Homemade hair mask with sea buckthorn. Sea buckthorn for hair - recipes for masks for restoration, nutrition and hydration. Benefits of sea buckthorn oil for hair

A voluminous hairstyle, shiny hair, flowing strands are our feminine charms. Unfortunately, in the pursuit of fashion and beauty, we often sacrifice the health of our hair; it becomes dull and brittle. Sea buckthorn will help bring your hair back to life. Sea buckthorn is especially healing for hair damaged by dyeing, curling and other thermal effects.

Sea buckthorn is a bright orange berry with an exceptional composition, thanks to which it is widely used in medicine and cosmetology.

Useful composition:

  • ascorbic acid (vitamin C);
  • thiamine (vitamin B1);
  • riboflavin (vitamin B2);
  • folic acid (vitamin B9);
  • carotene (provitamin A);
  • tocopherol (vitamin E);
  • phylloquinones (vitamin K group);
  • unsaturated fatty acids (vitamin P group);
  • 15 microelements, including: magnesium, boron, manganese, iron.

Effects of sea buckthorn on hair

  • Heals the scalp.
  • Eliminates dandruff and itching.
  • Activates hair growth and makes it stronger.
  • Restores structure after damage and stress.

Our grandmothers also knew about healing properties sea ​​buckthorn. Previously, this berry was used only in folk medicine, which widely uses not only the fruits, but also the bark and leaves of sea buckthorn.

  1. Decoction

Take two tablespoons of berries and sea buckthorn leaves, pour two glasses of boiling water, close with a tight lid and let it brew for a couple of hours, then strain the broth.

This decoction is good to use to strengthen hair follicles, rubbing it into the scalp daily. The procedure should be repeated within 7-10 days. For greater effect, the decoction can also be taken internally, dosage: two-thirds of a glass twice a day before meals.

  1. Nourishing mask

Mash two tablespoons of berries, add 15 grams of white clay to them, pour in 50 ml of warm milk and stir. Apply to hair for half an hour.

  1. Hair growth mask

Grate medium carrots on a fine grater, add a tablespoon castor oil and one third glass of sea buckthorn juice. Distribute the mixture over the scalp and hair roots. Cover your head with a towel. To get results, the mask must be kept on for two hours.

  1. Rinse for oily hair

Chop 100 grams of nettle leaves and pour two glasses of sea buckthorn juice over them. Boil the resulting solution for half an hour over low heat and strain. Use for rinsing: half a glass per liter of water.

  1. Mask for hair ends

First you need to prepare a burdock decoction: pour boiling water over 3 tablespoons of burdock and boil for 15 minutes. Strain the cooled broth.

Add 5 tablespoons of sea buckthorn oil to the resulting liquid. Apply the mixture generously to damaged hair ends and rinse after half an hour.

This mask is also suitable for restoring brittle, dry hair along its entire length.

Sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn oil has already firmly established itself in traditional medicine, it is used to treat various diseases: from laryngitis to stomach ulcers. Dermatologists and cosmetologists are also delighted with the miraculous properties of the oil; judging by their reviews, it is effective even for baldness.

Making butter at home

For preparation you will need 1 kg of berries, fresh or frozen. Place the berries in an enamel container and pour 0.5 l olive oil, cover with a lid and keep in a water bath for half an hour. Afterwards, remove the container to a dark place. After a day, strain the mixture. Sea buckthorn oil is ready.

The cake can be reused, but the resulting oil will be less healing.

Features of application

  • The oil will double its effect if it is heated in a water bath before use.
  • The mixture for the mask with the addition of sea buckthorn oil should be prepared immediately before use.
  • The effect of the oil can be enhanced by combining it with other oils: olive, castor or burdock.
  • To wash off the mask oil based Acidified water, for example with the addition of apple cider vinegar, works well.
  • Before applying products based on oil and other components from sea buckthorn, you should make sure that there is no individual intolerance.
  • Since the oil has a saturated orange, blonde hair After application they may become darker, but, as a rule, this effect does not last long.

