compress is applied to the areas of skin requiring treatment, slightly covering the adjacent healthy areas. It is recommended to change the compress up to 3 times a day. The compress lasts for at least 30 minutes, and the duration of treatment is usually up to 20 procedures. However, all such nuances are corrected by the doctor.

    The effect of the drug depends on the correct concentration of the drug you use:

    • Ulcers and erysipelas are treated with applications with a 50% solution.
    • For eczema and streptoderma, the concentration of the solution can reach 90%.
    • For purulent infections, a 40% concentration is used.
    • Local anesthesia is carried out with a solution of 25-50% concentration.
    • After surgical intervention, conducting plastic surgery make applications with a 30% Dimexide solution.
    • If it is necessary to make a compress on the face, Dimexide is used in a lower concentration, about 10%.

    Clicks, crunches various joints bother adults, but it is especially alarming when it clicks hip joint The child has.

    A sharp turn of the body, muscle spasm, severe pain. Who is unfamiliar with the symptoms of lumbago? About the method of treating the disease at home here:

    How to dilute the compress solution

    To obtain the desired concentration of the solution, it is diluted with water (distilled or boiled) in the following proportions:

    • 50 ml Dimexide + 30 ml water + 30 ml novocaine (2%) + hydrocortisone (1 ampoule).

    This composition has a good anti-inflammatory effect and relieves pain. In different recipes, the concentration of Dimexide may change, while the amount of other components remains the same.

    How to make a compress

    The compress is applied as follows:

    1. Gauze wipes of the required size are moistened in a solution of Dimexide in combination with other medicinal substances, if necessary. You cannot use colored fabric instead of gauze; this significantly increases the risk of complications and allergies.
    2. The napkin is applied to the affected area, slightly capturing the healthy edge.
    3. The top of the napkin is covered with plastic film to enhance the absorption of medicinal substances and minimize their evaporation to the outside.
    4. Linen or cotton fabric is placed on top of the film.

    Gynecological practice

    Dimexide is also widely used in the form of tampons. As a rule, this form is necessary for the treatment of gynecological problems, for example:

    A tampon made of sterile cotton wool and soaked in a medicinal solution is inserted into the vagina. The solution may consist of a combination of drugs and Dimexide. In this case, the effect occurs much faster.

    For use as tampons, the concentrate is diluted in a ratio of 1:9, that is, a 10% solution is made.

    The tampon should not be inserted deeply. The effectiveness of such treatment is quite high, and all medications will definitely reach the site of inflammation.


    Dimexide is not used in people with the following diseases:

    1. Cardiovascular failure.
    2. Angina pectoris.
    3. Atherosclerosis.
    4. Problems with the liver and kidneys.
    5. Glaucoma or cataracts.

    Compresses with Dimexide are contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, as well as people with hypersensitivity to dimethyl sulfoxide (the active substance).

    Side effects

    The treatment is well tolerated by most patients. In rare cases, there may be complaints about:

    Pain, a lump under the knee, difficulty bending are the main signs of the formation of a Baker's cyst of the knee joint. What is the reason, how to treat the pathology:

    How does the Kuznetsov applicator help with back and joint pain? Are needle mats, rollers, and plates so harmless?

    Read about popular, inexpensive sanatoriums in the Moscow region where people of retirement age can relax and improve their health here.

    Dimexide is extremely cheap and effective remedy. Its average price:

    • About 60 rubles per 100 ml in Russia.
    • About 15 UAH per 100 ml in Ukraine.


    Irina, 43 years old, Murmansk:

    “I have problems with my joints. Previously, they only hurt when walking or doing some kind of exercise, but now Lately the aching pain bothers me even when I’m lying down. No ointments help, and you can take anti-inflammatory drugs orally for no longer than a week. Then the doctor advised me to make compresses with Dimexide.

    At first I ordered them from a special pharmacy that prepares medicines, and now I make them myself. I add various anti-inflammatory ointments to the diluted drug. They help a lot better! If you are not lazy and do it constantly, the effect will last for a long time. The main thing is that local treatment It does not harm my health at all, but only helps. Dimexide is very effective, and for its price it’s generally an ideal product.”

    Igor, 26 years old, Volgograd:

    "I am a sportsman. I have various injuries and sprains quite often. You can’t go to training immediately after this, but there is no possibility of treatment for a long time. Our team doctor told me to make compresses with Dimexide, novocaine, adding any anti-inflammatory ointment. The pain goes away almost immediately, and after a few days the sprain heals. Now I use it always. Dimexide significantly improves the effect of any ointment, now I can buy the most expensive one and know that the money was well spent.”

    Olga, 37 years old, Stavropol:

    “I bought Dimexide for my mother, and it was one of the few products that she agreed to use. She was skeptical about expensive ointments because of the price and said that they did not help her. Compresses with Dimexide turned out to be effective both on their own and in combination with other means.”

    Dimexide has been known for a long time, especially among older people who cannot afford expensive medicines. However, the effectiveness of this drug makes it worthy of widespread use.

    Dimexide shows one of the best quality/price ratios among drugs for the treatment of joint diseases.

    There is only one reason – the spine.”

    All materials on the site are for informational purposes only.

    The drug Dimexide is used very widely and not only in medical practice, but also in cosmetology. With the help of Dimexide they are successfully treated skin diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, gynecological pathologies, etc. The medicine relieves pain and inflammation, destroys pathogenic bacteria.

    Typically, Dimexide solution is used in diluted form. How to properly dilute Dimexide solution so as not to get burned - you will read about this on these pages.

    The main advantage of Dimexide is its rapid penetration through the skin and mucous membranes. In this case, the drug delivers deep into the tissue - to the site of inflammation - dissolved in it medicinal substances. Dimexide is used externally as compresses or tampons. Before use, Dimexide should be diluted with water to obtain a solution of a certain concentration - in each specific case, its own.

    To prepare Dimexide solution, you need to use only two types of water - distilled and boiled.

    Before you start using Dimexide, you need to test yourself for the possibility allergic reaction for the drug. The test is done in the usual way: a few drops of a 25% aqueous solution of Dimxide are applied to the elbow and after half an hour a reaction is observed on the skin. If there is no reaction, you can safely use the drug. If you experience itching or redness, Dimexide should not be used.