After reading numerous reviews, you are once again convinced that sea ​​buckthorn oil Simply a bomb hair product. Some of them claim that after regular use of oil-based masks, hair not only looks shiny, but also growth accelerates up to 3 cm in a month.

It is necessary to take care of your hair every day, even for those with luxurious hair. Sea buckthorn products are suitable for both emergency situations and daily care at home. Beautiful and healthy hair is wealth and pride for every woman.

In conclusion, we suggest watching several videos about the benefits of sea buckthorn:

Sea buckthorn is a unique berry that has a lot of useful properties and takes pride of place in the ranking of the most popular plants used to improve hair condition. The benefits of sea buckthorn and recipes for unique home remedies for treating and improving the appearance of hair will be discussed in our article.

Sea buckthorn contains many useful substances, which have a beneficial effect on the hair and epidermis of the head. We will consider the medicinal properties of the named berry below:

  • Strengthens the roots and the hair itself;
  • Activates the growth of strands;
  • Restores damaged curls;
  • Helps eliminate dandruff;
  • Heals the scalp;
  • Leaves hair soft, shiny, strong, flexible & strong;
  • Nourishes hair follicles and protects the dermis of the scalp from dryness.

If you dream of long, healthy and strong hair, then be sure to include sea buckthorn in your hair care course.

Sea buckthorn has many medicinal properties, but its improper use can cause problems with hair, scalp and health in general. The rules listed below will help you avoid trouble.

  1. Before adding berries to the mask, they need to be frozen for 2 days, then doused with boiling water and ground. Such actions will protect your hair from turning red and reduce the likelihood of allergies.
  2. Sea buckthorn masks It is not recommended for girls with light hair color - even scalded and frozen berries can change the shade of their hair. Before use, apply a little sea buckthorn product to an invisible strand and leave for half an hour. If the color of the curl has not changed, then you can apply the composition to your entire hair.
  3. Sea buckthorn masks cannot be used if there is any damage to the scalp (scratches, wounds, cuts, etc.).
  4. The sea buckthorn composition is applied to unwashed strands; it is recommended to use a comb for even application.
  5. The mask is kept for at least 30 minutes under a cellophane cap and scarf (it can be replaced with a hat or towel).
  6. You need to remove the composition warm water and organic mild shampoo.
  7. Sea buckthorn masks are applied twice a week, the entire course should not exceed 10 sessions.

Knowledge of the above instructions will help make the sea buckthorn mask as effective as possible and reduce possible negative reaction hair and scalp to irritating components in the berry.

Traditional medicine provides us with a wide selection of sea buckthorn-based cosmetics. The main ingredient can be juice and puree from fresh frozen berries, essential and vegetable oils from sea buckthorn, as well as decoctions from the leaves and berries of this plant. We have given 20 recipes for sea buckthorn masks below.