    To use Dimexide as a treatment trophic ulcer you need to prepare a 30-50% solution. For the treatment of eczema (diffuse streptoderma), a more concentrated solution is used - 40-90%. For purulent skin lesions, a 30-40% solution is required, for superficial burns - a 20-30% solution of Dimexide. At erysipelas a 50% solution is used.

    The dilution procedure itself is as follows: you need to put on gloves, take a container, pour the required amount of concentrated Dimexide into it and add distilled or boiled water. Make proportions based on the specific disease.

    • To obtain a 10% solution, take 18 ml of water and 2 ml of Dimexide.
    • To obtain a 20% solution: 8 ml of water and 2 ml of Dimexide.
    • To obtain a 25% solution: 6 ml of water and 2 ml of Dimexide.
    • To obtain a 30% solution: 14 ml of water and 6 ml of Dimexide.
    • To obtain a 40% solution: 6 ml of water and 4 ml of Dimexide.
    • To obtain a 50% solution: 5 ml of water and 5 ml of Dimexide.
    • To obtain a 90% solution: 2 ml of water and 18 ml of Dimexide.

    Instead of water you can use vegetable oils, especially for preparing tampons. A gauze bandage soaked in the prepared solution is applied to the diseased area, then a compress is made on top: plastic film is applied and then natural fabric (cotton, linen, wool). The compress is left for half an hour. Treatment lasts 10 days.

    Remember that you cannot rub Dimexide solution or massage your skin with it! This may cause chemical burn skin.



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    Compresses with dimexide.

    Compresses with dimexide: stunning effect

    The medical preparation Dimexide is a concentrated, colorless, transparent solution with a specific odor. At temperatures below room temperature, transparent crystals form in it and float in the solution. It has a local antiseptic and analgesic effect, relieves inflammation. Dimexide easily passes through skin barriers and tends to carry other medicinal components with it, increasing their effectiveness.

    The drug is very often used in combination with antibiotics, hormones, heparin and other agents dissolved in it. Dimexide is widely used in complex treatment osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, arthropathy and ankylosing spondylitis. Provides a good therapeutic result in the treatment of injuries, sprains and bruises, non-healing, infected wounds. Relieves inflammation and has a resolving effect. Used in the form of applications and compresses.

    How to dilute dimexide for compresses

    Concentrated solution. Immediately before use, it is diluted to the required concentration, most often 30-50%. It depends on the nature of the disease, the sensitivity of the patient’s skin and the site of application. If the application is done on the face, or the skin is hypersensitive, then the dosage cannot exceed 20%.

    Dimexide concentrate is diluted with boiled or distilled water. To enhance the analgesic effect, it is diluted with a solution of novocaine, and for use as tampons, vegetable oil is used. Most often, for the treatment of certain diseases, the doctor prescribes the following concentrations of dimexide solution:

    Treatment inflammatory diseases joints and pain relief (including traumatic ones) is carried out with 25-50% solutions.

    Do not take a compress with dimexide solution as a harmless remedy. The medicine is very strong, so you must strictly adhere to the dosage (based on the nature of the disease) and exposure time. Concentrated solution causes burns. There are also serious contraindications.

    Dimexide should not be used for functional disorders of the kidneys and liver, cataracts, glaucoma, children under 12 years of age, or during pregnancy. Do not forget about its ability to enhance the effect of other drugs, both medicinal and toxic. Therefore, care should be taken and compatibility with other medicinal substances should be taken into account.

    How to prepare a solution of the correct concentration

    To obtain a 10% solution of dimexide you will need 2 milliliters of the drug and 18 milliliters of water.

    For 20% concentration - 2 ml of dimexide and 8 ml of water.

    To obtain a 25% solution of the drug, you need to take 2 ml of dimexide solution and 6 ml of water.

    For a 30% solution - 6 ml of the drug and 14 ml of water.

    To obtain a 40% solution you will need to take 4 ml of dimexide solution and 6 ml of water.

    A solution of 50% concentration is obtained in a one to one ratio. For example, 5 ml of water and 5 ml of dimexide solution.

    A concentration of 90% is 18 ml of dimexide and 2 ml of water.

    The duration of treatment with compresses based on the drug is days.

    Compress on the throat

    Dimexide has the ability to pass through all biological membranes to the site of inflammation. This is a very powerful anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agent for the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract. This compress warms up perfectly, relieves inflammation and dry cough that irritates the throat.

    To prepare the compress you will need dimexide concentrate, honey, water and aloe juice.

    At home, it is more convenient to measure the amount of ingredients with a spoon.

    Take 2 tablespoons of dimexide and dilute with 1 tablespoon of water. Squeeze the juice from the aloe stems, a tablespoon and add to the solution. Melt two tablespoons of honey a little in a water bath and add to the medicinal mixture. Heat the mixture for 10 seconds in the microwave or in a water bath and apply to a wide bandage or gauze folded in four. Place a compress on the throat area and cover with cellophane. Tie a warm scarf on top. Exposure time - 3 hours. If you feel a strong burning sensation, it is better to remove the compress and rinse with warm water.

    Do the procedure daily and preferably at night, so that afterward you can go under the covers and not overcool your warm throat.

    Compress for bronchitis

    Compresses are very efficient way treatment of bronchitis. Medicinal substances will directly penetrate to the source of inflammation, relax the muscles of the bronchi and increase their blood supply. It needs to be treated in a timely manner, as it can take chronic form or cause other diseases.

    To prepare a compress, you need to dilute a tablespoon of dimexide solution with the same amount of boiled water. Add to it 10 ml of novocaine solution 2% and 1 ampoule of diclofenac sodium solution.

    Soak gauze folded in several layers with this mixture and apply to the chest, feet or back for 40 minutes. Cover with cellophane and secure with something warm, cover with an additional blanket. You need to do such procedures once a day for a week. At elevated temperature the procedure cannot be done.

    Compress on joints

    Compresses with dimexide significantly relieve pain and relieve inflammation in diseases of the musculoskeletal system: arthrosis, arthritis and others. For this purpose, dimexide diluted to 50% is used. A compress is placed on the knee joint or ankle daily for 1 hour. Duration of treatment is 15-20 days.