  1. Mask of scalded sea buckthorn berries to strengthen, thicken and grow hair. Pour boiling water over 0.1 kg of frozen berries and grind into puree. We carry out the remaining manipulations according to the instructions given above.
  2. Pepper-sea buckthorn mask with lemon juice to increase hair thickness and stimulate hair growth. Mix 20 ml pepper tincture and lemon juice, enrich the mixture with 5 drops of sea buckthorn ether. We treat only the roots with the composition and leave it for no longer than 1 hour; the remaining manipulations are carried out according to the instructions given above.
  3. A mixture of sea buckthorn oil and colorless henna to restore and strengthen curls. Brew 40 g of henna with boiling water and set aside for 20 minutes. Add 20 ml of sea buckthorn oil to the cooled mixture. We carry out the remaining manipulations according to the instructions given above.
  4. Lemon-sea buckthorn mask with burdock oil, yolk, aloe and onion juice to increase the thickness and shine of hair. In a bowl with stirred yolk, add 10 ml of sea buckthorn oil, 20 ml of aloe juice, onion, lemon and 20 g of burdock oil. Let the mixture sit for 1.5 hours and carry out the remaining manipulations according to the instructions given above.
  5. Burdock-sea buckthorn mask with Dimexide to stimulate hair growth. In 30 ml of burdock oil (can be replaced with castor oil, almond or jojoba oil) add 15 g of sea buckthorn oil and 10 ml of Dimexide diluted in 30 ml of water. We carry out the remaining manipulations according to the instructions given above.
  6. Lemon-glycerin mixture with sea buckthorn decoction to nourish the follicles. Brew 20 g of dried sea buckthorn leaves in a glass of boiling water, after 20 minutes add 5 drops of lemon juice and the same amount of glycerin into the strained broth. We carry out the remaining manipulations according to the instructions given above. Remove the mask with water and vinegar or honey.
  7. Onion-sea buckthorn mask for the treatment of brittle hair. Grind the onion into a puree and mix with 10 drops of sea buckthorn ether. We keep the composition for no longer than 40 minutes; we carry out the remaining manipulations according to the instructions given above.
  8. A mixture of burdock decoction and sea buckthorn and St. John's wort oils for the treatment of oily hair. Grind 40 g of dried burdock roots, put them in a ladle and add 0.25 liters of water. Bring the future broth to a boil and simmer for another 15 minutes, then set aside and wait for it to cool. Pour 25 ml of St. John's wort oil and 20 ml of sea buckthorn oil into 0.1 liter of warm burdock broth. We carry out the remaining manipulations according to the instructions given above.
  9. Honey-sea buckthorn mask to nourish hair follicles. Mix 20 g of freshly prepared sea buckthorn berry puree with 15 g of melted honey. We carry out the remaining manipulations according to the instructions given above.
  10. A mixture of olive and sea buckthorn oils to treat dandruff. Add 7 ml of sea buckthorn oil to 30 ml of olive oil. We treat only the roots with the mixture; the remaining manipulations are carried out according to the instructions given above.
  11. A mixture of sea buckthorn and argan oils to treat hair loss. Add 15 ml of sea buckthorn oil to 30 ml of warm argan oil. We carry out the remaining manipulations according to the instructions given above.
  12. Protein-sea buckthorn mask for the treatment of oily hair. Add 20 g of scalded sea buckthorn berry puree into a bowl with whipped egg whites. We carry out the remaining manipulations according to the instructions given above.
  13. Egg-sea buckthorn mixture with olive oil and sour cream for damaged and dry hair. In 30 ml of sea buckthorn oil add 20 ml of olive oil, 2 eggs and 20 g of homemade sour cream. We keep the composition for at least 1.5 hours, and carry out the remaining manipulations according to the instructions given above.
  14. Mustard-sea buckthorn mask for curl growth. Mix 20 g of mustard powder in 35 ml of sea buckthorn oil. We carry out the remaining manipulations according to the instructions given above.
  15. Oatmeal-sea buckthorn mask with flax oil to treat split ends. Mix 20 g of sea buckthorn puree with 20 g oatmeal(in water or milk) and 20 ml of flax oil. We carry out the remaining manipulations according to the instructions given above.
  16. A mixture of yolks, castor oil and sea buckthorn oil to eliminate oily curls. In 20 ml of sea buckthorn oil add 20 ml of castor oil and 2 stirred yolks. We carry out the remaining manipulations according to the instructions given above.
  17. Carrot-sea buckthorn mask with castor oil to stimulate hair growth. Mix 0.1 liters of sea buckthorn juice with 40 g of carrot puree and 20 ml of castor oil. Keep the mixture for at least 2 hours, carry out the remaining manipulations according to the instructions given above. This mask is not suitable for fair-haired girls.
  18. Sour cream and sea buckthorn mask with rowan berries for the treatment of dandruff. Scald frozen rowan and sea buckthorn berries (20 g each) with boiling water and mash them into a puree, add 30 g of sour cream to the mixture and mix thoroughly. We carry out the remaining manipulations according to the instructions given above.
  19. Burdock-sea buckthorn mask to improve hair growth. Add 15 ml of sea buckthorn oil to 30 ounces of sea buckthorn puree. We carry out the remaining manipulations according to the instructions given above.
  20. Wheat-sea buckthorn mask with burdock oil to treat hair loss. Add 10 g of burdock oil and 10 g of crushed wheat sprouts to 20 g of sea buckthorn puree. We carry out the remaining manipulations according to the instructions given above.