    Before making a compress, you can smear the affected joint with anti-inflammatory ointment: Dolgit, Bystrum-gel, Chondroxide. Dimexide transports medicinal substances from the ointment to the site of inflammation and enhances its therapeutic effect.

    Compresses with a complex composition provide a good therapeutic effect.

    Treatment is carried out over a course of 20 days, compresses are applied for 40-60 minutes.

    The drug is well tolerated and even if someone does not like its smell, everyone recognizes the effectiveness of such treatment.

    How to make a compress with Dimexide

    A compress with Dimexide is used to eliminate various dermatological, gynecological, joint pathologies, and organ diseases respiratory system. During treatment, follow certain safety measures and prepare the solution strictly according to the instructions.

    Dimexide is used to treat a variety of pathologies

    Indications and benefits

    For compresses, use a concentrated solution of Dimexide, which contains at least 99% of the active substance - dimethyl sulfoxide. The drug has anti-inflammatory, anesthetic, antiseptic effects, and dissolves fibrin plaque.

    Areas of application of Dimexide:

    • inflammatory processes in the organs of the musculoskeletal system, which are accompanied by pain - osteochondrosis, arthritis, osteoarthritis, synovitis, radiculitis;
    • as an anesthetic for injuries, fractures;
    • dermatological pathologies – boils, eczema, acne, scleroderma, infectious diseases caused by streptococci;
    • trophic ulcerative lesions of the epidermis, purulent processes in wounds;
    • inflammation salivary glands, lymph nodes;
    • fungal infections;
    • respiratory diseases - tonsillitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, tonsillitis;
    • diseases of a gynecological and urological nature - colpitis, thrush, adnexitis, cervical erosion, prostatitis, cystitis.

    Dimexide is suitable for treating bruises

    The drug is included in the composition complex therapy in the treatment of thrombophlebitis, lymphostasis, hemorrhoids, lupus erythematosus, it is also used in cosmetology to improve the condition of skin and hair. Electrophoresis with Dimexide is prescribed to patients with neurological diseases who cannot take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs orally.

    Methods of application

    Before use, Dimexide should be diluted to the required concentration with water, the temperature of which is 45–47 degrees, then moisten a piece of gauze or thin natural fabric in the liquid. Cover the top with a film of polyethylene and secure everything with a bandage. The proportions of the solution and the frequency of application of the compress depend on the pathology. How long should you keep the lotions? The duration of the procedure is no more than an hour. To treat some diseases, dimethyl sulfoxide is combined with other drugs, which allows for positive dynamics to be achieved in the shortest possible time.

    How to cook and breed properly

    Dimexide must not be used undiluted to avoid burns; the solution for compresses should be prepared while wearing gloves. The medicine should not be rubbed into the skin.

    Dimexide in gynecology

    Dimethyl sulfoxide helps with various gynecological and urological pathologies of an infectious-inflammatory nature; it is used during rehabilitation after surgery, course radiation therapy. The drug is used for tampons and compresses - the solution must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5. The procedure should be carried out twice a day for a week.

    To treat gynecological problems, you need to apply Dimexide to tampons

    Compresses with Dimexide for diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system

    Dimexide is considered one of the best means to eliminate pain and inflammation in various pathological processes in the organs of the musculoskeletal system. It is applied to inflamed joints and bumps on the legs, and it promotes speedy recovery from broken limbs. The drug is combined with other drugs to enhance the therapeutic effect.

    Solution with Dimexide and Novocaine for pain relief

    To prepare a quick-acting remedy for local anesthesia it is necessary to dissolve 45 ml of Dimexide in 75 ml of water, add 75 ml of 2% Novocaine. Soak a gauze bandage with the liquid, apply it to the inflamed joint or knee, cover it with a dry thin cloth, apply a layer of cotton wool 1.5–3 cm thick on top, secure everything with an elastic bandage.

    • to improve the condition of pain in the spine - with osteochondrosis of the cervical and lumbar spine;
    • with synovitis of the knee joint;
    • for elimination discomfort for a change in weather.

    The procedure should be carried out once every 12–24 hours, for 10–14 days.

    Dimexide helps with synovitis of the knee joint

    Solution with Dimexide and Lidocaine - first aid for bruises and injuries

    For effective and quick fix pain, a solution based on dimethyl sulfoxide and analgesics is often used in sports medicine. Mix 15 ml of water with 5 ml of Dimexide, add 5 ml of alcohol, an ampoule of Lidocaine or Analgin. Soak gauze with the composition and secure it on the knee, shin, or injured limb for 40 minutes.

    • with bruises;
    • with sprained ligaments;
    • in case of a broken leg or arm - as first aid, for the speedy return of mobility after removal of the plaster.

    A compress with Dimexide helps with bruises and injuries

    For severe pain, you can prepare a solution of 5 ml of dimethyl sulfoxide, 10 ml of 0.5% Novocaine and an ampoule of Diclofenac. This medicine also helps well with osteochondrosis.

    If the injuries are accompanied open wounds, for pain-relieving compresses, a 10% solution of dimethyl sulfoxide should be used.

    How to eliminate inflammatory processes

    If articular pathologies are accompanied by inflammatory processes, glucocorticosteroids should be used. To prepare the medicine, mix 30 ml of water with 50 ml of dimethyl sulfoxide, add an ampoule of Hydrocortisone. Apply the application to inflamed joints 2-3 times a day for two weeks.

    For what diseases should it be used:

    • for arthrosis;
    • to eliminate the manifestations of arthritis;
    • for radiculitis:
    • helps with bumps on feet.

    For compresses, you need to use a clean bandage each time so as not to exceed permissible concentration solution.

    Dimexide in the treatment of dermatological pathologies

    Dimethyl sulfoxide solution actively fights different types pathogenic microorganisms, accelerates the healing process, eliminates the manifestations of inflammation. For various dermatological infectious diseases The effectiveness of the drug can be observed after 3–4 days.

    Dimexide for the treatment of fungal infections

    Dimethyl sulfoxide has an analgesic, antiseptic and antimicrobial effect, which allows it to be effectively used to eliminate mycosis and onychomycosis. Applications allow you to speed up the regeneration process and quickly eliminate the main manifestations of pathology - pain, itching.

    How to use it correctly:

    1. Dilute Dimexide with water in a ratio of 1:2.
    2. Steam the affected areas in water with the addition of soda and laundry soap.
    3. Remove dead cells and the top of the nail plate.
    4. Soak cotton pads or small pieces of gauze with the solution and attach to the inflamed areas.
    5. After half an hour, remove the application and rinse the skin with warm water.

    Dimexide will restore the nail after a fungal infection

    Treatment of pimples and acne with dimethyl sulfoxide solution

    The strong anti-inflammatory effect of the drug helps to quickly get rid of various rashes on the face and eliminate purulent processes. Dilute Dimexide with water in a ratio of 1:5, at sensitive skin– 1:6 – moisten a gauze bandage with holes for the eyes and mouth in the liquid, apply to the skin, hold for half an hour. The only drawback is the strong pungent odor; to get rid of it, you can add 3-5 drops of essential oil to the solution.

    Dimexide will relieve rashes and acne on the face

    Getting rid of cellulite

    Dimethyl sulfoxide has a vasoconstrictor effect, accelerates metabolic processes, so it can be effectively used to eliminate orange peel.

    How to breed

    Soak gauze in the solution, wrap the problem areas, apply polyethylene on top, wrap with a warm cloth. Duration of the session is 45–50 minutes, the course consists of 10–15 procedures.

    Compresses for purulent inflammation of soft tissues

    To prevent suppuration during felon, Dimexide is used in the form alcohol solution– mix dimethyl sulfoxide with 70% alcohol in a ratio of 1: 4, apply every 8 hours.

    How to use Dimexide for respiratory diseases

    Compresses with Dimexide help speed up the healing process for respiratory diseases. Applications should be placed on the chest and back, kept for 35–40 minutes, the procedure should be carried out twice a day. Relief occurs after 2–3 days, the maximum duration of the course is 2 weeks.

    How to prepare compresses:

    1. For coughs, to improve sputum discharge, and to eliminate pain, prepare a dilute solution with Dimexide and Eufillin. Dissolve 15 ml of dimethyl sulfoxide in 75 ml of distilled water, add 15 ml of Mucolvan and Eufillin.
    2. For sore throat and tonsillitis - dissolve 30 ml of Magnesia and Dimexide in 150 ml of water, add 15 ml of Dexamethosone, 30 ml of Eufillin.
    3. During attacks bronchial asthma– dissolve 30 ml of dimethyl sulfoxide and 15 ml of 2% novocaine in 150 ml of water, mix with one ampoule of Hydrocortisone.
    4. For tuberculosis and pneumonia, a solution is prepared from Dimexide and Rifampicin - the finished medicine has a powerful antibacterial effect. Add 25 ml of dimethyl sulfoxide and 5 ml of Rifampicin to 100 ml of water.

    To treat the respiratory system, the compress should be placed on the back or chest

    Before starting treatment with Dimexide, it is necessary to conduct a sensitivity test - dilute with water in a 1:1 ratio, apply to the skin in the elbow. If within half an hour negative reactions did not appear, you can use it for treatment.


    The main contraindication is individual intolerance medicine, increased sensitivity epidermis. Elderly people should use the drug with caution.

    In what cases is it prohibited to use Dimexide:

    • renal and hepatic functional failure;
    • angina pectoris;
    • heart attack, cerebral stroke, coma;
    • in the presence of pronounced manifestations of atherosclerosis;
    • glaucoma, cataract.

    Dimexide should not be used for glaucoma

    If the instructions for use are followed, the medicine does not cause side effects. Some patients experience nausea due to the strong garlic odor of the drug; sometimes bronchospasm and allergic reactions develop in the form of burning, redness and swelling of the skin.

    What can replace Dimexide in a compress?

    The price of Dimexide is 50–75 rubles. The drug has no structural analogues, but there are medications with similar therapeutic effects.

  • Medicine Dimexide It is used very widely and not only in medical practice, but also in cosmetology. With the help of Dimexide, skin diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, gynecological pathologies, etc. are successfully treated. The medicine relieves pain and inflammation, destroys pathogenic bacteria.

    Typically, Dimexide solution is used in diluted form. How to properly dilute Dimexide solution so as not to get burned - you will read about this on these pages.

    The main advantage of Dimexide- its rapid penetration through the skin and mucous membranes. In this case, the drug delivers the medicinal substances dissolved in it deep into the tissue - to the site of inflammation. Dimexide is used externally as compresses or tampons. Before use, Dimexide should be diluted with water to obtain a solution of a certain concentration - in each specific case, its own.

    To prepare Dimexide solution, you need to use only two types of water - distilled and boiled.

    Before you start using Dimexide, you need to test yourself for the possibility of an allergic reaction to the drug. The test is done in the usual way: a few drops of a 25% aqueous solution of Dimxide are applied to the elbow and after half an hour a reaction is observed on the skin. If there is no reaction, you can safely use the drug. If you experience itching or redness, Dimexide should not be used.

    To use Dimexide as a product, you need to prepare a 30-50% solution. For the treatment of eczema (diffuse streptoderma), a more concentrated solution is used - 40-90%. For purulent skin lesions, a 30-40% solution is required, for superficial burns - a 20-30% solution of Dimexide. For erysipelas, a 50% solution is used.

    The dilution procedure itself is as follows: you need to put on gloves, take a container, pour the required amount of concentrated Dimexide into it and add distilled or boiled water to it. Make proportions based on the specific disease.

    • To obtain a 10% solution, take 18 ml of water and 2 ml of Dimexide.
    • To obtain a 20% solution: 8 ml of water and 2 ml of Dimexide.
    • To obtain a 25% solution: 6 ml of water and 2 ml of Dimexide.
    • To obtain a 30% solution: 14 ml of water and 6 ml of Dimexide.
    • To obtain a 40% solution: 6 ml of water and 4 ml of Dimexide.
    • To obtain a 50% solution: 5 ml of water and 5 ml of Dimexide.
    • To obtain a 90% solution: 2 ml of water and 18 ml of Dimexide.