You can also cook sea ​​buckthorn rinse, which should be used to treat hair after washing it. We have given 3 recipes for such remedies below.

  • Rinse made from sea buckthorn leaves and berries. Pour 40 g of ground berries and sea buckthorn leaves into 0.2 liters of boiling water. Leave the product covered for at least 2 hours. The strained decoction can be used as a rinse and a nighttime scalp care product (rub the product into the epidermis every day before bed, course - 14 sessions).
  • Sea buckthorn berry rinse. Pour 20 g of sea buckthorn berries into a ladle with 0.2 liters of water. We wait for the product to boil and simmer it for another 20 minutes. We use the strained decoction as a rinse and night treatment for the scalp (course - 10-14 sessions).
  • Rinse made from nettle and sea buckthorn juice to eliminate oiliness. Pour 0.2 liters of juice from sea buckthorn berries and 0.1 kg of chopped nettle leaves into 2 liters of filtered water. Simmer the mixture over heat for 45 minutes, then pass through a sieve and pour into a glass vessel. Before use, the decoction should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2.

Preparing homemade sea buckthorn remedies is available to every representative of the fairer sex. Do not put off this activity, because health and appearance hair depends on your desire to be a beautiful and well-groomed woman.

Sea buckthorn is an amazing berry that will give your hair health, strength, shine and beauty. Create the right sea buckthorn remedy today and you will be surprised by the quick and stunning effect of its use.

Sea buckthorn has always been considered extremely beneficial for hair. Due to the many vitamins contained in its composition, it provides not only a complete restoration of the hair structure, but also allows you to activate sleepy hair follicles, thereby accelerating the process of hair growth.

This berry can be called a universal component, as it is used in creams, balms and masks. This product has both useful and medicinal properties, which makes it indispensable not only in modern and home medicine, but also in all kinds of areas of cosmetology.


Applying a mask to hair

Sea buckthorn, like its oil, is incredibly rich in vitamins and minerals contained in its composition. It is worth considering that when processing these fruits, the concentration of nutrients in them increases. This gives the oil some advantage over fresh berries. However, for frequent use Butter is not suitable, unlike berries. Conventionally, the properties of sea buckthorn fruits can be divided into two categories:


  1. Copes perfectly with hair loss and cessation of hair growth;
  2. Berry decoctions are an excellent replacement for expensive rinses and shampoos;
  3. Improves skin color and condition;
  4. Restores damaged hair;
  5. Perfect for creating masks and decoctions.


  1. Has a healing effect;
  2. An excellent antibacterial and disinfectant;
  3. Is an excellent sedative;
  4. Recommended for the treatment of colds and viral diseases;
  5. Indispensable for treatment women's diseases;
  6. Copes well with burns and treating skin mucous membranes.

Sea buckthorn oil is a real panacea for dry, brittle and depleted hair. All the properties found in sea buckthorn can be successfully used to restore the health and beautiful appearance of your curls.

What are sea buckthorn fruits made of?

Sea buckthorn fruit branch

These berries can have a healing and strengthening effect on the most different organs and body systems. Such beneficial properties are due to the high vitamin content, as well as the presence of organic acids and microelements in the fruits.

So, sea buckthorn fruits include the following elements:

  • Sugar - 3.5%;
  • Vitamins B1, C, B2, E, K, P, PP (play an important role in metabolic processes);
  • Carotene (responsible for normal skin color and immune abilities of the body);
  • Carotenoids;
  • Folic acid(responsible for growth and development circulatory system and for its correct functioning);
  • Boron (promotes normal energy metabolism in organism);
  • Manganese (promotes normal operation internal organs and brain);
  • Iron (responsible for good blood circulation);
  • Rutin, etc. (improves capillary permeability, improves their resistance).