    Instead of water, you can use vegetable oils, especially for making tampons. A gauze bandage soaked in the prepared solution is applied to the diseased area, then a compress is made on top: plastic film is applied and then natural fabric (cotton, linen, wool). The compress is left for half an hour. Treatment lasts 10 days.

    Remember that you cannot rub Dimexide solution or massage your skin with it! This may cause a chemical burn to the skin.

    Job source: Solution 2446. Unified State Exam 2017 Mathematics, I.V. Yashchenko. 36 options.

    Task 11. Mixing 25 percent and 95 percent percentage solution s acid and adding 20 kg clean water, received a 40% acid solution. If instead of 20 kg of water we added 20 kg of a 30% solution of the same acid, we would get a 50% acid solution. How many kilograms of the 25% solution were used to prepare the mixture?


    Let us denote by x kg the mass of the 25% solution, and by y kg the mass of the 95% solution. It can be noted that the total mass of acid in the solution after mixing them is equal to . The problem says that if you mix these two solutions and add 20 kg of pure water, you will get a 40% solution. In this case, the mass of acid will be determined by the expression . Since the mass of acid remains the same after adding 20 kg of pure water, we have an equation of the form

    By analogy, the second equation is obtained when instead of 20 kg of water, 20 kg of a 30% solution of the same acid is added and a 50% solution of acid is obtained:

    We solve the system of equations and get:

    We multiply the first equation by -9, and the second by 11, we have.

    Not everyone remembers what “concentration” means and how to properly prepare a solution. If you want to get a 1% solution of any substance, then dissolve 10 g of the substance in a liter of water (or 100 g in 10 liters). Accordingly, a 2% solution contains 20 g of the substance per liter of water (200 g in 10 liters) and so on.

    If it is difficult to measure a small amount, take a larger one, prepare the so-called mother liquor and then dilute it. We take 10 grams, prepare a liter of a 1 percent solution, pour 100 ml, bring it to a liter with water (dilute 10 times), and the 0.1 percent solution is ready.

    How to make a solution of copper sulfate

    To prepare 10 liters of copper-soap emulsion, you need to prepare 150-200 g of soap and 9 liters of water (preferably rainwater). Separately, dissolve 5-10 g of copper sulfate in 1 liter of water. After this, the solution of copper sulfate is added in a thin stream to the soap solution, while continuously stirring well. The result will be a greenish liquid. If you mix poorly or rush, flakes will form. In this case, it is better to start the process from the very beginning.

    How to prepare a 5 percent solution of potassium permanganate

    To prepare a 5% solution you need 5 g of potassium permanganate and 100 ml of water. First of all, pour water into the prepared container, then add the crystals. Then mix it all until the liquid has a uniform and rich purple color. Before use, it is recommended to strain the solution through cheesecloth to remove undissolved crystals.

    How to prepare a 5 percent urea solution

    Urea is a highly concentrated nitrogen fertilizer. In this case, the granules of the substance are easily dissolved in water. To make a 5% solution you need to take 50 g of urea and 1 liter of water or 500 g of fertilizer granules per 10 liters of water. Add granules to a container with water and mix well.

    SI units in clinical laboratory diagnostics.

    In clinical laboratory diagnostics, the International System of Units is recommended to be used in accordance with the following rules.

    1. The unit of volume should be liter. It is not recommended to use submultiples or multiples of a liter (1-100 ml) in the denominator.

    2. The concentration of the measured substances is indicated as molar (mol/l) or mass (g/l).

    3. Molar concentration is used for substances with known relative molecular weight. Ionic concentration is reported as molar concentration.

    4. Mass concentration is used for substances whose relative molecular weight is unknown.

    5. Density is indicated in g/l; clearance – in ml/s.

    6. Enzyme activity on the amount of substances in time and volume is expressed as mol/(s*l); µmol/(s*l); nmol/(s*l).

    When converting units of mass into units of quantity of a substance (molar), the conversion factor is K=1/Mr, where Mr is the relative molecular mass. In this case, the initial unit of mass (gram) corresponds to the molar unit of the amount of substance (mol).

    General characteristics.

    Solutions – homogeneous systems, consisting of two or more components and the products of their interaction. Not only water, but also ethyl alcohol, ether, chloroform, benzene, etc. can act as a solvent.

    The dissolution process is often accompanied by the release of heat (exothermic reaction - dissolution of caustic alkalis in water) or absorption of heat (endothermic reaction - dissolution of ammonium salts).

    Liquid solutions include solutions solids in liquids (a solution of salt in water), solutions of liquids in liquids (a solution of ethyl alcohol in water), solutions of gases in liquids (CO 2 in water).

    Solutions can be not only liquid, but also solid (glass, an alloy of silver and gold), as well as gaseous (air). The most important and common are aqueous solutions.

    Solubility is the property of a substance to dissolve in a solvent. Based on their solubility in water, all substances are divided into 3 groups - highly soluble, slightly soluble and practically insoluble. Solubility primarily depends on the nature of the substances. Solubility is expressed by the number of grams of a substance that can be maximally dissolved in 100 g of solvent or solution at a given temperature. This amount is called the solubility coefficient or simply the solubility of the substance.

    A solution in which, at a given temperature and volume, no further dissolution of the substance occurs is called saturated. Such a solution is in equilibrium with an excess of the solute; it contains the maximum amount of substance possible under the given conditions. If the concentration of a solution does not reach the saturation concentration under given conditions, then the solution is called unsaturated. A supersaturated solution contains more substance than a saturated solution. Supersaturated solutions are very unstable. Simple shaking of the vessel or contact with crystals of the dissolved substance leads to instantaneous crystallization. In this case, the supersaturated solution turns into a saturated solution.

    The concept of “saturated solutions” should be distinguished from the concept of “supersaturated solutions”. A solution with high content dissolved substance. Saturated solutions of different substances can vary greatly in concentration. For highly soluble substances (potassium nitrite), saturated solutions have a high concentration; For poorly soluble substances (barium sulfate), saturated solutions have a low concentration of solute.

    In the vast majority of cases, the solubility of a substance increases with increasing temperature. But there are substances whose solubility increases slightly with increasing temperature (sodium chloride, aluminum chloride) or even decreases.

    Solubility Dependence various substances on temperature is depicted graphically using solubility curves. Temperature is plotted on the abscissa axis, and solubility is plotted on the ordinate axis. Thus, it is possible to calculate how much salt falls out of the solution as it cools. The release of substances from solution as the temperature decreases is called crystallization, and the substance is released in its pure form.

    If the solution contains impurities, then the solution will be unsaturated in relation to them even when the temperature decreases, and the impurities will not precipitate. This is the basis for the method of purifying substances – crystallization.

    IN aqueous solutions More or less strong compounds of dissolved substance particles with water are formed - hydrates. Sometimes such water is so tightly bound to the dissolved substance that when it is released, it becomes part of the crystals.

    Crystalline substances hydrates containing water are called crystalline hydrates, and the water itself is called crystallization water. The composition of crystalline hydrates is expressed by a formula indicating the number of water molecules per molecule of substance - CuSO 4 * 5H 2 O.

    Concentration is the ratio of the amount of solute to the amount of solution or solvent. The concentration of the solution is expressed in weight and volume ratios. Weight percentages indicate the weight content of the substance in 100 g of solution (but not in 100 ml of solution!).

    Technique for preparing approximate solutions.

    Weigh out necessary substances and the solvent in such ratios that the total amount is 100 g. If the solvent is water, the density of which is equal to unity, it is not weighed, but a volume equal to the mass is measured. If the solvent is a liquid whose density is not equal to unity, it is either weighed, or the amount of solvent expressed in grams is divided by the density indicator and the volume occupied by the liquid is calculated. Density P is the ratio of body mass to its volume.

    The density of water at 4 0 C is taken as the unit of density.

    Relative density D is the ratio of the density of a given substance to the density of another substance. In practice, they determine the ratio of the density of a given substance to the density of water, taken as a unit. For example, if the relative density of a solution is 2.05, then 1 ml of it weighs 2.05 g.

    Example. How much carbon 4 chloride should be taken to prepare 100 g of 10% fat solution? Weigh out 10 g of fat and 90 g of CCl 4 solvent or, measuring the volume occupied by the required amount of CCl 4, divide the mass (90 g) by the relative density D = (1.59 g/ml).

    V = (90 g) / (1.59 g/ml) = 56.6 ml.

    Example. How to prepare a 5% solution of copper sulfate from crystalline hydrate of this substance (calculated as anhydrous salt)? The molecular weight of copper sulfate is 160 g, crystal hydrate is 250 g.

    250 – 160 X = (5*250) / 160 = 7.8 g

    Therefore, you need to take 7.8 g of crystalline hydrate, 92.2 g of water. If the solution is prepared without converting to anhydrous salt, the calculation is simplified. Weigh out the specified amount of salt and add the solvent in such an amount that the total weight of the solution is 100 g.

    Volume percentages show how much of a substance (in ml) is contained in 100 ml of a solution or mixture of gases. For example, a 96% ethyl alcohol solution contains 96 ml of absolute (anhydrous) alcohol and 4 ml of water. Volume percentages are used when mixing mutually soluble liquids and when preparing gas mixtures.

    Weight-volume percentage ratios (a conventional way of expressing concentration). Indicate the weight amount of the substance contained in 100 ml of solution. For example, 10% NaCl solution contains 10 g of salt per 100 ml of solution.

    Technique for preparing percentage solutions from concentrated acids.

    Concentrated acids (sulfuric, hydrochloric, nitric) contain water. The ratio of acid and water in them is indicated in weight percentages.

    The density of solutions is in most cases above unity. The percentage of acids is determined by their density. When preparing more dilute solutions from concentrated solutions, the water content in them is taken into account.

    Example. It is necessary to prepare a 20% solution of sulfuric acid H 2 SO 4 from concentrated 98% sulfuric acid with a density D = 1.84 g/ml. Initially, we calculate how much of the concentrated solution contains 20 g of sulfuric acid.

    100 – 98 X = (20*100) / 98 = 20.4 g

    In practice, it is more convenient to work with volumetric rather than weight units of acids. Therefore, they calculate what volume of concentrated acid occupies the required weight amount of the substance. To do this, the number obtained in grams is divided by the density indicator.

    V = M/P = 20.4 / 1.84 = 11 ml

    It can be calculated in another way, when the concentration of the initial acid solution is immediately expressed in weight-volume percentages.

    100 – 180 X = 11 ml

    When special precision is not required, when diluting solutions or mixing them to obtain solutions of different concentrations, you can use the following simple and in a fast way. For example, you need to prepare a 5% solution of ammonium sulfate from a 20% solution.

    Where 20 is the concentration of the solution taken, 0 is water, and 5 is the required concentration. We subtract 5 from 20, and write the resulting value in the lower right corner, subtracting 0 from 5, write the number in the upper right corner. Then the diagram will take the following form.

    This means that you need to take 5 parts of a 20% solution and 15 parts of water. If you mix 2 solutions, the diagram remains the same, only the original solution with a lower concentration is written in the lower left corner. For example, by mixing 30% and 15% solutions you need to get a 25% solution.

    Thus, you need to take 10 parts of a 30% solution and 15 parts of a 15% solution. This scheme can be used when special accuracy is not required.

    Precise solutions include normal, molar, and standard solutions.

    A solution is called normal if 1 g contains g – equivalent of a dissolved substance. The weight amount of a complex substance, expressed in grams and numerically equal to its equivalent, is called a gram equivalent. When calculating the equivalents of compounds such as bases, acids and salts, you can use the following rules.

    1. The base equivalent (E o) is equal to the molecular weight of the base divided by the number of OH groups in its molecule (or by the valency of the metal).

    E (NaOH) = 40/1 = 40

    2. The acid equivalent (Ek) is equal to the molecular weight of the acid divided by the number of hydrogen atoms in its molecule that can be replaced by the metal.

    E(H 2 SO 4) = 98/2 = 49

    E(HCl) = 36.5/1=36.5

    3. The salt equivalent (E s) is equal to the molecular weight of the salt divided by the product of the valence of the metal and the number of its atoms.