The leaves of this berry also have beneficial properties and contain many elements, including:

  • Phytoncides (fight harmful bacteria);
  • Ascorbic acid(increases condition immune system);
  • Microelements (participate in metabolism);
  • Tannins and much more.

A multivitamin preparation in the form of sea buckthorn oil is obtained from red-fruited sea buckthorn. This is the type medicine has a healing and strengthening effect, so the oil is actively used to treat hair and scalp.


Sea buckthorn oil has its own unique strength and effectiveness, due to which it is used for:

  • Strengthening hair follicles and stimulating the formation of new hairs;
  • Acceleration of growth;
  • For hair that is too oily or, on the contrary, too dry and brittle.

All groups of vitamins contained in the composition allow for the complete restoration of all components of the hair.

Also, one cannot fail to mention the healing properties of sea buckthorn oil. It very quickly and effectively heals scalp damage by helping the formation of new skin cells.

Sea buckthorn also has an incomparably effective effect on dry hair, worn out by dyes, perms and bleaching, nourishing it and restoring its natural structure, as close as possible to the structure of healthy, renewed hairs.

The action of the oil effectively fights pathogenic bacteria, fungus, eliminates itching, irritation and painful sensations. Also, it easily restores hair thickness and fights its painful depletion due to exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Thus, the effect of this medicinal substance has a diverse spectrum, and sea buckthorn can be used for any problems closely related to the health of the hair.


In the field of modern cosmetology, sea buckthorn oil is prepared from sea buckthorn fruits or from its seeds with the addition of additional essential additives. The oil itself is obtained by repeated pressing using modern specialized machines.

After a series of pressings, the resulting substance is pressed to achieve mixing. Additionally added during mixing vegetable oil, which helps to completely extract all the necessary beneficial elements from the berries. Considering the labor intensity of this process, it is virtually impossible to do at home. However, there are simplified recipes for obtaining sea buckthorn oil. It differs somewhat in its properties, but is also useful and effective.

To prepare sea buckthorn oil, you need to take a small amount of fresh berries. After you have washed them and dried them thoroughly, you should proceed to the spinning stage. A regular juicer or wooden mortar is quite suitable for this, but processing in it will take longer.

After receiving the juice, it must be placed in a shallow container. We place our plate with the future oil in a dark place at room temperature. After about a day, a light liquid will appear on the surface - sea buckthorn oil, which must be carefully collected with a teaspoon and used for your own purposes. The collected oil can be stored in the refrigerator.

Recipes for sea buckthorn hair masks

Homemade sea buckthorn mask

Oil based using tritinazole

Masks based on sea buckthorn oil are more suitable for restorative and general strengthening purposes. Also, they perfectly accelerate hair growth. To obtain such a product, you must adhere to the following recipe:

Preparing Ingredients

We will need one egg yolk, a little sea buckthorn oil and 10 grams of tritinazole. The latter substance is freely available in pharmacies. It is better to take a homemade egg, since store-bought eggs will never give the desired result.


All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and a thick consistency achieved. It is best to do this process near a gas stove or in another warm place, since each component should dissolve well.

Hair preparation

Before applying the mask, hair should be combed well and distributed into zones. It is necessary to distribute the substance evenly onto each zone so as not to leave empty areas and achieve the most effective result.


The mixture turns out quite thick and viscous, like sour cream. The resulting mass is carefully applied using a cosmetic brush, evenly distributing it along the entire length.

Mask operation stage

The head is wrapped in a warm towel until the hair is saturated with the substance. In total, this entire event will take about 20 minutes. The procedure is repeated until the hair becomes stronger and impressively stronger.

Using olive oil

A mask with olive oil is no less effective. It is quite simple to make and suitable for frequent use.

Preparing Ingredients

To prepare the mask, you need to take 1 teaspoon of sea buckthorn and 3 olive oil.


All components should be thoroughly mixed at room temperature, ensuring that the mixture has a uniform consistency and a pleasant yellow color.


It is best to apply such a mask to dirty hair, so it will be absorbed faster and will not leave an excessive oily sheen after washing.


This mixture should be stirred well and rubbed into the roots until completely absorbed. Then your hair should be washed thoroughly using a strengthening balm.

Mask operation stage

After drying, the effect becomes immediately noticeable - the hair is soft and pleasant to the touch. Please note that at first, the hair may become slightly heavier due to excess oils that affect its structure.

Based on sea buckthorn fruits

Sea buckthorn fruits are not used to prepare hair masks. Twisted or ground berries are excessively hard, which leads to them getting tangled when trying to apply a mask or wash your hair after it. Therefore, only oil made from the fruit is used for masks.


Sea buckthorn fruits are a real treasure for medicine and cosmetology. The availability of this component and its self-sufficiency have made it one of the leading and sought-after natural cosmetics.

Sea buckthorn oil can be called the most popular and effective means, which is suitable for improving hair health not only for girls and women, but also for men who have experienced early baldness.

It must be remembered that the most useful and effective sea buckthorn for hair can be distinguished by its rich yellow color and the characteristic aroma that these berries exude. If the fruits look unnatural and more like a fake, then it is better to refuse such a purchase.

Video on the topic

Almost every woman wants to be attractive and hair beauty plays an important role in this matter. No one is immune from split ends, brittle and dull hair; you can easily get it as a result of chemical experiments on it (coloring, curling, etc.). To restore their structure and beauty, you need to systematically and properly care for them. Masks using sea buckthorn berries and sea buckthorn oil help with this. They restore shine, strengthen roots, and eliminate brittleness and dandruff. In addition, health procedures can be carried out at home yourself at any suitable time.

The benefits of ingredients used for sea buckthorn masks

In ancient times, only wealthy people knew about the benefits of sea buckthorn and used it for health purposes. Now sea buckthorn has long been successfully used as cosmetic product. This is due to the fact that its berries, oil and even leaves contain a very wide range of vitamins (for example, A, E, PP, group B), phospholipids, various minerals and acids. With the systematic use of formulations using sea buckthorn, its beneficial effect is quickly noticeable, stimulating all metabolic processes and improving the condition of the hair. Even a simple massaging of warm sea buckthorn oil and rinsing with a decoction of the leaves helps stop hair loss and gets rid of dandruff. And if you add additional ingredients that help solve a specific problem, the effect only intensifies.

To make masks, both the berry itself and the oil from its seeds are used. To choose the right mask composition, you should first decide on your hair type (normal, dry, oily) and what result you want to achieve.

What are masks used for?

Sea buckthorn hair masks have a varied composition and can be used for various purposes:

  • Restore shine;
  • Normalize nutrition;
  • Moisturize and strengthen;
  • Increase growth;
  • Strengthen the bulb;
  • Eliminate dryness or excess oiliness;
  • Eliminate dandruff or split ends.

How to properly apply and remove a mask

Self-prepared formulations should generally be used before washing your hair. To obtain
To achieve the greatest effect from using the mask, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Hair should be dry or damp depending on the recipe itself;
  • The duration of the mask is from 30 to 40 minutes, in in some cases on dry hair the mask lasts throughout the night;
  • If you have oily hair, apply the composition first to the scalp and then distribute it throughout the hair (using a comb is allowed);
  • For dry hair, treat the ends with the mixture first;
  • After distributing the mixture along the length of your hair, you need to wrap it with film and cover it with a towel.

There are a number of homemade recipes for masks that are used after washing your hair. Therefore, it is recommended to carefully read the instructions for use.

Before applying the mask, your head should be properly prepared. When using the composition on dry hair, comb it well, separate and massage movements put on a mask. Wet hair is initially slightly dried with a towel.