    E(NaCl) = 58.5/(1*1) = 58.5

    When acids and bases interact, depending on the properties of the reacting substances and the reaction conditions, not all hydrogen atoms present in the acid molecule are necessarily replaced by a metal atom, and acid salts are formed. In these cases, the gram equivalent is determined by the number of hydrogen atoms replaced by metal atoms in a given reaction.

    H 3 PO 4 + NaOH = NaH 2 PO + H 2 O (gram equivalent is equal to gram molecular weight).

    H 3 PO 4 + 2NaOH = Na 2 HPO 4 + 2H 2 O (gram equivalent is equal to half a gram molecular weight).

    When determining the gram equivalent, knowledge is required chemical reaction and the conditions in which it occurs. If you need to prepare decinormal, centinormal or millinormal solutions, take 0.1, respectively; 0.01; 0.001 grams is the equivalent of the substance. Knowing the normality of the solution N and the equivalent solute E, it is easy to calculate how many grams of the substance are contained in 1 ml of solution. To do this, you need to divide the mass of the dissolved substance by 1000. The amount of dissolved substance in grams contained in 1 ml of solution is called the titer of the solution (T).

    T = (N*E) / 1000

    T (0.1 H 2 SO 4) = (0.1 * 49) / 1000 = 0.0049 g/ml.

    A solution with a known titer (concentration) is called titrated. Using a titrated alkali solution, you can determine the concentration (normality) of an acid solution (acidimetry). Using a titrated acid solution, you can determine the concentration (normality) of an alkali solution (alkalimetry). Solutions of the same normality react in equal volumes. At different normalities, these solutions react with each other in volumes inversely proportional to their normalities.

    N k / N sh = V sh / V k

    Nk * Vk = N sch * V sch

    Example. To titrate 10 ml of HCl solution, 15 ml of 0.5 N NaOH solution was used. Calculate the normality of the HCl solution.

    Nk * 10 = 0.5 * 15

    Nk = (0.5 * 15) / 10 = 0.75


    Fixanals are pre-prepared and sealed in ampoules, precisely weighed amounts of reagent required to prepare 1 liter of 0.1 N or 0.01 N solution. Fixanales come in liquid and dry forms. Dry ones have more long term storage The technique for preparing solutions from fixanals is described in the appendix to the box with fixanals.

    Preparation and testing of decinormal solutions.

    Decinormal solutions, which are often used as starting materials in the laboratory, are prepared from chemically common preparations. The required sample is weighed on a technical chemical scale or pharmaceutical scale. When weighing, an error of 0.01 - 0.03 g is allowed. In practice, you can make an error in the direction of slightly increasing the calculated weight. The sample is transferred to a volumetric flask, where a small amount of water is added. After the substance is completely dissolved and the temperature of the solution is equalized with the air temperature, the flask is topped up with water to the mark.

    The prepared solution requires checking. The test is carried out using solutions prepared from their fixatives, in the presence of indicators, and the correction factor (K) and titer are established. The correction factor (K) or correction factor (F) shows what amount (in ml) of an exact normal solution corresponds to 1 ml of a given (prepared) solution. To do this, transfer 5 or 10 ml of the prepared solution into a conical flask, add a few drops of indicator and titrate with the exact solution. Titration is carried out twice and the arithmetic mean is calculated. The titration results should be approximately the same (difference within 0.2 ml). The correction factor is calculated based on the ratio of the volume of the exact solution Vt to the volume of the test solution Vn.

    K = V t / V n.

    The correction factor can also be determined in a second way - by the ratio of the titer of the test solution to the theoretically calculated titer of the exact solution.

    K = T practical / T theor.

    If the left sides of an equation are equal, then their right sides are equal.

    V t / V n. = T practical / T theor.

    If the practical titer of the test solution is found, then the weight content of the substance in 1 ml of solution has been determined. When the exact solution and the solution being tested interact, 3 cases can occur.

    1. The solutions interacted in equal volumes. For example, the titration of 10 ml of a 0.1 N solution required 10 ml of the test solution. Therefore, normality is the same and the correction factor is equal to one.

    2. 9.5 ml of the test solution was used to interact with 10 ml of the exact solution; the test solution turned out to be more concentrated than the exact solution.

    3. 10.5 ml of the test solution was used to interact with 10 ml of the exact solution; the test solution is weaker in concentration than the exact solution.

    The correction factor is calculated accurate to the second decimal place; fluctuations from 0.95 to 1.05 are allowed.

    Correction of solutions whose correction factor is greater than one.

    The correction factor shows how many times a given solution is more concentrated than a solution of a certain normality. For example, K is 1.06. Therefore, 0.06 ml of water must be added to each ml of the prepared solution. If 200 ml of solution remains, then (0.06*200) = 12 ml - add to the remaining prepared solution and mix. This method of bringing solutions to a certain normality is simple and convenient. When preparing solutions, you should prepare them with more concentrated solutions, rather than dilute solutions.

    Preparation of accurate solutions, the correction factor of which is less than one.

    In these solutions, some part of the gram equivalent is missing. This missing part can be identified. If you calculate the difference between the titer of a solution of a certain normality (theoretical titer) and the titer of a given solution. The resulting value shows how much substance must be added to 1 ml of solution to bring it to the solution concentration of a given normality.

    Example. The correction factor for approximately 0.1 N sodium hydroxide solution is 0.9, the volume of the solution is 1000 ml. Bring the solution to exactly 0.1 N concentration. Gram equivalent of sodium hydroxide – 40 g. Theoretical titer for a 0.1 N solution – 0.004. Practical titer - T theory. * K = 0.004 * 0.9 = 0.0036 g.

    T theor. - T pract. = 0.004 – 0.0036 = 0.0004 g.

    1000 ml of solution remained unused - 1000 * 0.0004 = 0.4 g.

    The resulting amount of the substance is added to the solution, mixed well, and the titer of the solution is determined again. If the starting material for preparing solutions are concentrated acids, alkalis, and other substances, then it is necessary to make an additional calculation to determine how much of the concentrated solution contains the calculated amount of this substance. Example. The titration of 5 ml of approximately 0.1 N HCl solution required 4.3 ml of an exact 0.1 N NaOH solution.