What you need to know about making masks

To prepare a mask that will give you the expected result, follow these simple rules:

  • Use only clean dishes, preferably glass or porcelain;
  • To prepare, take only fresh ingredients and mix them thoroughly, ensuring the mixture is homogeneous;
  • Strictly observe the indicated proportions;
  • Prepare such a volume of the mask that is necessary for one-time use and do not save it for subsequent use, by which time the products included in its composition will lose all their beneficial and medicinal properties.

How often should masks be used?

You should use homemade masks 5-6 times a month. If you use masks very often, you will not only not help your hair, but you can further damage its quality.

Mask recipes and their preparation process

Root strengthening mask

Mix one tablespoon of heated sea buckthorn oil with three tablespoons of cognac, rub into the skin and leave for 25 minutes. The mask must be used for three months. After a month, if necessary, repeat the course.

Nourishing mask

Mash sea buckthorn berries (2-3 tablespoons), mix them with 15 grams of white clay and dilute the mixture with a quarter glass of milk. Apply on your head for half an hour.

Mask that stimulates hair growth

Take an equal amount of sea buckthorn, burdock and eucalyptus oils, stir, warm slightly and add a few drops of vitamin A and E. Apply and leave on your head for up to two hours. After washing your hair, rinse with an herbal infusion appropriate for your hair type.
Will help rapid growth hair and another mask: mix half a glass of sea buckthorn juice with an equal volume of carrot juice, add a tablespoon to them burdock oil. Wash off the mask after an hour and a half.

Mask for oily hair

Mix 2 tablespoons of sea buckthorn oil with the yolks of two eggs and distribute through your hair. Rinse off after 30 minutes
You can also use the following composition: take mustard powder and dilute with warm oil to a paste consistency. Leave on your head for 15 minutes and rinse.
A mask made from sea buckthorn berries is also suitable for oily hair: grind 3 tablespoons of berries and add 1 tablespoon each of olive oil and honey. Action time is up to half an hour.

Mask for dry hair

Beat the egg with a tablespoon of sour cream and add two tablespoons of sea buckthorn and olive oil. Rub the composition into the skin and hair and leave for about an hour and a half.
The following composition will also be useful: take 3 parts of sea buckthorn berries and part of olive oil and glycerin, mix and distribute over your head. Rinse off after 30 minutes.

Anti-dandruff mask

Mix 2 tablespoons of sea buckthorn oil with one-fourth glass of olive oil and apply to hair. Leave for half an hour. To completely get rid of dandruff, you will need to carry out the procedure regularly for three months.

Hair strengthening mask

Recipe 1
Add 1 teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil to the egg yolk. The mask is applied to the scalp for 20 minutes. The effectiveness is visible almost immediately.

Recipe 2
Take 3 tablespoons of burdock root, pour one and a half glasses hot water and cook for 15 minutes. Strain and add 4 tablespoons of sea buckthorn oil to it. Leave on your hair for about half an hour.

It should be noted that if sea buckthorn berries are required directly for making a mask, then you can use either collected or pre-frozen ones. For rinsing, you can use an infusion of sea buckthorn berries or a mixture with burdock root. It is enough to simmer the broth for ten minutes in a water bath and leave for 40 minutes.

If your hair is difficult to rinse after using masks with added oils, use apple cider vinegar as a rinse.

Mikhailova Ilona

Nowadays, it is a rare woman who can boast of thick and healthy hair. Basically, all representatives of the fair sex have one or another problem with curls. Fortunately, there is no problem that a sea buckthorn hair mask cannot cope with.

Thanks to his chemical composition Sea buckthorn has wound-healing, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, and regenerating properties.

About the benefits for hair

Sea buckthorn can be called a natural pharmacy for the prevention and treatment of problematic strands and scalp.

The linoleic acid, tocopherol and thiamine (vitamins E and B1) contained in the composition increase the elasticity and firmness of curls. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) restores split ends, and beta-carotene (vitamin A) moisturizes the hair shaft. Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) helps fight dandruff, and flavonoids protect hair from negative influence ultraviolet rays. Phospholipids regulate activity sebaceous glands, and riboflavin (vitamin B2) nourishes and normalizes metabolic process. Fruit acids are involved in the healing and strengthening of curls, and serotonin makes them shiny and silky. As a means to treat the scalp, to strengthen hair follicles, and to improve hair health, you can use both fresh sea buckthorn berries and sea buckthorn oil, prepared yourself or purchased at a pharmacy.

Preparing the berries

Before using sea buckthorn berries for cosmetic purposes, it is necessary to carry out pre-treatment. To do this, the berries are harvested for two or three days. freezer, and after defrosting, scald with boiling water. Such preparation is necessary to eliminate the orange coloring pigment, otherwise the mask may turn your curls into a doll-like red shade.

Sea buckthorn mixture recipes

Basic - pure berry

Pre-processed berries (2 tablespoons), knead into a paste and apply evenly to dry, unwashed strands and scalp. Cover your head with a plastic cap, and after half an hour, wash off the product with herbal shampoo. The product heals the scalp, regulates the sebaceous glands and controls the formation of dandruff.

Depending on the presence of various components, sea buckthorn masks are designed to solve certain hair problems, so choose recipes that can solve your particular problem.

Advice. Owners of bleached hair are recommended to test the effect of the product on a small section of hair, and it is better to use sea buckthorn mask recipes in combination with other ingredients.

To restore the structure of the hair shaft

  • 1 tbsp. spoon of sea buckthorn puree;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sour cream or heavy cream;
  • 1 egg yolk.

Mix the ingredients thoroughly, apply to the entire length of the strands, wrap for an hour and a half and rest. Then wash off with shampoo. It is advisable to use the mixture twice a week. The result will not be long in coming - healthy, shiny curls will delight your eyes.

To treat dry hair

For this mask you can use both fresh berries and sea buckthorn oil.

  • 1 tbsp. spoon of sea buckthorn fruit puree or 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sea buckthorn oil;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of castor oil

Mix the ingredients, apply and provide warmth to our hair. After 30 minutes, wash off the mixture with shampoo and rinse the treated hair with a decoction of chamomile.

With kefir for oily curls

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sea buckthorn berry puree;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of kefir

Apply the mask to washed hair. Rub the mixture into the scalp, and then comb along the entire length with a wide-toothed comb. Wash off with warm water and rinse with herbal decoctions. Regular use of the product reduces the secretion of the sebaceous glands, and the curls become healthy and shiny.

With egg white for oily curls

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sea buckthorn gruel;
  • 1 egg white.

Beat the egg white and mix with the puree, apply to the scalp. Massage and distribute with a comb over the entire length. Rinse off with warm water. The product regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands and heals the strands.

For damaged curls

Take 1 tbsp. spoon of oils: sea buckthorn, olive, burdock. Mix the oils and heat them in a water bath, add 2-3 drops of vitamins A and E. Apply along the entire length of the strands, put on a shower cap and wrap with a warm towel. Rest for 45-50 minutes, thoroughly wash your hair with shampoo, rinse with herbal decoction. After this procedure, the curls will be silky and shiny.

To stimulate hair growth

  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sea buckthorn oil;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of dry mustard.

Mix the ingredients and apply to the scalp, massaging lightly. Mustard has an irritating effect, causing a rush of blood to the scalp, which ensures better absorption nutrients hair follicle. Sea buckthorn oil acts as a source of nutrient medium, while reducing the aggressiveness of mustard powder.

For hair loss

Take 1 tbsp. spoon of sea buckthorn and burdock oil, heat slightly and rub into the scalp. Leave for 20-30 minutes, then wash your hair as usual. The product is very effective, but only if used regularly. If you suffer from excessive hair loss, make it a rule to apply this massage every time you wash your hair for a month. Soon you will notice that your hair becomes thick, and everything remains on the comb. less hair. After two to three months, repeat the course.

Hair masks based on sea buckthorn fruits or oil are amazingly effective, and the results from their use will not take long to arrive. You can see this for yourself by using our recipes as a basis.