    K = 4.3/5 = 0.86

    The solution is weak, it needs to be strengthened. We calculate T theory. , T practice and their difference.

    T theor. = 3.65 / 1000 = 0.00365

    T pract. = 0.00365 * 0.86 = 0.00314

    T theor. - T pract. = 0.00364 – 0.00314 = 0.00051

    200 ml of solution remained unused.

    200 * 0.00051 = 0.102 g

    For a 38% HCl solution with a density of 1.19, we make up a proportion.

    100 – 38 X = (0.102 * 100) / 38 = 0.26 g

    We convert weight units into volume units, taking into account the density of the acid.

    V = 0.26 / 1.19 = 0.21 ml

    Preparation of 0.01 N, 0.005 N from decinormal solutions, having a correction factor.

    Initially, calculate what volume of 0.1 N solution should be taken to prepare from a 0.01 N solution. The calculated volume is divided by the correction factor. Example. It is necessary to prepare 100 ml of 0.01 N solution from 0.1 N with K = 1.05. Since the solution is 1.05 times more concentrated, we need to take 10/1.05 = 9.52 ml. If K = 0.9, then you need to take 10/0.9 = 11.11 ml. IN in this case take a slightly larger amount of solution and adjust the volume in the volumetric flask to 100 ml.

    The following rules apply for the preparation and storage of titrated solutions.

    1. Each titrated solution has its own shelf life. During storage they change their titer. When performing an analysis, it is necessary to check the titer of the solution.

    2. It is necessary to know the properties of solutions. The titer of some solutions (sodium hyposulfite) changes over time, so their titer is established no earlier than 5-7 days after preparation.

    3. All bottles with titrated solutions must have a clear label indicating the substance, its concentration, correction factor, time of preparation of the solution, and date of titration check.

    4. During analytical work, great attention must be paid to calculations.

    T = A / V (A – sample)

    N = (1000 * A) / (V * g /eq)

    T = (N * g/eq) / 1000

    N = (T * 1000) / (g/eq)

    A solution is called molar if 1 liter contains 1 g*mol of solute. Mole is molecular weight expressed in grams. 1-molar solution of sulfuric acid - 1 liter of such a solution contains 98 g of sulfuric acid. A centimolar solution contains 0.01 mol in 1 liter, a millimolar solution contains 0.001 mol. A solution whose concentration is expressed by the number of moles per 1000 g of solvent is called molal.

    For example, 1 liter of 1 M sodium hydroxide solution contains 40 g of the drug. 100 ml of solution will contain 4.0 g, i.e. solution 4/100 ml (4g%).

    If the sodium hydroxide solution is 60/100 (60 mg%), you need to determine its molarity. 100 ml of solution contains 60 g of sodium hydroxide, and 1 liter - 600 g, i.e. 1 liter of 1 M solution should contain 40 g of sodium hydroxide. The molarity of sodium is X = 600 / 40 = 15 M.

    Standard solutions are solutions with precisely known concentrations used for the quantitative determination of substances by colorimetry and nephelometry. Samples for standard solutions are weighed on an analytical balance. The substance from which the standard solution is prepared must be chemically pure. Standard solutions. Standard solutions are prepared in the volume required for consumption, but not more than 1 liter. The amount of substance (in grams) required to obtain standard solutions – A.

    A = (M I * T * V) / M 2

    M I – Molecular mass of the solute.

    T – Titer of the solution for the substance being determined (g/ml).

    V – Set volume (ml).

    M 2 – Molecular or atomic mass analyte.

    Example. It is necessary to prepare 100 ml of a standard solution of CuSO 4 * 5H 2 O for the colorimetric determination of copper, and 1 ml of solution should contain 1 mg of copper. In this case, M I = 249.68; M2 = 63.54; T = 0.001 g/ml; V = 100 ml.

    A = (249.68*0.001*100) / 63.54 = 0.3929 g.

    Transfer a sample of salt to a 100 ml volumetric flask and add water to the mark.

    Test questions and tasks.

    1. What is a solution?

    2. What ways are there to express the concentration of solutions?

    3. What is the titer of the solution?

    4. What is a gram equivalent and how is it calculated for acids, salts, bases?

    5. How to prepare a 0.1 N solution of sodium hydroxide NaOH?

    6. How to prepare a 0.1 N solution of sulfuric acid H 2 SO 4 from concentrated acid with a density of 1.84?

    8. What is the method for strengthening and diluting solutions?

    9. Calculate how many grams of NaOH are needed to prepare 500 ml of 0.1 M solution? The answer is 2 years.

    10. How many grams of CuSO 4 * 5H 2 O do you need to take to prepare 2 liters of 0.1 N solution? The answer is 25 g.

    11. To titrate 10 ml of HCl solution, 15 ml of 0.5 N NaOH solution was used. Calculate the normality of HCl, the concentration of the solution in g/l, the titer of the solution in g/ml. The answer is 0.75; 27.375 g/l; T = 0.0274 g/ml.

    12. 18 g of a substance are dissolved in 200 g of water. Calculate the weight percent concentration of the solution. The answer is 8.25%.

    13. How many ml of 96% sulfuric acid solution (D = 1.84) do you need to take to prepare 500 ml of 0.05 N solution? The answer is 0.69 ml.

    14. Titer of H 2 SO 4 solution = 0.0049 g/ml. Calculate the normality of this solution. The answer is 0.1 N.

    15. How many grams of sodium hydroxide do you need to take to prepare 300 ml of 0.2 N solution? The answer is 2.4 g.

    16. How much do you need to take a 96% solution of H 2 SO 4 (D = 1.84) to prepare 2 liters of a 15% solution? The answer is 168 ml.

    17. How many ml of 96% sulfuric acid solution (D = 1.84) do you need to take to prepare 500 ml of 0.35 N solution? The answer is 9.3 ml.

    18. How many ml of 96% sulfuric acid (D = 1.84) do you need to take to prepare 1 liter of 0.5 N solution? The answer is 13.84 ml.

    19. What is the molarity of a 20% solution of hydrochloric acid(D = 1.1). The answer is 6.03 M.

    20 . Calculate the molar concentration of a 10% nitric acid solution (D = 1.056). The answer is 1.68 M.